For More Information: 
                                             Thomas C. Deas, Jr.
                                             Jeffrey P. Cornwell


     RADNOR, Pennsylvania, January 29, l998 -- Airgas, Inc. (NYSE-ARG) today
reported financial results for its third quarter ended December 31, l997.

     For the third quarter, sales increased 24% to a record $367.8 million
from $297.2 million in the third quarter last year.  After-tax cash flow (net
earnings plus depreciation, depletion, amortization and deferred income taxes)
increased by 15% to a record $34.4 million, or $.48 per share, compared to
$29.9 million, or $.43  per share for the same quarter last year.  Net
earnings increased by 8% to $11.8 million, or $.17 per share, compared to
$11.0 million, or $.16 per share, a year ago. 

     For the nine months ended December 31, l997, after-tax cash flow, before
non-recurring gains, increased by 15% to a record $99.2 million or $1.41 per
share, compared to $86.4 million, or $1.27 per share in the same period last
year.  Net earnings (before non-recurring gains)  increased 6% to $35.3
million or $.50 per share, compared to net earnings of $33.4 million or $.49
per share last year.  Sales for the period increased 25% to $1,059.6 million. 
Including non-recurring gains, after-tax cash flow and net earnings for the
nine months ended December 31, 1997, were $116.3 million or $1.64 per share
and $45.7 million or $.65 per share, respectively.

     Since April 1, 1997, Airgas has completed the acquisition of seventeen
industrial gas distributors with aggregate annual sales of  approximately $60
million, including two large regional distributors, Industrial Gas Products
and JWS Technologies, Inc.  Airgas has also acquired two industrial products
distributors with combined annual sales of approximately $106 million, and
four carbon dioxide distributors with combined annual sales of approximately
$74 million.

     Peter McCausland, Airgas' Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said
"Given all the consolidation, integration, and repositioning going on at
Airgas, I am very pleased with our performance, which was highlighted by solid
gas sales growth, strong cash flow growth, continued growth in key national
and regional gas accounts, extension of our carbon dioxide and dry ice
capabilities, and growth in the tools and safety product lines.  We are now
the third largest safety-products distributor in the U.S.  Our industrial
products distribution businesses grew sales at a 16% annual rate and
contributed to cash flow as well as earnings this quarter.  We achieved this
while simultaneously initiating a tremendous effort to reposition Airgas for
higher future growth.  We are combining 34 hubs into 16 regional companies,
establishing a national infrastructure for purchasing and logistics which
involves building five large distribution centers, reorganizing certain
non-core businesses, standardizing our information systems, and hiring product
specialists to increase sales of safety equipment,
tools, and other Airgas strategic products."


     The non-recurring gains included in Airgas' results for the nine months
ended  December 31, 1997 were generated by the sale of a non-core business and
a partial recovery of previously reported refrigerant losses.

     Airgas, Inc. is the largest distributor of industrial, medical and
specialty gases and related equipment in North America.  Its distributor
network includes approximately 700 locations in 42 states, Canada and Mexico. 
Airgas can be visited on the Internet at http://www.airgas.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

     This press release may contain statements that are forward-looking, as
that term is defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
or by the Securities and Exchange Commission in its rules, regulations and
releases.  The Company intends that such forward-looking statements be subject
to the safe harbors created thereby.  All forward-looking statements are based
on current expectations regarding important risk factors.  Accordingly, actual
results may differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking
statements, and the making of such statements should not be regarded as a
representation by the Company or any other person that the results expressed
therein will be achieved.  Important risk factors include, but are not limited
to, the Company's ability to consolidate and integrate new acquisitions,
expenses associated with the Company's new ADI Division, the Company's ability
to pursue claims and recoveries in connection with the fraudulent breach of
contract related to refrigerant R-12 purchases and other factors described in
the Company's 1997 Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange

     Consolidated statements of earnings follow on page 3.

                                 AIRGAS, INC.
                 (Amounts in thousands, except per share data)
                                     Three Months Ended     Nine Months Ended
                                        December 31,           December 31,
                                    1997       1996 (a)     1997      1996 (a)
                                    ____       ____         ____      ____
Net sales:                              
     Distribution                 $272,958     $251,582   $812,395  $741,309
     Direct Industrial              61,372       29,556    159,433    66,445
     Manufacturing                  33,480       16,065     87,750    42,259
                                   _______      _______  _________   _______
          Total net sales          367,810      297,203  1,059,578   850,013
                                   _______      _______  _________   _______
Costs and expenses:
     Cost of products sold 
      (excluding depreciation, 
      depletion and amortization)           
        Distribution               136,309     126,363     408,783   372,811 
        Direct Industrial           43,795      20,481     114,766    49,450
        Manufacturing               15,847       9,449      41,537    25,521   
     Selling, distribution and
      administrative expenses      118,939      94,991     338,481   270,722
     Depreciation, depletion and 
      amortization                  20,218      16,540      56,809    45,801
     Recovery of refrigerant 
      losses (b)                         -           -     (14,500)        -
                                   _______     _______     _______   _______
          Total costs and expenses 335,108     267,824     945,876   764,305
                                   _______     _______     _______   _______
Operating income:
     Distribution                   26,902      25,668      82,778    76,396
     Direct Industrial               2,463         990       4,911     2,172
     Manufacturing                   3,337       2,721      11,513     7,140
     Recovery of refrigerant 
      losses (b)                         -           -      14,500         -
                                    ______      ______     _______    ______
          Total operating income    32,702      29,379     113,702    85,708
Interest expense, net              (13,456)     (10,385)   (39,234)  (28,419)
Other income, net                      442          213      2,488       564
Equity (loss) in earnings of 
 unconsolidated affiliates             943         (106)     1,262         8
Minority interest                     (219)        (177)      (837)     (558)
                                    ______       ______     ______    ______
     Earnings before income taxes   20,412       18,924     77,381    57,303

Income tax expense                   8,586        7,964     31,654    23,883
                                    ______       ______     ______    ______   
     Net earnings                 $ 11,826     $ 10,960   $ 45,727   $33,420
                                    ======       ======     ======    ======  


Net earnings (excluding 
 non-recurring gain and recovery
 of refrigerant losses)(c)                                $ 35,320   $33,420
                                                            ======    ======
Diluted earnings per share (d)    $    .17     $    .16   $    .65   $   .49
                                   =======      =======    =======    ======

Diluted earnings per share 
 (excluding non-recurring 
 gain and recovery of 
 refrigerant losses) (c), (d)                             $    .50   $   .49 
                                                           =======    ======
Weighted average shares             71,500       70,200     70,500    68,200
                                    ======       ======    =======    ======

(a) Certain reclassifications have been made to previously issued financial    
    statements to conform to the current presentation.

(b) The results for the nine months ended December 31, 1997 include a $14.5    
    million ($9.4 million after-tax) gain from a partial recovery of           
    refrigerant losses.

(c) The results for the nine months ended December 31, 1997 excluding the      
    after-tax effect of the gain from partial recovery of refrigerant losses   
    noted in footnote (b) and the after-tax gain of $980 thousand related to   
    the sale of a non-core business.

(d) Effective with its third quarter ended December 31, 1997, Airgas           
    implemented SFAS No. 128 which establishes new standards for computing and 
    presenting earnings per share (EPS) and requires the disclosure of Basic   
    and Diluted EPS.  For Airgas, Diluted EPS is the same as Airgas'           
    previously reported EPS amounts.  All prior periods have been restated to  
    conform to the new rules.  Basic EPS amounts were $.17 and $.67 for the    
    third quarter and nine months ended December 31, 1997, respectively ($.16  
    and $.51 for the same periods in the prior year).  Excluding the           
    non-recurring gain and recovery of refrigerant losses, Basic EPS was $.52  
    for the nine months ended December 31, 1997.