Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q

  (Mark One)

            QUARTERLY  REPORT  PURSUANT  TO   SECTION  13  OR   15(d)  OF  THEx

  For the quarterly period ended    September 30, 1996



  For the transition period from                         to                   

                 Commission file number          0-16817        

                    Krupp Insured Plus-II Limited Partnership

   Massachusetts                                               04-2955007
  (State or other jurisdiction of                          (IRS employer
  incorporation or organization)                        identification no.)

  470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts                 02210
  (Address of principal executive offices)                  (Zip Code)

                                 (617) 423-2233
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

  Indicate  by check  mark whether  the registrant  (1) has filed  all reports
  required to be filed  by Section 13 or 15(d)  of the Securities Exchange Act
  of 1934 during the preceding 12 months  (or for such shorter period that the
  registrant was required to  file such reports), and  (2) has been subject to
  such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X    No      

                         PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION


  This Form  10-Q contains  forward-looking statements  within the meaning  of
  Section 27A of the Securities  Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities
  Exchange Act  of 1934.   Actual results  could differ materially  from those
  projected  in the  forward-looking statements  as a  result  of a  number of
  factors, including those identified herein.


                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                                                         September 30,  December 31,
                                                             1996            1995   

            Participating Insured Mortgages ("PIMs")     $152,029,541   $152,929,361
              (Note 2)
            Mortgage-Backed Securities and multi-family
             insured mortgages("MBS") (Note 3)             41,215,607     44,597,272

              Total mortgage investments                  193,245,148    197,526,633

            Cash and cash equivalents                       7,726,558      5,963,681
            Short-term investment                               -            498,160
            Interest receivable and other assets            1,583,720      2,029,363
            Prepaid acquisition fees and expenses, net
             of accumulated amortization of $7,948,578  
             and $6,954,567, respectively                   4,220,299      5,214,310
            Prepaid participation servicing fees, net of
             accumulated amortization of $2,524,124 and 
             $2,208,277, respectively                       1,241,472      1,557,319

              Total assets                               $208,017,197   $212,789,466

                                   LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY

            Liabilities                                  $     13,259   $     14,760

            Partners' equity (deficit) (Note 4):

              Limited Partners                            208,288,335    211,648,945
               (14,655,512 Limited Partner
                interests outstanding)

              General Partners                               (205,817)      (155,589)

              Unrealized gain (loss) on MBS                   (78,580)     1,281,350

                Total Partners' equity                    208,003,938    212,774,706

              Total liabilities and partners' equity     $208,017,197   $212,789,466

                                The accompanying notes are an integral
                                   part of the financial statements.

                               KRUPP INSURED PLUS-II LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                         STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                           For the Three Months      For the  Nine Months
                                            Ended September 30,      Ended  September 30,  

                                              1996        1995         1996        1995    

             Interest income - PIMs:
                Base interest              $2,960,655  $3,035,989   $9,060,611  $9,153,682
                Participation interest         15,938      95,283       31,948     249,812
             Interest income - MBS            830,751     893,700    2,546,874   2,699,414
             Other interest income            102,177      86,636      282,180     254,452

                Total revenues              3,909,521   4,111,608   11,921,613  12,357,360

             Asset management fee to an 
              affiliate                      365,514      374,401    1,094,422   1,115,092
             Expense reimbursements to
              affiliates                      58,836       62,082      166,400     186,246
             Amortization of prepaid
                expenses and fees            436,619      436,619    1,309,858   1,309,858
             General and administrative       40,090       65,044      124,109     184,081

                Total expenses               901,059      938,146    2,694,789   2,795,277

            Net income                    $3,008,462   $3,173,462   $9,226,824  $9,562,083

            Allocation of net income (Note 4):

              Limited Partners            $2,918,208   $3,078,259   $8,950,019  $9,275,221

              Average net income per
              Limited Partner interest
              (14,655,512 Limited Partner
              interests outstanding)      $      .20   $      .21   $      .61  $      .63

              General Partners            $   90,254   $   95,203   $  276,805  $  286,862

                                    The accompanying notes are an integral
                                       part of the financial statements.

                                   KRUPP INSURED PLUS-II LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                           STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                               For the Nine Months     
                                                             Ended September 30,     

                                                                1996          1995   

            Operating activities:
             Net income                                     $ 9,226,824   $ 9,562,083 
             Adjustments to reconcile net income to
              net cash provided by operating activities:
               Amortization of discounts on short-term

                Investments                                     (13,630)         (920)
               Amortization of prepaid expenses and fees      1,309,858     1,309,858
               Changes in assets and liabilities:
                 Decrease in interest receivable and
                  other assets                                  445,643       234,767
                 Increase (decrease) in liabilities              (1,501)        7,044

                   Net cash provided by operating
                    activities                               10,967,194    11,112,832

            Investing activities:
             Principal collections on PIMs                      899,820       828,922
             Principal collections on MBS                     2,021,735     1,360,663
             Maturity of short-term investments               1,000,000         -
             Short-term investment                             (488,210)     (490,187)

                   Net cash provided by investing
                    activities                                3,433,345     1,699,398

            Financing activity
             Quarterly distributions                        (12,637,662)  (12,632,690)

            Net increase in cash and cash equivalents         1,762,877       179,540

            Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period    5,963,681     5,453,210

            Cash and cash equivalents, end of period        $ 7,726,558   $ 5,632,750

                                The accompanying notes are an integral
                                   part of the financial statements.


                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

  1.   Accounting Policies

       Certain information  and  footnote  disclosures  normally  included  in
       financial  statements  prepared in  accordance with  generally accepted
       accounting principles  have been condensed or omitted in this report on
       Form  10-Q pursuant to the Rules  and Regulations of the Securities and
       Exchange Commission.   However, in the opinion of the general partners,
       Krupp  Plus   Corporation  and  Mortgage   Services  Partners   Limited
       Partnership,  (collectively the  "General Partners")  of Krupp  Insured
       Plus-II  Limited  Partnership  (the   "Partnership"),  the  disclosures
       contained  in  this  report  are   adequate  to  make  the  information
       presented not misleading.   See Notes to Financial  Statements included
       in the  Partnership's Form 10-K  for the year  ended December 31,  1995
       for additional information relevant  to significant accounting policies
       followed by the Partnership.

       In the  opinion  of  the  General  Partners  of  the  Partnership,  the
       accompanying  unaudited  financial statements  reflect  all adjustments
       (consisting of  only normal  recurring accruals)  necessary to  present
       fairly the Partnership's  financial position as of  September 30, 1996,
       its  results  of  operations  for  the  three  and  nine  months  ended
       September 30,  1996 and  1995 and its  cash flows  for the  nine months
       ended September 30, 1996 and 1995.  

       The  results  of  operations  for  the  three  and  nine  months  ended
       September 30,  1996 are not necessarily indicative of the results which

       may  be expected  for the full  year.  See  Management's Discussion and
       Analysis of Financial Condition  and Results of Operations included  in
       this report.

  2.   PIMs

       At  September  30, 1996,  the Partnership's  PIM  portfolio has  a fair
       value  of  approximately $152,263,000  and  gross unrealized  gains and
       losses of  approximately $1,287,000 and $1,054,000,  respectively.  The
       Partnership's PIMs have maturities ranging from 2009 to 2031.

  3.   MBS

       At   September  30,  1996,  the  Partnership's  MBS  portfolio  has  an
       amortized cost  of $41,294,187 and gross unrealized gains and losses of
       $663,117  and  $741,697,  respectively.    The  Partnership's  MBS have
       maturities ranging from 2007 to 2033.

  4.   Changes in Partners' Equity

       A summary  of changes  in Partners' Equity  for the  nine months  ended
       September 30, 1996 is as follows:

                                          Partners      General
                                                       Partners    Unrealized
                                                                   Gain (Loss)      Total

         Balance at December 31, 1995  $211,648,945   $(155,589)  $1,281,350    $212,774,706

         Net income                       8,950,019     276,805        -           9,226,824

         Distributions                  (12,310,629)   (327,033)       -         (12,637,662)

         Change in unrealized gain
          (loss) on MBS                      -            -       (1,359,930)     (1,359,930)
         Balance at September 30,1996  $208,288,335   $(205,817)  $  (78,580)   $208,003,938


  Management s Discussion and  Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of
  Operations contains  forward-looking statements  including those  concerning
  Management s  expectations regarding the  future financial  performance  and
  future  events.  These  forward-looking statements  involve significant risk
  and uncertainties,  including those  described herein.   Actual results  may
  differ   materially   from  those   anticipated   by  such   forward-looking

  Liquidity and Capital Resources

       The  most  significant  demands  on  the  Partnership's  liquidity  are
  regular  quarterly distributions  paid  to  investors of  approximately $4.1
  million.  Funds  used for investor distributions are generated from interest
  income received on the PIMs,  MBS, cash and short-term  investments, and the
  principal collections received on the PIMs and  MBS.  The Partnership  funds
  a portion  of  the  distribution  from  principal  collections  causing  the
  capital resources of the  Partnership to continually decrease.  As a  result
  of  this  decrease,  the total  cash inflows  to  the Partnership  will also
  decrease,  which  will  result  in  periodic  downward  adjustments  to  the
  distributions paid to investors.

       The  General Partners  periodically  review  the distribution  rate  to
  determine whether an adjustment to  the distribution rate is necessary based
  on  projected future cash flows.   In general,  the General  Partners try to
  set a distribution rate that provides  for level quarterly distributions  of
  cash  available for  distribution.   To  the extent  quarterly distributions
  differ from  the cash available for  distribution, the  General Partners may
  adjust  the  distribution  rate  or  distribute   funds  through  a  special

       Based   on  current  projections,  the  General  Partners  believe  the
  Partnership can maintain the current distribution  rate for the  foreseeable
  future.  However, in the event of PIM  prepayments the Partnership would  be
  required to  distribute  any proceeds  from  the  prepayments as  a  special
  distribution  which may  cause an  adjustment  to  the distribution  rate to
  reflect  the anticipated  future cash  inflows  from the  remaining mortgage

       During  the first  quarter of  1996,  the borrower  of  the Lily  Flagg
  Apartments PIM  approached the  Partnership about  a potential  sale of  the
  property and  prepayment of  the PIM,  but no  sale appears  imminent.   The
  borrower continues to pursue a sale of the  property,  however, the  General
  Partners cannot predict when a sale of the property will ultimately occur. 

       The  borrower  of  the Colonial  Park  Apartments  PIM  entered into  a
  contract to  sell  the  property  to a  buyer  that  will assume  the  first
  mortgage  loan  and   future  obligations  arising  from  the  participation
  features.  In addition, the Partnership  is negotiating a discounted  payoff
  of  the participation  interest accumulated through  the sale  date with the
  original borrower.   This  sale will  preserve a  favorable coupon  interest
  rate for  the Partnership and provide  an opportunity  to receive additional
  participation  interest from  the future operations and  sale or refinancing
  of the  property.   The buyer intends  to make capital  improvements at  the
  property that should enhance its  operations and value, and could ultimately
  increase  the participation  interest  the  Partnership receives  from  this

       The Harbor  House Apartments  PIM has  experienced operating  deficits,
  however,  property operations  improved  this  year as  a  result of  a  new
  management  team  that  is controlling  operating  expenses.    The  General
  Partners  will  continue  to monitor  this  situation.    In  the  event the
  improved property operations do  not continue, the borrower may not be  able
  to  meet debt  service payments.   Should the borrower  default, the insured
  mortgage would  be repaid through an insurance claim.  While the Partnership
  would  receive principal  and basic  interest  on  the insured  mortgage, it
  would not receive any participation interest income.

       The  General Partners are closely monitoring the bankruptcy proceedings
  of the  borrower of  the Greenhouse Apartments PIM and believe there may  be
  further  progress  by  the  end  of  the  year.    Upon  resolution  of  the
  bankruptcy, the  Partnership will receive  the outstanding  principal of the
  Greenhouse Apartments PIM either  as a prepayment or an insurance claim  and
  then distribute these proceeds to investors as a special distribution.   The
  General  Partners do  not  anticipate  receiving any  participation interest
  income from this PIM.

       For the first  five years of the PIMs the borrowers are prohibited from
  prepaying.  For the  second five years,  the borrowers can prepay  the loans
  and pay  the greater of a  prepayment penalty or all participation interest.
  The participation  features of the PIMs  are neither  insured nor guaranteed
  and if prepayment of  a PIM results from  an insurance claim the Partnership
  would not  receive any  prepayment penalty nor  any participation  interest.
  The Partnership has  the option to call  certain PIMs by accelerating  their

  maturity if  the loans  are not  prepaid by  the tenth year  after permanent
  funding.   The Partnership will determine the merits of  exercising the call
  option  for each PIM as  economic conditions warrant.   Such  factors as the
  condition  of  the  asset,  local  market  conditions,  interest  rates  and
  available financing will have an impact on this decision.

  Assessment of Credit Risk

       The  Partnership's investments  in mortgages are  guaranteed or insured
  by  the  Government  National  Mortgage  Association  ( GNMA ), the  Federal
  National  Mortgage Association  ( FNMA ),  the  Federal Home  Loan  Mortgage
  Corporation ( FHLMC ) or the United States  Department of Housing and  Urban
  Development ( HUD ) and therefore the certainty of their  cash flows and the
  risk   of  material   loss  of   the   amounts   invested  depends   on  the
  creditworthiness of these entities.

       FNMA  is a  federally  chartered  private corporation  that  guarantees
  obligations originated under its programs.   FHLMC is a federally  chartered
  corporation  that guarantees obligations  originated under  its programs and
  is  wholly-owned by the  twelve Federal Home Loan  Banks.  These obligations
  are not guaranteed  by the U.S.  Government or  the Federal  Home Loan  Bank
  Board.  GNMA guarantees the  timely payment of principal  and basic interest
  on the securities it issues, which  represents interest in pooled  mortgages
  insured  by  HUD.   Obligations  insured  by  HUD,  an  agency  of the  U.S.
  Government, are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

  Distributable Cash Flow and Net Cash Proceeds from Capital Transactions

       Shown below is  the calculation of Distributable Cash Flow and Net Cash
  Proceeds  from  Capital  Transactions,  as  defined  in  Section  17  of the
  Partnership  Agreement, and  the source of  cash distributions  for the nine
  months ended September  30, 1996 and the  period from inception to September
  30, 1996.  The General Partners  provide certain of the information below to
  meet  requirements of  the Partnership  Agreement and  because  they believe
  that it  is an  appropriate supplemental measure  of operating  performance.
  However,  Distributable  Cash  Flow  and  Net  Cash  Proceeds  from  Capital
  Transactions should not be  considered by the reader  as a substitute to net
  income as  an indicator  of the  Partnership's operating  performance or  to
  cash flows as a measure of liquidity.

                 (Amounts in thousands, except per Unit amounts).

                                                       Nine Months Ended      Inception to
                                                      September 30, 1996   September 30, 1996
            Distributable Cash Flow:

            Income for tax purposes                           $10,418          $150,189

            Items not requiring (not providing) 
             the use of operating funds:
              Amortization of prepaid expenses, 
               fees and organization costs                        458             7,900
              Acquisition expenses paid from offering
               proceeds charged to operations                     -                 690
              Shared appreciation income/ prepayment
                penalties                                         -              (2,001)
              Gain on sale of MBS                                 -                (377)

            Total Distributable Cash Flow ("DCF")             $10,876          $156,401

            Limited Partners Share of DCF                     $10,550          $151,709

            Limited Partners Share of DCF per Limited 

              Partner interest ( Unit )                       $   .72          $  10.35 (b)

            General Partners Share of DCF                     $   326          $  4,692

            Net Proceeds from Capital Transactions:

            Principal collections on PIMs and 
             PIM sale proceeds including Shared
              Appreciation Income/ prepayment penalties       $   900          $ 47,602 
            Principal collections on MBS and MBS
             sale proceeds                                      2,022            61,303
            Reinvestment of MBS and PIM principal
             collections and sale proceeds                        -             (41,966)
            Gain on sale of MBS                                   -                 377

            Total Net Proceeds from Capital 
             Transactions                                     $ 2,922          $ 67,316

            Cash available for distribution

            (DCF plus proceeds from Capital
             Transaction)                                     $13,798          $223,717

            Limited Partners                                  $12,311 (a)      $213,993 (a)

            Limited Partners Average per Unit                 $   .84 (a)      $  14.60 (a)(b)

            General Partners                                  $   326 (a)      $  4,692 (a)

                  Total Distributions                         $12,637          $218,685

       (a)    Includes an estimate of the November 1996 distribution.
       (b)    Limited  Partners  average per  Unit  return  of capital  as  of
              November 1996 is  $4.25 [$14.60  - $10.35].   Return of  capital
              represents  that portion  of distributions which  are not funded
              from  DCF   such  as  proceeds  from  the  sale  of  assets  and
              substantially  all of  the principal  collections received  from
              MBS and PIMs.


       The  following discussion relates  to the operation  of the Partnership
  during the  three and nine months ended September 30, 1996 and 1995 (Amounts
  in thousands).

                                                  For the               For the
                                                 Three Months         Nine Months 
                                               Ended September 30,  Ended September 30,

                                                1996      1995       1996     1995 

                Interest income - PIMs:
                  Base interest                $2,960   $3,036    $9,060    $9,154
                  Participation interest           77       96       372       250
                Interest income on MBS            831      893     2,547     2,699
                Other interest income             102       86       282       254
                Partnership expenses             (464)    (501)   (1,385)   (1,485)

                    Distributable Cash Flow     3,506    3,610    10,876    10,872

                Decrease in accrued partici-
                 pation income receivable         (60)     -        (339)       -
                Amortization of prepaid fees
                 and expenses                    (437)    (437)   (1,310)   (1,310)

                    Net income                 $3,009   $3,173    $9,227    $9,562

  Net  income  decreased slightly  during  the  three  and  nine months  ended
  September 30, 1996 as compared to the three and nine  months ended September
  30, 1995  due  primarily  to  lower  PIM  and  MBS  interest  income.    The
  Partnership funds  a portion  of distributions  with MBS  and PIM  principal
  collections which  reduces the  invested assets  generating interest  income
  for  the  Partnership.   As  the invested  assets  decline so  will interest
  income on MBS, base interest income on PIMs and other interest income.


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


  Item 1.   Legal Proceedings
              Response:  None

  Item 2.   Changes in Securities
              Response:  None

  Item 3.   Defaults upon Senior Securities
              Response:  None

  Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote Security Holders
              Response:  None

  Item 5.   Other information
              Response:  None

  Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
              Response:  None


  Pursuant  to the requirements  of the  Securities Exchange Act  of 1934, the
  registrant has  duly caused this  report to  be signed on its  behalf by the
  undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

       Krupp Insured Plus-II Limited Partnership

         BY:                            /s/ Robert A. Barrrows          
                                        Robert A. Barrows 
                                        Treasurer and Chief Accounting Officer
                                        of Krupp Plus Corporation,
                                        a General Partner.

  Date: October 25, 1996