N E W S   R E L E A S E

For Immediate Release

Contact:       HemaCare Corporation
          JoAnn Stover, Director of Investor Relations

RELEASE DATE:  April 8, 2003


     LOS  ANGELES  ------ HemaCare Corporation (OTC  Bulletin  Board:
HEMA)  announced  today that it has developed  a  liquid  intravenous
immune  globulin  ("IVIG")  manufacturing  process,  which  is   used
primarily  in the treatment of immune deficiencies.  Immune  globulin
is  a  protein  fractionated  from human plasma.   The  manufacturing
process  offers an approximate 75% yield from plasma (as compared  to
approximately  45% with most current methods), with high  purity  and
extremely  low  IgA levels. In addition, this process involves  fewer
steps  than  conventional IVIG purification methods,  shortening  the
production cycle and reducing costs.  The Company stated that it  has
submitted  a U.S. patent application for this method and will  pursue
licensing the process to commercial fractionators. Commercial benefit
to  HemaCare  in  the  future  is dependent  on  obtaining  licensing
agreements with plasma fractionators.

     The  IVIG  fractionation industry has a market of  approximately
$500 million world-wide. Immune globulin, a protein fractionated from
human   plasma,  is  used  primarily  in  the  treatment  of   immune
deficiencies  and,  in high dose, as a treatment  for  a  variety  of
autoimmune  diseases including disorders in the fields  of  neurology
and hematology.

                     About HemaCare Corporation

     Founded  in  1978,  HemaCare  is a national  provider  of  blood
products and services and the only publicly traded company engaged in
the  blood services industry in the U.S.  HemaCare is licensed by the
FDA  and accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks.   The
Company  focuses on providing cost effective, high quality  solutions
to the blood-related needs of U.S. hospitals.

This  press release contains "forward-looking statements" within  the
meaning  of the term in the Private Securities Litigation Reform  Act
of  1995 (Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and
Section  21E  of  the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,  as  amended).
Additional written or oral forward-looking statements may be made  by
the  Company  from  time to time in filings with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission or otherwise.  Statements contained herein  that
are  not historical facts are forward-looking statements pursuant  to
the   safe   harbor  provisions  referenced  above.   Forward-looking
statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties some  of
which   cannot   be  predicted  or  quantified.    Such   risks   and
uncertainties   include,   without   limitation,   the   risks    and
uncertainties  set forth from time to time in reports  filed  by  the
Company  with  the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Although  the
Company  believes  that the expectations reflected in  such  forward-
looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such
expectations  will prove to have been correct.  Consequently,  future
events  and  actual results could differ materially  from  those  set
forth   in,  contemplated  by,  or  underlined  the  forward  looking
statements contained herein.  The Company undertakes no obligation to
publicly  release  any revision to these forward  looking  statements
made to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.
