                                 AIRGAS, INC.

                      PLAN FOR DIRECTORS [NON-EMPLOYEES]
                      (As amended through August 7, 1995)

     Pursuant to action duly taken by the Board of Directors of Airgas, Inc. 

(the "Company") at a Regular Meeting held on August 7, 1995, the following 

amendment to the Company's 1989 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan for Directors 

[Non-Employees], as Amended (the "Plan") was adopted to add thereto a new 

Section 5(i):

     Section 5(i)  Election to Decline Automatic Grant. An Optionee shall have
the right to elect (i) to decline any part or all of an automatic grant of an
Option pursuant to this Plan or (ii) to revoke a previous election to decline
any part or all of an automatic grant of an Option under this Plan, in either
event, at any time prior to the date any such grant would otherwise be made,
provided than an Optionee who elects to decline any part or all of an
automatic grant shall not receive anything in lieu of such grant, either at
the time of such election or any time thereafter.

                                   Adopted as set forth herein:

                                   AIRGAS, INC.

                                   By: /s/Todd R. Craun
                                       Todd R. Craun, Secretary

Dated as of August 7, 1995