Exhibit 10 (w)

                                 LOAN AGREEMENT

                                U.S. $20,0000,000

                              SCOR U.S. CORPORATION


                                    SCOR S.A.


                                 October 2, 1995


         This  Loan  AGREEMENT,   dated  October  2,  1995,  between  SCOR  U.S.
Corporation, a Delaware Corporation,  with its principal office at 2 World Trade
Center, New York, N.Y., (the "Borrower"),  and SCOR S.A. a company  incorporated
in France with its head  office in  PUTEAUX-Hauts  de Seine - France,  Avenue du
President  Wilson,  (the  "Lender"),  sets forth the  binding  Agreement  of the


1.01     Definitions

         The  following  terms,  as  used  herein,   shall  have  the  following
respective meanings:

         "Borrower" means SCOR U.S. Corporation.

         "Business Day" means any day,  except a Saturday or Sunday or other day
on which commercial banks in New York City are not open.

         "Control" (including,  with its correlative  meanings,  "controlled by"
and  "under  common  control  with")  means,  with  respect to any  Person,  the
possession, directly or indirectly, of power to direct or cause the direction of
the management or policies of such Person.

         "Debt" means at any date, without duplication,  (I) all obligations for
borrowed money, including, without limitation, reimbursement obligations related
to letters of credit, and (ii) all obligations  evidenced by bonds,  debentures,
notes or other similar instruments.

         "Default"  means any condition or event which  constitutes  an Event of
Default  or which  with the  giving of notice or lapse of time,  or both,  would
unless cured or waived become an Event of Default.

         "Dollars" and the sign "$" mean lawful money of the United States of

         "Interest  Period"  means  the  period  commencing  on the date of this
Agreement and ending 3 months thereafter,  with a new Interest Period commencing
at the end of each  such 3 month  period  and  each  succeeding  3 month  period
thereafter until the principal is repaid.

         "Lender" means SCOR S.A.

         "Loan" shall mean the aggregate principal amount advanced by the Lender
as a loan to the  Borrower  hereunder  or,  where the context so  requires,  the
amount thereof then outstanding.


     "London  Interbank  Offered Rate" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.04

         "Note" means the promissory note of the Borrower,  substantially in the
form of Exhibit A hereto, evidencing the obligation of the Borrower to repay the

         "Notice shall mean notice delivered by a party to this Agreement to the
other party hereto in the manner provided in Section 7.06

         "Original  Period"  means the  period  commencing  October  2, 1995 and
ending October 2, 1996.

         "Renewal Period" means the one (1) year period  commencing  October 2nd
1996 and ending October 2, 1997.

         "Repayment Date" shall mean October 2, 1996 or October 2, 1997.

         "Subsidiary"  means any corporation or other entity of which securities
or other ownership interests having ordinary voting power to elect a majority of
the board of directors or other persons  performing similar functions are at the
time directly or indirectly owned by the Borrower.


2.01     Agreement to Lend

         The Lender hereby agrees, on the terms and conditions set forth in this
Agreement,  to lend to the Borrower and Borrower  hereby  agrees to borrow,  the
principal sum of $20,000,000 (the "Loan").

2.02     Method of Borrowing

         On the date of this  Agreement the Lender will make the proceeds of the
Loan  available to the Borrower by  depositing  the proceeds of such Loan in the
account of the Borrower,  at the Bank  designated by the Borrower as of the date
hereof by the time requested by the Borrower;  provided, however, that such time
is not earlier than 2:00 p.m. (New York time).

2.03     The Note

         The Loan shall be  evidenced  by a single Note in the form of Exhibit A
hereto,  payable to the order of the Lender.  Such Note shall be dated as of the
date hereof.


2.04     Interest

         The Loan shall bear interest on the  outstanding  principal  amount for
each day from the date the Loan is a made to the date on which it is  repaid  in
full.  Interest for the Loan during the applicable Interest Period shall be at a
rate equal to the sum of the Margin plus the  applicable  three (3) month London
Interbank  Offered Rate. Such interest shall be payable for each Interest Period
on the last day thereof; provided,  however, if not less than two (2) days prior
to the end of such  Interest  Period,  Borrower has given  Lender  notice of its
intent to include  such  interest in the  outstanding  principal  balance of the
Loan, then any interest on the Loan shall be added to the outstanding  principal
balance and shall bear interest at the applicable rate of interest.

         The "Margin" means 2/10 of 1%.

         The "London  Interbank  Offered Rate" applicable to any Interest Period
means the rate at which 3 month  deposits  in Dollars  are offered in the London
Interbank market based on quotations at five major banks at approximately  11:00
a.m.  (London  time) two Business  Days prior to the first day of such  Interest

2.05     Repayment of the Loan

         The  Borrower  shall repay the Loan  (together  with  accrued  interest
thereon) on the Repayment Date.

2.06     Optional Prepayment

         The  Borrower  may, at the end of an Interest  Period and upon at least
thirty  (30) day's  notice to the  Lender,  prepay the Loan  without  premium or
penalty in whole or in part in amounts  aggregating  $1,000,000  or any multiple
thereof by paying the  principal  amount  being  prepaid  together  with accrued
interest thereon to the date of prepayment.

2.07     Loan Termination and Renewal

         The term of the  Loan  shall  be a  period  of one (1) year  commencing
October 2, 1995 and ending October 2, 1996, subject to renewal for an additional
term of one (1) year upon not less than sixty (60) days written  notice prior to
the  expiration of the Original  Period from Borrower to Lender of its intention
to renew  the  Loan.  In the event  such  notice  is not  given  the Loan  shall

         Upon  termination  of  the  Loan  Borrower  shall  repay  the  Loan  in
accordance with Sections 2.05 and 2.08 hereof.


2.08     General Provisions as to Payments

         Except as permitted by Section 2.06 hereof payment of principal of, and
interest on, the Loan shall be due on the Repayment Date.

         The Borrower  shall make payments of principal of, and interest on, the
Loan not later  than  11:00  a.m.  (New York City  time) on the date when due by
depositing  the funds in the  account of Lender at the New York City branch of a
bank designated by Lender. Whenever any payment of principal of, or interest on,
the Loan shall be due on a day which is not a Business Day, the date for payment
thereof shall be extended to the next succeeding Business Day unless as a result
thereof  it would  fall in the next  calendar  month,  in which case it shall be
advanced  to the next  preceding  Business  Day.  If the date for any payment of
principal  is extended  by  operation  of law or  otherwise,  interest  shall be
payable for such extended time.


3.01     Initial Loan.

         The  obligation  of the  Lender  to make  the Loan  hereunder  shall be
subject to the satisfaction by the Borrower of the following conditions:

     (a) receipt by the Lender of counterparts hereof signed by the Borrower;
     (b) receipt by the Lender of a duly  executed  Note dated on or before
the date of the initial  Loan  complying  with the  provisions  of Section  2.03


4.01     Use of Proceeds

         The Borrower will not use the Loan proceeds for any purposes other than
repayment of its Debt to Banque Worms under an agreement dated October 4, 1990.


5.01     Events of Default

         Each of the following events and occurrences  shall constitute an Event
of Default under this Agreement:

         (a) Payment  Default.  The Borrower fails for any reason  whatsoever to
make payment of any amount under this Agreement on the date on which such amount


is  due  and  payable  whether  by  the  terms  hereof  or by  acceleration  and
continuance  of such  failure  for five  business  days.  Acceptance  of partial
payment shall not constitute a waiver of the failure to make payment in full.

         (b) Representation Default. If any one or more of the following events 
("Events of Default") shall have occurred and be continuing:

                  (i) the borrower shall fail to observe or perform any covenant
or agreement contained in this Agreement other than that covered by Section 5.01
(a) for 30 days after written  notice  thereof has been given to the Borrower by
the Lender; or

                  (ii) the  Borrower  shall  commence a voluntary  case or other
proceeding seeking  liquidation,  reorganization or other relief with respect to
itself or its debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or
hereafter  in  effect  or  seeking  the  appointment  of  a  trustee,  receiver,
liquidator, custodian or other similar official of it or any substantial part of
its property,  or shall consent to any such relief or to the  appointment  of or
taking  possession  by  any  such  official  in an  involuntary  case  or  other
proceeding  commenced  against  it,  or  shall  make  case or  other  proceeding
commenced  against  it, or shall make a general  assignment  for the  benefit of
creditors, or shall fail generally to pay its debts as they become due, or shall
take any corporate action to authorize any of the foregoing; or

                  (iii)  an  involuntary  case  or  other  proceeding  shall  be
commenced  against the Borrower  seeking  liquidation,  reorganization  or other
relief with respect to it or its debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency or other
similar law now or hereafter in effect or seeking the  appointment of a trustee,
receiver,  liquidator,  custodian  or  other  similar  official  of  it  or  any
substantial part of its property,  and such involuntary case or other proceeding
shall remain  undismissed  and unstayed for a period of 60 days; or an order for
relief shall be entered against the Borrower or any Subsidiary under the federal
bankruptcy laws as now or hereafter in effect.


6.01     Consequences of Default

         If an Event of Default shall occur and be  continuing  beyond any grace
period permitted thereof, the Lender may, by Notice to the Borrower, declare the
outstanding  amount of the Commitment  together with accrued  interest and other
sums payable  hereunder to be immediately due and payable  without  presentment,
demand or notice of any kind other than the Notice specifically required by this
Section, all other notice being expressly waived by the Borrower. If an Event of
Default shall occur, such default may be waived by Notice from the Lender.



7.01     Term of Agreement

         The term of this Agreement  shall commence on October 2, 1995 and shall
end upon  payment in full of all  principal,  interest and other sums payable by
the Borrower in respect of this Agreement, but in no event later than October 2,


7.01     Legal Action and Governmental and Corporate Approvals

         Borrower and Lender each represent and warrant that they have taken all
necessary legal and corporate  action to authorize the execution and delivery of
this Agreement, and there are not governmental approvals required on the part of
either in connection  with or for the  performance  by the Borrower or Lender of
its  obligations  under this Agreement.  This Agreement  constitutes a valid and
binding agreement of the parties.

7.02     Entire Agreement and Amendment

         This  Agreement,  together  with the Note of even date  constitute  the
entire  agreement of the parties with respect to the subject  matter  hereof and
supersedes any prior expressions of intent or understanding with respect to this
transaction.  This  Agreement may be amended,  or the benefit of any  provisions
hereof may be waived,  only by an instrument in writing executed by both parties

7.03     Cumulative Rights and Waiver

         The  failure  or delay of the  Lender  to  require  performance  by the
Borrower or to enforce its rights under any provision of this s Agreement  shall
not affect  its right to require  performance  and to  enforce  its rights  with
respect to such provision  unless and until such  performance has been waived in
writing by the Lender. Any waiver of an Event of Default shall be effective only
in accordance with its terms and may be restricted or conditioned in any way. No
waiver of any event of  Default  shall  constitute  a waiver of  continuance  or
reoccurrence of such Event of Default or of any other Event of Default except as
provided in such waiver. The rights granted to the Lender hereunder or under any
other document or instrument  delivered hereunder and any rights available to it
at law or in equity shall be cumulative and may be exercised in part or in whole
from time to time.

7.04     Assignment

         This  Agreement  and the  Note  shall  be  binding  upon  and  shall be
enforceable  by the  Borrower  and the Lender and their  respective  successors,
except  that  neither  party has any right to assign or  transfer  its rights or
obligations hereunder.


7.05     Governing Law

         This Agreement  shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with
the Laws of the Republic of France.

         The Borrower  irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive  jurisdiction of
the Tribunal de Commerce of Nanterre  (Hauts de Seine) over any suit,  action or
proceedings  arising out of or relating to this  Agreement  or the  transactions
contemplated  hereby, and waives, to the fullest extent it may effectively do so
under  applicable  law, any objection which it may have or hereafter have to the
laying of the venue of any such  suit,  action,  proceeding  brought in any such
court has been brought in any inconvenient  forum.  The Borrower agrees,  to the
fullest  extent it may  effectively  do so under  applicable  law,  that a final
judgment  in any such suit,  action or  proceeding  may be enforced in the above
courts and any other court of the  jurisdiction  of which the Borrower is or may
be subject by a suit upon such  judgment,  provided  that  service of process is
effected on the Borrower in the manner specified below or as otherwise permitted
by law.

         The Borrower  consents to process  being served in any suit,  action or
proceeding  of the nature  referred to above by the mailing of a copy thereof by
registered or certified airmail postage prepaid,  return receipt  requested,  to
its address,  set forth in Section  7.06,  or to any other  address of which the
Borrower  shall have given written  notice to the Lender.  Nothing  herein shall
effect the right of the Lender to serve process in any other manner permitted by
law, or limit the right of the Lender to bring proceedings  against the Borrower
in the court of any other jurisdiction.

         (a) Any Notice  required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in
writing  and shall be (I)  personally  delivered,  (ii)  transmitted  by postage
prepaid  mail  (airmail  if  international),  or (iii)  transmitted  by telex or
telefax to the parties as follows, as elected by the party giving such Notice;

         To the Borrower:

         SCOR U.S. Corporation
         2 World Trade Center
         New York, New York  10048
         Att: Treasurer

         To the Lender:

         SCOR S.A. - Immueble SCOR
         One Avenue du President Wilson
         Cedex 39
         92074 Paris La Defense 8, France
         Att: Francois Reach


         (b) All Notices and other  communications shall be effective on (I) the
date of receipt if delivered personally, (ii) the date of receipt if transmitted
by telex of  telefax,  whichever  shall  first  occur.  Any party may change its
address for purposes hereof by Notice to the other party.

7.07     Headings

         The section and subsection  headings used herein have been inserted for
convenience of reference only and do not constitute  matters to be considered in
interpreting this Agreement.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed and delivered by their  respective duly  authorized  signatories in New
York on the date first written above.

BORROWER:                    SCOR U.S. CORPORATION

                               By:   /s/ Jeffrey D. Cropsey
                             Name:       Jeffrey D. Cropsey
                            Title: Senior V.P. & Chief Financial Officer

LENDER:                      SCOR S.A.

                               By:   /s/ Francois Reach
                             Name:       Francois Reach
                            Title: Deputy General Manager


                                                               EXHIBIT A


U.S. $20,000,000                                         October 2, 1995
                                                         New York, New York

FOR  VALUE  RECEIVED,  SCOR  U.S.  CORPORATION,   a  Delaware  corporation  (the
"Borrower")  hereby  unconditionally  promises  to pay to the order of SCOR S.A.
(the "Lender"),  the unpaid  principal  amount of the Loan made by the Lender to
the Borrower  pursuant to the Loan Agreement  referred to below on the Repayment
Date. The Borrower  promises to pay interest on the unpaid  principal  amount of
each such Loan on the  dates and at the rate or rates  provided  for in the Loan

         All such  payments of principal  and  interest  shall be made in lawful
money of the United States of America in Federal or other immediately  available
funds at One Avenue du  President  Wilson,  Cedex 39,  92074 Paris La Defense 8,
France or such other place as may be  designated in writing from time to time by

         This note is the Note  referred  to in the Loan  Agreement  dated as of
October 2, 1995, between the Borrower and the Lender (as the same may be amended
from time to time,  the "Loan  Agreement").  Terms defined in the Loan Agreement
are used herein with the same meanings.  Reference is made to the Loan Agreement
for provisions for the prepayment  hereof and the  acceleration  of the maturity

                                          SCOR U.S. CORPORATION

                                   By:   Jeffrey D. Cropsey
                                Title:   Senior V.P. and Chief Financial Officer
