
         This Fourth  Amendment  to Loan and  Security  Agreement  ("Amendment")
entered into as of December 22, 1998, by and among CAPITAL ASSOCIATES,  INC. and
CAPITAL  ASSOCIATES  INTERNATIONAL,  INC.  (each a "Borrower"  and  collectively
N.A., a national banking corporation,  in its capacity as agent ("Agent") and as
lender and Issuing Bank and each of the lenders  listed on the  signature  pages
hereof,  in  their  capacity  as  lenders  (singly,   each  is  a  "Lender"  and
collectively, all are "Lenders").


         A. On or about November 26, 1997, Borrowers,  Agent and Lenders entered
into a certain Loan and  Security  Agreement,  as amended by that certain  First
Amendment to Loan and Security Agreement dated as of April 7, 1998, that certain
Second  Amendment  to Loan and Security  Agreement  dated as of May 29, 1998 and
that certain Third Amendment to Loan and Security Agreement dated as of November
25, 1998 (collectively, the "Loan Agreement"),  pursuant to which Lenders agreed
to make advances to Borrowers up to a maximum  aggregate  amount of $60,000,000,
evidenced by Borrowers' delivery of certain Notes to Lenders.

         B. The  Borrowers  have  requested  that the  Maximum  Credit  Limit be
increased and to otherwise amend the Loan Documents.  Agent, Lenders and Issuing
Bank have  consented to the foregoing  subject to the terms and  conditions  set
forth below.

         C. All  capitalized  terms not otherwise  defined herein shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in the Loan Agreement.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,   with  the  foregoing   background   incorporated  by
reference,  the parties hereto,  intending to be legally bound,  hereby agree as

         1.  EXTENSION  OF THE  CURRENT  TERM:  The  Current  Term of the Credit
Facility is hereby extended from December 24, 1998 through November 26, 2000. In
addition,  Section 2.1(e) of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended by deleting
the second sentence thereof and replacing it with the following:

             The Credit Facility may nonetheless, be renewed  annually
          commencing on November 26, 1999, in Lenders' sole discretion
          (without any  obligation to do so), for  additional one year
          periods  such that the  Current  Term shall be extended to a
          date  two  years  from the  date of such  renewal,  provided
          Borrowers  request such renewal at least sixty days prior to
          November 26 of each calendar year.


             a.    The  Loan  Agreement  is  hereby  amended  by  deleting   the
definition of "Applicable Coverage  Ratio" in its entirety and replacing it with
the following:

                   APPLICABLE  COVERAGE  RATIO - With respect to the  Collateral
             Coverage Ratio, at all times, 1.75:1.

             b.    The  Loan  Agreement  is  hereby  amended   by  deleting  the
definition of "Credit  Policy  Manual" in its entirety and replacing it with the

                   CREDIT  POLICY  MANUAL - The Lease Underwriting Standards
             of Parent, dated as of December, 1998.

             c.    The  Loan  Agreement  is  hereby  amended  by   deleting  the
definition of "Eligible  Warehouse Leases" in its entirety and replacing it with
the following:

                  ELIGIBLE WAREHOUSE LEASES - Those  Leases which have
             been  designated   by  Borrower  for  inclusion   in  the
             Warehouse Borrowing Base and which are otherwise Eligible
             Leases and which may include Progress Payments which meet
             all of the  specifications  of an Eligible  Lease  except
             that the Lease has not yet commenced,  provided that such
             Progress  Payments may only be included in the  Warehouse
             Borrowing  Base for a period not to exceed 180 days,  and
             provided  that  Leases  (i)  with  a  Lessee  who  has  a
             designated  Credit Rating of either 1 or 2, and (ii) with
             a stated term of greater than 84 months but less than 120
             months,  but which  otherwise would  constitute  Eligible
             Warehouse  Leases,  may be included in the Borrowing Base
             so long as the  aggregate  payments  due  under  all such
             Leases  do  not  exceed  the  lesser  of  (A)  10% of the
             aggregate  payments  due  under  all  Eligible  Warehouse
             Leases, or (B) $5,000,000.

             d.    The  Loan  Agreement  is  hereby  amended  by  deleting   the
definition  of  "Issuing  Bank"  in its  entirety  and  replacing  it  with  the

                   ISSUING BANK  -  First Union  National Bank, or its
             successors and assigns.

             e.    The  Loan  Agreement  is   hereby  amended  by  deleting  the
definition  of "Maximum  Credit Limit" in its entirety and replacing it with the

                   MAXIMUM  CREDIT  LIMIT - The  sum of the  Pro  Rata
             Shares,  which at the time of Closing  equals Seventy One
             Million   Two   Hundred   and  Fifty   Thousand   Dollars

             f.    The  Loan  Agreement is  hereby  amended by adding Name Brand
Computer Outlet, Inc. to the definition of "Sureties."


             g.    The  Loan  Agreement  is  hereby  amended   by  deleting  the
definition  of "Tangible  Net Worth" in its  entirety and  replacing it with the

                   TANGIBLE  NET  WORTH  -  At  any  time  means, with
             respect to Borrowers on a consolidated  basis, the amount
             of stockholders equity (excluding  trademarks,  goodwill,
             covenants  not to  compete,  deferred  closing  costs  in
             conjunction  with this Agreement and all other intangible
             assets as that term is defined under GAAP).

             h.    The  Loan  Agreement  is  hereby  amended   by  deleting  the
definition  of  "Warehouse  Sublimit" in its entirety and  replacing it with the

                   WAREHOUSE SUBLIMIT - an amount equal to $61,250,000.

             i.    The  Loan   Agreement  is  hereby  amended  by  deleting  the
definition of "Working  Capital  Sublimit" in its entirety and replacing it with
the following:

                   WORKING CAPITAL SUBLIMIT - an amount equal to $6,900,000.

             j.    The third  sentence of Section 2.1(a)(i) is hereby amended by
deleting it in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

                   In addition, the  aggregate  outstanding balance of
             all Working Capital Loans plus the outstanding balance of
             the  Term  Loan  shall  not  exceed  $10,000,000  and the
             Collateral  Coverage Ratio shall at all times be at least
             equal to the Applicable Coverage Ratio.

             k.    Section  5.18(d) is  hereby  amended  by  deleting  it in its
entirety and replacing it with the following:

                   (d)     (i) Except  as  otherwise  consented  to by
             Agent  and all  Lenders  in  writing,  no more  than  the
             following  aggregate  availability  under both  Borrowing
             Bases shall be  attributable  to Leases  and/or  Progress
             Payments   with  same  Lessee   based  on  the   Lessee's
             Designated Credit Rating:

             Designated       Aggregate Borrowing
             Credit Rating    Base Lessee Concentration
             -------------    -------------------------

              1               17,500,000


              2               12,500,000     (except     that    such
                                             concentration limitation
                                             shall be $15,000,000 for
                                             Leases   where   General
                                             Motors,   Inc.  is   the
              3a               7,500,000     (provided    that    the
                                             Lessee     concentration
                                             shall     not     exceed
                                             $5,000,000   for  Leases
                                             where the  Borrowers  do
                                             not    have    a    firm
                                             commitment for the  sale
                                             of  such   Leases  to  a
                                             third party)
              3b               5,000,000     (provided    that    the
                                             Lessee     concentration
                                             shall     not     exceed 
                                             $3,000,000   for  Leases
                                             where the  Borrowers  do
                                             not    have    a    firm
                                             commitment for the  sale
                                             of  such   Leases  to  a
                                             third party)
              3c               3,000,000     (provided    that    the
                                             Lessee     concentration
                                             shall     not     exceed
                                             $1,000,000   for  Leases
                                             where the  Borrowers  do
                                             not   have    a     firm
                                             commitment for the  sale
                                             of  such   Leases  to  a
                                             third party)

             In addition,  no more than  $1,000,000  of the  aggregate
             availability   under  both   Borrowing   Bases  shall  be
             attributable to all Leases and/or Progress Payments where
             the Lessees have a Designated Credit Rating of 4;

                           (ii)A. Except as otherwise  consented to by
             Agent  and  all   Lenders  in  writing,   the   aggregate
             availability  under both Borrowing Bases  attributable to
             the designated  equipment types described below shall not
             exceed  the   corresponding   concentration   limitation,
             determined   as  a   percentage   of  the  total   amount
             outstanding under the Credit Facility:


             Equipment Type                Concentration Limitation
             --------------                ------------------------

             Lift Trucks                                   40%
             Machine Tools, manufacturing
             and printing                                  40%
             Furnitures, fixtures and
             equipment                                     25%
             Semiconductors                                25%
             Other equipment types
             (not otherwise described above
             but limited to no more than 10
             additional categories)                        15%

                               B. Except as otherwise  consented to by
             Agent  and all  Lenders  in  writing,  (x) the  aggregate
             availability   under   the   Warehouse   Borrowing   Base
             attributable to personal  computers and office automation
             equipment  shall  not  exceed  40%  of the  total  amount
             outstanding  of all Revolving  Credit Loans,  and (y) the
             aggregate   availability   under  the   Working   Capital
             Borrowing  Base  attributable  to personal  computers and
             office automation equipment shall not exceed 33.3% of the
             total amount outstanding of all Working Capital Loans.

                           (iii)  Except as otherwise  consented to by
             Agent and SuperMajority  Lenders in writing, no more than
             $7,500,000  of  the  aggregate  availability  under  both
             Borrowing   Bases  shall  be   attributable  to  Progress
             Payments,  provided that no more than  $5,000,000 of such
             availability  shall be  attributed  to Progress  Payments
             relating to the same Lessee, and provided further that no
             more   than   $3,000,000   in  the   aggregate   of  such
             availability  shall be attributable to Progress  Payments
             relating to Lessees with a Designated Credit Rating of 3a
             and  that no more  than  $0.00 in the  aggregate  of such
             availability  shall be attributable to Progress  Payments
             relating to Lessees with a Designated Credit Rating lower
             than 3a.

             l.    Section  6.9(a)  is  hereby  amended  by  deleting  it in its
entirety and replacing it with the following:

                   (a)     TANGIBLE NET WORTH:  Borrowers  shall  have
             and  maintain  a  Tangible  Net  Worth on a  consolidated
             basis,  measured  quarterly  as of the  last  day of each
             fiscal  quarter,  of not less  than the  amount  equal to
             $23,000,000   minus  the   amount  of   Permitted   Stock


             Repurchases  (as defined in Section 7.6 of the Agreement,
             as modified by Section  2(p) of the Fourth  Amendment  to
             Loan and Security Agreement); provided that such Tangible
             Net Worth covenant  shall increase  annually by an amount
             equal to 75% of Borrowers' Net Income for the immediately
             preceding   fiscal  year,   beginning  with  fiscal  year
             commencing on June 1, 1998.

             m.    Section  6.9(b)  is  hereby  amended  by  deleting  it in its
entirety and replacing it with the following:

                   (b)     NET INCOME/LOSS: Borrowers shall not suffer
             an operating  loss and/or incur  negative net income on a
             consolidated  basis in excess of $250,000  during any two
             consecutive fiscal quarters.

             n.    Section  6.9(c)  is  hereby  amended  by  deleting  it in its
entirety and replacing it with the following:

                   (c)     LIABILITIES  TO  TANGIBLE NET WORTH  RATIO:
             Borrowers  shall  have  and  maintain  a  Liabilities  to
             Tangible  Net  Worth  Ratio  on  a  consolidated   basis,
             measured  quarterly  as of the  last  day of each  fiscal
             quarter, of not greater than 4.0:1.

             o.    Section  6.10(a)(iii) is hereby amended by deleting it in its
entirety and replacing it with the following:

                           (iii) within  thirty-five  (35) days of the
             end of each calendar month,  Borrowers' Lease receivables
             aging  report and  inventory  aging  report,  the Working
             Capital   Borrowing  Base   Certificate   and  Collateral
             Coverage  Ratio  calculations  and such other  reports as
             Agent reasonably deems necessary, certified by Borrowers'
             chief financial officer or chief  administrative  officer
             as true and correct;

             p.    Section  7.6(a) is hereby  amended  by  deleting  it  in  its
entirety and replacing it with the following:

                   (a)     Parent shall not declare or pay or make any
             forms  of   Distribution  to  its   shareholders,   their
             successors or assigns,  other than so long as no Event of
             Default or Unmatured  Event of Default has occurred,  the
             repurchase of shares of stock of Capital Associates, Inc.
             in  an   aggregate   amount  not  to  exceed   $1,150,000
             ("Permitted Stock Repurchases").


         3.  NOTES:  Contemporaneously with the execution hereof,  each Borrower
shall execute and deliver to Agent to be distributed to each respective Lender a
new Amended and Restated  Revolving  Credit Note,  Amended and Restated  Working
Capital  Note and  Second  Amended  and  Restated  Term  Loan  Note to  evidence
Borrowers' joint and several  obligation to repay to each Lender,  such Lenders'
Pro Rata Share of the Maximum Credit Limit.

         4.  AMENDED  SCHEDULE A: The Schedule A to the Loan Agreement is hereby
deleted in its  entirety  and the First  Amended  Schedule  A  attached  to this
Amendment and made a part hereof, is substituted therefor.

         5.  BORROWER'S RATIFICATION:  Borrowers agree that they have no defense
or set-offs against the Agent or Lenders, their respective officers,  directors,
employees,  agents or attorneys with respect to the Revolving  Credit Notes, the
Working  Capital  Notes,  the Term Loan  Notes,  the Loan  Agreement  or related
instruments, agreements or documents, all of which, except as expressly modified
herein,  remain in full force and effect.  Borrowers  hereby  ratify and confirm
their  Obligations  under the Revolving Credit Notes, the Working Capital Notes,
the Term Loan Notes, the Loan Agreement and related instruments,  agreements and
documents (each as amended hereby or in accordance  herewith) and agree that the
execution  and  delivery  of this  Amendment  does  not in any way  diminish  or
invalidate any of their Obligations thereunder.

         6.  REAFFIRMATION  OF SURETIES:  Each  Surety,  parties to that certain
Amended and Restated  Surety  Agreement of even date  herewith in favor of Agent
for the  benefit  of the  Lenders,  by  execution  hereof in their  capacity  as
Sureties,  hereby  consent to the amendments  set forth in this  Amendment,  and
acknowledge  that the Amended and Restated Surety Agreement is in full force and
effect and that each remains,  jointly and severally  liable for  Obligations of
Borrowers to Agent and Lenders under the Loan Documents, as amended hereby.


             a.    Borrowers represent  and  warrant  that as of the date hereof
no  Event of  Default or  Unmatured Event of Default has occurred or is existing
under the Loan Documents.

             b.    The execution and delivery by each Borrower of this Amendment
and performance by it of the transactions  herein  contemplated (i) are and will
be within its  powers,  (ii) have been  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate
action,  and (iii) are not and will not be in  contravention of any order of any
court or other agency of government, of law or any other indenture, agreement or
undertaking  to which such  Borrower is a party or by which the Property of such
Borrower is bound,  or be in conflict with,  result in a breach of or constitute
(with  due  notice  and/or  lapse of time) a default  under any such  indenture,
agreement or  undertaking  or result in the  imposition  of any lien,  charge or
encumbrance of any nature on any of the properties of such Borrower.


             c.    This  Amendment and  each  other  agreement,   instrument  or
document  executed  and/or  delivered in  connection  herewith,  shall be valid,
binding and enforceable in accordance with its respective terms.

         8.  CONDITIONS  TO  EFFECTIVENESS:  This  Amendment and the increase in
the Maximum  Credit Limit shall be effective  upon  satisfaction  of each of the
following conditions (all documents to be in form and substance  satisfactory to
Agent and Agent's counsel):

                   a.     delivery of a fully executed Amendment;

                   b.     delivery of duly executed  Notes in favor of
             each   of   the   Lenders   in   the   principal  amounts
             corresponding  to the respective  Pro  Rata   Percentages
             of  the  Warehouse  Facility  Sublimit,  Working  Capital
             Sublimit and Term Loan;

                   c.     Corporate    resolutions    from    Borrower
             authorizing  the increase  in  the  Maximum  Credit Limit
             and  the execution  and compliance with the terms of this

                   d.     Corporate      resolutions,       incumbency
             certificate,  articles  of incorporation and by-laws from
             Name   Brand  Computer   Outlet,  Inc.  authorizing   the
             execution  of the Amended and Restated Surety  Agreement,
             along  with a Good Standing Certificate from its state of
             incorporation  and the location of its principal place of

                   e.     delivery  of  a  fully  executed Amended and
             Restated Surety Agreement;

                   f.     delivery  of  a  fully   executed Collateral
             Pledge    Agreement    and   Assignment    Separate  from
             Certificate   with  respect  to  100%  of the issued and
             outstanding  shares  of  stock  of  Name  Brand  Computer
             Outlet, Inc. and  the original share certificates;

                   g.     An    updated  opinion  of   Borrowers'  and
             Sureties'  counsel  with  respect to the effectiveness of
             the  terms  of  this Amendment, the Note, the Amended and
             Restated  Surety  Agreement  and  the  other instruments,
             agreements  and  documents  executed  and/or delivered in
             connection herewith;

                   h.     Such   other   agreements,   documents   and 
             instruments as Agent may reasonably request.


         9.  DISSOLUTION OF CERTAIN SURETIES:  Borrowers have informed Agent and
Lenders of the  intention  to  effectuate a  dissolution  of two  Sureties,  CAI
Equipment Leasing II Corp. and CAI Partners Management Company, and by execution
hereof the parties consent to such dissolution.

         10. MISCELLANEOUS:

             a.    This  Amendment  shall be governed by, construed and enforced
in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

             b.    Except as  expressly   provided   herein,   all   terms   and
conditions of the Loan  Documents  remain in full force and effect,  unless such
terms or conditions are no longer  applicable by their terms.  To the extent the
provisions of this Amendment are expressly  inconsistent  with the provisions of
the Loan Documents, the provisions of this Amendment shall control.

             c.    This    Amendment   may   be   executed  in   any  number  of
counterparts,  each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original,
and such  counterparts  together shall  constitute  one and the same  respective

             d.    Signatures by facsimiles shall bind the parties hereto.

             [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank]


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be
executed and delivered as of the day and year first above written.


                                    CAPITAL ASSOCIATES, INC.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President

                                    CAPITAL ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President


                                    FIRST  UNION  NATIONAL  BANK,  Successor  by
                                    Merger to CoreStates Bank, N.A.

                                    By:  /s/Joseph A. Romano
                                             Title:  Commercial Officer


                                    FIRST  UNION  NATIONAL  BANK,  Successor  by
                                    Merger to CoreStates  Bank, N.A.,  as Lender
                                    and Issuing Bank

                                    By:  /s/Joseph A. Romano
                                             Title:  Commercial Officer

                                    NORWEST BANK COLORADO, N.A.

                                    By:  /s/Carol A. Ward
                                             Title: Vice President


                                    BANKBOSTON, N.A.

                                    By:  /s/Deirdre M. Holland
                                     Title: Vice President

                                    EUROPEAN AMERICAN BANK

                                    By:  /s/Christopher M. Czaja

                                    U.S.  BANK   NATIONAL   ASSOCIATION,   f/k/a
                                    Colorado National Bank

                                    By:  /s/Ralph P. Atkinson
                                             Title: Vice President


                                    CAI EQUIPMENT LEASING II CORP.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President

                                    CAI EQUIPMENT LEASING III CORP.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President

                                    CAI EQUIPMENT LEASING IV CORP.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President

                                    CAI EQUIPMENT LEASING V CORP.

                                     By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President

                                    CAI PARTNERS MANAGEMENT COMPANY

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President


                                    CAPITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President

                                    CAI EQUIPMENT LEASING VI CORP.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President

                                    CAI LEASE SECURITIZATION I CORP.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title: President

                                    CAI LEASING CANADA, LTD.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title: President

                                    CAPITAL  ASSOCIATES  INTERNATIONAL DE MEXICO
                                    S. DE R.L. DE C.V.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President

                                    WHITEWOOD   EQUIPMENT   CORPORATION,   f/k/a
                                    Whitewood Credit Corporation

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title: President


                                    CAI SECURITIES CORPORATION

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President

                                    CAPITAL  ASSOCIATES TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President

                                    NAME BRAND COMPUTER OUTLET, INC.

                                    By:  /s/Anthony M. DiPaolo
                                             Title:  Senior Vice President
