Exhibit 10.4

                               SECOND AMENDMENT TO
                       THE C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PENSION
                           PLAN FOR SALARIED EMPLOYEES

     THIS  SECOND  AMENDMENT  is made on this  25th of  September  2002,  by C&D
Technologies,  Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of
the State of Pennsylvania (hereinafter called the "Company").


     WHEREAS, the Company maintains the C&D Technologies,  Inc. Pension Plan for
Salaried Employees (the "Salaried Plan").

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  wishes to amend  the Plan to  reflect  the  merger,
effective  December 31, 2002, with the Pension Plan for Hourly  Employees of C&D
Technologies, Inc. Represented by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and
Grain Millers International Union Local No. 367G (the "Conshohocken Plan").

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  wishes to change  the  criteria  which was  adopted
effective  January 1, 2002 for excluding certain Salaried Plan participants from
future benefit accruals under the Salaried Plan.

     WHEREAS,  the Company wishes to amend the Plan in good faith to reflect the
provisions of The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001.


     NOW,  THEREFORE,  effective  January 1, 2002, the Company hereby amends the
Plan as follows:

1. By deleting  Section 1.13 in its entirety  and by  substituting  therefor the

     "1.13 Average Final Creditable Compensation

          The highest average monthly  Creditable  Compensation paid to a Member
          during  any sixty  (60)  consecutive  calendar  months of  Eligibility
          Service  within  the one  hundred  twenty  (120)  calendar  months  of
          Eligibility Service  immediately  preceding the date of termination of
          employment,  or during all the months of  Eligibility  Service if less
          than one hundred  twenty (120) months.  Effective  after  December 31,
          2001,  for a Member who has not attained age 65 and who either (a) has
          less  than  five (5) years of  Eligibility  Service  and whose age and
          years of  Eligibility  Service  total  less than sixty (60) or (b) has
          less than ten (10) years of  Eligibility  Service  and whose  years of
          Eligibility  Service  and age total less than  fifty-seven  (57),  the
          Member's  date of  termination  is deemed to be December  31, 2001 for
          purposes  of  calculating  the  highest  average  monthly   Creditable

2. By adding the following new Section 1.16A:

     "1.16A Conshohocken Plan

          `Conshohocken  Plan'  shall  refer  to the  Pension  Plan  for  Hourly
          Employees  of  C&D  Technologies,  Inc.  Represented  by  the  Bakery,
          Confectionery,  Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers  International Union
          Local No.  367G,  which shall be merged into the Plan  effective as of
          December 31, 2002."

3. By deleting the second full  paragraph in Section 1.18 in its entirety and by
substituting therefor the following:

          "For  years  on  and  after  January  1,  1994,  the  annual  Credible
          Compensation  limit shall be $150,000  adjusted as  prescribed in Code
          Section 401(a)(17). Effective on and after January 1, 2002, the annual
          Credible   Compensation  limit  shall  be  $200,000  as  adjusted  for
          cost-of-living  increases in accordance with Code Section  401(a)(17).
          Limitations on Credible  Compensation  shall be known as  Compensation
          Limitations.  If the Plan determines  compensation on a period of time
          that contains fewer than twelve (12) calendar months,  then the annual
          Compensation  Limitation is an amount equal to the annual Compensation
          Limitation  for the  calendar  year in which the  compensation  period
          begins multiplied by the ratio obtained by dividing the number of full
          months in the period by twelve (12)."

4. By deleting Section 1.19(c) in its entirety and by substituting  therefor the

          "(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing,  as of December 31, 2001, a Member
          (1) who has not  attained  the age of 65,  and (2) who  either (i) has
          less than five (5) years of Eligibility Service or whose age and years
          of  Eligibility  Service  total  less than sixty (60) or (ii) has less
          than  ten  (10)  years  of  Eligibility  Service  or  whose  years  of
          Eligibility  Service and age total less than  fifty-seven  (57), shall
          not  receive  Credited  Service  for any  period of  employment  after
          December 31, 2001."

5. By adding the following Section 1.29A:

          "1.29A Former Conshohocken Member

               `Former  Conshohocken  Member'  shall mean former  members of the
               Conshohocken Plan who are entitled to a retirement  benefit under
               the Plan."

6. By deleting  Section 1.45 in its entirety  and by  substituting  therefor the

          "Each Member or Former Conshohocken Member who is receiving retirement
          benefit payments under the Plan or each Member or Former  Conshohocken
          Member  who  has  retired  on an  Early  Retirement  Date,  but  whose
          retirement benefit payments have not commenced, and each Vested Member
          upon the date payment of vested  benefits  commences.  Retired  Member
          shall also include,  for purposes of Articles IX, X and XI,  employees
          of C&D Batteries who severed  employment  from C&D Batteries  prior to
          the  Effective  Date as Retired  Members of the Prior Plan and who are
          not eligible for membership pursuant to Plan Section 2.1 below."

7. By deleting  Section 1.52 in its entirety  and by  substituting  therefor the

          "A Member or Former Conshohocken Member who has terminated  employment
          with a vested  right in  accordance  with  Article VII and who has not
          become a  Retired  Member.  Vested  Member  shall  also  include,  for
          purposes of Articles  IX, X and XI,  employees  of C&D  Batteries  who
          severed  employment  from C&D Batteries prior to the Effective Date as
          Vested  Members  of the  Prior  Plan  and  who are  not  eligible  for
          membership pursuant to Plan Section 2.1 below."

8. By deleting  the last  paragraph  in Section  2.2(c) in its  entirety  and by
substituting therefor the following:

          "Moreover,   in  determining   the  benefit  given  pursuant  to  this
          Subsection  (c), as of  December  31,  2001,  a Member (i) who has not
          attained the age of 65, and (ii) who either (I) has less than five (5)
          years of Eligibility  Service,  or whose years of Eligibility  Service
          and age  total  less  than  sixty  (60) or (II) has less than ten (10)
          years of Eligibility  Service,  or whose years of Eligibility  Service
          and age total less than  fifty-seven  (57), shall not receive Credited
          Service for any period of employment  after  December 31, 2001 and for
          purposes of determining the ratio in Paragraph (1) above,  Eligibility
          Service  shall not include  periods of employment  after  December 31,

9. By deleting  Section 2.7 in its  entirety  and by  substituting  therefor the

     "2.7 Special Provision for Certain Employees

          As of December  31, 2001, a Member (1) who has not attained the age of
          65, and (2) who either (i) has less than five (5) years of Eligibility
          Service, or whose years of Eligibility Service and age total less than
          sixty  (60) or (ii) who has less  than ten (10)  years of  Eligibility
          Service, or whose years of Eligibility Service and age total less than
          fifty-seven (57), shall not receive Credited Service for any period of
          employment  after  December 31, 2001, but such Member will continue to
          earn  Eligibility  Service for  purposes of  vesting.  Moreover,  such
          Member's  deemed  termination  date for  purposes of  calculating  his
          Average Final  Creditable  Compensation  pursuant to Plan Section 1.13
          shall be December 31, 2001."

10. By deleting Section 4.7(f) in its entirety and by substituting  therefor the

          "(f) With respect to  determining  the amount of the minimum  required
          distributions  under the Plan made in the 2002 calendar year, the Plan
          will  apply the  minimum  distribution  requirements  of Code  Section
          401(a)(9)  in  accordance  with the  regulations  under  Code  Section
          401(a)(9)  that were  proposed in January  2001,  notwithstanding  any
          provision of the Plan to the contrary.  With respect to  distributions
          under the Plan made in calendar years beginning on or after January 1,
          2003,  the Plan will apply the minimum  distribution  requirements  of
          Code  Section  401(a)(9)  in  accordance  with the final and  proposed
          regulations  under Code Section  401(a)(9)  that were issued in April,
          2002 ("2002 Regulations"), notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the
          contrary.  The use of the  proposed  portion  of the 2002  Regulations
          shall  continue  in  effect  until the end of the last  calendar  year
          beginning  before the effective date of final  regulations  under Code
          Section  401(a)(9) that  supersede  such proposed  regulations or such
          other date as may be specified  in guidance  published by the Internal
          Revenue Service."

11. By  substituting  "$160,000"  for  "$90,000"  wherever  the same is found in
Section 5.4.

12. By adding the following to the end of Section 6.11(b):

          "For purposes of the direct rollover  provisions in this Section 6.11,
          a portion of a distribution  shall not fail to be an eligible rollover
          distribution merely because the portion consists of after-tax employee
          contributions which are not includible in gross income.  However, such
          portion  may be  paid  only to an  individual  retirement  account  or
          annuity  described  in  section  408(a)  or (b) of the  Code,  or to a
          qualified  defined  contribution  plan  described in section 401(a) or
          403(b) of the Code that  agrees to  separately  account for amounts so
          transferred,  including  separately  account  for the  portion of such
          distribution  which is  includible  in gross income and the portion of
          such distribution which is not so includible."

13. By adding the following to the end of Section 6.11(c):

          "For purposes of the direct rollover  provisions in this Section 6.11,
          an  eligible  retirement  plan  shall  also mean an  annuity  contract
          described  in 403(b) of the Code and an  eligible  plan under  section
          457(b)  of  the  Code  which  is  maintained  by  a  state,  political
          subdivision of a state, or any agency or instrumentality of a state or
          political  subdivision  of a state  and  which  agrees  to  separately
          account for  amounts  transferred  into such plan from this plan.  The
          definition of eligible retirement plan shall also apply in the case of
          a distribution to a surviving  spouse, or to a spouse or former spouse
          who is the alternate payee under a qualified  domestic relation order,
          as defined in section 414(p) of the Code."

14. By amending Section 6 of Appendix A to the Plan by adding to the end thereof
the following:

          "Effective for  distributions  with annuity starting dates on or after
          December 31, 2002,  notwithstanding  any other plan  provisions to the
          contrary,   the  applicable  mortality  table  used  for  purposes  of
          adjusting any benefit or limitation  under Section 5.4 of the Plan and
          the  applicable  mortality  table used for purposes of satisfying  the
          requirements  of Code  Section  417(e) as set forth in this Section is
          the table prescribed in Rev. Rul. 2001-62

15. By adding the following new Appendix C:

                                   "APPENDIX C

     1. Application

     Effective  December 31, 2002, the Conshohocken  Plan became merged into the
     Plan.  This Appendix C should be read in  conjunction  with the rest of the
     Plan document and overrides any other provision that it contradicts.

     2. Accrued Benefit

     The Accrued  Benefit of each Former  Conshohocken  Member shall be equal to
     such Former  Conshohocken  Member's  accrued benefit under the terms of the
     Conshohocken Plan immediately prior to its merger into the Plan.

     3. Normal Retirement Benefit

     On the  Former  Conshohocken  Member's  Normal  Retirement  Date,  a Former
     Conshohocken  Member  shall be entitled  to a  retirement  benefit  payable
     monthly and equal to his Accrued Benefit.

     4. Early Retirement Date

     A Former  Conshohocken  Member who has completed five (5) years of Credited
     Service may retire on the first day of any month  subsequent  to the Former
     Conshohocken  Member's 60th  birthday and prior to the Former  Conshohocken
     Member's 65th  birthday,  such date being known as the Former  Conshohocken
     Member's Early Retirement Date.

     5. Early Retirement Benefit

     A Former  Conshohocken  Member who elects an Early Retirement Date shall be
     entitled to receive a  retirement  benefit,  payable  monthly in the normal
     form of payment  described under Article VI, commencing on the date elected
     by the Former  Conshohocken  Member in an amount determined by reducing the
     Former  Conshohocken  Member's Accrued Benefit by six-tenths of one percent
     (6/10 of 1%) for each complete calendar month by which the Annuity Starting
     Date precedes the Former Conshohocken Member's Normal Retirement Date.

     6. Disability Retirement Benefit

     A Former  Conshohocken  Member who is eligible for a Disability  Retirement
     Benefit (as determined under the provisions of the Conshohocken Plan) shall
     be entitled to receive a monthly  retirement benefit during the continuance
     of total and permanent  Disability (as  determined  under the provisions of
     the  Conshohocken  Plan)  in an  amount  equal to the  Former  Conshohocken
     Member's Accrued Benefit.

     7. Vested Member Benefits

     A Former  Conshohocken  Member who is a Vested  Member shall be entitled to
     receive a retirement  benefit payable monthly in the normal form of payment
     described in Plan Section 7.1,  equal to the Former  Conshohocken  Member's
     Accrued Benefit.  Such benefit shall commence on the first day of the month
     next  following  the  attainment of age 65 or, at the request of the Former
     Conshohocken Member, on the first day of any month after reaching his Early
     Retirement Date and shall be in an amount determined by reducing the Former
     Conshohocken Member's Accrued Benefit by six-tenths of one percent (6/10 of
     1%) for each  complete  calendar  month by which the Annuity  Starting Date
     precedes the date the Former Conshohocken Member's Normal Retirement Age.

     8. Optional Forms of Benefits

     In lieu of the Normal Form of  Payment,  a Former  Conshohocken  Member may
     elect to receive the  Actuarial  Equivalent  value of benefits as described
     below  subject to the  spousal  consent  provisions  of Plan  Section  6.3.
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, only option (c) shall be available to Former
     Conshohocken  Members who are Vested  Members.  Besides those listed below,
     there are no  optional  forms of benefits  allowed for Former  Conshohocken

     The election of an optional form of retirement  benefit shall be in writing
     on a form approved by the Plan Administrator and, if in accordance with the
     conditions  set forth in Plan  Section 6.5,  shall become  effective on the
     Annuity Starting Date.

          (a) Joint and Survivor Option

          A Former Conshohocken Member may elect to receive a reduced retirement
          benefit  during his or her lifetime,  with the  provision  that either
          seventy-five  percent  (75%) or one  hundred  percent  (100%)  of such
          reduced  Pension shall continue to be paid to the Former  Conshohocken
          Member's Spouse following the Former Conshohocken Member's death after
          benefits  have  commenced.  If a Former  Conshohocken  Member elects a
          joint and survivor annuity option and the Former Conshohocken Member's
          Spouse dies before a Annuity  Starting Date,  the  retirement  benefit
          shall be entitled to a  subsequent  election in  accordance  with this

          (b) Life  Annuity  with One  Hundred  Twenty  (120)  Monthly  Payments
              Guaranteed Option

          Under the life annuity with one hundred twenty (120) monthly  payments
          guaranteed option, a Former Conshohocken Member may elect to receive a
          reduced  Pension  payable  during  the  Former  Conshohocken  Member's
          lifetime;  provided,  however that  subsequent to the  commencement of
          benefit payments to the Former Conshohocken  Member, not less than one
          hundred twenty (120) monthly payments of such reduced Pension shall be
          made  to  the  Former   Conshohocken  Member  and,  after  the  Former
          Conshohocken  Member's death,  to the Beneficiary  named by the Former
          Conshohocken  Member. A Former  Conshohocken  Member may, at any time,
          name one (1) or more contingent  Beneficiaries to receive the benefits
          under  this   option  in  the  event  of  the  death  of  the  primary

          (c) Special Lump Sum Provision

          This provision shall apply to any Former  Conshohocken Member entitled
          to receive a retirement  benefit on an Annuity Starting Date under the
          terms of the Plan other than a Former  Conshohocken Member who retires
          on a Disability Retirement Date.

               (i) If on an Annuity  Starting  Date,  the  Actuarial  Equivalent
               value of a Former  Conshohocken  Member's  retirement  benefit is
               less than $10,000,  the Former  Conshohocken  Member may elect to
               receive  the  value  of the  retirement  benefit  in one lump sum
               payment  equal to the  Actuarial  Equivalent  value of the Former
               Conshohocken Member's Accrued Benefit.

               (ii)  The  election  of  the  special  lump  sum  provision,   if
               applicable  shall be made  available  with respect to any Annuity
               Starting  Date  including,  for purposes of this  Subsection  (c)
               only,  the  first  of any  month  following  the  date  a  Former
               Conshohocken  Member  terminates  employment  with  as  a  Vested
               Member.  In the  event the  special  lump sum  provision  becomes
               available  on an Annuity  Starting  Date which  precedes a Normal
               Retirement  Date, or if applicable an Early Retirement Date, then
               the  Normal  Form of Payment  and  Qualified  Joint and  Survivor
               Annuity shall be made  applicable at the same time as the special
               lump sum provision depending on the Former Conshohocken  Member's
               marital status on the Annuity Starting Date.

          To the extent that the Accrued Benefit shall become applicable to this
          Subsection (c) prior to the Early  Retirement Date  eligibility,  then
          such  Accrued  Benefit  shall be reduced by the  Actuarial  Equivalent
          value for early commencement and form of payment as provided above.

     9. Actuarial Factors

     These actuarial  factors shall apply except where an alternative  provision
     is specified in this Appendix C.

     (a) Qualified Joint and Survivor Pension

     The pension of a Former Conshohocken Member receiving a Qualified Joint and
     Survivor  Annuity  in  accordance  with Plan  Section  6.3 shall be reduced
     eleven percent (11%), plus an additional  reduction of one-quarter  percent
     (0.250%)  for each  full  year in  excess  of three  by  which  the  Former
     Conshohocken  Member's  birthdate  precedes  the spouse's  birthdate,  to a
     maximum  total  reduction  (after twenty (20) such excess years) of sixteen
     percent (16%); or minus one-quarter  percent (0.250%) for each full year in
     excess  of  three by which  the  spouse's  birthdate  precedes  the  Former
     Conshohocken Member's birthdate, to a minimum net reduction (after ten (10)
     such excess years) of eight-and one-half percent (8.5%).

     (b) Other Joint and Survivor Pensions

     The  pension  of a Former  Conshohocken  Member  electing  a joint  and one
     hundred  percent (100%) survivor  option and joint and  seventy-five  (75%)
     survivor  option shall be reduced  nineteen (19%) or fifteen percent (15%),
     respectively,  plus an additional reduction of one-half percent (0.500%) or
     three-and-three-quarters percent (0.375%), respectively, for each full year
     in excess  of three by which the  Former  Conshohocken  Member's  birthdate
     precedes the spouse's birthdate, to a maximum total reduction (after twenty
     (20) such excess years) of  twenty-nine  percent  (29%) or  twenty-two  and
     one-half percent (22.5%),  respectively; or minus one-half percent (0.500%)
     or three-and-three-quarters  percent (0.375%),  respectively, for each full
     year in excess of three by which the spouse's birthdate precedes the Former
     Conshohocken Member's birthdate, to a minimum net reduction (after ten (10)
     such excess  years) of  fourteen  percent  (14%) or  eleven-and-one-quarter
     percent (11.25%) respectively.

     (c) Life Annuity with 120 Monthly Payments Guaranteed Option

     The pension of a Former  Conshohocken  Member  electing a life annuity with
     one hundred  twenty  (120)  monthly  payments  guaranteed  option  shall be
     reduced seven-and-one-half percent (7.5%).

     (d) Reduction for Forms of Payment provided prior to Early Retirement Date.

     The Former Conshohocken  Member elects a form of payment commencing,  prior
     to an  Early  Retirement  Date  in a  form  other  than a  lump  sum,  then
     notwithstanding  any other provision of the Plan, the Pension payable shall
     be reduced as follows:

     (i) The Accrued Benefit so payable shall be reduced for early  commencement
     in accordance with the following:

          Nearest Age at                         Benefit at age 65
          Date of Payment                        multiplied by

               20                                     0.035
               21                                     0.037
               22                                     0.039
               23                                     0.042
               24                                     0.044
               25                                     0.047
               26                                     0.050
               27                                     0.054
               28                                     0.057
               29                                     0.061
               30                                     0.065
               31                                     0.069
               32                                     0.074
               33                                     0.079
               34                                     0.085
               35                                     0.090
               36                                     0.097
               37                                     0.103
               38                                     0.111
               39                                     0.119
               40                                     0.127
               41                                     0.136
               42                                     0.146
               43                                     0.157
               44                                     0.169
               45                                     0.182
               46                                     0.196
               47                                     0.211
               48                                     0.228
               49                                     0.246
               50                                     0.266
               51                                     0.288
               52                                     0.312
               53                                     0.338
               54                                     0.368
               55                                     0.400

     (ii) In the event the Former  Conshohocken  Member elects a Qualified Joint
     and Survivor Annuity, the benefit shall be adjusted for the form of payment
     as provided below:

          Nearest Age of Former
          Conshohocken Member                    Life Annuity
          at Date of Payment                     Reduced by

          Less  than 25                   2% minus  .07%  for  each  year in
                                          excess  of 3 that  the  Former
                                          Conshohocken  Member is younger than
                                          spouse to a minimum of 1.30% (after 10
                                          such excess years).

          25 to 34                        3% plus  .10% for each  year in
                                          excess of 3 that the Former
                                          Conshohocken  Member is older than
                                          spouse to a maximum of 3.5%  (after 5
                                          such excess  years),  and minus
                                          .10% for  each  year in  excess  of 3
                                          that the Former  Conshohocken  Member
                                          is younger  than  spouse to a minimum
                                          of 2.0% (after 10 such excess years).

          35 to 44                        5 % plus  .16% for each  year in
                                          excess of 3 that the Former
                                          Conshohocken  Member is; older than
                                          spouse to a maximum of 7.4% (after
                                          15 such excess  years),  and
                                          minus  .16% for  each  year in
                                          excess  of 3 that the Former
                                          Conshohocken  Member is younger  than
                                          spouse to a minimum of 3.4% (after 10
                                          such excess years).

          45 to 54                        7% plus  .27% for each  year in
                                          excess of 3 that the Former
                                          Conshohocken  Member is older than
                                          spouse to a  maximum  of 12.4% (after
                                          20 such  excess  years), and  minus
                                          .27% for each  year in  excess  of 3
                                          that the  Former   Conshohocken
                                          Member  is  younger  than spouse to a
                                          minimum  of 4.3%  (after 10 such
                                          excess years)."

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Company has executed this Second  Amendment as of
the day and year first above written.

                                    C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                    By:/s/ Kevin D. Burgess

                                    Title: VP Humam Resources
