Exhibit 10.2

                             C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                               Board of Directors
                Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee Charter
                 As Amended to be Effective as of March 1, 2005

The Corporate Governance policies of the Company, including the duties and
functions of the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of
Directors, shall be as follows:

A.   Composition of the Board

     1.   Management Directors

          As a matter of policy, there should be a substantial majority of
          independent directors on the board (1). While exceptions may occur
          from time to time, the Charter suggests that the only management
          member of the Board will be the Chief Executive Officer.

     2.   Board Size

          To ensure that an adequate number of independent directors are
          available to serve on committees, while at the same time fostering
          close working relationships and avoiding excessive formality, a Board
          of seven to nine directors is desirable. However, the Board also
          recognizes that having more than nine directors may be desirable (when
          new directors join the Board prior to the departure of retiring
          directors) and also, that fewer than seven directors may be necessary
          when a vacancy occurs and a suitable new candidate is not immediately

     3.   Selection of Independent Directors and Stockholder Nominations

          The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee shall have primary
          responsibility for screening and identifying individuals qualified to
          become Board members, with input from other members of the Board and
          in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, and for selecting,
          or recommending that the Board select, the director nominees for C&D
          Technologies' next annual meeting of stockholders. Criteria for
          independent director consideration include senior management
          experience, appropriate skill sets, diversity, and overall business
          acumen. The Committee shall have the sole authority to retain and
          terminate any search firm to be used to identify director candidates,
          including the authority to approve the search firm's fees and other
          retention terms. The Committee shall also oversee the process by which
          stockholders may nominate directors at an annual meeting as set forth
          in Article II, Section 11 of the Company's By-laws. In addition, the
          Committee shall consider persons recommended by stockholders as
          director candidates as part of its responsibilities under this
          paragraph. It is the policy of the Board that the Committee evaluate
          candidates for director recommended by stockholders on the same basis
          that other individuals are evaluated under this paragraph. In
          reporting its selection of a director nominee to the Board, or its

          recommendation that the Board select an individual as a director
          nominee, the Committee shall report which one or more of the following
          categories of persons or entities recommended that nominee:
          stockholder, non-management director, chief executive officer, other
          executive officer, third party search firm, or other specified source.

     4.   Re-election of Independent Directors

          The Chair of the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee in
          consultation with the Committee, the Chairman of the Board (if he is
          not then a member of the Committee) and Chief Executive Officer, will
          determine the appropriateness of nominating each director for
          re-election on an annual basis. In this regard, independent directors
          will periodically be evaluated on their respective contributions
          toward advancing the Corporation and enhancing stockholder value.
          Following evaluation, the Chair of the Committee will make
          recommendations to the Board.

          In addition to the duties and responsibilities described above, the
          Committee shall:

          o    Review potential conflicts of prospective Board members;

          o    Maintain a list of persons who may be potential directors;

          o    Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Board; and

          o    Establish programs for director orientation and suggestions and
               policies for continuing director education.

     5.   Retirement Age

          Directors shall normally be required to retire from the Board at the
          annual meeting following the year in which he/she reaches age 70.

     6.   Change in Director's Responsibilities

          It is not the Board's intention that an independent director leave the
          Board in the event of retirement or other change in the position
          he/she held when joining the Board. However, if such an event occurs,
          the independent director would be expected to tender his or her
          resignation to the Chairman of the Board who, in consultation with the
          Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee, shall determine if the
          director's change in status appears consistent with the strategic
          requirements of the Board and overall corporate requirements.

     7.   Board Service by Retired Chief Executive Officer

          The Board believes that continued service on the Board by a retired
          Chief Executive Officer must be decided on a case-by-case basis.
          Whether the individual remains a member of the Board is a matter for
          the full Board and the new Chief Executive Officer to discuss at the
          appropriate time.

          Any former employee serving on the Board will be considered a
          management director for purposes of corporate governance (ineligible
          to serve on the Audit, Compensation or Nominating/Corporate Governance
          Committee) for a period of at least three years after termination of
          employment, but will be compensated as an independent director.

     8.   Service on Other Boards of Directors

          It is imperative that each current and prospective member of the Board
          has adequate time to devote to C&D Board service. Accordingly, the
          Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee will consider the number of
          public and private board seats held by current board members as well
          as prospective board candidates as part of the annual nomination
          process and in the context of recommendation of new board members,
          respectively. Generally, unless the facts and circumstances dictate a
          different conclusion, Board members shall not simultaneously serve on
          the boards of directors of more than three other public and/or private

B.   Operation of the Board

     1.   Selection for Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

          The Board will determine whether the roles of the Chairman of the
          Board and Chief Executive Officer should be separate or held by one
          individual, based on the circumstances at hand. If the roles are to be
          held by two individuals, the Board will determine whether the Chairman
          of the Board should be a management or an independent director.

     2.   Board Committees

          The Company will have three committees: Audit, Compensation and
          Nominating/Corporate Governance, and such subcommittees as the
          Committees may, from time to time, designate. Each of these committees
          is responsible for the development of a Charter to be approved by the
          full Board. Each committee, including the Nominating/Corporate
          Governance Committee, should revisit its respective Charter on an
          annual basis, and shall seek approval of the Board of any material
          modification of its Charter. Committees are otherwise authorized to
          interpret, modify, suspend effectiveness of any part of, make rules
          under, and otherwise interpret and administer their Charters in their
          reasonable discretion. To the extent possible, committee meetings will
          be scheduled on the same day as Board meetings.

     3.   Assignment and Rotation of Committee Members

          The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee, in consultation with
          the Chairman of the Board (if he is not then a member of the
          Committee) and Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for committee
          assignments, subject to Board approval. Chairpersons of committees
          will be chosen in the same manner, and will always be independent
          directors. The Board committee assignments should be changed from time
          to time, but no fixed schedule has been established.

     4.   Committee Meetings

          Committee chairpersons, in consultation with the appropriate members
          of senior management, will determine the frequency and length of
          meetings, as well as agendas for each meeting. Each committee will
          issue in advance of each meeting a schedule of agenda subjects to be
          discussed. Copies of all committee-meeting minutes will be shared with
          the full Board.

     5.   Attendance at Board and Committee Meetings and Annual Meeting of

          Board and committee members are expected to attend all meetings of the
          Board and each Board committee upon which the director serves. Under
          the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Company is
          required to report in its proxy statement for its annual meeting the
          name of each incumbent director who during the preceding fiscal year
          (or such shorter period the individual served as a Board or committee
          member) attended fewer than 75% of the aggregate of the meetings of
          the Board and the meetings of all Board committees on which the
          director served. Attendance at Board and committee meetings shall be a
          factor for consideration by the Committee under Section A, Paragraph 4
          of this charter. It is the policy of the Board that Board members are
          expected to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Company.

     6.   Agendas for the Full Board

          The Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer will establish
          the agenda for each Board meeting, with each Board member encouraged
          to submit items for consideration.

     7.   Board Materials in Advance of Meetings

          It is the Board's desire that important material be provided, in
          writing, in advance of meetings. For the months between Board
          meetings, when appropriate, materials should likewise be forwarded to
          Board members.

     8.   Executive Session

          The independent directors will meet in Executive Session, without
          management participation, at least once each year, and time will be
          made available at each regularly scheduled Board meeting to provide an
          opportunity for the independent directors to meet in Executive
          Session. The Chair of the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee or

          the Chairman of the Board will schedule the meeting and the Chair of
          the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee will preside with the
          following objectives in mind:

          o    Evaluate the Chief Executive Officer's performance and make
               recommendations to the Compensation Committee regarding
               compensation and employment contract issues;

          o    Provide input for the following year regarding corporate goals as
               part of the Chief Executive Officer's performance objectives; and

          o    Review such matters as may be brought to the attention of
               independent directors by persons who have communicated their
               concerns to the independent directors, the Chair of the
               Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee or the Chairman of the

          Such meetings should follow regular Board meetings whenever possible.

     9.   Board Compensation and Stock Ownership

          o    Compensation

               Annual Retainer: Restore to the non-executive Chairman of the
               Board the former retainer of $65,000 per year with an option to
               receive up to one-third ($21,666.66) of the total in cash, with
               the remainder in stock, or take the entire retainer in stock. Pay
               all other independent directors a retainer of $25,000 per year
               with an option to receive up to one-third ($8,333.33) of the
               total in cash with the remainder in stock, or take the entire
               retainer in stock. The effective date for accrual of the annual
               retainer shall be the date of the Company's annual meeting of

               Committee Chairpersons: Pay the Chair of the Audit Committee
               $10,000 per year and each of the Chairpersons of the
               Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee and Compensation
               Committee $5,000 per year, in cash. The effective date for
               accrual of the referenced payment to the committee chairpersons
               shall be the date of the Company's annual meeting of

               Board Meeting Fees: Pay $1,750 per Board meeting to all
               independent directors (including the Chairman of the Board, in

               Committee Meeting Fees: Pay $1,500 per committee meeting to each
               committee member (including the committee chairperson), in cash.

               Telephonic meeting fees: At the option of the Chief Executive
               Officer, pay $750 for telephonic Board or Committee meetings
               where such meetings are of a more limited nature, or require less
               time commitment than for regularly scheduled meetings, or no fees
               for brief informational meetings.

               Stock Option Grants: Grant stock options to independent directors
               pursuant to the provisions of Article VI of the 1998 Stock Option

               Timing and Method of Payments: Except for the stock portion of
               the Annual Retainer and the Stock Option Grants, which shall be
               delivered as soon as administratively practicable following the
               annual meeting of stockholders, compensation earned during the
               preceding three full calendar months will be paid quarterly on or
               about the 15th day of each of March, June, September and
               December. To the extent practicable, such payments will be made
               electronically, via direct deposit to such account as may be
               designated by each director (unless alternative arrangements are
               made by a director with the Corporation).

               Compensation review: Conduct annual reviews of Board
               compensation, typically in February of each year.

          o    Stock Ownership

               All independent directors have a fiduciary responsibility to the
               Corporation and a commitment to enhancing stockholder value. In
               this regard, a strong equity position by each Board member is
               essential. As a guideline, independent directors should own a
               minimum of $100,000 in C&D Technologies stock, excluding stock
               options. An independent director may take a maximum of five (5)
               years to obtain this equity position, calculated from the date
               that he/she initially joined the Board.

C.   Board Interaction with Management

     1.   Evaluation of Chief Executive Officer

          The Compensation Committee will formally evaluate the Chief Executive
          Officer's compensation on an annual basis, soliciting input from
          independent directors, individually as well as by the independent
          directors serving on the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee.
          The Compensation Committee will then discuss its findings with
          independent directors in Executive Session after which the results
          will be reviewed with the Chief Executive Officer.

     2.   Succession Planning and Management Development

          An annual report will be prepared by the Chief Executive Officer on
          the subjects of succession planning and management development, and
          this information will be communicated in Executive Session with
          independent directors. The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee
          shall establish policies regarding succession of the Chief Executive
          Officer in the event of an emergency or the retirement of the Chief
          Executive Officer.

     3.   Access to Senior Management

          Board members shall have full access to senior management, and the
          Chief Executive Officer shall be advised of significant contacts
          between Board members and senior management.

     4.   Access to Advisors Independent of Management

          From time to time, it may be appropriate for the Board and Board
          committees to seek advice from outside advisors independent of
          management with respect to matters within their responsibility.

D.   Performance Evaluation of the Board and Each Board Committee

     At least annually, the Board shall conduct a self-evaluation of its
     performance and a performance evaluation of the Audit Committee, the
     Compensation Committee and the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee.
     The purpose of the evaluations shall be to determine whether the Board and
     such committees are functioning effectively. Also, the Nominating/Corporate
     Governance Committee shall review its own performance at least annually.

E.   Training for the Board

     The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee will consider training and
     education opportunities and make materials and/or programs available to
     enhance the abilities of the members of the Board to perform their

F.   Other Provisions Regarding the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee

     In addition to the other provisions of this Charter that assign
     responsibilities and duties to the Committee, the Nominating/Corporate
     Governance Committee shall be subject to the provisions set forth in this

     1.   Composition of the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee

          The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee shall be comprised of at
          least two independent directors (1).

     2.   Procedures

          The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee shall hold at least two
          regular meetings each year, and such special meetings as may be
          required. Meetings may be called by the Chair of the
          Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee or the Chairman of the
          Board. The results of the meetings shall be reported to the full

     3.   Responsibilities with Respect to this Charter

          The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee shall review from time
          to time the adequacy of the corporate governance guidelines in this
          Charter in light of broadly accepted practices of corporate

          governance, emerging governance issues and market and regulatory
          expectations, and will advise and make recommendations to the Board
          with respect to appropriate modifications. The Nominating/Corporate
          Governance Committee shall advise the Board with respect to such other
          matters relating to the governance of the Company as the Committee may
          from time to time approve, including changes to terms or scope of this
          Charter and the Committee's overall responsibilities and carry out
          such other tasks as the Board may from time to time delegate to it for
          action consistent with this Charter.

G.   Stockholder Communications with the Board of Directors

     Stockholders of the Company may contact any of the Company's directors by
     writing to them c/o C&D Technologies, Inc., 1400 Union Meeting Road, Blue
     Bell, Pennsylvania 19422, Attention: Corporate Secretary.

- ----------------------------
     1    No director qualifies as "independent" unless the board of directors
          affirmatively determines that the director has no material
          relationship with the Company, either directly or as a partner,
          shareholder or officer of an organization that has a relationship with
          the Company. In addition a director is not independent if:

          (a)  The director is, or has been within the last three years, an
               employee of the Company, or an immediate family member is, or has
               been within the last three years, an executive officer, of the

          (b)  The director has received, or has an immediate family member who
               has received, during any twelve-month period within the last
               three years, more than $100,000 in director compensation from the
               Company, other than director and committee fees and pension or
               other forms of deferred compensation for prior service (provided
               such compensation is not contingent in any way on continued

          (c)  (A) The director or an immediate family member is a current
               partner of a firm that is the Company's internal or external
               auditor; (B) the director is a current employee of such a firm;
               (C) the director has an immediate family member who is a current
               employee of such a firm and who participates in the firm's audit,
               assurance or tax compliance (but not tax planning) practice; or
               (D) the director or an immediate family member was within the
               last three years (but is no longer) a partner or employee of such
               a firm and personally worked on the Company's audit within that

          (d)  The director or an immediate family member is, or has been within
               the last three years, employed as an executive officer of another
               company where any of the Company's present executive officers at
               the same time serves or served on the compensation committee of
               that other company.

          (e)  The director is a current employee, or an immediate family member
               is a current executive officer, of a company that has made
               payments to, or received payments from, the Company for property
               or services in an amount which, in any of the last three fiscal
               years, exceeds the greater of $1 million, or 2% of such other
               company's consolidated gross revenues.