EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

          THIS  EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT, made this  25th day of  July 1994, by
          and  between SCOR  Reinsurance  Company, a  New York  corporation
          having its principal place of business at 110 William Street, New
          York,  New York  (the  "Company")  and  John  D.  Dunn,  Jr.,  an
          individual residing at  94 Susan Drive Chatham, New  Jersey 07928
          (the "Employee").

               WHEREAS, Company  desires to employ  Employee in  connection
          with its  insurance business and operations  and Employee desires
          to accept such employment on the terms and conditions hereinafter
          set forth.

               NOW, THEREFORE,  upon the premises and  conditions set forth
          herein the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:

          1.   Employment.

               The Company  agrees to employ Employee to  serve the Company
          as  a Senior  Vice  President,  and  as  manager  of  its  treaty
          department, or in such other capacities as the Board of Directors
          or  executive management  of the  Company may  from time  to time
          determine, and  to  perform  such  services and  duties  for  the
          Company and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates as the Company may
          determine.  Employee agrees to serve the Company in such capacity
          and to perform said  duties and services faithfully and  the best
          of  his ability;  and  to  devote  his  full  business  time  and
          attention to  the performance  of  his duties  hereunder, to  the
          exclusion of  any other business, except  charitable, educational
          or other public interest purposes.

          2.   Employment Period.

               Employee's employment hereunder shall  commence on July  25,
          1994 ("Commencement  Date"), and shall  continue for a  period of
          two (2) years until July  25, 1996 ("Employment Period"),  unless
          terminated sooner  pursuant to Paragraph 3 below,  or extended as
          provided  herein.  At  the conclusion of the  initial term of the
          Employment  Period  and each  period  thereafter, the  Employment
          Period shall be  automatically extended  for periods  of one  (1)
          year each unless terminated by either party giving written notice
          to the other party of its intention to so terminate not less than
          three  (3) months  prior to  the expiration  of  the then-current
          Employment  Period,  whereupon,  upon  the  expiration  of   such
          Employment Period  the Employee's  employment hereunder  and this
          Agreement shall terminate. 

          3.   Termination.

               (a)  If Employee  should die  during the  Employment Period,
          the Employment  Period and Employee's  employment hereunder shall
          terminate as of the date of death.

               (b)  In  the event that  Employee, by  reason of  illness or
          physical or  mental disability  shall  be unable  to perform  the


          services  required of him hereunder for more than one hundred and
          eighty (180) calendar days in the aggregate (excluding infrequent
          and temporary absences due to ordinary transitory illness) during
          any twelve  (12) month  period, Employee's employment  by Company
          shall be  terminable by Company and shall terminate at the end of
          the  month following the month in which Company has given written
          notice  to Employee of its  intention to so  terminate because of
          disability, but without prejudice to any payments due Employee in
          respect of disability.  The term "disability" for the purposes of
          this Agreement shall  have the  same meaning as  under the  short
          term disability benefit plan of the  Company as in effect at  the
          time of the Employee's disability.

               (c)  If Employee's employment hereunder is terminated by the
          Company prior to July 25, 1996 for any reason other than pursuant
          to subparagraphs (a), (b) and (d)  hereof, (subject to compliance
          by the Employee  with the  provisions of Paragraphs  8, 9 and  10
          below),  as  liquidated damages,  and/or  severance  pay, and  as
          additional  consideration for  the Employee's  undertakings under
          Paragraphs 8,  9 and  10  below, the  Company shall  (i) for  the
          longer of a period of  one (1) year from the date  of termination
          or the remaining  term of the  Employment Period, make  bi-weekly
          payments to the  Employee, in  an amount equal  to the  bi-weekly
          salary  payable  to  the   Employee  immediately  prior  to  such
          termination,  and  (ii)  use  its  best efforts  to  provide  for
          Employee's continued participation, for the longer of a period of
          one (1)  year or the remaining term of the Employment Period, but
          in no event to exceed eighteen (18) months, in all death, medical
          and dental benefit plans of the Company as if Employee were still
          employed under  this Agreement during such  period; provided that
          Employee shall continue  to pay for  participation in such  plans
          such amounts as would have been payable if his employment had not
          been terminated.  The payments under this subparagraph 3(c) shall
          be  in lieu  of any  compensation or  benefits under  Paragraph 4
          below  accruing after the date  of such termination  or under any
          severance plan of the Company.

               (d)  Employee's  employment hereunder  may be  terminated by
          the  Company for   "good cause" on  not less than  five (5) days'
          prior  written notice of termination to Employee.  The term "good
          cause"  shall  mean  and   include:  (i)  Employee's  failure  to
          substantially  perform his  duties  hereunder for  any reason  or
          failure  to devote his full  business time to  the affairs of the
          Company and such failure is not discontinued within  a reasonable
          period of  time, in no  event to  exceed thirty (30)  days, after
          Employee  recieves  written  notice  from  the  Company  of  such
          failure;  or  (ii) Employee's  commission of  an  act or  acts of
          dishonesty resulting or intended to result directly or indirectly
          in gain  or personal enrichment at the expense of the Company; or
          (iii) if Employee is  grossly negligent or engages in  misconduct
          or insubordination in the performance of his duties hereunder; or
          (iv)  Employee's  breach of  his  obligations  under paragraph  9
          below, relating  to confidential information; or  (v) if Employee
          engages in or commits  any other serious dereliction of  duty not
          specified above; or (vi) the willful violation by Employee of any
          law or regulation  thereunder governing his  activities affecting
          the performance of his  duties hereunder or the violation  of any
          law  or regulation thereunder by the Company by willful action or


          omission for which the Employee is responsible.

               (e)  If,  during  the  Employment  Period,   the  Employee's
          employment by the Company  is terminated by the  Company pursuant
          to  Paragraphs 3(a), (b)  or (d) above,  or is  terminated by the
          Employee  for any reason, the  Employee shall not  be entitled to
          receive  any compensation  under Paragraph  4 accruing  after the
          date of such  termination or any payment  under subparagraph 3(c)
          above,  and  the  Employment  Period  and  this  Agreement  shall
          terminate forthwith upon such termination of employment.

          4.   Compensation and Benefits.

               As  compensation  for the  performance  by  Employee of  his
          duties  under   this  Agreement  during  the   Employment  Period
          including the undertakings set forth in Paragraphs 8 and 9 below,
          Company agrees as follows:

               (a)  The  Company  shall pay  to  Employee a  salary  at the
          annual  rate of not less than $215,000 payable in equal bi-weekly
          installments, subject to periodic review and adjustments to be in
          the  Company's  discretion  in   accordance  with  the  Company's
          customary practices for executive salaries.  It is further agreed
          that if any  change in  the Employee's salary  occurs during  the
          term of employment under this Agreement, such change shall not be
          construed  as a  cancellation,  amendment or  rescission of  this
          Agreement, and this Agreement shall nevertheless continue in full
          force and effect,  in accordance with  its terms and  provisions,
          for the full term thereof.

               (b)  The Company  shall, within  fifteen (15) days  from the
          Commencement Date,  pay to Employee  a one-time bonus  of twenty-
          five thousand ($25,000)  dollars.  In addition, commencing  as of
          January  1,  1995 Employee  shall  participate  in the  Company's
          current bonus plan  in accordance with current  practice or, upon
          adoption by the Company, in any new bonus plan in accordance with
          its terms.

               (c)  Employee shall participate during the Employment Period
          in the  Company's Stock Option  Plan for Key  Employees.  At  the
          first  stock option  grant  date after  the  commencement of  the
          Employment Period Employee shall  be awarded, subject to approval
          of  the Compensation Committee of  the Board of  Directors of the
          Company  ("Compensation  Committee"),  a  stock  option  grant of
          fifteen thousand  (15,000) shares.  Nothing  in this subparagraph
          (c) shall  preclude the Company from amending  or terminating any
          such plan at any time.

               (d)  As performance based  incentive compensation for  1994,
          and if Employee achieves  certain performance objectives for 1994
          as  established by the Executive Management of the Company and to
          be  annexed hereto  within 60  days from  the  Commencement Date,
          Employee shall be  granted an award which shall not  be less than
          Fifty Thousand ($50,000) Dollars.  Such award shall be payable on
          or about March of 1995. 


               (e)  Employee  shall  participate  in  all  Company  health,
          welfare, pension and other employee benefit plans, fringe benefit
          plans (including insurance plans  and vacation plans or policies)
          and  all incentive  plans  in which  all  other officers  of  the
          Company are eligible to participate during the Employment Period,
          subject in  all events to the terms  and conditions of such plans
          as in effect from time to time.  Nothing in this subparagraph (e)
          shall preclude the Company from  amending or terminating any such
          plans at any time. 

               (f)  Employee  shall  be entitled  to  an  automobile to  be
          leased  by  the  Company for  a  period of  three  (3)  years for
          Employee's  business  and  personal  use  during  the  Employment
          Period, such lease expense  not to exceed $550.00 per  month; and
          payment or  reimbursement for  automobile insurance  expenses for
          such  three (3) year period;  and to payment  or reimbursement of
          the  annual fees and dues  for one country  club membership, such
          fees  and dues not  to exceed $3,600  or such other  amount as is
          specifically approved from time  to time by the President  of the
          Company,  and   payment  or  reimbursement  of  a  non-negotiable
          proprietary  certificate  currently  in  the  amount   of  $4,500
          relating to such country club membership  and subject to periodic
          adjustment as  requested by the  club; provided that  the Company
          shall hold such certificate  and, in the event of  termination of
          Employee's  employment hereunder,  for any reason,  Employee will
          reimburse the Company  for the entire amount  of such certificate
          and, upon recipt of such reimbursement, the Company shall release
          the certificate to Employee.

          All compensation payable  under this Paragraph 4  will be subject
          to such deductions and imputed income as may from time to time be
          legally required.

          5.   Supplemental Retirement Benefit.

               In addition to the  other compensation and benefits Employee
          shall receive pursuant  to Paragraph 4  above, the Company  shall
          provide  Employee with  a supplemental  retirement benefit  to be
          paid at the earlier of  termination of Employee's employment with
          or retirement from the Company.

               (a)  When expressed  as a single life  annuity commencing on
          Employee's Normal Retirement Date, as such term is defined in the
          SCOR  U.S.  Group  Pension   Plan  (the  "Qualified  Plan"),  the
          supplemental retirement benefit shall  equal the amount in excess
          of (x) minus (y) where:

               (x)  is   the  aggregate  retirement   benefits  that,  when
               expressed as a single  life annuity commencing on Employee's
               Normal  Retirement  Date,  the   Employee  would  have  been
               entitled  to receive under the Qualified Plan, the SCOR U.S.
               Group Supplemental Retirement Plan (the "SRP") and under any
               and  all  other defined  benefit,  target  benefit or  money
               purchase pension plans of  the Company, its subsidiaries and
               affiliates that may hereafter  be applicable to the Employee


               during  the  Employment   Period  (collectively,  with   the
               Qualified  Plan  and the  SRP,  the  "Retirement Plans")  if
               Employee's employment  had commenced  on July 25,  1989 (and
               had  continued without interruption until termination of his
               employment  hereunder)  and   the  Company   had  paid   him
               compensation  for   the  five  year  period   prior  to  the
               Employment  Period at  an annual  rate equal  to a  total of
               $265,000; and,

               (y)  is  the  aggregate   retirement  benefits  that,   when
               expressed as a single  life annuity commencing on Employee's
               Normal Retirement Date,  the Employee in fact  is or becomes
               entitled to receive under the Retirement Plans.

          For purposes of  this Agreement,  the value of  any benefit  paid
          under  the Retirement Plans commencing  at a time  other than the
          Employee's  Normal  Retirement Date  or in  a  form other  than a
          single life annuity shall be  calculated using the mortality  and
          interest rate  assumptions then  in use for  calculating optional
          forms of benefits under the Qualified Plan.

               (b)  The  supplemental  retirement  benefit provided  herein
          shall  not be forfeitable for any reason other than a termination
          of Employee's employment by the Company for "good cause" pursuant
          to Paragraph  3(d) above.   The  Company's obligation to  provide
          such   supplemental   retirement   benefit  shall   survive   the
          termination of this Agreement. No  provision of this Paragraph  5
          shall prevent the Company from amending or terminating any of the
          Retirement Plans at any time.

          6.   Placement of Insurance.

               During  the  Employment  Period,  Employee agrees  that  all
          policies  of insurance,  reinsurance and  other  related business
          solicited  by the Employee shall  be placed by  the Employee only
          through such facilities of the Company and its affiliates, as may
          be made available  by the  Company in its  discretion.   Employee
          agrees to comply with  Company's manuals, rules, restrictions and
          specific  underwriting instructions  relative thereto.   Employee
          further agrees not to solicit any other insurance, reinsurance or
          related business except for  the benefit of the Company.   During
          the  Employment   Period,   Employee  shall   not,  directly   or
          indirectly,  in any manner solicit,  accept or service  for or on
          behalf of  himself or any third  party, or divert or  cause to be
          diverted  to  any  third  party, any  insurance,  reinsurance  or
          related  business.   Employee  further  agrees  that, during  the
          Employment  Period, Employee shall not act for the benefit of any
          competitor of Company  or in any way  inconsistent with Company's
          best interests.


          7.   Ownership of Accounts.

               All insurance,  reinsurance  and related  business  accounts
          produced  by  Employee  during   the  period  of  the  employment
          relationship  with Company shall be for the account of Company or
          other  third parties designated by Company and Employee shall not
          acquire nor retain any right, title or interest in said accounts.
          All renewals  and expirations on all  such insurance, reinsurance
          business produced, as well  as all correspondence, reports, files
          and other data relating thereto, shall be and remain the absolute
          and exclusive property of Company.

          8.   Non-Solicitation.

               Employee  agrees that for a period of one (1) year following
          the  date of  termination  of Employee's  employment relationship
          with Company, by Employee  for any reason or by  Company pursuant
          to Paragraph 3 above, Employee will not,  directly or indirectly,
          in  any  capacity whatsoever  (either  as  an employee,  officer,
          director,  shareholder,  proprietor,  partner,   joint  venturer,
          consultant or otherwise), in any way seek to induce, bring about,
          promote, facilitate,  or encourage  the discontinuance of,  or in
          any  way solicit, sell to,  divert, serve, quote  rates on, given
          proposals on, or  accept or receive any insurance  or reinsurance
          business which Employee personally,  alone or in combination with
          others, handled, serviced or solicited at any time during the one
          (1)  year  period  immediately   preceding  termination  of   the
          employment  relationship.   The  provisions of  this paragraph  8
          shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

          9.   Confidential Information.

               Employee acknowledges  and recognizes that in  the course of
          his  employment he has  had and will  continue to have  access to
          confidential  accounts  or  information  of  Company relating  to
          persons, firms  and corporations  which are customers  of Company
          during the term of the employment relationship, such confidential
          information  includes  but  is   not  limited  to  insurance  and
          reinsurance  contract  expiration  dates,  terms,  conditions and
          rates,  and familiarity  with  customer's  risk  characteristics.
          Employee  agrees that he will not,  without prior written consent
          of Company  during the term  of employment  and for one  (1) year
          thereafter,  except as may be  required during the  course of his
          employment   hereunder,   directly   or    indirectly   disclose,
          communicate, divulge, copy, or make use of  any such confidential
          information.  The  provisions of this  paragraph 9 shall  survive
          the termination of this Agreement.

          10.  Non-Piracy.

               Employee agrees that, for a period of one (1) year following
          the  date of  termination of  Employee's employment  relationship
          with Company, by Employee  for any reason or by  Company pursuant
          to Paragraph 3 above, he  will not employ, or engage, or  seek to
          employ, or  engage for himself  or for others any  person who has


          worked  for Company  during the one  (1) year  period immediately
          preceding the  date of any such termination, nor shall he have an
          interest in, directly  or indirectly, any business  entity in any
          insurance or related business which shall, with Employee's direct
          or indirect  participation, employ, or  engage or seek  to employ
          any person who has worked for Company as aforesaid, nor  shall he
          directly or indirectly  urge or attempt to urge, request, advise,
          entice  or attract  any employee  of Company  to terminate  their
          employment with Company for any reason or purpose whatsoever.

               (a)  Employee  shall be  deemed  to have  an  interest in  a
          business entity  if he  owns, directly  or indirectly,  more than
          FIVE PERCENT  (5%) of any class of stock of such business entity,
          or  if he  manages,  operates, controls,  participates  in or  is
          connected, directly  or indirectly, with such  business entity in
          any manner, including without limitation, as a director, officer,
          employee, owner, partner, agent, advisor, or consultant.  

               The  provisions  of  this  Paragraph 10  shall  survive  the
          termination of this Agreement.

          11.  Remedies.

               Employee acknowledges  that a  breach of the  agreements set
          forth  in  Paragraphs  7, 8,  9  and  10 hereof  would  result in
          irreparable and continuing damage to Company for which there will
          be  no adequate  remedy  at law,  and  Employee agrees  that  any
          violation  or  threatened violation  of  such  agreements may  be
          enjoined through  proper action  filed in  a  court of  competent
          jurisdiction, and that  any such injunction shall  be in addition
          to any other  remedies available to the Company.   In addition to
          and not  in lieu of  any other remedies  to which Company  may be
          entitled,  in the event  of a failure  to comply with  any of the
          provisions of Paragraphs 7,  8, 9 and 10 hereof,  Employee agrees
          to pay,  or to  cause  his new  employer  or affiliate  or  other
          business  entity in which he has an  interest to pay, promptly to
          Company an amount equal to 50% of any premiums, commissions, fees
          or other monies  received or  derived by reason  of such  breach,
          violation or failure  to comply  during the one  (1) year  period
          following such  breach, violation or failure  to comply, together
          with  all sums expended or  costs incurred by  Company to enforce
          such provisions.

          12.  Copy of Agreement.

               In the event of the termination of the Employee's employment
          relationship  with  Company,   Employee  agrees,  prior  to   the
          commencement of any new employment, to advise any new employer in
          the insurance or related business of the terms of this Agreement,
          and to furnish (and to consent to furnishing by Company) such new
          employer with a copy of this Agreement.

          13.  Waiver of Breach.


               The waiver by  Company of a breach of  any provision of this
          Agreement  by Employee  shall not  operate or  be construed  as a
          waiver of any subsequent breach of Employee.

          14.  Entire Agreement.

               The Agreement and attached addendum, if any, constitutes the
          entire  agreement of  the  parties with  respect  to the  subject
          matter   hereof  and  supersedes   any  previous  communications,
          representations,  arrangements  or agreements,  whether  oral and

          15.  Notice.

               Any notices or  other communications to be given  under this
          Agreement  shall be in writing  and shall be  given by delivering
          personally or by mailing, by certified or registered mail, return
          receipt requested, addressed as follows:

                    To Company:    SCOR Reinsurance Company
                                   110 William Street
                                   New York, NY  10038
                                   Attn: General Counsel

                    To Employee:   John D, Dunn, Jr.
                                   94 Susan Drive
                                   Chatham, NJ  07928

          or to such other address as either party may give to the other by
          written notice given in the manner herein provided.

          16.  Severability.

               The   invalidity  or  unenforceability   of  any  particular
          provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions
          hereof,  and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as
          if the invalid or unenforceable provision had been omitted.

          17.  Assignment.

               This Agreement  shall  be  binding upon  and  inure  to  the
          benefit  of Company, its successor and assigns and to the benefit
          of Employee, his heirs and legal representatives.  This Agreement
          is  not assignable  by  Employee and  the  right of  Employee  to
          receive payment for his services is hereby expressly agreed to be
          non-assignable   and   non-transferrable,  except   as  otherwise
          specifically provided herein.

          18.  Governing Law.

               This Agreement  shall be  governed by and  interpreted under
          the laws of the State of New York.


          19.  Captions.

               The headings  and captions  contained in this  Agreement are
          for reference purposes  only and shall not affect in  any way the
          meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

          20.  Amendment.

               This  Agreement may only  be amended  by a  written document
          signed by the parties.

               IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   the  parties   have  executed   this
          Agreement, as of the day and year first above written.

                                        SCOR Reinsurance Company

                                        By: Jerome Karter

                                        John D. Dunn, Jr.,   Employee
