1997 STOCK OPTION PLAN


     The  1997  Stock  Option Plan ("Plan") of  Nichols  Research
Corporation ("Corporation") is intended as an incentive  for  key
employees  which  will  foster increased productivity,  encourage
them  to remain in the employ of the Corporation, and enable them
to   acquire  or  increase  their  proprietary  interest  in  the
Corporation.   At  the  discretion of the Committee,  as  defined
below,  options  issued  pursuant to  this  Plan  may  be  either
incentive stock options within the meaning of Section 422 of  the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Incentive Options"),
or  options  which  are  not  Incentive  Options  ("Non-Statutory


     The   Plan  shall  be  administered  by  a  committee   (the
"Committee") composed of either the entire Board of Directors  or
a  committee of the Board of Directors that is composed solely of
two  or more Non-Employee Directors.  For this purpose, the  term
"Non-Employee Director" shall mean a person who is  a  member  of
the  Company's  Board of Directors who (a) is  not  currently  an
officer or employee of the Company or any parent or subsidiary of
the   Company,  (b)  does  not  directly  or  indirectly  receive
compensation  for serving as a consultant or in  any  other  non-
director capacity from the Company or any parent or subsidiary of
the  Company that exceeds the dollar amount for which  disclosure
would  be  required  pursuant to Item 404(a)  of  Regulation  S-K
promulgated  under the Securities Act of 1933 and the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 ("Regulation S-K"), (c) does not possess  an
interest in any other transaction with the Company or any  parent
or  subsidiary  of  the  Company for which  disclosure  would  be
required  pursuant to Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K, and  (d)  is
not  engaged in a business relationship with the Company  or  any
parent  or  subsidiary of the Company which would be  disclosable
under  Item 404(b) of Regulation S-K.  In the event the Committee
is  a  committee composed of two or more Non-Employee  Directors,
the Board of Directors may from time to time remove members from,
add  members to, and fill vacancies, on the Committee.  A  member
of the Committee shall be eligible to participate in the Plan and
receive  options under the Plan.  The Committee shall select  one
of its members as Chairman, and shall hold meetings at such times
and  places  as it may determine.  Action taken by a majority  of
the Committee at which a quorum is present, or action reduced  to
writing  or  approved in writing by a majority of the members  of

the  Committee,  shall  be  valid acts  of  the  Committee.   The
Committee  may,  from time to time and at its  discretion,  grant
options  to  eligible employees.  Subject to the  terms  of  this
Plan,  the  Committee  shall  exercise  its  sole  discretion  in
determining  which eligible employees shall receive options,  and
the number of shares subject to each option granted.

     The  Committee's  interpretation  and  construction  of  any
provision of the Plan, or any option granted under it,  shall  be
final.  No member of the Committee shall be liable for any action
or  determination made in good faith with respect to the Plan  or
any option granted under the Plan.


     Persons  eligible  to  receive options  shall  be  such  key
employees  (including  officers)  of  the  Corporation  and   its
subsidiaries  as  the Committee shall from time to  time  select.
The  determination  of whether a company is a subsidiary  of  the
Corporation  shall be made in accordance with Section  425(f)  of
the  Internal  Revenue  Code, as amended.   No  person  shall  be
eligible to receive an option for a larger number of shares  than
is  recommended  for  him  by the Committee.   In  selecting  the
individuals  to  whom  options  shall  be  granted,  as  well  as
determining  the  number of shares subject to  each  option,  the
Committee shall weigh the position and the responsibility of  the
individual  being considered, the nature of his or her  services,
his   or   her  present  and  potential  contributions   to   the
Corporation,  and  such  other factors  as  the  Committee  deems
relevant  to  accomplish the purposes of the Plan.  No  Incentive
Option  shall  be  granted to an employee who, immediately  after
such  Incentive  Option is granted, owns or has rights  to  stock
possessing  more  than ten percent (10%) of  the  total  combined
voting  power of all classes of stock of the Corporation,  unless
such  Incentive Option is granted at a price which  is  at  least
110%  of  the  fair  market value of the  stock  subject  to  the
Incentive  Option and such Incentive Option by its terms  is  not
exercisable after the expiration of five (5) years from the  date
such Incentive Option is granted.

4.   STOCK

     The stock subject to options issued under the Plan shall  be
shares   of   the  Corporation's  authorized  but  unissued,   or
reacquired,  one  cent ($.01) par value common  stock  (hereafter
sometimes  called  "Capital  Stock"  or  "Common  Stock").    The
aggregate number of shares which may be issued pursuant to option
exercises  shall  not exceed 1,300,000 shares of  Capital  Stock.
The  limitations  established by each of the preceding  sentences
shall be subject to adjustment as provided in Article 5(g) of the

     In  the event that any outstanding option under the Plan for
any  reason expires or is terminated, the shares of Capital Stock
allocable to the unexercised portion of such option may again  be
subjected to an option under the Plan.


     No  obligation to retain an option recipient as an  employee
of the Corporation or its subsidiaries, or to provide or continue
providing  the  option recipient with, or to  permit  the  option
recipient to retain, any incident associated with or arising  out
of employment with the Corporation or its subsidiaries, including
but  not limited to tenure, salary, benefits, title, or position,
shall be imposed on the Corporation or its subsidiaries by virtue
of the adoption of the Plan, the grant or acceptance of an option
granted pursuant to the Plan, or the exercise of an option  under
the  Plan.   Stock  options  granted  under  the  Plan  shall  be
authorized  by the Committee and shall be evidenced by agreements
in  such  form as the Committee shall from time to time  approve.
Such  agreements  shall  conform with, and  be  subject  to,  the
following terms and conditions:

(a)  Number of Shares and Form of Option

     Each  option agreement shall state the number of  shares  to
which  it pertains and whether the option granted is an Incentive
Option or a Non-Statutory Option.

(b)  Exercise Price

     Each  option agreement shall state the exercise price.   The
per  share  exercise price for shares obtainable pursuant  to  an
Incentive  Option shall not be less than 100% of the Fair  Market
Value,  as defined below, of the shares of Capital Stock  of  the
Corporation  on the date the option is granted.   The  per  share
exercise  price for shares obtainable pursuant to a Non-Statutory
Option  shall not be less than the par value of the shares.   For
all purposes under the Plan, Fair Market Value shall be deemed to
be  the closing sale price of the Common Stock as reported on the
Nasdaq  National  Market  (or the mean between  the  highest  and
lowest per share sales price should the Common Stock be listed on
an  exchange) on a given day, or if such stock is not  traded  on
that day, then on the next preceding day on which such stock  was
traded  ("Fair  Market Value").  Subject to  the  foregoing,  the
Committee shall have full authority and discretion, and shall  be
fully  protected,  with  respect to the price  fixed  for  shares
obtainable  pursuant to the exercise of options.   The  aggregate
Fair Market Value (determined at the time the Incentive Option is
granted)  of  the  Common Stock with respect to  which  Incentive
Options  are  exercisable  for  the  first  time  by  the  option
recipient during any calendar year (under all such plans  of  the
Corporation  and  its subsidiary corporations) shall  not  exceed
$100,000.  If an option recipient is granted an Incentive  Option
which  exceeds  this limitation, the Incentive  Option  shall  be
treated as Non-Statutory Options to the extent such limitation is

(c)  Medium and Time of Payment

     The option recipient may pay the exercise price in cash,  by
means  of unrestricted shares of the Corporation's Common  Stock,
or  in  any  combination thereof.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
shares  of the Corporation's Common Stock may be used to exercise
an  option  only if the number of shares for which the option  is
then being exercised is at least five hundred (500) shares.   The
option  recipient  must pay for shares received  pursuant  to  an
option  exercise on or before the date of such exercise.  Payment
in  currency or by check, bank draft, cashier's check, or  postal
money order shall be considered payment in cash.  In the event of
payment  in  the Corporation's Common Stock, the shares  used  in
payment  of the exercise price shall be taken at the Fair  Market
Value  of  such  shares  on the date they  are  tendered  to  the
Corporation.   The shares purchased upon exercise  of  an  option
with shares of the Corporation's Common Stock owned by the option
recipient  may  not  be  sold, exchanged,  pledged  or  otherwise
transferred  during  the  one  (1)  year  period  following  such
purchase and shall bear the following restrictive legend:

          The  shares  represented by this  certificate
          were acquired with shares of Nichols Research
          Corporation  common  stock  and,   therefore,
          pursuant to the terms of Section 5(c) of  the
          Nichols   Research  Corporation  1997   Stock
          Option  Plan,  may  not be  sold,  exchanged,
          pledged  or otherwise transferred during  the
          one  (1)  year period commencing on the  date
          shown on the face of this certificate.

(d)  Term and Exercise of Options

     No Non-Statutory Option shall be exercisable either in whole
or  in part prior to (a) the earlier of the date specified in the
Non-Statutory Option, or (b) six (6) months from the date the Non-
Statutory  Option  is  granted.  During  the  option  recipient's
lifetime, the Non-Statutory Option shall be exercisable  only  by
the  option recipient or the option recipient's guardian or legal
representative  if  one  has been appointed,  and  shall  not  be
assignable  or  transferable other than by will or  the  laws  of
descent  and  distribution.   No Non-Statutory  Option  shall  be
exercisable  after the earlier of (1) the date specified  in  the
Non-Statutory  Option, or (2) the expiration of  ten  (10)  years
from the date the Non-Statutory Option is granted.

     No  Incentive Option shall be exercisable either in whole or
in  part  prior to twenty-four (24) months from the  date  it  is
granted.  Subject to the right of accretion provided in the  next
to  last  sentence  of this Article 5 (d), each Incentive  Option
shall be exercisable in three (3) installments as follows: (1) up
to  one-third of the total shares covered by the Incentive Option
may  be purchased after twenty-four (24) months from the date the

Incentive  Option is granted; (2) up to one-third  of  the  total
shares  covered  by the Incentive Option may be  purchased  after
thirty-six  (36)  months from the date the  Incentive  Option  is
granted;  and (3) up to one-third of the total shares covered  by
the  Incentive  Option  may be purchased after  forty-eight  (48)
months  from  the  date  the Incentive Option  is  granted.   The
Committee  may provide, however, for the exercise of an Incentive
Option after the initial twenty-four month period, either  as  an
increased  percentage of shares per year or as to  all  remaining
shares, if the option recipient dies, is or becomes disabled, or,
with the permission of the Committee, retires.  During the option
recipient's  lifetime, the Incentive Option shall be  exercisable
only  by the option recipient, or the option recipient's guardian
or  legal representative if one has been appointed, and shall not
be  assignable or transferable other than by will or the laws  of
descent and distribution.  To the extent not exercised, Incentive
Option installments shall accumulate and be exercisable, in whole
or  in part, in any subsequent period but not later than five (5)
years  from  the  date  the  Incentive  Option  is  granted.   No
Incentive  Option  shall be exercisable after the  expiration  of
five (5) years from the date it is granted.

(e)  Termination of Employment Except Death

     If  an option recipient's employment with the Corporation or
its  subsidiaries  ceases for any reason other  than  the  option
recipient's death, all options held by him pursuant to  the  Plan
and  not  previously exercised as of the date of such termination
shall  terminate immediately and become void and  of  no  effect;
provided,  however, that the Committee shall have  the  right  to
extend  the  exercise period by up to three (3) months  from  the
date  the  option  recipient's  employment  is  terminated.    If
termination occurs because of disability, or as a result  of  the
option   recipient's   retirement  with  the   consent   of   the
Corporation,  such  disabled or retiring option  recipient  shall
have the right to exercise any options which were exercisable but
unexercised as of the date of such termination at any time within
three (3) months after such termination, subject to the condition
that  no Non-Statutory Option shall be exercisable after the date
specified  in  the  Non-Statutory Option and no Incentive  Option
shall be exercisable after the expiration of five (5) years  from
the  date  it  is granted.  The term "disability"  shall  mean  a
mental  or physical condition resulting from an injury or illness
(other than substantial dependence on or addiction to alcohol  or
any  drug)  which  renders  an  option  recipient  incapable   of
performing his normal duties as an employee of the Corporation or
its  subsidiaries.  The option recipient shall not be  considered
to  be disabled until the Committee shall have been furnished the
opinion  of two licensed physicians that the option recipient  is
prevented  from performing his duties and that his  condition  is
likely  to continue for a period in excess of twelve (12)  months
or  for  an indefinite period.  Whether termination of employment
is due to disability or is to be considered a retirement with the
consent of the Committee shall be determined by the Committee  in
its sole and absolute discretion, and such determination shall be
final  and  conclusive.  Authorized leaves of absence or  absence
for   military  service  shall  not  constitute  termination   of
employment for the purposes of the Plan.

(f)  Death of Option Recipient and Transfer of Option

     If   an   option  recipient  dies  while  employed  by   the
Corporation or its subsidiaries or within three (3) months  after
being terminated due to disability or retirement with the consent
of  the  Committee,  and  has  not fully  exercised  all  of  his
exercisable options, such options may be exercised, at  any  time
within  three  (3) months after such termination, by  the  option
recipient's  executors or administrators, or  by  any  person  or
persons  who  shall  have acquired the option directly  from  the
option  recipient  by  bequest  or  inheritance.   In  no  event,
however,  shall a Non-Statutory Option be exercisable  after  the
date  specified  in  the Non-Statutory Option  and  no  Incentive
Option  shall be exercisable more than five (5) years  after  the
date such Incentive Option is granted.  In the event an option is
transferred  to an option recipient's estate, or to a  person  to
whom  such  right  devolves by reason of the  option  recipient's
death,  then  the option shall be nontransferable by  the  option
recipient's  executor or administrator or by such person,  except
that  the  option  may be distributed by the  option  recipient's
executors  or  administrators to the distributees of  the  option
recipient's estate entitled thereto.

(g)  Recapitalization

     Subject  to  any  required action by the  shareholders,  the
aggregate number of shares which may be issued pursuant to option
exercises, the number of shares of Capital Stock covered by  each
outstanding option, and the price per share applicable to  shares
under  such  option, shall be proportionately  adjusted  for  any
increase  or decrease in the number of issued shares  of  Capital
Stock  of  the  Corporation  resulting  from  a  subdivision   or
consolidation  of shares or the payment of a stock dividend  (but
only on the Capital Stock), or any other increase or decrease  in
the   number   of  such  shares  effected  without   receipt   of
consideration by the Corporation.

     If  the Corporation is merged with or consolidated into  any
other  corporation, or if an or substantially all of the business
or  property of the Corporation is sold, or if the Corporation is
liquidated or dissolved, or if a tender or exchange offer is made
for all or any part of the Corporation's voting securities, or if
any   other  actual  or  threatened  change  in  control  of  the
Corporation occurs, the Committee, with or without the consent of
the option recipient, may (but shall not be obligated to), either
at  the time of or in anticipation of any such transaction,  take
any  of  the  following  actions  that  the  Committee  may  deem
appropriate in its sole and absolute discretion: (i)  cancel  any
option  by  providing for the payment to the option recipient  of
the  excess of the Fair Market Value of the shares subject to the
option  over the exercise price of the option, (ii) substitute  a
new  option  of  substantially equivalent value for  any  option,
(iii)  accelerate the exercise terms of any option, or (iv)  make
such  other adjustments in the terms and conditions of any option
as it deems appropriate.

     In the event of a change in Capital Stock of the Corporation
as  presently constituted, which is limited to a change of all of
its  authorized  shares with par value into the  same  number  of
shares  with  a  different par value or without  par  value,  the
shares  resulting  from any change shall  be  deemed  to  be  the
Capital Stock within the meaning of the Plan.

     To the extent that the foregoing adjustments relate to stock
or  securities of the Corporation, such adjustments shall be made
by  the  Committee, whose determination in that respect shall  be
final,  provided that each Incentive Option granted  pursuant  to
this  Plan  shall  not be adjusted in a manner  that  causes  the
Incentive  Option to fail to continue to qualify as an  incentive
stock  option  within the meaning of Section 422 of the  Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Article 5(g),
the  option  recipient  shall have no rights  by  reason  of  any
subdivision or consolidation of shares of stock of any class,  or
the  payment  of  any  stock dividend or any  other  increase  or
decrease  in  the number of shares of stock of any class,  or  by
reason  of  any dissolution, liquidation, merger or consolidation
or spin-off of assets or stock of another corporation.  Any issue
by the Corporation of shares of stock of any class, or securities
convertible into shares of stock of any class, shall not  affect,
and  no  adjustment by reason thereof shall be made with  respect
to, the number or price of shares of Capital Stock subject to the

     The grant of an option pursuant to the Plan shall not affect
in  any  way  the  right  or  power of the  Corporation  to  make
adjustments,  reclassifications, reorganizations, or  changes  of
its  capital  or  business structure, or to  merge,  consolidate,
dissolve,  liquidate, sell, or transfer all or any  part  of  its
business or assets.

(h)  Rights as a Stockholder

     An  option recipient or a transferee of an option shall have
no  rights as a stockholder with respect to any shares subject to
his  option until a stock certificate is issued to him  for  such
shares.   No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary  or
extraordinary,  whether in cash, securities, or other  property),
distributions, or other rights for which the record date is prior
to  the date such stock certificate is issued, except as provided
in Article 5 (g) of the Plan.

(i)  Modification, Extension, and Renewal of Options

     Subject  to the terms of the Plan, the Committee may modify,
extend  or renew outstanding options granted under the  Plan,  or
accept  the  surrender of outstanding options (to the extent  not
theretofore exercised) and authorize the granting of new  options
in   substitution  therefore  (to  the  extent  not   theretofore
exercised).   The  Committee  shall  not,  however,  modify   any
outstanding Incentive Options so as to specify a lower price,  or
accept  the  surrender  of  outstanding  Incentive  Options   and
authorize  the granting of new options in substitution  therefore
specifying   a  lower  price.   Notwithstanding  the   foregoing,
however, no modification of an option shall, without the  consent
of   the  option  recipient,  alter  or  impair  any  rights   or
obligations under any option theretofore granted under the Plan.

(j)  Withholding

     Whenever the Corporation proposes or is required to issue or
transfer  shares of Capital Stock under the Plan, the Corporation
shall  have the right to require the option recipient,  prior  to
the issuance or delivery of any certificates for such shares,  to
remit to the Corporation, or provide indemnification satisfactory
to  the  Corporation  for, an amount sufficient  to  satisfy  any
federal,  state, local, and foreign withholding tax  requirements
incurred as a result of an option exercise under the Plan by such
option recipient.

(k)  Other Provisions

     The  option  agreements  authorized  under  the  Plan  shall
contain  such  other  provisions, including, without  limitation,
restrictions  upon the exercise of the option, as  the  Committee
shall  deem  advisable.   Limitations and restrictions  shall  be
placed  upon the exercise of Incentive Options, in the  Incentive
Option agreement, so that such option will be an "incentive stock
option" as defined in Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of


     Incentive  Options and Non-Statutory Options may be  granted
pursuant  to  the Plan from time to time within a period  of  ten
(10) years commencing on November 14, 1997 and continuing through
November 14, 2007.


     In  addition to such other rights of indemnification as they
may have as directors or as members of the Committee, the members
of  the Committee shall be indemnified by the Corporation against
the  reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, actually and
necessarily  incurred  in  connection with  the  defense  of  any
action,  suit,  or proceeding, or in connection with  any  appeal

therein, to which they or any of them may be a party by reason of
any  action  taken or failure to act under or in connection  with
the  Plan  or  any  option granted thereunder,  and  against  all
amounts  paid  by  them  in  settlement  thereof  (provided  such
settlement  is approved by independent legal counsel selected  by
the Corporation) or paid by them in satisfaction of a judgment in
any  such  action or suit, or proceeding, except in  relation  to
matters as to which it shall be adjudged in such action, suit, or
proceeding that such Committee member is liable for negligence or
misconduct  in  the  performance of his  duties;  provided,  that
within  sixty  (60) days after institution of  any  such  action,
suit, or proceeding a Committee member shall in writing offer the
Corporation  the opportunity, at its own expense, to  handle  and
defend the same.


     The  Board of Directors, insofar as permitted by law,  shall
have  the  right from time to time with respect to any shares  at
the  time  not subject to options, to suspend or discontinue  the
Plan or revise or amend it in any respect whatsoever, except that
without  approval  of the shareholders of the  Company,  no  such
revision or amendment shall:  (a) change the number of shares for
which  options  may  be  granted under the  Plan  either  in  the
aggregate   or  to  any  individual  employee,  (b)  change   the
provisions  relating to the determination of  employees  to  whom
options  shall be granted, (c) remove the administration  of  the
Plan  from  the  Committee, or (d) decrease the  price  at  which
Incentive Options may be granted.


     The  proceeds received by the Corporation from the  sale  of
Capital  Stock pursuant to the exercise of options will  be  used
for general corporate purposes.


     The  granting  of an option shall impose no obligation  upon
the option recipient to exercise such option.


     This Plan shall take effect as of November 14, 1997, subject
to  approval by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority
of  the  outstanding shares of Capital Stock of  the  Corporation
present, or represented, and entitled to vote at a meeting of the
shareholders,  which  approval  must  occur  within  the   period
beginning twelve (12) months before and ending twelve (12) months
after the date the Plan is adopted by the Board of Directors.