WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

              Quarterly Report Under Section 13 of 15(d)
                of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For quarter ended  September 30, 1995   Commission file number 33-9881 

                       NATIONAL HEALTHCARE L.P.                  
        (Exact name of registrant as specified in its Charter)

         Delaware                            62-1292855          
(State or other jurisdiction of              (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization               Identification No.)

     100 Vine Street
     Murfreesboro, TN                           37130       
     (Address of principal                    (Zip Code)
      executive offices)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code     (615) 890-2020

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant

     (1)  Has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or
          15(d), of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the
          preceding 12 months.

                    Yes   x   No      

     (2)  Has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90

                    Yes   x   No      

7,827,051 units were outstanding as of October 31, 1995.

                           PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements.

                              NATIONAL HEALTHCARE L.P.


                                     Three Months Ended     Nine Months Ended
                                         September 30         September 30   
                                      1995       1994        1995       1994
                                        (in thousands)         (in thousands)

  Net patient revenues              $ 80,637   $ 69,051     $229,448  $ 195,535
  Other revenues                       9,905      6,513       30,133     19,755
     Net revenues                     90,542     75,564      259,581    215,290

  Salaries, wages and benefits        49,832     40,465      141,250    117,157
  Other operating                     27,545     24,432       80,791     68,447
  Depreciation and amortization        3,708      3,549       11,021     10,262
  Interest                             3,853      3,054       12,157      8,687
     Total costs and expense          84,938     71,500      245,219    204,553

NET INCOME                          $  5,604   $  4,064     $ 14,362  $  10,737

  Primary                           $    .71   $    .52     $   1.83  $    1.37
  Fully diluted                     $    .62   $    .46     $   1.60  $    1.23

  Primary                          7,907,042  7,822,962     7,862,842  7,834,197
  Fully diluted                    9,879,908  9,813,174     9,879,294  9,813,110

  Regular                           $    .52  $     .31     $   1.36  $     .86
  Special                           $    .00  $     .00     $    .00  $    1.10

  General Partners                  $     56  $      41     $    144  $     107
  Limited Partners                     5,548      4,023       14,218     10,630
                                    $  5,604  $   4,064     $ 14,362  $  10,737

The accompanying notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements
  are an integral part of these statements.


                               NATIONAL HEALTHCARE L.P.

                             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                   (in thousands)


                                                 Sept. 30           December 31
                                                   1995                  1994   

  Cash and cash equivalents                           $ 24,122        $  1,442
  Cash held by trustees                                  2,326           1,604
  Marketable securities                                  1,504           4,010
  Accounts receivable, less allowance for
    doubtful accounts of $4,626 and $3,367              42,650          42,953
  Notes receivable                                      32,042           4,922
  Note receivable from NHI                                  --          22,847
  Loan participation agreements                             --           9,784
  Inventory at lower of cost (first-in,
    first-out method) or market                          3,001           2,952
  Amounts receivable from third-party payors                 -           5,419
  Prepaid expenses and other assets                      1,327           1,573
  Total current assets                                 106,972          97,506

  Property and equipment at cost                       147,426         136,757
  Less accumulated depreciation and
    amortization                                       (36,729)        (31,094)
  Assets under arrangement with other parties.          77,276          81,746
  Net property, equipment and assets under
    arrangement with other parties                     187,973         187,409

  Bond reserve funds, mortgage replacement
    reserves and other deposits                          1,771           1,720
  Unamortized financing costs                            2,934           2,811
  Notes receivable                                      80,854          87,180
  Notes receivable from National                        12,298          12,296
  Minority equity investments and other                  6,898           7,211
  Total other assets                                   104,755         111,218

                                                     $ 399,700        $396,133

The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are an integral
  part of these consolidated balance sheets.


                              NATIONAL HEALTHCARE L.P.

                             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                   (in thousands)
                               LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL

                                                 Sept. 30      December 31
                                                   1995          1994   

  Current portion of long-term debt             $  9,616      $   6,330
  Trade accounts payable                           4,982         17,052
  Accrued payroll                                 22,542         18,644
  Amounts due to third-party payors                4,348          4,396
  Accrued interest                                 1,624          2,223
  Other current liabilities                       11,984          6,393
  Total current liabilities                       55,096         55,038

LONG-TERM DEBT, less current portion             106,272        104,243

   CURRENT PORTION                                86,375         89,764

   SUBSIDIARIES                                      809            802


SUBORDINATED CONVERTIBLE NOTES                    30,000         30,000

DEFERRED INCOME                                   15,769         15,280

  General partners                                 1,133          1,095
  Limited partners                               104,246         99,911
  Total partners' capital                        105,379        101,006

                                                $399,700       $396,133

The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are an integral
  part of these consolidated balance sheets.


                             NATIONAL HEALTHCARE L.P.

                                                     Nine Months Ended
                                                       September 30    
                                                      1995      1994
                                                       (in thousands)
  Net income                                        $14,362   $ 10,737
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
    provided by (used in) operating activities:
    Depreciation                                     10,668      9,947
    Provision for doubtful accounts                   2,036      1,655         
    Amortization of intangibles and deferred charges    671        634
    Amortization of deferred income                    (391)      (271)
    Equity in earnings of unconsolidated investments   (211)      (222)
    Distributions from unconsolidated investments       221        180
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
    Increase in accounts receivable                  (1,733)    (6,682)
    (Increase) Decrease in inventory                    (49)        62
    (Increase) Decrease in prepaid expenses
       and other assets                                 246       (804)
    Decrease in trade accounts payable              (12,070)      (684)
    Increase in accrued payroll                       3,898      3,289
    Increase (Decrease) in amounts due to third-party       
      payors                                          5,371     (1,533)
    Increase (Decrease) in accrued interest payable    (599)       765
    Increase in other current liabilities             5,591      2,046
                                                     28,011     19,119 
  Additions to and acquisitions of property and
    equipment, net                                  (11,213)   (20,018)
  Investment in long-term notes receivable          (24,585)   (18,966)
  Collection of long-term notes receivable           36,420     47,492
  (Increase) Decrease in minority equity investments
    and other                                           831     (4,757)
  (Increase) Decrease in debt and equity securities   2,360     (8,279)
                                                      3,813     (4,528)
  Proceeds from debt issuance                         4,609      3,535
  Increase in cash held by trustee                     (722)      (124)
  Increase in minority interest in subsidiaries           7         19
  Issuance of partnership units                           1          0
  Increase in bond reserve funds, mortgage
    replacement reserves and other deposits             (51)       (40)
  Collection of receivables                             788        422
  Payments on debt                                   (2,771)    (2,788)
  Cash distributions to partners                    (10,632)   (15,222)
  Increase in financing costs                          (373)         0
                                                     (9,144)   (14,198)

   EQUIVALENTS                                       22,680        393
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD            $24,122   $    538
Supplemental Information:
  Cash payments for interest expense                $12,755   $  7,922
The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are an integral
  part of these consolidated statements.

                            NATIONAL HEALTHCARE L.P.

             FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 AND 1994
                             (dollars in thousands)

                                 Receivables   Unrealized                        Total
                       Number of From Sale of Gains(Losses) General   Limited   Partners'
                         Units     Units      on Securities Partners  Partners   Capital

BALANCE AT 12/31/94    7,826,165  $(14,697)     $ 480       $1,095    $114,128  $101,006

Net income                    --        --         --          144      14,218    14,362
Collection of
  receivables                 --       788         --           --         788
Units issued                 886        --         --           --           1        1
Unrealized losses on
  securities                  --        --       (146)          --          --      (146)
Cash distributions
  ($1.36 per unit)            --        --         --         (106)    (10,526)  (10,632)

BALANCE AT 9/30/95     7,827,051  $(13,909)     $ 334       $1,133     $117,821 $105,379

BALANCE AT 12/31/93    7,796,433  $(15,134)     $  --       $1,027     $106,633 $ 92,526

Net income                    --        --         --          107       10,630   10,737
Collection of
  receivables                 --       422         --           --           --      422
Other                        150        --         --            1            3        4
Unrealized losses on
  securities                  --        --        564           --           --      564
Cash distributions
  ($.55 per unit)             --        --         --          (66)      (6,580)  (6,646)

BALANCE AT 9/30/94     7,796,583  $(14,712)     $ 564        $1,069    $110,686 $ 97,607

The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are an integral
  part of these consolidated statements.


                        NATIONAL HEALTHCARE L.P.


       The financial statements for the nine months ended September 30,
1995 and 1994, which have not been examined by independent public
accountants, reflect, in the opinion of management, all adjustments
necessary to present fairly the data for such periods.  The results of
the operations for the nine months ended September 30, 1995 are not
necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the
entire fiscal year ended December 31, 1995.  The interim condensed
balance sheet at December 31, 1994 is taken from the audited financial
statements at that date.  The interim condensed financial statements
should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial
statements, including the notes thereto, for the periods ended
December 31, 1994, December 31, 1993, and December 31, 1992.  Certain
reclassifications have been made to the December 31, 1994 financial
statements to conform to the September 30, 1995 presentation.


                                 Three Months Ended  Nine Months Ended
                                    September 30       September 30   
                                  1995      1994     1995       1994
                                    (in thousands)    (in thousands)

Revenue from managed centers    $ 5,983   $ 4,494   $18,020   $12,579
Guarantee fees                      183       218       630       710
Advisory fee from NHI               797       458     2,391     1,370
Earnings on securities               28      (208)      422       191
Equity in earnings of 
  unconsolidated investments         55        95       206       212
Interest income                   1,383     1,152     4,697     3,791
Other                             1,476       304     3,767       902
                                $ 9,905   $ 6,513   $30,133   $19,755

       Revenues from managed centers include management fees and
interest income on notes receivable from the managed centers.  "Other"
revenues include non-health care related earnings.


       Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 115
"Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" was
issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board effective for
fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1993.  As required by SFAS
115, securities are classified as trading, held-to-maturity or
available for sale.  Trading securities are bought and held
principally for the purpose of selling them in the near term. 
Securities are classified as held-to-maturity when the Company has
both the positive intent and ability to hold them to maturity.  All
other securities are classified as available for sale.  NHC considers
its investments in marketable securities as available for sale
securities and unrealized gains and losses are recorded in partners'
capital in accordance with SFAS 115.

       Partners' capital for the period ended September 30, 1995 was
decreased by approximately $146,000 to reflect the net unrealized
investment loss on marketable securities without stated maturities
classified as available for sale.

       Proceeds from the sale of investments in debt and equity
securities for the period ended September 30, 1995 were $2,696,000,
resulting in gross investment gains of $336,000 realized on these
sales.  Realized gains and losses from securities sales are determined
on the specific identification of the securities.  The adoption of
SFAS 115 did not have a material effect on NHC's financial position or
results of operations.


       In order to obtain management agreements and to facilitate the
construction or acquisition of certain health care centers which NHC
manages for others, NHC has guaranteed some or all of the debt
(principal and interest) on those centers.  For this service NHC
charges an annual guarantee fee of 1% to 2% of the outstanding
principal balance guaranteed, which fee is in addition to NHC's
management fee.  The principal amounts outstanding under the
guarantees is approximately $79,867,000 (net of available debt service
reserves) at variable and fixed interest rates with a weighted average
of 5.1% at September 30, 1995.  In addition, NHC has guaranteed a
letter of credit in the amount of approximately $8,200,000 for which
an annual fee of 2% is charged.

Item 2.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Conditions
            and Results of Operations


       National HealthCare L.P. (NHC, or the Company) operates and
manages 96 long-term health care centers with 12,493 beds in nine
states.  NHC provides nursing care as well as ancillary therapy
services to patients in a variety of settings including long-term care
nursing centers, managed care specialty units, subacute care units,
Alzheimer's care units, homecare programs, and facilities for assisted
living.  NHC also operates retirement centers. (Prior to January 1,
1995, the name of NHC was National HealthCorp L.P.)

Results of Operations

Three Months Ended September 30, 1995 Compared to Three Months Ended
September 30, 1994.

       Results for the three month period ended September 30, 1995
include a 38% increase over the same period in 1994 in net income, a
35% increase in fully diluted earnings per unit, and a 20% increase in
net revenues.

       The increased revenues for the quarter reflect the continued
growth of operations.  Compared to the quarter a year ago, NHC has
increased the number of owned or leased long-term care beds from 6,290
beds to 6,406 beds.  The number of long-term care beds managed for
others has increased from 6,013 beds to 6,087 beds.  Also contributing
to increased revenues are improvements in both private pay and third
party payor rates.

        Revenues also improved during 1995 due to increased emphasis on
rehabilitative and managed care services.  To boost the ability to
offer physical, speech and occupational therapy to greater numbers of
patients, the Company is continuing to increase the size of its staff
of professionally licensed therapists.  The Company has also signed
managed care contracts with private insurance companies to provide
subacute care to their insurees, offering a less expensive alternative
to acute care and rehabilitative hospitals.  NHC also now has a
network of case managers to assure appropriate placement and payment
for subacute patients in the NHC system.

       Revenues from management services, which are included in the
Statements of Income in Other Revenues, increased 29% in 1995 from
$4.5 million to $5.8 million due to the increased number of beds being
managed for others, increased management fees, and increased interest
income from higher principal amounts and interest rates on floating
rate and fixed rate loans to managed centers.  Management fees are
generally based upon a percentage of net revenues of the managed
center and therefore tend to increase as a facility matures and as
prices rise in general.

       Total costs and expenses for the 1995 quarter increased $13.4
million or 19% to $84.9 million from $71.5 million.  Salaries, wages
and benefits, the largest operating costs of this service company,
increased $9.3 million or 23% to $49.8 million from $40.5 million.
Other operating expenses increased $3.1 million or 13% to $27.5
million for the 1995 third quarter compared to $24.4 million in the
1994 period.  Depreciation and amortization increased 4% to $3.7
million.  Interest costs increased $0.8 million or 26% to $3.9 million
from $3.1 million for last year.  

       Increases in salaries, wages and benefits are attributable to the
increase in staffing levels due to long-term care bed additions,
homecare expansions, and the increased emphasis on rehabilitative
services. Also contributing to higher costs of labor are inflationary
increases for salaries and the associated benefits as well as
adjustments in benefit programs for the quarter.

       Operating costs have increased due to the increased number of
beds in operation, the expansion of homecare services, the expansion
of rehabilitative and managed care services, and due to the growth in
management services provided to others.

       Depreciation and amortization increased as a result of the
Company's placing of newly constructed or purchased assets in service
and due to capital improvements at existing properties.  

       Interest expense increased due to additional borrowing for newly
purchased or constructed long-term care beds and due to increased
interest rates of floating rate debt.  Approximately 40% of the
Company's long-term debt is at floating rates.

       The total census at owned and leased centers for the quarter
averaged 92.9% compared to an average of 92.3% for the same quarter a
year ago.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 1995 Compared to Nine Months Ended
September 30, 1994.

       Results for the nine month period ended September 30, 1995
include a 34% increase over the same period in 1994 in net income, a
30% increase in fully diluted earnings per unit, and a 21% increase in
net revenues.                    9                     

       The increased revenues for the nine months this year reflect the
continued growth of operations.  Compared to the nine month period a
year ago, NHC has increased the number of owned, leased, and managed
long-term care beds by 190 beds from 12,303 beds to 12,493 beds.  Also
contributing to increased revenues are improvements in both private
pay and third party payor rates.

       Revenues also improved during 1995 due to increased emphasis on
rehabilitative and managed care services.  To boost the ability to
offer physical, speech and occupational therapy to greater numbers of
patients, the Company is continuing to increase the size of its staff
of professionally licensed therapists.  The Company has also signed
managed care contracts with private insurance companies to provide
subacute care to their insurees, offering a less expensive alternative
to acute care and rehabilitative hospitals.  NHC also now has a
network of case managers to assure appropriate placement and payment
for subacute patients in the NHC system.

       Revenues from management services, which are included in the
Statements of Income in Other Revenues, increased 41% in 1995 from
$12.6 million to $17.7 million due to the increased number of beds
being managed for others, increased management fees, and increased
interest income from higher principal amounts and interest rates on
floating rate and fixed rate loans to managed centers.  Management
fees are generally based upon a percentage of net revenues of the
managed center and therefore tend to increase as a facility matures
and as prices rise in general.

       Total costs and expenses for the 1995 nine month period increased
$40.7 million or 20% to $245.2 million from $204.6 million.  Salaries,
wages and benefits, the largest operating costs of this service
company, increased $24.1 million or 21% to $141.3 million from $117.2
million. Other operating expenses increased $12.3 million or 18% to
$80.8 million for the 1995 second quarter compared to $68.4 million in
the 1994 period.  Depreciation and amortization increased 7% to $11.0
million.  Interest costs increased $3.5 million or 40% to $12.2
million from $8.7 million for last year.  

       Increases in salaries, wages and benefits are attributable to the
increase in staffing levels due to long-term care bed additions,
homecare expansions, and the increased emphasis on rehabilitative
services. Also contributing to higher costs of labor are inflationary
increases for salaries and the associated benefits.

       Operating costs have increased due to the increased number of
beds in operation, the expansion of homecare services, the expansion
of rehabilitative and managed care services, and due to the growth in
management services provided to others.

       Depreciation and amortization increased as a result of the
Company's placing of newly constructed or purchased assets in service
and due to capital improvements at existing properties.  

       Interest expense increased due to additional borrowing for newly
purchased or constructed long-term care beds and due to increased
interest rates of floating rate debt.  Approximately 40% of the
Company's long-term debt is at floating rates.

       The total census at owned and leased centers for the nine months
averaged 92.9% compared to an average of 91.1% for the same nine
months a year ago.


Liquidity and Capital Resources

       During the first nine months of 1995, the Company generated net
cash of $28.0 million from operating activities, $36.4 million from
the collection of long-term notes receivable, $2.4 million from the
decrease in debt or equity securities, $0.8 million from the decrease
in minority equity investments and $4.6 million in debt proceeds.  Of
these funds, $11.2 million was used for additions to and acquisitions
of property and equipment, $24.6 million for investments in long-term
notes receivable, $2.7 million for payments on debt, and $10.6million
for cash distributions to partners.  Cash and cash equivalents
increased $22.7 million during the quarter.

       At September 30, 1995, the Company's ratio of long-term
obligations to convertible debt and capital is 1.4 to 1.

       The ratio of current assets to current liabilities is 1.9 to 1. 
Working capital is $51.9 million.  These financial resources with
anticipated funds from future operations are expected to be adequate
to enable the Partnership to meet its working capital requirements and
expansion goals.


       During the first nine months of 1995, the Company added a net
total of 185 licensed long-term care beds, of which 111 beds are owned
or leased at two centers and 74 beds are managed at three centers.

       Currently, NHC has 1,196 beds under development at 22 owned,
leased or managed health care centers in various locations.  These
beds are either under construction or a Certificate of Need has been
received from the appropriate state agency authorizing the
construction of additional centers or beds.

Legislative Outlook

       Federal budget and reform plans are being considered by both the
House and Senate that would, if adopted, reduce payments to skilled
nursing facilities for services provided to patients under the
Medicare and Medicaid programs.  Proposals being considered include
the reduction of payments for capital costs, the extension of the
current freeze on increases in routine cost limits, and the
application of new limits for non-routine therapy services.  It is
management's belief, however, that the provision of quality health
care services in the lowest cost environment will be rewarded by
consumers and the government.  


                     PART II.  OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.     Legal Proceedings.

                 The Company is subject to claims and suits in the
            ordinary course of business.  While there are several
            worker's compensation and personal liability claims and
            other suits presently in the court system, management
            believes that the ultimate resolution of all pending
            proceedings will not have any material adverse effect on the
            Company or its operations.

Item 2.     Changes in Securities.  Not applicable

Item 3.     Defaults Upon Senior Securities.  None

Item 4.     Submission of Matters to Vote of Security Holders.  None

Item 5.     Other Information.  None

Item 6.     Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

            (a)  List of exhibits - Exhibit 27 - Financial Data Schedule
                 (for SEC purposes only)
            (b)  Reports on Form 8-K - none required     


       Pursuant to the requirements of the Security Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                     NATIONAL HEALTHCARE L.P.         

Date November 9, 1995                S/Richard F. LaRoche, Jr.        
                                     Richard F. LaRoche, Jr.

Date November 9, 1995                S/Donald K. Daniel               
                                     Donald K. Daniel
                                     Vice President and Controller
                                     Principal Accounting Officer
