WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                 FORM 10-Q

               [X]  QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d)
                    OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended:    September 30, 1998

Commission file number:            1-9344

                               AIRGAS,  INC.
          (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                Delaware                         56-0732648
      (State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer
       incorporation or organization)          Identification No.)

     259 North Radnor-Chester Road, Suite 100
     Radnor, PA                                  19087-5283
    (Address of principal executive offices)     (ZIP code)

                               (610) 687-5253
            (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate  by  check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed  all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities Exchange Act
of  1934  during  the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period  that
the Registrant was required  to  file such reports), and (2) has been subject
to  such  filing requirements for the past 90 days.
Yes   X       No

Common Stock outstanding at November 4, 1998:  70,443,564 shares


                                AIRGAS, INC.

                                 FORM 10-Q
                            September 30, 1998



Item 1.   Financial Statements.

 Consolidated Balance Sheets as of September 30, 1998 (Unaudited)
     and March 31, 1998......................................................3

 Consolidated Statements of Earnings for the Three and
     Six Months Ended September 30, 1998 and 1997 (Unaudited)................4

 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
     for the Six Months Ended September 30, 1998 and 1997 (Unaudited)........5

 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)......................6

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
         Condition and Results of Operations................................13


Item 1.  Legal Proceedings..................................................26

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders................27

Item 5.  Other Information..................................................27

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K...................................29

SIGNATURES .................................................................30

Item 1.  Financial Statements.

                               AIRGAS, INC.
                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                  (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                          September 30,
                                                             1998                March 31,
                                                          (Unaudited)              1998
Current Assets
Trade receivables, less allowances for
  doubtful accounts of $5,886 at September 30,1998
  and $5,676 at March 31, 1998                            $  204,833             $  186,342
Inventories, net                                             165,863                154,937
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                     25,042                 25,555
          Total current assets                               395,738                366,834
Plant and equipment, at cost                                 977,317                923,635
Less accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization   (262,175)              (236,331)
          Plant and equipment, net                           715,142                687,304
Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization of
  $48,299 at September 30, 1998 and
  $42,147 at March 31, 1998                                  431,460                410,753
Other non-current assets                                     177,691                176,583
          Total assets                                    $1,720,031             $1,641,474

Current Liabilities
Current portion of long-term debt                         $   14,064             $   12,150
Accounts payable, trade                                       83,721                 84,602
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities               113,304                128,806
          Total current liabilities                          211,089                225,558
Long-term debt                                               906,356                830,845
Deferred income taxes                                        129,266                121,356
Other non-current liabilities                                 35,139                 36,842

Stockholders' Equity
  Preferred stock, no par value, 20,000 shares authorized,
    no shares issued or outstanding at September 30, 1998
    and March 31, 1998, respectively                              --                     --
  Common stock, par value $.01 per share, 200,000 shares
    authorized, 70,428 and 71,357 shares issued at
    September 30, 1998 and March 31, 1998, respectively          717                    714
  Capital in excess of par value                             194,942                192,358
  Retained earnings                                          258,921                237,166
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss                          (915)                  (779)
  Treasury stock, 1,203 and 176 common shares at cost at
    September 30, 1998 and March 31, 1998, respectively      (15,484)                (2,586)
          Total stockholders' equity                         438,181                426,873
          Total liabilities and stockholders' equity      $1,720,031             $1,641,474

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                 AIRGAS, INC.
                  (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                               Three Months Ended          Six Months Ended
                                                 September 30,               September 30,
                                               1998          1997          1998        1997
Net sales:
 Distribution                                  $288,997      $268,168      $580,959    $539,437
 Direct Industrial                               65,211        61,216       133,802      98,061
 Manufacturing                                   42,384        30,972        82,604      54,270
    Total net sales                             396,592       360,356       797,365     691,768

Costs and expenses:
 Cost of products sold (excluding depreciation,
  depletion and amortization)
    Distribution                                144,725       135,011       291,402     272,474
    Direct Industrial                            48,064        44,966        98,738      70,971
    Manufacturing                                16,063        14,404        34,208      25,690
 Selling, distribution and administrative
  expenses                                      134,201       114,199       265,452     219,542
 Depreciation, depletion and amortization        21,748        18,776        43,345      36,591
 Special charges                                     --       (14,500)       (1,000)    (14,500)
    Total costs and expenses                    364,801       312,856       732,145     610,768

Operating income:
 Distribution                                    25,143        27,182        52,799      55,876
 Direct Industrial                                  929         1,343         1,813       2,448
 Manufacturing                                    5,719         4,475         9,608       8,176
 Special charges                                     --        14,500         1,000      14,500
    Total operating income                       31,791        47,500        65,220      81,000

 Interest expense, net                          (15,720)      (13,670)      (30,526)    (25,778)
 Other income, net                                  682         1,573           870       2,046
 Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
  affiliates                                      1,222           434         1,976         319
 Minority interest                                   27          (309)          (39)       (618)
    Earnings before income taxes                 18,002        35,528        37,501      56,969
Income tax expense                                7,522        13,853        15,746      23,068

Net earnings                                   $ 10,480      $ 21,675      $ 21,755    $ 33,901

 Basic earnings per share                      $    .15      $    .32      $    .31    $    .50
 Diluted earnings per share                    $    .15      $    .31      $    .30    $    .48

Weighted average shares outstanding:
 Basic                                           70,000        68,530        70,100      67,700
 Diluted                                         71,700        70,950        71,800      70,100

Comprehensive income                           $ 10,329      $ 21,575      $ 21,619    $ 33,802

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                AIRGAS, INC.

                               (In thousands)
                                                      Six Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                                                     September 30, 1998     September 30, 1997
Net earnings                                               $ 21,755               $33,901
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash
  provided by operating activities:
   Depreciation, depletion and amortization                  43,345                36,591
   Deferred income taxes                                      5,511                11,374
   Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates           (2,563)               (1,061)
   Gain on sales of plant and equipment                        (292)                  (25)
   Minority interest in earnings                                 39                   618
   Gain on divestiture of non-core business                      --                (1,452)
   Stock issued for employee benefit plan expense             3,109                 2,945
Changes in assets and liabilities, excluding effects
  of business acquisitions and divestitures:
   Trade receivables, net                                   (16,308)               (7,081)
   Inventories                                              (10,758)               (3,626)
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets                    756                (5,400)
   Accounts payable, trade                                   (1,865)              (14,266)
   Accrued expenses and other current liabilities            (1,986)                  391
   Other assets and liabilities, net                         (8,526)                1,488
    Net cash provided by operating activities                32,217                54,397

   Capital expenditures                                     (56,528)              (65,419)
   Proceeds from sales of plant and equipment                 1,152                 1,245
   Proceeds from divestitures                                10,463                 4,000
   Business acquisitions, net of cash acquired              (42,307)              (67,599)
   Business acquisitions, holdback settlements               (1,564)               (3,174)
   Investment in unconsolidated affiliates                     (139)               (9,147)
   Dividends from unconsolidated affiliates                   1,697                   870
   Other, net                                                 4,831                   364
    Net cash used by investing activities                   (82,395)             (138,860)

   Proceeds from borrowings                                 258,505               224,593
   Repayment of debt                                       (182,733)             (124,674)
   Financing costs                                              (18)                   (8)
   Repurchase of treasury stock                             (13,982)              (18,363)
   Exercise of stock options                                    356                 2,427
   Cash overdraft                                           (11,950)                  488
    Net cash provided by financing activities                50,178                84,463

CASH INCREASE (DECREASE)                                   $      0              $      0
 Cash - Beginning of period                                       0                     0
 Cash - End of period                                      $      0              $      0
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

 6                          AIRGAS, INC.


  The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Airgas, Inc.
and  its  subsidiaries  (the  "Company").   Unconsolidated  affiliates  are
accounted for on the equity method and generally consist of 20% - 50% owned
operations  where control does not exist or is considered  temporary.   The
excess  of the cost of these affiliates over the Company's share  of  their
net  assets  at  the  acquisition date is being amortized  over  40  years.
Intercompany accounts and transactions are eliminated in consolidation.

  The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared
in   accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.   These
statements  do  not include all disclosures required for  annual  financial
statements.  These financial statements should be read in conjunction  with
the   more   complete  disclosures  contained  in  the  Company's   audited
consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 1998.

  The Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 130
"Reporting  Comprehensive Income" in the quarter ended June  30,  1998,  as
required.   The  financial statements as of September 30,  1997  have  been
restated to conform to the current presentation.

  The  financial statements reflect, in the opinion of management,  all
adjustments  necessary to present fairly the Company's financial  position,
results  of  operations  and cash flows for the  periods  presented.   Such
adjustments  are  of a normal, recurring nature except for  the  impact  of
acquisitions, divestitures, and special charges which are discussed in  the
notes  to  the  accompanying financial statements.  The  interim  operating
results are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for an
entire year.


  From  April 1, 1998 to September 30, 1998, the Company acquired eight
distributors of industrial gas and related equipment (Distribution segment)
with   aggregate  annual  sales  of  approximately  $27  million  and  four
manufacturers  and  distributors of dry ice  (Manufacturing  segment)  with
annual  sales of approximately $20 million.  The aggregate purchase  price,
including   amounts   related   to  non-competition   and   confidentiality
agreements, amounted to approximately $58 million ($42 million cash and $16
million  assumed liabilities).  Acquisitions have been recorded  using  the
purchase   method  of  accounting,  and,  accordingly,  results  of   their
operations  are included in the Company's consolidated financial statements
since the effective dates of the respective acquisitions.

  Subsequent to September 30, 1998, the Company acquired three distributors
of   industrial   gases  and  related  equipment  with  annual   sales   of
approximately  $4 million for an aggregate purchase price of  approximately
$3.7 million.

  As  also  discussed  in  Note  (3), the  Company  divested  two  non-core
businesses in the first quarter of 1999.  The consideration for  the  sales
of the businesses included cash proceeds of approximately $10.5 million and
the  assumption of certain liabilities.  The businesses had combined annual
net sales in 1998 of approximately $17 million.

                               AIRGAS, INC.

  On November 5, 1998, the Company announced that it had entered into a
definitive  agreement  to  sell its calcium  carbide  and  carbon  products
manufacturing  operations  to  Elkem  Metals  Company  L.P.  ("Elkem"),   a
subsidiary  of Elkem ASA.  As part of the agreement, Elkem will enter  into
a long-term contract to supply the Company's  calcium  carbide requirements
and the  Company and Elkem will discontinue  their  Elkem-American  Carbide
Company joint venture that currently  markets  calcium  carbide  throughout
the  United States. The manufacturing  facilities  that are operated by the
Company's  subsidiary, American Carbide and Carbon Corporation, are located
in Pryor, Oklahoma and Keokuk, Iowa and generate annual sales of approximately
$30 million.   The operations are included  in the Company's  Manufacturing
segment.  The Company  expects to record a gain on the sale.   Consummation
of the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals.


  During  the fourth quarter of fiscal 1998, the Company announced  its
"Repositioning  Airgas for Growth" restructuring plan  (the  "Repositioning
Plan").   The  Company established repositioning reserves of  approximately
$11  million  in  the  fourth  quarter  of  1998  related  to  the  pending
divestiture  of  several  non-core  businesses,  facility  exit  costs  and
severance.  As discussed in Note (2), the Company completed the divestiture
of  two  non-core businesses during the first quarter of 1999.  As a result
of these divestitures, repositioning reserves were reduced by $2.8 million,
including $1 million ($570 thousand after-tax) which represented a reversal
of  excess  reserves.  The Company estimated that facility exit  costs  and
severance  would  require a use of cash of $4.2 million. Through  September
30,  1998,  the Company has paid amounts totaling $1.9 million  related  to
facility  exit  costs  and severance. At September 30,  1998,  the  Company
believes  its remaining repositioning accruals of $6.3 million ($4  million
for  divestitures and $2.3 million for facility exit costs  and  severance)
are adequate.

  On  July  28,  1997, the Company reported that it  had  negotiated  a
comprehensive settlement with all defendants in litigation related  to  the
fraudulent breach of contract by a third-party supplier of refrigerant  gas
which was reported by the Company in December 1996.  The Company recorded a
non-recurring  pre-tax charge during the fourth quarter of fiscal  1997  of
$26.4  million  (after-tax  $17  million)  for  product  losses  and  costs
associated with the Company's investigation into the fraud and recovery  of
damages.   As a result of the settlement, the Company recorded  a  gain  of
$14.5  million  (after-tax $9.4 million) during the  second  quarter  ended
September 30, 1997.

  During the second quarter ended September 30, 1997, the Company  also
recorded  a  gain, included in other income, of $1.5 million (approximately
$980 thousand after-tax) related to the sale of a non-core business.


  Basic  earnings per share is calculated by dividing net earnings  by  the
weighted average number of shares of the Company's Common Stock outstanding
during  the period.  Diluted earnings per share is calculated by  adjusting
the  weighted average common shares outstanding for the dilutive effect  of
common stock equivalents related to stock options and contingently issuable

                               AIRGAS, INC.

   The   table  below  reconciles  basic  weighted  average  common  shares
outstanding to diluted weighted average common shares outstanding  for  the
three and six month periods ended September 30, 1998 and 1997:

(In thousands)

                                      Three Months Ended          Six Months Ended
                                         September 30,              September 30,
                                      1998          1997          1998         1997
Weighted average common shares
   Basic..........................    70,000        68,530        70,100       67,700
   Stock Options..................     1,570         2,420         1,630        2,400
   Contingently issuable shares...       130            --            70           --
   Diluted........................    71,700        70,950        71,800       70,100


      Net inventories consist of:

(In thousands)

                                                 September 30,         March 31,
                                                    1998                 1998
Finished goods                                   $164,301              $154,003
Raw materials                                       3,139                 2,380
                                                  167,440               156,383
Less reduction to LIFO cost                        (1,577)               (1,446)

                                                 $165,863              $154,937

                               AIRGAS, INC.


     The major classes of plant and equipment, at cost, are as follows:

(In thousands)

                                                 September 30,         March 31,
                                                    1998                 1998
Land and land improvements                       $  27,183             $  26,050
Buildings and leasehold improvements                91,691                88,130
Cylinders                                          415,353               404,198
Machinery and equipment, including bulk tanks      323,511               300,599
Computers and furniture and fixtures                59,080                52,051
Transportation equipment                            51,038                48,720
Construction in progress                             9,461                 3,887

                                                 $ 977,317             $ 923,635


     Other non-current assets include:

(In thousands)

                                                  September 30,        March 31,
                                                     1998                1998
Investment in unconsolidated affiliates           $  99,843            $  98,522
Non-compete agreements and other intangible
  assets, at cost, net of accumulated
  amortization of $79.8 million at
  September 30, 1998 and $73.2 million at
  March 31, 1998                                     60,250               63,205
Other assets                                         17,598               14,856

                                                   $177,691             $176,583

                               AIRGAS, INC.


        Accrued expenses and other current liabilities include:

(In thousands)

                                                  September 30,        March 31,
                                                     1998                1998
Cash overdraft                                     $ 19,671            $ 31,621
Repositioning accruals                                6,265              10,429
Accrued interest                                      9,380               8,918
Insurance and related reserves                        8,835               7,248
Customer cylinder deposits                            8,617               8,668
Other accrued expenses and current liabilities       60,536              61,922

                                                   $113,304            $128,806

The cash overdraft is attributable to the float of the Company's outstanding checks.


 Changes in stockholders' equity were as follows:

 (In thousands of shares)
                                                Shares of Common       Treasury
                                                Stock $.01 Par Value     Stock

 Balance--April 1, 1998                              71,357                176
 Common stock issuance (a)                              274                 --
 Purchase of treasury stock                              --              1,100
 Reissuance of treasury stock                            --                (73)

 Balance--September 30, 1998                         71,631              1,203

                                AIRGAS, INC.

 (In thousands of dollars)
                                      Capital in                 Other
                             Common   Excess of    Retained   Comprehensive   Treasury   Comprehensive
                              Stock   Par Value    Earnings      Loss           Stock      Income
Balance--April 1, 1998       $714     $192,358     $237,166     $(779)        $(2,586)   $     --
Net earnings                   --           --       21,755        --              --      21,755
Common stock issuance (a)       3        3,106           --        --              --          --
Foreign currency translation
 adjustments                   --           --           --      (136)             --        (136)
Purchase of treasury stock     --           --           --        --         (13,982)         --
Reissuance of treasury stock   --         (866)          --        --           1,084          --
Tax benefit from stock option
 exercises                     --          344           --        --              --          --

Balance--September 30,1998   $717     $194,942     $258,921     $(915)       $(15,484)    $21,619

(a) Related to the issuance of common stock for the Company's Employee Stock Purchase Plan.


(a)   Litigation

  In July 1996, Praxair, Inc. ("Praxair") filed suit against the Company in
the  Circuit  Court  of  Mobile  County, Alabama.   The  complaint  alleged
tortious  interference with business or contractual relations with  respect
to Praxair's Right of First Refusal contract with the majority shareholders
of  National  Welders  by  the  Company in connection  with  the  Company's
formation  of  a  joint  venture  with National  Welders.   Praxair  sought
compensatory  damages in excess of $100 million and punitive  damages.   In
June 1998, Praxair filed a motion to dismiss its own action in Alabama  and
commenced another action in the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County, North
Carolina,  alleging  substantially the same tortious  interference  by  the
Company.  The North Carolina action also alleges breach of contract against
National  Welders and certain shareholders of National Welders  and  unfair
trade  practices and conspiracy against all the defendants.  In  the  North
Carolina  action Praxair seeks compensatory damages in excess  of  $10,000,
punitive damages and other unspecified relief. The Company believes that all
of Praxair's  claims  are  without  merit  and intends to defend vigorously
against such claims.

                                AIRGAS, INC.

  On  September 9, 1996, the Company filed suit against Praxair in the
Court  of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.  The complaint
alleges breach of contract, fraud, conversion and misappropriation of trade
secrets  with  respect  to an agreement between Praxair  and  the  Company,
pursuant  to which Praxair induced the Company to provide Praxair  valuable
information  and  conclusions  developed  by  the  Company  concerning  CBI
Industries, Inc. ("CBI") in exchange for Praxair's promise not  to  acquire
CBI  without the Company's participation.  The Company has alleged that  it
became  entitled, pursuant to such agreement, to acquire certain  of  CBI's
assets  having a value in excess of $800 million.  The Company  is  seeking
compensatory and punitive damages.

  The  Company is involved in various legal and regulatory  proceedings
which have arisen in the ordinary course of its business and have not  been
finally   adjudicated.   These  actions,  when  ultimately  concluded   and
determined, will not, in the opinion of management, have a material adverse
effect  upon  the  Company's consolidated financial  position,  results  of
operations or liquidity.

(b)   Insurance Coverage

  The  Company  has  established insurance programs to  cover  workers'
compensation,  business automobile, general and products liability.   These
programs  have  self-insured  retentions of  $500,000  per  occurrence  for
workers'   compensation,  general  and  products  liability,  and  business
automobile  liability.   Losses  are  accrued  based  upon  the   Company's
estimates  of the aggregate liability for claims incurred, claims  incurred
but  not  reported  and  based  on Company  experience.   The  Company  has
established insurance reserves that management believes to be adequate.

Item 2.
                               AIRGAS, INC.



     Net sales increased 10% to $397 million in the quarter ended September
30,  1998  ("current quarter"), from $360 million in the prior  year.   Net
earnings  were $10.5 million or $.15 per diluted share, compared  to  $21.7
million,  or  $.31 per diluted share, a year ago.  Excluding  an  after-tax
gain  of $9.4 million related to a partial recovery of charges incurred  in
fiscal  1997  and the after-tax gain on the sale of a non-core business  of
$980  thousand, net earnings in the prior period were $11.3 million or $.16
per diluted share.

     Net earnings in the current quarter were impacted by a general slowing
in the manufacturing and industrial economies and higher operating expenses
associated  with  the  Company's "Repositioning Airgas  for  Growth"   (the
"Repositioning Plan").  As more fully described in the Company's Form  10-K
for  the year ended March 31, 1998, the Company initiated its Repositioning
Plan  during  the  fourth quarter ended March 31, 1998.  The  Repositioning
Plan  includes  the  consolidation  of subsidiaries  into  larger  regional
companies, the conversion of information systems to two legacy systems, the
implementation  of  a  single national computer center  and  communications
system,  the build-out of regional distribution centers and the divestiture
of  several  non-core  businesses.  The Company established   repositioning
reserves of approximately $11 million in the fourth quarter of 1998 related
to  the  pending divestiture of several non-core businesses, facility  exit
costs  and  severance.   During  the first quarter  of  1999,  the  Company
completed the divestiture of two non-core businesses.  As a result of these
divestitures,   repositioning  reserves  were  reduced  by  $2.8   million,
including $1 million ($570 thousand after-tax) which represented a reversal
of  excess  reserves.  The Company estimated that facility exit  costs  and
severance  would  require a use of cash of $4.2 million. Through  September
30,  1998,  the Company has paid amounts totaling $1.9 million  related  to
facility  exit  costs  and severance. At September 30,  1998,  the  Company
believes  its remaining repositioning accruals of $6.3 million ($4  million
for  divestitures and $2.3 million for facility exit costs  and  severance)
are adequate.

      Repositioning Plan expenses were $4.6 million ($2.6 million after-tax
or  $.04 per diluted share), in the current quarter, of which approximately
60% are estimated to represent recurring expenses.  The repositioning costs
and expenses were primarily for computer conversions and upgrades, facility-
related costs and personnel expenses.

       From April 1, 1998 through November 5, 1998, the Company acquired 11
distributors of industrial gas and related equipment (Distribution segment)
with   aggregate  annual  sales  of  approximately  $31  million  and  four
manufacturers  and  distributors of dry ice  (Manufacturing  segment)  with
annual sales of approximately $20 million.

      On November 5, 1998, the Company announced that it had entered into a
definitive  agreement  to  sell its calcium  carbide  and  carbon  products
manufacturing  operations  to  Elkem  Metals  Company  L.P.  ("Elkem"),   a
subsidiary of Elkem ASA.  As part of the agreement, Elkem will enter into a
long-term contract to supply the Company's calcium carbide requirements and
the Company and Elkem will discontinue their Elkem-American Carbide Company
joint  venture that currently markets calcium carbide throughout the United
States.  The  manufacturing facilities that are operated by  the  Company's
subsidiary, American Carbide and Carbon Corporation, are located in  Pryor,
Oklahoma  and  Keokuk, Iowa and generate annual sales of approximately  $30
million.   The  operations  are  included in  the  Company's  Manufacturing
segment.   The  Company expects to record a gain on the sale.  Consummation
of the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals.

                               AIRGAS, INC.



      Net  sales increased 10% during the current quarter compared  to  the
same quarter in the prior year:

(in thousands)

                              Three months Ended
                                September 30,
      Net Sales:              1998          1997         Increase

  Distribution                $288,997      $268,168     $20,829
  Direct Industrial             65,211        61,216       3,995
  Manufacturing                 42,384        30,972      11,412
                              $396,592      $360,356     $36,236

      Distribution sales include three product groups: gases, hardgoods and
rent.   Distribution  sales  increased   $20.8  million  as  a  result   of
approximately  $20.5 million from the acquisition of 21 distributors  since
July  1,  1997 and approximately $5.2 million from same-store sales growth.
Offsetting the increase in sales were the divestitures of two businesses in
the first quarter of 1999 which had sales of approximately $4.9 million  in
the  prior period.  Distribution same-store sales increased 2% as a  result
of  a  6%  same-store increase in gas and rent, partially offset  by  a  2%
decline in hardgoods sales.  The Company believes its hardgoods sales  were
adversely  affected  in  the current quarter by a general  slowing  in  the
manufacturing  and industrial economies.  The increases  in  gas  and  rent
sales  were helped by the Company's continued focus on strategic  products,
including  the expansion of its rental welder fleet and small  bulk  gases.
Sales  in  the  current quarter were also negatively  affected  by  weather
conditions that impacted operations bordering the Gulf of Mexico and in the
Southwest  and  Midwest regions. Low oil prices also slowed  off-shore  and
inland  oil  activity.  The Company believes that these factors contributed
to  the decline in its Distribution same-store sales growth rate from 5% in
the  prior year quarter.  Additionally, although difficult to quantify, the
Company  believes  that  the  indirect effects of  the  Repositioning  have
impacted sales.

      The  Company  estimates same-store sales based  on  a  comparison  of
current period sales to the prior period's sales, adjusted for acquisitions
and  divestitures.   Future same-store sales growth  is  dependent  on  the
economy, the Company's ability to sell additional products and services  to
existing customers and to obtain price increases.  The Company continues to
focus  on  internal sales growth through the addition of new  products  and
product-line extensions, including certain specialty gases, carbon dioxide,
refrigerant gases in returnable containers, the expansion of rental welders
and tool and safety hardgoods items.

                               AIRGAS, INC.

      Airgas  Direct Industrial ("ADI") sales include safety  products  and
equipment,  metalworking tools and supplies and other  Maintenance,  Repair
and  Operations ("MRO") hardgoods items.  ADI's sales increased $4  million
primarily  from same-store sales growth.  The same-store sales growth  rate
for ADI during the current quarter was approximately 4% and resulted from a
9%  increase in sales of safety-related products, partially offset by a  7%
decline in tool products.  Sales increases of safety-related products  were
driven   by  growth  in  national  account  business  and  by  an  expanded
telemarketing  sales  force.  Sales of tool products  were  impacted  by  a
general slowing of the manufacturing and industrial economies.

      The  Manufacturing  segment's  sales primarily  include  six  product
groups:  liquid  carbon dioxide, dry ice, specialty gases,  nitrous  oxide,
carbon  products  and  calcium  carbide.  Sales  increased   $11.4  million
primarily  from  seven  liquid  carbon dioxide  and  dry  ice  acquisitions
completed  since July 1, 1997.  Volume gains in liquid carbon dioxide  were
largely  offset by lower pricing.  Pricing was off as a result of increased
industry  production  exceeding growth in demand.  Dry  ice  sales  volumes
increased  in  the  quarter, helped by unusually warm  weather.   Sales  of
nitrous oxide and calcium carbide products decreased slightly due to  lower
sales volume combined with some pricing pressures.

Gross profits increased 13% during the current quarter compared to the same
quarter in the prior year:

(in thousands)

                                  Three Months Ended
                                     September 30,
     Gross Profits:               1998          1997          Increase

  Distribution                    $144,272      $133,157      $11,115
  Direct Industrial                 17,147        16,250          897
  Manufacturing                     26,321        16,568        9,753
                                  $187,740      $165,975      $21,765

      The increase in Distribution gross profits of  $11.1 million resulted
from  acquisitions which contributed approximately $10.1 million  and  from
same-store  gross  profit growth of approximately $3.5  million,  or  2.6%.
Offsetting  the increase in gross profits from acquisitions and  same-store
sales  growth were the divestitures of two businesses in the first  quarter
of  1999 which had gross profits of approximately $2.5 million in the prior
period.  As  a result of higher gas volumes and increased rental  business,
same-store  gross  profits for gas and rent increased  5%  in  the  current
quarter.   Partially  offsetting gas and  rent  gains  was  a  decrease  in
hardgoods  same-store gross profits of approximately 3%. As a result  of  a
slight shift in the sales mix towards higher margin gas

                               AIRGAS, INC.

and  rent, Distribution gross margin of 50% was up 30 basis points compared
to  the  prior year.  The Company implemented price increases late  in  the
second quarter which may help improve gross margins in future periods.

     The increase in ADI gross profits of  $897 thousand resulted primarily
from  same-store gross profit growth of 4%.  Same-store gross profit growth
resulted  primarily from sales volume increases related to safety  products
and  supplies. Gross margins at 26.3% for the quarter were essentially flat
compared to the prior quarter.

      The  increase  in  Manufacturing gross profits of  $9.8  million  and
improved  gross  margins  resulted primarily from  acquisitions  of  carbon
dioxide and dry ice businesses.

     Selling, distribution and administrative expenses consist primarily of
personnel  and  related costs, distribution and warehouse costs,  occupancy
expenses  and other selling and general administrative expenses.   Selling,
distribution  and  administrative  expenses  increased  approximately   $20
million  in the current quarter compared to the prior year primarily  as  a
result  of acquisitions and higher costs and expenses associated  with  the
Company's  Repositioning  Plan.   Repositioning-related  expenses   totaled
approximately  $4.6  million in the current quarter.   Repositioning  costs
consist  of  expenses associated with computer conversions, relocation  and
other  personnel expenses and facility-related costs.  As a  percentage  of
net  sales, selling, distribution and administrative expenses increased  to
33.8% in the current quarter compared to 31.7% in the prior year.

      Depreciation, depletion and amortization totaled $21.7 million in the
current  quarter  and  increased $3 million  compared  to  the  prior  year
primarily as a result of acquisitions and capital projects completed during
the  previous  12  months.   Compared  to  the  prior  year,  depreciation,
depletion  and  amortization as a percentage of sales  increased  30  basis
points  to  5.5%.   For  the Distribution, ADI and Manufacturing  segments,
depreciation,  depletion and amortization expense in the  current  quarter,
relative to net sales, was 5.7%, 2.8% and 7.8%, respectively.

     Operating income decreased $1.2 million or 3.7% in the current quarter
compared  to  the  prior  year, excluding a gain  of  $14.5  million.   The
decrease  in  operating income was primarily due to higher operating  costs
resulting  from  the  Repositioning Plan, of which  approximately  60%  are
estimated  to  represent  recurring expenses.  The  Company  believes  that
operating  margins will continue to be impacted by higher  operating  costs
resulting from the implementation of the Repositioning Plan.

(in thousands)

                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                      September 30,          Increase
  Operating Income (excluding special charges):    1998          1997       (Decrease)

  Distribution                                     $25,143       $27,182     $(2,039)
  Direct Industrial                                    929         1,343        (414)
  Manufacturing                                      5,719         4,475       1,244
                                                   $31,791       $33,000     $(1,209)

                               AIRGAS, INC.

      The  Distribution  segment's operating income margin  decreased  140
basis  points to 8.7% in the current quarter compared with the prior  year.
The  decrease  resulted primarily from higher operating costs and  expenses
associated  with  the  Company's Repositioning Plan and  from  acquisitions
which  had  estimated operating margins ranging from  6%  to  8%.   In  the
current  quarter, the Distribution segment incurred $3.2 million of  direct
repositioning expenses which were primarily related to computer conversions
and personnel-related costs.

      The operating income margin for ADI decreased 80 basis points to 1.4%
in the current quarter compared to the prior year.  Higher same-store sales
and  gross  profits  were  offset by repositioning expenses  totaling  $1.4
million.   The repositioning expenses were associated with new distribution
facilities  in  Southern  California and Georgia  and  computer  conversion

      The  Manufacturing  segment's operating margin  decreased  100  basis
points to 13.5% in the current quarter compared to the prior year primarily
as a result of acquisitions.

      Interest  expense, net, totaled $15.7 million in the current  quarter
and  increased  $2.1 million compared to the prior year.  The  increase  in
interest  expense  was  primarily  attributable  to  an  increase  in  debt
associated  with completing 28 acquisitions since July 1,  1997.   Interest
costs  were  also impacted by capital expenditures, an increase in  working
capital and the repurchase of the Company's Common Stock.  As discussed  in
"Liquidity  and  Capital Resources" below, the Company has hedged  floating
interest rates under certain borrowings with interest rate swap agreements.

      Equity  in  earnings  of unconsolidated affiliates  of  $1.2  million
increased  $788  thousand compared to the prior year  as  a  result  of  an
increase in earnings from the Company's liquid carbon dioxide joint venture
and  from  higher  joint  venture earnings from  National  Welders  Supply.
Earnings have been helped by the liquid carbon dioxide joint venture  which
significantly expanded production capacity in September 1997.

     Excluding the impact of special charges, the effective income tax rate
declined  slightly  compared  to  the  prior  year  as  a  result  of   the
implementation  of state tax planning strategies, slightly  offset  by  the
increase of permanent differences relative to pre-tax earnings.

      Net  earnings in the current quarter were $10.5 million, or $.15  per
diluted  share,  compared  to $11.3 million,  or  $.16  per  diluted  share
(excluding special charges) in the prior year.

                               AIRGAS, INC.



     Net sales increased 15% during the six months ended September 30, 1998
("current period") compared to the same period in the prior year:

(in thousands)

                                   Six Months Ended
                                     September 30,
      Net Sales:                   1998        1997        Increase

  Distribution                     $580,959    $539,437    $ 41,522
  Direct Industrial                 133,802      98,061      35,741
  Manufacturing                      82,604      54,270      28,334
                                   $797,365    $691,768    $105,597

       Distribution  sales  increased  $41.5  million  as   a   result   of
approximately  $37.2 million from the acquisition of 27 distributors  since
April  1, 1997 and approximately $11 million from same-store sales  growth.
Offsetting the increase in sales were the divestitures of two businesses in
the  first  quarter of 1999 which had sales of $6.7 million  in  the  prior
period.  Distribution same-store sales increased 2% as a result of  a  4.5%
same-store  increase in gas and rent, partially offset by a slight  decline
in  hardgoods  sales.   The  Company  believes  its  hardgoods  sales  were
adversely affected by a general slowing in the manufacturing and industrial
economies,  particularly  in the quarter ended  September  30,  1998.   The
increases in gas and rent sales were helped by gas sales from the Company's
two  air  separation  plants  and by the expansion  of  its  rental  welder
business  and  other sales initiatives.  Sales in the current  period  were
also  negatively affected by weather conditions in certain regions  of  the
United  States  and low oil prices which slowed off-shore  and  inland  oil
activity.   The  Company  believes that these factors  contributed  to  the
decline in its Distribution same-store sales growth rate from 4.7%  in  the
prior  year.   Additionally, although difficult to  quantify,  the  Company
believes the indirect effects of the Repositioning have impacted sales.

      ADI's  sales  increased  $35.7  million  primarily  as  a  result  of
approximately $28.4 million from the acquisition of two distributors  since
April  1, 1997 and approximately $7.3 million from same-store sales growth.
The  same-store  sales growth rate for ADI during the  current  period  was
approximately  7.4% and resulted from an 11% increase in sales  of  safety-
related products, partially offset by a 5% decline in tool products.  Sales
of tool products were primarily impacted by a slowing in the economy.

                               AIRGAS, INC.

      The  Manufacturing segment's sales increased $28.3 million  primarily
from  nine  liquid carbon dioxide and dry ice acquisitions completed  since
April  1, 1997.  The Company estimates that liquid carbon dioxide  and  dry
ice  sales  volumes  increased during the current  period,  however,  lower
pricing  offset  liquid volume growth.  The Company  believes  that  prices
declined  as a result of increased industry production exceeding growth  in

Gross profits increased approximately 16% in the current period compared to
the same period in the prior year:

(in thousands)

                                    Six Months Ended
                                       September 30,
  Gross Profit:                     1998        1997         Increase

  Distribution                      $289,557    $266,963     $22,594
  Direct Industrial                   35,064      27,090       7,974
  Manufacturing                       48,396      28,580      19,816
                                    $373,017    $322,633     $50,384

      The  increase in Distribution gross profits of $22.6 million resulted
from  acquisitions  which contributed approximately $19  million  and  from
same-store  gross  profit growth of approximately $7.3  million,  or  2.7%.
Offsetting  the  increase  in  gross profits was  the  divestiture  of  two
businesses in the first quarter of 1999 which had contributed gross profits
of $3.7 million in the prior year.  Same-store gross profits were helped by
higher  gas volumes and increased rental revenues of 4.5%, partially offset
by a 1.8% decrease in hardgoods same-store gross profits.  As a result of a
shift  in  sales  mix towards higher margin gas and rent, same-store  gross
margin increased by 30 basis points to 49.8% compared to the prior period.

      The  increase  in  ADI  gross profits of  $8  million  resulted  from
acquisitions  and  same-store  gross profit growth  of  approximately  $1.7
million,  or 6.2%.  Same-store gross profit growth resulted primarily  from
sales  volume  growth of safety-related products.  ADI's  gross  margin  of
26.2%  for  the  current period was down 140 basis points compared  to  the
prior  year  due  to  acquisitions which had an  average  gross  margin  of
approximately 22%.

      The increase in Manufacturing gross profits of $19.8 million resulted
primarily  from  acquisitions  of  liquid  carbon  dioxide  and   dry   ice
businesses.  The Manufacturing gross margin increased from 52.7%  to  58.6%
as a result of higher margins at acquired companies.

                               AIRGAS, INC.

      Selling,  distribution, and administrative expenses  increased  $45.9
million in the current period compared to the prior period primarily  as  a
result  of  acquisitions  and higher costs associated  with  the  Company's
Repositioning  Plan.  Repositioning-related expenses totaled  approximately
$8.4 million in the current period.  As a percentage of net sales, selling,
distribution and administrative expenses increased to 33.3% for the current
period compared to 31.7% in the prior year.

      Depreciation, depletion and amortization totaled $43.3 million in the
current  period  and increased approximately $6.8 million compared  to  the
prior  year  primarily  as  a result of acquisitions  and  an  increase  in
property   and  equipment.   Compared  to  the  prior  year,  depreciation,
depletion  and  amortization as a percentage of sales  increased  10  basis
points  to  5.4%.   For  the Distribution, ADI and Manufacturing  segments,
depreciation,  depletion and amortization relative to net sales  was  5.7%,
2.7%  and 7.7%, respectively, for the current period.

      Operating income decreased $2.3 million or 3.4% in the current period
compared  to  the prior period, excluding special charges in both  periods.
The  decrease  in  operating income was primarily due to  higher  operating
costs resulting from the Repositioning Plan, of which approximately 60% are
estimated  to  represent  recurring expenses.  The  Company  believes  that
operating  margins will continue to be impacted by higher  operating  costs
resulting from the Repositioning Plan.

(in thousands)

                                                     Six Months Ended
                                                       September 30,         Increase
  Operating Income (excluding special charges):      1998        1997       (Decrease)

  Distribution                                       $52,799     $55,876     $ (3,077)
  Direct Industrial                                    1,813       2,448         (635)
  Manufacturing                                        9,608       8,176        1,432
                                                     $64,220     $66,500     $ (2,280)

     The  Distribution  segment's operating income margin  decreased  130
basis points to 9.1% for the current period compared to the prior year. The
decrease resulted primarily from higher operating expenses associated  with
the  Company's  Repositioning Plan and from acquisitions  which  had  lower
operating  margins.   The  Distribution segment incurred  $5.6  million  of
direct  repositioning expenses during the six months  ended  September  30,
1998, primarily related to computer conversion and personnel costs.

     The operating income margin for ADI decreased 110 basis points to 1.4%
in  the current period compared to the prior year.  Higher same-store sales
and  gross  profits  were  offset by repositioning expenses  totaling  $2.8
million.    ADI's   repositioning  expenses  were   associated   with   new
distribution  facilities in Southern California and  Georgia  and  computer
conversion expenses.

                               AIRGAS, INC.

     The Manufacturing segment's operating margin decreased to 11.6% in the
current  period  from  15.1% in the prior year primarily  as  a  result  of
acquisitions.   Operating  margins were also impacted  by  higher  expenses
related to the integration of acquisitions and new branch locations.

     Interest expense, net, totaled $30.5 million in the current period and
increased $4.7 million compared to the prior year. The increase in interest
expense  was primarily attributable to an increase in debt associated  with
completing 38 acquisitions since April 1, 1997.  Interest costs  were  also
impacted  by capital expenditures, an increase in working capital  and  the
repurchase  of the Company's Common Stock.  As discussed in "Liquidity  and
Capital  Resources" below, the Company has hedged floating  interest  rates
under certain borrowings with interest rate swap agreements.

      Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates of $2 million in  the
current  period  increased $1.7 million compared to the  prior  year  as  a
result  of an increase in earnings from the Company's liquid carbon dioxide
joint  venture  which  was  acquired  in  connection  with  the  June  1997
acquisition  of  Carbonic  Industries Corporation  and  from  higher  joint
venture earnings of National Welders Supply.  Earnings have been helped  at
the  Company's  liquid  carbon dioxide joint venture  because  of  expanded
production capacity which came on-line in September 1997.

     Excluding the impact of special charges, the effective income tax rate
declined  slightly  compared  to  the  prior  year  as  a  result  of   the
implementation  of state tax planning strategies, slightly  offset  by  the
increase of permanent differences relative to pre-tax earnings.

      Net  earnings, excluding special charges, in the current period  were
$21.2  million,  or $.29 per diluted share, compared to $23.5  million,  or
$.34 per diluted share, in the prior year.


                               AIRGAS, INC.


     The   Company   has  primarily  financed  its  operations,   capital
expenditures, stock repurchases and acquisitions with borrowings and  funds
provided by operating activities.

     Cash flows from operating activities totaled $32.2 million for the six
months  ended September 30, 1998.  Depreciation, depletion and amortization
represented  $43.3 million of cash flows from operating  activities.   Cash
flows  from working capital components decreased $30.1 million as a  result
of  an  increase  in accounts receivable, partially from higher  same-store
sales;  an  increase  in  inventory levels in  order  to  improve  customer
fulfillment  rates  and meet increased sales volumes;  and  a  decrease  in
accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities.  Accounts
receivable  days'  sales outstanding and days' supply of  inventory  levels
also increased compared to March 31, 1998 levels.

     After-tax cash flow (net  earnings plus  depreciation,  depletion  and
amortization and deferred income taxes), increased 8% to $69.9  million  in
the six-month period ended September 30, 1998, compared to $64.7 million in
the prior year (before special charges in both periods presented).

  Cash used by investing activities totaled $82.4 million. Activities which
used  cash  during  the period primarily included capital  expenditures  of
$56.5 million and acquisitions totaling $42.3 million.  The divestiture  of
two non-core businesses provided cash of $10.5 million.

 Capital expenditures associated with the purchase of cylinders, bulk tanks
and   machinery  and  equipment  totaled  $34.6  million  and  have  helped
facilitate  strategic  product sales growth.  Such  purchases  account  for
approximately  60% of the total capital expenditures during  the  six-month
period ended September 30, 1998.  Computer capital expenditures related  to
the Company's Repositioning Plan totaled $5.1 million.

     Financing activities provided cash of $50.2 million for the six months
ended  September  30,  1998, with total debt increasing  by  $77.4  million
(including acquisition debt assumed of $1.6 million) since March 31,  1998.
Cash  overdraft,  the  float  of  the  Company's  outstanding  checks,  has
decreased by $12 million since March 31, 1998.  Funds provided by financing
activities  were  used  primarily for acquisitions,  capital  expenditures,
working capital needs and the repurchase of the Company's Common Stock.


                               AIRGAS, INC.

      The Company has unsecured revolving credit facilities totaling US$725
million  and  C$100 million (US$66 million) with a final maturity  date  of
December  5,  2002.   The agreement contains covenants  which  include  the
maintenance  of  certain  financial  ratios,  restrictions  on   additional
borrowings  and  limitations  on dividends.  At  September  30,  1998,  the
Company  had borrowings under the agreement of US$577 million, C$43 million
(US$28  million), had commitments under letters of credit supported by  the
agreement of US$76 million, and, based on restrictions related to cash flow
to  funded debt coverage, had total additional borrowing capacity under the
agreement  of approximately US$55 million.  The Company believes  that  its
borrowing  capacity will increase beyond $100 million upon consummation  of
the  announced  sale of American Carbide and Carbon Corporation  and  other
asset dispositions.  At September 30, 1998, the effective interest rate  on
borrowings  under the credit line was approximately 6.07% (U.S. borrowings)
and 5.78% (Canadian borrowings).

      In  August  1998,  the  Company  filed  an  amendment  to  its  shelf
registration pursuant to Rule 462 (b) under the Securities Act of 1933,  as
amended,   which   increased  the  remaining  capacity  under   the   shelf
registration  to approximately $175 million.  At September  30,  1998,  the
Company  had  the  following long-term debt outstanding  under  medium-term
notes issued under the shelf registration:  $100 million of unsecured notes
due September 2006 bearing interest at a fixed price of 7.75%;  $50 million
of  unsecured notes due September 2001 bearing interest at a fixed rate  of
7.15%;   and $75 million of unsecured notes due March 2004 at a fixed  rate
of  7.14%.  The proceeds from the medium-term note issuances were  used  to
repay bank debt.

      In managing interest rate exposure, principally under  the  Company's
floating rate revolving credit facilities, the Company participates  in  25
interest  rate  swap  agreements.   The  swap  agreements  are  with  major
financial  institutions and aggregate $495 million  in  notional  principal
amount at September 30, 1998.  Seventeen swap agreements with approximately
$251  million in notional principal amount require fixed interest  payments
based  on an average effective rate of 6.75% for remaining periods  ranging
between 1 and 8 years.  Eight swap agreements require floating rates  ($244
million  notional amount at 5.71% at September 30, 1998).  Under the  terms
of  seven  of  the swap agreements, the Company has elected to receive  the
discounted  value  of the counter-party's interest payments  up-front.   At
September  30,  1998,  approximately $11.3 million of  such  payments  were
included   in  other  non-current  liabilities.   The  Company  continually
monitors  its positions and the credit ratings of its counter-parties,  and
does not anticipate non-performance by the counter-parties.

  The Company will continue to look for appropriate acquisitions and expects
to  fund  such  acquisitions, future capital expenditure  requirements  and
costs  related to its Repositioning Plan primarily through the use of  cash
flow   from   operations,  debt,  common  stock  for  certain   acquisition
candidates,  funds  from the divestiture of certain  businesses  and  other
available sources.  The Company believes that its sources of financing  are
adequate  for  its  anticipated needs and that it could arrange  additional
sources of financing for any unanticipated requirement.  The cost and terms
of any future financing arrangement depend on the market conditions and the
Company's financial position at that time.

                               AIRGAS, INC.

  Subsequent to September 30, 1998, the Company acquired three distributors
of   industrial   gases  and  related  equipment  with  annual   sales   of
approximately  $4 million for an aggregate purchase price of  approximately
$3.7 million.

  The Board of Directors has authorized the repurchase of up to 4.6 million
shares  of Company Common Stock from time-to-time to offset share issuances
for   stock  options,  the  Company's  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan  and
acquisitions. During the current quarter, the Company purchased 1.1 million
shares of Airgas Common Stock at an average cost of $12.71 per share.   The
impact  of the repurchased shares on earnings per share was immaterial  for
both  the  three  and  six month periods ended September  30,  1998.   From
inception through September 30, 1998, the Company repurchased approximately
4.1  million shares under the repurchase plan at an average cost of  $15.15
per  share.   The  remaining  shares authorized for  repurchase  under  the
existing program total approximately 500 thousand shares.

     The Company does not currently pay dividends.

YEAR 2000

      The  Company  is aware of the issues associated with  the  Year  2000
problem.  The "Year 2000" problem relates to whether computer hardware  and
software  and equipment will properly recognize date sensitive  information
referring  to  the  Year  2000.  Potential computer  system  and  equipment
failures  arising from years beginning with "20" rather  than  "19"  are  a
known risk.  The Company's exposure to Year 2000 issues rests primarily  in
three  main  areas: information systems hardware and application  software,
embedded  chip technology which may be found in a wide variety of operating
equipment and third party Year 2000 readiness.

      With  respect  to information systems and application  software,  the
Company's  businesses  generally do not utilize "home  grown"  programs  or
systems  that  require  programming to become  Year  2000  compliant.   The
Company  typically uses "out of the box" or "shrink wrap" software for  its
business  needs.   Standardized software and  computer  systems  are  being
implemented   across   the  Company  in  connection  with   the   Company's
Repositioning Plan.  The vendors for such software have advised the Company
that  their  software is Year 2000 compliant.  Although  execution  of  the
Repositioning Plan addresses certain significant Year 2000 problems, it was
not  initiated primarily as a remediation initiative. The Company  believes
that  standardized operating platforms will help provide for  an  effective
multi-channel  distribution  network.   On  a  project-to-date  basis,  the
Company  has  incurred approximately $9 million in costs  and  expenses  to
standardize  systems,  of which approximately $6.2 million  represents  new
capital equipment and software.  Total capital spending with regard to  the
project  is  estimated  to  be  approximately  $15  million.   The  Company
estimates that it is approximately half-way through its computer conversion
process.    Additionally, in conjunction with the Repositioning  Plan,  the
Company  has  established  a  national data center  equipped  with  systems
hardware  and  software  which  its vendors have  indicated  is  Year  2000
compliant.   The  implementation  of standardized  information  systems  is
expected to be completed by June 1999.  However, if such standardization is
not  completed prior to the Year 2000, the Year 2000 problem could  have  a
material  impact  on  the  business, results of  operations  and  financial
condition  of  the  Company as well as on customers of  the  Company.   The
Company  has not determined the extent to which its business and  customers
might be affected in that event.

                               AIRGAS, INC.

     The Company has designated subsidiary-company managers responsible for
directing Year 2000 remediation efforts at the business unit level.   These
managers,  in cooperation with the Company's information systems personnel,
are  in the process of identifying equipment containing embedded chips  and
interviewing  suppliers of the equipment to determine if the  equipment  is
Year  2000 compliant.  Once the non-compliant equipment is identified,  the
equipment  will be repaired, replaced or contingency plans will be  put  in
place  prior  to  the  Year  2000.   However,  if  repair,  replacement  or
contingency  plans are not completed in time for Year 2000 compliance,  the
Year 2000 problem could have a material impact on the business, results  of
operations and financial condition of the Company.  The Company is  in  the
process  of  assessing the potential costs for remediation of non-compliant
embedded  chip  equipment,  and an estimate of  such  costs  has  not  been
determined.  Moreover, the Company has not determined the extent  to  which
its business could be affected in the event that the repair, replacement or
contingency plans are not completed prior to the Year 2000.

      The  Company's Year 2000 issues relate not only to its  own  business
systems  and  equipment  but also to those of its  customers,  vendors  and
suppliers.  To mitigate the risk to the Company arising from third parties,
the  Company  has  initiated  the  process of  identifying  and  contacting
significant suppliers and customers and other critical business partners to
determine  if  entities  with  which the Company  transacts  business  have
effective  Year  2000  plans in place.  The Company anticipates  that  this
evaluation will be ongoing through the balance of calendar 1998 and through
calendar  1999.   To  further  mitigate risk to  the  Company,  alternative
suppliers  will  be  identified with regard to certain business  processes.
However,  there can be no assurance that the Company's customers,  vendors,
suppliers and other third parties will successfully resolve their own  Year
2000 issues in a timely manner sufficient to prevent impact to the Company.

      The  Company  is  progressing with its  remediation  objectives.   In
addition,  contingency plans are being developed as part of the remediation
efforts  and  the Company expects such plans to be completed by   September
30, 1999.


New Accounting Pronouncements

     In June 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued
Statement  of  Financial Accounting Standard ("SFAS") No. 131, "Disclosures
about  Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information."  This  statement
establishes standards for reporting information about operating segments in
annual  financial  statements  and  requires  selected  information   about
operating segments in interim financial reports issued to shareholders.  It
also  establishes  standards  for related disclosures  about  products  and
services,  geographic areas and major customers.  The  Company  will  adopt
SFAS  No.  131  in  fiscal 1999, as required.  Adoption of this  accounting
standard will not impact earnings, financial condition or liquidity.

     In  April  1998, the  Accounting Standards Executive  Committee of the
American  Institute  of Certified Public Accountants  issued  Statement  of
Position  98-5,  "Reporting  on the Costs of  Start-up  Activities."   This
statement   requires   that   costs  of  start-up   activities,   including
organization  costs, be expensed as incurred.  The statement  is  effective
for  fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1998.  The adoption of  this
standard  will  not  materially  impact earnings,  financial  condition  or
liquidity of the Company.

                                    AIRGAS, INC.

      In June 1998, the FASB unanimously approved for issuance SFAS No. 133
"Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities."   SFAS  No.
133  standardizes  the  accounting  for derivative  instruments,  including
derivative  instruments embedded in other contracts, by requiring  that  an
entity  recognize those items as assets or liabilities in the statement  of
financial  position  and  measure them at fair  value.   The  statement  is
effective  for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999.  Management  has
not  yet determined the impact that the adoption of this statement may have
on earnings, financial condition or liquidity of the Company.

Forward-looking Statements

  This report contains statements that are forward-looking, as that term is
defined  by  Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of  1995  or  by  the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission in rules, regulations  and  releases.
Airgas intends that such forward-looking statements be subject to the  safe
harbors  created  thereby.  All forward-looking  statements  are  based  on
current  expectations regarding important risk factors, and the  making  of
such statements should not be regarded as a representation by Airgas or any
other   person  that  the  results  expressed  therein  will  be  achieved.
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from
those  contained  in  any forward-looking statement include,  but  are  not
limited  to  underlying market conditions, continued growth  in  same-store
sales,  costs  and  potential disruptive effects of the repositioning,  the
success  of  the Repositioning Plan, implementation and standardization  of
information  systems, any potential problems relating to Year 2000  matters
(including  without  limitation,  those  relating  to  Airgas'  ability  to
identify and timely remediate Year 2000 problems, unanticipated remediation
costs,  timely  resolution of Year 2000 problems  by  significant  vendors,
suppliers,  customers and other similar third parties, and Airgas'  ability
to  develop and implement contingency plans, if necessary), the success and
timing   of   intended  divestitures,  the  effects  of  competition   from
independent  distributors  and  vertically  integrated  gas  producers   on
products  and  pricing, growth and acceptance of new product lines  through
the  Company's sales and marketing programs, changes in product prices from
gas  producers  and  name-brand manufacturers and suppliers  of  hardgoods,
uncertainties  regarding accidents or litigation which  may  arise  in  the
ordinary course of business and the effects of, and changes in the economy,
monetary  and fiscal policies, laws and regulations, inflation and monetary
fluctuations  and fluctuations in interest rates, both on  a  national  and
international basis.  The Company does not undertake to update any forward-
looking statement made herein or that may be made from time to time  by  or
on behalf of the Company.


Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

For information regarding certain pending litigation, reference is made to
the Company's Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998, which is
incorporated herein by reference.



Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Company was held on August 3,
1998, where the following actions were taken:

(a)  The stockholders voted to re-elect W. Thacher Brown, Frank B. Foster
     III, and Peter McCausland to the Board of Directors.  The votes cast for
     each Director were as follows:

                                           No. of Shares
                                       For               Withheld/Against

     W. Thacher Brown                  61,677,050        824,202
     Frank B. Foster, III              61,676,656        824,596
     Peter McCausland                  61,670,128        831,124

     In addition to the Board members elected at the Annual Meeting, the
     following are directors whose terms in office as directors continued
     after the meeting:  Rajiv L. Gupta, Robert E. Naylor, John A. H.
     Shober, Merril L. Stott, Lee M. Thomas, and Robert L. Yohe.

(b)  The stockholders voted to adopt the 1998 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.
     The votes cast in regard to the action were as follows:

                                           No. of Shares
                                For           Against      Abstain
                                59,488,985    2,842,142    170,125

(c)  The stockholders voted to ratify the selection of KPMG Peat Marwick
     LLP as the Company's independent auditors.  The votes cast in regard to the
     action were as follows:

                                           No. of Shares
                                For           Against      Abstain
                                62,084,159    353,001      64,092

Item 5.  Other Information

Advance Notice By-Law Provision

      In  accordance  with the Company's amended By-Laws, stockholders  who
wish to submit a proposal for consideration, or who wish to submit director
nominations, at the Company's 1999 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, but  who
do  not  wish  to submit the proposal for inclusion in the Company's  Proxy
Statement,  are  required to notify the Company at its principal  executive
offices  not  earlier than the close of business on April 5, 1999  and  not
later than the close of business on May 5, 1999, provided, however, that if
the  date of the 1999 Annual Meeting is earlier than July 4, 1999 or  later
than  October 2, 1999, the stockholder notice must be delivered not earlier
than  the  close of business on the 120th day prior to such Annual  Meeting
and not later than the close of business on the later of the 90th day prior
to  such  Annual Meeting or the 10th day following the day on which  public
announcement of the date of such Annual Meeting is first made.  The  notice
must provide the information required in the By-Laws.



      With  respect to nominations submitted by stockholders for a  special
meeting of the stockholders, the notice must be received by the Company not
earlier  than the close of business on the 120th day prior to such  special
meeting  and not later than the close of business on the later of the  90th
day  prior  to such special meeting or the 10th day following  the  day  on
which public announcement is first made of the date of the special meeting.

      The  above  requirements do not apply to the deadline for  submitting
stockholder  proposals for inclusion in the Proxy Statement  for  the  1999
Annual  Meeting, which must be received by the Company no later than  March
2, 1999.

Amendment to the 1997 Rights Agreement

     On November 12, 1998, the Board of Directors of the Company
approved an amendment to the Rights Agreement (the "Rights
Agreement"), dated as of April 1, 1997, by and between the
Company and The Bank of New York, as Rights Agent, to, among
other things, delete the reference to "Continuing Directors" as
used throughout the Rights Agreement.  Under the amended Rights
Agreement, the Rights can be redeemed by a majority of the Board
of Directors, not a majority of the Continuing Directors. A
Continuing Director was defined as a member of the Board of
Directors who was neither an acquiring person nor affiliated with
an acquiring person and was either a member of the Board prior to
the distribution of the Rights or subsequently became a member of
the Board through recommendation or approval by a majority of the
Continuing Directors.

     The foregoing description of the approved amendment to the
Rights Agreement does not purport to be complete and is qualified
in its entirety by reference to the text of the form of such
amendment which is filed as an exhibit hereto and incorporated
herein by reference thereto.

Divestiture of Calcium Carbide and Carbon Products Manufacturing Operations

      On November 5, 1998, the Company announced that it had entered into a
definitive  agreement  to  sell its calcium  carbide  and  carbon  products
manufacturing  operations  to  Elkem  Metals  Company  L.P.  ("Elkem"),   a
subsidiary of Elkem ASA.  As part of the agreement, Elkem will enter into a
long-term contract to supply the Company's calcium carbide requirements and
the Company and Elkem will discontinue their Elkem-American Carbide Company
joint  venture that currently markets calcium carbide throughout the United
States.  The  manufacturing facilities that are operated by  the  Company's
subsidiary, American Carbide and Carbon Corporation, are located in  Pryor,
Oklahoma  and  Keokuk, Iowa and generate annual sales of approximately  $30
million.   The  operations  are  included in  the  Company's  Manufacturing
segment.   The  Company expects to record a gain on the sale.  Consummation
of the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals.


Item 6.     Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

a.   Exhibits

     The following exhibits are being filed as part of this Form 10-Q Report:

     Exhibit No.        Description

              3         By-Laws (Amended and Restated November 12, 1998)

              4         Form of First Amendment to the 1997 Rights Agreement

             27         Financial Data Schedules as of September 30, 1998 and
                        September 30, 1997

b.    Reports on Form 8-K

      On  July  31,  1998,  the Company filed a Form 8-K pursuant  to  Item  5,
      reporting its earnings for the first quarter ended June 30, 1998.



       Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its  behalf  by
the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                   Airgas, Inc.

Date: November 16, 1998                            /s/ Scott M. Melman
                                                    Scott M. Melman
                                                    Vice President and
                                                    Chief Financial Officer