
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                       FISCAL YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1998.

                           TRANSITION PERIOD FROM TO .

                         Commission file number 0-15295

                          NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              Delaware                                 63-0713665
              --------                                 ----------
   (State or other jurisdiction of        (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
    incorporation or organization)

     4090 South Memorial Parkway
         Huntsville, Alabama                          35815-1502
         -------------------                          ----------
(Address of principal executive offices)              (Zip Code)

The registrant's telephone number including area code:  (256) 883-1140

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

Title of each class                                        Name of each exchange
- -------------------                                        ---------------------
       None                                                         None

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                     Common Stock, par value $.01 per share
                                (Title of Class)

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. YES X NO

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,
to the best of  registrant's  knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information
statements  incorporated  by  reference  in Part  III of this  Form  10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K. [ ]

         As of November 3, 1998,  there were  13,854,932  shares  outstanding of
Nichols Research  Corporation voting Common Stock, $.01 par value. The aggregate
market value of the voting stock held by  non-affiliates  of the  registrant was
approximately  $225,938,622 based on the closing price of such stock as reported
by the Nasdaq  National  Market on  November 3, 1998,  assuming  that all shares
beneficially held by officers and members of the registrant's Board of Directors
are  shares  owned by  "affiliates,"  a status  which each of the  officers  and
directors individually disclaims.


Documents                                                   Form 10-K Reference
- ---------                                                   -------------------

Portions of the Proxy Statement for the January 14, 1999    Part III
  Annual Shareholders' Meeting


Except for  historical  information  contained  herein,  this document  contains
forward-looking  statements as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934.  Such  forward-looking  statements are subject to various risks and
uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ  materially  from those
projected in the forward-looking  statements.  These risks and uncertainties are
discussed  in  more  detail  in the  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of
Financial  Condition  and Results of Operations  section of this Annual  Report.
These forward-looking statements can be generally identified as such because the
content of the  statements  will  usually  contain  such words as the Company or
management  "believes,"  "anticipates,"  "expects," "plans," or words of similar
import.  Similarly,   statements  that  describe  the  Company's  future  plans,
objectives, goals, or strategies are forward-looking statements.

                                     PART I

ITEM 1.           BUSINESS


         References  herein to the "Company" mean Nichols  Research  Corporation
and its majority-owned subsidiaries and joint ventures.

         The Company is a premier provider of high-performance  technology-based
solutions and services where information  access,  movement,  and evaluation are
mission  critical  to an  organization's  success.  The Company  provides  these
services  to a wide  range  of  clients,  in four  markets:  national  security,
government  information  technology (IT),  commercial IT, and healthcare IT. The
Company's substantial expertise and capabilities in a wide range of technologies
have  been  built  over a  22-year  period of  providing  advanced  development,
scientific and application  services to U.S.  military  programs,  including air
defense  systems,  national and theater  missile  defense  systems,  and weapons
development  programs.  These  activities  have allowed the Company to build and
maintain  a  foundation  of  advanced  skills in systems  engineering;  command,
control,  communication,  computers  and  intelligence  (C4I)  systems;  virtual
reality-based  training systems; test and evaluation;  naval architecture;  high
performance  systems  integration;  information  systems  support;  network  and
computer facility  outsourcing and management software and systems  development;
data  warehousing  and mining;  and systems  security.  The  Company's  advanced
technical  capabilities  gained while  performing  services for mission critical
federal projects  provide the Company with a technological  competence which the
Company is  transferring to the commercial  sector.  The Company today addresses
the technology needs of a diverse customer base by applying its state-of-the-art
technical  capabilities in commercial system integration,  simulation,  software
development and client-server architectures,  including SAP(TM) consulting. As a
result,  the  Company  has  expanded  the market for its  services  by  offering
innovative  technical  solutions to  customers'  needs.  Although the  Company's
traditional  military  technology business has continued to grow and represented
approximately 55% of revenues in fiscal year 1998, other growing markets for the
Company's  services  represented  approximately  45% of  revenues in fiscal year

        Some of the Company's federal government contracts contain options which
are  exercisable  at the  discretion of the  customer.  An option may extend the
period of  performance  for one or more years for  additional  consideration  on
terms and conditions  similar to those  contained in the original  contract.  An
option  may also  increase  the  level of  effort  and  assign  new tasks to the
Company. In the Company's experience, options are usually exercised.  Therefore,
references herein to contract terms and values include options.

Business Strategy

        The Company's  business  strategy  consists of three key  elements:  (i)
maintain the  Company's  leadership in  technology  applications  in its current
markets;  (ii) apply the Company's  technology base to create  solutions for new
clients  in chosen  markets;  and (iii)  make  strategic  acquisitions  and form
alliances to gain industry knowledge and thereby expand the business base of the

        Maintain Technology Leadership.  The Company's substantial expertise and
capabilities  in a wide  range of  technologies  have been  built over a 22-year
period of providing advanced development,  scientific,  and application services
to U.S. military programs,  including air defense systems, strategic and theater
missile defense systems, and weapons development programs.  The Company believes
that,  because  of its  expertise  and  capabilities  with such a wide  range of
technologies,  it has an advantage over its competitors in providing information
technology and other technical  business  services based on these  technologies.
The  Company  will seek to  maintain  this  advantage  by keeping  pace with new
developments in technology and by continuing to compete for contracts which will
require the Company to provide high-quality,  sophisticated  technical solutions
to clients utilizing advanced technologies.

        Apply  Technology  To Create  Solutions  For New  Clients.  The  Company
believes that the creative use of its technology  expertise and  capabilities to
provide innovative, focused technical solutions for its clients has been largely
responsible  for the Company's  success.  The Company intends to use its base of
technical  expertise and  capabilities in network design,  systems  integration,
software  development,  simulation  technology,  and Internet services to create
solutions  for new  clients  in  government,  healthcare,  insurance,  and other
commercial markets.

        Make  Strategic   Acquisitions   And  Form   Alliances.   The  Company's
acquisition  program is a key component of its overall  business  strategy.  The
Company will seek to make  strategic  acquisitions  and form alliances that will
allow the Company to (i) develop technical  services which it does not currently
provide,  (ii) target markets that it does not currently serve and gain industry
knowledge in such markets,  (iii) develop strategic  relationships with clients,
and (iv) spin-out high growth/high margin businesses.

        In order to  better  execute  its  business  strategy,  the  Company  is
organized  into the following  four  strategic  business  units  reflecting  the
particular market focus of each line of business:

        Defense and Intelligence,  formerly Nichols Federal,  provides technical
services  primarily  to U.S.  Government  defense  agencies.  For the year ended
August 31, 1998, the Defense and Intelligence unit produced approximately 55% of
the Company's revenues.

        Government Information  Technology,  formerly Nichols InfoFed,  provides
information and technology solutions and services to a variety of federal, state
and local  governmental  agencies.  For the year  ended  August  31,  1998,  the
Government  Information  Technology  unit  produced  approximately  24%  of  the
Company's revenues.

        Commercial Information  Technology,  formerly Nichols InfoTec,  provides
information and technology  services to various commercial  clients,  other than
healthcare  clients.  For  the  year  ended  August  31,  1998,  the  Commercial
Information   Technology  unit  produced  approximately  10%  of  the  Company's

        Healthcare  Information  Technology,  formerly Nichols SELECT,  provides
administrative  and  information  services  to  clients  in the  healthcare  and
insurance  industries.  For the year  ended  August  31,  1998,  the  Healthcare
Information   Technology  unit  produced  approximately  11%  of  the  Company's

Acquisitions and Alliances

        Since  September 1, 1994,  the Company has  successfully  completed  ten
strategic  acquisitions  and alliances to expand its business into other markets
and gain industry knowledge. The key acquisitions and alliances completed during
this period are:

        Communications & Systems  Specialists,  Inc. (CSSi).  In September 1994,
the Company acquired CSSi, which provides  information  systems  development and
services primarily in client-server  systems  development for federal government
agencies. This acquisition enhanced the Company's ability to provide information
development services.

        Conway  Computer  Group (CCG).  In May 1995,  the Company  acquired CCG,
which  provides  information  technology  products  and services to a variety of
commercial customers.  As a result of the CCG acquisition,  the Company expanded
its   business   to   include   computerized   workers'   compensation   claims,
administration and risk management services.  CCG also provides IT services to a
variety of commercial  customers,  including software development and consulting
services.  CCG provides support services to customers with IBM business computer

        Computer Services  Corporation (CSC). In June 1995, the Company acquired
CSC, which provides  transaction  and practice  management  system  services,  a
computer-based  medical  management  system, and a complete billing and accounts
receivable  management service to physicians and other medical  providers.  This
acquisition  expands the Company's  commitment to IT services in the  healthcare
industry by providing  the Company  with a core  business  base in  computerized
transaction  processing and related IT services.  Effective  September 23, 1996,
CSC was merged into Nichols SELECT  Corporation  which was subsequently  renamed
Nichols TXEN Corporation.

        HealthGate Data Corporation  (HealthGate).  In October 1995, the Company
acquired approximately 20% of HealthGate.  HealthGate is a global Internet media
company which  develops and provides  branded,  interactive  health and wellness
information  solutions  to each of the four primary  healthcare  constituencies:
patients, providers, payors and suppliers.

     Advanced Marine Enterprises,  Inc. (AME). In May 1996, the Company acquired
AME, a leading naval  architecture and marine technical  services firm. AME also
develops  simulation  and  virtual  reality  technology  for  naval  and  marine
applications  and provides support in ship  acquisition  management,  production
support,  human systems  integration and ship survivability and protection.  AME
sells  ship  simulators  and  virtual  reality  trainers  to  the  international
commercial ship building  industry.  Approximately 80% of AME's business is with
the U.S. Navy. The acquisition  substantially expanded the Company's presence in
the Washington,  D.C. area and provided an opportunity for the Company to expand
its business relationship with the U.S. Navy.

     Intertech Management Group, Inc. (Intertech).  During fiscal year 1997, the
Company acquired approximately 36% of the capital stock of Intertech.  Intertech
provides  software  and  data  processing  services  to  the  telecommunications

        NCCIM L.L.C (NCCIM). In fiscal year 1997, NCCIM, a joint venture equally
owned by the Company and Colsa  Corporation,  was formed and awarded a five year
contract having a value with options of $193 million. Under this contract, NCCIM
provides support services for automation, telecommunications, visual information
and records  management for the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command and other
federal, state and local government agencies.

        TXEN, Inc. (TXEN).  In fiscal year 1995, the Company  purchased 19.9% of
TXEN's capital stock with an option to purchase the remaining  80.1%.  In August
1997,  the Company  exercised its option to purchase the remaining  80.1% of the
capital  stock  of TXEN.  TXEN  provides  information  technology  products  and
services to the  managed  healthcare  industry,  including  computerized  claims
processing and administration  services. As a result of the acquisition of TXEN,
the Company  enhanced its  knowledge of the  healthcare  industry and acquired a
business  base in a rapidly  expanding  segment  of the  healthcare  information
services industry. TXEN was merged into Nichols SELECT Corporation,  which after
the merger changed its name to Nichols TXEN Corporation.

        Mnemonic  Systems,  Incorporated  (MSI).  In  April  1998,  the  Company
acquired MSI, a systems  integration company providing services primarily within
the  U.S.  Department  of  Justice.   The  acquisition  supports  the  Company's
performance of  information  technology  services for government  agencies other
than the Department of Defense (DOD).

     Welkin  Associates,  Ltd.  (Welkin).  In July 1998,  the  Company  acquired
Welkin, a provider of systems engineering and acquisition management services to
the national intelligence community. The acquisition supports the Company's work
in the national  intelligence  community and increases the Company's presence in
the Washington D.C. area.

Defense and Intelligence

         The Company's Defense and Intelligence unit provides technical services
to U.S. defense and intelligence  agencies.  For the year ended August 31, 1998,
the Company's  Defense and Intelligence  unit produced  approximately 55% of the
Company's revenues.

         The Company provides systems engineering,  systems analysis, simulation
development,  and systems integration for the defense and intelligence technical
services  market.  The  Company's  capabilities  include  optics,  guidance  and
control, software engineering,  virtual reality trainers and simulations,  naval
architecture,  and C4I. These technical  services are rendered primarily for the
U.S.  Army,  U.S.  Navy,  U.S.  Air Force,  and national  agencies.  Many of the
Company's  contracts  are not project  specific,  but  require  that the Company
provide  technical  services  to a  variety  of  weapons  development  and other

         The Company has provided  technical services related to missile defense
since 1983 when the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) was formed.
In 1993,  SDIO changed its name to the Ballistic  Missile  Defense  Organization
(BMDO).  BMDO's  mission  continues to be Ballistic  Missile  Defense (BMD) with
emphasis on Theater  Missile  Defense (TMD) and National  Missile Defense (NMD).
The  Company's  contract  revenues from BMD programs  were  approximately  $63.0
million in fiscal year 1996, $76.5 million in fiscal year 1997 and $71.7 million
in fiscal year 1998.  Approximately 17% of the Company's revenues in fiscal year
1998 were from contracts  related to BMD,  compared to 20% of revenues in fiscal
year 1997, and 26% of revenues in fiscal year 1996.  Ballistic  Missile  Defense
has existed  for more than 29 years as a mission of the DOD  through  activities
such as the BMD program.  If a decision  were made to reduce  substantially  the
scope of current BMD programs or to eliminate the BMDO, management believes that
many national and theater missile defense programs,  including some research and
development  areas  that  existed  prior to the  creation  of  SDIO/BMDO,  would
continue  to be  funded  by the U.S.  Army and U.S.  Air  Force,  and  other DOD

Missile and Air Defense

         For  NMD  and TMD  programs,  the  Company's  services  include  system
architecture  definition,  system  analysis,  system and element  definition and
performance estimates, system engineering, lethality and vulnerability analysis,
test and evaluation, model and simulation development, radar and infrared sensor
and seeker definition and technology assessments,  risk assessments, and program
and system  acquisition  documentation.  Under a five year  contract  awarded in
fiscal year 1997 by the U.S.  Army Space and  Missile  Defense  Command  with an
estimated value of $250 million,  the Company is providing  systems  engineering
and technical support through studies, concept definition, independent analyses,
simulations,   technological  assessments,  and  related  tasks  in  support  of
ballistic  and theater  missile  defense  systems,  experiments  and  technology
demonstrations.  Under a five year  contract  awarded in fiscal year 1998 by the
BMDO with an estimated total value of $100 million,  the Company provides system
engineering support for sensor systems.

         Air Force Space Programs

         Under a seven year contract awarded in fiscal year 1993 by the U.S. Air
Force Space and Missile  Systems  Center with an  estimated  total value of $100
million, the Company provides  engineering,  analysis,  and design for satellite
and missile  development  programs.  The Company  anticipates that this contract
will be recompeted in late fiscal year 1999.  Under several  contracts  with the
U.S. Air Force, the Company supports new materials  research,  provides software
quality assurance for testing and evaluation, supports research for infrared and
cryogenic  technologies,  provides sensor data reduction analysis,  and develops
software for satellite tracking systems.

         Military Systems and Simulations

         The Company  specializes in the  application of information  technology
for  military  systems  and the  simulation  of those  systems.  The Company has
developed  FlexTM,  a  modeling  and  simulation  software  product.The  Company
develops   user-friendly   interface   technologies   that  assist  in  applying
information technology for military applications.

         Army Tactical Systems and Technology

         The  Company  provides  development  services  for U.S.  Army  tactical
systems and  technologies,  which support Army project  offices and research and
development centers. The Company develops  high-fidelity  simulations for weapon
systems, which are used for cost-effective  missile concept definition,  design,
and analysis.  Under a three year  contract  awarded in fiscal year 1997 with an
estimated  total  value  of  $104  million,   the  Company  provides  functional
engineering  support to the U.S.  Army  Aviation and Missile  Command's  (AMCOM)
Research  Development and Engineering  Center for missile  guidance and control.
The  functional  engineering  support  includes  simulation-based  analysis  and
technical support. The Company anticipates that this contract will be recompeted
in fiscal year 1999.

         Under a four year contract awarded in fiscal year 1996 by the U.S. Army
with an estimated  contract  value of $20 million,  the Company is producing the
Avenger  Institutional  Conduct of Fire Trainer (ICOFT) and the Avenger Tabletop
Trainer. These two real-time training devices are being delivered to air defense
units of the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps,  and to U.S. allies under the Foreign
Military Sales Program.

         Under a five year  contract  awarded  in fiscal  year 1998 by the Naval
Surface  Warfare Center,  Crane  Division,  with an estimated total value of $50
million,  the Company is providing  development,  production,  installation  and
field support services for various air defense systems.

         Army Simulation Programs

         The Company provides engineering, analysis and development services for
U.S. Army tactical and strategic  systems and advanced  weapons system concepts,
which support Army project  offices and research and  development  centers.  The
Company  develops  high-fidelity  digital,  hardware-in-the-loop,   and  virtual
reality  man-in-the-loop  simulations  for  weapon  systems,  which are used for
cost-effective  missile concept definition,  design, and analysis.  Under a four
year contract  awarded in fiscal year 1996 with an estimated  total value of $93
million,  the  Company  provides  systems  analysis,   design  and  fabrication,
simulation  and software  support,  system,  subsystem  and  component  test and
evaluation  support,  and  scientific  computing  support to the AMCOM  Research
Development and Engineering  Center for missile system  simulation and analysis.
The Company anticipates that this contract will be recompeted during fiscal year

         The Company has used the knowledge and capabilities that it gained from
creating computer simulations,  performing computer and network integrations and
developing high resolution scene generations to establish an extensive  business
base in Distributive  Interactive Simulation (DIS), Virtual Prototype Simulation
(VPS) and Virtual Engagement (VE) simulations.  DIS, which is migrating into the
High Level Architecture  (HLA), is a simulation  infrastructure  that permits an
interactive  exchange of information to facilitate multiple simulations across a
computer network.  VPS is a virtual reality computer  simulation that replicates
the sights,  sounds,  and  functionality of a given system,  simulating both the
operation of the weapon system and the  environment  surrounding the operator of
the system. VPS may be used to evaluate equipment designs, instruct users in the
operation of weapon  systems,  analyze the  effectiveness  of the system against
different threats, or test system  effectiveness  under various conditions.  VPS
also provides the basis for the development of system  trainers.  VE simulations
support  the  integration  and testing of weapons  systems by  engaging  real or
virtual targets using a virtual missile  interceptor.  The Company has developed
virtual  prototype  simulators  for several  AMCOM  systems,  including  Bradley
Linebacker,   Line-Of-Sight-Anti-Tank  (LOSAT)  missile,  Javelin,  the  Bradley
Fighting Vehicle (BFV) A2 and the Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS). BFV
and ITAS include the Tube Launched Optically Guided Weapon (TOW) missile,  Rapid
Force  Projection  Initiative  (RFPI) Hunter  Vehicle,  Unmanned  Ground Vehicle
(UGV), and Advanced Chaparral. The Company has developed a VE simulation for the
Patriot missile system which has been used in tests.

         Defense Systems Integration

         The Company  provides system  integration and development  services for
the DOD,  and supports DOD program  managed  activities  as well as research and
development centers. The Company's capability to provide systems engineering and
integration solutions and services is broad based. The Company conducts analyses
of requirements,  modernization of information  technologies,  process modeling,
design and rapid  prototyping of designs and extensive  simulation of the design
for operational application,  training,  testing and post deployment support and

         Digitization and C4I activities are a major force in the transformation
and  modernization  of the military in the next century.  Tactical and strategic
digitization of the U.S. armed forces leverage the major IT advances in both the
commercial and government sectors of the U.S. economy. A major program supported
by the Company is the Rapid Forces Projection Initiative (RFPI) Advanced Concept
Technology  Development  (ACTD),  for which the Company has acted as the systems
integration contractor since fiscal year 1994. The Company developed significant
solutions to the application of commercial-off-the-shelf components for military
needs  including  development  of a  Light  Digital  Tactical  Operation  Center
prototype and simulation center, and a distributed  command and control computer
for the 101st Airborne  Division of the U.S. Army. The Company has also assisted
in the  development  of the Institute of  Electrical  and  Electronic  Engineers
(IEEE)  standards for information  exchange by the military,  such as the Sensor
Link  Protocol for the Program  Manager for Night Vision  Devices.  Under a five
year contract  awarded in fiscal year 1997 with an estimated  total value of $50
million,  the Company  supports the Office of the Secretary of Defense and joint
military services in the conduct of test planning,  multi-service  coordination,
and execution for joint testing and evaluations.

         Advanced Tactical Systems

         The Company performs basic research and provides  engineering  services
to the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and Special Operations Command. The
Company supports the U.S. Air Force in the development of simulations and signal
processing  algorithms for advanced  guidance  concepts for conventional  weapon
systems.  The Irma  Multi-Sensor  Signature Model, the U.S. Air Force's standard
air-to-surface  target-in-background simulation, is an example of one such code.
Training  concepts  and  course  development  are  provided  to  the  U.S.  Army
Simulation,  Training,  and  Instrumentation  Command (STRICOM) and the Aviation
Center.   Other  areas  of  engineering   support  include  special   operations
technology, mine detection algorithms, avionics counter measures and formational
positioning systems, and special operations maritime electronics.

         Naval Architecture

         The Company provides naval  architecture,  marine engneering  services,
services in ship  acquisition  management,  production  support,  human  systems
integration, and ship survivability and protection. The Company is also a leader
in the application of modeling and simulation  technologies for naval solutions,
simulations development, training simulators, and virtual reality programs.

         Under a five year  contract  awarded  in  fiscal  year 1995 by the U.S.
Naval Sea Systems  Command,  with an estimated total value of $169 million,  the
Company provides ship design services and technical support.

         Under two five year contracts awarded in fiscal year 1998 for the Naval
Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, with an estimated total value of $23
million, the Company is performing marine scale model design, construction,  and
testing services, and ship systems integration engineering.

         Systems Engineering

         The Company  provides  studies,  analysis,  acquisition  management and
systems  engineering   services  to  elements  of  the  intelligence   community
sponsoring  advanced  technology  systems  essential to national  security.  The
Company  delivers  consulting  services or direct  support  labor to augment the
capability  of  selected  U.S.  Government  agencies to  develop,  acquire,  and
integrate  effectively  complex systems or system  components to achieve maximum
effectiveness in system operation.

         Space Systems Applications

         The Company  provides  integration  and development  support  involving
satellite and other space applications. The Company performs contracts involving
the establishment of the architecture of future space  surveillance and avionics
systems for the defense  and  intelligence  community,  and the  development  of
related prototype information  processing systems.  These contracts are based on
the Company's experience in optical sensor and geolocation  technologies and its
ability  to  develop   sophisticated   computer   simulations  to  evaluate  the
performance of candidate architectures.

         Intelligence Program Applications

         The Company provides systems and software  engineering services related
to the design,  development,  and support of real-time  and embedded IT systems,
turnkey  information  systems,   distributed   client-server  software  systems,
object-oriented  software  solutions,  and software  applications to the various
U.S. Government  intelligence  agencies.  The Company also provides  engineering
services  in  the  areas  of  network  security,   enterprise   solutions,   and
professional staff augmentation.  The Company's information  technology services
cover a broad  spectrum of  multi-vendor  platforms and operating  environments,
including  client-server,  scientific  computing and digital signal  processing.
Business  practices  employed by the Company are  consistent  with the  Software
Engineering  Institute  Software  and Systems  Engineering  Capability  Maturity

         Special Programs and Polarimetry Programs

         The Company  provides  technical  services  related to  scientific  and
technical  intelligence  analysis,  including  hardware  systems  evaluation and
integration,  hardware-in-the-loop  testing and evaluation,  analysis of foreign
weapons systems,  foreign material  exploitation,  and system signature analysis
and  prediction.  Results  of this work aid U.S.  weapon  system  developers  in
producing more effective  products that give U.S. military forces greater combat

         The Company's  17-year record of such analysis and engineering  support
has positioned the Company to develop polarization technology as an augmentation
to conventional optical sensor performance. The Company is continuing to develop
the fundamental  technology,  both  independently and through integrated product
teams with government  laboratories,  while pursuing specific  opportunities for
application of the technology under contracts from several government agencies.

Government Information Technology

        The   Company's   Government   Information   Technology   unit  provides
information  services  and  systems  integration  to  federal,  state  and local
governmental  agencies.  For the year  ended  August  31,  1998,  the  Company's
Government  Information  Technology  unit  produced  approximately  24%  of  the
Company's revenues.

        The  services  offered by the  Company  include  information  technology
services, computer systems integration, staff augmentation, consulting services,
computer facility management and operations,  Internet services,  and customized
software system  development for customers in the federal and state  information
technology services market.

Computer Systems Integration

        By building on its existing  technical  expertise and capabilities,  the
Company has been awarded  contracts in computer systems  integration,  including
large-scale projects. The Company's services include high performance computing,
enterprise networking,  and office automation,  including high-end supercomputer
architectures  and  applications;   Internet  services;  high-speed,  networking
technologies;  advanced visualization systems; and on-line,  high-integrity data
storage  and  archival  systems.  The Company is a systems  integrator  for many
manufacturers and suppliers of supercomputers, workstations, personal computers,
and  networking  equipment.  The  Company  also  offers a wide range of training
services  utilizing  innovative  techniques  and tools,  such as  computer-based
training  aids to promote  high  productivity  and  efficient  use of  installed
systems.  These training services include personal computer applications as well
as advanced supercomputing applications.

        Under two three year  contracts  (excluding  options)  awarded in fiscal
year 1996 by the U.S. Army Information Systems Selection and Acquisition Agency,
the Company acts as the lead  systems  integrator  for the DOD High  Performance
Computing  Modernization  Program.  Under these contracts,  the Company supplies
computer hardware and software, provides maintenance and systems integration and
provides  Internet  services to DOD shared resource centers in Dayton,  Ohio and
Vicksburg,  Mississippi.  The U.S.  Government  has awarded a total of only four
such contracts under a program to modernize its shared computer resources. These
shared  resource  centers offer  government  scientists and engineers  access to
state-of-the-art high performance computing and communications capabilities. The
programs  provide for  periodic  upgrades in systems to insure  state-of-the-art
technology is installed in these centers.  These awards  established the Company
as a leader in systems  integration of high performance  computers.  The Company
anticipates that these contracts will be recompeted in fiscal year 1999.

        Other  contracts  include an eight year contract  awarded in fiscal year
1994 with the State of Alabama,  with an estimated total value of $53 million to
provide complete systems integration and facilities  management services for the
statewide Alabama Research and Education  Network and the Alabama  Supercomputer
Center. The Company is providing Internet access to state government,  industry,
college and  secondary  school  clients  within the State of Alabama.  Under two
eight year  contracts  awarded in fiscal year 1992 by the  Defense  Intelligence
Agency's Missile and Space Intelligence  Center with an estimated total value of
$34  million,  the Company  provides  acquisition,  installation,  Intranet  and
Internet services,  and technical and management services for a high performance
scientific computer center.

         In August 1998 the  Company  was  awarded  two eight year  subcontracts
under the General  Services  Administration's  Seat  Management  Program with an
estimated  total value of $100  million.  The Company has  responsibility  under
these  subcontracts for high performance  computing services and for delivery of
high-end scientific and engineering workstations.

Information Systems Support

        The  Company  provides  operating  and  support  services  for  existing
information  systems and assists in the development of  enhancements  that allow
these  existing  systems to meet  evolving  technical  challenges.  The  Company
provides  a wide  range of  services  such as  workflow  management  to  enhance
operations data,  training to improve the client's  abilities to use existing IT
capabilities,  support  of video  teleconferences,  document  imaging  to reduce
paperwork,  support of desktop  computers,  network design and development,  and
software support for new and legacy computer systems.

        The Company supports federal and state government  clients in the use of
their  information  systems to ensure maximum potential and to keep such systems
up-to-date  with  evolving  hardware  and  software  technology.  The Company is
performing its final option year under a $35 million  contract awarded in fiscal
year 1995 by the Centers for Disease  Control and  Prevention and the Agency for
Toxic  Substances and Disease  Registry to upgrade,  maintain,  and manage their
microcomputer  local and wide area  networks for a primary  facility in Atlanta,
Georgia,  as well as offices in all 50 states and a number of  locations  around
the world.

        In fiscal year 1998,  the  Company was awarded a seven year  subcontract
for $16  million to support the Space and Missile  Defense  Center.  The Company
will provide  computer support and network  administrative  services and operate
and maintain software applications.

        Other  customers  for which the Company  provides  information  services
include the State of Alabama  Department  of Human  Resources  and the Office of
National Drug Control Policy.

Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

        The Company is a provider of proprietary and state-of-the-art innovative
technology and services to the  investigative  and law  enforcement  communities
both  domestically  and  internationally.  The Company's focus is to improve the
effectiveness  of the criminal  justice system.  The Company  provides  software
development,  maintenance  and  technical  support  to  the  Federal  Bureau  of
Investigation.  The Company supports the Drug Enforcement  Agency (DEA) by using
digital imaging techniques to populate databases used in DEA investigations. The
Company  licenses a proprietary  software product known as DRUGFIRETM which is a
forensic  firearms  examination  and analysis  system  installed  throughout the
United States and in six other countries. The Company also plans to introduce in
fiscal  year  1999,  another  software  product,  ScenePro,  which  will  be  an
automated, multi-media crime scene toolkit.

Commercial Information Technology

        The Company provides  information  technology and services to commercial
customers,  state  and local  government  agencies  and  judicial  systems.  The
services  offered by the Company  include systems  integration and  engineering,
application  software  development and deployment,  data warehousing and mining,
information   security,   staff   augmentation,   and  SAP  R/3  consulting  and
implementation.  For the year ended August 31, 1998,  the  Company's  Commercial
Information  Technology  unit  generated  approximately  10%  of  the  Company's

        SAP (TM) Licensing and Implementation

        Nichols ENTEC Systems, L.L.C. (ENTEC) is a joint venture presently owned
60% by the  Company  and 40% by DSM  Copolymer,  Inc.,  formed  to  license  and
implement SAP (TM) software.  This software is used to manage accounting,  human
resources,   production  planning,  materials  management,  and  the  sales  and
distribution  functions.  According to SAP publications,  this software has been
purchased  by  more  than  9,000  customers  worldwide.   ENTEC  is  a  National
Implementation  Partner with SAP America,  specializing in the implementation of
SAP R/3 enterprise-wide business software. In addition, ENTEC is both a SAP (TM)
Certified  Business  Solutions  Partner  and ASAP  Partner.  ENTEC sells SAP R/3
software  to  companies  with annual  revenues of less than $200  million in the
states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. ENTEC provides a single
point of contact for the customer interested in purchasing  software,  hardware,
and  services  to  implement  a complete  system.  ENTEC was  awarded a two year
contract in fiscal year 1998 by DynMcDermott  Petroleum Operations Company, with
an  estimated  total  value of $10  million,  to deliver and  implement  SAP R/3
software for the  Department  of Energy's  Strategic  Petroleum  Reserve.  ENTEC
clients  include  DSM  Copolymer,   Aluma-Form/Dixie   Electrical  Manufacturing
Company, Tractor Supply Company, and Philips.

        Consulting and Professional Services

        The Company  provides IT consulting  and  professional  services such as
networking and system  integration  client server,  custom business  application
software development, contract programming, staff augmentation and training. The
Company  provides  these IT  consulting  services  for clients with all types of
systems and networks. Programming and design capabilities range from traditional
software  languages to modern  graphical user interface  development  tools. The
Company's  experience  covers  a  broad  spectrum  of  platforms  and  operating
environments.  The Company's  clients include the State of Alabama,  MobileComm,
The Vanguard Group,  Philips,  the Virginia Courts System, and the University of
Mississippi Medical Center.

Healthcare Information Technology

        The  Company  provides   information   technology-based   administrative
services for the  healthcare  industry.  For the year ended August 31, 1998, the
Company's Healthcare  Information  Technology unit produced approximately 11% of
the Company's revenues.

        Nichols TXEN Corporation

        The  Company  formed  CSC  Acquisition,   Inc.   ("Acquisition")   as  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary on June 6, 1995. On June 30, 1995, the Company acquired
all of the assets and  certain  liabilities  of  Computer  Services  Corporation
(CSC).  Since its incorporation in 1967, CSC performed  administrative  services
and information  technology  services for, and sold turnkey computer systems to,
physician  practices.  The Company formed Nichols  SELECT  Corporation  (Nichols
SELECT) as a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  on September  17, 1996. On September 23,
1996,  Acquisition  was merged into Nichols  SELECT.  On December 16, 1994,  the
Company  acquired 19.9% of the capital stock of TXEN, Inc. (TXEN) with an option
to acquire the remaining 80.1% of TXEN.  Since its  incorporation  in 1989, TXEN
provided  technology  information  outsourcing  and  administrative  outsourcing
services for the managed health care  industry.  On August 29, 1997, the Company
acquired  the  remaining  80.1% of TXEN  through a merger  of TXEN into  Nichols
SELECT,  which after the merger  continued  to be  wholly-owned  by the Company.
After the TXEN  acquisition,  Nichols  SELECT  changed its name to Nichols  TXEN

        The  Company,   through  its  wholly-owned   subsidiary,   Nichols  TXEN
Corporation,  is a leading  provider of  outsourcing  solutions for  information
technology  and  administrative  services  in the  managed  care  and  physician
practice  management  segments  of  the  health  care  industry.  The  Company's
outsourcing services improve quality and reduce costs by minimizing the time and
personnel  needed to process health care  transactions  by offering  customers a
broad range of medical  billing  and claims  processing  solutions.  The Company
provides services under contracts and generates  revenues primarily based on the
number of  transactions  processed or the number of enrolled health plan members
per  month.  As a result  of the  Company's  fee  structure  and  high  customer
retention, approximately 72% and 77% of Nichols TXEN's revenues for fiscal years
1997 and 1998, respectively, were recurring.

        The Company,  through Nichols TXEN, offers a broad range of products and
services  which  allow  customers  the  flexibility  to  perform  administrative
functions  with  their  own  staff  utilizing  the  Company's  technology  or to
outsource to the Company certain  administrative and processing functions.  Each
customer contracts with the Company for the level of outsourcing service needed.
The Company's outsourcing solutions provide customers with significant benefits,
including: (i) a variable rate operating cost structure for outsourced services;
(ii)  speed  of   implementation;   (iii)  reduced  capital   expenditures   for
administrative  health  care  technologies;  (iv)  access to  knowledgeable  and
experienced  personnel;  (v)  sophisticated  application  software  and decision
support tools; and (vi) streamlined  administrative  functions. As a result, the
Company's  services enable customers to concentrate on providing  quality health
care by  focusing on core  competencies.  The  Company  maintains a  centralized
network data center to process  transactions and provide technology services for
its  customers.  The Company  believes that its ability to offer both  technical
solutions   and   administrative   services   through  a  network   data  center
differentiates  the Company from  competitors  that offer only turnkey  software
solutions or only administrative services.

        The Company,  through  Nichols TXEN,  has organized its  healthcare  and
administrative  services into two business divisions.  The Managed Care Services
division  provides the Company's  technology and services to health  maintenance
organizations  (HMOs),   physician-hospital  organizations  (PHOs),  independent
practice  associations  (IPAs),  integrated  delivery  systems (IDSs),  provider
sponsored  organizations (PSOs),  Medicare and Medicaid HMOs, insurance carriers
and managed third-party  administrators  (Managed TPAs). The Practice Management
Services   division   provides  the   Company's   technology   and  services  to
hospital-based and other physician groups,  hospital  emergency  departments and
physician  networks.  As of October 1, 1998,  the  Company  had 90 managed  care
services  customers  representing over 3.0 million lives nationwide and over 235
practice   management  services  customers   representing   approximately  3,000
physicians primarily in the Southeast.

        Workers' Compensation Services

        The Company develops and supports two major packaged  software  products
which are used for property and  casualty  and workers'  compensation  insurance
systems.   One  of  the   products   provides   rating,   underwriting,   policy
administration,  and  premium  accounting  for  insurance  companies.  The other
product  provides full claims  administration  and risk  management,  as well as
electronic  data  transfer  and  managed  care  options,  which  may be  used in
conjunction  with the other products in an insurance  company  environment.  The
Company also provides information  technology  consulting  services,  customized
software  development,  and  packaged  solutions  for the  property and casualty
insurance  industry.  Customers using the software  include the State of Alaska,
The Kroger Company,  Employers'  Security  Insurance Co., and American Federated
General  Agency.  The  Company  recently  expanded  its  services  by offering a
continuum of  technology-based  services built around a network data center. For
the fiscal year ended  August 31,  1998,  revenues  from the  Company's  workers
compensation  services were less than 1% of total revenues.  Beginning in fiscal
year 1999,  the  Company's  workers'  compensation  services  became part of the
Company's Commercial IT unit.


        The  Company  owns  approximately  20% of  HealthGate  Data  Corporation
(HealthGate).  HealthGate is a global  Internet media company which develops and
provides branded,  interactive health and wellness information solutions to each
of the four primary healthcare constituencies:  patients,  providers, payors and


        The Company competes against technical services companies in the defense
and aerospace  industries,  including TRW, Inc., GRC  International,  Inc., BTG,
Inc., and CACI  International,  Inc. The information  services industry in which
the Company operates is highly  fragmented with no single company or small group
of companies in a dominant position.  The Company's  competitors  include large,
diversified  firms with  substantially  greater  financial  resources and larger
technical staffs than the Company. Some of the larger competitors offer services
in a number of markets which overlap many of the same areas in which the Company
offers  services,  while  certain  companies are focused on only one or a few of
these markets.  The firms which compete with the Company are  consulting  firms,
computer services firms,  applications  software companies and accounting firms,
as well as the computer  service arms of computer  manufacturing  companies  and
defense and aerospace  firms. The primary factors of competition in the business
in which the Company is engaged  include  technical,  management  and  marketing
competence, price, and past performance. The federal government market is highly
competitive with no single dominant company.  Procurement reforms have increased
the  importance of a contractor's  past  performance in deciding new bid awards.
Past  performance can represent over half the criteria  weighting on new awards.
The Company  emphasizes  client  satisfaction,  as  evidenced  by the  Company's
ability to maintain clients for many years and winning all of its major contract
recompetes  during  the last  five  years.  The  Company  believes  that its low
overhead and cost structure give it an advantage in bidding on contracts.


        For the Defense and  Intelligence and Government IT units, the Company's
marketing  activities  are  generally  directed by the  strategic  business unit
presidents.  The strategic  business unit  presidents  coordinate  the marketing
activities of program  development  managers assigned to the executing  business
units.  The  program  development  staff,  as well as  other  Company  managers,
engineers and scientists,  attend new business briefings sponsored by government
agencies,  review publications and learn of new business  opportunities  through
customer contacts.  Potential new procurements are analyzed and evaluated within
the unit of the Company that would be principally responsible for performance of
the  contract.  The  decision  to  submit  a bid  or  proposal  is  made  by the
responsible unit president for bids under $10 million.  The decision to submit a
bid or proposal for bids greater than $10 million is made by the Chief Marketing
Officer through a formal bid review process.

        For the Commercial IT and Healthcare IT units,  the Company's  marketing
services are directed by such units' vice  presidents of commercial  sales.  The
marketing and sales staff receive a salary plus incentive  compensation based on
sales.  After  identifying  prospective  sales  opportunities,   the  sales  and
marketing staff  coordinates with the technical staff responsible for performing
the services to develop each customer proposal which, if accepted,  results in a
contract award.

        The corporate marketing staff focuses on selected large procurements and
activities associated with major new clients.  Resources from across the Company
are  available  to the  corporate  marketing  staff to address  major  marketing
issues. The corporate proposal staff and the corporate marketing staff report to
the Chief Marketing Officer.

Government Contracts

        A  substantial  portion  of the  Company's  revenues  are  derived  from
contracts and subcontracts with the DOD and other federal government agencies. A
majority of the  Company's  contracts are  competitively  bid and awarded on the
basis of technical merit, personnel qualifications,  experience,  and price. The
Company  also  receives  some  contract  awards  involving   special   technical
capabilities on a negotiated,  noncompetitive  basis due to the Company's unique
technical  capabilities  in special  areas.  Future  revenues  and income of the
Company  could be  materially  affected by changes in  procurement  policies,  a
reduction in expenditures  for the services  provided by the Company,  and other
risks generally associated with federal government contracts.

        The Company  performs its services  under federal  government  contracts
that usually require  performance over a period of one to five years.  Long-term
contracts  may be  conditioned  upon  continued  availability  of  Congressional
appropriations.   Variances   between   anticipated   budget  and  Congressional
appropriations may result in delay,  reduction or termination of such contracts.
Contractors  often experience  revenue  uncertainties  with respect to available
contract  funding  during the first  quarter  of the  government's  fiscal  year
beginning   October  1,  until   differences   between   budget   requests   and
appropriations are resolved.

        The  Company's   federal   government   contracts  are  performed  under
cost-reimbursement  contracts,   time-and-materials  contracts  and  fixed-price
contracts.  Cost-reimbursement  contracts provide for reimbursement of costs (to
the extent allowable under Federal Acquisition Regulations) and for payment of a
fee.  The fee may be  either  fixed  by the  contract  (cost-plus-fixed  fee) or
variable,  based upon cost,  quality,  delivery,  and the customer's  subjective
evaluation  of  the  work   (cost-plus-award   fee).  Under   time-and-materials
contracts,  the Company  receives a fixed amount by labor  category for services
performed and is reimbursed (without fee) for the cost of materials purchased to
perform the  contract.  Under a  fixed-price  contract,  the  Company  agrees to
perform certain work for a fixed price and, accordingly, realizes the benefit or
detriment to the extent that the actual cost of performing the work differs from
the contract  price.  Contract  revenues for the year ended August 31, 1998 were
approximately  43% from  cost-reimbursement  contracts,  approximately  33% from
time-and-materials contracts and 24% from fixed-price contracts.

        The Company's  allowable federal government  contract costs and fees are
subject to audit by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA).  Audits may result
in  non-reimbursement  of some contract costs and fees. To date, the Company has
experienced no material  adjustments as a result of audits by the DCAA. The DCAA
has not completed its audit of the Company's  federal  contracts for fiscal year

        The Company's federal government  contracts may be terminated,  in whole
or in  part,  at  the  convenience  of  the  government.  If a  termination  for
convenience  occurs,  the  government  generally  is  obligated  to pay the cost
incurred by the Company  under the  contract  plus a pro rata fee based upon the
work completed. When the Company participates as a subcontractor, the Company is
at risk if the prime contractor does not perform its contract.  Similarly,  when
the Company as a prime contractor employs subcontractors, the Company is at risk
if a subcontractor does not perform its subcontract.

        Some of the Company's federal government contracts contain options which
are  exercisable  at the  discretion of the  customer.  An option may extend the
period of  performance  for one or more years for  additional  consideration  on
terms and conditions  similar to those  contained in the original  contract.  An
option  may also  increase  the  level of  effort  and  assign  new tasks to the
Company. In the Company's experience, options are usually exercised.

        The  Company's  eligibility  to  perform  under its  federal  government
contracts  requires  the Company to maintain  adequate  security  measures.  The
Company  has   implemented   security   procedures   necessary  to  satisfy  the
requirements of its federal government contracts.


        The  Company  had a backlog of  approximately  $1.3  billion,  including
options of $954.1 million, at August 31, 1998. The Company had a backlog of $1.2
billion,  including options of $928.0 million, at August 31, 1997, and a backlog
of $1.0  billion,  including  options of $501.8  million,  at August  31,  1996.
Backlog  represents the amount of revenues  expected to be realized from awarded
contracts.  Therefore,  the amount in backlog  is  typically  less than the face
amount of the contract.  The amount  includes  estimates  based on the Company's
experience  with similar  awards and  customers,  and estimates of revenues that
would be recognized from the performance of options,  under existing  contracts,
that may be exercised by the customer. These estimates are reviewed periodically
and are adjusted based on the latest available information.  Historically, these
adjustments  have  not  been  significant.  Because  contracts  in  backlog  are
typically  multi-year  contracts,  an increase in backlog may not translate into
proportional  revenue  growth in any future  period.  Management  believes  that
approximately 20% to 25% of the Company's backlog at August 31, 1998 will result
in revenues for the year ending August 31, 1999.

        The  backlog  of  contract  awards is  influenced  by the  number of new
contracts  awarded and by the number of contracts  awarded where the Company has
an existing  contract that is  recompeted.  The Company  performs  under several
large multi-year contracts which, upon expiration, are recompeted. Historically,
the Company has been  successful in winning  recompeted  contracts  where it has
been the incumbent  contractor.  However, the Company cannot give assurance that
it will experience continued success with respect to future awards of recompeted

        The backlog  amounts as presented  are  comprised of funded and unfunded
components.  Funded  backlog  represents  the sum of contract  amounts for which
funds have been  specifically  obligated  by customers  to  contracts.  Unfunded
backlog represents future contract or option amounts that customers may obligate
over  the  specified  contract  performance  periods.  The  Company's  customers
allocate funds for expenditures on long-term  contracts on a periodic basis. The
Company is committed to provide services under its contracts to the extent funds
are provided.  The funded component of the Company's  backlog at August 31, 1998
was approximately $214.6 million. The funded components of the Company's backlog
at  August  31,  1997  and  1996,   were  $162.2   million  and  $99.5  million,
respectively.  The ability of the Company to realize  revenues from contracts in
backlog is dependent upon adequate funding for such contracts.  Although funding
of its  contracts  is not  within the  Company's  control,  historical  contract
fundings  have  been  approximately  equal  to  the  aggregate  amounts  of  the

Intellectual Property Rights

        The Company's success has resulted,  in part, from its methodologies and
other  proprietary  intellectual  property  rights.  The  Company  relies upon a
combination of trade secret,  nondisclosure and other  contractual  arrangements
and technical measures to protect its proprietary  rights. The Company generally
enters into confidentiality and nonsolicitation  agreements with its clients and
potential  clients  and limits  access to and  distribution  of its  proprietary
information.  There can be no  assurance  that the steps taken by the Company in
this  regard  will be  adequate  to deter  misappropriation  of its  proprietary
information or that the Company will be able to detect unauthorized use and take
appropriate steps to enforce its intellectual property rights.

        The  Company's  business  does not depend on  patents,  copyrights,  and
trademarks.  Management  believes  that the  Company's  success  depends  on the
innovative  skills and technical  competence of its personnel rather than on the
ownership of patents,  copyrights  or  trademarks.  Technology  developed by the
Company under its federal contracts is owned by the U.S. Government.


        At  August  31,  1998 the  Company  had  approximately  3,000  full-time
employees. None of the Company's employees is covered by a collective bargaining
agreement. The Company considers its relationship with its employees to be good.

ITEM 2.           PROPERTIES

         The  Company  currently  leases  approximately  253,000  square feet of
office space in Huntsville,  Alabama,  and approximately  512,000 square feet of
office space in approximately  30 other locations  throughout the United States.
The Company's  leases expire at varying periods from 1998 to 2005, and currently
call for minimum annual lease payments of approximately $9.3 million. Certain of
the lessors  under such leases are  affiliated  with the Company.  See Note 8 to
Notes to the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements.


         Pursuant  to a purchase  agreement  dated April 15,  1998,  the Company
purchased all of the capital stock of Mnemonic  Systems,  Inc. (MSI), from Artis
B. Isaac  (Isaac).  The purchase  agreement  contains an indemnity from Isaac in
favor of the Company  against  damages  arising out of that  certain  litigation
pending in the United District Court for the District of Columbia captioned Otto
B. Isaac and Kathryn Isaac,  Plaintiffs,  v. Mnemonic  Systems Inc. and Artis B.
Isaac,  Defendants instituted on August 8, 1996, wherein the plaintiffs alleged,
among  other  matters,  breach of  contract,  promissory  estoppel,  fraud,  and
negligent  misrepresentation  in connection with the employment of Otto B. Isaac
by MSI and the subsequent termination of such employment  relationship.  MSI and
Isaac have denied the allegations and have counterclaimed for breach of contract
and fraud. In addition to the contractual indemnity, an escrow account funded by
the  seller in the amount of  approximately  $800,000  exists to secure  Isaac's
indemnity obligation to the Company, which the Company believes will be adequate
to cover the potential liability associated with this litigation.

        On July 1, 1998,  Forensic Technology WAI, Inc.  (Forensic),  filed suit
against  MSI in  United  States  District  Court  for the  Eastern  District  of
Virginia,  Alexandria  Division,  seeking injunctive relief, as well as monetary
damages.  Forensic has alleged that the DRUGFIRE  system offered by MSI and used
for the examination of fired cartridges  infringes a United States patent issued
to  Forensic  on  August 5,  1997.  MSI  believes  that the  DRUGFIRE  system is
non-infringing, and that there are various grounds for invalidating the Forensic
patent. The Company has made a claim for indemnity against Isaac pursuant to the
contractual indemnity provisions of the purchase agreement.




         Information  relating  to the  executive  officers of the Company as of
August 31, 1998,  is set forth below.  Officers  serve at the  discretion of the
Board of Directors.

Name                        Age                       Position                                              Since

Chris H. Horgen              52            Chairman                                                         1976
Michael J. Mruz              53            Chief Executive Officer, President, Chief Operating              1994
                                           Officer and Director
Roy J. Nichols               60            Senior Vice President and Vice Chairman                          1976
Patsy L. Hattox              49            Corporate Vice President, Chief Administrative                   1980
                                           Officer, Secretary and Director
J. Michael Coward            55            Corporate Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer             1990
Allen E. Dillard             38            Corporate Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
                                           and Treasurer                                                    1992
Michael W. Solley            40            Executive Vice President                                         1992
John Rose                    52            President, Army Business Operations                              1998
James C. Moule               62            President, Navy and Air Force Business Operations                1988
Carl W. Monk, Jr.            51            President, National Programs Business Operations                 1998
Thomas L. Patterson          56            Chairman, Healthcare IT and Director                             1996
Paul D. Reaves               41            Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare IT                           1998
H. Grey Wood                 42            President, Healthcare IT                                         1998
Maurice Romine               57            President, Commercial IT                                         1996

     Messrs. Horgen,  Nichols,  Coward, Dillard, Solley and Moule and Ms. Hattox
have been  principally  employed by the Company for over five years.  Mr. Horgen
serves as a director of SouthTrust Bank of Alabama, N.A. Mr. Nichols serves as a
director of Adtran, Inc.

         Michael J. Mruz became  President  of the Company in August  1994,  its
Chief  Operating  Officer  and a  Director  in  September  1994,  and its  Chief
Executive  Officer in  September  1997.  From 1989 to 1994,  Mr.  Mruz served as
Executive Vice President,  Chief  Financial and  Administrative  Officer,  and a
member of the Board of Directors of BDM  International,  Inc.  (BDM),  a defense
contractor.  While  at BDM,  Mr.  Mruz  held the  positions  of  Corporate  Vice
President from 1988 to 1989, Vice President/General  Manager of BDM's Huntsville
Technology Center from 1983 to 1988, Vice President, Systems Design and Analysis
from 1979 to 1983, and various  management and technical  positions from 1974 to
1979.  Mr. Mruz served in the U.S.  Air Force from 1968 through 1974 in research
and development assignments involving communications systems.

         John P. Rose  became  the  President  of the  Company's  Army  Business
Operations on May 1, 1998.  General Rose retired as a Brigadier General from the
U.S. Army in April,  1998. He served as the Director of Requirements on the Army
Staff from July 1995 to April 1998.  From July 1992 to July 1995,  General  Rose
served as Director of North Atlantic Treaty  Organization  (NATO) Force Programs
at the Supreme  Headquarters  Allied Powers  Europe  (SHAPE),  Belgium.  In that
capacity he orchestrated military requirements for NATO nations in the post Cold
War environment.

         Carl W. Monk, Jr. was named  president of the Company's National 
Programs Business  Operations in September 1998. Mr. Monk joined the Company 
in July 1998 with the acquisition of Welkin.  Mr. Monk was the founder and 
CEO of Welkin from its inception in 1988 through its merger with the Company 
in 1998.

         Thomas  L.  Patterson  is  Chairman  of  Nichols  TXEN  Corporation,  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company.  He has been active in the  healthcare,
managed care, and insurance markets since 1980. Mr. Patterson was co-founder and
President of TXEN,  Inc.,  an  information  technology  company for managed care
organizations,  from 1989 to 1997. From 1980 to 1989, he was President of SEAKO,
Inc., an information technology company for practice management and managed care

     Paul D. Reaves has been Chief Executive Officer of Nichols TXEN Corporation
since May 1998.  Mr.  Reaves was a co-founder  of TXEN,  Inc.,  and he served as
Executive Vice President of TXEN,  Inc.,  from 1989 to 1997.  From 1981 to 1989,
Mr. Reaves was employed by SEAKO, Inc. in programming,  implementation, customer
support and sales and  marketing.  Mr. Reaves served as Vice President of SEAKO,
Inc. from 1985 to 1989.

         H. Grey Wood has been  President  of  Nichols  TXEN  Corporation  since
January 1998 and was Vice President and General  Manager of TXEN, Inc. from 1995
to 1998.  From 1993 to 1995, he was Director and General Manger of the Physician
Practice Management Group of CSC Healthcare  Systems,  Inc., a vendor of turnkey
practice management and managed care software.

         Maurice G. Romine became  President of Nichols InfoTec  Corporation,  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the  Company,  in  May  1997.  He  served  as  Vice
President/General  Manager of Nichols  InfoTec  Corporation  from  November 1996
until May 1997,  and Vice  President  of the  Company's  Commercial  Information
Technology  Systems from  February 1996 to November  1996.  Prior to joining the
Company,  Mr.  Romine was employed by  Intergraph  Corporation,  an  interactive
computer graphics systems company, where he served as Executive  Vice-President,
Corporate  Marketing,  from  November  1989 to October  1992,  and held  various
management and technical positions from October 1976 to November 1989.

                                     PART II


Dividend Policy

         The Company has never  declared  or paid cash  dividends  on its Common
Stock.  The  Company  presently  intends to retain its  earnings  for use in its
business,  and therefore does not anticipate  paying any cash dividends.  Future
cash dividends, if any, will be determined by the Board of Directors in light of
Company's earnings,  financial condition,  capital requirements,  and such other
factors as the Board may deem  relevant.  The Company's  existing loan agreement
presently restricts the payment of cash dividends if the Company is in default.

Market and Stockholder Information

         The  Company's  Common  Stock is traded on the Nasdaq  National  Market
under  the  symbol  NRES.  The  following  table  sets  forth,  for the  periods
indicated, the high and low closing sale prices of the Company's Common Stock as
reported on the Nasdaq National Market.

                           1998                                 1997
                    High               Low              High            Low

First Quarter      28 1/8            20 3/4            25 2/3          18 2/3
Second Quarter     26 5/8            20 3/8            29 3/4          21 1/2
Third Quarter      28 3/8            22                26 1/8          14 5/8
Fourth Quarter     28 3/4            20 1/8            25 3/4          17 3/4

         On November  3, 1998,  the per share  closing  sale price of the Common
Stock on the Nasdaq National Market was $19.875. On November 3, 1998, there were
approximately 1,607 holders of record of the Common Stock.

Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities

         On July 28, 1998,  the Company issued 415,671 shares of Common Stock to
shareholders  of  Welkin  in  connection  with  the  merger  of  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  of the Company  with and into  Welkin.  The offering was exempt from
registration  under Section 4(2) of the  Securities Act of 1933 as a transaction
not involving any public offering.


                                                    FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL SUMMARY

                       Pro forma                     Pro forma
                          1998         1998            1997              1997            1996             1995            1994
                          ----         ----            ----              ----            ----             ----            ----

Revenues           $ 427,043,000   $427,043,000   $ 398,142,000    $  398,142,000     $256,605,000   $ 180,698,000     $149,874,000

Net income         $16,958,000***  $ 14,423,000    13,199,000**    $    1,199,000     $ 10,063,000   $   7,651,000     $  6,858,000

Earnings per
  common share *   $        1.25   $       1.06   $        1.09    $         0.10     $       1.00   $        0.80     $       0.72

Earnings per
  common share
  dilution*        $        1.20   $       1.02   $        1.04    $         0.09     $       0.94   $        0.77     $       0.70

equity             $ 166,472,000   $166,472,000   $ 146,968,000    $  146,968,000     $115,052,000   $  69,358,000     $ 58,365,000

Long-term debt     $   2,948,000   $  2,948,000   $   4,025,000    $    4,025,000     $  4,784,000   $   5,366,000     $  4,328,000

Goodwill and
  other intangibles,
  net              $  54,214,000   $ 54,214,000   $  48,130,000    $   48,130,000      $21,004,000   $   8,803,000      $         -

Total assets       $ 224,061,000   $224,061,000   $ 210,132,000    $  210,132,000     $165,321,000   $ 103,283,000      $82,318,000

*        As adjusted for a three-for-two stock split effective October 21, 1996.

**       Excludes a $12.0 million write off of purchased in-process research and

***      Excludes $4.1 million of pretax special charges.

NOTE:  All prior  periods  have been  restated  to reflect  the fiscal year 1998
merger with Welkin, which was accounted for as a pooling of interests.


Except for  historical  information  contained  herein,  this document  contains
forward-looking  statements as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934.  Such  forward-looking  statements are subject to various risks and
uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ  materially  from those
projected in the forward-looking  statements.  These risks and uncertainties are
discussed  in  more  detail  below.  These  forward-looking  statements  can  be
generally  identified as such because the content of the statements will usually
contain  such words as the  Company  or  management  "believes,"  "anticipates,"
"expects,"  "plans,"  or words of similar  import.  Similarly,  statements  that
describe the  Company's  future plans,  objectives,  goals,  or  strategies  are
forward-looking statements.

Overview and Business Environment

         The  Company  is  a  leading  provider  of  technical  and  information
technology (IT) services, including information processing,  systems development
and systems integration.  The Company provides these services to a wide range of
clients,  including the  Department of Defense  (DOD),  other federal  agencies,
state  and  local  governments,  healthcare  and  insurance  organizations,  and
commercial  enterprises.  The Company was founded in 1976 to develop specialized
optical  sensing   capabilities  for  military  weapons  and  ballistic  defense
programs.  Until fiscal year 1991,  virtually all of the Company's revenues were
derived under contracts with the federal government  relating to high technology
weapons  systems,   strategic   missile  defense  and  other  related  aerospace
technologies.  Areas of particular  strength have included tactical  technology,
smart sensing systems,  simulations,  data processing,  systems  engineering and
systems  integration  (including  software  development,   networking,  hardware
acquisition   and   installation,   user  training  and  system   operation  and
maintenance).  Beginning in fiscal year 1991, in response to  increasing  budget
pressure on military  procurements,  the Company  strategically began to develop
applications  for  its  technical  capabilities  outside  its  traditional  core
military  business.  Although the Company's core military business has continued
to grow, the Company has  successfully  entered the markets for other government
information technology solutions, as well as information technology solutions in
the healthcare  industry and other commercial  markets.  The Company's  business
strategy consists of three key elements:  (i) maintain the Company's  leadership
in technology;  (ii) apply the Company's  technology to create solutions for new
clients;  and (iii) make strategic  acquisitions  and  investments to expand the
business of the Company and gain industry knowledge.

         The Company is organized into four strategic business units, reflecting
the  particular  market  focus  of  each  line  of  business.  The  Defense  and
Intelligence  unit,  formerly  Nichols  Federal,   provides  technical  services
primarily  to U.S.  Government  defense  agencies.  The  Government  Information
Technology unit, formerly Nichols InfoFed,  provides  information and technology
solutions and services to a variety of  governmental  agencies.  The  Commercial
Information Technology unit, formerly Nichols InfoTec,  provides information and
technology  services  to  various  commercial  clients,  other  than  healthcare
clients.  The Healthcare  Information  Technology unit, formerly Nichols SELECT,
provides  information and  administrative  services to clients in the healthcare
and insurance industries.  For the year ended August 31, 1998, the percentage of
total revenues attributable to the four business units was approximately 55% for
Defense and Intelligence,  24% for Government IT, 10% for Commercial IT, and 11%
for Healthcare IT.

Risk Factors

         The Company's  business and financial  performance are subject to risks
and uncertainties, including those discussed below.

         Acquisition Strategy

         Expansion  through  acquisitions  is  an  important  component  of  the
Company's overall business strategy.  The Company has successfully completed ten
strategic acquisitions and alliances since September 1, 1994, most of which have
centered on IT and healthcare information services markets. Since the respective
dates of the acquisitions, the Company has integrated these acquired entities in
order to draw on the Company's base of technical  expertise and  capabilities in
designing  solutions for government,  commercial,  and healthcare  clients.  The
Company's  continued  ability to grow by acquisitions is dependent upon, and may
be  limited  by,  the  availability  of  compatible  acquisition  candidates  at
reasonable  prices,  the Company's  ability to fund or finance  acquisitions  on
acceptable  terms,  and  the  Company's  ability  to  maintain  or  enhance  the
profitability of any acquired business.

         Performance of Large Systems Integration Contracts

         As part of the Company's  business  strategy to enter new markets,  the
Company  continues to pursue  large  systems  integration  contracts in both the
government and commercial  markets,  although  competition for such contracts is
intense and many of the Company's  competitors  have greater  resources than the
Company.  While such contracts are working  capital  intensive,  requiring large
equipment and software purchases to be funded by the Company before payment from
the customer,  the Company  believes such  contracts  offer  attractive  revenue
growth and margin expansion  opportunities  for the Company's range of technical
expertise and capabilities.

         Variability of Quarterly Earnings or Operating Results

         The  Company's  revenues  and earnings  may  fluctuate  from quarter to
quarter  based on such  factors as the  number,  size,  and scope of projects in
which the Company is engaged,  the contractual terms and degree of completion of
such  projects,  expenditures  required by the Company in  connection  with such
projects,  any  delays  incurred  in  connection  with such  projects,  employee
utilization  rates,  the  adequacy of  provisions  for losses,  the  accuracy of
estimates  of  resources  required to  complete  ongoing  projects,  and general
economic  conditions.  Under  certain  contracts,  the  Company is  required  to
purchase,  integrate  and  deliver to the  customer  large  amounts of  computer
processing systems and other equipment. Revenues are accrued as costs to deliver
these systems are incurred, and as a result, quarterly revenues will be impacted
by fluctuations  related to equipment  purchases which occur on a periodic basis
depending on contract terms and modifications.

         Concentration of Revenues

         Approximately  75%,  88%, and 76% of the  Company's  total  revenues in
fiscal  year 1998,  fiscal year 1997 and fiscal  year 1996,  respectively,  were
derived from contracts or subcontracts funded by the U.S. Government. These U.S.
Government  contracts  include military weapons systems  contracts funded by the
DOD that accounted for  approximately  55%, 53%, and 57% of the Company's  total
revenues in such years, respectively.  The Company believes that the success and
development  of its business will  continue to be dependent  upon its ability to
participate in U.S.  Government  contract programs.  Accordingly,  the Company's
financial  performance  may be directly  affected by  changing  U.S.  Government
procurement  practices and policies.  Other  factors that could  materially  and
adversely  affect the  Company's  government  contracting  business and programs
include budgetary constraints,  changes in fiscal policies or available funding,
changes in government programs or requirements  (including  proposals to abolish
certain government agencies or departments, curtailing the U.S. Government's use
of  technology  services  firms,  the  adoption  of new  laws  or  regulations),
technological developments and general economic conditions.  These factors could
cause U.S.  Government  agencies to exercise their rights to terminate  existing
contracts for convenience or not to exercise options to renew such contracts.

         Certain  of  the   Company's   contracts   individually   contribute  a
significant  percentage of the Company's  revenues.  The Company's seven largest
contracts (by revenues) are with the U.S. Government and generated approximately
43% of the  Company's  total  revenues for the year ended  August 31, 1998.  The
Company expects  revenues to continue to be  concentrated in a relatively  small
number of large U.S. Government contracts. Termination of such contracts, or the
Company's  inability to renew or replace such contracts when they expire,  could
materially and adversely affect the Company's revenues and income. During fiscal
year 1999, five of these seven contracts are expected to be recompeted.

         Reductions or Changes in Military Weapons Expenditures

         Historically,  a majority of the  Company's  revenues (55% for the year
ended August 31, 1998) are related to U.S.  military weapons  systems.  The U.S.
military  weapons  budget has been  declining in real terms since the mid-1980s,
resulting in some cases in program  delays,  extensions,  and  cancellations.  A
further significant  decline in U.S. military  expenditures for weapons systems,
or a reduction  in the weapons  systems  portion of the  defense  budget,  could
materially and adversely affect the Company. While not anticipated,  the loss or
significant   curtailment  of  the  Company's  U.S.  military   contracts  would
materially and adversely affect the Company's revenues and income.

         Approximately  17% of the  Company's  revenues in fiscal year 1998 were
from contracts  related to Ballistic  Missile Defense (BMD),  compared to 20% of
revenues  in fiscal  year 1997 and 26% of revenues in fiscal year 1996 from such
contracts.  Strategic defense has existed for more than 26 years as a mission of
DOD  through  activities  such as the BMD  program.  If a decision  were made to
reduce substantially the scope of current BMD programs, management believes that
many national and theater missile  defense  programs would continue to be funded
by the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force,  and other DOD agencies.  While the Company
has expanded into other markets, a decision to reduce significantly or eliminate
missile defense  funding would have an adverse effect on the Company's  revenues
and income.

         Uncertainties Associated with Government Contracts

         The Company performs its services under U.S. Government  contracts that
usually  require  performance  over a  period  of one to five  years.  Long-term
contracts  may be  conditioned  upon  continued  availability  of  Congressional
appropriations.   Variances  between   anticipated   budgets  and  Congressional
appropriations may result in delay, reduction, or termination of such contracts.
Contractors  can  experience  revenue  uncertainties  with  respect to available
contract  funding  during the first  quarter  of the  government's  fiscal  year
beginning   October  1,  until   differences   between   budget   requests   and
appropriations are resolved.

         The  Company's  contracts  with  the  U.S.  Government  and  its  prime
contractors are subject to termination, in whole or in part, either upon default
by the Company or at the  convenience of the  government.  The  termination  for
convenience  provisions generally entitle the Company to recover costs incurred,
settlement expenses, and profit on work completed prior to termination.  Because
the Company contracts to supply goods and services to the U.S. Government, it is
also subject to other risks, including contract suspensions,  audit adjustments,
protests  by  disappointed  bidders of contract  awards  which can result in the
re-opening  of the  bidding  process  and  changes  in  government  policies  or

Contract Profit Exposure

         The Company's  services are provided  primarily  through three types of
contracts:  fixed-price,  time-and-materials and  cost-reimbursement  contracts.
Fixed-price  contracts  require the Company to perform services under a contract
at a stipulated price.  Time-and-materials  contracts  reimburse the Company for
the number of labor hours expended at an established  hourly rate  negotiated in
the  contract,  plus the cost of materials  incurred.  Under  cost-reimbursement
contracts, the Company is reimbursed for all actual costs incurred in performing
the contract to the extent that such costs are within the  contract  ceiling and
allowable under the terms of the contract, plus a fee or profit.

         The Company  assumes  greater  financial risk on fixed-price  contracts
than  on  either  time-and-materials  or  cost-reimbursement  contracts.  As the
Company  increases  its  commercial  business,  it believes  that an  increasing
percentage  of  its  contracts  will  be  fixed-priced.  Failure  to  anticipate
technical  problems,   estimate  costs  accurately,   or  control  costs  during
performance of a fixed-price contract,  may reduce the Company's profit or cause
a loss.  In  addition,  greater  risks  are  involved  under  time-and-materials
contracts than under  cost-reimbursement  contracts  because the Company assumes
the  responsibility for the delivery of specified skills at a fixed hourly rate.
Although  management  believes that adequate  provision for its  fixed-price and
time-and-materials contracts is reflected in the Company's financial statements,
no  assurance  can be given that this  provision  is  adequate or that losses on
fixed-price and time-and-materials contracts will not occur in the future.

         To compete  successfully for business,  the Company must satisfy client
requirements at competitive rates.  Although the Company continually attempts to
lower its costs,  there are other information  technology and technical services
companies  that may provide the same or similar  services at comparable or lower
rates than the Company.  Additionally,  certain of the Company's clients require
that their vendors  reduce rates after  services have  commenced.  The Company's
success  will also  depend  upon its  ability to  attract,  retain,  train,  and
motivate  highly  skilled  employees,  particularly  in the areas of information
technology, where such employees are in great demand.

         Year 2000

         Many computer programs were designed and developed without  considering
the  upcoming  change in the  century,  which  could lead to failure in computer
applications  or create  erroneous  results due to those  computer  programs not
recognizing the year 2000. This issue is referred to as the "Year 2000" problem.
Although  the  Company  believes  that  its  Year  2000  compliance  program  is
comprehensive,  the Company may not be able to identify,  successfully remedy or
assess all date-handling problems in its business systems or operations or those
of its customers and suppliers.  As a result, the Year 2000 problem could have a
materially  adverse  affect on the Company's  business,  financial  condition or
results of operations.

Amortization of Intangible Assets Related to TXEN Acquisition

         In fiscal year 1995, the Company  purchased  19.9% of the capital stock
of TXEN,  Inc.  (TXEN),  for  approximately  $1.5 million.  In August 1997,  the
Company exercised its option to acquire the remaining 80.1% of the capital stock
of TXEN for aggregate  consideration of approximately  $43.8 million.  The total
purchase  price for the TXEN  acquisition  was  allocated to the TXEN assets and
liabilities.  The excess of the purchase price over the fair market value of the
tangible net assets acquired of approximately $42.1 million was allocated to the
following  intangibles:  $12.0 million to in-process  research and  development,
$15.6 million to goodwill,  $12.7 million to other  intangibles and $1.8 million
to capitalized  software  development.  In-process  research and  development of
$12.0  million was  expensed in the fourth  quarter of 1997.  Goodwill and other
intangibles of $27.6 million are being amortized using the straight-line  method
over an estimated useful life of 20 years.

         Of the total purchase price for the acquisition of TXEN,  $12.0 million
was  allocated to ten  software  programs  and systems  constituting  in-process
technology.  The fair value of the acquired in-process technology was determined
based on an analysis of the markets,  projected cash flows and risks  associated
with achieving such cash flows.  At the date of acquisition,  the  technological
feasibility of the acquired technology had not been established and the acquired
technology  has no alternative  future uses.  There can be no assurance that the
purchased  in-process  technology will be successfully  developed.  The acquired
in-process technology consisted of ten software and systems development projects
to reduce the time and personnel  needed to perform managed care  administrative
functions and provide enhanced  information reports. At the date of acquisition,
the Company  estimated  that the cost to complete the projects was $1.75 million
of which  $445,000  was spent in fiscal  year 1998 and of which $1.3  million is
expected to be spent in fiscal year 1999.  The Company  expects to benefit  from
such projects  commencing in the second quarter of fiscal year 1999. The Company
expects the projects  will be completed in the third  quarter of fiscal 1999. To
the extent the in-process technology is not successfully  developed,  this could
have a material adverse impact on the Company's  operating results and financial

         In  connection  with the  Company's  filing of a Form S-3  registration
statement,  the  Company  is  engaged  in  discussions  with  the  staff  of the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  regarding  the purchase  price  allocation
related to its August 1997  acquisition of TXEN. These  discussions  principally
relate to the amount  allocated to in-process  research and  development and the
useful  life  of  twenty  years  assigned  to  goodwill.  The  Company  and  its
independent  auditors,  Ernst & Young LLP, believe the purchase price allocation
recorded in  connection  with the TXEN  acquisition,  and  related  amortization
charges,  are in  accordance  with widely  recognized  appraisal  practices  and
generally accepted accounting  principles.  However, the staff of the Securities
and Exchange  Commission has recently  expressed views  concerning  valuation of
in-process   research  and  development  in  business   combinations  which,  if
determined to be applicable,  would probably result in a reduction in the amount
allocated to in-process  research and development.  If there are any significant
changes as a result of these  discussions to the amounts  allocated to purchased
in-process  research and development or other intangible  assets,  or changes in
the lives  over  which such  amounts  are  amortized,  these  could  result in a
material  reduction  in the  amount of the charge for  in-process  research  and
development  reflected  in the  Company's  financial  results for the year ended
August  31,  1997 and  increased  amortization  expense  in 1998 and  subsequent
periods which could be material.

Results of Operations

         The  following  table  sets  forth,  for  the  periods  indicated,  the
percentages which certain items bear to consolidated revenues and the percentage
change of such items for the periods  indicated.  The  amounts for fiscal  years
1998 and 1997 include the impact of special charges to operating profit:

                                                                                                Percentage Increase
                                                         Percentage of Revenues                     (Decrease)
                                                         Years Ended August 31,               Years Ended August 31,
                                                   1998            1997          1996        1998-1997      1997-1996

Revenues.......................................   100.0%          100.0%         100.0%          7.3%          55.2%
Cost and expenses:
     Direct and allocable....................      83.3            88.3           85.1           1.3           60.9
     General and administrative..............       9.2             6.3            8.4          56.9           16.4
     Amortization of intangibles.............       1.0             0.5            0.5         121.3           53.0
     Special charges.........................       1.0             3.0            __          (65.6)           n/a

         Total cost and expenses.............      94.5            98.1           94.0           3.4           61.9

Operating profit.............................       5.5             1.9            6.0         202.0          (49.9)
Other income (expense), net..................       0.1             0.3            0.2         (67.3)         167.5

Income before income taxes...................       5.6             2.2            6.2         168.2          (44.2)
Income taxes.................................       2.2             1.9            2.3          21.6           32.0

Net income...................................       3.4%            0.3%           3.9%      1,102.9%         (88.1)%

         The following  table  summarizes the percentage of revenues by contract
type for the periods indicated:

                                                        Years Ended August 31,
                                                      1998      1997       1996
                                                      ----      ----       ----

Cost-reimbursement................................... 43%        49%        51%
Fixed-price.......................................... 33         35         22
Time-and-materials................................... 24         16          27

         The  table  below  presents  contract  award and  backlog  data for the
periods indicated:

                                                                 Years Ended August 31,
                                                          1998              1997                1996
                                                          ----              ----                ----
                                                                         (in thousands)

Contract award amount................................$    453,527     $     679,174        $    598,653
Backlog (with options)...............................$  1,264,201     $   1,228,362        $  1,003,135
Backlog (without options)............................$    310,071     $     300,337        $    501,373
Backlog percentage by contract type:
     Cost-reimbursement..............................          44%              45%                 60%
     Fixed-price.....................................          37%              30%                 30%
     Time-and-materials..............................          19%              25%                 10%

         The  backlog  of  contract  awards is  influenced  by the number of new
contracts  awarded and by the number of contracts  awarded where the Company has
an existing  contract that is  recompeted.  The Company  performs  under several
large multi-year contracts which, upon expiration, are recompeted. Historically,
the Company has been  successful in winning  recompeted  contracts  where it has
been the incumbent  contractor.  However, the Company cannot give assurance that
it will experience continued success with respect to future awards of recompeted
contracts.  Of the $599  million in contract  awards for fiscal year 1996,  $355
million or 59% were with respect to the two high performance systems integration
contract  awards.  Of the $679 million in contract  awards for fiscal year 1997,
$447 million or 65% were awards related to  recompetition of contracts where the
Company was the incumbent. Of the $454 million of contract awards in fiscal year
1998,  $77  million or 17% were  awards  related to  recompetition  of  existing
contracts  where the Company was the  incumbent.  The  Company  expects  that in
fiscal year 1999,  five of the Company's  largest  contracts by revenues will be

Comparison of Operating Results for Fiscal Year 1998 with Fiscal Year 1997

        Revenues.  Revenues  increased  $28.9 million  (7.3%) for the year ended
August 31,1998.  The Company's Defense and Intelligence  unit, which represented
approximately 55% of consolidated revenues for the year, reported an increase of
$16 million (7%), primarily as a result of continued growth in existing contract
base. The Government IT unit,  representing  approximately  24% of  consolidated
revenues for the year, reported a decrease of $30 million, primarily as a result
of reduced orders on two existing systems integration  contracts.  Commercial IT
revenues increased $15 million (58%) for the year,  primarily as a result of SAP
software sales and integration  services.  Healthcare IT revenues  increased $28
million (175%) for the year,  primarily as a result of the  acquisition of TXEN,
Inc. completed in August 1997.

        Operating  Profit.  In the third quarter of fiscal year 1998 the Company
expensed $2 million of purchased in-process research and development  activities
related to the  acquisition  of Mnemonic  Systems,  Incorporated  (MSI).  In the
fourth quarter of fiscal year 1998 the Company  expensed $2.1 million in special
charges of which,  $1.9 million  related to the impairment of assets  associated
with the  insurance  line of business  (see Note 4 of the Notes to  Consolidated
Financial   Statements)  and  $0.2  million  related  to  expenses  incurred  to
consummate the merger with Welkin Associates, Ltd. (Welkin),  accounted for as a
pooling of  interests.  In the fourth  quarter of fiscal  year 1997 the  Company
expensed $12 million of purchased in-process research and development activities
related  to the  acquisition  of the  remaining  80.1%  of  TXEN,  Inc.  (TXEN).
Operating profit including the write-offs of purchased  in-process  research and
development and special  charges,  increased $15.6 million (202%) for year ended
August 31, 1998 as  compared to year ended  August 31,  1997.  Operating  profit
excluding the write-offs of purchased  in-process  research and  development and
special  charges,  increased $7.8 million  (39.3%) for the year ended August 31,
1998 as compared to the year ended August 31, 1997.  Direct and allocable  costs
during  fiscal year 1998  decreased as a percent of revenues  compared to fiscal
year  1997 as a result  of fewer  hardware  purchases  for  systems  integration
contracts.  General and  administrative  expense increased $14.2 million (56.9%)
for the year ended  August 31, 1998  compared to the year ended August 31, 1997,
primarily  as a result of the  acquisition  of TXEN  completed  in August  1997.
Amortization of intangibles  increased $2.6 million  (121.3%) for the year ended
August 31,  1998 as compared to the year ended  August 31, 1997  primarily  as a
result of the amortization of the intangibles recorded with the TXEN acquisition
completed in August 1997. The $4.1 million pre-tax  special  charges  represents
1.0% of total costs and expenses  for the year ended August 31, 1998.  The $12.0
million pre-tax special charges  represents 3.0% of total costs and expenses for
the year ended August 31, 1997.  Total costs and expenses were 94.5% of revenues
for the year ended August 31, 1998 as compared to 98.1% of revenues for the year
ended August 31, 1997.

        Operating  Margin.  Operating  margin  including the special charges was
5.5% of  revenues  for the year ended  August 31,  1998 as  compared  to 1.9% of
revenues for the year ended  August 31, 1997.  Operating  margin  excluding  the
special  charges  was 6.4% of  revenues  for the year ended  August 31,  1998 as
compared to 5.0% of revenues for the year ended August 31, 1997.  The  Company's
Defense and  Intelligence  unit  realized a 6.0%  operating  margin for the year
ended  August 31, 1998 as compared to 4.2% for the year ended  August 31,  1997.
The  improved   margins  are  primarily  the  result  of  improved   margins  on
time-and-material contracts. The Company's Government IT unit realized operating
margins,  excluding the special  charges,  of 6.0% for the year ended August 31,
1998 as  compared  to 5.5% for the year ended  August  31,  1997.  The  improved
margins are the result of increased margins on modifications awarded to existing
contracts  during fiscal year 1998.  The  Company's  Commercial IT unit realized
operating margins of 4.7% for the year ended August 31, 1998 as compared to 8.5%
for the year ended  August  31,  1997.  The  decreased  margins  are a result of
increased  costs  related to  infrastructure  additions  and  client  receivable
write-offs.  The  Company's  Healthcare  IT  unit  realized  operating  margins,
excluding  special  charges,  of 12.3% for the year  ended  August  31,  1998 as
compared to 5.0% for the year ended  August 31, 1997.  The improved  margins are
the result of the managed care operations  acquired with the acquisition of TXEN
completed in August 1997.

        Other Income (Expense). Other income (expense) decreased $.7 million for
the year ended  August 31, 1998 as compared to the year ended  August 31,  1997.
Other  income  includes  equity in earnings  of  unconsolidated  affiliates  and
interest income.  Other expense includes interest expense and minority interest.
Interest  income  is  from  the  investment  of  the  Company's  cash  reserves.
Substantially  all available  cash is invested in  interest-bearing  accounts or
fixed  income  instruments.  Interest  expense is primarily  from the  long-term
borrowings of the Company and the commitment fee on unused line of credit.

        Equity in  earnings  of  unconsolidated  affiliates  for the year  ended
August 31, 1998  primarily  represents  the  Company's  share of the earnings of
NCCIM, L.L.C., a joint venture, 50% of which is owned by the Company;  while the
comparable  amount for the year ended August 31, 1997  primarily  represents the
Company's  share of  earnings  of TXEN.  As of August 29,  1997,  TXEN  became a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

        Minority interest  primarily  represents the minority partner's share of
earnings of Nichols ENTEC  Systems,  L.L.C.,  a joint  venture,  60% of which is
owned by the Company.  The increase in minority interest of $0.7 million for the
year ended  August 31,  1998 as  compared  to the year ended  August  31,1997 is
primarily  the  result of an  increase  in SAP  software  sales and  integration
services in the Commercial IT unit.

        Income  Taxes.  Income taxes as a percentage  of income before taxes was
39.2% for the year ended August 31, 1998 as compared to 86.4% for the year ended
August 31, 1997. The decrease is primarily a result of the  differences  between
financial and taxable income  related to the  amortization  of  intangibles  and
deductibility  of  special  charges.  In  fiscal  year  1997 the  $12.0  million
write-off of purchased  in-process  research and  development was not deductible
for tax purposes. In fiscal year 1998 the amortization expense of the intangible
assets  acquired in the August 1997  acquisition  of TXEN was not deductible for
tax purposes.

        Net Income.  Net income  including the special  charges  increased $13.2
million  (1,103%) for the year ended  August 31,  1998,  as compared to the year
ended August 31, 1997. Net income  excluding the special charges  increased $3.7
million (28.3%) for the year ended August 31, 1998 as compared to the year ended
August 31, 1997. The increases are a result of the items discussed above.

        Earnings Per Common Share Assuming  Dilution.  Earnings per common share
assuming  dilution  including the special  charges were $1.02 for the year ended
August  31,  1998 as  compared  to $0.09 for the year  ended  August  31,  1997.
Earnings per common share assuming  dilution  excluding the special charges were
$1.20 for the year ended  August 31,  1998  compared to $1.04 for the year ended
August 31,  1997.  Net income  including  the special  charges  increased  $13.2
million  (1,103%)  for the year ended  August 31,  1998 as  compared to the year
ended August 31, 1997.  Net income  excluding  special  charges  increased  $3.7
million (28.3%) for the year ended August 31, 1998 as compared to the year ended
August 31, 1997.  Weighted  average common shares and common  equivalent  shares
increased  11.1%  (1,412,291  shares)  for the year  ended  August  31,  1998 as
compared to the year ended August 31, 1997.

Comparison of Operating Results for Fiscal Year 1997 with Fiscal Year 1996

         Revenues.  Revenues  increased  $141.5  million  (55.2%) in fiscal year
1997.  Approximately  70% of the increase was  attributable to revenues from two
high performance  system  integration  contracts  awarded in 1996. During fiscal
year 1997,  these two  contracts  generated  approximately  30% of the Company's
total  revenues.  At August 31, 1997 a  substantial  portion of the two contract
values  had  been  realized.  These  contracts  generated  less  than 15% of the
Company's total revenues in fiscal year  1998.Approximately  20% of the increase
in revenues was attributable to acquisitions completed late in fiscal year 1996.
Approximately  10% of the increase in revenues was  attributable to the existing
contract base.

         Operating  Profit.  The Company  expensed $12.0 million of costs in the
fourth  quarter of fiscal  year 1997 for  research  and  development  activities
in-process at the time of the  acquisition of the remaining 80.1% of TXEN stock.
Including  the $12.0  million  write-off  of purchased  in-process  research and
development  associated with the acquisition of TXEN, operating profit decreased
$7.7 million (49.9%) in fiscal year 1997.  Excluding the $12.0 million write-off
of purchased  in-process  research and  development,  operating profit increased
$4.3 million  (27.8%) in fiscal year 1997.  Including the write-off of purchased
in-process  research and development,  costs and expenses were 98.1% of revenues
for fiscal year 1997  compared to 94.0% of  revenues  for fiscal year 1996.  The
write-off of purchased  in-process  research and development  represents 3.0% of
total costs and  expenses.  Excluding  the purchase of  in-process  research and
development,  costs and  expenses  were 95.0% of revenues  for fiscal year 1997.
Direct and allocable costs increased 60.9% ($133.0  million) in fiscal year 1997
as  compared  to fiscal  year 1996.  The  increase  is  primarily  the result of
increased  purchases of hardware,  software  and  subcontractor  services in the
performance of certain  government  contracts.  Direct and allocable  costs as a
percent of revenues  increased to 88.3% in fiscal year 1997 as compared to 85.1%
of revenues in fiscal year 1996 as a result of lower margins typically  realized
on the purchased hardware,  software,  and subcontractor  services.  General and
administrative  expenses  increased  16.4% ($3.5 million) in fiscal year 1997 as
compared to fiscal year 1996.  The increase is primarily a result of investments
in marketing  and  infrastructure  resources  made in fiscal year 1997 which are
expected to support future commercial revenues.

         Other Income (Expense).  Other income (expense)  increased $0.7 million
in fiscal  year 1997 as  compared to fiscal  year 1996.  Other  income  includes
equity in earnings of  unconsolidated  affiliates  and  interest  income.  Other
expense includes interest expense and minority  interest.  Equity in earnings of
unconsolidated  affiliates  primarily represents the Company's share of earnings
of TXEN.  As of August 29, 1997,  TXEN became a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of the
Company.  Interest income is from the investment of the Company's cash reserves.
Substantially  all available  cash is invested in  interest-bearing  accounts or
short-term fixed income instruments.  Minority interest primarily represents the
minority  partner's  share of earnings of Holland  Technology  Group and Holland
Software Solutions, joint ventures, 60% of which are owned by the Company.

         Income  Taxes.  Income taxes as a percentage of income before taxes was
86.4% in  fiscal  year 1997 and 36.5% in fiscal  year  1996.  The $12.0  million
write-off of purchased in-process research and development in the fourth quarter
of fiscal year 1997 is not deductible for tax purposes.

         Net  Income.   Including  the  $12.0  million  write-off  of  purchased
in-process  research and development,  net income decreased $8.9 million (88.1%)
for fiscal year 1997 as compared to fiscal year 1996. The decrease is the result
of the impact of the $12.0 million  write-off of purchased  in-process  research
and development.

         Earnings  Per Share  Assuming  Dilution.  Earnings  per share  assuming
dilution  for fiscal  year 1997 were $0.09 as  compared to $0.94 for fiscal year
1996, a decrease of 90.0%.  Excluding the $12.0  million  write-off of purchased
in-process  research and development,  earnings per share assuming dilution were
$1.04 for fiscal year 1997 as  compared  to $0.94 for fiscal year 1996,  a 10.2%
increase. Excluding the $12.0 million write-off of purchased in-process research
and  development,  net income  increased  31.2% ($3.1  million),  while weighted
average shares  outstanding  increased 19.0% (2,031,407  shares) for fiscal year
1997 as compared to fiscal year 1996.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

        Historically,  the  Company's  positive  cash flow from  operations  and
available credit facilities have provided adequate liquidity and working capital
to fully  fund the  Company's  operational  needs and  support  the  acquisition
program.  Working capital was $78.0 million and $68.8 million at August 31, 1998
and 1997, respectively.  Operating activities provided cash of $10.1 million and
$16.9  million  for the years  ended  August  31,  1998 and 1997,  respectively.
Investing  activities used cash of $22.0 million and $29.2 million for the years
ended August 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively.  Financing activities used cash of
$0.7  million  for the year ended  August 31,  1998 and  provided  cash of $14.1
million for the year ended August 31, 1997.

        Cash  provided by operating  activities  decreased  $6.8 million for the
year ended August 31, 1998 as compared to the year ended  August 31,  1997.  The
decrease is the result of a decrease in the  non-cash  adjustments  to reconcile
net income to net cash  provided by  operations  ($3.9  million)  and changes in
operating  assets and  liabilities,  net of the effects of  acquisitions  ($16.1
million) offset by increased net income ($13.2 million).

        Cash used for investing  activities was $22.0 million for the year ended
August 31,  1998.  The  Company  acquired  all of the  capital  stock of MSI for
aggregate  consideration of approximately  $12.5 million.  Purchases of property
and equipment  were $9.3 million and $4.8 million for the years ended August 31,
1998 and 1997,  respectively.  The Company realized net proceeds of $2.3 million
from the maturity of long-term  investments.  An additional $1.0 million capital
investment was made for affiliates accounted for using the equity method.

        Cash used for financing  activities  was $0.7 million for the year ended
August 31, 1998.  The primary use of cash for financing  activities  was for the
net repayment of a $5.0 million  indebtedness under the bank line of credit. The
Company realized proceeds from the sale of common stock of $5.6 million and $4.6
million for the years ended August 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

        The Company  renegotiated  its bank line of credit in November 1997. The
agreement  provides for  unsecured  borrowings  up to  $100,000,000.  The credit
agreement  provides for interest at London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus a
margin ranging from 0.325% to 0.450% and a facility fee, payable  quarterly,  of
approximately 0.125% on the unused portion of the line of credit. The short-term
commitment  agreement  ($50,000,000)  is renewable  annually  and the  long-term
commitment  agreement  ($50,000,000) is renewable in November,  2000. There were
$5,000,000 outstanding borrowings on this line of credit at August 31, 1998.

        The Company is regularly evaluating potential acquisition candidates and
expects to complete other  transactions  in fiscal year 1999. The purchase price
allocation  for TXEN was finalized  during the first fiscal quarter of 1998. The
$30.1 million,  preliminarily  classified as goodwill, was allocated as follows;
$15.6 million to goodwill,  $12.7 million to other  intangibles and $1.8 million
to capitalized  software  development.  Goodwill and other  intangibles of $27.6
million are being  amortized  using the  straight-line  method over an estimated
useful  life of  twenty  years.  Other  intangibles  of $0.7  million  are being
amortized using the straight-line  method over an estimated useful life of seven
years.  The  amount  allocated  to  capitalized  software  development  is being
amortized using the  straight-line  method over an estimated useful life of five
years.  The acquisition of MSI was completed  during the third fiscal quarter of
1998. The MSI  acquisition  resulted in the write-off of $2.0 million,  pre-tax,
purchased in-process research and development and the recording of approximately
$10.0  million in  goodwill  which is being  amortized  using the  straight-line
method over an estimated useful life of 15 years.

        The Company has entered into preliminary negotiations with DSM Copolymer
to acquire an  additional  35%  interest  in the ENTEC  joint  venture  from DSM
Copolymer for $6.0 million plus an earn-out based on ENTEC revenues and profits.
If the negotiations are successful,  the Company would own a 95% interest in the
joint venture.  Closing is expected to occur during the second quarter of fiscal
year 1999.

        The Company  continues  to actively  pursue  contracts  for  information
system  development  and computer  system  integration  activities,  which could
require the Company to acquire  substantial  amounts of  computer  hardware  for
resale or lease to  customers.  The timing of payments to suppliers and payments
from customers under the Company's system integration contracts could cause cash
flows from operations to fluctuate from period to period.

        The  Company  believes  that,  for the next four  fiscal  quarters,  its
existing capital resources,  together with available borrowing capacity, will be
sufficient  to fund  operating  needs,  finance  acquisitions  of  property  and
equipment, and make strategic acquisitions, if appropriate.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

         In February  1997,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board (FASB)
issued Statement No. 128, Earnings Per Share. The overall objective of Statement
No. 128 is to simplify the  calculation  of earnings per share (EPS) and achieve
comparability  with recently  issued  international  accounting  standards.  The
Company first reported on the new EPS basis in the second quarter ended February
28, 1998. All prior period EPS amounts (including  information  regarding EPS in
interim financial statements,  earnings summaries,  and selected financial data)
have been restated to conform to the provisions of Statement No. 128.

     In June 1997, the FASB issued  Statement No. 130,  Reporting  Comprehensive
Income (SFAS 130). Statement No. 130 establishes new rules for the reporting and
display of  comprehensive  income and its components.  Adoption of Statement No.
130 by the  Company on  September  1, 1998 will have no impact on the  Company's
consolidated results of operations or stockholders' equity.

         In June 1997,  the FASB issued  Statement  No. 131,  Disclosures  About
Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information (SFAS 131).  Statement No. 131
changes the method of  determining  segments from that currently  required,  and
requires the reporting of certain  information about such segments.  The Company
has not  finalized  how its  segments  will be  reported  or whether and to what
extent segment information will differ from that currently presented.

Effects of Inflation

        Substantially  all  contracts  awarded to the Company have been based on
proposals which reflect estimated cost increases due to inflation. Historically,
inflation has not had a significant impact on the Company.

Year 2000


         Historically,  certain  computerized systems have had two digits rather
than  four  digits  to  define  the  applicable  year,  which  could  result  in
recognizing  a date using "00" as the year 1900 rather than the year 2000.  This
could cause significant  software failures or  miscalculations  and is generally
referred to as the "Year 2000" problem.

         The Company recognizes that the impact of the Year 2000 problem extends
beyond  its  computer   hardware  and  software  and  may  affect   utility  and
telecommunication services, as well as the systems of customers and suppliers.

         In response  to the Year 2000  problem,  the  Company  has  developed a
compliance  program to  evaluate  and address  date  related  problems  with the
Company's internal systems, services,  products, and the systems and products of
the Company's  vendors and suppliers.  The compliance  program is managed by the
Vice President of Corporate  Information Systems and Services,  and is patterned
after the United States General Accounting Office (GAO) and Office of Management
and Budget project management model.
The Company's Year 2000 compliance program includes five major phases:

         Awareness  Phase.  The Year 2000 problem is defined and managers at the
executive  level are educated  about  potential  date  related  problems and the
potential  impact to the Company and its customers  from Year 2000 date handling
errors.  A Year 2000  program  team is  established  and an overall  strategy is

         Assessment  Phase.  The Year 2000 program  team  assesses the Year 2000
impact on the Company by: (i)  identifying  core business  areas and  processes;
(ii)  performing  an  inventory  and  analysis  of systems  supporting  the core
business areas;  (iii)contacting third party service providers, and software and
hardware vendors to determine Year 2000 issues and their plans for becoming Year
2000 compliant; and (iv) prioritizing conversion or replacement of systems.

         Renovation  Phase.  The Year  2000  program  team  corrects  Year  2000
problems  identified  in the  Assessment  Phase by modifying  program  software,
updating databases, replacing systems or utilizing other appropriate methods.

         Implementation Phase. The Year 2000 program team tests,  verifies,  and
validates converted or replaced systems,  applications,  databases and utilities
within a limited operational environment.

         Validation Phase. The Year 2000 program team fully implements converted
or  replaced  systems,  applications,  databases  and  utilities.  The Year 2000
program team also performs extensive testing of all system changes.

         As part of the awareness phase the Company has reviewed

          -  Mission Essential Software Systems
          -  Mission Essential Computational Systems (hardware)
          -  Mission Essential Facilities Systems, including elevators, heating 
and air conditioning systems, photocopying machines and utility services
          -  Mission Essential Network Systems
          -  Customer Software Services,provided by the Company's business units
          -  Mission Essential Vendor-Supplied Software and Services

     The Company  considers a system  "mission  essential"  if a failure in that
system  would  materially   disrupt  the  ability  of  the  Company  to  perform
contractual  services or to process business information in a timely manner. The
Company  monitors the status of its Year 2000  compliance  program and routinely
updates its Intranet to provide compliance data to its managers and employees.

     The Company provides services and products to the U.S.  Government pursuant
to specific  contractual  terms and exact  specifications.  The Company believes
that it will be  responsible  for upgrading only those services or products that
specify Year 2000 compliance and do not yet meet this  requirement.  The Company
is not currently aware of any such services or products.

Status and Timetable for Year 2000 Compliance

                  Nichols Research has developed a master timetable for its Year
2000 compliance program.  The status of each major category of mission essential
systems is as follows:

          SYSTEM CATEGORY                          PHASE          ESTIMATED DATE
                                                                  FOR COMPLIANCE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mission Essential Software Systems               Renovation       December 1998
Mission Essential Computational Systems          Renovation       December 1998
Mission Essential Network Systems                Renovation       December 1998
Mission Essential Facilities Systems             Assessment       Unknown
Mission Essential Customer Systems               Renovation       December 1998
Mission Essential Vendor-Supplied Software 
  & Services                                     Assessment       Unknown

         The  phases  listed  above  represent  the  status of the  majority  of
products within each category. There may be, within each "system," components at
a lower or  higher  phase in the Year 2000  assessment.  For  example,  although
Mission  Essential  Vendor-Supplied  Software  and  Services  is  rated  in  the
Assessment  Phase, many of the Company's vendors have already been contacted and
have  supplied  letters  or  referenced  web pages  certifying  their  Year 2000
compliance.  The  Vice-President of Corporate  Information  Systems and Services
maintains compliance letters and referenced web page addresses.

         While the Company estimates that its internal systems will be Year 2000
compliant by the end of calendar year 1998,  there can be no assurance  that the
third-party  supplied software,  hardware and services included in the Essential
Facilities and Vendor-Supplied  Services categories will be Year 2000 compliant,
or that these third-parties will not suffer a Year 2000 business disruption that
may adversely affect the Company's  business,  financial condition or results of

Contingency Plans

         Because  the  Company's  Year  2000  conversions  are  expected  to  be
completed  prior to any  potential  disruption to the  Company's  business,  the
Company has not yet  completed  the  development  of a  comprehensive  Year 2000
contingency plan.  However,  the Company has minimized its exposure to Year 2000
failures  of vendor  supplied  products  by adding  Year  2000  compliance  as a
standard  condition to its  purchase  orders.  These  contracts  also  reference
Federal  Acquisition  Regulation  39.106,  which  addresses Year 2000 compliance
issues. The Company is currently  negotiating a Risk Management Insurance Policy
designed to protect  the Company in the event that it is involved in  litigation
arising from errors and omissions  relating to Year 2000 issues.  If the Company
determines  that its business is at material risk of disruption  due to the Year
2000  problem,  or  anticipates  that  its  Year  2000  conversions  will not be
completed  in a timely  fashion,  the  Company  will work to  develop a detailed
contingency plan.

Cost for Year 2000 Compliance

         The Company  believes  that the total cost of its Year 2000  compliance
activity will not be material to the Company's operation,  liquidity and capital
resources.  The  Company  estimates  that  the  total  cost  for its  Year  2000
compliance  will  be  $688,500  which  represents   11,475  hours  of  analysis,
modification and testing, and $34,500 for new equipment purchases.  To date, the
Company has completed  6,850 hours of Year 2000  compliance  work, and purchased
new equipment valued at $27,000, for a total cost of $438,000.

Year 2000 Risks Faced by the Company

         Although the Company believes that its Year 2000 compliance  program is
comprehensive,  the Company may not be able to identify,  successfully remedy or
assess all date-handling problems in its business systems or operations or those
of its customers and suppliers.  As a result, the Year 2000 problem could have a
materially  adverse  affect on the  Company's  business  financial  condition or
results of operations.


Not applicable.


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                      August 31,       August 31,        August 31,
                                                                         1998              1997             1996
                           ASSETS                                                (amounts in thousands)

Current assets:
     Cash and temporary cash investments (Note 1).........         $        11,275   $        23,964  $        22,151
     Accounts receivable (net of allowance of $534,
         $181, and $29)  (Note 2).........................                 113,392            96,303           92,403
     Deferred income taxes (Notes 1 and 5)................                   2,488             2,102            1,519
     Other................................................                   3,939             3,162            2,438
         Total current assets.............................                 131,094           125,531          118,511

Long-term investments  (Notes 1 and 3)....................                   1,519             3,738            4,483

Property and equipment (Note 1):
     Computers and related equipment......................                  29,465            22,409           17,455
     Furniture, equipment and improvements................                  12,210            10,192            7,237
     Equipment - contracts................................                   5,771             5,771            5,771
                                                                            47,446            38,372           30,463
     Less accumulated depreciation........................                  25,011            19,101           14,974
         Net property and equipment.......................                  22,435            19,271           15,489

Goodwill and other intangibles (net of accumulated
       amortization of $5,857, $2,946, and $1,246)                          54,214            48,130           21,004
       (Notes 1, 4, and 11)...............................
Software development costs (net of accumulated
     amortization of $840, $314, and $113) (Notes 1 and 4)                   3,701             4,271            1,138
Investment in affiliates  (Note 12).......................                   9,607             8,363            4,099
Other assets..............................................                   1,491               828              597

Total assets..............................................         $       224,061   $       210,132  $       165,321

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                                 August 31,        August 31,       August 31,
                                                                    1998              1997             1996
LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                         (amounts in thousands)

Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable.....................................    $        24,278   $        28,679  $        31,147
     Accrued compensation and benefits  (Note 9) .........             18,317            11,854            9,382
     Income taxes payable  (Note 5).......................              1,681               246              692
     Current maturities of long-term debt  (Note 6).......                997               761              764
     Borrowing on line of credit  (Note 6)................              5,000            10,500               __
     Deferred revenue.....................................              1,797             3,114              230
     Other................................................              1,040             1,616            1,609
         Total current liabilities........................             53,110            56,770           43,824

Deferred income taxes  (Notes 1 and 5)....................                354             2,062            1,661

Long-term debt (Note 6):
     Industrial development bonds.........................              1,335             1,558            1,777
     Long-term notes......................................              1,613             2,467            3,007
         Total long-term debt.............................              2,948             4,025            4,784

Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries............              1,177               307               __

Stockholders' equity  (Notes 1 and 10):
     Common stock, par value $.01 per share
         Authorized - 30,000,000, 20,000,000 and
         20,000,000 shares, respectively
         Issued - 13,997,455, 13,553,346 and
         12,076,463 shares, respectively..................                140               135              121
     Additional paid-in capital...........................             95,631            90,076           59,129
     Retained earnings....................................             71,989            58,045           57,090
     Less cost of treasury stock - 168,500 shares.........             (1,288)           (1,288)          (1,288)
         Total stockholders' equity.......................            166,472           146,968          115,052

Total liabilities and stockholders' equity................    $       224,061   $       210,132  $       165,321

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                                     For the Years Ended August 31,
                                                                1998             1997              1996
                                                                (amounts in thousands except share data)

Revenues (Note 1) ......................................   $       427,043  $       398,142   $       256,605

Costs and expenses:
     Direct and allocable costs.........................           355,750          351,367           218,367
     General and administrative expenses................            39,099           24,913            21,408
     Amortization of intangibles........................             4,707            2,127             1,390
     Special charges (Notes 4 and 11)...................             4,126           12,000                __
         Total costs and expenses.......................           403,682          390,407           241,165

Operating profit........................................            23,361            7,735            15,440

Other income (expense):
     Interest expense  (Note 6).........................              (467)            (512)             (629)
     Other income, principally interest.................             1,176            1,095             1,044
     Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
     affiliates.........................................               524              656                __
     Minority interest in consolidated
     subsidiaries.......................................              (870)            (129)               __
Income before income taxes..............................            23,724            8,845            15,855
Income taxes  (Note 5)..................................             9,301            7,646             5,792
Net income..............................................   $        14,423  $         1,199   $        10,063

Earnings per common share  (Note 7).....................   $          1.06  $           .10   $          1.00

Earnings per common share assuming
     dilution   (Note 7)................................   $          1.02  $           .09   $           .94

Weighted average common shares   (Note 7)...............        13,607,145       12,090,377        10,090,684

Weighted average common shares and
     common equivalent shares   (Note 7)................        14,124,978       12,712,687        10,681,280

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                                      Additional                                      Total
                                               Common Stock            Paid-In        Retained      Treasury     Stockholders'
                                        Shares            Amount       Capital        Earnings       Stock           Equity
                                        ------            ------       -------        --------       -----           ------
                                                                  (in thousands except share data)

BALANCE, AUGUST 31, 1995........      10,084,296           $101       $24,274       $47,125       $(2,143)       $ 69,357
Sale of common stock............       1,678,050             17        30,663            __            __          30,680
Exercise of stock options.......         256,146              2         1,655            __            __           1,657
Employee stock purchases........          64,703              1         1,016            __            __           1,017
Reissue of 108,066 shares of
   treasury stock...............              __             __         1,523            __           855           2,378
Repurchase of shares for retirement       (6,732)            __            (2)          (98)           __            (100)
Net income......................              __             __            __        10,063            __          10,063

BALANCE, AUGUST 31, 1996........      12,076,463            121        59,129        57,090        (1,288)        115,052
Exercise of stock options.......         326,656              3         3,047            __            __           3,050
Employee stock purchases........          79,816             __         1,590            __            __           1,590
Repurchase of shares for retirement      (13,737)            __            (4)         (244)           __            (248)
Issue of stock for acquisition..       1,084,148             11        26,314            __            __          26,325
Net income......................              __             __            __         1,199            __           1,199

BALANCE, AUGUST 31, 1997........      13,553,346            135        90,076        58,045        (1,288)        146,968
Exercise of stock options.......         332,312              4         3,351            __            __           3,355
Employee stock purchases........         111,797              1         2,204            __            __           2,205
Net income......................              __             __            __        14,423            __          14,423
Adjustments for Welkin Associates,
   Ltd. pooling of interests 
   (Note 11)....................              __             __            __          (479)           __            (479)

BALANCE, AUGUST 31, 1998........      13,997,455           $140       $95,631       $71,989       $(1,288)       $166,472


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                                                      For the Years Ended August 31,
                                                                                  1998             1997           1996
                                                                                  ----             ----           ----
                                                                                        (amounts in thousands)

Net income.............................................................       $  14,423      $    1,199       $   10,063
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
   provided (used) by operating activities:
   Provision for doubtful accounts.....................................             353              27               23
   Depreciation........................................................           5,989           4,160            3,382
   Amortization........................................................           4,737           1,926            1,301
   Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates.....................            (524)           (656)              __
   Minority interest...................................................             870             307               __
   Deferred income taxes...............................................          (1,923)           (389)            (135)
   Special charges.....................................................           3,977          12,000               __
      Changes in assets and liabilities, net of effects of acquisitions:
      Accounts receivable..............................................         (17,919)            608          (30,554)
      Other assets.....................................................          (1,254)           (307)            (325)
      Accounts payable.................................................          (4,410)         (3,776)          12,146
      Accrued compensation and benefits................................           6,331           2,151            1,118
      Income taxes payable.............................................             944            (858)            (335)
      Other current liabilities........................................          (1,540)            487             (186)
      Total adjustments................................................          (4,369)         15,680          (13,565)

         Net cash provided (used) by operating
         activities....................................................          10,054          16,879           (3,502)

Purchase of property and equipment.....................................          (9,273)         (4,827)          (5,339)
Purchase of long-term investments......................................            (100)            (75)              __
Purchase of capitalized software.......................................            (722)           (834)            (935)
Payments for acquisitions, net of cash acquired........................         (13,178)        (18,180)         (15,503)
Payments for investment in affiliates..................................          (1,028)         (6,054)          (2,504)
Proceeds from long-term investments (Note 3)...........................           2,299             775               __

         Net cash used by investing activities.........................         (22,002)        (29,195)         (24,281)

Proceeds from issuance of common stock.................................           5,560           4,640           33,354
Payments for retired shares............................................              __            (248)            (100)
Payments of long-term debt.............................................          (1,301)           (763)          (1,005)
Proceeds from borrowings on line of credit.............................           5,000          25,500           14,500
Payments on line of credit borrowings..................................         (10,000)        (15,000)         (14,500)

Net cash provided (used) by financing activities.......................            (741)          14,129           32,249


                                                                                      For the Years Ended August 31,
                                                                                  1998             1997           1996
                                                                                  ----             ----           ----
                                                                                        (amounts in thousands)

Net increase (decrease) in cash and temporary cash investments.........         (12,689)          1,813            4,466
Cash and temporary cash investments at beginning of year...............          23,964          22,151           17,685

Cash and temporary cash investments at end of year.....................       $ 11,275        $  23,964        $  22,151


Issuance of stock as consideration in acquisitions.....................       $    __         $  26,325        $   2,378
Adjustment to purchase price allocation................................            __               200               __



         Basis of Presentation.  Nichols Research Corporation (Nichols) provides
information  systems and  technology  services to agencies of the  Department of
Defense (DOD),  non-defense  federal agencies,  state governments and commercial

         The consolidated  financial  statements include the accounts of Nichols
Research Corporation and its majority-owned subsidiaries and joint ventures (the
Company).  Wholly-owned  subsidiaries as of August 31, 1998 are Communications &
Systems Specialists,  Inc. (CSSi), NRC Technical Services Corporation  (NRCTSC),
Advanced Marine Enterprises,  Inc. (AME), Nichols InfoTec  Corporation,  Nichols
TXEN Corporation,  Mnemonic Systems, Incorporated. (MSI), and Welkin Associates,
Ltd. (Welkin). The majority-owned joint venture as of August 31, 1998 is Nichols
ENTEC.  All  significant   intercompany  balances  and  transactions  have  been
eliminated in consolidation. The Company's earnings in unconsolidated affiliates
and joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method.

         Revenue Recognition. The major portion of the Company's revenues result
from services  performed  under U.S.  Government  contracts,  either directly or
through subcontracts.  Revenue on cost-plus-fee  (including award fee) contracts
is recognized  based on  reimbursable  costs incurred plus estimated fees earned
thereon.  Revenue on fixed-price contracts is recognized using the percentage of
completion  method based on costs incurred in relation to total estimated costs.
Revenue on  time-and-materials  contracts is  recognized  to the extent of fixed
billable rates for hours delivered plus  reimbursable  costs.  Software  license
fees are recognized  upon delivery of the software  product,  unless the Company
has  significant   obligations  remaining.  If  significant  obligations  remain
following  delivery of the software,  revenue is deferred and  recognized as the
obligations are fulfilled.  Provisions for losses on contracts are recognized in
the period in which the loss is first determinable. Unbilled accounts receivable
are stated at estimated realizable value.

         Property and Equipment. Property and equipment are recorded at cost and
depreciated using the straight-line  method over estimated useful lives of three
to ten years  for  equipment  and  furniture  and over the terms of the  related
leases for leasehold improvements.

     In March 1995, the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued  Statement
No. 121,  Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for Long-Lived
Assets to be Disposed Of,  which  requires  impairment  losses to be recorded on
long-lived  assets used in operations  when indicators of impairment are present
and the  undiscounted  cash flows  estimated to be generated by those assets are
less than the assets'  carrying  amount.  Statement  No. 121 also  addresses the
accounting  for  long-lived  assets that are  expected  to be  disposed  of. The
Company adopted Statement No. 121 in the first quarter of fiscal year 1997.

         Income  Taxes.   Deferred  income  taxes  are  provided  for  temporary
differences  between financial and taxable income,  primarily related to accrued
liabilities,  intangible assets and use of accelerated  depreciation methods for
income tax purposes.

         Cash and  Temporary  Cash  Investments.  The Company  considers as cash
equivalents  those  securities that are available upon demand or have maturities
of three months or less at the time of purchase.  At August 31, 1998,  temporary
cash investments  consisted of various money market accounts,  primarily with an
Alabama bank.

         Long-Term  Investments.  Investments  are  classified  at the  time  of
purchase and are evaluated as of each balance sheet date. Debt securities, which
include   municipal   obligations  and  preferred   stock,   are  classified  as
held-to-maturity  and are stated at  amortized  cost.  Interest,  dividends  and
amortization of premiums are included in investment income.

         Goodwill.  Goodwill is amortized  using the  straight-line  method over
periods  ranging from ten to twenty  years.  The carrying  amount of goodwill is
evaluated and if facts and circumstances  suggest that it may not be recoverable
over the remaining  amortization  period,  the carrying amount is reduced by the
amount estimated not to be recoverable.  The Company assesses long-lived assets,
of which  goodwill  associated  with  assets  acquired  in a  purchase  business
combination is included,  for impairment evaluations under Statement No. 121. As
discussed in Note 11 the Company is presently  engaged in  discussions  with the
staff of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  concerning the basis for the
twenty  year  useful  life  being  used to  amortize  certain  of the  Company's

         Capitalized  Software  Development  Costs.  Certain costs of internally
developed  software are  capitalized  and amortized over the estimated  economic
useful life of the related software product.  Amortization expense was $526,000,
$201,000  and  $89,000  for  years  ended  August  31,  1998,   1997,  and  1996

         Stock  Options.  The Company grants stock options for a fixed number of
shares to employees with an exercise option price equal to the fair value of the
shares at the date of option grant. The Company accounts for stock option grants
in  accordance  with the  Accounting  Principles  Board  (APB)  Opinion  No. 25,
Accounting  for Stock  Issued to  Employees,  and  intends to continue to do so;
accordingly,  the Company  recognizes no  compensation  expense for stock option
grants in the financial statements.

     Reclassification.  Certain prior period amounts have been  reclassified  to
conform with the current year's presentation.

         Use of  Estimates.  The  preparation  of the  financial  statements  in
conformity with generally accepted accounting  principles requires management to
make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial
statements  and  accompanying  notes.  Actual  results  could  differ  from  the


         Accounts receivable consist of the following as of August 31:

                                                                                 1998          1997           1996
                                                                            ------------- --------------- -------------
                                                                                          (in thousands)

Billed.................................................................      $   85,919    $    50,901     $   40,283
Unbilled...............................................................          27,473         45,402         52,120
                                                                            ------------- --------------- -------------
                                                                             $  113,392    $    96,303     $   92,403
                                                                            ============= =============== =============

     Accounts receivable include $87,914,000,  $82,702,000,  and $74,357,000 due
from the U.S. Government at August 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.

         Unbilled  accounts   receivable   include   retainages  of  $1,652,000,
$4,094,000,  and  $3,534,000  at August 31, 1998,  1997 and 1996,  respectively.
Unbilled  amounts are  classified  as current  assets  since  substantially  all
amounts will be realized within one year.

         Costs  related to certain  contracts  are  subject to  adjustment  from
negotiations  and  audit  between  the  Company  and  its  customers,  including
representatives  of the U.S.  Government.  Revenues for such  contracts  and the
related unbilled  receivables have been recorded in amounts that are expected to
be realized.


         The  following  is a summary of long-term  investments  as of the dates

                                                                       Gross            Gross       Estimated Fair
                                                      Cost        Unrealized Gains    Unrealized         Value
                                                                            (in thousands)
August 31, 1998 Held-to-maturity:
    Municipal obligations.....................     $    1,019         $      3        $      __       $    1,022
    Preferred stocks..........................            500                1               __              501
                                                 ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ----------------
                                                   $    1,519         $      4        $      __       $    1,523

August 31, 1997 Held-to-maturity:
    Municipal obligations.....................     $    2,734         $     __        $      __       $    2,734
    Preferred stocks..........................          1,004                9               __            1,013
                                                 ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ----------------
                                                   $    3,738         $      9        $      __       $    3,747

August 31, 1996 Held-to-maturity:
    Municipal obligations.....................     $    3,479         $     __        $     (20)      $    3,459
    Preferred stocks..........................          1,004               __              (26)             978
                                                 ---------------- ----------------- --------------- ----------------
                                                   $    4,483         $     __        $     (46)      $    4,437
                                                 ================ ================= =============== ================

Contractual  maturities of debt  securities  held to maturity occur ratably over
the next two years.


         During the fourth  quarter of fiscal  1998,  the Company  reviewed  the
insurance line of business. During the evaluation process it was determined that
expected future cash flows from this business would not be sufficient to recover
the recorded goodwill and capitalized software development costs related to this
business.  The goodwill and capitalized  software development costs were written
down to zero book value during the fourth  quarter  resulting in a pretax charge
of $1.9 million  included in Special  Charges on the  Consolidated  Statement of
Income for the year ended August 31, 1998.


         The  provisions for income taxes for the years ended August 31, consist
of the following:

                                             1998          1997        1996
                                             ----          ----        ----

                                                    (in thousands)
        Federal.......................   $   9,766     $   7,082    $  5,203
        State.........................       1,405           953         725
                                         $  11,171     $   8,035    $  5,928
        Federal......................    $  (1,553)    $    (343)   $   (120)
        State........................         (317)          (46)        (16)
                                         $  (1,870)    $    (389)   $   (136)
                                         $   9,301     $   7,646    $  5,792

         The significant components of deferred tax assets and liabilities as of
August 31:

                                                                               1998             1997               1996
                                                                               ----             ----               ----
                                                                                          (in thousands)
Current deferred tax assets:
        Accrued liabilities not currently deductible...................    $    2,488          $  2,102        $   1,519
Non-current deferred tax liabilities:
        Basis difference for property and equipment...................           (354)           (2,062)          (1,661)

                                                                           $    2,134          $     40        $    (142)

         Income tax expense as a percentage  of income  before  income taxes for
the years ended  August 31,  varies from the federal  statutory  rate due to the

                                     1998             1997             1996
                                     ----             ----             ----
Statutory federal income 
  tax rate..................         35.0%            35.0%            34.0%
State income taxes, net of 
  federal benefit...........          3.2              6.9              2.9
Non-deductible expenses 
 from acquisitions..........          2.3             47.5               __
Equity earnings in 
 affiliates.................         (0.8)            (2.6)              __
Other.......................         (0.5)            (0.4)            (0.4)
                                     39.2%            86.4%            36.5%

        The Company made income tax payments of approximately $9,189,000,  
$8,480,000,  and $6,262,000 in the years ended August 31,
1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.


         The  Company has a bank line of credit  which  provides  for  unsecured
borrowings up to  $100,000,000.  The credit  agreement  provides for interest at
London  Interbank  Offered  Rate  (LIBOR)  plus a margin  ranging from 0.325% to
0.450% and a facility fee, payable  quarterly,  of  approximately  0.125% on the
unused  portion  of the line of  credit.  The  short-term  commitment  agreement
($50,000,000)  expires November 1998 and is renewable annually and the long-term
commitment agreement ($50,000,000) is renewable in November, 2000. At August 31,
1998,  there was  $5,000,000  outstanding on this line of credit at an effective
interest rate of 6.0 percent.

         In January 1995, the Company received  $2,225,000 in bond proceeds from
the Alabama State Industrial Development Authority. The proceeds were restricted
for use in acquiring  certain capital assets by July 1996. The bonds are payable
in equal annual  principal  installments  of $222,500  through January 2005. The
bonds bear a variable rate of interest computed weekly but contain an option for
a fixed rate for a specified  length of time.  The bonds are secured by a letter
of credit.  Interest payments of $132,000,  $138,000, and $144,000, were made in
the years ended 1998, 1997, and 1996.

         The Company  borrowed  $5,771,000 in fiscal year 1994 under a term loan
agreement.  The proceeds were used to purchase computer hardware.  The agreement
requires equal monthly  principal  installments of $64,537 until September 2001.
The loan bears  interest  at LIBOR  plus  0.75% and is  secured by the  computer
hardware  which  has a  carrying  value  of  $2,388,000.  Interest  payments  of
$182,000,  $210,000,  and $278,000 were made in the years ended August 31, 1998,
1997, and 1996,  respectively.  Interest expense is included in the consolidated
statements of income as a direct and allocable cost.


         In 1997, the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 128,  Earnings  per Share.  Statement  128
replaced the previously  reported  primary and fully diluted  earnings per share
with earnings per common share and earnings per common share assuming  dilution.
Unlike primary earnings per common share, earnings per common share excludes any
dilutive effects of options, warrants, and convertible securities.  Earnings per
common share assuming dilution is very similar to the previously  reported fully
diluted  earnings per share.  The Company  adopted  Statement  128 in the second
quarter of fiscal 1998. All earnings per share amounts for all periods have been
presented  and,  where  necessary,  restated  to  conform to the  Statement  128

         The following  table sets forth the  computation of earnings per common
share and earnings per common share assuming dilution for the years ended August

                                                                        1998           1997             1996
     Net income and income available to
          common stockholders and income
          available to common stockholders                        $  14,423,000   $ 1,199,000       $ 10,063,000
          after assumed conversions...............

     Denominator for earnings per common
          share - weighted average common
          shares..................................                   13,607,145    12,090,377         10,090,684

Effect of dilutive securities:
     Employee stock options.......................                      517,833       622,310            590,596

Denominator for earnings per common
     share assuming dilution - adjusted
     weighted average common shares
     and assumed conversions......................                   14,124,978    12,712,687         10,681,280

Earnings per common share..........................               $        1.06    $     0.10        $      1.00 
Earnings per common share assuming  
     dilution......................................               $        1.02    $     0.09        $      0.94


         The Company leases office  facilities under various  operating  leases,
including leases with companies in which certain officers and stockholders  have
ownership  interests.  The leases generally have terms of one to ten years. Rent
expense for all operating leases for the years ended August 31, was as follows:

                                                                              1998            1997             1996
                                                                                         (in thousands)

Total rent expense................................................         $    8,520      $   7,853         $  5,047
Amounts to related parties........................................                983            983              980

         Future  minimum lease payments  under  operating  leases with remaining
terms of one year or more for the years ended August 31, are:

                                     1999         2000          2001             2002          2003         thereafter
                                     ----         ----          ----             ----          ----         -----------
                                                                               (in thousands)

Total..........................    $ 9,296       $ 8,391       $  5,555       $  3,626        $ 3,320       $  10,275
Amounts to related parties.....        983           894            429            215             __              __


         Substantially  all  full-time  employees  are covered by one of several
defined  contribution  plans offered by the Company.  Employees are permitted to
defer  from 0% to 15% of  their  salary  depending  on the  plan in  which  they
participate.  A Company  matching  contribution is determined  based on employee
deferral  percentage  and  ranges  from 0% to a maximum  of 2.5%.  Discretionary
contributions  may also be made to plans as determined  annually by the Board of
Directors.  Total provisions for employee  retirement  plans were  approximately
$8,112,000, $6,968,000, and $5,633,000 for the years ended August 31, 1998, 1997
and 1996, respectively.


         The  Company  has  employee  stock  option  plans that  provide for the
issuance of incentive  stock  options (as defined by the Internal  Revenue Code)
and  nonstatutory  stock  options to key  employees,  including  officers of the
Company and its subsidiaries.  Options are  nontransferable and exercisable only
during employment,  with certain exceptions.  Options are fully vested 48 months
from the date of grant. Options expire five or ten years from the date of grant.
At August 31, 1998, 1,629,955 shares were available for grant under these plans.

         The Company  also has a stock option plan for  non-employee  members of
the Board of  Directors.  Options are  exercisable  immediately  and expire five
years from the date of grant.  At August 31, 1998,  57,490 shares were available
for grant under this plan.

         A  summary  of   activity   relating   to  stock   options,   including
reclassification of prior year share presentation, is as follows:

                                                               Employee             Non-Employee
                                                                Stock                   Stock
                                                                Option                 Option              Total
                                                                Plans                   Plans


Outstanding at August 31, 1995
($8.58 per share)...............................              1,350,760                29,508             1,380,268
      Granted ($14.20 per share)................                299,468                 9,000               308,468
      Exercised ($6.47  per share)..............               (250,644)               (5,502)             (256,146)
      Canceled/Expired ($9.80 per share)........                (69,926)                   __               (69,926)
Outstanding at August 31, 1996
($10.18 per share)..............................              1,329,658                33,006             1,362,664
      Granted ($22.80 per share)................                243,077                 6,000               249,077
      Exercised ($9.36 per share)...............               (316,150)              (10,506)             (326,656)
      Canceled/Expired ($12.45 per share).......                (36,474)               (1,000)              (37,474)
Outstanding at August 31, 1997
($12.85 per share)..............................              1,220,111                27,500             1,247,611
      Granted ($23.86 per share)................                453,540                 5,000               458,540
      Exercised ($10.09 per share)..............               (323,312)               (9,000)             (332,312)
      Canceled/Expired ($17.09 per share).......               (106,676)                   __              (106,676)

Outstanding at August 31, 1998..................              1,243,663                23,500             1,267,163
Exercisable at August 31, 1998..................                364,376                23,500               387,876

                                                                    Weighted                             Weighted
      Range of                                 Contractual           Average                              Average
      Exercise               Number             Remaining           Exercise           Number           Exercisable
       Prices              Outstanding            Life                Price          Exercisable           Price
       ------              -----------            ----                -----          -----------           -----

$  0.72 -  $  8.14          235,807             3.5 years            $ 7.11             216,988           $ 7.13
   8.15 -     13.56         269,199             1.8 years             11.09             126,167            10.94
  13.57 -     21.70         124,949             3.0 years             16.72              32,221            15.97
  21.71 -     27.13         637,208             3.9 years             23.56              12,500            23.27
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$  0.72 -  $  27.13       1,267,163             3.3 years            $17.51             387,876           $ 9.63

         The Company has an employee  stock  purchase plan that allows  eligible
employees to purchase common stock at less than fair market value.  The purchase
price is 85% of fair market value on each quarterly purchase date. Purchases are
limited to the lesser of 10% of an employee's  annual  compensation  or $25,000.
Shares of common stock issued under this plan were 111,797,  79,816,  and 64,703
in the years ended August 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively.

         In October  1995,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  issued
Statement No. 123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation,  which requires that
financial statements include certain disclosures about the stock-based employees
compensation  and allows,  but does not require,  a fair  value-based  method of
accounting for such  compensation.  As allowed under the provisions of Statement
No. 123,  the Company  has elected to apply APB Opinion No. 25,  Accounting  for
Stock Issued to Employees,  and related  Interpretations  in accounting  for its
stock based plans. Accordingly, no compensation cost has been recognized for its
qualified stock option plans and its employee stock purchase plans.  The effects
of  applying  Statement  No.  123 on a pro  forma  basis  are not  likely  to be
representative of the effects on reported pro forma net income (loss) for future
years  as  the  estimated   compensation  cost  reflects  only  options  granted
subsequent to August 31, 1995.  Had  compensation  cost for these  programs been
determined  based on the fair value at the grant  dates for awards  under  these
programs  consistent  with the method  prescribed  under  Statement No. 123, the
Company's  net income and  earnings per share would have been reduced to the pro
forma amounts indicated below for the years ended August 31:

                                                                                1998             1997            1996
                                                                                ----             ----            ----
                                                                                   (in thousands except share data)

   As reported.........................................................      $   14,423       $   1,199      $   10,063
   Pro forma...........................................................          12,179            (160)          9,525
   As reported.........................................................      $     1.06       $    0.10      $     1.00
   Pro forma...........................................................            0.86           (0.01)           0.89
Weighted-average fair value of options granted
during the period......................................................      $     9.52       $    9.05      $     6.38

         The fair value of each option  grant is  estimated on the date of grant
using  a  type  of  Black-Scholes   option-pricing   model  with  the  following
weighted-average  assumptions  used for option  grants in fiscal 1998,  1997 and
1996,  respectively:  dividend  yield of 0% for all years;  expected  volatility
factors of 0.391, 0.378 and 0.312;  risk-free interest rates of 6.37%, 6.64% and
6.23%; and expected lives of 4 years for all years.


         On July 28, 1998,  the Company  exchanged  415,689 shares of its common
stock for all of the  outstanding  shares of  Welkin.  Welkin is a  provider  of
engineering and  acquisition  management  services to the National  Intelligence
community. The business combination was accounted for as a pooling of interests.
As a result of  conforming  Welkin's  previous  March 31 fiscal  year end to the
Company's  August 31 fiscal year end, seven months of operations are included in
both fiscal year ended August 31, 1998 and 1997.  Revenue of $11,208,000 and net
income of $479,000 are included in both fiscal years. All periods presented have
been restated to include the accounts and operations of Welkin with those of the
Company as previously reported.

                                                                                 For the Years Ended August 31,
                                                                                     1997               1996
                                                                                     (amounts in thousands)

     Previously reported.............................................           $   379,695         $   242,308
     Welkin..........................................................                18,447              14,297
     Combined........................................................           $   398,142         $   256,605

Net Income:
     Previously reported.............................................           $       474         $     9,392
     Welkin..........................................................                   725                 671
     Combined........................................................           $     1,199         $    10,063

         Operations  of the  companies  acquired  which  were  accounted  for as
purchases  have  been  included  in  the  accompanying   consolidated  financial
statements from their  respective  dates of acquisition.  The excess of purchase
price  over fair  value of  identifiable  assets  and  liabilities  acquired  is
included as goodwill.  Certain of the purchase agreements provide for contingent
payments based on certain operating results for periods ranging from one to five
years from date of acquisition.

         On April 15, 1998 the Company acquired 100% of the outstanding stock of
MSI. MSI is a systems  integration  company serving clients primarily within the
U.S.  Department of Justice.  Aggregate  consideration  of  approximately  $12.5
million was paid at closing.  Additional  consideration of up to $6.0 million is
contingent upon achieving  specified  operating results during the twelve months
following acquisition as defined in the purchase agreement.  The acquisition was
accounted for using the purchase  method of  accounting.  The  allocation of the
excess  purchase price to intangible  assets includes $2.0 million to in-process
research and development and $10.0 million to goodwill. The purchased in-process
research and  development  was expensed in the third  quarter and is included in
the  consolidated  statements of income for the year ended August 31, 1998.  The
goodwill  amount is being  amortized  using  the  straight-line  method  over an
estimated useful life of fifteen years.

         On August 29,  1997 the  Company  exercised  its option to acquire  the
remaining 80.1% of TXEN,  Inc., an information  systems and services  company in
the managed  care  industry.  Aggregate  consideration  of  approximately  $43.8
million  was paid at  closing,  $17.5  million in cash and  1,084,148  shares of
stock, valued at approximately $26.3 million.  Allocation of the excess purchase
price to intangible  assets includes;  $12.0 million to in-process  research and
development  which was  expensed  in the fourth  quarter  and is included in the
consolidated  statement  of income for the year ended  August  31,  1997,  $15.6
million to  goodwill,  $12.7  million to other  intangibles  and $1.8 million to
capitalized software development costs.  Goodwill and other intangibles totaling
$27.6  million  are being  amortized  using  the  straight-line  method  over an
estimated useful life of twenty years. The remaining $0.7 million of intangibles
is being amortized using the straight-line  method over an estimated useful life
of seven years. The $1.8 million of capitalized  software  development  costs is
being amortized using the straight-line  method over an estimated useful life of
five years.

         In  connection  with the  Company's  filing of a Form S-3  registration
statement,  the  Company  is  engaged  in  discussions  with  the  staff  of the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  regarding  the purchase  price  allocation
related to its August 1997  acquisition of TXEN. These  discussions  principally
relate to the amount  allocated to in-process  research and  development and the
useful  life  of  twenty  years  assigned  to  goodwill.  The  Company  and  its
independent  auditors,  Ernst & Young LLP believe the purchase price  allocation
recorded in  connection  with the TXEN  acquisition,  and  related  amortization
charges,  are in  accordance  with widely  recognized  appraisal  practices  and
generally accepted accounting  principles.  However, the staff of the Securities
and Exchange  Commission has recently  expressed views  concerning  valuation of
in-process   research  and  development  in  business   combinations  which,  if
determined to be applicable,  would probably result in a reduction in the amount
allocated to in-process  research and development.  If there are any significant
changes as a result of these  discussions to the amounts  allocated to purchased
in-process  research and development or other intangible  assets,  or changes in
the lives  over  which such  amounts  are  amortized,  these  could  result in a
material  reduction  in the  amount of the charge for  in-process  research  and
development  reflected  in the  Company's  financial  results for the year ended
August  31,  1997 and  increased  amortization  expense  in 1998 and  subsequent
periods which could be material.

         On May 31, 1996 the Company  acquired  all of the  outstanding  capital
stock of AME. AME provides naval  architectural and marine engineering  services
to primarily U.S. Government clients.  The purchase price of approximately $17.5
million  consisted of $15.1 million in cash and 108,066  shares of the Company's
stock valued at $2.4 million.  The  resulting  goodwill of  approximately  $12.5
million is being amortized using the straight line method over fifteen years.

         The following  unaudited pro forma summary  presents  information as if
all  the  acquisitions  had  occurred  at the  beginning  of  each  fiscal  year
presented.  The  pretax  charge  of $14  million  related  to the  write-off  of
purchased in-process research and development has been included in the pro forma
results  for the year  ended  August  31,  1997.  The pro forma  information  is
presented for informational purposes only. It is based on historical information
and does not necessarily reflect the actual results that would have occurred nor
is it  necessarily  indicative  of future  results of operations of the combined

                                                     1998            1997
                                                (in thousands except share data)

Revenues......................................  $    440,886      $  435,949
Net income....................................        16,341           1,608
Earnings per share assuming dilution..........  $       1.16      $     0.12


         The Company owns a 50% interest in a joint  venture,  NCCIM.  NCCIM was
formed to perform work under a five year  contract  awarded in August 1997.  The
Company's  aggregate  capital  investment  is  $1,345,000  at August  31,  1998.
Undistributed  equity  earnings of $524,000  are included in the August 31, 1998
Retained Earnings balance reported in the Consolidated Balance Sheet.

         In  February  1997,  the  Company  acquired  approximately  30%  of the
outstanding  capital  stock of Intertech  Management  Group,  Inc.  (Intertech).
Subsequently,  the Company purchased an additional 4% interest. As of August 31,
1998, the Company holds approximately 34% of the outstanding capital stock at an
aggregate cost of approximately $5,663,000. Intertech provides software and data
processing services to the telecommunications industry.

         In October 1995, the Company acquired the equivalent of approximately a
20% interest in HealthGate  at an aggregate  cost of  approximately  $2,069,000.
HealthGate provides a biomedical and health information system on the World Wide


                                                                  Operating                                Per Share
                                             Revenues              Profit              Net Income          Assuming
                                                                    (Loss)               (Loss)            Dilution
                                                                  (in thousands except share data)

Year ended August 31, 1998
     First Quarter..................        $   88,540            $   5,682           $    3,504          $    0.25
     Second Quarter..................           92,509                5,963                3,819               0.27
     Third Quarter...................          118,478                5,589                3,427               0.24
     Fourth Quarter..................          127,516                6,127                3,673               0.26

Year ended August 31, 1997
     First Quarter...................       $   87,240            $   4,776           $    3,214          $    0.25
     Second Quarter..................           96,379                4,615                3,154               0.25
     Third Quarter...................           98,702                4,989                3,402               0.27
     Fourth Quarter..................          115,821               (6,645)              (8,571)             (0.67)

NOTE:  All prior  periods have been  restated to reflect the merger with Welkin,
which  was  consummated  on July 28,  1998 and  accounted  for as a  pooling  of


The Board Of Directors
Nichols Research Corporation

         We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Nichols
Research  Corporation  as of August 31,  1998,  1997 and 1996,  and the  related
consolidated  statements of income,  stockholders' equity and cash flows for the
years then ended.  These  financial  statements  are the  responsibility  of the
Company's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.

         We conducted our audits in accordance with generally  accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

         In our opinion,  the  financial  statements  referred to above  present
fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Nichols
Research  Corporation at August 31, 1998,  1997 and 1996,  and the  consolidated
results  of its  operations  and its cash  flows  for the  years  then  ended in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                               ERNST & YOUNG LLP

October 7, 1998



                                    PART III


         The  information  appearing  under  "Election of  Directors" on pages 3
through 6 of the Nichols Research  Corporation  Proxy Statement  relative to the
Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held January 14, 1999, is incorporated by
reference in this Form 10-K Annual Report. Information regarding delinquent Form
3, 4 or 5 filers appearing under "Section 16(a) Beneficial  Ownership  Reporting
Compliance"  on page 14 of the  Nichols  Research  Corporation  Proxy  Statement
relative to the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held January 14, 1999, is
incorporated by reference in this Form 10-K Annual Report.  Information relating
to the  executive  officers  is  set  forth  under  "Executive  Officers  of the
Registrant" on page 12 of this Form 10-K Annual Report.


         The information  appearing under  "Executive  Compensation"  on pages 7
through 14 of the Nichols Research  Corporation Proxy Statement  relative to the
Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held January 14, 1999, is incorporated by
reference in this Form 10-K Annual Report.


         The information appearing under "Common Stock Outstanding and Principal
Shareholders"  on pages 1 through 3 of the Nichols  Research  Corporation  Proxy
Statement  relative to the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held January 14,
1999, is incorporated by reference in this Form 10-K Annual Report.


         The  information  appearing  under "Certain  Relationships  and Related
Transactions"  on page 14 of the Nichols  Research  Corporation  Proxy Statement
relative to the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held January 14, 1999, is
incorporated by reference in this Form 10-K Annual Report.

                                     PART IV


(a) (1) The financial  statements  and other  financial  information  of Nichols
Research  Corporation  set forth  below and the Report of  Independent  Auditors
thereon are incorporated by reference from pages 24 through 37 of this Form 10-K
Annual Report:

Consolidated Balance Sheets at August 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996

Consolidated Statements of Income for the three years ended August 31, 1998

Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity for the three years ended August
31, 1998

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the three years ended  August 31, 1998

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors

Selected Quarterly Financial Data

         (2) All financial  statement schedules are omitted because they are not
applicable or the required  information is shown in the financial  statements or
notes thereto.

         (3)  Exhibits:

Exhibit Number
and Method of
Filing Reference                                        Description

2.1          L    Stock Purchase  Agreement dated May 31, 1996,  between  Registrant and the shareholders of Advanced Marine
                  Enterprises, Inc.

2.2          T    Agreement of Merger dated August 27, 1997, between  Registrant,  Nichols SELECT  Corporation,  TXEN, Inc.,
                  and the shareholders of TXEN, Inc.

2.3          O    Stock Purchase  Agreement  dated April 15, 1998,  between  Registrant and Artis G. Isaac,  the sole shareholder of
                  Mnemonic Systems, Incorporated.

2.4          A    Agreement and Plan of Merger dated June 26, 1998,  between  Registrant,  WAL Acquisition  Company, Inc. and Welkin
                  Associates, Ltd.

3.1          M&C  Certificate of Incorporation and Amendments thereto.

3.2          K    By-laws and Amendments thereto.

4            D    Specimen Stock Certificate.

10.1         B    Performance Bonus Plan of Registrant dated July 1, 1986.*

10.2         D&F  Non-Employee Officer and Director Stock Option Plan of Registrant.*

10.3         D&I  1988 Employees' Stock Purchase Plan of Registrant and Amendments Number One and Two thereto.*

10.4         J    Lease dated February 18, 1992,  between Parkway  Properties II, as Lessor,  and Registrant,  as Lessee, for office
                  space located at 4035 Chris Drive, Huntsville, Alabama, together with exhibits.

10.5         N    Lease dated January 25, 1996, between High Tech Properties, as Lessor, and Registrant, as Lessee, for office space
                  located at 1900 Golf Road, Huntsville, Alabama, together with exhibits.

10.6         E&Q  Nichols Research Corporation 1989 Incentive Stock Option Plan.*

10.7         A    Credit Agreement dated November    25, 1997 between the  Registrant  and Corestates  Bank,  N.A.relating to a $100
                  million revolving credit facility.

10.8         G&R  Nichols Research Corporation 1991 Stock Option Plan.*

10.9         H    Amendments Three and Four to the 1988 Employees' Stock Purchase Plan of Registrant.*

10.10        H    Amendment to the Non-Employee Officer and Director Stock Option Plan of Registrant.*

10.11        H    Amendment to the 1989 Incentive Stock Option Plan of Registrant.*

10.12        J    Amendment Number Five to the 1988 Employees' Stock Purchase Plan of Registrant.*

10.13        J    Amendment Number Two to the Non-Employee Officer and Director Stock Option Plan of Registrant.*

10.14        J    Amendment Number One to the 1991 Stock Option Plan of Registrant.*

10.15        K    Amendments Two and Three to the 1991 Stock Option Plan of Registrant.*

10.16        K    Lease dated July 31, 1995, between Parkway  Properties,  as Lessor, and Registrant,  as Lessee, for office
                  space located at 1910 Nichols Drive, Huntsville, Alabama.

10.17        K    Restricted Stock Purchase Agreement dated September 1, 1994 between Registrant and Michael J. Mruz.*

10.18        P    Amendment Six to the Nichols Research Corporation 1988 Employees' Stock Purchase Plan.*

10.19        Q    Amendment Three to the Nichols Research Corporation 1989 Incentive Stock Option Plan.*

10.20        R    Amendment Five to the Nichols Research Corporation 1991 Stock Option Plan.*

10.21        S    Amendment Four to the Nichols Research Corporation Non-Employee Officer and Director Stock Option Plan.*

10.22        U    Amendment Two to Employment  Agreement dated September 1, 1997 between  Nichols  Research  Corporation and
                  Michael J. Mruz.*

10.23        T    Employment Agreement with Thomas L. Patterson, and Amendment to such Employment Agreement.*

10.24        C    Nichols Research Corporation 1997 Stock Option Plan. *

10.25        C    Nichols Research Corporation 1997 Stock Bonus Plan.*

10.26        C    Nichols Research Corporation Supplemental Retirement Benefit Plan between Registrant and Michael J. Mruz.*

10.27        C    Nichols Research Corporation Supplemental Retirement Benefit Plan between Registrant and Chris H. Horgen.*

10.28        A    Employment  Agreement  dated July 28, 1998,  between Welkin  Associates,  Ltd., the Registrant and Carl W.
                  Monk, Jr.*

10.29        A    mendment Two dated June 1, 1998 to Employment  Agreement  between Nichols TXEN  Corporation and Thomas L.

10.30        A    Employment  Agreement dated December 16, 1994 between Nichols SELECT  Corporation and Paul D. Reaves,  and
                  amendment to such Employment Agreement.*

10.31        A    Employment Agreement dated August 29, 1997 between Nichols SELECT Corporation and H. Grey Wood.*

21           A    Subsidiaries of Registrant.

23           A    Consent of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors.

24           A    Power of Attorney.  Reference is made to page 42 of this Form 10-K.

27           A    Financial Data Schedule.

99           A    Consent of Charles A. Leader.

- ----------------------

A Filed herewith.

B  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on November
21,  1986  with the  Company's  registration  statement  on Form S-1  under  the
Securities Act of 1933, File No. 33-10323.

C  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits filed with the Commission on April 13,
1998 with the  Company's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal  quarter
ended February 28, 1998, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

D  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on November
28, 1989 with the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
August 31, 1989, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

E  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on November
16, 1990 with the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
August 31, 1990, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

F Incorporated by reference to exhibits filed with the Commission on January 18,
1991 with the Company's  registration statement on Form S-8 under the Securities
Act of 1933, File No. 33-38568.

G  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on November
20, 1992 with the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
August 31, 1992, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

H  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on November
26, 1993 with the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
August 31, 1993, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

I Incorporated by reference to exhibits filed with the Commission on February 7,
1989 with the Company's  registration statement on Form S-8 under the Securities
Act of 1933, File No. 33-13464.

J  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on November
28, 1994 with the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
August 31, 1994, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

K  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on November
29, 1995 with the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
August 31, 1995, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

L  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on June 17,
1996 with the  Company's  Current  Report on Form 8-K  dated  May 31,  1996,  as
amended, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

M  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on July 25,
1996 with the Company's  registration statement on Form S-3 under the Securities
Act of 1933, File No. 333-08787.

N  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on November
25, 1996 with the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
August 31, 1996, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

O  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on July 14,
1998 with the  Company's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal  quarter
ended May 31, 1998, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

P  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on June 13,
1997 with the Company's  registration statement on Form S-8 under the Securities
Act of 1933, File No. 333-07164.

Q  Incorporated  by  reference  to exhibits  filed on December 10, 1991 with the
Company's  registration  statement on Form S-8 under the Securities Act of 1933,
File No. 33-44409,  as amended by Form S-8 filed with the Commission on June 13,
1997 (File No.

R Incorporated by reference to exhibits filed with the Commission on December 7,
1992 with the Company's  registration statement on Form S-8 under the Securities
Act of 1933, File No. 33-55454, as amended by Form S-8 filed with the Commission
on June 13, 1997 (File No. 333-07162).

S  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on June 23,
1997 with the Company's  registration statement on Form S-8 under the Securities
Act of 1933, File No. 333-29791.

T  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits filed with the Commission on September
11, 1997 with the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated August 31, 1997, as
amended under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

U  Incorporated  by reference to exhibits  filed with the Commission on November
28,  1997,  with the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
ended August 31, 1997, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

*        Denotes management contract or compensatory plan or  arrangement 
         required to be filed as an exhibit to this report.

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K.  No  reports on Form 8-K were filed  during the fourth
quarter of the fiscal year ended August 31, 1998.

(c)   Exhibits. The response to this portion of Item 14 is submitted as a 
      separate section of this report.

(d)   Financial Statement Schedules. The response to this portion of Item 14 is 
      submitted as a separate section of this report.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                             NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

 November 24, 1998                           By  Chris H. Horgen
 -----------------                               ---------------
                                                 Chris H. Horgen
                                                 Chairman of the Board

                               POWER OF ATTORNEY

         KNOW  ALL MEN BY THESE  PRESENTS,  that  each  person  whose  signature
appears  below,  hereby  constitutes  and appoints  Michael J. Mruz and Allen E.
Dillard,  and each or  either  of them,  with  full  power of  substitution,  as
attorneys-in-fact  in  their  names,  place  and  stead to  execute  any and all
amendments to this Form 10-K,  and to file the same,  with exhibits  thereto and
documents in connection  therewith,  and hereby ratify and confirm all that said
attorneys-in-fact and each of them or his substitutes may do by virtue hereof.

     Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, this
report has been signed by the following  persons on behalf of the registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

         Signature                                           Title                                     Date

       Chris H. Horgen                     Chairman of the Board (Principal                      November 24, 1998
       ---------------                     Executive Officer)                    
       Chris H. Horgen                     

       Michael J. Mruz                     Chief Exective Officer and Director                   November 24, 1998
       Michael J. Mruz

       Patsy L. Hattox                     Corporate Vice President, Chief Administrative        November 25, 1998
       ---------------                     Officer, Secretary and Director
       Patsy L. Hattox                    

       Roy J. Nichols                      Vice Chairman and Senior Vice President               November 24, 1998
       Roy J. Nichols 

       Roger P. Heinisch                   Director                                              November 18, 1998
       Roger P. Heinisch

       John R. Wynn                        Director                                              November 25, 1998
       John R. Wynn

       William E. Odom                     Director                                              November 20, 1998
       William E. Odom

       James R. Thompson, Jr.              Director                                              November 20, 1998
       James R. Thompson, Jr.

       Phil E. Depoy                       Director                                              November 24, 1998
       Phil E. Depoy

       -------------------                 Chairman of Nichols TXEN Corporation and              November ___, 1998
       Thomas L. Patterson                  Director

       Daniel W. McGlaughlin               Director                                              November 23, 1998
       Daniel W. McGlaughlin

       David Friend                       Director                                               November 18, 1998
       David Friend

       Allen E. Dillard                   Corporate Vice President, Chief Financial Officer,     November 25, 1998
       ----------------                   and Corporate Treasurer (Principal Financial
       Allen E. Dillard                   and Accounting Officer)