GOLDSTEIN and MORRIS CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, P.C. 501 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 ALBERT M. GOLDSTEIN				TELEPHONE (212) 682-3378 EDWARD B. MORRIS				FAX (212) 599-6438 ALAN J. GOLDBERGER 						May 10, 1995 United States Securities and Exchange Commission Washington, D.C. 20549 Re: Management Technologies, Inc. Commission File No. 0-17206 Gentlemen: The within is to confirm that the undersigned has been provided with the 8-K Current Report dated May 9, 1995 by Management Technologies, Inc., and has reviewed Item 4 of said Report. We do not disagree with the disclosure contained in Item 4 and do not have any dispute with the Registrant concerning its accounting practices. 						Very truly yours, /s/ Goldstein & Morris 						Goldstein and Morris