1400 Union Meeting Road
                               Blue Bell, PA 19422

August 1, 1997

Larry W. Moore
190 Collis Circle NE
Eatonton, GA  31024

Dear  Mr. Moore:

C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), agrees to employ
you,  and you agree to accept such  employment,  under the  following  terms and


            1.1     Except for earlier  termination as is provided in Section 10
                    below,  your employment  under this Agreement shall be for a
                    term (the "Initial Term")  commencing on August 1, 1997 (the
                    "Effective Date") and terminating on July 31, 1998.

           1.2      This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for successive
                    terms of one month  each,  unless  either  party  shall have
                    given to the  other  party at least 30 days'  prior  written
                    notice  of the  termination  of this  Agreement.  If such 30
                    days' prior written notice is given by either party, (i) the
                    Company shall, without any liability to you, have the right,
                    exercisable  at any time after such notice is sent, to elect
                    any other  person to the  office or offices in which you are
                    then  serving and to remove you from such office or offices,
                    but (ii) all other  obligations  each of you and the Company
                    have to the other, including the Company's obligation to pay
                    your  compensation and make available the medical and dental
                    insurance which you are entitled  hereunder,  shall continue
                    until the date your  employment  terminates  as specified in
                    such notice.


                    You shall be  compensated  for all services  rendered by you
                    under this Agreement at the rate of $140,000 per annum (such
                    salary,  as it is  from  time to time  adjusted,  is  herein
                    referred to as the "Base Salary"). Such Base Salary shall be
                    payable in periodic installations twice monthly

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                    in  accordance  with the  Company's  payroll  practices  for
                    salaried employees.  The Compensation Committee of the Board
                    of  Directors  shall  review such Base Salary prior to April
                    30,  1998 and each year  thereafter  during the term of this
                    Agreement,  including any renewal term,  and shall make such
                    adjustments,  if any, as the  Compensation  Committee  shall
                    determine;  provided,  however,  that  no  adjustment  shall
                    reduce the Base Salary below $140,000.

          2.2       If your employment  hereunder shall be terminated (i) by the
                    Company  without Cause (as defined in Section 10.3) therefor
                    having  been given to you (other  than  pursuant to Sections
                    10.1 or  10.2),  or (ii) as a result of the  non-renewal  of
                    this Agreement by the Company upon expiration of the Initial
                    Term or any renewal  term,  then for a one year period after
                    the effective date of such termination the Company shall pay
                    you at the rate of your Base Salary in effect at the time of
                    such termination.

3.        DUTIES.

          3.1       During the term of your employment hereunder,  including any
                    renewal  thereof,  you agree to serve as the Vice  President
                    and General Manager  PowerCom  (Sales/Marketing)  or in such
                    other capacity with duties and responsibilities of a similar
                    nature as those initially undertaken by you hereunder as the
                    President  of the Company  may from time to time  determine.
                    Your duties may be changed at any time and from time to time
                    hereafter, upon mutual agreement, in a manner appropriate to
                    the  Company for the times and  circumstances  for which the
                    change is to be made.  You also agree to perform  such other
                    services and duties consistent with the office or offices in
                    which you are serving and its  responsibilities  as may from
                    time to time be prescribed  by the Board of  Directors,  and
                    you also agree to serve,  if  elected  as an officer  and/or
                    director of the Company,  and/or any of the Company's  other
                    direct or indirect subsidiaries,  in all cases in conformity
                    to  the  by-laws  of  each  such  corporation.   Unless  you
                    otherwise  agree,  you will not be required to relocate from
                    [the Company's  headquarters in the Blue Bell,  Pennsylvania

          3.2       You shall devote your full  employment  energies,  interest,
                    abilities,  time and attention  during normal business hours
                    (excluding  the  vacation  periods  provided  in Section 4.2
                    below)  exclusively  to  the  business  and  affairs  of the
                    Company,  its parent  corporation and subsidiaries,  if any,
                    and shall not  engage in any  activity  which  conflicts  or
                    interferes with the performance of duties hereunder.

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          3.3       You agree to cooperate  with the Company,  including  taking
                    such reasonable medical examinations as may be necessary, in
                    the event the Company  shall desire or be required  (such as
                    pursuant  to  the  terms  of any  bank  loan  or  any  other
                    agreement) to obtain life insurance insuring your life.

          3.4      You shall, except as otherwise provided herein, be subject to
                   the Company's rules, practices and policies applicable to the
                   Company's  senior executive  employees.  Without limiting the
                   generality of the foregoing,  you shall,  with respect to the
                   Company   and  its   parents,   subsidiaries,    assets   and
                   stockholders,  act in a manner consistent with your fiduciary
                   responsibilities as an executive of the Company.

4.        BENEFITS.

          4.1       You  shall  have  the  benefit  of  such  life  and  medical
                    insurance,  bonus,  stock option and other  similar plans as
                    the Company may have or may establish from time to time, and
                    in which you would be entitled to participate,  by reason of
                    your  position  with  the  Company,  pursuant  to the  terms
                    thereof. Also, to the extent you have met the qualifications
                    required,  you many participate in the Company's Savings and
                    Retirement  plans.  The  foregoing,  however,  shall  not be
                    construed to require the Company to establish any such plans
                    or to prevent the Company from modifying or terminating  any
                    such  plans,  and no such  action or failure  thereof  shall
                    affect this Agreement.

          4.2       You shall be entitled to a vacation of four weeks each year.

          4.3       The Company  will  provide  you with an annual  physical


                    During the Initial  Term of this  Agreement  and any renewal
                    term  thereof,  you shall be  furnished  with  such  working
                    facilities  and  other  services  as are  suitable  to  your
                    position and adequate for the performance of your duties.

6.       EXPENSES.

                    The  Company  will  reimburse  you for  reasonable  expenses
                    (consistent  with  Company  policy),   including   traveling
                    expenses, incurred by you in connection with the business of
                    the Company,  upon the  presentation  by you of  appropriate
                    substantiation for such expenses.

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          7.1       During such time as you shall be  employed  by the  Company,
                    and for a period  of one year  thereafter,  you  shall  not,
                    without  the  written  consent  of the  Board of  Directors,
                    directly  or  indirectly   become  associated  with,  render
                    services  to,  invest  in,  represent,  advise or  otherwise
                    participate as an officer, employee, director,  stockholder,
                    partner,  agent of or consultant  for, any business which is
                    competitive  with the  business  in  which  the  Company  is
                    engaged at the time your  employment with the Company ceases
                    (a "Competitive  Business");  PROVIDED HOWEVER, that nothing
                    herein (i) shall prevent you from investing without limit in
                    the   securities  of  any  company   listed  on  a  national
                    securities exchange, PROVIDED that your involvement with any
                    such  company is solely that of a  stockholder,  and (ii) is
                    intended  to  prevent  you from  being  employed  during the
                    one-year period following the termination of your employment
                    with the Company  referred to herein by any  business  other
                    than a Competitive Business.

          7.2       The parties  hereto  intend that the  covenant  contained in
                    this  Section  7  shall  be  deemed  a  series  of  separate
                    covenants  for each  state,  county  and  city.  If,  in any
                    judicial proceeding, a court shall refuse to enforce all the
                    separate  covenants  deemed  included  in  this  Section  7,
                    because,   taken  together,   they  cover  too  extensive  a
                    geographic  area,  the  parties  intend  that  those of such
                    covenants (taken in order of the states, counties and cities
                    therein which are least  populous),  which,  if  eliminated,
                    would permit the remaining separate covenants to be enforced
                    in  such   proceeding,   shall,  for  the  purpose  of  such
                    proceeding, be deemed eliminated from the provisions of this
                    Section 7.


          8.1       CONFIDENTIALITY. In the course of (i) your employment by the
                    Company  hereunder,  and (ii) your prior employment with the
                    Company,  you will have and have had access to  confidential
                    or proprietary data or information of the Company.  You will
                    not at any time  divulge  or  communicate  to any person nor
                    shall  you  direct  any  company   employee  to  divulge  or
                    communicate  to any person  (other than to a person bound by
                    confidentiality   obligations  similar  to  those  contained
                    herein and other than as necessary in performing your duties
                    hereunder) or use to the detriment

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                    of  the  Company  any  of  such  data  or  information.  The
                    provisions of this Section 8.1 shall survive your employment
                    hereunder,  whether  by the  normal  expiration  thereof  or
                    otherwise.  The term  "confidential  or proprietary  data or
                    information"   as  used  in  this   Agreement   shall   mean
                    information   not   generally   available   to  the  public,
                    including,   without  limitation,   personnel   information,
                    financial  information,   customer  lists,  supplier  lists,
                    product and tooling specifications,  trade secrets,  product
                    composition  and  formulae,  tools  and dies,  drawings  and
                    schematics,  manufacturing processes,  knowhow, computer and
                    any other  processed or collated  data,  computer  programs,
                    pricing, marketing and advertising data.

          8.2       NON-INTERFERENCE.  You  agree  that you will not at any time
                    after the termination of your employment by the Company, for
                    your own  account or for the  account  of any other  person,
                    interfere  with the Company's  relationship  with any of its
                    suppliers,   customers  or  employees;  PROVIDED  that  your
                    employment  by a  competitor  of  the  Company,  if  not  in
                    violation  of your  non-competition  agreement  contained in
                    Section 7.1 above,  and your  contacting  of  suppliers  and
                    customers in  connection  therewith,  if not in violation of
                    Section  8.1 above or Sections  8.3 or 8.4 below,  shall not
                    constitute "interference" hereunder.

          8.3       INVENTIONS.  It is  understood  that  you may,  during  your
                    employment,   conceive   or  develop   certain   inventions,
                    innovations or discoveries  related to any business in which
                    the Company may be engaged,  either  solely or jointly  with
                    others.  In connection  with the  conception or  development
                    thereof,  you agree to disclose  promptly to the Company all
                    such inventions, innovations and discoveries, to assign, and
                    hereby do assign,  to the Company  all of your right,  title
                    and  interest  in and to said  inventions,  innovations  and
                    discoveries,  and to do all  things  and sign all  documents
                    deemed by the Company to be necessary or appropriate to vest
                    in it, its successors and assigns,  all of your right, title
                    and  interest  in and to  such  inventions,  innovations  or
                    discoveries,  and  to  procure  for  it,  at  the  Company's
                    expense, patents, copyrights and/or trademarks covering such
                    inventions,  innovations or discoveries in the United States
                    and  its  possessions  and  in  foreign  countries,  at  the
                    discretion  and under the  direction of the Company.  In the
                    event the  Company is unable  for any reason to assure  your
                    signature on such  documents,  you  irrevocably  appoint the
                    Company and its duly authorized  officers and agents as your
                    agents and  attorneys-in-fact  to execute such documents and
                    to do such things with the same legal force and effect as if
                    executed or done by you.

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          8.4       RETURN OF  PROPERTY.  All  written  materials,  records  and
                    documents made by you or coming into your possession  during
                    your  employment  concerning  any  products,   processes  or
                    equipment,  manufactured,  used, developed,  investigated or
                    considered  by  the  Company  or  otherwise  concerning  the
                    business  or  affairs  of the  Company,  shall  be the  sole
                    property  of the  Company,  and  upon  termination  of  your
                    employment,  or upon  request  of the  Company  during  your
                    employment,  you  shall  promptly  deliver  the  same to the
                    Company.  In addition,  upon termination of your employment,
                    or upon request of the Company during your  employment,  you
                    shall promptly deliver the same to the Company. In addition,
                    upon termination of your employment,  or upon request of the
                    Company  during  your  employment,  you will  deliver to the
                    Company all other  Company  property in your  possession  or
                    under your control, including, but not limited to, financial
                    statements,  marketing and sales data, patent  applications,
                    drawings and other  documents,  and all Company credit cards
                    and automobiles.

9.        EQUITABLE RELIEF.  With respect to the covenants contained in Articles
          7 and 8 of this  Agreement,  you agree  that any remedy at law for any
          breach of said  covenants may be inadequate and that the Company shall
          be entitled to specific  performance  or any other mode of  injunctive
          and/or other equitable  relief to enforce its rights  hereunder or any
          other relief a court might award.

10.       EARLIER  TERMINATION.  Your employment hereunder shall terminate prior
          to the Initial Term (or any renewal  term, in the event of renewal) on
          the following terms and conditions:

          10.1    This Agreement  shall terminate  automatically  on the date of
                  your death.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  if you die during
                  the terms of this Agreement, the Company shall (i) continue to
                  make  payments  to your  estate of your Base Salary as then in
                  effect  pursuant to this  Agreement  for six (6) months  after
                  your death, and (ii) pay your estate any reimbursable expenses
                  which  otherwise  would  have  been paid to you to the date of
                  your death.

          10.2    This  Agreement  shall  be  terminated  if you are  unable  to
                  perform your duties  hereunder for a period of any 180 days in
                  any 365 consecutive day period by reason of physical or mental
                  disability.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  if this Agreement
                  is terminated pursuant to this Section,  the Company shall pay
                  any  accrued  but  unpaid  Base  Salary  through  the  date of
                  termination   and  any   reimbursable   expenses  due  to  you
                  hereunder.  For purposes of this Agreement "physical or mental
                  disability" shall mean your inability,  due to health reasons,
                  to discharge properly your duties of employment,  supported by
                  the opinion of a physician satisfactory to both you and the

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                  Company.  If the parties do not agree on a physician  mutually
                  satisfactory to both of you and the Company within ten days of
                  written  demand  by one or the  other,  a  physician  shall be
                  selected  by  the  president  of  the   Pennsylvania   Medical
                  Association,   and  the  physician   shall,   within  30  days
                  thereafter,  make a  determination  as to  whether  disability
                  exists  and  certify  the  same in  writing.  Services  of the
                  physician  shall be paid for by the  Company.  You shall fully
                  cooperate with the examining  physician  including  submitting
                  yourself  to  such  examinations  as may be  requested  by the
                  physician  for the  purpose  of  determining  whether  you are

         10.3     This Agreement shall terminate  immediately upon the Company's
                  sending  you  written  notice   terminating   your  employment
                  hereunder for Cause.  The Company may terminate this Agreement
                  for Cause, but only after written notice  specifying the Cause
                  of  such  action  shall  have  been  rendered  to  you  by the
                  President  of  the  Company.  "Cause"  shall  mean  any of the

                  (i)      Breach of this Agreement.

                  (ii)     Refusal or inability (other than pursuant to Sections
                           10.1  or  10.2)  to  perform   duties   assigned   in
                           accordance  with the terms of this Agreement or overt
                           and  willful  disobedience  of orders  or  directives
                           issued to you by the  Company and within the scope of
                           your duties to the Company.

                  (iii)    Willful misconduct in the performance of your duties,
                           functions and responsibilities.

                  (iv)     Commission  of acts which are  illegal in  connection
                           with the  performance  of your duties,  functions and
                           responsibilities under this Agreement.

                  (v)      Commission  of acts which would  constitute  a felony
                           offense during the term of this Agreement.

                  (vi)     Violation of Company rules and regulations concerning
                           conflict of interest.

                  (vii)    Gross mismanagement of the assets of the Company.

                  (viii)   Gross  incompetence,  gross  insubordination or gross
                           neglect in the  performance of your duties  hereunder
                           or being  under the  habitual  influence  of  alcohol
                           while  on  duty  or  possession,   use,  manufacture,
                           distribution,  dispensation  or sale of illegal drugs
                           while on or off duty.

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                  (ix)     Any act or  omission,  whether or not included in the
                           foregoing,  that a court  of  competent  jurisdiction
                           would determine to constitute cause for termination.

                  If the Company  terminates this Agreement for Cause under this
                  Section,  the  Company  shall  not be  obligated  to make  any
                  further  payments under this Agreement  except for amounts due
                  at the time of such termination.

                  Existence of Cause shall be  conclusively  determined  for all
                  purposes  hereunder  by the  President  of the  Company.  Such
                  advice and  consultation  shall be  utilized  as such  officer
                  regards as appropriate, and no obligation or duty with respect
                  to any procedure or formality is created by this Agreement.


         11.1     Your  coverage  under the  benefits  program  provided  by the
                  Company will cease  effective on your  termination  date.  You
                  will be entitled  to elect  continuation  of your  medical and
                  dental benefits at the same cost the Company pays, pursuant to
                  the   provisions   of   the   Consolidated    Omnibus   Budget
                  Reconciliation  Act  (COBRA).  Details  with  regard  to COBRA
                  continuation  coverage  will be provided to you shortly  after
                  your termination date.

         11.2     Life Insurance coverage will cease upon your termination date.
                  You may,  however,  apply to General  American Life  Insurance
                  Company (or such other insurance  company as may provide group
                  life insurance to the Company's  employees at the time) for an
                  individual  converted life policy,  with such  application and
                  payment  of the  first  premium  required  to be  accomplished
                  within 31 days after your termination date.  Details regarding
                  this  conversion  option will be provided to you shortly after
                  your termination date.

         11.3     Accidental  Death and  Dismemberment  and Long Term Disability
                  coverages  cease  with  your  termination  date and may not be
                  extended or converted.

         constitutes  the full and complete  understanding  of the parties,  and
         will,  on the  Effective  Date,  supersede  all  prior  agreements  and
         understandings,  oral or written,  between the parties.  This Agreement
         may not be  modified  or  amended  except by an  instrument  in writing
         signed by the party against which enforcement thereof may be sought.

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13.      ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  Each party to this Agreement,  acknowledges that no
         representations,  inducements, promises or agreements, oral or written,
         have  been made by  either  party or anyone  acting on behalf of either
         party,  which  are not  embodied  herein  and that no other  agreement,
         statement or promise not contained in this Agreement  shall be valid or

14.      SEVERABILITY.  Any term or provision of this Agreement which is invalid
         or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be
         ineffective  to the  extent  of  such  invalidity  or  unenforceability
         without  rendering  invalid or  unenforceable  the remaining  terms and
         provisions   of  this   Agreement   or   affecting   the   validity  or
         enforceability  of any of the terms or provisions of this  Agreement in
         any other jurisdiction.

15.      WAIVER  OF  BREACH.  The  waiver  by  either  party of a breach  of any
         provision of this  Agreement  shall not operate as or be construed as a
         waiver of any subsequent breach.

16.      NOTICES. All notices hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent by
         express mail or by  certified  or  registered  mail,  postage  prepaid,
         return receipt requested; if to you, to your residence as listed in the
         Company's  records;  and if to the  Company,  to the  address set forth
         above with copies to the President.

17.      ASSIGNABILITY;  BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by
         you  without  the  written  consent  of the Board of  Directors  of the
         Company.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit
         of you, your legal representatives,  heirs and distributees,  and shall
         be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Company, its successors
         and assigns.

18.      GOVERNING LAW. All questions pertaining to the validity,  construction,
         execution  and  performance  of this  Agreement  shall be construed and
         governed  in  accordance   with  the  laws  of  the   Commonwealth   of
         Pennsylvania,  without  giving effect to the conflicts or choice of law
         provisions thereof.

19.      HEADINGS.  The  headings of this  Agreement  are  intended  solely  for
         convenience  of  reference  and  shall   be  given  no  effect  in  the
         construction or interpretation of this Agreement.

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If this  Agreement  correctly  sets  forth our  understanding,  please  sign the
duplicate  original in the space  provided  below and return it to the  Company,
whereupon this shall  constitute the  employment  agreement  between you and the
Company effective and for the term as stated herein.

                                 C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                 By:      /S/ ALFRED WEBER

                                              Alfred Weber
                                 Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

Agreed as of the date first above written:

       /S/ LARRY W. MOORE

           Larry W. Moore