April 27, 2000

Mr. Peter E. Anselmo
20 Revere Place
Ridgefield, CT 06877

Dear Mr. Anselmo:

    This Agreement sets forth the terms of your employment with Baldwin
Technology Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), and is
effective as of April 27, 2000, and if not extended or unless sooner terminated,
shall expire on April 27, 2003.
1.  DUTIES.  During the term of your employment hereunder, you shall be employed
as the Vice President of Marketing and Business Development of the Company, and
you shall direct and manage the marketing and business development affairs of
the Company subject to the direction of the Chief Executive Officer of the
Company (the "Chief Executive Officer").  You shall also be a member of the
Baldwin Management Committee ("BMC").
2.  COMPENSATION.  As compensation for your services during the term of your
employment hereunder:
    A.   Salary.  You shall be paid a salary at the annual rate of two hundred
ten thousand four hundred and forty-four dollars ($210,444) (hereinafter
referred to as your "base salary"), payable in appropriate installments to
conform with regular payroll dates for salaried personnel of the Company.
    B.   Reviews and Adjustments.  On or about April 27, 2000 and each
succeeding April 27 during the term of your employment hereunder, your
performance shall be reviewed by the Chief Executive Officer and your attainment
of mutually agreed-upon objectives evaluated; your base salary for the ensuing
twelve (12) months commencing on such April 27 may be adjusted, subject to
approval by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company,
in accordance with your level of performance.  In no case, however, will any
such adjustment to your salary ever be a negative amount unless
you expressly agree to such a reduction.
    C.   Incentive Compensation.  During the term of your employment hereunder,
and at such other times subsequent thereto as are otherwise set forth herein,
you shall be paid annually, within three (3) months of the end of each fiscal
year, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, incentive
compensation in an amount determined for such fiscal year under the Company's
Executive and Key Person Cash Incentive Program (the "Incentive Program") as
in effect at that time.
    D.   Supplemental Retirement Benefit. On the first day of each month that
you are still performing services under the terms of this Agreement, the Company
shall accrue for your benefit a supplemental retirement benefit (the
"Supplemental Retirement Benefit") in the amount of four thousand two hundred
($4,200.00).The sum of all such monthly accruals of Supplemental Retirement
Benefit shall constitute the "Aggregate Supplemental Retirement Benefit". The
Aggregate  Supplemental Retirement Benefit, to the extent vested, is to be paid
to you in equal monthly installments, over a ten (10) year period
beginning at such times as are set forth in this Agreement. Wherever so used in
this Agreement, the term "Monthly  Supplemental Retirement Benefit" shall mean
the Aggregate  Supplemental Retirement Benefit divided by one-hundred-twenty
(120) months. The Aggregate  Supplemental Retirement Benefit will vest, in each
case assuming you are then employed by the Company, as follows: 40% as of April
27, 2000; as of April 27, 2001 it shall be vested to the extent of 60%, as of
April 27, 2002 it shall be vested to the extent of 80%, as of April 27, 2003 it
shall be vested to the extent of 100% so that as of the latter
date the full amount of the Aggregate Supplemental Retirement Benefit shall be
due and payable in the instances set forth elsewhere in this Agreement.  In
recognition of your many prior years of service with the Company, (1) the
vesting schedule of your Aggregate Supplemental Retirement Benefit has been
accelerated so that as of the effective date of this Agreement, it is 40%
vested, and (2) the beginning balance of your Aggregate Supplemental Retirement
Benefit on the effective date of this Agreement shall be an accrued lump sum of
One Hundred Fifty Thousand ($150,000) Dollars.
3.  Stock and Loans.  In order to permit you (but only if you, in your sole
discretion so elect) to purchase shares of the Company's Class B  Common Stock,
par value $.01 per share (the "Class B Stock"), that may become available from
time to time, you shall be eligible, to the extent allowable under the Company's
various loan covenants or any other legal restrictions under which the Company
may operate, to obtain  loans from the Company in the aggregate principal amount
of up to twice your then-current base salary which shall be used by you to
purchase such shares of Class B Stock.  Any loans made
under this section shall (i) not exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) in
the aggregate, (ii) bear interest, payable annually, at a rate equal to the
Company's borrowing rate (as adjusted on the first day of each calendar quarter)
on its U.S. short-term banking facilities, (iii) require pledging by you to the
Company of all shares of Class B Stock purchased using the proceeds of any such
loans (until sold in part or in full as described herein), and (iv) require
repayment by you within six (6) months of the last day of your employment by the
Company, except in case of your death, in which instance repayment shall be
within twelve (12) months of the date of your death.  Notwithstanding anything
to the contrary contained in this Paragraph 3, if at any time you sell any of
such shares of Class B Stock while any amount of any said loan remains unpaid,
you shall, within five (5) days of receipt of the
funds from such sale, pay to the Company, in repayment of part or all, as the
case may be, of any said loan, an amount equal to (a) that amount  (the
"Principal Repayment") equal to the product of (i) the aggregate unpaid amount
of all such loans, multiplied by (ii) a fraction, the numerator of which is the
number of shares of the Class B Stock sold and the
denominator of which is the number of shares of Class B Stock purchased using
the proceeds of all such loans (provided, however that the Principal Repayment
shall not exceed the unpaid balance of all such loans), plus (b) any accrued but
unpaid interest on the amount of the Principal Repayment to the date of such
4.  INSURANCE.   During the term of your employment hereunder, the Company,
subject to your insurability, shall (i) pay the premiums on a contract or
contracts of life insurance on your life providing for an aggregate death
benefit of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), which contract or contracts
will be owned by you, your spouse or such other party as may be designated by
you; (ii) purchase key person term life insurance on your life in the aggregate
amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000), which contract or
contracts will be owned by the Company; provided, however, that upon your death
if there are any loans outstanding between you and the Company pursuant to
Section 3 of this Agreement, the Company agrees to pay to your survivors or
estate an amount equal to the unpaid balance of such loans, up to but not
exceeding five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), of the death benefits
received by the Company from such key person term life insurance policy.
5.  REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES.  In addition to the compensation provided for
herein, the Company shall reimburse to you, or pay  directly, in accordance with
the policies of the Company as in effect at the time, all reasonable expenses
incurred by you in connection with the business of the Company, and its
subsidiaries and affiliates, including but not limited to business-class travel
if overseas, reasonable accommodations, and entertainment, subject to
documentation in accordance with the Company's policy.
    A.   In General.  During the term of your employment hereunder, you shall
devote your best and full-time efforts to the business and affairs of the
    B.   Limitation on Other Services.  During the term of your employment
hereunder, you shall not undertake employment with, or participate in the
conduct of the business affairs of, any other person, corporation, or entity,
except at the direction or with written approval of the Board of Directors of
the Company.
    C.   Personal Investments.  Nothing herein shall preclude you from having,
making, or managing personal investments which do not involve your active
participation in the affairs of the entities in which you so invest, but, unless
approved in writing by the Board of Directors of the Company, during the term of
your employment hereunder, you shall not have more than a one percent (1%)
ownership interest in any entity which is directly competitive with any business
conducted by the Company at that time.  The phrase "conducted by the Company" as
used in this Paragraph 6C and in Paragraph 13 hereof shall mean the business
conducted by the Company or by any corporation or other entity in which the
Company owns fifty percent (50%) or more of the stock or equity interests
(either voting or non-voting) in such other entity (a "Subsidiary").
7.  LOCATION.  Your duties hereunder shall be performed for the Company
worldwide, with substantial time in the Company's current offices in Norwalk,
Connecticut.  This location may change in the future.
    A.   Vacation.  During the term of your employment hereunder, you shall be
entitled to a vacation or vacations, with pay, in accordance with the Company's
vacation policy as in effect at the time.  You may accumulate up to twelve (12)
weeks vacation, but not more than three (3) weeks from any single prior year.
Any such accumulated vacation may be used in any subsequent year or years (but
no more than two (2) weeks of such accumulated vacation in any one year) in
addition to the  vacation to which you are entitled for each such year.
    B.   The Company's Benefit Plans.  During the term of your employment
hereunder, you shall be eligible for inclusion, to the extent permitted by law,
as a full-time employee of the Company, in any and all (i) pension, profit
sharing, savings, and other retirement plans and programs as in effect at
the time, (ii) life and health (medical, dental, hospitalization, short-term
and long-term disability) insurance plans and programs as in effect at the time,
(iii) stock option and stock purchase plans and programs as in effect at
the time, (iv) accidental death and dismemberment protection plans and programs
as in effect at the time, (v) travel accident insurance plans and programs as in
effect at the time, and (vi) other plans and programs sponsored by the Company
or any Subsidiary for employees or executives generally as in effect at the
time, including any and all plans and programs that supplement any or all of the
foregoing types of plans or programs.
    C.   Automobile.  During the term of your employment hereunder,  the Company
shall provide an automobile for your use pursuant to the Company's written
policy on company autos as in effect at that time.
In the event your employment is terminated for any of the reasons set forth
under this Paragraph 9, the Company shall pay to you or your legal
representative, estate or heirs, as the case may be, the following amounts,
which are in addition to the amounts stipulated under any subparagraph of
this Paragraph 9:
    (i)  A single lump sum payment, not later than the last day of your
employment, of:
         (a)  Any accrued but unpaid salary set forth in Paragraph 2A (as
adjusted by Paragraph 2B) hereof, including salary in respect of any accrued
and accumulated vacation, due to you at the date of such termination; and
         (b)  Any amounts owing, but not yet paid, pursuant to Paragraph 5
    (ii) Any accrued but unpaid incentive compensation as set forth in
Paragraph 2C hereof due to you at the date of such termination for the fiscal
year ending on or immediately prior to the date of such termination which shall
be paid within three (3) months of the end of such fiscal year.
    A.   Termination by the Company Without Cause.  The Company may, without
cause, terminate your employment hereunder at any time upon ten (10) or more
days' written notice to you.  In the event your employment is terminated under
this Paragraph 9A, the Company shall pay to you the following:

         (i)  A single lump sum payment, not later than the last day of your
employment, of severance pay in an amount equal to your then current annual
base salary as defined in Paragraph 2A (as adjusted by Paragraph 2B) hereof;
         (ii) A single lump sum payment of any incentive compensation set forth
in Paragraph 2C hereof earned in the fiscal year of the termination of your
employment, which incentive compensation shall be determined on the basis of the
Company's operations through June 30 of such fiscal year, and shall be pro-rated
through the last day of your employment, and shall be paid within three (3)
months of such June 30;
         (iii)     To the extent vested, the Monthly Supplemental Retirement
Benefit with the first payment beginning on the first day of the month
immediately succeeding the last day of employment;
         (iv) Continuation of medical benefits for a period of six (6) months;
         (v)  Executive outplacement services for a period of six (6) months.
The Company shall have no further obligation to you under this Agreement and you
shall have no further obligation to the Company under this Agreement except as
provided in Paragraph 12 and Paragraph 13 hereof.

B.  Termination by the Company With Cause.  The Company may, for cause,
terminate your employment hereunder at any time by written notice to you.  In
the event your employment is terminated under this Paragraph 9B, you shall
forfeit the incentive compensation set forth in Paragraph 2C hereof for the
fiscal year in which such termination or resignation occurs.  In the event your
employment is terminated under this paragraph 9B, the Company shall pay to you,
to the extent vested, the Monthly Supplemental Retirement Benefit as set forth
in Paragraph 2D with the first payment beginning on the first day of the month
immediately succeeding the month in which you attain the age of 55.
The Company shall have no further obligation to you under this Agreement and you
shall have no further obligation to the Company under this Agreement except as
provided in Paragraph 12 and Paragraph 13 hereof.  For purposes of this
Agreement, the term "cause" shall mean (1) a failure by you to remedy, within
ten (10) days of the Company's written notice to you, either (a) a continuing
neglect in the performance of your duties under this Agreement, or (b) any
action taken by you that seriously prejudices the interests of the Company,
or (2) your conviction of a felony.
    C.   Termination by Mutual Consent.  You may terminate your employment
hereunder at any time with the written consent of the Company. In the event your
employment is terminated pursuant to this paragraph 9C, the Company shall pay to
you the following:
         (i)  A single lump sum payment, of any incentive compensation set forth
in Paragraph 2C hereof earned in the fiscal year of the termination of your
employment, which incentive compensation shall be determined on the basis of the
Company's operations through June 30 of such fiscal year, and shall be pro-rated
through the last day of your employment, and shall be paid within three (3)
months of such June 30; and
         (ii) To the extent vested, the Monthly Supplemental Retirement Benefit
as set forth in Paragraph 2D with the first monthly payment beginning on the
first day of the month immediately succeeding the last day of employment.
The Company shall have no further obligation to you under this Agreement and
you shall have no further obligation to the Company under this Agreement except
as provided in Paragraph 12 and Paragraph 13 hereof.
    D.   Disability.  If you should suffer a Permanent Disability at any time,
the Company may terminate your employment hereunder upon ten (10) or more days'
prior written notice to you.  For purposes of this Agreement, a "Permanent
Disability" shall be deemed to have occurred only when you are qualified for
benefits under the Company's Long Term Disability Insurance Policy.  In the
event of the termination of your employment hereunder by reason of Permanent
Disability, the Company shall pay to you or your legal representative:
         (i)  In conformity with regular payroll dates for salaried personnel of
the Company, an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the base salary you were
receiving at the date of such termination under Paragraph 2A hereof (as adjusted
by Paragraph 2B hereof), payable until you attain the age of 65 or die,
whichever occurs first; provided, however, that the amount payable under this
Paragraph 9D(i) shall be reduced to the extent of any payments made to you
through any Company-sponsored group long term disability plan and also to the
extent of any payments made to you under any other long term disability
insurance policy (the "Supplemental LTD Policy") where the premiums for
said Supplemental LTD Policy have either been paid by the Company or reimbursed
to you by the Company.
         (ii) Any incentive compensation set forth in Paragraph 2C hereof earned
in the fiscal year in which the termination of your employment occurs, which
incentive compensation shall be determined on the basis of the Company's
operations through June 30 of such fiscal year, and shall be pro-rated through
the last day of your employment, and shall be paid within three (3) months of
such June 30;
         (iii)     Upon your attainment of age 65 or your death, whichever
occurs first, to the extent vested, the Monthly Supplemental Retirement Benefit
as set forth in Paragraph 2D with the first monthly payment beginning on the
first day of the month immediately succeeding the month in which you attained
the age of 65 or died. The Company shall have no further obligation to you under
this Agreement and you shall have no further obligation to the Company under
this Agreement except as provided in Paragraph 12 and Paragraph 13 hereof.
    E.   Termination by Death. In the event of the termination of your
employment by reason of death, at any time, the Company shall pay to your legal
representative, estate or heirs:
         (i)  Any incentive compensation set forth in Paragraph 2C hereof earned
in the fiscal year in which the termination of your employment occurs, which
incentive compensation shall be determined on the basis of the Company's
operations through June 30 of such fiscal year, and shall be pro-rated
 through the last day of your employment, andshall be paid within three (3)
months of such June 30;

         (ii) To the extent vested, the Monthly Supplemental Retirement Benefit
as set forth in Paragraph 2D with the first monthly payment beginning on the
first day of the month immediately succeeding the last day of your employment.
The Company shall have no further obligation to you under this Agreement and
you shall have no further obligation to the Company under this Agreement except
as provided in Paragraph 12 and Paragraph 13 hereof.
    F.   Termination Upon Expiration of Agreement.  If not previously
terminated, this Agreement and your employment with the Company shall be
automatically extended for additional three-year periods, unless and until
either party notifies the other, in writing, one year prior to the expiration
of the then-current term of this Agreement.  After the expiration of this
agreement, the Company shall pay to you the Monthly Supplemental Retirement
Benefit as set forth in Paragraph 2D hereof, with the first monthly payment
beginning on the first day of the month immediately succeeding the month in
which you shall have attained the age of 55.
The Company shall have no further obligation to you under this Agreement and
you shall have no further obligation to the Company under this Agreement except
as provided in Paragraph 12 and Paragraph 13 hereof.
    G.   Events.  If any of the following described events occurs during the
term of your employment hereunder, you may terminate your employment hereunder
by written notice to the Company either prior to, or not more than six (6)
months after the happening of such event.  In such event, your employment
hereunder will be terminated effective as of the later of ten (10) days after
the notice or ten (10) days after the event, and the
Company shall make to you the same payments that the Company would have been
obligated to make to you under Paragraph 9A hereof if the Company had terminated
your employment hereunder effective on such date.  The events, the occurrence of
which shall permit you to terminate your employment hereunder under this
Paragraph 9G, are as follows:
              (i)  Any merger or consolidation by the Company with or into any
other entity or any sale by the Company of substantially all of its assets;
provided, however, that such event shall not be deemed to have occurred under
this clause if consummation of the transaction would result in at least fifty
(50%) percent of the total voting power represented by the voting securities of
the Company outstanding immediately after such transaction being beneficially
owned by holders of outstanding voting securities of the Company immediately
prior to the transaction.
              (ii) Any change of a majority of the directors of the Company
occurring within any thirteen (13) month period.
              (iii)     The adoption by the Company of any plan of liquidation
providing for the distribution of all or substantially all of its assets.
              (iv) A material diminution in your duties, or the assignment to
you of duties that are materially inconsistent with your duties or that
materially impair your ability to function as the Vice President of Marketing
and Business Development of the Company if such diminution or assignment has not
been agreed to by you in writing or cured within thirty (30) days after written
notice thereof has been given by you to the Company.
10. SOURCE OF PAYMENTS.  All payments provided for hereunder shall be paid from
the general funds of the Company.  The Company may, but shall not be required
to, make any investment or investments whatsoever, including the purchase of a
life insurance contract or contracts on your life, to provide it with funds to
satisfy its obligations hereunder; provided, however, that neither you nor your
beneficiary or beneficiaries, nor any other person, shall have any right, title,
or interest whatsoever in or to any such investments or contracts.  If the
Company shall elect to purchase a life insurance contract
or contracts on your life to provide the Company with funds to satisfy its
obligations hereunder, the Company shall at all times be the sole and complete
owner and beneficiary of such contract or contracts, and shall have the
unrestricted right to use all amounts and to exercise all options and privileges
thereunder without the knowledge or consent of you, your beneficiary or
beneficiaries, or any other person, it being expressly agreed that neither
you, any such beneficiary or beneficiaries, nor any other person shall have any
right, title, or interest whatsoever in or to any such contract or contracts
unless expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement.
11. ENFORCEMENT OF RIGHTS.  Nothing in this Agreement, and no action taken
pursuant to its terms, shall create or be construed to create a trust or escrow
account of any kind, or a fiduciary relationship between the Company and you,
your beneficiary or beneficiaries, or any other person.  You, your beneficiary
or beneficiaries, and any other person or persons claiming a right to any
payments or interests hereunder shall rely solely on the unsecured promise of
the Company, and nothing herein shall be construed to give
you,  your beneficiary or beneficiaries, or any other person or persons, any
right, title, interest, or claim in or to any specific asset, fund, reserve,
account, or property of any kind whatsoever owned by the Company or in which it
may have any right, title, or interest now or in the future, but you or your
beneficiary or beneficiaries shall have the right to enforce
a claim for benefits hereunder against the Company in the same manner as any
unsecured creditor.
employed by the Company, you agree promptly to make known to the Company the
existence of any and all creations, inventions, discoveries, and improvements
made or conceived by you, either solely or jointly with others, during the
term of this Agreement and for three (3) years thereafter, and to assign to the
Company the full exclusive right to any and all such creations, inventions,
discoveries, and improvements relating to any subject matter with which the
Company is now or shall become concerned, or relating to any other subject
matter if made with the use of the Company's time, materials, or facilities.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, any and all of the foregoing creations,
inventions, discoveries and improvements shall be considered as
"work-made-for-hire" and the Company shall be the owner thereof.  You further
agree, without charge to the Company but at its expense, if requested to do so
by the Company, to execute, acknowledge, and deliver all papers, including
applications or assignments for patents, trademarks, and
copyrights relating thereto, as may be considered by the Company to be necessary
or desirable to obtain or assign to the Company any and all patents, trademarks,
or copyrights for any and all such creations, inventions, discoveries, and
improvements in any and all countries, and to vest title thereto in the Company
in all such creations, inventions, discoveries, and improvements as indicated
above conceived during your employment by the Company, and for three (3) years
thereafter.  You further agree that you will not disclose to any third person
any trade secrets or proprietary information of the Company,
or use any trade secrets or proprietary information of the Company in any
manner, except in the pursuit of your duties as an employee of the Company, and
that you will return to the Company all materials (whether originals or copies)
containing any such trade secrets or proprietary information  (in whatever
medium) on termination of your employment by the Company.  The obligations set
forth in this Paragraph 12 shall survive the termination of
your employment hereunder.   This Paragraph 12 replaces a previous  agreement
pertaining to this subject, which was executed by you on May 27, 1977 with a
predecessor Company, which prior agreement is now null and void.
13. RESTRICTIVE COVENANT.  For a period of three (3) years after the termination
of your employment by the Company, you shall not, in any geographical location
at which there is at that time business conducted by the Company which was
conducted by the Company at the date of such termination, directly or
indirectly, own, manage, operate, control, be employed by, participate in, or be
connected in any manner with, the ownership, management, operation, or control
of, any business similar to or competitive with such
business conducted by the Company without the written consent of the Company;
provided, however, that you may have an ownership interest of up to one percent
(1%) in any entity, notwithstanding that such entity is directly competitive
with any business conducted by the Company at the date of such termination.
14. ARBITRATION.  Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this
Agreement, or the breach or asserted breach thereof, shall be settled by
arbitration to be held in New York, New York in accordance with the rules
then obtaining of the American Arbitration Association, and the judgment upon
the award rendered may be entered in any
court having jurisdiction thereof.  The arbitrator shall determine which party
shall bear the costs of such arbitration, including attorneys' fees.
15. NON-ASSIGNABILITY.  Your rights and benefits hereunder are personal to you,
and shall not be alienated, voluntarily or involuntarily, assigned or
16. BINDING EFFECT.  This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto,
and their respective assigns, successors, executors, administrators, and heirs.
In the event the Company becomes a party to any merger, consolidation, or
reorganization, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as an
obligation of the Company or its successors in interest.  None of the payments
provided for by this Agreement shall be subject to seizure for payment of any
debts or judgments against you or your beneficiary or beneficiaries, nor
shall you or any such beneficiary or beneficiaries have any right to transfer or
encumber any right or benefit hereunder; provided, however, that the
undistributed portion of the Aggregate Supplemental Retirement Benefit shall at
all times be subject to set-off by the Company for debts owed by you to the
17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement contains the entire agreement relating to
your employment by the Company.  It may only be changed by written agreement
signed by the party against whom enforcement of any waiver, change,
modification, extension, deletion or revocation is sought.
18. NOTICES.  All notices and communications hereunder shall be in writing, sent
by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid; by
facsimile transmission, time and date of receipt noted thereon; or by
hand-delivery properly receipted. The actual date of receipt as shown by the
receipt therefor shall determine the time at which notice was given.  All
payments required hereunder by the Company to you shall be sent postage prepaid,
or, at your election, shall be transferred to you electronically to such bank as
you designate in writing to the Company, including designation of the applicable
electronic address.  The foregoing items (other than any electronic transfer to
you) shall be addressed as follows (or to such other address as the Company or
you may designate in writing from time to time):

    To you:                  To the Company:
    Peter E. Anselmo         Baldwin Technology Company, Inc.
    20 Revere Place          One Norwalk West
    Ridgefield, CT 06877     40 Richards Avenue
                             Norwalk, CT 06854

19. LAW TO GOVERN.  This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and
enforced according to, the laws of the State of Connecticut without giving
effect to the principles of conflict of laws.
                             Very truly yours,
                             BALDWIN TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, INC.

                                  Gerald A. Nathe
                                  Its President
                                  Duly Authorized

Peter E. Anselmo