
                        WELKIN ASSOCIATES, LTD.

     THIS IS THE INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION PLAN OF 1988 ("the Plan") of Welkin
Associates,  Ltd.  ("the  Corporation"), under which options may be granted
from time to time to eligible  employees  of  the Corporation or any of its
subsidiary  corporations ("the Subsidiaries") to  purchase  shares  of  the
Corporation,  subject  to  the  limitations,  provisions  and  requirements
hereinafter stated.  The Plan is as follows:


     The general purpose of the Plan is to aid in developing and  retaining
key  employees  capable  of assuring the future success of the Corporation.
The Plan is designed to aid the Corporation in attracting and retaining the
services of key employees  by offering such personnel additional incentives
to put forth maximum efforts  for  the  success  of the business, to afford
them  opportunities  to obtain or increase a proprietary  interest  in  the
Corporation on a favorable  basis,  and  thereby  to have an opportunity to
share in its success.


     The  Plan  shall  be  administered by the Board of  Directors  of  the

     The interpretation and  construction by the Board of any provisions of
the Plan or of any option granted  under  it  shall be final.  No member of
the Board of Directors shall be liable for any action or determination made
in good faith with respect to the Plan or any option granted under it.


     The persons who shall be eligible to receive options shall be such key
employees (including officers, whether or not they  are  directors)  of the
Corporation or its Subsidiaries (as such term is defined in Section 425  of
the  Internal Revenue Code of 1954) existing from time to time as the Board
shall select from time to time.  An optionee may hold more than one option,
but only on the terms and subject to the restrictions hereafter set forth.

     No  option  shall be granted hereunder to any employee if, at the time
of the grant, such  employee  owns  stock  representing  more than ten (10)
percent of the total combined voting power of all classes  of  stock of the
Corporation,  its  parent or Subsidiaries.  This stock ownership limitation
will not apply if the  option  price  is  at  least 110 percent of the fair
market value (at the time the option is granted)  of  the  stock subject to
the option, and the option by its terms is not exercisable more  than  five
(5) years from the date it is granted.

4.   STOCK

     The stock subject to the options shall be shares of the Corporations's
authorized  but  unissued  or  reacquired  $1.00  par  value  common stock,
hereafter sometimes called Capital Stock.  The aggregate number  of  shares
which  may  be  issued  under  such  options shall not exceed 17,500.  This
number shall be appropriately adjusted  if  the number of the Corporation's
issued  shares  shall  be  increased or reduced by  change  in  par  value,
combination, split-up, reclassification,  distribution  of dividend payable
in stock, or the like.

     In the event that any outstanding option under the Plan for any reason
expires or is terminated, the shares of such option may again  be subjected
to an option under the Plan.


     Incentive  Stock  Options  granted  pursuant to the Plan by the  Board
shall be evidenced by agreements in such form  as the Board shall from time
to time approve, which agreements shall comply with  and  be subject to the
following terms and conditions:


          Each  option  shall  state  the  number  of  shares  to which  it

     (b)  OPTION PRICE

          Each option shall state the option price, which shall be not less
     than 100% of the fair market value of the shares of Capital  Stock  of
     the  Corporation  on  the  date  of  the  granting  of  the option, as
     determined  by  the Board at the time of the grant in accordance  with
     applicable provisions  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  and  Treasury
     Department rulings and regulations thereunder.


          The  option price shall be payable in United States dollars  upon
     the exercise  of the option and may be paid by Cashier's, Certified or
     other check.


          As a condition  of  exercising  an option granted under the Plan,
     the optionee must understand and agree  to execute and be bound by the
     terms of the Welkin Associates, Ltd., Stock Repurchase Agreement dated
     June  10,  1988,  which  provides  that  any Stockholder  leaving  the
     Corporation or otherwise needing to dispose  of  his shares must offer
     those  shares  for  sale  to  the  Corporation or other  Stockholders.
     Legends restricting the sale, transfer, pledge or hypothecation of the
     stock will be affixed to each certificate  representing stock acquired
     through exercise of an option granted under this Plan.


          No option shall be exercised prior to the  expiration  of  twelve
     months  from  the  date  of granting thereof.  Subject to the right of
     cumulation provided in the  last  sentence  of this Article 5(e), each
     option  shall be exercisable as to not more than  twenty-five  percent
     (25%) of  the  total  number  of  shares  covered  thereby during each
     consecutive  twelve-month  period commencing on a date  twelve  months
     after the granting of the option  until  all  shares  covered  by  the
     option  shall  have  been  purchased.   No option shall be exercisable
     after the expiration of ten years from the  date  it is granted.  (For
     rules applicable to ten-percent shareholders, see Article  3  hereof.)
     Not  less  than  one  hundred  shares may be purchased at any one time
     unless  the  number  purchased  is  the   total  number  at  the  time
     purchasable under the option.  During the life-time  of  the optionee,
     the  option  shall  be  exercisable  only  by  him  and  shall not  be
     assignable  or transferable by him, and no other person shall  acquire
     any rights therein.   To  the extent not exercised, installments shall
     accumulate and be exercisable,  in whole or in part, in any subsequent
     period  but not later than ten years  from  the  date  the  option  is


          No option  (for  purposes of this Article 5(f) called New Option)
     shall be exercisable while  there  is  outstanding any Incentive Stock
     Option  (as  defined in Section 422A of the  Internal  Revenue  Code),
     granted under  this  or  any other Plan before the granting of the New
     Option, to the person to whom  the  New Option is granted, to purchase
     stock in the Corporation or in a corporation  which,  at  the time the
     New Option is granted, is a parent or subsidiary corporation (as those
     terms are defined in Section 425 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954)
     of   the   Corporation,   or  is  a  predecessor  corporation  of  the
     Corporation, or of such parent or subsidiary corporation.


          The aggregate fair market  value  (determined  as of the time the
     option is granted) of the stock for which any employee  may be granted
     options in any calendar year (under all Incentive Stock Option  plans,
     as described in Section 422A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954,  of
     the  Corporation,  its  parent  or  Subsidiaries) shall not exceed one
     hundred thousand dollars plus any unused limit carryover to that year,
     as defined in Article 5(h) hereof.


          If one hundred thousand dollars exceeds the aggregate fair market
     value (determined as of the time the  option  is granted) of the stock
     for which an employee was granted options in any  calendar year (under
     all Incentive Stock Option plans, as described in Section  422A of the
     Internal  Revenue  Code  of 1954, of his employer corporation and  its
     parent and subsidiary corporations),  one-half of such excess shall be
     unused limit carryover to each of the three succeeding calendar years.
     The amount of the unused limit carryover  from any calendar year which
     may be taken into account in any succeeding calendar year shall be the
     amount of such carryover reduced by the amount of such carryover which
     was  used  in  prior  calendar years.  For purposes  of  the  previous
     sentence the amount of  options granted during any calendar year shall
     be treated as first using  up  the $100,000 limitation of Article 5(g)
     hereof, and then shall be treated  as using up unused limit carryovers
     to  such  year  in  the  order  of the calendar  years  in  which  the
     carryovers arose.


          In the event that an optionee  shall  cease to be employed by the
     Corporation or Subsidiaries for any reason other  than  his  death and
     shall  be  no longer in the employ of any of them, no option shall  be
     exercisable  by such optionee.  Whether authorized leave of absence or
     absence  for  military   or   governmental  service  shall  constitute
     termination  of  employment,  for  purposes  of  the  Plan,  shall  be
     determined  by  the Board, which  determination  shall  be  final  and


          If the optionee  shall die while in the employ of the Corporation
     or a Subsidiary and shall  not  have  fully  exercised the option, the
     option may be exercised, subject to the condition that no option shall
     be exercisable after the expiration of ten years  from  the date it is
     granted,  to  the  extent  that the optionee's right to exercise  such
     option had accrued pursuant to Article 5(e) of the Plan at the time of
     his death and had not been previously  exercised, at any time prior to
     one year after the date of the optionee's  death, which date shall not
     in  any  event be later than ten years from the  date  the  option  is
     granted, by  the  executors or administrators of the optionee's estate
     or  by any person or  persons  who  shall  have  acquired  the  option
     directly from the optionee by bequest or inheritance.

          No option shall be transferable by the optionee otherwise than by
     will or the laws of descent and distribution.

          As   a   condition  of  exercising  such  option,  the  executor,
     administrator,  or  inheritor must understand and agree to execute and
     be bound by the terms of the Welkin Associates, Ltd., Stock Repurchase
     Agreement dated June 10, 1988, which, among other things, specifically
     provides that the estate  of  such deceased optionee must offer shares
     of stock purchased pursuant to  this  Article  5(j)  for  sale  to the
     Corporation  or other Stockholders within 210 days of exercise of  the
     option.   Legends   restricting   the   sale,   transfer,   pledge  or
     hypothecation  of  the  stock  will  be  affixed  to  each certificate
     representing stock acquired through exercise of such option.


          Subject to any required action by the Stockholders, the number of
     shares  of  Capital Stock covered by each outstanding option  and  the
     price per share  thereof in each such option, shall be proportionately
     adjusted for any increase  or  decrease in the number of issued shares
     of Capital Stock of the Corporation  resulting  from  a subdivision or
     consolidation of shares or the payment of a stock dividend  (but  only
     on  the Capital Stock) or any other increase or decrease in the number
     of such  shares  effected  without  receipt  of  consideration  by the

          Subject  to  any  required  action  by  the  Stockholders, if the
     Corporation  shall  be  the  surviving  corporation in any  merger  or
     consolidation, each outstanding option shall  pertain  to and apply to
     the  securities to which a holder of the number of shares  of  Capital
     Stock  subject  to  the option would have been entitled.  In the event
     that  the  Corporation  is  succeeded  by  another  corporation  in  a
     reorganization, merger, consolidation, sale or acquisition of property
     or stock, or  liquidation,  or  in  the  event that the Corporation is
     dissolved, each outstanding option will terminate,  provided that each
     optionee shall, in such event, if a period of two years  from the date
     of the option shall have expired, have the right immediately  prior to
     such   reorganization,   dissolution   or   liquidation,   merger   or
     consolidation,  sale or acquisition to exercise his option in whole or
     in part without regard  to  the installment provisions of Article 5(e)
     of the Plan.

          In the event of a change  in the Capital Stock of the Corporation
     as presently constituted, which  is  limited to a change of all of its
     authorized shares with par value into the same number of shares with a
     different par value or without par value,  the  shares  resulting from
     any  such  change  shall be deemed to be the Capital Stock within  the
     meaning of the Plan.

          To the extent that  the  foregoing adjustments relate to stock or
     securities of the Corporation,  such  adjustments shall be made by the
     Board, whose determination in that respect shall be final, binding and
     conclusive, provided that each option granted  pursuant  to  this Plan
     shall  not  be adjusted in a manner that causes the option to fail  to
     continue to qualify as an Incentive Stock Option within the meaning of
     Section 422A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

          Except as  hereinbefore  expressly provided in this Article 5(k),
     the optionee shall have no rights  by  reason  of  any  subdivision or
     consolidation  of shares of stock of any class or the payment  of  any
     stock dividend or  any  other  increase  or  decrease in the number of
     shares  of  any  class  or by reason of any dissolution,  liquidation,
     merger, or consolidation  or  spin-off  of  assets or stock of another
     corporation, and any issue by the Corporation  of  shares  of stock of
     any  class,  or  securities  convertible  into shares of stock of  any
     class, shall not affect, and no adjustment  by reason thereof shall be
     made with respect to, the number or price of  shares  of Capital Stock
     subject to the option.

          The grant of an option pursuant to the Plan shall  not  affect in
     any  way  the  right  or power of the Corporation to make adjustments,
     reclassifications,  reorganizations  or  changes  of  its  capital  or
     business structure or  to  merge  or  to  consolidate  or to dissolve,
     liquidate  or  sell,  or  transfer all or any part of its business  or


          An optionee or a transferee  of an option shall have no rights as
     a Stockholder with respect to any shares  covered  by his option until
     the  date  of  the  issuance  of a stock certificate to him  for  such
     shares.   No adjustments shall be  made  for  dividends  (ordinary  or
     extraordinary,  whether  in  cash,  securities  or  other property) or
     distributions or other rights for which the record date  is  prior  to
     the  date  such  stock  certificate  is  issued, except as provided in
     Article 5(k) hereof.


          Each option under the Plan shall be granted on the condition that
     the purchases of stock thereunder shall be  for  investment  purposes,
     and not with a view to resale or distribution except that in the event
     that  stock  subject to such option is registered under the Securities
     Act of 1933, as  amended,  or  in  the  event  a  resale of such stock
     without  such  registration  would  otherwise  be  permissible,   such
     condition  shall  be  inoperative if in the opinion of counsel for the
     Corporation such condition is not required under the Securities Act of
     1933  or  any  other  applicable   law,  regulation  or  rule  of  any
     governmental agency.


          The option agreements authorized  under  the  Plan  shall contain
     such  other  provisions,  including,  without limitation, restrictions
     upon the exercise of the option, as the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
     Corporation shall deem advisable.


     Options  may be granted pursuant to the Plan from time to time, within
a period of ten  years  from  the date the Plan is adopted, or the date the
Plan is approved by the Stockholders, whichever is earlier.


     In addition to such other  rights  of indemnification as they may have
as  directors,  the  members  of  the Board shall  be  indemnified  by  the
Corporation  against the reasonable  expenses,  including  attorneys'  fees
actually and necessarily  incurred  in  connection  with the defense of any
action, suit or proceeding, or in connection with any  appeal  therein,  to
which  they  or any of them may be a party by reason of any action taken or
failure to act  under  or in connection with the Plan or any option granted
thereunder, and against  all  amounts  paid  by  them in settlement thereof
(provided such settlement is approved by independent legal counsel selected
by the Corporation) or paid by them in satisfaction  of  a judgement in any
action, suit or proceeding, except in relation to matters  as  to  which it
shall be adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding that such Board member
is  liable  for negligence or misconduct in the performance of this duties;
provided that  within 60 days after institution of any such action, suit or
proceeding a Board  member  shall  in  writing  offer  the  Corporation the
opportunity, at its own expense, to handle and defend the same.


     The Board of Directors of the Corporation may, insofar as permitted by
law, from time to time, suspend or discontinue the Plan or revise  or amend
it   in  any  respect  whatsoever  except  that  without  approval  of  the
Stockholders,  no  such  revision  or  amendment shall change the number of
shares  subject  to  the  Plan,  change the designation  of  the  class  of
employees eligible to receive options,  decrease the price at which options
may be granted, or remove the administration of the Plan from the Board.


     The proceeds received by the Corporation  from  the  sale  of  Capital
Stock pursuant to options will be used for general corporate purposes.


     The granting of an option shall impose no obligation upon the optionee
to exercise such option.


     The Plan shall become effective on the date the Plan is adopted by the
Board  of  Directors  of  the  Corporation,  provided, however, any options
granted under the Plan shall be void and of no  effect  if  the Plan is not
approved by the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares  of Capital
Stock  of  the  Corporation,  which  approval  must occur within the period
beginning twelve months before and ending twelve  months after the date the
Plan is adopted by the Board of Directors.  Moreover,  in  the  event  such
options  are  granted  under the Plan prior to approval of such Plan by the
holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Capital Stock of the
Corporation, such options  shall  not be exercisable until such approval is

Date Plan adopted by the Board of Directors:    June 10, 1988

Date Plan approved by Stockholders:             June 10, 1988