Schedule 14A Information

                           Proxy Statement Pursuant to
                              Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                              (Amendment No. _____)

Filed by the Registrant    |X|

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   | |

Check the appropriate box:

|X|  Preliminary Proxy Statement

| |  Confidential,  for  Use  of  the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by Rule

| |  Definitive Proxy Statement

| |  Definitive Additional Materials

| |  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

     Capital Associates, Inc.
     (Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

|x|  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii) or 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(i)(2)

| |  $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act  Rule 14a-6

| |  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4)and 0-11

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: ___________

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:_______________

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):_______________________________

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:___________________________

(5)  Total fee paid:

|x|  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials

     | | Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule 0-11(a) (2) and identify  the filing for which  the offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:


     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     (3) Filing Party:


     (4) Date Filed:


                            CAPITAL ASSOCIATES, INC.
                           7175 WEST JEFFERSON AVENUE
                            LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80235

                                OCTOBER 24, 1997

To the Stockholders of
Capital Associates, Inc.:

            The 1997 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  (the "Annual  Meeting") of
Capital Associates,  Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),  will be held
on  Friday,  October  24,  1997,  starting  at 8:30 a.m.  (local  time),  in the
Wadsworth Room of the Holiday Inn, 7390 West Hampden Avenue, Lakewood,  Colorado
80235, for the following purposes:

            1. To elect six  directors  of the  Company to serve  until the next
annual meeting of  stockholders  or until their  successors are duly elected and

            2. To ratify and approve the Rights Agreement of the Company.

            3. To ratify the  selection by the Board of Directors  (the "Board")
of KPMG Peat  Marwick  LLP as  independent  auditors of the Company for the 1998
fiscal year.

            4. To transact  such other  business as may properly come before the
Annual Meeting, or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof.

            The Board has fixed the close of business on Friday,  September  19,
1997, as the record date for determining the stockholders entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the Annual Meeting. A complete list of stockholders  entitled to
vote at the Annual  Meeting  will be available  for  examination  during  normal
business hours by any stockholder of the Company, for any purpose germane to the
Annual Meeting, for a period of ten (10) days prior to the Annual Meeting at the
Company's offices located at the address set forth above.

            A copy of the Company's  Annual Report for the fiscal year ended May
31, 1997,  a Proxy  Statement  and a proxy card  accompany  this  notice.  These
materials are first being sent to stockholders on or about September 26, 1997.

            Stockholders  are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting in
person.  However,  to assure your  representation at the Annual Meeting,  please
complete and sign the enclosed proxy card and return it promptly. If you choose,
you may still vote in person at the Annual  Meeting  even though you  previously
submitted a proxy card.

                                         By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         PHILIP J. TEIGEN
Lakewood, Colorado
September 26, 1997

                            CAPITAL ASSOCIATES, INC.
                           7175 WEST JEFFERSON AVENUE
                            LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80235

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                     TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1997

            This  Proxy  Statement  and the  accompanying  proxy  card are being
furnished  to  the   stockholders  of  the  Company,   in  connection  with  the
solicitation  of  proxies  by and on  behalf of the  Board of  Directors  of the
Company  (the  "Board")  for  use  at  the  Company's  1997  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders to be held on Friday,  October 24, 1997, at 8:30 a.m. (local time),
in the  Wadsworth  Room of the  Holiday  Inn,  7390  Hampden  Avenue,  Lakewood,
Colorado,  and at any  adjournment(s)  or  postponement(s)  thereof (the "Annual
Meeting").  This Proxy Statement,  the accompanying proxy card and the Company's
Annual  Report  (the  "Annual  Report")  for the fiscal  year ended May 31, 1997
("Fiscal  1997"),  are first being mailed to  stockholders on or about September
26, 1997.  The Annual  Report is not to be  considered  a part of the  Company's
proxy solicitation materials.

                            PURPOSE OF ANNUAL MEETING

            At the Annual Meeting,  stockholders  will be asked to (1) elect six
directors of the Company to serve until the next annual meeting of  stockholders
or until their successors are duly elected and qualified; (2) ratify and approve
the Company's Rights Agreement (the "Rights Plan"); (3) ratify KPMG Peat Marwick
LLP as the Company's  auditors for the year ending May 31, 1998 ("Fiscal 1998");
and (4)  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the Annual

            The  Board  recommends  a vote  "FOR"  (1) the  election  of the six
nominees  for  directors  of the Company  listed  below,  (2)  ratification  and
approval of the Rights Plan and (3) ratification of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as the
Company's auditors for Fiscal 1998.

                            QUORUM AND VOTING RIGHTS

            The presence, in person or by proxy, of the holders of a majority of
the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock is necessary to  constitute a quorum at
the Annual  Meeting.  Only  stockholders  of record at the close of  business on
Friday,  September 19, 1997 (the "Record Date"),  will be entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.  As of the Record Date, there were 5,016,582
shares of Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote. Holders of Common Stock
as of the Record Date are entitled to one vote for each share held.


            All shares of Common Stock  represented by properly executed proxies
will,  unless such proxies have previously been revoked,  be voted in accordance
with the  instructions  indicated in such proxies.  If no such  instructions are
indicated,  such shares will be voted in favor of (i.e., "FOR") (1) the election
of the six nominees for directors of the Company listed below,  (2) ratification
and approval of the Rights Plan and (3) ratification of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as
the Company's auditors for Fiscal 1998. The affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority  of the shares of Common  Stock  present or  represented  at the Annual
Meeting and  constituting  a quorum is required for the  election of  directors,
approval of the Rights Plan and ratification of the Company's  auditors.  Broker
non-votes  will not be  counted  as shares  present  for  quorum  purposes,  for
purposes  of the  matters not voted on by the brokers and will not count for any
purpose in determining  whether such a proposal has been  approved.  Abstentions
will be counted as shares present for quorum purposes,  but otherwise will count
as a vote against the applicable proposal.

            Any stockholder executing a proxy has the power to revoke such proxy
at any time prior to its exercise. A proxy may be revoked by (1) filing with the
Company a written  revocation of the proxy, (2) appearing at the Annual Meeting,
revoking  the proxy,  if any,  and casting a vote in person or (3)  submitting a
duly executed proxy bearing a later date.

            The cost of preparing,  printing,  assembling and mailing this Proxy
Statement and other material  furnished to  stockholders  in connection with the
solicitation  of  proxies  will be  borne by the  Company.  In  addition  to the
solicitation  of proxies by use of the mails,  officers,  directors  and regular
employees  of  the  Company  may  solicit  proxies  by  written   communication,
telephone,  telegraph or personal call.  These persons are to receive no special
compensation for any solicitation activities.  The Company will reimburse banks,
brokers and other persons holding Common Stock in their names, or those of their
nominees,  for their  expenses in  forwarding  proxy  solicitation  materials to
beneficial owners of Common Stock.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


            The Board  currently  consists of six members:  William H. Buckland,
James D. Edwards, Gary M. Jacobs, Dennis J. Lacey, Robert A. Sharpe II and James
D.  Walker.  All of the  directors  were  elected at the 1996 annual  meeting of
stockholders of the Company (the "1996 Annual Meeting").

            The Board proposes that the six individuals listed below as nominees
be elected as  directors  of the  Company to hold  office  until the next annual
meeting  of  stockholders  or  until  their  successors  are  duly  elected  and
qualified.  Each nominee has consented to serve if elected to the Board.  In the
event  that any  nominee  is  unable to serve as a  director  at the time of the
Annual  Meeting  (which  is not  expected),  proxies  with  respect  to which no
contrary  direction is made will be voted "FOR" such substitute nominee as shall
be designated by the Board to fill the vacancy.


            The names of the nominees, their ages at the Record Date and certain
other information about them are set forth below:

         Nominee           Age     Position(s) with Company     Director Since
         -------           ---     ------------------------     --------------

   William H. Buckland      52             Director                  1995
    James D. Edwards        57             Director                  1987
     Gary M. Jacobs         50             Director           1978-1990 and 1994
     Dennis J. Lacey        44     Chief Executive Officer,          1991
                                    President and Director
   Robert A. Sharpe II      39             Director                  1996
     James D. Walker        52    Chairman of the Board and          1994

- ------------------------------------------

            Mr. Buckland has been Chairman of the Board, Secretary, Treasurer, a
director  and 50%  stockholder  of MCC  Financial  Corporation,  an aircraft and
equipment lessor ("MCC"),  since May 1988.  Immediately prior to the purchase of
MCC in 1988,  Mr.  Buckland  held,  from  1978 to 1988,  a number  of  executive
positions at Fairchild  Industries,  Inc. Mr. Buckland is also a director of MCC
Aircraft  Leasing I, Inc.,  MCC World  Aviation  Associates,  Inc.,  and Capital
Associates  International,  Inc.,  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  the  Company

            Mr. Edwards has been retired since 1995.  From May 1989 to May 1995,
Mr. Edwards was  President,  Chief  Executive  Officer and a director of Tricord
Systems,  Inc., a computer hardware and software  development firm. From 1987 to
1989, Mr. Edwards was President and Chief Executive Officer of Telwatch, Inc., a
telecommunications  firm. From 1983 to 1987, Mr. Edwards held various  executive
positions  with AT&T,  including  President of AT&T Computer  Systems.  Prior to
1983,  Mr.  Edwards  held  executive  positions  with  IBM  Corporation,   Xerox
Corporation  and Bausch & Lomb. Mr. Edwards is also a director of Chatcom,  Inc.
and CAII.

            Mr.  Jacobs has been  Executive  Vice  President  and  Secretary  of
Corporate  Express,  Inc., an office  products supply company ("CEI") since July
1995.  From 1992 to July 1995,  Mr. Jacobs was also Chief  Financial  Officer of
CEI.  From 1990 through  November  1992,  Mr. Jacobs served as the President and
Chief  Executive  Officer of Boulder Retail Finance  Corporation,  an investment
firm controlled by Mr. Jacobs. From 1978 through mid-1990,  Mr. Jacobs served as
Executive  Vice President and in various other senior  executive  positions with
the  Company and CAII.  Prior to joining the  Company,  Mr.  Jacobs  served as a
director  of  finance  for  Storage  Technology  Corporation,  a  company  which
manufactures computer peripheral devices. Mr. Jacobs served as a director of the
Company  and CAII from 1978  through  mid-1990  and is  currently  a director of
Boulder Retail Finance Corporation and CAII.

            Mr. Lacey has been the President and Chief Executive  Officer of the
Company since September 6, 1991. Mr. Lacey joined the Company as Vice President,
Operations,  in October 1989,  and was  appointed  Treasurer on January 1, 1991,
Chief Financial Officer on April 11, 1991 and a director on July 19, 1991. Prior
to joining the Company, Mr. Lacey was an audit partner for the public accounting
firm of Coopers & Lybrand.  Mr. Lacey is also a director  and senior  officer of
CAII,  CAI  Equipment  Leasing I Corp.,  CAI  Equipment  Leasing  II Corp.,  CAI
Equipment  Leasing III Corp.,  CAI  Equipment  Leasing IV Corp.,  CAI  Equipment
Leasing V Corp., CAI Leasing Canada,  Ltd., CAI Partners Management Company, CAI
Securities  Corporation,  CAI Lease  Securitization I Corp.,  CAI-UBK  Equipment
Corp.,  Capital Equipment  Corporation and Capital  Associates  International de
Mexico (collectively  referred to herein as the "CAI Affiliates"),  all of which
are first- or second-tier wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company. Mr. Lacey is
also a director of Guaranty National Corporation.


            Mr. Sharpe has been Executive Vice President of Fairchild Fasteners,
a __________,  since July 1996. From July 1994 through June 1996, Mr. Sharpe was
Vice   President,   Corporate   Development   of   Smithfield   Foods,   Inc,  a
_______________.  Prior to joining  Smithfield Foods, Inc., Mr. Sharpe had a ten
year career in corporate banking. From 1987 through June 1994, Mr. Sharpe served
in a number of capacities at NationsBank  Corporation,  a bank holding  company,
including  Senior Vice  President in charge of  Mid-Atlantic  Corporate  Banking
relationships for NationsBank Corporation.  Mr. Sharpe is also a director of the
Fairchild Corporation and CAII.

            Mr. Walker ha been President,  Chief Executive  Officer,  a director
and 50%  stockholder  of MCC since May 1988.  Prior to that time, Mr. Walker was
involved in equipment  lease  management  with Thomson  McKinnon  Securities and
Finalco, Inc. Prior to that, Mr. Walker held marketing and engineering positions
with IBM Corporation and TRW, Inc. Mr. Walker is also a director of MCC Aircraft
Leasing I, Inc., MCC World Aviation Associates, Inc., and CAII.


            The Board held a total of four (4) regular  meetings  during  Fiscal
1997 and no  special  meetings.  The Board  currently  has an Audit and  Finance
Committee,  Compensation  and  Operations  Committee,  Nominating  Committee and
Executive  Committee.  During the period  October  1996  through  May 1997,  the
Company also had a Special Committee which completed its work in May 1997.

             The Audit and Finance  Committee,  consisting of Messrs.  Buckland,
Jacobs,  Lacey and Sharpe, held a total of four (4) meetings during Fiscal 1997.
The  Audit  and  Finance  Committee   recommends   selection  of  the  Company's
independent auditors and is primarily responsible for reviewing  recommendations
made by the Company's independent auditors, evaluating the Company's adoption of
such recommendations and evaluating, and making recommendations with respect to,
the Company's  internal audit functions and certain finance matters.  Mr. Jacobs
currently serves as the Chairman of the Audit and Finance Committee.

            From June through  October 1996,  the  Compensation  and  Operations
Committee consisted of Messrs. Edwards, Patton (who did not stand for reelection
at the 1996 Annual Meeting) and Walker. After October 1996, the Compensation and
Operations  Committee consisted of (and currently consists of) Messrs.  Edwards,
Lacey and Walker. The Compensation and Operations Committee held a total of four
(4) meetings during Fiscal 1997. The  Compensation  and Operations  Committee is
responsible for initiating,  evaluating and recommending to the Board amendments
to the Company's  compensation plans and overseeing certain operations  matters.
Mr. Edwards  currently serves as the Chairman of the Compensation and Operations

            From June through September 1997, the Nominating Committee consisted
of Messrs.  Lacey,  Patton (who did not stand for  reelection at the 1996 Annual
Meeting) and Walker.  After October 1996, the Nominating  Committee consisted of
(and currently  consists of ) Messrs.  Lacey,  Sharpe and Walker. The Nominating
Committee held two (2) meetings  during Fiscal 1997.  The  Nominating  Committee
recommends to the Board  nominees for  appointment to the Board and nominees for
the  slate of  directors  to be voted on by the  Company's  stockholders  at the
annual  meetings.  On  May  2,  1997,  the  Nominating  Committee  approved  and
recommended  to the Board,  and the Board  ratified and  approved,  the slate of
directors nominated for election at the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee
will consider  nominees  recommended  by  stockholders  in  accordance  with the
procedures  described in "Stockholder  Proposals"  below.  Mr. Walker  currently
serves as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.


            During Fiscal 1997, the Executive Committee consisted (and currently
consists) of Messrs.  Buckland, Lacey and Walker. The Executive Committee held a
total of twelve ( 12 ) meetings  during Fiscal 1997. The Executive  Committee is
responsible for (1) overseeing, reviewing and consulting with senior management,
and approving certain actions of senior management, concerning the execution and
implementation  of the Company's  business plan, (2) approving  certain material
lease transactions,  (3) approving  promotions and compensation  adjustments for
all employees  below the senior vice  president  level and (4)  performing  such
other duties as may be assigned to it by the Board from time to time.

            In June 1996, the Board established a Special Committee,  consisting
of  Messrs.  Edwards,  Jacobs  and  Sharpe,  to review  proposed  changes to the
compensation for non-employee members of the Executive  Committee.  This Special
Committee held two (2) meetings during Fiscal 1997.

            During Fiscal 1997, all directors  (including Mr. Patton through the
date of his term ended) attended 75% or more of the aggregate  number of regular
meetings  of the  Board,  and all  members of the Audit and  Finance  Committee,
Compensation and Operations Committee, Nominating Committee, Executive Committee
and Special  Committee  attended  75% or more of the  aggregate  number of their
respective  committee  meetings  (except  for Mr.  Sharpe,  who was only able to
attend one of the two Special Committee meetings).


            The Board  amended and  restated  the  Company's  Board of Directors
Compensation  Policy in Fiscal 1996 (the "Amended Policy"),  effective on and as
of October  26,  1995.  Pursuant to the Amended  Policy,  the Company  pays each
director who is not an officer of the Company (a "Non-Employee  Director") (1) a
$3,750 quarterly retainer ($5,000 in the case of the Chairman of the Board), (2)
$1,000 for each Board meeting  attended,  (3) $1,000 for each committee  meeting
(other than Executive  Committee  meetings)  attended,  (4) consulting  fees for
consulting  services  at a  rate  approved  by  the  Board  in  advance  of  the
commencement of any consulting  assignment and (5) all reasonable  out-of-pocket
expenses of attending such meetings and  performing any consulting  services for
the Company.

            Pursuant to Consulting Agreements with Messrs.  Buckland and Walker,
dated as of June 1, 1996, the Company paid $187,500 and $250,000,  respectively,
for services  rendered  during  Fiscal 1997.  In  addition,  per the  Consulting
Agreements,  the Board's  Special  Committee  determined  the form of  incentive
compensation  for  Messrs.  Buckland  and Walker for Fiscal  1997.  The  Board's
Special  Committee  decided to provide such  incentive  compensation  to each of
Messrs.  Buckland and Walker through the Company's assignment to each, a 2.70735
percent  interest in the residual  proceeds  derived from  equipment  subject to
equipment  leases with General Motors that  originated from June 1, 1995 through
May  31,  1997.   Such  residual   proceeds  will  be  realized  and  paid  over
approximately  seven  (7)  years.  The  assignments  of these  interests  in the
residual proceeds are in the form of the Company's non-recourse residual sharing
notes. In Fiscal 1997, the Company  accrued an estimated  expense of $50,500 for
each of the residual sharing notes,  reducing the Company's book value for these
residuals to reflect this assigned interest to Messrs Buckland and Walker.


            The  following  table sets forth the  amount of  quarterly  retainer
fees,  meeting fees,  Executive  Committee fees,  consulting fees and total fees
paid to each of the  Non-Employee  Directors who served as directors at any time
during Fiscal 1997:

    Directors                  Quarterly Retainer        Meeting Fees       Prior Year Fees      Consulting Fees(1)        Total(2)
    ---------                  ------------------        ------------       ---------------      ------------------        --------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William H. Buckland               $   15,000              $  8,000 (5)        $      0              $  187,500             $ 210,500
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
James D. Edwards                  $   15,000              $ 10,000 (6)        $      0              $        0             $  25,000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gary M. Jacobs                    $   15,000              $ 10,000 (7)        $ 27,000              $        0             $  52,000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William B. Patton, Jr.            $    5,976 (3)          $  3,000 (8)        $ 38,075              $        0             $  47,051
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert A. Sharpe II               $   15,000              $  7,000 (9)        $  2,000              $        0             $  24,000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
James D. Walker                   $   20,000 (4)          $  8,000 (10)       $      0              $  250,000             $ 278,000

(1)   As described in the preceding paragraph, under their Consulting Agreements
      with the Company Messrs.  Buckland and Walker were each granted  incentive
      compensation  in the form of a $111,500 face value  residual  sharing note
      payable,  and the  amounts  eventually  realized by Messrs.  Buckland  and
      Walker can not be determined at this time. Thus, no amount attributable to
      such incentive compensation can be provided at this time.

(2)   These  amounts  do not  include  (a)  expense  reimbursements  paid to the
      Non-Employee  Directors during Fiscal 1997, (b) the value of stock options
      that were granted to the  Non-Employee  Directors in Fiscal 1997 and prior
      fiscal  years that  vested  during  Fiscal  1997,  and (c) any amount that
      Messrs. Buckland and Walker could receive as incentive compensation.

(3)   Mr.  Patton  elected to defer  receipt of certain prior year's fees beyond
      the close of Fiscal 1996. Mr. Patton did not seek reelection as a director
      at the 1996 Annual Shareholders  Meeting and his term ended on the date of
      that  meeting,  October 25,  1996,  and his second  quarter  retainer  was
      reduced to $2,226 (the prorated amount based on the number of days that he
      served on the Board during the second quarter of Fiscal 1997).

(4)   As Chairman of the Board,  Mr. Walker's  quarterly  retainer  increased to
      $5,000 per quarter.  At Mr.  Walker's  instructions,  the Company paid (a)
      $5,000 of accrued Board fees otherwise  payable to Mr. Walker to MCC World
      Aviation,  a corporation  owned 50% by Mr.  Buckland and 50% by Mr. Walker
      ("MCC Aviation").

(5)   Consists of $1,000 per meeting for (a) four (4) regular Board meetings and
      (b) four (4) committee meetings.

(6)   Consists of $1,000 per meeting for (a) four (4) regular Board meetings and
      (b)  four  (4)  committee  meetings,  and (c) two  (2)  special  committee

(7)   Consists of $1,000 per meeting  for (a) four (4) regular  Board  meetings,
      (b) four (4) committee  meetings,  and two (2) special committee meetings.
      Mr. Jacobs  elected to defer receipt of prior year's fees beyond the close
      of Fiscal 1996.

(8)   Consists of $1,000 per meeting for (a) one (1) regular  Board  meeting and
      (b) two (2) committee  meetings.  Mr.  Patton  elected to defer receipt of
      certain prior year's fees beyond the close of Fiscal 1996.

(9)   Consists of $1,000 per meeting for (a) three (3) regular  Board  meetings,
      (b) three (3) committee  meetings,  and one (1) special committee meeting.
      Mr. Sharpe  elected to defer receipt of $2,000 of prior year's fees beyond
      the close of Fiscal 1996.

(10)  Consists of $1,000 per meeting for (a) four (4) regular Board meetings and
      (b) four (4) committee meetings.

            On June 1, 1996,  the  Company  granted to each of the  Non-Employee
Directors (including Mr. Patton) an option under the Non-Employee Director Stock
Option Plan of Capital Associates,  Inc. (the "Non-Employee  Director Plan"), to
acquire  5,000  shares of Common  Stock at an exercise  price of $3.00 per share
(the "1997 Director Options").  All of the 1997 Director Options (other than Mr.
Patton's  1996  Director Options which terminated upon his term expiring) vested
in full on May 31,  1997,  and will expire on  _________ , 2___ .  Mr. Lacey,  a
director  and employee of the Company,  is not  eligible to  participate  in the
Non-Employee Director Plan.



            From June through  October 1996,  the  Compensation  and  Operations
Committee consisted of Messrs. Edwards, Patton (who did not stand for reelection
at the 1996 Annual Meeting) and Walker.  In October 1966, Mr. Lacey replaced Mr.
Patton on the Compensation and Operations  Committee.  Messrs.  Edwards,  Patton
(until  October 1996) and Walker are (were)  directors of the Company.  However,
none of the three of them is, was or ever has been an officer or employee of the
Company. Messrs. Edwards, Patton( until October 1996) and Walker also are (were)
directors of CAII, Mr. Walker is a director, officer and 50% stockholder of MCC,
which  owns of record  2,138,369  shares  of  Common  Stock and has the right to
purchase from Messrs. Durliat and Jacobs (and holds proxies from Messrs. Durliat
and Jacobs to vote) an additional  695,000 shares of Common Stock. Mr. Patton is
a director of Media Vision and Prolog  Corporation.  Mr. Lacey is President  and
Chief Executive Officer and a director of the Company and its senior officer and
director of the CAI Affiliates.

                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

            The  following  table  sets  forth  (i) the  names of the  executive
officers,  (ii) their ages at the Record Date and (iii) the  capacities in which
they serve the Company:

 Name of Individual   Age           Capacities in Which Served
 ------------------   ---           --------------------------

   Dennis J. Lacey    44     President, Chief Executive Officer & Director
 Anthony M. DiPaolo   38     Senior  Vice  President - Chief Financial Officer &
  John F. Olmstead    53     Senior Vice President - Public Equity, Syndications
                             & Assistant Secretary
  Robert A. Golden    51     Vice President - Sales
 Aylin N. Cankardes   36     Vice President - Lease Acquisitions
Richard H. Abernethy  43     Vice President - Asset Management

- ------------------------------------------

            See "Election of Directors - Nominees"  above for a  description  of
Mr. Lacey's background and the positions held by Mr. Lacey with the Company.

            Mr. DiPaolo has been Senior Vice President - Chief Financial Officer
and Treasurer of the Company since March 1997. Mr. DiPaolo joined the Company in
July  1990 as an  Assistant  Treasurer  and has held  several  positions  in the
treasury,  credit administration,  tax and accounting departments until October,
1991.  From  October  1991 to January  1992 Mr.  DiPaolo  was Vice  President  -
Controller  of the Company.  From  January 1992 to January 1994 Mr.  DiPaolo was
Vice President - Accounting and Assistant Secretary of the Company. From January
1994 to March 1997, Mr. DiPaolo was Senior Vice President - Finance and Business
Development  for the Company.  Prior to July 1990,  he held the offices of Chief
Financial  Officer  for the Mile High Kennel  Club,  Inc.  and Vice  President -
Controller for VICORP  Restaurants,  Inc. and was an audit manager for Coopers &
Lybrand.  Mr.  DiPaolo is a director  and  officer of all of the CAI  Affiliates
(other than CAII, CAI Leasing Canada,  Ltd,  Capital  Equipment  Corporation and
Whitewood Credit Corporation). Mr. DiPaolo is an officer, but not a director, of
CAII and CAI Leasing Canada,  Ltd., Capital Equipment  Corporation and Whitewood
Credit Corporation.


            Mr.  Olmstead has been Vice President - Public Equity,  Syndications
and Assistant Secretary of the Company since September 1991. Mr. Olmstead joined
the Company as a Vice President in December 1988. He was promoted to his current
office of From 1969 through 1983, Mr. Olmstead was a co-owner Finalco,  Inc., an
independent  leasing  company,  and  served  as  a  senior  officer  of  Finalco
Corporation.  From 1983 through the present, Mr. Olmstead has served as Chairman
of the Board of Neo-kam Industries,  Inc., Matchless Metal Polish Company, Inc.,
and  ACL,  Inc.  Mr.  Olmstead  is a  director  and  officer  of all of the  CAI
Affiliates  (other than CAII and CAI Leasing  Canada,  Ltd). Mr.  Olmstead is an
officer, but not a director, of CAII and CAI Leasing Canada, Ltd.

            Mr. Golden has been Vice  President - Sales of the Company since May
1996. Mr. Golden was Vice President - National Sales Manager from September 1994
to May 1996. Mr. Golden joined the Company in 1993 as a Branch Manager. Prior to
joining the Company,  he was an Executive  Vice  President  with the U.S.  Funds
Group, President of BoCon Capital Group and Vice President with Ellco/GE Capital
for fifteen years. Mr. Golden is an officer, but not a director, of CAII.

            Ms.  Cankardes has been Vice President - Lease  Acquisitions  of the
Company  since  March  1997.  Ms.  Cankardes  was Vice  President - Sales of the
Company.  From January 1994 to February 1997, Ms. Cankardes was Vice President -
Sales.  From August 1992 to February  1997,  Ms.  Cankardes was  Assistant  Vice
President - Sales. Ms. Cankardes joined the Company in April 1989 as Director of
Wholesale  Marketing.  From  ______  19__ to  _______  19__  Ms.  Cankardes  was
Assistant Vice President in charge of syndications  and acquisitions of Finalco,
Inc. Ms. Cankardes is an officer, but not a director, of CAII.

            Mr.  Abernethy  has been Vice  President - Asset  Management  of the
Company  since April  1994.  Mr.  Abernethy  joined the Company in April 1992 as
Equipment Valuation Manager . From April 1994 to present, he has held the office
of From  November  1986 to  February  1992,  he  served  in  various  capacities
including  Equipment  Manager  with  Barclays  Leasing and from  January 1981 to
November 1986, he served in a similar  positions with Budd Leasing  Corporation.
Mr. Abernethy is an officer, but not a director, of CAII.


Operations Committee is composed currently of Messrs. Edwards, Lacey and Walker.
The  Company's  compensation  programs  are  designed to (1) relate the level of
compensation paid to individual executive officers and all executive officers as
a group to the Company's success in meeting its annual and long-term performance
goals and business plans, (2) reward individual,  group and team achievement(s),
(3)  attract  and retain  executives  capable of leading the Company to meet its
performance  and  business  plan goals and (4)  motivate  executive  officers to
enhance long-term stockholder value.

            The Compensation  and Operations  Committee  annually  evaluates the
total cash compensation  (including base salary and incentive cash compensation)
paid to, Common Stock  ownership of and stock option  ownership of the Company's
executive officers, including its Chief Executive Officer, in light of corporate
performance  compared with the Company's  business plan and the  performance  of
other  independent  leasing  companies.  The  Company  has  considered  and will
continue to consider  the  potential  impact of Section  162(m) of the  Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.  Section 162(m)  disallows a tax deduction for
any publicly-held  corporation for individual  compensation exceeding $1 million
in any taxable year for the named  executive  officers,  unless  compensation is
performance  based.  Since the targeted cash  compensation  of each of the named
executive  officers is well below the $1 million threshold and any stock options
granted  under any existing  employee  stock option plan (and it is  anticipated
that any stock options granted under the 1996 Plan) will meet the requirement of
being performance based, the Compensation and Operations Committee believes that
this section  will not reduce the tax  deduction  available to the Company.  The
Company's  policy is to qualify to the maximum extent  possible its  executives'
compensation for deductibility under applicable tax laws.


            The Company's Fiscal 1997 executive officer compensation program was
composed entirely of base salary compensation and cash bonuses.  The base salary
compensation  of each of the Company's  executives was  established  with survey
data of compensation paid by other independent  leasing companies and was within
the salary range for  executives  performing  similar  duties and having similar
responsibilities  at such  other  companies.  The  Compensation  and  Operations
Committee also relied,  in part, on other subjective  considerations  in setting
executive officer compensation levels based on the Company's overall performance

            In October 1996, the Compensation and Operations  Committee approved
the Capital  Associates Cash Incentive Bonus Plan for the Fiscal Year Ending May
31, 1997 (the "1997 Cash Bonus Plan").  The maximum amount of the bonus pool for
senior executive officers  (including the Chief Executive Officer) was $319,000,
which vested in increasing  percentages as the Company achieved certain earnings
targets.  Each executive  officer's share of the bonus pool amount was based, in
part, on the Company  achieving  certain  earnings  targets and, in part, on the
officer  achieving  the  officers  personal   performance  targets  (which  were
identified  in an  attachment  to the 1997 Cash  Bonus  Plan).  In  setting  the
earnings targets,  the personal  performance targets and the vesting percentages
in the 1997 Cash Bonus Plan, the Compensation and Operations Committee sought to
motivate  management to increase  operating earnings in a responsible manner and
with a view to establishing a basis for sustained  growth of the Company's stock
price all in the  context of (1) the  Company's  performance  against its Fiscal
1997 business plan,  (2) the percentage of earnings from ordinary  operations as
opposed to extraordinary  or non-recurring  transactions and (3) the performance
of the Company's Common Stock during Fiscal 1997. Based on the foregoing, and in
recognition of (a) the significant  improvement in the Company's net income from
operations  (adjusted  for one-time  items in Fiscal 1997) as compared to Fiscal
1996 (despite  certain  one-time charges that were taken during Fiscal 1997) and
(b) the increase in the stock price, the  Compensation and Operations  Committee
approved a bonus amount of $202,300 for all of the senior  officers,  $75,000 of
which  was  awarded  to  Mr.  Lacey.  See  "Summary  Compensation  Table"  for a
discussion of the bonuses  awarded to the Named Executive  Officers,  as defined

            The Compensation and Operations  Committee reviewed the Common Stock
and stock  option  ownership of the  Company's  executives  at the  beginning of
Fiscal 1997. Based on that review,  the  Compensation  and Operations  Committee
determined  that  increases in the price of the Common Stock during Fiscal 1997,
assuming the Company met its financial goals in Fiscal 1997, would be sufficient
to reward the  Company's  executives,  each of whom owns Common  Stock and stock
options  as the  result  of  compensation  awards  in prior  fiscal  years,  for
outstanding  performance  in  Fiscal  1997,  and,  therefore,  did not  make any
additional Common Stock awards or stock option grants to the executive  officers
during Fiscal 1997. The incentive Common Stock awards and stock option grants to
executives  in prior  fiscal years were paid  pursuant to  incentive  plans that
provided for awards and grants to the executives only if the Company met certain
key  performance  goals  established  at the time the plans were adopted.  These
goals included, among other things, earnings and other financial targets.

            Dennis J.  Lacey is the  Company's  President  and  Chief  Executive
Officer.  Mr. Lacey's  compensation during Fiscal 1997 was governed by the terms
of the Lacey  Employment  Agreement,  which is described in detail in "Executive
Officers  -  Executive  Employment   Agreements"  below.  The  Compensation  and
Operations   Committee  set  Mr.  Lacey's  Fiscal  1997   compensation  on  both
quantitative   and  qualitative   factors   directly  linked  to  the  Company's
performance,  achievement of short- and long-term objectives, the enhancement of
stockholder  value and, in the case of Mr. Lacey's  Fiscal 1997 cash bonus,  the
factors set forth in the 1997 Cash Bonus Plan.  During Fiscal 1997,  Mr. Lacey's
annual  base salary was  $250,000.  Mr.  Lacey's  base salary in Fiscal 1997 was
within  the  range  of  salaries  paid to  chief  executive  officers  of  other
independent  leasing companies.  Mr. Lacey also received cash bonuses of $50,000
in Fiscal 1997 for services  performed  during Fiscal 1996 and $75,000 in Fiscal
1998 for services  performed in Fiscal 1997. See  "Executive  Officers - Summary
Compensation Table"  below.  The  Compensation and Operations Committee believes
that  the  amount  of the cash  bonus  paid to Mr.  Lacey  for  Fiscal  1997 was
reasonable in relation to the financial performance of the Company during Fiscal


            The  Compensation  and Operations  Committee  believes the Company's
executive  officer  compensation  programs serve the Company's best interests by
attracting and retaining  qualified  professionals  and providing  those persons
incentives to attain financial and other goals which benefit the Company and its

                                        Compensation and Operations Committee

                                        Dennis J. Lacey
                                        James D. Edwards
                                        James D. Walker

                                        September 5, 1997


            THE LACEY EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT. During Fiscal 1997, the terms of Mr.
Lacey's compensation were governed by the Lacey Employment Agreement (as defined
below).  The parties  amended and  restated  the Lacey  Employment  Agreement on
October 2, 1995 (see the discussion of the Second Amendment, as defined below).

            On October 2, 1995,  the Company and Mr. Lacey executed that certain
Second Amended and Restated Dennis J. Lacey Executive  Employment Agreement (the
"Lacey Employment Agreement") whereby,  effective as of October 2, 1995: (1) the
term was extended through  September 30, 1997 (subject to the early  termination
provisions set forth in the Lacey  Employment  Agreement),  (2) Mr. Lacey's base
salary  increased to  $250,000,  (3) Mr.  Lacey's  right to receive the unearned
450,000  Incentive  Shares (on a pre-Reverse  Stock Split basis) under the prior
Lacey Employment Agreement was canceled, (4) Mr. Lacey was granted options under
the Amended  and  Restated  Stock  Option  Plan of Capital  Associates,  Inc. to
acquire 75,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of $1.6875 per share,
all of which were fully vested and immediately exercisable on the date of grant,
all of which expire on ______________ , and (5) the change of control provisions
in the Lacey Employment  Agreement were eliminated with respect to any change of
control effected by MCC and/or its affiliates.

            Pursuant to the Lacey  Employment  Agreement,  Mr. Lacey received an
automobile  allowance of $500 per month and was entitled to  participate  in all
Company benefit plans. Mr. Lacey is also entitled to severance benefits upon the
termination  of his  employment  with the Company  for any  reason,  including a
change of control of the  Company,  unless his  termination  is voluntary or for
cause. The severance benefits are equal to 100% of his base salary, will be paid
in twelve (12) equal monthly  installments and will be reduced by any salary Mr.
Lacey receives from subsequent employment during such 12-month period. The Lacey
Employment  Agreement  provides that the Company will pay Mr. Lacey his share of
any bonuses  declared by the Company's  Compensation  and Operations  Committee,
prorated  based upon the aggregate  dollar  amounts of the bonus and Mr. Lacey's
employment  for the  portion  of the year  prior to his  termination  date.  The
Company has also agreed to maintain Mr. Lacey's health  insurance for the period
during which Mr. Lacey receives severance payments.

            By Extension and Amendment of the Second Amended and Restated Dennis
J. Lacey Employment  Agreement ("Third  Amendment"),  dated as of June 27, 1997,
and  having an  Effective  Date of  October  1,  1997,  established  a long term
incentive  bonus  program  (which is in  addition  to the  annual  cash  bonuses
declared by the Board's  Compensation  and  Operations  Committee,  as described
above), to be paid annually by the setting of incremental annual goals which can
lead to the  attainment of certain long term goals to be  determined  and set by
the Executive  Committee.  The Third  Amendment also provides an increase in the
automobile  allowance to $1,000 per month from $500 per month,  extension of the
Lacey Employment Agreement to September 30, 1999, additional annual stock option
grants  under  the 1996 Plan  which  equal  those  granted  to the  non-employee
Directors under the Non- Employee Director Stock Option Plan and an amendment to
the "Change of Control"  termination  provision,  providing upon  termination an
immediate payment to Mr. Lacey of 100% of Mr. Lacey's base salary for a two year
period,  provided Mr. Lacey agrees not to compete (as defined  therein)  against
the Company during those two years.


            SUMMARY  COMPENSATION  TABLE.  The following table provides  certain
summary  information  for Fiscal 1997,  Fiscal 1996 and Fiscal 1995,  concerning
compensation  awarded or paid to, or earned by, the  Company's  Chief  Executive
Officer  and each of the four other  executive  officers  of the  Company  whose
aggregate  base  salary  and bonus for Fiscal  1997  exceeded  $100,000  and one
executive officer that resigned his offices in March 1997(collectively  referred
to herein as the "Named Executive Officers"):

                                                                                               Long-Term Incentive
                                                                                               Compensation ("LTIP")
                             Fiscal             Annual Compensation               -----------------------
                              Year    -------------------------------------       Restricted  
                             Ended                              Other Annual        Stock       Number of
  Name and Position           5/31    Salary(1)     Bonus (8)   Compensation        Awards       Options        LTIP Payouts
  -----------------          ------   ---------     -----       ------------      ----------    ---------       ------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dennis J. Lacey,             1997      $256,800     $75,000      $ 9,560(9)         -0-               -0-         $76,922(20)
President,   Chief           1996      $252,362     $50,000      $ 9,193(10)        -0-(19)       75,000(19)           -0-
Executive Officer &          1995      $228,584     $33,000      $ 9,990(11)        -0-               -0-              -0-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John E. Christensen, (2)     1997      $151,031          -0-     $ 1,027(12)        -0-               -0-         $83,766(21)
Senior Vice President -      1996      $164,300     $10,000           -0-           -0-               -0-              -0-
Chief Financial Officer      1995      $164,300      $8,000           -0-           -0-               -0-              -0-
& Treasurer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anthony M. DiPaolo, (2)      1997      $110,722     $20,000           -0-           -0-               -0-         $45,335(22)
Senior Vice President -      1996      $ 99,097     $13,000           -0-           -0-               -0-              -0-
Chief Financial Officer      1995      $ 93,533      $8,500           -0-           -0-               -0-              -0-
& Treasurer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John F. Olmstead,            1997      $168,783     $40,000           -0-           -0-               -0-         $81,527(23)
Senior Vice President -      1996      $164,300     $30,000           -0-           -0-               -0-              -0-
Public Equity,               1995      $164,300      $6,500           -0-           -0-               -0-              -0-
Syndications & Assistant
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert A. Golden,            1997      $178,320          -0-     $13,315(13)        -0-               -0-         $18,000(24)
Vice President - Sales       1996      $165,362(3)       -0-     $ 6,000(14)        -0-               -0-              -0-
                             1995      $130,093(4)       -0-     $ 5,000(15)        -0-               -0-              -0-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aylin N. Cankardes,          1997      $124,339(5)       -0-     $ 4,550(16)        -0-               -0-              -0-
Vice President - Lease       1996      $120,976(6)       -0-     $ 3,850(17)        -0-               -0-              -0-
Acquisitions                 1665      $137,223(7)       -0-     $ 3,150(18)        -0-               -0-              -0-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)   Includes and the accrual of a $6,800 in Fiscal 1997, $6,800 in Fiscal 1996
      and  $6,800  in Fiscal  1995 for  premium  paid on  behalf  of each  Named
      Executive  Officer for a universal  life insurance  policy  pursuant to an
      insurance  benefit plan (the "Insurance  Plan").  The amount of the annual
      premium  allowance  under the  Insurance  Plan is  determined by a formula
      based on the value of certain benefits relinquished by the Named Executive
      Officers  under the  Company's  401(k)  plan,  from  which  such  officers
      voluntarily withdrew during the fiscal year ended May 31, 1991 in order to
      prevent the Company's  401(k) plan from being "top heavy" under applicable
      Treasury regulations.

(2)   In March 1997, Mr. Christensen  resigned from his offices with the Company
      and Mr.  DiPaolo was  elected to the  offices of Senior  Vice  President -
      Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer..

(3)   Includes  $29,799 of relocation  expenses  that were  reimbursed in Fiscal


(4)   Consists $100,116 of base compensation and $29,977 of commissions.

(5)   Consists $80,000 of base compensation and $44,339 of commissions.

(6)   Consists $80,000 of base compensation and $40,976 of commissions.

(7)   Consists $74,462 of base compensation and $62,761 of commissions.

(8)   All bonuses were paid in the following Fiscal Year.

(9)   Includes a $6,000 automobile  allowance,  $3,560 of premiums paid for term
      life and  disability  insurance  and $1,600 for  President's  Club trip to

(10)  Includes a $6,000  automobile  allowance  and $3,193 of premiums  paid for
      term life and disability insurance.

(11)  Includes a $6,000  automobile  allowance  and $3,990 of premiums  paid for
      term life and disability insurance.

(12)  Automobile allowance.

(13)  Includes a $6,000 automobile allowance and $7,316 in relocation expenses.

(14)  Automobile allowance.

(15)  Automobile allowance.

(16)  Automobile allowance.

(17)  Automobile allowance.

(18)  Automobile allowance.

(19)  Through  October 1, 1995,  Mr.  Lacey was  entitled  to earn up to 500,000
      Incentive  Shares (on a  pre-Reverse  Stock Split  basis)  under the Lacey
      Employment  Agreement,  subject to certain  earnout  arrangements  tied to
      incremental  increases  in the trading  price of the Common  Stock.  As of
      October 2, 1995,  the  Incentive  Share program was canceled and Mr. Lacey
      received an option to acquire  75,000 shares of Common Stock (which option
      was fully vested on the date of grant) at an exercise price of $1.6875 per
      share. See the discussion of the Lacey Employment Agreement and the Second
      Amendment in "Executive  Officers - Compensation and Operations  Committee
      Report" and "Executive Officers - Executive Employment Agreements" above.

(20)  In Fiscal 1997, Mr. Lacey received  $76,922 of proceeds (net of the option
      exercise  prices)  from the sale of options to  acquire  78,750  shares of
      Common  Stock to the  Company  pursuant  to the  Stock  Option  Repurchase

(21)  In Fiscal 1997, Mr.  Christensen  received $83,766 of proceeds (net of the
      option exercise  prices) from the sale of options to acquire 50,625 shares
      of Common  Stock to the Company  pursuant to the Stock  Option  Repurchase

(22)  In Fiscal  1997,  Mr.  DiPaolo  received  $45,335 of proceeds  (net of the
      option exercise  prices) from the sale of options to acquire 40,000 shares
      of Common  Stock to the Company  pursuant to the Stock  Option  Repurchase

(23)  In Fiscal 1997,  Mr.  Olmstead  received  $81,527 of proceeds  (net of the
      option exercise  prices) from the sale of options to acquire 56,250 shares
      of Common  Stock to the Company  pursuant to the Stock  Option  Repurchase

(24)  In Fiscal 1997, Mr. Golden received $18,000 of proceeds (net of the option
      exercise  prices)  from the sale of options to  acquire  15,000  shares of
      Common  Stock to the  Company  pursuant  to the  Stock  Option  Repurchase


            STOCK OPTION  GRANTS.  The Company  granted no stock  options to the
Named Executive Officers during Fiscal 1997.

            OPTION   EXERCISES  AND  HOLDINGS.   The  following  table  provides
information with respect to the Named Executive Officers concerning the exercise
of stock options during Fiscal 1997 and unexercised stock options held as of the
end of Fiscal 1997 (after giving effect to sales of stock options to the Company
pursuant to the Stock Option Repurchase Program discussed below):

                                                                                                         Value of Unexercised
                                                             Number of Unexercised Options               In-the-money Options
                          Number of                                  at Year End                            at Year End (2)
                       Shares Acquired    Value Realized     -----------------------------       --------------------------------
      Name             On Exercise (1)    on Exercise (1)    Exercisable     Unexercisable       Exercisable        Unexercisable
      ----             ---------------    ---------------    -----------     -------------       -----------        -------------

Dennis J. Lacey              -0-                -0-             26,250             -0-            $47,578                 -0-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John E. Christensen (3)      -0-                -0-             16,875             -0-            $40,078                 -0-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anthony M. DiPaolo           -0-                -0-             10,000             -0-            $28,200                 -0-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John F. Olmstead             -0-                -0-             18,750             -0-            $35,156                 -0-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert A. Golden             -0-                -0-             13,750             -0-            $27,188                 -0-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aylin N. Cankardes           -0-                -0-              2,310             -0-             $6,321                 -0-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)   See "Stock Option  Repurchase  Program"  below and  "Executive  Officers -
      Summary  Compensation  Table" above for  information  concerning  sales of
      stock  options by Named  Executive  Officers to the Company  during Fiscal

(2)   The value of unexercised in-the-money options at the end of Fiscal 1997 is
      based  on the  closing  price  of the  Common  Stock  as  reported  on the
      NASDAQ/NMS at May 31, 1997 ($3.00 per share),  less the exercise price per
      share of the options.

(3)   In March 1997, Mr. Christensen resigned from his offices with the Company.

            LONG-TERM  INCENTIVE  PLANS.  The Company awarded no shares or other
compensation  under long-term  incentive  plans to the Named Executive  Officers
during Fiscal 1997. See "Summary  Compensation  Table" above for a discussion of
long-term  incentive  plan awards in years prior to Fiscal 1997. See also "Stock
Option  Repurchase  Program"  below for  information  concerning  sales of stock
options by Named Executive Officers to the Company during Fiscal 1997.


            PERFORMANCE GRAPH. The following graph is a comparison of cumulative
total return on investment  among the Company,  the NASDAQ  Composite Index (the
"NASDAQ Index") and a peer group index consisting of certain independent leasing
companies (the "Peer Group Index"):

                        [PERFORMANCE GRAPH APPEARS HERE)

                   1992      1993        1994      1995       1996         1997
   NASDAQ         $ 100      $ 120       $ 127     $ 151      $ 219        $ 247
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SELECT PEER       $ 100      $ 109       $ 150     $ 202      $ 273        $ 370
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CAI           $ 100      $ 200       $ 156     $ 128      $ 267        $ 311

* Assumes $100 Investment on January 1, 1992
* Select Peer Group is comprise of the following independent leasing companies:*

           Comdisco, Inc.
           Sunrise Leasing

* LDI Corp.  and Industrial  Funding  Group,  which were included in Fiscal 1996
Select Peer Group,  are not  included in the Fiscal 1997 Select Peer Group.  LDI
was acquired by NationsBank  during Fiscal 1997 and information is not available
for Industrial Funding Group.



            Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
(the "Exchange Act") requires the Company's  directors,  executive  officers and
persons who own more than ten  percent of a  registered  class of the  Company's
equity  securities  ("10%  Holders")  to file with the SEC  initial  reports  of
ownership  and reports of changes in  ownership of Common Stock and other equity
securities of the Company.  Directors,  officers and 10% Holders are required by
SEC  regulations  to furnish the Company with copies of all of the Section 16(a)
reports they file.

            To the Company's  knowledge,  during Fiscal 1997,  all Section 16(a)
filing  requirements  applicable to its  directors,  executive  officers and 10%
Holders were complied with, except that Philip J. Teigen,  failed to timely file
his Form 3 within ten days of his election as an officer of the Company.

                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

            On October 2, 1995,  the Company,  Mr. Jack  Durliat and Mr.  Jacobs
terminated the Stockholders' Agreement to which they were parties. During Fiscal
1997,  the Company paid premiums of $17,790 and $14,355 with respect to the life
insurance  policies  covering Messrs.  Durliat and Jacobs,  respectively  (which
policies the Company was required to maintain by the terms of the  Stockholders'
Agreement).  As a result of the termination of the Stockholders'  Agreement, the
Company  was  relieved  of all  of its  obligations  thereunder,  including  the
obligation to continue to maintain life insurance on Messrs. Durliat and Jacobs.
Pursuant to their rights under the Stockholders' Agreement,  Messrs. Durliat and
Jacobs  purchased  such  insurance  policies  from the Company for fifty percent
(50%) of their net cash surrender  values (i.e.,  $218,933 in Mr. Durliat's case
and $128,164 in Mr. Jacobs' case).

            On November 10, 1995,  MCC  acquired  voting  control of the Company
through a private stock purchase  transaction and the delivery to MCC of proxies
for  shares of Common  Stock  subject to  purchase  in the  future  pursuant  to
agreements (the "Stock Purchase  Agreements") executed by and among MCC, Messrs.
Durliat  and  Jacobs,  who,  at that  time,  were two of the  Company's  largest
stockholders.  Pursuant to these Stock Purchase Agreements,  MCC acquired 65,120
shares of Common Stock for a purchase price of $3.30 per share,  or an aggregate
amount of  $214,896.  In  addition,  MCC  acquired  (1) the right to purchase an
additional  1,245,000  shares of Common  Stock in the  future  for an  aggregate
purchase  price of  approximately  $4.5  million  and (2) proxies  from  Messrs.
Durliat and Jacobs to vote such shares, pending their purchase. On January 9 and
10, 1997,  pursuant to one of the Stock Purchase  Agreements,  MCC completed the
purchase  of 550,000  shares of Common  Stock for a purchase  price of $3.30 per
share, or an aggregate amount of $1,815,000.

            CAII purchases  substantially  all of its office  supplies from CEI.
Mr. Jacobs is an executive  officer of CEI. CAII does not  presently  have,  and
does  not  anticipate  that  it  will  enter  into  in  the  future,  a  written
purchase/supply contract with CEI. CAII paid CEI approximately $40,972 in Fiscal
1997 for office supplies.

            The Company believes that the transactions described above and under
the subheading  "Compensation  and Operations  Committee  Interlocks and Insider
Participation"  were on terms no less  favorable  to the Company than could have
been obtained in arm's length  transactions.  All  transactions or loans between
the  Company  and its  directors,  officers,  principal  stockholders  and their
affiliates   occurring  after  June  1,  1994  have  been,  and  similar  future
transactions  or loans will be, approved in advance by  disinterested  directors
and  have  been  or will  be on  terms  believed  by the  Company  to be no less
favorable  to the Company  than those  which  could be obtained in arm's  length


                             PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS

            The following table sets forth, as of the Record Date, the number of
shares and percentage of the outstanding Common Stock beneficially owned by each
person known by the Company to own more than 5% of the outstanding  Common Stock
("Major Stockholders"):

                                                Beneficial Ownership(4)
                                  Number of Shares                       Percent
                                  ----------------                       -------

James D. Walker (1)                   1,443,352                           28.62%
7175 West Jefferson Avenue
Suite 4000
Lakewood, Colorado 80235

William H. Buckland (1)               1,440,052                           28.57%
8180 Greensboro Drive
Suite 920
McLean, Virginia 22102

Gary M. Jacobs (2)                     372,162                             7.39%
2995 Baseline Road
Boulder, Colorado  80303

- -----------------
(1)   MCC is the  record  owner of  2,575,869  shares of Common  Stock.  Messrs.
      Walker and Buckland,  who are otherwise  unrelated to each other, each own
      50% of the issued and  outstanding  stock of MCC.  Mr.  Walker owns 26,667
      vested stock options. Mr. Buckland owns 23,367 vested stock options. These
      amounts do not include 10,000  unvested stock options owned by each of Mr.
      Walker and Mr. Buckland.  These amounts include 135,007 shares and 122,493
      shares of Common Stock for which MCC holds  proxies  from Mr.  Durliat and
      Mr. Jacobs, respectively. See "Certain Transactions" above.

(2)   Includes (a) 20,971  shares of Common Stock that Mr. Jacobs is entitled to
      acquire upon the exercise of vested stock  options,  (b) 3,000 shares held
      in the  name  of  Mr.  Jacobs'  minor  children  for  which  he  disclaims
      beneficial  ownership and (c) another  348,191 shares held of record.  See
      "Certain  Transactions"  above. This does not include 5,000 unvested stock
      options  owned by Mr.  Jacobs  and  122,493  shares  held of record by Mr.
      Jacobs that are subject to proxies granted to MCC and for which Mr. Jacobs
      disclaims beneficial ownership.

(3)   A person is deemed to be the  beneficial  owner of securities  that can be
      acquired by such person  within  sixty (60) days from the Record Date upon
      the exercise of options.  The record ownership of each beneficial owner is
      determined by assuming that stock options that are held by such person and
      that are exercisable within sixty (60) days from the Record Date have been
      exercised.  The total outstanding shares used to calculate each beneficial
      owner's percentage includes such stock options.


            The following table sets forth, as of the Record Date, the number of
shares and  percentage of the  outstanding  Common Stock  beneficially  owned by
directors  who  are not  Major  Stockholders,  the  executive  officers  and the
directors and executive officers as a group:

                                                   Management Ownership (9)
       Holder                           Number of Shares                Percent
- ------------------------                ----------------                --------

Richard H. Abernethy (1)                       2,310                       .05%

Aylin N. Cankardes (2)                         3,750                       .07%

John E. Christensen (3)                       57,876                      1.15%

Anthony M. DiPaolo (4)                        26,000                       .52%

James D. Edwards (5)                          95,250                      1.89%

Robert A. Golden (6)                          13,750                       .24%

Dennis J. Lacey (7)                          133,750                      2.65%

John F. Olmstead (8)                          47,250                       .94%

William B. Patton, Jr. (9)                   149,000                      2.89%

Robert A. Sharpe II (10)                       7,959                       .16%

Directors and Executive Officers             552,520                     10.90%
(other than Major Stockholders) as
a Group (10 persons)

- -------------------------- 

(1)   Includes  3,750 shares of Common Stock that Mr. Mr.  Abernethy is entitled
      to acquire upon the exercise of vested stock options.

(2)   Includes  2,310 shares of Common  Stock that Ms.  Cankardes is entitled to
      acquire upon the exercise of vested stock options.

(3)   Includes 16,875 shares of Common Stock that Mr. Christensen is entitled to
      acquire  upon the  exercise of vested stock  options.  In March 1997,  Mr.
      Christensen resigned from his offices with the Company.

(4)   Includes  10,000  shares of Common  Stock that Mr.  DiPaolo is entitled to
      acquire upon the exercise of vested stock options.

(5)   Includes  81,250  shares of Common  Stock that Mr.  Edwards is entitled to
      acquire upon the exercise of vested stock  options.  This does not include
      5,000 unvested stock options owned by Mr. Edwards.

(6)   Includes  18,750  shares of Common Stock that Mr.  Olmstead is entitled to
      acquire upon the exercise of vested stock options.

(7)   Includes  26,250  shares of Common  Stock that Mr.  Lacey is  entitled  to
      acquire upon the exercise of vested stock options.


(8)   Includes  144,000  shares of Common  Stock that Mr.  Patton is entitled to
      acquire upon the exercise of vested stock options.

(9)   Includes  13,750  shares of Common  Stock that Mr.  Golden is  entitled to
      acquire upon the exercise of vested stock options.

(10)  Includes  7,959  shares of Common  Stock that Mr.  Sharpe is  entitled  to
      acquire upon the exercise of vested stock  options.  This does not include
      5,000 unvested stock options owned by Mr. Sharpe.

(11)  A person is deemed to be the  beneficial  owner of securities  that can be
      acquired by such person  within  sixty (60) days from the Record Date upon
      the exercise of options.  The record ownership of each beneficial owner is
      determined  by assuming that options that are held by such person and that
      are  exercisable  within  sixty (60) days from the  Record  Date have been
      exercised.  The total outstanding shares used to calculate each beneficial
      owner's percentage includes such options.

                             SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN

By  unanimous  written  consent  dated as of  September  ____ , 1997,  the Board
adopted a Shareholder  Rights Plan,  subject to the ratification and adoption by
the Shareholders.  Accordingly,  the proposal for the Shareholders to ratify and
adopt the Shareholder Rights Plan is the second item to be considered for a vote
at this Annual Meeting of Shareholders.


            The   Shareholder   Rights  Plan  ("Rights  Plan")  is  intended  to
strengthen  the position of the Board of  Directors  if it becomes  necessary to
negotiate an  acquisition  of the Company.  The Rights Plan is also  designed to
discourage  offers  to  acquire  the  Company  or to obtain  substantial  equity
positions in the Company that,  in the judgment of the Board of  Directors,  are
coercive  or do not  reflect  the fair value of the  Company.  The  Rights  Plan
permits  the  Company's  stockholders  to  acquire  rights in the  shares of the
acquiring  company's stock at half value if the acquiring  company purchases all
of the Company's  $.008 par value common stock  ("Common  Stock") by merger or a
similar transaction.  To prevent partial  acquisitions,  the Rights Plan permits
the holders of rights to purchase  shares of the Company's  Common Stock at half
price if the acquiring  company  purchases more than twenty percent (20%) of the
Company's  Common  Stock  or  purchases  twenty  percent  (20%)  and  then has a
self-dealing transaction. The rights are redeemable for a nominal price and will
not interfere with an acquisition  approved by the Company's Board of Directors,
nor will the rights plan preclude a proxy fight for control of the Company.  The
effect of these  provisions  typically is to bring the acquiring  company to the
bargaining table with the Company's Board of Directors.

            The Rights Plan is designed  not to  interfere  with the  day-to-day
operations  of the  Company.  Prior to the  Rights  Plan being  activated  by an
acquisition of a large block of the Company's  Common Stock, the Rights Plan has
no effect on the Company's balance sheet or income statement and the Rights Plan
has no tax effect on the Company or its shareholders.  The Company can split its
Common  Stock,  issue  stock  dividends  and combine  its Common  Stock  without
interference  from the Rights Plan.  While the Rights Plan will require  special
care in such  transactions,  it will not hinder public offerings of Common Stock
or SEC clearance of pooling of interests transactions.


            Rights  plans,  such as this  proposed  Rights  Plan,  are now  well
established  in case law and statutory law.  Starting with the Delaware  Supreme
Court's 1985 decision in the HOUSEHOLD  case,  upholding one of the first rights
plans to be adopted,  the Delaware courts and courts in other jurisdictions have
widely recognized the legality and legitimate uses of a variety of rights plans.

            The HOUSEHOLD case and  subsequent  case law establish that adoption
of a rights  plan does not change the  fiduciary  standards  to be followed by a
board of directors in  responding  to a takeover bid. In the event of a specific
takeover  bid,  the rights  plan and its  operation  will have to be assessed in
light of the response that the board of directors  decides is appropriate  based
on the  advice  at that  time of the  Company's  financial  advisors  and  legal
counsel.  Much of the case law since  HOUSEHOLD  has focused on how a board uses
the rights  plan in the face of a takeover  bid,  particularly  on the  decision
whether to redeem the rights in response to a particular takeover bid.

            As can be seen  from  the  discussion  in this  statement  regarding
"Principal  Stockholders,"  MCC owns 2,575,869  shares of Common Stock and holds
proxies to vote an additional  257,500 shares of Common Stock, which constitutes
a control  of 57.19% of the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock.  While  these
circumstances  exist, the Company is not now and will not be subject to any kind
of  hostile  takeover,  and the  Board of  Directors  certainly  has  sufficient
strength to negotiate any offer. Nevertheless,  the Board of Directors is of the
belief  that the  Rights  Plan  should be  adopted  now,  when no such  issue is
pending,  so that in the event MCC's control  should be reduced below 50% of the
outstanding  Common Stock,  this  protective  mechanism will be in place for the
benefit of the Company and its shareholders.


            The Rights Plan calls for declaration of a dividend of one nonvoting
right  ("Right") for each share of issued and  outstanding  Common  Stock.  Each
Right  will  permit  the  holder to  purchase  1/100th of a share of a series of
Junior  Participating  Preferred Stock of the Company (the  "Preferred  Stock").
Each 1/100th of a share of Preferred  Stock is generally  the  equivalent of one
share of  Common  Stock.  The  purchase  price  for each  1/100th  of a share of
Preferred Stock (the "Purchase Price") of $ _______ is several times the current
price  of a share of the Company's Common Stock, subject to certain adjustments.


            Initially,  the  Rights are  neither  exercisable  nor  transferable
separate  from  the  related  Common  Stock  certificates.   The  Rights  become
exercisable and separately  transferable  on the earlier of two events:  (i) the
tenth business day after the  commencement  of a tender or exchange offer (other
than a tender or exchange offer for all the Company's  outstanding  stock that a
majority of the directors of the Company,  unrelated to the  acquiring  company,
concludes is fair to the Company's stockholders and in the best interests of the
Company and its stockholders (a "Qualifying  Offer")) that if consummated  would
result in any person  beneficially  owning  twenty  percent (20%) or more of the
Company's  outstanding  Common  Stock or (ii) the tenth  calendar  day after the
first public  disclosure that a person or group (subject to certain  exceptions)
has  acquired  beneficial  ownership  of  twenty  percent  (20%)  or more of the
Company's   outstanding   Common  Stock.   This  date  is  referred  to  as  the
"Distribution Date."

- ------------------------

      1     The price  represents  the expected  value of the  Company's  Common
            Stock at the end of the term of the Rights Plan, as estimated by the
            Board of Directors.


            If the  Distribution  Date  occurs  because of a tender or  exchange
offer as  described  in (i)  above,  a holder  of a Right  will be  entitled  to
purchase, for the Purchase Price, 1/100th of a share of Preferred Stock, subject
to certain  adjustments.  Because of the relatively  high Purchase Price for the
Preferred Stock, however,  holders of Rights would be unlikely to exercise their
purchase rights before a "flip-in" or "flip-over"  (described  below) occurs.  A
Distribution Date occurring due to an actual acquisition of twenty percent (20%)
or more of the  Company's  stock as  described in (ii) above would occur only in
conjunction with a flip-in.


            The so-called  "flip-in"  provision would be triggered if any person
or group (other than the  existing  stockholder's  of the  Company)  becomes the
beneficial  owner of  twenty  percent  (20%) or more of the  outstanding  Common
Stock.  In that event,  each holder of a Right is entitled to purchase,  for the
Purchase  Price,  a number of shares  of  Common  Stock  that at the time of the
flip-in  have a market  value of twice  the  Purchase  Price (2).  If there is a
flip-in,  Rights that are or were beneficially owned by the twenty percent (20%)
or more stockholder may not be exercised.


            If the Company's  Common Stock or assets are acquired in a merger or
other business  combination (other than a merger that follows a Qualifying Offer
and satisfies certain other  requirements)  after which the Company has a twenty
percent  (20%) or more  stockholder,  the Rights will  "flip-over,"  even if the
acquiring  company is unrelated to the twenty percent (20%) or more stockholder.
In that event,  each holder of a Right  would be entitled to  purchase,  for the
Purchase Price, a number of shares of common stock of the acquiring  corporation
(or its  parent  corporation  if the  acquiring  corporation  has no  registered
shares) that would have a market value at the time of the  transaction  of twice
the Purchase Price (3).


            The Rights Plan also provides a "window period" to give the Board of
Directors  flexibility in responding to proposed  acquisitions.  The Rights Plan
authorizes  the Board of  Directors  to redeem the  Rights  any time  before the
earlier of (i) the tenth calendar day after the first public  announcement  that
the Company has a twenty  percent (20%) or more  stockholder,  or (ii) ten years
after the rights plan takes effect (the "Expiration Date") (4). Even within this
period,  redemption requires approval by a majority of the Continuing  Directors
(5) if the Company has a  twenty percent (20%)or more stockholder (excluding its

- ----------------------

      2     Assuming a Purchase  Price of $100 and a market  price of the Common
            Stock  of $50 per  share at the time of the  "flip-in,"  each  Right
            would  entitle  its holder to  purchase,  for $100,  four  shares of
            Common Stock (having a market value of $200).

      3     The  acquiring  entity  would also be required  to  register  shares
            issuable  upon  exercise of a Right.  It is therefore  likely that a
            market would exist for those shares.

      4     Redemption of the Rights would require  payment to Rights holders of
            a redemption price of $.01 per Right (the "Redemption Price").

      5     The term "Continuing  Directors" is defined as directors who (i) are
            not a 20% or  more  stockholder  or  affiliated  with a 20% or  more
            stockholder  and (ii) were directors prior to the time a 20% or more
            stockholder became such or were elected or recommended by a majority
            of the then Continuing Directors.


existing twenty percent (20%) or more stockholders or if a majority of the Board
of Directors is changed  after a person in a proxy fight states (or the Board of
Directors  believes)  that he intends to become a twenty  percent  (20%) or more
stockholder  or  otherwise  cause a flip-in  or  flip-over  event.  The Board of
Director's redemption power is important because it gives the Board of Directors
flexibility to authorize a negotiated business combination with a twenty percent
(20%) or more  stockholder or third party.  The Rights cannot be exercised while
they are still redeemable.

            The  Board of  Directors  may also  amend  the  Rights  Plan in some
circumstances.  No  amendment of the Rights Plan may alter  certain  fundamental
provisions of the Rights (e.g., the Redemption Price, Purchase Price, Expiration
Date and the number of Shares of Preferred  Stock  purchasable  upon exercise of
the Rights).  The Board of Directors may amend any other part of the Rights Plan
before the Distribution  Date (after which date the Rights become  exercisable).
For  example,  the Rights Plan  permits the Board of Directors to amend the plan
before the Distribution  Date to postpone the Distribution Date (and thus extend
the time  permitted for amendment) or any  redemption  period.  This would allow
additional  time  to  evaluate   available  options  before  the  Rights  become
non-redeemable. After the Distribution Date, the power to amend is more limited,
and may be used only for clerical matters,  to extend periods,  or to make other
changes that do not harm  holders of the Rights.  The  redemption  period can be
extended only if the Rights are  redeemable at the time of the extension  (i.e.,
for the 10 calendar  days after the twenty  percent  (20%)  threshold is crossed
unless the redemption period  previously has been extended).  Any amendment made
after the Company has a twenty percent (20%) stockholder  requires approval by a
majority of the Continuing Directors.


            The Rights  Plan  provided  that , MCC and any  person  (individual,
corporation,  limited liability company,  partnership and the like) who purchase
the  Company's  Common  Stock  from  MCC,  are not  included  in the  definition
"Acquiring Person" and thus the Rights Plan will not apply to any of them.

            Issuance of the Rights will not dilute  earnings  per share,  nor is
the  distribution  taxable  to the  Company or its  stockholders.  If the Rights
become  exercisable  or if the flip-in or flip-over  provisions  are  triggered,
stockholders  may recognize  ordinary income equal to the value of the Rights at
that time. If the Rights are redeemed,  stockholders  will have ordinary  income
equal to the redemption price, $.01 per share.

            Various  studies have indicated that  shareholder  rights plans have
not stopped legitimate offers that were fair to stockholders. These studies also
indicate that companies having  shareholder rights plans appear to have received
higher  premiums  over their stock  prices as of a  specified  time prior to the
takeover than have companies not having shareholder rights plans.  Institutional
investors,  however,  typically have resisted shareholder rights plans, and have
occasionally asked directors to rescind them.

            Nevertheless,  it is important to remember that the proposed  Rights
Plan will not prevent hostile takeovers, it is simply intended to give the Board
of Directors of the Company  control over the process so that it may fulfill its
fiduciary  duty in  obtaining  the best  price  possible  for  stockholders,  or
retaining  the  Company's  independence  if  that  is  considered  to be in  the
stockholders' best interest.


            In an effort to share the  decision as to whether or not the Company
should adopt the  Shareholder  Rights  Plan,  MCC will vote the shares of Common
Stock  it  controls  on a pro  rata  basis,  based  on the  vote  of  the  other
shareholders "for," "against" and "abstain."


            The Board has  appointed  KPMG Peat  Marwick LLP,  certified  public
accountants,  as auditors to examine the financial statements of the Company for
Fiscal  1998  and  to  perform  other  appropriate  accounting  services  and is
requesting  ratification  of such  appointment  by the  stockholders.  KPMG Peat
Marwick LLP has served as the Company's auditors since May 3, 1993.

            In the event that the  stockholders do not ratify the appointment of
KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, the adverse vote will be considered as a direction to the
Board to select other auditors for the next fiscal year. However, because of the
difficulty  and  expense  of  making  any  substitution  of  auditors  after the
beginning of the current fiscal year, it is  contemplated  that the  appointment
for Fiscal 1998 will be permitted to stand unless the Board finds other  reasons
for making a change.

            It is understood that even if the selection of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
is ratified,  the Board, in its discretion,  may direct the appointment of a new
independent  accounting firm at any time during the year if the Board feels that
such  a  change  would  be  in  the  best  interests  of  the  Company  and  its

            A representative  of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP is expected to attend the
Annual Meeting and will have an opportunity to make a statement if he desires to
do so and to respond to appropriate questions.

                         STOCK OPTION REPURCHASE PROGRAM

            Effective as of May 31, 1996,  the Company  adopted and  implemented
its Stock Option Repurchase  Program,  pursuant to which it repurchased  401,367
stock options  granted under its employee stock option plan from 33 employees at
a price of $2.45 per option  share less the  exercise  price of the  repurchased
stock options (a total  repurchase  price,  net of option exercise  amounts,  of

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

            Stockholders  may  submit  proposals  on  matters   appropriate  for
stockholder action at the Company's annual meetings  consistent with regulations
adopted by the SEC. For such  proposals to be  considered  for  inclusion in the
proxy statement and form of proxy relating to the 1998 annual meeting, they must
be received by the Company not later than May 29, 1998. Such proposals should be
addressed to the Company at 7175 West Jefferson  Avenue,  Suite 4000,  Lakewood,
Colorado 80235, Attn: Corporate Secretary.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

            Management does not intend to present,  and has no information as of
the date of  preparation of this Proxy  Statement that others will present,  any
business  at the  Annual  Meeting  other  than  business  pertaining  to matters
required to be set forth in the Notice of Annual  Meeting  and Proxy  Statement.
However,  if other  matters requiring the vote of the stockholders properly come
before the Annual  Meeting,  it is the  intention  of the  persons  named in the
enclosed  proxy to vote the proxies held by them in  accordance  with their best
judgment on such matters.


                                  FORM OF PROXY

                            CAPITAL ASSOCIATES, INC.
                           7175 WEST JEFFERSON AVENUE
                            LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80235


                                OCTOBER 24, 1997

    The undersigned hereby appoints each of James D. Walker and Philip J. Teigen
as  proxy  and   attorney-in-fact   for  the  undersigned  with  full  power  of
substitution  to vote on behalf of the  undersigned at the Company's 1997 Annual
Meeting  of   Stockholders   to  be  held  on  October  24,  1997,  and  at  any
adjournment(s) or postponement(s)  thereof, all shares of the Common Stock $.008
par value,  of the Company  standing in the name of the undersigned or which the
undersigned may be entitled to vote as follows:

BE VOTED "FOR" ITEMS 1, 2 AND 3. In their discretion, the proxies are authorized
to vote upon such other  business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting
or any  adjournments  or  postponements  thereof,  hereby  revoking any proxy or
proxies heretofore given by the undersigned.


1.  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS.....FOR all nominees____      WITHHOLD AUTHORITY______
             (except as indicated to the contrary)      to vote for all nominees

Nominees:   William   H.  Buckland,    James  D.  Edwards,    Gary   M.  Jacobs,
            Dennis J. Lacey, Robert A. Sharpe, II and James D. Walker

To  withhold  authority  to  vote  for  any  individual   nominee,   write  that
individual's name in the space provided below.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.  Ratification and Approval of the Capital Associates, Inc. Shareholder Rights

       FOR____                 AGAINST____                         ABSTAIN____
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.  Ratification  of KPMG Peat  Marwick LLP as auditors  for the Company for the
    1997 fiscal year:

       FOR____                 AGAINST____                         ABSTAIN____

                               Please sign exactly as name appears at left:




                                        Signature (if held jointly)

                               When  shares  are  held  by joint  tenants,  both
                               should sign.  When signing as attorney, executor,
                               administrator,  trustee  or guardian, please give
                               full  title  as  such.  If  a corporation, please
                               sign in the corporate name by  president or other
                               authorized  officer.  If  a  partnership,  please
                               sign in partnership name by authorized person.