Exhibit 10.1


     This  Release is made this 24th day of  September,  2002 by and between C&D
Technologies, Inc. ("Employer") and Kathryn Bullock ("Employee").


     WHEREAS,   the  parties  are  parties  to  an  Employment   Agreement  (the
"Employment Agreement") dated March 31, 2000, as amended April 6, 2000, pursuant
to which Employee was employed by Employer; and

     WHEREAS, the Employment Agreement has not been renewed by Employer; and

     WHEREAS,  Employee's  execution and delivery of this Release is a condition
to the  Employer's  obligations  to pay  certain  compensation  and  benefits to
Employee under the Employment Agreement;

     NOW  THEREFORE,  the parties  hereto,  intending  to be legally  bound,  in
consideration  of the mutual  promises and  undertakings  set forth  herein,  do
hereby agree as follows:

     1. As of  October  4,  2002,  Employee's  employment  with  Employer  shall
terminate,  and Employee shall have no further job  responsibilities  to perform
for Employer;  provided, however, that Employee shall cooperate with Employer in
transitioning  Employee's  job  responsibilities  as Employer  shall  reasonably
request,  provided  that  Employee  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  reasonable
compensation  for any  services  rendered  after  such  date  and  shall  not be
obligated to take any action that would interfere with any subsequent employment
of Employee or otherwise result in economic hardship to Employee.

     2. Employer shall pay to the Employee the amounts contemplated  pursuant to
Section 2(b) of the Employment Agreement,  less applicable deductions;  provided
however, the first payment shall not be due and payable until ten days after the
execution by Employee and delivery to Employer of this Release.

     3. For and in  consideration of the monies and benefits paid to Employee by
Employer,  as more fully  described  in Section 2 above,  and for other good and
valuable consideration,  Employee hereby waives, releases and forever discharges
Employer, its assigns,  predecessors,  successors,  and affiliated entities, and
its current or former stockholders, officers, directors, administrators, agents,
servants and employees,  individually  and as  representatives  of the corporate
entity (hereinafter  collectively referred to as "Releasees"),  from any and all
claims,  suits, debts, dues, accounts,  reckonings,  bonds, bills,  specialties,
covenants,  contracts, bonuses,  controversies,  agreements,  promises, charges,
complaints,  damages,  sums of money,  interest,  attorney's  fees and costs, or
causes  of action of any kind or nature  whatsoever  whether  in law or  equity,
including,  but not limited to, all claims arising out of his/her  employment or
termination  of  employment  with  Employer,  such as all  claims  for  wrongful
discharge,  breach of contract,  either  express or implied,  interference  with


contract,  emotional  distress,  fraud,  misrepresentation,  defamation,  claims
arising  under the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1991 as amended,  the Americans
With  Disabilities  Act, the Age  Discrimination  in Employment Act (ADEA),  the
National  Labor  Relations  Act,  the Fair Labor  Standards  Act,  the  Employee
Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974  (ERISA),  the Family and Medical Leave
Act, the  Pennsylvania  Human  Relations  Act, the  Pennsylvania  Wage Payment &
Collection  Law, the  Pennsylvania  Minimum Wage Act of 1968,  the  Pennsylvania
Equal Pay Law,  and any and all other claims  arising  under  federal,  state or
local law, rule,  regulation,  constitution,  ordinance or public policy whether
known or unknown,  arising up to and  including  the date of  execution  of this
Release;  provided,  however that the parties do not release each other from any
claim of breach of the terms of this  Release.  This  release of rights does not
extend to claims that may arise after the date of this Release.  Employee agrees
that  Employee  will not initiate any charge or complaint or institute any claim
or lawsuit  against  Releasees or any of them based on any fact or  circumstance
occurring  up to and  including  the date of the  execution  by Employee of this

     4. Employee agrees that the payments made and other consideration  received
pursuant  to this  Release  are not to be  construed  as an  admission  of legal
liability by Releasees or any of them and that no person or entity shall utilize
this Release or the consideration  received pursuant to this Release as evidence
of any admission of liability since Releasees expressly deny liability.

     5.  Employee  affirms that the only  consideration  for the signing of this
Release are the terms stated herein and in the Employment  Agreement and that no
other  promise or  agreement of any kind has been made to Employee by any person
or entity whatsoever to cause Employee to sign this Release.

     6. Employee and Employer  affirm that Sections 6, 7 and 8 of the Employment
Agreement  shall survive and be enforceable  in accordance  with their terms and
that they and this  Release set forth the entire  agreement  between the parties
with respect to the subject matter  contained  herein and supersede all prior or
contemporaneous agreements or understandings between the parties with respect to
the subject matter  contained  herein.  Further,  there are no  representations,
arrangements  or  understandings,  either oral or written,  between the parties,
which  are  not  fully  expressed  herein.   Finally,  no  alteration  or  other
modification  of this  Release  shall be  effective  unless  made in writing and
signed by both parties.

     7. Employee  acknowledges that Employee has been given a period of at least
21 days within which to consider this Release.

     8. Following the execution of this Release,  the Employee has a period of 7
days from the date of execution to revoke this  Release,  and this Release shall
not become effective or enforceable until the revocation period has expired.

     9. Employee  certifies that Employee has returned or will, prior to October
4, 2002,  return to  Employer  all keys,  identification  cards,  credit  cards,
computer and telephone  equipment and other  property or information of Employer
in Employee's possession, custody, or control including, but not limited to, any
information  contained  in any  computer  files  maintained  by Employee  during
Employee's  employment with Employer.  Employee  certifies that Employee has not
kept the originals


or copies of any documents,  files, or other property of Employer which Employee
obtained or received during Employee's employment with Employer.

     10. Employee acknowledges that Employer advised Employee to consult with an
attorney prior to executing this Release.

     11.  Employee  affirms that Employee has carefully read this Release,  that
Employee  fully  understands  the  meaning  and  intent of this  document,  that
Employee has signed this Release  voluntarily  and knowingly,  and that Employee
intends  to be  bound  by  the  promises  contained  in  this  Release  for  the
consideration described in Section 2 above.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Employee and the authorized representative of Employer
have executed this Release on the dates indicated below:

                                              C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

Dated: September 24, 2002                     By:  /s/ Linda R. Hansen
      _____________________                      _________________________

                                              Title:  Vice President

Dated: September 24, 2002                      /s/ Kathryn Bullock
       _____________________                   ___________________________
                                               Kathryn Bullock
