WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15 (d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For Quarter Ended                   August 31, 1998

Commission file number              1-9532

                              AUDIOVOX CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                                   13-1964841
 (State or other jurisdiction of                     (I.R.S. Employer
  incorporation or organization)                     Identification No.)

150 Marcus Blvd., Hauppauge, New York                     11788
 (Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code (516) 231-7750

           Indicate  by check  mark  whether  the  registrant  (1) has filed all
reports  required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                    Yes   X                                      No

Number of shares of each class of the registrant's  Common Stock  outstanding as
of the latest practicable date.

           Class                              Outstanding at October  9, 1998
           Class A Common Stock                          17,258,573 Shares
           Class B Common Stock                            2,260,954 Shares


                              AUDIOVOX CORPORATION

                                    I N D E X


ITEM 1            Financial Statements:

                  Consolidated Balance Sheets at
                  August 31, 1998 (unaudited) and
                  November 30, 1997                                          3

                  Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss)
                  for the Three and Nine Months Ended
                  August 31, 1998 and August 31, 1997
                  (unaudited)                                                4

                  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                  for the Nine Months Ended August 31, 1998
                  and August 31, 1997 (unaudited)                            5

                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements               6-10

ITEM 2            Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Financial Operations and Results of
                  Operations                                               11-27


ITEM 6            Reports on Form 8-K                                       28

                  SIGNATURES                                                29


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                        (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT SHARE DATA)

                                                                                 AUGUST 31,    NOVEMBER 30,
                                                                                     1998        1997
                                                                                  ---------    ---------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                                      $  10,075    $   9,445
   Accounts receivable, net                                                          87,031      104,698
   Inventory, net                                                                    99,962      105,242
   Receivable from vendor                                                             3,098        5,000
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                          5,651        9,230
   Deferred income taxes                                                              5,743        4,673
   Equity collar                                                                       --          1,246
                                                                                  ---------    ---------
         Total current assets                                                       211,560      239,534
Investment securities                                                                19,969       22,382
Equity investments                                                                   10,824       10,693
Property, plant and equipment, net                                                   17,170        8,553
Excess cost over fair value of assets acquired and other intangible assets, net       5,730        5,557
Other assets                                                                          3,197        3,108
                                                                                  ---------    ---------
                                                                                  $ 268,450    $ 289,827
                                                                                  =========    =========

   Accounts payable                                                               $  26,165    $  24,237
   Accrued expenses and other current liabilities                                    16,266       16,538
   Income taxes payable                                                               2,520        9,435
   Bank obligations                                                                   9,299        6,132
   Documentary acceptances                                                            3,767        3,914
   Current installments of capital lease obligation                                      62         --
                                                                                  ---------    ---------
         Total current liabilities                                                   58,079       60,256
Bank obligations                                                                     14,000       24,300
Deferred income taxes                                                                 3,628        8,505
Long-term debt                                                                        5,790        6,191
Capital lease obligation                                                              6,386         --
                                                                                  ---------    ---------
         Total liabilities                                                           87,883       99,252
                                                                                  ---------    ---------
Minority interest                                                                     2,721        2,683
                                                                                  ---------    ---------

Stockholders' equity:
   Preferred stock                                                                    2,500        2,500
   Common stock:
   Class A; 30,000,000 authorized; 17,258,573 and 17,253,533 issued
   1998 and 1997, respectively                                                          173          173
       Class B; 10,000,000 authorized; 2,260,954 issued                                  22           22
   Paid-in capital                                                                  145,300      145,155
   Retained earnings                                                                 32,451       32,924
   Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustment                                (4,659)      (3,428)
   Unrealized gain on marketable securities, net                                      4,421       12,194
   Unrealized gain on equity collar, net                                               --            773
   Gain on hedge of available-for-sale securities, net                                  929         --
   Treasury stock, 447,000 Class A common stock, at cost                             (3,291)      (2,421)
                                                                                  ---------    ---------
         Total stockholders' equity                                                 177,846      187,892
                                                                                  ---------    ---------
Commitments and contingencies
         Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                               $ 268,450    $ 289,827
                                                                                  =========    =========




                                                        THREE MONTHS ENDED                NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                            AUGUST 31,                        AUGUST 31,
                                                       1998             1997            1998            1997
                                                   ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
                                                           (UNAUDITED)                      (UNAUDITED)

Net sales                                          $    154,501    $    153,124    $    407,886    $    467,933

Cost of sales (including an inventory write-down
   to market of $6,600 during the second quarter
   of 1998)                                             129,623         127,490         346,705         389,242
                                                   ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Gross profit                                             24,878          25,634          61,181          78,691
                                                   ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Operating expenses:

   Selling                                                8,490           8,597          26,146          29,146
   General and administrative                             9,347           9,037          27,162          27,335
   Warehousing, assembly and repair                       3,113           2,972           9,367           8,854
                                                   ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

       Total operating expenses                          20,950          20,606          62,675          65,335
                                                   ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Operating income (loss)                                   3,928           5,028          (1,494)         13,356
                                                   ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Other income (expense):

   Debt conversion expense                                 --              --              --           (12,686)
   Interest and bank charges                             (1,387)           (523)         (3,382)         (1,872)
   Equity in income of equity investments                   326             749           1,201           1,062
   Management fees and related income                         7              18              28              94
   Gain on sale of investment                               427             303             427          34,270
   Other, net                                               900             (10)            938             702
                                                   ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

       Total other income (expense)                         273             537            (788)         21,570
                                                   ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Income (loss) before provision for (recovery of)
   income taxes                                           4,201           5,565          (2,282)         34,926

Provision for (recovery of) income taxes                  1,620           2,467          (1,808)         19,271
                                                   ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Net income (loss)                                  $      2,581    $      3,098    $       (474)   $     15,655
                                                   ============    ============    ============    ============

Net income (loss) per common share (basic)         $       0.14    $       0.16    $      (0.02)   $       0.83
                                                   ============    ============    ============    ============

Net income (loss) per common share (diluted)       $       0.14    $       0.16    $      (0.02)   $       0.82
                                                   ============    ============    ============    ============

Weighted average number of common shares
outstanding (basic)                                  19,118,385      19,407,913      19,161,768      18,829,986
                                                   ============    ============    ============    ============
Weighted average number of common shares             19,320,075      19,822,432      19,161,768      19,328,733
outstanding (diluted)                              ============    ============    ============    ============



                   NINE MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 1998 AND 1997
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                             1998       1997
                                                                          --------    --------
                                                                        (UNAUDITED) (UNAUDITED)

Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income (loss)                                                      $   (474)   $ 15,655
Adjustment to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
       operating activities:
       Debt conversion expense                                                --        12,386
       Depreciation and amortization                                         1,790       1,451
       Provision for bad debt expense                                          632         539
       Equity in income of equity investment                                (1,229)     (1,156)
       Minority interest                                                       141       1,381
       Gain on sale of investment                                             (427)    (34,270)
       Recovery of deferred income taxes, net                               (1,291)     (3,098)
       Provision for unearned compensation                                     144         137
       Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net                 (198)        (17)
       Warrant expense                                                        --           106
   Change in:
       Accounts receivable                                                  15,755      22,199
       Inventory                                                             3,493     (25,454)
       Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities      2,702       5,553
       Receivable from vendor                                                1,901      (8,200)
       Income taxes payable                                                 (6,688)      1,898
       Prepaid expenses and other, net                                       2,735      (2,257)
                                                                          --------    --------
          Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities               18,986     (13,147)
                                                                          --------    --------

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Purchases of property, plant and equipment, net                          (3,696)     (3,053)
   Proceeds from sale of investment securities                               4,658      42,422
   Purchase of investment                                                     --        (4,706)
   Purchase of convertible debentures                                      (12,719)       --
   Proceeds from distribution from equity investment                           561          50
                                                                          --------    --------
          Net cash provided by (used in)  investing activities             (11,196)     34,713
                                                                          --------    --------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Net repayments under line of credit agreements                           (5,844)    (27,543)
   Net borrowings (repayments) under documentary acceptances                  (147)        513
   Debt issuance costs                                                        --           (13)
   Proceeds from issuance of Class A Common Stock                             --         2,328
   Principal payments on capital lease obligation                              (35)       --
   Repurchase of Class A Common Stock                                         (870)       (890)
                                                                          --------    --------
          Net cash used in financing activities                             (6,896)    (25,605)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                                       (264)       (131)
                                                                          --------    --------
Net increase (decrease)  in cash and cash equivalents                          630      (4,170)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                             9,445      12,350
                                                                          --------    --------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                $ 10,075    $  8,180
                                                                          ========    ========







(1)      The  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements were prepared in
         accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles and include
         all  adjustments  (which  include  only normal  recurring  adjustments)
         which,  in the opinion of  management,  are necessary to present fairly
         the  consolidated   financial  position  of  Audiovox  Corporation  and
         subsidiaries (the Company) as of August 31, 1998 and November 30, 1997,
         the  consolidated  statements  of income  (loss) for the three and nine
         month  periods  ended  August 31,  1998 and August  31,  1997,  and the
         consolidated  statements of cash flows for the nine months ended August
         31, 1998 and August 31, 1997. The interim  figures are not  necessarily
         indicative of the results for the year.

         The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally
         accepted  accounting  principles  requires management to make estimates
         and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of  assets  and
         liabilities and disclosure of the contingent  assets and liabilities at
         the  date of the  financial  statements  and the  reported  amounts  of
         revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could
         differ from those estimates.

         Accounting  policies adopted by the Company are identified in Note 1 of
         the  Notes  to  Consolidated   Financial  Statements  included  in  the
         Company's 1997 Annual Report filed on Form 10-K.

(2)      The following is supplemental  information relating to the consolidated
         statements of cash flows:

                                                        Nine Months Ended
                                                    August 31,     August 31,
                                                      1998           1997

Cash paid during the period:
     Interest (excluding bank charges)               $ 2,019       $ 1,378
     Income taxes                                    $ 4,415       $19,753

         As of August 31, 1998, the Company  recorded a net  unrealized  holding
         gain  relating  to  available-for-sale  marketable  securities,  net of
         deferred  taxes,  of $4,421 as a separate  component  of  stockholders'

         During the first  quarter of 1998,  the Company sold its equity  collar
         for  $1,499.  The  transaction  resulted  in a net  gain  on  hedge  of
         available-for-sale  securities of $929 which is reflected as a separate
         component of stockholders' equity.




          During the second  quarter of 1998,  the  Company  purchased  400
          million  Japanese Yen  (approximately  $3,132) of Shintom Co. Ltd
          (Shintom)  Convertible  Debentures.  The  Company  exercised  its
          option to convert the Shintom Debentures into 1,904,000 shares of
          Shintom Common Stock.  The Company accounts for its investment in
          Shintom as an available-for-sale  marketable equity security. The
          aggregate fair value of the available-for-sale  marketable equity
          security was $1,516 at August 31,  1998,  which is comprised of a
          cost  basis of  $3,132  and a gross  unrealized  holding  loss of
          $1,616 recorded as a separate  component of stockholders'  equity
          at August  31,  1998.  A related  deferred  tax asset of $614 was
          recorded  at August 31,  1998 as a  reduction  to the  unrealized
          holding loss  included as a separate  component of  stockholders'

         During the second quarter of 1998, a capital lease obligation of $6,573
         was incurred when the Company entered into a building lease (Note 6).

         During the third  quarter of 1998,  the Company  purchased  400 million
         Japanese Yen (approximately $2,732) of Shintom Debentures.  The Company
         exercised its option to convert the Shintom  Debentures  into shares of
         Shintom  Common  Stock.  The  Company  sold the  Shintom  Common  Stock
         yielding net proceeds of $3,159 and a gain of $427.

         During the third  quarter of 1998,  the Company  purchased  one billion
         Japanese Yen (approximately $6,854) of Shintom Debentures.  The Company
         accounts  for  its  investment  in  Shintom  as  an  available-for-sale
         marketable  security.   The  aggregate  fair  value  and  cost  of  the
         available-for-sale marketable security was $6,854 at August 31, 1998.

         During the third quarter, the Company purchased approximately 1,324,075
         warrants  at a price of $1.30 per  warrant,  tendered  pursuant  to the
         terms of its self-tender offer. After purchasing the tendered warrants,
         the Company has 344,800 remaining warrants outstanding.

(3)      During the second  quarter of 1997,  the  Company's  Board of Directors
         approved  the  repurchase  of up to 1,000,000  shares of the  Company's
         Class A  Common  Stock  in the  open  market  under a share  repurchase
         program  (the  Program).  As of August 31,  1998,  447,000  shares were
         repurchased  under the  Program at an average  price of $7.36 per share
         for an aggregate amount of $3,291.

(4)      In February  1997,  the FASB issued  Statement  No. 128,  "Earnings per
         Share"  (Statement  128).  Statement  128 replaces the  calculation  of
         primary  and fully  diluted  earnings  per share with basic and diluted
         earnings per share. Basic earnings per share excludes any dilution.  It
         is based upon the weighted average number of common shares  outstanding
         during the period.  Diluted  earnings per share  reflects the potential
         dilution  that would occur if  securities  or other  contracts to issue
         common stock were exercised or converted into common stock. Earnings




         per share  amounts  for all  periods  presented  have been  restated to
         conform  to  the  new  presentation.   A  reconciliation   between  the
         numerators  and  denominators  of the basic and  diluted  earnings  per
         common share is as follows:

                                                      Three Months Ended            Nine Months Ended
                                                          August 31,                   August 31,
                                                    1998            1997          1998              1997
                                                ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------
Net income (loss) (numerator for basic
   earnings (loss) per share)                   $      2,581   $      3,098   $       (474)   $     15,655
Interest on 6 1/4% convertible subordinated
   debentures, net of tax                                 21             21           --               164
                                                ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------
Adjusted net income (loss) (numerator for
   diluted earnings (loss) per share)           $      2,602   $      3,119   $       (474)   $     15,819
                                                ============   ============   ============    ============
Weighted average common shares
   (denominator for basic earnings (loss) per
   share)                                         19,118,385     19,407,913     19,161,768      18,829,986
Effect of dilutive securities:
   6 1/4% convertible subordinated debentures        128,192        128,192           --           335,429
   Employee stock options and stock warrants            --          211,390           --            93,687
   Employee stock grants                              73,498         74,937           --            69,631
                                                ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------
Weighted average common and potential
   common shares outstanding (denominator
   for diluted earnings (loss) per share)         19,320,075     19,822,432     19,161,768      19,328,733
                                                ============   ============   ============    ============
Basic earnings (loss) per share                 $       0.14   $       0.16   $      (0.02)   $       0.83
                                                ============   ============   ============    ============
Diluted earnings (loss) per share               $       0.14   $       0.16   $      (0.02)   $       0.82
                                                ============   ============   ============    ============

          Employee stock options and stock warrants totaling  3,642,875 and
          1,150,500  for the  quarter  ended  August  31,  1998  and  1997,
          respectively,  were not  included in the net  earnings  per share
          calculation because their effect would have been anti-dilutive.

(5)  In June 1997,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  (FASB)  issued
     Statement No. 130, "Reporting  Comprehensive Income",  effective for fiscal
     years beginning  after December 15, 1997. This Statement  requires that all
     items that are  required to be  recognized  under  accounting  standards as
     components  of  comprehensive  income be reported in a financial  statement
     that is displayed with the same prominence as other  financial  statements.
     This  Statement   further   requires  that  an  entity  display  an  amount
     representing  total  comprehensive  income for the period in that financial
     statement.  This Statement  also requires that an entity  classify items of
     other comprehensive  income by their nature in a financial  statement.  For
     example,  other comprehensive income may include foreign currency items and
     unrealized   gains  and  losses  on  investments   in  equity   securities.
     Reclassification of financial statements for earlier periods,  provided for
     comparative purposes,  is required.  Based on current accounting standards,
     this  Statement is not expected to have a material  impact on the Company's
     consolidated  financial statements.  The Company will adopt this accounting
     standard effective December 1, 1998, as required.




           In June 1997,  the FASB issued  Statement  No. 131,  "Disclosures
           about  Segments  of  an  Enterprise  and  Related   Information",
           effective  for fiscal years  beginning  after  December 15, 1997.
           This Statement  establishes  standards for reporting  information
           about  operating  segments  in annual  financial  statements  and
           requires selected information about operating segments in interim
           financial  reports issued to  shareholders.  It also  establishes
           standards for related  disclosures  about  products and services,
           geographic  areas and major  customers.  Operating  segments  are
           defined as  components  of an  enterprise  about  which  separate
           financial information is available that is evaluated regularly by
           the chief  operating  decision  maker in deciding how to allocate
           resources and in assessing  performance.  This Statement requires
           reporting  segment profit or loss,  ceratin  specific revenue and
           expense   items   and   segment   assets.    It   also   requires
           reconciliations  of total segment revenues,  total segment profit
           or loss,  total segment assets,  and other amounts  disclosed for
           segments to  corresponding  amounts  reported in the consolidated
           financial statements.  Restatement of comparative information for
           earlier  periods  presented  is required  in the initial  year of
           application. Interim information is not required until the second
           year of  application,  at which time  comparative  information is
           required.  The  Company  has not  determined  the impact that the
           adoption  of  this  new  accounting  standard  will  have  on its
           consolidated financial statements  disclosures.  The Company will
           adopt this accounting standard in fiscal 1999, as required.

         The FASB issued Statement No.133,"Accounting for Derivative Instruments
         and Hedging  Activities"  (Statement  133).  Statement 133  established
         accounting and reporting standards for derivative  instruments embedded
         in  other  contracts,  and for  hedging  activities.  Statement  133 is
         effective for all fiscal  quarters of all fiscal years  beginning after
         June  15,  1999.  Early  application  of all  the  provisions  of  this
         Statement is  encouraged  but is permitted  only as of the beginning of
         any fiscal  quarter  that  begins  after  issuance  of this  Statement.
         Management of the Company does not believe that the  implementation  of
         Statement 133 will have a significant  impact on its financial position
         or results of operations.




(6)  During  the second  quarter of 1998,  the  Company  entered  into a 30-year
     lease, for a building,  with its principal  stockholder and chief executive
     officer. A significant portion of the lease payments, as required under the
     lease agreement,  consist of the debt service payments  required to be made
     by the  principal  stockholder  in  connection  with the  financing  of the
     construction of the building.  For financial reporting purposes,  the lease
     has been classified as a capital lease,  and,  accordingly,  a building and
     the related  obligation of approximately  $6,573 has been recorded.  Future
     minimum lease  payments for this capital lease in effect at August 31, 1998
     are as follows:

                September 1, 1998 - November 30, 1998         $   147
                Fiscal November 30, 1999                          579
                Fiscal November 30, 2000                          579
                Fiscal November 30, 2001                          579
                Fiscal November 30, 2002                          579
                Fiscal November 30, 2003                          579
                Thereafter                                     13,263
                Total minimum lease payments                   16,305
                Less:  amount representing interest             9,857
                Present value of net minimum lease payments     6,448
                Less:  current installments                        62
                Long-term obligation                          $ 6,386

(7)  Receivable  from  vendor  represents  claims due from TALK  Corporation  of



     The  Company  markets its  products  under its own brand as well as private
labels  to a large  and  diverse  distribution  network  both  domestically  and
internationally.   The  Company's  products  are  distributed  by  two  separate
marketing  groups:  Communications  and  Automotive.  The  Communications  group
consists  of  Audiovox   Communications  Corp.  (ACC)  and  the  Quintex  retail
operations  (Quintex),  both  of  which  are  wholly-owned  subsidiaries  of the
Company.  The  Communications  group  markets  cellular  telephone  products and
receives  activation  commissions  and residual fees from its retail sales.  The
price at which the Company's  retail  outlets sell cellular  telephones is often
affected by the  activation  commission  the Company will receive in  connection
with such sale. The activation  commission paid by a cellular  telephone carrier
is based upon various service plans and promotional  marketing  programs offered
by the particular  cellular  telephone  carrier.  The monthly  residual fees are
based upon a percentage  of  customers'  usage and are  calculated  based on the
amount of local air time fees collected from the base of customers  activated by
the Company on a particular  cellular  carrier's  system.  The Automotive  group
consists of Audiovox  Automotive  Electronics  (AAE), a division of the Company,
Audiovox  Communications  (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.,  Audiovox Holdings (M) Sdn. Bhd.
and Audiovox Venezuela C.A., which are majority-owned subsidiaries. Products in
the  Automotive  group  include  automotive  sound and security  equipment,  car
accessories,  home and portable  sound  products and mobile  video.  The Company
allocates  interest and certain  shared  expenses to the marketing  groups based
upon  estimated  usage.  General  expenses  and other income items which are not
readily  allocable  are not  included in the  results of the  various  marketing


     This  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q  contains  forward-looking  statements
relating to such  matters as  anticipated  financial  performance  and  business
prospects.  When  used  in  this  Quarterly  Report,  the  words  "anticipates,"
"expects," "may," "intend" and similar  expressions are intended to be among the
statements  that identify  forward-looking  statements.  From time to time,  the
Company may also  publish  forward-looking  statements.  The Private  Securities
Litigation  Reform  Act of  1995  provides  a safe  harbor  for  forward-looking
statements.  In order to comply with the terms of the safe  harbor,  the Company
notes that a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, foreign currency
risks, political instability,  changes in foreign laws, regulations and tariffs,
new technologies,  competition, customer and vendor relationships,  seasonality,
inventory  obsolescence  and inventory  availability,  could cause the Company's
actual results and experience to differ materially from the anticipated  results
or other expectations expressed in the Company's forward-looking statements.


     The following table sets forth for the periods indicated certain statements
of income (loss) data for the Company expressed as a percentage of net sales:

                                                                              Percentage of Net Sales
                                                     Three Months Ended  Nine Months Ended
                                                        August 31,          August 31,
                                                      1998      1997      1998      1997
                                                     ------    ------    ------    ------
Net sales:
     Product sales:
        Cellular wholesale                            66.9%     58.6%     60.8%     60.7%
        Cellular retail                                0.8       0.8       0.8       1.2
        Sound                                         11.5      14.9      14.0      14.2
        Security and accessories                      12.6      17.5      15.7      15.2
                                                     ------    ------    ------    ------
                                                      91.8      91.8      91.3      91.3
Activation commissions                                 3.7       4.2       4.3       5.4
     Residual fees                                     0.6       0.8       0.7       0.8
     Other                                             3.9       3.2       3.7       2.6
                                                     ------    ------    ------    ------
        Total net sales                              100.0%    100.0%    100.0%    100.0%
Cost of sales                                         83.9      83.3      85.0      83.2
                                                     ------    ------    ------    ------
Gross profit                                          16.1      16.7      15.0      16.8
                                                     ------    ------    ------    ------

Selling                                                5.5       5.6       6.4       6.2
General and administrative expense                     6.0       5.9       6.7       5.9
Warehousing, assembly and repair                       2.0       1.9       2.3       1.9
                                                     ------    ------    ------    ------
     Total operating expenses                         13.5      13.4      15.4      14.0
                                                     ------    ------    ------    ------
Operating income (loss)                                2.6       3.3      (0.4)      2.8

Debt conversion expense                                 --        --        --      (2.7)
Interest and bank charges                             (0.9)     (0.3)     (0.8)     (0.4)
Equity in income of equity investments                 0.2       0.5       0.3       0.2
Management fees and related income                      --        --        --        --
Gain on sale of investment                             0.3       0.2       0.1       7.3
Other income                                           0.6        --       0.2       0.2
Income (loss) before provision for (recovery of)
     income taxes                                      2.7       3.6      (0.6)      7.5
Provision for (recovery of) income taxes               1.0       1.6      (0.4)      4.1
                                                     ------    ------    ------    ------
Net income (loss)                                      1.7%      2.0%     (0.1)%     3.3%
                                                     ======    ======    ======    ======



         Net sales were $154,501 for 1998, an increase of $1,377,  or 0.9%, from
the same period last year.  The increase in net sales was in the  Communications
group  partially  offset by declines  in the  Automotive  Group.  Sales from our
international  operations  were also down from last year by  approximately  63%.
Sales in Malaysia  were down $6,588,  or 80%,  and sales in Venezuela  were down
$1,945,  or 43%.  Gross  margins  were 16.1% in 1998  compared to 16.7% in 1997.
Operating  expenses  increased to $20,950 from  $20,606,  a 1.7%  increase.  The
operating income for 1998 was $3,928 compared to last year's $5,028.
         The net sales and percentage of net sales by product line and marketing
group for the three  months  ended  August  31,  1998 and  August  31,  1997 are
reflected in the following table:

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                     August 31,
                                           1998               1997
                                   ------------------- -------------------
Net sales:
        Cellular wholesale         $103,435      66.9% $ 89,714      58.6%
        Cellular retail               1,194       0.8     1,157       0.8
        Activation commissions        5,708       3.7     6,430       4.2
        Residual fees                   941       0.6     1,248       0.8
        Other                         3,259       2.1     3,376       2.2
                                   --------     ------ --------     ------
           Total Communications     114,537      74.1   101,925      66.6
                                   --------     ------ --------     ------
        Sound                        17,716      11.5    22,890      14.9
        Security and accessories     19,542      12.6    26,721      17.5
        Consumer electronics          2,706       1.8     1,242       0.8
                                   --------     ------ --------     ------
           Total Automotive          39,964      25.9    50,853      33.2
     Other                             --          --       346       0.2
                                   --------     ------ --------     ------
           Total                   $154,501     100.0% $153,124     100.0%
                                   ========     ====== ========     ======



         Net sales were $407,886 for 1998, a decrease of $60,047, or 12.8%, from
the  same  period  last  year.  The  decrease  in  net  sales  was in  both  the
Communications  and Automotive groups.  Sales from our international  operations
decreased 38% from the comparable  period last year.  Malaysian  sales were down
$18,568, or 75%, partially offset by a $6,110 increase (over 100%) in Venezuelan
sales.  Gross margins decreased to 15.0% for 1998 from 16.8% in 1997,  primarily
due to the second quarter 1998 cellular inventory write-down. Operating expenses
decreased to $62,675 from $65,335 a 4.1%  decrease.  The operating loss for 1998
was $1,494 compared to last year's operating income of $13,356.
         The net sales and percentage of net sales by product line and marketing
group  for the nine  months  ended  August  31,  1998 and  August  31,  1997 are
reflected in the following table:

                                                               Nine Months Ended
                                                                    August 31,
                                                             1998                    1997
                                                         -----------------    -----------------
Net sales:
        Cellular wholesale                               $247,957    60.8%    $284,004    60.7%
        Cellular retail                                     3,185     0.8        5,468     1.2
        Activation commissions                             17,669     4.3       25,095     5.4
        Residual fees                                       2,856     0.7        3,660     0.8
        Other                                               8,965     2.2        9,148     2.0
                                                         --------   ------    --------   ------
           Total Communications                           280,632    68.8      327,375    70.0
                                                         --------   ------    --------   ------
        Sound                                              56,932    14.0       66,552    14.2
        Security and accessories                           64,094    15.7       71,150    15.2
        Consumer electronics                                6,228     1.5        2,819     0.6
                                                         --------   ------    --------   ------
           Total Automotive                               127,254    31.2      140,521    30.0
     Other                                                   --       --            37       --
                                                         --------   ------    --------   ------
           Total                                         $407,886   100.0%    $467,933   100.0%
                                                         ========   ======    ========   ======



     The Communications group is composed of ACC and Quintex,  both wholly-owned
subsidiaries of Audiovox Corporation.  Since principally all of the net sales of
Quintex  are  cellular  in nature,  all  operating  results of Quintex are being
included in the discussion of the Communications group's product line.

     Net sales were $114,537,  an increase of $12,612,  or 12.4%,  from the same
period last year.  Unit sales of  cellular  telephones  increased  approximately
167,000  units,  or 23.0%,  from 1997.  Average  unit selling  prices  decreased
approximately  6.1% to $108  during the third  quarter of 1998 from $116 for the
same period in 1997, but were partially  offset by a  corresponding  decrease of
2.4% in average  unit cost during the same  periods.  The number of new cellular
subscriptions  processed  by  Quintex  decreased  10.1%,  with  an  accompanying
decrease in activation  commissions of approximately $722, or 11.2%. The average
commission received by Quintex per activation also decreased  approximately 1.2%
from last year.  Cellular unit gross profit margins decreased to 8.0% during the
quarter  from 11.5% last year.  Operating  expenses  increased  to $11,847  from
$11,411. As a percentage of net sales, however,  operating expenses decreased to
10.3% during 1998 compared to 11.2% in 1997.  Selling  expenses  increased  $131
from last year,  primarily in advertising  and divisional  marketing,  partially
offset by decreases in  commissions  and  salaries.  General and  administrative
expenses increased during 1998 by $473 from 1997,  primarily in occupancy costs,
bad debt and temporary personnel. Warehousing and assembly expenses decreased by
$168  during  1998 from last  year,  primarily  in  tooling  and  direct  labor.
Operating income for 1998 was $4,594 compared to last year's $3,477.


     The following table sets forth for the periods indicated certain statements
of income data for the  Communications  group  expressed as a percentage  of net


                                                 Three Months Ended
                                                       August 31,
                                           1998                   1997
                                     -------------------   ---------------------

Net sales:

     Cellular product - wholesale   $ 103,435     90.3%    $  89,714     88.0%
     Cellular product - retail          1,194      1.0         1,157      1.1
     Activation commissions             5,708      5.0         6,430      6.3
     Residual fees                        941      0.8         1,248      1.2
     Other                              3,259      2.8         3,376      3.3
                                    ---------    -----     ---------    -----
         Total net sales              114,537    100.0       101,925    100.0
                                    ---------    -----     ---------    -----
Gross profit                           16,441     14.4        14,888     14.6
Total operating expenses               11,847     10.3        11,411     11.2
                                    ---------    -----     ---------    -----
Operating income                        4,594      4.0         3,477      3.4
Other expense                          (1,478)    (1.3)       (1,242)    (1.2)
                                    ---------    -----     ---------    -----
Pre-tax income                      $   3,116      2.7%    $   2,235      2.2%
                                    =========    =====     =========    =====


     Net sales were  $280,632,  a decrease of $46,743,  or 14.3%,  from the same
period last year.  Unit sales of  cellular  telephones  increased  approximately
109,000 units, or 5.3%,  from 1997.  Average unit selling prices during the nine
months decreased  approximately 15.7% to $107 from $128 for the same period last
year, but were partially offset by a corresponding  decrease of 10.3% in average
unit  cost.  The  number of new  cellular  subscriptions  processed  by  Quintex
decreased  27.1%,  with an  accompanying  decrease in activation  commissions of
approximately  $7,426, or 29.6%. The average commission  received by Quintex per
activation also decreased approximately 3.4% from last year. Cellular unit gross
profit margins decreased to 6.9% during 1998 from 12.5%


last year.  This decrease was primarily due to a $6.6 million  charge during the
second  quarter  of 1998 to  adjust  the  carrying  value  of  certain  cellular
inventories,  partially  offset by a $1.0 million  credit from a supplier.  This
charge was the result of a software  problem in certain analog cellular  phones,
as well as a continuing  decrease in the selling prices of analog telephones due
to pressure from the growing  digital  presence in the market.  While the analog
market is still quite large, the Communications group may experience lower gross
profits  in the  future  due to the  price  sensitivity  of this  market  place.
Operating  expenses  decreased to $36,197 from  $38,039.  As a percentage of net
sales,  operating  expenses  increased to 12.9% during 1998 compared to 11.6% in
1997.   Selling  expenses   decreased  $2,484  from  last  year,   primarily  in
commissions,   salaries,  advertising  and  divisional  marketing.  General  and
administrative  expenses  increased during 1998 by $554 from 1997,  primarily in
occupancy costs, depreciation and temporary personnel.  Warehousing and assembly
expenses  increased  by $88  during  1998 over last year,  primarily  in tooling
expenses and field  warehouse  expenses.  The operating loss for 1998 was $2,256
compared to operating income of $12,498 last year.


     The following table sets forth for the periods indicated certain statements
of income (loss) data for the Communications  group expressed as a percentage of
net sales:


                                               Nine Months Ended
                                                    August 31,
                                             1998                   1997
                                    --------------------   ---------------------

Net sales:
     Cellular product - wholesale   $ 247,957     88.4%    $ 284,004     86.8%
     Cellular product - retail          3,185      1.1         5,468      1.7
     Activation commissions            17,669      6.3        25,095      7.7
     Residual fees                      2,856      1.0         3,660      1.1
     Other                              8,965      3.2         9,148      2.8
                                    ---------    -----     ---------    -----
         Total net sales              280,632    100.0       327,375    100.0
                                    ---------    -----     ---------    -----
Gross profit                           33,941     12.1        50,537     15.4
Total operating expenses               36,197     12.9        38,039     11.6
                                    ---------    -----     ---------    -----
Operating income (loss)                (2,256)    (0.8)       12,498      3.8
Other expense                          (4,549)    (1.6)       (3,474)    (1.1)
                                    ---------    -----     ---------    -----
Pre-tax income (loss)               $  (6,805)    (2.4)%   $   9,024      2.7%
                                    =========    =====     =========    =====


     Net sales decreased approximately $10,889 compared to last year, a decrease
of 21.4%.  Decreases  were  experienced in the sound,  security and  accessories
product  lines,  partially  offset  by  an  increase  in  consumer  electronics.
Automotive  sound  decreased  22.6%  compared  to last  year,  primarily  due to
decreased sales in AV, Prestige Audio and SPS product lines and reduced sales in
our  international  operations.  Automotive  security and accessories  decreased
26.9%  compared  to  last  year,   primarily  due  to  decreased  sales  in  our
international  operations  and AA  security,  Prestige  security  and  Protector
Hardgoods product lines. These decreases were partially offset by a $2.0


million  increase  (over 100%) in mobile video.  Gross  margins were  relatively
consistent (21.3% in 1998 and 21.4% in 1997).  Operating  expenses  decreased to
$6,764 from $7,078. Selling expenses decreased from last year by $166, primarily
in salesmen  salaries in international  operations and commissions.  General and
administrative expenses decreased from 1997 by $363, primarily in foreign buying
office expenses and bad debt.  Warehousing and assembly expenses  increased from
1997 by $215, primarily in field warehousing and direct labor.  Operating income
for 1998 was $1,738 compared to $3,803 last year.

     The following table sets forth for the periods  indicated certain statement
of income data for the Automotive group expressed as a percentage of net sales:


                                              Three Months Ended
                                                  August 31,
                                        1998                  1997
                                --------------------  ---------------------
Net sales:
     Sound                      $ 17,716       44.3%  $ 22,890       45.0%
     Security and accessories     19,542       48.9     26,721       52.5
     Consumer electronics          2,706        6.8      1,242        2.5
                                --------      -----   --------      -----
        Total net sales           39,964      100.0     50,853      100.0
                                --------      -----   --------      -----
Gross profit                       8,502       21.3     10,881       21.4
Total operating expenses           6,764       16.9      7,078       13.9
                                --------      -----   --------      -----
Operating income                   1,738        4.4      3,803        7.5
Other expense                       (621)      (1.6)    (1,251)      (2.5)
                                --------      -----   --------      -----
Pre-tax income                  $  1,117        2.8%  $  2,552        5.0%
                                ========      =====   ========      =====


     Net sales decreased approximately $13,267 compared to last year, a
decrease of 9.4%.  Decreases were experienced in automotive sound,  security and
accessories product lines. Consumer electronics, increased over 100.0% from last
year. Automotive sound decreased 14.5% compared


to last year,  primarily  due to decreased  sales in  international  operations,
Prestige audio and SPS. Also during 1997, the Company contributed the net assets
of the Heavy Duty Sound  division to a  newly-formed  50%-owned  joint  venture.
Excluding this event, sound sales decreased 11% during 1998 compared to 1997. It
is  anticipated  that the sales of the former Heavy Duty Sound  division will be
realized  through  the  joint  venture.   Automotive  security  and  accessories
decreased  9.9% compared to last year,  primarily  due to decreased  sales in AA
security and Protector Hardgoods, partially offset by a $4.0 million increase in
mobile video.  Gross margins increased to 21.5% from 20.6% last year.  Operating
expenses increased to $20,393 from $20,030. Selling expenses decreased from last
year by $321,  primarily  in  international  operations  and the  result  of the
transfer of the Heavy Duty Sound division.  General and administrative  expenses
decreased from 1997 by $145,  primarily in overseas buying offices.  Warehousing
and assembly expenses increased from 1997 by $829 primarily in tooling and field
warehousing. Operating income for 1998 was $6,977 compared to $8,904 last year.


     The following table sets forth for the periods  indicated certain statement
of income data for the Automotive group expressed as a percentage of net sales:


                                           Nine Months Ended
                                                August 31,
                                         1998                   1997
                                ---------------------  --------------------
Net sales:
     Sound                      $  56,932       44.7%  $  66,552       47.4%
     Security and accessories      64,094       50.4      71,150       50.6
     Consumer electronics           6,228        4.9       2,819        2.0
                                ---------      -----   ---------      -----
        Total net sales           127,254      100.0     140,521      100.0
                                ---------      -----   ---------      -----
Gross profit                       27,370       21.5      28,934       20.6
Total operating expenses           20,393       16.0      20,030       14.3
                                ---------      -----   ---------      -----
Operating income                    6,977        5.5       8,904        6.3
Other expense                      (2,529)      (2.0)     (3,031)      (2.2)
                                ---------      -----   ---------      -----
Pre-tax income                  $   4,448        3.5%  $   5,873        4.1%
                                =========      =====   =========      =====


     Interest  expense  and bank  charges  increased  by $864 and $1,510 for the
three and nine months ended August 31, 1998, respectively,  compared to the same
periods last year, primarily due to an increase in interest-bearing debt. Equity
in income of equity investments and management fees and related income decreased
$434 and  increased  $73 for the three and nine months  ended  August 31,  1998,
respectively,  compared to the same periods  last year.  The Company also sold a
building  during the  quarter  for a gain of $234.  The  Company  purchased  400
million Japanese Yen (approximately  $2,732) of Shintom  Convertible  Debentures
(Shintom  Debentures).  The Company  exercised its option to convert the Shintom
Debentures  into shares of Shintom  Common  Stock.  The Company sold the Shintom
Common Stock yielding net proceeds of $3,159 and a gain of $427.


     Provision  for income  taxes and income tax  recovery are provided for at a
blended federal and state rate of 40% for profits or losses from normal business
operations.  During 1998, the Company  implemented  various tax strategies which
have resulted in lowering the effective tax rate.



     The Company's cash position at August 31, 1998 increased approximately $630
from the November 30, 1997 level.  Operating  activities provided  approximately
$18,986,  primarily  from  decreases in accounts  receivable  and  inventory and
increases  in  accounts  payable  and accrued  expenses,  partially  offset by a
reduction in income  taxes  payable.  Investing  activities  used  approximately
$11,196,  primarily  from the purchase of  convertible  debentures and property,
plant and  equipment,  offset by the sale of  investment  securities.  Financing
activities used  approximately  $6,896,  primarily from repayments under line of
credit agreements and repurchase of Class A Common Stock.

     On May 5, 1995,  the Company  entered into the Second  Amended and Restated
Credit Agreement (the "Credit  Agreement").  From May 5, 1995 through October 8,
1998,  the Credit  Agreement was amended  thirteen  times  providing for various
changes to the terms. The terms as of October 8, 1998 are summarized below.

     Under the Credit  Agreement,  the Company may obtain credit  through direct
borrowings  and letters of credit.  The  obligations  of the  Company  under the
Credit  Agreement  continue  to  be  guaranteed  by  certain  of  the  Company's
subsidiaries and are secured by accounts receivable and inventory of the Company
and those  subsidiaries.  The  obligations  are  secured  by the  shares of ACC.
Availability of credit under the Credit Agreement is a maximum  aggregate amount
of $95,000,  subject to certain  conditions,  and is based upon a formula taking
into account the amount and quality of its accounts  receivable  and  inventory.
The Credit Agreement expires on February 28, 2000.

     The Credit Agreement  contains  several  covenants  requiring,  among other
things,  minimum  levels of pre-tax  income and minimum  levels of net worth and
working capital as follows: pre-tax


income of $4,000 per  annum;  pre-tax  income of $1,500 for the two  consecutive
fiscal quarters ending May 31, 1997, 1998 and 1999; pre-tax income of $2,500 for
the two consecutive fiscal quarters ending November 30, 1997, 1998 and 1999; the
Company cannot have pre-tax  losses of more than $1,000 in any quarter;  and the
Company  cannot have pre-tax  losses in any two  consecutive  quarters;  minimum
level of total net worth of $172,500.  At May 31,  1998,  the Company was not in
compliance  with its  pre-tax  income  and  pre-tax  loss  covenants  which were
subsequently  waived.  As of the date of  issuance  of the second  quarter  1998
financial  statements,  the Company's  creditors  waived their right to call the
bank obligations. The Credit Agreement provides for adjustments to the covenants
in the event of certain specified non-operating transactions.  Additionally, the
agreement includes restrictions and limitations on payments of dividends,  stock
repurchases and capital expenditures.

     The  Company  believes  that it has  sufficient  liquidity  to satisfy  its
anticipated  working capital and capital  expenditure needs through November 30,
1998 and for the reasonable foreseeable future.


     Many of the  Company's  computerized  systems could be affected by the Year
2000 issue,  which refers to the  inability of such systems to properly  process
dates  beyond  December 31,  1999.  The Company  also has numerous  computerized
interfaces  with third  parties  and is possibly  vulnerable  to failure by such
third parties if they do not adequately  address their Year 2000 issues.  System
failures  resulting from these issues could cause significant  disruption to the
Company's  operations  and result in a material  adverse effect on the Company's
business, results of operations, financial condition or liquidity.


     Management  believes that a significant  portion of its "mission  critical"
computer systems are Year 2000 compliant and is continuing to assess the balance
of its  computer  systems as well as  equipment  and other  facilities  systems.
Management  plans to complete its  investigation,  remediation  and  contingency
planning  activities for all critical systems by mid 1999, although there can be
no assurance  that it will. At this time,  management  believes that the Company
does not have any internal critical Year 2000 issues that it cannot remedy.

     Management is in the process of surveying  third parties with whom it has a
material  relationship  primarily  through written  correspondence.  Despite its
efforts to survey its  customers,  management  is  depending  on the response of
these third parties in its assessment of Year 2000 readiness.  Management cannot
be certain as to the actual Year 2000  readiness  of these third  parties or the
impact that any non-compliance on their part may have on the Company's business,
results of operations, financial condition or liquidity.

     The Company expects to incur internal staff costs as well as consulting and
other expenses in preparing for the Year 2000.  Because the Company has replaced
or updated a  significant  portion of its computer  systems,  both  hardware and
software,  in recent years,  the cost to be incurred in addressing the Year 2000
issue are not  expected  to have a material  impact on the  Company's  business,
results of  operations,  financial  condition  or  liquidity.  This  expectation
assumes  that our  existing  forecast of costs to be incurred  contemplates  all
significant  actions  required  and  that  we will  not be  obligated  to  incur
significant  Year 2000 related costs on behalf of our  customers,  suppliers and
other third parties.



     In June 1997,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  (FASB)  issued
Statement No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income",  effective for fiscal years
beginning after December 15, 1997.  This Statement  requires that all items that
are  required to be  recognized  under  accounting  standards as  components  of
comprehensive income be reported in a financial statement that is displayed with
the same  prominence  as other  financial  statements.  This  Statement  further
requires  that an entity  display  an amount  representing  total  comprehensive
income for the period in that financial statement.  This Statement also requires
that an entity classify items of other comprehensive income by their nature in a
financial statement. For example, other comprehensive income may include foreign
currency  items  and  unrealized  gains  and  losses  on  investments  in equity
securities.  Reclassification  of  financial  statements  for  earlier  periods,
provided for  comparative  purposes,  is required.  Based on current  accounting
standards,  this  Statement  is not  expected  to have a material  impact on the
Company's  consolidated  financial  statements.  The  Company  will  adopt  this
accounting standard effective December 1, 1998, as required.

     In June  1997,  the FASB  issued  Statement  No.  131,  "Disclosures  about
Segments of an Enterprise and Related  Information",  effective for fiscal years
beginning  after  December 15, 1997.  This Statement  establishes  standards for
reporting  information about operating  segments in annual financial  statements
and requires selected  information about operating segments in interim financial
reports  issued to  shareholders.  It also  establishes  standards  for  related
disclosures  about products and services,  geographic areas and major customers.
Operating  segments  are  defined as  components  of an  enterprise  about which
separate financial  information is available that is evaluated  regularly by the
chief  operating  decision  maker in deciding how to allocate  resources  and in


performance.  This Statement  requires reporting segment profit or loss, certain
specific  revenue  and  expense  items  and  segment  assets.  It also  requires
reconciliations  of total segment revenues,  total segment profit or loss, total
segment  assets,  and other  amounts  disclosed  for  segments to  corresponding
amounts  reported  in the  consolidated  financial  statements.  Restatement  of
comparative information for earlier periods presented is required in the initial
year of application.  Interim  information is not required until the second year
of application,  at which time comparative  information is required. The Company
has not determined the impact that the adoption of this new accounting  standard
will have on its consolidated financial statements disclosures. The Company will
adopt this accounting standard in fiscal 1999, as required.

     The FASB issued Statement No. 133,  "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments
and Hedging Activities"  (Statement 133).  Statement 133 established  accounting
and reporting standards for derivative  instruments embedded in other contracts,
and for hedging  activities.  Statement 133 is effective for all fiscal quarters
of all fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999. Early  application of all the
provisions  of this  Statement is  encouraged  but is  permitted  only as of the
beginning of any fiscal  quarter that begins after  issuance of this  Statement.
Management of the Company does not believe that the  implementation of Statement
133 will have a  significant  impact on its  financial  position  or  results of


Item 6.           Reports on Form 8-K

     During the third quarter,  the Registrant filed one report on Form 8-K. The
Form 8-K, dated July 8, 1998 and filed July 21, 1998,  reported that the Company
had executed  Waiver and Twelfth  Amendment to the Company's  Second Amended and
Restated Credit Agreement (the Waiver and Amendment).

     The Waiver and Amendment,  among other things, (i) waives compliance by the
Company with the provisions of subsection 9.1(a) (I) (A) with respect to the two
consecutive  fiscal  quarters of the Company ending May 31, 1998,  provided that
the amount of the  Consolidated  Pre-Tax  Loss for such two  consecutive  fiscal
quarters shall not exceed $6,485,000; (ii) waives compliance by the Company with
the provisions of subsection  9.1(a) (iii) with respect to the fiscal quarter of
the Company  ending May 31, 1998  provided  that the amount of the  Consolidated
Pre-Tax Loss for such fiscal  quarter shall not exceed  $8,721,000;  and,  (iii)
amends subsection 9.9 to allow for the Company's investment in Shintom Co., Ltd.



     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                   AUDIOVOX CORPORATION

                                                   By:s/John J. Shalam
                                                   John J. Shalam
                                                   President and Chief
                                                   Executive Officer

Dated:  October 15, 1998

                                                   By:s/Charles M. Stoehr
                                                   Charles M. Stoehr
                                                   Senior Vice President and
                                                   Chief Financial Officer
