Exhibit 10.2

                       CONSENT, WAIVER AND AMENDMENT NO. 2
                           LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

of June 14, 2006, (this  "Amendment"),  by and among C&D  Technologies,  Inc., a
Delaware  corporation  ("Parent"),  C&D Technologies  (Datel),  Inc., a Delaware
corporation ("Datel"),  C&D Technologies (CPS) LLC, a Delaware limited liability
company  ("CPS",  and  together  with  Parent and  Datel,  each  individually  a
"Borrower" and collectively,  "Borrowers" as hereinafter  further defined),  C&D
Charter Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Charter"),  C&D Dynamo Corp., a
Delaware   corporation   ("Dynamo"),   Dynamo   Acquisition  Corp.,  a  Delaware
corporation  ("Acquisition"),  C&D  International  Investment  Holdings  Inc., a
Delaware corporation ("International") and Datel Holding Corporation, a Delaware
corporation ("Datel Holding", and together with Charter, Dynamo, Acquisition and
International, each individually a "Guarantor" and collectively, "Guarantors" as
hereinafter  further defined),  the parties hereto from time to time as lenders,
whether by execution of this  Agreement or an Assignment  and  Acceptance  (each
individually,  a "Lender" and  collectively,  "Lenders" as  hereinafter  further
defined) and Ableco Finance LLC, a Delaware limited  liability  company,  in its
capacity as agent for Lenders (in such  capacity,  "Agent").  Capitalized  terms
used but not  defined  herein  have the  meanings  ascribed  thereto in the Loan

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS,  Agent,  Lenders,  Borrowers  and  Guarantors  have  entered  into
financing arrangements pursuant to which Lenders (or Agent on behalf of Lenders)
have  made  and  may  make  loans  and  advances  and  provide  other  financial
accommodations  to Borrowers  as set forth in the Loan and  Security  Agreement,
dated  December 7, 2005, by and among Agent,  Lenders,  Borrowers and Guarantors
(as amended by Amendment No. 1 to Loan and Security  Agreement,  dated March 30,
2006, by and among Agent, Lenders,  Borrowers and Guarantors ("Amendment No. 1")
and as the  same may  hereafter  be  further  amended,  modified,  supplemented,
extended,  renewed,  restated or replaced, the "Loan Agreement"),  and the other
agreements,  documents  and  instruments  referred  to  therein  or at any  time
executed and/or delivered in connection therewith or related thereto, including,
but not limited to, this Amendment (all of the foregoing, together with the Loan
Agreement,  as the  same  now  exist  or may  hereafter  be  amended,  modified,
supplemented,  extended,  renewed,  restated  or  replaced,  being  collectively
referred to herein as the "Financing Agreements");

     WHEREAS,   Borrowers   have  advised  Agent  that   Danescroft   Commercial
Developments  Limited 2 ("Purchaser") is negotiating to enter into an Agreement,
by and between C&D Technologies  (NCL) Ltd., as seller  ("Seller") and Purchaser
(the  "Purchase  Agreement"  and,  together with all  agreements,  documents and
instruments  referred to therein or at any time  executed  and/or  delivered  in
connection therewith or related thereto,  collectively the "Purchase Documents")
pursuant to which  Seller  will sell to  Purchaser  all of the right,  title and
interest of Seller in the real property  located at Milton Keynes,  England (the
"Milton Keynes Property"); and

     WHEREAS, Borrowers have requested that Agent and Lenders (i) consent to the
sale of the Milton  Keynes  Property,  (ii) waive the Events of Default  arising
from the  failure of the  Borrowers  to deliver to the Working  Capital  Agent a
Mortgage on the Real Property of Datel located in Mansfield,  Massachusetts (the
"Mansfield  Property")  pursuant to the terms of Amendment No. 1, and (iii) make
certain  other  amendments  to the Loan  Agreement,  and  Lenders are willing to
provide such consent and make such  amendments,  subject to the terms conditions
contained herein.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the foregoing,  the mutual agreements
and covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable  consideration,  the
receipt and  sufficiency  of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties hereto
agree as follows:

     1. Additional Definition. As used herein, the following term shall have the
meaning given to it below and the Loan  Agreement  shall be deemed and is hereby
amended to include, in addition and not in limitation, the following definition:

                    "'Milton Keynes Property Proceeds' shall mean the
                    term "Milton Keynes Property Proceeds" as defined,
                    together with terms used therein, in the Working
                    Capital Loan Agreement as in effect on the date

     2. Amendment of Defined Term.

     Section  1.10 of the Loan  Agreement  is  deleted in its  entirety  and the
following substituted therefor:

                     "'Availability Block' shall mean $10,000,000 as
                     increased by the Milton Keynes Property Proceeds;
                     provided, that, the Availability Block shall be zero
                     plus the amount of the Milton Keynes Property
                     Proceeds if as of December 31, 2006 (a) the Leverage
                     Ratio shall be equal to or less than 3:00:1:00 and
                     (b) no Default or Event of Default shall exist or
                     have occurred and be continuing. Notwithstanding the
                     foregoing, in no event shall the Availability Block
                     be less than $10,000,000 plus the amount of the
                     Milton Keynes Property Proceeds prior to December 31,

     3. Consent. Subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, Agent and
Lenders  hereby  consent to the sale by Seller of the Milton Keynes  Property to
Purchaser in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreement;
provided,  that,  each  of  the  following  conditions  shall  be  satisfied  as
determined by Agent:

          (a) all of the Milton  Keynes  Property  Proceeds  (which shall in any
     event be not less  than the US  Dollar  Equivalent  of  $275,000)  shall be
     remitted  to  Working  Capital  Agent for  application  to the  outstanding
     principal  amount of the Working  Capital  Debt,  it being  agreed that the
     Availability Block shall be increased by the full amount thereof; and

                                     - 2 -

          (b) Agent  shall have  received  (i) an  executed  copy of the Deed by
     Seller  transferring  the Milton Keynes Property to Purchaser duly executed
     by the parties thereto, and (ii) an executed copy of the Purchase Agreement
     and all other  material  Purchase  Documents,  duly executed by the parties

     4. Waiver of Events of Default.

          (a) Subject to the  satisfaction  of each of the conditions  precedent
     set forth in Section 4 hereof,  Lender  hereby waives the Event of Defaults
     described on Schedule 1 hereto (collectively, the "Existing Defaults").

          (b) Agent  and  Lenders  have not  waived,  are not by this  Amendment
     waiving,  and have no intention  of waiving any Event of Default  which may
     have occurred on or prior to the date hereof,  whether or not continuing on
     the date hereof, or which may occur after the date hereof (whether the same
     or similar to the Events of Default  referred  to in Section  4(a) above or
     otherwise),  other than the  Existing  Defaults  (subject  to the terms and
     conditions set forth in Section 4(a) above). The foregoing waiver shall not
     be  construed  as a bar to or a waiver  of any  other or  further  Event of
     Default on any future  occasion,  whether  similar in kind or otherwise and
     shall not constitute a waiver, express or implied, of any of the rights and
     remedies of Agent and Lenders arising under the terms of the Loan Agreement
     or any other  Financing  Agreements  on any future  occasion or  otherwise,
     other than with respect to the Existing  Defaults (subject to the terms and
     conditions set forth in Section 4(a) above).

     5.  Representations,  Warranties  and  Covenants.  Borrowers and Guarantors
represent,  warrant and covenant with and to Agent and Lenders as follows, which
representations,  warranties  and covenants are continuing and shall survive the
execution and delivery hereof, and the truth and accuracy of, or compliance with
each, together with the  representations,  warranties and covenants in the other
Financing  Agreements,  being a  continuing  condition of the making of Loans by
Lenders (or Agent on behalf of Lenders) to Borrowers:

          (a) neither the execution, delivery and performance of this Amendment,
     or  any  other  Financing  Agreements  in  connection  herewith,   nor  the
     consummation of the  transactions  herein or therein  contemplated,  are in
     contravention  of law or any  indenture,  agreement or undertaking to which
     any  Borrower or Guarantor is a party or by which any Borrower or Guarantor
     or its property are bound,  or violates any provision of the Certificate of
     Incorporation or By-Laws (or similar  governing  documents) of any Borrower
     or Guarantor;

          (b) as of the date of this  Amendment,  no Default or Event of Default
     exists or has occurred and is continuing;

          (c) Borrowers and Guarantors have delivered to Agent true, correct and
     complete copies of the Purchase  Agreement and the other material  Purchase
     Documents, together with all exhibits and schedules thereto, as executed by
     the parties thereto;

          (d) Borrowers and  Guarantors  shall cause the Milton Keynes  Property
     Proceeds to be paid to the Working  Capital Agent,  for  application to the
     outstanding  principal  amount of the Working  Capital  Debt, no later than
     thirty  (30)  days  after  the  closing  on the sale of the  Milton  Keynes
     Property as contemplated by the Purchase Documents;

                                     - 3 -

          (e) in  the  event  any  Borrower,  any  Guarantors  or  any of  their
     respective  affiliates  receives  any  amounts  at any time  payable to any
     Borrower,  any Guarantor or any of their respective  affiliates pursuant to
     the Purchase  Documents,  such amounts shall be collected by such Borrower,
     Guarantor  or  affiliate,  as the case may be, as the  property  of Working
     Capital Agent and held by it or them in trust for Working Capital Agent and
     shall be remitted  promptly to Working  Capital  Agent for  application  in
     accordance herewith;

          (f) this Amendment, the Purchase Documents and each other agreement or
     instrument to be executed and/or  delivered by any Borrower or Guarantor in
     connection  herewith or therewith have been duly  authorized,  executed and
     delivered by all necessary action on the part of such Borrower or Guarantor
     which is a party hereto and thereto and, if necessary,  its stockholders or
     equity  holders,  as the case may be, and is in full force and effect as of
     the date hereof,  and the agreements  and  obligations of each Borrower and
     Guarantor  contained herein and therein constitute legal, valid and binding
     obligations  of  such  Borrower  or  Guarantor  enforceable  against  it in
     accordance with their terms,  except as such  enforceability may be limited
     by bankruptcy,  insolvency,  moratorium or similar laws limiting creditors'
     rights generally and by general equitable principals;

          (g) no action  of, or filing  with,  or  consent  of any  Governmental
     Authority,  and no approval or consent of any other  party,  is required to
     authorize,  or is otherwise  required in connection  with,  the  execution,
     delivery and performance by any Borrower or Guarantor of this Amendment, or
     the transactions contemplated hereby; and

          (h) At such time as the note  given to Sun Life  Assurance  Company of
     Canada which is secured by the Mansfield Property (the "Sun Life Mortgage")
     matures  or is  otherwise  satisfied,  if (i) Datel  grants a  mortgage  to
     another party on the Mansfield Property on terms and conditions  acceptable
     to Agent and Working Capital Agent, then Datel shall simultaneously grant a
     second  mortgage  thereon to  Working  Capital  Agent  and/or  Wachovia  as
     collateral agent for Lenders and Working Capital Lenders or (ii) Datel does
     not then grant a mortgage to another party on the Mansfield Property,  then
     Datel shall,  within forty-five (45) days after the release of the Sun Life
     Mortgage,  deliver to Working  Capital Agent and/or  Wachovia as collateral
     agent for Lenders and Working Capital Lenders a Mortgage and title searches
     on the  Mansfield  Property,  together with a legal opinion with respect to
     such Mortgage in  substantially  the same form as  previously  delivered by
     counsel  to  Borrowers  with  respect  to  Real  Property  located  in  the
     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

     6. Conditions  Precedent.  The  effectiveness of the consent and amendments
contained  herein shall only be effective upon the  satisfaction  of each of the
following conditions precedent in a manner satisfactory to Agent:

          (a) Agent shall have received  counterparts  of this  Amendment,  duly
     authorized, executed and delivered by Borrowers, Guarantors and Lenders;

          (b) Agent shall have  received a true and correct copy of any consent,
     waiver or approval to or of this Amendment, which any Borrower or Guarantor
     is required to obtain from any other Person, and such consent,  approval or
     waiver shall be in form and substance satisfactory to Agent;

                                     - 4 -

          (c) Agent shall have received a true,  complete and correct copy of an
     amendment to the Working Capital Loan Agreement with respect to the subject
     matter hereof,  as duly  authorized,  executed and delivered by the parties
     thereto; and

          (d) after  giving  effect to this  Amendment  no  Default  or Event of
     Default shall exist or have occurred and be continuing.

     7.  Effect  of this  Amendment.  This  Amendment  and the  instruments  and
agreements  delivered  pursuant  hereto  constitute the entire  agreement of the
parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof, and supersede all
prior  oral  or  written  communications,  memoranda,  proposals,  negotiations,
discussions,  term sheets and  commitments  with  respect to the subject  matter
hereof and thereof.  Except as expressly  provided  herein,  no other changes or
modifications or waivers or consents to the Financing Agreements are intended or
implied,  and  in  all  other  respects  the  Financing  Agreements  are  hereby
specifically  ratified,  restated and confirmed by all parties  hereto as of the
effective date hereof. To the extent that any provision of the Loan Agreement or
any of the other  Financing  Agreements is  inconsistent  with the provisions of
this Amendment, the provisions of this Amendment shall control.

     8. Further  Assurances.  Each  Borrower  and  Guarantor  shall  execute and
deliver such  additional  documents  and take such  additional  action as may be
requested by Agent or Lenders to effectuate  the provisions and purposes of this

     9.  Governing  Law.  The rights and  obligations  hereunder  of each of the
parties hereto shall be governed by and interpreted and determined in accordance
with the internal laws of the State of New York but excluding any  principles of
conflicts  of law or other rule of law that would cause the  application  of the
law of any jurisdiction other than the laws of the State of New York.

     10. Binding  Effect.  This Amendment shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit  of each of the  parties  hereto  and their  respective  successors  and

     11.  Counterparts.  This  Amendment  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
counterparts, but all of such counterparts shall together constitute but one and
the same agreement. In making proof of this Amendment, it shall not be necessary
to produce or account for more than one  counterpart  thereof  signed by each of
the parties  hereto.  Delivery of an executed  counterpart  of this Amendment by
telecopier or other method of electronic  transmission shall have the same force
and effect as delivery of an original  executed  counterpart of this  Amendment.
Any party delivering an executed  counterpart of this Amendment by telecopier or
other method of electronic  transmission also shall deliver an original executed
counterpart of this Amendment,  but the failure to deliver an original  executed
counterpart shall not affect the validity, enforceability, and binding effect of
this Amendment as to such party or any other party.


                                     - 5 -

                                   Schedule 1
       Consent, Waiver and Amendment No. 2 to Loan and Security Agreement

     1.   Event of Default under Section 10.1(a)(iii) of the Loan Agreement as a
          result of the failure by borrowers to observe their covenant set forth
          in  Amendment  No. 1 to deliver  not later than  forty-five  (45) days
          after on the date  thereof,  a Mortgage  with  respect to certain Real
          Property of Datel located in Mansfield, Massachusetts.

     2.   Event of Default  under  Section  10.1(i) of the Loan  Agreement  as a
          result  of the  default  under  the  Working  Capital  Loan  Agreement
          resulting  from the  failure to deliver  the  Mortgage  referred to in
          paragraph 1., above.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Amendment to be
duly executed and delivered by their authorized  officers as of the day and year
first above written.

AGENT AND LENDER                                BORROWERS

ABLECO FINANCE LLC,                             C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
on behalf of itself and its Affiliate assigns

                                                By: /s/ Robert T. Marley
By: /s/ Daniel E. Wolf                             -----------------------------
                                                Title: V.P. TREASURER
Title: Senior Vice President                          --------------------------
                                                C&D TECHNOLOGIES (DATEL), INC.

LENDERS                                         By: /s/ Robert T. Marley
                                                Title: V.P. TREASURER
By: /s/ C.J. Calabrese                                --------------------------

Title: Executive Vice President                 C&D TECHNOLOGIES (CPS) LLC
                                                By: /s/ Robert T. Marley
                                                Title: V.P. TREASURER
By: /s/ C.J. Calabrese                                --------------------------

Title: Executive Vice President


By: Fortress Credit Opportunities I GP LLC,
    its general partner

By: /s/ Constantine Dakolias

Title: Chief Credit Officer


                                     C&D CHARTER HOLDINGS, INC.

                                     By: /s/ Robert T. Marley

                                     Title: V.P. TREASURER

                                     C&D DYNAMO CORP.

                                     By: /s/ Robert T. Marley

                                     Title: V.P. TREASURER

                                     DYNAMO ACQUISITION CORP.

                                     By: /s/ Robert T. Marley

                                     Title: V.P. TREASURER

                                     C&D INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT HOLDINGS INC.

                                     By: /s/ Robert T. Marley

                                     Title: V.P. TREASURER

                                     DATEL HOLDING CORPORATION

                                     By: /s/ Robert T. Marley

                                     Title: TREASURER