Independent Auditors' Consents

The Board of Directors
Foodmaker, Inc.;

We consent to incorporation by reference in the registration statement no.
33-50934 on Form S-3 of Foodmaker, Inc. and in registration statement
Nos. 33-67450, 33-54602 and 33-51490 on Form S-8 of Foodmaker, Inc. of our
report dated November 5, 1996, except for the fifth paragraph of Note 12,
which is as of December 10, 1996, relating to the consolidated balance sheets
of Foodmaker, Inc. and subsidiaries as of September 29, 1996 and October 1,
1995, and the related consolidated statements of operations, cash flows and
stockholders' equity for the fifty-two weeks ended September 29, 1996,
October 1, 1995, and October 2, 1994, which report appears in the
September 29, 1996 annual report of Form 10-K of Foodmaker, Inc. and

                                                KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP

San Diego, California
December 20, 1996