Exhibit 10.18

February 27, 2001

Mr. John A. Velker
[Home address inserted]

Dear John:

     You  are  presently   employed  by  C&D  Technologies,   Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation (the "Company"), in an executive capacity and the Company desires to
encourage such continued  employment by providing certain protections for you by
entering into this Agreement with you, in return for which you agree to continue
to be  employed by the Company on the terms set forth  herein,  to refrain  from
certain competitive  activity and to provide the Company with certain assurances
upon your departure. In consideration of same, the Company agrees to employ you,
and you  agree  to  accept  such  employment,  under  the  following  terms  and


     (a) Except for earlier termination as is provided in Section 9 or 10 below,
your  employment  under  this  Agreement  shall  be  automatically  renewed  for
successive terms of one month each,  unless either party shall have given to the
other party at least 30 days' prior written  notice of the  termination  of this
Agreement (a  "Termination  Notice").  If such 30 days' prior written  notice is
given by either party, (i) the Company shall, without any liability to you, have
the right, exercisable at any time after such notice is sent, to elect any other
person to the office or offices in which you are then  serving and to remove you
from such office or offices,  but (ii) all other obligations each of you and the
Company  have to the  other,  including  the  Company's  obligation  to pay your
compensation  and make  available the medical and dental  insurance to which you
are entitled hereunder, shall continue until the date your employment terminates
as specified in such notice.


     (a) You shall be  compensated  for all services  rendered by you under this
Agreement at the rate of $132,000 per annum (such salary,  as it is from time to
time adjusted,  is herein referred to as the ("Base  Salary").  Such Base Salary
shall be payable in periodic  installments  twice monthly in accordance with the
Company's payroll practices for salaried employees. The Compensation

Committee of the Board of Directors shall review such Base Salary prior to April
1, 2001 and each year thereafter  during the term of this  Agreement,  including
any renewal term, and shall make such  adjustments,  if any, as the Compensation
Committee shall determine;  provided,  however,  that no adjustment shall reduce
the Base Salary below $132,000.

     (b) If your  employment  hereunder  shall be terminated  (i) by the Company
without notice of Cause (as defined in Section 9(c)) therefor  having been given
to you (other than  pursuant to Section 9(a) or 9(b), or (ii) as a result of the
non-renewal  of this  Agreement  pursuant to a  Termination  Notice given by the
Company  under  Section  1(a),  then,  in  addition  to paying  you the  Accrued
Obligations (as hereinafter  defined),  for a 180 day period after the effective
date of such  termination,  the  Company  shall pay you at the rate of your Base
Salary  in  effect  at the time of such  termination  in  periodic  payments  in
accordance  with  the  Company's  payroll  practices  for  salaried   employees;
provided,  however,  that your right to receive  such  payments,  other than the
Accrued Obligations,  shall be conditioned upon your execution of a Release (the
"Release").  Such Release shall be substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto
but  may be  modified  by  the  Company  in  its  sole  discretion  as it  deems
appropriate to reflect changes in law or circumstances arising after the date of
this Agreement;  provided, however, that no such modification shall increase any
of your  obligations to the Company over those  contemplated  by this Agreement,
including Exhibit A hereto.  The term "Accrued  Obligations" shall mean (i) your
Base Salary  through the date of  termination  and (ii) all  benefits  that have
accrued to you under the terms of all employee  benefits plans of the Company in
which you are entitled to participate.

     3. DUTIES.

     (a) During the term of your  employment  hereunder,  including  any renewal
thereof, you agree to serve as the Vice President,  Corporate Development of C&D
Technologies, Inc. or in such other capacity with duties and responsibilities of
a similar nature as those initially undertaken by you hereunder as the President
of the  Company may from time to time  determine.  Your duties may be changed at
any time and from time to time hereafter, upon mutual agreement, consistent with
office or offices in which you serve as deemed necessary by the President of the
Company.  You also agree to perform such other  services  and duties  consistent
with the office or offices in which you are serving and its  responsibilities as
may from  time to time be  prescribed  by the Board of  Directors,  and you also
agree to serve, if elected,  as an officer and/or director of the Company and/or
any of the Company's other direct or indirect  subsidiaries  without  additional
compensation,   in  all  cases  in  conformity  to  the  by-laws  of  each  such
corporation.  Unless you otherwise  agree, you shall not be required to relocate
your place of business to a location that would increase your commuting distance
by greater than 25 miles.

     (b) You shall devote your full employment  energies,  interest,  abilities,
time and attention  during normal business hours (excluding the vacation periods
provided in Section 4(b) below)  exclusively  to the business and affairs of the
Company,  its parent corporation and subsidiaries,  if any, and shall not engage
in any activity that  conflicts or  interferes  with the  performance  of duties


     (c) You  agree  to  cooperate  with  the  Company,  including  taking  such
reasonable  medical  examinations as may be necessary,  in the event the Company
shall  desire or be required  (such as pursuant to the terms of any bank loan or
any other agreement) to obtain life insurance insuring your life.

     (d) You  shall,  except as  otherwise  provided  herein,  be subject to the
Company's  rules,  practices and policies  applicable  to the  Company's  senior
executive  employees.  Without  limiting the  generality of the  foregoing,  you
shall,  with  respect to the Company and its parents,  subsidiaries,  assets and
stockholders, act in a manner consistent with your fiduciary responsibilities as
an executive of the Company.

     4. BENEFITS.

     (a) You shall have the benefit of such life and medical  insurance,  bonus,
stock option and other  similar  plans as the Company may have or may  establish
from time to time,  and in which you would be entitled to  participate by reason
of your position with the Company,  pursuant to the terms thereof.  Also, to the
extent you have met the  qualifications  required,  you may  participate  in the
Company's  savings and retirement  plans. The foregoing,  however,  shall not be
construed to require the Company to  establish  any such plans or to prevent the
Company from  modifying  or  terminating  any such plans,  and no such action or
failure thereof shall affect this Agreement.

     (b) You shall be entitled to a vacation of four weeks each year.

     (c) The Company will provide you with an annual physical examination.

     5.  EXPENSES.  The  Company  will  reimburse  you for  reasonable  expenses
(consistent with Company policy), including traveling expenses,  incurred by you
in connection with the business of the Company,  upon the presentation by you of
appropriate substantiation for such expenses.


     (a) During such time as you shall be employed by the  Company,  and for the
applicable  Restricted  Period (as  defined  below)  thereafter,  you shall not,
without the written  consent of the Board of Directors,  directly or indirectly,
become  associated  with,  render services to, invest in,  represent,  advise or
otherwise participate as an officer, employee, director,  stockholder,  partner,
agent of or consultant  for, any business that, at the time your employment with
the Company  ceases,  is  competitive  with the business in which the Company is
engaged  or in which  the  Company  has  taken  affirmative  steps to  engage (a
"Competitive  Business");  provided,  however,  that  nothing  herein  (i) shall
prevent you from investing without limit in the securities of any company listed
on a national securities exchange,  provided that your involvement with any such
company is solely  that of a  stockholder,  and (ii) is  intended to prevent you
from being  employed  during the  applicable  Restricted  Period by any business
other than a  Competitive  Business.  With  respect to any  termination  of your
employment  other than upon a Change of  Control  pursuant  to  Section  10, the
applicable  Restricted  Period  shall be the  period  following  the  date  your
employment terminates


during which you are  receiving  the payments  described in Section 2(b) hereof,
and with respect to a termination  of your  employment  upon a Change of Control
pursuant to Section 10, the applicable  Restricted  Period shall be the two-year
period following the date your employment terminates.

     (b) The parties hereto intend that the covenant contained in this Section 6
shall be deemed a series of separate covenants for each state,  county and city.
If, in any judicial proceeding, a court shall refuse to enforce all the separate
covenants deemed included in this Section 6, because, taken together, they cover
too extensive a geographic area, the parties intend that those of such covenants
(taken in order of the  states,  counties  and  cities  therein  which are least
populous),  which, if eliminated,  would permit the remaining separate covenants
to be enforced in such proceeding, shall, for the purpose of such proceeding, be
deemed eliminated from the provisions of this Section 6.

     7.   Confidentiality,    Non-Interference,   Inventions   and   Proprietary

     (a) In the course of (i) your  employment with the Company  hereunder,  and
(ii) any prior employment with the Company, you will have and have had access to
Confidential or Proprietary Data or Information of the Company. You shall not at
any time divulge or  communicate  to any person nor shall you direct any Company
employee to divulge or  communicate  to any person (other than to a person bound
by confidentiality  obligations similar to those contained herein and other than
as necessary in performing your duties hereunder) or use to the detriment of the
Company any of such  Confidential or Proprietary Data or Information,  except to
the extent the same (i) becomes  publicly  known other than  through a breach of
this Agreement by you, (ii) was known to you prior to the disclosure  thereof by
the  Company to you from a source  that was  entitled to disclose it or (iii) is
subsequently  disclosed  to you by a third party who shall not have  received it
under any obligation of confidentiality  to the Company.  The term "Confidential
or Proprietary  Data or Information" as used in this Agreement,  shall mean data
or  information  not  generally  available  to the public,  including  personnel
information,  financial information, customer lists, supplier lists, product and
tooling   specifications,   trade  secrets,   information   concerning   product
composition and formulas, tools and dies, drawings and schematics, manufacturing
processes,  information  regarding  operations,  systems and services,  knowhow,
computer  and  any  other  electronic,  processed  or  collated  data,  computer
programs, and pricing, marketing, sales and advertising data.


     (b) You shall not, during the term of this Agreement and for the applicable
Restricted  Period after the termination of your employment by the Company,  for
your own account or for the account of any other  person,  (i) solicit or divert
to any  Competitive  Business any  individual or entity who is a customer of the
Company or any  subsidiary  or affiliate of the Company or who was a customer of
the Company or any  subsidiary or affiliate  during the  preceding  twelve-month
period,  (ii) employ,  retain as a consultant,  attempt to employ or retain as a
consultant, solicit or assist any Competitive Business in employing or retaining
as a  consultant  any  current  employee  of the  Company or any  subsidiary  or
affiliate  or any person who was  employed by the Company or any  subsidiary  or
affiliate during the preceding  twelve-month period or (iii) otherwise interfere
with the Company's relationship with any of its suppliers,  customers, employees
or  consultants;  provided,  however,  that you  shall  not be  prohibited  from
contacting  suppliers or customers  after  termination of your  employment  with
regard to matters that do not violate  your  noncompetition  or  confidentiality
obligations  contained in Sections 6(a) and 7(a) or interfere with the Company's
relationship with such parties.

     (c) It is  understood  that you may,  during your  employment,  conceive or
develop certain  inventions,  innovations or discoveries related to any business
in which the Company may be engaged,  either  solely or jointly with others.  In
connection  with the  conception or development  thereof,  you agree to disclose
promptly to the Company all such  inventions,  innovations and  discoveries,  to
assign,  and hereby do  assign,  to the  Company  all of your  right,  title and
interest in and to said inventions,  innovations and discoveries,  and to do all
things  and  sign  all  documents  deemed  by the  Company  to be  necessary  or
appropriate  to vest in the Company,  its  successors  and assigns,  all of your
right, title and interest in and to such inventions, innovations or discoveries,
and to procure for the Company,  at the Company's expense,  patents,  copyrights
and/or  trademarks  covering such inventions,  innovations or discoveries in the
United States and its  possessions and in foreign  countries,  at the discretion
and under the  direction of the Company.  In the event the Company is unable for
any reason to assure your signature on such documents,  you irrevocably  appoint
the  Company  and its duly  authorized  officers  and agents as your  agents and
attorneys-in-fact  to execute such documents and to do such things with the same
legal force and effect as if executed or done by you.

     (d) All  written,  electronic  and other  tangible  materials,  records and
documents  made by you or coming into your  possession  during  your  employment
concerning any products, processes or equipment,  manufactured, used, developed,
investigated or considered by the Company, or otherwise  concerning the business
or affairs of the Company,  shall be the sole property of the Company,  and upon
termination  of your  employment,  or upon  request of the  Company  during your
employment,  you shall  promptly  deliver the same to the Company.  In addition,
upon termination of your employment,  or upon request of the Company during your
employment,  you will deliver to the Company all other Company  property in your
possession  or under your  control,  including,  but not limited  to,  financial
statements,  marketing and sales data, patent  applications,  drawings and other
documents,  and all Company keys, credit cards, computer and telephone equipment
and automobiles.


     8. EQUITABLE RELIEF.  With respect to the covenants contained in Sections 6
and 7 of this Agreement, you agree that any remedy at law for any breach of said
covenants may be  inadequate  and that the Company shall be entitled to specific
performance  or any other mode of injunctive  and/or other  equitable  relief to
enforce its rights hereunder or any other relief a court might award.

     9. EARLIER TERMINATION.  Your employment hereunder shall terminate prior to
the Initial Term (or any renewal term, in the event of renewal) on the following
terms and conditions:

     (a) This Agreement shall terminate automatically on the date of your death.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you die during the term of this Agreement, the
Company  shall (i) continue to make  payments to your estate of your Base Salary
as then in effect pursuant to this Agreement for 180 days after the date of your
death, and (ii) pay your estate any reimbursable  expenses which otherwise would
have been paid to you to the date of your death.

     (b) This  Agreement  shall be  terminated if you are unable to perform your
duties  hereunder for a period of any 180 days in any 365 consecutive day period
by reason of physical or mental disability.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if
this  Agreement is terminated  pursuant to this Section 9(b),  the Company shall
pay any accrued but unpaid Base Salary through the date of  termination  and any
reimbursable  expenses  due to you  hereunder.  For  purposes of this  Agreement
"physical  or  mental  disability"  shall  mean  your  inability,  due to health
reasons,  to  discharge  properly  your duties of  employment,  supported by the
opinion of a physician  satisfactory to both you and the Company. If the parties
do not agree on a physician mutually satisfactory to both of you and the Company
within ten days of  written  demand by one or the other,  a  physician  shall be
selected by the  president  of the  Pennsylvania  Medical  Association,  and the
physician shall,  within 30 days thereafter,  make a determination as to whether
disability  exists and certify the same in  writing.  Services of the  physician
shall be paid for by the Company.  You shall fully  cooperate with the examining
physician including submitting yourself to such examinations as may be requested
by the physician for the purpose of determining whether you are disabled.

     (c) This Agreement shall terminate  immediately upon the Company's  sending
you written notice terminating your employment  hereunder for Cause. The Company
may terminate this Agreement for Cause, but only after written notice specifying
the Cause of such action shall have been rendered to you by the President of the
Company. "Cause" shall mean any of the following:

         (i) Breach of this Agreement.

         (ii)  Refusal or  inability  (other than  pursuant to  Section  9(a) or
9(b)) to perform  duties  assigned to you in  accordance  with the terms of this
Agreement or overt and willful  disobedience  of orders or directives  issued to
you by the Company and within the scope of your duties to the Company.

         (iii) Willful misconduct in the  performance of your duties,  functions
and responsibilities.


         (iv)  Commission  of acts  that  are  illegal  in  connection  with the
performance of your duties, functions and responsibilities under this Agreement.

         (v)  Commission of acts that would  constitute a felony  offense during
the term of this Agreement.

         (vi) Violation of Company rules and  regulations concerning conflict of

         (vii) Gross mismanagement of the assets of the Company.

         (viii) Gross incompetence,  gross  insubordination or gross  neglect in
the performance of your duties  hereunder or being under the habitual  influence
of  alcohol  while  on  duty  or  possession,  use,  manufacture,  distribution,
dispensation or sale of illegal drugs while on or off duty.

         (ix) Any act or omission,  whether or  not  included in the  foregoing,
that a court of competent  jurisdiction  would determine to constitute cause for

Existence of Cause shall be conclusively  determined for all purposes  hereunder
by the President of the Company.  Such advice and consultation shall be utilized
as such officer regards as  appropriate,  and no obligation or duty with respect
to any  procedure  or  formality  is created by this  Agreement.  If the Company
terminates  this  Agreement for Cause under this Section 9(c), the Company shall
not be obligated to make any further  payments under this  Agreement  except for
the Accrued Obligations.

     (d) Except as set forth in Section 10,  your  coverage  under the  benefits
program provided by the Company will cease effective on your  termination  date.
You will be entitled to elect  continuation  of your medical and dental benefits
at  the  same  cost  the  Company  pays,  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  the
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act ("COBRA"). Details with regard to
COBRA  continuation  coverage  will  be  provided  to  you  shortly  after  your
termination date.

     (e) Except as set forth in Section 10, life  insurance  coverage will cease
upon your  termination  date. You may,  however,  apply to General American Life
Insurance  Company (or such other  insurance  company as may provide  group life
insurance to the Company's  employees at the time) for an  individual  converted
life policy,  with such application and payment of the first premium required to
be accomplished  within 31 days after your termination  date.  Details regarding
this  conversion  option will be provided to you shortly after your  termination

     (f) Accidental death and dismemberment  and long term disability  coverages
cease with your termination date and may not be extended or converted.


     (a) In the event a Change of Control (as defined below) occurs,  and within
24 months after such Change of Control:  (i) your employment with the Company is
terminated by you pursuant to a Termination  for Good Reason (as defined below);
or (ii) your employment with the Company is


terminated  by the Company for any reason  other than death,  disability  or for
Cause  pursuant to Sections  9(a),  (b) or (c); or (iii) this  Agreement  is not
renewed due to a Termination Notice given by the Company, as provided in Section
1(a), (the events under clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) herein collectively called a
"Change of Control Termination"),  you shall be entitled to receive the payments
and  benefits  set forth in Section  10(e) and (f)  below,  which  payments  and
benefits shall be in substitution  for, and not in addition to, the payments and
benefits  otherwise  payable under Section 2(a) or 2(b) of this Agreement in the
event of  termination.  Your right to receive such payments and benefits,  other
than the Accrued Obligations, shall be in consideration of your agreements under
this Agreement,  including but not limited to your agreement not to compete with
the Company  for two years after a Change of Control  pursuant to Section 6, and
shall be  conditioned  upon your  execution of a Release.  Such Release shall be
substantially  in the form of Exhibit A but may be modified by the Company as it
deems  appropriate to reflect changes in law or circumstances  arising after the
date of this Agreement; provided that no such modification shall increase any of
your  obligations  to the Company  over those  contemplated  by this  Agreement,
including Exhibit A hereto.

     (b) For purposes of the Agreement, a "Change of Control" shall be deemed to
have  occurred  if:  (i) any  person  (as  defined  in  Section  3(a)(9)  of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") and as used in
Sections 13(d) and 14(d)  thereof)),  excluding the Company,  any subsidiary and
any  employee  benefit  plan  sponsored  or  maintained  by the  Company  or any
subsidiary  (including  any trustee of any such plan  acting in his  capacity as
trustee), but including a "group" as defined in Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange
Act,  becomes the beneficial  owner (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange
Act) of shares of the Company  having at least 30% of the total  number of votes
that  may be cast  for the  election  of  directors  of the  Company;  (ii)  the
shareholders  of  the  Company  shall  approve  any  merger  or  other  business
combination of the Company,  sale of all or  substantially  all of the Company's
assets or combination of the foregoing  transactions  (a  "Transaction"),  other
than  a  Transaction  involving  only  the  Company  and  one  or  more  of  its
subsidiaries,  or a Transaction  immediately following which the shareholders of
the Company immediately prior to the Transaction  continue to have a majority of
the  voting  power in the  resulting  entity  (excluding  for this  purpose  any
shareholder  of the Company owning  directly or indirectly  more than 10% of the
shares of the other company  involved in the  Transaction)  and no person is the
beneficial  owner of at least  30% of the  shares  of the  resulting  entity  as
contemplated  by Section  10(b)(i)  above;  or (iii) within any 24-month  period
beginning  on or after the date  hereof,  the persons who were  directors of the
Company  immediately  before  the  beginning  of  such  period  (the  "Incumbent
Directors") shall cease (for any reason other than death) to constitute at least
a majority of the Board of Directors of the Company or the board of directors of
any successor to the Company,  provided that any director who was not a director
as of the date  hereof  shall be  deemed  to be an  Incumbent  Director  if such
director  was elected to the Board by, or on the  recommendation  of or with the
approval  of,  at  least  two-thirds  of the  directors  who then  qualified  as
Incumbent  Directors  either  actually  or by prior  operation  of this  Section
10(b)(iii),  unless such election,  recommendation or approval was the result of
an actual or threatened  election contest of the type contemplated by Regulation
14a-11 under the Exchange Act or any successor  provision.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  no Change of Control of the Company shall be deemed to have occurred
for  purposes of this  Agreement by reason of any actions or events in which you
participate  in a  capacity  other  than in your  capacity  as an  executive  or
director of the Company.


     (c) For purposes of the Agreement,  a "Termination for Good Reason" means a
termination  by you by written  notice given within 90 days after the occurrence
of the Good Reason event. A notice of Termination for Good Reason shall indicate
the specific  termination  provision in Section  10(d) relied upon and shall set
forth in  reasonable  detail  the facts and  circumstances  claimed to provide a
basis for Termination for Good Reason.  Your failure to set forth in such notice
any facts or  circumstances  that contribute to the showing of Good Reason shall
not waive any of your rights  hereunder or preclude you from asserting such fact
or  circumstance in enforcing your rights  hereunder.  The notice of Termination
for Good Reason  shall  provide for a date of  termination  not less than 10 nor
more than 60 days after the date such Notice of  Termination  for Good Reason is

     (d) For purposes of the Agreement, "Good Reason" shall mean the occurrence,
without your express  written  consent,  of any of the following  circumstances,
unless such  circumstances  are fully corrected prior to the date of termination
specified  in the  notice of  Termination  for Good  Reason as  contemplated  in
Section 10(c) above:  (i) any material  diminution of your positions,  duties or
responsibilities   hereunder  (except  in  each  case  in  connection  with  the
termination  of your  employment  for Cause  pursuant to Section  9(c) or due to
disability or death  pursuant to Section 9(a) or 9(b) or temporarily as a result
of your  illness  or other  absence),  or the  assignment  to you of  duties  or
responsibilities that are inconsistent with your position under the Agreement at
the time of a Change of Control;  (ii) your removal from, or your  nonreelection
to, the officer  positions with the Company  specified in this Agreement;  (iii)
relocation of the Company's  principal executive offices to a location more than
25 miles from its location at the time of the Change of Control; (iv) failure by
the Company,  after a Change of Control, (A) to continue any bonus plan, program
or arrangement in which you are entitled to participate immediately prior to the
Change of Control (the "Bonus Plans"), provided that any such Bonus Plans may be
modified  at the  Company's  discretion  from  time to time but  shall be deemed
terminated  if (x) any such plan does not  remain  substantially  in the form in
effect  prior  to  such  modification  and  (y)  if  plans  providing  you  with
substantially   similar  benefits  are  not  substituted  therefor  ("Substitute
Plans"),  or (B) to  continue  you as a  participant  in  the  Bonus  Plans  and
Substitute  Plans on at least the same basis as to potential amount of the bonus
and substantially  the same level of criteria for  achievability  thereof as you
participated  in  immediately  prior to any change in such  plans or awards,  in
accordance  with the Bonus  Plans and the  Substitute  Plans;  (v) any  material
breach by the Company of any  provisions of this  Agreement;  or (vi) failure of
any successor to the Company to promptly  acknowledge in writing the obligations
of the Company hereunder.

     (e) Upon a Change of Control Termination, as provided in Section 10(a), the
Company shall pay or provide you the following payments and benefits:

         (i) The Company shall pay to you the Accrued Obligations in a lump  sum
within five business days after the date of termination.


         (ii) The Company shall pay to you as severance pay, not later than  the
tenth day  following  the date of your  execution  and  delivery  of the Release
required pursuant to Section 10(a) of this Agreement:

              (A) a lump sum  payment  in an amount  equal to two  years of your
Base Salary; and

              (B) a lump sum  payment in  an amount  equal to two of your annual
incentive bonuses,  such payment to be equal to the greater of (i) the amount of
all incentive  bonuses paid to you with respect to each of the two most recently
completed  fiscal  years of the  Company for which a bonus has been paid or (ii)
the  incentive  bonus paid to you with  respect to the most  recently  completed
fiscal year of the Company for which a bonus has been paid plus an amount  equal
to your Target Bonus (as hereinafter  defined);  provided,  however, that if you
have been employed by the Company for less than two years, such payment shall be
equal to the greater of (x) the amount of the  incentive  bonus paid to you with
respect to the most  recently  completed  fiscal year of the Company for which a
bonus  has been paid plus your  Target  Bonus or (y) the  amount of your  Target
Bonus  multiplied by two. The term "Target Bonus" shall mean the incentive bonus
that would have been payable for the fiscal year that includes the date on which
your employment terminates under the incentive bonus program in effect as of the
date of the Change of Control, assuming that you had been entitled to receive an
amount  in  respect  of such  bonus  based  solely  upon the  target  percentage
applicable to employees in the same employment grade as you and your Base Salary
as of the date of termination (or if greater, your Base Salary as of the date on
which  occurred an event  giving rise to a Change of Control  Termination),  and
without regard to actual performance.

         (iii) The Company  shall  continue the  participation  of  you and your
dependents  for a period  of two  years  after  the date of  termination  in all
health,  medical  and  accident,  life and other  welfare  plans (as  defined in
Section 3(l) of ERISA), in which you were participating immediately prior to the
date of termination, except for any disability plans; provided, however, that to
the extent the Company's  plans do not permit such  continued  participation  or
such  participation  would  have an  adverse  tax impact on such plans or on the
other  participants in such plans,  the Company may instead  provide  materially
equivalent benefits to you outside of such plans; provided,  further, that under
such  circumstances,  (i)  medical  insurance  benefits  may be  provided by the
Company paying any COBRA premiums (COBRA coverage,  in any event, to be measured
from the date of termination of employment) and (ii) if the Company is unable to
continue your life insurance coverage, the Company shall pay you an amount equal
to twice the premium paid during the year prior to termination or if you convert
the  insurance to an  individual  policy,  the Company shall pay the premium for
such  insurance  for two  years.  You shall  complete  such  forms and take such
physical  examinations as reasonably requested by the Company. To the extent you
incur any tax  obligation  as a result of the  provisions  of this Section 10(e)
that you would not have  incurred if you remained an employee of the Company and
had continued to  participate  in the benefit plans as an employee,  the Company
shall pay to you,  at the time the tax is due, an amount to cover such taxes and
the taxes on the amount paid to cover such taxes.

         (iv) All  outstanding  stock options and restricted  stock  awards that
have been  granted to you by the Company at any time but have not yet vested and
upon which vesting  depends


solely   upon  the   passage  of  time,   shall   immediately   vest  or  become
nonforfeitable,  as the case may be. In the event the foregoing sentence becomes
applicable, the Company agrees to cause the Board of Directors to take all steps
necessary to implement the foregoing sentence.

         (v) All  amounts  payable  to you upon  a Change of  Control  under the
Company's  Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan and Deferred Compensation Plan
shall be paid to you in accordance with the respective terms of those plans.

         (vi) The Company, at its expense,  shall provide you with  outplacement
services at a level appropriate for the most senior executive  employees through
an  outplacement  firm of your  choice  for a period of up to one year after the
date of the Change of Control Termination.

     (f) (i) In the event that any payment,  coverage or benefit  (collectively,
the  "Covered  Benefits")  provided  to you by the Company or an  Affiliate  (as
defined  below) is or becomes  subject to the excise tax imposed  under  Section
4999 or any successor provision of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the "Code"), or you incur interest or penalties with respect to that excise tax
(that excise tax,  together  with any interest and  penalties,  are  hereinafter
collectively  referred to as the  "Excise  Tax"),  the Company  shall pay you an
additional amount (a "Gross-Up Bonus") at the time or times specified in Section
10(f)(iii)(z)  below.  The amount of the Gross-Up Bonus shall equal the quotient
determined by dividing (x) the Excise Tax  attributable to the Covered  Benefits
by (y) one minus the highest  marginal income tax rate,  where the term "highest
marginal income tax rate" means the sum of the highest combined local, state and
federal personal income tax rates (including any state unemployment compensation
tax rate,  any surtax rate as well as the Medicare  hospital  insurance tax rate
imposed on employees under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act) as in effect
for the  calendar  year to which the  Excise  Tax  attributable  to the  Covered
Benefits relates,  provided that in determining the highest tax rate for federal
purposes both the  deductibility  of state and local income tax payments and the
reduction  in the  deductibility  of  itemized  deductions  shall be taken  into
account;  it being the  intention of the parties  hereto that your net after tax
position  (after  taking into  account any  interest or  penalties  imposed with
respect  to  such  taxes)  upon  receipt  of the  Covered  Benefits  is no  less
advantageous  to you than the net  after  tax  position  you  would  have had if
Section 4999 of the Code had not been  applicable  to any portion of the Covered

         (ii) All determinations to be made under this Section 10(f),  including
the  determination  of whether an Excise Tax is payable and the amount  thereof,
shall  be  made  by a law  firm  practicing  in the  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania
metropolitan area that is knowledgeable in tax law matters,  which firm shall be
selected  and paid for by the Company and  acceptable  to you. If tax  counsel's
determinations  are not finally  accepted by the Internal  Revenue  Service upon
audit, then appropriate adjustments shall be computed (with a Gross-Up Bonus, if
applicable) by that tax counsel based upon the final amount of the Excise Tax so

         (iii) For purposes of this Section 10(f):

               (x) An  "Affiliate"  shall mean any successor to the Company, any
member of an  affiliated  group  including  the Company  (determining  using the
definition in Section 1504 of


the Code) or any entity that becomes a member of such an  affiliated  group as a
result of the transaction causing the Change of Control.

              (y) When determining the amount of the Gross-Up Bonus, you will be
deemed to have otherwise allowable  deductions for federal,  state and local tax
purposes  at least equal to those  disallowed  because of the  inclusion  of the
Gross-Up Bonus in your adjusted gross income.

              (z) The portion of the Gross-Up  Bonus  attributable  to a Covered
Benefit shall be paid to you within 10 business days  following the provision to
you of the  Covered  Benefit.  In the event  that the  amount of Excise  Tax due
exceeds the amount of Excise Tax  determined  by tax counsel,  the Company shall
pay you an additional  Gross-Up Bonus in respect of that excess at the time that
the amount of the excess is determined under Section 10(f)(ii). In the event the
amount of Excise Tax due is less than the amount of Excise Tax determined by tax
counsel,  you  shall  repay  the  Company  the  portion  of the  Gross-Up  Bonus
attributable  thereto at the time that the amount of the reduction in Excise Tax
is determined under Section 10(f)(ii); provided, however, that if any portion of
the amount you must repay to the Company has been paid to any federal,  state or
local tax authority, your repayment of that portion shall be postponed until the
tax authority has actually refunded or credited that amount to you.

     (g) Upon the  occurrence  of a Change of Control,  if the Company  fails to
perform any of its obligations  under this Agreement or the Company or any other
person  asserts the  invalidity of any provision of this Agreement and you incur
any costs in  successfully  enforcing or defending any of the provisions of this
Agreement,  including legal fees and expenses and court costs, the Company shall
reimburse you for all such costs incurred by you.

     11. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Agreement, together with Exhibit A
hereto and all rights to which you are entitled under all employee benefit plans
in which you participate, constitutes the full and complete understanding of the
parties,  and will, on the Effective  Date,  supersede all prior  agreements and
understandings,  oral or written,  between the parties, except for the Agreement
Relating to Intellectual Property and Confidential Information dated November 5,
1999  between  you  and the  Company  ("Confidentiality  Agreement");  provided,
however,   that  if  the  terms  of  any  of  such  employee   benefit  plan  or
Confidentiality  Agreement  shall be  inconsistent  with the  provisions  of the
Agreement,  the provisions of this Agreement  shall prevail.  This Agreement may
not be  modified or amended  except by an  instrument  in writing  signed by the
party  against  which  enforcement  thereof  may be  sought.  Each party to this
Agreement,  acknowledges  that  no  representations,  inducements,  promises  or
agreements,  oral or written, have been made by either party or anyone acting on
behalf  of  either  party,  which  are not  embodied  herein  and  that no other
agreement,  statement or promise not set forth or referred to in this  Agreement
shall be valid or binding.

     12. SEVERABILITY.  Any term or provision of this Agreement which is invalid
or  unenforceable  in  any  jurisdiction  shall,  as to  such  jurisdiction,  be
ineffective  to the  extent  of  such  invalidity  or  unenforceability  without
rendering  invalid or  unenforceable  the remaining terms and


provisions of this Agreement or affecting the validity or  enforceability of any
of the terms or provisions of this Agreement in any other jurisdiction.

     13.  WAIVER  OF  BREACH.  The  waiver  by  either  party of a breach of any
provision of this Agreement  shall not operate as or be construed as a waiver of
any subsequent breach.

     14. NO MITIGATION  REQUIRED.  Upon a termination of your  employment by the
Company  without  Cause  pursuant  to  Section  2(b) or upon a Change of Control
pursuant to Section 10, you shall have no  obligation  to seek other  employment
but shall not be prohibited  from doing so, and no  compensation  paid to you as
the result of any other  employment shall reduce any payment required to be made
by the Company hereunder.

     15. NOTICES. All notices hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent by
express mail or by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt
requested:  if to you, to your residence as listed in the Company's records; and
if to the Company, to the address set forth above with copies to the President.

     16. ASSIGNABILITY;  BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by
either  party,  except  that it may be assigned by the Company to an acquirer of
all or substantially  all of the assets of the Company or other successor to the
Company,  subject to your rights arising from a change of control as provided in
Section 10.  This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of
you, your legal  representatives,  heirs and distributees,  and shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the Company, its successors and assigns.

     17. NONDISPARAGEMENT.  You agree not to publicly or privately disparage the
Company,  its personnel,  products or services either during or upon termination
of your employment with the Company.

     18.  SURVIVAL.  All of the provisions of this Agreement that by their terms
are to be performed or that  otherwise  are to endure after the  termination  of
your  employment by the Company shall survive the termination of your employment
and shall  continue in effect for the  respective  periods  therein  provided or

     19. GOVERNING LAW. All questions pertaining to the validity,  construction,
execution and  performance of this Agreement  shall be construed and governed in
accordance  with the laws of the  Commonwealth of  Pennsylvania,  without giving
effect to the conflicts or choice of law provisions thereof.

     20.  HEADINGS.  The  headings of this  Agreement  are  intended  solely for
convenience  of reference  and shall be given no effect in the  construction  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

     21. COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in several  counterparts,
each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which  together shall
constitute one and the same instrument.


     If this Agreement  correctly sets forth our understanding,  please sign the
duplicate  original in the space  provided  below and return it to the  Company,
whereupon this shall  constitute the  employment  agreement  between you and the
Company effective and for the term as stated herein.

                                                    C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                                    By: /s/ Wade H. Roberts, Jr.
                                                    Title: President

Agreed as of the date first above written:

/s/ John A. Velker
- ------------------------------------------
John A. Velker


                                    EXHIBIT A


     This Release is made this _____ day of _______________, ____ by and between
C&D Technologies, Inc. ("Employer") and _________________ ("Employee").


     WHEREAS,   the  parties  are  parties  to  an  Employment   Agreement  (the
"Employment  Agreement")  dated  __________,  pursuant  to  which  Employee  was
employed by Employer; and

     WHEREAS, the Employment Agreement has terminated; and

     WHEREAS,  your execution and delivery of this Release is a condition to the
Employer's obligations to pay certain compensation and benefits to you under the
Employment Agreement;

     NOW  THEREFORE,  the parties  hereto,  intending  to be legally  bound,  in
consideration  of the mutual  promises and  undertakings  set forth  herein,  do
hereby agree as follows:

     1 As of  _____________________,  ____,  Employee's employment with Employer
shall  terminate,  and Employee  shall have no further job  responsibilities  to
perform for Employer;  provided,  however,  that Employee  shall  cooperate with
Employer in  transitioning  Employee's  job  responsibilities  as Employer shall
reasonably  request,  provided  that  Employee  shall  be  entitled  to  receive
reasonable  compensation for any services rendered after such date and shall not
be  obligated  to take any  action  that  would  interfere  with any  subsequent
employment of Employee or otherwise result in economic hardship to Employee.

     2 Employer shall pay to the Employee the amounts  contemplated  pursuant to
Section __ of the Employment  Agreement,  less applicable  deductions;  provided
however, the first payment shall not be due and payable until ten days after the
execution by Employee and delivery to Employer of this Release.

     3 For and in  consideration  of the monies and benefits paid to Employee by
Employer,  as more fully  described  in Section 2 above,  and for other good and
valuable consideration,  Employee hereby waives, releases and forever discharges
Employer, its assigns,  predecessors,  successors,  and affiliated entities, and
its current or former stockholders, officers, directors, administrators, agents,
servants and employees,  individually  and as  representatives  of the corporate
entity (hereinafter  collectively referred to as "Releasees"),  from any and all
claims,  suits, debts, dues, accounts,  reckonings,  bonds, bills,  specialties,
covenants,  contracts, bonuses,  controversies,  agreements,  promises, charges,
complaints,  damages,  sums of money,  interest,  attorney's  fees and costs, or
causes  of action of any kind or nature  whatsoever  whether  in law or  equity,
including,  but not limited to, all claims arising out of his/her  employment or
termination of employment with Employer, such as


all  claims  for  wrongful  discharge,  breach of  contract,  either  express or
implied,    interference    with   contract,    emotional    distress,    fraud,
misrepresentation,  defamation,  claims  arising  under the Civil Rights Acts of
1964  and  1991  as  amended,  the  Americans  With  Disabilities  Act,  the Age
Discrimination  in Employment Act (ADEA),  the National Labor Relations Act, the
Fair Labor  Standards Act, the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974
(ERISA), the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act,
the Pennsylvania  Wage Payment & Collection Law, the  Pennsylvania  Minimum Wage
Act of 1968,  the  Pennsylvania  Equal  Pay Law,  and any and all  other  claims
arising  under  federal,  state or local law,  rule,  regulation,  constitution,
ordinance or public policy whether known or unknown, arising up to and including
the date of execution of this Release; provided, however that the parties do not
release each other from any claim of breach of the terms of this  Release.  This
release  of rights  does not extend to claims  that may arise  after the date of
this  Release.  Employee  agrees that  Employee  will not initiate any charge or
complaint or  institute  any claim or lawsuit  against  Releasees or any of them
based on any fact or circumstance  occurring up to and including the date of the
execution by Employee of this Release.

     4 Employee agrees that the payments made and other  consideration  received
pursuant  to this  Release  are not to be  construed  as an  admission  of legal
liability by Releasees or any of them and that no person or entity shall utilize
this Release or the consideration  received pursuant to this Release as evidence
of any admission of liability since Releasees expressly deny liability.

     5 Employee  affirms  that the only  consideration  for the  signing of this
Release are the terms stated herein and in the Employment  Agreement and that no
other  promise or  agreement of any kind has been made to Employee by any person
or entity whatsoever to cause Employee to sign this Release.

     6 Employee  and  Employer  affirm that the  Employment  Agreement  and this
Release set forth the entire  agreement  between the parties with respect to the
subject  matter  contained  herein and  supersede  all prior or  contemporaneous
agreements  or  understandings  between the parties  with respect to the subject
matter contained herein. Further, there are no representations,  arrangements or
understandings, either oral or written, between the parties, which are not fully
expressed herein.  Finally,  no alteration or other modification of this Release
shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by both parties.

     7 Employee  acknowledges  that Employee has been given a period of at least
21 days within which to consider this Release.

     8 Following the  execution of this Release,  the Employee has a period of 7
days from the date of execution to revoke this  Release,  and this Release shall
not become effective or enforceable until the revocation period has expired.

     9 Employee  certifies  that  Employee  has  returned to Employer  all keys,
identification  cards, credit cards,  computer and telephone equipment and other
property or  information  of  Employer in  Employee's  possession,  custody,  or
control including, but not limited to, any information contained in any computer
files maintained by Employee during Employee's


employment  with  Employer.  Employee  certifies  that Employee has not kept the
originals or copies of any documents, files, or other property of Employer which
Employee obtained or received during Employee's employment with Employer.

     10 Employee  acknowledges that Employer advised Employee to consult with an
attorney prior to executing this Release.

     11 Employee  affirms that  Employee has carefully  read this Release,  that
Employee  fully  understands  the  meaning  and  intent of this  document,  that
Employee has signed this Release  voluntarily  and knowingly,  and that Employee
intends  to be  bound  by  the  promises  contained  in  this  Release  for  the
consideration described in Section 2 above.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Employee and the authorized representative of Employer
have executed this Release on the dates indicated below:

                                                     C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

Dated:__________________________                     By:________________________


Dated:__________________________                     ___________________________
                                                     John A. Velker



     I, ___________________________________, hereby acknowledge that I was given
21 days to consider  the  foregoing  Release and  voluntarily  chose to sign the
Release prior to the expiration of the 21-day period.

     I declare under penalty of perjury  under the laws of the  Commonwealth  of
Pennsylvania that the foregoing is true and correct.

     EXECUTED    this    ________    day    of    ______________,    ____,    at
_______________________________________, Pennsylvania.

                                                 John A. Velker
