CHARTER POWER SYSTEMS, INC.
                             1996 STOCK OPTION PLAN


     The purposes of the Charter Power Systems, Inc. 1996 Stock Option Plan (the
"Plan")  are  to aid  Charter  Power  Systems,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  and  its
subsidiaries in attracting and retaining highly capable  employees and to enable
selected  key  employees  of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries  to  acquire or
increase ownership  interests in the Company on a basis that will encourage them
to perform at increasing  levels of effectiveness  and use their best efforts to
promote  the growth  and  profitability  of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries.
Consistent with these objectives,  this Plan authorizes the granting to selected
key  employees of Incentive  Stock  Options and  Nonqualified  Stock  Options to
acquire  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock,  par value $.01 per share (the
"Common Stock"),  pursuant to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. As
used herein the term  "subsidiary"  shall have the meaning  ascribed to it under
Section 424(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").


     As used in  this  Plan,  the  following  words  shall  have  the  following

     (a) "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Company;

     (b)  "Incentive  Stock Option"  means a stock option to purchase  shares of
Common  Stock  which is  intended  to qualify as an  incentive  stock  option as
defined in Section 422(b) of the Code;

     (c) "Nonqualified  Stock Option" means a stock option to purchase shares of
Common Stock that is not an Incentive Stock Option;

     (d)  "Option"  means an  Incentive  Stock  Option or a  Nonqualified  Stock


     This Plan shall become  effective on July 25, 1996 (the "Effective  Date"),
subject to  approval  of this Plan by the  holders of a majority  of the capital
stock entitled to vote thereon (at the time of approval). In the event that this
Plan is not so approved, it shall not become effective.


     (a) This Plan shall be administered by a committee (the "Committee"), which
may be a subcommittee of the compensation committee,  consisting of at least two
members of the Board of Directors  selected by the Board of  Directors,  or such
greater number as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine. At the
time of such  selection,  each such member shall not have been granted an Option
under this Plan during the one-year  period prior to the later of the  Effective
Date or such member's  appointment  to the  Committee,  or received  stock or an
option to purchase stock of the Company or any of its "affiliates" (as such term
is defined under Rule 405 under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended)  under
any other plan maintained by the Company or any of its affiliates, except as may
be otherwise  provided in Rule  16b-3(c)  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") (or any successor rule). In addition, each
such member shall qualify as an "outside  director" as defined in Section 162(m)
of the Code

and the regulations thereunder. If, at any time, there are less than two members
of the  Committee  eligible to serve in such  capacity,  the Board of  Directors
shall  appoint one or more other  eligible  members of the Board of Directors to
serve on the Committee.  All Committee  members shall serve, and may be removed,
at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.

     (b) A  majority  of the  members of the  Committee  (but not less than two)
shall  constitute  a quorum,  and any action taken by a majority of such members
present at any meeting at which a quorum is present, or acts approved in writing
by all such members, shall be the acts of the Committee.

     (c) Subject to the other  provisions of this Plan, the Committee shall have
full  authority to decide when Options to acquire shares of Common Stock will be
granted under this Plan, to select the key employees to whom the Options will be
granted,  to determine whether the Options to be granted will be Incentive Stock
Options or Nonqualified Stock Options,  and to determine the number of shares of
Common Stock to be covered by each Option, the price at which such shares may be
purchased  upon the  exercise of such Option (the "Option  Exercise  Price") and
other terms and conditions of such purchase  including  Company,  department and
individual  performance  goals.  In making those  determinations,  the Committee
shall solicit the  recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer of the Company
and may take into account the key employee's present and potential contributions
to the  Company's  business and any other  factors  which the Committee may deem
relevant. Subject to the other provisions of this Plan, the Committee shall also
have full  authority  to  interpret  this Plan and any stock  option  agreements
evidencing  Options granted  hereunder,  to issue rules for  administering  this
Plan,  to change,  alter,  amend or rescind  such  rules,  and to make all other
determinations necessary or appropriate for the administration of this Plan. All
determinations, interpretations and constructions made by the Committee pursuant
to this  Section  4 shall be final  and  conclusive.  No  member of the Board of
Directors  or the  Committee  shall be liable for any action,  determination  or
omission  taken or made in good  faith  with  respect to this Plan or any Option
granted hereunder.


     (a) Subject to the  provisions  of Section 6 below,  key  employees  of the
Company  and  its  subsidiaries   (including  officers  and  directors  who  are
employees) shall be eligible to receive Options under this Plan.

     (b) The  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value (as such term is defined in Section
7(a)  below),  determined  as of the Date of Grant (as such term is  defined  in
Section  7(a)  below),  of the shares of stock with  respect to which  Incentive
Stock  Options (and  incentive  stock options  under all other  incentive  stock
option  plans of the  Company,  its  parent (if any) and its  subsidiaries)  are
exercisable  for the  first  time by an  Optionee  (as such term is  defined  in
Section 7 below) during any calendar year may not exceed $100,000.

     (c) In addition to the foregoing, the maximum number of shares with respect
to which  Options may be granted to a person under this Plan during any calendar
year may not exceed  100,000  (subject to the  adjustments  set forth in Section
6(b)  below).  To the extent that the maximum  number of shares with  respect to
which  Options  may be  granted  to a person  are not  granted  in a  particular
calendar year  (beginning  with the year in which the person receives his or her
first grant of Options  hereunder),  such ungranted  Options for that year shall
increase  the  maximum  number of shares  with  respect to which  Options may be
granted to such person in subsequent  calendar years during the term of the Plan
until used.


     (a) The shares  subject to Options  granted under this Plan shall be shares
of Common Stock and the aggregate number of shares with respect to which Options
may be granted shall not exceed 500,000 shares  (subject to the  adjustments set
forth in Section 6(b) below).  If an Option expires,  terminates or is otherwise
surrendered,  in whole or in  part,  the  shares  allocable  to the  unexercised
portion  of such  Option  shall  again  become  available  for grants of Options
hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in order to comply with Section 162(m)
of the Code,  the  Committee  shall take into  account  that (1) if an Option is
canceled, the canceled Option continues to be counted against the maximum number
of shares for which  Options may be granted to any person  under the Plan in the
original  year of grant and (2) for purposes of Section  162(m) of the Code,  if
after the grant of an Option,  the  Committee or the Board of Directors  reduces
the Option Exercise  Price,  the transaction is treated as a cancellation of the
Option and a grant of a new  Option,  and in such case,  both the Option that is
deemed to be  canceled  and the Option  that is deemed to be granted  reduce the
maximum  number of shares for which  Options may be granted to the person  under
the Plan. As determined from time to time by the Board of Directors,  the shares
available  under this Plan for grants of Options may consist  either in whole or
in part of  authorized  but unissued  shares of Common Stock or shares of Common
Stock  which  have been  reacquired  by the  Company or a  subsidiary  following
original issuance.

     (b) The aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock as to which Options may
be granted  hereunder,  as provided in Section 6(a) above,  the number of shares
covered  by each  outstanding  Option  and the Option  Exercise  Price  shall be
proportionately  adjusted  for any  increase or decrease in the number of issued
shares of Common  Stock  resulting  from a stock split or other  subdivision  or
consolidation of shares or other capital  adjustment,  or the payment of a stock
dividend;  provided, however, that any fractional shares resulting from any such
adjustment  shall be eliminated.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  no adjustment
shall  be made  upon  the  issuance  of new  shares  of  Common  Stock  for fair
consideration including the conversion of shares of Preferred Stock.


     Each Option  granted  pursuant to this Plan shall be  evidenced  by a stock
option agreement  between the Company and the key employee to whom the Incentive
Stock Option or  Nonqualified  Stock Option is granted (the  "Optionee") in such
form or forms  as the  Committee,  from  time to time,  shall  prescribe,  which
agreements  need not be  identical  to each other but shall  comply  with and be
subject to the following terms and conditions:

     (a) Option Exercise Price. The Option Exercise Price at which each share of
Common Stock may be purchased  pursuant to a Nonqualified  Stock Option intended
to be "performance-based" under Section 162(m) of the Code or an Incentive Stock
Option  shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value for each such share
on the date the  Committee  grants such  Option (the "Date of Grant").  The Fair
Market  Value of the  shares of  Common  Stock on any date the  Common  Stock is
quoted  on  NASDAQ  or  listed  upon an  established  stock  exchange  shall be,
respectively,  the closing bid price of the shares of Common  Stock as quoted on
NASDAQ on such date or the  closing  sale price of such  shares as quoted on the
stock  exchange on which such shares are  listed,  or if shares of Common  Stock
were not traded on such date,  on the next  preceding  trading day during  which
such shares were  traded.  If the Common Stock is not quoted on NASDAQ or listed

                                                            (page 3 continues)

on an established stock exchange, then the Fair Market Value shall be determined
by such  other  method  consistent  with  the Code  and  applicable  regulations
thereunder,  as the Committee  shall in its  discretion  select and apply at the
time of grant of the Option concerned.  Subject to the foregoing,  the Committee
in fixing the Option Exercise Price shall have full authority and discretion and


be fully protected in doing so.  Anything  contained in this Section 7(a) to the
contrary notwithstanding, in the event that the number of shares of Common Stock
subject  to  any  Option  is  adjusted   pursuant  to  Section  6(b)  above,   a
corresponding  adjustment  shall be made in the Option Exercise Price per share.
The Option  Exercise  Price at which each share of Common Stock may be purchased
pursuant to a Nonqualified Stock Option,  other than a Nonqualified Stock Option
intended to be  "performance-based"  under Section 162(m) of the Code,  shall be
not less than the par value of each such share on the Date of Grant.

     (b) Duration of Options.  Each  Incentive  Stock Option  granted  hereunder
shall expire and all rights to purchase shares of Common Stock pursuant  thereto
shall cease on a date not later than the tenth  anniversary of the Date of Grant
of the Option,  which date shall be fixed by the  Committee.  Each  Nonqualified
Stock Option granted hereunder shall expire and all rights to purchase shares of
Common Stock pursuant thereto shall cease on a date not later than ten years and
one day from the Date of Grant of the  Option  which  date shall be fixed by the
Committee.  (The expiration date for the Incentive Stock Option and Nonqualified
Stock Options may collectively be referred to herein as the "Expiration Date".)

     (c) Vesting of Options.  Each Option granted  hereunder  shall vest at such
time and in such amounts and based on lapse of time, or such Company, department
or  individual  performance  goals as the  Committee  may specify upon the grant
thereof. Only Options which have vested may be exercised.  Anything contained in
this Section 7(c) to the contrary  notwithstanding,  unless the Committee  shall
specify  otherwise,  an Optionee shall become fully (100%) vested in each of his
or her Options upon his or her termination of employment with the Company or any
of its  subsidiaries  for  reasons  of  death,  disability  or  retirement.  The
Committee shall, in its sole discretion,  determine whether or not disability or
retirement has occurred.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the Committee at any
time  may in its  sole  discretion  limit  the  number  of  Options  that can be
exercised in any taxable year of the Company, to the extent necessary to prevent
the  application  of Section  162(m) of the Code (or any  similar  or  successor
provision),  provided  that the  Committee may not postpone the earliest date on
which  Options can be  exercised  beyond the last day of the stated term of such

     (d) Merger, Consolidation, etc. In the event the Company shall, pursuant to
action by its Board of  Directors,  at any time  propose  to merge with or into,
consolidate with, or sell or otherwise  transfer all or substantially all of its
assets  to,  another  entity  or in  the  event  of  the  acquisition  of all or
substantially all of the Company's  outstanding  Common Stock by a single person
or entity  and/or group of entities  acting in concert and provision is not made
pursuant to the terms of such transaction for (i) the continuation or assumption
by the surviving, resulting or acquiring entity of all outstanding Options, (ii)
the substitution of new options therefor,  or (iii) the payment of cash or other
consideration  in respect  thereof,  the Committee shall cause written notice of
the  proposed  transaction  to be given to each  Optionee  not less than 30 days
prior to the anticipated effective date of the proposed  transaction.  On a date
which the Committee  shall specify in such notice,  which date shall not be less
than  10  days  prior  to  the  anticipated   effective  date  of  the  proposed
transaction,  each Optionee's  Options shall become fully (100%) vested and each
Optionee  shall have the right to exercise his or her Options to purchase any or
all shares then subject to such Options  (conditioned on the consummation of the
proposed  transaction).  If the transaction is consummated,  each Option, to the
extent not previously  exercised prior to the effective date of the transaction,

                                                            (page 4 continues)

shall  terminate on such  effective  date.  If the  transaction  is abandoned or
otherwise  not  consummated  then,  to the extent that any Option not  exercised
prior to such  abandonment or termination  shall have vested solely by operation
of this Section 7(d),  such vesting shall be annulled and be of no further force
or effect,  and the  vesting  period set forth in  Section  7(c) above  shall be
re-instituted, as of the date of such abandonment or termination.


     (e)  Exercise  of  Options.  A person  entitled  to  exercise an Option may
exercise it in whole at any time, or in part from time to time, by delivering to
the Company at its principal office, directed to the attention of its Treasurer,
written  notice  specifying the number of shares of Common Stock with respect to
which the  Option  is being  exercised,  together  with  payment  in full of the
purchase  price  for  such  shares.  Such  payment  shall  be made in cash or by
certified  check or bank draft to the order of the Company;  provided,  however,
that the Committee may, in its sole discretion, authorize such payment, in whole
or in part,  in any other form,  including  payment by personal  check or by the
exchange  of shares of Common  Stock of the Company  previously  acquired by the
person  entitled  to exercise  the Option and having a Fair Market  Value on the
date of exercise  equal to the price for which the shares of Common Stock may be
purchased  pursuant to the Option.  Subject to applicable  securities  laws, the
Committee may also permit "cashless exercise" of Options through the delivery of
irrevocable  instructions  to a broker to  deliver  promptly  to the  Company an
amount equal to the aggregate  Option  Exercise  Price plus all  applicable  tax
withholding by payment through a cash or margin arrangement with such broker.

     (f)  Nontransferability.  Options shall not be  transferable  other than by
will or the laws of descent and  distribution  and no Option may be exercised by
anyone other than the  Optionee,  except that,  if the Optionee  dies or becomes
incapacitated,  the  Option  may  be  exercised  by his  or  her  estate,  legal
representative  or  beneficiary,  as the case may be, subject to all other terms
and conditions contained in this Plan.

     (g)  Termination  and  Employment.   Unless  the  Committee  shall  specify
otherwise,  the  following  rules  shall  apply in the  event  of an  Optionee's
termination of employment with the Company or any of its subsidiaries:

          (i) In the event of an Optionee's  termination of employment  with the
     Company or any of its subsidiaries  either (1) by the Company or any of its
     subsidiaries  for cause given by the Optionee,  or (2)  voluntarily  on the
     part of the Optionee, his or her Options shall immediately terminate.

          (ii) In the event of an Optionee's  termination of employment with the
     Company  or  any  of  subsidiaries   for  reason  of  retirement  or  under
     circumstances  other than those  specified in Section  7(g)(i)  immediately
     above,  and for reasons other than death or disability,  such Options shall
     terminate three months after the date of such  termination of employment or
     on  their  respective  Expiration  Dates,   whichever  shall  first  occur;
     provided,  however,  that if the Optionee  dies within such 3 month period,
     the time  period set forth in Section  7(g)(iii)  immediately  below  shall

          (iii) In the event of the death or  disability  of an  Optionee  while
     such Optionee is employed by the Company or any of its  subsidiaries,  such
     Options shall terminate on the first anniversary of the Optionee's death or
     disability,  as the case may be, or on their respective  Expiration  Dates,
     whichever shall first occur.

          (iv)  Anything   contained  in  this  Section  7(g)  to  the  contrary
     notwithstanding,  an Option may only be exercised  following the Optionee's
     termination of employment with the Company or any of its  subsidiaries  for
     reasons other than death,  disability  or retirement  if, and to the extent
     that, such Option was exercisable  immediately prior to such termination of
                                                            (page 5 continues)

          (v) An Optionee's  transfer of employment  between the Company and any
     of  its  subsidiaries  or  between  subsidiaries  shall  not  constitute  a
     termination  of employment and the Committee  shall  determine in each case
     whether an authorized leave of absence for military service


     or otherwise shall constitute a termination of employment. Furthermore, the
     Committee may in its  discretion  determine  that, if an Optionee  provides
     consulting   services  to  the  Company  after  his  or  her  cessation  of
     employment,  the  Optionee's  employment  will be deemed,  for  purposes of
     Options held by him or her, to continue until the termination of his or her
     consulting services or at such earlier time as the Committee may determine.

     (h) No Rights as Stockholder or to Continued Employment.  No Optionee shall
have any  rights as a  stockholder  of the  Company  with  respect to any shares
covered  by an Option  prior to the date of  issuance  to such  Optionee  of the
certificate  or  certificates  for such  shares,  and neither  this Plan nor any
Option granted  hereunder shall confer upon an Optionee any right to continuance
of employment by the Company or any of its  subsidiaries or interfere in any way
with the right of the Company or of its subsidiaries to terminate the employment
of such Optionee.


     The  Committee  shall not grant an Incentive  Stock Option to an individual
who  owns,  at the time such  Option  is  granted  (directly  or by  attribution
pursuant to Section 424(d) of the Code),  shares of capital stock of the Company
possessing  more than 10% of the voting power of all classes of capital stock of
the Company unless, at the time such Option is granted,  the price at which each
share of Common Stock may be  purchased  pursuant to the Option is at least 110%
of the Fair  Market  Value  for each  such  share on the Date of Grant  and such
Option, by its terms, is not exercisable after the expiration of five years from
the Date of Grant.


     (a) Subject to the conditions and restrictions  provided in this Section 9,
the  Company  shall,  within 20  business  days  after an  Option  has been duly
exercised in whole or in part,  deliver to the person who  exercised  the Option
one or more certificates,  registered in the name of such person, for the number
of shares of Common Stock with  respect to which the Option has been  exercised.
The Company may legend any stock  certificate  issued  hereunder  to reflect any
restrictions provided for in this Section 9.

     (b) Unless the shares  subject to Options  granted under the Plan have been
registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act") (and, in the
case of any  Optionee  who may be deemed an  "affiliate"  of the Company as such
term is  defined in Rule 405 under the Act,  such  shares  have been  registered
under the Act for resale by such  Optionee),  or the Company has determined that
an  exemption  from  registration  under the Act is  available,  the Company may
require  prior to and as a  condition  of the  issuance  of any shares of Common
Stock, that the person exercising an Option hereunder furnish the Company with a
written  representation in a form prescribed by the Committee to the effect that
such person is acquiring such shares solely with a view to investment for his or
her own account and not with a view to the resale or  distribution of all or any
part  thereof,  and that such  person  will not  dispose  of any of such  shares
otherwise  than in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Rule 144  under the Act
unless and until either such shares are registered  under the Act or the Company
is satisfied that an exemption from such registration is available.

                                                            (page 6 continues)

     (c) Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding,  the Company
shall not be obligated  to sell or issue any shares of Common Stock  pursuant to
the  exercise  of an Option  granted  hereunder  unless and until the Company is
satisfied that such sale or issuance complies with all applicable  provisions of
the Act and all other laws or  regulations  by which the  Company is bound or to
which the Company or such shares are subject.



     Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding,  Options may, at
the  discretion  of the  Board of  Directors,  be  granted  under  this  Plan in
substitution  for  options  to  purchase  shares  of  capital  stock of  another
corporation  which is merged into,  consolidated  with,  or all or a substantial
portion of the  property  or stock of which is  acquired  by,  the  Company or a


     Unless the Plan has been  sooner  terminated  pursuant to Section 12 below,
this Plan shall  terminate on, and no Options shall be granted after,  the tenth
anniversary of the Effective Date. The provisions of this Plan,  however,  shall
continue  thereafter  to  govern  all  Options  theretofore  granted,  until the
exercise, expiration or cancellation of such Options.


     The Board of Directors at any time may terminate this Plan or amend it from
time to time in such respects as it deems desirable;  provided,  however,  that,
without the further  approval of the  stockholders of the Company,  no amendment
shall (i) increase the maximum  aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock with
respect to which  Options may be granted under this Plan (except by operation of
Section 6(b)),  (ii) increase the maximum  individual number of shares of Common
Stock with respect to which  Options may be granted in any  calendar  year under
this Plan  (except by  operation  of Section  6(b)),  (iii)  decrease the Option
Exercise Price provided for in Section 7(a) hereof,  (iv) change the eligibility
provisions  of Section 5 hereof,  or (v) effect  any change  that would  require
stockholder  approval  under Section  162(m) of the Code or Rule 16b-3 under the
Exchange Act and provided, further, that, subject to the provisions of Section 9
hereof,  no termination of or amendment hereto shall adversely affect the rights
of an Optionee or other person holding an Option  theretofore  granted hereunder
without the consent of such Optionee or other person, as the case may be.
