Exhibit 10.2

                               THIRD AMENDMENT TO
                          C&D TECHNOLOGIES SAVINGS PLAN

         WHEREAS,  C&D  Technologies,  Inc.  (the  "Sponsor")  adopted  the  C&D
Technologies  Savings  Plan (the  "Plan"),  most  recently  amended and restated
effective October 1, 1997, and

         WHEREAS, the Sponsor desires to amend the Plan;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  the  Sponsor  amends the Plan as  follows,  effective
January 1, 2001:

         1. The Preamble of the Plan is hereby  amended by adding the  following
paragraph to the end thereof:

         Effective January 1, 2001, the C&D Technologies Savings Plan for Hourly
         Employees is merged into and made a part of the Plan.

         2. The second paragraph of the definition of  "Compensation" in Section
1.1 of the Plan is amended to read as follows:

         Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Compensation  shall not  include  (i)
         severance  pay,  or (ii) the value of any  qualified  or  non-qualified
         stock option  granted to the  Participant by his Employer to the extent
         such value is includible in the Participant's taxable income

         3. The  definition  of "Employee" in Section 1.1 of the Plan is amended
and restated to read, in its entirety, as follows:

         An  "Employee"  means any  employee of an Employer  other than a leased
         employee  or an  employee  who is  covered by a  collective  bargaining
         agreement  to the extent that  benefits  were the subject of good faith
         bargaining  unless  the  collective   bargaining   agreement   provides

         4.  Section 3.1 of the Plan is amended by adding the  following  to the
end thereof:

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Employee hired on or after January 1,
         2001 who is classified as a salaried  employee shall become an Eligible
         Employee  for  purposes  of   participating   in  the  "fixed  salaried
         Profit-Sharing  Contribution"  portion of the Plan as of the Enrollment
         Date next following his date of hire.

         5.  Section 4.1 of the Plan is amended by adding the  following  to the
end thereof:

         If at the time he becomes an  Eligible  Employee  an  Employee  has not
         affirmatively  elected to have Tax-Deferred  Contributions  made to the
         Plan on his behalf in  accordance  with the  provisions of Sections 4.1
         and 4.2,  his Employer  shall make  Tax-Deferred  Contributions  on his
         behalf in an amount equal to three  percent of the Eligible  Employee's
         Compensation.   The  Compensation  otherwise  payable  to  an  Eligible
         Employee  on  whose  behalf  Tax-Deferred  Contributions  are  made  in
         accordance  with the provisions of this Section shall be reduced by the
         amount of such Tax-Deferred Contributions.

         As of the date he becomes an Eligible Employee, an Eligible Employee to
         whom this Section would  otherwise  apply may  affirmatively  elect, in
         accordance  with rules  prescribed  by the  Administrator,  not to have
         Tax-Deferred  Contributions  made on his behalf in accordance  with the
         provisions of this Section.  Such affirmative election must be recorded
         with the Administrator either prior to the date the Employee becomes an
         Eligible  Employee or within a reasonable period of time following such
         date,  but not  later  than the  first  date  Compensation  subject  to
         reduction hereunder becomes available to the Eligible Employee.

         An Eligible  Employee  shall have a  reasonable  period  following  his
         receipt of the automatic  reduction notice described in Section 4.9 and
         before the first date Compensation  subject to the automatic  reduction
         becomes  available  to him in  which  to make an  affirmative  election
         hereunder.  If an  Eligible  Employee  does not  make  the  affirmative
         election   described   herein  within  the   prescribed   time  period,
         Tax-Deferred  Contributions  shall continue to be made on his behalf in
         accordance  with the  provisions  of this  Section  until the  Eligible
         Employee  elects either to change the amount of his  Compensation  that
         his  Employer  contributes  as  Tax-Deferred  Contributions  or to have
         Tax-Deferred Contributions suspended, as provided in this Article.

         At the time an Employee becomes an Eligible Employee, the Administrator
         shall  provide  the  Eligible  Employee  with a notice  explaining  the
         automatic   reduction  in  his  Compensation  for  purposes  of  making
         Tax-Deferred Contributions in accordance with the preceding Section and
         the  Employee's  right  to  affirmatively   elect  either  a  different
         reduction  amount  or no  reduction.  The  notice  shall  describe  the
         procedures  for making such an election and the period in which such an
         election may be made.  In addition,  the  Administrator  shall  provide
         annual  notice to  Eligible  Employees  of the  amount  by which  their
         Compensation  is being  reduced  for  purposes  of making  Tax-Deferred
         Contributions, if any, and their right to change, and the procedure for
         changing, such amount as provided in the Plan.

         6.  Section  6.1 of the Plan is amended and  restated  to read,  in its
entirety, as follows:


         The Contribution Period for Matching Contributions under the Plan shall
         be each payroll  period.  The  Contribution  Period for  Profit-Sharing
         Contributions under the Plan shall be each Plan Year.

         7.  Section  6.2 of the Plan is amended and  restated  to read,  in its
entirety, as follows:


         Each Employer may, in its discretion,  make a  "discretionary  salaried
         Profit-Sharing Contribution" to the Plan for the Contribution Period in
         an amount determined by the Sponsor.

         Each Employer shall make a "fixed salaried Profit-Sharing Contribution"
         to the Plan for the  Contribution  Period on  behalf of each  "eligible
         salaried Employee" equal to 4% of such "eligible  salaried  Employee's"
         Compensation for the Contribution Period. For purposes of this Article,
         the term  "eligible  salaried  Employee"  means any  Eligible  Employee
         classified  as a salaried  employee by his  Employer who is eligible to
         share in the allocation of Profit-Sharing Contributions pursuant to the
         provisions  of this  Article and who either (i) is hired by an Employer
         on or after  January 1,  2001,  or (ii) is hired by an  Employer  on or
         after  January  1, 2000 and,  prior to  January  1,  2001,  opts out of
         participation in the C&D  Technologies,  Inc. Pension Plan for Salaried
         Employees,   effective  January  1,  2001.  Notwithstanding  any  other
         provision of the Plan to the contrary, Compensation with respect to any
         period  ending  prior to the date on which  an  Employee  first  became
         eligible  to   participate   in  the   allocation   of   Profit-Sharing
         Contributions  shall be disregarded  in  determining  the amount of the
         "eligible salaried  Employee's"  allocable share of any "fixed salaried
         Profit-Sharing Contribution."

         Each  Employer may, in its  discretion,  make a  "discretionary  hourly
         Profit-Sharing Contribution" to the Plan for the Contribution Period in
         an amount determined by the Sponsor.

         Each   Employer   shall  make  a   "mandatory   hourly   Profit-Sharing
         Contribution" to the Plan for the Contribution Period on behalf of each
         Eligible  Employee  who is  classified  as an  hourly  employee  by his
         Employer  and who is  eligible  to  participate  in the  allocation  of
         Profit-Sharing  Contributions as determined under this Article equal to
         the appropriate  percentage of his  Compensation  for the  Contribution
         Period which  varies based upon his years of Vesting  Service as of the
         end of the Contribution Period, as follows:

                  Years of Vesting Service           % of Compensation
                  ------------------------           -----------------

                          0-5                              2.5%
                          6-10                             3.0%
                          11-20                            3.5%
                          21 and greater                   4.5%

         Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of the  Plan  to the  contrary,
         Compensation  with  respect to any period  ending  prior to the date on
         which  an  Employee  first  became   eligible  to  participate  in  the
         allocation of  Profit-Sharing  Contributions  shall be  disregarded  in
         determining the amount of the hourly Employee's  allocable share of any
         "mandatory hourly Profit-Sharing Contribution."

         8.  Section  6.3 of the Plan is amended and  restated  to read,  in its
entirety, as follows:


         Any  "discretionary  salaried  Profit-Sharing  Contribution" made for a
         Contribution  Period shall be allocated among the Employees who are (i)
         eligible  to   participate   in  the   allocation   of   Profit-Sharing
         Contributions  for the  Contribution  Period,  as determined under this
         Article, and (ii) classified as salaried employees. The allocable share
         of  each  such  salaried  Employee  shall  be in the  ratio  which  his
         Compensation  from the Employers for the  Contribution  Period bears to
         the aggregate of such  Compensation  for all such  salaried  Employees.
         Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of the  Plan  to the  contrary,
         Compensation  with  respect to any period  ending  prior to the date on
         which a salaried  Employee first became  eligible to participate in the
         allocation of  Profit-Sharing  Contributions  shall be  disregarded  in
         determining  the amount of the salaried  Employee's  allocable share in
         any "discretionary salaried Profit-Sharing Contribution.

         Any   "fixed   salaried   Profit-Sharing   Contribution"   made  for  a
         Contribution   Period  shall  be  allocated  among  "eligible  salaried
         Employees."  The  allocable  share  of  each  such  "eligible  salaried
         Employee" in any "fixed salaried Profit-Sharing  Contribution" shall be
         determined in accordance with Section 6.2.

         Any  "discretionary  hourly  Profit-Sharing  Contribution"  made  for a
         Contribution  Period shall be allocated among the Employees who are (i)
         eligible  to   participate   in  the   allocation   of   Profit-Sharing
         Contributions  for the  Contribution  Period,  as determined under this
         Article,  and (ii) classified as hourly employees.  The allocable share
         of  each  such  hourly  Employee  shall  be  in  the  ratio  which  his
         Compensation  from the Employers for the  Contribution  Period bears to
         the  aggregate  of such  Compensation  for all such  hourly  Employees.
         Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of the  Plan  to the  contrary,
         Compensation with respect to any period ending prior to the

         date on which an hourly  Employee first became  eligible to participate
         in the allocation of Profit-Sharing  Contributions shall be disregarded
         in determining the amount of the hourly  Employee's  allocable share in
         any "discretionary hourly Profit-Sharing Contribution".

         Any  "mandatory  hourly   Profit-Sharing   Contribution"   made  for  a
         Contribution  Period shall be allocated among the Employees who are (i)
         eligible  to   participate   in  the   allocation   of   Profit-Sharing
         Contributions  for the  Contribution  Period,  as determined under this
         Article,  and (ii) classified as hourly Employees.  The allocable share
         of each such hourly  Employee in any "mandatory  hourly  Profit-Sharing
         Contribution" shall be determined in accordance with Section 6.2.

         9.  Section  6.6 of the Plan is amended and  restated  to read,  in its
entirety, as follows:


         (a)      Each Employer may make a Matching Contribution to the Plan for
                  each  payroll  period  in an amount  equal to the  percentage,
                  determined  by  the  Sponsor,  in  its  discretion,   for  the
                  Contribution Period, of the Tax-Deferred Contributions for the
                  payroll  period  made on behalf of its  Employees  during  the
                  payroll   period  who  are  eligible  to  participate  in  the
                  allocation of Matching  Contributions  for the payroll period,
                  other than hourly employees, as determined under this Article.

         (b)      The Sponsor shall make a Matching Contribution to the Plan for
                  the  period  beginning  March 1, 1999  and ending December 31,
                  1999  in an  amount  equal  to  50  percent of  the  aggregate
                  "eligible  Tax-Deferred  Contributions"  made on  behalf  of
                  Employees  who  immediately   prior  to  March  1,  1999  were
                  employed  by the Dynasty  Division of Johnson  Controls,  Inc.
                  For  purposes  of   this  Article,    "eligible   Tax-Deferred
                  Contributions"   with   respect   to  an  Employee  means  the
                  deferral  contributions  made on  his  behalf  for  the period
                  March 1,  1999   through  December  31,  1999 to  the  Johnson
                  Controls Savings and Investment  (401K)  Plan in  an amount up
                  to, but not exceeding,  the "match  level".   For  purposes of
                  this  paragraph,  the   "match  level"  means  8 percent of an
                  Employee's  Compensation  for  the period  beginning  March 1,
                  1999 and ending December 31, 1999.

         10.  Effective  March 1, 1999,  Section  6.7 of the Plan is amended and
restated to read, in its entirety, as follows:


         Any Matching  Contribution  made by an Employer for the payroll  period
         pursuant  to Section  6.6(a)  shall be  allocated  among its  Employees
         during  the  payroll  period who are  eligible  to  participate  in the
         allocation of Matching Contributions for the payroll period, other than
         hourly employees, as determined under this Article. The allocable share
         of each  such  Employee  shall be an  amount  equal  to the  percentage
         determined by the Sponsor of the Tax-Deferred Contributions made on his
         behalf for the payroll period.

         The  Matching  Contribution  made by the  Sponsor  pursuant  to Section
         6.6(b)  shall be  allocated  among  the  employees  during  the  period
         beginning  March 1, 1999 and ending  December 31, 1999 who are eligible
         to  participate  in the  allocation of such Matching  Contributions  as
         determined  under Section 3.1 and 6.6(b).  The allocable  share of each
         such  Employee  shall be an amount equal to 50 percent of the "eligible
         Tax-Deferred Contributions" made on his behalf.

         11.  Section 6.10 of the Plan is amended and  restated to read,  in its
entirety, as follows:


         Each Employee  shall be eligible to  participate  in the  allocation of
         Employer  Contributions  beginning  on the  date he  becomes,  or again
         becomes,  an Eligible  Employee in  accordance  with the  provisions of
         Article III. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no person shall be eligible
         to participate in the allocation of Profit-Sharing  Contributions for a
         Contribution  Period  unless (i) he is  employed  by an  Employer  or a
         Related Company on the last day of the Contribution  Period and (ii) he
         has completed at least 1,000 Hours of Service  during the  Contribution
         Period;  provided,  however,  that the foregoing  provisions  shall not
         apply to a person who  terminates  employment  during the  Contribution
         Period on or after his  Normal  Retirement  Date or because of death or
         physical or mental disability as defined in Section 6.11.

         12.  Article X of the Plan is amended by adding the  following  Section
10.4 to the end thereof:


         Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, (i) 50 percent of
         the amount  credited to a  Participant's  Profit-Sharing  Contributions
         Sub-Account  that is  attributable  to "fixed  salaried  Profit-Sharing
         Contributions",  as  defined in Article  VI, and (ii)  one-half  of one
         percent (0.05) of the amount credited to a Participant's Profit-Sharing
         Contributions  Sub-Account  that is attributable  to "mandatory  hourly
         Profit-Sharing  Contributions",  as  defined in  Article  VI,  shall be
         invested  in the  Company  Stock  Fund;  provided,  however,  that upon
         attaining age 50, a  Participant  is permitted to transfer such amounts
         out of the  Company  Stock  Fund and into any  other  Investment  Funds
         offered under the Plan in accordance  with the rules  prescribed by the

         13.  Section  13.3 of the  Plan is  amended  by  adding  the  following
paragraph to the end thereof:

         Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  no  Participant  shall be permitted to
         make a  hardship  withdrawal  of  amounts  held  in his  Profit-Sharing
         Contributions Sub-Account on or after January 1, 2001.

         14. The last indented paragraph of Section 13.5 of the Plan relating to
restrictions  on withdrawals of After-Tax  Contributions  is amended  to read as

         A Participant who makes a withdrawal  from his After-Tax  Contributions
         Sub-Account  prior  to  attaining  age 59 1/2  may not  make a  further
         withdrawal  of After-Tax  Contributions  under this Article  during the
         remainder of the calendar quarter in which the withdrawal is effective.

         15.  Section 16.2 of the Plan is amended and  restated to read,  in its
entirety, as follows:


         Except as otherwise provided in Section 16.6, unless a Participant,  or
         his  Beneficiary,  if  the  Participant  has  died,  elects  one of the
         optional  forms  of  payment,   distribution   shall  be  made  to  the
         Participant,  or his  Beneficiary,  as the case may be, in a single sum
         payment.  Distribution  of the Fair Market  Value of the  Participant's
         Separate  Account  shall be made in cash or in kind,  as elected by the

         16.  Section  16.3 of the  Plan is  amended  by  adding  the  following
paragraph to the end thereof:

         Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  installment  payment and annuity
         contract  methods of payment will cease to be available  after December
         31, 2000 or, if later,  the  earliest  date after  December 31, 2000 on
         which such forms of payment are legally permitted to be eliminated.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Sponsor has executed this  instrument this 28th
day of November, 2000.

                                     C&D Technologies, Inc.

                                     By: /s/ Mark Z. Sappir
                                     Title: VP, Human Resources