
                                AMENDMENT NO. 1

"Amendment"), dated as of November 8, 1994, is by and among

     AIRGAS, INC., a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business
in Wilmington, Delaware ("Airgas"); and

     AIRGAS HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation with its principal place of
business in Wilmington, Delaware ("Holdings" - Airgas and Holdings may be
referred to individually herein as a "Borrower" and collectively as the

     NATIONSBANK OF NORTH CAROLINA, N.A., a national banking association

     THE BANK OF NEW YORK, a New York corporation ("BNY");

     FIRST FIDELITY BANK, N.A., a national banking association ("Fidelity");

national banking association ("PNB");

     BANK OF AMERICA ILLINOIS, an Illinois state bank ("BANK OF AMERICA");

     MERIDIAN BANK, a Pennsylvania state bank ("Meridian");

     NBD BANK, N.A., a national banking association ("NBD");

     CIBC INC. , a Delaware corporation ("CIBC"); and

     PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a national banking association ("PNC" -
hereinafter, NationsBank, BNY, Fidelity, PNB, Bank of America, Meridian, NBD,
CIBC and PNC may be referred to individually as a "Bank" and collectively as
the "Banks"); and

association (in its capacity as agent for the Banks, hereinafter referred to
in such capacity as the "Agent").

                             W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS, pursuant to a Sixth Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
of August 30, 1994 (the "Existing Loan Agreement") among the Borrowers, the
Banks and the Agent, the Banks have extended commitments to make certain
credit facilities available to the Borrowers; and

     WHEREAS, the Borrowers desire to make certain amendments to the Existing
Loan Agreement.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements herein contained, the
parties hereby agree as follows:

                                    PART I

          SUBPART 1.1.  Certain Definitions.  Unless other-
     wise defined herein or the context otherwise requires, 
     terms used in this Amendment, including its preamble
     and recitals, have the following meanings (such
     meanings to be equally applicable to the singular and
     plural forms thereof):

               "Amended Loan Agreement" means the
          Existing Loan Agreement as amended hereby.

               "Amendment Effective Date" is defined in
          Subpart 3.1 hereof.

          SUBPART 1.2.  Other Definitions.  Unless otherwise
     defined herein or the context otherwise requires, terms
     used in this Amendment, including its preamble and
     recitals, have the meanings provided in the Amended
     Loan Agreement.

                                    PART II

     Effective on (and subject to the occurrence of) the Amendment Effective
Date, the Existing Loan Agreement is hereby amended in accordance with this
Part II.  Except as so amended, the Existing Loan Agreement and all other Loan
Documents shall continue in full force and effect.

          SUBPART 2.1.  Amendments to Section 1.01.  The
     definition of "Subordinated Debt" set forth in Section 1.01
     of the Existing Loan Agreement is hereby amended to read in
     its entirety as follows:

               "Subordinated Debt" means (i) the indebtedness of
          up to $55,000,000.00 incurred by Airgas pursuant to the
          terms of the Senior Subordinated Note Purchase
          Agreements, the repayment of which is subordinated to
          the repayment of the indebtedness of Airgas to the
          Banks hereunder on terms described in the Senior
          Subordinated Note Purchase Agreements, (ii)
          indebtedness incurred by Airgas on substantially the
          terms and conditions as provided in the Confidential
          Direct Placement Memorandum set forth as Schedule 5
          attached hereto and subordinated to the obligations of
          the Borrowers and the Guarantee Subsidiaries under the
          Loan Documents on terms substantially similar to the
          terms of subordination under the Subordinated Note
          Purchase Agreements, provided that no Event of Default
          specified in Article XIV hereof, nor any event which
          upon notice or lapse of time or both, would constitute
          such an Event of Default, exists immediately prior to
          or would exist immediately after such indebtedness is
          incurred, and (iii) additional subordinated
          indebtedness incurred by Airgas provided that (A) no
          Event of Default specified in Article XIV hereof, nor
          any event which upon notice or lapse of time or both,


          would constitute such an Event of Default, exists
          immediately prior to or would exist immediately after
          such additional subordinated indebtedness is incurred
          and (B) all of the terms and conditions of such
          additional subordinated indebtedness (including the
          terms relating to the subordination of such
          indebtedness to the indebtedness of Airgas hereunder)
          are consented to by the Majority Banks prior to the
          time such indebtedness is incurred; provided, however,
          the aggregate outstanding principal balance of all
          indebtedness referred to in subsections (i), (ii) and
          (iii) of this definition shall not exceed
          $105,000,000.00 at any one time;

          SUBPART 2.2.  Amendments to Section 13.01.  Subsection
     (a), subsection (g) and subsection (y) of Section 13.01 of
     the Existing Loan Agreement are hereby amended to read in
     their entireties as follows:

               13.01  Each of the Borrowers covenants and agrees
          with the Banks and the Agent that, so long as this Loan
          Agreement shall remain in effect or any Letter of
          Credit or Bankers' Acceptance shall be outstanding or
          the principal of or interest on any Note, Money Market
          Note, LC Reimbursement Obligation or BA Reimbursement
          Obligation or any other expense or amount payable
          hereunder remains unpaid, and until the Revolving
          Credit Loan Commitments are terminated and the Banks
          are no longer obligated to make any Letter of Credit
          Term Loans, without the prior written consent of the
          Majority Banks, it will not nor will it enter into any
          binding agreement to or permit any Subsidiary to:

               (a)  incur, create, assume or permit to exist any
          indebtedness for borrowed money, however evidenced, or
          its equivalent, except

                    (i)  the Loans, the Letters of Credit
               (and the related LC Reimbursement Obligations), the             
               Bankers' Acceptances (and the related BA Reimbursement          
               Obligations) and the Money Market Loans;

                    (ii) existing indebtedness set forth in
               Exhibit Q hereto (and renewals, refinancings
               or extensions (but not any increases in the
               outstanding principal amount) thereof on
               terms and conditions no less favorable to
               such Borrower or Subsidiary than the terms
               and conditions of such existing

                   (iii) indebtedness evidenced by
               endorsement of negotiable instruments for
               collection and done in the ordinary course of

                    (iv) the Subordinated Debt;

                    (v)  unsecured indebtedness incurred in
               favor of the sellers of the companies
               described in Section 13.01(h)(iv) and (v)
               hereof in order to finance the acquisition of
               such companies;

                    (vi) standby letters of credit (other
               than standby Letters of Credit issued
               pursuant to Section 5.01 hereof) provided
               that the full amount available to be drawn
               thereunder is at all times backed or secured
               by a Letter of Credit issued pursuant to
               Section 5.01 hereof;

                  (vii)  indebtedness of Airgas and Holdings of
               up to $100,000,000 arising under the Loan
               Agreement dated as of November 8, 1994 attached
               hereto as Schedule 4; and

                 (viii)  other present or future
               indebtedness of Airgas or any of its
               Subsidiaries, provided that the aggregate
               amount of such indebtedness at any time
               outstanding shall not exceed $20,000,000.00;
               provided, however, that nothing contained in
               this Section 13.01(a) or any other provision
               of this Loan Agreement shall prevent any
               Credit Party from entering into, as lessee,
               any real estate leases (other than
               capitalized leases) or operating leases of
               equipment in the ordinary course of such
               Credit Party's business;


               (g)  guarantee directly or indirectly the
          obligations of any Person except for (i) the guarantee
          of a Guarantee Subsidiary (A) pursuant to the Guaranty
          Agreement or (B) of any indebtedness permitted under
          Section 13.01(a)(vii) hereof, (ii) endorsements of
          negotiable instruments in the ordinary course of
          business, (iii) the unsecured guarantee by Airgas of
          any indebtedness permitted under Section 13.01(a)
          hereof and (iv) additional guarantees provided that at
          no time shall (A) the sum of (1) the aggregate
          outstanding principal amount guaranteed pursuant to all
          such guarantees permitted under this clause (iv), plus
          (2) the aggregate fair market value of all assets
          contributed to the REIT by Airgas and its Subsidiaries
          as permitted under Section 13.01(d)(ii) hereof and the
          aggregate amount of investments (other than asset
          contributions otherwise permitted by Section
          13.01(d)(ii) hereof) made in the REIT as permitted
          under Section 13.01(h)(vii) hereof, plus (3) the
          aggregate outstanding amount of investments permitted
          under Section 13.01(h)(vi) hereof, plus (4) the
          aggregate outstanding principal amount of loans and
          advances permitted under Section 13.01(k)(iii) hereof,
          plus (5) the aggregate outstanding amount of


          investments permitted under Section 13.01(m)(ii)
          hereof, exceed (B) 20% of Book Net Worth as of the end
          of the then immediately preceding fiscal quarter;


               (y)  cause (i) each of Mauritius Industrial Gases,
          Inc. and Airgas Polska sp. z oo at such time as any
          such Subsidiary shall have total assets of at least
          $3,000,000 and (ii) each other Subsidiary hereafter
          acquired by any Credit Party prior to the Maturity Date
          (A) to become a Guarantee Subsidiary pursuant to a
          Guaranty Joinder Agreement and (B) to deliver to the
          Agent such other documentation as the Agent may
          reasonably request in connection with the foregoing,
          including, without limitation, certified corporate
          resolutions and other corporate documents of such
          Person and favorable opinions of counsel to such Person
          (which shall cover, among other things, the legality,
          validity, binding effect and enforceability of the
          obligations of such Subsidiary under the Guaranty
          Agreement); provided, however, with respect to any such
          Subsidiary described above which is a Canadian
          Subsidiary (1) such Canadian Subsidiary shall not be
          obligated to so guarantee the obligations of the
          Borrowers during the 90 day period immediately
          succeeding the date of acquisition of such Canadian
          Subsidiary and (2) if, subsequent to such Canadian
          Subsidiary becoming a Guarantee Subsidiary pursuant to
          a Guaranty Joinder Agreement, any Canadian Lender has
          agreed to provide financing to such Canadian Subsidiary
          to provide for the working capital, capital
          expenditure, acquisition costs and/or letter of credit
          needs of such Canadian Subsidiary, then, promptly upon
          the request of the Borrowers, the Agent (on behalf of
          the Banks) shall thereupon release such Canadian
          Subsidiary from the Guaranty Agreement.

          SUBPART 2.3.  Amendments to Section 13A.01.  Section
     13A.01 of the Existing Loan Agreement is hereby amended to
     read in its entirety as follows:

               13A.01  The covenants of Airgas (i) contained in
          Section 10 of each of the Senior Subordinated Note
          Purchase Agreements, as such covenants may be amended
          or modified from time to time and (ii) contained in any
          documentation evidencing or executed in connection with
          any other Subordinated Debt as such documents may be
          amended or modified from time to time (collectively,
          the "Incorporated Covenants"), are (until termination
          of the applicable Subordinated Note Purchase Agreement
          or the applicable documentation evidencing or executed
          in connection with such other Subordinated Debt, as the
          case may be) hereby incorporated herein by reference
          and shall be as binding on the Borrowers as if set
          forth fully herein.


          SUBPART 2.4.  Replacement of Schedule 4.  Existing
     Schedule 4 to the Existing Loan Agreement is deleted in its
     entirety and a new schedule in the form of Schedule 4
     attached hereto is added to the Existing Loan Agreement in
     replacement therefor and substitution thereof.

          SUBPART 2.5.  New Schedule 5.  A new schedule in the
     form of Schedule 5 is added to the Existing Loan Agreement
     immediately following existing Schedule 4 attached thereto.

                            PART III

          SUBPART 3.1.  Amendment Effective Date.  This
     Amendment shall be and become effective as of the date
     hereof (the "Amendment Effective Date") when the Agent
     shall have received counterparts of this Amendment,
     each of which shall have been duly executed on behalf
     of the Borrowers and the Majority Banks.

     The Banks hereby acknowledge and agree that no
     amendment fee shall be payable pursuant to Section
     16.04 of the Existing Credit Agreement in connection
     with this Amendment.
                             PART IV

          SUBPART 4.1.  Cross-References.  References in
     this Amendment to any Part or Subpart are, unless
     otherwise specified, to such Part or Subpart of this

          SUBPART 4.2.  Instrument Pursuant to Existing Loan
     Agreement.  This Amendment is a Loan Document executed
     pursuant to the Existing Loan Agreement and shall
     (unless otherwise expressly indicated therein) be
     construed, administered and applied in accordance with
     the terms and provisions of the Existing Loan

          SUBPART 4.3.  References in Other Loan Documents. 
     At such time as this Amendment shall become effective
     pursuant to the terms of Subpart 3.1 hereof, all
     references in the Loan Documents to the "Loan
     Agreement" shall be deemed to refer to the Loan
     Agreement as amended by this Amendment.

          SUBPART 4.4.  Expenses.  The Borrowers agree to
     pay all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses (including
     fees and expenses of counsel) incurred by the Agent in
     connection with the preparation, execution and delivery
     of this Amendment.

          SUBPART 4.5.  Counterparts, Effectiveness, Etc. 
     This Amendment may be executed by the parties hereto in
     several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to
     be an original and all of which shall constitute
     together but one and the same agreement.


          SUBPART 4.6.  Governing Law; Entire Agreement. 

 [The remainder of this page has been left blank intentionally.]


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused
this First Amendment to be duly executed by their duly authorized
officers, all as of the day and year first above written.

                         AIRGAS, INC.

                         By /s/Britton H. Murdoch
                           Britton H. Murdoch
                           Vice President

                         AIRGAS HOLDINGS, INC.

                         By /s/Britton H. Murdoch
                           Britton H. Murdoch
                           Vice President

                        (Signatures Continued)

                                   NATIONSBANK OF NORTH CAROLINA, N.A.

By:    /s/M. Gregory Seaton

Title: Vice President

                                   THE BANK OF NEW YORK 

By:    /s/Michael V. Flannery

Title: Vice President

                                   FIRST FIDELITY BANK, N.A.

By:    /s/Carl Goelz

Title: Vice President

                                   PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK,
                                   INCORPORATED AS CORESTATES BANK, NA

By:    /s/Matthew T. Panarese

Title: Vice President

                                   BANK OF AMERICA ILLINOIS

By:    /s/Nancy J. McGaw

Title: Vice President

                                   MERIDIAN BANK

By:    /s/Patrick B. Trainor

Title: Assistant Vice President
                        [Signatures continued]

                                   NBD BANK, N.A.

By:    /s/John W. Fischer, III

Title: Senior Vice President

                                   CIBC INC.

By:    /s/Paul T. LaHiff, Jr.

Title: Vice President

                                   PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

By:    /s/H. Todd Dissinger

Title: Vice President

                                   NATIONSBANK OF NORTH CAROLINA,
                                   N.A., as Agent for the Banks

By:    /s/M. Gregory Seaton

Title: Vice President

                        [Signatures continued]


The undersigned, as Guarantee Subsidiaries under the Guaranty
Agreement dated as of August 30, 1994 executed by each of the
undersigned in favor of the Agent and the Banks referred to above for the
benefit of the Borrowers referred to above, hereby acknowledge and consent to
the terms of the foregoing Amendment No. 1 to Sixth Amended and Restated Loan

                         AIRGAS BREATHING AIR SYSTEMS, INC.
                         AIRGAS HOLDINGS CANADA LIMITED
                         AIRGAS INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                         AIRGAS MANAGEMENT, INC.
                         AIRGAS NEW ENGLAND REAL ESTATE, INC.
                         AIRGAS REALTY, INC.
                         AMERICAN CARBIDE AND CARBON
                           CORPORATION (d/b/a MIDWEST CARBIDE)
                         BAY AIRGAS, INC.
                         CASCADE AIRGAS, INC.
                         CRYODYNE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                         CYLINDER LEASING CORP.
                         EMPIRE AIRGAS, INC.
                         FLORIDA AIRGAS, INC.
                         G.S. PARSONS, CO.
                         GREAT LAKES AIRGAS, INC.
                         GREAT WESTERN AIRGAS, INC.
                         GULF STATES AIRGAS, INC.
                         INDUSTRIAL GASES OF WICHITA, INC.
                         KEYSTONE AIRGAS, INC.
                         LONE STAR AIRGAS, INC.
                         MICHIGAN AIRGAS, INC.
                         MIDAMERICA AIRGAS, INC.
                         MIDAMERICA HOLDINGS, INC.
                         MIDWEST AIRGAS, INC.
                         MOUNTAIN AIRGAS, INC.
                         NITROUS OXIDE CORP.
                         NORTHEAST AIRGAS, INC.
                         NORTHERN GASES, INC.
                         PACIFIC AIRGAS, INC.
                         POST AIRGAS, INC.
                         POTOMAC AIRGAS, INC.
                         RANGE ARC, INC.
                         SIERRA AIRGAS, INC.
                         SOONER AIRGAS, INC.
                         SOUTHEAST AIRGAS, INC.
                         SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS, INC.
                         US AIRGAS, INC.
                         VIRGINIA WELDING SUPPLY CO.
                         WESTWIND COMPANY

                         By /s/Britton H. Murdoch
                           Britton H. Murdoch
                           Vice President
                           of each of the Companies listed above

                              SCHEDULE 4

      [Loan Documents for $100,000,000 Revolving Credit Facility]

                              SCHEDULE 5

      [Summary of Terms and Conditions for New Subordinated Debt]