Exhibit 10.10

                             FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE
                          C&D TECHNOLOGIES SAVINGS PLAN

     THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made on June 12, 2002, by C&D Technologies, Inc., a
corporation  duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware
(the "Company").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  the Company  maintains  the C&D  Technologies  Savings  Plan (the
"Plan"),  which was originally  established by indenture dated February 1, 1986,
and last amended and restated by indenture on February 13, 2002; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  desires  to amend the Plan to  correct  inadvertent
scrivener's  errors and as requested by the Internal  Revenue Service as part of
the determination letter application process.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Plan is hereby amended as follows:

     1. Effective as of January 1, 1997, by  deleting the  existing Section 1.16
and substituting therefor the following:

        "1.16  'ELIGIBLE  EMPLOYEE'  means  any  Employee  of  a  Plan  Sponsor,
     including salaried and hourly Employees,  other than an Employee who is (a)
     covered by a  collective  bargaining  agreement  between a union and a Plan
     Sponsor,  provided that retirement  benefits were the subject of good faith
     bargaining,   unless  the  collective  bargaining  agreement  provides  for
     participation  in the  Plan;  (b) a Leased  Employee;  (c)  deemed to be an
     Employee of a Plan  Sponsor  pursuant  to  regulations  under Code  Section
     414(o);  or (d) a  non-resident  alien  (within the meaning of Code Section
     7701(b)(1)(B))  who received no earned  income  (within the meaning of Code
     Section  911(d)(2))  from a Plan  Sponsor  which  constitutes  income  from
     sources  within the  United  States  (within  the  meaning of Code  Section
     861(a)(d)(3)). In addition, no person who is initially classified by a Plan
     Sponsor as an independent  contractor for federal income tax purposes shall
     be regarded as an Eligible  Employee  for that  period,  regardless  of any
     subsequent   determination   that  any  such   person   should   have  been
     characterized  as a common law  employee of the Plan Sponsor for the period
     in question."

     2. Effective as of  January 1, 1997, by deleting the existing  Section 1.19
and substituting therefor the following:

        "1.19  'EMPLOYEE' means any person  who is (a) a common law  employee of
     a Plan Sponsor or an  Affiliate,  (b) a Leased  Employee  with respect to a
     Plan Sponsor, or (c) deemed to be an employee of a Plan Sponsor pursuant to
     regulations under Code Section 414(o).

     3. Effective as of January 1, 1997,  by  adding the  following  new Section

        "1.27A 'Leased  Employee'  means an  Employee  (other than  a common law
     employee of the Plan Sponsor or an Affiliate) who, pursuant to an agreement
     between  the  Plan  Sponsor  or an  Affiliate  and any  other  person,  has
     performed  services for the Plan  Sponsor or an Affiliate  (or for the Plan
     Sponsor and related  persons  determined  in  accordance  with Code Section
     414(n)(6)), on a substantially full-time basis for a period of at least one
     year,  and such  services  are  performed  under the primary  direction  or
     control of the Plan Sponsor or an Affiliate."

     4. Effective as of January 1, 2001, by  redesignating the  existing Section
3.1(a) as Section 3.1(b) and adding the following new Section 3.1(a):

        "(a)  Prior  to   January  1,  2001,  the  Plan  Sponsor  shall  make  a
     contribution  to the Fund on  behalf  of each  Eligible  Employee  who is a
     Participant  and who has elected to defer a portion of Annual  Compensation
     otherwise  payable  to him for the  Plan  Year  and to  have  such  portion
     contributed  to the Fund.  The  election  must be made  before  the  Annual
     Compensation  is  payable  and may only be made  pursuant  to an  agreement
     between the  Participant  and the Plan Sponsor  which shall be in such form
     and  manner  and  subject  to  such  rules  and  limitations  as  the  Plan
     Administrator  may  prescribe  and shall  specify the  percentage of Annual
     Compensation that the Participant  desires to defer and have contributed to
     the  Fund.  The  contribution  made  by  a  Plan  Sponsor  on  behalf  of a
     Participant  under this  Section  3.1(a) shall be in an amount equal to the
     amount specified in the Participant's  deferral agreement but not less than
     one  percent  (1%)  nor  greater  than   fifteen   percent   (15%)  of  the
     Participant's Annual Compensation.  Once a Participant has made an election
     for a Plan Year, the  Participant may increase or reduce the rate of future
     deferrals in accordance with the administrative  procedures provided by the
     Plan  Administrator.  Pursuant  to  Section  4  of  Appendix  C,  the  Plan
     Administrator  may restrict the amount which Highly  Compensated  Employees
     may defer under this Section 3.1"

     5. The  redesignated  Section  3.1(b)  shall be effective  as of January 1,

     6. Section 1(a) of Appendix A to the Plan shall be effective for limitation
years beginning on or after January 1, 1995.

     7. Effective as of January 1, 1997, by deleting the existing  Sections 2(a)
and (b) of Appendix C and substituting therefore the following:

        "(a)  the  actual  deferral  percentage  for  the   Highly   Compensated
     Eligible  Participants  for the Plan Year must not be more than the  actual
     deferral  percentage of all other Eligible  Participants  for the Plan Year
     multiplied by 1.25; or


        (b) the  excess  of  the  actual  deferral  percentage  for  the  Highly
     Compensated Eligible  Participants for the Plan Year over that of all other
     Eligible  Participants  for the Plan  Year  must  not be more  than two (2)
     percentage  points,  and the  actual  deferral  percentage  for the  Highly
     Compensated  Eligible  Participants for the Plan Year must not be more than
     the actual deferral  percentage of all other Eligible  Participants for the
     Plan Year multiplied by two (2)."

     8. Effective as of January 1, 1997,  by  deleting  Sections 5(a) and (b) of
the Appendix C and substituting therefor the following:

        "(a) the contribution  percentage for the  Highly  Compensated  Eligible
     Participants  for the Plan Year must not  exceed  125% of the  contribution
     percentage for all other Eligible Participants for the Plan Year; or

        (b)  the  contribution   percentage  for   Highly  Compensated  Eligible
     Participants  for the Plan Year must not  exceed  the lesser of (1) 200% of
     the  contribution  percentage for all other Eligible  Participants  for the
     Plan  Year,  and (2) the  contribution  percentage  for all other  Eligible
     Participants for the Plan Year plus two (2) percentage points."

     Except as specifically  amended hereby, the Plan shall remain in full force
and effect as prior to this First Amendment.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this First Amendment to
be executed as of the day and year first above written.

                                       C & D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Linda R. Hansen

                                       Title: Vice President
