Exhibit 10.23

                              AGREEMENT AND RELEASE

     This is an Agreement and Release ("Agreement") between Mark Z. Sappir ("Mr.
Sappir") and C&D Technologies, Inc. (referred to herein as "C&D" or "Company").


     WHEREAS, Mr. Sappir is the Vice President, Human Resources for C&D;

     WHEREAS,  Mr.  Sappir  and  C&D are  parties  to  that  certain  employment
agreement  dated March 31, 2000,  as amended  April 6, 2000  (collectively,  the
"Employment Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS,  C&D has elected to terminate  the  Employment  Agreement  and the
employment  relationship  and to  amicably  settle and  resolve the terms of the
separation from employment of Mr. Sappir as an officer of C&D.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  Mr. Sappir and C&D,  intending to be legally bound and in
consideration of the mutual promises set forth below, hereby agree as follows.


           a. Mr.  Sappir's  employment by C&D will  terminate on the earlier of
(i) the date  that Mr.  Sappir  commences  full time  employment  with any third
party; or (iii) April 1, 2003  (hereinafter  the "Effective  Date").  C&D agrees
that Mr. Sappir may be engaged in interim,  part time or temporary employment or
consulting  provided that such  employment or consulting does not interfere with
the  performance  of his  duties  and  obligations  to C&D as set  forth in this
Agreement. C&D will characterize Mr. Sappir's termination of employment with C&D
as having terminated at the conclusion of the term of his employment  agreement;
however,  for  purposes of Mr.  Sappir's  participation  in the C&D Stock Option
Plan(s), his termination shall be deemed to be an involuntary termination.

           b. Mr. Sappir will be paid, in  accordance  with the regular  payroll
practices of C&D, his regular salary through April 1, 2003,  subject to standard
deductions,  including,  as  appropriate,  those which are  consistent  with the
provisions of Mr.  Sappir's then  applicable Form W-4. Mr. Sappir's salary shall
not be subject to reduction for unpaid Company furloughs.

           c.  Beginning  March 1, 2002 (the  "Transition  Date")  and until the
Effective  Date,  Mr.  Sappir's  job title shall be Vice  President,  Industrial
Relations;  however,  commencing on the Transition Date, Mr. Sappir shall not be
required to regularly  attend work,  but shall perform the job duties  described
herein.  Such job  duties  shall  include  continuing  negotiation  of the labor
agreement for affected  employees at the Company's  Huguenot,  New York facility
and union matters at the Conshohocken,  Pennsylvania facility,  unless otherwise
notified.  Mr.  Sappir shall  additionally  provide  thirty hours of  additional
services  to C&D at no charge;  such  duties to be assigned to him by any of the
following: the CEO, Vice President, General Counsel or a member of the C&D Board
of  Directors.  If C&D requests that Mr.  Sappir  provide  services in excess of
thirty  hours on behalf of C&D,  he shall be paid at a rate of $75.00  per hour,
and reimbursed for  reasonable,  customary,  properly  documented  expenses.  To

Mr. Sappir to provide the services  contemplated  in this  paragraph  1(c),  C&D
shall provide Mr. Sappir,  through the Effective Date,  either at his home or at
such other location as may be mutually agreed between the parties, continued use
of Company voice mail and e-mail and such office  equipment as may be reasonably
required. Upon the Effective Date, Mr. Sappir shall return the equipment in good
condition,  reasonable wear and tear excepted, or may purchase some or any of it
at its then-current book value in C&D's records.

           d.  Following  the  Effective  Date,  Mr.  Sappir shall  refrain from
communicating with any employee, customer, supplier or any other party with whom
C&D has a commercial relationship regarding the details of his employment or the
anticipated  cessation  thereof or the subject matter of this Agreement  without
the prior written consent of Wade H. Roberts, Jr. or the C&D Board of Directors,
other than to say that the  relationship  between Mr. Sappir and C&D is being or
was terminated amicably.

           e. Mr.  Sappir  and C&D  hereby  agree to  refrain  from  making  any
negative,   disparaging,   defamatory  or  slanderous  comments,  references  or
characterizations  concerning  the  other  party  and,  in  Mr.  Sappir's  case,
concerning C&D's officers,  directors,  employees, agents, products or services,
either verbally,  in writing, or in any other manner, to any third party for any
purpose whatsoever, unless a legal duty to do so is imposed.

           f. Mr. Sappir shall be entitled to one executive physical examination
prior to the Effective Date in accordance with applicable C&D policy.

           g. C&D shall pay to a reputable firm of Mr.  Sappir's  choice up to a
maximum of $10,000 for outplacement  services and career development  assistance
and shall  reimburse  Mr.  Sappir for up to $1,500 in  documented  expenses  for
subscriptions  and  materials  related  to career  development.  This  financial
support  shall  be  available  for a  period  of  twelve  (12)  months  from the
Transition Date.

           h. Mr. Sappir shall be entitled to receive a success  bonus  provided
that the labor negotiations at Huguenot are successfully completed.  The success
bonus will be paid as follows:  A $5,000  non-refundable  bonus  advance will be
paid on March 15, 2002 and the balance ($15,000) will be paid, if earned, on the
Effective Date. In order to be entitled to receive the success bonus, Mr. Sappir
must  then be in C&D's  employ  under the terms of this  Agreement.  Should  Mr.
Sappir not be employed  by C&D as of the date of  successful  completion  of the
Huguenot  contract,  he will not be  entitled to the second  installment  of the
success fee.



           a. Through the Effective Date, Mr. Sappir may continue to participate
in the Company's medical,  dental, and life insurance programs at the same level
and costs as Mr. Sappir participated on Transition Date. Thereafter,  Mr. Sappir
may continue,  at his expense,  his medical and dental insurance benefits to the
extent  permitted  by  the  Consolidated   Omnibus  Budget   Reconciliation  Act

           b. Mr. Sappir's  accrued  vacation days shall be subsumed in the paid
time through the Effective Date. No additional  vacation time shall accrue or be
paid for by C&D.

           c. Through the Effective Date, Mr. Sappir may continue to participate
in the C&D Savings Plan and Pension Plan for  salaried  employees in  accordance
with the terms and  provisions  of the  respective  Plans as they may be amended
from time to time. For purposes of calculating Mr. Sappir's  applicable benefits
under the C&D  retirement  plans,  C&D agrees that Mr.  Sappir will be deemed to
have worked for at least 1000 hours during all plan years prior to the Effective
Date. Mr. Sappir may also continue to  participate in the Deferred  Compensation
Plan in accordance  with the terms of the plan.  Mr. Sappir may also continue to
participate in the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan in accordance with the
terms of the plan through the Effective Date.

           d. Mr.  Sappir  may  exercise  options,  granted to him under any C&D
Stock  Option  Plan,  which  have  vested  or which  may vest on or prior to the
Effective  Date in accordance  with the terms and  provisions of the  applicable
Plans and consistent with the  characterization of his termination of employment
with C&D as an  involuntary  resignation  on the Effective  Date;  however,  Mr.
Sappir shall not be recommended  for any  additional  stock option grants either
prior to or following the  Transition  Date,  nor shall he be required to comply
with the Company's applicable stock ownership guidelines.  Through the Effective
Date,  Mr.  Sappir may, from time to time, be considered an "insider" as defined
in the C&D  Insider  Trading  Policy,  as it may be  amended  from time to time;
provided, however, that following the Transition Date he shall not be considered
an Executive  Officer for Section 16  reporting  purposes  under the  Securities
Exchange  Act of  1934.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Mr.  Sappir  may have
continuing reporting  obligations under Section 16 with respect to purchases and
sales  of C&D  stock  that  occur  within  six  months  after  an  opposite  way
transaction  that preceded the date of this Agreement and he remains  subject to
the Company's  insider trading policy;  accordingly,  all purchases and sales of
C&D stock must be pre-cleared with either of the Vice President, Finance or Vice
President,  General  Counsel  of C&D.  Provided  that  Mr.  Sappir  is not  then
possessed or aware of any material inside information  regarding the Company and
that it otherwise  lawful for him to do so,  following the Effective  Date,  Mr.
Sappir will be permitted to exercise  options (in accordance  with the terms and
provisions of the applicable stock option plan) outside of a C&D "window period"
as such term is defined in the Company's insider trading policy.

           e. Mr.  Sappir  will  not  receive  any  payments  under  the FY 2002
Management Incentive  Compensation Plan. Mr. Sappir's eligibility to participate
in the  Management  incentive  compensation  plan for FY'03 shall be at the sole
discretion of the Company.


           f.  Mr.   Sappir  shall  not  be  eligible  to  continue  to  receive
reimbursement  for  executive  financial  planning   assistance   following  the
Effective  Date.  Mr. Sappir shall be eligible for  reimbursement  for executive
financial planning  assistance for fees reasonably incurred before the Effective

           g. All other  employee  benefits not  specifically  continued by this
Agreement shall terminate on the Effective Date.


           In  consideration  of  the  additional   consideration  described  in
Paragraphs 1(a), (b), (c), (f), (g) and (h), and 2 (a), (c), (d) and (f) hereof,
which Mr.  Sappir  acknowledges  that C&D is not  obligated  to pay or otherwise
provide for Mr. Sappir agrees to execute the Release which is attached hereto as
Exhibit A within five (5) days following the Effective Date.


           After having had a reasonable  opportunity  to review this  Agreement
and an opportunity to consult with an advisor or an attorney of his choice,  Mr.
Sappir,  on his own  behalf,  and on behalf of his  heirs,  administrators,  and
assigns, knowingly and voluntarily releases, remises and forever discharges C&D,
its  subsidiary  and related  companies and their  predecessors,  successors and
assigns, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and
attorneys  and all those charged or  chargeable  with  liability on their behalf
(collectively  "Releasees"),  from any and all rights or  claims,  of any nature
whatsoever  whether known or unknown which he has or may have against Releasees,
including,  but not limited to those  rights or claims  arising out of or in any
way  connected  with  Mr.  Sappir's  employment  by C&D or his  separation  from
employment  by C&D,  claims  for wages,  stock or  profits,  claims of  wrongful
discharge  in  violation  of public  policy or on any other  grounds,  breach of
contract (whether express or implied),  breach of the covenant of good faith and
fair  dealing,  intentional  or  negligent  infliction  of  emotional  distress,
defamation,  negligence,  misrepresentation,  fraud, violation of public policy,
other  torts  (whether  based on statute or common  law),  claims for payment of
attorneys'  fees (whether based on contract,  statute or common law),  claims of
discrimination on the basis of race, gender,  color,  religion,  marital status,
national origin,  handicap or disability,  or veteran's status,  and any and all
claims arising out of or relating to any federal,  Pennsylvania,  other state or
local statutes, ordinances,  regulations, orders or common law, labor relations,
fair employment and equal  employment  opportunity  laws, Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, as amended,  42 U.S.C.  ss. 2000e-1,  ET SEQ., 42 U.S.C. ss.
1981-1988,  the Americans With  Disabilities  Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 12101, ET SEQ.,
the  Family  and  Medical  Leave Act of 1993,  the  Employee  Retirement  Income
Security Act of 1974,  the  Consolidated  Omnibus Budget  Reconciliation  Act of
1985,  the  National  Labor  Relations  Act, the Fair Labor  Standards  Act, the
Occupational  Safety and Health Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, 43
P.S. ss. 951 ET SEQ. that Mr. Sappir now has or ever had against  Releasees from
the beginning of time to the date of this Agreement.  It is expressly understood
and  agreed  that the  foregoing  is a general  release of all claims and rights
against C&D.



           After having had a reasonable  opportunity  to review this  Agreement
and an  opportunity  to consult  with an attorney or adviser of his choice,  Mr.
Sappir,  his heirs,  administrators,  and  assigns,  knowingly  and  voluntarily
releases,  remises  and  forever  discharges  C&D,  its  subsidiary  and related
companies, and each of their respective officers,  directors,  employees, agents
and  attorneys  and all those  charged or  chargeable  with  liability  on their
behalf,  of and from any and all rights or claims  which he may have against any
of them under the Age  Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended,  29
U.S.C.  ss. 621 ET.  SEQ.  or under any other  federal or state law  prohibiting
discrimination  based upon age,  from the  beginning of time to the date of this


           This  Agreement  is intended to comply with  Section 201 of the Older
Workers Benefit  Protection Act of 1990, 29  U.S.C.ss.626(f).  Accordingly,  Mr.
Sappir acknowledges and represents as follows:

           a.  he  waives  all  rights  or  claims  against  C&D  under  the Age
Discrimination  in Employment Act of 1967, as amended,  29 U.S.C ss.621, ET SEQ.
("ADEA")  knowingly and  voluntarily in exchange for  consideration  of value to
which he is not otherwise entitled;  b. he has been advised in writing by C&D to
consult with an attorney in connection  with this  Agreement and his decision to
waive his rights or claims under the ADEA;

           c. he has been given a period of at least twenty-one (21) days within
which to consider this  Agreement and his decision to waive his rights or claims
under the ADEA; and

           d. he has been  informed  by C&D and  understands  that he may revoke
this Agreement for a period of seven (7) calendar days after signing it and that
this Agreement will not become  effective or enforceable  until after this seven
(7) day period has expired.


           In the event that Mr. Sappir chooses to revoke his acceptance of this
Agreement,  he will provide C&D with  written  notice of the  revocation,  which
shall be sent by  United  States  mail,  certified,  return  receipt  requested,
post-marked  within  seven  (7) days of the date that he signs  this  Agreement.
Notice to C&D shall be given to Linda R.  Hansen,  General  Counsel,  1400 Union
Meeting Road, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19422.


           Mr. Sappir  agrees and  covenants  that he has not and will not bring
any action in any forum,  or file any claims  against C&D or its  subsidiary and
related companies, or any of their respective officers, directors,  employees or
agents, past and present, individually or


collectively,  or any insurer of C&D which relates in any way to his employment,
his separation from  employment by C&D or any matter which is associated  either
directly or indirectly with his employment. C&D agrees and covenants that it has
not and will not bring any action in any forum,  or file any claims  against Mr.
Sappir,  which  relate  in any  way  to  his  employment,  his  separation  from
employment  from C&D or any other matter which is associated  either directly or
indirectly  with Mr.  Sappir's  employment,  except,  an action for  fraud.  C&D
acknowledges  that as of the date of this Agreement it is not aware of any basis
for such a claim against Mr. Sappir.


           Mr.  Sappir  acknowledges  that he signed an  "Agreement  Relating to
Intellectual  Property and  Confidential  Information"  with C&D on July 7, 1998
("Confidentiality  Agreement").  A copy is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit
"1." Mr.  Sappir  reaffirms  the  obligations  and duties he  assumed  under the
Confidentiality  Agreement  and agrees  that he shall  continue  to abide by the
terms of the Confidentiality Agreement after the termination of his employment.


           Mr.  Sappir  represents  that he has  returned  to C&D or will return
prior to the  Effective  Date all  materials  in his  possession  or within  his
control  which  relate to the  business of C&D,  including,  but not limited to,
data,  documents,  reports,  programs,  diskettes,  computer printouts,  program
listings, computer hardware and/or software, memoranda, notes, records, reports,
plans,  studies,  price  lists,  customer  lists,  customer  contact  and  other
information,  and any and all similar  information without regard to the form in
which it is maintained.  Mr. Sappir acknowledges that all such materials are the
sole property of C&D and that he has no right, title, or other interest in or to
such  materials.  Mr. Sappir  further agrees to return all Company credit cards,
computers, printers, telephones and any similar or dissimilar items.


           a. Mr.  Sappir  agrees  that  beginning  on the date hereof and for a
period of one year after the Effective  Date, he shall not,  either  directly or
indirectly,  induce, suggest, encourage,  entice, or solicit any employee of C&D
to leave the employ of C&D.

           b. Mr.  Sappir  agrees  that  beginning  on the date hereof and for a
period of one year from the  Effective  Date,  he will not,  either  directly or
indirectly or by acting in concert with others,  solicit,  influence, or attempt
to solicit or influence,  any customers of C&D or any customer  prospects of C&D
with whom Mr. Sappir had any contact  during the eighteen  month period prior to
his  separation  from  employment  by C&D to  purchase  from any  other  person,
partnership,  corporation  or other  entity  any  products  which  are the same,
similar to or marketed as competitive with products sold by C&D.


           a. Mr. Sappir agrees that during such time as he shall be employed by
the  Company,  and for the  applicable  Restricted  Period  (as  defined  below)
thereafter, he shall not, without the written consent of the Board of Directors,
directly or indirectly, become associated


with, render services to, invest in, represent,  advise or otherwise participate
as an officer, employee, director, stockholder,  partner, agent of or consultant
for, any business that, at the time his employment with the Company  ceases,  is
competitive  with the  business  in which the Company is engaged or in which the
Company has taken affirmative steps to engage (a "Competitive  Business") in the
United  States;  provided,  however,  that nothing  herein (i) shall prevent Mr.
Sappir from investing without limit in the securities of any company listed on a
national  securities  exchange,  provided  that  his  involvement  with any such
company is solely  that of a  stockholder,  and (ii) is  intended to prevent him
from being  employed  during the  applicable  Restricted  Period by any business
other than a Competitive Business. The applicable Restricted Period shall be the
one-year period following the Effective Date.

           b. The parties  hereto  intend that the  covenant  contained  in this
Paragraph  12 shall be deemed a series of  separate  covenants  for each  state,
county and city. If, in any judicial proceeding, a court shall refuse to enforce
all the separate covenants deemed included in this Paragraph 12, because,  taken
together,  they cover too extensive a geographic  area,  the parties intend that
those of such  covenants  (taken in order of the  states,  counties  and  cities
therein  which are least  populous),  which,  if  eliminated,  would  permit the
remaining separate  covenants to be enforced in such proceeding,  shall, for the
purpose of such  proceeding,  be deemed  eliminated  from the provisions of this
Paragraph 12.

     13.   ENFORCEMENT.

           Mr. Sappir acknowledges that he has received sufficient consideration
for the  covenants  and  restrictions  contained  in this  Agreement  including,
without  limitation,  those  set  forth  in  Paragraphs  8, 9, 11 and 12 of this
Agreement;  that such  restrictions  are  reasonable in time and scope,  and are
necessary for the reasonable  protection of the business of C&D. Mr. Sappir also
acknowledges that monetary damages would be an inadequate remedy for a breach by
Mr.  Sappir of the  promises  contained in  Paragraphs  8, 9, 11, and 12 of this
Agreement  and, if found by a court of competent  jurisdiction  to have breached
any of these restrictions, consents to the entry of an order granting injunctive
relief to prevent further  violations of those  restrictions by Mr. Sappir.  Mr.
Sappir agrees that the time period of the obligations set forth in Paragraphs 8,
9, 11 and 12 of this  Agreement  shall be  extended by any amount of time during
which he is in violation of the obligations  set forth therein.  Mr. Sappir also
agrees that any award of  injunctive  relief  shall be in addition to, and in no
way shall serve as, a limitation on any and all other  remedies C&D may have for
enforcement of the  obligations set forth in Paragraphs 8, 9, 11, and 12 of this


           Mr.  Sappir  will  fully  cooperate  with and assist C&D or any other
company affiliated with C&D in connection with its defense or prosecution of any
civil action or other legal  proceeding or other business matter  involving C&D,
of which C&D believes Mr. Sappir has knowledge or information.  This cooperation
shall  include,  but  it is  not  limited  to,  being  reasonably  available  to
participate in depositions,  providing  accurate and truthful  information about
C&D,  complying  with requests by C&D to meet with its attorneys for the purpose
of providing  information  to them,  and  providing any other form of reasonable
assistance requested. Mr. Sappir acknowledges that all monies that he has earned
in connection with his employment with C&D through the transition date have been



           Mr. Sappir agrees to keep confidential and not disclose the financial
terms of this Agreement except to his immediate family (who agree to comply with
this obligation of confidentiality) and tax and legal advisers.


           Mr.  Sappir  shall not seek  employment  with C&D and hereby  forever
releases and  discharges C&D from any and all liability to reinstate or reemploy
him in any capacity and any and all claims of a right to reinstatement.

     17.   BREACH.

           Mr.  Sappir  and C&D agree that in the event one party  breaches  any
part or parts of this Agreement,  legal  proceedings  may be instituted  against
that party for breach of contract.  In the event that a party  institutes  legal
proceedings  for breach of this  Agreement,  it is agreed  that the sole  remedy
available  to said party  shall be  enforcement  of the terms of this  Agreement
and/or a claim for damages  resulting from a breach of this Agreement,  but that
under no circumstances shall the party be entitled to revive, reassert or assert
any claims that the party has  released or  abandoned  under this  Agreement  in
accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 8.


           It is understood and agreed by Mr. Sappir and C&D that this Agreement
is a  settlement  of claims,  if any,  that may exist  between  them;  that this
settlement  does not  constitute  an admission of liability or wrongdoing on the
part of either party;  and that by entering into this  settlement  neither party
admits that there has been any  unlawful or wrongful act  committed  against the
other which makes it liable in any manner,  but that this  settlement  is only a


           Except as  specifically  set forth in Paragraph 9 of this  Agreement,
this Agreement  replaces and supercedes all prior agreements between the parties
and constitutes  the entire  agreement  between the parties.  No modification to
this  Agreement  shall be  effective  unless it is in  writing  and signed by an
officer of C&D and Mr. Sappir.



           This Agreement shall be interpreted, enforced, and governed under the
laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If any provision of this Agreement, or
the application thereof to any person, place or circumstance, shall be held by a
court of  competent  jurisdiction  to be  invalid,  unenforceable  or void,  the
remainder of this  Agreement and such  provisions  as applied to other  persons,
places and circumstances shall remain in full force and effect.


           Mr.  Sappir   acknowledges  that  he  has  been  given  a  reasonable
opportunity to discuss this Agreement with an attorney or advisor of his choice;
that he has carefully read and fully  understands  all of the provisions of this
Agreement;  and that he is entering into this Agreement  knowingly,  voluntarily
and of his own free will.


           a. Except as expressly set forth in this  Agreement,  this  Agreement
contains the final and entire  agreement of the parties and is intended to be an
integration of all prior agreements,  negotiations and  understandings.  Neither
C&D nor Mr.  Sappir  shall be bound by any  covenants,  agreements,  statements,
representations or warranties,  oral or written, not contained in this Agreement
or any attachment or exhibit hereto. No change or modification to this Agreement
shall be valid  unless the same is in  writing  and  signed by the  parties.  No
waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid unless the same
is in  writing  and is  signed  by the  party  against  whom it is  sought to be

           b.  This  Agreement  shall  inure to the  benefit  of the  respective
parties  hereto  and their  respective  heirs,  administrators,  successors  and

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have signed this Agreement on
the dates indicated next to their respective signature.

03/01/2002                                          /s/ Mark Z. Sappir
- ----------------                                    ----------------------------
Date                                                Mark Z. Sappir

                                                    C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

03/01/02                                         By: /s/ Wade Roberts
- -----------------                                    ---------------------------
Date                                             Title: President/CEO


                                    EXHIBIT A

           This Release is made this _____ day of  _______________,  2003 by and
between C&D Technologies, Inc. ("Employer") and Mark Z. Sappir ("Employee").


     WHEREAS,  Employer and  Employee  are parties to an  Agreement  and Release
dated as of__________________________,  2002 ("Agreement and Release") the terms
of which specifically contemplate the execution of this Release; and

     NOW  THEREFORE,  the parties  hereto,  intending  to be legally  bound,  in
consideration  of the mutual  promises and  undertakings  set forth  herein,  do
hereby agree as follows: .


           For and in  consideration of the monies and benefits paid to Employee
by Employer,  as more fully described in the Agreement and Release dated ______,
2002,  and for other good and valuable  consideration,  Employee  knowingly  and
voluntarily  releases,  remises and forever discharges Employer,  its subsidiary
and related companies and their predecessors,  successors and assigns,  and each
of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and attorneys and all
those  charged  or  chargeable  with  liability  on their  behalf  (collectively
"Releasees"),  from any and all  rights  or  claims,  of any  nature  whatsoever
whether known or unknown which he has or may have against Releasees,  including,
but not limited to those rights or claims arising out of or in any way connected
with his employment by C&D or his separation  from employment by C&D, claims for
wages,  stock or profits,  claims of wrongful  discharge  in violation of public
policy or on any other grounds, breach of contract (whether express or implied),
breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing,  intentional or negligent
infliction of emotional  distress,  defamation,  negligence,  misrepresentation,
fraud,  violation of public  policy,  other torts  (whether  based on statute or
common law),  claims for payment of attorneys'  fees (whether based on contract,
statute or common law), claims of  discrimination on the basis of race,  gender,
color, religion,  marital status,  national origin,  handicap or disability,  or
veteran's  status,  and any and all claims  arising  out of or  relating  to any
federal, Pennsylvania,  other state or local statutes, ordinances,  regulations,
orders or common law, labor  relations,  fair  employment  and equal  employment
opportunity  laws,  Title VII of the Civil  Rights Act of 1964,  as amended,  42
U.S.C.  ss.  2000e-1,  ET SEQ., 42 U.S.C.  ss.  1981-1988,  the  Americans  With
Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 12101, ET SEQ., the Family and Medical Leave Act
of 1993, the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, the Consolidated
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, the National Labor Relations Act, the
Fair  Labor  Standards  Act,  the  Occupational  Safety  and  Health Act and the
Pennsylvania  Human  Relations  Act, 43 P.S. ss. 951 ET SEQ.  that he now has or
ever  had  against  Releasees  from  the  beginning  of time to the date of this
Agreement. It is expressly


understood and agreed that the foregoing is a general  release of all claims and
rights against C&D.


           After having had a reasonable  opportunity  to review this  Agreement
and an  opportunity  to consult  with an  attorney  or  adviser  of his  choice,
Employee,  his heirs,  administrators,  and assigns,  knowingly and  voluntarily
releases,  remises  and  forever  discharges  C&D,  its  subsidiary  and related
companies, and each of their respective officers,  directors,  employees, agents
and  attorneys  and all those  charged or  chargeable  with  liability  on their
behalf,  of and from any and all rights or claims  which he may have against any
of them under the Age  Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended,  29
U.S.C.  ss. 621 ET.  SEQ.  or under any other  federal or state law  prohibiting
discrimination  based upon age,  from the  beginning of time to the date of this


           This  Agreement  is intended to comply with  Section 201 of the Older
Workers  Benefit  Protection  Act of 1990,  29  U.S.C.  ss.626(f).  Accordingly,
Employee acknowledges and represents as follows:

           a.  he  waives  all  rights  or  claims  against  C&D  under  the Age
Discrimination  in Employment Act of 1967, as amended,  29 U.S.Css.621,  ET SEQ.
("ADEA")  knowingly and  voluntarily in exchange for  consideration  of value to
which he is not otherwise entitled;

           b. he has been  advised in writing by C&D to consult with an attorney
in connection with this Agreement and his decision to waive his rights or claims
under the ADEA;

           c. he has been given a period of at least twenty-one (21) days within
which to consider this  Agreement and his decision to waive his rights or claims
under the ADEA; and

           d. he has been  informed  by C&D and  understands  that he may revoke
this Agreement for a period of seven (7) calendar days after signing it and that
this Agreement will not become  effective or enforceable  until after this seven
(7) day period has expired.


           In the event that Employee  chooses to revoke his  acceptance of this
Release, he will provide C&D with written notice of the revocation,  which shall
be sent by United States mail, certified, return receipt requested,  post-marked
within  seven (7) days of the date that he signs this  Agreement.  Notice to C&D
shall be given to Linda R. Hansen,  General  Counsel,  1400 Union  Meeting Road,
Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19422.



           Employee  agrees and covenants that he has not and will not bring any
action in any  forum,  or file any  claims  against  C&D or its  subsidiary  and
related companies, or any of their respective officers, directors,  employees or
agents,  past and present,  individually or collectively,  or any insurer of C&D
which relates in any way to his  employment,  his separation  from employment by
C&D or any matter which is associated  either  directly or  indirectly  with his


           a.  Employee  agrees that the payments  made and other  consideration
received  pursuant to this  Release are not to be  construed  as an admission of
legal  liability  by Releasees or any of them and that no person or entity shall
utilize this Release or the  consideration  received pursuant to this Release as
evidence of any admission of liability since Releasees expressly deny liability.

           b. Employee  affirms that the only  consideration  for the signing of
this Release are the terms stated  herein and in the  Agreement  and Release and
that no other  promise or agreement of any kind has been made to Employee by any
person or entity whatsoever to cause Employee to sign this Release.

           c.  Employee and Employer  affirm that the Agreement and Release (and
the document  specifically  incorporated therein) and this Release set forth the
entire  agreement  between  the  parties  with  respect  to the  subject  matter
contained  herein  and  supersede  all prior or  contemporaneous  agreements  or
understandings  between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained
herein.  Further, there are no representations,  arrangements or understandings,
either  oral or  written,  between the  parties,  which are not fully  expressed
herein.  Finally,  no alteration or other  modification of this Release shall be
effective unless made in writing and signed by both parties.

           d.  Employee  certifies  that  Employee  has returned to Employer all
keys,  identification  cards, credit cards, computer and telephone equipment and
other property or information of Employer in Employee's possession,  custody, or
control including, but not limited to, any information contained in any computer
files  maintained  by  Employee  during  Employee's  employment  with  Employer.
Employee  certifies  that  Employee has not kept the  originals or copies of any
documents,  files,  or other  property of Employer  which  Employee  obtained or
received during Employee's employment with Employer.


           f. Employee  affirms that  Employee has carefully  read this Release,
that Employee fully  understands  the meaning and intent of this document,  that
Employee has signed this Release  voluntarily  and knowingly,  and that Employee
intends  to be  bound  by  the  promises  contained  in  this  Release  for  the
consideration described in the Agreement and Release.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Employee and the authorized representative of Employer
have executed this Release on the dates indicated below:

Dated:_____________________                       ------------------------------
                                                  Mark Z. Sappir

                                                  C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

Dated:_____________________                       By:___________________________



     I, Mark Z. Sappir,  hereby acknowledge that I was given 21 days to consider
the foregoing  Agreement and Release and voluntarily chose to sign the Agreement
and Release prior to the expiration of the 21-day period.

     I declare under penalty of perjury  under the laws of the  Commonwealth  of
Pennsylvania that the foregoing is true and correct.

     EXECUTED    this    ________    day    of    ______________,    2002,    at
_______________________________________, Pennsylvania.

                                                  Mark Z. Sappir
