EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT
                                CHARLES A. LEADER

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"),  dated  as  of October 26,
1998, is entered into by and between Charles A. Leader, residing at 1125 Dogwood
Drive,   McLean,   Virginia  22101  (the   "Employee"),   and  Nichols  Research
Corporation,  a Delaware Corporation,  having its principal place of business at
4090 South Memorial Parkway, Huntsville,  Alabama 35802 ("Company"). 

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         The  Company  desires to obtain the  services of the  Employee  and the
Employee  is  willing  to  render  services  to the  Company  upon the terms and
conditions herein set forth.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  promises  set forth
herein and other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

         1.  DUTIES.  The  Employee  shall be employed  on a full-time  basis as
President  and Chief  Operating  Officer of the Company and shall  perform  such
other  duties as a  president  and chief  operating  officer of a company  would
normally  perform  (subject to the direction of the Chief Executive  Officer and
Board of Directors of the  Company),  including,  but not limited to, the duties
set forth on the job description  contained in Exhibit "A" attached hereto.  The
Employee shall perform such other employment duties as the Board of Directors or
Chief  Executive  Officer  may,  from time to time,  reasonably  prescribe.  The
Employee  will work from the  Company's  Arlington,  Virginia,  office  with the
understanding  he  will  make  frequent  trips  to  corporate   headquarters  in
Huntsville, Alabama.

         2.  EXCLUSIVE  EMPLOYMENT.  The  Employee  shall  render  his  services
exclusively  to the Company  during the term of his employment and shall use his
best  efforts,  judgement  and energy to improve and advance  the  business  and
interests of the Company in a manner consistent with the duties of his position.


                  (a) BASE SALARY.  The Employee shall receive,  as compensation
for his services hereunder, an annual salary of $250,000.00 (the "Base Salary").
The Base Salary shall be paid at least  bi-weekly or on a more frequent basis or
schedule as  determined  by the Company.  The Base Salary may be increased on an
annual or more frequent  basis if such increase is approved in the discretion of
the Board of Directors.

                  (b) DISCRETIONARY BONUSES. In addition to the Base Salary, the
Employee may be awarded performance bonuses in accordance with Company policies.

         4. STOCK OPTIONS. Effective upon the date of the Employee's employment,
the Employee shall be awarded the following options:

                           (a)      An incentive stock option issued pursuant to
the  Company's  1997 Stock Option Plan for such number of shares of common stock
of the Company  that is equal to the  quotient  of $300,000  divided by the fair
market  value per share of the common  stock of the  Company on November 2, 1998
(the "Grant  Date")  rounded down to the nearest  whole  number of shares.  This
option shall vest in  accordance  with the  provisions  of the 1997 Stock Option
Plan as  follows:  (i)  one-third  of the  shares  covered  by the option may be
exercised  after two years;  (ii)  one-third of the shares covered by the option
may be exercised after three years; and (iii) one-third of the shares covered by
the option may be  exercised  after four years.  The option  expires  after five
years.  The  incentive  stock  option  shall be  subject to all of the terms and
provisions of the 1997 Stock Option Plan.

                           (b)      A non-statutory stock option issued pursuant
to the Company's  1997 Stock Option Plan for such number of shares of the common
stock of the Company that is equal to the  difference  between 90,000 shares and
the number of shares of common  stock  covered  by the  incentive  stock  option
granted  pursuant to subsection (a) above.  These options shall vest as follows:
(i) after one year, 20,000 shares;  (ii) after two years, the difference between
20,000 shares and one-third of the shares subject to the incentive  stock option
granted under  subsection  (a) above;  (iii) after three years,  the  difference
between 20,000 shares and one-third of the shares subject to the incentive stock
option granted under subsection (a) above; (iv) after four years, the difference
between 20,000 shares and one-third of the shares subject to the incentive stock
option granted under  subsection (a) above; and (v) after six years, the balance
of the shares covered by the non-statutory stock option. The non-statutory stock
option expires after six years. The non-statutory  stock option shall be subject
to all of the terms and provisions of the 1997 Stock Option Plan.

                           (c)     A stock option issued pursuant to the Nichols
TXEN  Corporation  1998 Stock  Option Plan for 10,000  shares of common stock of
Nichols TXEN Corporation. This option shall vest as follows: (i) one-third after
two years;  (ii) one-third  after three years;  and (iii)  one-third  after four
years. The option expires after five years. The Nichols TXEN Corporation  option
shall  be  subject  to all of the  terms  and  provisions  of the  Nichols  TXEN
Corporation  1998 Stock Option Plan. The Nichols TXEN  Corporation  option shall
have an exercise  price equal to the price at which the common  stock of Nichols
TXEN Corporation is initially offered for sale to the public and as shown on the
cover of the prospectus included in the registration statement which is declared
effective  by  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  in the event Nichols TXEN  Corporation  does not complete an initial
public  offering  of its common  stock  within  four  months of the date of this
Agreement,  then the Company  will issue to  Employee a stock  option for 10,000
shares  pursuant to the Company's 1997 Stock Option Plan. Such option shall have
the same terms as to vesting and  expiration as stated  above,  but the exercise
price for such option shall be the fair market value per share of the  Company's
common stock on the date Nichols TXEN Corporation  determines not to complete an
initial public  offering of the common stock of Nichols TXEN  Corporation.  Such
option shall be  subject to all the terms and  provisions of the Company's  1997
Stock Option Plan.

         5. NO CONFLICTS.  The Employee  affirms and represents that he is under
no obligation  to any former  employer,  and that his  employment by the Company
will not violate any covenants or agreements entered into by the Employee.

         6. TRAVEL.  The Employee will  undertake such travel as may be required
in the performance of his duties. The reasonable travel expenses of the Employee
shall be  reimbursed in accordance  with the Company's  reimbursement  policy in
effect from time to time.

         7.  TERM  OF  EMPLOYMENT.  The  Employee's  employment  shall  commence
November 2, 1998.  This Agreement  shall have a term of two years unless earlier
terminated  as provided in Section 8 below.  After the initial term of two years
and if this  agreement  is not  earlier  terminated,  this  agreement  shall  be
extended on a year-to-year basis.

         8.  TERMINATION.     Notwithstanding    the   foregoing,  the  term  of
employment  and the Employee's  employment  with the Company shall be terminated
upon one or more of the following events:

                   (i)     the death of the Employee;

                  (ii) the disability of the Employee  (disability is defined as
the inability of the Employee after  reasonable  accommodation by the Company to
perform  substantially  his  duties by  reason of  accident  or  sickness  which
continues for ninety (90) days within a consecutive twelve (12) month period);

                  (iii)  upon sixty (60) days'  prior  written  notice  given by
either party to the other party which  termination may be with or without cause;
provided  that by  mutual  written  agreement  the  actual  date  of  employment
termination may occur before expiration of such sixty (60) day notice period.

                  (iv)  immediately by the Company upon a  determination  by the
Board of  Directors  that the  Employee  (A) and has  breached the terms of this
Agreement,  provided that five (5) days' notice has been given  Employee of such
event and the Employee has not cured such event within such five (5) day period;
(B) has  refused  or  failed  to  carry  out any  instruction  of the  Board  of
Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, or their respective designees,  provided
that  five (5)  days'  notice  has been  given  Employee  of such  event and the
Employee  has not cured  such event  within  such five (5) day  period;  (C) has
demonstrated  gross  negligence or repeated  acts of ordinary  negligence in the
execution of his duties;  (D) has neglected  his duties,  provided that five (5)
days'  notice has been given  Employee  of such event and the  Employee  has not
cured such event  within such five (5) day period;  (E) has been  convicted of a
felony  or an  illegal  act  involving  moral  turpitude  or  fraud;  or (F) has
committed dishonesty, breach of fiduciary duty, or other  behavior  constituting
grounds  for termination  for good cause under the laws of the State of Alabama.

                  Upon termination of employment, the Employee shall be entitled
to  receive  his Base  Salary  for the  month in  which  employment  terminates,
prorated to the date of termination  and, if  applicable,  the severance pay set
forth  below.   Vested  and  unexercised   stock  options  which  are  currently
exercisable  may be  exercised  by the  Employee  prior to  termination  if such
options have not previously lapsed.

         If the Employee is terminated by the Company within five (5) years from
the date  hereof  pursuant  to  Section  8(iii),  the  Company  shall pay to the
Employee as additional  compensation  beginning  from the date of termination of
employment  his Base Salary  prorated for a period of six (6) months and paid in
equal installments over such six (6) month period in accordance with the regular
pay practices of the Company.  [For example,  if the Employee's Base Salary were
$250,000 and his employment terminated 60 days after notice under Section 8(iii)
during the first five years of employment,  he would receive $125,000 payable at
$20,833.33 per month for six (6) months  following  termination of  employment.]
If, however, the Employee becomes employed anytime following  termination of his
employment   with  the  Company  and  before  full  payment  of  the  additional
compensation due under this paragraph,  the obligation of the Company to pay the
Employee the balance due of such additional compensation shall terminate and the
Company  shall have no further  obligation  to pay the  additional  compensation
herein set forth.

         Except  as  provided  by this  Section  8, the  Employee  shall  not be
entitled to any other  compensation  or benefits upon  termination of employment
and all obligations of the Company to the Employee shall cease upon  termination
of employment.

         9. WELFARE BENEFIT PLANS. The Employee shall be entitled to participate
in all benefit  plans and  programs  that may be provided by the Company for its
key executive  employees and/or to its employees  generally,  in accordance with
the provisions of any such plans.

         10.  ASSIGNMENT.  The rights and  obligations of the Company under this
Agreement  may be assigned by the Company to the  successors  in interest of the
Company or of that part of the  business of the Company to which this  Agreement
applies  or to  its  affiliates.  This  Agreement  may  not be  assigned  by the

         11. APPLICABLE LAW; JURISDICTION.  This Agreement shall be governed by,
construed and enforced in accordance with the internal  substantive laws and not
the choice of law rules of the State of Alabama.

         12.  ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  The  foregoing  contains the entire  agreement
between the parties  relating to the subject matter of this  Agreement,  and may
not be altered  or amended  except by an  instrument  in writing  signed by both
parties  hereto.  This  Agreement   supersedes  all  prior   understandings  and
agreements  (oral or written)  relating  to  employment  of the  Employee by the
Company.  The  parties  acknowledge  that any prior oral or  written  agreements
between the Company and the  Employee,  if any, are hereby  terminated.  No oral
amendments to this Agree ment and no course of dealing or  performance  shall be
effective to add to, delete from or vary the terms of this Agreement.

         13. COMPANY POLICIES. As an employee of the Company, the Employee shall
be  subject  to  the  policies,  procedures,  rules  and  regulations  generally
applicable  to all  employees as the same may be published and amended from time
to time.

         14. WITHHOLDINGS. Any compensation due the Employee shall be subject to
payroll taxes and other withholdings as may be required by law.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Agreement to
be executed by its duly authorized officer and the Employee has hereunto set his
hand as of the date first above written.

                                   NICHOLS RESEARCH CORPORATION

                                   By: Michael J. Mruz
                                       Michael J. Mruz, Chief Executive Officer

                                       Charles A. Leader
                                       Charles A. Leader, Employee