18 Broomfield Ride
                                      KT22 0LW


          The Board of Directors                             3rd October 1995
          October  1995
          Management Technologies Inc.
          335 Madison Avenue
          New York
          NY  10017                                           BY FAX


          I am  writing  to  confirm  my  resignation  from  the  Board  of
          Management Technologies Incorporated  (``MTi') as its  President
          with effect  from Tuesday  25th September   1995.   I  also  give
          notice of my  resignation from  office and  subsidiaries of  MTI.
          Please confirm  that these  resignations  are accepted  and  that
          appropriate notifications have been made.   I confirm that I  was
          forced to  resign  by reason  of  the  conduct of  the  Board  of
          Directors  and  actions  of   the  Board  incompatible  with   my
          membership of it and its fiduciary duties to shareholders.  I  do
          not consider that the Board has acted collectively in  accordance
          with its fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders and others.

          By was of  example, I  would remind  you of  the memorandum  from
          Claudio Guazzoni to the Board on 26th July  1995, a copy of which
          is enclosed.   Mr.  Guazzoni  had apparently  obtained  emergency
          funding in the sum of US$300,000.00  for MTI from one source  and
          meetings had  been arranged  with  three other  separate  funding
          sources. Mr. Guazzoni complains that Mr. Svennilson, Mr.  Sladden
          and other directors were unavailable for that Board meeting which
          put the proposed  investment in jeopardy.   Mr. Guazzoni  alleged
          that  Mr.  Svennilson,  Mr.  Sladden  and  other  directors   had
          purposely not  acted in  the best  interests of  shareholders  by
          violating their fiduciary obligations to shareholders.  The Board
          has taken  no action  as a  result of  this memorandum  from  Mr.
          Guazzoni notwithstanding a number of requests by me.  The funding
          which  Mr.  Svennilson   has  undertaken  to   provide  has   not
          materialised.  Given the  present financial circumstances of  the
          Company, I find it inexplicable that no action has been taken.

          A second  example  relates to  the  proposed appointment  of  Mr.
          Morris as a director of  MTI.  Mr. Morris  has sought to mount  a
          management but-out of MTI Trading Systems Limited, the company of
          which he  is  Managing  Director,  at  a  price  which  does  not
          represent the value  of that  business.   The management  buy-out
          offer was unsolicited and, in my judgment, the appointment of Mr.
          Morris to  the Board  would  give rise  to  a clear  conflict  of
          interest on his part.  I find it impossible to believe that  such
          appointment was  and  was  believed to  be  in  the  interest  of

          I expect outstanding sums due to me under my contract to be  met.
          These are as follows:

          1.   a bonus outstanding  amounting to 21,000  British pounds  in
               respect of  Winter  Partners'  performance  for  the  period
               ending 30th September 1995;

          2.   a payment of US$100,000 admitted to be true and acknowledged
               to be so in Form 10k file with the SEC;

          3.   payment in respect of the outstanding 43 days' holiday;

          4.   payment in respect of the outstanding period of my  contract
               from 26th September  1995 until  31st May  1997 at the  rate
               of 155,000 British  pounds per annum,  i.e. 258,333  British

          5.   Car allowance at the rate of  1200 British pounds per  month
               for the period until 31st May  1997,    i.e.    24,000 
               British pounds.

          Kindly confirm that these payments will  be made to me within  14
          days of  the date  of this  letter, failing  which I  shall  take
          whatever action is appropriate to recover the same.

          Yours faithfully

          /s/ Keith Williams

                         Zanett Capital Inc.      1339 COOPER STATION, N EW
          -------------------------------------------------------------- --

          YORK,  NY  10279

                                                       TELEPHONE:  212-343-
                                                        FACSIMILE:    212-


               AS A MATTER OF RECORD
               OF 25 JULY 1995

          1.   As  a  Director,  I  requested  an  emergency  meeting   for
               Wednesday, July 28, 1995 at  8:00 a.m. based upon  obtaining
               approval for the terms  of emergency funding  in the sum  of
               $300,000 for the Company from one source.

          2.   Furthermore, on the  agenda there  was to  be discussion  of
               meetings to  be held  with three  separate funding  sources,
               each  of  whom  can  supply  the  full  $3  million  we   so
               desperately need.  We have been presented with a  Consulting
               Agreement from  Mr.  Belwal, a  gatekeeper  to a  number  of
               funding sources.    We, as  a  Board, need  to  approve  Mr.
               Belwal's non-exclusive  Consulting  Agreement  in  order  to
               proceed with the meetings.  If  we do not like the terms  of
               the funding obtained by Mr. Belwal,  we need not accept  his
               money.  He  gets paid only  if and only  when we accept  his

          3.   Mr. Williams authorised the signing of the Notice of today's
               meting and was aware of the time and urgency of the meeting.

          4.   Mr. Cataldo and myself,  as Directors, separately  contacted
               Mr. Svennilson and  advised him  of the  meeting with  ample
               time.  Mr. Svennilson said  he was raising funding  himself,
               and that  he  absolutely  did not  approve  of  management's
               signing the  contract  with Mr.  Belwal,  thereby  excluding
               other sources of funding besides himself.

          5.   Both  myself,  Mr.  Cataldo,  and  corporate  counsel   were
               available for the meeting which was not held as a result  of
               not having a quorum and  the apparent unavailability of  Mr.
               Svennilson, Mr. Sladden, and other Directors.

          6.   As there are  material matters of  great urgency facing  the
               Company and a result of the delay in having the meeting, the
               $300,000 Investment  is  already  in Jeopardy.    It  is  my
               position Mr. Svennilson,  Mr. Sladden,  and other  Directors
               have purposefully not  acted in  the best  interests of  all
               shareholders,  violating  their   fiduciary  obligation   to

          7.   In the event the funding is not raised on favorable terms, I
               intend  to  hold  Mr.  Svennilson,  Mr.  Sladden  and  other
               Directors   personally   responsible   for   any   loss   to
               shareholders of the Company.

          8.   I had meetings scheduled with two fund managers on  Tuesday,
               July 25th.   Because Mr. Svennilson  refused to approve  the
               signature of the Consulting Agreement, Mr. Belwal  postponed
               the meetings  until today.   Upon  further stubbornness  and
               greed from  Mr. Svennilson  to hoard  the financing  all  to
               himself, even today's meetings were canceled.

          9.   I await your  immediate response, at  the meeting  scheduled
               for tomorrow should be   productive meeting in the  interest
               of shareholders and the Company,  and not a disruptive  non-
               productive meeting which will further damage shareholders.

          10.  Mr. Svennilson has done this Company and its shareholders  a
               great disservice in  trying to hoard  the financing and  the
               associated fees and discounts all to himself.

          11.  Mr. Svennilson,  as  Chairman, has  not  acted in  the  best
               interest of all shareholders and I demand, as a Director,  a
               full accounting from him.