WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                       Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                      The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):      August  31, 1997

                          NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                      0-15295                63-0713665
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction    (Commission File Number)   (IRS Employer
  of incorporation)                                         Identification No.)

          4040 South Memorial Parkway, Huntsville, Alabama 35802-1326
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         (Address, including zip code, of principal executive offices)

                                 (205) 883-1140
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)


       On August 27, 1997, Nichols Research Corporation ("Nichols Research"), a
Delaware corporation, entered  into an Agreement of Merger (the "Agreement") to
acquire all of the issued and outstanding  capital  stock  of  TXEN,  Inc.,  an
Alabama  corporation  ("TXEN"),  from the shareholders of TXEN pursuant to that
Agreement.  The closing of the transaction  took  place on August 29, 1997, and
the merger became effective on August 31, 1997.

       Before August 31, 1997, Nichols Research owned  999,500  shares  of  the
Class  B  Common  Stock  of TXEN.  These shares represented 100% of the Class B
Common Stock outstanding and  19.9%  of  all of the Common Stock of TXEN, Inc.,
outstanding.   The other outstanding Common  Stock  of  TXEN  was  composed  of
4,000,500 shares of Class A Common Stock.

       Pursuant  to  the Agreement, effective August 31, 1997, TXEN merged into
Nichols Select Corporation  (the  "Subsidiary"),  a  Delaware corporation and a
wholly owned subsidiary of Nichols Research.  As a result  of  the  merger, the
Class   B  Common  Stock  owned  by  Nichols  Research  was  cancelled  without
consideration.   Further,  the  Class  A Common Stock of TXEN was exchanged for
1,084,148 shares of Nichols Research's $.01  par  value  Common Stock valued at
approximately $26.3 million and $17,550,265.13 in cash.  The purchase price was
allocated among the Class A shareholders of TXEN in accordance  with  each such
shareholder's  interest  in  TXEN.   The  specific  number of shares of Nichols
Research  Common  Stock  delivered  to the TXEN shareholders  pursuant  to  the
Agreement was determined by negotiations  between  the  parties, and not by any
formula  or  other objective method.  The purchase price was  determined  by  a
formula contained  in  a  Stock Purchase Option Agreement dated December, 1994,
and an amendment to that Option  Agreement  dated  July  1996,  between Nichols
Research,  TXEN and the shareholders of TXEN.  The purchase price  formula  was
77 1/2 % of  Nichols  Research's  average price to earnings ratios for the four
months ended June 30, 1997, multiplied by TXEN's net after-tax earnings for its
fiscal year ended June 30, 1997.  This  purchase price formula contained in the
Option Agreement and amendment thereto was  determined  by negotiations between
the parties.

       Chris H. Horgen, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman  of  the  Board of
Nichols  Research,  owned 245,000 shares of TXEN Class A Common Stock prior  to
the merger.  Pursuant  to the merger, Mr. Horgen received $2,687,006.15 in cash
and received no Nichols Research Common Stock.

       At closing, Nichols  Research,  the  Subsidiary  and the shareholders of
TXEN also entered into an Escrow Agreement.  From the cash paid at closing, the
TXEN  shareholders  placed $877,513.26 in escrow until September  1,  1998,  to
apply against any indemnification  obligations  that  arise under the Agreement
before the escrow termination date.

       The Agreement provides that in the event Nichols  Research determines to
file  a registration statement registering any of its Common  Stock  under  the
Securities Act of 1933, then Nichols Research will permit the TXEN shareholders
to include  their  shares  in  that  offering  and  registration statement upon
meeting certain conditions.

       At  closing, Thomas L. Patterson amended his Employment  Agreement  with
the Subsidiary.   Pursuant  to  that  amended  Employment  Agreement, Thomas L.
Patterson will continue to serve as President of the Subsidiary  for  a two (2)
year  term.   In addition to provisions governing the salary to be paid to  Mr.
Patterson, the  Employment Agreement contains provisions concerning payments to
be paid by the Subsidiary  in  the  event  of  the  employee's  termination  of
employment  with  the  Subsidiary.   The  Employment  Agreement also contains a
covenant not to compete, a nonsolicitation agreement and  an  agreement  not to
disclose confidential information of the Subsidiary.

       Some  of  the  cash  used  to acquire the TXEN shares came from existing
reserves  and  some  of the cash was borrowed  by  Nichols  Research  under  an
existing credit agreement between Nichols Research, SouthTrust Bank of Alabama,
N.A., First Alabama Bank, and Corestates Bank, N.A.

       The 1,084,148 shares  of Nichols Research Common Stock owned by the TXEN
shareholders represent approximately 8.37% of the Nichols Research Common Stock
issued and outstanding.

       As a result of the merger,  Nichols  Research currently owns 100% of the
outstanding  shares  of  the Subsidiary.  The Subsidiary  provides  information
technology products and services  to the managed healthcare industry, including
computerized claims processing and administration services.

       For additional information regarding the Agreement, the Escrow Agreement
and the amended Employment Agreement,  please  refer  to  the  copies  of those
documents  which  are incorporated herein by reference and included as Exhibits
to this Current Report  on  Form 8-K.  The foregoing discussion is qualified in
its entirety by reference to such documents.


       (a)    Financial Statements of Business Acquired.

              Financial Statements of TXEN, Inc.

       (b)    Pro Forma Financial Information.

       As of the date of filing  of  this  Current  Report  on  Form 8-K, it is
impracticable   for  Nichols  Research  to  provide  the  pro  forma  financial
information required  by  this Item 7(b).  In accordance with Item 7(b) of Form
8-K, such financial statements  shall be filed by Amendment to this Form 8-K no
later than 60 days after September 11, 1997.

       (c)    Exhibits.

       The Exhibits to this Report  are  listed  in the Exhibit Index set forth
elsewhere herein.


       Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has  duly caused this report to be signed  on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                          NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

                                          By:   Michael J. Mruz
                                               Michael J. Mruz
                                               Chief Executive Officer
Date:  September 10, 1997

                                      INDEX TO EXHIBITS

   No.                              Description
- -------                             -----------

2.1             Agreement of Merger

2.2             Escrow Agreement

2.3             Amendment to Employment Agreement with Thomas L. Patterson

2.4             Stock Purchase  Option  Agreement dated December 16, 1994, among
                Nichols Research, TXEN, and shareholders  of TXEN - incorporated
                by reference to exhibits filed with the Company's Annual  Report
                on  Form  10-K  for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1995, under
                the Securities Exchange  Act of 1994.

2.5             Amendment  Number  One  to Stock Purchase Option Agreement among
                Nichols Research, TXEN, and the shareholders of TXEN  dated July
                16, 1996 - incorporated by reference to exhibits filed  with the
                Company's registration statement on Form S-3 under  the  Securi-
                ties Act of 1933, File No. 333-08787.

99.1            Text  of  Press Release dated August 29, 1997, issued by Nichols
                Research Corporation

99.2            Financial Statements of TXEN, Inc.

99.3            Pro Forma Financial Information of TXEN, Inc. -  To be filed  by

99.4            Employment Agreement with Thomas L. Patterson