Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                   QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15 (d)
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarter ended July 31, 1996             Commission File No. 1-9389

                           CHARTER POWER SYSTEMS, INC.
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                 Delaware                             13-3314599
      (State or other jurisdiction of              (I.R.S. Employer
      incorporation or organization)              Identification No.)

        1400 Union Meeting Road
          Blue Bell, Pennsylvania                        19422
  (Address of principal executive office)             (Zip Code)

                                 (215) 619-2700
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed  by  Section  13 or 15 (d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  registrant
was  required  to file such  reports),  and (2) has been  subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                  YES X NO_____

Number of shares of the  Registrant's  Common Stock  outstanding on September 9,
1996: 6,309,644


                           CHARTER POWER SYSTEMS, INC.
                                AND SUBSIDIARIES


PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                    Page No.

   Item 1 - Financial Statements

          Consolidated Balance Sheets -
          July 31, 1996 and January 31, 1996....................      3

          Consolidated Statements of Income -
          Three and Six Months Ended July 31, 1996
           and 1995.............................................      5

          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
          Six Months Ended July 31, 1996 and 1995...............      6

          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements............      8

          Report of Independent Accountants.....................     14

   Item 2 - Management's Discussion and Analysis of
              Financial Condition and Results of Operations.....     15

PART II. OTHER INFORMATION                                          18

SIGNATURES                                                           19


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                     July 31,        January 31,
                                                       1996             1996
                                                       ----             ----

Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents.................     $  1,219         $  5,472
      Restricted cash and cash equivalents......        1,805            5,402
      Accounts receivable, less allowance for
           doubtful accounts of $1,429 and
           $1,421, respectively.................       38,436           31,855
      Inventories...............................       41,764           35,227
      Deferred income taxes.....................        5,823            6,235
      Other current assets......................        2,965            1,367
                                                     --------         --------
                 Total current assets...........       92,012           85,558

Property, plant and equipment, net..............       49,061           39,375
Intangible and other assets, net................        5,481            3,287
Goodwill, net...................................       11,388            2,607
                                                     --------         --------
                 Total assets...................     $157,942         $130,827
                                                     ========         ========


Current liabilities:
      Current portion of long-term debt.........     $  1,241         $    200
      Accounts payable..........................       21,710           19,008
      Accrued liabilities.......................       13,555           13,513
      Other current liabilities.................        3,504            2,535
                                                     --------         --------
                 Total current liabilities......       40,010           35,256

Deferred income taxes...........................        3,338            2,750
Long-term debt..................................       29,752           15,417
Other liabilities...............................        9,304            8,478
                                                     --------         --------
                 Total liabilities..............       82,404           61,901
                                                     --------         --------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                     CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (continued)
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                     July 31,       January 31,
                                                       1996            1996
                                                       ----            ----
Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' equity:
      Common stock, $.01 par value,
           10,000,000 shares authorized;
           6,504,226 and 6,326,176 shares
           issued, respectively..................          65               63
      Additional paid-in capital.................      38,678           36,283
      Minimum pension liability adjustment.......        (760)            (760)
      Treasury stock, at cost, 57,400 shares ....      (1,304)          (1,304)
      Notes receivable from stockholder,
             net of discount of $120.............      (1,601)            --
      Cumulative translation adjustment..........        (126)            --
      Retained earnings..........................      40,586           34,644
                                                     --------         --------
                 Total stockholders' equity......      75,538           68,926
                                                     --------         --------
                 Total liabilities and
                   stockholders' equity..........    $157,942         $130,827
                                                     ========         ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                                       (Unaudited)                       (Unaudited)
                                                    Three months ended                 Six months ended
                                                         July 31,                          July 31,
                                                  1996             1995             1996             1995
                                                  ----             ----             ----             ----
Net sales............................           $71,748          $63,381         $134,177         $122,158
Cost of sales........................            56,467           48,057          103,775           93,042
                                                -------          -------         --------         --------
    Gross profit.....................            15,281           15,324           30,402           29,116
Selling, general and
     administrative expenses.........             8,653            7,382           16,096           14,447
Research and development
    expenses.........................             2,162            1,447            4,036            3,040
                                                -------          -------         --------         --------
    Operating income.................             4,466            6,495           10,270           11,629
Interest expense, net................               291              294              553              525
Other expense, net...................               130              199              127              255
                                                -------          -------         --------         --------
    Income before income taxes.......             4,045            6,002            9,590           10,849
Provision for income taxes...........             1,395            2,072            3,294            3,744
                                                -------          -------         --------         --------
    Net income.......................           $ 2,650          $ 3,930         $  6,296         $  7,105
                                                =======          =======         ========         ========
Net income per common and
    common equivalent share..........           $   .40          $   .61         $    .96         $   1.11
                                                =======          =======         ========         ========
Weighted average common and
    common equivalent shares.........             6,602            6,434            6,576            6,414
                                                =======          =======          =======         ========
Dividends per share..................           $0.0275          $0.0275          $0.0550         $ 0.0550
                                                =======          =======          =======         ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                             (Dollars in thousands)
                                                          Six months ended
                                                              July 31,
                                                          1996         1995*
                                                          ----         ----
Cash flows provided (used) by operating activities:
    Net income .....................................    $ 6,296      $ 7,105
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
      cash provided by operating activities:
          Depreciation and amortization.............      4,104        3,138
          Deferred income taxes.....................      1,000         (342)
          Loss on disposal of assets................         10          139
          Changes in:
                Accounts receivable.................     (3,976)      (2,024)
                Inventories.........................        602       (6,418)
                Other current assets................       (391)        (185)
                Accounts payable....................        928        4,431
                Accrued liabilities.................     (1,654)         (27)
                Income taxes payable................        (72)          78
                Other current liabilities...........        477         (533)
                Other liabilities...................        609          799
          Other, net................................         63         (225)
                                                        -------      -------
Net cash provided by operating activities...........      7,996        5,936
                                                        -------      -------
Cash flows provided (used) by investing activities:
    Acquisition of businesses, net of cash
       acquired.....................................    (19,739)        --
    Acquisition of property, plant and equipment ...     (8,847)      (3,430)
    Change in restricted cash.......................      3,597           75
                                                        -------      -------
Net cash used by investing activities...............    (24,989)      (3,355)
                                                        -------      -------
Cash flows provided (used) by financing activities:
    Repayment of long-term debt.....................     (7,094)      (2,223)
    Proceeds from new borrowings....................     20,500         --
    Proceeds from issuance of common stock..........        739          368
    Payment of common stock dividends...............       (350)        (492)
    Purchase of treasury stock......................       --           (317)
    Note receivable from stockholder in
      connection with issuance of common stock......     (1,057)         --
                                                        -------      -------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                          Six months ended
                                                              July 31,
                                                          1996        1995*
                                                          ----        ----   

Net cash provided (used) by financing activities....     12,738      (2,664)
                                                        -------      ------
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash.............          2          11
                                                        -------      ------
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents...............     (4,253)        (72)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
   of period........................................      5,472       1,097
                                                        -------      ------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period..........    $ 1,219      $1,025
                                                        =======      ======


Interest paid, net..................................    $   593      $  701
Income taxes paid...................................      2,368       4,008


Acquired businesses:
      Estimated fair value of assets acquired.......    $14,565      $  --
      Goodwill and identifiable intangible
        assets . ...................................     11,661         --
      Purchase price obligations....................     (1,160)        --
      Cash paid, net of cash acquired...............    (19,739)        --
                                                        -------      ------
      Liabilities assumed...........................    $ 5,327      $  --
                                                        =======      ======

Dividends declared but not paid.....................    $   177      $  --

Note receivable from stockholder in connection
  with issuance of common stock.....................    $   664      $  --

* Reclassified for comparative purposes.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                             (Dollars in thousands)


         The accompanying  interim  consolidated  financial statements should be
read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto
contained in the  Company's  Annual Report to  Shareholders  for the fiscal year
ended January 31, 1996. The consolidated  financial  statements presented herein
are  unaudited  but,  in  the  opinion  of  management,  include  all  necessary
adjustments  (which  comprise only normal  recurring  items) required for a fair
presentation of the consolidated  financial position as of July 31, 1996 and the
consolidated  statements  of income for the three and six months  ended July 31,
1996 and 1995 and the  consolidated  statements of cash flows for the six months
ended July 31, 1996 and 1995. However, interim results of operations necessarily
involve more estimates than annual results and are not indicative of results for
the full fiscal year.


         Inventories consisted of the following:
                                                     July 31,    January 31,
                                                       1996         1996
                                                       ----         ----

         Raw materials ...........................   $18,817      $14,033
         Work-in-progress ........................    11,277        9,357
         Finished goods ..........................    11,670       11,837
                                                     -------      -------
                                                     $41,764      $35,227
                                                     =======      =======


         A  reconciliation  of the provision for income taxes from the statutory
rate to the effective rate is as follows:
                                                        Six months ended
                                                             July 31,
                                                        1996         1995
                                                        ----         ----

     U.S. statutory income tax ......................   35.0%        35.0%
     State tax, net of federal income tax benefit....    3.3          3.7
     Reduction in valuation allowance................     --         (3.8)
     Reduction of taxes provided in prior years......   (3.1)          --
     Other...........................................   (0.9)        (0.4)
                                                        ----          ----
                                                        34.3%        34.5%
                                                        ====         ====


                             (Dollars in thousands)


         With regard to the following contingent liabilities there  have been no
material changes since January 31, 1996.

         Because the Company  uses lead and other  hazardous  substances  in its
manufacturing processes, it is subject to numerous federal,  Canadian,  Mexican,
state  and  local  laws  and  regulations  that  are  designed  to  protect  the
environment and employee health and safety.  These laws and regulations  include
requirements of periodic  reporting to governmental  agencies  regarding the use
and disposal of hazardous  substances  and  compliance  with  rigorous  criteria
regarding exposure to employees and the disposal of scrap. In the opinion of the
Company,  the Company  complies  in all  material  respects  with these laws and

         Notwithstanding   such   compliance,   if  damage  to  persons  or  the
environment  has been or is caused by hazardous  substances used or generated in
the conduct of the  Company's  business,  the Company may be held liable for the
damage and be required to pay the cost of remedying the same,  and the amount of
any such  liability  might be material to the results of operations or financial
condition.  However,  under the terms of the purchase  agreement with Allied for
the Acquisition of the Company (the Acquisition Agreement),  Allied is obligated
to  indemnify  the  Company  for any  liabilities  of this type  resulting  from
conditions existing at January 28, 1986 that were not disclosed by Allied to the
Company in the schedules to the Acquisition Agreement.

         The Company,  along with numerous other parties,  has been requested to
provide  information to the United States  Environmental  Protection Agency (the
EPA) in connection with investigations of the source and extent of contamination
at several lead smelting  facilities  (the Third Party  Facilities) to which the
Company had made scrap lead shipments for  reclamation  prior to the date of the
Acquisition.  As of January 16,  1989,  the  Company,  with the  concurrence  of
Allied,  entered into an agreement with other  potentially  responsible  parties
(PRPs)  relating  to  remediation  of a  portion  of  one  of  the  Third  Party
Facilities,  the former NL Industries (NL), facility in Pedricktown,  New Jersey
(the  NL  Site),   which  agreement  provides  for  their  joint  funding  on  a
proportionate  basis of certain  remedial  investigation  and feasibility  study
activities with respect to that site.


                             (Dollars in thousands)

4.       CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (continued)

         In fiscal 1993 in accordance  with an EPA order,  a group  comprised of
the Company and 30 other parties  commenced  work on the cleanup of a portion of
the NL Site based on a specified remedial approach which is now completed. Based
on currently available  information and well defined  contribution levels of the
other  parties,  including NL  Industries,  the Company does not expect to incur
costs in excess of the $138 previously reserved.

         With  regard  to the  remainder  of the NL  Site,  the EPA is  pursuing
negotiations  with NL and the other PRPs,  including the Company,  regarding the
conduct  and  funding of the  remedial  work plan.  The EPA has  proposed a cost
allocation plan,  however,  the allocation  percentages  between parties and the
basis  for  allocation  of  cost  are not  defined  in the  plan  or  elsewhere.
Therefore,  a reliable  range of the potential cost to the Company of this phase
of the clean-up cannot currently be determined. Accordingly, the Company has not
created any reserve for this potential exposure.

         The  remedial  investigation  and  feasibility  study at a second Third
Party  Facility,  the former  Tonolli  Incorporated  facility  at  Nesquehoning,
Pennsylvania  (the Tonolli Site),  was completed in fiscal 1993. The EPA and the
PRPs are  continuing  to evaluate  the draft  remedial  design work plan for the
site. Based on the estimated cost of the remedial  approach selected by the EPA,
the Company  believes that the potential cost of remedial  action at the Tonolli
Site is likely to range between  $16,000 and $17,000.  The  Company's  allocable
share of this  cost has not been  finally  determined,  and will  depend on such
variables  as the  financial  capability  of  various  other  PRPs to fund their
respective  allocable shares of the remedial cost. Based on currently  available
information,  however,  the Company  believes that its most likely exposure with
respect to the Tonolli Site will be the approximately $579 previously  reserved,
the majority of which is expected to be paid over the next three to five years.

         The Company has responded to requests for information from the EPA with
regard to three other Third Party  Facilities,  one in September  1991, one (the
Chicago  Site) in October 1991 and the third (the ILCO Site) in October 1993. Of
the  three  sites,  the  Company  has been  identified  as a PRP at the ILCO and
Chicago Sites only.

         Based on currently available information, the Company believes that the
potential  cost of  remediation  at the ILCO  Site is  likely  to range  between
$54,000 and  $59,000  (based on the  estimated  costs of the  remedial  approach
selected by the EPA).  The Company's  allocable  share of this cost has not been
finally determined and will depend on such variables as the financial capability
of various other PRPs to fund their respective allocable shares of


                             (Dollars in thousands)

4.       CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (continued)

the  remedial  cost.   However,   on  October  31,  1995  the  Company  received
confirmation from the EPA that it is a de minimis PRP at the ILCO Site. Based on
currently  available  information,  however,  the Company believes that its most
likely exposure with respect to the ILCO Site is an immaterial  amount which has
been previously reserved,  the majority of which is expected to be paid over the
next three to five years.

         Based on currently available information, the Company believes that the
potential cost of the remediation at the Chicago Site is likely to range between
$8,000 and $10,500 (based on the preliminary  estimated costs of the remediation
approach  negotiated with the EPA).  Sufficient  information is not available to
determine  the  Company's  allocable  share of this  cost.  Based  on  currently
available  information,  however,  the  Company  believes  that its most  likely
exposure  with  respect  to the  Chicago  Site  will be the  approximately  $283
previously reserved,  the majority of which is expected to be paid over the next
two to five years.

         Allied has accepted  responsibility under the Acquisition Agreement for
potential  liabilities  relating  to all Third Party  Facilities  other than the
aforementioned  Sites. Based on currently available  information,  management of
the Company  believes that the foregoing will not have a material adverse effect
on the Company's financial condition or results of operations.


         Effective  February 22, 1996 the Company acquired certain equipment and
inventory of LH Research,  Inc. used in their power supply business,  along with
all  rights to the name "LH  Research,"  for  approximately  $4,100,  subject to
certain adjustments. The Company used available cash to finance the acquisition.

         The  acquisition  has  been  recorded  using  the  purchase  method  of
accounting and the net purchase price  approximates the fair value of the assets
acquired.  The results of operations are included in the Company's  consolidated
financial statements from the date of acquisition.

         Effective  March  12,  1996,  the  Company   acquired  from  Burr-Brown
Corporation  its  entire  interest  in  Power  Convertibles   Corporation  (PCC)
consisting of 1,044,418 shares of PCC common stock and all outstanding preferred
stock.  In addition  the  Company  acquired  or repaid  approximately  $5,200 of
indebtedness of PCC. On April 26, 1996, the Company


                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

5.       ACQUISITIONS (continued)

acquired  190,000  shares of PCC common  stock from the former  chief  executive
officer of PCC which together with the shares previously  acquired represents in
excess of 99.6% of the  outstanding  PCC common stock.  As of May 29, 1996,  the
Company  purchased  all  remaining  shares of PCC common stock and shares of PCC
common stock covered by stock options.

         The  source  of  funds  for the  acquisition  was  advances  under  the
Company's existing credit facility with NationsBank,  N.A., National Westminster
Bank, NJ and CoreStates  Bank,  N.A. PCC is engaged in the business of designing
and manufacturing DC to DC converters used in communications,  computer, medical
and industrial and  instrumentation  markets and also produces  battery chargers
for cellular phones.

         The  acquisition  has  been  recorded  using  the  purchase  method  of
accounting.  The  aggregate  purchase  price of  approximately  $17,000 has been
allocated  on the  basis of the  estimated  fair  market  values  of the  assets
acquired and  liabilities  assumed.  The excess of the aggregate  purchase price
over the estimated fair market values of the net assets  acquired was recognized
as goodwill  and is being  amortized  over a period of 20 years.  The results of
operations are included in the Company's  consolidated financial statements from
the date of acquisition.

         The following  unaudited pro forma financial  information  combines the
consolidated  results of operations as if both  acquisitions  had occurred as of
the beginning of the periods presented.  Pro forma adjustments  include only the
effects  of events  directly  attributed  to a  transaction  that are  factually
supportable and expected to have a continuing  impact. The pro forma adjustments
contained  in the table below  include  amortization  of  intangibles,  interest
expense on the  acquisition  debt,  elimination of interest  expense on debt not
acquired,  reduction of certain selling, general and administrative expenses and
the related income tax effects.

                                                         Six months
                                                        ended July 31,
                                                    1996             1995
                                                    ----             ----

     Net sales                                   $136,100          $142,657
     Net income                                     6,042             6,545
     Net income per common and
          common equivalent share                $    .92          $   1.02


                             (Dollars in thousands)

5.       ACQUISITIONS (continued)

         The pro forma financial  information  does not necessarily  reflect the
operating results that would have occurred had the acquisitions been consummated
as of the above dates,  nor is such  information  indicative of future operating
results.  In addition,  the pro forma financial  results contain estimates since
the acquired businesses did not maintain information on a period comparable with
the Company's fiscal year-end.



To the Stockholders and Board of Directors of
Charter Power Systems, Inc.

We have reviewed the  accompanying  consolidated  balance sheet of Charter Power
Systems,  Inc. and  Subsidiaries  as of July 31, 1996, the related  consolidated
statements  of income for the three and six months  ended July 31, 1996 and 1995
and the related  consolidated  statements of cash flows for the six months ended
July 31, 1996 and 1995. These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's management.

We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by the American
Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants.  A review  of  interim  financial
information consists principally of applying analytical  procedures to financial
data and making  inquiries of persons  responsible  for financial and accounting
matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance
with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards,  the  objective  of which is the
expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole.
Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based on our review, we are not aware of any material  modifications that should
be made to the accompanying  consolidated financial statements for them to be in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

We have  previously  audited,  in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing
standards, the consolidated balance sheet as of January 31, 1996 and the related
consolidated  statements of income,  stockholders' equity and cash flows for the
year then ended (not presented herein);  and in our report dated March 22, 1996,
we expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated  financial statements.
In our  opinion,  the  information  set forth in the  accompanying  consolidated
balance  sheet as of January 31,  1996,  is fairly  presented,  in all  material
respects,  in relation to the consolidated  balance sheet from which it has been


2400 Eleven Penn Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
August 29, 1996


Item 2.


         The Company  completed  two  acquisitions  during the first  quarter of
fiscal  1996.  Effective  February  22,  1996,  the  Company  purchased  certain
equipment and inventory of LH Research,  Inc.,  ("LH") a Costa Mesa,  California
based  manufacturer  of  standard  power  supply  systems  for  the  electronics
industry. The power supplies are used in telecommunications,  computer, medical,
process control and other industrial applications. Effective March 12, 1996, the
Company  acquired  from  Burr-Brown  Corporation  its entire  interest  in Power
Convertibles  Corporation  ("PCC")  consisting of 1,044,418 shares of PCC common
stock and all outstanding  preferred  stock. In addition the Company acquired or
repaid  approximately  $5,200,000 of indebtedness of PCC. On April 26, 1996, the
Company  acquired  190,000  shares of PCC Common  Stock  from the  former  chief
executive officer of PCC, which together with shares previously  acquired by the
Company  represented in excess of 99.6% of the  outstanding PCC Common Stock. As
of May 29, 1996 the Company  purchased all remaining  shares of PCC Common Stock
and shares of PCC Common Stock covered by stock options.  Tucson,  Arizona based
PCC produces DC to DC converters used in communications,  computer,  medical and
industrial and  instrumentation  markets and also produces  battery chargers for
cellular phones.

         Net sales for the fiscal 1997 second  quarter and six months ended July
31,  1996  increased  $8,367,000  or 13 percent and  $12,019,000  or 10 percent,
respectively,  compared to the equivalent  periods in fiscal 1996. Sales for the
second  quarter  and half year of  fiscal  1997  increased  as a result of sales
recorded by the  Company's  PCC and LH  subsidiaries,  coupled with lower motive
power  and  power  supplies  sales,  partially  offset  by  higher  sales to the
telecommunications  industry.  Sales resulting from the  acquisitions  completed
earlier this year were approximately  $9,000,000 and $14,000,000 for the quarter
and six months ended July 31, 1996, respectively. On a company wide basis, sales
to the  telecommunications  market  increased  approximately  32 percent  and 28
percent for the fiscal 1997 second  quarter and six months  ended July 31, 1996,
respectively.  Sales of  motive  power  products  were down 19  percent  for the
current  quarter  and 18 percent  for the first half of fiscal 1997 due to lower
volumes partially offset by higher prices.

         Gross  profit  was flat  for the  second  quarter  of  fiscal  1997 and
increased  $1,286,000 or 4 percent for the six-month period ended July 31, 1996.
Gross margins decreased to 21.3 percent from 24.2 percent for the quarter and to
22.7 percent from 23.8 percent for the year to date. Gross profit for the second
quarter and for the six months ended July 31, 1997 were unfavorably  impacted by
non-recurring charges for relocating an electronics business from


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)

 Seattle,  Washington to Tucson, Arizona and Dunlap, Tennessee, costs related to
the failure of plastic casings used in Charter Power batteries, higher materials
costs experienced by the electronics business and lower motive power sales.

         Selling,  general and administrative  expenses remained proportional to
sales at 12 percent of sales for the second quarter and half year of both fiscal
1997 and 1996.

         Research and  development  expenses  increased  $715,000 for the second
quarter  and  $996,000  for the six months  ended July 31, 1996  primarily  as a
result of the acquisitions.

         Interest expense, net, remained relatively flat for the quarter and six
months  ended  July 31,  1996  due to  higher  debt  balances,  offset  by lower
effective rates and higher capitalized  interest related to the plant expansions
at the Company's Conyers, Georgia and Leola, Pennsylvania locations.

         As a result of the above,  income  before  income  taxes  decreased  33
percent for the second  quarter of fiscal 1997 and 12 percent for the  six-month
period ended July 31, 1996 versus the comparable  periods of the prior year. Net
income for the quarter decreased 33 percent to $2,650,000 or 40 cents per share,
while for the six-month period, net income decreased 11 percent to $6,296,000 or
96 cents per share.


         Net cash flows provided by operating activities increased 35 percent to
$7,996,000  for the six-month  period ended July 31, 1996 compared to $5,936,000
in the comparable period of the prior year. This increase was primarily due to a
decrease in inventory  levels during the first six months of fiscal 1997 (versus
an increase in inventory and associated  higher  payables  during the comparable
prior  year  period),   partially  offset  by  a  larger  increase  in  accounts
receivables  resulting  from  higher  sales  levels  during  fiscal  1997.  Also
contributing to the increase were changes in deferred taxes due to the timing of
the  deductibility  of exercised  stock options and an increase in other current
liabilities  resulting from recording  deferred  revenue.  Partially  offsetting
these increases was a larger  reduction in accrued  liabilities,  which included
cash payments related to certain liabilities  established on the opening balance
sheets of the aforementioned acquisitions.

         Net cash used by  investing  activities  totaling  $24,989,000  for the
six-month period ended July 31, 1996 includes the purchase by the Company of PCC
and certain  equipment  and  inventory  of LH for  $19,739,000.  Acquisition  of
property,  plant  and  equipment  during  the first  six  months of fiscal  1997
increased by $5,417,000 over the comparable period of the


                 CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (continued)

prior  year,  primarily  due to the plant  capacity  expansion  programs  at the
Company's Conyers,  Georgia and Leola,  Pennsylvania  facilities.  The change in
restricted cash resulted from the use of proceeds  obtained from the Development
Authority of Rockdale County Industrial  Development Revenue Bonds,  obtained in
fiscal 1996, to finance the Company's expansion of the Conyers, Georgia plant.

         Net cash  provided by  financing  activities  was  $12,738,000  for the
six-month  period  ended July 31, 1996  compared  to net cash used by  financing
activities of $2,664,000  for the comparable  prior year period.  The additional
borrowings  in the current  year's six month period were used  primarily for the
funding of the  aforementioned  acquisitions.  The  reduction of long-term  debt
occurred  primarily  as a result of the  Company's  election to  accelerate  the
retirement of the remaining  term loan portion of its long-term  debt during the
first quarter of fiscal 1997.

         The Company's availability under the current loan agreement is expected
to  be  sufficient   to  meet  its  ongoing  cash  needs  for  working   capital
requirements,   debt  service,   capital  expenditures  and  possible  strategic
acquisitions.  Capital  expenditures in the first six months of fiscal 1997 were
incurred  primarily  to fund  capacity  expansion,  new product  development,  a
continuing series of cost reduction programs,  normal maintenance  capital,  and
regulatory  compliance.  Fiscal 1997  capital  expenditures  are  expected to be
approximately $17,000,000 for similar purposes.


         Certain  information  contained in this Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q,
including, without limitation, information appearing under Item 2, "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of Operations,"  are
forward-looking  statements (within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934).  Factors
that appear  with the  forward-looking  statements,  or in the  Company's  other
Securities and Exchange  Commission  filings,  could affect the Company's actual
results and could cause the Company's  actual results to differ  materially from
those  expressed in any  forward-looking  statements made by the Company in this
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.


                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

(a)       The Company held its annual meeting of shareholders on July 25, 1996.

(b)       See Item 4(c) below.

(c)       Each of David Beretta, Glenn M. Feit and John A. H. Shober was elected
          as a director by a vote of 5,418,755 for and 22,154  withheld.  Alfred
          Weber was elected as a director by a vote of 5,418,405  for and 22,504
          withheld.  Warren  A.  Law  was  elected  as a  director  by a vote of
          5,418,705 for with 22,204 withheld. William Harral, III was elected as
          a director by a vote of 5,417,905  for with 23,004  withheld.  Alan G.
          Lutz was elected as a director by a vote of  5,417,855  for and 23,054

          The Charter Power Systems, Inc. 1996 Stock Option Plan was approved by
          a vote of 3,314,597 for and 1,040,970  against with 7,995  abstentions
          and 1,077,347 broker non-votes.

          The   appointment  of  Coopers  &  Lybrand  L.L.P.  as  the  Company's
          independent  accountants  for the year  ending  January  31,  1997 was
          ratified  by a vote of  5,431,909  for and 4,200  against,  with 4,800

Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

(a)       Exhibits

          10.1  Charter  Power  Systems,  Inc.  1996 Stock  Option  Plan  (filed

          10.2 Employment  Agreement,  dated as of April 1, 1996, and Pledge and
               Security Agreement and Reimbursement Agreement,  each dated April
               30,  1996,   between  Alfred  Weber  and  the  Company;   Secured
               Promissory  Note and Option Secured  Promissory  Note, each dated
               April 30, 1996,  by Alfred  Weber in favor of the Company  (filed

          11.  Computation of per share earnings (filed herewith).

          15.  Letter from Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P., independent accountants for
               the Company,  regarding  unaudited interim financial  information
               (filed herewith).

          27.  Financial Data Schedule (filed herewith).

(b)       Reports on Form 8-K:


- -------------------

              Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  the  Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                               CHARTER POWER SYSTEMS, INC.

September 13, 1996                         BY:      /s/ Alfred Weber
                                                        Alfred Weber
                                                Chairman, President and Chief
                                                    Executive Officer

September 13, 1996                         BY:  /s/ Stephen E. Markert, Jr.
                                                    Stephen E. Markert, Jr.
                                                  Vice President Finance and
                                                  (Principal Financial and
                                                    Accounting Officer)


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

          10.1 Charter Power Systems, Inc. 1996 Stock Option Plan.

          10.2 Employment  Agreement,  dated as of April 1, 1996, and Pledge and
               Security Agreement and Reimbursement Agreement,  each dated April
               30,  1996,   between  Alfred  Weber  and  the  Company;   Secured
               Promissory  Note and Option Secured  Promissory  Note, each dated
               April 30, 1996, by Alfred Weber in favor of the Company.

          11.  Computation of per share earnings.

          15.  Letter from Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P., independent accountants for
               the Company, regarding unaudited interim financial information.

          27.  Financial Data Schedule.
