


                             C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.


                  C&D TECHNOLOGIES REYNOSA, S. de R.L. de C.V.

                                 August 27, 2003

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Article I         DEFINITIONS..................................................1

         1.1      Certain Definitions..........................................1

         1.2      Terms Defined Elsewhere in this Agreement....................6

         1.3      Other Definitional and Interpretive Matters..................7


         2.1      Purchase and Sale of Assets..................................8

         2.2      Excluded Assets..............................................9

         2.3      Assumption of Liabilities...................................10

         2.4      Excluded Liabilities........................................10

         2.5      Nonassignable Rights........................................11

         2.6      Purchase Price; Allocation..................................11

         3.1      Closing Date................................................12

         3.2      Documents to Be Delivered by Sellers........................12

         3.3      Documents to Be Delivered by Buyers.........................13

         3.4      Simultaneity................................................14

Article IV        REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLERS...................14

         4.1      Organization; Due Authorization.............................14

         4.2      No Violation; Consent and Approval..........................15

         4.3      Absence of Certain Developments.............................15

         4.4      The Purchased Assets; Sufficiency of Tangible Assets........16

         4.5      Facility....................................................16

         4.6      Leased Property.............................................16

         4.7      Litigation..................................................17

         4.8      Purchased Contracts.........................................17

         4.9      Compliance with Laws, Permits...............................17

         4.10     Environmental Matters.......................................18

         4.11     Labor and Employment........................................18

         4.12     Insurance...................................................18

         4.13     Inventory...................................................18


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

         4.14     No Broker...................................................19

         4.15     No Other Representations or Warranties; Schedules...........19

Article V         REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BUYERS....................19

         5.1      Organization; Due Authorization.............................19

         5.2      No Violation; Consents and Approvals........................20

         5.3      Litigation..................................................20

         5.4      Availability of Funds.......................................20

         5.5      Acknowledgement.............................................20

         5.6      No Broker...................................................21

Article VI        COVENANTS...................................................21

         6.1      Access to Information.......................................21

         6.2      Actions of Sellers in Connection with Transaction...........22

         6.3      Conduct of the Business; Etc................................23

         6.4      Reasonable Best Efforts; Further Assurances.................24

         6.5      Public Announcements........................................24

         6.6      Certain Tax Matters.........................................25

         6.7      Employees...................................................26

         6.8      Ancillary Agreements........................................26

         6.9      Use of Name.................................................26

         6.10     Contacts with Suppliers, Employees and Customers............26

         6.11     Confidentiality.............................................26

         6.12     U.S. Buyer Guarantee........................................27

         6.13     U.S. Seller Guarantee.......................................27

         6.14     Remediation Plan............................................27

         6.15     Proration of Taxes and Certain Charges; Deposits............28

         6.16     Supplementation and Amendment of Schedules..................29


         7.1      Representations and Warranties..............................29

         7.2      Compliance with Covenants...................................29


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

         7.3      Consent and Approvals.......................................29

         7.4      Opinions of Counsel.........................................30

         7.5      Further Assurances..........................................30


         8.1      Representations and Warranties..............................30

         8.2      Compliance with Covenants...................................30

         8.3      Consents and Approvals......................................30

         8.4      Opinions of Counsel.........................................31

         8.5      Further Assurances..........................................31

         9.1      Termination.................................................31

         9.2      Effect of Termination.......................................32

Article X         INDEMNIFICATION.............................................32

         10.1     Survival of Representations and Covenants...................32

         10.2     Indemnification.............................................32

         10.3     Indemnification Procedures..................................33

         10.4     Certain Limitations on Indemnification......................34

         10.5     Environmental Indemnification...............................35

         10.7     Varela Land Claim Indemnification...........................36

         10.8     Indemnification for Breach of Title Representations.........37

         10.9     Calculation of Losses.......................................37

         10.10    Characterization of Indemnity Payments......................38

         10.11    Excluded Liabilities; Assumed Liabilities...................38

         10.12    No Consequential Damages....................................38

         10.13    Exclusive Remedy............................................39

Article XI        MISCELLANEOUS...............................................39

         11.1     Fees and Expenses...........................................39

         11.2     Notices.....................................................39

         11.3     Entire Agreement............................................40

         11.4     Waiver of Bulk Sales Requirements...........................41


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

         11.5     Severability................................................41

         11.6     Non-Recourse................................................41

         11.7     Binding Effect; Assignment..................................41

         11.8     No Third-Party Beneficiaries................................41

         11.9     Counterparts................................................41

         11.10    Governing Law...............................................41

         11.11    Submission to Jurisdiction; Consent to Service of Process...42

         11.12    Amendments and Waivers......................................42


                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     ASSET PURCHASE  AGREEMENT,  dated as of August 27, 2003 (the  "Agreement"),
among C&D  Technologies,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("U.S.  Buyer"),  C&D
Technologies  Reynosa, S. de R.L, de C.V., a limited liability company organized
under the laws of Mexico  ("Mexican  Buyer",  and together with U.S. Buyer,  the
"Buyers",  and each a "Buyer"),  Matsushita  Battery  Industrial  Corporation of
America,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("U.S.   Seller"),  and  Matsushita  Battery
Industrial de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., a company organized under the laws of Mexico
("Mexican  Seller",  and together with U.S.  Seller,  the "Sellers",  and each a

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  Mexican Seller has been engaged in the business of  manufacturing
lead-acid  storage  batteries  with rated  capacity equal to or greater than 960
amp. hours (the "Business");

     WHEREAS, U.S. Seller owns certain assets, more fully described herein, that
are used in the operation of the Business;

     WHEREAS,  Sellers desire to sell, transfer and assign to Buyers, and Buyers
desire to  acquire  from  Sellers,  the  Purchased  Assets  and,  in  connection
therewith,  assume the Assumed  Liabilities,  all as more specifically  provided
herein; and

     WHEREAS, certain terms used in this Agreement are defined in Section 1.1;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:

                                    Article I


1.1      Certain Definitions.

          For purposes of this  Agreement,  the  following  terms shall have the
     meanings specified in this Section 1.1:

          "Affiliate"  shall mean, with respect to any Person,  any other Person
     that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries,  controls,
     or is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Person,  and the
     term  "control"  (including  the terms  "controlled  by" and "under  common
     control with") shall mean the  possession,  directly or indirectly,  of the
     power to direct or cause the  direction of the  management  and policies of
     such Person, whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract or


          "Ancillary  Agreements"  shall mean,  collectively,  the U.S.  Bill of
     Sale,  the Mexican  Bill of Sale,  the  Facility  Transfer  Deed,  the U.S.
     Assignment and Assumption Agreement,  the Mexican Assignment and Assumption
     Agreement,  the Technology  License  Agreement,  and the Technical Services
     Agreement, and "Ancillary Agreement" shall mean any such agreement.

          "Business  Day"  shall  mean  any day of the  year on  which  national
     banking  institutions  in New York are open to the  public  for  conducting
     business and are not required or authorized to close.

          "Business  Records" shall mean the books and records of Mexican Seller
     to the  extent  used  primarily  in the  operation  of  the  Business,  but
     excluding (i) files,  records,  correspondence and other documents relating
     to products manufactured and sold by Sellers;  (ii) marketing,  advertising
     or promotional  materials;  (iii)  customer files and documents  (including
     credit  information);  (iv) financial records of Sellers; (v) except to the
     extent set forth in the Technology License Agreement, materials relating to
     intellectual property; (vi) the corporate minute books, capital stock books
     or tax returns of Sellers,  (vii) the books and records relating  primarily
     to the Excluded Assets,  (viii) personnel files for individuals employed by
     Sellers,  (ix) other books and records  that Sellers are required by Law to
     retain,  and (x)  production  records,  but only to the extent such records
     have been removed from the Facility pursuant to the terms of the Technology
     License Agreement.

          "Buyer Material Adverse Effect" shall mean any change, circumstance or
     event that,  individually or in the aggregate,  would materially  hinder or
     delay Buyers'  ability  (collectively  or  individually)  to consummate the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the Ancillary Agreements.

          "Contract" shall mean any contract, lease or other written agreement.

          "Environmental  Law"  shall  mean,  to the  extent  applicable  to the
     Facility,  any  Law  promulgated  by a  Mexican  Governmental  Entity  with
     authority over Mexican  Seller and  applicable to the Facility,  as well as
     any  applicable  common  law, as and to the extent in effect on the date of
     this Agreement and/or on the Closing Date, regulating (i) the protection of
     the  environment  from  actual or  potential  exposure  (or the  effects of
     exposure) to any actual or potential  Release  (whether past or present) of
     any  Hazardous  Substance or (ii) the  presence,  manufacture,  processing,
     generation, production, refinement,  distribution, use, treatment, storage,
     disposal, transfer, transport or handling of any Hazardous Substance.

          "Environmental  Liability"  shall mean any  Liability,  loss,  damage,
     fine,  penalty or out-of-pocket  costs or expenses  incurred as a result of
     any claim by any third party  (including  a  Governmental  Entity)  arising
     under any  Environmental Law or out of a violation of any Environmental Law
     by Mexican  Seller  prior to the Closing  Date,  including  the cost of any
     Remedial Action pursuant to the Remediation Plan.


          "Facility"  shall mean that certain parcel of land located in Reynosa,
     Tamaulipas,  Mexico  and  the  buildings  thereon,  in each  case,  as more
     particularly described on Schedule 4.5 hereto.

          "Facility  Transfer  Deed" shall mean the instrument to be dated as of
     the Closing Date and duly  executed  before a notary public and reported in
     the Public  Registry  of Property  in  accordance  with the laws of Mexico,
     pursuant to which  Mexican  Seller  shall  transfer the Facility to Mexican
     Buyer, free and clear of all Liens other than Permitted Liens.

          "Governmental  Entity" shall mean any government or regulatory body or
     agency thereof, or any court, whether foreign,  federal, state or local, of
     Mexico or the United States.

          "Hazardous  Substance"  shall mean any  substance,  material  or waste
     classified or regulated as hazardous or toxic under any Environmental  Law,
     including,  but not limited to, petroleum and petroleum  related  products,
     asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls, lead, barium, chromium, or radioactive
     substance or waste.

          "Inventory" shall mean all raw materials and work in process inventory
     of the  Business  owned by U.S.  Seller on the Closing Date and used in the
     manufacture of finished goods offered for sale in the ordinary course which
     is purchased by Buyers pursuant to Section 2.6(c).

          "Law" shall mean any law,  statute or regulation  of any  Governmental

          "Liability"  shall mean any debt,  liability  or  obligation  (whether
     direct  or  indirect,   absolute  or  contingent,   accrued  or  unaccrued,
     liquidated  or  unliquidated,  due  or  to  become  due  or  determined  or
     determinable), and including all costs and expenses relating thereto.

          "Lien"  shall mean any  mortgage,  lien,  security  interest,  charge,
     pledge or similar encumbrance.

          "Material Adverse Effect" shall mean any  circumstance,  change in, or
     effect  that,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  results  in a  material
     adverse effect on (i) the properties, assets and operations of the Business
     or (ii) the  ability of either  Buyer to operate  or conduct  the  Business
     substantially  in the manner in which it has been  conducted  by Sellers in
     the three (3) years prior to the Closing  Date during  which  Sellers  were
     engaged in the  manufacture of MSE960 model and higher valve regulated lead
     acid  batteries;  provided,  however,  that the following shall be excluded
     from  any  determination  as to  whether  a  Material  Adverse  Effect  has
     occurred:  (a) the effect of any change  (i) in United  States,  Mexican or
     foreign  economies or securities or financial  markets in general,  (ii) in
     applicable  Laws or  accounting  rules,  (iii) that  generally  affects any
     industry in which Business operates, or (iv) in connection with earthquakes
     or other  natural  disasters,  or acts of war,  sabotage  or  terrorism  or
     military  actions,  or any escalation or material  worsening of any thereof
     existing  or  underway  as of the date of this  Agreement,  (b) any  effect
     resulting from the public  announcement of this Agreement,  compliance with
     terms hereof or the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby,
     including the impact  thereof on  relationships,  contractual or otherwise,


     with customers,  suppliers,  distributors or employees or (c) the effect of
     any  action  taken  by  Buyers  or their  Affiliates  with  respect  to the
     transactions contemplated hereby or with respect to the Business, including
     employees thereof.

          "Mexican   Assignment  and  Assumption   Agreement"   shall  mean  the
     Assignment  and Assumption  Agreement,  to be dated as of the Closing Date,
     between Mexican Seller and Mexican Buyer.

          "Mexican  Bill of Sale"  shall mean a Bill of Sale,  to be dated as of
     the Closing Date,  from Mexican Seller to Mexican Buyer,  pursuant to which
     Mexican Seller shall transfer the Mexican Purchased Assets,  other than the
     Facility  (which shall be transferred by the Facility  Transfer  Deed),  to
     Mexican Buyer.

          "Mexican  Equipment"  shall mean the machinery,  equipment  (including
     computer  hardware,  as  well  as  computer  software  used  in  connection
     therewith) and spare parts, as well as all furniture, furnishings, vehicles
     and other tangible personal property owned by Mexican Seller, including all
     desks, chairs, tables, copiers,  transferable telephone lines and equipment
     (other than telephone  lines and equipment which connect the Mexican Seller
     with  the U.S.  Seller),  telecopy  machines  and  other  telecommunication
     equipment,  cubicles,  office  furnishings  and supplies  which are used in
     connection  with the Business  and  identified  as such on Schedule  4.4(c)
     hereto,  together  with the Mexican  Equipment,  if any, to be purchased by
     Buyers  pursuant to Section  2.6(c),  and all warranties  pertaining to the
     same, to the extent that such warranties may exist and be assignable.

          "Order" shall mean any order, injunction,  judgment, decree or ruling,
     of a Governmental Entity.

          "Permit" shall mean any approvals, authorizations, consents, licenses,
     registrations, waivers, exemptions, agreements, permits or certificates and
     any modifications or amendments thereto of a Governmental  Entity or public
     or quasi-public utility issued with respect to the Business.

          "Permitted Liens" shall mean (i) liens for Taxes which are not yet due
     or are being  contested  in good  faith;  (ii)  carriers',  warehousemen's,
     landlords',  mechanics',  materialmen's,  repairmen's  or other  like liens
     arising in the ordinary  course of business;  (iii)  deposits to secure the
     performance of utilities,  leases,  statutory or workers'  compensation  or
     unemployment  insurance   obligations,   warranties  or  other  contractual
     obligations,  and surety and appeal bonds or other obligations of a similar
     nature incurred in the ordinary course of business; (iv) the matters listed
     on Schedule  1.1(a) (none of which  interfere in any material  respect with
     the ordinary course of conduct of the Business) or referred to in any title
     report  for the  Facility  provided  to  Buyers  prior  to the date of this
     Agreement  (specifically  excluding,  however,  any superior  rights of any
     third party which would interfere in any material respect with the ordinary
     conduct  of the  Business  or  which,  individually  or in  the  aggregate,
     materially  adversely  affect the use of the Facility as presently  used in
     the  Business);  (v) the  title  and other  interests  of a lessor  under a
     capital or  operating  lease;  and (vi)  easements,  rights of way,  zoning
     restrictions  and  other  imperfections  of title or  similar  matters  not
     interfering  in any  material  respect  with the  ordinary  conduct  of the


     Business  or which do not,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  materially
     adversely affect the use of the Facility as used in the Business during the
     three (3) year period prior to the Closing Date.

          "Person" shall mean an individual, a corporation,  a limited liability
     company,  a  partnership,  an  association,  a trust or any  other  entity,
     including a Governmental Entity.

          "Purchased Contracts" shall mean the Contracts entered into by Mexican
     Seller in connection  with the Business and  identified as such on Schedule
     4.8 hereto.

          "Release" shall mean any release, spill, emission,  leaking,  pumping,
     injection, deposit, disposal, discharge, dispersal, leaching migration.

          "Remedial  Action"  shall  mean all  actions  required  by  applicable
     Environmental  Laws to clean up, remove,  treat or in any other way address
     any Hazardous  Substance in the  environment  at  concentrations  exceeding
     those allowed by Environmental Laws.

          "Remediation  Plan"  shall  mean the plan to  implement  the  Remedial
     Actions with  respect to the  Facility to be  performed by Sellers,  as set
     forth on  Schedule  6.14  hereto.  For the  avoidance  of  doubt,  Sellers'
     responsibility  for any  Remedial  Action  shall be limited to actions  set
     forth in the Remediation Plan.

          "Taxes" shall mean all taxes, charges, fees, levies, imposts, tariffs,
     duties,  penalties or other assessments  imposed or required to be withheld
     by any  federal,  state or local  taxing  authority  of the United  States,
     Mexico or any other country,  including,  but not limited to, income, gross
     receipts,  license,  stamp,  occupation,  premium,  environmental,  excise,
     property,   sales,   use,   transfer,   franchise,   payroll,   employment,
     withholding,  severance,  social security,  profits, gains,  alternative or
     add-on minimum, value added, windfall, property (real or personal), capital
     stock, employment, unemployment insurance, disability, ad valorem, or other
     tax of any kind whatsoever,  including any interest, penalties or additions
     attributable thereto,  whether disputed or not, including,  with respect to
     the Mexican Purchased  Assets,  any increase in penalties imposed on unpaid
     Taxes based on factors  derived from the Mexican  National  Consumer  Price

          "Tax Return" shall mean any return, declaration, report or information
     return  required  to be filed with any  taxing  authority  with  respect to

          "Technical  Services  Agreement"  shall  mean the  Technical  Services
     Agreement,  dated as of date hereof,  between U.S. Seller and U.S. Buyer, a
     copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

          "Technology  License  Agreement"  shall  mean the  Technology  License
     Agreement,  dated  as  of  the  date  hereof,  between  Matsushita  Battery
     Industrial Co. Ltd., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
     Japan, and U.S. Buyer, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B.


          "Transfer  Tax"  or  "Transfer  Taxes"  shall  mean  any  sales,  use,
     transfer,  conveyance,  documentary transfer,  recording,  or other similar
     Tax,  fee, or charge  imposed upon the sale,  transfer,  or  assignment  of
     property or any interest  therein or the recording  thereof,  but excluding
     any tax on,  based upon or measured  by, the net  income,  gains or profits
     from such sale,  transfer,  or  assignment  of the property or any interest

          "U.S.  Assignment and Assumption  Agreement" shall mean the Assignment
     and Assumption Agreement,  to be dated as of the Closing Date, between U.S.
     Seller and U.S. Buyer.

          "U.S.  Bill of Sale" shall mean a Bill of Sale,  to be dated as of the
     Closing Date, from U.S. Seller to U.S. Buyer, pursuant to which U.S. Seller
     shall transfer the U.S. Purchased Assets to U.S. Buyer.

          "U.S.  Equipment"  shall  mean  the  machinery,  equipment  (including
     computer  hardware,  as well as all computer  software  used in  connection
     therewith) and spare parts, as well as all furniture, furnishings, vehicles
     and other tangible  personal  property owned by U.S. Seller,  including all
     desks,  chairs,  tables,  copiers,  telecopy  machines,   cubicles,  office
     furnishings and supplies which are used in connection with the Business and
     identified  as such on  Schedule  4.4(c)  hereto,  together  with  the U.S.
     Equipment,  if any, to be purchased by Buyers  pursuant to Section  2.6(c),
     and  all  warranties  pertaining  to the  same,  to the  extent  that  such
     warranties may exist and be assignable.

          1.2 Terms Defined  Elsewhere in this  Agreement.  For purposes of this
     Agreement,  the  following  terms have  meanings  set forth in the sections

      Term                                              Section
      ----                                              -------
      Assumed Liabilities                               2.3(b)
      Basket                                            10.4
      Business                                          Recitals
      Buyer                                             Recitals
      Buyer Indemnified Parties                         10.2(a)
      Closing                                           3.1
      Closing Date                                      3.1
      Confidentiality Agreement                         6.1(a)
      Deposit Certificate                               6.15(c)
      Environmental Certification                       6.14
      Excluded Assets                                   2.2
      Excluded Liabilities                              2.4
      Expenses                                          10.2(a)
      General Indemnification Cap                       10.4(b)
      Leases                                            4.6
      Losses                                            10.2(a)
      Mexican Assumed Liabilities                       2.3(b)
      Mexican Buyer                                     Recitals
      Mexican Buyer Obligations                         6.12


      Term                                              Section
      ----                                              -------
      Mexican Closing                                   3.1
      Mexican Purchase Price                            2.6(a)
      Mexican Purchased Assets                          2.1(b)
      Mexican Seller                                    Recitals
      Mexican Seller Obligations                        6.13
      Purchased Assets                                  2.1(b)
      Off-Site Environmental Liabilities                10.5(b)
      On-Site Environmental Liabilities                 10.5(a)
      Purchase Price                                    2.6(a)
      Seller                                            Recitals
      Seller Indemnified Parties                        10.2(b)
      Seller Marks                                      6.9
      Survival Period                                   10.1
      Tax Benefit                                       10.9(b)
      Termination Date                                  6.3
      U.S. Assumed Liabilities                          2.3(a)
      U.S. Buyer                                        Recitals
      U.S. Closing                                      3.1
      U.S. Purchase Price                               2.6(a)
      U.S. Purchased Assets                             2.1(a)
      U.S. Seller                                       Recitals
      Utility Deposits                                  6.15(c)
      Varela Land Claim                                 10.7

          1.3 Other  Definitional  and  Interpretive  Matters.  Unless otherwise
     expressly provided, for purposes of this Agreement,  the following rules of
     interpretation shall apply:

          Calculation of Time Period. When calculating the period of time before
     which,  within which or following which any act is to be done or step taken
     pursuant  to  this  Agreement,  the  date  that  is the  reference  date in
     calculating  such period shall be excluded.  If the last day of such period
     is a  non-Business  Day,  the  period  in  question  shall  end on the next
     succeeding Business Day.

          Gender and Number.  Any  reference  in this  Agreement to gender shall
     include all genders,  and words  imparting  the singular  number only shall
     include  the plural and vice versa and  references  to Sellers or to Buyers
     shall include each Seller or each Buyer, as the case may be.

          Headings.  The provision of a Table of Contents,  the division of this
     Agreement into Articles,  Sections and other subdivisions and the insertion
     of headings are for  convenience  of reference only and shall not affect or
     be utilized in construing or interpreting this Agreement. All references in
     this  Agreement  to any  "Article" or  "Section"  are to the  corresponding
     Article or Section of this Agreement unless otherwise specified.


          Herein. The words "herein,"  "hereinafter,"  "hereof," and "hereunder"
     refer to this Agreement as a whole and not merely to a subdivision in which
     such words appear unless the context otherwise requires.

          Including.  The  word  "including"  or  any  variation  thereof  means
     "including,  without  limitation"  and shall not be  construed to limit any
     general  statement  that it follows  to the  specific  or similar  items or
     matters immediately following it.

          Schedules  and Exhibits.  The Schedules and Exhibits  attached to this
     Agreement shall be construed with and as an integral part of this Agreement
     to the same extent as if the same had been set forth verbatim  herein.  Any
     matter  disclosed  by either of the  Sellers on any one  Schedule  shall be
     deemed disclosed by Sellers for purposes of all other Schedules, and to the
     extent  any  matter   disclosed   on  any  Schedule   conflicts   with  any
     representation,  warranty or covenant any of the Sellers  contained in this
     Agreement,  such party or parties shall not have any liability with respect
     such representation, warranty or covenant.

          Representations, Covenants and Obligations of Sellers. Notwithstanding
     anything to the contrary  contained herein, in each instance where a Seller
     makes any  representation  or warranty or  undertakes or covenants to do or
     omit to do any act or thing or perform or incur any obligation  (including,
     for the  avoidance of doubt,  the  provision of an indemnity to any Person)
     with respect to the Business or the Purchased Assets, such  representation,
     warranty,  undertaking  or  covenant  shall be  limited  in  effect to that
     portion  of the  Business  which  is  conducted  by such  Seller  or  those
     Purchased Assets owned or otherwise held by such Seller, as applicable.

          Currency.  Unless otherwise indicated,  all dollar amounts referred to
     in this  Agreement  and the Ancillary  Agreements,  including the symbol $,
     refer to lawful money of the United States.

                                   Article II


          2.1 Purchase and Sale of Assets.

          (a)  U.S.  Purchased  Assets.  Upon  the  terms  and  subject  to  the
     conditions  of this  Agreement,  at the  Closing,  U.S.  Seller shall sell,
     transfer,  assign,  convey and deliver to U.S. Buyer,  and U.S. Buyer shall
     purchase,  acquire and accept from U.S. Seller, all of U.S. Seller's right,
     title  and  interest  in, to and under  the U.S.  Purchased  Assets.  "U.S.
     Purchased  Assets" shall mean the following assets of U.S. Seller as of the
     Closing to the extent primarily related to the Business:

               (i) the U.S. Equipment; and

               (ii) the Inventory.


          (b)  Mexican  Purchased  Assets.  Upon the  terms and  subject  to the
     conditions of this  Agreement,  at the Closing,  Mexican Seller shall sell,
     transfer,  assign,  convey and deliver to Mexican Buyer,  and Mexican Buyer
     shall  purchase,  acquire and accept from  Mexican  Seller,  all of Mexican
     Seller's right,  title and interest in, to and under the Mexican  Purchased
     Assets.  "Mexican  Purchased  Assets"  shall mean the  following  assets of
     Mexican  Sellers as of the Closing to the extent  primarily  related to the

               (i) the Facility;

               (ii) the Purchased Contracts;

               (iii) the Business Records; and

               (iv) the Mexican Equipment.

          The U.S. Purchased Assets,  together with the Mexican Purchased Assets
     are  collectively  referred  to  herein  as  the  "Purchased  Assets".  The
     Purchased  Assets shall be conveyed and  delivered to Buyers free and clear
     of all Liens, other than Permitted Liens.

          2.2 Excluded Assets. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to sell,
     transfer, assign or convey the Excluded Assets to either of the Buyers, and
     Sellers  shall  retain all right,  title and  interest to, in and under the
     Excluded  Assets.  "Excluded  Assets"  shall mean all  assets,  properties,
     interests and rights of Sellers other than the Purchased Assets,  including
     without limitation each of the following assets:

          (a) all cash, cash  equivalents,  bank deposits,  cash advancements or
     similar cash items of either of the Sellers;

          (b) all deposits  (including  customer  deposits and security deposits
     for rent,  electricity,  telephone or  otherwise)  and prepaid  charges and
     expenses of Mexican Seller;

          (c) all  machinery,  equipment  or spare  parts other than the Mexican
     Equipment and the U.S. Equipment;

          (d) any accounts or notes  receivable,  arising from the  operation of
     the Business prior to the Closing Date;

          (e) all Contracts that are not Purchased Contracts;

          (f) all Tax losses, Tax loss carry forwards and all claims,  rights or
     interest of either of the Sellers in or to any refund, rebate, abatement or
     other recovery for Taxes, together with any interest due thereon or penalty
     rebate arising therefrom, for any Tax period (or portion thereof) ending on
     or before the Closing Date;

          (g) all rights,  demands,  claims,  actions and causes of action which
     either of the Sellers or any of their Affiliates may have against any other
     Person exclusively with respect to any Excluded Assets;


          (h) any claim,  right or interest of either of the Sellers relating to
     the Excluded Liabilities;

          (i) all insurance  policies or rights to proceeds  thereof relating to
     the assets, properties, business or operations of either of the Sellers;

          (j) all books and  records  of either of the  Sellers  other  than the
     Business Records; and

          (k) any  rights,  claims or causes of action of either of the  Sellers
     against  third  parties  relating  to  assets,   properties,   business  or
     operations  of Sellers  arising out of events  occurring on or prior to the
     Closing Date.

     2.3 Assumption of Liabilities.

          (a)  U.S.  Assumed  Liabilities.  On  the  terms  and  subject  to the
     conditions  set forth in this  Agreement,  at the Closing U.S.  Buyer shall
     assume, effective as of the Closing, and shall timely perform and discharge
     in accordance with their respective  terms, all Liabilities which accrue on
     or after the Closing  Date  arising  from or related to the U.S.  Purchased
     Assets  or the  operation  of the  Business  on or after the  Closing  Date
     (collectively, the "U.S. Assumed Liabilities").

          (b)  Mexican  Assumed  Liabilities.  On the terms and  subject  to the
     conditions set forth in this Agreement,  at the Closing Mexican Buyer shall
     assume, effective as of the Closing, and shall timely perform and discharge
     in accordance with their respective  terms, all Liabilities which accrue on
     or after the Closing Date arising from or related to the Mexican  Purchased
     Assets  or the  operation  of the  Business  on or after the  Closing  Date
     (collectively,  the "Mexican  Assumed  Liabilities",  and together with the
     U.S. Assumed Liabilities, the "Assumed Liabilities").

          2.4 Excluded Liabilities.  Except for the Assumed Liabilities,  Buyers
     will not assume or be liable for any Liabilities arising from or related to
     the U.S.  Purchased  Assets,  the Mexican Equipment or the operation of the
     Business  prior to the  Closing  (the  "Excluded  Liabilities")  including,
     without limitation, the following:

          (a) any  Liabilities  arising in connection  with any Taxes of Sellers
     for any period prior to the Closing  Date,  but  excluding (i) any Transfer
     Taxes,  which are the  responsibility  of Buyers pursuant to Section 6.6(c)
     and (ii) any Taxes  incurred  on or after the  Closing  Date as a result of
     actions taken by Buyers following the Closing;

          (b) any Liabilities arising out of the Excluded Assets, including with
     respect to Contracts that are not Purchased Contracts;

          (c) any  Liabilities  arising under any plan or agreement  relating to
     employee  benefits,  employment,  severance or compensation of employees of
     Sellers prior to the Closing or from the actions,  prior to the Closing, of
     employees and agents of Sellers;


          (d) any Liabilities arising from (i) product liability claims or other
     claims  for  injury to person  or  property  relating  to  products  of the
     Business  manufactured  or sold  prior to the  Closing,  and  (ii)  product
     warranty or similar claims  relating to demands for refunds or returns with
     respect  to  products  of the  Business  manufactured  or sold prior to the
     Closing; and

          (e)  subject  to  Sections  10.5 and 10.6  hereof,  any  Environmental
     Liability  arising out of Mexican  Seller's  ownership  or operation of the
     Facility prior to the Closing.

     2.5 Nonassignable Rights.

          (a) There shall be excluded from the transactions contemplated by this
     Agreement  any  Purchased  Asset  or  right  which  is  not  assignable  or
     transferable  without the consent of any Person other than Sellers or their
     Affiliates  to the extent that such consent shall not have been given prior
     to the Closing;  provided,  however,  that each of the parties hereto shall
     have the  continuing  obligation  for 180 days after the Closing to use its
     commercially  reasonable  efforts  to  endeavor  to  obtain  all  necessary
     consents to the assignment  thereof that are material to the conduct of the
     Business (provided,  that neither Sellers nor any of their Affiliates shall
     be  required to expend  money,  commence  litigation  or offer or grant any
     accommodation  (financial  or  otherwise)  to any third  party)  and,  upon
     obtaining the requisite  consents thereto,  such Purchased Assets or rights
     shall be  transferred  and  assigned  to  Buyers  hereunder.  In the  event
     consents to the assignment of any Purchased  Asset cannot be obtained prior
     to  Closing,  Sellers  shall,  until the  earlier of (i) 180 days after the
     Closing Date or (ii) such time as the Purchased  Assets or other rights are
     transferred  and  assigned to Buyers,  take or cause to be taken at Buyers'
     expense such  actions as Buyers may  reasonably  request and are  permitted
     under applicable Law so as to provide Buyers with the benefits thereof.

          (b) Buyers agree that (i) the Purchase  Price will not be reduced as a
     result of, and neither Sellers nor any of their  Affiliates  shall have any
     Liability  whatsoever  arising out of or relating to, the failure to obtain
     any  consents  that may be required  in  connection  with the  transactions
     contemplated  by this  Agreement  and (ii) no  representation,  warranty or
     covenant of Sellers  contained herein shall be breached or deemed breached,
     and  no  condition  to  Buyers'   obligations  to  close  the  transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement  shall be deemed not satisfied,  as a result
     of the failure to obtain any such consent.

     2.6 Purchase Price; Allocation.

          (a) The aggregate  consideration  for the Purchased Assets  (excluding
     the assets  purchased under Section 2.6(c) below) shall be (i) an amount in
     cash equal to US$9,100,000  (the "Purchase  Price") and (ii) the assumption
     of the Assumed Liabilities.  The portion of the Purchase Price allocated to
     the U.S.  Purchased  Assets in  accordance  with Section  2.6(b) below (the
     "U.S.  Purchase  Price") shall be paid by U.S. Buyer to U.S.  Seller at the
     U.S. Closing and the portion of the Purchase Price allocated to the Mexican
     Purchased  Assets in  accordance  with Section  2.6(b) below (the  "Mexican
     Purchase  Price") shall be paid by Mexican  Buyer to Mexican  Seller at the
     Mexican  Closing,  in each case by wire transfer of  immediately  available
     funds to such account or accounts as shall have been  designated by Sellers
     not less than five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing Date.


          (b) Prior to the  Closing,  the Sellers and Buyers  shall agree on the
     allocation  of the  Purchase  Price and the Assumed  Liabilities  among the
     Purchased Assets,  and shall report such allocation for all Tax purposes in
     a manner  consistent  with such  allocation.  The parties agree that if any
     Governmental Entity does not agree with such allocation,  the parties shall
     use their  commercially  reasonable  efforts and good faith to agree upon a
     different  allocation  acceptable to that  Governmental  Entity and, if the
     parties are so able to agree,  they shall amend the allocation and relevant
     Tax Returns  accordingly,  provided that nothing  contained herein shall be
     construed  so as to require  any party to commence  or  participate  in any
     proceedings  challenging  the  determination  so made  by any  Governmental
     Entity.  The  parties  hereto  shall  cooperate  in the filing of any forms
     (including Form 8594 and any analogous  Mexican  provision) with respect to
     the foregoing allocations.

          (c) Not later than seven (7) days prior to the Closing  Date,  Sellers
     and  Buyers  shall  agree on the  quantities  and  types of  Inventory  and
     additional Mexican Equipment and U.S. Equipment, if any, to be purchased by
     Buyers from Sellers and the purchase  price  therefor;  provided,  however,
     that  Buyers  shall not be  obligated  to  purchase  any  Inventory  or any
     additional Mexican Equipment or U.S. Equipment (in each case, other than as
     included on Schedule 4.4(c));  and provided further,  however,  that if the
     parties  are unable to agree on the  purchase  price for any of such items,
     such items will not be sold to Buyers. Each of the parties shall signify in
     writing  their  respective  approval of such  quantities  and types of, and
     purchase price for, the Inventory and additional  Mexican Equipment or U.S.
     Equipment, if any, to be purchased hereunder, which written agreement shall
     become part of this  Agreement for all purposes  without any further action
     of the  parties.  The title to the  Inventory  and the  additional  Mexican
     Equipment  and  U.S.  Equipment,  if any,  purchased  by  Buyers  shall  be
     transferred to Buyers at Closing  pursuant to the U.S. Bill of Sale and the
     Mexican Bill of Sale,  as the case may be. The amounts to be paid by Buyers
     to Sellers  under this  Section  2.6(c)  shall be paid at Closing,  by wire
     transfer  of  immediately  available  funds to such  account or accounts as
     shall have been  designated by Sellers not less than five (5) Business Days
     prior to the Closing Date.

                                   Article III


          3.1 Closing Date.  Subject to the  satisfaction  of the conditions set
     forth in Articles VII and VIII (or the waiver thereof by the party entitled
     to waive that condition),  the closing of the purchase and sale of the U.S.
     Purchased Assets and the assumption of the Assumed Liabilities provided for
     in Article II shall take place at the offices of Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
     located at 767 Fifth Avenue,  New York, New York (or at such other place as
     the parties  may  mutually  agree) at 10:00 a.m.  (New York City time) (the
     "U.S. Closing") and, simultaneously therewith, the purchase and sale of the
     Mexican  Purchased  Assets shall take place at such  location in the United
     Mexican  States (the  "Mexican  Closing")  as  mutually  agreed upon by the
     parties hereto, on a date to be specified by the parties,  which date shall
     be no later than the second  Business Day after  satisfaction  or waiver of
     the  conditions  set forth in Articles VII and VIII (other than  conditions


     that by their nature are to be satisfied at the Closing, but subject to the
     satisfaction or waiver of such conditions), unless another time or date, or
     both, are agreed to in writing by the parties hereto.  The U.S. Closing and
     the Mexican Closing are  collectively  referred to in this Agreement as the
     "Closing",  and the date on which the Closing  shall be held is referred to
     in this Agreement as the "Closing Date."

     3.2 Documents to Be Delivered by Sellers.

          (a) U.S. Seller. At the Closing,  U.S. Seller shall deliver,  or cause
     to be delivered, to U.S. Buyer the following:

               (i) duly executed  documents of transfer and assignment  required
          to  transfer  title  to the  U.S.  Purchased  Assets  to  U.S.  Buyer,
          including  without  limitation  the  U.S.  Bill of Sale  and the  U.S.
          Assignment and Assumption Agreement;

               (ii) a certificate of an officer of U.S.  Seller  certifying that
          the  closing  conditions  set forth in  Section  7.1 (with  respect to
          Sellers' representations and warranties) and Section 7.2 (with respect
          to Sellers' covenants) have been satisfied;

               (iii)  originally   executed  versions  of  the  other  Ancillary
          Agreements  (other  than  the  Technology  License  Agreement  and the
          Technical Services Agreement,  which were executed on the date hereof)
          executed by all parties thereto other than Buyers;

               (iv) the legal opinion of U.S. counsel  described in Section 7.4;

               (v) such other  certificates  and documents as U.S.  Buyer or its
          counsel reasonably may request in order to evidence the performance by
          U.S. Seller of its obligations  under this Agreement and the Ancillary
          Agreements  and as may be  necessary or  appropriate  to carry out the
          purposes of this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements.

          (b) Mexican Seller. At the Closing,  Mexican Seller shall deliver,  or
     cause to be delivered, to Mexican Buyer the following:

               (i) executed  documents of transfer  and  assignment  required to
          transfer  title to the  Mexican  Purchased  Assets to  Mexican  Buyer,
          including  without  limitation  the Mexican Bill of Sale, the Facility
          Transfer Deed and the Mexican Assignment and Assumption Agreement;

               (ii) the legal  opinion of Mexican  counsel  described in Section
          7.4; and

               (iii) such other  certificates  and documents as Mexican Buyer or
          its  counsel   reasonably   may  request  in  order  to  evidence  the
          performance by Mexican Seller of its obligations  under this Agreement
          and the Ancillary Agreements and as may be necessary or appropriate to
          carry out the purposes of this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements.


     3.3 Documents to Be Delivered by Buyers.

          (a) At the  Closing,  U.S.  Buyer  shall  deliver  to U.S.  Seller the

               (i)  evidence  of the wire  transfer of the U.S.  Purchase  Price
          referred  to in Section  2.6(a)  and, if  applicable,  Section  2.6(c)

               (ii) a certificate  of an officer of U.S. Buyer  certifying  that
          the  closing  conditions  set forth in  Section  8.1 (with  respect to
          Buyers'  representations and warranties) and Section 8.2 (with respect
          to Buyers' obligations and covenants) have been satisfied;

               (iii) the U.S. Assignment and Assumption Agreement;

               (iv)  originally   executed   versions  of  the  other  Ancillary
          Agreements  (other  than  the  Technology  License  Agreement  and the
          Technical Services Agreement,  which were executed on the date hereof)
          executed by all parties thereto other than Sellers;

               (v) the legal opinion of U.S.  counsel  described in Section 8.4;

               (vi) such other  certificates and documents as U.S. Seller or its
          counsel reasonably may request in order to evidence the performance by
          U.S. Buyer of its  obligations  under this Agreement and the Ancillary
          Agreements  and as may be  necessary or  appropriate  to carry out the
          purposes of this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements.

          (b) At the Closing,  Mexican Buyer shall deliver to Mexican Seller the

               (i) evidence of the wire transfer of the Mexican  Purchase  Price
          referred  to in Section  2.6(a)  and, if  applicable,  Section  2.6(c)

               (ii) the Mexican Assignment and Assumption Agreement;

               (iii) a copy of the articles of  organization  of Mexican  Buyer,
          which allows for the  appointment of proxies to carry out the purchase
          and sale of the Mexican Purchased Assets hereunder;

               (iv) evidence that a Maquiladora  Program  Authorization has been
          obtained from the Mexican Ministry of Economy,  including  evidence of
          proper  authorization and registration with the Ministry of Economy of
          the  Mexican  government  to  temporarily  import  the  Equipment  and

               (v) the legal  opinion of Mexican  counsel  described  in Section
          8.4; and

               (vi) such other  certificates  and documents as Mexican Seller or
          its  counsel   reasonably   may  request  in  order  to  evidence  the
          performance by Mexican Buyer of its  obligations  under this Agreement


          and the Ancillary Agreements and as may be necessary or appropriate to
          carry out the purposes of this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements.

          3.4  Simultaneity.  All  actions to be taken at the  Closing  shall be
     deemed,  to the extent feasible,  to have taken place  simultaneously.  Any
     action,  the taking of which is a necessary  condition to the taking of any
     other  action,  shall be taken  subject  to the  condition  that all  other
     actions to be taken at the Closing take place immediately thereafter.

                                   Article IV


               Each of the Sellers  hereby  represents  and  warrants to Buyers,
          jointly and severally, that as of the date hereof:

     4.1 Organization;  Due Authorization.  U.S. Seller is a corporation validly
existing and in good standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware.  Mexican
Seller is a sociedad  anonima de capital  variable  validly existing and in good
standing  under the laws of the  United  Mexican  States.  Each  Seller  has the
requisite  corporate power and authority to enter into, execute and deliver this
Agreement  and the Ancillary  Agreements  to which it is or will be a party,  to
perform  its  obligations   hereunder  and  thereunder  and  to  consummate  the
transactions contemplated hereby and thereby. The execution and delivery by each
Seller of this Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements to which it is or will be
a party and the performance of its obligations  hereunder and thereunder and the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby have been duly
authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of Sellers. Each Seller
has full  corporate  power and authority to conduct such portion of the Business
conducted by it in the manner  conducted and to own, operate or lease properties
and assets it owns, operates or leases in connection with the Business.  Mexican
Seller is duly  qualified  and in good standing in each  jurisdiction  where the
nature of the Business conducted by it or the character of the properties owned,
operated or leased by it makes such qualification necessary.  This Agreement has
been, and each of the Ancillary Agreements to which a Seller is a party has been
or will be at or prior to the Closing, duly executed and delivered by the Seller
party  thereto and (assuming  the due  authorization,  execution and delivery by
Buyers) this Agreement and each of the Ancillary Agreements constitute,  or when
so executed and delivered will constitute,  legal, valid and binding obligations
of Sellers,  enforceable  against  Sellers in accordance  with their  respective
terms.  The U.S.  Seller  owns all of the  shares of  capital  stock of  Mexican
Seller, other than one share held by Mr. Kenji Seko.

     4.2 No Violation;  Consent and Approval.  (a) The  execution,  delivery and
performance  by each Seller of this  Agreement and the  Ancillary  Agreements to
which it is a party and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
or thereby do not (i) violate or conflict with any provision of the  certificate
of  incorporation or bylaws or the comparable  organizational  documents of such
Seller,  (ii) subject to obtaining the consents  referred to in Schedule 4.2(a),
conflict with any provision of, or result in the breach of, constitute a default
under, or result in the termination, cancellation or acceleration (whether after
the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both) of any right or obligation of
Mexican  Seller under any Purchased  Contract to which Mexican Seller is a party


or to which its  respective  assets are bound,  (iii)  result in the creation or
imposition  of any Lien (other than a  Permitted  Lien) on any of the  Purchased
Assets,  and (iv)  assuming  compliance  with the  matters set forth in Sections
4.2(b) and 5.2(b),  violate or conflict  with any Law to which either  Seller is
subject;  except,  with  respect  to  clauses  (ii),  (iii)  and  (iv),  for any
violations,  breaches,  conflicts,  defaults,  terminations,   cancellations  or
accelerations  that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse

          (b) Except as set forth on Schedule  4.2(b),  no Permit is required on
     the part of Sellers in  connection  with the execution and delivery of this
     Agreement or the Ancillary  Agreements,  the compliance by Sellers with any
     of  the  provisions   hereof  or  thereof,   or  the  consummation  of  the
     transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

     4.3 Absence of Certain  Developments.  Except as expressly  contemplated by
this Agreement or as set forth on Schedule 4.3, since December 31, 2002:

          (a) there has not been any damage, destruction or loss, whether or not
     covered  by  insurance,  with  respect  to the  Purchased  Assets  having a
     replacement cost of more than $5,000 in the aggregate;

          (b) except in the ordinary course of business as contemplated  hereby,
     neither Seller has entered into any contract or other  arrangement  for the
     purchase or  disposition  of any material  property or assets or mortgaged,
     pledged or  subjected  any of the  Purchased  Assets to a Lien  (other than
     Permitted Liens) or sold,  assigned,  transferred or otherwise  disposed of
     any material Purchased Asset; and

          (c) neither Seller has agreed, whether in writing or not, to do any of
     the things set forth in subsections (a) and (b) above.

     4.4 The Purchased Assets; Sufficiency of Tangible Assets.

          (a)  Except  with  respect  to  the  Facility  (as  to  which  certain
     representations are made under to Section 4.5 hereof), each Seller has good
     and marketable  title to the Purchased Assets owned by it free and clear of
     all Liens, except Permitted Liens.

          (b) Except as set forth on Schedule  4.4(b)  hereto and except for (i)
     the Excluded  Assets and (ii) items  disposed of following the date of this
     Agreement  in the  ordinary  course of  business  and not in  violation  of
     Section 6.3 hereof, the Purchased Assets,  together with the rights,  goods
     and services  granted,  transferred or to be performed or made available by
     Sellers pursuant to the Ancillary Agreements,  constitute all material real
     property  interests and tangible assets used by Sellers in the operation of
     the Business  substantially  as it has been conducted  during the three (3)
     year period prior to the Closing Date. In the event this Section  4.4(b) is
     breached because a Seller has in good faith failed to identify and transfer
     any assets or properties used in the Business,  such breach shall be deemed
     cured if such Seller  promptly  transfers such  properties or assets to the
     applicable Buyer at no additional cost.


          (c) Schedule 4.4(c) sets forth a complete and reasonably detailed list
     of all Purchased  Assets (other than Inventory and any  additional  Mexican
     Equipment or  additional  U.S.  Equipment  purchased by Buyers  pursuant to
     Section 2.6(c)) being sold by Sellers hereunder.

     4.5 Facility.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.5, (a) Mexican Seller owns
in fee good and marketable  title to the Facility,  free and clear of any Liens,
except  for  Permitted  Liens,  and (b) no  interest  of  Mexican  Seller in the
Facility  is  subject  to any  right of first  refusal  or  right or  option  to
purchase,  lease or license the  Facility or any portion  therein.  There are no
condemnation  actions pending or, to Sellers' knowledge,  threatened against the
Facility.  Except as set forth on Schedule  4.5,  the Facility is in good repair
and operating condition and, to the knowledge of Sellers, is structurally sound,
subject in each case to  ordinary  wear and tear.  Neither  Seller has  received
notification  or  correspondence  within the three (3) year period  prior to the
Closing Date that it is in violation of any applicable building or zoning Law in
respect to their operations of the Facility, except for such violations that, in
the  aggregate,  would not  reasonably  be expected  to have a Material  Adverse
Effect.  Mexican Seller is the sole occupant of the Facility.  No Person has the
right to acquire the  Facility or any part  thereof or  development  rights with
respect  thereto and, to the  knowledge  of Sellers,  no Person has asserted any
such  right.  The  Facility  is  serviced  by  water,  sewer,   sanitary  sewer,
electricity  or natural  gas  sufficient  to operate the  Business as  conducted
during the three (3) year period prior to the Closing Date.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing, no representation is being made herein by Sellers with respect to the
sufficiency of such water,  sewer,  sanitary sewer,  electricity and natural gas
services for any period following the Closing, the sole responsibility for which
shall be Buyers.

     4.6  Leased  Property.  Schedule  4.6 sets  forth a list of all  leases  in
respect  of real and  personal  property  leased by  Mexican  Seller and used in
connection with the Business (collectively, the "Leases"). Each of the Leases is
in full force and effect and, to the  knowledge of Sellers,  Mexican  Seller has
not  received  any  written  notice of any  default or event that with notice or
lapse of time, or both,  would  constitute a default by Mexican Seller under any
of the Leases.

     4.7  Litigation.  Except as set forth on Schedule  4.7,  there is no claim,
action, suit, investigation, inquiry or Order pending or, to Sellers' knowledge,
threatened against Sellers that (i) as of the date hereof,  seeks to restrain or
prohibit or otherwise  challenge the  consummation,  legality or validity of the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement or by the Ancillary Agreements,  or
(ii) would, in the aggregate,  reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse

     4.8  Purchased  Contracts.  Schedule  4.8  sets  forth a list of all of the
Purchased Contracts. Complete and correct copies of the Purchased Contracts have
been delivered to U.S. Buyer. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.8, no consent or
approval of any Person is  necessary  to assign to Buyers,  on the terms of this
Agreement or the Ancillary Agreements, any rights or interests of Mexican Seller
in the Purchased  Contracts.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.8, the Purchased
Contracts are  (assuming  the due  execution  and delivery  thereof by the other
parties thereto) valid,  binding and in full force and effect,  and (except that


with respect to Contracts  with  utilities,  no  representation  is being made).
Except  as set  forth on  Schedule  4.8 (i)  Mexican  Seller is not in breach or
default  in any  material  respect  under any  Purchased  Contract,  (ii) to the
knowledge of Sellers,  no condition  exists that with notice or lapse of time or
both  would  constitute  a  default  under a  Purchased  Contract,  (iii) to the
knowledge  of Sellers,  no other party to any of the  Purchased  Contracts is in
material breach or default  thereunder;  and (iv) neither Mexican Seller nor, to
Sellers'  knowledge,  any other party  thereto,  has  received or been  provided
notice of cancellation or termination of any Purchased Contract.

     4.9 Compliance with Laws, Permits.

          (a) Except with respect to  Environmental  Laws (which are the subject
     of Section 4.10) and except for matters set forth on Schedule 4.9,  Mexican
     Seller is in compliance in all material  respects with all Laws  applicable
     to the  ownership or operation of the  Business.  Sellers have not received
     from any Governmental Entity any written notice of or been charged with the
     violation  of any Laws  applicable  to the  ownership  or  operation of the

          (b) Except as set forth on Schedule 4.9,  Mexican Seller currently has
     all  Permits  that  are  required  for the  operation  of the  Business  as
     conducted  during  the three (3) year  period  prior to the  Closing  Date,
     except  Permits the absence of which  would not  reasonably  be expected to
     have a Material Adverse Effect. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.9, all of
     such  Permits  issued to  Mexican  Seller  are valid and in full  force and
     effect,  and  Sellers  have duly  performed  and are in  compliance  in all
     material  respects  with all of their  respective  obligations  under  such
     Permits, except for such non-compliance as would not reasonably be expected
     to have a Material  Adverse  Effect.  Mexican  Seller has not  received any
     notice  from any  Governmental  Entity  claiming a  violation  of any term,
     condition  or provision  of any Permit  required  for the  operation of the
     Business,  except for violations  which would not reasonably be expected to
     have a Material  Adverse  Effect  and,  to the  knowledge  of  Sellers,  no
     suspension or cancellation of any such Permits is threatened.

     4.10  Environmental  Matters.  Except as disclosed on Schedule 4.10 and for
matters set forth in or contemplated by the Remediation Plan:

          (a) The  operations  of Mexican  Seller  have been and are in material
     compliance  with  all  applicable   Environmental  Laws,  which  compliance
     includes  the  possession,  maintenance  and  compliance  with all permits,
     licenses and authorizations required by such Environmental Laws;

          (b) Mexican  Seller is not subject to any pending or, to the knowledge
     of  Sellers,   threatened  claim,  action,  proceeding,  or  suit  alleging
     noncompliance with any Environmental Law;

          (c)  To  the  knowledge  of  Sellers,  there  are  no  current  facts,
     circumstances or conditions arising out of or relating to the operations of
     the Business that would  reasonably be expected to result in Mexican Seller
     incurring liabilities under Environmental Laws;


          (d) Sellers, with respect to the Business, have not undertaken and are
     not under any  obligation  to conduct any Remedial  Action as a result of a
     Release of Hazardous Substances in violation of Environmental Laws;

          (e) To Sellers'  knowledge,  there are no  underground  storage  tanks
     (active or abandoned) at or under the Facility;

          (f) To Sellers' knowledge without any obligation of inquiry, there are
     not any off-site migration of Hazardous Substances that would reasonably be
     expected  to  materially  and  adversely  affect  the use or  value  of the
     Facility  (other than  conditions  or events that affect the economy,  real
     estate values or the industry of the Business generally); and

          (g) No  Lien  has  been  perfected  against  the  Property  under  any
     Environmental Law.

     4.11  Labor  and  Employment.  Except as set forth on  Schedule  4.11,  (i)
Mexican  Seller is not a party to any labor or collective  bargaining  agreement
with any employees of Mexican  Seller,  and (ii) Mexican Seller has not made any
commitments with any labor union or employee collective  bargaining  association
with respect to any future agreements relating to its employees.

     4.12  Insurance.  Except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule  4.12,  to  Sellers'
knowledge,  there are no  outstanding  requirements  or  recommendations  by any
insurance  company  that  has  issued  a  policy  covering  any part of the real
property owned or leased by Mexican Seller by any Board of Fire  Underwriters or
other body exercising similar functions or by any Governmental  Entity requiring
any repairs or other work to be done on or with  respect to the  Facility or any
of the real  property  owned or  leased  by  Mexican  Seller  or  requiring  any
equipment or facilities to be installed on or in connection with the Facility or
any of the real property owned or leased by Mexican Seller.

     4.13  Inventory.  The  Inventory  is in good  condition  and is fit for the
purpose for which the Inventory is intended.

     4.14 No Broker.  In connection with the  transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement  and by the  Ancillary  Agreements,  neither  Sellers nor any of their
Affiliates is a party to any agreement,  arrangement or  understanding  with any
Person which will result in the obligation of Buyers or any of their  Affiliates
to pay any finders fee, brokerage commission or similar payment.

     4.15 No Other  Representations  or  Warranties;  Schedules.  Except for the
representations  and warranties  made by Sellers in this Article IV (as modified
by  the  Schedules  hereto),  the  documents  delivered  by a  Seller  at  or in
connection  with the Closing,  and in the Ancillary  Agreements  (including  the
schedules thereto), neither Sellers nor any other Person makes any other express
or implied representation or warranty with respect to Sellers, the Business, the
Purchased Assets,  the Assumed  Liabilities or the transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement,  and Sellers disclaim any other  representations  or warranties,
whether made by Sellers,  any  Affiliate  of Sellers or any of their  respective


officers,  directors,  employees, agents or representatives;  provided, however,
that to the extent any document  referred to in any Schedule hereto is delivered
or made  available to Buyers or their  representatives,  Sellers  represent that
such document is complete and correct in all material  respects.  Except for the
representations  and  warranties  contained in Article IV hereof (as modified by
the Schedules hereto),  the documents  delivered by a Seller at or in connection
with the Closing,  and in the  Ancillary  Agreements  (including  the  schedules
thereto),  each Seller (a) expressly disclaims and negates any representation or
warranty,  expressed  or  implied,  at common law,  by  statute,  or  otherwise,
relating to the  condition of the  Purchased  Assets  (including  any implied or
expressed warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or of
conformity  to models or samples of  materials)  and (b)  hereby  disclaims  all
liability  and  responsibility  for any  representation,  warranty,  projection,
forecast,  statement, or information made, communicated, or furnished (orally or
in writing) to Buyers or their  Affiliates  or  representatives  (including  any
opinion,  information,  projection,  or  advice  that  may  have  been or may be
provided to Buyers by any director,  officer,  employee,  agent, consultant,  or
representative  of  Sellers  or  any  of  their  Affiliates).  Sellers  make  no
representations  or  warranties  to Buyers  regarding  the  probable  success or
profitability  of the  Business.  The  disclosure  of any  matter or item in any
schedule  hereto shall not be deemed to  constitute an  acknowledgment  that any
such matter is required to be disclosed.

                                   Article V


          Each Buyer  hereby  represents  and  warrants to Sellers,  jointly and
     severally, that as of the date hereof:

     5.1 Organization;  Due Authorization.  U.S. Buyer is a corporation  validly
existing and in good standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware.  Mexican
Buyer is a sociedad de  responsabilidad  limitada de capital  variable  duly and
validly  existing  under  the  laws of  Mexico.  Each  Buyer  has the  requisite
corporate power and authority to enter into,  execute and deliver this Agreement
and the Ancillary  Agreements to which it is or will be a party,  to perform its
obligations   hereunder  and  thereunder  and  to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and thereby.  The  execution  and delivery by each Buyer of
this  Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements to which it is or will be a party,
the performance of its obligations hereunder and thereunder and the consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by
all  necessary  corporate  action on the part of U.S.  Buyer  and all  necessary
organizational action on the part of Mexican Buyer. This Agreement has been, and
each of the  Ancillary  Agreements to which a Buyer is a party is, or will be at
or prior to the Closing, duly executed and delivered by Buyers party thereto and
(assuming  the due  authorization,  execution  and  delivery  by  Sellers)  this
Agreement and each of the Ancillary Agreements  constitute,  or when so executed
and delivered will constitute,  legal, valid and binding  obligations of Buyers,
enforceable against Buyers in accordance with their respective terms

     5.2 No Violation;  Consents and Approvals. (a) The execution,  delivery and
performance  by each Buyer of this  Agreement  and the  Ancillary  Agreements to


which it is a party and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
or thereby do not (i) violate or conflict with any provision of the  certificate
of  incorporation or bylaws or the comparable  organizational  documents of such
Buyer,  (ii) subject to obtaining the consents  referred to in Schedule  5.2(a),
conflict with any provision of, or result in the breach of, constitute a default
under, or result in the termination, cancellation or acceleration (whether after
the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both) of any right or obligation of
Buyers  under  any  Contract  to which  either  Buyer is a party or to which its
respective  assets are bound,  (iii)  assuming  compliance  with the matters set
forth in Sections  4.2(b) and 5.2(b),  violate or conflict with any Law to which
either Buyer is subject; except, with respect to clauses (ii) and (iii), for any
violations,  breaches,  conflicts,  defaults,  terminations,   cancellations  or
accelerations  that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse

          (b) Except as set forth on Schedule  5.2(b),  no Permit is required on
     the part of Buyers in  connection  with the  execution and delivery of this
     Agreement or the Ancillary Agreements, the compliance by Buyers with any of
     the provisions  hereof or thereof,  or the consummation of the transactions
     contemplated hereby or thereby,  except for Permits the failure of which to
     obtain would not  reasonably be expected to have a Buyer  Material  Adverse

          5.3  Litigation.  Except as set  forth on  Schedule  5.3,  there is no
     claim, action, suit, investigation, inquiry or Order pending or, to Buyers'
     knowledge,  threatened against Buyers that (i) as of the date hereof, seeks
     to restrain or prohibit or otherwise  challenge the consummation,  legality
     or validity of the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement or by the
     Ancillary Agreements,  or (ii) would reasonably be expected to have a Buyer
     Material Adverse Effect.

          5.4  Availability  of Funds.  U.S. Buyer has, and Mexican Buyer at the
     Closing  will  have,  (i)  sufficient  cash to  enable  it to pay the  U.S.
     Purchase Price and the Mexican Purchase Price, and otherwise consummate the
     transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements,
     and (ii) the resources and capabilities (financial or otherwise) to perform
     its obligations hereunder.

          5.5 Acknowledgement.  Buyers and their representatives and agents have
     had and have exercised,  prior to the date hereof,  the right to enter upon
     the Facility and to make all inspections and investigations of the Business
     and the Purchased  Assets deemed  necessary or desirable by Buyers.  Buyers
     are  purchasing  the Purchased  Assets based solely on the results of their
     inspections and investigations and on the representations and warranties of
     Sellers  expressly  set  forth  in  this  Agreement  and in  the  documents
     delivered  by a Seller at or in  connection  with the  Closing.  Each Buyer
     acknowledges  and agrees that neither Seller is making any  representations
     or warranties whatsoever,  express or implied, beyond those expressly given
     by them in Article IV hereof (as modified by the  Schedules  hereto) and in
     the documents  delivered by a Seller at or in connection  with the Closing,
     and each Buyer acknowledges and agrees that, except for the representations
     and warranties contained therein, the Purchased Assets and the Business are
     being transferred on a "where is" and, as to condition,  "as is" basis. Any
     claims Buyers may have for breach of  representation  or warranty  shall be
     based solely on the  representations and warranties of Sellers set forth in
     Article  IV  hereof  (as  modified  by  the  Schedules  hereto)  and in the


     documents delivered by a Seller at or in connection with the Closing.  Each
     Buyer agrees that neither Sellers nor any of their  Affiliates or any other
     Person  will have or be  subject  to any  liability  to Buyers or any other
     Person resulting from the  distribution to Buyers or their  representatives
     or Buyers' use of, any information  regarding Sellers,  the Business or the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement not expressly set forth in this
     Agreement and the documents  delivered by a Seller at or in connection with
     the Closing,  including any confidential memoranda distributed on behalf of
     either of Sellers  relating to the  Business or other  publication  or data
     room information provided to Buyers or their representatives,  or any other
     document  or   information   in  any  form  provided  to  Buyers  or  their
     representatives  in  connection  with  the  sale  of the  Business  and the
     transactions contemplated hereby.

          5.6 No Broker. Neither Buyer is party to any agreement, arrangement or
     understanding  with any  Person  which  will  result in the  obligation  of
     Sellers  or any of  their  Affiliates  to pay any  finders  fee,  brokerage
     commission  or  similar  payment  in  connection   with  the   transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement and by the Ancillary Agreements.

                                   Article VI


          6.1 Access to Information.

               (a) Pre-Closing Access.  Sellers agree that, prior to the Closing
          Date,  Buyers  shall  be  entitled,   through  their   representatives
          (including,  without limitation,  their legal advisors,  environmental
          consultants  and  accountants),  to  make  such  investigation  of the
          properties,  businesses  and  operations  of  the  Business  and  such
          examination  of  the  Business  Records,   the  Purchased  Assets  and
          information  relating to the Assumed  Liabilities  (and to make copies
          thereof and to take abstracts therefrom) and to discuss the affairs of
          Mexican Seller and the Business with Sellers'  officers,  senior staff
          personnel and independent  accountants,  as Buyers reasonably request.
          Any such  investigation  and  examination  shall be  conducted  during
          regular  business  hours  upon  reasonable  advance  notice  and under
          reasonable  circumstances  and shall be subject to restrictions  under
          applicable  Law;  provided,   however,   that  no  such  access  shall
          unreasonably   interfere  with  the  operation  by  Sellers  of  their
          respective   businesses,   including  the  Business.   Notwithstanding
          anything herein to the contrary,  no such investigation or examination
          shall be permitted to the extent that it would  require  either Seller
          or any of its Affiliates to disclose  information which would disrupt,
          interfere or endanger an  attorney-client  privilege or conflict  with
          any  confidentiality  obligations to which either Seller or any of its
          Affiliates  are bound;  provided that Sellers  promptly  inform Buyers
          that they will not provide any such  information  requested during the
          course of such examination or  investigation as a result thereof.  All
          information  disclosed to Buyers in connection  with the  transactions
          contemplated  hereby  shall  be  subject  to  the  provisions  of  the
          Confidentiality  Agreement, dated as of September 17, 2002, previously
          executed  by  U.S.  Buyer  and  U.S.   Seller  (the   "Confidentiality

               (b)  Post-Closing  Access.  Following  the Closing,  Buyers shall
          maintain the Contracts,  if any, books and records and other documents
          relating to the Business for a period of not less than seven (7) years
          following  the  Closing  Date.  Following  the  Closing  and until the
          seventh (7th)  anniversary  of the Closing Date,  Buyers shall provide


          Sellers  and their  representatives  (including,  without  limitation,
          their  legal  advisors,  environmental  consultants  and  accountants)
          reasonable  access,  during regular business hours and upon reasonable
          advance notice and under reasonable  circumstances,  to the Contracts,
          documents  and  books and  records  of  Buyers  and  their  Affiliates
          relating to the Business as conducted during the three (3) year period
          prior  to  the  Closing  Date  for  any  reasonable  business  purpose
          (including, without limitation, preparing Tax Returns and defending or
          pursuing   claims),   and  Buyers  shall  cooperate  and  cause  their
          Affiliates to cooperate and permit  Sellers and their  representatives
          to examine and copy, at Sellers'  expense,  such Contracts,  documents
          and books  and  records.  In the event  that  either  Buyer  wishes to
          destroy  such  records  after that time,  such Buyer  shall first give
          sixty (60) days prior written notice to U.S. Sellers, and U.S. Sellers
          shall  have the right at its option and  expense,  upon prior  written
          notice  given to Buyers  within  that sixty (60) day  period,  to take
          possession  of the  records  within  sixty (60) days after the date of
          such  notice  upon  reasonable  advance  notice to  Buyers;  provided,
          however, that such taking possession shall not unreasonably  interfere
          with the operation by Buyers of their respective businesses.

          6.2 Actions of Sellers in Connection with Transaction.

               (a) Removal of Excluded  Assets.  Sellers shall use  commercially
          reasonable  efforts to remove all  Excluded  Assets from the  Facility
          prior to the Closing. To the extent that any Excluded Assets remain at
          the  Facility  on or after the  Closing  (all of which shall have been
          listed or  specifically  described  in  Schedule  6.2),  Buyers  shall
          provide  Sellers  reasonable  access to the Facility  upon  reasonable
          advance  notice and under  reasonable  circumstances  for  purposes of
          removing such Excluded  Assets,  all of which shall be removed  within
          sixty  (60) days  after the  Closing  Date.  After such sixty (60) day
          period, any such Excluded Assets which remain at the Facility shall be
          deemed to have been  abandoned  by Sellers,  and Buyers shall have the
          right to destroy and remove from the Facility all such then  remaining
          Excluded Assets at Sellers' reasonable  expense.  During the foregoing
          sixty  (60)  day  period,   Buyers  shall,  at  Sellers'  request  and
          reasonable  expense,  provide  assistance of appropriate  employees as
          necessary to disconnect  and remove any such Excluded  Assets from the
          Facility; provided, however, that such disconnection and removal shall
          be performed at a time so as to not  unreasonably  interfere  with the
          operation by Buyers of their respective businesses.

               (b) Change of  Registered  Address.  Promptly  after the Closing,
          Sellers shall take all actions  which may be necessary or  appropriate
          to change the registered address of Mexican Seller.

          6.3 Conduct of the  Business;  Etc. From and after the date hereof and
     until the  earlier  of the  Closing  and the date,  if any,  on which  this
     Agreement is  terminated  pursuant to Section 9.1 hereof (the  "Termination
     Date"),  and except (x) with the prior written consent of U.S. Buyer (which
     consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or delayed) and (y) as may be
     contemplated or permitted by this Agreement, Sellers shall:

               (a)  except  as set  forth on  Schedule  6.3(a),  use  reasonable
          efforts  to   preserve   intact  the   Business   and  the   Business'
          relationships  with those persons having  material  business  dealings
          with the Business;


               (b) not permit  Mexican  Seller to engage in any material line of
          business  other than the  lead-acid  battery  business and  activities
          reasonably related thereto;

               (c) not acquire any material  properties  or assets that would be
          Purchased Assets or sell, assign, license,  transfer, convey, lease or
          otherwise  dispose of any of the Purchased  Assets (except pursuant to
          existing  contracts to the extent  identified on Schedule 6.3(c),  for
          fair  consideration  in the  ordinary  course of  business  or for the
          purpose of disposing of obsolete or worthless assets);

               (d) not  create  any Lien  (other  than  Permitted  Liens) on the
          Purchased Assets, other than in the ordinary course of business;

               (e)  not  enter  into  any  transaction  which  would  cause  any
          representation or warranty contained in this Agreement to be untrue in
          any  material  respect,  or which  would  result in the  breach in any
          material respect of any covenant contained in this Agreement such that
          the closing condition set forth in Section 7.2 could not be satisfied;

               (f) not  amend  or  terminate,  or waive  any  rights  under  any
          Purchased Contract;

               (g)  promptly  give  written  notice to  Buyers  of any  actions,
          claims,  proceedings or investigations threatened or commenced against
          either   Seller  which  would   adversely   affect  the   transactions
          contemplated by this Agreement or against the Business;

               (h) not  enter  into  any new  leases  of  real  property  or new
          material agreements or material modifications of existing arrangements
          affecting the Facility;

               (i) use commercially  reasonable efforts to complete the Remedial
          Actions  contained  in the  Remediation  Plan that are  required to be
          completed prior to Closing to Buyers' reasonable satisfaction

               (j) give  prompt  written  notice to Buyers of any  condition  or
          circumstance  of which  Sellers  become aware which would cause any of
          Sellers'  representations  and warranties  which are contained in this
          document or in any Ancillary  Agreement to be untrue at the Closing in
          any material respect; and

               (k) not  authorize,  or  commit  or  agree  to  take,  any of the
          foregoing actions.

          6.4 Reasonable Best Efforts; Further Assurances.

               (a) Subject to the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement  and
          applicable  Law,  each of the parties  shall act in good faith and use
          reasonable  best efforts to take,  or cause to be taken,  all actions,
          and to do,  or cause to be  done,  all  things  necessary,  proper  or
          advisable  to  consummate  the   transactions   contemplated  by  this
          Agreement  and  the   Ancillary   Agreements  as  soon  as  reasonably
          practicable.  Without  limiting the  foregoing  and subject to Section
          2.5, the parties shall, and shall cause their respective Affiliates to


          (i) obtain all  Permits or other  permissions  or actions by, and give
          all necessary  notices to, and make all filings with and  applications
          and submissions to, any  Governmental  Entity or other Person required
          for  the  consummation  of  the  transactions   contemplated  by  this
          Agreement  and the  Ancillary  Agreements  as promptly  as  reasonably
          practicable;  (ii) provide all such information  concerning such party
          and its officers, directors, employees, partners and Affiliates as may
          be necessary or reasonably requested in connection with the foregoing;
          (iii)  avoid the entry of, or have  vacated or  terminated,  any Order
          that  would  restrain,  prevent,  or  delay  the  consummation  of the
          transactions   contemplated   by  this  Agreement  and  the  Ancillary
          Agreements,  including but not limited to defending through litigation
          on the merits any claim asserted in any court by any Person;  and (iv)
          take any and all  reasonable  steps  necessary  to avoid or  eliminate
          every impediment under any antitrust,  competition, foreign investment
          or trade  regulation law that is asserted by any  Governmental  Entity
          with respect to the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated by
          this  Agreement  and the  Ancillary  Agreements  so as to  enable  the
          consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and
          the Ancillary  Agreements to occur as  expeditiously  as possible.  If
          reasonably  practicable,  prior to making any application to or filing
          with a  Governmental  Entity or other Person in  connection  with this
          Agreement or any  Ancillary  Agreement,  each party shall  provide the
          other  party  with  drafts  thereof  and  afford  the  other  party  a
          reasonable  opportunity  under the  circumstances  to  comment on such

               (b) Without limiting the foregoing,  Mexican Buyer shall take all
          actions necessary to obtain a Maquiladora  Program  Authorization from
          the  Mexican  Ministry  of  Economy  and such  other  Permits or other
          permissions  of any Mexican  Governmental  Entity  necessary  to allow
          Mexican  Buyer to  operate  as a  Maquiladora  and to  consummate  the
          transactions   contemplated   by  this  Agreement  and  the  Ancillary

               (c) Buyers  and  Sellers  shall  each keep each other  reasonably
          apprised of the status of material  matters relating to the completion
          of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and the Ancillary
          Agreements,  including  promptly  furnishing the others with copies of
          notices  or other  material  communications  received  by a Buyer or a
          Seller, as the case may be, or by any of their respective  Affiliates,
          from any third party  and/or any  Governmental  Entity with respect to
          the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  and the Ancillary

          6.5 Public Announcements. No party hereto shall, nor shall they permit
     any of their  respective  Affiliates  to, make any public  announcement  in
     respect of this  Agreement,  the Ancillary  Agreements or the  transactions
     contemplated  hereby or thereby  without the prior  written  consent of the
     other parties hereto (which consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or
     delayed),  unless, in the sole judgment of a Buyer or a Seller,  disclosure
     is otherwise  required by applicable Law or by the applicable  rules of any
     stock exchange,  provided,  however,  that the party intending to make such
     release shall use its best efforts  consistent  with such applicable Law to
     consult with the other parties with respect to the text thereof.

          6.6 Certain Tax Matters.

               (a) Buyers and Sellers  agree to furnish or cause to be furnished
          to  each  other,  and  each at  their  own  expense,  as  promptly  as
          practicable,  such information (including access to books and records)
         and assistance,  including making employees  reasonably available on a


          mutually  convenient  basis  to  provide  additional  information  and
          explanations of any material provided,  as is reasonably necessary for
          (i) the filing of any Tax Returns,  for the preparation for any audit,
          and for the  prosecution  or defense of any claim,  suit or proceeding
          relating to any  adjustment  or proposed  adjustment  with  respect to
          Taxes,  and (ii)  pertaining  to employees of Mexican  Seller.  Buyers
          shall retain in its  possession and shall provide  Sellers  reasonable
          access to  (including  the right to make copies of),  such  supporting
          books and records  and any other  materials  that  Sellers may specify
          with  respect  to matters  relating  to Taxes for any  taxable  period
          ending on or prior to the Closing Date until the  relevant  statute of
          limitations has expired.  After such time,  Buyers may dispose of such
          material;  provided,  that prior to such disposition Buyers shall give
          Sellers a reasonable opportunity to take possession of such materials.

               (b) Except as set forth on Schedule  6.6(b),  U.S. Seller has not
          submitted  to  the  United  States   Internal   Revenue   Service  any
          documentation  that describes a methodology for  determining  transfer
          pricing  for  (i)  transfers  of  property  by  Mexican  Seller  to an
          Affiliate  thereof  or by U.S.  Seller  or any  Affiliate  thereof  to
          Mexican  Seller  and (ii) any  other  types  of  transactions  between
          Mexican  Seller,  on the one hand,  and U.S.  Seller or any  Affiliate
          thereof (other than Mexican Seller) on the other hand. U.S. Seller and
          other Matsushita  Affiliates in the United States have been parties to
          an  advance  pricing  agreement  that is  applicable  to the  transfer
          pricing  for  all  of the  transactions,  in  the  aggregate  and on a
          combined basis,  between  Matsushita  Affiliates outside of the United
          States  and  Matsushita  Affiliates  in the  United  States,  and U.S.
          Seller,  in  reliance  on  such  advance  pricing  agreement,  has not
          prepared   the   documentation    that   is   described   in   section
          1.6662-6(d)(2)(iii)(B)  and  (C)  for  submission  to the US  Internal
          Revenue Service.

               (c) Buyers shall be responsible for (and shall indemnify and hold
          harmless  Sellers  against)  any  Transfer  Taxes  applicable  to  the
          Purchased  Assets  and for all other  applicable  value  added  taxes,
          transfer or similar fees or taxes or governmental  charges  (including
          real property  transfer gains taxes,  real estate,  title recording or
          filing fees and other amounts payable in respect of transfer  filings)
          in connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement
          (other  than Taxes  measured by or with  respect to income  imposed on
          Sellers or their Affiliates).

          6.7 Employees.  Sellers shall terminate the employment,  in accordance
     with  applicable  Law, of any  individual  employed by either Seller at the
     Facility  as of the day  immediately  preceding  the  Closing  Date or such
     earlier  date  as may  be  agreed  among  the  parties.  Sellers  shall  be
     responsible for the severance  payments arising from the termination of any
     employee of either Seller who has been employed at the Facility.

          6.8 Ancillary Agreements.  At the Closing, each Buyer and each Seller,
     to the extent that it is a party  thereto,  shall  enter into,  execute and
     deliver each of the Ancillary  Agreements (other than the Technical License
     Agreement and the Technical Services Agreement,  which were executed on the
     date hereof).

          6.9  Use  of  Name.  Neither  Buyers,  nor  any  of  their  respective
     Affiliates,   shall  have  any  right,  title  or  interest  in  the  names
     "Panasonic"  or  "Matsushita"  (or any  variations  thereof)  or any  other
     trademarks,  trade names,  logo or symbols of Sellers and their Affiliates.


     Buyers agree that it shall (i) as soon as reasonably  practicable following
     the Closing (and in any event, within sixty (60) days thereafter), cease to
     make any use of the name  "Panasonic" or "Matsushita" or any service marks,
     trademarks,  trade names,  identifying symbols,  logos,  emblems,  signs or
     insignia  related  thereto  or  containing  or  comprising  the  foregoing,
     including any name or mark confusingly similar thereto  (collectively,  the
     "Seller  Marks"),  and (ii)  immediately  after the Closing,  cease to hold
     itself  out as  having  any  affiliation  with  Sellers  or  any  of  their
     Affiliates.  In furtherance  thereof,  as promptly as practicable but in no
     event later than ninety (90) days following the Closing Date,  Buyers shall
     remove,  strike  over or  otherwise  obliterate  all Seller  Marks from any
     properties,  assets,  molds,  Mexican  Equipment  or U.S.  Equipment of the
     Business  and  all  other  materials  including,  without  limitation,  any
     vehicles, business cards, stationery, packaging materials, displays, signs,
     promotional  materials,  internal  manuals  not  intended  for third  party
     distribution,  forms and computer  software.

          6.10 Contacts with Suppliers, Employees and Customers. Notwithstanding
     anything to the contrary  contained herein,  prior to the Closing,  without
     three (3) days prior written  notice to, and the prior written  consent of,
     Sellers, which may be withheld for any reason, Buyers shall not contact any
     suppliers to, or customers of, the Business (provided that Buyers shall not
     be restricted  from their normal and customary  contacts with any suppliers
     or customers with whom Buyers have current  relationships,  if with respect
     to such relationships).

          6.11  Confidentiality.  . The parties acknowledge that the information
     provided  to them in  connection  with  this  Agreement  and the  Ancillary
     Agreements and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby are subject
     to the  terms of the  Confidentiality  Agreement,  the  terms of which  are
     incorporated  herein by  reference.  The parties shall not, and shall cause
     their  respective  Affiliates  and their  respective  officers,  directors,
     employees,  consultants and advisors not to, make any public  disclosure of
     any kind of the transactions contemplated hereby or of any confidential and
     proprietary  information  obtained in connection therewith (whether via the
     due  diligence  process or  otherwise)  without  the other  parties'  prior
     written  consent;  provided,  that such disclosure may be made without such
     consent (i) to consultants, advisors and Affiliates of a party as necessary
     in connection with effecting the transactions contemplated hereby, but only
     to the extent such consultant, advisor or Affiliate has been advised of the
     confidential  nature of the  information,  or (ii) as required by Law;  and
     provided,  further,  that until the  Closing,  Buyers and Sellers  also may
     agree to issue one or more  press  releases  regarding  the  existence  and
     general nature of the transactions  contemplated  hereby, the text of which
     must be mutually  agreed upon in writing,  in all cases in accordance  with
     Section 6.5 hereof.

          6.12  U.S.  Buyer  Guarantee.   U.S.  Buyer  hereby   unconditionally,
     irrevocably  and  absolutely  guarantees  to Sellers  the due and  punctual
     performance and discharge of all of Mexican Buyer's  obligations under this
     Agreement  existing on the date hereof or  hereafter  of any kind or nature
     whatsoever,  including, without limitation, the due and punctual payment of
     the Mexican  Purchase  Price and any other  amount as and when the same may
     become  due and  payable  pursuant  to this  Agreement  (collectively,  the
     "Mexican Buyer Obligations"). Sellers may, at their option, proceed against
     U.S. Buyer for the  performance of any such Mexican Buyer  Obligations,  or
     for  damages  for  default  in  the  performance  thereof,   without  first
     proceeding  against  Mexican  Buyer or against any of its  properties.  The
     guarantee  under this  Section  6.12 is a guarantee  of timely  payment and


     performance of the Mexican Buyer  Obligations and not merely of collection.
     In connection  with this Section 6.12, U.S. Buyer  unconditionally  waives:
     (i) any right to receive demands, protests, or other notices of any kind or
     character  whatsoever,  as the same may pertain to Mexican Buyer,  (ii) any
     defense  based upon an election  of remedies by Sellers,  (iii) any duty of
     Sellers to advise U.S. Buyer of any information  known to Sellers regarding
     Mexican Buyer or its ability to perform under this Agreement,  and (iv) all
     suretyship and other defenses of every kind and nature; provided,  however,
     that U.S. Buyer  reserves the right to assert  defenses which Mexican Buyer
     may have to the  payment  of the  Mexican  Buyer  Obligations,  other  than
     defenses arising from the bankruptcy or insolvency of Mexican Buyer.

          6.13  U.S.  Seller  Guarantee.  U.S.  Seller  hereby  unconditionally,
     irrevocably  and  absolutely  guarantees  to  Buyers  the due and  punctual
     performance and discharge of all of Mexican Seller's obligations under this
     Agreement  existing on the date hereof or  hereafter  of any kind or nature
     whatsoever,  including, without limitation, the due and punctual payment of
     any amount as and when the same may become due and payable pursuant to this
     Agreement (collectively, the "Mexican Seller Obligations").  Buyers may, at
     their option,  proceed  against U.S. Seller for the performance of any such
     Mexican Seller  Obligations,  or for damages for default in the performance
     thereof,  without first proceeding against Mexican Seller or against any of
     its  properties.  The  guarantee  under this Section 6.13 is a guarantee of
     timely payment and performance of Mexican Seller Obligations and not merely
     of  collection.   In  connection   with  this  Section  6.13,  U.S.  Seller
     unconditionally waives (i) any right to receive demands,  protests or other
     notices of any kind or  character  whatsoever,  as the same may  pertain to
     Mexican  Seller,  (ii) any  defense  based upon an  election of remedies by
     Buyers,  (iii) any duty of Buyers to advise U.S.  Seller of any information
     known to Buyers  regarding  Mexican  Seller or its ability to perform under
     this  Agreement,  and (iv) all  suretyship and other defenses of every kind
     and nature;  provided,  however,  that U.S.  Seller  reserves  the right to
     assert defenses which Mexican Seller may have to the payment of the Mexican
     Seller  Obligations,  other than  defenses  arising from the  bankruptcy or
     insolvency of Mexican Seller.


          6.14 Remediation Plan.  Sellers shall complete the Remediation Plan at
     Sellers' sole expense and to the mutual satisfaction of Buyers and Sellers.
     Following completion of the work prescribed under the Remediation Plan, the
     parties agree that the Facility shall be re-tested at Sellers' sole expense
     by  the  environmental   consultant  whose  identity  is  included  in  the
     Remediation  Plan, who shall certify that Remedial Actions set forth in the
     Remediation  Plan have been  completed in accordance  with the  Remediation
     Plan (the "Environmental Certification").  If such environmental consultant
     determines  that further  Remedial  Action is required to complete the work
     prescribed  under the  Remediation  Plan,  Sellers,  at their sole expense,
     shall  complete  such work to the  reasonable  satisfaction  of Buyers  and
     Sellers.  From and after the  Closing,  Buyers agree that Sellers and their
     agents and representatives shall have access to enter upon the Facility for
     the purpose of performing the Remedial Action and carrying out their rights
     and obligations under this Section 6.14, provided that such access is under
     reasonable terms and conditions so as to not interfere with normal business

          6.15 Proration of Taxes and Certain Charges; Deposits.

               (a) All real property Taxes,  personal  property Taxes or similar
          ad valorem obligations levied with respect to the Purchased Assets for
          any taxable  period that  includes the day before the Closing Date and
          ends after the Closing  Date,  whether  imposed or assessed  before or
          after the Closing Date,  shall be prorated  between Sellers and Buyers
          as of 12:01 A.M.  (eastern  time) on the Closing  Date.  To the extent
          that the  proportionate  amount of such Taxes paid (or, in the event a
          refund of any portion of such Taxes previously paid is received,  such
          refund) can be  calculated or estimated on or before the Closing Date,
          the  party  entitled  thereto  shall  send a  written  notice  of such
          calculation  or  estimation  to the  other  party at least  three  (3)
          Business  Days prior to the Closing  Date,  and such amounts  shall be
          paid  to the  other  party  at  Closing.  Calculations  of  any  other
          prorations  shall be made as soon as  possible,  but in no event later
          than sixty (60) days after Closing  (unless the invoice for such Taxes
          or  obligations  is received  later than  fifty-three  (53) days after
          Closing,  in which  event no later than five (5)  Business  Days after
          receipt),  and any  remaining  adjustment  obligations  shall  be paid
          promptly upon demand.

               (b) All municipal, utility or authority charges for water, sewer,
          electric or gas  charges,  garbage or waste  removal for any period in
          which the Closing Date occurs shall be  apportioned  as of the Closing
          Date and each party shall pay its  proportionate  share  promptly upon
          the  receipt  of any bill,  statement  or other  charge  with  respect
          thereto.  If such charges or rates are assessed either based upon time
          or for a specified period,  such charges or rates shall be prorated as
          of 12:01 A.M.  (eastern  time) on the Closing Date. If such charges or
          rates are  assessed  based upon usage of utility or similar  services,
          such charges shall be prorated  based upon meter readings taken on the
          Closing  Date.  To the extent  that the  proportionate  amount of such
          charges  paid (or in the event a refund of any portion of such charges
          previously  paid  is  received,  such  refund)  can be  calculated  or
          estimated on or before the Closing Date,  the party  entitled  thereto
          shall send a written  notice of such  calculation or estimation to the
          other  party at least  three (3)  Business  Days prior to the  Closing
          Date,  and such  amounts  shall be paid to the other party at Closing.
          Calculations  of any  other  prorations  shall  be  made  as  soon  as
          possible,  but in no event  later than  sixty (60) days after  Closing
          (unless the invoice for such  charges or rates is received  later than
          fifty-three (53) days after Closing, in which event no later than five


          (5)  Business  Days  after  receipt),  and  any  remaining  adjustment
          obligations shall be paid promptly upon demand.

               (c) A list  of all  utility  deposits  and  other  deposits  of a
          similar  nature  (collectively,  the  "Utility  Deposits")  of Mexican
          Seller in respect of the Business  shall be provided by Mexican Seller
          to Mexican Buyer at least three (3) Business Days prior to the Closing
          Date  (the  "Deposit  Certificate").  Mexican  Seller  will  assign to
          Mexican Buyer all Utility  Deposits listed on the Deposit  Certificate
          which are  assignable,  and Mexican Buyer shall pay to Mexican  Seller
          the  aggregate  amount of Utility  Deposits  set forth on the  Deposit
          Certificate at Closing.

          6.16  Supplementation  and Amendment of  Schedules.  From time to time
     prior to the Closing (but in no event within three (3) Business  Days prior
     to the  Closing),  Sellers  shall have the right to supplement or amend the
     Schedules with respect to any matter hereafter  arising or discovered after
     the delivery of the Schedules  pursuant to this Agreement that, if existing
     or known at, or occurring prior to, the date of this Agreement,  would have
     been  required  to be set forth or  described  on such  Schedules.  No such
     supplement or amendment  shall have any effect on the  satisfaction  of the
     condition to closing set forth in Section 7.1 (such  condition  shall apply
     without regard to any such supplement or amendment);  provided, however, if
     the Closing  shall  occur,  then Buyers  shall be deemed to have waived any
     right or  claim  pursuant  to the  terms of this  Agreement  or  otherwise,
     including pursuant to Article X hereof, with respect to any and all matters
     disclosed  pursuant to any such  supplement or amendment at or prior to the

                                  Article VII


               The  obligations of Buyers to consummate the  transactions  under
          this  Agreement  are  subject  to the  satisfaction  of the  following
          conditions at or prior to the Closing  Date,  any one or more of which
          may be  waived  by  Buyers  in their  sole  discretion  to the  extent
          permitted by applicable Law:

          7.1 Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties
     of Sellers set forth in this Agreement  shall be true and correct at and as
     of the Closing  Date,  except to the extent that such  representations  and
     warranties  relate to an earlier  date (in which case such  representations
     and  warranties  shall be true and correct on and as of such earlier date);
     provided,  however,  that in the event of a breach of a  representation  or
     warranty  the  condition  set  forth in this  Section  7.1  shall be deemed
     satisfied  unless the effect of all such  breaches of  representations  and
     warranties  taken together result in a Material  Adverse  Effect,  and U.S.
     Buyer shall have received a certificate,  in form and substance  reasonably
     satisfactory to U.S. Buyer, signed by an authorized officer of U.S. Seller,
     dated the Closing Date, to the foregoing  effect;  and,  provided  further,
     however,  that any such breach  shall not be deemed  waived for purposes of
     asserting a claim for Losses under Section 10.2.

          7.2 Compliance with Covenants. Each Seller shall have performed in all
     material respects all obligations,  covenants and agreements required to be


     performed  by such Seller  under this  Agreement at or prior to the Closing
     Date,  and U.S.  Buyer  shall  have  received  a  certificate  signed by an
     authorized officer of U.S. Seller, dated the Closing Date, to the foregoing

          7.3 Consent and  Approvals.  All filings  with,  or approvals  of, any
     Governmental  Entity  necessary to permit  consummation of the transactions
     contemplated  hereby and listed on Schedule 7.3 hereto shall have been made
     or  obtained,  and  no  injunction  prohibiting  the  consummation  of  the
     transactions contemplated hereby shall have been issued by any Governmental
     Entity of competent jurisdiction and be in force.

          7.4 Opinions of Counsel. There shall have been delivered to Buyers the
     opinion of  Obregon,  Quintana y  Fernandez  Del Valle,  S.C.,  counsel for
     Mexican  Seller,  in the form  attached as Exhibit  C-1, and the opinion of
     Weil,  Gotshal & Manges LLP, counsel for U.S. Seller,  in the form attached
     as Exhibit C-2.

          7.5 Further  Assurances.  Sellers  shall have  furnished to Buyers all
     such other  certificates and documents as Buyers may reasonably  request in
     order to evidence  performance by Sellers of their  obligations  under this
     Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements or as may be necessary to carry out
     the purposes of this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements.

                                  Article VIII


               The obligations of Sellers to consummate the  transactions  under
          this  Agreement  are  subject  to the  satisfaction  of the  following
          conditions at or prior to the Closing  Date,  any one or more of which
          may be  waived by  Sellers  in their  sole  discretion  to the  extent
          permitted by applicable law:

          8.1 Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties
     of Buyers set forth in this  Agreement  shall be true and correct at and as
     of the  Closing,  except  to  the  extent  that  such  representations  and
     warranties  relate to an earlier  date (in which case such  representations
     and  warranties  shall be true and correct on and as of such earlier date);
     provided,  however,  that in the event of a breach of a  representation  or
     warranty  the  condition  set  forth in this  Section  8.1  shall be deemed
     satisfied  unless the effect of all such  breaches of  representations  and
     warranties  taken together result in a Buyer Material  Adverse Effect,  and
     U.S.  Seller  shall have  received  a  certificate,  in form and  substance
     reasonably  satisfactory to U.S. Seller, signed by an authorized officer of
     U.S. Buyer, dated the Closing Date, to the foregoing effect;  and, provided
     further,  however,  that any such  breach  shall not be deemed  waived  for
     purposes of asserting a claim for Losses under Section 10.2.

          8.2 Compliance with Covenants.  Each Buyer shall have performed in all
     material respects all obligations,  covenants and agreements required to be
     performed  by such Buyer  under this  Agreement  at or prior to the Closing
     Date,  and U.S.  Seller  shall  have  received a  certificate  signed by an
     authorized  officer of U.S. Buyer, dated the Closing Date, to the foregoing


          8.3 Consents and  Approvals.  All filings  with,  or approvals of, any
     Governmental  Entity  necessary to permit  consummation of the transactions
     contemplated  hereby and listed on Schedule 8.3 hereto shall have been made
     or  obtained,  and  no  injunction  prohibiting  the  consummation  of  the
     transactions contemplated hereby shall have been issued by any Governmental
     Entity of competent jurisdiction and be in force.

          8.4  Opinions of Counsel.  There shall have been  delivered to Sellers
     the opinion of Ernesto  Verlarde-Danache,  Inc., counsel for Mexican Buyer,
     in the form  attached as Exhibit D-1,  and the opinion of Warshaw  Burstein
     Cohen  Schlesinger & Kuh, LLP, Counsel for U.S. Buyer, in the form attached
     as Exhibit D-2.

          8.5 Further  Assurances.  Buyers  shall have  furnished to Sellers all
     such other  certificates and documents as Sellers may reasonably request in
     order to evidence  performance  by Buyers of their  obligations  under this
     Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements or as may be necessary to carry out
     the purposes of this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements.

                                   Article IX


          9.1 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated and the transactions
     contemplated  by this  Agreement  may be abandoned at any time prior to the
     Closing Date as follows:

               (a) by mutual written agreement of the parties hereto;

               (b) by U.S. Buyer upon a breach of any representation or warranty
          of Sellers or any  covenant or  agreement of Sellers set forth in this
          Agreement  such that the  conditions  set forth in Article  VII hereof
          would be incapable of being  satisfied;  provided,  however,  that the
          right to terminate  this  Agreement  pursuant to this  Section  9.1(b)
          shall only be available  to U.S.  Buyer after  Sellers  have  received
          written  notice of such breach and a  reasonable  opportunity  (of not
          less than twenty (20) Business Days) to cure the same;

               (c) by  U.S.  Seller  upon a  breach  of  any  representation  or
          warranty of Buyers or any covenant or agreement of Buyers set forth in
          this  Agreement  such that the  conditions  set forth in Article  VIII
          hereof would be incapable of being satisfied;  provided, however, that
          the right to terminate this Agreement  pursuant to this Section 9.1(c)
          shall only be  available to U.S.  Seller  after  Buyers have  received
          written  notice of such breach and a  reasonable  opportunity  (of not
          less than 20 Business Days) to cure the same;

               (d) by U.S. Buyer or U.S.  Seller,  at any time after October 31,
          2003,  if the Closing has not  occurred on or before  October 31, 2003
          for any reason;  provided,  however,  that the right to terminate this
          Agreement  pursuant to this  Section  9.1(d) shall not be available to
          U.S. Buyer, in the case of a breach of this Agreement by Buyers, or to
          U.S.  Seller,  in the case of a breach of this  Agreement  by Sellers,
          where such breach has been the cause of, or  resulted  in, the failure
          of the Closing to occur by such date; or


               (e) by U.S.  Buyer or U.S.  Seller,  if any  court  of  competent
          jurisdiction or other  Governmental  Entity of competent  jurisdiction
          having   valid   enforcement   authority   has   issued  a  final  and
          non-appealable Order permanently  restraining,  enjoining or otherwise
          prohibiting the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          9.2 Effect of Termination. In the event that this Agreement is validly
     terminated  pursuant to the  provisions  of this Article IX,  except as set
     forth below,  this Agreement shall  forthwith  become wholly void and of no
     force and effect and there shall be no liability or  obligation on the part
     of the  parties  hereto (or any of their  respective  officers,  directors,
     employees,  agents  or  Affiliates),  except  that the  provisions  of this
     Section 9.2,  the  provisions  of Section 6.5,  Section 6.11 and Article XI
     hereof and the Confidentiality  Agreement shall continue to apply following
     any such termination,  and nothing contained herein shall relieve any party
     hereto from liability for any willful breach of its covenants or agreements
     contained in this Agreement prior to such termination.

                                   Article X


          10.1 Survival of Representations  and Covenants.  The  representations
     and  warranties  contained  in  Articles IV and V of this  Agreement  shall
     survive the Closing until the  twenty-four  (24) month  anniversary  of the
     Closing Date, and the agreements and covenants  contained in this Agreement
     (other than Sections  10.5 and 10.7) shall survive the Closing  through and
     including the twenty-four (24) month  anniversary of the Closing Date or in
     accordance with their terms, if any (in each case, the "Survival  Period");
     provided,  however,  that any  obligations  to indemnify  and hold harmless
     shall not  terminate  with  respect to any Losses (as defined  below) as to
     which the Person to be  indemnified  shall have given  notice  (stating  in
     reasonable  detail,  to the  extent  known,  the  basis  of the  claim  for
     indemnification)  to the indemnifying party in accordance with Section 10.3
     before the termination of the applicable Survival Period.

          10.2 Indemnification.  (a) Sellers' Agreement to Indemnify. Subject to
     the  provisions  of Section 6.12 and this Article X, Sellers  hereby agree,
     jointly  and  severally,  to defend,  indemnify  and hold  Buyers and their
     respective  directors,  officers,  employees,  Affiliates,  successors  and
     permitted assigns (collectively,  the "Buyer Indemnified Parties") harmless
     from and against:

               (i) any and all losses, liabilities,  obligations, damages, costs
          and expenses  (collectively,  "Losses") based upon, attributable to or
          resulting  from the  failure  of any  representation  or  warranty  of
          Sellers set forth in this Agreement,  or in any document,  instrument,
          certificate  or affidavit to be delivered by Sellers at, in connection
          with, or as a condition to the Closing,  to be true and correct at the
          Closing  Date (other than for Losses  arising  from (A)  Environmental
          Liabilities,  which is the  subject of  Section  10.5  below,  (B) the
          Varela Land Claim, which is the subject of Section 10.7 below, and (C)
          a breach of Sections 4.4(a) (title to the Purchased Assets) and 4.5(a)
          (title to the Facility), which is the subject of Section 10.8 below);


               (ii) any and all Losses based upon, or arising  directly from any
          breach of any covenant or other agreement on the part of Sellers under
          this  Agreement,  or  in  any  document,  instrument,  certificate  or
          affidavit to be delivered by Sellers at or in connection with, or as a
          condition  to the  Closing,  (other than for Losses  arising  from (A)
          Environmental Liabilities, which is the subject of Section 10.5 below,
          and (B) the Varela  Land Claim,  which is the subject of Section  10.7

               (iii) any and all notices, actions, suits,  proceedings,  claims,
          demands,  assessments,  judgments,  costs,  penalties  and  reasonably
          incurred expenses,  including attorneys' and other professionals' fees
          and disbursements  (collectively,  "Expenses") incident to any and all
          Losses with respect to which  indemnification  is provided  under this
          Section 10.2(a).

          (b) Buyers' Agreement to Indemnify.  Subject to the provisions of this
     Article X, Buyers  hereby agree to defend,  indemnify  and hold Sellers and
     their  respective  directors,  officers,  employees,   Affiliates,  agents,
     successors and permitted  assigns  (collectively,  the "Seller  Indemnified
     Parties") harmless from and against:

               (i) any and all Losses based upon,  attributable  to or resulting
          from the failure of any representation or warranty of Buyers set forth
          in this  Agreement,  or in any document,  instrument,  certificate  or
          affidavit to be delivered by Buyers at, in  connection  with,  or as a
          condition to the Closing, to be true and correct at the Closing Date;

               (ii) any and all Losses based upon, or arising  directly from any
          breach of any covenant or other  agreement on the part of Buyers under
          this  Agreement,  or  in  any  document,  instrument,  certificate  or
          affidavit to be delivered by Buyers at, in  connection  with,  or as a
          condition to the Closing;

               (iii) any and all Losses  arising out of,  based upon or relating
          to any Purchased Asset or Buyers'  operation of the Business,  in each
          case after the Closing Date; and

               (iv) any and all  Expenses  incident  to any and all Losses  with
          respect  to which  indemnification  is  provided  under  this  Section

          10.3  Indemnification  Procedures.  (a) If any  of the  Persons  to be
     indemnified  under  this  Article  X has  suffered  or  incurred  any  Loss
     (regardless of any limitations  provided in Section 10.4),  the indemnified
     party  shall so  notify  the  party  from  whom  indemnification  is sought
     promptly in writing  describing  such Loss, the amount or estimated  amount
     thereof,  if known or reasonably  capable of estimation,  and the method of
     computation of such Loss, all with reasonable particularity,  to the extent
     then known,  and containing a reference to the provisions of this Agreement
     in respect of which such Loss shall have occurred.  If any action at Law or
     suit in equity is  instituted  by or against a third party with  respect to
     which the indemnified party intends to claim any Loss under this Article X,
     the indemnified party shall promptly notify the indemnifying  party of such
     action or suit and  tender to the  indemnifying  party the  defense of such


     action or suit.  A failure by the  indemnified  party to give notice and to
     tender the  defense of the action or suit in a timely  manner  pursuant  to
     this Section 10.3 shall not limit the obligations of the indemnifying party
     under this Article X, except (i) to the extent such  indemnifying  party is
     prejudiced  thereby,  (ii) to the extent  expenses are incurred  during the
     period in which  notice was not  provided  and (iii) as provided by Section

          (b) If any claim,  demand or  Liability is asserted by any third party
     against any Person entitled to indemnification  hereunder, the indemnifying
     party shall be entitled to assume  control of the defense of any actions or
     proceedings  brought  against the  indemnified  party in respect of matters
     embraced  by the  indemnity  and  thereafter  shall not be  liable  for the
     expenses  of the  indemnified  party.  If the  indemnifying  party fails to
     assume the defense of any such matter within thirty (30) days after request
     by the  indemnified  party to assume  such  defense or does not  thereafter
     reasonably  diligently  prosecute such defense,  the indemnified  party may
     assume control of the defense of the claim. In all cases, the party without
     the right to control the defense of the indemnifiable claim may participate
     in the defense at its own expense. Notwithstanding anything in this Section
     10.3 to the contrary,  neither the  indemnifying  party nor the indemnified
     party shall,  without the written consent of the other party, which consent
     shall not be unreasonably withheld,  settle or compromise any indemnifiable
     claim or permit a default or consent  to entry of any  judgment  unless the
     claimant and such party provide to such other party an unqualified  release
     from all liability in respect of the indemnifiable  claim.  Notwithstanding
     the  foregoing,  if a settlement  offer solely for money damages is made by
     the applicable third party claimant,  and the  indemnifying  party notifies
     the indemnified party in writing of the indemnifying party's willingness to
     accept the settlement offer and,  subject to any applicable  limitations in
     Sections 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6, pay the amount called for by such offer,  and
     the indemnified  party declines to accept such offer, the indemnified party
     may continue to contest such indemnifiable claim, free of any participation
     by the indemnifying  party,  and the amount of any ultimate  liability with
     respect  to such  indemnifiable  claim that the  indemnifying  party has an
     obligation  to pay  hereunder  shall be  limited  to the  lesser of (i) the
     amount of the  settlement  offer that the  indemnified  party  declined  to
     accept  plus  the  Losses  of  the  indemnified   party  relating  to  such
     indemnifiable  claim  through the date of its  rejection of the  settlement
     offer or (ii) the aggregate Losses of the indemnified party with respect to
     such  indemnifiable  claim. If the indemnifying  party makes any payment on
     any indemnifiable claim, the indemnifying party shall be subrogated, to the
     extent of such payment, to all rights and remedies of the indemnified party
     to any  insurance  benefits or other claims of the  indemnified  party with
     respect to such indemnifiable claim.

          10.4 Certain Limitations on  Indemnification.  (a) Notwithstanding the
     provisions  of this Article X, neither of Sellers nor Buyers shall have any
     indemnification  obligations for Losses under Section 10.2(a) (the Sellers'
     general indemnification  provision) or Section 10.2(b) (the Buyers' general
     indemnification provision),  unless the aggregate amount of all such Losses
     exceeds  $100,000  (the  "Basket"),  provided that once the Basket has been
     exceeded,  the indemnifying  party shall be liable to the indemnified party
     for the full amount of such  Losses,  including  the Basket,  and  provided
     further  that any  amounts  to be  indemnified  by Sellers  under  Sections
     10.5(a) and 10.8 hereunder shall be applied towards the Basket for purposes
     of determining whether the Basket has been exceeded.


               (b) Subject to the next  succeeding  sentence,  in no event shall
          the aggregate  indemnification  to be paid by either Sellers or Buyers
          for  Losses  under  Sections   10.2(a)  and  Section   10.2(b)  exceed
          $4,550,000 (the "General  Indemnification  Cap");  provided,  however,
          that the General  Indemnification  Cap shall not apply with respect to
          (i)  Liabilities  arising from a breach of Sections 4.4(a) and 4.5(a),
          which is the subject matter of Section 10.8 below, (ii)  Environmental
          Liabilities,  which is the subject  matter of Section 10.5 below,  and
          (iii) the Varela  Land  Claim,  which is the  subject of Section  10.7
          below.  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  contained  in this
          Agreement,  the aggregate  indemnification to be paid by Sellers under
          Sections 10.2(a), 10.5(a) and 10.8 of this Agreement shall in no event
          collectively exceed $4,550,000.

               (c) No  representation  or warranty of Sellers  contained  herein
          shall be deemed untrue or  incorrect,  and Sellers shall not be deemed
          to have breached a representation or warranty, as a consequence of the
          existence  of any  fact,  circumstance  or  event  of  which  (i)  its
          applicability   is   reasonably   apparent   in  response  to  another
          representation or warranty  contained in this Agreement or (ii) Buyers
          are aware as of the Closing Date.

               (d) Each Buyer  acknowledges  and agrees that  Sellers  shall not
          have any Liability  under any provision of this Agreement for any Loss
          to the extent that such Loss  relates to action taken by Buyers or any
          other Person  (other than Sellers in breach of this  Agreement)  after
          the  Closing  Date.  Each  Buyer  shall  take,  and  shall  cause  its
          Affiliates  to take,  all  reasonable  steps to mitigate any Loss upon
          becoming aware of any event which would  reasonably be expected to, or
          does,  give rise thereto,  including  incurring  costs (which shall be
          deemed to be a Loss) only to the extent reasonably necessary to remedy
          the breach which gives rise to the Loss.

          10.5 Environmental Indemnification.

               (a) On-Site Indemnification. For a period of eighteen (18) months
          following   the   receipt  by  the   parties   of  the   Environmental
          Certification,  Sellers  agree,  jointly  and  severally,  to  defend,
          indemnify  and hold  harmless the Buyer  Indemnified  Parties from and
          against any  Environmental  Liability that is unknown to Buyers on the
          date of this Agreement and relates to any  contamination  remaining at
          the Facility  after the  Environmental  Certification  has been issued
          that Buyers  reasonably  demonstrate  results  from or arises out of a
          Release of Hazardous  Substances at the Facility  prior to the Closing
          Date   (collectively,   the  "On-Site   Environmental   Liabilities").
          Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, (A) Sellers
          shall have no liability for any On-Site Environmental Liability unless
          the aggregate  amount of all such Losses exceeds the Basket,  provided
          that once the Basket  has been  exceeded,  Sellers  shall be liable to
          Buyers for the full amount of such Losses,  including the Basket,  and
          provided  further that any amounts to be  indemnified by Sellers under
          Sections  10.2(a)  and  10.8  hereunder  shall  be  added  to  amounts
          indemnified  under this Section  10.5(a) for  purposes of  determining
          whether  the  Basket  has  been   exceeded;   and  (B)  the  aggregate
          indemnification  to be paid  by  Sellers  to  Buyers  for any  On-Site
          Environmental Liabilities shall in no event exceed $2,051,000.

               (b)  Off-Site  Indemnification.  For a period  of seven (7) years
          following the Closing Date,  Sellers shall defend,  indemnify and hold


          harmless   the  Buyer   Indemnified   Parties  from  and  against  any
          Environmental  Liabilities  arising out of any  off-site  migration of
          Hazardous Substances that results from any disposal or Release of such
          Hazardous  Substances  originating  from the Facility  (the  "Off-Site
          Environmental Liabilities") prior to the Closing Date. Notwithstanding
          the foregoing,  Sellers shall have no indemnification  obligation with
          respect to  Off-Site  Environmental  Liabilities  to the  extent  that
          Buyers' actions or inactions are the cause of such off-site migration,
          and Buyers  agree to defend,  indemnify  and hold  harmless the Seller
          Indemnified  Parties  from  and  against  any  Off-Site  Environmental
          Liabilities  arising out of Buyers'  actions or inactions  relating to
          any such Off-Site Environmental Liabilities.  With respect to Off-Site
          Environmental  Liabilities,  Buyers  and  Sellers  agree  that where a
          Governmental  Entity of competent  jurisdiction  has  determined  that
          Off-Site  Environmental  Liabilities  were caused by acts or omissions
          which occurred both before and after the Closing Date,  responsibility
          between Buyers and Sellers shall be allocated  between the two parties
          based upon the relative  contribution of acts or omissions during each
          period  to the  injury  or harm  as  determined  by such  Governmental
          Entity;  provided,  that each  party  shall  bear  their own costs and
          expenses (including  attorney's fees) incurred as a result of any such
          claim.  Where a court of competent  jurisdiction  has determined  that
          Environmental  Liabilities  were caused by acts or omissions of solely
          one party,  such party  shall  bear  responsibility  for all costs and
          expenses incurred as a result of such claim.

          10.6   Certain    Limitations   on   Environmental    Indemnification.
     Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, Sellers shall have no
     obligation to indemnify,  defend and hold harmless  Buyers from and against
     Environmental Liabilities to the extent that the Environmental Liabilities:

               (a)  results  from a  condition  that  either  Buyer  has  actual
          knowledge  of as of the date of this  Agreement,  other than  Remedial
          Actions specifically set forth in the Remediation Plan; or

               (b) (i) results  from,  or (ii) with  respect to clause (y) below
          only,  would  not  have  arisen  but  for:  (x)  Buyers  or any  Buyer
          Indemnified  Party undertaking any drilling  (excluding  Environmental
          Liabilities  discovered  during any excavation  conducted by Buyers in
          the ordinary  course of operating  the Facility but only to the extent
          that such excavated soil, based on visual inspection or smell, appears
          to look or smell  unusual) or sampling  of soil or  groundwater  other
          than (1) as  affirmatively  required  by an  Order  of a  Governmental
          Entity with  jurisdiction over the Facility and the environment or (2)
          as agreed to in writing by  Sellers in their sole  discretion;  or (y)
          any change in the use of the real property to non-industrial purposes.

          10.7  Varela  Land  Claim  Indemnification.  Sellers  hereby  agree to
     defend,  indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer Indemnified Parties from and
     against  any and all  Liabilities  arising  out of or relating to the claim
     filed by Mr.  Juan Jose  Varela  against  Jarachina  del Sur,  S.A. de C.V.
     (Jarachina),  Edificadora  Jarachina,  S.A.  de C.V.,  Mexican  Seller  and
     Copeland  Compresores  Termicos,  S.A. de C.V, as more fully  described  on
     Schedule 4.7 (the "Varela Land Claim"), including any claims brought by Mr.
     Varela which are contemplated by Resolution Three of that certain decision,
     dated March 28, 2003, of Carlos  Alejandro  Corona  Gracia,  First Judge of
     First Instance in Civil Matters of the Fifth Judicial District in the State


     of  Tamaulipas  related  to the  Varela  Land  Claim.  Sellers  shall  have
     exclusive  control  of the  defense  of such  claim  and  all  negotiations
     relating thereto, and Buyers shall assist Sellers in all necessary respects
     in defense of such claim, including providing Sellers reasonable and timely
     access to any documents, employees, or the like required for the defense of
     such claims.

          10.8  Indemnification  for  Breach of Title  Representations.  Sellers
     hereby agree to defend,  indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer  Indemnified
     Parties from and against any and all Liabilities arising out of or relating
     to the failure of the  representations  of Sellers relating to title of the
     Purchased  Assets set forth in Sections 4.4(a) and 4.5(a) of this Agreement
     to be true and correct at the Closing Date. Notwithstanding anything to the
     contrary  contained  herein,  (A) Sellers  shall have no liability  for any
     Losses  under this  Section  10.8 unless the  aggregate  amount of all such
     Losses exceeds the Basket, provided that once the Basket has been exceeded,
     Sellers  shall be  liable  to Buyers  for the full  amount of such  Losses,
     including  the  Basket,  and  provided  further  that  any  amounts  to  be
     indemnified by Sellers under Sections  10.2(a) and 10.5(a)  hereunder shall
     be added to the amounts indemnified under this Section 10.8 for purposes of
     determining  whether the Basket has been  exceeded;  and (B) the  aggregate
     indemnification  to be paid by Sellers to Buyers  under this  Section  10.8
     shall in no event exceed $4,550,000.

          10.9  Calculation  of  Losses.  (a) The amount of any Losses for which
     indemnification  is  provided  under  this  Article  X shall  be net of any
     amounts  actually  recovered or recoverable by the indemnified  party under
     insurance policies (provided that any increased insurance premium resulting
     from  payment of such  amounts  shall be deemed to be Losses) or  otherwise
     with  respect  to  such  Losses  (net of any Tax or  expenses  incurred  in
     connection with such recovery).

               (b) If the  amount  of any  Loss  for  which  indemnification  is
          provided under this Article X gives rise to a currently realizable Tax
          Benefit (as defined below) to the Indemnified  Party making the claim,
          then the indemnity claim shall be (i) increased to take account of any
          net Tax  cost  incurred  by the  indemnified  party  arising  from the
          receipt of indemnity payments hereunder (grossed up for such increase)
          and (ii)  reduced to take  account of any net Tax Benefit  realized by
          the  indemnified  party arising from the  incurrence or payment of any
          such Loss. To the extent such indemnity  claim does not give rise to a
          currently  realizable Tax Benefit, if the amount with respect to which
          any indemnity claim is made gives rise to a subsequently  realized Tax
          Benefit to the indemnified party that made the claim, such indemnified
          party shall  refund to the  indemnifying  party the amount of such Tax
          Benefit (with and including any gross-up payment made pursuant to this
          Section  10.9  with  respect  to such  Tax  Benefit)  when,  as and if
          realized (it being  understood that such  indemnified  party shall use
          its reasonable  efforts to realize such Tax Benefit).  For purposes of
          this Section  10.9, a "Tax  Benefit"  means an amount by which the Tax
          liability of the party (or group of corporations  including the party)
          is actually  reduced  (including by deduction,  reduction of income by
          virtue of increased  tax basis or  otherwise,  entitlement  to refund,
          credit or  otherwise)  plus any  related  interest  received  from the
          relevant  taxing  authority.  In computing  the amount of any such Tax
          cost  or Tax  Benefit,  the  indemnified  party  shall  be  deemed  to
          recognize all other items of income,  gain, loss,  deduction or credit
          before  recognizing any item arising from the receipt of any indemnity
          payment  hereunder  or the  incurrence  or payment of any  indemnified
          Loss.  For purposes of this Section  10.9, a Tax Benefit is "currently
          realizable" to the extent that such Tax Benefit can be realized in the


          current  taxable  period  or year or in any tax  return  with  respect
          thereto  (including  through a carryback to a prior taxable period) or
          in any  taxable  period  or year  prior to the  date of the  indemnity
          claim.  The amount of any  increase,  reduction  or payment  hereunder
          shall be  adjusted  to reflect any final  determination  (which  shall
          include the  execution of Form 870-AD or successor  form) with respect
          to the indemnified  party's  liability for Taxes, and payments between
          the parties to this Agreement to reflect such adjustment shall be made
          if  necessary.  Any  indemnity  payment  under this Article X shall be
          treated  as an  adjustment  to the value of the asset  upon  which the
          underlying claim was based, unless a final determination  (which shall
          include the execution of a Form 870-AD or successor form) with respect
          to the  indemnified  party or any of its  Affiliates  causes  any such
          payment not to be treated as an  adjustment  to the value of the asset
          for United States federal income tax purposes.

          10.10 Characterization of Indemnity Payments. The parties hereto agree
     to treat  any  indemnity  payment  made  pursuant  to this  Article X as an
     adjustment  to the  Purchase  Price for federal,  state,  local and foreign
     income tax purposes.

          10.11 Excluded Liabilities; Assumed Liabilities.

               (a)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary set forth  herein,
          but subject to Sections  10.5 and 10.6  hereof,  Buyers  shall have no
          responsibility  with  respect to  Excluded  Liabilities.  In the event
          Buyers  receive  any  notice  that any  Person is making or has made a
          claim  of any  kind  against  Buyers  with  respect  to  any  Excluded
          Liabilities,  Buyers shall promptly notify Sellers thereof,  and shall
          immediately  forward to Sellers all  information  then known to Buyers
          regarding  such claim  (including,  without  limitation,  any  written
          materials related thereto, or setting forth the basis for or asserting
          such  claim).  Sellers  shall  defend  any such  claim,  to the extent
          related to an Excluded  Liability,  and shall reimburse Buyers for any
          and all  reasonably  incurred costs related to any such claim (insofar
          as related solely to an Excluded Liability).

               (b)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary set forth  herein,
          Sellers  shall have no  responsibility  with  respect  to the  Assumed
          Liabilities.  In the event Sellers  receive any notice that any Person
          is making or has made a claim of any kind against Sellers with respect
          to any Assumed  Liabilities,  Sellers shall immediately  notify Buyers
          thereof,  and shall immediately  forward all information then known to
          Sellers  regarding  such claim  (including,  without  limitation,  any
          written materials  related thereto,  or setting forth the basis for or
          asserting  such claim).  Buyers  shall  defend any such claim,  to the
          extent related to an Assumed  Liability,  and shall reimburse  Sellers
          for any and all  reasonably  incurred  costs related to any such claim
          (insofar as related solely to an Assumed Liability).

          10.12  No  Consequential  Damages.  Notwithstanding  anything  to  the
     contrary  elsewhere in this Agreement,  no party (or any of its Affiliates)
     shall,  in  any  event,  be  liable  to  any  other  party  (or  any of its
     Affiliates) for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, exemplary
     or punitive damages of such other party (or any of its Affiliates), even if
     the other  party  has been  advised  of the  possibility  of such  damages,
     including without limitation, damages for loss of future revenue, income or
     profits,  diminution of value or loss of business reputation or opportunity
     relating  to the  breach or  alleged  breach  hereof,  except to the extent
     arising from the willful misconduct of a party hereto.


          10.13 Exclusive  Remedy.  The sole and exclusive remedy for any breach
     or  inaccuracy,  or alleged breach or  inaccuracy,  of any  representation,
     warranty,  covenant  or  agreement  made by Sellers  or Buyers  shall be as
     provided  in  accordance  with this  Article X,  except to the extent  such
     breach  is  caused  by  the  willful  misconduct  of  a  party  hereto.  In
     furtherance  of the  foregoing,  the parties  hereby waive,  to the fullest
     extent  permitted by applicable  Law, any and all other rights,  claims and
     causes  of action  (including  rights of  contributions,  if any)  known or
     unknown,  foreseen or  unforeseen,  which exist or may arise in the future,
     that it may have against Sellers or any of their  Affiliates,  or Buyers or
     any of their  Affiliates,  as the case may be,  arising under or based upon
     any federal,  state,  local or foreign Law (including any such Law relating
     to environmental matters or arising under or based upon any securities Law,
     common Law or otherwise).

                                   Article XI


          11.1 Fees and Expenses.  Except as otherwise  specifically provided in
     this  Agreement,  each  party to this  Agreement  shall  bear all costs and
     expenses  incurred by such party in connection with, or in anticipation of,
     this  Agreement  and  the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated
     hereby; provided, however, that any and all notary public fees and expenses
     incurred in  connection  with any  documents to be delivered in  connection
     with  this  Agreement  or the  Ancillary  Agreements  or  the  transactions
     contemplated hereby or thereby, including the Facility Transfer Deed, shall
     be paid by the Buyers.

          11.2  Notices.  All  notices,  requests,  demands,  waivers  and other
     communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall
     be in  writing  and shall be deemed  to have been duly  given if  delivered
     personally,  sent by facsimile  transmission (with written  confirmation of
     receipt) or reputable overnight courier, or mailed (certified or registered
     mail, return receipt requested):

                  If to either Seller:

                           Matsushita Battery Industrial Corporation of America
                           One Mutec Drive,
                           Suite 100
                           Columbus, Georgia  31907

                           Attention:       Jumpei Sakakibara
                                            President & Chief Executive Officer

                           Attention:       John Rowe
                                            General Manager, Administration

                  With a copy to:

                           Matsushita Electric Corporation of America


                           One Panasonic Way
                           Secaucus, NJ 07094

                           Attention:       Robert S. Marin
                          General Counsel and Secretary

                  If to either Buyer, to:

                           C&D Technologies, Inc.
                           1400 Union Meeting Road
                           P.O. Box 3053
                           Blue Bell, PA 19422
                           Attention:  Vice President - Finance and Chief
                           Financial Officer
                                       (215) 619-7835 (telephone)
                                       (215) 619-7816 (facsimile)

                                       Vice President and General Counsel
                                       (215) 619-7817 (telephone)
                                       (215) 619-7816 (facsimile)

     or to such other person or address as any party shall  specify by notice in
     writing to the other party. All such notices,  requests,  demands,  waivers
     and  communications  shall be deemed to have been  received  on the date on
     which so  hand-delivered  or  telecommunicated  or  delivered  by overnight
     courier  (unless not received  during a Business Day in which event receipt
     shall be deemed to occur on the next  occurring  Business Day) or if mailed
     on the  Business  Day  actually  delivered  or on which  refusal  to accept
     delivery is given,  except for a notice of change of address which shall be
     effective only upon receipt thereof.

          11.3 Entire Agreement.  This Agreement, the Ancillary Agreements,  the
     Schedules  and the  Exhibits  hereto  and  thereto  and the  Confidentially
     Agreement  contain  the entire  understanding  of the  parties  hereto with
     respect  to their  subject  matter.  This  Agreement  supersedes  all prior
     agreements  and  understandings,  oral and  written,  with  respect  to its
     subject  matter.  Items or  information  may be disclosed in the  Schedules
     hereto  which  Sellers are not required to disclose  under this  Agreement;
     disclosure  of such  items or  information  shall not affect  (directly  or
     indirectly)  the  interpretation  of this  Agreement  or the  scope  of the
     disclosure obligation under this Agreement. In addition,  inclusion of such
     information  herein  shall  not be  construed  as an  admission  that  such
     information is "material" for any purpose.

          11.4 Waiver of Bulk Sales Requirements. Buyers hereby waive compliance
     by Sellers with any bulk-sales notice requirements of applicable U.S. Law.

          11.5 Severability. If any term or other provision of this Agreement is
     invalid,  illegal,  or  incapable  of being  enforced  by any law or public
     policy,  all other terms or provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless
     remain in full force and effect so long as the economic or legal  substance
     of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby is not  affected  in any  manner
     materially  adverse to any party. Upon such  determination that any term or


     other provision is invalid,  illegal,  or incapable of being enforced,  the
     parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as
     to effect the  original  intent of the parties as closely as possible in an
     acceptable  manner in order that the transactions  contemplated  hereby are
     consummated as originally contemplated to the greatest extent possible.

          11.6  Non-Recourse.  Except as  expressly  provided  herein,  no past,
     present  or  future  director,  officer,  employee,  incorporator,  member,
     partner or  stockholder  of Sellers  (except  U.S.  Seller with  respect to
     Mexican   Seller  as  provided   under  this  Agreement  or  the  Ancillary
     Agreements)  shall have any liability for any obligations or liabilities of
     Sellers  under this  Agreement or the  Ancillary  Agreements  of or for any
     claim  based  on,  in  respect  of,  or  by  reason  of,  the  transactions
     contemplated hereby and thereby.

          11.7  Binding  Effect;  Assignment.  This  Agreement  and  all  of the
     provisions  hereof  shall be binding  upon and inure to the  benefit of the
     parties hereto and their  respective  successors and permitted  assigns and
     any  purported  assignment  without  such  consent  shall be null and void.
     Neither this  Agreement  nor any of the rights,  interests  or  obligations
     hereunder  shall be assigned,  directly or indirectly,  by any party hereto
     without the prior written consent of the other parties; provided,  however,
     that any party may  assign  this  Agreement  and any or all of the  rights,
     interests and obligations hereunder to any of its Affiliates,  and upon any
     such  permitted  assignment,  the  references  in  this  Agreement  to  the
     assigning  party  shall  also  apply to any  assignee  unless  the  context
     otherwise requires, but no such assignment will relieve the assigning party
     of its  obligations  hereunder in the event such assignee  fails to satisfy
     such obligations in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

          11.8 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is not intended, and
     shall not be deemed, to confer upon or give any Person (including,  without
     limitation,  any past or  current  employee  of the  Business)  except  the
     parties  hereto  (and,  with  respect  to  Article  X  hereof,   the  Buyer
     Indemnified   Parties  and  the  Seller  Indemnified   Parties)  and  their
     respective successors and permitted assigns any remedy,  claim,  liability,
     reimbursement,  cause of action or other  right  under or by reason of this

          11.9  Counterparts.  This  Agreement may be executed in  counterparts,
     each of which shall be deemed an original,  and all of which together shall
     constitute one and the same instrument.

          11.10 Governing Law. This Agreement and any claim related  directly or
     indirectly  to  this  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by and  construed  in
     accordance  with the laws of the State of New York,  except  with regard to
     the purchase and sale of the Mexican  Purchased  Assets,  the assumption of
     the Assumed Mexican Liabilities and any claims related thereto, which shall
     be governed by, and construed in  accordance  with the laws of the State of
     Tamaulipas and, in the absence thereof, the federal laws of Mexico.

          11.11 Submission to Jurisdiction;  Consent to Service of Process. Each
     of the parties irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of any
     federal  or state  court  located  within  the  State of New York  over any
     dispute  arising  out  of or  relating  to  this  Agreement  or  any of the
     transactions  contemplated  hereby and each of the  parties  hereto  hereby


     irrevocably  agrees that all claims in respect of such dispute or any suit,
     action  proceeding  related  thereto  may be heard and  determined  in such
     courts.  Each of the parties  irrevocably  waives,  to the  fullest  extent
     permitted by applicable  law, any objection which they may now or hereafter
     have to the  laying of venue of any such  dispute  brought in such court or
     any defense of inconvenient forum for the maintenance of such dispute. Each
     of the parties  agrees that a judgment in any such  dispute may be enforced
     in other  jurisdictions  by suit on the  judgment  or in any  other  manner
     provided by law.

          11.12   Amendments  and  Waivers.   This  Agreement  can  be  amended,
     supplemented or changed,  and any provision  hereof can be waived,  only by
     written  instrument  making specific  reference to this Agreement signed by
     the party  against  whom  enforcement  of any such  amendment,  supplement,
     modification  or  waiver  is  sought.  No  action  taken  pursuant  to this
     Agreement  shall be deemed to  constitute a waiver by the party taking such
     action  of  compliance  with  any  representation,  warranty,  covenant  or
     agreement  contained herein.  The waiver by any party hereto of a breach of
     any  provision  of this  Agreement  shall not operate or be  construed as a
     further or continuing  waiver of such breach or as a waiver of any other or
     subsequent breach. No failure on the part of any party to exercise,  and no
     delay in exercising,  any right, power or remedy hereunder shall operate as
     a waiver thereof,  nor shall any single or partial  exercise of such right,
     power or remedy  by such  party  preclude  any  other or  further  exercise
     thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy.

                  [Remainder of page left intentionally blank]


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized,  as of the date
first written above.

                                          MATSUSHITA BATTERY INDUSTRIAL
                                          CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC.

                                          By: /s/ Jumpei Sakakibara
                                            Name:   Jumpei Sakakibara
                                            Title:  President & Chief
                                                    Executive Officer

                                          MATSUSHITA BATTERY INDUSTRIAL DE
                                          MEXICO, S.A. de C.V.

                                          By: /s/ Kenji Seko
                                             Name:  Kenji Seko
                                             Title:    President

                                          C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                          By: /s/ Wade H. Roberts Jr.
                                             Name:  Wade H. Roberts, Jr.
                                             Title: President & Chief
                                                    Executive Officer

                                          C&D TECHNOLOGIES REYNOSA S. de R.L.
                                          de C.V.

                                          By: /s/ Stephen E. Doyle Markert, Jr.
                                             Name: Stephen E. Doyle Markert, Jr.
                                             Title:    Legal Representative
