Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)
           EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended July 31, 2003


           EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the transition period from ____________________ to ____________________

Commission File No. 1-9389

                             C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                 Delaware                             13-3314599
      (State or other jurisdiction of              (I.R.S. Employer
      incorporation or organization)              Identification No.)

                            1400 Union Meeting Road
                         Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19422
                    (Address of principal executive office)
                                   (Zip Code)

                                 (215) 619-2700
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

   (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  Registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.  YES X NO ___

     Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in rule 12b-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934). YES X NO ___

     Number of shares of the Registrant's Common Stock outstanding on August 29,
2003: 25,494,484

                             C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                                AND SUBSIDIARIES


   PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                   Page No.

      Item 1 - Financial Statements

          Consolidated Balance Sheets -
           July 31, 2003 and January 31, 2003...................      3

          Consolidated Statements of Income - Three
           and Six Months Ended July 31, 2003 and 2002..........      5

          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
           Six Months Ended July 31, 2003 and 2002..............      6

          Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income -
           Three and Six Months Ended July 31, 2003 and 2002....      7

          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements............      8

          Report of Independent Accountants.....................     16

      Item 2 - Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                Financial Condition and Results of Operations...     17

      Item 3 - Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures
                About Market Risk...............................     23

      Item 4 - Controls and Procedures..........................     23

   PART II. OTHER INFORMATION...................................     24

   SIGNATURES...................................................     25

   EXHIBIT INDEX................................................     26



Item 1 - Financial Statements

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                                        July 31,     January 31,
                                                         2003           2003
                                                         ----           ----

Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents...................    $  6,769       $ 12,966
      Accounts receivable, less allowance for
           doubtful accounts of $1,635 and $1,906,
           respectively...........................      48,593         44,890
      Inventories.................................      46,144         47,905
      Deferred income taxes.......................       8,107          8,234
      Other current assets........................         910          2,304
                                                       -------        -------
                 Total current assets.............     110,523        116,299

Property, plant and equipment, net................     102,975        112,158
Intangible and other assets, net..................      36,917         38,724
Goodwill..........................................     113,904        114,975
                                                       -------        -------
                 Total assets.....................    $364,319       $382,156
                                                       =======        =======


Current liabilities:
      Short-term debt.............................    $ 22,500       $ 14,062
      Accounts payable............................      19,079         21,841
      Accrued liabilities.........................      19,075         18,961
      Income taxes................................       1,641            -
      Other current liabilities...................       6,142          7,659
                                                       -------        -------
                 Total current liabilities........      68,437         62,523

Deferred income taxes ............................      11,513         10,579
Long-term debt....................................         -           25,857
Other liabilities.................................      15,494         16,613
                                                       -------        -------
                 Total liabilities................      95,444        115,572

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                     CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (continued)
                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                                        July 31,    January 31,
                                                         2003          2003
                                                         ----          ----
Commitments and contingencies

Minority interest.................................       8,190         8,310

Stockholders' equity:
      Common stock, $.01 par value, 75,000,000
          shares authorized; 28,547,713 and
          28,509,803 shares issued, respectively..         285           285
      Additional paid-in capital..................      69,635        69,152
      Treasury stock, at cost, 3,042,095 and
          2,810,280 shares, respectively..........     (41,590)      (38,409)
      Accumulated other comprehensive income......         292           881
      Retained earnings...........................     232,063       226,365
                                                       -------       -------
                 Total stockholders' equity.......     260,685       258,274
                                                       -------       -------
                 Total liabilities and
                   stockholders' equity...........    $364,319      $382,156
                                                       =======       =======

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                               Three months ended        Six months ended
                                                   July 31,                  July 31,
                                               2003        2002          2003         2002
                                               ----        ----          ----         ----
Net sales............................        $ 81,364    $ 84,292      $ 158,732    $ 168,354
Cost of sales........................          62,286      64,090        122,662      129,506
                                              -------     -------        -------      -------
    Gross profit.....................          19,078      20,202         36,070       38,848

Selling, general and
    administrative expenses..........          10,524       9,044         19,694       17,853
Research and development
    expenses.........................           2,335       2,532          4,746        4,894
                                              -------     -------        -------      -------
    Operating income.................           6,219       8,626         11,630       16,101

Interest expense, net................             302         822            748        2,006
Other expense, net...................             312         116            582          110
                                              -------     -------        -------      -------
    Income before income taxes and
       minority interest.............           5,605       7,688         10,300       13,985

Provision for income taxes...........           2,074       2,844          3,811        5,174
                                              -------     -------        -------      -------
    Net income before minority
       interest......................           3,531       4,844          6,489        8,811

Minority interest....................             (49)        140             87          (17)
                                              -------     -------        -------      -------
    Net income.......................        $  3,580    $  4,704       $  6,402     $  8,828
                                              =======     =======        =======      =======

Net income per share - basic.........        $    .14    $    .18       $    .25     $    .34
                                              =======     =======        =======      =======

Net income per share - diluted.......        $    .14    $    .18       $    .25     $    .34
                                              =======     =======        =======      =======

Dividends per share..................        $ .01375    $ .02750       $ .02750     $ .04125
                                              =======     =======        =======      =======

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                              Six months ended
                                                                  July 31,
                                                              2003       2002*
                                                              ----       ----
Cash flows provided (used) by operating activities:
    Net income...........................................   $  6,402   $  8,828
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
      cash provided by operating activities:
          Minority interest..............................         87        (17)
          Depreciation and amortization..................     11,440     12,250
          Deferred income taxes..........................      1,061        557
          Loss on disposal of assets.....................         47        320
          Changes in:
                Accounts receivable......................     (3,539)      (393)
                Inventories..............................      1,775      8,829
                Other current assets.....................         66         38
                Accounts payable.........................     (2,381)      (680)
                Accrued liabilities......................        226     (1,914)
                Income taxes payable.....................      3,030      7,857
                Other current liabilities................     (1,519)       (13)
                Other liabilities........................     (1,118)       891
                Other assets.............................        870        160
          Other, net.....................................        362     (2,796)
                                                             -------    -------
Net cash provided by operating activities................     16,809     33,917
                                                             -------    -------
Cash flows provided (used) by investing activities:
    Acquisition of property, plant and equipment.........     (1,821)    (3,551)
    Proceeds from disposal of property, plant
       and equipment.....................................         64        602
                                                             -------    -------
Net cash used by investing activities....................     (1,757)    (2,949)
                                                             -------    -------
Cash flows provided (used) by financing activities:
    Repayment of debt....................................    (18,750)   (24,411)
    Proceeds from new borrowings.........................      1,250         -
    Financing cost of long-term debt.....................         -        (118)
    Proceeds from issuance of common stock, net..........        255        419
    Purchase of treasury stock...........................     (3,181)    (6,402)
    Payment of common stock dividends....................       (704)    (1,073)
    Payment of minority interest dividends...............       (207)        -
                                                             -------    -------
Net cash used by financing activities.............           (21,337)   (31,585)
                                                             -------    -------
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash...........                88        132
                                                             -------    -------
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents.............            (6,197)      (485)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
   of period......................................            12,966      8,781
                                                             -------    -------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period........          $  6,769   $  8,296
                                                             =======    =======


Decrease in property, plant, and
   equipment acquisitions in
   accounts payable...............................          $   (396)  $   (957)
                                                             =======    =======

  *Reclassified for comparative purposes.

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                             Three months ended        Six months ended
                                                                  July 31,                 July 31,
                                                             2003         2002        2003          2002
                                                             ----         ----        ----          ----
Net income...............................................   $3,580       $4,704      $6,402        $ 8,828

Other comprehensive income (expense), net of tax:

  Net unrealized gain (loss) on derivative instruments...      150         (286)        121            (67)

  Foreign currency translation adjustments...............      164        1,981        (710)         2,896
                                                             -----        -----       -----         ------
Total comprehensive income...............................   $3,894       $6,399      $5,813        $11,657
                                                             =====        =====       =====         ======

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)


     The  accompanying   interim   consolidated   financial  statements  of  C&D
Technologies,  Inc.  (together with its operating  subsidiaries,  the "Company")
should be read in conjunction  with the  consolidated  financial  statements and
notes thereto  contained in the Company's  Annual Report to Stockholders for the
fiscal year ended  January 31,  2003.  The January 31, 2003 amounts were derived
from the Company's  audited  financial  statements.  The consolidated  financial
statements  presented  herein are unaudited  but, in the opinion of  management,
include all necessary  adjustments  (which comprise only normal recurring items)
required for a fair  presentation of the consolidated  financial  position as of
July  31,  2003  and  the  related   consolidated   statements   of  income  and
comprehensive income for the three and six month periods ended July 31, 2003 and
2002 and the  related  consolidated  statements  of cash flow for the  six-month
periods ended July 31, 2003 and 2002. However, interim results of operations may
not be indicative of results for the full fiscal year.


     In April 2003, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board ("FASB")  issued
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 149,  "Amendment  of
Statement 133 on Derivative  Instruments and Hedging Activities." This Statement
amends  and  clarifies   financial   accounting  and  reporting  for  derivative
instruments,   including  certain  derivative   instruments  embedded  in  other
contracts  (collectively  referred to as derivatives) and for hedging activities
under  SFAS  No.  133,   Accounting  for  Derivative   Instruments  and  Hedging
Activities.  SFAS No. 149 is effective  for  contracts  entered into or modified
after  June 30,  2003,  except as stated  below  and for  hedging  relationships
designated  after  June 30,  2003.  In  addition,  except as stated  below,  all
provisions of SFAS No. 149 should be applied prospectively.

     The provisions of SFAS No. 149 relate to SFAS No. 133 implementation issues
that have been  effective for fiscal  quarters that began prior to June 15, 2003
and should continue to be applied in accordance with their respective  effective
dates. In addition, paragraphs 7(a) and 23(a), which relate to forward purchases
or sales of when-issued  securities or other  securities  that do not yet exist,
should be applied to both  existing  contracts  and new  contracts  entered into
after  June 30,  2003.  SFAS No. 149 had no  significant  impact at the point of
adoption  on the  Company's  consolidated  statements  of  income  or  financial


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)


     Inventories consisted of the following:
                                                    July 31,     January 31,
                                                      2003           2003
                                                      ----           ----

         Raw materials............................  $18,166        $17,833
         Work-in-progress.........................    9,346         10,379
         Finished goods...........................   18,632         19,693
                                                     ------         ------
                                                    $46,144        $47,905
                                                     ======         ======


     A reconciliation  of the provision for income taxes from the statutory rate
to the effective rate is as follows:
                                                        Six months ended
                                                            July 31,
                                                        2003         2002
                                                        ----         ----

     U.S. statutory income tax.......................   35.0%        35.0%
     State tax, net of federal income tax benefit....    1.0          1.8
     Foreign sales corporation.......................      -         (0.4)
     Tax effect of foreign operations................    0.6         (0.1)
     Research and development credit.................      -         (0.1)
     Other...........................................    0.4          0.8
                                                        ----         ----
                                                        37.0%        37.0%
                                                        ====         ====


     Net income  per share - basic is based on the  weighted  average  number of
shares of Common Stock outstanding.  Net income per share - diluted reflects the
potential  dilution that could occur if stock options were  exercised.  Weighted
average common shares and common shares - diluted were as follows:

                                                       Three months ended           Six months ended
                                                            July 31,                     July 31,
                                                        2003         2002           2003         2002
                                                        ----         ----           ----         ----
Weighted average shares
   of common stock
   outstanding...................................    25,554,863   25,915,083     25,601,418   25,943,416
Assumed exercise of stock
   options, net of shares
   assumed reacquired............................       101,355      225,323        106,077      263,766
                                                     ----------   ----------     ----------   ----------
Weighted average common
   shares - diluted..............................    25,656,218   26,140,406     25,707,495   26,207,182
                                                     ==========   ==========     ==========   ==========


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)



     The Company is subject to  extensive  and evolving  environmental  laws and
regulations  regarding the clean-up and  protection of the  environment,  worker
health  and  safety  and  the  protection  of  third  parties.  These  laws  and
regulations  include,  but are not limited to: (i) requirements  relating to the
handling,  storage, use and disposal of lead and other hazardous materials found
in  manufacturing  processes and solid wastes;  (ii) record keeping and periodic
reporting to governmental  entities  regarding the use and disposal of hazardous
materials; (iii) monitoring and permitting of air emissions and water discharge;
and (iv) monitoring  worker  exposure to hazardous  substances in the workplace,
and  protecting  workers from  impermissible  exposure to hazardous  substances,
including lead, used in our manufacturing process.

     Notwithstanding   the  Company's   efforts  to  maintain   compliance  with
applicable  environmental  requirements,  if injury or damage to  persons or the
environment arises from hazardous  substances used,  generated or disposed of in
the conduct of the Company's  business (or that of a  predecessor  to the extent
the  Company is not  indemnified  therefor),  the Company may be held liable for
certain damages and for the costs of investigation and remediation,  which could
have a material adverse effect on the Company's business,  financial  condition,
or results of  operations.  However,  under the terms of the purchase  agreement
with Allied  Corporation  ("Allied")  for the  acquisition  of the Company  (the
"Acquisition Agreement"),  Allied was obligated to indemnify the Company for any
liabilities of this type resulting from conditions  existing at January 28, 1986
that were not  disclosed  by  Allied  to the  Company  in the  schedules  to the
Acquisition  Agreement.  These  obligations  have since been assumed by Allied's
successor in interest, Honeywell ("Honeywell").

     The Company,  along with  numerous  other  parties,  has been  requested to
provide  information to the United States  Environmental  Protection Agency (the
"EPA")  in  connection  with   investigations   of  the  source  and  extent  of
contamination at three lead smelting  facilities (the "Third Party  Facilities")
to which the Company had made scrap lead shipments for reclamation  prior to the
date of the acquisition.

     The Company and four other potentially  responsible parties ("PRPs") agreed
upon a cost  sharing  arrangement  for the  design and  remediation  phases of a
project related to one of the Third Party  Facilities,  the former NL Industries
in  Pedricktown,  New  Jersey,  acting  pursuant to a Consent  Decree.  The PRPs
identified and sued additional PRPs for contribution.  In April 2002, one of the
original four PRPs, Exide Technologies ("Exide"), filed for relief under Chapter
11 of Title 11 of the United  States Code.  In August 2002,  Exide  notified the
PRPs that it would no longer be taking an active role in any  further  action at
the site and  discontinued its financial  participation.  This resulted in a pro
rata increase in the liabilities of the other PRPs, including the Company.

     The Company also responded to requests for information from the EPA and the
state  environmental  agency with regard to another  Third Party  Facility,  the
"Chicago Site," in October 1991.

     In August 2002, the Company was notified of its involvement as a PRP at the
NL  Atlanta,  Northside  Drive  Superfund  site.  The  Company is  currently  in
negotiations  with  the  other  PRPs at this  site  regarding  its  share of the
allocated liability, which the Company expects to be de minimis.


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

     The  Company  is  also  aware  of the  existence  of  contamination  at its
Huguenot,  New York  facility,  which is  expected to require  expenditures  for
further investigation and remediation.  The site is listed by the New York State
Department of Environmental  Conservation ("NYSDEC") on its registry of inactive
hazardous  waste  disposal  sites  due to the  presence  of  fluoride  and other
contamination  in amounts that exceed  state  groundwater  standards.  The prior
owner of the site is  expected to  ultimately  bear some,  as yet  undetermined,
share of the costs associated with this matter for contamination in place at the
time the  Company  acquired  the  property.  The  NYSDEC  has issued a Record of
Decision  for the  soil  remediation  portion  of this  site.  However,  a final
remediation plan for the ground water portion has not yet been finalized with or
approved by the State of New York.

     The Company, together with Johnson Controls, Inc. ("JCI"), is conducting an
assessment and remediation of contamination at its Dynasty Division  facility in
Milwaukee,  Wisconsin.  The majority of this project was completed as of October
2001. Under the purchase  agreement with JCI, the Company is responsible for (i)
one-half of the cost of the on-site  assessment and remediation,  with a maximum
liability of $1,750, (ii) any environmental liabilities at the facility that are
not  remediated  as  part  of  the  current  project  and  (iii)   environmental
liabilities  for claims made after the fifth  anniversary  of the closing,  i.e.
March  2004,  that arise from  migration  from a  pre-closing  condition  at the
Milwaukee  facility  to  locations  other  than  the  Milwaukee  facility,   but
specifically excluding liabilities relating to pre-closing offsite disposal. JCI
has retained all other environmental liabilities,  including off-site assessment
and remediation.

     In January 1999, the Company received  notification from the EPA of alleged
violations of permit effluent and pretreatment  discharge limits at its plant in
Attica,  Indiana.  The Company  submitted a compliance  plan to the EPA in April
2002. The Company  engaged in  negotiations  with both the EPA and Department of
Justice through March 2003 regarding a potential  resolution of this matter. The
government  filed suit against the Company in March 2003 for alleged  violations
of the Clean  Water Act.  The  complaint  requests  injunctive  relief and civil
penalties of up to the amounts provided by statute. The Company anticipates that
the matter will result in a penalty assessment and compliance  obligations.  The
Company will continue to seek a negotiated or mediated resolution, failing which
it intends to vigorously defend the action.

     The Company accrues reserves for liabilities in the Company's  consolidated
financial statements and periodically reevaluates the reserved amounts for these
liabilities in view of the most current information available in accordance with
SFAS  No.  5,  "Accounting  for  Contingencies."  Based on  currently  available
information,  management of the Company believes that appropriate  reserves have
been established with respect to the foregoing  contingent  liabilities and that
they  are not  expected  to have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  Company's
business, financial condition or results of operations.


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)


     The Company has the following four reportable business segments:

     The Powercom  Division  manufactures and markets  integrated  reserve power
systems  and   components   for  the  standby  power  market,   which   includes
telecommunications,  uninterruptible  power supplies and  utilities.  Integrated
reserve  power  systems  monitor and  regulate  electric  power flow and provide
backup power in the event of a primary power loss or interruption.  The Powercom
Division also produces the  individual  components of these  systems,  including
reserve batteries, power rectifiers, system monitors, power boards and chargers.

     The  Dynasty  Division   manufactures  and  markets  industrial   batteries
primarily for the  uninterruptible  power supply,  telecommunications  and cable
markets.  Major  applications  of these products  include  wireless and wireline
telephone infrastructure,  CATV signal powering,  corporate data center powering
and computer network back-up for use during a utility power outage.

     The Power Electronics  Division  manufactures and markets custom,  standard
and  modified-standard  electronic  power  supply  systems,  including  DC to DC
converters,   for   large   original   equipment   manufacturers   ("OEMs")   of
telecommunications  and networking  equipment,  as well as office and industrial

     The Motive Power  Division  manufactures  complete  systems and  individual
components (including power electronics and batteries) to power, monitor, charge
and test the batteries used in electric industrial vehicles, including fork-lift
trucks,  automated guided vehicles and airline ground support  equipment.  These
products  are marketed to end users in a broad array of  industries,  dealers of
fork-lift trucks and other material handling vehicles,  and, to a lesser extent,

     Summarized financial information related to the Company's business segments
for the three and six months ended July 31, 2003 and 2002 is shown below:

                                                                            Power        Motive
                                               Powercom      Dynasty      Electronics     Power
                                               Division      Division      Division      Division    Consolidated
                                               --------      --------     -----------    --------    ------------
Three months ended July 31, 2003:

Net sales................................     $33,354        $26,010       $10,042       $11,958      $ 81,364
Operating income (loss)..................     $ 4,257        $ 4,002       $  (391)      $(1,649)     $  6,219

Three months ended July 31, 2002:

Net sales................................     $35,668        $23,054       $12,493       $13,077      $ 84,292
Operating income (loss)..................     $ 5,306        $ 4,018       $   440       $(1,138)     $  8,626

Six months ended July 31, 2003:

Net sales................................     $65,214        $49,602       $19,078       $24,838      $158,732
Operating income (loss)..................     $ 8,335        $ 7,473       $  (985)      $(3,193)     $ 11,630

Six months ended July 31, 2002:

Net sales................................     $72,156        $44,110       $25,336       $26,752      $168,354
Operating income (loss)..................     $11,310        $ 6,410       $   576       $(2,195)     $ 16,101


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)


     The  following  table  includes all interest rate swaps as of July 31, 2003
and January 31, 2003.  These  interest  rate swaps are  designated  as cash flow
hedges and,  therefore,  changes in the fair value,  net of tax, are recorded in
accumulated other comprehensive income (loss).

                                        Fixed     Variable      Fair      Fair
                                       Interest   Interest     Value     Value
Notional      Origination   Maturity     Rate       Rate         At        At
 Amount           Date        Date       Paid     Received     7/31/03   1/31/03
- --------      -----------   --------   --------   --------    --------   -------

 $20,000      02/05/01      03/01/03    5.24%     LIBOR       $   -     $   (66)

  20,000      04/11/01      04/11/06    5.56%     LIBOR        (1,695)   (1,832)
                                                              -------   -------
                                                              $(1,695)  $(1,898)
                                                              =======   =======

     The  Company  does not  invest in  derivative  securities  for  speculative
purposes,  but does  enter  into  hedging  arrangements  in order to reduce  its
exposure  to  fluctuations  in  interest  rates  as well as to  fluctuations  in
exchange rates. The Company applies hedge accounting in accordance with SFAS No.
133,  whereby the Company  designates each derivative as a hedge of (i) the fair
value of a recognized  asset or liability or of an unrecognized  firm commitment
("fair value" hedge);  or (ii) the  variability  of anticipated  cash flows of a
forecasted  transaction  or the cash flows to be received  or paid  related to a
recognized asset or liability ("cash flow" hedge).  From time to time,  however,
the Company may enter into  derivatives that  economically  hedge certain of its
risks,  even though  hedge  accounting  is not allowed by SFAS No. 133 or is not
applied by the Company. In these cases, there generally exists a natural hedging
relationship  in which  changes  in fair  value  of the  derivative,  which  are
recognized  currently in earnings,  act as an economic  offset to changes in the
fair value of the  underlying  hedged  item(s).  The Company did not apply hedge
accounting to currency forward  contracts with a combined fair value of $970 and
$(258) as of July 31, 2003 and January  31,  2003.  Changes in the fair value of
these currency forward contracts are recorded in other expense (income), net.


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)


     In December 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 148, "Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation  - Transition  and  Disclosure  an amendment of FASB  Statement No.
123." SFAS No. 148 provides  alternative  methods of  transition  for  companies
making  a  voluntary  change  to fair  value-based  accounting  for  stock-based
employee  compensation.  The Company  continues  to account for its stock option
plans under the  intrinsic  value  recognition  and  measurement  principles  of
Accounting  Principle  Board's  Opinion No. 25,  "Accounting for Stock Issued to
Employees," and related Interpretations. Effective for interim periods beginning
after  December 15, 2002,  SFAS No. 148 also  requires  disclosure  of pro-forma
results  on a  quarterly  basis as if the  Company  had  applied  the fair value
recognition provisions of SFAS No. 123.

     As the exercise  price of all options  granted  under the  Company's  stock
option plans was equal to the market price of the underlying common stock on the
grant date,  no  stock-based  employee  compensation  cost is  recognized in net
income.  The following  table  illustrates the effect on net income and earnings
per share if the Company had applied the fair value  recognition  provisions  of
SFAS No. 123, as amended,  to options granted under the stock option plans.  For
purposes of this  pro-forma  disclosure,  the estimated  value of the options is
amortized  ratably to expense over the  options'  vesting  periods.  Because the
estimated  value  is  determined  as of the  date of  grant,  the  actual  value
ultimately realized by the employee may be significantly different.

                                                             Three months ended         Six months ended
                                                                  July 31,                  July 31,
                                                             2003          2002        2003          2002
                                                             ----          ----        ----          ----
Net income - as reported................................   $3,580        $4,704      $6,402        $8,828
Deduct: Total stock-based employee compensation
  expense determined under fair value based method
  for all awards, net of related tax effects............    1,052         1,334       2,070         2,429
                                                            -----         -----       -----         -----
Net income - pro forma..................................   $2,528        $3,370      $4,332        $6,399
                                                            =====         =====       =====         =====
Net income per common share - basic - as reported.......     0.14          0.18        0.25          0.34
Net income per common share - basic - pro forma.........     0.10          0.13        0.17          0.25
Net income per common share - diluted - as reported.....     0.14          0.18        0.25          0.34
Net income per common share - diluted - pro forma.......     0.10          0.13        0.17          0.24
Weighted average fair value of options
  granted during the period.............................     6.96         10.19        7.74          9.32

     SFAS No.  123  requires  the use of  option  pricing  models  that were not
developed  for  use  in  valuing  employee  stock  options.   The  Black-Scholes
option-pricing  model was  developed  for use in  estimating  the fair  value of
short-lived  exchange traded options that have no vesting  restrictions  and are
fully  transferable.  In addition,  option-pricing  models  require the input of
highly  subjective  assumptions,  including  the option's  expected life and the
price  volatility of the  underlying  stock.  Because  changes in the subjective
input assumptions can materially affect the fair value estimate,  in the opinion
of management,  the existing models do not necessarily provide a reliable single
measure of the fair value of employee stock options.

     The value of options  granted  was  estimated  at the date of grant using a
Black-Scholes   option-pricing   model  with  the  following   weighted  average

                                                        Three months ended            Six months ended
                                                             July 31,                      July 31,
                                                        2003         2002             2003         2002
                                                        ----         ----             ----         ----
Risk free interest rate.........................        2.53%        4.42%            2.80%        4.42%
Expected dividend yield.........................        0.38%        0.27%            0.34%        0.27%
Expected volatility factor......................        0.551        0.477            0.533        0.477
Weighted average expected life..................      5.00 years   5.00 years       5.00 years   5.00 years


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)


     The Company  provides for  estimated  product  warranty  expenses  when the
related  products are sold.  Because  warranty  estimates are forecasts that are
based on the best available information, primarily historical claims experience,
claims  costs may differ from  amounts  provided.  An analysis of changes in the
liability for product warranties follows:

      Balance at February 1, 2003 .......................... $10,599
      Current year provisions ..............................   2,280
      Expenditures .........................................  (4,382)

      Balance at July 31, 2003 ............................. $ 8,497


     On September 9, 2003, the Company announced that it had signed an agreement
to purchase  certain  assets of Matsushita  Battery  Industrial  Corporation  of
America  and  Matsushita  Battery  Industrial  de  Mexico,   S.A.  de  C.V.  for
manufacturing certain industrial lead acid stationary batteries. The transaction
is  expected  to  close  in  late  September  2003.  In  conjunction   with  the
acquisition,  the Company entered into a worldwide  technology license agreement
with Matsushita  Battery  Industrial Co. Ltd. of Japan for selected  patents and



To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of C&D Technologies, Inc.:

We  have   reviewed  the   accompanying   consolidated   balance  sheet  of  C&D
Technologies, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the "Company") as of July 31, 2003, and
the related consolidated  statements of income and comprehensive income for each
of the three-month  and six-month  periods ended July 31, 2003 and 2002, and the
consolidated  statements of cash flows for the six-month  periods ended July 31,
2003 and 2002. These interim financial  statements are the responsibility of the
Company's management.

We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by the American
Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants.  A review  of  interim  financial
information  consists  principally of applying analytical  procedures and making
inquiries of persons  responsible  for financial and accounting  matters.  It is
substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with generally
accepted  auditing  standards,  the  objective of which is the  expression of an
opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly,  we do
not express such an opinion.

Based on our review, we are not aware of any material  modifications that should
be made to the accompanying  consolidated  interim financial statements for them
to be in conformity with accounting  principles generally accepted in the United
States of America.

We previously audited in accordance with auditing  standards  generally accepted
in the United States of America,  the  consolidated  balance sheet as of January
31,  2003,  and the related  consolidated  statements  of income,  stockholders'
equity,  cash  flows,  and  comprehensive  income  for the year then  ended (not
presented  herein),  and in our report  dated  March 14,  2003 we  expressed  an
unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial statements.  In our opinion,
the  information  set  forth  in the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheet
information as of January 31, 2003, is fairly stated in all material respects in
relation to the consolidated balance sheet from which it has been derived.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- ------------------------------

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Philadelphia, PA
August 28, 2003


Item 2.

                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

     Within the following  discussion,  unless otherwise  stated,  "quarter" and
"six-month  period",  refer to the  second  quarter  of fiscal  2004 and the six
months ended July 31, 2003. All comparisons are with the  corresponding  periods
in the prior year, unless otherwise stated.

     Net sales for the second quarter of fiscal 2004  decreased  $2,928 or 3% to
$81,364  from  $84,292  in the  second  quarter of fiscal  2003.  This  decrease
resulted  from lower sales in the Power  Electronics,  Powercom and Motive Power
divisions,  partially offset by higher sales in the Dynasty  Division.  Sales by
the Power  Electronics  Division  declined  $2,451  during the quarter,  or 20%,
primarily due to a decline in DC to DC converter sales,  although second quarter
sales were 11% higher than the first quarter of fiscal 2004. Powercom divisional
sales decreased $2,314 in the three months ended July 31, 2003, or 6%, primarily
due to lower sales to the telecommunications  market. Powercom sales continue to
be affected by the lower  spending  levels of the  telecommunications  industry,
especially for major new projects.  We are beginning to see a modest increase in
sales related to the UPS market.  Sales of the Motive Power Division fell $1,119
during the quarter,  or 9%,  primarily due to lower  charger and battery  sales.
Sales in the Dynasty Division  increased $2,956 or 13% in the three months ended
July 31, 2003.  Contributing  to the higher  sales was an  increased  demand for
sealed  products in the North  American  UPS market,  partially  offset by lower
sales from our China location as well as sales to the cable market. We have seen
an  increase  in the UPS OEM market,  beginning  in the first  quarter of fiscal
2004, which has continued through the second quarter.  In addition,  the Dynasty
division has benefited from the continued  strength of its  aftermarket  channel
partners. Sales for the six-month period decreased $9,622 or 6% to $158,732 from
$168,354 in the six months  ended July 31, 2002.  This  decrease  resulted  from
lower sales in the  Powercom,  Power  Electronics  and Motive  Power  divisions,
partially offset by higher sales in the Dynasty Division.  Sales by the Powercom
Division fell $6,942 or 10% during the six-month period,  primarily due to lower
sales to the  telecommunications  market.  Power  Electronics  divisional  sales
declined $6,258 or 25%,  primarily due to a decline in DC to DC converter sales.
Sales of the Motive Power  Division  fell $1,914 or 7%,  primarily  due to lower
battery and charger sales.  Dynasty  Division sales  increased by $5,492 or 12%,
primarily  due to an increase in sales to the UPS  market,  partially  offset by
lower sales to the cable market.

     Gross profit for the second quarter of fiscal 2004  decreased  $1,124 or 6%
to $19,078 from $20,202 in the second quarter of the prior year,  resulting in a
decrease in gross margin from 24.0% to 23.4%. Gross profit declined in the Power
Electronics, Powercom and Motive Power divisions, primarily as a result of lower
sales volumes.  Gross profit in the Dynasty Division  increased,  primarily as a
result of higher sales  volumes.  Gross profit for the six months ended July 31,
2003  declined  $2,778 or 7% to $36,070 from 36,848,  resulting in a decrease in
gross margin from 23.1% to 22.7%.  Gross profit declined in the Powercom,  Power
Electronics,  and Motive Power  divisions,  primarily as a result of lower sales
volumes.  Gross profit in the Dynasty Division increased,  primarily as a result
of higher sales volumes. Material prices increased modestly in the quarter, with
the price of lead,  a primary  component  of our cost,  increasing  through  the
second quarter of fiscal 2004.

     Selling,  general and  administrative  expenses  for the second  quarter of
fiscal 2004  increased  $1,480 or 16%. This increase was primarily due to higher
warranty   expenses,   coupled  with  higher   expenses   related  to  potential
acquisitions  and business  related legal  expenses.  For the six-month  period,
selling,  general and  administrative  expenses  increased  $1,841 or 10%.  This
increase was the result of higher warranty expenses,  payroll-related costs and
potential  acquisition-related costs, partially offset by lower variable selling
costs associated with the decreased sales volumes.

     Research  and  development  expenses  in the second  quarter of fiscal 2004
decreased $197 or 8%, primarily due to reduced spending in the Power Electronics
and Dynasty  divisions,  partially offset by higher spending in the Powercom and
Motive Power  divisions.  As a  percentage  of sales,  research and  development
expenses  decreased  from 3.0% of sales in the second  quarter of fiscal 2003 to
2.9% of sales in the second  quarter of fiscal 2004.  For the six-month  period,
research and development expenses decreased $148 or 3%. This decrease was also a
result of reduced  spending  in the Power  Electronics  and  Dynasty  divisions,
partially  offset by higher spending in the Powercom and Motive Power divisions.
As a percentage of sales,  research and development expenses increased from 2.9%
in the first half of fiscal 2003 to 3.0% during the first half of fiscal 2004.


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)
                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

     Operating  income for the second quarter of fiscal 2004 decreased $2,407 or
28% to $6,219 from $8,626 in the  comparable  quarter of the prior  fiscal year.
This decrease was the result of lower operating income generated by the Powercom
and Dynasty Divisions during the quarter,  a higher operating loss in the Motive
Power  Division in the three months  ended July 31, 2003 and an  operating  loss
generated by the Power  Electronics  Division  during the quarter  compared with
operating income in the second quarter of fiscal 2003.  Operating income for the
six-month  period fell $4,471 or 28% to $11,630 from  $16,101 in the  comparable
period of the prior fiscal year. This decrease was the result of lower operating
income  generated by the Powercom  Division during the six months ended July 31,
2003, an operating loss in the Power  Electronics  Division during the six-month
period compared with operating income during the comparable  period of the prior
year, a higher  operating  loss in the Motive  Power  Division in the six months
ended July 31, 2003,  partially offset by higher operating income in the Dynasty

     As  reported  in the first  quarter of fiscal  2004,  we  continue  to make
significant  changes in the divisions that have operating  losses.  In the Power
Electronics Division, the move of certain manufacturing  processes to Guangzhou,
China  continues  with  approximately  80 positions  transferred  to date.  This
transition was delayed for  approximately two months due to the SARS outbreak in
China,  which did not directly affect employees at the Company's  facility.  The
Motive  Power  Division  continues to fall short of  expectations,  although the
previously  reported  warranty  issue  appears to be declining.  We  implemented
administrative  changes at the  beginning of the quarter and have begun to see a
trend down in both the number of claims relating to the period four years ago as
well as the total costs.  The project to move warehousing and finishing from our
Huguenot,  New York  facility  to space  available  in our  Leola,  Pennsylvania
facility has been concluded. In addition,  there has been a dramatic improvement
in the division's on-time delivery.

     Interest  expense,  net,  decreased $520 for the quarter and $1,258 for the
six-month  period,  primarily due to lower  average debt  balances  outstanding,
coupled with lower effective interest rates.

     Income  tax  expense  decreased  $770 for the  quarter  and  $1,363 for the
six-month  period  as the  result  of lower  income  before  income  taxes.  The
effective  tax rate consists of statutory  rates  adjusted for the tax impact of
foreign operations.  The effective tax rate was 37% for both the quarter and the
six-month period as well as the comparable periods of the prior fiscal year.

     Minority interest reflects the 33% ownership  interest in the joint venture
battery business located in Shanghai, China that is not owned by C&D. During the
quarter,  the  Shanghai  joint  venture  generated  a net loss as opposed to net
income in the  comparable  period of the prior  fiscal year.  For the  six-month
period,  the joint venture had net income as compared to a net loss in the prior
fiscal year.

     As a result of the above, for the second quarter of fiscal 2004, net income
decreased $1,124 or 24% to $3,580 or $0.14 per share - basic and $0.14 per share
- - diluted.  For the  six-month  period,  net income  decreased  $2,426 or 27% to
$6,402 or $0.25 per share - basic  and  $0.25 per share -  diluted.  The  recent
power  problem in the United  States and Canada has  increased  awareness of our
nation's power grid  vulnerabilities  and complexities  which may result in more
companies  investing  in back-up  power.  We  believe  that the response to this
awareness, combined with the aforementioned increase in our UPS business and the
increased level of quotation activity in the  telecommunications  sector,  could
enable C&D to generate  earnings  per share  during the third  quarter of fiscal
2004 which  exceeds that of the second  quarter of fiscal 2004 by a double digit

     On  September  9, 2003,  we  announced  that we had signed an  agreement to
purchase certain assets of Matsushita Battery Industrial  Corporation of America
and  Matsushita  Battery  Industrial de Mexico,  S.A. de C.V. for  manufacturing
certain industrial lead acid stationary  batteries.  The transaction is expected
to close in late September 2003. In conjunction with the acquisition, we entered
into a worldwide technology license agreement with Matsushita Battery Industrial
Co. Ltd. of Japan for selected patents and know-how.


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)
                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     Net cash  provided  by  operating  activities  decreased  $17,108 or 50% to
$16,809 for the six-month  period ended July 31, 2003 compared to $33,917 in the
same period of the prior year.  This  decrease in net cash provided by operating
activities was primarily due to: (i) a smaller  decrease in inventory in the six
months  ended July 31, 2003 versus the six months  ended July 31,  2002;  (ii) a
smaller increase in income taxes payable in the first half of fiscal 2004 versus
the first half of fiscal 2003;  (iii) a larger decrease in accounts  payable and
other current liabilities in the six-month period ended July 31, 2003 versus the
comparable  period of the prior fiscal year;  (iv) a larger increase in accounts
receivable  in the six months  ended July 31, 2003  versus the six months  ended
July 31, 2002;  (v) lower net income in the first half of fiscal 2004 versus the
first half of fiscal  2003;  and (vi) a  decrease  in other  liabilities  in the
six-month  period ended July 31, 2003 versus an increase  during the  comparable
period of the prior  fiscal  year.  These  changes,  resulting in lower net cash
provided  by  operating  activities,  were  partially  offset by an  increase in
accrued  liabilities in the six-month period of the current fiscal year versus a
decrease during the comparable period of the prior fiscal year.

     Net cash used by investing  activities decreased $1,192 or 40% to $1,757 in
the first six months of fiscal  2004  compared to $2,949 in the first six months
of fiscal 2003 due to lower capital spending, partially offset by lower proceeds
from the disposal of property, plant and equipment.

     Net cash used by financing  activities  decreased $10,248 or 32% to $21,337
in the  six-month  period  ended July 31,  2003  compared to $31,585 in the same
period of the prior year. This decrease was primarily due to a smaller  decrease
in long-term  debt,  lower  purchases of treasury stock and higher proceeds from
new borrowings.

     The  availability  under our  current  loan  agreement  is  expected  to be
sufficient to meet our ongoing cash needs for working capital requirements, debt
service,  capital  expenditures and possible strategic  acquisitions.  This loan
agreement  contains  restrictive  covenants that require us to maintain  minimum
ratios such as fixed charge  coverage and  leverage  ratios,  as well as minimum
consolidated net worth. We were in compliance with our loan agreement  covenants
at July 31,  2003.  Our  current  loan  agreement  expires  on  March  1,  2004.
Therefore,  as of July 31, 2003,  all of our debt is classified  as current.  We
expect  to enter  into a new loan  agreement  prior  to March 1,  2004.  Capital
expenditures  during  fiscal 2003 were  incurred to fund a continuing  series of
cost reduction programs,  normal maintenance and regulatory  compliance.  Fiscal
2004  capital  expenditures  are  expected  to be less than  $7,000 for  similar

     We intend to continue making prudent purchases of our Company stock, paying
down  debt  and  selectively  pursuing  complementary   accretive  acquisitions.
Strategic acquisition  opportunities will be expected to enhance C&D's long-term
competitive position and growth prospects and may require external financing. We
cannot assure, however, that we will close on any such acquisitions.

     Our bank loan agreement permits dividends to be paid on our Common Stock as
long as there is no default under that  agreement.  Subject to that  restriction
and the provisions of Delaware law, our Board of Directors  currently intends to
continue paying dividends. We cannot assure that we will continue to do so since
future  dividends  will depend on our  earnings,  financial  condition and other

     The local Chinese government has notified our Shanghai C&D Battery Co. Ltd,
that it will be required to relocate  its Shanghai  plant during  fiscal 2005 to
permit the Pudong  authorities  to develop  the region  into a cultural  center.
Negotiations  are in the final  stages  regarding  the details  surrounding  the
specific location, timing and cost responsibilities related to the relocation of
the Shanghai  plant.  A location in the vicinity of our existing  plant has been
selected for the  relocation  of the plant.  This  relocation is not expected to
have a  material  adverse  effect  on our  financial  condition  or  results  of


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)
                 (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)


See footnote number 2.


     Statements and information  contained in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
that are not historical facts are "forward-looking"  statements made pursuant to
the  safe-harbor  provisions of the Private  Securities  Litigation Act of 1995.
Forward-looking statements may be identified by their use of words like "plans,"
"expects," "will," "anticipates," "intends," "projects," "estimates," "believes"
or other words of similar meaning.  All statements that address  expectations or
projections  about the future,  including,  but not limited to, statements about
our strategy for growth,  goals, trends,  product development,  market position,
market   conditions,    expenditures,   sales   and   financial   results,   are
forward-looking  statements.  Forward-looking  statements  are based on  certain
assumptions and  expectations of future events and involve a number of risks and
uncertainties.  We cannot guarantee that these  assumptions and expectations are
accurate or will occur.  We caution readers not to place undue reliance on these
forward-looking  statements.  These statements speak only as of the date of this
Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q,  and we  undertake  no  obligation  to update or
revise these statements to reflect events or  circumstances  occurring after the
date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

     The  factors  that could cause  actual  results to differ  materially  from
anticipated  results  expressed  or  implied  in any  forward-looking  statement
include those  referenced in our other filings with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission,  those  referenced  with the  forward-looking  statement,  including
factors  discussed  in  this  Quarterly  Report  on  Form  10-Q,  as well as the
following factors:

o    We operate worldwide and derive a portion of our revenue from sales outside
     the United  States.  Changes in the laws or  policies of  governmental  and
     quasi-governmental  agencies, as well as social and economic conditions, in
     the  countries  in which we  operate  could  affect our  business  in these
     countries  and our results of  operations.  In addition,  economic  factors
     (including  inflation  and  fluctuations  in  interest  rates  and  foreign
     currency exchange rates) and competitive factors (such as price competition
     or business  combinations of competitors) or a decline in industry sales or
     cancelled or delayed orders due to economic weakness or changes in economic
     conditions,  either in the United  States and other  countries  in which we
     conduct business could affect our results of operations.

o    Terrorist  acts or acts of war,  whether  in the  United  States or abroad,
     could cause damage or disruption to our operations, our suppliers, channels
     to  market  or  customers,  or could  cause  costs to  increase,  or create
     political  or  economic  instability,  any of which  could  have a material
     adverse effect on our business.

o    Our results of operations could be adversely  affected by conditions in the
     domestic and global economies or the markets in which we conduct  business,
     such as telecommunications,  UPS, CATV, switchgear and control and material


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)
                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

o    Our ability to grow earnings  could be affected by increases in the cost of
     raw  materials,  particularly  lead. We may not be able to fully offset the
     effects  of  higher  raw  material   costs  through   price   increases  or
     productivity improvements.

o    Our ability to meet  customer  demand  depends,  in part, on our ability to
     obtain  timely  and  adequate  delivery  of parts and  components  from our
     suppliers  and internal  manufacturing  capacity.  Although we work closely
     with our suppliers to avoid  shortages,  there can be no assurance  that we
     will not encounter  shortages in the future. A reduction or interruption in
     component  supply  or a  significant  increase  in the price of one or more
     components could have a material adverse effect on our operations.

o    Our growth  objectives  are largely  dependent  on our ability to renew our
     pipeline  of new  products  and to bring  these  products  to market.  This
     ability  may be  adversely  affected by  difficulties  or delays in product
     development,  such as the  inability  to:  identify  viable  new  products;
     successfully  complete research and development  projects;  obtain adequate
     intellectual  property  protection;  or gain market  acceptance  of the new
     products. Our growth could also be affected by new competitive products and

o    As part of our strategy  for growth,  we have made and may continue to make
     acquisitions,  and in the future,  may make divestitures and form strategic
     alliances.  There can be no  assurance  that  these  will be  completed  or
     beneficial to us.

o    We have undertaken and may continue to undertake productivity  initiatives,
     including re-organizations to improve performance or generate cost savings.
     In addition,  we may from time to time relocate or consolidate  one or more
     of C&D's operations. There can be no assurance that any planned performance
     improvements  or cost savings from such activities will be realized or that
     delays or other  interruptions  in  production or delivery of products will
     not occur as the result of any relocation or consolidation.  Further, there
     can be no  assurance  that any of these  initiatives  will be  completed or
     beneficial to C&D.

o    Our  facilities  are  subject to a broad  array of  environmental  laws and
     regulations.  The costs of complying  with complex  environmental  laws and
     regulations,   as  well  as  participation  in  voluntary   programs,   are
     significant and will continue to be so for the foreseeable  future.  We are
     also  subject  to   potentially   significant   fines  and   penalties  for
     non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations.  Our accruals for such
     costs and  liabilities may not be adequate since the estimates on which the
     accruals are based depend on a number of factors including, but not limited
     to, the nature of the problem,  the complexity of the issues, the nature of
     the remedy, the outcome of discussions with regulatory  agencies and/or the
     government and, as applicable,  other PRPs at multiparty  sites, the number
     and financial viability of other PRPs and risks associated with litigation.


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)
                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

o    We are  exposed  to the  credit  risk of our  customers  including  risk of
     insolvency  and  bankruptcy.  Although we have programs in place to monitor
     and  mitigate the  associated  risk,  there can be no  assurance  that such
     programs will be effective in reducing our credit risks or risks associated
     with  potential  bankruptcy of our  customers.

o    Our  business,  results of  operations  and  financial  condition  could be
     affected by significant  pending and future litigation or claims adverse to
     us. These could potentially  include, but are not limited to the following:
     products liability, contract, employment-related, labor relations, personal
     or property damage or stockholder claims and claims arising from any injury
     or damage to persons, property or the environment from hazardous substances
     used, generated or disposed of in the conduct of our business (or that of a
     predecessor, to the extent we are not indemnified for those liabilities).

o    Our  performance  depends on our  ability to attract  and retain  qualified
     personnel.  We cannot assure that we will be able to continue to attract or
     retain qualified personnel.

o    Our current  loan  agreement  expires on March 1, 2004.  We expect to enter
     into a new loan agreement  prior to this date. We cannot  assure,  however,
     that we will be successful in securing a new loan agreement.

o    Our bank loan agreement permits dividends to be paid on our Common Stock so
     long  as  there  is no  default  under  that  agreement.  Subject  to  that
     restriction  and the  provisions  of Delaware  law,  our Board of Directors
     currently  intends to continue paying  dividends.  We cannot assure that we
     will continue to do so since future  dividends will depend on our earnings,
     financial condition and other factors.

o    Our  overall  profitability  may  not  meet  expectations  if our  product,
     customer and geographic mix is  substantially  different than  anticipated.
     Our profit margins vary among products,  customers and geographic  markets.
     Consequently,  if our mix of any of these is  substantially  different from
     what is anticipated in any particular  period,  our earnings could be lower
     than expected.

o    In spite of  having  a  disaster  recovery  plan in  place,  infrastructure
     failures  could  have a material  adverse  effect on our  business.  We are
     highly  dependent  on our  infrastructure  in order to achieve our business
     objectives.  If we  experience a problem  that impairs our  infrastructure,
     such  as a power  outage,  computer  virus,  intentional  disruption  of IT
     systems  by a  third  party,  manufacturing  failure  or  telephone  system
     failure,  the resulting  disruptions  could impede C&D's ability to book or
     process orders,  manufacture and ship in a timely manner or otherwise carry
     on its business in the ordinary  course.  Any such events could cause us to
     lose  significant  customers  or  revenue  and could  require  C&D to incur
     significant  expense  to  eliminate  these  problems  and  address  related
     security concerns.

The foregoing list of important factors is not all-inclusive, or necessarily in
order of importance.


Item 3.    Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk

     We are exposed to various market risks. The primary financial risks include
fluctuations in interest rates and changes in currency exchange rates. We manage
these  risks by using  derivative  instruments.  We do not invest in  derivative
securities for speculative  purposes,  but do enter into hedging arrangements in
order to reduce our  exposure to  fluctuations  in interest  rates as well as to
fluctuations in exchange rates.  Our financial  instruments  subject to interest
rate risk consist of debt instruments and interest rate swap contracts. The debt
instruments  are subject to variable  rate  interest,  and  therefore the market
value is not sensitive to interest rate movements.  Interest rate swap contracts
are used to  manage  our  exposure  to  fluctuations  in  interest  rates on our
underlying  variable rate debt instruments  (see footnote number 8).  Additional
disclosure  regarding our various  market risks are set forth in our fiscal 2003
Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Item 4.    Controls and Procedures

Disclosure   Controls   and   Procedures:

     C&D's  management,  with the participation of C&D's Chief Executive Officer
and Chief Financial Officer, has evaluated the effectiveness of C&D's disclosure
controls  and  procedures  (as  such  term is  defined  in Rules  13a-15(e)  and
15d-15(e)  under the Exchange  Act) as of the end of the period  covered by this
report.  Based on such  evaluation,  C&D's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and Chief
Financial  Officer have  concluded  that,  as of the end of such  period,  C&D's
disclosure  controls and  procedures  are  effective in  recording,  processing,
summarizing  and  reporting,  on a  timely  basis,  information  required  to be
disclosed by C&D in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act.

Internal Control over Financial Reporting:

     There have not been any changes in C&D's  internal  control over  financial
reporting (as such term is defined in Rules  13a-15(f)  and 15d-15(f)  under the
Exchange Act) during the fiscal  quarter to which this report  relates that have
materially  affected,  or are  reasonably  likely to  materially  affect,  C&D's
internal control over financial reporting.


                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

          This item 4 is incorporated by reference to C&D's Quarterly  Report on
          Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended April 30, 2003.

Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

(a)       Exhibits

          10.1 Third  Amendment  dated June 18, 2003 to our Savings  Plan (filed

          10.2 Employment Agreement dated July 28, 2003 between Stan Wreford and
               C&D (filed herewith).

          15.  Letter from  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, independent accountants
               for C&D, regarding unaudited interim financial information (filed

          31.1 Certification  of  the  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer
               pursuant to Section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (filed

          31.2 Certification  of the Vice President  Finance pursuant to Section
               302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (filed herewith).

          32.1 Certification  of  the  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer
               pursuant to Section 906 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (filed

          32.2 Certification  of the Vice President  Finance pursuant to Section
               906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (filed herewith).

(b)       Reports on Form 8-K

          1.   On May 20, 2003,  C&D  furnished a report on Form 8-K relating to
               its May 14, 2003 Press  Release  and its May 15, 2003  Conference
               Call Script discussing the May 14, 2003 Press Release.

          2.   On May 27, 2003,  C&D  furnished a report on Form 8-K relating to
               its May 27, 2003 Press Release.


- -------------------

     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                               C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

 September 12, 2003                           BY: /s/ Wade H. Roberts, Jr.
                                                 Wade H. Roberts, Jr.
                                                 President, Chief Executive
                                                 Officer and Director
                                                 (Principal Executive Officer)

 September 12, 2003                           BY: /s/ Stephen E. Markert, Jr.
                                                 Stephen E. Markert, Jr.
                                                 Vice President Finance
                                                 (Principal Financial and
                                                 Accounting Officer)


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

          10.1 Third Amendment dated June 18, 2003 to our Savings Plan.

          10.2 Employment Agreement dated July 28, 2003 between Stan Wreford and

          15.  Letter from  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, independent accountants
               for C&D, regarding unaudited interim financial information.

          31.1 Certification  of  the  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer
               pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

          31.2 Certification  of the Vice President  Finance pursuant to Section
               302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

          32.1 Certification  of  the  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer
               pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

          32.2 Certification  of the Vice President  Finance pursuant to Section
               906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
