
                              SCOR U.S. CORPORATION
             hereinafter call the "Parent Company," on the one part


                            SCOR REINSURANCE COMPANY,
                               SCOR SERVICES, INC.
                                   BIND, INC.
                                   NARG, INC.

     All six being subsidiaries of the Parent Company, hereinafter called
     individually the "Subsidiary" and collectively the "Subsidiaries," on
     the other part,

     WHEREAS, it appears that certain benefits might be derived jointly by
     the Parent Company and its Subsidiaries from the filing of
     consolidated federal income tax returns, as legally permitted under
     the Internal Revenue Code; and

     WHEREAS, each of the Subsidiaries agrees to be a party to the
     consolidated federal income tax agreement, and the Parent Company
     agrees to file the consolidated federal income tax return on behalf of
     the participating affiliated Group;

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties upon their individual participation and
     effective with tax year 1990, hereto agree as follows:

          1.   Each Subsidiary will furnish all necessary information and
          data to the Parent Company so as to enable it to prepare and file
          consolidated federal income tax returns, as required under the
          Internal Revenue Code and the regulations of the Internal Revenue

          2.   Each Subsidiary will provide the Parent Company with
          sufficient funds corresponding to its individual federal income
          tax liability, so as to enable the Parent Company to proceed to
          the payment of the consolidated income taxes as required under
          the Federal Tax Laws and Regulations.  All settlements under this
          Agreement shall be made within 30 days of the filing of the
          applicable estimated or actual consolidated federal corporate
          income tax return with the  Internal Revenue Service, except
          where a refund is due to Parent Company, in which case, it may
          defer payment to the Subsidiary to within 30 days of receipt of
          such refund.

          3.   The tax charge to any Subsidiary under this Agreement shall

          not be more than it would have paid if it had filed on a separate
          return basis.  The Subsidiary shall be "paid" for any foreign tax
          credits, investment credits, losses or nay loss carry over
          (collectively herein referred to as "credits") generated by it,
          to the extent actually used in the consolidated return.  Payment
          shall be equal to the "savings" generated by its credits.  All
          payments shall be recorded on the Subsidiary's books as
          contributed surplus.

          4.   To help assure any Subsidiary's enforceable right to recoup
          federal income taxes in the event of future net losses an escrow
          consisting of assets eligible as an investment for such
          Subsidiary shall be established and maintained by the Parent
          Company in an amount equal to the excess of the amount paid by
          such Subsidiary to the Parent Company for federal taxes over the
          actual payment made by the Parent Company to the Internal Revenue
          Service.  The escrow account shall be established at such time as
          the amount any Subsidiary pays the Parent Company for federal
          income taxes exceeds the actual amount of income taxes ICNA
          Holding pays to the Internal Revenue Service.  Escrow Assets may
          be released to the Parent Company from the escrow account at such
          time as the permissible period for loss carrybacks has elapsed. 
          The terms of the escrow account will be those set forth in the
          proposed Escrow Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A.

          5.   Tax losses carried forward shall be treated in accordance
          with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

          6.   Adjustments shall be made if taxable income, special
          deductions or credits reported in a consolidated return are
          revised by the Internal Revenue Service, or other appropriate

          7.   The Agreement may be terminated if:

               a.   The parties hereto agree in writing to such
               termination; or
               b.   membership in the affiliated Group ceases or is
               terminated for any reason whatsoever; or
               c.   the affiliated Group fails to file a consolidated
               return for any taxable year.

          8.   Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement, its
          provisions will remain in effect, with respect to any period of
          time during the tax year in which termination occurs, for which
          the income of the terminating party must be included in the
          consolidated return.

          9.   The Agreement shall not be assignable to any party without
          the prior written consent of the others.

          10.  Should any difference of opinion arise between or among any
          of the parties to this Agreement which cannot be resolved in the
          normal course of business with respect to the interpretation of
          this Agreement or the implementation of performance of the
          respective obligation of the parties under this Agreement, the
          difference shall be submitted to standard arbitration.

          11.  Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement, all
          materials including, but not limited to, returns, supporting

          schedules, workpapers, correspondence and other documents
          relating to the consolidated return shall be made available to
          any party to the agreement during regular business hours.

     IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto, by their respective duly
     authorized officers, have executed this Agreement in quintuplicate at:

     New York, New York, this 19th day of September, 1990

                                             SCOR U.S. CORPORATION

     Maxine H. Verne                         William K. Lowry, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Sr. Vice President

                                             SCOR REINSURANCE COMPANY

     Maxine H. Verne                         William K. Lowry, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Sr. Vice President

                                             SCOR SERVICES, INC.

     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Sr. Vice President

                                             BIND, INC.

     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Sr. Vice President


     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Sr. Vice President


     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Sr. Vice President

                                             NARG, INC.

     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Sr. Vice President

                                                       EXHIBIT 10(h)

                        AMENDMENT No. 2 TO TAX AGREEMENT

          This Amendment No. 2 to Tax Agreement made this 5th day of  May,
     1994, by and between SCOR U.S. Corporation ("Parent Company") and SCOR
     Reinsurance Company; SCOR Services, Inc.; Bind, Inc.; California
     Reinsurance Management Company; General Security Insurance Company,
     formerly known as International Insurance Company of Takoma Park,
     Maryland; General Security Indemnity Company, formerly known as
     Southwest International Reinsurance Company; Morgard, Inc.; and The
     Unity Fire and General Insurance Company and NARG, Inc. (individually,
     a "Subsidiary" and collectively, the "Subsidiaries") is intended to
     amend an Amended Consolidated Federal Income Tax Liability Allocation
     Agreement dated May 2, 1991, ("Agreement") between the above-named

          WHEREAS, effective August 30, 1993, the charter of Southwest
     International Reinsurance Company was amended to change the name of
     the company to General Security Indemnity Company ("GSInd");

          WHEREAS, effective January 12, 1993, the charter of International
     Insurance Company of Takoma Park, Maryland was amended to change the
     name of the company to General Security Insurance Company ("GSIC");

          WHEREAS, effective January 1, 1994 General Security Assurance
     Corporation of New York ("GSANY"), an original party to the Agreement,
     was merged with and into SCOR Reinsurance Company; and

          WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Agreement to reflect the
     aforesaid events.

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and covenants
     set forth herein, the parties hereto agree that the Agreement shall be
     amended as follows:

               i.        That, the terms "Subsidiary" or "Subsidiaries" as
                    defined in the Agreement shall not include GSANY and
                    all references to GSANY shall be deleted in their
                    entirety, effective as of January 1, 1994.

               ii.       That, any and all references in the Agreement to
                    (a) Southwest International Reinsurance Company
                    ("SIRCO") shall be deleted and General Security
                    Indemnity Company ("GSInd") shall be substituted in
                    lieu thereof, and to (b) International Insurance
                    Company of Takoma Park, Maryland shall be deleted and
                    General Security Insurance Company ("GSIC") shall be
                    substituted in lieu thereof.

               3.   That aside from the foregoing, the Agreement shall
     continue to be binding upon the parties with regard to all the
     provisions contained therein.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Amendment
     No. 2 to Tax Agreement to be executed the day and year first-above

                                             SCOR U.S. CORPORATION

     Maxine H. Verne                         Jeffrey D. Cropsey      
     Maxine H. Verne                         Jeffrey D. Cropsey   
     Assistant Secretary                     Senior Vice President

                                             SCOR REINSURANCE COMPANY

     Maxine H. Verne                         Jeffrey D. Cropsey      
     Maxine H. Verne                         Jeffrey D. Cropsey
     Assistant Secretary                     Senior Vice President

                                             SCOR SERVICES, INC.

     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.    
     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Senior Vice President

                                             BIND, INC.

     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.    
     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Senior Vice President


     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.    
     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Senior Vice President

                                             NARG, INC.

     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.    
     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Senior Vice President

                                         GENERAL SECURITY INDEMNITY COMPANY

     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.    
     Maxine H. Verne                         John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Senior Vice President


     Maxine H. Verne                         R. Daniel Brooks        
     Maxine H. Verne                         R. Daniel Brooks
     Secretary                               President

                                             MORGARD, INC.

     Mark A. Welshons                        Phillip L. Chapman      
     Mark A. Welshons                        Phillip L. Chapman
     Assistant Secretary                     President

                                         GENERAL SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY

     Mark A. Welshons                        John T. Andrews, Jr.    
     Mark A. Welshons                        John T. Andrews, Jr.
     Assistant Secretary                     Senior Vice President