TO THE
                          NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION
                             1991 STOCK OPTION PLAN

     Pursuant  to  Section 8 of the Nichols Research Corporation 1991 Stock

Option Plan (the "Plan"),  Nichols  Research  Corporation  (the "Company"),

hereby amends the Plan as follows:

     1.   Effective upon approval by the shareholders of the  Company,  the
second sentence of Section 4 of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety,
and the following new sentence is substituted in its place:

                The aggregate number of shares which may be issued pursuant
          to option  exercises  shall  not exceed 650,000 shares of Capital

     Except  as amended above, the Plan shall  remain  in  full  force  and

effect according to its terms and provisions.

     Done this the 25th day of August, 1993.

                              NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

                                   Chris H. Horgen
                                   Its Chief Executive Officer

                                 AMENDMENT TWO
                                     TO THE
                          NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION
                             1991 STOCK OPTION PLAN

     Pursuant  to  Section 8 of the Nichols Research Corporation 1991 Stock

Option Plan (the "Plan"),  Nichols  Research  Corporation  (the "Company"),

hereby amends the Plan as follows:

     1.   Effective upon approval by the shareholders of the  Company,  the
second  sentence of Section 4 of the Plan is amended to increase by 300,000
shares the  aggregate  number  of  shares  which  may be issued pursuant to
option exercises under the Plan, to 950,000 shares of Capital Stock.

     2.   Effective  September 1, 1994, Section 6 of  the  Plan  is  hereby
amended to extend the  term  of  the  Plan  by providing that the Plan will
expire on November 12, 2000.

     Except  as amended above, the Plan shall  remain  in  full  force  and

effect according to its terms and provisions.

     Done this the 12th day of January, 1995.

                              NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

                                      Chris H. Horgen
                                   Its Chief Executive Officer

                                AMENDMENT THREE
                                     TO THE
                          NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION
                             1991 STOCK OPTION PLAN

     Pursuant  to  Section 8 of the Nichols Research Corporation 1991 Stock

Option Plan (the "Plan"),  Nichols  Research  Corporation  (the "Company"),

hereby amends the Plan as follows:

     Effective upon approval by the shareholders of the Company, the second
sentence of Section 4 of the Plan is amended to increase by  500,000 shares
the  aggregate  number  of  shares  which may be issued pursuant to  option
exercises under the Plan, to 1,450,000 shares of Capital Stock.

     Except as amended above, the Plan  shall  remain  in  full  force  and

effect according to its terms and provisions.

     Done this the 11th day of January, 1996.

                                      NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

                                              Chris H. Horgen
                                           Its Chief Executive Officer

                                 AMENDMENT FOUR
                                     TO THE
                          NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION
                             1991 STOCK OPTION PLAN

     Pursuant  to  Section 8 of the Nichols Research Corporation 1991 Stock

Option Plan (the "Plan"),  Nichols  Research  Corporation  (the "Company"),

hereby amends the Plan as follows:

     1.   Subject to approval by the shareholders of the Company, effective

November  1,  1996, the first five sentences of Section 2 of the  Plan  are

hereby deleted  in  their  entirety  and  the  following  new sentences are

substituted in their place:

          The  Plan shall be administered by a committee (the  "Committee")
     composed of  the entire Board of Directors or a committee of the Board
     of Directors that  is  composed  solely  of  two  or more Non-Employee
     Directors.  For this purpose, the term "Non-Employee  Director"  shall
     mean a person who is a member of the Company's Board of Directors  who
     (a)  is  not  currently  an  officer or employee of the Company or any
     parent  or  subsidiary  of  the Company,  (b)  does  not  directly  or
     indirectly receive compensation  for serving as a consultant or in any
     other  non-director  capacity  from  the  Company  or  any  parent  or
     subsidiary of the Company that exceeds  the  dollar  amount  for which
     disclosure would be required pursuant to Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K
     promulgated  under  the  Securities  Act  of  1933  and the Securities
     Exchange  Act  of  1934  ("Regulation S-K"), (c) does not  possess  an
     interest in any other transaction  with  the  Company or any parent or
     subsidiary  of  the  Company for which disclosure  would  be  required
     pursuant to Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K, and (d) is not engaged in a
     business relationship  with the Company or any parent or subsidiary of
     the Company which would be disclosable under Item 404(b) of Regulation
     S-K.  In the event the Committee  is  a  committee  composed of two or
     more Non-Employee Directors, the Board of Directors may  from  time to
     time  remove members from, add members to, and fill vacancies, on  the
     Committee.  A member of the Committee shall be eligible to participate
     in the Plan and receive options under the Plan.

     2.   Subject to approval by the shareholders of the Company, effective

November 1,  1996,  the  third  sentence of Section 3 of the Plan is hereby


     3.   Subject to approval by the shareholders of the Company, effective

November 1, 1996, Section 8 of the Plan is hereby deleted and the following

new Section 8 is substituted in its place:

          The Board of Directors,  insofar  as permitted by law, shall have
     the right from time to time with respect to any shares at the time not
     subject to options, to suspend or discontinue  the  Plan  or revise or
     amend  it  in any respect whatsoever, except that without approval  of
     the shareholders  of the Company, no such revision or amendment shall:
     (a) change the number of shares for which options may be granted under
     the Plan either in  the  aggregate  or to any individual employee, (b)
     change the provisions relating to the  determination  of  employees to
     whom  options shall be granted, (c) remove the administration  of  the
     Plan from  the Committee, or (d) decrease the price at which Incentive
     Options may be granted.

     Except as amended  above,  the  Plan  shall  remain  in full force and

effect according to its terms and provisions.

     Done this the 14th day of November, 1996.

                              NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

                                      Chris H. Horgen
                                   Its Chief Executive Officer

                                 AMENDMENT FIVE
                                     TO THE
                          NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION
                             1991 STOCK OPTION PLAN

     Pursuant  to  Section 8 of the Nichols Research Corporation 1991 Stock

Option Plan (the "Plan"), Nichols Research Corporation (the "Corporation"),

hereby amends the Plan as follows:

     1.   Effective September 1,  1997,  Section 5(c) of the Plan is hereby
deleted in its entirety and the following  new  Section 5(c) is inserted in
its place:


          The option recipient may pay the option  price  in  cash, by
     means  of  unrestricted shares of the Corporation's Common Stock,
     or in any combination  thereof.   Notwithstanding  the foregoing,
     shares of the Corporation's Common Stock may be used  to exercise
     an  option  only if the number of shares for which the option  is
     then being exercised  is at least five hundred (500) shares.  The
     option recipient must pay  for  shares  received  pursuant  to an
     option  exercise on or before the date of such exercise.  Payment
     in currency  or  by check, bank draft, cashier's check, or postal
     money order shall be considered payment in cash.  In the event of
     payment in the Corporation's  Common  Stock,  the  shares used in
     payment  of  the  option price shall be taken at the Fair  Market
     Value of such shares  on  the  date  they  are  tendered  to  the
     Corporation.   The  shares  purchased  upon exercise of an option
     with shares of the Corporation's Common Stock owned by the option
     recipient  may  not  be  sold,  exchanged, pledged  or  otherwise
     transferred  during  the  one  (1)  year  period  following  such
     purchase and shall bear the following restrictive legend:

          The   shares  represented  by  this  certificate   were
          acquired  with  shares  of Nichols Research Corporation
          common stock and, therefore,  pursuant  to the terms of
          Section  5(c) of the Nichols Research Corporation  1991
          Stock Option  Plan, may not be sold, exchanged, pledged
          or otherwise transferred during the one (1) year period
          commencing on the  date  shown  on  the  face  of  this

     Except  as  amended  above,  the  Plan shall remain in full force  and

effect according to its terms and provisions.

     Done this the 15th day of May, 1997.

                              NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

                                      Chris H. Horgen
                                   Its Chief Executive Officer