For More Information: 
                                             Thomas C. Deas, Jr.
                                             James R. Rapp
                                             (610) 902-6205

                        FISCAL 1998 RESULTS

                 -  RECORD AFTER-TAX CASH FLOW
                 -  SALES UP 26% IN QUARTER

     RADNOR, Pennsylvania, May 14, l998 -- Airgas, Inc. (NYSE-ARG) today
reported record sales of $388 million for the quarter ended March 31, 1998, an
increase of 26% from $309 million in the fourth quarter last year.  After-tax
cash flow (net earnings plus depreciation, amortization and deferred income
taxes and before certain previously announced fourth quarter special charges
and  additional direct repositioning costs related to the "Repositioning
Airgas for Growth" initiative) was helped by tax planning and increased 19%
to a record $37 million, or $.52 per share, compared to $31 million, or $.44 
per share for the same quarter last year.  Net earnings for the fourth quarter
of fiscal l998, before the special charges and direct repositioning costs,
were $10.7 million, or $.15 per share, compared to $10.9 million, or $.16 per
share, a year ago.  The prior year results exclude special charges and a loss
related to the divestiture of a non-core business.

     The previously-announced special charges recorded in the fourth quarter
ended March 31, 1998,  totaled  $19.5 million ($12.4 million after-tax) and
consist of  severance and exit costs for the closure of duplicate facilities,
a non-cash charge for the write-down of property, plant and equipment and
goodwill impaired as a result of the restructuring, and the divestiture
of several non-core businesses, offset by a one-time net gain related to an
acquisition break-up fee.

     Repositioning costs of $5.7 million  ($3.4 million after-tax), for
relocating employees and other personnel expenses, exiting certain product
lines, and computer conversions have also been incurred in the quarter and
were charged against earnings.  In conformance with generally accepted
accounting principles, these costs and expenses were not included in the
special charge.

     The fourth quarter special charges and the additional direct
repositioning costs resulted in a reported net loss in the fourth quarter of
$5.2 million, or $.07 per share and after-tax cash flow of $37.3 million, or
$.52 per share.
     For the year ended March 31, 1998, sales increased 25% to $1.45 billion
from $1.16 billion in fiscal l997.  After-tax cash flow tax for the year
(before special charges, additional direct repositioning costs, and
non-recurring gains), rose by 16% to a record $136.3 million, or $1.92 per
share, compared to $117.3 million, or $1.71 per share, a year earlier.  Net
earnings for the year, before special charges, direct repositioning costs, and
non-recurring gains were  $46.0 million, or $.65 per share, compared to $44.3
million, or $.65 per share, in fiscal l997.   The prior year results exclude
special charges and a loss related to the divestiture of a non-core business.


     Included in Airgas' results for the year ended  March 31, 1998 were
non-recurring gains of $1.5 million ($980 thousand after-tax) from the sale of
a non-core business, and $14.5 million ($9.4 million after-tax) from the
partial recovery of refrigerant losses. 

     The special charges and direct repositioning costs, combined with
non-recurring gains, resulted in reported net earnings for the year of $40.5
million, or $.57 per share.
     Peter McCausland, Airgas' Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said "We
made significant progress in fiscal 1998 toward our goal of becoming a
multi-billion dollar, world-class distribution company, supplying packaged
gases and related products and services nationally.  This was another year of
growth by acquisition, with 28 transactions adding combined annual sales of
$265 million.

     "We also launched the Repositioning Airgas for Growth initiative which
will provide the foundation for a new growth period including higher internal
growth plus continuing acquisitions.  Our repositioning is expensive, but
necessary.  It is progressing rapidly.

     "We are pleased with the growth in sales and gross profits in the fourth
quarter. Same-store sales grew 12% in ADI and 4.5% in our Distribution Group. 
As we build the necessary infrastructure, that growth should add to the bottom
line and shareholder value," McCausland said.

     Airgas, Inc. is the largest distributor of industrial, medical and
specialty gases and related equipment in North America.  Airgas can be visited
on the Internet at http://www.airgas.com.

                    Forward-Looking Statements Warning

     This press release may contain statements that are forward looking, as
that term is defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
or by the Securities and Exchange Commission in its rules, regulations and
releases.  Airgas intends that such forward-looking statements be subject to
the safe harbors created thereby.  All forward-looking statements are based on
current expectations regarding important risk factors, and the making of such
statements should not be regarded as a representation by Airgas or any other
person that the results expressed therein will be achieved.  Important factors
that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in
any forward-looking statement include underlying market conditions, continued
growth in same-store sales, costs and potential disruptive effects of the
repositioning, implementation of information technology projects, the success
and timing of intended divestitures, and factors described in the
Company's reports, including Form 10-Q, dated December 31, 1997, filed by the
Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     Consolidated statements of earnings follow on page 3.

                                 AIRGAS, INC.
                 (Amounts in thousands, except per share data)
                                     Three Months Ended    Twelve Months Ended
                                          March 31,             March 31,
                                      1998      1997 (a)   1998       1997(a)
                                      ____      _______    ____       _______
Net sales:                              
     Distribution                   $286,193  $258,246 $1,098,588    $999,555
     Direct Industrial                63,937    32,771    223,370      99,216
     Manufacturing                    38,282    17,864    126,032      60,123
                                     _______   _______   _________  _________ 
           Total net sales           388,412   308,881  1,447,990   1,158,894
                                     _______   _______  _________   _________
Costs and expenses:
     Cost of products sold (excluding
      depreciation and amortization)           
        Distribution                 146,609   130,658    555,392     503,470 
        Direct Industrial             46,560    23,093    161,326      72,543  
        Manufacturing                 20,602     9,850     62,139      35,370  
      Selling, distribution and
      administrative expenses        130,084   100,588    468,565     371,310
     Depreciation, depletion and 
       amortization                   19,861    16,690     76,670      62,491
     Special charges, net(b)(c)       19,450    31,425      4,950      31,425 
                                     _______   _______  _________   _________
         Total costs and expenses    383,166   312,304  1,329,042   1,076,609
                                     _______   _______  _________   _________
Operating income:
     Distribution                     22,593    23,904    105,371     100,300
     Direct Industrial                 1,190       904      6,101       3,076
     Manufacturing                       913     3,194     12,426      10,334
     Special charges, net(b)(c)      (19,450)  (31,425)    (4,950)    (31,425)
                                     _______   _______    _______    ________  
         Total operating income (loss) 5,246   ( 3,423)   118,948      82,285
Interest expense, net                (14,056)  (11,333)   (53,290)    (39,752)
Other income, net                        325     1,108      2,813       1,672
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated 
  affiliates                           1,669       950      2,931         958
Minority interest                        (36)     (259)      (873)       (817)
                                     _______   _______    _______     _______ 
     Earnings (loss) before income 
       taxes                         ( 6,852)  (12,957)    70,529      44,346

Income tax expense (benefit)          (1,665)  ( 2,803)    29,989      21,080
                                     _______   _______    _______     _______
Net earnings (loss)                 $( 5,187) $(10,154)  $ 40,540    $ 23,266
                                     =======   =======    =======     =======
Diluted earnings(loss)per share (e) $   (.07) $   (.15)  $    .57    $    .34
                                     =======   =======    =======     =======
Pro forma net earnings(excluding 
 special charges, direct repositioning 
 costs and recovery of refrigerant 
 losses)(d)                         $ 10,672  $ 10,864   $ 45,992    $ 44,286  
                                     =======   =======    =======     =======  

Pro forma diluted earnings per share 
 excluding special charges, direct 
 repositioning costs and recovery of 
 refrigerant losses (d),(e)         $    .15  $    .16   $    .65    $    .65
                                     =======   =======    =======     =======

Weighted average shares               71,600    69,900     70,800      68,640
                                     =======   =======    =======     =======
  (a) Certain reclassifications have been made to previously issued financial
      statements to conform to the current presentation.
  (b) The results for the fourth quarter and year ended March 31, 1998 include 
      special charges which totaled $19.5 million ($12.4 after-tax) and        
      consist of severance, exit costs for the closure of duplicate            
      facilities, a non-cash charge for the write-down of property, plant and  
      equipment and goodwill impaired as a result of the restructuring , and   
      the divestiture of several non-core businesses, offset by a one-time net 
      gain related to an acquisition break-up fee.
      The results for the fourth quarter and year ended March 31, 1997 include 
      special charges which consisted of $26.4 million ($17 million after-tax) 
      related to the fraudulent breach of contract by a third-party supplier   
      of refrigerant gas and $5.0 million ( $3.2 million after-tax) related to 
      the write-down of certain machinery and equipment, goodwill and other    
      intangible assets of two non-core businesses.
  (c) The results for the year ended March 31, 1998 include a $14.5 million (  
      $9.4 million after-tax) gain from a partial recovery of refrigerant      
  (d) The pro forma results for the fourth quarter and year ended March 31,    
      1998 exclude: 
         - the effect of the fourth quarter special charges noted in           
         - fourth quarter additional direct repositioning costs related to the
           "Repositioning Airgas for Growth" initiative
         - the effect of the second quarter non-recurring gain from partial    
           recovery of refrigerant losses noted in footnote(c)
         - the gain related to the second quarter sale of a non-core business
      The pro forma results for the fourth quarter and year ended March 31,    
      1997 exclude:
         - the effects of the special charges noted in footnote(b) 
         - the loss related to the sale of a non-core business.
  (e) Effective with its year ended March 31, 1998, Airgas implemented SFAS    
      No. 128 which establishes new standards for computing and presenting     
      earnings per share (EPS) and requires the disclosure of Basic and        
      Diluted EPS.  All prior periods have been restated to conform to the new 
      rules.  Basic EPS (loss) amounts were ($.07) and $.59 for the fourth     
      quarter and year-to-date March 31, 1998, respectively (($.15) and $.35   
      for the same periods in the prior year).  
      Excluding the special charges, direct additional repositioning costs, a  
      non-recurring gain and the recovery of refrigerant losses, Basic EPS was 
      $.15 and $.67 for the fourth quarter and year-to-date ended March 31,    
      1998, respectively.  ($.16 and $.67 for the same periods in the prior    
      year, excluding the special charges and a loss related to sale of a      
      non-core business).