Washington, DC  20549

                                     FORM 10-Q/A
                               AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO
                   (X)      QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO
                              SECTION 13 OR 15 (d) OF
                        THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                    For the Quarterly Period Ended May 31, 1998


                   (   )    TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO
                              SECTION 13 OR 15 (d) OF
                        THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                    For The Transition Period From _____________
                                           To  _____________

                            Nichols Research Corporation
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
                         Commission File Number 0-15295

                    DELAWARE                            63-0713665
        (State or other jurisdiction of              (I.R.S. Employer
         incorporation or organization)              Identification no.)

                            4040 Memorial Parkway, South
                          Huntsville, Alabama  35802-1326
                                   (256) 883-1140
                (Address, including zip code, of principal offices)

                                     NO CHANGE
         (Former name, address and fiscal year if changed since last report)

           Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant (1)  has filed
          all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15  (d) of the
          Securities Exchange Act of  1934 during the preceding  12 months
          (or for such shorter period that the registrant  was required to
          file such  reports), and  (2) has  been subject  to such  filing
          requirements for the past 90 days.

                            YES X                NO __
          Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's
              classes of common stock, as of the latest practical date.

                            COMMON  STOCK, $.01 PAR VALUE
                    13,271,712 SHARES OUTSTANDING ON  May 31, 1998

                                     FORM 10-Q
                            NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

          Item 2 - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                   Condition and Results of Operations

          Overview and Business Environment

             The  Company   is  a  leading   provider  of   technical  and
          information  technology  (IT)  services,  inlcuding  information
          processing, systems development  and systems  integration.   The
          Company provides  these services  to a  wide  range of  clients,
          including  the  Department  of  Defense  (DoD),   other  federal
          agencies, state and local governments, healthcare  and insurance
          organizations,  and  commercial  enterprises.     The  Company's
          business strategy consists of  three key elements:  (i) maintain
          the Company's leadership in technology; (ii) apply the Company's
          technology to create solutions  for new clients; and  (iii) make
          strategic acquisitions and investments to expand the business of
          the Company and gain industry knowledge.  The Company's business
          and   financial   performance   are   subject   to   risks   and
          uncertainties, including those discussed below.

             The Company  is organized in  four strategic  business units,
          reflecting the particular market focus of each line of business.
          The Defense  and Intelligence  unit,  formerly Nichols  Federal,
          provides technical services primarily to U.S. government defense
          agencies.  The  Government Information Technology unit, formerly
          Nichols  InfoFed, provides  information and technology solutions
          and    services   to   a   variety  of  governmental   agencies.
          Nichols InfoTec  provides information  and  technology  services
          to   various  commercial clients, other than healthcare clients.
          Nichols TXEN provides information   services  to  clients in the
          healthcare and insurance industries.   The Company  is currently
          evaluating whether  the services  and   products provided to the
          insurance industry should continue to be  included with  Nichols
          TXEN or  reorganized into Nichols InfoTec.  For  the nine months
          ended   May 31,  1998,   the   percentage  of   total   revenues
          attributable to the  four business units was  approximately  55%
          for  Defense and  Intelligence,  24%  for Government Information
          Technology, 10% for Nichols  InfoTec, and 11% for Nichols TXEN.

             Expansion through acquisitions  is an important  component of
          the Company's  overall  business  strategy.    The  Company  has
          successfully   completed   nine   strategic   acquisitions   and
          investments since  September 1,  1994.  The Company's  continued
          ability to grow  by acquisitions is  dependent upon, and  may be
          limited  by,   the   availability  of   compatible   acquisition
          candidates at reasonable prices,  the Company's ability  to fund
          or finance acquisitions on  acceptable terms, and  the Company's
          ability to maintain or enhance the profitability of any acquired


            As  part  of the  Company's  business  strategy to  enter  new
          markets, the Company intends to pursue large systems integration
          contracts  in  both  the  government  and   commercial  markets,
          although competition for such  contracts is intense and  many of
          the  Company's  competitors  have  greater  resources  than  the
          Company.  While  such contracts  are working capital  intensive,
          requiring large equipment and software purchases to be funded by
          the  Company  before payment  from  the  customer, the   Company
          believes  such contracts  offer attractive  revenue  growth  and
          margin   expansion   opportunities   for   the   Company's range
          of technical expertise and capabilities.

             The  Company's  revenues  and  earnings  may  fluctuate  from
          quarter to quarter  based on such  factors as the  number, size,
          and scope  of projects  in  which the  Company  is engaged,  the
          contractual terms  and degree  of completion  of such  projects,
          expenditures required  by the  Company in  connection with  such
          projects, any delays incurred in connection  with such projects,
          employee utilization  rates,  the  adequacy  of  provisions  for
          losses, the  accuracy  of  estimates of  resources  required  to
          complete ongoing  projects,  and  general  economic  conditions.
          Under certain contracts,  the Company  is required to  purchase,
          integrate and deliver to the customer large  amounts of computer
          processing systems and other equipment.  Revenues are accrued as
          costs to deliver  these systems are  incurred, and as  a result,
          quarterly revenues will be  impacted by fluctuations  related to
          equipment purchases which occur on a periodic basis depending on
          contract terms and modifications.

             The Company's services  are provided primarily  through three
          types of  contracts: fixed-price,  time-and-materials and  cost-
          reimbursement contracts.    Fixed-price  contracts  require  the
          Company to perform  services under  a contract  at a  stipulated
          price.  Time-and-materials  contracts reimburse the  Company for
          the number of labor hours expended at an established hourly rate
          negotiated in the contract, plus the cost of materials incurred.
          Under cost-reimbursement  contracts, the  Company is  reimbursed
          for all actual costs incurred in performing the  contract to the
          extent that  such  costs are  within  the contract  ceiling  and
          allowable under the terms of the contract, plus a fee or profit.



                                       FORM 10-Q
                               NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION
          Results of Operations
             The  following table sets  forth, for the  periods indicated,
          the  percentage  which   certain  items   in  the   consolidated
          statements of income bear to consolidated revenues:

                                        For the Three       For the Nine
                                        Months Ended        Months Ended
                                      May 31,   May 31,    May 31,  May 31,
                                       1998      1997       1998     1997
Revenues.........................     100.0%    100.0%     100.0%   100.0%

Costs and expenses:
 Direct and allocable costs......      84.5      88.3       83.7     88.3
 General and administrative
  expenses.......................       8.0       6.2        8.7      6.1
 Amortization of intangibles.....       1.1       0.6        1.2      0.6
 Purchased  in-process research
  and development................       1.8         -        0.7        -
    Total costs and expenses.....      95.4      95.1       94.3     95.0

Operating profit.................       4.6       4.9        5.7      5.0
Interest expense.................      (0.0)     (0.0)      (0.1)    (0.2)
Other income, principally
 interest........................       0.1       0.3        0.3      0.3
Equity in earnings of
 unconsolidated affilites........       0.0       0.1        0.1      0.2
Minority interest in
 consolidated subsidiaries.......      (0.1)     (0.0)      (0.2)    (0.1)
Income before income taxes.......       4.6       5.3        5.8      5.2
Income taxes.....................       1.7       1.9        2.2      1.9
Net income.......................       2.9%      3.4%      3.6%      3.3%

               The Company had  a backlog  of approximately $1.1  billion,
          including options  of  $766.1  million,  at May  31,  1998.  The
          Company had a backlog  of approximately $1.2  billion, including
          options of $684.4 million, at May 31, 1997.   Backlog represents
          the amount  of revenues  expected to  be  realized from  awarded
          contracts. Therefore, the  amount in  backlog is typically  less
          than the  face  amount  of  the contract.  The  amount  includes
          estimates based on the Company's experience  with similar awards
          and customers and estimates of revenues that would be recognized
          from the performance of options, under  existing contracts, that
          may be exercised by  the customer. These estimates  are reviewed
          periodically and  are  adjusted based  on  the latest  available
          information.  Historically,  these  adjustments  have  not  been
          significant. Because contracts  in backlog are  typically multi-
          year contracts, an  increase in backlog  may not  translate into
          proportional revenue growth in any future period.

          The table below presents contract award and backlog data for the
          periods indicated:

                                                   May 31,    May 31,
                                                     1998      1997
                                               (amounts in thousands)
                Contract award amount.......    $  174,996  $  444,309
                Backlog (with options)......    $1,138,331  $1,201,087
                Backlog (without options)...    $  372,212  $  516,681

          Comparison of Operating  Results for  Fiscal Third Quarter  1998
          with Fiscal Third Quarter 1997

             REVENUES.  Revenues  increased $19.4 million (20.6%)  for the
          three months and  $16.1 million (6.0%) for the nine months ended
          May 31, 1998  as compared to  the three  months and  nine months
          ended May 31,  1997.  The  Defense and Intelligence  unit, which
          represents approximately  55% of  consolidated  revenue for  the
          nine months ended  May 31, 1998,  reported an increase  of $10.4
          million (  7.0%)  for the  nine  months ended  May  31, 1998  as
          compared to the nine months ended  May 31, 1997, primarily  as a
          result of  continued  growth in  existing  contract base.    The
          Government Information Technology unit,representing approximately
          24% of consolidated  revenue for the  nine months ended  May 31,
          1998, reported a decrease of $31.3 million (31.6%)  for the nine
          months ended May 31, 1998 as  compared to the nine  months ended
          May 31, 1997. The decrease is due to a reduction in  the  number
          of hardware systems integrated during the current period.Nichols
          InfoTec    revenues   increased $15.1  million  (127%)  for  the
          nine  months ended May 31,  1998 as compared to the  nine months
          ended  May 31, 1997, primarily as a result of SAP software sales
          and integration services as well as the  award of new  contracts
          in   the   third   quarter  ended  May 31, 1998.   Nichols  TXEN

          revenues  have   increased  $21.9 million (209%)  for  the  nine
          months ended May 31, 1998 as compared to the nine  months  ended
          May 31, 1997  primarily as a result of  the acquisition of TXEN,
          Inc. completed in August 1997.

             OPERATING PROFIT.   In the  third fiscal quarter  the Company
          expensed, pre-tax, $2  million of purchased  in-process research
          and  development  activities  related  to  the   acquisition  of
          Mnemonic Systems, Inc. (MSI). Operating profit, including the $2
          million  write-off   of   purchased  in-process   research   and
          development, increased $0.6 million (14.0%) for the three months
          and $2.9 million (21.3%) for the nine months ended  May 31, 1998
          as compared to the  three months and  nine months ended  May 31,
          1997. Operating profit, excluding  the $2  million write-off  of
          purchased in-process  research and  development, increased  $2.6
          million (57.4%) for  the three months  and $4.9  million (36.2%)
          for the nine months ended May 31, 1998 as compared  to the three
          months and nine months ended May 31, 1997.  Direct and allocable
          costs during fiscal  year 1998  have decreased as  a percent  of
          revenues compared  to fiscal  year  1997 as  a  result of  fewer
          hardware purchases  for systems  integration contracts.  General
          and administrative expense  increased $8.5  million (51.6%)  for
          the nine months ended May 31,  1998 compared to the  nine months
          ended May 31, 1997, primarily as a result of  the acquisition of
          TXEN,  Inc.  completed   in  August   1997.    Amortization   of
          intangibles increased $1.8 million (119.8%) for  the nine months
          ended May 31, 1998 as compared to the nine months ended May  31,
          1997  primarily  as  a   result  of  the  amortization   of  the
          intangibles recorded with  the TXEN, Inc.  acquisition completed
          in August 1997.  The $2 million  pre-tax write-off  of purchased
          in-process research and  development activities  related to  the
          MSI acquisition, represents 0.7% of total costs and expenses for
          the nine months ended May 31, 1998.

             Total costs and expenses were 95.4% of revenues for the three
          months and  94.3% for  the nine  months  ended May  31, 1998  as
          compared to 95.1% for  the three months  and 95.0% for  the nine
          months ended May 31, 1997.

             OPERATING MARGIN.  Operating margin, including the $2 million
          write-off of purchased in-process research and  development, was
          4.6% for the three months and 5.7% for the nine months ended May
          31, 1998 as compared to 4.9%  for the three months and  5.0% for
          the nine months ended  May 31, 1997. Operating margin, excluding
          the $2 million  write-off of  purchased in-process research  and

          development was 6.4% for the three months and  nine months ended
          May  31,  1998.    Defense  and  Intelligence  realized  a  5.4%
          operating margin  for the  nine  months ended  May  31, 1998  as
          compared to 4.6% for the nine months ended May 31,  1997   which
          decrease was  primarily  because of  the adverse affect  of  the
          completion  of  two   significant  contracts  in   fiscal  1997.
          Government  Information Technology realized  operating  margins,
          excluding the  $2  million  write-off  of  purchased  in-process
          research and development, of 6.2% for the nine  months ended May
          31, 1998 as compared to 5.2%  for the nine months ended  May 31,
          1997. The improved margins  are the result of  increased margins
          on modifications  awarded to  existing  contracts during  fiscal
          year 1998.   The $2  million write-off  of purchased  in-process
          research and  development  related  to MSI  is  associated  with
          Government Information Technology and  represents a decrease  of
          0.7% operating margin  for the nine  months ended May  31, 1998.
          Nichols InfoTec realized operating margins of 6.2% for  the nine
          months ended May 31, 1998 as compared to 9.8% for the nine months
          ended May 31, 1997.  The decrease is  attributable  to  expenses
          incurred in acquiring and training staff for new client projects
          and development of additional sales and marketing infrastructure.
          Nichols TXEN realized operating  margins of  11.7% for  the nine
          months ended May 31, 1998 as compared to 3.0% for the nine months
          ended May 31,  1997.  The  improved  margins are  the  result of
          the  managed  care operations  acquired with the acquisition  of
          TXEN, Inc. completed in August 1997.

             OTHER INCOME  (EXPENSE).   Other  income (expense)  decreased
          $426,000 for the three months  and $433,000 for the  nine months
          ended May 31  , 1998 as  compared to the  three months  and nine
          months ended May   31, 1997.   Other  income includes  equity in
          earnings of unconsolidated affiliates and interest income; other
          expense  includes  interest   expense  and   minority  interest.
          Interest income is  from the  investment of  the Company's  cash
          reserves.   Substantially  all  available cash  is  invested  in
          interest-bearing accounts or fixed income instruments.  Interest
          expense is  primarily  from  the  long-term  borrowings  of  the
          Company and the commitment fee on unused line of credit.

             Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates  for the nine
          months ended  May 31,  1998 primarily  represents the  Company's
          share of the  earnings of   NCCIM, LLC a  joint venture,  50% of
          which is owned by the  Company; while the comparable  amount for
          the nine  months ended  May 31,  1997  primarily represents  the
          Company's share of earnings  of TXEN, Inc.   As of  August 1997,
          TXEN, Inc. became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

             Minority interest primarily represents the minority partner's
          share of earnings of Nichols ENTEC, LLC a joint  venture, 60% of
          which is  owned  by  the  Company.   The  increase  in  minority
          interest of  $0.5 million for the nine months ended May 31, 1998
          as compared to the nine months  ended May  31,1997 is  primarily
          the  result of an increase in SAP software sales and integration
          services in this Nichols InfoTec unit.


             INCOME TAXES.  Income taxes as a percentage  of income before
          taxes was  38.0%  for the  nine  months ended  May  31, 1998  as
          compared to 36.3% for the nine  months ended May 31, 1997.   The
          increase is  primarily  a  result  of  the  differences  between
          financial and  taxable  income related  to  the amortization  of

             NET INCOME.   Net income,  including the  $2 million  pre-tax
          write-off of  purchased  in-process  research  and  development,
          increased $0.1  million (1.7%)  for the  three  months and  $1.3
          million (14.2%)  for  the nine  months  ended  May 31,  1998  as
          compared to the three months and nine months ended May 31, 1997.
          Net  income, excluding  the  $2  million  pre-tax  write-off  of
          purchased in-process  research and  development, increased  $0.9
          million (51.2%) for  the three months  and $1.9  million (37.8%)
          for the nine months ended May 31, 1998 as compared  to the three
          months and nine months ended May  31, 1997. The increases  are a
          result of the discussions above.

          common share assuming dilution, including the $2 million pre-tax
          write-off of purchased  in-process research and  development for
          the three months and nine months  ended May 31, 1998  were $0.24
          and $0.74 as compared  to $0.24 and  $0.73 for the  three months
          and nine months  ended May 31,  1997. Earnings per  common share
          assuming dilution, excluding the $2 million pre-tax write-off of
          purchased in-process  research  and  development for  the  three
          months and nine months ended May 31, 1998 were  $0.33 and $0.84.
          Net  income, including  the  $2  million  pre-tax  write-off  of
          purchased in-process  research and  development, increased  $1.3
          million (14.2%)  for  the nine  months  ended  May 31,  1998  as
          compared to the nine  months  ended May  31,  1997. Net  income,
          excluding the  $2  million pre-tax  write-off  of purchased  in-
          process research and development, increased $1.9 million (37.8%)
          for the nine months ended May  31, 1998 as compared to  the nine
          months ended May  31, 1997. Weighted  average common  shares and
          common equivalent shares increased 11.4% (1,399,330  shares) for
          the nine  months ended  May 31,  1998  as compared  to the  nine
          months ended May 31, 1997.

          Liquidity And Capital Resources

             Historically,   the  Company's   positive   cash  flow   from
          operations  and  available   credit  facilities   have  provided
          adequate  liquidity  and  working  capital  to  fully  fund  the
          Company's operational needs and support the acquisition program.
          Working capital was $68.8 million  and $79.8 million at  May 31,
          1998 and 1997, respectively.  Operating activities provided cash
          of $10.9 million and $1.7 million for the nine  months ended May
          31, 1998 and 1997, respectively.


             Investing activities  used  cash  of  $19.7 million and  $7.3
          million for  the  nine  months  ended  May  31, 1998  and  1997,
          respectively.  Financing   activities used cash of $6.8  million
          for  the nine  months  ended May  31, 1998  and provided cash of
          $2.4 million for the nine months  ended May 31, 1997.

             Cash provided by operating activities  increased $9.2 million
          for the nine months ended May  31, 1998 as compared to  the nine
          months ended  May  31, 1997.    The increase  is  the result  of
          increased net income ($1.3 million), an increase in the non-cash
          adjustments to  reconcile net  income to  net  cash provided  by
          operations ($4.9 million)  and changes  in operating assets  and
          liabilities, net of the effects of acquisitions ($3.0 million).

             Cash used for investing activities was $19.7  million for the
          nine months ended May 31, 1998.  The Company acquired all of the
          capital  stock   of  Mnemonic   Systems,   Inc.  for   aggregate
          consideration of  approximately  $12.3  million.   Purchases  of
          property and equipment  were $7.1 million  and $3.2  million for
          the nine months ended May 31, 1998 and 1997,  respectively.  The
          Company realized net proceeds of  $1.3 million from the maturity
          of long-term investments.   An  additional $1.0 million  capital
          investment was  made  for  affiliates accounted  for  using  the
          equity method.

             Cash used for financing  activities was $6.8 million  for the
          nine months ended  May 31, 1998.   The primary  use of  cash for
          financing activities was during the first fiscal quarter of 1998
          for the repayment  of $10  million indebtedness  under the  bank
          line of credit.  The Company realized proceeds from  the sale of
          common stock  of $3.9  million  and $3.0  million  for the  nine
          months ended May 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

             The Company renegotiated its bank line of credit in November,
          1997.  The  agreement provides  for unsecured  borrowings up  to
          $100,000,000.   The credit  agreement provides  for interest  at
          London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus a margin ranging from
          0.325% to  0.450%  and a  facility  fee, payable  quarterly,  of
          approximately 0.125%  on  the  unused  portion of  the  line  of
          credit. The  short-term  commitment agreement  ($50,000,000)  is
          renewable  annually  and  the  long-term   commitment  agreement
          ($50,000,000) is renewable  in November,  2000.   There were  no
          outstanding borrowings on this line of credit at May 31, 1998.

             The  Company is  regularly  evaluating potential  acquisition
          candidates and  expects  to  complete  other  transactions  this
          fiscal year.  The purchase  price allocation for TXEN,  Inc. was
          finalized during the  first fiscal quarter of 1998. Of the total
          purchase prince of $43.8  million, $29.9  million  was allocated
          to   the   following  intangibles:   $15.4 million  to goodwill,
          $12.7  million  to  other   intangibles  and  $1.8   million  to
          capitalized  software   development.      Goodwill   and   other

          intangibles  of $27.4  million  are  being  amortized  using  the
          straight-line  method  over an  estimated  useful  life of twenty
          years.  Other  intangibles  of $0.7  million are being  amortized
          using the  straight-line  method over an estimated useful life of
          seven  years.  The  amount  allocated  to  capitalized   software
          development is being  amortized  using the  straight-line  method
          over an estimated  useful life of five years.  The acquisition of
          MSI was completed  during the third fiscal  quarter of 1998.  The
          MSI acquisition resulted in the write-off of $2 million, pre-tax,
          purchased  in-process  research and development and the recording
          of  approximately   $9.9  million  in  goodwill  which  is  being
          amortized  using the  straight-  line  method  over an  estimated
          useful life of fifteen years.

             The Company is evaluating the realignment of certain business
          areas, including the insurance business activities, in the fourth
          quarter of fiscal 1998.   In connection with this evaluation, it
          will be  determined  whether any   required  reductions  in  the
          carrying amount of certain intangibles will be required.

             The  Company  continues  to  actively  pursue  contracts  for
          information system development  and computer  system integration
          activities,  which  could   require  the   Company  to   acquire
          substantial amounts of computer hardware for resale  or lease to
          customers.  The  timing of  payments to  suppliers and  payments
          from customers under the Company's system  integration contracts
          could cause cash flows from operations to  fluctuate from period
          to period.
             The Company  believes  that its  existing capital  resources,
          together with available  borrowing capacity, will  be sufficient
          for the next four fiscal quarters   to   fund  operating  needs,
          finance  acquisitions  of  property  and  equipment,  and  make
          strategic acquisitions.
          Recent Accounting Pronouncements

             In February  1997, the  Financial Accounting Standards  Board
          (FASB) issued  Statement  No.  128,  Earnings Per  Share.    The
          overall objective  of  Statement  No.  128 is  to  simplify  the
          calculation  of   earnings   per   share   (EPS)   and   achieve
          comparability  with  recently  issued  international  accounting
          standards.  The  company has  reported using the  new EPS  basis
          beginning in the second quarter ending February 28, 1998 and has
          restated  all  prior  period  EPS  amounts  to  conform  to  the
          provisions of Statement No. 128.

          Effects of Inflation

             Substantially all contracts awarded to the  Company have been
          based on proposals which reflect estimated cost increases due to
          inflation.  Historically,  inflation has  not had a  significant
          impact on the Company.


                                    FORM 10-Q

                            NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

                               MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATION

          The accompanying unaudited  Consolidated Balance  Sheets at  May
          31, 1998,  and  August 31,  1997  as  well as  the  Consolidated
          Statements of  Income,  Consolidated  Statements of  Changes  in
          Stockholders' Equity and  Consolidated Statements of  Cash Flows
          for the  nine months  ended May  31,  1998 and  1997, have  been
          prepared in accordance with instructions to Form 10-Q and do not
          include  all  of  the  information  and  footnotes  required  by
          generally accepted accounting principles for  complete financial
          statements.   In  the opinion  of  management, all  adjustments,
          consisting  only  of   normal  recurring   accruals,  considered
          necessary for a fair presentation have been included.

          January 13, 1999               By:Allen E. Dillard
          ----------------------            -----------------------
          Date                              Allen E. Dillard
                                            Corporate Vice President,Chief
                                            Financial  Officer and Corporate
                                            Treasurer (Principal Finance and
                                            Accounting Officer)


          Pursuant to the requirements  of the Securities Exchange  Act of
          1934, the registrant has duly caused this Amendment No. 1 to the
          registrant's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q to  be  signed on its
          behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                            NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

          January 13, 1999               By:Allen E. Dillard
          ----------------------            -----------------------
          Date                              Allen E. Dillard
                                            Corporate Vice President,Chief
                                            Financial  Officer and Corporate
                                            Treasurer (Principal Finance and
                                            Accounting Officer)
