dated  as  of   December 31, 2001, is entered into by  and  among
AIRGAS,  INC.,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("Airgas"  and  also  a
"Borrower"), AIRGAS CANADA INC., a Canada corporation, and RED-D-
ARC  LIMITED, an Ontario corporation, (each a "Canadian Borrower"
and  together  with  Airgas,  the  "Borrowers"),  the  Guarantors
signatory hereto, the Lenders signatory hereto, BANK OF  AMERICA,
N. A., as administrative agent for the Lenders (in such capacity,
Canadian  administrative agent for the Lenders (in such capacity,
the "Canadian Agent"), FLEET NATIONAL BANK, as Syndication Agent,
and THE BANK OF NEW YORK, as Documentation Agent.


      A.    The  Borrowers, the Guarantors, the Lenders  and  the
Agents  are  party  to  that certain Tenth Amended  and  Restated
Credit  Agreement dated as of July 30, 2001 (the "Existing Credit

      B.    The  Credit Parties have requested that the  Required
Lenders amend the Existing Credit Agreement as provided herein.

     C.   The Required Lenders have agreed to amend the Existing
Credit Agreement on the terms and conditions hereinafter set

      NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements  herein
contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

                              PART I

      SUBPART 1.1  Certain Definitions.  Unless otherwise defined
herein  or  the  context otherwise requires, the following  terms
used in this Amendment, including its preamble and recitals, have
the following meanings:

           "Amended  Credit  Agreement" means  the  Existing
     Credit Agreement as amended hereby.

           "Amendment  No. 1 Effective Date" is  defined  in
     Subpart 3.1.

      SUBPART  1.2  Other Definitions.  Unless otherwise  defined
herein  or  the context otherwise requires, terms  used  in  this
Amendment, including its preamble and recitals, have the meanings
provided in the Existing Credit Agreement.


                             PART II

      Effective  on  (and  subject  to  the  occurrence  of)  the
Amendment No. 1 Effective Date, the Existing Credit Agreement  is
hereby amended in accordance with this Part II.

      SUBPART 2.1 Amendments to Section 1.1.  Section 1.1 of  the
Existing  Credit  Agreement is hereby amended  in  the  following

          (a)  The following definitions appearing in Section 1.1
     of the Existing Credit Agreement are amended and restated in
     their entireties to read as follows:

            "Applicable  Percentage"  means,  for   purposes   of
     calculating the applicable interest rate for any day for any
     U.S.  Base  Rate Loan, any Eurodollar Loan or  any  Canadian
     Base  Rate  Loan, the applicable rate of the Acceptance  Fee
     for  any  day for purposes of Section 3.4(a), the applicable
     rate of the Unused Revolving U.S. Commitment Fee for any day
     for  purposes of Section 4.5(a)(i), the applicable  rate  of
     the Unused Revolving Canadian Commitment Fee for any day for
     purposes of Section 4.5(a)(ii), the applicable rate  of  the
     Standby  U.S. Letter of Credit Fee for any day for  purposes
     of  Section 4.5(b)(i), the applicable rate of the Trade U.S.
     Letter  of  Credit Fee for any day for purposes  of  Section
     4.5(b)(ii),  the  applicable rate of  the  Standby  Canadian
     Letter  of  Credit Fee for any day for purposes  of  Section
     4.5(c)(i), the applicable rate of the Trade Canadian  Letter
     of  Credit  Fee  for  any day for the  purposes  of  Section
     4.5(c)(ii),    the   appropriate   applicable    percentage,
     corresponding to the higher of the long term credit  ratings
     of Airgas by S&P and Moody's in effect as of such date:

                                     Applicable Percentages
                  U.S. Loans
                  and U.S.
                  Term Loans
                 -------------                                                                          For         For
                                                        For                     For         For         Unused      Unused
         Long                   For                     Standby     For Trade   Standby     Trade       Revolving   Revolving
         term    Euro-   Base   Canadian   For          U.S.        U.S.        Canadian    Canadian    U.S.        Canadian
Pricing  credit  dollar  rate   Base Rate  Banker's     Letter of   Letter of   Letter of   Letter of   Commitment  Commitment
Level    rating  Loans   Loans  Loans      Acceptances  Credit Fee  Credit Fee  Credit Fee  Credit Fee  Fee         Fee
- -------  ------  ------  -----  ---------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
  I      BBB+/
         higher  1.00%   0.00%  0.00%      1.00%        1.00%       0.50%       1.00%       0.500%      0.200%      0.200%

  II     BBB/
         Baa2    1.50%   0.50%  0.50%      1.50%        1.50%       0.75%       1.50%       0.750%      0.275%      0.275%

  III    BBB-/
         Baa3    1.75%   0.75%  0.75%      1.75%        1.75%       0.875%      1.75%       0.875%      0.350%      0.350%

  IV     BB+/
         Ba1     2.00%   1.00%  1.00%      2.00%        2.00%       1.000%      2.00%       1.000%      0.400%      0.400%

  V      BB/
         Ba2     2.50%   1.50%  1.50%      2.50%        2.50%       1.250%      2.50%       1.250%      0.500%      0.500%

  VI     BB-/
         Ba3 or
         lower   3.00%   2.00%  2.00%      3.00%        3.00%       1.500%      3.00%       1.500%      0.500%      0.500%


     In  the event that the long term credit ratings of Airgas by
     S&P  and Moody's for any day differ by more than one Pricing
     Level,  the Applicable Percentage for such day shall be  the
     appropriate  applicable  percentage  corresponding  to   the
     Pricing  Level  which is one Pricing Level higher  than  the
     Pricing  Level corresponding to the lower of the  long  term
     credit ratings of Airgas by S&P and Moody's in effect as  of
     such  date.  At all times on or after the Willow Acquisition
     Date  and notwithstanding any other provision of this Credit
     Agreement to the contrary, at any time that as of  the  last
     day of most recently ended fiscal quarter for which the U.S.
     Agent   shall   have   received   the   Required   Financial
     Information,  the  Consolidated  Total  Leverage  Ratio   is
     greater than 4.0 to 1.0, the Pricing Level shall not be more
     favorable  to the Borrowers than Pricing Level IV; provided,
     however,  that during the period from the Willow Acquisition
     Date until the next succeeding date thereafter that the U.S.
     Agent   shall   have   received   the   Required   Financial
     Information,  the  Consolidated  Total  Leverage  Ratio  for
     purposes of this definition shall be the ratio determined on
     a  pro  forma basis as contemplated by clause (iii)  of  the
     definition of "Willow Acquisition Conditions" set  forth  in
     this Section 1.1.

          "Consolidated EBITDA" means, for any period, the sum of
     (i)  Consolidated Net Income for such period, plus  (ii)  an
     amount  which,  in  the determination  of  Consolidated  Net
     Income   for  such  period,  has  been  deducted   for   (A)
     Consolidated  Interest  Expense, (B) total  federal,  state,
     local  and  foreign income, value added and  similar  taxes,
     (C) depreciation and amortization expense, (D) one-time cash
     expenses incurred in connection with the refinancing of  the
     Existing  Credit  Agreement  and  the  consummation  on  the
     Closing   Date  of  the  Debt  Issuance  pursuant   to   the
     Subordinated  Note  Indenture, (E)  non-cash,  non-recurring
     charges,  (F)  any losses realized upon the  disposition  of
     Property  other  than the disposition of  Inventory  in  the
     course  of  business, (G) other non-cash expenses (excluding
     any  non-cash  expense to the extent that it  represents  an
     accrual  of  or  reserve  for cash expenses  in  any  future
     period)   and  (H)  one-time  charges  resulting  from   the
     permanent   closure  of  facilities,  the   termination   of
     employees  and  other  costs directly  associated  with  the
     Willow  Acquisition and the financing thereof to the  extent
     such  charges  were  incurred not later than  twelve  months
     following  the  Willow Acquisition Date  and  not  exceeding
     $10,000,000  in the aggregate, minus (iii) an amount  which,
     in  the  determination of Consolidated Net Income  for  such
     period, has been included for (A) non-cash gains during such
     period  and  (B) any gains realized upon the disposition  of
     Property  other  than the disposition of  Inventory  in  the
     course  of  business, all as determined in  accordance  with
     GAAP.    Notwithstanding  the  forgoing,  the   portion   of
     Consolidated EBITDA attributable to the assets and  business
     acquired in the Willow Acquisition shall be (1) for each  of
     the fiscal quarters ended December 31, 2000, March 31, 2001,
     June  30, 2001 and September 30, 2001, the amount set  forth
     on Schedule 1.1I that corresponds to such fiscal quarter and
     (2)  for any period(s) occurring between October 1, 2001 and
     the Willow Acquisition Date, an amount to be agreed upon  by
     Airgas  and the U.S. Agent which shall be supported  by  the
     direct  profit  of Willow and such financial information  as
     the  U.S.  Agent  shall reasonably request with  respect  to
     Willow for any such period.

          "Excluded Asset Disposition" means, with respect to any
     Consolidated  Party,  any  Asset Disposition  consisting  of
     (i)  the sale, lease, license, transfer or other disposition
     of  inventory  in  the ordinary course of such  Consolidated


     Party's business, (ii) the sale, lease, license, transfer or
     other  disposition of obsolete machinery  and  equipment  or
     machinery  and  equipment no longer used or  useful  in  the
     conduct  of  such Consolidated Party's business,  (iii)  any
     sale,  lease,  license,  transfer or  other  disposition  of
     Property  by  such  Consolidated Party to  any  U.S.  Credit
     Party,  provided that the Credit Parties shall cause  to  be
     executed  and  delivered  such  documents,  instruments  and
     certificates as the U.S. Agent may reasonably request so  as
     to  cause  the Credit Parties to be in compliance  with  the
     terms   of  Section  7.13  after  giving  effect   to   such
     transaction,  (iv)  any sale, lease,  license,  transfer  or
     other  disposition of Property by a Canadian  Subsidiary  to
     any  Canadian Credit Party, provided that the Credit Parties
     shall  cause  to  be executed and delivered such  documents,
     instruments  and certificates as the U.S. Agent may  request
     so  as to cause the Credit Parties to be in compliance  with
     the  terms  of  Section  7.13 after giving  effect  to  such
     transaction, (v) any portion of an Asset Disposition by such
     Consolidated  Party  constituting  a  Permitted  Investment,
     (vi)  if such Consolidated Party is not a Credit Party,  any
     sale,  lease,  license,  transfer or  other  disposition  of
     Property  by  such  Consolidated Party to  any  Consolidated
     Party  that  is  not  a Credit Party,  (viii)  the  sale  or
     disposition of Cash Equivalents for fair market value,  (ix)
     the  disposition  of cash in connection with  a  transaction
     permitted  under  the  Credit Agreement,  (x)  any  sale  of
     Securitization  Assets  by such Consolidated  Party  to  the
     Receivables  Subsidiary  in connection  with  the  Permitted
     Receivables  Financing, (xi) any Permitted Lien,  (xii)  the
     sale  of the assets identified on Schedule 1.1B, and  (xiii)
     any  sale,  transfer  or other disposition  of  the  Dogwood
     Assets for not less than the fair market value thereof  that
     is   consummated  within  120  days  following  the   Willow
     Acquisition;  provided,  however, that  the  term  "Excluded
     Asset   Disposition"  shall  not  include  (A)   any   Asset
     Disposition  to the extent that any portion of the  proceeds
     of such Asset Disposition would be required under any Junior
     Financing Documentation to be applied to permanently  retire
     Indebtedness  of  the  Consolidated  Parties  and  (B)   any
     transfer of assets to any Person identified on Schedule 1.1B
     by  a Consolidated Party not identified on Schedule 1.1B  to
     the extent such transfer of assets was made in contemplation
     of an Asset Disposition permitted by clause (xii) above.

           "Lenders"  means each Canadian Lender  and  each  U.S.
     Lender,   together  with  their  successors  and   permitted
     assigns; provided, however, for purposes of Section 11.3(b),
     the term "Lender" shall not include any U.S. Term Lender, in
     its capacity as such.

           "Loan"  or "Loans" means the Revolving U.S. Loans  and
     the U.S. Term Loans (or a portion of any Revolving U.S. Loan
     or  U.S. Term Loan bearing interest at the U.S. Base Rate or
     the Eurodollar Rate and referred to as a U.S. Base Rate Loan
     or  a  Eurodollar Loan), the Competitive U.S. Loans (or  any
     portion   of  any  Competitive  U.S.  Loan),  the  Revolving
     Canadian  Loans  (or  any portion of any Revolving  Canadian
     Loan), the BA Outstandings, the U.S. Swingline Loans (or any
     U.S.  Swingline Loan bearing interest at the U.S. Base  Rate
     or  the Quoted Rate and referred to as a U.S. Base Rate Loan
     or  a  Quoted Rate U.S. Swingline Loan) and/or the  Canadian
     Swingline   Loans,   individually   or   collectively,    as

           "Notice  of  Borrowing"  means  (a)  in  the  case  of
     Revolving U.S. Loans or the U.S. Term Loan, a written notice
     of   borrowing  in  substantially  the  form   of   Schedule
     2.1(b)(i),  as  required  by Section  2.1(b)(i)  or  Section
     2.5(b),  as  applicable, or (b) in  the  case  of  Revolving


     Canadian   Loans,   a  written  notice   of   borrowing   in
     substantially the form of Schedule 3.1(b)(i).

          "Revolving U.S. Commitment" means, with respect to each
     U.S. Lender:

                (a)   the  commitment of such U.S. Lender  in  an
          aggregate  principal amount at any time outstanding  of
          up  to such U.S. Lender's U.S. Commitment Percentage of
          the  Revolving  U.S.  Committed  Amount,  (i)  to  make
          Revolving  U.S. Loans in accordance with the provisions
          of  Section  2.1(a),  (ii)  to  purchase  Participation
          Interests in U.S. Letters of Credit in accordance  with
          the  provisions  of Section 2.3(c), (iii)  to  purchase
          Participation Interests in the U.S. Swingline Loans  in
          accordance  with the provisions of Section 2.4(b)(iii);

                (b)  for all purposes except for the purposes  of
          Sections  2.1(a),  4.4(a),  4.5(a)  and  11.3(b),   the
          outstanding U.S. Term Loans of such U.S. Lender.

           "U.S.  Lenders" means (i) those Lenders identified  as
     U.S  Lenders  on the signature pages attached  hereto,  (ii)
     each  U.S. Term Lender and (iii) any Person which becomes  a
     U.S. Lender by executing a New Commitment Agreement pursuant
     to  Section  4.4(d),  together  with  their  successors  and
     assigns; provided, however, for purposes of Section 11.3(b),
     the  term  "U.S.  Lender" shall not include  any  U.S.  Term
     Lender, in its capacity as such.

           (b)   The  following  new  definitions  are  added  to
     Section  1.1 of the Existing Credit Agreement in appropriate
     alphabetical order:

           "Approved Fund" means any Person (other than a natural
     Person)  that is engaged in making, purchasing,  holding  or
     otherwise   investing  in  commercial  loans   and   similar
     extensions of credit in the ordinary course of its  business
     that  is  administered or managed by (a) a  Lender,  (b)  an
     Affiliate of a Lender or (c) an entity or an Affiliate of an
     entity that administers or manages a Lender.

          "Dogwood Assets" means the operations of Willow located
     in  North  Carolina,  South Carolina and southern  Virginia.
     The  Dogwood  Assets consist of ten locations  that  include
     retail   stores,  gas  fill  plants  and  a  specialty   gas

           "Principal  Amortization Payment"  means  a  principal
     payment   on   the  U.S.  Term  Loans  as   set   forth   in
     Section 2.5(d).

           "U.S. Term Lender" means each Person which executes  a
     U.S.  Term  Loan  Commitment Agreement,  together  with  its
     successors and assigns.

           "U.S.  Term  Loan" shall have the meaning assigned  to
     such term in Section 2.5(a).

          "U.S. Term Loan Commitment" means, with respect to each
     U.S. Term Lender, the commitment of such U.S. Term Lender to
     make U.S. Term Loans in accordance with Section 2.5(a) in an


     aggregate principal amount equal to the amount specified  in
     the  U.S.  Term Loan Commitment Agreement executed  by  such
     U.S. Term Lender.

            "U.S.  Term  Loan  Commitment  Agreement"  means   an
     agreement in the form of Schedule 2.5 hereto.

           "U.S.  Term Loan Committed Amount" means the aggregate
     principal amount of commitments (not to exceed $100,000,000)
     received and consented to by the U.S. Agent from one or more
     lenders acceptable to the U.S. Agent and Airgas, pursuant to
     executed U.S. Term Loan Commitment Agreements.

           "U.S.  Term Loan Percentage" means, for any U.S.  Term
     Lender,   the  percentage  obtained  by  dividing  (i)   the
     principal  amount of the U.S. Term Loan Commitment  of  such
     U.S.  Term  Lender  by  (ii) the U.S.  Term  Loan  Committed
     Amount,  as  such percentage may be modified  in  connection
     with  any  assignment made in accordance with the provisions
     of Section 2.5(g).

           "Willow"  means  Air  Products and  Chemicals,  Inc.'s
     business  in the United States with respect to (a) the  sale
     of  pressurized gases in pressurized cylinders and  (b)  the
     provision  (as a reseller/distributor/lessor)  of  equipment
     (including,  without  limitation,  welding  equipment)   and
     materials  necessary for or related to the use  of  packaged

          "Willow Acquisition" means the Acquisition by Airgas of
     Willow in accordance with the Willow Acquisition Conditions.

          "Willow Acquisition Conditions" means:

                (i)   The  U.S.  Agent  shall  have  received  an
          executed  copy  of the Willow Purchase Agreement  which
          (a)  shall provide (1) for an aggregate purchase  price
          (excluding fees and expenses associated with the Willow
          Acquisition and the financing thereof) not in excess of
          $270  million  less  the amount of accounts  receivable
          administered  on  the  SPOC system  as  of  the  Willow
          Acquisition  Date  and less the value  of  the  Dogwood
          Assets to the extent they are not acquired and (2) that
          as  of the Willow Acquisition Date, except as set forth
          in  the Willow Purchase Agreement, since September  30,
          2001 there shall not have occurred any event, change or
          effect  that is or would reasonably be expected  to  be
          materially  adverse  to  the  condition  (financial  or
          otherwise),  properties, liabilities  or  results  from
          operations  of Willow (excluding any event,  change  or
          effect that arises or results from (A) the impact of  a
          decline  in the market price of the products of Willow,
          (B)  the  impact  of an increase in the  price  of  raw
          materials consistent with the market generally, or  (C)
          the  impact  of  changes  in  general  economic  and/or
          financial market conditions) and (b) shall otherwise be
          satisfactory  to  the U.S. Agent.  The Willow  Purchase
          Agreement  shall  not  have been  altered,  amended  or
          otherwise  changed  or supplemented  or  any  condition
          therein  waived  in  a manner that is  adverse  to  the
          Lenders  without the prior written consent of the  U.S.


                (ii)  The  Willow  Acquisition  shall  have  been
          consummated  on or before March 31, 2002 in  accordance
          with the terms of the Willow Purchase Agreement and  in
          compliance   with   applicable   law   and   regulatory

                (iii) Upon  giving pro forma effect  to  the
          Willow  Acquisition,  the Credit Parties  shall  be  in
          compliance  with the financial covenants set  forth  in
          Section 7.10 on the basis of financial information  for
          Airgas  and  Willow  for  the  12-month  period   ended
          September 30, 2001.  Such pro forma calculations  shall
          be  supported by certain audited and reviewed financial
          information  of  Willow at September  30,  2001  (which
          information   shall  be  consistent  in  all   material
          respects with the information provided by Airgas to the
          Agent  and  the  Lenders  in the Confidential  Offering
          Memorandum   dated  November  2001)  and   such   other
          financial   information  as  the   U.S.   Agent   shall
          reasonably  request  with respect  to  Willow  for  the
          period  after  September 30, 2001  through  the  Willow
          Acquisition Date.

                (iv)  To  the extent applicable, the  U.S.  Agent
          shall  have  received  all  items  in  respect  of  the
          Property  acquired in such Acquisition required  to  be
          delivered   by  the  terms  of  Section   7.12   and/or
          Section 7.13.

                (v)   The representations and warranties made  by
          the Credit Parties in any Credit Document shall be true
          and  correct in all material respects at and as if made
          as of the date of such Acquisition (after giving effect
          thereto) except to the extent such representations  and
          warranties expressly relate to an earlier date.

                (vi)  If  the  Willow Acquisition is  consummated
          after February 28, 2002, then the U.S. Agent shall have
          received  reviewed financial information of Willow  for
          the   fiscal  quarter  at  December  31,  2001   (which
          information   shall  be  consistent  in  all   material
          respects with the information provided by Airgas to the
          Agent  and  the  Lenders  in the Confidential  Offering
          Memorandum dated November 2001).

                (vii)     The U.S. Agent shall have received from
          Airgas (a) for the account of each U.S. Term Lender, an
          upfront  fee on such Lender's U.S. Term Loan Commitment
          in  an amount mutually acceptable to the U.S. Agent and
          Airgas  (net of amounts previously paid in  respect  of
          such  upfront fees pursuant to that certain fee  letter
          dated  December 6, 2001 among Airgas, Bank  of  America
          and Banc of America Securities LLC ("BAS")) and (b) for
          the  account  of  BAS,  the costs,  fees  and  expenses
          required to be paid by Airgas to BAS pursuant  to  that
          certain  amended and restated engagement  letter  dated
          December  6,  2001, as amended, among Airgas,  Bank  of
          America and BAS.

           "Willow Acquisition Date" means the date on which  the
     Willow Acquisition is consummated.


            "Willow   Purchase  Agreement"  means  the   purchase
     agreement to be entered into by Airgas and Air Products  and
     Chemicals,  Inc.  in  respect  of  the  Willow  Acquisition,
     together with all schedules and exhibits thereto.

          SUBPART 2.2    Amendments to Section 2.5.  A new Section 2.5
is  hereby added to the Existing Credit Agreement and shall  read
as follows:

     2.5  U.S. Term Loan.

           (a)   U.S. Term Commitment.  Subject to the terms  and
     conditions  hereof and in reliance upon the  representations
     and  warranties  set  forth herein  each  U.S.  Term  Lender
     severally  agrees to make available to Airgas on the  Willow
     Acquisition  Date  such U.S. Term Lender's  U.S.  Term  Loan
     Percentage  of a term loan in U.S. Dollars (the  "U.S.  Term
     Loan")  in the aggregate principal amount equal to the  U.S.
     Term  Loan Committed Amount.  The U.S. Term Loan may consist
     of   U.S.  Base  Rate  Loans  or  Eurodollar  Loans,  or   a
     combination  thereof,  as  Airgas  may  request;   provided,
     however,  that no more than five (5) Eurodollar Loans  which
     are  U.S. Term Loans shall be outstanding hereunder  at  any
     time   (it  being  understood  that,  for  purposes  hereof,
     Eurodollar  Loans with different Interest Periods  shall  be
     considered as separate Eurodollar Loans, even if they  begin
     on  the  same  date,  although  borrowings,  extensions  and
     conversions  may, in accordance with the provisions  hereof,
     be  combined  at  the  end of existing Interest  Periods  to
     constitute  a  new  Eurodollar Loan with a  single  Interest
     Period).   Amounts repaid on the U.S. Term Loan may  not  be

           (b)   Borrowing  Procedures.  Airgas shall  submit  an
     appropriate Notice of Borrowing to the U.S. Agent not  later
     than  11:00  A.M. (Charlotte, North Carolina  time)  on  the
     Willow Acquisition Date, with respect to the portion of  the
     U.S.  Term  Loan  initially consisting of a U.S.  Base  Rate
     Loan,  or  on  the third Business Day prior  to  the  Willow
     Acquisition  Date, with respect to the portion of  the  U.S.
     Term  Loan  initially consisting of one or  more  Eurodollar
     Loans.   Such  Notice of Borrowing shall be irrevocable  and
     shall  specify (i) that the funding of a U.S. Term  Loan  is
     requested and (ii) whether the funding of the U.S. Term Loan
     shall be comprised of U.S. Base Rate Loans, Eurodollar Loans
     or  a  combination  thereof, and  if  Eurodollar  Loans  are
     requested, the Interest Period(s) therefor.  If Airgas shall
     fail  to deliver such Notice of Borrowing to the U.S.  Agent
     by  11:00 A.M. (Charlotte, North Carolina time) on the third
     Business Day prior to the Willow Acquisition Date, then  the
     full amount of the U.S. Term Loan shall be disbursed on  the
     Willow Acquisition Date as a U.S. Base Rate Loan.  Each U.S.
     Term Lender shall make its U.S. Term Loan Percentage of  the
     U.S.  Term Loan available to the U.S. Agent for the  account
     of  Airgas  as specified in Section 4.14, or in  such  other
     manner  as  the U.S. Agent may specify in writing,  by  1:00
     P.M.   (Charlotte,  North  Carolina  time)  on  the   Willow
     Acquisition  Date  in U.S. Dollars and in funds  immediately
     available to the U.S. Agent.

           (c)   Minimum Amounts.  Each Eurodollar Loan  or  U.S.
     Base  Rate Loan that is part of the U.S. Term Loan shall  be


     in  an  aggregate  principal amount that is  not  less  than
     U.S.$5,000,000 and integral multiples of U.S.$1,000,000  (or
     the  then remaining principal balance of the U.S. Term Loan,
     if less).

           (d)  Repayment of U.S. Term Loan.  Airgas promises  to
     pay  the outstanding principal amount of the U.S. Term  Loan
     in  eighteen  (18)  consecutive  quarterly  installments  as
     follows (as such installments may hereafter be adjusted as a
     result  of prepayments made pursuant to Section 4.3), unless
     accelerated sooner pursuant to Section 9.2:

                           U.S. Term
                        Loan Principal
                      Payment due on the
    Principal           corresponding
  Amortization       Principal Amortization
  Payment Dates          Payment Date
  -------------      ----------------------

 June 30, 2002 and
 September 30, 2002        2.50%

 December 31, 2002,
 March 31, 2003,
 June 30, 2003 and
 September 30, 2003        3.75%

 December 31, 2003,
 March 31, 2004,
 June 30, 2004 and
 September 30, 2004        5.00%

 December 31, 2004,
 March 31, 2005,
 June 30, 2005 and
 September 30, 2005        6.25%

 December 31, 2005,
 March 31, 2006,
 June 30, 2006 and
 the Termination Date      8.75%

            (e)    Interest.   Subject to the provisions of
     Section 4.1,

               (i)  U.S. Base Rate Loans.  During such periods as
          the  U.S. Term Loan shall be comprised in whole  or  in
          part of U.S. Base Rate Loans, such U.S. Base Rate Loans
          shall  bear interest at a per annum rate equal  to  the
          U.S. Base Rate plus the Applicable Percentage; and

               (ii) Eurodollar Loans.  During such periods as the
          U.S.  Term Loan shall be comprised in whole or in  part


          of  Eurodollar Loans, such Eurodollar Loans shall  bear
          interest  at  a per annum rate equal to the  Eurodollar
          Rate plus the Applicable Percentage.

          Airgas  promises to pay interest on the U.S. Term  Loan
     in  arrears on each applicable Interest Payment Date (or  at
     such other times as may be specified herein).

           (f)  U.S. Term Notes.  At the request of any U.S. Term
     Lender, the portion of the U.S. Term Loan made by such  U.S.
     Term Lender shall be evidenced by a duly executed promissory
     note  of  Airgas  to  such Lender in an  original  principal
     amount  equal to such Lender's U.S. Term Loan Percentage  of
     the U.S. Term Loan.

           (g)   Assignments of U.S. Term Loans.  Each U.S.  Term
     Lender  may  assign  all  or a portion  of  its  rights  and
     obligations  hereunder with respect to its U.S. Term  Loans,
     pursuant  to  an assignment agreement substantially  in  the
     form  of Schedule 11.3(b), to (i) any Lender, any Subsidiary
     of  a  Lender or any Affiliate of a Lender under  direct  or
     indirect  common control with such Lender, (ii) any Approved
     Fund   or   (iii)  any  other  commercial  bank,   financial
     institution   or  "accredited  investor"  (as   defined   in
     Regulation  D  of  the  Securities and Exchange  Commission)
     reasonably acceptable to the U.S. Agent and Airgas (so  long
     as  no Default or Event of Default exists) (provided that it
     shall  not  be  unreasonable  for  Airgas  to  withhold  its
     approval  for  any  assignment to any competitor  of  Airgas
     (which  term "competitor" shall not include a Person  solely
     by  reason of the fact that such Person is making loans  to,
     accepting  deposits from or otherwise generally engaging  in
     banking  business  with any competitor of Airgas);  provided
     that,  except in the case of any assignment to  an  existing
     Lender, such assignment shall be in an integral multiple  of
     U.S.$1,000,000  (or, if less, the remaining  amount  of  the
     U.S.  Term  Loans being assigned by such U.S. Term  Lender).
     Any  assignment  pursuant to this Section  2.5(g)  shall  be
     effective upon delivery to the U.S. Agent of written  notice
     of the assignment together with a transfer fee of U.S.$3,500
     payable to the U.S. Agent for its own account from and after
     the  effective  date specified in the applicable  assignment
     agreement.  In addition, the assigning U.S. Term Lender will
     give  prompt notice to Airgas of any such assignment.   Upon
     the  effectiveness of any such assignment (and after  notice
     to,  and  (to  the  extent required pursuant  to  the  terms
     hereof),  with  the consent of, Airgas as provided  herein),
     the  assignee  shall  become a "U.S. Term  Lender"  for  all
     purposes  of  this  Credit Agreement and  the  other  Credit
     Documents  and,  to  the  extent  of  such  assignment,  the
     assigning  U.S.  Term  Lender  shall  be  relieved  of   its
     obligations hereunder to the extent of the U.S.  Term  Loans
     being  assigned.  By executing and delivering an  assignment
     agreement  in  accordance  with  this  Section  2.5(g),  the
     assigning  U.S.  Term  Lender thereunder  and  the  assignee
     thereunder shall be deemed to confirm to and agree with each
     other  and  the  other parties hereto as follows:  (i)  such
     assigning U.S. Term Lender warrants that it is the legal and
     beneficial owner of the interest being assigned thereby free
     and clear of any adverse claim; (ii) except as set forth  in
     clause  (i) above, such assigning U.S. Term Lender makes  no
     representation  or  warranty and assumes  no  responsibility
     with    respect    to   any   statements,   warranties    or
     representations  made in or in connection with  this  Credit
     Agreement,  any of the other Credit Documents or  any  other
     instrument or document furnished pursuant hereto or thereto,
     or   the   execution,  legality,  validity,  enforceability,


     genuineness, sufficiency or value of this Credit  Agreement,
     any of the other Credit Documents or any other instrument or
     document  furnished  pursuant  hereto  or  thereto  or   the
     financial  condition  of any Credit  Party  or  any  of  its
     respective  Affiliates or the performance or  observance  by
     any Credit Party of any of its obligations under this Credit
     Agreement,  any of the other Credit Documents or  any  other
     instrument or document furnished pursuant hereto or thereto;
     (iii)  such  assignee  represents and warrants  that  it  is
     legally  authorized to enter into such assignment agreement;
     (iv)  such assignee confirms that it has received a copy  of
     this  Credit Agreement, the other Credit Documents and  such
     other documents and information as it has deemed appropriate
     to  make its own credit analysis and decision to enter  into
     such   assignment   agreement;  (v)   such   assignee   will
     independently  and without reliance upon  the  Agents,  such
     assigning U.S. Term Lender or any other Lender, and based on
     such  documents and information as it shall deem appropriate
     at  the  time, continue to make its own credit decisions  in
     taking or not taking action under this Credit Agreement  and
     the  other Credit Documents; (vi) such assignee appoints and
     authorizes the Agents to take such action on its behalf  and
     to  exercise such powers under this Credit Agreement or  any
     other Credit Document as are delegated to the Agents by  the
     terms  hereof or thereof, together with such powers  as  are
     reasonably  incidental thereto; (vii) such  assignee  agrees
     that it will perform in accordance with their terms all  the
     obligations which by the terms of this Credit Agreement  and
     the  other Credit Documents are required to be performed  by
     it  as  a U.S. Term Lender; and (viii) such assignee  agrees
     that  it  will  be  bound by the terms of the  Intercreditor
     Agreement,  regardless of whether such  assignee  becomes  a
     signatory  thereto.  Each Person that shall  become  a  U.S.
     Term  Lender  pursuant  to Section 2.5(g)  shall,  upon  the
     effectiveness  of  the  related  transfer,  be  required  to
     provide  all  of  the forms, certifications  and  statements
     required pursuant to Section 4.10(b).

           (h)   Pro  Rata Treatment.  Each U.S. Term Loan,  each
     payment  or prepayment of principal in respect of  any  U.S.
     Term  Loan, each payment of interest on the U.S. Term  Loans
     and  each  conversion or extension of any  U.S.  Term  Loan,
     shall  be allocated pro rata among the U.S. Term Lenders  in
     accordance  with the respective principal amounts  of  their
     outstanding  U.S. Term Loans and Participation Interests  in
     U.S. Term Loans.

          SUBPART 2.3    Amendments to Section 4.2.  Section 4.2 of
the  Existing Credit Agreement is hereby amended in its  entirety
to read as follows:

     4.2  Extension and Conversion.

           (a)  Airgas.   Airgas shall have the  option,  on  any
     Business Day, to extend existing Revolving U.S Loans or U.S.
     Term Loans into a subsequent permissible Interest Period  or
     to  convert  any  such Loans into Loans of another  interest
     rate type; provided, however, that (i) except as provided in
     Section  4.8,  Eurodollar Loans may be converted  into  U.S.
     Base  Rate Loans only on the last day of the Interest Period
     applicable  thereto, (ii) Loans extended  as,  or  converted
     into, Eurodollar Loans shall be subject to the terms of  the
     definition of "Interest Period" set forth in Section 1.1 and
     shall  be  in  such minimum amounts as provided in  Sections
     2.1(b)(ii)  and 3.1(b)(ii), (iii) no more than 11 Eurodollar


     Loans  shall be outstanding hereunder at any time (it  being
     understood that, for purposes hereof, Eurodollar Loans  with
     different  Interest Periods shall be considered as  separate
     Eurodollar  Loans,  even if they begin  on  the  same  date,
     although  borrowings,  extensions and  conversions  may,  in
     accordance  with the provisions hereof, be combined  at  the
     end  of  existing  Interest  Periods  to  constitute  a  new
     Eurodollar  Loan  with a single Interest Period),  (iv)  any
     request  for  extension or conversion of a  Eurodollar  Loan
     which  shall  fail to specify an Interest  Period  shall  be
     deemed  to be a request for an Interest Period of one  month
     and  (v) Competitive U.S. Loans and U.S. Swingline Loans may
     not  be extended or converted pursuant to this Section  4.2.
     Each  such  extension  or conversion shall  be  effected  by
     Airgas  by  giving  a  Notice  of  Extension/Conversion  (or
     telephone notice promptly confirmed in writing) to the  U.S.
     Agent  prior to 11:00 A.M. (Charlotte, North Carolina  time)
     on  the Business Day of, in the case of the conversion of  a
     Eurodollar Loan into a U.S. Base Rate Loan, and on the third
     Business  Day  prior to, in the case of the extension  of  a
     Eurodollar Loan as, or conversion of a U.S. Base  Rate  Loan
     into,  a Eurodollar Loan, the date of the proposed extension
     or conversion, specifying the date of the proposed extension
     or conversion, the Loans to be so extended or converted, the
     types  of  Loans into which such Loans are to  be  converted
     and,  if  appropriate, the applicable Interest Periods  with
     respect  thereto.   In  the event Airgas  fails  to  request
     extension or conversion of any Eurodollar Loan in accordance
     with  this  Section, or any such conversion or extension  is
     not  permitted  or  required  by  this  Section,  then  such
     Eurodollar Loan shall be automatically converted into a U.S.
     Base  Rate Loan at the end of the Interest Period applicable
     thereto.  The U.S. Agent shall give each U.S. Lender  notice
     as promptly as practicable of any such proposed extension or
     conversion affecting any Loan.

          SUBPART 2.4    Amendments to Section 4.3.  Section 4.3(a)
and Section 4.3(b)(v) of the Existing Credit Agreement are hereby
amended in their entireties to read as follows:

     4.3  Prepayments.

          (a)  Voluntary Prepayments. Loans may be prepaid in whole or
in part from time to time, subject to Section 4.11, but otherwise
without   premium  or  penalty;  provided,  however,   that   (i)
Eurodollar  Loans and Competitive U.S. Loans may only be  prepaid
on  three Business Days' prior written notice to the U.S.  Agent,
and  specifying  the  applicable Loans to be  prepaid;  (ii)  any
prepayment of Eurodollar Loans, Competitive U.S. Loans or  Quoted
Rate  U.S. Swingline Loans will be subject to Section 4.11; (iii)
any   portion   of   the  Revolving  Canadian  Committed   Amount
represented by a Bankers' Acceptance may not be prepaid prior  to
the  maturity of such Bankers' Acceptance; (iv) each such partial
prepayment  of  Loans shall be (A) in the case of Revolving  U.S.
Loans  and  the U.S. Term Loan, in a minimum principal amount  of
U.S.$5,000,000 and integral multiples of U.S.$1,000,000 in excess
thereof,  (B)  in  the  case of Revolving Canadian  Loans,  in  a
minimum principal amount of C$1,500,000 and integral multiples of
C$100,000 in excess thereof and (C) in the case of U.S. Swingline
Loans, in a minimum principal amount of U.S.$100,000 and integral
multiples  thereof; and (v) any prepayment of the U.S. Term  Loan
shall  be applied ratably to the remaining Principal Amortization
Payments  thereof.   Subject  to  the  foregoing  terms,  amounts
prepaid  under  this  Section 4.3(a)  shall  be  applied  as  the
applicable Borrower may elect.


          (b)  Mandatory Prepayments.


          (v)  Application of Certain Mandatory Prepayments.

                    (A)  Asset Dispositions and Debt Issuances by
               the U.S. Credit Parties.  All amounts required  to
               be  paid  by  the U.S. Credit Parties pursuant  to
               Section 4.3(b)(iii) or (iv) shall be applied first
               pro rata to (1) the U.S. Term Loan (ratably to the
               remaining    Principal    Amortization    Payments
               thereof),  and  (2) (a) the U.S. Swingline  Loans,
               (b)   the   Revolving  U.S.  Loans  and  (c)   the
               Competitive  U.S. Loans (and, after all  Revolving
               U.S.   Loans,  Competitive  U.S.  Loans  and  U.S.
               Swingline  Loans  have been repaid,  to  the  U.S.
               Agent  additional  cash in  respect  of  U.S.  LOC
               Obligations, to be held by the U.S. Agent, for the
               benefit  of  the  Lenders, in  a  cash  collateral
               account) and second to the Canadian Obligations of
               the  types described in and in the manner provided
               in   subclause  (B)  below.   To  the  extent  the
               aggregate  U.S.  Dollar Amount of all  prepayments
               required   to   be  made  pursuant   to   Sections
               4.3(b)(iii)      and      4.3(b)(iv)       exceeds
               U.S.$75,000,000,  the  Revolving  U.S.   Committed
               Amount  shall be permanently reduced in an  amount
               equal  to the U.S. Dollar Amount of all additional
               amounts  applied pursuant to this clause  (A)  and
               clause (B) below).  Without limiting the foregoing
               sentence,  to  the extent that any  obligation  to
               make  a  mandatory prepayment of the loans  arises
               from an Asset Disposition Prepayment Event of  the
               type  described  in clause (ii) of the  definition
               thereof, the Revolving U.S. Committed Amount shall
               be  permanently reduced in an amount equal to  the
               U.S. Dollar Amount of such prepayment.

                    (B)  Asset Dispositions and Debt Issuances by
               the Canadian Credit Parties.  All amounts required
               to be paid by the Canadian Credit Parties pursuant
               to  Section  4.3(b)(iii) or (iv) shall be  applied
               first  to the Canadian Swingline Loans, second  to
               the  Revolving  Canadian Loans, third  to  the  BA
               Outstandings  in direct order of maturities  (and,
               after   all  Revolving  Canadian  Loans,  Canadian
               Swingline  Loans  and  BA Outstandings  have  been
               repaid,  to the Canadian Agent additional cash  in
               respect of Canadian LOC Obligations, to be held by
               the   Canadian  Agent,  for  the  benefit  of  the
               Lenders, in a cash collateral account) and  fourth
               to  the remaining Credit Party Obligations of  the
               types  described in and in the manner provided  in
               subclause  (A) above.  To the extent the aggregate
               U.S. Dollar Amount of all prepayments required  to
               be  made  pursuant  to  Sections  4.3(b)(iii)  and
               4.3(b)(iv) exceeds U.S.$75,000,000, the  Revolving
               Canadian  Committed  Amount shall  be  permanently
               reduced in an amount equal to the Canadian  Dollar
               Equivalent  of  all  additional  amounts   applied
               pursuant to this clause (B) and clause (A) above).


               Without  limiting the foregoing sentence,  to  the
               extent  that  any obligation to make  a  mandatory
               prepayment  of  the  loans arises  from  an  Asset
               Disposition Prepayment Event of the type described
               in  clause  (ii)  of the definition  thereof,  the
               Revolving  Canadian  Committed  Amount  shall   be
               permanently  reduced  in an amount  equal  to  the
               Canadian Dollar Equivalent of such prepayment.

          Within  the  parameters of the applications  set  forth
          above, prepayments of Revolving U.S. Loans and the U.S.
          Term  Loan  shall be applied first to  U.S.  Base  Rate
          Loans  and then to Eurodollar Loans in direct order  of
          Interest Period maturities.  All prepayments under this
          Section 4.3(b) shall be subject to Section 4.11 and  be
          accompanied by interest on the principal amount prepaid
          through the date of prepayment.

          SUBPART 2.5    Amendments to Section 4.4.  The introductory
clause  of  Section  4.4(d) of the Existing Credit  Agreement  is
hereby  amended  in  its entirety to read as follows  and  a  new
Section  4.4(e) is hereby added to the Existing Credit  Agreement
and shall read as follows:

      4.4  Termination and Reduction of Commitments; Increase  of


       (d)    Increase  in  Commitments.   Following  the  Willow
Acquisition  Date, the Borrowers shall have the  right,  upon  at
least  fifteen  (15) Business Days' prior written notice  to  the
U.S.  Agent,  to  increase the Revolving  U.S.  Committed  Amount
and/or the Revolving Canadian Committed Amount, in the aggregate,
by  the U.S. Dollar Amount (or the Canadian Dollar Equivalent) of
up  to the difference of (i) U.S.$100,000,000 minus (ii) the U.S.
Term Loan Committed Amount, in one or more increases, at any time
and  from  time  to time on or after the Closing  Date,  subject,
however,  in  any  such case, to satisfaction  of  the  following
conditions precedent:


      (e)   Termination  of U.S. Term Loan Commitments.   On  the
date, if any, that the Willow Purchase Agreement is terminated in
accordance   with  Section  15  thereof,  the  U.S.   Term   Loan
Commitments shall automatically terminate.

            SUBPART   2.6      Amendments  to  Section   4.14(b).
Section  4.14(b)  of  the  Existing Credit  Agreement  is  hereby
amended in its entirety to read as follows:

     4.14 Payments, Computations, Etc.

              (b)  Allocation of Payments from U.S. Credit Parties
After-Acceleration.  Notwithstanding any other provision of  this
Credit  Agreement  to  the contrary, after  acceleration  of  the


Credit Party Obligations pursuant to Section 9.2 and after taking
into account the application of the amounts collected or received
from  the Canadian Credit Parties as provided in Section 4.14(c),
all  amounts  collected or received by the Agents or  any  Lender
from  the  U.S.  Credit Parties on account of  the  Credit  Party
Obligations  or any other amounts outstanding under  any  of  the
Credit  Documents or in respect of the Collateral pledged by  the
U.S.  Credit  Parties in support of the Credit Party  Obligations
shall be paid over or delivered as follows:

           FIRST,  to the payment of all reasonable out-of-pocket
     costs  and expenses (including without limitation reasonable
     attorneys'  fees)  of  the  U.S. Agent  in  connection  with
     enforcing  the  rights  of  the  Lenders  under  the  Credit
     Documents and any protective advances made by the U.S. Agent
     with  respect  to  the Collateral under or pursuant  to  the
     terms of the Collateral Documents;

           SECOND,  to the payment of any fees owed to  the  U.S.

           THIRD,  to the payment of all reasonable out-of-pocket
     costs and expenses (including without limitation, reasonable
     attorneys'  fees) of each of the U.S. Lenders in  connection
     with  enforcing  its  rights under the Credit  Documents  or
     otherwise  with  respect  to the  Credit  Party  Obligations
     (other  than  the Canadian Obligations) owing to  such  U.S.

           FOURTH,  to  the  payment of all of the  Credit  Party
     Obligations (other than the Canadian Obligations) consisting
     of accrued fees and interest;

           FIFTH,  to  the  payment of the outstanding  principal
     amount  of  the  Credit Party Obligations  (other  than  the
     Canadian  Obligations)  (including  the  payment   or   cash
     collateralization of the outstanding U.S. LOC Obligations);

           SIXTH,  to  all other Credit Party Obligations  (other
     than  the Canadian Obligations) and other obligations  which
     shall have become due and payable under the Credit Documents
     or  otherwise  and  not repaid pursuant to  clauses  "FIRST"
     through "FIFTH" above; and

           SEVENTH, to the payment of the surplus, if any, to the
     payment  of  the  Canadian Obligations  in  accordance  with
     Section 4.14(c).

          In carrying out the foregoing, (i) amounts received shall
be applied in the numerical order provided until exhausted prior
to application to the next succeeding category; (ii)  each of the
Lenders  shall  receive an amount equal to  its  pro  rata  share
(based on the proportion that the then outstanding Revolving U.S.
Loans,  U.S.  Term  Loans, Competitive U.S. Loans  and  U.S.  LOC
Obligations  held  by  such Lender bears to  the  aggregate  then
outstanding  Revolving U.S. Loans, U.S. Term  Loans,  Competitive
U.S.  Loans and U.S. LOC Obligations) of amounts available to  be
applied  pursuant  to  clauses  "THIRD",  "FOURTH",  "FIFTH"  and
"SIXTH" above; and (iii) to the extent that any amounts available
for   distribution   pursuant  to  clause   "FIFTH"   above   are
attributable to the issued but undrawn amount of outstanding U.S.
Letters  of Credit, such amounts shall be held by the U.S.  Agent
in  a cash collateral account and applied (A) first, to reimburse
the  U.S. Issuing Lender from time to time for any drawings under


such  U.S.  Letters  of  Credit  and  (B)  then,  following   the
expiration  of  all  U.S.  Letters  of  Credit,  to   all   other
obligations  of  the types described in clauses "FIFTH",  "SIXTH"
and   "SEVENTH"   above   in   the  manner   provided   in   this
Section 4.14(b).

     SUBPART 2.7    Amendments to Section 7.1.  Section 7.1(c) of
the  Existing Credit Agreement is hereby amended in its  entirety
to read as follows:

     7.1  Information Covenants.

      The  Credit Parties will furnish, or cause to be furnished,
to each of the Agents and each of the Lenders:


          (c)  Officer's Certificate.  At the time of delivery of
     the financial statements provided for in Sections 7.1(a) and
     7.1(b)  above,  a  certificate of an  Executive  Officer  of
     Airgas  substantially  in the form of Schedule  7.1(c),  (i)
     demonstrating   compliance  with  the  financial   covenants
     contained in Section 7.10 by calculation thereof as  of  the
     end of each such fiscal period, (ii) including a description
     of adjustments to Consolidated EBITDA (of the type described
     in clause (H) of the definition thereof) attributable to the
     Willow  Acquisition  and (iii) stating that  no  Default  or
     Event  of  Default  exists, or if any Default  or  Event  of
     Default does exist, specifying the nature and extent thereof
     and  what  action  the Credit Party proposes  to  take  with
     respect thereto.

      SUBPART 2.8    Amendments to Section 7.10.  Section 7.10 of
the  Existing Credit Agreement is hereby amended in its  entirety
to read as follows:

     7.10 Financial Covenants.

      (a)  Consolidated Total Leverage Ratio.  The Credit Parties
shall  cause  the Consolidated Total Leverage Ratio  as  of  each
Calculation Date set forth below to be no greater than:

        Year       March 31      June 30       September 30   December 31
      --------     --------      -------       ------------   -----------
        2001          N/A        4.45 to 1.00  4.45 to 1.00   4.45 to 1.00
        2002       4.45 to 1.00  4.45 to 1.00  4.25 to 1.00   4.25 to 1.00
        2003       4.25 to 1.00  4.25 to 1.00  4.25 to 1.00   4.25 to 1.00
        2004       4.00 to 1.00  4.00 to 1.00  4.00 to 1.00   4.00 to 1.00
      Thereafter   3.75 to 1.00  3.75 to 1.00  3.75 to 1.00   3.75 to 1.00


     (b)  Consolidated Senior Leverage Ratio.  The Credit Parties
shall  cause the Consolidated Senior Leverage Ratio  as  of  each
Calculation Date set forth below to be no greater than:

        Year       March 31      June 30       September 30   December 31
      --------     --------      -------       ------------   -----------
        2001          N/A        3.00 to 1.00  3.00 to 1.00   3.00 to 1.00
        2002       3.00 to 1.00  3.00 to 1.00  3.00 to 1.00   3.00 to 1.00
        2003       3.00 to 1.00  3.00 to 1.00  3.00 to 1.00   3.00 to 1.00
        2004       3.00 to 1.00  3.00 to 1.00  3.00 to 1.00   3.00 to 1.00
      Thereafter   2.75 to 1.00  2.75 to 1.00  2.75 to 1.00   2.75 to 1.00

      (c)   Consolidated Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio.  The Credit
Parties shall cause the Consolidated Fixed Charge Coverage  Ratio
as of each Calculation Date set forth below to be at least:

        Year       March 31      June 30       September 30   December 31
      --------     --------      -------       ------------   -----------
        2001          N/A        1.75 to 1.00  1.75 to 1.00   1.75 to 1.00
        2002       1.75 to 1.00  1.75 to 1.00  1.75 to 1.00   1.75 to 1.00
        2003       2.00 to 1.00  2.00 to 1.00  2.00 to 1.00   2.00 to 1.00
        2004       2.25 to 1.00  2.25 to 1.00  2.25 to 1.00   2.25 to 1.00
      Thereafter   2.50 to 1.00  2.50 to 1.00  2.50 to 1.00   2.50 to 1.00

     SUBPART 2.9    Amendments to Section 8.5.  Section 8.5(i) of
the  Existing Credit Agreement is hereby amended in its  entirety
to read as follows:

     8.5  Investments.

The Credit Parties will not permit any Consolidated Party to make
any Investments, except for:


      (i)  (i) the Willow Acquisition and (ii) after the first to
occur of (x) the date, if any, that the Willow Purchase Agreement
is terminated in accordance with Section 15 thereof and (y) April
1, 2002, other Investments consisting of an Acquisition by Airgas
or  any  Subsidiary  of Airgas, provided that  (A)  the  Property
acquired  (or  the  Property  of the  Person  acquired)  in  such
Acquisition  is  used  or useful in the  same  or  a  similar  or
ancillary  line  of business as Airgas and its Subsidiaries  were
engaged  in on the Closing Date (or any reasonable extensions  or
expansions thereof), (B) to the extent applicable, the U.S. Agent
shall have received all items in respect of the Capital Stock  or
Property acquired in such Acquisition required to be delivered by
the terms of Section 7.12 and/or Section 7.13, (C) in the case of
an  Acquisition of the Capital Stock of another Person, the board
of  directors (or other comparable governing body) of such  other
Person  shall  have  duly approved such Acquisition,  (D)  Airgas
shall have delivered to the U.S. Agent (1) a Pro Forma Compliance


Certificate  demonstrating  that,  upon  giving  effect  to  such
Acquisition  on a Pro Forma Basis, Airgas would be in  compliance
with the financial covenants set forth in Sections 7.10(a) -  (c)
and  (2) if the EBITDA for the four fiscal quarter period  ending
prior  to the date of such Acquisition attributable to the Person
or  Property acquired in such Acquisition exceeds $10,000,000,  a
consolidated balance sheet and income statement of such Person or
Property,  together  with  related  consolidated  statements   of
operations and retained earnings and of cash flows for such  four
fiscal  quarter  period with respect to such Person  or  Property
which have been prepared in accordance with GAAP and reviewed  by
an independent certified public accountant of recognized national
standing  reasonably  acceptable  to  the  U.S.  Agent,  (E)  the
representations and warranties made by the Credit Parties in  any
Credit  Document  shall  be  true and  correct  in  all  material
respects  at  and  as if made as of the date of such  Acquisition
(after   giving  effect  thereto)  except  to  the  extent   such
representations  and warranties expressly relate  to  an  earlier
date and (F) the aggregate consideration (including cash and non-
cash  consideration  and  any  assumption  of  Indebtedness,  but
excluding consideration consisting of any Capital Stock of Airgas
issued to the seller of the Capital Stock or Property acquired in
such Acquisition and consideration consisting of the proceeds  of
any  Equity  Issuance  by Airgas consummated  subsequent  to  the
Closing  Date)  paid  by the Consolidated Parties  for  all  such
Acquisitions occurring during any fiscal year shall not exceed as
of  the date of such Acquisition after giving effect to any  such
Acquisition (1) if the Applicable Percentage is based on "Pricing
Level I", "Pricing Level II" or "Pricing Level III", $100,000,000
during any fiscal year, (2) if the Applicable Percentage is based
on  "Pricing  Level IV", $75,000,000 during any  fiscal  year  or
(3) if the Applicable Percentage is based on "Pricing Level V" or
"Pricing Level VI", $50,000,000 during any fiscal year; provided,
however,  that following the consummation, if any, of the  Willow
Acquisition,   such   aggregate   consideration   paid   by   the
Consolidated  Parties for all such Acquisitions occurring  during
any  fiscal  year  shall  not exceed  as  of  the  date  of  such
Acquisition   after  giving  effect  to  any   such   Acquisition
$12,500,000  unless the Consolidated Total Leverage Ratio  as  of
the  last day of the fiscal quarter ended at least 45 days  prior
to  any  such Acquisition (or, during the period from the  Willow
Acquisition  Date until the next succeeding date thereafter  that
the  U.S.  Agent  shall  have  received  the  Required  Financial
Information, the Consolidated Total Leverage Ratio as  determined
on  a  pro  forma basis as contemplated by clause  (iii)  of  the
definition  of  "Willow  Acquisition  Conditions"  set  forth  in
Section  1.1) is less than 4.0 to 1.0; provided further, that  if
the Willow Acquisition is consummated, Airgas and it Subsidiaries
shall not be permitted to make any other Investments pursuant  to
this  Section  8.5(i) prior to the first day of the  fiscal  year
commencing April 1, 2002.

          SUBPART 2.10   Amendments to Section 10.4.  Section 10.4 of
the  Existing Credit Agreement is hereby amended in its  entirety
to read as follows:


       10.4 Reliance on Communications.

          Each of the Agents shall be entitled to rely, and shall be
fully  protected in relying, upon any note, writing,  resolution,
notice,   consent,  certificate,  affidavit,  letter,  cablegram,
telegram,  telecopy, telex or teletype message, statement,  order
or  other  document or conversation believed by it to be  genuine
and  correct and to have been signed, sent or made by the  proper
Person or Persons and upon advice and statements of legal counsel
(including,  without  limitation, counsel to the Credit  Parties,
independent  accountants and other experts selected by  the  U.S.
Agent  with  reasonable care). Each of the Agents  may  deem  and
treat each Lender as the owner of its interests hereunder for all
purposes  unless a written notice of assignment,  negotiation  or
transfer  thereof  shall  have been  filed  with  such  Agent  in
accordance  with Section 2.5(g) or Section 11.3(b) hereof.   Each
of  the Agents shall be fully justified in failing or refusing to
take  any action under this Credit Agreement or under any of  the
other  Credit Documents unless it shall first receive such advice
or  concurrence as it deems appropriate from, in the case of  the
U.S. Agent, the Required Lenders, or, in the case of the Canadian
Agent,  the  Required  Canadian Lenders, or  it  shall  first  be
indemnified  to  its satisfaction by, in the  case  of  the  U.S.
Agent,  the  Lenders, or, in the case of the Canadian Agent,  the
Canadian Lenders, against any and all liability and expense which
may  be incurred by it by reason of taking or continuing to  take
any  such  action.   Each  Agent shall  in  all  cases  be  fully
protected  in acting, or in refraining from acting, hereunder  or
under  any  of  the other Credit Documents in accordance  with  a
request  of, in the case of the U.S. Agent, the Required Lenders,
or,  in  the  case  of the Canadian Agent, the Required  Canadian
Lenders (or, in the case of the U.S. Agent or the Canadian Agent,
all  the  Lenders to the extent specifically provided in  Section
10.6)  and  such request and any action taken or failure  to  act
pursuant thereto shall be binding upon all the Lenders (including
their successors and assigns).

      SUBPART 2.11   New Schedule 1.1I.  A new Schedule  1.1I  in
the  form of Schedule 1.1I attached hereto is hereby added to the
Existing Credit Agreement.

      SUBPART  2.12   Amendments to Schedule 2.1(b)(i).  Schedule
2.1(b)(i)  of  the Existing Credit Agreement is  hereby  replaced
with Schedule 2.1(b)(i) attached hereto.

      SUBPART 2.13   New Schedule 2.5.  A new Schedule 2.5 in the
form  of  Schedule  2.5 attached hereto is hereby  added  to  the
Existing Credit Agreement.

      SUBPART 2.14   Amendments to Schedule 11.3.  Schedule  11.3
of the Existing Credit Agreement is hereby replaced with Schedule
11.3 attached hereto.

      SUBPART 2.15   Conditional Amendments to Section 11.6.   In
the  event that the Lenders unanimously approve and execute  this
Amendment,  the  introductory  clause  of  Section  11.6  of  the
Existing  Credit Agreement is hereby amended in its  entirety  to
read as follows:


       11.6 Amendments, Waivers and Consents.

           Neither  this Credit Agreement  nor any  other  Credit
     Document  nor  any  of the terms hereof or  thereof  may  be
     amended,  changed,  waived, discharged or terminated  unless
     such amendment, change, waiver, discharge or termination  is
     in  writing entered into by, or approved in writing by,  the
     Required  Lenders and the Credit Parties, provided  that  no
     such  amendment,  change, waiver, discharge  or  termination
     shall, without the consent of each Lender affected thereby:

                            PART III

      This Amendment shall be and become effective as of the date
(the "Amendment No. 1 Effective Date") when all of the conditions
set forth in this Part III shall have been satisfied.

      SUBPART  3.1  Execution of Counterparts of Amendment.   The
U.S  Agent shall have received counterparts of this Amendment  on
or  before December 31, 2001, which collectively shall have  been
duly  executed on behalf of each of the Borrowers, the Guarantors
and the Required Lenders.

     SUBPART 3.2  Corporate Documents.  The U.S Agent shall  have
     received the following:

               (i)  Resolutions.  Copies of resolutions of the Board
     of  Directors  of  each  U.S.  Credit  Party  approving  and
     adopting   this  Amendment,  the  transactions  contemplated
     therein  and  authorizing execution  and  delivery  thereof,
     certified by a secretary or assistant secretary of such U.S.
     Credit  Party to be true and correct and in force and effect
     as of the Amendment No. 1 Effective Date.

               (ii) Good Standing.  Copies of certificates of good
     standing, existence or its equivalent with respect to Airgas
     certified   as   of   a  recent  date  by  the   appropriate
     Governmental  Authorities of the state of incorporation  and
     the  state of the chief executive office and principal place
     of business.

               (iii)     Incumbency.  An incumbency certificate of
     each U.S. Credit Party certified by a secretary or assistant
     secretary to be true and correct as of the Amendment  No.  1
     Effective Date.

      SUBPART 3.3  Opinion of Counsel.  The U.S. Agent shall have
received a legal opinion of Cravath, Swaine & Moore dated  as  of
the  Amendment  No.  1 Effective Date and in form  and  substance
reasonably satisfactory to the U.S. Agent.

     SUBPART 3.4  Additional Financing.  The sum of the U.S. Term
Loan  Committed  Amount plus the principal amount  of  all  other
financing  arrangements  (the  "Additional  Financing")  made  by
Airgas  to  pay  for  the Willow Acquisition (which  arrangements
shall otherwise be permitted by the Credit Agreement) shall equal
$100,000,000,  and Airgas shall have obtained the amount  of  the
Additional  Financing  prior  to  or  simultaneously   with   the
Amendment No. 1 Effective Date.


                             PART IV

      SUBPART  4.1   Construction.  This Amendment  is  a  Credit
Document  executed pursuant to the Existing Credit Agreement  and
shall   (unless   otherwise  expressly  indicated   therein)   be
construed, administered and applied in accordance with the  terms
and provisions of the Amended Credit Agreement.

      SUBPART  4.2  Representations and Warranties.  Each  Credit
Party  hereby represents and warrants that (i) each Credit  Party
that is party to this Amendment:  (a) has the requisite corporate
power  and  authority  to  execute,  deliver  and  perform   this
Amendment, as applicable and (b) is duly authorized to,  and  has
been  authorized by all necessary corporate action,  to  execute,
deliver and perform this Amendment, (ii) the representations  and
warranties contained in Section 6 of the Amended Credit Agreement
are  true and correct in all material respects on and as  of  the
date  hereof upon giving effect to this Amendment as though  made
on  and  as of such date (except for those which expressly relate
to  an  earlier  date) and (iii) no Default or Event  of  Default
exists under the Existing Credit Agreement on and as of the  date
hereof upon giving effect to this Amendment.

     SUBPART 4.3  Acknowledgment.  The Guarantors acknowledge and
consent to all of the terms and conditions of this Amendment  and
agree that this Amendment does not operate to reduce or discharge
the Guarantors' obligations under the Amended Credit Agreement or
the  other  Credit Documents.  The Guarantors further acknowledge
and  agree  that  the  Guarantors have no claims,  counterclaims,
offsets,  or defenses to the Credit Documents and the performance
of  the  Guarantors' obligations thereunder or if the  Guarantors
did  have any such claims, counterclaims, offsets or defenses  to
the  Credit  Documents or any transaction related to  the  Credit
Documents, the same are hereby waived, relinquished and  released
in  consideration of the Lenders' execution and delivery of  this

      SUBPART  4.4  Counterparts.  This Amendment may be executed
by  the  parties hereto in several counterparts,  each  of  which
shall  be  deemed  to  be  an original and  all  of  which  shall
constitute together but one and the same agreement.

      SUBPART  4.5  Binding Effect.  This Amendment, the  Amended
Credit Agreement and the other Credit Documents embody the entire
agreement  between the parties and supersede all prior agreements
and  understandings,  if  any, relating  to  the  subject  matter
hereof.   These  Credit Documents represent the  final  agreement
between  the  parties and may not be contradicted by evidence  of
prior,  contemporaneous  or subsequent  oral  agreements  of  the
parties.   Except  as  expressly modified  and  amended  in  this
Amendment, all the terms, provisions and conditions of the Credit
Documents shall remain unchanged and shall continue in full force
and effect.



      SUBPART  4.7  Severability.    If  any  provision  of  this
Amendment  is determined to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable,
such  provision  shall  be  fully  severable  and  the  remaining
provisions  shall remain in full force and effect  and  shall  be
construed  without  giving  effect to  the  illegal,  invalid  or
unenforceable provisions.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused a
counterpart of this Amendment to be duly executed and delivered
as of the date first above written.

BORROWERS:               AIRGAS, INC.

                         By: /S/Joseph C. Sullivan
                         Name:  Joseph C. Sullivan
                         Title: Vice President and Treasurer

                         AIRGAS CANADA INC.

                         By: /S/Robert M. McLaughlin
                         Name:  Robert M. McLaughlin
                         Title: Vice President

                         RED-D-ARC LIMITED
                         By: /S/Robert M. McLaughlin
                         Name:  Robert M. McLaughlin
                         Title: Vice President


                         AIRGAS-GREAT LAKES, INC.
                         AIRGAS-MID AMERICA, INC.
                         AIRGAS-NORTH CENTRAL, INC.
                         AIRGAS-SOUTH, INC.
                         AIRGAS-GULF STATES, INC.
                         AIRGAS-INTERMOUNTAIN, INC.
                         AIRGAS-MID SOUTH, INC.
                         AIRGAS-NORPAC, INC.
                         AIRGAS-NORTHERN CALIFORNIA & NEVADA, INC.
                         AIRGAS-SOUTHWEST, INC.
                         AIRGAS-WEST, INC.
                         AIRGAS-SAFETY, INC.
                         RUTLAND TOOL & SUPPLY CO., INC.
                         AIRGAS CARBONIC, INC.
                         AIRGAS SPECIALTY GASES, INC.
                         NITROUS OXIDE CORP.
                         PURITAN MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC.
                         RED-D-ARC, INC.
                         ATNL, INC.
                         AIRGAS REALTY, INC.
                         CYLINDER LEASING CORP.
                         AIRGAS DATA, LLC

                         By: /S/Robert M. McLaughlin
                         Name:  Robert M. McLaughlin
                         Title: Vice President

                         AIRGAS, S.A. DE C.V.
                         AIRGAS MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V.

                         By: /S/Joseph C. Sullivan
                         Name:  Joseph C. Sullivan
                         Title: Vice President and Treasurer

                     [Signatures continued]


U.S. AGENT:              BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.,

                         By: /S/Donald J. Chin
                         Name:  Donald J. Chin
                         Title: Managing Director


                         By: /S/Donald J. Chin
                         Name:  Donald J. Chin
                         Title: Managing Director

                         BANCA NAZIONALE DEL LAVARO S.p.A
                         NEW YORK BRANCH

                         By: /S/Leonardo Valentini
                         Name:  Leonardo Valentini
                         Title: First Vice President

                         By: /S/Frederic W. Hall
                         Name:  Frederic W. Hall
                         Title: Vice President

                         THE BANK OF NEW YORK

                         By: /S/David S. Csatari
                         Name:  David S. Csatari
                         Title: Assistant Vice President


                         By: /S/Heather Zimmermann
                         Name:  Heather Zimmermann
                         Title: Vice President


                         CIBC INC.

                         By: /S/Dominic Sorresso
                         Name:  Dominic Sorresso
                         Title: Executive Director


                         JP MORGAN CHASE BANK

                         By: /S/Lee P. Brennan
                         Name:  Lee P. Brennan
                         Title: Vice President

                         FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK

                         By: /S/Shannan S. Townsend
                         Name:  Shannan S. Townsend
                         Title: Vice President

                         FLEET NATIONAL BANK

                         By: /S/Marwan Isbaih
                         Name:  Marwan Isbaih
                         Title: Director

                         MELLON BANK, N.A.

                         By: /S/William Feathers
                         Name:  William Feathers
                         Title: Vice President

                         NATIONAL CITY BANK

                         By: /S/Thomas J. McDonnell
                         Name:  Thomas J. McDonnell
                         Title: Senior Vice President


                         PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

                         By: /S/Frank A. Pugliese
                         Name:  Frank A. Pugliese
                         Title: Vice President

                         BANK OF OKLAHOMA

                         By: /S/Pamela J. Been
                         Name:  Pamela J. Been
                         Title: Vice President

                         SERVICES INC.

                         By: /S/Christopher M. McLaughlin
                         Name:  Christopher M. McLaughlin
                         Title: Vice President


                         By: /S/Dominic Sorresso
                         Name:  Dominic Sorresso
                         Title: Executive Director



                         By: /S/Dominic Sorresso
                         Name:  Dominic Sorresso
                         Title: Executive Director


                         BANK OF AMERICA CANADA

                         By: /S/Nelson Lam
                         Name:  Nelson Lam
                         Title: Vice President


                         MELLON BANK, N.A. -  CANADA BRANCH

                         By: /S/William Feathers
                         Name:  William Feathers
                         Title: Vice President


                          Schedule 1.1I


- -    Continued due-diligence may lead to an adjustment of the
 allocation of EBITDA between the purchaser of the Dogwood Assets
 and Airgas
- -    However, unless these adjustments are material and are
 agreed to between the Borrowers and the U.S. Agent, acting
 reasonably, the schedule of pro forma EBITDA from the Willow
 Acquisition shall be as follows:

                12/31/00       3/31/01       6/30/01       9/30/01
               -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
     Without   $10,177,500   $10,177,500   $10,177,500   $10,177,500

     With      $10,925,000   $10,925,000   $10,925,000   $10,925,000

                       Schedule 2.1(b)(i)


TO:       Bank of America, N.A., as U.S. Agent
          100 North Tryon Street
          Charlotte, North Carolina  28255

RE:       Tenth Amended and Restated Credit
          Agreement dated as of July 30, 2001 among
          Airgas, Inc. ("Airgas"), Airgas Canada Inc.
          and Red-D-Arc Limited (each a "Canadian
          Borrower"), the Guarantors party thereto,
          Bank of America, N.A., as U.S. Agent,
          Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, as
          Canadian Agent and the Lenders party thereto
          (as amended or modified from time to time,
          the "Credit Agreement").

DATE:     _____________, 200__


1.   This Notice of Borrowing is made pursuant to the terms of
     the Credit Agreement.  All capitalized terms used herein
     unless otherwise defined shall have the meanings set forth
     in the Credit Agreement.

2.   Please be advised that Airgas is requesting a [Revolving
     U.S. Loan][U.S. Term Loan] in the amount of $__________ be
     funded on ____________, 200__ to accrue interest at the
     interest rate set forth in paragraph 3 below.  Subsequent to
     the funding of the requested [Revolving U.S. Loan][U.S. Term
     Loan], the aggregate amount of outstanding [Revolving U.S.
     Loan][U.S. Term Loans] will be $___________.

3.   The interest rate option applicable to the requested
     [Revolving U.S. Loan][U.S. Term Loan] set forth in paragraph
     2 above shall be:

     a.   ________ the U.S. Base Rate plus the Applicable
     Percentage for Base Rate Loans; or

     b.   ________ the Eurodollar Rate plus the Applicable
     Percentage for Eurodollar Loans for an Interest Period

               ________ one month
               ________ two months
               ________ three months
               ________ six months
               ________ twelve months

4.   The representations and warranties made in Section 6 of the
     Credit Agreement are true and correct in all material
     respects at and as if made on the date hereof (except for
     those which expressly relate to an earlier date) unless the
     failure to be so true and correct would not be reasonably
     expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

5.   As of the date hereof, no Default or Event of Default has
     occurred and is continuing or would be caused by the
     requested Loan.

6.   The incurrence by Airgas of the Indebtedness evidenced by
     such Loan is permitted by the Subordinated Note Indenture
     and constitutes "Senior Debt" (as defined in the
     Subordinated Note Indenture).

7.   Immediately after giving effect to the making of the
     requested Revolving U.S. Loan, the sum of the aggregate
     principal amount of outstanding Revolving U.S. Loans plus
     the aggregate principal amount of outstanding Competitive
     U.S. Loans plus the aggregate principal amount of
     outstanding U.S. Swingline Loans plus U.S. LOC Obligations
     outstanding shall not exceed the Revolving U.S. Committed


                          Schedule 2.5


      Reference is made  to the Tenth Amended and Restated Credit
Agreement  dated  as  of  July 30, 2001  (as  amended,  modified,
extended  or  restated from time to time, the "Credit Agreement")
by and among Airgas, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Airgas"), the
other  Credit  Parties party thereto, the Lenders party  thereto,
the  Guarantors  party thereto, Bank of America,  N.A.,  as  U.S.
Agent  and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, as Canadian Agent.
All of the defined terms in the Credit Agreement are incorporated
herein by reference.

     1.   Effective as of the Effective Date (defined below), the
undersigned Lender hereby confirms its U.S. Term Loan Commitment,
in  an  aggregate principal amount of up to the amount  specified
below  to  (i)  make  U.S.  Term Loans  in  accordance  with  the
provisions  of  Section  2.5(a).  If the  undersigned  Lender  is
already  a  Lender  under  the  Credit  Agreement,  such   Lender
acknowledges and agrees that such U.S. Term Loan Commitment is in
addition  to  any  existing Commitment of such Lender  under  the
Credit  Agreement.  If the undersigned Lender is  not  already  a
Lender   under   the   Credit  Agreement,  such   Lender   hereby
acknowledges, agrees and confirms that, by its execution of  this
agreement, such Lender will, as of the Effective Date, be a party
to  the  Credit Agreement and be bound by the provisions  of  the
Credit  Agreement  and,  to the extent  of  its  U.S.  Term  Loan
Commitment,  have  the  rights  and  obligations  of   a   Lender

      2.   This agreement shall be governed by and construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

Effective Date                           _____________________

Amount of U.S. Term Loan Commitment      _____________________

The terms set forth above
are hereby agreed to this ____ day of ____________, 200_:




as U.S. Agent


                          Schedule 11.3


     THIS  ASSIGNMENT AND ACCEPTANCE dated as of _______________,
200_  is  entered into between ________________ ("Assignor")  and
____________________ ("Assignee").

     Reference  is made to the Tenth Amended and Restated  Credit
Agreement dated as of July 30, 2001, as amended and modified from
time  to  time thereafter (the "Credit Agreement") among  Airgas,
Inc.,  the  Canadian  Borrowers, the Lenders party  thereto,  the
Guarantors  party thereto, Bank of America, N.A., as  U.S.  Agent
and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, as Canadian Agent.  Terms
defined  in  the Credit Agreement are used herein with  the  same

     1.  The Assignor hereby sells and assigns, without recourse,
to  the  Assignee, and the Assignee hereby purchases and  assumes
from  the Assignor, effective as of the Effective Date set  forth
below, the interests set forth below (the "Assigned Interest") in
the Assignor's rights and obligations under the Credit Agreement,
including, without limitation, the interests set forth  below  in
the  Commitments  and outstanding Loans of the  Assignor  on  the
effective date of the assignment designated below (the "Effective
Date"),  together  with  unpaid  Fees  accrued  on  the  assigned
Commitments to the Effective Date and unpaid interest accrued  on
the  assigned Loans to the Effective Date.  Each of the  Assignor
and  the Assignee hereby makes and agrees to be bound by all  the
representations, warranties and agreements set forth in  [Section
2.5(g)]  [Section  11.3(b)] of the Credit Agreement,  a  copy  of
which  has  been received by the Assignee.  From  and  after  the
Effective  Date (i) the Assignee, if it is not already  a  Lender
under  the Credit Agreement, shall be a party to and be bound  by
the  provisions of the Credit Agreement and, to the extent of the
interests  purchased  and  assumed by  the  Assignee  under  this
Assignment and Acceptance, have the rights and obligations  of  a
Lender  thereunder and (ii) the Assignor shall, to the extent  of
the  interests  sold  and  assigned by the  Assignor  under  this
Assignment and Acceptance, relinquish its rights and be  released
from its obligations under the Credit Agreement.

    2.   This Assignment and Acceptance shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the state of New York.

    3.   Terms of Assignment

        (a)Date of Assignment:

        (b)Legal Name of Assignor:

        (c)Legal Name of Assignee:

        (d)Effective Date of Assignment:

        (e)Assigned Interest:

                                  Total       Amount of     Percentage
                               Commitment/   Commitment/     Assigned
                              Loans for all     Loans        of Total
 Facility Assigned               Lenders      Assigned    Commitment/Loans
 --------------------------   -------------  -----------  ----------------
  Revolving U.S. Commitment   $____________  $__________
  Revolving U.S. Loans        $____________  $__________  __________%

  U.S. Term Loan              $____________  $__________  __________%

  Revolving Canadian          $____________  $__________  __________%
    Commitment                $____________  $__________
Revolving Canadian Loans

4.   This Assignment and Acceptance shall be effective only  upon
consent  of  U.S.  Agent [Airgas] [and the  Canadian  Agent],  if
applicable,  delivery  to  the  [U.S./Canadian]  Agent  of   this
Assignment and Acceptance together with the transfer fee  payable
pursuant  to  [Section  2.5(g)] [Section 11.3(b)]  in  connection

5.   This Assignment and Acceptance may be executed in any number
of  counterparts, each of which where so executed  and  delivered
shall  be an original, but all of which shall constitute one  and
the  same instrument.  It shall not be necessary in making  proof
of  this Assignment and Acceptance to produce or account for more
than one such counterpart.

The terms set forth above
are hereby agreed to:

____________________, as Assignor



_____________________, as Assignee




as U.S. Agent




