is made as of this 13th day of March,  1996, by and among CHARTER POWER SYSTEMS,
INC.,  a  corporation  organized  and  existing  under  the laws of the State of
Delaware  ("Charter  Power"),  C&D CHARTER  POWER  SYSTEMS,  INC., a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware ("C&D  Charter"),
CACTUS  HOLDINGS,  INC., a corporation  organized and existing under the laws of
the  State  of  Delaware  ("Cactus"),   INTERNATIONAL  POWER  SYSTEMS,  INC.,  a
corporation  organized  and  existing  under  the laws of the  State of  Arizona
("International"),  RATELCO  ELECTRONICS,  INC.,  a  corporation  organized  and
existing  under  the laws of the  State  of  Delaware  ("Ratelco"),  C&D/CHARTER
HOLDINGS, INC., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State
of Delaware ("Charter Holdings"), and CHARTER POWER OF CALIFORNIA, a corporation
organized  and  existing  under  the laws of the State of  California  ("Charter
California")  (Charter  Power,  C&D  Charter,  Cactus,  International,  Ratelco,
Charter Holdings and Charter California are herein  collectively  referred to as
the "Existing  Borrowers" and  individually  as an "Existing  Borrower");  POWER
CONVERTIBLES CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
the State of Arizona ("PCC"),  PCC DE MEXICO S.A. DE C.V. ("PCC Mexico"),  POWER
corporation  organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware ("LH
Research")  (PCC, PCC Mexico,  PCC Ireland and LH Research are herein  sometimes
collectively  referred to as the "Additional  Borrowers" and  individually as an
"Additional Borrower") and NATIONSBANK, N.A., a national banking association, in
its capacity as a lender ("NationsBank"),  NATWEST BANK N.A., a national banking
association  being formerly known as National  Westminster  Bank NJ ("NatWest"),
CORESTATES   BANK,   N.A.,  a  national   banking   association   ("CoreStates")
(NationsBank, CoreStates, and NatWest are herein collectively referred to as the
"Lenders" and individually,  as a "Lender");  and NATIONSBANK,  N.A., a national
banking association (the "Agent"); Witnesseth:


     A. The Lenders,  the Existing  Borrowers  and the Agent are parties to that
certain  Financing and Security  Agreement dated September 26, 1994 (as amended,
restated, supplemented or otherwise modified, the "Credit Agreement"). Under and
subject  to the  provisions  of the  Credit  Agreement,  the  Lenders  agreed to
establish  jointly  and  severally  in favor  of the  Existing  Borrowers  (i) a
revolving credit facility in an increased maximum principal amount not to exceed
SIXTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($65,000,000) (the "Total


Revolving Credit Committed  Amount"),  (ii) a term loan facility  (collectively,
the "Term Loans") in a maximum  principal  amount not to exceed FIFTEEN  MILLION
DOLLARS  ($15,000,000)  (the "Total  Term Loan  Committed  Amount")  and (iii) a
letter of credit facility as part of the Revolving  Credit Facility (the "Letter
of Credit  Facility") in a maximum  principal amount not to exceed EIGHT MILLION
DOLLARS ($8,000,000) (the "Letter of Credit Committed Amount").

     B.  International  intends to acquire or has acquired all of the issued and
outstanding  stock  of PCC  (the  "PCC  Acquisition")  in  accordance  with  the
provisions of that certain Purchase  Agreement by and between  International and
Burr-Brown  Corporation  (as  amended,   restated,   supplemented  or  otherwise
modified, the "PCC Purchase Agreement") and has requested that the Agent and the
Lenders consent and agree to the proposed  acquisition of PCC by  International.
PCC Mexico and PCC Ireland are each and will remain wholly-owned subsidiaries of

     C. In addition, International has formed or intends to form LH Research, as
a wholly-owned subsidiary of International, and LH Research has acquired or will
acquire all or  substantially  all of the assets of LH Research,  Inc.  (the "LH
Acquisition")  in accordance  with the provisions of that certain Asset Purchase
Agreement  by and between LH  Research,  Inc.  and  International  (as  amended,
restated, supplemented or otherwise modified, the "LH Purchase Agreement").

     D. The Existing Borrowers have requested that (i) the Lenders and the Agent
consent  and  agree to the PCC  Acquisition  and the LH  Acquisition  and to the
formation  of LH  Research,  the Lenders  and the Agent have so agreed  provided
that,  among other  things,  (a) the Existing  Borrowers  and the New  Borrowers
execute and deliver  this  Amendment,  (b) the  Existing  Borrowers  and the New
Borrowers,  as  appropriate,  furnish  to the  Agent  such  information,  items,
certifications  and  other  documents  (including,   without  limitation,   such
additional  agreements,   documents,   instruments,   financing  statements  and
assignments)  as the Agent and/or any of the Lenders may  reasonably  request in
connection with the closing and consummation of the transactions contemplated by
this Amendment.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and  other  good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged,  the Existing  Borrowers,  the New Borrowers,  the Lenders and the
Agent hereby agree as follows:


     1. The  recitals  set forth  above are true and  accurate in each and every
respect and are  incorporated  herein by reference.  All capitalized  terms used
herein but not  specifically  defined herein shall have the respective  meanings
given such terms in the  Credit  Agreement,  unless  the  context  indicates  or
dictates a contrary meaning.

     2. The Credit Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

          a. Section 1.1 of the Credit  Agreement  is hereby  amended to add the
following additional definitions:

                  "LH Research" means LH Research,  Incorporated,  a corporation
organized  and  existing  under  the  laws of the  State  of  Delaware,  and its
successors and assigns.

                  "LH Research  Acquisition  Agreement" means that certain asset
purchase agreement by and among International and LH Research, Inc., as the same
may from time to time be amended, restated,  supplemented or modified,  together
with any and all exhibits and schedules thereto, amendments,  modifications, and
supplements thereto, restatements thereof, and substitutes therefor.

                  "LH   Research   Acquisition    Agreement   Documents"   means
collectively  the LH  Research  Acquisition  Agreement  and any  and  all  other
agreements, documents or instruments,  previously, now or hereafter executed and
delivered by International, LH Research, Inc., or any other Person in connection
with the LH Research  Acquisition  Agreement  Transaction,  as the same may from
time to time be amended, restated, supplemented and modified.

                  "LH  Research  Acquisition  Agreement  Transaction"  means the
asset  purchase   transaction   contemplated  by  the  LH  Research  Acquisition

                  "LH Research Assets" means all assets,  equipment,  inventory,
receivables and other tangible and intangible  personal property of LH Research,
Inc. acquired by International or LH Research in accordance with the LH Research
Acquisition  Agreement  Transaction  and also  including  any and all  licensing
rights with respect to intellectual  property  acquired by  International  or LH
Research from LH Research, Inc., together with any and all proceeds and products


                  "PCC"  means Power  Convertibles  Corporation,  a  corporation
organized  and  existing  under  the  laws  of the  State  of  Arizona,  and its
successors and assigns.

                  "PCC - Ireland" means Power Convertibles  Ireland Limited,  as
organized  and  existing  under the laws of the  Republic  of  Ireland,  and its
successors and assigns.

                  "PCC - Mexico"  means PCC De Mexico S.A. De C.V., as organized
and existing  under the laws of the Republic of Mexico,  and its  successors and

                  "PCC Acquisition  Agreement" means that certain stock purchase
agreement by and among International and Burr-Brown Corporation, as the same may
from time to time be amended, restated,  supplemented or modified, together with
any and all exhibits  and  schedules  thereto,  amendments,  modifications,  and
supplements thereto, restatements thereof, and substitutes therefor.

                  "PCC Acquisition  Agreement  Documents" means collectively the
PCC  Acquisition  Agreement  and any  and all  other  agreements,  documents  or
instruments,   previously,   now  or  hereafter   executed   and   delivered  by
International,  Burr-Brown  Corporation,  or any other Person in connection with
the PCC Acquisition Agreement Transaction,  as the same may from time to time be
amended, restated, supplemented and modified.

                  "PCC  Acquisition  Agreement   Transaction"  means  the  asset
purchase transaction contemplated by the PCC Acquisition Agreement.

          b. The  definition  of  "Additional  Borrower" on page 2 of the Credit
Agreement  is hereby  amended to include  PCC,  PCC-Ireland,  PCC-Mexico  and LH
Research;  provided  that PCC,  PCC-Ireland,  PCC-Mexico  and LH  Research  each
execute and deliver to the Agent an Additional  Borrower  Joinder  Supplement in
the form required by the Credit Agreement.

          c. The  Agent  and the  Lenders  agree  that,  subject  to the  terms,
conditions  and  understandings  set forth in this  Amendment,  the LH  Research
Acquisition  Agreement Transaction and the PCC Acquisition Agreement Transaction
shall be deemed Permitted Acquisitions under the Credit Agreement.


          d. Section 4.1.1 on page 75 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended
to add the following:

          PCC-Ireland and PCC-Mexico are each  Wholly-Owned  Subsidiaries of PCC
          and PCC has no  Subsidiaries  other than  PCC-Ireland  and PCC-Mexico.
          Neither PCC-Ireland nor PCC-Mexico have any Subsidiaries.  LH Research
          is a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of International.

         e. As required by the Credit Agreement, the Borrowers have furnished to
the Agent and the Lenders financial projections which give effect to the closing
and consummation of both the LH Research Acquisition  Agreement  Transaction and
the PCC Acquisition  Agreement  Transaction in accordance with the provisions of
the LH Research  Acquisition  Agreement and the PCC  Acquisition  Agreement (the
"LH/PCC  Financial  Projections").  The Agent and the Lenders have  reviewed the
LH/PCC  Financial  Projections  and found them to be in the form required by the
Credit  Agreement.  Section 4.1.12 on page 78 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby
amended to add the following:

          The LH/PCC Financial  Projections  represent the Borrowers' good faith
          estimate of the future Consolidated financial condition and results of
          the operations of the Borrowers  (including the Additional  Borrowers)
          and are based on  assumptions  included  therein,  which the Borrowers
          believe  in good  faith to be  reasonable.  The Agent and the  Lenders
          acknowledge  and agree that the  representations  and warranties  with
          respect to the LH/PCC  Financial  Projections  are made only as of the
          date such LH/PCC Financial  Projections are furnished to the Agent and
          shall not be deemed made or remade at any time thereafter.

          f.  The last  sentence  in  Section  4.1.20  on page 81 of the  Credit
Agreement is hereby amended to exclude Collateral located in Ireland.

          g.  Article 4 of the  Credit  Agreement  is hereby  amended to add the
following additional representations and warranties:

               4.1.29. LH Research Acquisition Agreement Transaction.  The Agent
has  received  true and correct  photocopies  of the fully  executed LH Research
Acquisition  Agreement  and  each  of  the  LH  Research  Acquisition  Agreement
Documents.  Neither  the LH  Research  Acquisition  Agreement  nor any of the LH
Research Acquisition Agreement Documents have been or will be modified, changed,
supplemented,  canceled,  amended or otherwise  altered or  affected,  except as
otherwise disclosed to the Agent in writing. The LH Research


Acquisition  Agreement  Transaction  has been effected,  closed and  consummated
pursuant to, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of the LH Research
Acquisition  Agreement and all applicable Laws,  including,  without limitation,
any  applicable   bulk  transfer  laws.  The  photocopies  of  the  LH  Research
Acquisition  Agreement  and  each  of  the  LH  Research  Acquisition  Agreement
Documents  furnished to the Agent are true and correct photocopies thereof as of
the date furnished,  and each of such documents is in full force and effect,  as
appropriate.  LH Research has obtained all  consents,  licenses and approvals to
permit it to engage in the  business  previously  operated  and  conducted by LH
Research,  Inc.  and LH  Research,  Inc.  has duly and  properly  assigned to LH
Research  all of its  right,  title  and  interest  in,  and  to,  any  and  all
Proprietary Rights.

               4.1.30.  Transfer of LH Research  Assets.  The LH Research Assets
have been sold and  transferred  to LH  Research  free from all  claims,  Liens,
encumbrances,  and security interests of any nature whatsoever, except for Liens
permitted by the  Financing  Agreement and those  expressly  disclosed in the LH
Research Acquisition Agreement.

               4.1.31.  PCC  Acquisition  Agreement  Transaction.  The Agent has
received  true and correct  photocopies  of the fully  executed PCC  Acquisition
Agreement and each of the PCC Acquisition  Agreement Documents.  Neither the PCC
Acquisition  Agreement nor any of the PCC Acquisition  Agreement  Documents have
been modified, changed, supplemented,  canceled, amended or otherwise altered or
affected,  except  as  otherwise  disclosed  to the  Agent in  writing.  The PCC
Acquisition  Agreement  Transaction  has been effected,  closed and  consummated
pursuant  to,  and in  accordance  with,  the  terms and  conditions  of the PCC
Acquisition  Agreement  and all  applicable  Laws.  The  photocopies  of the PCC
Acquisition  Agreement  and  each of the  PCC  Acquisition  Agreement  Documents
furnished to the Agent are or will be true and correct photocopies thereof as of
the date furnished,  and each of such documents is in full force and effect,  as
appropriate.  International has obtained all consents, licenses and approvals to
permit it to acquire the stock of PCC.

               4.1.32.  Transfer of PCC Stock. The issued and outstanding  stock
of PCC has been sold and  transferred  to  International  free from all  claims,
Liens, encumbrances, and security interests of any nature whatsoever, except for


permitted by the Financing  Agreement and those  expressly  disclosed in the PCC
Acquisition Agreement.

               4.1.33 No Environmental Liabilities.  The Borrowers represent and
warrant to the best of their  knowledge,  information and belief,  after due and
diligent inquiry, that there are no primary or contingent liabilities imposed on
any of the Borrowers relating to any environmental matter,  condition,  clean-up
or violation of any  Environmental Law relating to any or all of the LH Research
Assets,  any assets or properties of any of the Additional  Borrowers and/or any
operations or other  properties or interests of LH Research,  Inc. or any of the
Additional Borrowers.  None of the Additional Borrowers own any interest in real

          h.  Section  6.1.23  on page 101 of the  Credit  Agreement  is  hereby
amended to temporarily increase the amount of Inventory which may be stored with
any one or more bailees,  warehousemen  or similar  Persons  without the Agent's
prior  written   consent,   to  Two  Million  Five  Hundred   Thousand   Dollars
($2,500,000); such increase shall be in effect only during the period commencing
on January 1, 1996 and ending on, and including, April 30, 1996.

          i. Subject to the terms,  conditions and  understandings  expressed in
this  Amendment,  Section  6.2.1 on page 104,  Section  6.2.2 on page  105,  and
Section 6.2.6 on page 110 of the Credit  Agreement are hereby  amended to permit
the  closing  and  consummation  of  the  LH  Research   Acquisition   Agreement
Transaction and the PCC Acquisition Agreement Transaction in accordance with the
provisions  of the LH Research  Acquisition  Agreement  and the PCC  Acquisition
Agreement,  respectively  and the  formation  of LH Research  as a  Wholly-Owned
Subsidiary of International.

          j.  Section  6.2.7 on page 111 is hereby  amended to permit a one-time
only  increase  in the  maximum  amount of  permitted  Capital  Expenditures  to
Seventeen  Million Dollars  ($17,000,000) for the fiscal year ending January 31,
1997.  Any  unused  portion of this  increase  above the Eight  Million  Dollars
($8,000,000)  currently permitted for Capital Expenditures for such fiscal year,
shall not be added to or constitute a part of the Carry Forward  Amount  allowed
under Section  6.2.7.  For all fiscal years ending after  January 31, 1997,  the
Capital  Expenditure  Ceiling  shall  remain  equal  to  the  amounts  currently
permitted under Section 6.2.7.

     3. The terms,  conditions  and  provisions of this  Amendment  shall not be
effective until each of the following  conditions  precedent have been satisfied
fully to the extent and in the manner


required by the Agent: (i) the Borrowers  (including the Additional  Borrowers),
the Agent and the Lenders execute and deliver this Amendment, (ii) the Borrowers
(including  the  Additional   Borrowers)  execute  and  deliver  such  financing
statements  in form and for filing as the Agent may require to perfect the liens
and security  interests of the Agent and the Lenders in the Collateral  owned by
any of the Additional  Borrowers,  in form and content  acceptable to the Agent,
(iii) the Borrowers  (including  the Additional  Borrowers)  execute and deliver
such  other  agreements,  assignments  and other  documents  which the Agent may
require to create,  perfect,  and effect the liens and security interests of the
Agent  and  the  Lenders  in  all  real  and  personal  property   interests  of
International (including,  without limitation,  the issued and outstanding stock
of PCC and LH Research)  and any of the  Additional  Borrowers,  all in form and
content  acceptable  to the  Agent,  (iv) the  Borrowers  furnish or cause to be
furnished  to the Agent  all of the items to be  provided  by the  Borrowers  as
listed in the "List of Closing  Documents"  prepared by the Agent's  counsel and
previously furnished to the Borrowers within thirty (30) days of the closing and
consummation of the PCC Acquisition Agreement Transaction, (v) as of the date of
this  Amendment  and as of the date of  closing of the LH  Research  Acquisition
Agreement  Transaction  and  the  PCC  Acquisition  Agreement  Transaction,  the
conditions  precedent  set forth in Section  5.2 shall have been  fulfilled  and
satisfied in a manner acceptable to the Agent, and (vi) the Borrowers shall have
reimbursed the Agent for all fees and expenses  reasonably incurred by the Agent
in connection with the transactions  contemplated by this Amendment  (including,
without  limitation,  recordation  costs and  expenses and  attorneys'  fees and

     4. The Borrowers understand and agree that given the time circumstances the
Agent has elected not to require  perfection of Liens on certain  properties and
assets of the Additional Borrowers,  including Proprietary Rights,  Instruments,
Securities  (other than the issued and  outstanding  stock of PCC) or Collateral
located in Mexico or Ireland.  The Borrowers  agree that the Agent  reserves the
right to require such perfection at any time after the date of this Amendment as
the Agent or the  Required  Lenders  may  determine  in their sole and  absolute
discretion.  All reasonable,  out-of-pocket  costs and expenses  incurred by the
Agent and/or any of the Lenders, including, without limitation,  attorneys' fees
and  expenses,  with  respect  to any such  perfection  shall be  payable by the
Borrowers  within ten (10) days of the Agent's  written  request  therefor,  and
shall be deemed part of the Obligations.

     5. The terms "this Agreement" as used in the Credit Agreement and the terms
"Credit Agreement" as used in any of the


Financing Documents shall mean the Credit Agreement as modified by herein unless
the context clearly indicates or dictates a contrary meaning.

     6. The Borrowers will execute such confirmatory instruments with respect to
the Credit  Agreement  and/or any of the  Financing  Documents  as the Agent may
reasonably require.

     7. The Borrowers ratify and confirm all of their respective liabilities and
obligations  under the Credit  Agreement  and agree  that,  except as  expressly
modified in this  Amendment,  the Credit  Agreement  continues in full force and
effect as if set forth  specifically  herein.  The Borrowers,  the Agent and the
Lenders  agree that this  Amendment  shall not be  construed  as an agreement to
extinguish  the original  obligations  under the Credit  Agreement and shall not
constitute  a novation  as to any of the joint and  several  obligations  of the
Borrowers under the Credit Agreement.

     8.  This  Amendment  may not be  amended,  changed,  modified,  altered  or
terminated  without in each instance the prior written consent of the Agent, the
Lenders and the Borrowers. This Amendment shall be construed in accordance with,
and governed by, the laws of the State of Maryland.

     9. The  Borrowers  agree that  neither the  execution  and delivery of this
Amendment nor any of the terms,  provisions,  covenants, or agreements contained
in this  Amendment  shall in any  manner  release,  impair,  lessen,  waive,  or
otherwise  adversely  affect the joint and several  liability and obligations of
the Borrowers under the terms of the Credit Agreement.

     10. This Agreement may be executed in any number of duplicate  originals or
counterparts,  each of such duplicate  originals or counterparts shall be deemed
to be an original and all taken together  shall  constitute but one and the same

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Borrowers,  the Agent and the Lenders have caused
this Amendment to be executed under seal as of the date first above written.

ATTEST:                             CHARTER POWER SYSTEMS, INC.

/s/ A. Kambouroglou                 By:/s/ Stephen E. Markert, Jr.(Seal)
Name:                                  Name:
Title: VP and Gen. Mgr                 Title: CFO - V.P.
          Motive Div.


ATTEST:                             C&D CHARTER POWER SYSTEMS, INC.

/s/ Robert Marley                   By:/s/ Stephen E. Markert, Jr.(Seal)
Name:                                  Name:
Title: Treasurer                       Title:C.F.O. - V.P.

ATTEST:                             CACTUS HOLDINGS, INC.

/s/ Robert Marley                   By:/s/ Kerry M. Kane          (Seal)
Name:                                  Name:
Title: Vice President                  Title: Pres.

ATTEST:                             INTERNATIONAL POWER SYSTEMS, INC.

/s/ Robert Marley                   By:/s/ Stephen E. Markert, Jr.(Seal)
Name:                                  Name:
Title: Treasurer                       Title: V.P. Finance

ATTEST:                             RATELCO ELECTRONICS, INC.

/s/ Robert Marley                   By:/s/ Stephen E. Markert, Jr.(Seal)
Name:                                  Name:
Title: Treasurer                       Title: V.P. Finance

ATTEST:                             C&D/CHARTER HOLDINGS, INC.

/s/ Robert Marley                   By:/s/ Kerry M. Kane          (Seal)
Name:                                  Name:
Title:V. President                     Title: President

ATTEST:                             CHARTER POWER OF CALIFORNIA

/s/ Robert Marley                   By:/s/ Stephen E. Markert, Jr.(Seal)
Name:                                  Name:
Title: Treasurer                       Title: V.P. Finance


_________________________           By:/s/ Stephen E. Markert, Jr.(Seal)
Name:                                  Name:
Title:                                 Title: Treasurer


ATTEST:                             PCC DE MEXICO S.A. DE C.V.

_________________________           By:/s/ Michael McDonald      (Seal)
Name:                                  Name: Michael McDonald
Title:                                 Title: Director


/s/ Sean Young                      By:/s/ Edward G. Baker       (Seal)
Name: Sean Young                       Name: Edward G. Baker
Title: Mktg Director                   Title: Controller

ATTEST:                             LH RESEARCH, INCORPORATED

/s/ Robert Marley                   By:/s/ Stephen E. Markert, Jr.(Seal)
Name:                                  Name:
Title: Treasurer                       Title: V.P. Finance

WITNESS:                            NATIONSBANK, N.A.
                                    in its capacity as Agent

/s/ Lisa Kartman                    By:/s/ Patrick M. Moore      (Seal)
                                       Name:  Patrick M. Moore
                                       Title: Vice President

WITNESS:                            NATIONSBANK, N.A.
                                    in its capacity as a Lender

/s/ Lisa Kartman                    By:/s/ Patrick M. Moore      (Seal)
                                       Name:  Patrick M. Moore
                                       Title: Vice President

WITNESS:                            CORESTATES BANK, N.A.
                                    in its capacity as a Lender

/s/ John Gerhardt                   By:/s/ Karl Schultz          (Seal)
                                       Name: Karl Schultz
                                       Title: Vice President

WITNESS:                            NATWEST BANK N.A.
                                    in its capacity as a Lender

/s/ Theresa A. Mazzilli             By:/s/ Thomas L. Savage      (Seal)
                                       Name:Thomas L. Savage
                                       Title: Vice President
