Exhibit 10.1

                             THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE
                          C&D TECHNOLOGIES SAVINGS PLAN

     THIS THIRD AMENDMENT is made on June 18, 2003, by C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a
corporation  duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware
(the "Company").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  the Company  maintains  the C&D  Technologies  Savings  Plan (the
"Plan"),  which was originally  established by indenture dated February 1, 1986,
and was last amended and restated by indenture dated February 13, 2002;

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  desires  to  amend  the  Plan  to  clarify  certain
provisions of the Plan;

     WHEREAS, the Board of Directors,  in adopting the amended and restated Plan
effective  January  1,  1997,  delegated  to the  officers  of the  Company  the
authority to execute  other  amendments  to the Plan as may be necessary for the
qualification  of the Plan. The officers of the Company feel that this amendment
of the Plan is necessary for such purpose.

     WHEREAS, this shall supersede the provisions of the Plan to the extent
those provisions are inconsistent with the provisions of this amendment.

     NOW, THEREFORE, effective as of January 1, 1997, the Plan is hereby amended
as follows:

     1. By deleting  Section 1.6 in its entirety and  substituting  therefor the

          "1.6  `Beneficiary'  means  the  person  or trust  that a  Participant
     designated  most recently in writing to the Plan  Administrator;  provided,
     however,  that if the  Participant  has  failed to make a  designation,  no
     person designated is alive at the date of the Participant's death, no trust
     has been established,  or no successor  Beneficiary has been designated who
     is alive, the term "Beneficiary" means the participant's estate.

     Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the spouse of a married Participant
     shall be his Beneficiary unless that spouse has consented in writing to the
     designation  by the  Participant  of some  other  person  or trust  and the
     spouse's  consent  acknowledges  the  effect  of  the  designation  and  is
     witnessed by a notary public or a Plan  representative.  A Participant  may
     change his designation at any time.  However,  a Participant may not change
     his  designation  without  further consent of his spouse under the terms of
     the preceding  sentence unless the spouse's consent permits  designation of
     another person or trust without further  spousal  consent and  acknowledges
     that the  spouse has the right to limit  consent to a specific  beneficiary
     and that the spouse  voluntarily  relinquishes this right.  Notwithstanding
     the above,  the spouse's  consent shall not be required if the  Participant


     establishes to the satisfaction of the Plan  Administrator  that the spouse
     cannot be located,  if the Participant has a court order indicating that he
     is legally  separated  or has been  abandoned  (within the meaning of local
     law)  unless a  `qualified  domestic  relations  order' (as defined in Code
     Section 414(p)) provides otherwise,  or if there are other circumstances as
     the  Secretary  of the  Treasury  prescribes.  If  the  spouse  is  legally
     incompetent  to give consent,  consent by the spouse's legal guardian shall
     be deemed to be consent by the  spouse.  If,  subsequent  to the death of a
     Participant,  the Participant's  Beneficiary dies while entitled to receive
     benefits  under the Plan, the successor  Beneficiary,  if any, shall be the

     2. By deleting the existing  Section 4.1(b) and  substituting  therefor the

          "(b) Plan Sponsor  contributions  made under Plan  Section  3.3(a) and
     forfeitures  used to reduce Plan Sponsor  contributions  under Plan Section
     3.3(a)(ii)  or  3.3(a)(iii),  as  applicable,  shall  be  allocated  to the
     Salaried Profit Sharing Account of each  Participant who (i) is compensated
     by a Plan  Sponsor on a salaried  basis  during the Plan Year,  (ii) is not
     entitled to accrue any benefit  under the  Pension  Plan for reasons  other
     than reaching the maximum benefits  permissible under Code Section 415, and
     (iii)  either (A) is employed by a Plan Sponsor on the last day of the Plan
     Year, and has completed at least 1000 Hours of Service during the Plan Year
     or (B) whose death or Retirement Date occurred during the Plan Year, in the
     proportion that the Participant's Annual  Compensation,  as may be adjusted
     pursuant to Plan Section 3.11, bears to the Annual Compensation of all such
     Participants, as so adjusted."

     3. By deleting the existing  Section 4.1(c) and  substituting  therefor the

          "(c) (i) Plan Sponsor  contributions made under Plan Section 3.3(b)(i)
     shall be allocated to the Hourly Profit Sharing Account of each Participant
     who (A) is compensated by a Plan Sponsor on an hourly basis during the Plan
     Year (other than  Participants  who are  employed in the Primary  Sponsor's
     Power Electronic Division) and (B) either (I) is employed by a Plan Sponsor
     on the last day of the Plan Year,  and has completed at least 1000 Hours of
     Service  during  the  Plan  Year or (II)  whose  death or  Retirement  Date
     occurred  during the Plan Year, in the  proportion  that the  Participant's
     Annual  Compensation,  as may be adjusted  pursuant to Plan  Section  3.11,
     bears to the Annual Compensation of all such Participants, as so adjusted.

               (ii)  Plan   Sponsor   contributions   made  under  Plan  Section
          3.3(b)(ii) or  3.3(b)(iii),  as applicable,  and  forfeitures  used to
          reduce Plan Sponsor  contributions  under Plan Section  3.3(b)(ii)  or
          3.3(a)(iii),  as  applicable,  shall be allocated to the Hourly Profit
          Sharing  Account of each  Participant who (i) is compensated by a Plan
          Sponsor  on  an  hourly   basis  during  the  Plan  Year  (other  than
          Participants   who  are  employed  in  the  Primary   Sponsor's  Power
          Electronic  Division),  and  (ii)  either  (A) is  employed  by a Plan
          Sponsor on the last day of the Plan Year,  and has  completed at least
          1000  Hours of  Service  during  the Plan Year or (B)  whose  death or
          Retirement   Date  occurred  during  the  Plan  Year,  in  the  amount
          determined   under  Plan  Section   3.3(b)(ii)  or   3.3(b)(iii),   as


     Except as specifically  amended hereby, the Plan shall remain in full force
and effect as prior to this Third Amendment.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this Third Amendment to
be executed as of the day and year first above written.

                            C & D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                            By: /s/ Kevin D Burgess
                            Title:  VP Human Resources
