TXEN, Inc.

                              Financial Statements

                       YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1997 AND 1996

                                   TXEN, Inc.

                              Financial Statements

                       Years ended June 30, 1997 and 1996


Report of Independent Auditors.............................1

Audited Financial Statements

Balance Sheets.............................................2
Statements of Operations...................................4
Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity..............5
Statements of Cash Flows...................................6
Notes to Financial Statements..............................7

                     Report of Independent Auditors

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
TXEN, Inc.

We  have audited the accompanying balance sheets of TXEN, Inc. as of June 30,
1997 and 1996, and the related statements of operations,  changes  in  stock-
holders' equity  and  cash  flows  for  the  years then ended. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the  Company's management.  Our responsi-
bility is to express an opinion on these financial  statements  based  on  our
our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally accepted  auditing
standards.  Those  standards  require  that  we  plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial statements are free
of  material  misstatement.  An audit  includes  examining,  on  a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures  in the  financial statements.
An  audit also includes  assessing the accounting principles used and signifi-
cant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly,  in
all  material  respects, the financial position of TXEN, Inc. at June 30, 1997
and  1996,  and  the  results  of its  operations and its cash flows  for  the
years then ended in conformity  with generally  accepted accounting principles.

As discussed in Note 1 to the financial statements, in 1996 the Company changed
its method of accounting for depreciation.

                                                     Ernst & Young LLP
August 1, 1997

                               TXEN, Inc.

                             Balance Sheets

                                                          June 30
                                                  1997               1996
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                    $1,146,224          $  630,685
  Accounts receivable, net of allowance
    for doubtful accounts of $125,000 
    and $35,000 at June 30, 1997 and
    1996, respectively                          4,770,342           1,096,365
  Prepaid expenses                                111,156              84,963
  Income taxes receivable                               -              24,800
  Deferred income taxes                           211,265             300,666
  Inventory                                        15,056              16,965
  Other                                               347               4,206
Total current assets                            6,254,390           2,158,650

Property and equipment, net                     2,917,126           2,271,932

Deferred software development                     661,451                   -

Total assets                                   $9,832,967          $4,430,582

                                                          June 30
                                                  1997               1996
Current liabilities:
  Note payable to stockholder                  $    8,333          $    8,333
  Customer deposits                                     -             128,518
  Accounts payable and accrued expenses           722,067             170,868
  Accrued salaries, bonuses and vacation          398,313             208,632
  Income taxes payable                            433,134                   -
  Current portion of long-term debt               275,411             252,757
  Short-term notes                                      -             135,142
  Deferred revenue                              2,048,538           1,070,910
  Interest payable                                231,239                   -
  Accrued officers salaries                       288,000                   -
  Other                                             2,581               7,061
Total current liabilities                       4,407,616            1,982,221

Interest payable                                        -              199,929
Accrued officers salaries                               -              288,000
Deferred income taxes                             394,956              124,007
Long-term debt to stockholders                    274,193              258,193
Long-term debt                                    366,423              639,274

Stockholders' equity:
  Preferred stock, $.002 par value; 1 share
   authorized, -0- shares and 1 share issued
   and outstanding at 1997 and 1996,
   respectively                                         -            1,500,000
  Class A common stock, $.002 par value;
    5,000,000 shares authorized, 4,000,500
    and 5,000,000 shares issued and out-
    standing at 1997 and 1996, respectively         8,001               10,000
  Class B common stock, $.002 par
   value; 1,250,000 shares authorized,
   999,500 and -0- shares issued and
   outstanding at 1997 and 1996, respectively       1,999                    -
  Additional paid-in capital                    1,909,500              409,500
  Retained earnings (deficit)                   2,889,112             (531,759)
  Notes receivable from stockholders             (418,833)            (448,783)
Total stockholders' equity                      4,389,779              938,958
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity     $9,832,967           $4,430,582
See accompanying notes.

                               TXEN, Inc.

                        Statements of Operations

                                                       Year Ended June 30
                                                  1997                   1996
Net revenues                                   $14,979,761          $6,859,678

Cost of sales                                    1,786,460             676,029
Selling and administrative expenses              7,784,270           6,460,910

Other income (expense):
  Interest expense                                 (88,090)           (153,355)
  Interest income                                   75,272             103,069
  Gain on sale of asset                                  -                  50
  Other                                              3,943                 201
Total other income (expense)                        (8,875)            (50,035)
Income (loss) before income taxes and
  cumulative effect of a change in
  accounting principle                           5,400,156            (327,296)

Income tax (expense) benefit                    (1,979,285)             92,705
Income (loss) before cumulative effect
  of a change in accounting principle             3,420,871           (234,591)

Cumulative effect on prior years (June 30,
  1995) of changing to a different deprecia-
  tion method (net of $32,252 of taxes)                   -             81,615
Net income (loss)                              $  3,420,871         $ (152,976)

Pro forma amount assuming the depreciation
  method adopted in 1996 was applied
    Net income (loss)                                               $ (234,591)
See accompanying notes.

                                                                         TXEN, Inc.
                                                                 Statements of Changes in
                                                                   Stockholders' Equity

                                               Class A      Class B     Additional   Retained        Notes
                               Preferred       Common       Common      Paid-in      Earnings        Receivable     Total
                               Stock           Stock        Stock       Capital      (Deficit)       from           Stockholders'
                                                                                                     Stockholders   Equity
Balance, June 30, 1995         $ 1,500,000     $ 10,000     $     -     $  409,500    $ (378,783)    $ (437,482)    $1,103,235
Issuance of notes receivable
  from stockholders                      -            -           -              -             -        (64,740)       (64,740)
Payments received on notes               -            -           -              -             -         89,335         89,335
Accrued interest on notes                -            -           -              -             -        (35,896)       (35,896)
Net Loss                                 -            -           -              -      (152,976)             -       (152,976)
Balance, June 30, 1996           1,500,000       10,000           -        409,500      (531,759)      (448,783)       938,958

Issuance of notes receivable
  from stockholders                      -            -           -              -             -        (16,000)       (16,000)
Conversion of preferred stock   (1,500,000)           -       1,999      1,498,001             -              -              -
  to common stock
Contribution of common stock             -       (1,999)          -          1,999             -              -              -
  to treasury and subsequent
Payments received on notes               -            -           -              -             -         72,627         72,627
Accrued interest on notes                -            -           -              -             -        (26,677)       (26,677)
Net income                               -            -           -              -     3,420,871              -      3,420,871
Balance, June 30, 1997         $         -     $  8,001     $ 1,999     $1,909,500    $2,889,112     $ (418,833)    $4,389,779
See accompanying notes.

                               TXEN, Inc.
                        Statements of Cash Flows
                                                       Year ended June 30
                                                  1997                   1996
Net income (loss)                              $ 3,420,871        $  (152,976)
Adjustments to reconcile net income
  (loss) to net cash provided by
  operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                  708,952            531,856
    Cumulative effect of change in
      accounting principle, net of
      tax of $32,252                                     -            (81,615)
    Deferred income taxes                          360,350            (64,300)
    Provision for doubtful accounts                 90,000            (65,000)
    Gain on sale of equipment                            -                (50)
    Loss on sublease                                     -              5,790
    Changes in operating assets and
      Accounts receivable                       (3,763,977)            44,264
      Prepaid expenses                             (26,193)           (35,615)
      Income taxes receivable                       24,800             (6,902)
      Inventory                                      1,909              2,752
      Other                                           (621)             1,275
      Interest payable                              31,310             29,373
      Customer deposits                           (128,518)             4,006
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses        551,199           (156,294)
      Accrued salaries, bonuses and vacation       189,681             75,819
      Income taxes payable                         433,134                  -
      Deferred revenue                             977,628            436,963
Net cash provided by operating activities        2,870,525            569,346

Purchases of property and equipment             (1,328,259)        (1,060,284)
Additions to deferred software                    (687,338)                 -
  development costs                             ------------------------------
Net cash used in operating activities           (2,015,597)        (1,060,284)

Principal payments on long-term debt              (250,197)          (188,562)
Notes payable                                     (135,142)           135,142
Payments on debt to stockholders                         -             (9,000)
Increase in debt to stockholders                    16,000             63,474
Principal payments on note payable to                    -            (41,667)
Increase in notes receivable from stockholders      29,950            (11,301)
Net cash used in financing activities             (339,389)           (51,914)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and
  cash equivalents                                 515,539           (542,852)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
  of year                                          630,685          1,173,537
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year       $ 1,146,224          $ 630,685

See accompanying notes.

                                   TXEN, Inc.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

                             June 30, 1997 and 1996


- ------------

TXEN,  Inc. (the  Company) facilitates the administration of health benefits by
providing  healthcare  organizations  hardware  and  software solutions through
either outsourcing or turnkey agreements primarily  in the United States.   The
Company  also provides  data  processing  services  through  management service
organization (MSO) agreements.

Cash and Cash Equivalents
- -------------------------

The Company considers all highly liquid  investments with a maturity  of  three
months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents.

Revenue Recognition
- -------------------

Outsourcing/MSO:  Outsourcing and MSO fees are recognized in the  period  they
are earned.

System Sales:  Software license fees and equipment revenue are recognized upon
delivery   of  the software  product to the  customer,  unless the Company has
significant related obligations remaining.  Revenue  requiring any significant
obligations to customers is deferred and recognized once the remaining obliga-
tions become insignificant.

Professional Services:  Revenue from professional services is recognized either
(i) as the services are performed based on the Company's standard rates for the
applicable services; or, (ii) as contract milestones are achieved, if specified
and  required  under  the contract with the customer. Revenue from postcontract
customer support is recognized in the period the customer support services  are

Concentration of Credit Risk and Financial Instruments:  Financial  instruments
which subject the Company to credit risk are  primarily trade  accounts receiv-
able.  Concentrations of credit risk with respect to trade accounts  receivable
are limited due to the large number and diversity  of customers comprising  the
Company's customer base.   Management believes that  any  risk  associated with
trade  accounts  receivable  is adequately provided  for  in the  allowance for
doubtful  accounts.   The Company generally does not require collateral on  its
trade accounts receivable.


Software Development Costs
- --------------------------

Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 86, "Accounting for Soft-
ware Costs", once technological feasibility is established related to software
development costs for new products  or for enhancements  to existing  products
which  extend the product's useful  life,  the costs are capitalized until the
product or enhancement is available for release to customers,  after which the
capitalized costs are amortized over the product's estimated life giving  con-
sideration   to   estimates  of recoverability and net realizable value. Total
costs  capitalized for software development  were $687,338 and $-0- during the
years ended June 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

Capitalized software development costs are being  amortized  over five  years.
Accumulated amortization of capitalized software development cost was  $25,887
at  June 30, 1997.  The Company capitalized interest cost  of $27,177  for the
year ended June 30, 1997 related to software development costs.

- ---------

Inventory is carried at the lower of cost or market using the specific identi-
fication method.

Property and Equipment and Change in Depreciation Method
- --------------------------------------------------------

Property and equipment is  stated on the basis  of  cost.  Property and equip-
ment are depreciated over the estimated useful lives  of the assets (generally
three to seven years).  Depreciation and amortization had been provided  using
the  straight-line  method  for  items  purchased  prior  to July 1, 1994, and
double-declining balance for items purchased after July  1, 1994.  During  the
year  ended  June  30,  1996  the Company adopted the straight-line  method of
depreciation for all assets.  The  new  method of depreciation was  adopted to
better match the cost of the property and equipment with the revenues  genera-
ted  by  those  assets  and  has  been applied retroactively  to property  and
equipment acquired in prior years. The effect of the change in fiscal 1996 was
to decrease loss before cumulative effect of the change in accounting  princi-
ple by  approximately $28,400.  The adjustment of $81,615 (after reduction for
income taxes  of $32,252)  to  apply retroactively the new method, is included
in net loss for fiscal 1996.


Income Taxes
- ------------

All income tax amounts and  balances  have been  computed  in  accordance  with
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  109, "Accounting for Income
Taxes."  Under Statement No. 109, the liability method is  used  in  accounting
for income taxes.  Under this method, deferred tax assets  and liabilities  are
determined  based  on differences between the financial reporting and tax bases
of assets and  liabilities and are measured using  the enacted  tax  rates  and
laws  that will  be  in  effect  when  the differences are expected to reverse.

Stock Options
- -------------

The Company has elected to follow Accounting Principles Board Opinion  No.  25,
"Accounting  for Stock Issued to Employees"  (APB  25) and related  interpreta-
tions in  accounting for its employee stock options because the alternative fair
value   accounting   provided  for  under  Statement  of  Financial   Accounting
Standards  No.  123,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based Compensation,"  (SFAS  123)
requires  use  of  option valuation models  that were not developed for use  in
valuing  employee  stock options.  Under APB 25, because the exercise price  of
the  Company's employee stock options equals the market price of the underlying
stock on the date of the grant, no compensation expense is recognized.

Use of Estimates
- ----------------

The  preparation  of  the  financial  statements  in  conformity with generally
accepted accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions that  affect  the amounts reported in the financial  statements and
accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Property and equipment consists of the following:

                                                    1997                1996
Computer equipment                             $ 3,015,586          $2,161,657
Software                                           334,518             285,443
Furniture and fixtures                           1,112,140             922,812
                                                 4,462,244           3,369,912
Less accumulated depreciation                   (1,545,118)         (1,097,980)
                                               $ 2,917,126          $2,271,932


The  Company  has  two  revolving  credit  lines with a bank payable on  demand
totaling $1,000,000 which are collateralized by certain assets of  the  Company
and the general guaranty of the primary stockholders. There were no  borrowings
under the credit lines at June 30, 1997 and 1996.

On March 17, 1994,  the Company borrowed $1,342,719 from the bank under a long-
term note.  The note, which has a balance of $641,834 and $892,031 at June  30,
1997 and 1996, respectively, and matures on October 17, 1998, bears interest at
prime plus 1/2% and is  cross-collateralized  with  assets  pledged  under  the
revolving credit lines.

Annual maturities of long-term  debt  are as follows: 1998 - $275,411 and  1999
- - $366,423.

The Company incurred $19,500 and $54,474  during the years ended June 30,  1997
and  1996, respectively, of long-term debt to two stockholders for the purchase
of common  stock of the Company that was then sold to various employees of  the
Company in exchange for notes receivable.  Interest accrues at 8.0% and matures
on October 1, 1997.

The  Company paid $115,268 and $146,975 in interest during the years ended June
30, 1997, and 1996, respectively.


The Company operates in leased premises  and  also  leases  certain  equipment.

The  future  minimum  lease  payments under operating leases for the next  five
years and in the aggregate are as follows:

   1998                                                    $277,588
   1999                                                      98,065
   2000                                                     224,200

Rent   expense  for  the  year ended June 30, 1997 and 1996 was  $251,985  and
$263,668, respectively. The Company is also subleasing space to another tenant
over  the next two  years.  The total estimated minimum sublease rentals to be
received in the  future  under this sublease are $6,642 and $33,209 at June 30,
1997 and 1996, respectively.


On December 16, 1994, the Company entered into a Stock Purchase Option  Agree-
ment with a third-party.  Under the terms of the  agreement,  the Company sold
sold one  share of  convertible   preferred   stock   to the  third-party  for
$1,500,000.  The  Company  also  authorized 1,250,000 shares of Class B common
stock  which  was  reserved  for issuance upon the conversion of the preferred

On July 17, 1996, the Stock Purchase Option  Agreement with the holder of  the
preferred stock was amended to  allow the  holder of the  preferred  stock  to
accelerate  the  date  to exercise the option to purchase all of the issued and
outstanding  Class  A  common stock  of the Company.  The option is exercisable
for a period of thirty days after  release  of  the Company's audited financial
statements for the year ended June  30, 1997. The holder of the preferred stock
converted all  of  the  preferred  stock  to Class B common stock  which  is  a
condition  precedent to the right to exercise the option to purchase all of the
outstanding  shares of  Class A  common  stock  of  the  Company.  The  Company
expects the  option  to  be  exercised  which  will  require all related  party
balances to be settled prior to the purchase.   As a  result,  accrued officers
salaries  and  the related  interest  payable  have  been classified as current
liabilities on the balance sheet.


The  Company  paid  $1,161,001 and $-0- in income taxes during the years  ended
June 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

Significant components of the Company's current  deferred tax  liabilities  and
assets at June 30, 1997 and 1996 are as follows:

                                              1997                1996
Deferred tax liabilities:
  Tax over book depreciation               $  259,692           $ 228,320
  Software development costs                  239,578                   -
                                              499,270             228,320
Deferred tax assets:
  Allowance for doubtful accounts              45,275              12,677
  Accrued salaries and interest               188,068             184,877
  Accrued leave                                77,914              44,477
  Other                                         4,322               5,943
  Net operating loss carryforwards                  -             157,005
Total deferred tax assets                     315,579             404,979
Net deferred tax (liability) assets        $ (183,691)          $ 176,659

Significant components of the provision for income taxes (benefit) are as

                                             1997                 1996
  Federal                                  $ 1,598,610          $   3,847
  State                                        163,325                  -
  Benefit of operating loss carryforward      (143,000)                 -
Total current                                1,618,935              3,847

  Federal                                      314,150            (56,056)
  State                                         46,200             (8,244)
Total deferred                                 360,350            (64,300)
                                           $ 1,979,285          $ (60,453)


The Company has a note payable to a stockholder of the Company for $8,333 at at
June  30,  1997  and  1996  bearing  interest at  8%. Payment of  the principal
balance and  accrued  interest  will  be  made upon  demand  except  where  the
Company is restricted from doing  so  by  any agreements  with third-parties in
force at that time.

The  Company  has notes and accrued interest receivable  from  stockholders  of
the Company  of  $418,833  and  $448,783  at  June  30, 1997 and 1996, respect-
tively, which bear interest at 8%.

The Company incurred $269,202 in expenses with an affiliated  company for  con-
tracted services of which $38,857 is included in accounts payable  at June  30,
1997.   The  Company  had $188,037 of revenue from an affiliated company during
the year ended June 30, 1997.


The  Company  has  a savings and  retirement   plan  (Plan)  for  all  eligible
employees pursuant to Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code.  The Company
will  match  employee   contributions  to  the  Plan  at  a   level  determined
annually  by  the Company's Board of Directors.  The Company's contribution for
the years  ended  June  30, 1997 and 1996 was $6,009 and $3,400, respectively.


Certain members of management are also stockholders of the  Company  and  owned
approximately  60%  of the  Class A  common  stock at  June 30,  1997.  Under a
stock purchase  agreement,  the  Company  is committed to purchase management's
common stock in the event  of  death,   retirement  or  termination  of employ-
ment.  The  price to be  paid  for  the  common  stock is set by formula in the
Employee Stock Purchase Agreement. As  discussed  in Note  5, the holder of the
Class B common stock has the right to  exercise an option  to  purchase  all of
the outstanding shares of Class A  common stock  of the Company for a period of
30  days  after  release  of  the  Company's  audited  financial statements for
the year ended June 30, 1997 which  would include all the stock held by members
of management.


The  Company entered into an agreement with a customer whereby the Company must
deliver  the final version of software currently under development by August 1,
1999. If  the  software  is  not  ready  to  be  released  to  the  customer by
August 1,  1999,  the  Company  must  pay  a penalty  of   $195,000. Management
estimates that delivery of the software under development will occur  prior  to
the  deadline  and  no  penalty  will  be incurred and, therefore,  no  accrual
for  this contingency has been recorded  in  the financial statements.


During 1996, the Board of Directors approved  the  TXEN, Inc.,  1996  Incentive
Stock Option Plan  which  authorized the issuance of options to purchase  up to
100,000 shares of common  stock  and  the  Key  Employee Incentive Stock Option
Plan which authorized the issuance of options to purchase up  to 40,000  shares
of common stock.  All options under the 1996 Plans have  5-year  terms.  Incen-
tive stock options  vest  and   become  exercisable  at the  end of  2 years of
continued employment while non-qualified  stock  options  are  exercisable upon
grant.  Pro forma information  regarding net income  is  required by SFAS  123,
and has  been determined as if the Company had accounted for its employee stock
options under the fair value method required  by  SFAS 123.  The fair value for
these options was estimated at the date of grant using the minimum value method
with  the  following assumptions for 1996:  risk-free interest rates of  6.30%;
weighted-average expected life of the options of 4 years; no volatility factors
of the expected market price of the Company's common stock because the  Company
is privately held; and no dividend yields.

If the Company had adopted SFAS 123 in accounting for its stock options granted
in fiscal year  1996, its net income would have been decreased by approximately
$31,000.  For  purposes  of  pro  forma  disclosures,  the estimated fair value
of  the  options  is  amortized  to  expense over the options'  vesting  period.
The effect of applying pro-forma  disclosures based on SFAS 123 are  not likely
to be  representative  of  the  effects  on future net income.  As of June  30,
1996, there were no  options  which  had  been  exercised.  During fiscal 1997,
123,371  shares  were  granted  with an exercise price of $6.20 and remain out-
standing  at  June  30,  1997.   The  weighted  average  fair value of options
granted during the year was $6.78 with a weighted average  contractual life of
4.2 years.