AMENDED AND RESTATED
                               FINANCING AGREEMENT

                                  By and Among

                         C&D Technologies, Inc., Ratelco
                 Electronics, Inc., C&D/Charter Holdings, Inc.,
                  Charter Power F.S. Ltd., Mexico S.A. DE C.V.,
                       Power Convertibles Ireland Limited,
                    C&D Technologies De Mexico S.A. De C.V.,
                           PCC Mexican Holdings, Inc.


                    NationsBank, N.A., CoreStates Bank, N.A.,
                            The Chase Manhattan Bank,
                         PNC Bank, National Association

                             Date: January 30, 1998


                                    ARTICLE 1

    DEFINITIONS       .............................................  3
    SECTION 1.1       Certain Defined Terms........................  3
    SECTION 1.2       Accounting Terms and Other Definitional
                      Provisions................................... 26

                                    ARTICLE 2

    THE CREDIT FACILITIES.......................................... 27
    SECTION 2.1       The Revolving Credit Facility................ 27
             2.1.1    Revolving Credit Facility.................... 27
             2.1.2    Procedure for Making Advances Under the
                      Revolving Loan............................... 28
             2.1.3    Lender Protection Loans...................... 30
             2.1.4    Revolving Credit Notes....................... 30
             2.1.5    Optional Prepayments of Revolving Loan....... 30
             2.1.6    Revolving Loan Account....................... 31
             2.1.7    Revolving Credit Unused Line Fee............. 31
             2.1.8    Optional Reduction of Total Revolving
                      Credit Committed Amount...................... 32
    SECTION  2.2      The Letter of Credit Facility................ 33
             2.2.1    Letters of Credit............................ 33
             2.2.2    Letter of Credit Fees........................ 33
             2.2.3    Terms of Letters of Credit................... 34
             2.2.4    Procedures for Issuance of Letters of
                      Credit....................................... 34
             2.2.5    Payment of Reimbursement Obligations......... 36
             2.2.6    Letter of Credit Reserves.................... 38
             2.2.7    Indemnification and Assumption of Risk....... 38
             2.2.8    Participations in the Letters of Credit,
                      PEDFA Obligations............................ 41
             2.2.9    Payments by the Lenders to the Agent......... 42
             2.2.10   Post-Termination Date Letters of Credit...... 43
    SECTION 2.3       Interest..................................... 45
             2.3.1    Available Interest Rates..................... 45
             2.3.2    Selection of Interest Rates.................. 46
             2.3.3    Adjustment of Interest Rates................. 48
             2.3.4    Inability to Determine LIBOR Rate............ 49
             2.3.5    Indemnity.................................... 49
             2.3.6    Payment of Interest.......................... 50
    SECTION 2.4       General Financing Provisions................. 51
             2.4.1    Borrowers' Representatives................... 51
             2.4.2    Use of Proceeds of the Loans and Letters
                      of Credit.................................... 54
             2.4.3    Computation of Interest and Fees............. 54


             2.4.4    Liens; Setoff................................ 54
             2.4.5    Requirements of Law.......................... 55
             2.4.6    Pro Rata Treatment and Payments.............. 56
             2.4.7    Mandatory Prepayments........................ 57
             2.4.8    Settlement Among Lenders..................... 59

                                    ARTICLE 3

    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES................................. 59
    SECTION 3.1       Representations and Warranties............... 59
             3.1.1    Subsidiaries................................. 59
             3.1.2    Good Standing................................ 60
             3.1.3    Power and Authority.......................... 60
             3.1.4    Binding Agreements........................... 60
             3.1.5    No Conflicts................................. 60
             3.1.6    No Defaults, Violations...................... 61
             3.1.7    Compliance with Laws......................... 61
             3.1.8    Margin Stock................................. 61
             3.1.9    Investment Company Act; Margin
                      Securities................................... 61
             3.1.10   Litigation................................... 62
             3.1.11   Financial Condition.......................... 62
             3.1.12   Projected Financial Statements............... 62
             3.1.13   Full Disclosure.............................. 63
             3.1.14   Indebtedness for Borrowed Money.............. 63
             3.1.15   Taxes........................................ 63
             3.1.16   ERISA........................................ 63
             3.1.17   Title to Properties.......................... 64
             3.1.18   Presence of Hazardous Materials or
                      Hazardous Materials Contamination............ 64
             3.1.19   Places of Business........................... 64
             3.1.20   Business Names and Addresses................. 64
             3.1.21   Securities Acts.............................. 65
             3.1.22   Governmental Regulation...................... 65
             3.1.23   Solvency..................................... 65
             3.1.24   Employee Relations........................... 65
             3.1.25   Proprietary Rights........................... 66
    SECTION 3.2       Survival..................................... 66

                                    ARTICLE 4

    CONDITIONS PRECEDENT........................................... 66
    SECTION 4.1       Conditions to Effectiveness of this
                      Agreement.................................... 66
             4.1.1    Good Standing etc.  ......................... 66
             4.1.2    Corporate Proceedings of the Borrowers....... 66
             4.1.3    Notes........................................ 67


             4.1.4    Financing Documents.......................... 67
             4.1.5    Opinion of Borrower's Counsel................ 67
             4.1.6    Other Documents, Etc......................... 67
             4.1.7    Payment of Fees.............................. 67
             4.1.8    Additional Matters........................... 67
             4.1.9    Commitment Fees.............................. 68
    SECTION 4.2.      Conditions to all Extensions of Credit....... 68
             4.2.1    Compliance................................... 68
             4.2.2    Default...................................... 68
             4.2.3    Representations and Warranties............... 68
             4.2.4    Adverse Change............................... 69
             4.2.5    Legal Matters................................ 69

                                    ARTICLE 5

    COVENANTS OF THE BORROWERS..................................... 69
    SECTION 5.1       Affirmative Covenants........................ 69
             5.1.1    Financial Statements......................... 69
             5.1.2    Reports to SEC and to Stockholders........... 71
             5.1.3    Recordkeeping, Rights of Inspection,
                      Field Examination, Etc....................... 71
             5.1.4    Corporate Existence.......................... 73
             5.1.5    Compliance with Laws......................... 73
             5.1.6    Preservation of Properties................... 73
             5.1.7    Line of Business............................. 73
             5.1.8    Insurance.................................... 74
             5.1.9    Taxes........................................ 74
             5.1.10   ERISA........................................ 75
             5.1.11   Notification of Events of Default and
                      Adverse Developments......................... 75
             5.1.12   Hazardous Materials; Contamination........... 76
             5.1.13   Disclosure of Significant Transactions....... 78
             5.1.14   Net Worth.................................... 78
             5.1.15   Liabilities to Tangible Net Worth Ratio...... 78
             5.1.16   Current Ratio................................ 79
             5.1.17   Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio.................. 79
             5.1.18   Funded Debt to EBITDA........................ 79
             5.1.19   Business Names; Locations.................... 79
    SECTION 5.2       Negative Covenants........................... 79
             5.2.1    Merger, Acquisition or Sale of Assets........ 79
             5.2.2    Subsidiaries................................. 80
             5.2.3    Issuance of Stock............................ 81
             5.2.4    Purchase or Redemption of Securities,
                      Dividend Restrictions........................ 81
             5.2.5    Indebtedness................................. 82
             5.2.6    Investments, Loans and Other
                      Transactions ................................ 84
             5.2.7    Capital Expenditures......................... 85


             5.2.8    Stock of Subsidiaries........................ 85
             5.2.9    Liens........................................ 86
             5.2.10   Transactions with Affiliates................. 86
             5.2.11   ERISA Compliance............................. 86
             5.2.12   Prohibition on Hazardous Materials........... 86
             5.2.13   Method of Accounting......................... 86
             5.2.14   Sale and Leaseback........................... 86

                                    ARTICLE 6

    DEFAULT AND RIGHTS AND REMEDIES................................ 87
    SECTION 6.1       Events of Default............................ 87
             6.1.1    Failure to Pay............................... 87
             6.1.2    Breach of Representations and
                      Warranties................................... 87
             6.1.3    Failure to Comply with Covenants............. 87
             6.1.4    Other Covenants.............................. 87
             6.1.5    Default Under Other Financing Documents
                      or Obligations............................... 87
             6.1.6    Receiver; Bankruptcy......................... 87
             6.1.7    Involuntary Bankruptcy, etc.................. 88
             6.1.8    Judgment..................................... 88
             6.1.9    Default Under Other Borrowings............... 89
             6.1.10   Liquidation, Termination, or
                      Dissolution.................................. 89
    SECTION 6.2       Remedies..................................... 89
             6.2.1    Acceleration................................. 89
             6.2.2    Further Advances............................. 89
             6.2.3    Performance by Agent......................... 90
             6.2.4    Other Remedies............................... 90

                                    ARTICLE 7

    THE AGENT...................................................... 91
    SECTION 7.1       Appointment, Powers and Immunities........... 91
    SECTION 7.2       Rights as Lender............................. 93
    SECTION 7.3       No Liability of Agent; Indemnity............. 93
    SECTION 7.4       Non-Reliance on Agent and other Lenders...... 93
    SECTION 7.5       Agents, Employees, Representatives........... 94
    SECTION 7.6       Reliance by Agent; Reliance on Agent......... 95
    SECTION 7.7       Successor Agent.............................. 95
    SECTION 7.8       Agency Fee................................... 96
    SECTION 7.9       Actions after Default, etc................... 96
    SECTION 7.10      Circumstances Where Consent of all of the
                      Lenders is Required.......................... 97


                                    ARTICLE 8

    MISCELLANEOUS.................................................. 98
    SECTION 8.1       Notices...................................... 98
    SECTION 8.2       Amendments; Waivers..........................100
    SECTION 8.3       Cumulative Remedies..........................101
    SECTION 8.4       Severability.................................101
    SECTION 8.5       Assignments by Lenders.......................102
    SECTION 8.6       Participations by Lenders....................103
    SECTION 8.7       Disclosure of Information by Lenders.........103
    SECTION 8.8       Successors and Assigns.......................103
    SECTION 8.9       Continuing Agreements........................103
    SECTION 8.10      Enforcement Costs............................104
    SECTION 8.11      Applicable Law; Jurisdiction.................104
             8.11.1   .............................................104
             8.11.2   .............................................104
             8.11.3   .............................................105
             8.11.4   .............................................105
    SECTION 8.12      Duplicate Originals and Counterparts.........105
    SECTION 8.13      Headings.....................................106
    SECTION 8.14      No Agency....................................106
    SECTION 8.15      Entire Agreement.............................106
    SECTION 8.16      Waiver of Trial by Jury......................106
    SECTION 8.17      Liability of the Agent and the Lenders.......106
    SECTION 8.18      Arbitration..................................107
    SECTION 8.19      Confidentiality..............................108



made this 30th day of January,  1998,  by and among C&D  TECHNOLOGIES,  INC.,  a
corporation  organized  and  existing  under the laws of the State of  Delaware,
formerly  known as Charter Power  Systems,  Inc., and successor by merger to C&D
Charter  Power  Systems,  Inc.  (the  "Parent"),  RATELCO  ELECTRONICS,  INC., a
corporation  organized  and  existing  under the laws of the  State of  Delaware
("Ratelco"),  C&D/CHARTER  HOLDINGS,  INC., a corporation organized and existing
under the laws of the State of Delaware ("Charter Holdings"), CHARTER POWER F.S.
LTD., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Bermuda ("C&D FS"),
PCC DE MEXICO S.A. DE C.V. ("PCC Mexico"), a corporation  organized and existing
under the laws of the Republic of Mexico,  POWER  CONVERTIBLES  IRELAND  LIMITED
("PCC  Ireland"),  C&D  TECHNOLOGIES  DE  MEXICO  S.A.  DE C.V.,  a  corporation
organized and existing  under the laws of the Republic of Mexico ("C&D  Mexico")
PCC MEXICAN HOLDINGS,  INC., a corporation organized and existing under the laws
of the State of Delaware  ("Mexican  Holdings")  (the Parent,  Ratelco,  Charter
Holdings,  C&D FS, PCC Mexico, PCC Ireland,  C&D Mexico and Mexican Holdings and
such other "Additional  Borrowers" (as hereinafter defined) as may be parties to
this  Agreement  at any time and from  time to  time,  are  herein  collectively
referred  to  as  the  "Borrowers"  and  individually  as  a  "Borrower");   and
NATIONSBANK,  N.A., a national banking association  ("NationsBank"),  CORESTATES
BANK, N.A., a national banking association  ("CoreStates"),  THE CHASE MANHATTAN
BANK, a banking  corporation  organized and existing under the laws of the State
of New York ("Chase"),  and PNC BANK, NATIONAL  ASSOCIATION,  a national banking
association ("PNC") (NationsBank,  CoreStates, Chase, PNC and such other lenders
as may be parties to this Agreement at any time and from time to time are herein
collectively referred to as the "Lenders" and individually,  as a "Lender"); and
NATIONSBANK, N.A., a national banking association (the "Agent").


         A. Certain of the  Borrowers,  the Agent,  NationsBank,  CoreStates and
Fleet Bank, National  Association,  a national banking association and successor
in interest to NatWest Bank, N.A., being formerly known as National  Westminster
Bank, NJ ("Fleet")  (NationsBank,  CoreStates and Fleet are herein  collectively
referred to as the "Original Lenders") are parties to that certain Financing and
Security  Agreement  dated as of September 26, 1994 by and among such Borrowers,
the Agent  and the  Original  Lenders,  as  amended  by (i) that  certain  First
Amendment to Financing  and  Security  Agreement  dated as of December 13, 1995,
(ii) that certain Second Amendment to Financing and Security  Agreement dated as
of January 26,  1996,  (iii) that  certain  Third  Amendment  to  Financing  and
Security Agreement dated as of March 13, 1996, (iv) that certain


Fourth  Amendment to Financing and Security  Agreement  dated as of September 3,
1996 and (v) that certain Fifth  Amendment to Financing  and Security  Agreement
dated as of October 8, 1996 (as  amended,  restated,  supplemented  or otherwise
modified,  the "Original Credit  Agreement").  Pursuant to the provisions of the
Original Credit  Agreement,  such Borrowers jointly and severally applied to the
Original  Lenders for credit  facilities  consisting  of (i) a revolving  credit
facility (the "Revolving  Credit  Facility") in the maximum  principal amount of
$65,000,000 (the "Revolving Credit Committed  Amount"),  (ii) a letter of credit
facility,  as part of the Revolving  Credit Facility,  in the maximum  principal
amount of  $8,000,000  (the "Letter of Credit  Facility")  and (iii) a term loan
facility in the maximum  principal amount of $15,000,000 (the "Term Loan"),  all
to be used by the Borrowers for the "Permitted  Uses" as defined in the Original
Credit Agreement, which Term Loan has been repaid in full.

         B. The Parent has advised the Agent and the Lenders that (i)  effective
June 24, 1997, the Parent  changed its name from Charter Power Systems,  Inc. to
C&D Technologies, Inc., (ii) effective June 25, 1997, C&D Charter Power Systems,
Inc., a former subsidiary of the Parent,  merged into the Parent with the Parent
as the surviving  corporation  (the "Parent  Merger"),  (iii)  effective July 3,
1997, International Power Systems, Inc. ("International") formed C&D Mexico as a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of International,  (iv) the Parent established a branch
office in Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia (the  "Malaysian  Branch  Office"),  (v) on or
before January 31, 1998 Power  Convertibles  Corporation formed Mexican Holdings
as a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Power  Convertibles  Corporation,  and  (vi)
effective January 31, 1998, LH Research, Inc. and Power Convertibles Corporation
were each merged  into  International  and  International  and Charter  Power of
California  ("Charter  California") were each then merged into the Parent,  with
the Parent as the sole surviving corporation.

         C. The  Borrowers  have  requested  that the Agent and the  Lenders (i)
consent and agree to (1) the name change of the Parent,  (2) the Parent  Merger,
(3) the creation of C&D Mexico,  (4) the  establishment  of the Malaysian Branch
Office, and (5) the removal of Fleet as a "Lender" and the addition of Chase and
PNC as "Lenders" and (ii) agree to amend and restate the terms and conditions of
the  Original  Credit  Agreement.  Subject to the terms and  conditions  of this
Agreement,  the  Lenders and the Agent  hereby  consent and agree to each of the
foregoing;  provided that the Original Credit  Agreement is amended and restated
in its entirety as follows:


                                    ARTICLE 1


         SECTION 1.1 CERTAIN DEFINED TERMS. As used in this Agreement, the terms
defined in the Preamble shall have the respective  meanings  specified  therein,
and the following terms shall have the following meanings:

                  "Adjustment Date" has the meaning described in Section 8.5.

                  "Additional Borrower" shall mean each Subsidiary of any of the
Borrowers  which has  executed  and  delivered an  Additional  Borrower  Joinder
Supplement  and has  otherwise  complied with the  provisions of Section  5.2.2;
"Additional  Borrowers"  shall mean the collective  reference to each Additional

                  "Additional   Borrower  Joinder   Supplement"  shall  mean  an
Additional Borrower Joinder Supplement in substantially the form attached hereto
as EXHIBIT G, with the blanks appropriately completed and executed and delivered
by each  Additional  Borrower  and accepted by the Agent on behalf of all of the

                  "Affiliate"  means, with respect to a Person, (a) any partner,
officer,  shareholder (if holding more than ten percent (10%) of the outstanding
shares of capital stock of such Person),  director,  employee, or managing agent
of such Person, (b) any other Person (other than a Subsidiary) that (i) directly
or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by,
or is under common  control  with,  such  Person,  (ii)  directly or  indirectly
beneficially  owns or holds  ten  percent  (10%) or more of any  class of voting
stock or partnership or other voting  interests of such Person or any Subsidiary
of such  Person,  or (iii)  ten  percent  (10%) or more of the  voting  stock or
partnership  or  other  voting  interest  of  which is  directly  or  indirectly
beneficially owned or held by such Person or a Subsidiary of such Person, or (c)
a Subsidiary of such Person.  The term "control" means the possession,  directly
or  indirectly,  of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management
and policies of a Person,  whether  through  ownership of voting  securities  or
partnership or other voting interest, by contract or otherwise.

                  "Agent"   means   NationsBank,   N.A.,   a  national   banking
association, and any successor agent appointed pursuant to Section 7.7.

                  "Agency Fee" and "Agency Fees" have the meanings
described in 7.8.


                  "Agent's  Obligations"  means any and all Obligations  payable
solely to, and for the exclusive  benefit of, the Agent by the  Borrowers  under
the  terms  of this  Agreement  and/or  any of the  other  Financing  Documents,
including, without limitation, any and all Agency Fees.

                  "Agent's Office" means the office of the Agent specified in or
determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.1.

                  "Agreement"  means  this  Financing  Agreement,  any  and  all
schedules,   exhibits  and  other  attachments  hereto,  and  all  amend  ments,
modifications  and  supplements  hereto and thereto  which may from time to time
become effective in accordance with the provi sions of Section 8.2.

                  "Applicable Margin" has the meaning set forth in Section

                  "Asset   Disposition"  means  the  sale,   transfer  or  other
disposition of any asset or property of any of the  Borrowers,  other than sales
of inventory in the ordinary  course of business and  dispositions of worn, used
or obsolete equipment in the ordinary course of business.

                  "Assets"  means, as of any date of  determination,  all assets
that should,  in accordance  with GAAP  consistently  applied,  be classified as
assets on a Consolidated balance sheet of the Borrowers and their Subsidiaries.

                  "Assignee" means any Person to which any Lender assigns all or
any portion of its interests under this Agreement, any Commitment, and any Loan,
in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Section 8.5,  together with any and all
successors  and  assigns  of  such  Person;  "Assignees"  means  the  collective
reference to all Assignees.

                  "Bankruptcy  Code" means the United States Bankruptcy Code, as
amended from time to time.

                  "Base Rate" means the floating and fluctuating per annum prime
commercial  lending rate of interest of  NationsBank,  N.A., as established  and
declared by  NationsBank,  N.A. at any time or from time to time.  The Base Rate
shall be adjusted  automatically,  without notice,  on the effective date of any
change in such prime commercial lending rate. The Base Rate does not necessarily
represent the lowest rate of interest charged by NationsBank, N.A., the Agent or
any of the Lenders to borrowers.


                  "Business  Day"  means a day on which the Agent and all of the
Lenders are open for the  transaction of business at the addresses  stated after
their names on the signature  pages of this Agreement,  excluding  Saturdays and

                  "Capital  Expenditures" means, with respect to any Person, all
expenditures  made and liabilities  incurred for the acquisition of Assets which
are not, in  accordance  with GAAP,  treated as expense items for such Person in
the year made or incurred or as a prepaid expense applicable to a future year or
years. Capital Expenditures shall not include, however, any expenditures made or
liabilities  incurred in the  replacement or restoration of any Assets which may
have  suffered a  casualty,  loss or  condemnation  to the extent  that any such
expenditures  or  liabilities  were funded with the  insurance  or  condemnation
proceeds  received as a result of any such casualty,  loss or condemnation.  The
term also  includes,  when  required by GAAP,  the entering  into of any Capital

                  "Capital  Lease"  means a lease of real or personal  property,
for which the related Lease  Obligations  have been or should be  capitalized on
the balance sheet or other financial  reporting purposes in accordance with GAAP
consistently applied.

                  "Cash Equivalents" means (a) securities with maturities of one
year or less from the date of acquisition  issued or fully guaranteed or insured
by the United  States  Government or any agency  thereof,  (b)  certificates  of
deposit or banker's  acceptances issued in Dollar  denominations with maturities
of one (1) year or less  from the date of  acquisition  of,  or money  market or
checking  accounts  maintained  with, any of the Lenders or any other commercial
bank  having  capital  and  surplus  in excess of One  Hundred  Million  Dollars
($100,000,000.00)  or such other financial  institutions or brokerage  houses to
the extent  disclosed to, and approved by, the Agent,  (c) commercial paper of a
domestic  issuer rated at least either A-1 by Standard & Poor's  Corporation  or
P-1 by Moody's  Investors  Service,  Inc. with  maturities of nine (9) months or
less from the date of  acquisition  and (d) cash deposits in foreign  currencies
with offshore financial institutions, but only to the extent necessary to enable
each non-domestic Borrower to pay its ordinary course working capital expenses.

                  "Closing Date" means the Business Day on which the Agent shall
be satisfied  that the  conditions  precedent set forth in Section 4.1 have been

                  "Commitment" means, with respect to each Lender, such Lender's
Revolving Credit Commitment or Letter of Credit Commitment,  as the case may be,
and "Commitments" means the


collective  reference  to the  Revolving  Credit  Commitments  and the Letter of
Credit Commitments of all of the Lenders.

                  "Committed  Amount" means,  with respect to each Lender,  such
Lender's Revolving Credit Committed Amount or Letter of Credit Committed Amount,
as the case may be, and  "Committed  Amounts" means  collectively  the Revolving
Credit  Committed Amount and the Letter of Credit Committed Amount of all of the

                  "Commonly  Controlled Entity" means an entity,  whether or not
incorporated, which is under common control with any of the Borrowers within the
meaning of Section 414(b) or (c) of the Internal Revenue Code.

                  "Consolidated"   shall  mean  the   collective   and  combined
reference to all of the Borrowers and their Subsidiaries,  as consolidated after
elimination of intercompany items by and among Borrowers and Subsidiaries.

                  "Current  Assets"  means,  as of any date or for any period of
determination,  the amount which, in accordance with GAAP consistently  applied,
would be set forth  opposite  the caption  "total  current  assets" (or any like
caption)  on  a   Consolidated   balance   sheet  of  the  Borrowers  and  their

                  "Current Letter of Credit Obligations" has the meaning
described in Section 2.2.5.

                  "Current  Liabilities" means, as of any date or for any period
of  determination,  the  amount  which,  in  accordance  with GAAP  consistently
applied, would be set forth opposite the caption "total current liabilities" (or
any like  caption) on a  Consolidated  balance  sheet of the Borrowers and their

                  "Current  Maturities"  means,  when  used in  connection  with
Long-Term Liabilities, as of any date of determination,  the principal amount of
such  Liabilities  coming  due on such date or during  the  twelve-month  period
following such date in accordance  with the terms of any instrument or agreement
evidencing such Liabilities or relating thereto.

                  "Current  Ratio"  means,  as of any date or for any  period of
determination,  the  ratio of (a)  Current  Assets to (b)  Current  Liabilities,
excluding Current Maturities of Long-Term Liabilities.

                  "Default"  means an event which,  with the giving of notice or
lapse of time, or both, could or would constitute an Event of Default.


                  "Dollar" and "$" means freely transferable United States

                  "EBITDA" means as to the Borrowers,  as of any date or for any
period of determination,  the sum of (a) the Borrowers'  combined earnings as of
such date or for such period,  before deduction of interest  expenses and income
Taxes, plus (b) depreciation and amortization of Assets for such period,  all as
calculated in accordance with GAAP consistently  applied,  and on a Consolidated

                  "Enforcement  Costs"  means  all  reasonable,  out  of  pocket
expenses,  charges,  costs and fees whatsoever  (including,  without limitation,
attorney's fees and expenses) of any nature whatsoever paid or incurred by or on
behalf of the Agent and/or any of the Lenders in connection  with (a) any or all
of the Obligations,  this Agreement and/or any of the other Financing Documents,
including,  without limitation,  any amendments,  restatements or supplements to
this Agreement and/or any of the other Financing Documents.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing,  Enforcement Costs shall not include any expenses,  charges, costs or
fees (including,  without limitation,  attorney's fees and expenses) incurred by
the Agent or any Lender in connection with any actual or proposed  assignment of
any of the  Commitments or  Obligations  in accordance  with Section 8.5 of this
Agreement  or any  actual  or  proposed  sale of a  participation  in any of the
Commitments  or Obligations  in accordance  with Section 8.6 of this  Agreement,
except to the extent  the  Borrowers  request  that a Lender so assign or sell a
participation in any such Commitments or Obligations.

                  "Environmental  Laws"  means  all  Federal,  state,  local and
foreign Laws in effect at any time during the term of this Agreement relating to
pollution or protection of the  environment or of human health,  (including laws
relating to emissions,  discharges, releases or threatened releases of Hazardous
Materials into the environment (including, without limitation, natural resource,
wildlife, the indoor or outdoor environment,  ambient air, surface water, ground
water,  or land),  noise  pollution,  or  otherwise  relating to the  Borrower's
operations,    including   without   limitation    manufacturing,    processing,
distribution, use, treatment, storage, disposal, removal, transport, packing, or
handling of Hazardous Materials) and any and all regulations,  notices or demand
letters issued,  entered,  promulgated,  or approved  thereunder;  such laws and
regulations  include  but are  not  limited  to the  Resource  Conservation  and
Recovery  Act,  the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,   Compensation  and
Liability  Act, the Toxic  Substances  Control Act, the Clean Air Act, the Clean
Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Oil Pollution Act, the  Occupational
Safety and Health Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know


Act,  the  National  Environmental  Policy  Act  and  other  state  and  Federal
environmental regulatory, environmental lien and environmental cleanup programs,
all as may be amended at any time and from time to time  during the term of this

                  "ERISA" means the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of
1974, as amended from time to time.

                  "Eurodollar  Business  Day"  means any  Business  Day on which
dealing in Dollar deposits are carried out on the London interbank market and on
which  commercial  banks  are  open  for  domestic  and  international  business
(including dealings in Dollar deposits) in London, England.

                  "Eurodollar  Lending  Office"  means with respect to the Agent
and each  Lender  such  branch or  office  of the  Agent  and each  such  Lender
designated by the Agent and such Lender, as applicable, from time to time as the
branch or office at which its LIBOR Rate Loans are to be made or maintained.

                  "Event of Default" has the meaning described in Article 7.

                  "Excess Proceeds" has the meaning described in Section 2.4.7.

                  "Facilities"  means  the  collective  reference  to the  loan,
letter of credit  and  other  credit  facilities  and/or  accommodations  now or
hereafter  provided  to the  Borrowers  by the  Agent  and/or  any or all of the
Lenders under or in connection with this Agreement.

                  "Federal Funds Rate" means, for any day of determination,  the
weighted  average of the rates on  overnight  Federal  funds  transactions  with
members of the Federal  Reserve  System  arranged by Federal funds  brokers,  as
published  for such day (or,  if such day is not a  Business  Day,  for the next
preceding Business Day) by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or, if such rate
is not so  published  for any  day  that  is a  Business  Day,  the  average  of
quotations  for such day on such  transactions  received by the Agent from three
(3) Federal fund brokers of recognized standing selected by the Agent.

                  "Fees" means the  collective  reference to each fee payable to
the Agent, for its own account or for the ratable benefit of the Lenders,  under
the terms of this  Agreement  or under  the terms of any of the other  Financing
Documents,  including,  without  limitation,  Revolving Credit Unused Line Fees,
Letter of Credit Fees, and Agency Fees.


                  "Financial Officer" means the chief financial officer or
treasurer of the Parent.

                  "Financing  Documents"  means  at any time  collectively  this
Agreement,  the Notes, the Letter of Credit Documents,  the PEDFA  Reimbursement
Agreement,   and  any  other  instrument,   agreement  or  document  previously,
simultaneously  or  hereafter  executed  and  delivered  by  any  or  all of the
Borrowers  and/or any other  Person,  singly or jointly with  another  Person or
Persons, evidencing,  securing,  guarantying or in connection with any or all of
the Obligations  and/or in connection with this Agreement,  any Note, any of the
Facilities, and/or any of the Obligations.

                  "Fixed  Charge  Coverage  Ratio"  means,  for  any  period  of
determination,  as to the Borrowers and the Subsidiaries the ratio of (a) EBITDA
to (b) the sum of (i) all aggregate  cash payments of interest on account of the
Obligations during such period,  plus (ii) current portion of Capital Lease cash
payments  (including  principal and interest payments) during such period,  plus
(iii) cash  dividends  declared  and paid during such  period,  plus (iv) income
Taxes paid in cash during such period,  plus (v) Current Maturities of Long-Term
Liabilities (excluding Capital Leases). The Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio shall be
calculated on a Consolidated basis and as of the end of each fiscal quarter on a
rolling four (4) quarter basis.

                  "Funded  Debt"  means,  as of any date and for any  period  of
determination,  the sum of (i) the  aggregate  unpaid  principal  balance of the
Revolving Loan as of such date or for such period,  plus (ii) the aggregate face
amount of all Letters of Credit issued and outstanding as of such date or during
such period plus (iii) the amount of the PEDFA Obligations.

                  "GAAP" means generally accepted  accounting  principles in the
United States of America  consistently  applied and  maintained  throughout  the
period  indicated  and,  when used with  reference  to any  Borrower  and/or any
Subsidiary,  consistent with the prior financial  practice of such Borrower,  as
reflected on the financial  statements most recently  furnished to the Agent and
the Lenders; provided, however, that in the event that changes shall be mandated
by the Financial  Accounting Standards Board or any similar accounting authority
of comparable  standing,  or shall be recommended by the Borrowers'  independent
public accountants,  such changes shall be included in GAAP as applicable to the
Borrowers,  only from and after such date as the Borrower,  the Required Lenders
and the Agent shall have  amended  this  Agreement  to the extent  necessary  to
reflect any such changes in the financial covenants set forth in Article 6.


                  "Governmental  Authority" means any nation or government,  any
state  or  other  political   subdivision  thereof  and  any  entity  exercising
executive,  legislative,  judicial, regulatory or administrative functions of or
pertaining to government and any department, agency or instrumentality thereof.

                  "Hazardous  Materials"  means  (a) any  "hazardous  waste"  as
defined by the Resource  Conservation  and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended from
time to  time,  and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder;  (b)  any  "hazardous
substance" as defined by the Comprehensive Environmental Response,  Compensation
and  Liability  Act of 1980,  as  amended  from  time to time,  and  regulations
promulgated thereunder; (c) any pollutant,  chemical or other industrial,  toxic
or  hazardous  substance  or waste the  presence of which on any property now or
hereafter  owned,  operated or acquired by any of the Borrowers is prohibited or
otherwise  regulated by any  Environmental  Law;  and/or (d) any other substance
which by any  Environmental  Law is  regulated  with  respect to handling in its
collection, storage, treatment or disposal.

                  "Hazardous  Materials  Contamination"  means the contamination
(whether  presently  existing or occurring  after the date of this Agreement) by
Hazardous Materials of any property owned,  operated or controlled by any of the
Borrowers  or for  which any of the  Borrowers  has  responsibility,  including,
without limitation,  improvements,  facilities, soil, ground water, air or other
elements on, or of, any property now or hereafter owned, operated or acquired by
any  of the  Borrowers  during  the  term  of  this  Agreement,  and  any  other
contamination  by Hazardous  Materials  for which any of the Borrowers is, or is
claimed to be, responsible.

                  "Indebtedness" of any Person means, without duplication and as
of any date of determination,  all Liabilities of such Person, and to the extent
not otherwise included in Liabilities, the following:

                  (a) all obligations for Indebtedness for Borrowed Money or for
         the deferred purchase price of property or services,

                  (b) all obligations (including, during the noncancellable term
         of any lease in the nature of a title retention  agreement,  all future
         payment  obligations under such lease discounted to their present value
         in  accordance  with GAAP) secured by any Lien to which any property or
         asset  owned or held by such  Person  is  subject,  whether  or not the
         obligation secured thereby shall have been assumed by such Person,


                  (c) all obligations of other Persons constituting indebtedness
         of  such  other  Persons,   to  the  extent  such  Person   guaranteed,
         indemnified or otherwise agreed to become contingently,  secondarily or
         primarily  liable  therefor,   including,   but  not  limited  to,  all
         obligations  of such  Person  consisting  of  recourse  liability  with
         respect to accounts  receivable  sold or otherwise  disposed of by such

                  (d) all  obligations of such Person in respect of any interest
         rate or  foreign  exchange  swap,  cap or collar  agreement  or similar
         agreement between any Person and a financial  institution providing for
         the transfer or mitigation of interest  and/or  foreign  exchange risks
         either generally or under specific contingencies, and

                  (e) all of the Obligations to the extent then owing.

                  "Indebtedness for Borrowed Money" of any Person means, without
duplication  and as of any date of  determination,  the sum at such  time of the
following, to the extent they arise other than between Borrowers:

                   (a) all  indebtedness for borrowed  money or for the deferred
         purchase price of property,

                  (b) all  obligations  of such Person in respect of any letters
         of credit,  banker's or other acceptances or similar obligations issued
         or created for the account of such Person, excluding, however the PEDFA

                  (c) all Lease  Obligations  of such  Person  with  respect  to
         Capital Leases,

                  (d) all indebtedness, whether or not in any such case the same
         was for money borrowed,

                           (i)represented by notes payable, and drafts accepted,
                  that represent extensions of credit,

                           (ii)  constituting  obligations  evidenced  by bonds,
                  debentures, notes or similar instruments, or

                           (iii) upon which  interest  charges  are  customarily
                  paid or that was issued or assumed as full or partial  payment
                  for property;

but  excluding  trade and  other  accounts  payable  in the  ordinary  course of
business in accordance  with customary trade terms and which are not overdue (as
determined in accordance with customary


trade  practices)  or which are being  disputed in good faith by such Person and
for which  adequate  reserves are being  provided on the books of such Person in
accordance  with GAAP and excluding  inter-Borrower  indebtedness  to the extent
eliminated  in  consolidation,   as  reflected  in  the  Consolidated  financial
statements of the Borrowers and the Subsidiaries  furnished to the Agent and the
Lenders in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

                  "Interest Rate Election Notice" has the meaning described
in Section 2.3.2(d).

                  "Interest  Period"  means as to any  LIBOR  Loan,  the  period
commencing  on and  including  the  date  such  LIBOR  Loan is  made  (or on the
effective date of the  Borrowers'  election to convert any Prime Loan to a LIBOR
Loan in  accordance  with the  provisions of this  Agreement)  and ending on and
including the day which is 30, 60, 90 or 180 days thereafter, as selected by the
Borrowers in accordance with the provisions of this  Agreement,  and thereafter,
each period commencing on the last day of the then preceding Interest Period for
such LIBOR Loan and ending on and  including  the day which is 30, 60, 90 or 180
days thereafter,  as selected by the Borrowers in accordance with the provisions
of this Agreement; provided, however that:

                  (a) the first day of any Interest Period shall be a Eurodollar
         Business Day;

                  (b) if any  Interest  Period would end on a day that shall not
         be a Eurodollar Business Day, such Interest Period shall be extended to
         the next succeeding Eurodollar Business Day unless such next succeeding
         Eurodollar Business Day would fall in the next calendar month, in which
         case, such Interest  Period shall end on the next preceding  Eurodollar
         Business Day; and

                  (c) no  Interest  Period  shall  extend  beyond the  Revolving
         Credit Expiration Date.

                  "Interest Rate" means the Prime Rate or the LIBOR Rate, as

                  "Internal  Revenue Code" means  the Internal  Revenue  Code of
1986,  as amended  from time to time,  and  the  income  tax regulations  issued

                  "Laws" means  all ordinances,  statutes,  rules,  regulations,
orders, injunctions, writs, permits, approvals, authorizations or decrees of any
Governmental Authority or


political  subdivision  or agency  thereof,  or of any court or  similar  entity
established by any thereof or of common law.

                  "Lease  Obligations"  of any Person  means,  as of any date of
determination,  the rental  commitments  of such  Person for such  period  under
leases for real and/or  personal  property (net of rent from subleases  thereof,
but including  Taxes,  insurance,  maintenance  and similar  expenses which such
Person is obligated to pay under the terms of said leases,  except to the extent
that such Taxes,  insurance,  maintenance  and similar  expenses  are payable by
sublessees), including rental commitments under Capital Leases.

                  "Lender"  means (a)  NationsBank  in its capacity as a Lender,
CoreStates,  Chase and PNC and (b) each Person that becomes an Assignee pursuant
to the provisions of Section 8.5.

                  "Letter  of Credit"  and  "Letters  of Credit"  shall have the
meanings  described  in Section  2.2.1  hereof and shall also  include the PEDFA

                  "Letter  of  Credit  Agreement"  means,  as  of  any  date  of
determination,  each letter of credit application and agreement substantially in
the form of the Agent's then standard form of  application  for letter of credit
or such  other  form or forms as may be  approved  by the  Agent,  executed  and
delivered  by the  Borrowers  in  connection  with the  issuance  of a Letter of
Credit, as the same may from time to time be amended, restated,  supplemented or
modified and includes the PEDFA Reimbursement  Agreement;  and "Letter of Credit
Agreements"  means the collective  reference to each Letter of Credit  Agreement
and the  PEDFA  Reimbursement  Agreement  in effect at any time and from time to

                  "Letter of  Credit  Cash  Collateral  Account" has the meaning
described in Section 2.2.10.

                  "Letter  of  Credit  Commitment"  means the  agreement  of the
Agent,  in its capacity as a Lender,  to issue  Letters of Credit in  accordance
with the provisions of this Agreement and the Letter of Credit Agreements and to
assume liability for the PEDFA  Obligations in accordance with the provisions of
the PEDFA Participation and Reimbursement Agreements,  and the agreement of each
Lender to purchase undivided  participation  interests in such Letters of Credit
and in  the  PEDFA  Obligations  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  this
Agreement;  "Letter of Credit Commitments" means the collective reference to the
Letter of Credit Commitments of the Agent and the Lenders.

                  "Letter of Credit Committed  Amount" has the meaning described
in Section 2.2.1.


                  "Letter of Credit Documents" means any and all drafts under or
purporting to be under a Letter of Credit,  any Letter of Credit Agreement,  and
any other instrument,  document or agreement executed and/or delivered by any or
all of the Borrowers and/or any other Person under, pursuant to or in connection
with a Letter of Credit or any Letter of Credit Agreement.

                  "Letter of Credit Facility" means the facility  established by
the  Agent,  in its  capacity  as a  Lender,  pursuant  to  Section  2.2 of this

                  "Letter of Credit  Fee" and  "Letter of Credit  Fees" have the
meanings described in Section 2.2.2 hereof.

                  "Letter of Credit  Obligations"  means all  Obligations of the
Borrowers  under and with  respect  to the  Letters  of Credit and the Letter of
Credit Agreements, including, the PEDFA Obligations, and the PEDFA Reimbursement

                  "Liabilities"  means,  as of any  date  or for any  period  of
determination, all liabilities that should, in accordance with GAAP consistently
applied,  be classified as liabilities  on a  Consolidated  balance sheet of the
Borrowers and their Subsidiaries.

                  "LIBOR Base Rate" means for any  Interest  Period with respect
to any LIBOR Loan, the per annum interest rate (rounded upward, if necessary, to
the nearest next 1/16 of 1%) quoted to the Agent,  on an  immediately  available
funds basis,  at or about 11:00 a.m.  (London  time) on the date that is two (2)
Eurodollar Business Days prior to the first day of such Interest Period, for the
offering by leading banks in the London  interbank  Eurodollar  market of Dollar
deposits with the Agent for a period  comparable in time to the duration of such
Interest Period and in amounts comparable to the amount of such LIBOR Loan as to
which the LIBOR Base Rate is to be determined.

                  "LIBOR  Loan"  means  any Loan  for  which  interest  is to be
computed with reference to the LIBOR Rate.

                  "LIBOR Rate" means for any Interest Period with respect to any
LIBOR Loan, the per annum rate of interest  calculated pursuant to the following

         LIBOR Rate =       LIBOR BASE RATE       +  Applicable Margin
                        100% - Reserve Percentage

                  "Lien" means any mortgage, deed of trust, deed to secure debt,
grant, pledge, security interest, assignment, encumbrance, judgment, lien, claim
or charge of any kind, whether perfected or


unperfected,  avoidable  or  unavoidable,  including,  without  limitation,  any
conditional  sale or other title  retention  agreement,  any lease in the nature
thereof,  and the filing of or agreement to give any financing  statement  under
the  Laws  of  any  jurisdiction,  excluding  the  precautionary  filing  of any
financing statement by any lessor in a true lease transaction,  by any bailor in
a  true  bailment  transaction  or  by  any  consignor  in  a  true  consignment
transaction  under the Laws of any  jurisdiction  or the  agreement  to give any
financing statement by any lessee in a true lease transaction,  by any bailee in
a  true  bailment  transaction  or  by  any  consignee  in  a  true  consignment

                  "Loan" means each advance under the Revolving Loan and "Loans"
means the collective reference to all advances under the Revolving Loan.

                  "Loan Notice" has the meaning described in Section 2.1.2.

                  "Long-Term Liabilities" means, with respect to any Person, the
aggregate   amount  of  all  Liabilities  of  such  Person  other  than  Current

                  "Mandatory Prepayment" and "Mandatory Prepayments" has
the meaning described in Section 2.4.7.

                  "Materially Adverse Effect" means an effect,  singly or in the
aggregate  on  the  business,  assets,  liabilities,   condition  (financial  or
otherwise),  results of  operations  or business  prospects of any or all of the
Borrowers (taken as a whole) that would result in the Borrowers violating any of
the covenants set forth in Sections 5.1.14 through 5.1.18 of this Agreement.

                  "Maximum Rate" has the meaning described in Section 2.3.6.

                  "Minimum Net Worth Amount" has the meaning described in
Section 5.1.14.

                  "Multiemployer  Plan" means a "multiemployer  plan" as defined
in Section  4001(a)(3) of ERISA to which any or all of the Borrowers  and/or any
Commonly  Controlled Entity is required to contribute or has contributed  within
the immediately preceding five (5) years.

                  "Net Proceeds" means proceeds or other consideration  received
by any Borrower from any Asset Disposition (including, without limitation, notes
or other  debt or equity  securities,  assumption  of any  Liabilities  or other
tangible or intangible economic benefits received by such Borrower in connection
with any


Asset Disposition),  net of customary and reasonable  settlement costs, fees and
expenses of such Asset Disposition.

                  "Net  Outstandings"  of any  Lender  means,  as of any date of
determination,  the sum of (i) all  amounts  paid by  such  Lender  (other  than
pursuant to Section  2.4.8) to the Agent with respect to the  Revolving  Loan or
otherwise under this Agreement, minus (ii) all amounts paid by the Agent to such
Lender  which are received by the Agent and which,  pursuant to this  Agreement,
are paid over to such Lender for  application  in reduction  of the  outstanding
principal balance of the Revolving Loan.

                  "Net Worth" means, as to the Borrowers and Subsidiaries and as
of any date or for any period of determination,  the excess of (a) Assets,  over
(b) Liabilities, as calculated on a Consolidated basis.

                  "Non-Ratable Loan" has the meaning described in Section

                  "Note"  means a  Revolving  Credit  Note;  and  "Notes"  means
collectively the Revolving Credit Notes and all other promissory notes which may
from time to time evidence all or any portion of the Obligations.

                  "Obligations"  means  all  present  and  future  indebtedness,
obligations, and liabilities,  whether now existing or contemplated or hereafter
arising,  of any or all of the  Borrowers  to the Agent and/or any or all of the
Lenders under,  arising pursuant to, in connection with and/or on account of the
provisions  of this  Agreement,  each  Note,  and  any of  the  other  Financing
Documents,  the Loans, and any of the Facilities including,  without limitation,
the  principal  of, and  interest  on,  each Note,  late  charges,  the Fees and
Enforcement Costs.

                  "Original Closing Date" shall mean September 26, 1994.

                  "Outstanding Letter of Credit Obligations" means the aggregate
face amount of all Letters of Credit at any one time  outstanding  and issued by
the Agent pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement,  plus the aggregate face
amount of the PEDFA Obligations,  plus the amount of any unpaid Letter of Credit
Fees  accrued  or  scheduled  to  accrue on such  Letters  of  Credit,  less the
aggregate  amount of all drafts  issued under or  purporting to have been issued
under such Letters of Credit  and/or the PEDFA  Letters of Credit that have been
paid by the Agent and for which the Agent has been  reimbursed  by the Borrowers
in full in accordance  with Section  2.2.5 and the Letter of Credit  Agreements,
and for which


the Agent has no further  obligation or commitment to restore all or any portion
of the amounts drawn and reimbursed.

                  "PBGC" means the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

                  "PEDFA   $1,400,000  Letter  of  Credit"  means  that  certain
irrevocable  letter  of  credit  issued by PNC  Bank,  National  Association  as
security  for  the  $1,400,000   Pennsylvania   Economic  Development  Financing
Authority Economic  Development Revenue Bonds, 1990 Series D6 (C&D Charter Power
Systems,  Inc.),  as the  same  may be  amended,  restated,  reissued,  renewed,
supplemented or otherwise modified at any time and from time to time.

                  "PEDFA   $1,900,000  Letter  of  Credit"  means  that  certain
irrevocable  letter  of  credit  issued by PNC  Bank,  National  Association  as
security  for  the  $1,900,000   Pennsylvania   Economic  Development  Financing
Authority Economic  Development Revenue Bonds, 1990 Series B2 (C&D Charter Power
Systems,  Inc.,  as  the  same  may be  amended,  restated,  reissued,  renewed,
supplemented or otherwise modified at any time and from time to time.

                  "PEDFA  Letters  of  Credit"  means   collectively  the  PEDFA
$1,400,000 Letter of Credit and the PEDFA $1,900,000 Letter of Credit.

                  "PEDFA  Loans"  means  those  loans  previously  made  by  the
Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority to C&D Charter on or about
December 1, 1991 in the original  aggregate  principal  amount of Three  Million
Three Hundred Thousand Dollars

                  "PEDFA  Obligations"  means any and all primary and contingent
obligations,  indebtedness  and liabilities of the Agent under and in connection
with either or both of the PEDFA  Participation  and  Reimbursement  Agreements,
including,  without  limitation,  the Agent's  obligation to reimburse PNC Bank,
National  Association  for any amounts drawn under either or both of the Letters
of Credit and to pay  certain  fees and other  amounts as  provided in the PEDFA
Participation  and  Reimbursement  Agreements and the Agent's  obligation to pay
fees, costs and charges.

                  "PEDFA $1,400,000  Participation and Reimbursement  Agreement"
means  that  certain  participation  and  reimbursement  agreement  dated  as of
September  1, 1994 by and between the Agent and PNC Bank,  National  Association
pursuant to which the Agent agreed to reimburse PNC Bank,  National  Association
for any  amounts  drawn under the PEDFA  $1,400,000  Letter of Credit and to pay
certain fees and other amounts due with respect to the PEDFA  $1,400,000  Letter
of Credit, as the same may be amended, restated,


supplemented or otherwise modified at any time and from time to time.

                  "PEDFA $1,900,000  Participation and Reimbursement  Agreement"
means  that  certain  participation  and  reimbursement  agreement  dated  as of
September  1, 1994 by and between the Agent and PNC Bank,  National  Association
pursuant to which the Agent agreed to reimburse PNC Bank,  National  Association
for any  amounts  drawn under the PEDFA  $1,900,000  Letter of Credit and to pay
certain fees and other amounts due with respect to the PEDFA  $1,900,000  Letter
of Credit,  as the same may be  amended,  restated,  supplemented  or  otherwise
modified at any time and from time to time.

                  "PEDFA  Participation  and  Reimbursement   Agreements"  means
collectively the PEDFA $1,900,000  Participation and Reimbursement Agreement and
the PEDFA $1,400,000 Participation and Reimbursement Agreement.

                  "PEDFA    Reimbursement    Agreement"   means   that   certain
reimbursement  agreement dated September 26, 1994 by and among the Agent and the
Borrowers  pursuant  to which the  Borrowers  jointly  and  severally  agreed to
reimburse  the Agent for any  amounts  paid by the Agent on account of the PEDFA
Obligations,  as the same may be amended,  restated,  supplemented  or otherwise
modified at any time and from time to time.

                  "Permitted Acquisitions" means the acquisition or purchase of,
or investment in, any Person,  any operating  division or unit of any Person, or
the stock or assets of any Person or the combination with any Person  regardless
of the structure of the transaction  (provided that such  combination  would not
otherwise result in a Default or Event of Default),  engaged  principally in the
lines of business  set forth in Section  5.1.7;  provided,  however that (i) the
aggregate purchase price of, investment in, expenditures  relating to (excluding
customary  and  reasonable   transaction  costs),  and  assumed  Liabilities  in
connection with, any given  acquisition,  purchase,  or investment cannot exceed
Fifteen  Million  Dollars  ($15,000,000),  (ii) the total  purchase  prices  of,
investments  in,  expenditures  relating to (excluding  customary and reasonable
transaction  costs),  and  assumed  Liabilities  in  connection  with,  all such
acquisitions,  purchases  and/or  investments  made on or after the Closing Date
cannot exceed the Total Revolving Credit Committed Amount in effect from time to
time, (iii) such acquisition,  purchase, assumption of liabilities or investment
cannot  otherwise  constitute  or give rise to a Default or an Event of Default,
(iv) the Borrowers  have  furnished  financial  projections  in form and content
reasonably acceptable to the Agent and the Required Lenders which give effect to
such acquisition,


purchase or  investment  and which  indicate  that such  acquisition,  purchase,
assumption of Liabilities  and/or  investment would not cause a Default or Event
of Default,  and (v) a Phase I environmental  assessment of any real property to
be acquired or  purchased  by any of the  Borrowers or owned by any Person to be
acquired or  purchased  by any of the  Borrowers or owned by any Person in which
any of the  Borrowers  intend to make an  investment,  has been  performed  by a
reputable and recognized  environmental consulting firm engaged by the Agent and
reasonably  acceptable  to the  Required  Lenders  and has  revealed no material
Hazardous  Materials  Contamination or material  violations of any Environmental
Laws,  the  remediation  of or compliance  with which could result in a material
Liability  not  reflected  in the  purchase  price.  The Agent  agrees to obtain
competitive bids from at least three (3) environmental consulting firms prior to
selecting  an   environmental   consultant  to  prepare  the  required  Phase  I
environmental assessments.

                  "Permitted Asset Disposition" means a sale, lease, transfer or
other  disposition  of any  asset  or  property  of any of the  Borrowers  which
satisfies the following conditions:

                  (a) the Net  Proceeds to be paid or received  with  respect to
         such sale, lease,  transfer or other disposition are less than or equal
         to One Million Dollars ($1,000,000),

                  (b) the sum of (i) the  Net  Proceeds  to be paid or  received
         with respect to such sale, lease,  transfer or other disposition of any
         asset or property of any of the  Borrowers,  plus (ii) the Net Proceeds
         paid or received with respect to all other sales, leases,  transfers or
         other  dispositions  made during the then current  fiscal year, is less
         than or equal to Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000), and

                  (c) there  does not exist a Default  or an Event of Default at
         the time of such sale, lease, transfer or other disposition.

                  "Permitted  Dividends"  means (i) cash dividends paid or to be
paid by the Parent which are no greater than $3,175,000  during any fiscal year,
(ii) any dividend  declared by a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Parent and (iii)
any stock dividend  declared by the Parent or any Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the

                  "Permitted Liens" means:

                  (a) Liens  securing  Taxes  (excluding any Lien imposed by the
         PBGC  pursuant  to any of the  provisions  of  ERISA),  which  are  not
         delinquent or which the Agent has determined in the


exercise of its reasonable discretion (i) are being diligently contested in good
faith and by appropriate proceedings, (ii) the Borrowers have set aside adequate
reserves  in  accordance  with  GAAP to pay any  such  Taxes or  otherwise  have
sufficient  availability  under the Revolving  Credit Facility to cover any such
Taxes, and (iii) are not, and will not be with appropriate filing, the giving of
notice  and/or the passage of time,  entitled  to priority  over any Lien of the
Agent and the Lenders,

                  (b)  Liens  consisting  of  deposits  or  pledges  made in the
         ordinary  course of business in connection  with, or to secure  payment
         of,   obligations   under  workers'   compensation,   social  security,
         unemployment  insurance or similar Laws or under payment or performance

                  (c) Liens  constituting  encumbrances  in the nature of zoning
         restrictions, easements and rights or restrictions of record on the use
         of real property owned by a Borrower (i) in existence as of the Closing
         Date,  (ii) which  arise after the Closing  Date,  but which  remain in
         effect for less than one hundred  twenty  (120) days after any Borrower
         learns of such Liens,  or (iii) which arise after the Closing Date, but
         which do not prevent the Agent and the Lenders  from  realizing  on the
         full value of any such real property which is collateral for any of the
         Obligations,  as  determined  by the Agent and the Required  Lenders in
         their good faith, reasonable discretion,

                  (d) Liens securing Permitted Preferred Indebtedness;  provided
         that such Liens at all times encumber only the assets or property,  the
         purchase  price of which  was  financed  with the  Permitted  Preferred
         Indebtedness or any other assets or property of any of the Borrowers,

                  (e) Liens in favor of the Agent for the ratable benefit of the

                  (f)  judgment  Liens to the extent the entry of such  judgment
         does not constitute a Default or an Event of Default under the terms of
         this Agreement,

                  (g)  purchase  money  Liens  upon  Assets  acquired  after the
         Closing Date  securing  Indebtedness  for Borrowed  Money  permitted by
         Section 5.2.5(h),

                  (h)      Capital Leases if and to the extent permitted by
         Section 5.2.5,


                  (i) Liens in favor of any of the Lenders securing Indebtedness
         permitted by Section 5.2.5(g).

                  (j)  Statutory  Liens  of  materialmen,  merchants,  carriers,
         workers,  repairers or similar Persons  incurred in the ordinary course
         of business  for sums not overdue or for sums being  contested  in good
         faith by  appropriate  proceedings,  provided that the Borrowers  shall
         have set aside on their books adequate  reserves therefor in accordance
         with GAAP.

                  (k) such other Liens,  if any, as are set forth on EXHIBIT "B"
         attached hereto and made a part hereof.

                  "Permitted  Preferred  Indebtedness"  means  Indebtedness  for
Borrowed  Money  incurred by any or all of the Borrowers on or after the Closing
Date (x) to finance the  acquisition  of Assets or property or the Capital Lease
of Assets or property,  which  Indebtedness  for Borrowed Money has below-market
interest rates, tax-exempt interest, or other terms which, taken as a whole, are
more advantageous to the Borrowers than those contained herein and (y) which the
Lenders  declined  to extend to the  Borrowers  after  having  been  offered the
opportunity by the Borrowers to provide such  Indebtedness  for Borrowed  Money.
The Agent and the Lenders  agree that the  Borrowers may assume that the Lenders
have declined to extend the requested Indebtedness for Borrowed Money unless the
Agent or any of the  Lenders  have  notified  the  Borrowers  in  writing to the
contrary  within  fifteen (15) days of their  receipt of all  proposed  material
terms and conditions of the proposed Indebtedness for Borrowed Money in writing.

                  "Permitted Uses" means:

                  (a) with  respect  to the  Letters  of  Credit  (i) to  secure
         obligations  of any of the  Borrowers  under any workers'  compensation
         Laws or insurance  and (ii) for such other  purposes as the Agent shall
         approve in its sole and absolute discretion,  subject to the provisions
         of 2.2. In addition,  the Agent's agreement to assume liability for the
         PEDFA  Obligations  shall  constitute a Permitted  Use of the Letter of
         Credit Facility.

                  (b) with  respect  to the  Revolving  Loan (i) the  payment of
         ordinary  course,  working  capital  expenses  of  any  or  all  of the
         Borrowers  (including  ordinary  course  operational  expenses),   (ii)
         Capital  Expenditures  (excluding  Capital Leases) if and to the extent
         permitted by Section 5.2.7, and (iii) Permitted Acquisitions. Permitted
         Uses  do  not  include   investments   in  any  securities  or  similar
         instruments or investments made for arbitrage purposes. Notwithstanding
         the foregoing, the


Borrowers  may deposit or invest  Revolving  Loan  proceeds in accounts or other
short-term  investments  having  maturities of not more than one hundred  twenty
(120) days;  provided,  that (i) such deposits or investments are intended to be
maintained in such accounts or other  investments  by the Borrowers for not more
than one  hundred  twenty  (120)  days,  (ii) the  Borrowers  intend  to use the
Revolving  Loan proceeds so deposited or invested for Permitted Uses within such
one  hundred  twenty  (120) day  period,  and (iii) the  Borrowers  intended  to
temporarily  defer using such  Revolving  Loan proceeds for  Permitted  Uses for
legitimate and beneficial  tax or other  economic  reasons,  as disclosed to the
Agent and the Lenders promptly upon request.

                  (c) the  purchase of Stock if and to the extent such  purchase
         is expressly permitted by the provisions of this Agreement.

                  "Person"  means and includes an individual,  a corporation,  a
partnership,  a  limited  liability  company,  a  joint  venture,  a  trust,  an
unincorporated  association,  a government  or political  subdivision  or agency
thereof or any other organization or entity.

                  "Plan"  means any pension plan which is covered by Title IV of
ERISA and in respect  of which any of the  Borrowers  or a  Commonly  Controlled
Entity is an "employer"  as defined in Section 3 of ERISA,  except that the term
"Plan" shall not include a Multiemployer Plan.

                  "Post-Default   Rate"  means  with   respect  to  all  of  the
Obligations, as of any date of determination,  the highest Interest Rate then in
effect, plus three percent (3%) per annum.

                  "Post-Termination Date Letter of Credit" and "Post-Termination
Date Letters of Credit" have the meaning described in Section 2.2.10.

                  "Prepayment"  means a Revolving Loan Optional  Prepayment or a
Mandatory  Prepayment,  as the case may be; and "Prepayments"  mean collectively
Revolving Loan Optional Prepayments and Mandatory Prepayments.

                  "Prime  Loan"  means  any Loan  for  which  interest  is to be
computed with reference to the Prime Rate.

                  "Prime  Rate"  means  the Base  Rate in effect at any time and
from time to time, plus the Applicable Margin.


                  "Proprietary  Rights" means all of each  Borrower's  now owned
and hereafter arising or acquired patents, copyrights, trademarks, and all other
rights  under  any  of  the  foregoing,  all  extensions,   renewals,  reissues,
divisions, continuations, and continuations-in-part of any of the foregoing, and
all  rights to sue for  past,  present  and  future  infringement  of any of the

                  "Proportionate  Share" means at any time and as to any Lender,
the percentage  derived by dividing the unpaid principal amount of the Loans and
Letter of Credit  Obligations  (including,  the PEDFA Obligations) owing to that
Lender by the  aggregate  unpaid  principal  amount  of all Loans and  Letter of
Credit Obligations (including, the PEDFA Obligations) then outstanding; or if no
Loans or Letter of Credit  Obligations  are  outstanding,  by dividing the total
amount of such Lender's  Commitments  by the total amount of the  Commitments of
the Agent and all of the Lenders.

                  "Reportable  Event"  means  any of the  events  set  forth  in
Section 4043(b) of ERISA or the regulations thereunder, but excluding reportable
events  with  respect to which the thirty (30) day notice  requirement  has been
waived by the PGBC.

                  "Required  Lenders" means at any time of determination  one or
more of the Lenders holding at least  sixty-six and two/thirds  (66-2/3%) of the

                  "Reserve  Percentage"  means,  at any time,  the then  current
maximum rate for which reserves (including any basic, supplemental, marginal and
emergency reserves) are required to be maintained by member banks of the Federal
Reserve  System  under  Regulation  D of the Board of  Governors  of the Federal
Reserve System against  "Eurocurrency  liabilities",  as that term is defined in
Regulation  D. The LIBOR Rate with  respect to each LIBOR Loan shall be adjusted
automatically  on and as of the  effective  date of any  change  in the  Reserve
Percentage applicable thereto.

                  "Responsible Officer" means the chief executive officer of the
Parent or the president of the Parent or, with respect to financial matters, the
Financial Officer.

                  "Revolving Credit  Commitment" means the agreement of a Lender
relating to the making of the Revolving Loan and advances  thereunder subject to
and in accordance  with the  provisions  of this  Agreement;  "Revolving  Credit
Commitments"  means the collective  reference to the Revolving Credit Commitment
of each of the


                  "Revolving Credit Commitment  Period" means the period of time
from the  Closing  Date to the  Business  Day  preceding  the  Revolving  Credit
Termination Date.

                  "Revolving Credit Committed Amount" has the meaning
described in Section 2.1.1.

                  "Revolving Credit Expiration Date" means February 1, 2001.

                  "Revolving Credit Facility" means the facility  established by
the Lenders pursuant to Section 2.1 of this Agreement.

                  "Revolving  Credit Note" and "Revolving Credit Notes" have the
meanings described in Section 2.1.4.

                  "Revolving Credit Optional  Reduction" and  "Revolving Credit
Optional Reductions" have the meanings described in Section 2.1.8.

                  "Revolving Credit Proportionate Share" has the meaning
described in Section 2.1.1.

                  "Revolving  Credit  Termination Date" means the earlier of (a)
the  Revolving  Credit  Expiration  Date, or (b) the date on which the Revolving
Credit Commitments are terminated pursuant to Section 6.2.2.

                  "Revolving Credit Unused Line Fee" and "Revolving Credit
Unused Line Fees" have the meanings described in Section 2.1.7.

                  "Revolving Loan" has the meaning described in Section 2.1.1.

                  "Revolving Loan Account" has the meaning described in
Section 2.1.6.

                  "Revolving Loan Optional Prepayment" and "Revolving Loan
Optional Prepayments" have the meanings described in Section 2.1.5.

                  "Settlement  Date" means each  Business  Day after the Closing
Date on which  settlement is to be made among the Lenders in accordance with the
provisions of Section 2.4.8.

                  "Settlement  Report" means each report,  substantially  in the
form  attached  hereto as EXHIBIT C, prepared by the Agent and delivered to each
Lender  and  setting  forth,  among  other  things,  as of the  Settlement  Date
indicated thereon and as of the next


preceding Settlement Date, the aggregate principal balance of the Revolving Loan
outstanding,  each Lender's  Proportionate  Share of the Revolving Loan and each
Lender's  Net  Outstandings,  and all payments of  principal,  interest and Fees
received by the Agent from the Borrowers for the ratable  benefit of the Lenders
during the period beginning on such next preceding Settlement Date and ending on
such Settlement Date.

                  "State" means the State of Maryland.

                  "Stock" means the issued and outstanding common stock of
the Parent.

                  "Subordinated Indebtedness" means any Indebtedness incurred at
any time by any or all of the Borrowers,  the repayment of which is subordinated
to the Obligations by a written agreement in form and substance  satisfactory to
the Agent in its sole and absolute discretion.

                  "Subsidiary"  means any corporation the majority of the voting
shares of which at the time are owned directly by any of the Borrowers and/or by
one or more Subsidiaries of any of the Borrowers.

                  "Tangible  Net  Worth"  means,  as to the  Borrowers  and  the
Subsidiaries and as of any date or for any period of  determination,  the sum at
such time or during such period of:

                  (a) Net Worth; less

                  (b) the total of (i) all Assets which would be  classified  as
         intangible  assets under GAAP  consistently  applied,  (ii)  applicable
         reserves, allowances and other similar properly deductible items to the
         extent  deductible in accordance with GAAP when  calculating Net Worth,
         (iii)  goodwill,  (iv) the amount of all accounts  receivable and notes
         receivable from  stockholders,  officers,  directors and/or  employees,
         which in any individual  case or in the  aggregate,  exceed Two Hundred
         Fifty  Thousand  Dollars  ($250,000)  and (v) the  aggregate  principal
         amount of any and all Subordinated  Indebtedness to the extent included
         in Net Worth; all as calculated on a Consolidated basis.

                  "Taxes"  means all taxes and  assessments  whether  general or
special,  ordinary  or  extraordinary,  or  foreseen  or  unforeseen,  of  every
character  (including all penalties or interest thereon),  which at any time may
be assessed,  levied,  confirmed or imposed by any Governmental Authority on any
of the Borrowers or any of their


properties  or  assets  or any  part  thereof  or in  respect  of  any of  their
franchises, businesses, income or profits.

                  "Total Net Proceeds" has the meaning described in Section

                  "Total Revolving Credit Committed Amount" has the meaning
described in Section 2.1.1.

                  "Wholly Owned  Subsidiary" means any Subsidiary all the shares
of stock of all classes of which  (other  than  directors'  (or their  nominees)
qualifying  shares) at the time are owned  directly or  indirectly by any of the
Borrowers  and/or  by  one  or  more  Wholly  Owned  Subsidiaries  of any of the

otherwise  defined  herein,  as used in this  Agreement and in any  certificate,
report or other document made or delivered pursuant hereto, accounting terms not
otherwise  defined herein,  and accounting terms only partly defined herein,  to
the extent not defined,  shall have the respective  meanings given to them under
GAAP. The words  "hereof",  "herein" and "hereunder" and words of similar import
when used in this Agreement  shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to
any particular provision of this Agreement,  and article,  section,  subsection,
schedule  and  exhibit  references  are  references  to  articles,  sections  or
subsections  of, or schedules or exhibits to, as the case may be, this Agreement
unless otherwise  specified.  As used herein,  the singular number shall include
the plural,  the plural the singular and the use of the  masculine,  feminine or
neuter  gender shall  include all genders,  as the context may require.  Without
implying any  limitation on the foregoing,  any reference to the  "Borrowers" in
any provision of this Agreement or any of the other Financing Documents shall be
deemed  to  refer  to each  and any one or more of the  Borrowers,  jointly  and
severally.  Reference to any one or more of the Financing  Documents  shall mean
the  same  as the  foregoing  may  from  time  to  time  be  amended,  restated,
substituted,  extended, renewed,  supplemented or otherwise modified, so long as
and to the extent such  amendment,  supplement,  modification  or replacement is
either not  prohibited  by the terms of this  Agreement  or is  consented  to as
required under the terms of this Agreement. References to any Person include its
permitted successors and assigns.


                                    ARTICLE 2

                              THE CREDIT FACILITIES


                           2.1.1     REVOLVING CREDIT FACILITY.  Subject to  and
upon the provisions of this Agreement,  and in reliance upon the representations
and warranties  contained herein and/or in any of the Financing  Documents,  the
Lenders collectively establish a revolving credit facility jointly and severally
in favor of the  Borrowers.  The  aggregate of all advances  under the Revolving
Credit Facility are sometimes referred to in this Agreement  collectively as the
"Revolving Loan". Advances repaid may be readvanced and reborrowed in accordance
with the provisions of this  Agreement.  Advances may only be used for Permitted

         The amount set forth below opposite each Lender's name is herein called
such Lender's "Revolving Credit Committed Amount" and the total of each Lender's
Revolving  Credit  Committed Amount is herein called the "Total Revolving Credit
Committed  Amount".  The  proportionate  share set  forth  below  opposite  each
Lender's  name is herein called such Lender's  "Revolving  Credit  Proportionate

                          Revolving Credit          Revolving Credit
Lender                    Committed Amount          Proportionate Share
- ------                    ----------------          -------------------

NationsBank                $27,950,000               43%
CoreStates                 $19,500,000               30%
Chase                      $ 8,775,000               13.5%
PNC                        $ 8,775,000               13.5%

Total Revolving
Credit Committed
Amount:                    $65,000,000               100%

Neither the Agent nor any of the Lenders shall be responsible  for the Revolving
Credit  Commitment  of any other  Lender,  nor will the failure of any Lender to
perform its obligations under its Revolving Credit Commitment in any way relieve
any other Lender from  performing  its  obligations  under its Revolving  Credit

         During the  Revolving  Credit  Commitment  Period,  the  Borrowers  may
request  advances  under the Revolving  Credit  Facility in accordance  with the
provisions  of  this  Agreement;  provided  that  after  giving  effect  to  the
Borrowers' request:


                           (i)  the  outstanding   principal   balance  of  each
         Lender's Proportionate Share of the Revolving Loan and of the Letter of
         Credit Obligations (including,  the PEDFA Obligations) would not exceed
         such Lender's Revolving Credit Committed Amount, and

                           (ii) the aggregate  outstanding  principal balance of
         the Revolving Loan and all Letter of Credit Obligations (including, the
         PEDFA   Obligations)  would  not  exceed  the  Total  Revolving  Credit
         Committed Amount.

                           2.1.2    PROCEDURE FOR MAKING ADVANCES UNDER THE
REVOLVING LOAN. (a) (i) The Borrowers may jointly and severally borrow under the
Revolving  Credit Facility on any Eurodollar  Business Day if the borrowing is a
LIBOR  Loan  or on any  Business  Day if the  borrowing  is a Prime  Loan.  Each
borrowing under the Revolving  Credit Facility which is a Prime Loan shall be in
a minimum principal amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars  ($500,000) and each
borrowing under the Revolving  Credit Facility which is a LIBOR Loan shall be in
a minimum principal amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000).

                  (ii) The Borrowers shall give the Agent oral or written notice
(a "Loan Notice") not later than 12:00 p.m (Baltimore  Time) on the Business Day
of the requested  date for the making of a Prime Loan,  and not later than 12:00
p.m (Baltimore Time) on the third  Eurodollar  Business Day before the requested
date for the making of a LIBOR Loan.  Each Loan  Notice  shall be in the form of
EXHIBIT D, shall be accompanied by or include an Interest Rate Election  Notice,
and shall  specify (1) the  requested  date for the making of an advance,  which
shall be, in the case of a LIBOR Loan, a Eurodollar  Business  Day,  and, in the
case of a Prime Loan, a Business Day, (2) the amount of the  requested  advance,
and (3) if requested by the Agent, the purpose of the requested borrowing.

                  (iii) Any oral Loan Notice  shall be  confirmed  in writing by
the  Borrowers  within three (3) Business Days after the making of the requested
advance  under the  Revolving  Loan.  Each Loan Notice shall be  irrevocable.  A
Financial  Officer of the Parent may from time to time  designate in writing one
or more other  Persons  authorized  to submit  Loan  Notices and  Interest  Rate
Election Notices.

         (b) All advances of the Revolving  Loan shall be disbursed by the Agent
on the requested  borrowing date, in funds immediately  available to one or more
of the Borrowers, by credit to an account of any of the Borrowers at the Agent's
Office or in such other manner as may have been specified in the applicable Loan
Notice and as shall be acceptable to the Agent in its sole and absolute


discretion.  The Agent shall only disburse  those advances made available to the
Agent by the Lenders in accordance with Section 2.1.2(c).

         (c) Upon the Agent's receipt of a Loan Notice, the Agent shall promptly
notify  each  Lender of the amount of each  advance to be made by such Lender on
the requested borrowing date under such Lender's Revolving Credit Commitment and
the  Interest  Rate  applicable  to such  advance.  Not  later  than  2:00  p.m.
(Baltimore Time) on each requested  borrowing date, each Lender shall, if it has
received timely notice from the Agent of the Borrowers'  request for an advance,
make available to the Agent, in funds immediately  available to the Agent at the
Agent's Office,  such Lender's  Proportionate Share of the advance to be made on
such date.

         (d) Unless the Agent shall have received  notice from a Lender prior to
2:00 p.m.  (Baltimore  Time) on the requested  date for the making of an advance
under the Revolving Loan that such Lender will make available to the Agent, such
Lender's  Revolving Credit  Proportionate  Share of the advance  requested to be
made on such date,  the Agent will  assume  that such  Lender will not make such
amount  available to the Agent on such date in accordance with Section  2.1.2(c)
and such Lender's Revolving Credit  Proportionate Share of the requested advance
shall  not be made to the  Borrowers.  The  failure  of any  Lender  to fund its
Revolving Credit  Proportionate Share of any requested advance shall not relieve
any other Lender of its  obligation to fund its Revolving  Credit  Proportionate
Share of such advance.  If,  however,  such other  Lenders fund their  Revolving
Credit  Proportionate Share of the requested advance (each a "Non-Ratable Loan",
and  collectively,  the "Non-Ratable  Loans") based on the  determination of the
Agent and such  Lenders that they are in fact  obligated to fund such  requested
advance pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Obligations due and payable
with respect to such  Non-Ratable  Loans shall have a first  priority claim with
respect to any payments or collections received on account of the Revolving Loan
and any and all such payments or collections shall be shared between the Lenders
which   elected  to  make  the   Non-Ratable   Loans,   on  a  pro-rata   basis,
notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement.  If and to the extent the
Lenders fund their Revolving Credit Proportionate Share of any requested advance
as provided  herein,  the Agent shall fund the  requested  advance prior to 3:00
p.m. (Baltimore time) to the extent of the funds made available by the Lenders.

         The Agent shall promptly  notify the Borrowers of any Lender's  refusal
to fund its Revolving Credit Proportionate Share of any requested advance.


                           2.1.3    LENDER PROTECTION LOANS.  The Borrowers
hereby irrevocably authorize the Lenders at any time and from time to time after
and during the continuance of a Default or an Event of Default,  without further
request from or notice to the  Borrowers,  to make advances  under the Revolving
Loan which the Agent,  in its sole and absolute  discretion,  deems necessary or
appropriate  to  protect  the  interests  of the Agent  and/or any or all of the
Lenders under this Agreement,  including, without limitation, advances under the
Revolving  Loan made to cover (i) unpaid debit  balances in the  Revolving  Loan
Account,  (ii) past due payments of principal  and/or interest on account of any
Loan, (iii) any other Obligations  (including any Letter of Credit  Obligations)
not paid as and when due and  payable,  and (iv) any  unpaid  Enforcement  Costs
which remain  outstanding for more than ten (10) days after the giving of notice
by the Agent to the Borrowers.  Each such advance shall be made as a Prime Loan.
The  Borrowers  acknowledge  and agree that the Agent and the  Lenders  shall be
entitled,  at their option, to reduce the availability  under the Revolving Loan
by the amount of any  Enforcement  Costs not paid by the  Borrowers  immediately
upon  demand,  notwithstanding  the fact that the Lenders  cannot make  advances
under this Section 2.1.3 until such Enforcement  Costs have been outstanding for
at least ten (10) days after the giving of notice by the Agent to the Borrowers.

                           2.1.4    REVOLVING CREDIT NOTES.  The joint and
several   obligations   of  the  Borrowers  to  pay  each  and  every   Lender's
Proportionate Share of the Revolving Loan, with interest,  shall be evidenced by
a series of promissory notes (as from time to time extended,  amended, restated,
supplemented or otherwise  modified,  collectively the "Revolving  Credit Notes"
and individually a "Revolving Credit Note") substantially in the form of EXHIBIT
A attached hereto  and made a part hereof,  with  appropriate  insertions.  Each
Lender's  Revolving  Credit Note shall be dated as of the Closing Date, shall be
payable  to the  order of such  Lender at the times  provided  in the  Revolving
Credit  Note,  and shall be in the  maximum  principal  amount of such  Lender's
Revolving Credit  Commitment.  The Borrowers  acknowledge and agree that, if the
unpaid  principal  balance of the Revolving Loan  outstanding  from time to time
exceeds the  aggregate  face amount of the Revolving  Credit  Notes,  the excess
shall  bear  interest  at the  Post-Default  Rate  and  shall be  payable,  with
interest, ON DEMAND.

                           2.1.5    OPTIONAL PREPAYMENTS OF REVOLVING LOAN.
Subject to the provisions of Section 2.3.5,  the Borrowers may, at their option,
at any  time and from  time to time  prepay  (each a  "Revolving  Loan  Optional
Prepayment" and  collectively  the "Revolving  Loan Optional  Prepayments")  the
Revolving  Loan,  in  whole  or in part  without  premium  or  penalty.  Partial
Revolving  Loan  Optional  Prepayments  shall be in  amounts  not less  than One
Hundred Thousand


Dollars ($100,000).  Revolving Loan Optional Prepayments shall be made following
a written  notice to the Agent  specifying  the date and amount of any  intended
Revolving  Loan Optional  Prepayment.  The amount to be prepaid shall be paid by
the  Borrowers to the Agent on the date  specified  for such  prepayment  in the
notice, which notice shall be irrevocable.

                           2.1.6    REVOLVING LOAN ACCOUNT.  The Agent will
establish  and  maintain  a loan  account  on its  books  (the  "Revolving  Loan
Account")  to which the Agent  will (a) DEBIT (i) the  principal  amount of each
advance under the Revolving  Loan made by the Lenders as of the date made,  (ii)
the amount of any interest  accrued on the  Revolving  Loan as and when due, and
(iii) any other amounts due and payable by the Borrowers to the Agent and/or the
Lenders from time to time under the  provisions of this  Agreement in connection
with the Revolving Loan, including, without limitation,  Enforcement Costs, Fees
and late charges,  all as and when due and payable,  and (b) CREDIT all payments
made by the  Borrowers to the Agent on account of the  Revolving  Loan as of the
date made. All credit entries to the Revolving Loan Account are  conditional and
shall be  readjusted as of the date made if final payment is not received by the
Agent in cash or collected  funds.  The Borrowers  hereby  promise to pay to the
order of the Agent for the  ratable  benefit of the  Lenders,  on the  Revolving
Credit  Termination  Date,  an amount equal to the excess,  if any, of all debit
entries over all credit entries recorded in the Revolving Loan Account.  Any and
all  periodic or other  statements  or  reconciliations  of the  Revolving  Loan
Account,  and the information  contained in those statements or reconciliations,
shall be presumed  conclusively to be correct,  absent manifest error, and shall
constitute an account  stated  between the Lenders and the Borrowers  unless the
Agent  receives  specific  written  objection  from any of the Borrowers  within
thirty (30) Business Days after such statement or reconciliation shall have been
sent by the Agent to the Borrowers.  The Agent and the Lenders  acknowledge  and
agree that the  Borrowers'  obligation to pay the  Obligations  evidenced by the
Revolving  Credit Notes  constitutes the same, and is not in duplication of, the
obligation to pay the Obligations as provided in this Section.

                           2.1.7    REVOLVING CREDIT UNUSED LINE FEE.  The
Borrowers  shall  jointly and severally  pay to the Agent,  in arrears,  for the
ratable  benefit of the Lenders,  a quarterly  revolving  credit unused line fee
(collectively,  the  "Revolving  Credit  Unused Line Fees" and  individually,  a
"Revolving Credit Unused Line Fee") in an amount to be determined based upon the
ratio of Funded Debt to EBITDA for the rolling  four (4)  quarter  month  period
covered by the then most recent financial statements furnished or required to be
furnished to the Agent pursuant to and in the form required by Section  5.1.1(a)
and Section 5.1.1(c). Within three (3) Business


Days of the Agent's  receipt of such financial  statements in the form required,
the  Agent  shall  calculate  the ratio of  Funded  Debt to EBITDA  for the then
rolling four (4) quarter period covered by such financial statements,  and shall
notify the  Borrowers  and the  Lenders of the  Agent's  determination.  If such
financial  statements are not furnished as and when required,  the Borrowers may
not be  permitted  to select or change an Interest  Rate or an Interest  Period.
Following,  the Agent's  determination  of the Funded Debt to EBITDA ratio,  the
Revolving Credit Unused Line Fee shall be equal to the per annum "Fee Percentage
Amount" as set forth below  multiplied by the  difference  between (a) the Total
Revolving Credit Committed Amount in effect from time to time and (b) the sum of
(i) the average daily outstanding principal balance of the Revolving Loan during
the then  preceding  quarterly  period and (ii) the average daily face amount of
all Letters of Credit outstanding during such quarterly period:

     Funded Debt to EBITDA Ratio        Fee Percentage Amount
     ---------------------------        ---------------------

     Less than 1.0 to 1.0               .125%

     Greater than or equal to           .125%
     1.0 to 1.0, but less than
     1.75 to 1.0

     Greater than or equal to           .16%
     1.75 to 1.0, but less than
     2.25 to 1.0

     Greater than or equal to           .19%
     2.25 to 1.0, but less than
     2.75 to 1.0

     Greater than or equal to           .23%
     2.75 to 1.0, but less
     than     3.0 to 1.0

     Greater than or equal to
     3.0 to 1.0                         .50%

                           2.1.8    OPTIONAL REDUCTION OF TOTAL REVOLVING
CREDIT  COMMITTED  AMOUNT.   The  Borrowers  shall  have  the  right  to  reduce
permanently (each a "Revolving  Credit Optional  Reduction" and collectively the
"Revolving  Credit Optional  Reductions")  the Total Revolving  Credit Committed
Amount in effect from time to time in amounts not less than Five Million Dollars
($5,000,000)  and  in  integral  multiples  of  Five  Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
($500,000),  upon at least five (5) Business  Days prior  written  notice to the
Agent specifying the date and amount of such Revolving Credit


Optional  Reduction.  No Revolving Credit Optional  Reduction shall be permitted
if,  after  giving  effect to such  reduction,  the then  outstanding  principal
balance of the Revolving Loan and any and all then Outstanding  Letter of Credit
Obligations  exceeds the Total Revolving  Credit Committed Amount as so reduced.
Such notice  shall be  irrevocable  as to the amount and date of such  Revolving
Credit Optional Reduction.  After each such Revolving Credit Optional Reduction,
the Revolving  Credit Unused Line Fee provided for in Section 2.1.7 hereof shall
be  calculated  at the times set forth in such section with respect to the Total
Revolving  Credit  Committed  Amount as reduced.  The Revolving Credit Committed
Amount of each Lender shall be reduced by such Lender's  Proportionate  Share of
each Revolving Credit Optional Reduction.


                           2.2.1    LETTERS OF CREDIT.  Subject to  and upon the
provisions of this Agreement, and as a part of the Revolving Credit Commitments,
the  Borrowers may,  upon the prior  approval of  the Agent,  obtain letters of
credit (as the same may from time to time be amended,  supplemented or otherwise
modified,  each a "Letter of Credit" and collectively  the  "Letters of Credit")
from the  Agent  from  time to time from the  Closing  Date  until the  Business
Day  preceding  the  Revolving  Credit  Termination  Date. In addition,  subject
to and upon  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement,  and as part of the Revolving
Credit Commitments,  the Agent  shall agree  to assume  liability for the  PEDFA
Obligations in  accordance with  the provisions  of the PEDFA  Participation and
Reimbursement Agreements.  The Borrowers will not be entitled to obtain a Letter
of Credit  unless  (a) the  Borrowers  are then able to obtain an  advance under
the Revolving  Loan from the  Lenders in an amount  not less than  the amount of
the Letter  of Credit requested  by the Borrowers,  and  (b) the sum of the then
Outstanding Letter of Credit Obligations (including the aggregate face amount of
the PEDFA Obligations and the amount of the requested Letter of Credit) does not
exceed Eight  Million  Dollars  ($8,000,000)  (the  "Letter of Credit  Committed
Amount"). The Letters of Credit shall be available only for Permitted Uses.

                           2.2.2    LETTER OF CREDIT FEES.  Prior to or
simultaneously  with the  opening  of each  Letter  of  Credit  and the  Agent's
execution and delivery of the PEDFA Participation and Reimbursement  Agreements,
the Borrowers shall pay to the Agent for the ratable  benefit of the Lenders,  a
letter of credit fee (each a "Letter of Credit Fee" and collectively the "Letter
of Credit Fees") as follows:

         (a) with  respect  to the PEDFA  Obligations  and any  Letter of Credit
issued to secure any obligations of any of the Borrowers


under or in  connection  with any workers'  compensation  Laws or  insurance,  a
Letter of Credit  Fee in an amount  equal to one  percent  (1%) per annum of the
face amount of the aggregate  face amount of the PEDFA  Obligations  and/or such
Letter of Credit,  as  appropriate,  which the Borrowers  acknowledge  and agree
shall be in  addition  to any fees  payable by the Agent under or as part of the
PEDFA Participation and Reimbursement Agreements,

         (b) with respect to any other standby  Letter of Credit (other than the
PEDFA  Obligations),  a  Letter  of  Credit  Fee in an  amount  equal to one and
one-eighth  percent  (1-1/8%)  per annum of the face  amount  of such  Letter of
Credit, and

         (c) with respect to any other  commercial  Letter of Credit (other than
the PEDFA  Obligations),  a Letter of Credit  Fee in an amount  equal to one and
one-eighth  percent  (1-1/8%)  per annum of the face  amount  of such  Letter of

         Letter of Credit  Fees shall be paid upon the  opening of the Letter of
Credit,  upon the Agent's execution and delivery of the PEDFA  Participation and
Reimbursement  Agreements and upon each  anniversary  date, if any. In addition,
the  Borrowers  shall  pay to the  Agent,  for  its  own  account,  any  and all
additional  issuance,  negotiation,  processing,  transfer  or other fees to the
extent  and as and when  required  by the  provisions  of any  Letter  of Credit
Agreement; such additional fees are included in and a part of the "Fees" payable
by the  Borrowers  under  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement  and  are for the
exclusive benefit of the Agent and are a part of the Agent's Obligations.

                           2.2.3    TERMS OF LETTERS OF CREDIT.  Unless
otherwise  agreed by the Lenders in writing,  each Letter of Credit (a) shall be
opened pursuant to a Letter of Credit Agreement,  (b) shall expire on a date not
later than the Business Day preceding the Revolving  Credit  Expiration Date and
(c)  shall be  issued  for a  Permitted  Use.  Neither  the Agent nor any of the
Lenders  shall have any  obligation  or  commitment  to consent to the  renewal,
extension or amendment to either or both of the PEDFA Letters of Credit.

                           2.2.4    PROCEDURES FOR ISSUANCE OF LETTERS OF
CREDIT.  (a) The Borrowers  shall give the Agent oral or written notice at least
two (2) Business Days prior to the date on which the Borrower  desires the Agent
to issue a Letter of Credit.  Any oral notice  shall be  confirmed in writing by
the Borrowers within three (3) Business Days after the issuance of the requested
Letter of Credit. Such notice shall be irrevocable and shall be accompanied by a
duly executed Letter of Credit Agreement specifying: (a) the name and address of
the intended  beneficiary  of the Letter of Credit,  (b) the requested  original
face amount of the


Letter of  Credit,  (c)  whether  the  Letter of  Credit is to be  revocable  or
irrevocable,  (d) the Business Day on which the Letter of Credit is to be opened
and the date on which  the  Letter  of  Credit  is to  expire,  (e) the terms of
payment  of any draft or drafts  which may be drawn  under the Letter of Credit,
(g) any other terms or provisions  the  Borrowers  desire to be contained in the
Letter of Credit,  and (h) the  purpose for which such Letter of Credit is to be
issued.  Such  notice  shall  also be  accompanied  by such  other  information,
certificates,  confirmations, and other items as the Agent may require to assure
that the Letter of Credit is to be issued in accordance  with the  provisions of
this Agreement and a Letter of Credit  Agreement.  The Borrowers shall attach to
such  notice  the form of the  Letter of Credit  that the  Borrowers  request be
issued.  The Agent and the Lenders  agree that if there is any express  conflict
between the  provisions of this  Agreement  and the  provisions of any Letter of
Credit Agreement regarding the Agent's duties and obligations, the provisions of
this Agreement shall prevail.

         (b) The Agent  shall  determine,  as of the  Business  Day  immediately
preceding  the requested  effective  date of issuance of the Letter of Credit as
set forth in a notice  from the  Borrowers  pursuant  to Section  2.2.4(a),  the
amount of the  unused  Letter of Credit  Facility.  If (i) the form of Letter of
Credit  delivered by the  Borrowers to the Agent,  if any, is  acceptable to the
Agent in its sole and absolute  discretion,  (ii) the undrawn face amount of the
requested  Letter of Credit is less than or equal to the unused Letter of Credit
Facility,  (iii) the Letter of Credit  complies with the conditions set forth in
Section 2.2.3,  (iv) the notice  provided by the Borrowers to the Agent is given
in accordance  with Section  2.2.4(a),  (v) the Agent has received a certificate
from the  Borrowers  stating that the  conditions  set forth in Section 4.2 have
been satisfied, (vi) the Borrowers have paid all Letter of Credit Fees and other
Fees (including  customary  issuance and negotiation fees) payable in connection
with the  issuance  of such  Letter of  Credit,  and (vii)  the  Borrowers  have
executed and delivered to the Agent a Letter of Credit Agreement, then the Agent
will issue the Letter of Credit in  accordance  with its  customary  procedures.
Promptly upon  issuance of a Letter of Credit,  the Agent shall give each Lender
written or  telephonic  notice of the  issuance  of such  Letter of Credit,  and
within five (5)  Business  Days of the  issuance  of such Letter of Credit,  the
Agent shall furnish to the Lenders a photocopy of such Letter of Credit.

         (c) No  Letter  of Credit  shall be  extended  or  amended  unless  the
requirements of this Section 2.2.4 are met as though a new Letter of Credit were
being requested and issued.


         (d) The Agent shall have no  obligation  to issue any Letter of Credit,
if as of the date of issuance of such Letter of Credit,  there  exists any order
of any court,  arbitrator  or  Governmental  Authority  having  jurisdiction  or
authority over the Agent, which shall purport by its terms to enjoin or restrain
banks  generally from issuing letters of credit of the type and in the amount of
the proposed  Letter of Credit,  or if there exists any Law,  rule or regulation
applicable to banks generally or any request or directive (whether or not having
the force of law) from any Governmental  Authority with  jurisdiction over banks
generally,  which shall  prohibit,  or request that the Agent refrain from,  the
issuance  of letters  of credit  generally  or the  issuance  of such  Letter of

         (e) In the  event  of any  conflict  between  the  provisions  of  this
Agreement and the provisions of a Letter of Credit Agreement,  the provisions of
this Agreement shall prevail and control unless otherwise  expressly provided in
the Letter of Credit Agreement.

                           2.2.5    PAYMENT OF REIMBURSEMENT OBLIGATIONS.  (a)
The Borrowers hereby promise to pay to the Agent, ON DEMAND and in Dollars,  the
following  which are herein  collectively  referred to as the "Current Letter of
Credit Obligations":

                  (i) the  amount  which the Agent has paid  under each draft or
         draw on a  Letter  of  Credit  or  under  either  or both of the  PEDFA
         Participation and Reimbursement Agreements;

                  (ii) any and all  reasonable  charges and  expenses  which the
         Agent may pay or incur  relative  to the  Letter of  Credit,  the PEDFA
         Obligations and/or such draws or drafts; and

                  (iii) interest on the amounts  described in (i) and (ii) above
         not  paid by the  Borrowers  as and  when  due and  payable  under  the
         provisions  of (i) and  (ii)  above  from  the day the same are due and
         payable  until  paid in full at a rate  per  annum  equal  to the  then
         current  highest  rate of  interest  on the  Revolving  Loan,  or if no
         advances are outstanding under the Revolving Loan, the Prime Rate, plus
         one percent (1%) per annum.

In addition,  the  Borrowers  hereby  promise to pay any and all other Letter of
Credit Obligations as and when due and payable in accordance with the provisions
of this  Agreement  and the  Letter of Credit  Agreements.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  the Agent shall be entitled to use and apply funds on deposit in the
Letter  of  Credit  Cash  Collateral  Account  to pay  any  draft  or  draw on a
Post-Expiration Letter of Credit, without prior notice to or consent of,


the Borrowers and/or the Lenders, in accordance with the provisions
of Section 2.2.10.

         (b) The  obligation  of the  Borrowers to pay Current  Letter of Credit
Obligations  and all other  Letter of Credit  Obligations  shall be absolute and
unconditional  under any and all  circumstances  and irrespective of any setoff,
counterclaim  or  defense to payment  which any or all of the  Borrowers  or any
other account party may have or have had against any  beneficiary of such Letter
of Credit, any beneficiary of the PEDFA Letters of Credit, the Agent, any of the
Lenders, or any other Person, including,  without limitation,  any defense based
on the  failure of any draft or draw to  conform to the terms of such  Letter of
Credit  (except if such draft or draw fails to  substantially  comply  with such
terms), any draft or other document proving to be forged, fraudulent or invalid,
or the  legality,  validity,  regularity  or  enforceability  of such  Letter of
Credit,  any draft or other  documents  presented with any draft,  any Letter of
Credit Agreement,  this Agreement, or any of the other Financing Documents,  all
whether  or not the  Agent or any of the  Lenders  had  actual  or  constructive
knowledge of the same, and irrespective of any security or guarantee therefor or
right of offset with respect thereto and irrespective of any other circumstances
whatsoever which constitutes,  or might be construed to constitute, an equitable
or legal discharge of any of the Borrowers for any Letter of Credit Obligations,
in bankruptcy or otherwise;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that the Borrowers shall not be
obligated to reimburse  the Agent for any wrongful  payment under such Letter of
Credit made as a result of the Agent's willful misconduct or gross negligence.

         (c) The  obligation  of the  Borrowers  to pay  the  Letter  of  Credit
Obligations shall not be conditioned or contingent upon the pursuit by the Agent
or any other Person at any time of any right or remedy  against any Person which
may be or become  liable in  respect  of all or any part of such  obligation  or
against any  security  or  guarantee  therefor  or right of offset with  respect

         (d) The Letter of Credit Obligations shall continue to be effective, or
be reinstated,  as the case may be, if at any time payment of all or any portion
of the Letter of Credit  Obligations  is rescinded or must otherwise be restored
or returned by the Agent or any of the Lenders upon the insolvency,  bankruptcy,
dissolution, liquidation or reorganization of any Person, or upon or as a result
of the appointment of a receiver,  intervenor,  or conservator of, or trustee or
similar  officer  for,  any Person,  or any  substantial  part of such  Person's
property, all as though such payments had not been made.


         (e) If any Laws,  order of court  and/or  ruling or  regulation  of any
Governmental  Authority of the United States (or any state  thereof)  and/or any
country  other than the United States  permits a  beneficiary  under a Letter of
Credit  to  require  the  Agent,  the  Lenders  and/or  any of their  respective
branches,  Affiliates and/or correspondents to pay drafts under or purporting to
be under a Letter of Credit after the  expiration  date of the Letter of Credit,
the Borrowers shall reimburse the Agent and the Lenders, as appropriate, for any
such payment pursuant to the provisions of this Section 2.2.5.

                           2.2.6    LETTER OF CREDIT RESERVES.  If any change
in any Law or regulation, or in the interpretation thereof by any court or other
Governmental Authority charged with the administration thereof, shall either (a)
impose,  modify or deem  applicable  any  reserve,  special  deposit  or similar
requirement  against  Letters of Credit  issued by the Agent  and/or the Agent's
agreement to assume  liability for the PEDFA  Obligations,  or (b) impose on the
Agent any other  condition  regarding  any  Letter  of Credit  and/or  the PEDFA
Obligations, and the result of any event referred to in clauses (a) or (b) above
shall be to increase the cost to the Agent of issuing,  maintaining or extending
the Letter of Credit or of continuing its agreement to assume  liability for the
PEDFA  Obligations  or the cost to any of the Lenders of funding any  obligation
under or in connection  with the Letter of Credit  and/or the PEDFA  Obligations
(which increase in cost shall be the result of the Agent's reasonable allocation
of the  aggregate of such cost  increases  resulting  from such  events),  then,
within ten (10) days of the Agent's  written  invoice  therefor,  the  Borrowers
shall pay to the Agent from time to time as specified  by the Agent,  additional
amounts which shall be  sufficient  to compensate  the Agent and the Lenders for
such  increased  cost,  together with interest on each such amount from the date
demanded  until  payment in full  thereof at a rate per annum  equal to the then
highest  current  rate of interest on the  Revolving  Loan.  The Agent agrees to
furnish to the Borrowers,  upon written request, a certificate as to the Agent's
calculation  of  any  such  increased   cost,   together  with  such  supporting
documentation for such calculation as the Borrowers may reasonably request.

                           2.2.7    INDEMNIFICATION AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK.

         (a) The Borrowers  hereby instruct the Agent to pay any draft complying
with the terms of any Letter of Credit  irrespective of any  instructions of any
of the Borrowers to the  contrary.  The Borrowers  further  hereby  instruct the
Agent, at the Agent's option, to pay any amounts demanded by PNC under either or
both of the PEDFA Participation and Reimbursement  Agreements in accordance with
the provisions of the PEDFA Participation and Reimbursement


Agreements,  irrespective  of any  instructions  of any of the  Borrowers to the

         (b) The  Agent,  the  Lenders  and each of their  respective  branches,
Affiliates and/or correspondents shall not be responsible for, and the Borrowers
hereby indemnify and hold the Agent, the Lenders and their respective  branches,
Affiliates and/or correspondents  harmless from and against all liability,  loss
and out of pocket  expense  (including  reasonable  attorney's  fees and  costs)
incurred  by the  Agent,  any of the  Lenders  and/or  any of  their  respective
branches,  Affiliates and/or correspondents  relative to and/or as a consequence

                  (i)  any  failure  by any  of the  Borrowers  to  perform  any
         obligations  under  this  Section  2.2 or under  any  Letter  of Credit

                  (ii) the issuance of any Letter of Credit and any draft,  draw
         and/or  acceptance under or purported to be under any Letter of Credit,
         other  than as a result  of the  Agent's  willful  misconduct  or gross

                  (iii) any action  taken or  omitted  by the Agent,  any of the
         Lenders  and/or any  of their  respective  branches,  Affiliates and/or
         correspondents at the request of any of the Borrowers,

                  (iv) any  failure  or  inability  of the Agent to  perform  in
         accordance with the terms of any Letter of Credit or in accordance with
         the  terms  of  either   or  both  of  the  PEDFA   Participation   and
         Reimbursement  Agreements,  by reason  of any  control  or  restriction
         rightfully  or  wrongfully  exercised  by  any  DE  FACTO  or  DE  JURE
         Governmental  Authority,  group or individual  asserting or  exercising
         governmental or paramount powers,

                  (v) any consequences arising from causes beyond the reasonable
         control of the Agent,  the Lenders  and/or their  respective  branches,
         Affiliates and/or correspondents, or

                  (vi) the Agent's  agreement to assume  liability for the PEDFA
         Obligations  and any demand  for  payment  under  either or both of the
         PEDFA  Participation  and  Reimbursement  Agreements,  other  than as a
         result  of the  Agent's  willful  misconduct  or gross  negligence,  as
         determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

         (c)      As among the Borrowers, the Lenders and the Agent, the
Borrowers hereby assume all risks of (1) the acts and omissions of,


or misuses  of, any of the  Letters of Credit by any  beneficiary  and/or by any
other users of the Letters of Credit,  (2) the acts or omissions  of, or misuses
of, either of the PEDFA Letters of Credit by any beneficiary and/or by any other
user of the PEDFA  Letters  of  Credit,  and (3) the acts and  omissions  of, or
misuses of, any rights or remedies of PNC Bank, National Association under or in
connection with the PEDFA  Obligations.  In furtherance and not in limitation of
the foregoing, the Agent, the Lenders and their respective branches,  Affiliates
and/or correspondents, shall not be liable or responsible in any respect for:

                  (i)  any   error,   omission,   interruption   or   delay   in
         transmission,  dispatch  or  delivery  of any one or more  messages  or
         advices  in  connection  with any  Letter  of Credit  and/or  the PEDFA
         Obligations,  whether transmitted by cable,  telegraph,  telex, mail or
         otherwise and despite any cipher or code which may be employed,

                  (ii) any action,  inaction  or omission  which may be taken or
         suffered by the Agent, any of the Lenders,  and any of their respective
         branches,  Affiliates and/or  correspondents,  in good faith or through
         inadvertence  in identifying or failing to identify any  beneficiary or
         otherwise  in  connection  with any Letter of Credit  and/or any of the
         PEDFA  Obligations,  if taken or  omitted  in the  absence  of  willful
         misconduct or gross negligence,

                  (iii) the form, validity,  sufficiency,  accuracy, genuineness
         or legal effect of any document  submitted by any Person in  connection
         with the  application  for and issuance of and  presentation  of drafts
         with  respect to any of the Letters of Credit or of demands for payment
         under the PEDFA Participation and Reimbursement Agreements,  even if it
         should   prove  to  be  in  any  respect  or  all   respects   invalid,
         insufficient, inaccurate, fraudulent or forged,

                  (iv)  the   validity   or   sufficiency   of  any   instrument
         transferring  or  assigning  or  purporting  to  transfer or assign any
         Letter  of  Credit,  any of the  PEDFA  Obligations,  or the  rights or
         benefits thereunder or proceeds thereof, in whole or in part, which may
         prove to be invalid or ineffective for any reason,

                  (v) the failure of any  beneficiary of any Letter of Credit to
         comply  with  conditions  required in order to draw upon such Letter of
         Credit;  provided that the beneficiary has substantially  complied with
         such conditions,

                  (vi)     errors in interpretation of technical terms,


                  (vii) any loss or delay in the  transmission  or  otherwise of
         any  document  required in order to make a drawing  under any Letter of
         Credit or of the proceeds  thereof or a demand for payment of the PEDFA
         Obligations, except as may arise from the Agent's willful misconduct or
         gross negligence,

                  (viii) the  misapplication by the beneficiary of any Letter of
         Credit or of the proceeds of any drawing under such Letter of Credit or
         by PNC  Bank,  National  Association  of the PEDFA  Obligations  or any
         amounts paid by the Agent on account of the PEDFA Obligations, or

                  (ix) any  consequences  arising from causes beyond the control
         of  the  Agent,  including,   without  limitation,   any  acts  by  any
         Governmental Authority.

         (d) Any action  taken or  omitted to be taken by the Agent  under or in
connection  with any Letter of Credit  and/or any of the PEDFA  Obligations,  if
taken or omitted in the absence of willful misconduct or gross negligence, shall
not result in any  liability of the Agent to any Lender or relieve any Lender of
its obligations to the Agent under Section 2.2.8. In determining  whether to pay
any draft under a Letter of Credit,  the Agent shall have no  obligation  to any
Lender other than to confirm that any documents  required to be delivered  under
such  Letter of  Credit in  connection  with such draw have been  presented  and
appear  on their  face to comply  substantially  with the  requirements  of such
Letter of Credit.  In  determining  whether  to pay any  demand  under the PEDFA
Obligations,  the Agent  shall have no  obligation  to any Lender  other than to
confirm that the demand was made in accordance  with the provisions of the PEDFA
Participation and Reimbursement Agreements.

                           2.2.8    PARTICIPATIONS IN THE LETTERS OF CREDIT,
PEDFA OBLIGATIONS. Each Lender hereby irrevocably authorizes the Agent to assume
liability for the PEDFA  Obligations  in accordance  with the  provisions of the
PEDFA  Participation  and Reimbursement  Agreements.  Each Lender further hereby
irrevocably  authorizes the Agent to issue Letters of Credit in accordance  with
the provisions of this Agreement. As of the date the Agent executes and delivers
the PEDFA  Participation  and  Reimbursement  Agreements,  each Lender  shall be
deemed,  automatically  and without notice to or consent of any Person,  to have
irrevocably and unconditionally  purchased and received from the Agent,  without
recourse  or warrant,  an  undivided  interest  and  participation  in the PEDFA
Obligations  (including,  without  limitation,  any and all  obligations  of the
Borrowers under the PEDFA  Reimbursement  Agreement and related Letter of Credit
Obligations), equal to such Lender's Revolving Credit Proportionate Share of the
face  amount of the PEDFA  Obligations.  As of the date each Letter of Credit is
opened or issued by the Agent pursuant to


the provisions of this Agreement, each Lender shall be deemed, automatically and
without  notice  to  or  consent  of  any  Person,   to  have   irrevocably  and
unconditionally  purchased  and  received  from the Agent,  without  recourse or
warranty,  an  undivided  interest  and  participation  in such Letter of Credit
(including,  without limitation,  any and all obligations of the Borrowers under
and with  respect  to such  Letter of Credit  and the  related  Letter of Credit
Obligations), equal to such Lender's Revolving Credit Proportionate Share of the
face amount of such Letter of Credit.

                           2.2.9    PAYMENTS BY THE LENDERS TO THE AGENT.

         (a) If the  Borrowers  fail to pay to the Agent any  Current  Letter of
Credit Obligations as and when due and payable,  the Agent shall promptly notify
each of the  Lenders  and each of the  Lenders  shall make an advance  under the
Revolving Loan to the Agent for the account of the Borrowers in accordance  with
the  provisions of Section  2.1.3 in an amount equal to such Lender's  Revolving
Credit  Proportionate Share of such unpaid Current Letter of Credit Obligations.
If the  Lenders  are  unable  to make such an  advance  for the  account  of the
Borrowers  because any or all of the  Borrowers  are the subject of a bankruptcy
case,  the Agent shall demand  payment from each of the Lenders of such Lender's
Revolving  Credit  Proportionate  Share of the unpaid  Current  Letter of Credit
Obligations and said unpaid Current Letter of Credit Obligations shall be deemed
and shall remain  Obligations of the Borrowers  hereunder until paid in full. In
addition,  if any amount paid to the Agent on account of any  Current  Letter of
Credit  Obligations is rescinded or is required to be restored or turned over by
the Agent to any of the  Borrowers  or any  other  Person  upon the  insolvency,
bankruptcy,  dissolution,  liquidation or reorganization of any of the Borrowers
or any other  Person or upon or as a result of the  appointment  of a  receiver,
intervenor,  trustee, conservator or similar officer for any of the Borrowers or
any other Person,  or is otherwise not indefeasibly  covered by an advance under
the Revolving Loan, the Agent shall promptly notify each of the Lenders and each
of the Lenders shall make an advance  under the Revolving  Loan to the Agent for
the account of the Borrowers in accordance with Section 2.1.4 in an amount equal
to such  Lender's  Revolving  Credit  Proportionate  Share of its portion of the
Current Letter of Credit  Obligations  which the Agent so returned,  restored or

         (b) Each of the Lenders irrevocably and unconditionally agrees to honor
any such demands for payment under this Section 2.2.9 and promises to pay to the
Agent's account on the same Business Day as demanded the amount of its Revolving
Credit   Proportionate  Share  of  the  outstanding  Current  Letter  of  Credit
Obligations in immediately available funds, without any setoff,


counterclaim  or  deduction of any kind or nature  whatsoever.  Any payment by a
Lender  hereunder  shall in no way  release,  discharge  or lessen the joint and
several obligations of the Borrowers to pay Current Letter of Credit Obligations
to the Agent in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

         (c) The  obligation  of each of the Lenders to remit the amounts of its
Revolving  Credit  Proportionate  Share of outstanding  Current Letter of Credit
Obligations for the account of the Agent pursuant to this Section 2.2.9 shall be
unconditional  and irrevocable  under any and all  circumstances  and may not be
terminated,  suspended or delayed for any reason  whatsoever,  provided that all
payments of such  amounts by each of the Lenders  shall be without  prejudice to
the rights of each of the Lenders  with respect to the Agent's  alleged  willful
misconduct or gross negligence.  Any claim any Lender may have against the Agent
as a result of the Agent's alleged willful misconduct or gross negligence may be
brought by such  Lender in a separate  action  against  the Agent but may not be
used as a defense to payment under the provisions of this Section 2.2.9.

         (d) No  failure  of any  Lender  to remit the  amount of its  Revolving
Credit  Proportionate  Share of outstanding Current Letter of Credit Obligations
to the Agent pursuant to this Section 2.2.9 shall affect the  obligations of the
Agent under any Letter of Credit,  and if any Lender does not remit to the Agent
the amount of its  Revolving  Credit  Proportionate  Share of Current  Letter of
Credit  Obligations  on the same day as  demanded,  then without  limiting  such
Lender's obligation to transmit funds on the same Business Day as demanded, such
Lender  shall be  obligated  to pay, on demand of the Agent and without  setoff,
counterclaim or deduction of any kind  whatsoever  interest on the unpaid amount
at the Federal  Funds Rate for each day from the date such  amount  shall be due
and payable to the Agent until the date such amount shall have been paid in full
to the Agent by such Lender.

                           2.2.10   POST-TERMINATION DATE LETTERS OF CREDIT.
If any Letter of Credit has an  expiration  date  later  than the  Business  Day
preceding the Revolving Credit Termination Date (each a  "Post-Termination  Date
Letter of  Credit"  and  collectively,  the  "Post-Termination  Date  Letters of
Credit"), advances under the Revolving Loan shall be made by the Lenders for the
account of the Borrowers as of the Business Day  preceding the Revolving  Credit
Termination  Date,  such advances to be in the aggregate face amount of all such
Post-Termination  Date Letters of Credit.  The amount of each  Lender's  advance
shall be equal to its Revolving Credit Proportionate Share of the aggregate face
amount of all such  Post-Termination  Date  Letters of Credit.  The Agent  shall
deposit the proceeds of such advances into one or more interest bearing


accounts  with and in the name of the Agent and over which the Agent  shall have
exclusive  power of access and withdrawal  (collectively,  the "Letter of Credit
Cash Collateral Account"); provided, that (i) the Agent shall have no obligation
or  commitment  to deposit  or invest the  proceeds  of such  advances  into any
account or other  investment  which would impose  restrictions or limitations on
the Agent's ability to withdraw or otherwise access funds on deposit immediately
upon demand and (ii) the Agent shall have no obligation or commitment to deposit
the proceeds of such  advances  into an account  which bears  interest at a rate
greater than the then current  maximum  Interest Rate. The Letter of Credit Cash
Collateral  Account is to be held by the Agent,  for the ratable  benefit of the
Lenders,  as  additional  collateral  and  security  for any  Letter  of  Credit
Obligations  relating  to the  Post-Termination  Date  Letters  of  Credit.  The
Borrowers  hereby  assign,  pledge,  grant  and set over to the  Agent,  for the
ratable benefit of the Lenders,  a first priority security interest in, and Lien
on, all of the funds on deposit in the Letter of Credit Cash Collateral Account,
together  with any and all proceeds  (cash and  non-cash)  thereof as additional
collateral  and  security for the Letter of Credit  Obligations  relating to the
Post-Termination  Date  Letters of Credit and for all of the other  Obligations.
The Borrowers acknowledge and agree that the Agent shall be entitled to fund any
draw or draft on any  Post-Termination  Date Letter of Credit from the monies on
deposit in the Letter of Credit Cash  Collateral  Account  without  notice to or
consent of any of the  Borrowers or any of the Lenders.  The  Borrowers  further
acknowledge and agree that the Agent's election to fund any draw or draft on any
Post-Termination Date Letter of Credit from the Letter of Credit Cash Collateral
Account  shall in no way limit,  impair,  lessen,  reduce,  release or otherwise
adversely affect the Borrowers' joint and several  obligations to pay any Letter
of Credit Obligations under or relating to the Post-Termination  Date Letters of
Credit. At such time as all Post-Termination Date Letters of Credit have expired
and all  Letter of Credit  Obligations  relating  to the  Post-Termination  Date
Letters of Credit have been paid in full,  the Agent  agrees to apply the amount
of any  remaining  funds on  deposit  in the  Letter of Credit  Cash  Collateral
Account to the then unpaid balance of the Obligations under the Revolving Credit
Facility in such order and manner as the Agent shall  determine  in its sole and
absolute  discretion.  The Agent and the Lenders  acknowledge and agree that the
Agent's ability to fund any draw or draft on any Post-Termination Date Letter of
Credit from the Letter of Credit Cash Collateral  Account shall not be construed
to  obligate  the  Borrowers  to pay all or any  portion of the Letter of Credit
Obligations   more  than  once.  The  PEDFA   Obligations   shall  be  deemed  a
Post-Termination  Date Letter of Credit for purposes of this  Agreement,  at the
Agent's  option,  if the Agent  continues to be liable,  either  contingently or
primarily, for any of the PEDFA Obligations, at any time on or after the


Revolving Credit Termination Date. The Agent, however,  shall have no obligation
or  commitment  to  consent  to any  such  extension  or  renewal  of the  PEDFA

         SECTION 2.3       INTEREST.

                           2.3.1    AVAILABLE INTEREST RATES.

         (a)  Each  Loan  shall  bear  interest  until   maturity   (whether  by
acceleration,  declaration,  extension or otherwise) at either the Prime Rate or
the LIBOR Rate,  as selected and  specified by the Borrowers in an Interest Rate
Election  Notice  furnished to the Agent in  accordance  with the  provisions of
Section 2.3.2(d),  or as otherwise  determined in accordance with the provisions
of this Section 2.3, and as may be adjusted from time to time in accordance with
the provisions of Section 2.3.3.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  following the
occurrence and during the  continuance of an Event of Default,  at the option of
the Required Lenders, all Loans and all other Obligations shall bear interest at
the Post-Default Rate.

         (b) The percentage to be added when calculating the available  Interest
Rates for Loans (the  "Applicable  Margin")  shall vary from time to time and as
between Loans, and shall be determined from time to time based upon the ratio of
Funded Debt to EBITDA for the twelve (12) month period  covered by the then most
recent financial  statements  furnished or required to be furnished to the Agent
pursuant to and in the form required by Section  5.1.1(a) and Section  5.1.1(c).
Within  three  (3)  Business  Days of the  Agent's  receipt  of  such  financial
statements in the form required,  the Agent shall  calculate the ratio of Funded
Debt to EBITDA for the then twelve (12) month period  covered by such  financial
statements, and shall notify the Borrowers and the Lenders of its determination.
If such  financial  statements  are not  furnished  as and  when  required,  the
Borrowers  may not be  permitted  to select or  change  an  Interest  Rate or an
Interest  Period.  Following  the  Agent's  determination  of the Funded Debt to
EBITDA ratio,  the  Applicable  Margin for available  Interest Rates shall be as

                  (i) with respect to advances  under the  Revolving  Loan,  the
Applicable  Margin to be added when  calculating  the available  Interest  Rates
shall be as follows:

   Funded Debt to EBITDA Ratio        Applicable Margin
   ---------------------------        -----------------

   Less than 1.0 to 1.0               LIBOR Loans:  .52%
                                      Prime Loans: -.50%

   Greater than or equal to           LIBOR Loans:  .64%


   1.0 to 1.0, but less than          Prime Loans: -.30%
   1.75 to 1.0

   Greater than or equal to           LIBOR Loans:  .84%
   1.75 to 1.0, but less than         Prime Loans: -.10%
   2.25 to 1.0

   Greater than or equal to           LIBOR Loans: 1.15%
   2.25 to 1.0, but less than         Prime Loans:  .25%
   2.75 to 1.0

   Greater than or equal to           LIBOR Loans: 1.55%
   2.75 to 1.0, but less than         Prime Loans:  .50%
   3.0 to 1.0

                  (ii) If the ratio of Funded  Debt to EBITDA at any time equals
or exceeds 3.0 to 1.0 all Loans shall bear interest at the Post-Default Rate.

         (c) At any time and from time to time, upon the Borrowers' request, the
Agent agrees to advise the Borrowers of the then current Base Rate.

                           2.3.2    SELECTION OF INTEREST RATES.

         (a) By an  Interest  Rate  Election  Notice  furnished  to the Agent in
accordance with the provisions of Section 2.3.2(d), the Borrowers may select the
initial  Interest Rate or Interest Rates to be charged on the Loans disbursed on
the Closing  Date.  From time to time after the Closing Date as provided in this
Section  2.3.2,  by an Interest Rate Election  Notice  furnished to the Agent in
accordance with the provisions of Section 2.3.2(d),  the Borrowers may select an
initial  Interest  Rate or  Interest  Rates for any Loans made after the Closing
Date or may convert the Interest Rate and, when applicable, the Interest Period,
for any existing Loan to any other Interest Rate or, when applicable,  any other
Interest Period.

         (b) The  Borrowers'  selection  of an Interest  Rate and/or an Interest
Period,  the Borrowers'  election to convert an Interest Rate and/or an Interest
Period to another Interest Rate or Interest Period, and any other adjustments in
an  Interest  Rate,  including,  without  limitation,  any  adjustments  made in
accordance with Section 2.3.3, are subject to the following limitations:

                           (i) with  respect  to  advances  under the  Revolving
         Loan,  the  Borrowers  shall  not at any time  select  or  change to an
         Interest  Period that extends  beyond the Revolving  Credit  Expiration


                           (ii) except as otherwise  provided in Section  2.3.5,
         no change from the LIBOR Rate to the Prime Rate shall become  effective
         on a day other than a  Business  Day and on a day which is the last day
         of the then current  Interest  Period,  no change of an Interest Period
         shall  become  effective  on a day other  than the last day of the then
         current Interest Period, and no change from the Prime Rate to the LIBOR
         Rate shall become  effective on a day other than a Eurodollar  Business

                           (ii)  any  Interest  Rate  change  for any Loan to be
         effective on a date on which any  principal  payment on account of such
         Loan is  scheduled  to be paid shall be made only  after  such  payment
         shall have been made,

                           (iv) with respect to the Revolving Loan, no more than
         four (4) Interest Rates may be in effect from time to time,

                           (v) the first day of each Interest  Period shall be a
         Eurodollar Business Day,

                           (vi) as of the effective  date of a selection,  there
         shall not exist a Default or an Event of Default,

                           (viii)  as  required  by the  provisions  of  Section
         2.3.1(b),  the Agent shall have  determined the ratio of Funded Debt to
         EBITDA  for the  twelve  (12) month  period  covered  by the  financial
         statements furnished or required to be furnished to the Agent as of the
         date of  determination  and as and when  required by the  provisions of
         Section 5.1.1(a) and Section 5.1.1(c), and

                           (ix) the  minimum  principal  amount of a LIBOR  Loan
         shall be Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000).

The  Agent  may  elect  to  charge  interest  at the  Post-Default  Rate  on any
Obligations  after the  occurrence  and  during the  continuance  of an Event of
Default.  The Borrowers  acknowledge and agree that any increase in the interest
rate shall be retroactive to the occurrence of a Default if such Default becomes
an Event of Default.

         (c) If a Loan Notice is not  accompanied  by an Interest  Rate Election
Notice or does not  otherwise  include a selection  of an Interest  Rate and, if
applicable,  an Interest  Period,  or if,  after  having made a selection  of an
Interest Rate and, if applicable,  an Interest Period, the Borrowers fail or are
not otherwise  entitled  under the provisions of this Agreement to continue such


Rate or Interest  Period,  the  Borrowers  shall be deemed to have  selected the
Prime Rate as the Interest Rate until such time as the Borrowers have selected a
different Interest Rate and specified an Interest Period in accordance with, and
subject to, the provisions of this Section 2.3.

         (d) The Lenders  will not be  obligated  to make Loans,  to convert the
Interest Rate on Loans to another Interest Rate, or to change Interest  Periods,
unless the Agent shall have received an irrevocable written or telephonic notice
(an  "Interest  Rate  Election  Notice")  from the  Borrowers  at the  times and
specifying the following information:

                  (i)      the amount to be borrowed or converted,

                  (ii)     a selection of the Prime Rate or the LIBOR Rate,

                  (iii) the length of the Interest  Period if the Interest  Rate
         selected is the LIBOR Rate, and

                  (iv)  the  requested  date on  which  such  election  is to be

Any  telephonic  notice must be confirmed  in writing  within three (3) Business
Days. Each Interest Rate Election Notice must be received by the Agent not later
than 10:00 a.m.  (Baltimore Time) on the Business Day of any requested borrowing
or  conversion  in the case of a selection  of the Prime Rate and not later than
10:00 a.m.  (Baltimore Time) on the third Business Day before the effective date
of any requested borrowing or conversion in the case of a selection of the LIBOR

                           2.3.3    ADJUSTMENT OF INTEREST RATES.  The
Interest  Rate on the  Loans  shall  be  subject  to  adjustment  quarterly  if,
following  the  Agent's  receipt and review of the  Borrowers'  then most recent
financial  statements  furnished  to the  Agent  as  and  when  required  by the
provisions of Section 5.1.1(a) and Section 5.1.1(c), the ratio of Funded Debt to
EBITDA for the twelve (12) month period covered by such financial statements has
changed  from the ratio  previously  calculated  by the Agent at the time of the
Agent's  receipt  and  review  of  the  Borrowers'  last  financial   statements
previously  furnished  to the Agent in  accordance  with  Section  5.1.1(a)  and
5.1.1(c),  and that the  change  in the  ratio  would  result in a change in the
Applicable  Margin.  The  Interest  Rate or Interest  Rates  shall be  adjusted,
upwards or downwards,  as  appropriate,  to the  corresponding  Interest Rate or
Interest Rates which reflect the change in the Applicable Margin. In the case of
a Loan for which the Interest Rate is the previous Prime Rate, the Interest Rate
shall be changed to the then available Prime Rate,


and in the case of a Loan for  which the  Interest  Rate is the  previous  LIBOR
Rate,  the Interest  Rate shall be changed to the  available  LIBOR Rate for the
applicable  Interest Period.  In the case of a Prime Loan, any adjustment in the
Interest Rate shall be effective as of the first day of the first calendar month
following the Agent's  calculation of the most recent  Borrowers' Funded Debt to
EBITDA ratio which resulted in a change in the Applicable Margin. In the case of
a LIBOR Loan,  any  adjustment in the Interest Rate shall be effective as of the
end of the Interest Period for such LIBOR Loan.  Interest Rate adjustments under
this Section 2.3.3 shall be made not more frequently than once quarterly.

                           2.3.4    INABILITY TO DETERMINE LIBOR RATE.
In the  event  that (i) the  Agent  shall  have  determined  that,  by reason of
circumstances  affecting the London interbank  eurodollar  market,  adequate and
reasonable  means do not exist for ascertaining the LIBOR Rate for any requested
Interest  Period with respect to a Loan the Borrowers  have requested to be made
or to be converted to a LIBOR Loan or (ii) the Required  Lenders shall determine
and  notify  the Agent  that the rates  quoted by the Agent for the  purpose  of
computing  the LIBOR Rate for any  requested  Interest  Period with respect to a
Loan the Borrowers  have requested to be made or to be converted to a LIBOR Loan
do not adequately and fairly reflect the cost to the Required Lenders of funding
or converting  such Loan, the Agent shall give notice of such  determination  to
the  Borrowers  and the Lenders at least one (1) day prior to the proposed  date
for funding or converting such Loan. If such notice is given,  any request for a
LIBOR  Loan shall be made or  converted  to a Prime  Loan or  withdrawn,  at the
Borrowers'  election.  Until such notice has been  withdrawn  by the Agent,  the
Borrowers will not request that any Loan be made or converted to a LIBOR Loan.

                           2.3.5    INDEMNITY.  The Borrowers jointly and
severally  agree to indemnify and reimburse  each Lender and to hold each Lender
harmless from any loss or  reasonable,  out of pocket cost or expense which such
Lender may sustain or incur as a  consequence  of (a) a default by the Borrowers
in payment  when due of the  principal  amount of or interest on any LIBOR Loan,
(b) the failure of the  Borrowers to make,  or convert the  Interest  Rate of, a
Loan after the  Borrowers  have given a Loan Notice or an Interest Rate Election
Notice,  (c) the  failure  of the  Borrowers  to make any  Prepayment  after the
Borrowers have given notice of such  intention to make a Prepayment,  and/or (d)
the making by the  Borrowers of a  Prepayment  of a LIBOR Loan on a day which is
not the last day of the Interest Period for such LIBOR Loan, including,  without
limitation,  any such loss or expense  arising  from the  reemployment  of funds
obtained by such Lender to maintain its Proportionate Share of any LIBOR Loan or
from fees payable to terminate the


deposits  from  which such funds were  obtained;  provided,  however,  that such
Lender  will use its best  efforts  to  redeploy  such  funds in a  commercially
reasonable  manner.  This agreement and covenant of the Borrowers  shall survive
termination or expiration of this Agreement and the  Commitments and the payment
and performance of all of the Obligations.

                           2.3.6    PAYMENT OF INTEREST.  (a)  Unpaid and
accrued  interest on any advance of the Revolving Loan which consists of a Prime
Loan shall be paid monthly, in arrears, on the first day of each calendar month,
commencing on the first such date after the Closing  Date,  and on the first day
of each calendar month  thereafter,  and at maturity  (whether by  acceleration,
declaration, extension or otherwise). Notwithstanding the foregoing, any and all
unpaid  and  accrued  interest  on any Prime Loan  converted  to a LIBOR Loan or
prepaid shall be paid immediately  upon such conversion  and/or  prepayment,  as

         (b) Unpaid and accrued  interest on any LIBOR Loan shall be paid on the
last  Business Day of each  Interest  Period for such LIBOR Loan and at maturity
(whether by  acceleration,  declaration,  extension  or  otherwise)  in arrears;
provided, however that any and all unpaid and accrued interest on any LIBOR Loan
prepaid prior to expiration of the then current  Interest  Period for such LIBOR
Loan shall be paid immediately upon prepayment.

         (c) It is not intended by the Agent or any of the Lenders,  and nothing
contained  in  this  Agreement  or in any of the  Notes,  shall  be  deemed,  to
establish  or require the payment of a rate of interest in excess of the maximum
rate permitted by applicable Laws (the "Maximum  Rate").  If, in any month or in
any  Interest  Period,  the  effective  Interest  Rate  charged  on  any  of the
Obligations  would exceed the Maximum Rate, then such Interest Rate with respect
to those Obligations for that month or Interest Period, as applicable,  shall be
the Maximum Rate,  and, if in future months or Interest  Periods,  such Interest
Rate would  otherwise be less than the Maximum  Rate,  then such  Interest  Rate
shall remain at the Maximum Rate until such time as the amount of interest  paid
on account of such  Obligations  equals the amount of interest  which would have
been paid if the same had not been  limited by the Maximum  Rate.  In the event,
upon payment in full of all of the  Obligations and termination or expiration of
the Commitments, the total amount of interest paid or accrued during the term of
this  Agreement is less than the total amount of interest  which would have been
paid or accrued if the  effective  Interest  Rate or  Interest  Rates had at all
times been and  remained  in effect,  then the  Borrowers  shall,  to the extent
permitted by  applicable  Laws,  jointly and  severally pay to the Agent for the
ratable benefit of the Lenders an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (i) the
lesser of (a) the amount of interest


which  would have been  charged if the Maximum  Rate had, at all times,  been in
effect and (b) the amount of interest which would have accrued had the effective
Interest  Rate or  Interest  Rates,  at all  times,  been in effect and (ii) the
amount of interest  actually paid or accrued under this Agreement.  In the event
the  Lenders  receive,  collect  or apply as  interest  any sum in excess of the
Maximum  Rate,  such  excess  amount  shall be applied to the  reduction  of the
principal  balance  of  the  Obligations,  and  if no  such  principal  is  then
outstanding,  such excess or part  thereof  remaining,  shall be returned to the


                           2.4.1    BORROWERS' REPRESENTATIVES.

         (a) The Lenders are hereby  irrevocably  authorized by the Borrowers to
make Loans to any or all of the  Borrowers  and the Agent is hereby  irrevocably
authorized by the Borrowers to issue Letters of Credit for the account of any or
all of the  Borrowers,  pursuant to the  provisions of this  Agreement  upon the
written, oral or telephone request of any one of the Persons who is from time to
time a Responsible Officer of the Parent under the provisions of the most recent
"Certificate" of corporate  resolutions and/or incumbency for the Parent on file
with  the  Agent.  Neither  the  Agent  nor  any  of  the  Lenders  assumes  any
responsibility or liability for any errors,  mistakes,  and/or  discrepancies in
the oral,  telephonic,  written or  other  transmissions  of  any  instructions,
orders, requests and confirmations between the Agent and any of the Borrowers or
the Agent and any of the Lenders in connection  with the  Facilities,  any Loan,
any  Letter of  Credit,  the PEDFA  Obligations,  or any  other  transaction  in
connection with the provisions of this  Agreement,  except as may arise from the
willful  misconduct or gross  negligence of the Agent or any of the Lenders,  as

         (b) The Borrowers in the discretion of their respective managements are
to agree among  themselves  as to the  allocation  of the benefits of Letters of
Credit and the proceeds of Loans,  and the purposes for which such  benefits and
proceeds  will  be used so long as any  such  allocation  or  purpose  is not in
violation of this Agreement.  The Borrowers  hereby represent and warrant to the
Agent and the  Lenders  that each of them will  derive  benefits,  directly  and
indirectly,  from  each  Letter  of Credit  and from  each  Loan,  both in their
separate  capacity and as a member of the integrated  group to which each of the
Borrowers  belong,  because the successful  operation of the integrated group is
dependent  upon the  continued  successful  performance  of the functions of the
integrated group as a whole. For administrative convenience the Parent is hereby
irrevocably appointed by each of the Borrowers as agent for each of


the  Borrowers  for the  purpose  of  requesting  Letters  of Credit  and Loans,
receiving the benefits of such Letters of Credits and the proceeds of Loans, and
disbursing  the proceeds of Loans as between the Borrowers.  By reason  thereof,
the  Parent is hereby  irrevocably  appointed  by each of the  Borrowers  as the
attorney-in-fact  of each of the Borrowers with power and authority  through its
duly  authorized  officer or  officers to (a) endorse any check (if any) for the
proceeds of any Loan for and on behalf of each of the  Borrowers and in the name
of each of the  Borrowers  and (b)  instruct the Agent to credit the proceeds of
any Loan directly to an account of any of the Borrowers which shall evidence the
making of such  Loan and shall  constitute  the  acknowledgement  by each of the
Borrowers of the receipt of the proceeds of such Loan.

         (c) Each of the  Borrowers  is  accepting  joint and several  liability
hereunder in consideration of the financial accommodations to be provided by the
Lenders and the Agent under this Agreement, for the mutual benefit, directly and
indirectly,  of each of the Borrowers,  and in consideration of the undertakings
of  each  of the  Borrowers  to  accept  joint  and  several  liability  for the
obligations of each of them.

         (d) Each of the Borrowers jointly and severally hereby  irrevocably and
unconditionally  accepts, not merely as a surety but also as a co-debtor,  joint
and several liability with each other Borrower,  with respect to the payment and
performance of all of the Obligations arising under this Agreement, it being the
intention of the parties hereto that all of the  Obligations  shall be the joint
and  several  obligations  of  all  of  the  Borrowers  without  preferences  or
distinctions among them.

         (e) If and to the extent that any of the  Borrowers  shall fail to make
any payment with respect to any of the Obligations as and when due or to perform
any of covenant or agreement in accordance  with the terms hereof,  then in such
event the other  Borrowers  will make such  payment with respect to, or perform,
such Obligation, covenant and/or agreement.

         (f) The obligations of each Borrower hereunder constitute full recourse
obligations  of such Borrower  enforceable  against it to the full extent of its
properties   and  assets,   irrespective   of  the   validity,   regularity   or
enforceability of this Agreement or any other circumstance whatsoever.

         (g) Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, each Borrower hereby
waives notice of acceptance  of its joint and several  liability,  notice of any
and all Loans,  notice of occurrence  of any Default or Event of Default,  or of
any demand for any payment  under this  Agreement,  notices of any action at any


taken or omitted by the  Lenders or the Agent  under or in respect of any of the
Obligations,  any requirement of diligence and, generally,  all demands, notices
and other  formalities  of every kind in connection  with this  Agreement.  Each
Borrower hereby assents to, and waives notice of, any extensions or postponement
of the time for the payment of any of the Obligations hereunder,  the acceptance
of any  partial  payment  thereon,  any  waiver,  consent,  or other  action  or
acquiescence  by the Lenders or the Agent at any time or times in respect of any
default  by any  Borrower  in  the  performance  or  satisfaction  of any  term,
covenant,   condition  or  provision  of  this  Agreement,  any  and  all  other
indulgences  whatsoever  by the  Lenders  or the Agent in  respect of any of the
Obligations.  The obligations of each Borrower hereunder shall not be diminished
or  rendered  unenforceable  by any  winding  up,  reorganization,  arrangement,
liquidation,  reconstruction or similar proceeding with respect to any Borrower,
the  Lenders or the Agent.  The joint and  several  liability  of the  Borrowers
hereunder  shall  continue  in  full  force  and  effect   notwithstanding   any
absorption,  merger,  amalgamation  or any other change  whatsoever in the name,
membership,  constitution or place of formation of any Borrower,  the Lenders or
the Agent.

         (h) The  provisions  of this  Section  are made for the  benefit of the
Lenders and the Agent and their  successors and assigns,  and may be enforced by
them in accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement  from time to time against
any of the  Borrowers  as often as  occasion  therefor  may  arise  and  without
requirement  on the part of the Lenders or the Agent  first to  marshall  any of
their claims or to exercise any of their rights  against the other  Borrowers or
to exhaust any  remedies  available  to them  against the other  Borrowers or to
resort  to  any  other  source  or  means  of  obtaining  payment  of any of the
Obligations  or to elect any other remedy.  The provisions of this Section shall
remain in effect  until all of the  Obligations  shall have been paid in full or
otherwise  fully  satisfied.  If at any time, any payment,  or any part thereof,


in respect of any of the Obligations, is rescinded or must otherwise be restored
or  returned  by the  Lenders or the Agent upon the  insolvency,  bankruptcy  or
reorganization  of any of the  Borrowers,  or otherwise,  the provisions of this
Section will  forthwith be reinstated in effect,  as though such payment had not
been made.

                           2.4.2    USE OF PROCEEDS OF THE LOANS AND LETTERS
OF CREDIT.  The proceeds of each Loan and each Letter of Credit shall be used by
the  Borrowers  for  Permitted  Uses,  and for no other  purposes  except as may
otherwise be agreed by the Agent in writing.

                           2.4.3    COMPUTATION OF INTEREST AND FEES.  All
applicable  Fees and interest  shall be calculated on the basis of a year of 360
days for the actual number of days  elapsed.  Any change in the interest rate on
any of the  Obligations  resulting  from a change in the Base Rate shall  become
effective  as of the  opening of business on the day on which such change in the
Base Rate is announced.

                           2.4.4    LIENS; SETOFF.

         (a) The  Borrowers  hereby  grant to the  Agent  and to the  Lenders  a
continuing Lien for all of the Obligations (including,  without limitation,  the
Agent's Obligations) upon any and all monies,  securities, and other property of
each of the  Borrowers  and the  proceeds  thereof,  now or hereafter on deposit
with,  held or  received  by, or in transit to, the Agent,  any of the  Lenders,
and/or any  Affiliate of the Agent and/or any of the Lenders,  and also upon any
and  all  deposit  accounts  (general  or  special)  and  credits  of any of the
Borrowers,  if any,  with the Agent,  any of the Lenders or any Affiliate of the
Agent  or any of the  Lenders,  at any  time  existing,  excluding  any  deposit
accounts held by any of the  Borrowers in their  capacity as trustee for Persons
who are not Affiliates of any of the Borrowers.  Without implying any limitation
on any other  rights the Agent  and/or the Lenders may have under the  Financing
Documents or applicable Laws, during the continuance of an Event of Default, the
Agent is hereby  authorized  by the Borrowers at any time and from time to time,
without prior notice to the Borrowers,  to set off, appropriate and apply any or
all  items  hereinabove  referred  to  against  any or  all  of the  Obligations
(including, without limitation, the Agent's Obligations) then outstanding, first
to payment of the Agent's  Obligations and then to the remaining  Obligations in
such  order  and  manner  as shall be  determined  by the  Agent in its sole and
absolute  discretion,  subject to the  provisions  of Section  2.4.6.  The Agent
agrees to give the Borrowers  notice of any such set off promptly  following the
occurrence  thereof,  but any failure to give such  notice as and when  required
shall not invalidate the set off or


obligate  the Agent or any of the  Lenders to return or restore  any amounts set

         (b) Each Lender agrees for the benefit of each other Lender, that if it
shall through the exercise of a right of banker's lien,  setoff, or counterclaim
against any or all of the  Borrowers or though a secured  claim the security for
which is a debt  owed by such  Lender to any or all of the  Borrowers,  or other
security or interest  arising from, or in lieu of, such secured claim,  received
by such Lender under any  applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  or other similar
laws or otherwise obtain payment,  of all or any part of its Proportionate Share
of the  Obligations  as a result of which  the  unpaid  amount of such  Lender's
Proportionate  Share of the Obligations is proportionately  less than the unpaid
amount of the  Proportionate  Share of the Obligations owed to any other Lender,
(i)  such  Lender  shall  purchase  (which  it  shall  be  deemed  to have  done
simultaneously  upon the  receipt of such  payment)  from such  other  Lenders a
participation in the  Proportionate  Share of the Obligations owed to such other
Lenders so that the aggregate  unpaid amount of the  Proportionate  Share of all
Obligations   of  such  Lender  shall  be   proportionately   the  same  as  the
Proportionate  Shares  of  the  other  Lenders  in  the  unpaid  amount  of  the
Obligations then outstanding;  provided,  however, that if such purchase is made
pursuant to this  Agreement  and the payment  giving rise thereto is  thereafter
recovered,  such  purchase  shall be rescinded and the purchase  price  restored
without  interest,  and (ii) such  other  adjustments  shall be made as shall be
equitable  to ensure  that all of the Lenders  share each such  payment pro rata
according  to  their  respective   Proportionate  Shares.   Notwithstanding  the
foregoing, no Lender shall be required or permitted to make a purchase of such a
participation  and no other adjustments shall be made during any period in which
such Lender is insolvent or under  receivership,  and nothing  herein  contained
shall in any way affect the right of any Lender to obtain  payment  (whether  by
exercise of right of banker's  lien,  setoff or  counterclaim  or  otherwise) of
Indebtedness other than the Obligations.

                           2.4.5    REQUIREMENTS OF LAW.  In the event that
any Lender shall have determined in good faith that (a) the adoption of any Laws
regarding capital adequacy,  or (b) any change therein or in the  interpretation
or  application  thereof or (c)  compliance  by such  Lender or any  corporation
controlling such Lender with any request or directive regarding capital adequacy
(whether or not having the force of law) from any central  bank or  Governmental
Authority,  does or shall have the effect of reducing  the rate of return on the
capital  of  such  Lender  or any  corporation  controlling  such  Lender,  as a
consequence  of the  obligations  of the such Lender  hereunder to a level below
that which such Lender or any  corporation  controlling  such Lender  would have
achieved but for


such adoption,  change or compliance  (taking into consideration the policies of
such Lender and the corporation controlling such Lender, with respect to capital
adequacy) by an amount  deemed by such Lender to be material,  then from time to
time,  after  submission  by such Lender to the  Borrowers of a written  request
therefor  and a statement  of the basis for such  determination,  the  Borrowers
shall  pay to such  Lender  such  additional  amount  or  amounts  in  order  to
compensate for such reduction.  For purposes of this Section 2.4.5,  "material "
shall mean an amount equal to or greater than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000).

                           2.4.6    PRO RATA TREATMENT AND PAYMENTS.

         (a) Each borrowing by the Borrowers  under the  Commitments,  including
the issuance of any Letter of Credit,  each  conversion  by the  Borrowers of an
Interest  Rate,  each  Prepayment  and any  reduction  in the  Revolving  Credit
Commitments   shall  be  made  pro  rata  in   accordance   with  each  Lender's
Proportionate   Share.  Unless  otherwise   specifically  set  forth  among  the
provisions  of this  Agreement,  all  payments  to be made by the  Borrowers  on
account  of the  Obligations  (except  any and all  payments  on  account of the
Agent's  Obligations)  shall be made and/or applied pro rata in accordance  with
each Lender's Proportionate Share.

         (b) All payments of the  Obligations,  including,  without  limitation,
principal,  interest,  Prepayments,  and  Fees,  shall be paid by the  Borrowers
without  setoff or  counterclaim  to the Agent  (except  as  otherwise  provided
herein) at the Agent's office specified in Section 8.1  in immediately available
funds  not  later  than  12:00  p.m.  (Baltimore  Time)  on the due date of such
payment.  All payments  received by the Agent after such time shall be deemed to
have been  received by the Agent for purposes of computing  interest and Fees as
of the next Business Day. The Agent shall remit to each Lender its Proportionate
Share of any  payment  received  on the same day in the event  such  payment  is
received  prior to 12:00  p.m.  (Baltimore  Time)  and,  on the next  succeeding
Business  Day, in the event such payment is received  after such time.  Payments
shall not be  considered  received by the Agent until such  payments are paid to
the Agent in immediately available funds.

         (c) Unless the  Agent  shall have  received  notice  from the Borrowers
prior to the date on which any  payment is due to the Agent  that the  Borrowers
will not make such payment in full, the Agent may assume that the Borrowers have
made  such  payment  in full to the Agent on such date and the Agent in its sole
discretion  may, in reliance upon such  assumption,  cause to be  distributed to
each Lender on such due date an amount equal to the amount then due such Lender.
If and to the extent the Borrowers shall not have so made


such  payment in full to the Agent and the Agent shall have  distributed  to any
Lender all or any portion of such  amount,  such Lender shall repay to the Agent
on demand the amount so  distributed  to such  Lender,  together  with  interest
thereon at the  Federal  Funds  Rate,  for each day from the date such amount is
distributed  to such Lender until the date such Lender repays such amount to the

         (d) Each of the Borrowers hereby irrevocably authorizes the Agent, each
Lender and each  Affiliate  of the Agent and/or any of the Lenders to charge any
account of any of the Borrowers maintained with the Agent, any Lender and/or any
Affiliate  of the  Agent  or any of the  Lenders  with  such  amounts  as may be
necessary from time to time to pay any of the  Obligations  (whether or not owed
to the Agent,  such Lender or such Affiliate) which are not paid within ten (10)
days of the date when due. In addition,  each of the Borrowers hereby authorizes
and directs the Agent to charge any account of any of the  Borrowers  maintained
with  the  Agent  to  pay  any  and  all  unpaid  and  accrued  interest  on the
Obligations,  including any PEDFA Obligations,  as and when due and payable. The
Agent and each Lender agrees to give the  Borrowers  notice of any charge to any
account  promptly  after any such charge is made by the Agent and/or any Lender,
as appropriate.

         (e) If any  payment  under  this  Agreement  or under any Note shall be
specified to be made upon a day which is not a Business Day, it shall be made on
the next  succeeding  day which is a  Business  Day and such  extension  of time
shall, in such case, be included in computing interest and Fees, if applicable.

                           2.4.7    MANDATORY PREPAYMENTS.  The Borrowers
shall be required to make mandatory  prepayments (each a "Mandatory  Prepayment"
and collectively,  the "Mandatory  Prepayments") at the times and in the amounts
as provided in this Section 2.4.7.

         (a)  Immediately  upon  receipt  by  any of the  Borrowers  of the  Net
Proceeds  of any  Asset  Disposition,  such  Borrower  shall  make  a  Mandatory
Prepayment  to the Agent;  provided,  however  that the  Borrowers  shall not be
required to make a Mandatory  Prepayment as a result of an Asset  Disposition if
either (i) the Net Proceeds for such Asset Disposition are less than or equal to
One  Million  Dollars  ($1,000,000)  or (ii)  the  Net  Proceeds  for all  Asset
Dispositions  of all of the Borrowers  during the then current fiscal year, plus
the Net Proceeds for such intended Asset  Disposition  are less than or equal to
Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000).  Each such Mandatory Prepayment shall be in an
amount equal to the Excess Proceeds. The term "Excess Proceeds" shall mean:

                  (i) with  respect to any Asset  Disposition  for which the Net
         Proceeds exceeds One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), the


         excess of (x) the Net Proceeds for such Asset Disposition, over (y) One
         One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), and

                  (ii) with respect to any Asset  Disposition  for which the sum
         of (1) the Net Proceeds for such Asset Disposition, plus (2) the sum of
         the Net Proceeds for all other Asset Dispositions made by any or all of
         the Borrowers during the then current fiscal year,  exceeds Two Million
         Dollars  ($2,000,000) (the sum of (1) and (2) are herein referred to as
         the "Total Net Proceeds"),  the excess of (x) Total Net Proceeds,  over
         (y) Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000).

Concurrently  with the making of any such  Mandatory  Prepayment,  the Borrowers
shall furnish to the Agent a certificate of the Financial  Officer of the Parent
demonstrating the calculations of the amount of the Excess Proceeds.

         (b)  Except  as set  forth  in  subsection  (c)  below,  all  Mandatory
Prepayments  made  pursuant to this Section  2.4.7 shall be applied first to any
unpaid and accrued  Enforcement Costs,  second to any and all unpaid and accrued
Fees,  third to any and all  unpaid and  accrued  interest  on the  Obligations,
fourth to the unpaid  principal  balance of the Revolving Loan, and then to such
other Obligations, if any, in such order and manner as the Agent shall determine
in its sole and absolute discretion.

         (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Borrowers shall not be obligated
to make a Mandatory  Prepayment pursuant to this Section 2.4.7 as a result of an
Asset  Disposition to the extent the Excess  Proceeds of such Asset  Disposition
are  used by the  Borrowers  or are  intended  in good  faith  to be used by the
Borrowers  within the next six (6) months  following  the Asset  Disposition  to
replace the specific  assets or  properties  which are the subject of such Asset
Disposition;  provided, that (i) the Borrowers shall notify the Agent in writing
prior to any Asset Disposition if the Borrowers intend to use all or any portion
of the Excess Proceeds to so replace any such assets or properties, which notice
shall specify the expected date,  cost and nature of the  replacement,  (ii) any
Excess  Proceeds not used  immediately  to replace any such assets or properties
shall be used to make a Mandatory  Prepayment of the Revolving  Loan or shall be
deposited  in an  account  or other  investment  held by the Agent or any of the
Lenders,  and (iii) the Borrowers  furnish to the Agent, if requested,  evidence
satisfactory  to the Agent which verifies that Excess Proceeds have been used to
replace  assets or  properties  which were the  subject of an Asset  Disposition
which gave rise to the  Excess  Proceeds.  If and to the extent any such  Excess
Proceeds are deposited in an account or other  investment  with the Agent or any
of the Lenders, the Borrowers agree that no withdrawals from any such account or


investment  shall be  permitted  except  to fund  replacement  of the  assets or
properties  which gave rise to such  Excess  Proceeds,  all as  verified  to the
Agent's satisfaction. Any Excess Proceeds not used to so replace any such assets
or properties  shall be paid to the Agent as a Mandatory  Prepayment  under this
Section 2.4.7.

                           2.4.8    SETTLEMENT AMONG LENDERS.

         (a) It is agreed that each  Lender's Net  Outstandings  are intended by
the  Lenders  to be  equal  at all  times  to  such  Lender's  Revolving  Credit
Proportionate Share of the unpaid principal balance of the Revolving Loan.

         (b) To the extent and in the manner  provided  in this  Section  2.4.8,
settlement  among the  Lenders  as to the  Revolving  Loan  shall  occur on each
Business Day (each a "Settlement  Date"). On each Settlement Date payments shall
be made by or to the Agent and the other Lenders in the manner  provided in this
Section 2.4.8 in accordance with the Settlement Report delivered by the Agent to
the Lenders  pursuant to the  provisions  of this Section  2.4.8 with respect to
such Settlement Date so that as of each Settlement Date, and after giving effect
to the  transactions  to take place on such  Settlement  Date, each Lender's Net
Outstandings shall equal such Lender's Revolving Credit  Proportionate  Share of
all advances under the Revolving Loan then outstanding.

         (c) The Agent  shall  deliver to each  Lender a  Settlement  Report not
later than 3:00 p.m.  (Baltimore Time) on each Settlement Date, which Settlement
Report  will be in the form of EXHIBIT C attached  hereto and made a part hereof
and shall cover the period  beginning on the next preceding  Settlement Date and
ending on such designated Settlement Date.

                                    ARTICLE 3


         SECTION  3.1  REPRESENTATIONS  AND  WARRANTIES.  Each of the  Borrowers
represent and warrant to the Agent and each of the Lenders as follows:

                           3.1.1    SUBSIDIARIES.   The Borrowers  have the Sub-
sidiaries  listed on Schedule 3.1.1.  All of the  Subsidiaries  are "Borrowers".
Each of the  Subsidiaries  is a  Wholly  Owned  Subsidiary,  except  as shown on
Schedule  3.1.1,  which  correctly  indicates  the  nature  and  amount  of each
Borrower's ownership interests in such Subsidiaries.


                           3.1.2    GOOD STANDING.  Each of the Borrowers (a)
is a corporation duly organized, existing and in good standing under the laws of
the  jurisdiction of its  incorporation,  (b) has the corporate power to own its
property  and to carry on its business as now being  conducted,  and (c) is duly
qualified to do business and is in good standing in each  jurisdiction  in which
the character of the properties  owned by it therein or in which the transaction
of its business makes such qualification necessary,  except where the failure to
do so could or would have a Materially Adverse Effect.

                           3.1.3    POWER AND AUTHORITY.  Each of the
Borrowers  has full  corporate  power and  authority to execute and deliver this
Agreement and the other Financing  Documents to which it is a party, to make the
borrowings  under  this  Agreement,  and to incur and  perform  the  Obligations
whether under this Agreement, the other Financing Documents or otherwise, all of
which have been duly authorized by all proper and necessary corporate action. No
consent or approval of  shareholders  or any creditors of any of the  Borrowers,
and  no  consent,  approval,  filing  or  registration  with  or  notice  to any
Governmental  Authority  on the part of any of the  Borrowers,  is required as a
condition  to the  execution,  delivery,  validity  or  enforceability  of  this
Agreement  or the other  Financing  Documents or the  performance  by any of the
Borrowers of any or all of the Obligations, except as has been obtained or made,
and except for the  filings  required  to perfect the Liens of the Agent and the
Lenders required by this Agreement.

                           3.1.4    BINDING AGREEMENTS.  This Agreement and
the  other  Financing  Documents  executed  and  delivered  by any or all of the
Borrowers have been properly executed and delivered and constitute the valid and
legally binding  obligations of such Borrowers and are fully enforceable against
such Borrowers in accordance with their respective terms (subject to limitations
as  to  enforceability  which  might  result  from  bankruptcy,  reorganization,
arrangement,  insolvency  or other  similar  laws  affecting  creditor's  rights
generally and subject to limitations as to principles of equity).

                           3.1.5    NO CONFLICTS.  Neither the execution,
delivery and  performance  of the terms of this Agreement or of any of the other
Financing  Documents  executed  and  delivered by any of the  Borrowers  nor the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement will conflict
with,  violate  or be  prevented  by (a) any  Borrower's  charter,  articles  of
incorporation  or bylaws,  (b) any  existing  mortgage,  indenture,  contract or
agreement  binding on any of the Borrowers or affecting any of its property,  or
(c) any Laws.


                           3.1.6    NO DEFAULTS, VIOLATIONS.

                                    (a)     No Default or Event of Default has
occurred and is continuing.

                                    (b)     None of the Borrowers nor any of its
Subsidiaries  is in default  under or with respect to any  obligation  under any
existing mortgage,  indenture,  contract or agreement binding on it or affecting
its property, in any respect which could have a Materially Adverse Effect.

                           3.1.7    COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS.  Except as set forth
in the Schedules  attached to this  Agreement,  none of the Borrowers nor any of
its  Subsidiaries  is in violation of any applicable  Laws  (including,  without
limitation,  any Environmental  Laws, any Laws relating to employment  practices
and occupational or health standards and controls) or order,  writ,  injunction,
decree  or  demand  of any  court,  arbitrator,  or any  Governmental  Authority
affecting any of the Borrowers or any of its Subsidiaries or any of its or their
properties,  the violation of which,  considered in the aggregate,  could have a
Materially Adverse Effect.

                           3.1.8    MARGIN STOCK.  None of the proceeds of the
Loans or Letters of Credit will be used,  directly or indirectly,  by any of the
Borrowers or any  Subsidiary  for the purpose of purchasing or carrying,  or for
the  purpose of  reducing  or retiring  any  indebtedness  which was  originally
incurred  to  purchase or carry,  any  "margin  security"  within the meaning of
Regulation  G (12 CFR Part  207),  or  "margin  stock"  within  the  meaning  of
Regulation U (12 CFR Part 221), of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System or for any other purpose which might make the  transactions  contemplated
in this Agreement a "purpose  credit" within the meaning of said Regulation G or
Regulation  U, or cause this  Agreement to violate any other  regulation  of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or the Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934, as amended,  or any rules or regulations  promulgated under any of such
statutes.  None of the  proceeds of the Loans or Letters of Credit will be used,
directly or  indirectly,  by any of the  Borrowers  or any  Subsidiary,  for any
purpose  which  violates,  or which is  inconsistent  with,  the  provisions  of
Regulation X of the Board of Governors.

                           3.1.9    INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT; MARGIN SECURITIES.
None of the  Borrowers  nor any of its or their  Subsidiaries  is an  investment
company  within the meaning of the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended,
nor is it,  directly  or  indirectly,  controlled  by or acting on behalf of any
Person which is an  investment  company  within the meaning of said Act. None of
the Borrowers nor any of its or their Subsidiaries is engaged principally, or as
one of its  important  activities,  in the business of extending  credit for the
purpose of purchasing or carrying "margin security" within the


meaning of Regulation G (12 CFR Part 207), or "margin  stock" within the meaning
of  Regulation  U (12 CFR Part 221),  of the Board of  Governors  of the Federal
Reserve System.

                           3.1.10   LITIGATION.  Except as otherwise disclosed
to the Agent and the Lenders on Schedule  3.1.10  attached to and made a part of
this Agreement, there are no proceedings,  actions or investigations pending or,
so far  as  any  of the  Borrowers  know,  threatened  before  or by any  court,
arbitrator  or any  Governmental  Authority  which,  in any  one  case or in the
aggregate, the foreseeable outcome of which would reasonably be expected to have
a Materially Adverse Effect.

                           3.1.11   FINANCIAL CONDITION.  The Consolidated
financial  statements of the Borrowers and all of their respective  Subsidiaries
as at October  31,  1997 and for the nine (9) month  period  then  ended  fairly
present the financial  condition of the Borrowers and all such  Subsidiaries and
the results of their  operations  as of the date and for the period  referred to
and have been  prepared in  accordance  with GAAP applied on a consistent  basis
throughout the period  involved.  There are no liabilities,  direct or indirect,
fixed  or  contingent,  of any  of the  Borrowers  or  any of  their  respective
Subsidiaries as of the date of such financial statements which are not reflected
therein  or in the  notes  thereto  as  required  by  GAAP.  There  has  been no
materially adverse change in the financial condition or operations of any of the
Borrowers  or any of their  respective  Subsidiaries  (taken as whole) since the
date  of such  financial  statements  and to the  Borrowers'  knowledge  no such
materially  adverse  change  is  pending  or  threatened,  in either  case,  the
foreseeable  outcome of which would  reasonably be expected to have a Materially
Adverse  Effect.  None of the Borrowers nor any  Subsidiary  has  guaranteed the
obligations of, or made any investment in or advances to, any Person that is not
a Borrower,  except as disclosed in such  financial  statements  or as otherwise
permitted by the provisions of this Agreement.

                           3.1.12   PROJECTED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.  As a
condition of any Permitted  Acquisition,  the Borrowers are obligated to furnish
to the Agent financial  projections in form and content reasonably acceptable to
the  Agent  and  the  Required   Lenders  which  give  effect  to  the  proposed
acquisition.  The Borrowers  represent and warrant as of the date of delivery of
such  financial  projections,  that they  represent  the  Borrowers'  good faith
estimate of the future  Consolidated  financial condition of the Borrowers after
giving effect to such proposed acquisition and are based on assumptions included
therein, which the Borrowers believe in good faith to be reasonable.


                           3.1.13   FULL DISCLOSURE.  This Agreement, together
with the financial  statements  referred to in Section 3.1.11 of this Agreement,
all other certificates  furnished under the provisions of this Agreement and the
schedules  to this  Agreement  (a) do not  contain  any  untrue  statement  of a
material  fact and (b) when taken in their  entirety,  do not omit any  material
fact  necessary to make the  statements  contained  therein not  misleading.  In
addition, to the knowledge,  information and belief of the Borrowers, the annual
budgets  furnished  to the  Agent  as  required  under  the  provisions  of this
Agreement  (a) do not contain any untrue  statement  of a material  fact and (b)
when taken in their  entirety,  do not omit any material fact  necessary to make
the  statements  contained  therein not  misleading,  as of the date such annual
budgets were furnished to the Agent.

                           3.1.14   INDEBTEDNESS FOR BORROWED MONEY.  Except
for the  Obligations  and  except  as set  forth in the most  current  financial
statements  furnished to the Agent in accordance  with the provisions of Section
3.1.11 or Section 5.1.1 or as set forth in Schedule  3.1.14 attached to and made
a part of this Agreement, the Borrowers have no Indebtedness for Borrowed Money.

                           3.1.15   TAXES.  Each of the Borrowers and its
Subsidiaries  has  filed  all  returns,  reports  and  forms  (or duly  obtained
extensions  for the filing  thereof)  for Taxes which,  to the  knowledge of the
Borrowers,  are  required  to be filed,  and has paid all Taxes as shown on such
returns or on any assessment  received by it, to the extent that such Taxes have
become  due,  unless and to the extent  only that such  Taxes,  assessments  and
governmental  charges are currently  contested in good faith and by  appropriate
proceedings  by such Borrower or  Subsidiary,  such Taxes are not the subject of
any Liens other than Permitted Liens, and adequate  reserves  therefor have been
established  as required  under GAAP.  All tax  liabilities of the Borrowers and
Subsidiaries were as of the date of audited financial  statements referred to in
Section 3.1.11 above, and are now,  adequately  provided for on the books of the
Borrowers or their Subsidiaries, as appropriate under GAAP. No tax liability has
been asserted by the Internal  Revenue  Service or any state or local  authority
against  any of the  Borrowers  for Taxes in excess  of those  already  paid for
periods covered by prior returns.

                           3.1.16   ERISA.  With respect to any Plan, and if
the Borrowers  would be exposed to a material  liability  (as  determined by the
Agent and the Required Lenders in their good faith,  reasonable discretion) as a
result:  (a) no  "accumulated  funding  deficiency" as defined in Code ss.412 or
ERISA ss.302 has occurred,  whether or not that accumulated  funding  deficiency
has been waived; (b) no Reportable Event has occurred; and (c) no


termination  of any plan subject to Title IV of ERISA has occurred  with respect
to any Multiemployer  Plan and within the immediately  preceding five (5) years,
and if the  Borrowers  would be exposed to a material  liability as a result (i)
none  of the  Borrowers  nor any  Commonly  Controlled  Entity  has  incurred  a
"complete withdrawal" within the meaning of ERISA ss.4203 from any Multiemployer
Plan or (ii)  none of the  Borrowers  nor any  Commonly  Controlled  Entity  has
incurred a "partial withdrawal" within the meaning of ERISA ss.4205 with respect
to any  Multiemployer  Plan;  or (iii) to the best  knowledge of the  Borrowers,
after due and diligent  inquiry,  no Multiemployer  Plan is in  "reorganization"
within the meaning of ERISA  ss.4241 nor has notice been  received by any of the
Borrowers or any commonly  controlled entity that such a multiemployer plan will
be placed in "reorganization".

                           3.1.17   TITLE TO PROPERTIES.  Each of the
Borrowers  has  good  title  to  all  of  its  properties,   including,  without
limitation,  the properties and assets reflected in the balance sheets described
in Section  3.1.11  above.  Each of the  Borrowers  has legal,  enforceable  and
uncontested rights to use freely such property and assets.

                           3.1.18   PRESENCE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OR
HAZARDOUS  MATERIALS  CONTAMINATION.  To the best of each  Borrower's  knowledge
after due and diligent inquiry and except as set forth in Schedule  3.1.18,  (a)
no Hazardous  Materials  are located on any real property  owned,  controlled or
operated by such Borrower or for which any of the Borrowers are  responsible  in
concentrations  which would violate any applicable  Environmental Laws or impose
liability or obligations on the Borrowers under any  Environmental  Laws for any
investigation,   corrective  action,  remediation  or  monitoring  of  Hazardous
Materials  and,  except for  supplies  for use by such  Borrower in the ordinary
course  of its  business  and  stored,  used and  disposed  in  accordance  with
applicable Environmental Laws; and (b) no property owned, controlled or operated
by any of the Borrowers has ever been used as a manufacturing,  storage, or dump
site  for   Hazardous   Materials   nor  is  affected  by  Hazardous   Materials
Contamination  on or from  any  other  property  which  could  or  would  have a
Materially Adverse Effect.

                           3.1.19   PLACES OF BUSINESS.  Schedule 3.1.19
completely and accurately  identifies the address of (a) each  Borrower's  chief
executive office, (b) any and each other place of business of each Borrower, and
(c) the  location  of all books and records  pertaining  to its  properties  and

                           3.1.20   BUSINESS NAMES AND ADDRESSES.  Except as
disclosed in Schedule 3.1.20,  since 1986 with respect to the Parent,  and since
acquisition by the Parent of C&D Charter, as


appropriate,  none of  Borrowers  has  changed its name,  identity or  corporate
structure,  has not  conducted  business  under any name other than its  current
name,  and has not conducted its business in any  jurisdiction  other than those
disclosed  on Schedule  3.1.20,  except that (i) the Parent has changed its name
from Charter Power Systems,  Inc. to C&D Technologies,  Inc.  effective June 24,
1997,  (ii)  C&D  Charter  Power  Systems,   Inc.,   International  and  Charter
California,  former  subsidiaries of the Parent,  have each been merged into the
Parent,  with the Parent being the surviving  corporation,  and (iii) the Parent
has established a branch office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

                           3.1.21   SECURITIES ACTS.  None of the Borrowers
has  issued  any  unregistered  securities  in  violation  of  the  registration
requirements  of Section 5 of the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  or any
other Law, and is not in violation of any rule, regulation, or requirement under
the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  or the Securities and Exchange Act of
1934,  as amended.  None of the  Borrowers are required to qualify any indenture
under the Trust  Indenture  Act of 1939,  as  amended,  in  connection  with the
execution and delivery of any of the Notes.

                           3.1.22   GOVERNMENTAL REGULATION.  None of the
Borrowers nor any of its or their  Subsidiaries  is subject to regulation  under
the Public  Utility  Holding  Company Act of 1935,  the Federal Power Act or the
Interstate  Commerce  Act or to any Federal or state Laws  limiting its or their
ability to incur Indebtedness for Borrowed Money.

                           3.1.23   SOLVENCY.  In each case after giving
effect to the  Indebtedness  for Borrowed Money  represented by the  Obligations
outstanding  and/or to be incurred  and the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement, the Borrowers, on a consolidated basis, are solvent, having assets of
a fair salable value which exceed the amount required to pay their debts as they
become absolute and matured (including contingent,  subordinated,  unmatured and
unliquidated Liabilities),  and the Borrowers, on a consolidated basis, are able
to and anticipate  that they will be able to meet their debts as they mature and
have adequate capital to conduct the business in which they are or propose to be

                           3.1.24   EMPLOYEE RELATIONS.  None of the Borrowers,
except as set forth in Schedule 3.1.24, is a party to any collective  bargaining
agreement nor has any labor union been recognized as the  representative of such
Borrower's  employees,  and no such  Borrower  knows of any actual or threatened
strikes or work stoppage involving such Borrower's employees.


                           3.1.25   PROPRIETARY RIGHTS.   The Proprietary Rights
possessed by the Borrowers or otherwise  available to the Borrowers by virtue of
being in the public domain constitute all of the property of such type necessary
to the conduct of each Borrower's past practices. Any and all obligations to pay
royalties  or other  charges  with  respect  to such  properties  and assets are
reflected  in  accordance  with GAAP on the  financial  statements  described in
Section 3.1.11.

         SECTION 3.2 SURVIVAL.  All representations and warranties  contained in
or made  under or in  connection  with this  Agreement  and the other  Financing
Documents  shall survive the Closing  Date,  the making of any advance under the
Loans, the issuance of any Letter of Credit,  the extension of credit hereunder,
and the incurring of any other Obligations.

                                    ARTICLE 4

                              CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

Agreement shall not be effective until  fulfillment of the following  conditions
precedent in a manner satisfactory to the Agent on or before the Closing Date:

                           4.1.1 GOOD STANDING ETC. The Agent shall have 
received a certificate  of good standing for each of the Borrowers  certified by
the Secretary of State,  or other  appropriate  Governmental  Authority,  of the
state of  incorporation  for such  Borrowers.  The Agent  shall have  received a
certificate of qualification to do business for each of the Borrowers  certified
by the Secretary of State or other Governmental Authority of each state in which
such Borrower conducts business.

                           4.1.2    CORPORATE PROCEEDINGS OF THE BORROWERS.
The Agent shall have received a certificate  dated as of the Closing Date by the
Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of each of the Borrowers covering:

                                    (a)     true and complete copies of such
         Borrower's corporate charter, bylaws, and all amendments thereto if and
         to the extent amended since the Original Closing Date;

                                    (b)     true and complete copies of the
         resolutions  of its Board of Directors  authorizing  (i) the execution,
         delivery and  performance  of this  Agreement  and the other  Financing
         Documents to which such Borrower is a party and (ii) the  borrowings by
         the Borrowers


hereunder (including the issuance of any Letters of Credit);

                                    (c)     the incumbency, authority and
         signatures  of the officers of such  Borrower  authorized  to sign this
         Agreement and the other Financing Documents to which such Borrower is a
         party; and

                                    (d)     the identity of such Borrower's
         current officers and management, and with respect to the Parent, to the
         best  knowledge of the Parent based on forms 13D and 13G filed with the
         Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  the identity of the common stock
         holders of the Parent having a percentage  ownership  interest  greater
         than or equal to ten percent (10%) of the Parent's current  outstanding
         stock and their respective percentage ownership interests.

                           4.1.3    NOTES.  The Agent shall have received the
Revolving Credit Notes, each conforming to the requirements  hereof and executed
by a  Responsible  Officer  of  each of the  Borrowers  and  attested  by a duly
authorized representative of each of the Borrowers.

                           4.1.4    FINANCING DOCUMENTS.   Each of the Borrowers
shall have executed and delivered the Financing Documents to be executed by it.

                           4.1.5    OPINION OF BORROWER'S COUNSEL.  The Agent
shall have received the favorable opinion of counsel for the Borrowers addressed
to the Agent and the Lenders in form  satisfactory to the Agent, the Lenders and
their respective counsel.

                           4.1.6    OTHER DOCUMENTS, ETC.   The Agent shall have
received  such  other   certificates,   opinions,   documents  and   instruments
confirmatory of or otherwise relating to the transactions contemplated hereby as
may have been reasonably requested by the Agent.

                           4.1.7    PAYMENT OF FEES.  The Agent shall have
received payment of any Fees due on or before the Closing Date.

                           4.1.8    ADDITIONAL MATTERS.  All other documents and
legal matters in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
and the other Financing  Documents shall be reasonably  satisfactory in form and
substance to the Agent and its counsel.


                           4.1.9    COMMITMENT FEES.  The Borrowers shall pay
to the Agent,  for the ratable benefit of the Lenders,  commitment fees equal to
the  following  amounts at the  following  times  (each a  "Commitment  Fee" and
collectively, the "Commitment Fees"):

Date                                Amount
- ----                                ------

Closing Date                        $30,000
First anniversary date
 of Closing Date                    $20,000
Second anniversary date
 of Closing Date                    $ 5,000

Each  Commitment  Fee shall  constitute a Fee for purposes of this Agreement and
shall be deemed fully earned and non-refundable as of the date due and payable.

advances under the Loans and the issuance of all Letters of Credit is subject to
the fulfillment of the following  conditions  precedent in a manner satisfactory
to the Agent:

                           4.2.1    COMPLIANCE.  The Borrowers shall have
complied and shall then be in compliance with all terms,  covenants,  conditions
and provisions of this  Agreement and the other  Financing  Documents  which are
binding upon it.

                           4.2.2    DEFAULT.  There shall exist no Event of
Default or Default. The Borrowers  acknowledge and agree that the failure of the
Borrowers to comply with any of the  financial  covenants  set forth in Sections
5.1.14 through 5.1.18 shall constitute a Default and that the Agent shall not be
entitled to waive any Event of Default or Default  without the prior  consent of
the Required Lenders.

                           4.2.3    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.  All of
the  representations  and warranties  contained in this Agreement shall be true,
correct  and  complete  for the  initial  extension  of  credit  hereunder.  The
representations  and  warranties  contained in Sections  3.1.1  through  3.1.11,
3.1.12, 3.1.15, and 3.1.19, 3.1.21 through 3.1.23 hereof shall be true as of the
date of each  subsequent  extension of credit or issuance of a Letter of Credit;
provided,  that  representations and warranties as to financial statements shall
be deemed to refer to the most  recent  financial  statements  delivered  to the
Agent.  In  addition,  such  representations  and  warranties  may be updated in
writing in connection with a proposed subsequent extension of credit or issuance
of a Letter of Credit, but no such update shall be binding upon the Agent or the
Lenders without the consent of the Agent and


the  Required  Lenders  (which  shall be deemed given if the Agent or any of the
Required Lenders do not reject a proposed  amendment within fifteen (15) days of
its submission to them respectively; and provided that neither the Agent nor any
of the Required  Lenders shall have any obligation to agree to any such update).
Updates of Section  3.1.3 shall be made by  compliance  with the  provisions  of
Section 5.2.2 hereof and shall require no consent of the Agent or Lenders.

                           4.2.4    ADVERSE CHANGE.  No adverse change shall
have occurred in the financial  condition of the Borrowers  which would,  in the
reasonable  good faith  judgment of the Agent and the Required  Lenders,  have a
Materially Adverse Effect.

                           4.2.5    LEGAL MATTERS.  All legal documents
incident to each advance under the Loans and each of the Letters of Credit shall
be reasonably satisfactory to counsel for the Agent.

                                    ARTICLE 5

                           COVENANTS OF THE BORROWERS

         SECTION 5.1  AFFIRMATIVE  COVENANTS.  So long as any of the Obligations
and/or any of the Commitments  shall be outstanding,  the Borrowers  jointly and
severally agree with the Agent and the Lenders as follows:

                           5.1.1 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.

                                    (a) ANNUAL STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATES.  The
Borrowers  shall furnish to the Agent and the Lenders as soon as available,  but
in no event  more than one  hundred  twenty  (120)  days  after the close of the
Parent's fiscal year, (i) a copy of the annual Consolidated financial statements
in reasonable detail  satisfactory to the Agent relating to all of the Borrowers
and their respective Subsidiaries, prepared in accordance with GAAP and examined
and certified by independent  certified public  accountants  satisfactory to the
Agent, which financial  statements shall include a Consolidated balance sheet of
all of the Borrowers and their  respective  Subsidiaries,  as of the end of such
fiscal year and  Consolidated  statements  of income,  cash flows and changes in
shareholders  equity of each of the Borrowers and their respective  Subsidiaries
for such fiscal year, in each case setting forth in comparative form the figures
for the then previous fiscal year, and in each case without  qualification as to
the  scope  of the  audit  or the  status  of any of the  Borrowers  as a "going
concern",  (ii) a  detailed  computation  of  each  financial  covenant  in this
Agreement  which is  applicable  for the  period  reported,  including,  without
limitation, the ratio of Funded Debt to EBITDA, all as prepared by


the Financial  Officer of  the Parent in a format  reasonably  acceptable to the
Agent  and  (iii)  any and all  form  10Ks  required  to be  filed by any of the
Borrowers  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  with  respect to the
relevant  fiscal year. The Agent and the Lenders  acknowledge  and agree that if
and to the extent the financial  statements  required by this subsection (a) are
in accordance  with the  requirements  of the "EDGAR Rules"  promulgated  by the
Securities and Exchange  Commission as of the date of this Agreement,  that such
financial statements shall be deemed to be in a form acceptable to the Agent and
the Lenders if such financial statements are in all respects at least comparable
to the financial statements previously furnished to the Agent and the Lenders as
to scope, information and format.

                                    (b)  ANNUAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTANT.  If the
Parent shall cease to be a reporting  company under the Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934, as amended,  then  thereafter the Borrowers  shall furnish to the Agent
and the  Lenders as soon as  available,  but in no event  more than one  hundred
twenty (120) days after the close of the  Parent's  fiscal year, a letter of the
accountant who examined and certified the annual financial statement relating to
the  Borrowers  and  their   Subsidiaries   stating  whether  anything  in  such
accountant's examination has revealed the occurrence of a Default or an Event of
Default, and, if so, stating the facts with respect thereto.

                                    (c)   QUARTERLY STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATES.
The  Borrowers  shall furnish to the Agent and the Lenders as soon as available,
but in no event more than sixty (60) days after the close of the Parent's fiscal
quarters,   (i)  a  Consolidated  balance  sheet  of  the  Borrowers  and  their
Subsidiaries  as of the close of such period,  (ii)  Consolidated  statements of
income,  cash  flows and  changes in  shareholders  equity  statements  for such
period,  (iii)  a  detailed  computation  of  each  financial  covenant  in this
Agreement  which is  applicable  for the  period  reported,  including,  without
limitation the ratio of Funded Debt to EBITDA,  all as prepared and certified by
the Financial  Officer of the Parent and  accompanied  by a certificate  of that
officer stating whether any event has occurred which constitutes a Default or an
Event of Default,  and, if so, stating the facts with respect thereto,  (iv) any
and all  form  10Qs  required  to be  filed  by any of the  Borrowers  with  the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  and (v) a quarterly  aging report of all
accounts  receivable in summary form reasonably  acceptable to the Agent and the

                                    (d)     ANNUAL BUDGETS.  The Borrowers shall
furnish to the Agent and the Lenders as soon as available,  but in no event more
than  forty-five (45) days after the close of each of the Parent's fiscal years,
annual budget statements for all of the


Borrowers and their respective Subsidiaries on a Consolidated basis, detailed by
fiscal quarters,  in form and content substantially similar to those provided to
the Board of Directors of the Parent for its most recent fiscal year, and all as
prepared and certified by the Financial Officer of the Parent.

                                    (e) ADDITIONAL REPORTS AND INFORMATION.  The
Borrowers shall furnish to the Agent and the Lenders  promptly,  such additional
information,  reports or  statements  as the Agent and/or any of the Lenders may
from time to time reasonably request.

                                    (f)   ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATES.
The Borrowers  shall furnish to the Agent within  forty-five (45) days after the
close of each of the  Parent's  fiscal  quarters,  an  Environmental  Compliance
Certificate  in form  attached  hereto as EXHIBIT E with  respect to each of the
Borrowers, which demonstrate to the Agent's reasonable satisfaction that none of
the Borrowers is or is likely to be in violation of any Environmental Laws which
would constitute a Material Adverse Effect.

                                    (g)  MANAGEMENT LETTER.  The Borrowers shall
furnish to the Agent and the Lenders as soon as available,  but in no event more
than one hundred eighty (180) days after the close of the Parent's  fiscal year,
a copy of a management  letter  prepared by the Parent's  independent  certified
public accountants to be reasonably acceptable to the Agent and the Lenders.

                           5.1.2    REPORTS TO SEC AND TO STOCKHOLDERS.  The
Borrowers will furnish to the Agent and the Lenders, promptly upon the filing or
making  thereof,  at least one (l) copy of all  financial  statements,  reports,
notices and proxy statements sent by the Parent to its stockholders,  and of all
regular and other  reports filed by the Parent with any  securities  exchange or
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                           5.1.3    RECORDKEEPING, RIGHTS OF INSPECTION, FIELD

                                    (a)   Each of the Borrowers shall, and shall
cause each of its  Subsidiaries to, maintain (i) a standard system of accounting
in accordance  with GAAP,  and (ii) proper books of record and account in which,
in all  material  respects,  full,  true  and  correct  entries  are made of all
dealings  and   transactions  in  relation  to  its  properties,   business  and
activities.  The Agent and the Lenders  acknowledge and agree that the Borrowers
and  Subsidiaries  may not reflect and  document all  intercompany  transactions
among Borrowers and Subsidiaries in accordance with GAAP; the Borrowers covenant
and agree,  however to handle such intercompany  transactions in accordance with
their current


practices if and to the extent not otherwise handled in accordance with GAAP.

                                    (b)   Each of the Borrowers shall, and shall
cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to, permit  authorized  representatives of  the
Agent to visit and inspect the  properties  of any and all of the  Borrowers and
its or their Subsidiaries,  to review,  audit, check and inspect each Borrower's
other books of record at any time with or without  notice and to make  abstracts
and photocopies  thereof,  and to discuss the affairs,  finances and accounts of
any or all of the Borrowers and its or their Subsidiaries, with the  management,
officers,  directors,  employees  designated by a Responsible  Officer and other
representatives of any or all of the Borrowers and its or their Subsidiaries and
its or  their  respective  accountants  as and to  the  extent  designated  by a
Responsible  Officer,  all at such times during normal  business hours and other
reasonable   times  and  as  often  as  the  Agent   may   reasonably   request.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  Agent and the  Lenders  agree to give the
Borrowers prior reasonable notice of any such review, audit, check or inspection
in the  event  there  does not  exist a  Default  or an Event  of  Default.  The
Borrowers  acknowledge and agree that if no member of the Borrowers'  management
is employed by any of the Borrowers at the time of any requested inspection, the
Agent and the Lenders  shall be permitted  to discuss the affairs,  finances and
accounts  of  any  or  all  of  the  Borrowers   with  any  employees  or  other
representatives of any or all of the Borrowers, including accountants.

                                    (c) Following the occurrence of a Default or
an Event of Default,  each of the Borrowers  hereby  irrevocably  authorizes and
directs all  accountants  and auditors  employed by any or all of the  Borrowers
and/or  any of its or their  Subsidiaries  at any time  during  the term of this
Agreement to exhibit and deliver to the Agent and the Lenders  copies of any and
all of the financial  statements,  trial balances,  management letters, or other
accounting  records of any nature of any or all of the  Borrowers  and/or any or
all of its or their  Subsidiaries in the  accountant's or auditor's  possession,
and to disclose to the Agent and any of the  Lenders  any  information  they may
have  concerning the financial  status and business  operations of any or all of
the  Borrowers  and/or any of its or their  Subsidiaries.  Further,  each of the
Borrowers hereby authorizes all Governmental Authorities to furnish to the Agent
and the Lenders copies of reports or examinations  relating to any or all of the
Borrowers and/or any or all of its or their Subsidiaries, whether made by any of
the Borrowers or otherwise.

                                    (d)  Any and all costs and expenses incurred
by, or on behalf  of,  the Agent in  connection  with the  conduct of any of the
foregoing shall be part of the Enforcement Costs and


shall be  payable  to the  Agent  within  ten (10) days of the  Agent's  written
request  therefor.  Each of the  Borrowers  acknowledges  and  agrees  that such
expenses  may  include,  but shall not be  limited  to,  any and all  reasonable
out-of-pocket  costs and  expenses of the Agent's  employees  and agents in, and
when, travelling to any of the Borrowers' facilities.

                           5.1.4    CORPORATE EXISTENCE.  Except as otherwise
permitted under Section 5.2.1,  each of the Borrowers shall maintain,  and shall
cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to maintain,  its  corporate  existence in good
standing  in the  jurisdiction  in which it is  incorporated  and in each  other
jurisdiction  where it is  required to register or qualify to do business if the
failure to do so in such  other  jurisdiction  could or would have a  Materially
Adverse Effect.

                           5.1.5    COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS.  Each of the Borrowers
shall  comply,  and shall  cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to comply,  with all
applicable  Laws  (including,  without  limitation  Environmental  Laws)  and to
observe the valid  requirements of Governmental  Authorities,  the noncompliance
with or the nonobservance of which might have a Materially Adverse Effect.

                           5.1.6    PRESERVATION OF PROPERTIES.  Each of the
Borrowers  will,  and will cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to, at all times (a)
maintain, preserve, protect and keep its properties, whether owned or leased, in
reasonably good operating condition, working order and repair (ordinary wear and
tear and casualty excepted), and from time to time will make all proper repairs,
maintenance,   replacements,   additions   and   improvements   thereto  as  are
commercially reasonable and needed to maintain such properties in good operating
condition,  working order and repair, in all material respects,  and (b) use all
commercially  reasonable  efforts to do or cause to be done all things necessary
to preserve and to keep in full force and effect its material franchises, leases
of real  and  personal  property,  Proprietary  Rights  and  permits  which  are
necessary for the orderly continuance of its business.

                           5.1.7    LINE OF BUSINESS.  The Borrowers will
continue to engage  principally  in the business of  manufacturing,  assembling,
distributing,  selling and exporting power systems and their related  components
for commercial,  industrial and government use in the world-wide  standby power,
motive  power,  power  electronics  and  power  supply  markets  generally.  The
Borrowers'  battery power systems are comprised  principally of industrial  lead
acid and nickel-cadmium batteries as well as power rectifiers,  power inverters,
sensing and alarm systems,  power control and distribution equipment and related
accessories. The Borrowers'


products are sold as individual components and as integrated power systems.

                           5.1.8    INSURANCE.  Each of  the Borrowers will, and
will cause  each of its  Subsidiaries  to, at all times  maintain  with  A-rated
insurance  companies such  insurance as is required by applicable  Laws and such
other insurance, in such amounts, of such types and against such risks, hazards,
liabilities,  casualties and contingencies as are usually insured against in the
same  geographic  areas by  business  entities  engaged  in the same or  similar
business.  Without  limiting  the  generality  of  the  foregoing,  each  of the
Borrowers  will,  and will cause each of its  Subsidiaries  to, keep  adequately
insured all of its and their property against loss or damage resulting from fire
or other  risks  insured  against  by  extended  coverage  and  maintain  public
liability insurance against claims for personal injury, death or property damage
occurring  upon,  in or about any  properties  occupied or  controlled by it, or
arising  in any  manner  out of the  businesses  carried  on by it,  all in such
amounts as are  reasonable  and  customary in the lines of business set forth in
Section  5.1.7  and are in  amounts  at  least  equal  to the  market  value  or
replacement value of any assets or property covered. Each of the Borrowers shall
deliver to the Agent on each date there is a  material  change in the  insurance
coverage and on each renewal date of any  insurance a  certificate  of insurance
from a Responsible  Officer of the  Borrowers  containing a detailed list of the
insurance then in effect and stating the names of the insurance  companies,  the
types, the amounts and rates of the insurance,  dates of the expiration  thereof
and the  properties  and risks  covered  thereby.  Within thirty (30) days after
notice in writing  from the Agent,  the  Borrowers  will obtain such  additional
insurance  with respect to the Borrowers and the  Subsidiaries  as the Agent may
reasonably  request.  The Agent  and the  Lenders  agree  that all  proceeds  of
insurance shall be paid to the Borrowers,  which shall  determine  within thirty
(30) days of their  receipt of such  proceeds  whether to apply the  proceeds of
insurance  either to the repair,  replacement  or  restoration  of the  property
damaged or destroyed or to the repayment of the Obligations. The Borrowers shall
notify the Agent in writing as to their  determination with respect to insurance
proceeds within such thirty (30) day period.  If and to the extent the Borrowers
elect to use  insurance  proceeds  to repair,  replace or restore  the  property
damaged or  destroyed,  the  Borrowers  covenant  to use such  proceeds  for the
repair,  replacement  or  restoration  in good faith and promptly  following any
Borrower's receipt thereof.

                           5.1.9    TAXES.  Except to the extent that the
validity or amount  thereof is being  contested in good faith and by appropriate
proceedings,  each  of  the  Borrowers  will,  and  will  cause  each  of  their
Subsidiaries to, pay and discharge all Taxes as and


when due and payable.  The Borrowers shall furnish to the Agent at such times as
the Agent may require proof  satisfactory to the Agent of the making of payments
or deposits required by applicable Laws including, without limitation,  payments
or deposits with respect to amounts  withheld by any of the Borrowers from wages
and salaries of employees  and amounts  contributed  by any of the  Borrowers on
account of federal  and other  income or wage  taxes and  amounts  due under the
Federal Insurance Contributions Act, as amended.

                           5.1.10   ERISA.  Each of the Borrowers will, and will
cause each of its Subsidiaries to, comply with the minimum funding  requirements
of the Code with respect to employee Plans for its respective employees. None of
the  Borrowers  will  permit  with  respect  to  any  Plan  (a)  any  prohibited
transaction  or  transactions  under ERISA or the Internal  Revenue Code,  which
results,  or may result,  in any material  liability of any of the Borrowers and
their Subsidiaries, as determined by the Agent and the Required Lenders in their
good  faith,  reasonable  discretion,  or (b)  any  Reportable  Event  if,  upon
termination of the Plan with respect to which one or more such Reportable Events
shall have occurred,  there is or would be any material  liability of any of the
Borrowers  and/or any of their  Subsidiaries  to the PBGC,  as determined by the
Agent and the Required Lenders in their good faith, reasonable discretion.  Upon
the Agent's reasonable  request,  the Borrowers will deliver to the Agent a copy
of the most recent  actuarial  report,  financial  statements  and annual report
completed  with  respect  to any  Plan of a  Borrower  or  Subsidiary  that is a
"defined benefit plan", as defined in ERISA.

                           5.1.11   NOTIFICATION OF EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND
ADVERSE  DEVELOPMENTS.  The  Borrowers  shall  promptly  notify  the Agent  upon
obtaining knowledge of the occurrence of:

                                    (a)     any Event of Default;

                                    (b)     any Default;

                                    (c)     any litigation instituted or overtly
         threatened  against  any of  the  Borrowers  or  any  of  its or  their
         Subsidiaries  and of the entry of any  judgment or Lien  against any of
         the assets or  properties  of any of the  Borrowers  or any  Subsidiary
         where the claims against any of the Borrowers or any Subsidiary  exceed
         One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) and are not covered by insurance;

                                    (d)   any event, development or circumstance
         whereby the financial statements furnished hereunder which,  subsequent
         to their  issuance,  prove to have  failed in any  material  respect to
         present fairly, in accordance with GAAP,


         the financial  condition  and operational results of the  Borrowers and
         their Subsidiaries,  on  a Consolidated  basis as  of the  date of such
         financial statements;

                                    (e) any judicial, administrative or arbitral
         proceeding  pending against any of the Borrowers or any of its or their
         Subsidiaries and any judicial or administrative proceeding known by any
         of the Borrowers to be  threatened  against it or them or any of its or
         their  Subsidiaries,  the reasonably  foreseeable  outcome of which the
         Borrowers'  determine,  in good faith could have a  Materially  Adverse
         Effect; and

                                    (f)  the receipt by any of the  Borrowers or
         any Subsidiary of any  notice, claim  or demand from  any  Governmental
         Authority  which alleges that any of the Borrowers or any Subsidiary is
         in  violation  of any of the terms of, or has failed to comply with any
         applicable Laws regulating its operation and business,  including,  but
         not  limited  to, the  Occupational  Safety and Health  Act,  ERISA and
         Environmental  Laws,  which failure could, in the Borrowers' good faith
         determination,   have  a  Materially   Adverse  Effect;  in  each  case
         describing in detail  satisfactory  to the Agent the nature thereof and
         the action the Borrowers propose to take with respect thereto.

                           5.1.12   HAZARDOUS MATERIALS; CONTAMINATION.  Each of
the Borrowers agrees to:

                                    (a)     give notice to the Agent within two
         (2)  Business  Days after any  Borrower's  acquiring  knowledge  of the
         presence  of any  Hazardous  Materials  in  concentrations  which would
         violate  any  applicable  Environmental  Laws or  impose  liability  or
         obligations  on the  Borrowers  under  any  Environmental  Laws for any
         investigation,  corrective  action,  remediation  or  monitoring of the
         Hazardous  Materials on any property  owned,  operated or controlled by
         such  Borrower or any  Subsidiary  of such Borrower or for which any of
         the  Borrowers  or  any  Subsidiaries  of  any  of  the  Borrowers  are
         responsible  (provided  that  such  notice  shall not be  required  for
         Hazardous  Materials  placed or stored on such  property in  accordance
         with applicable Laws in the ordinary course of the Borrowers'  lines of
         business  expressly  described in this  Agreement)  or of any Hazardous
         Materials Contamination with a full description thereof;


                                    (b)   promptly comply with any Environmental
         Laws  requiring  the   removal,  treatment  or  disposal  of  Hazardous
         or  Hazardous  Materials  Contamination  and  provide  the  Agent  with
         satisfactory  evidence  of such  compliance;  provided,  however,  that
         the  Borrowers  may  contest or  defend,  in good  faith,  against  any
         purported  requirement  or  the  imposition of any  potential liability
         under  the  Environmental  Laws  in  any  reasonable  manner  available
         to  the  Borrowers,  and  during  the pendency of  any  such contest or
         defense  defer   compliance  with  and   payment  in  respect  of  such
         purported requirements or potential liability;

                                    (c)     if the Agent determines in the
         exercise  of its good  faith,  reasonable  discretion,  that there is a
         reasonable likelihood that any liability,  duty or obligation resulting
         from or relating to any  Hazardous  Materials  or  Hazardous  Materials
         Contamination  affecting any property owned,  controlled or operated by
         any of the Borrowers or any of their  respective  Subsidiaries,  may be
         imposed  on the Agent  and/or  any of the  Lender,  provide  the Agent,
         within  thirty  (30)  days  after a demand by the  Agent,  with a bond,
         letter of credit  or  similar  financial  assurance  evidencing  to the
         Agent's  satisfaction that the necessary funds are available to pay the
         cost of removing,  treating,  and disposing of such Hazardous Materials
         or Hazardous Materials Contamination and discharging any Lien which may
         be established as a result thereof on any property  owned,  operated or
         controlled  by any of the  Borrowers  or any  Subsidiary  of any of the
         Borrowers or for which any of the Borrowers or any Subsidiary of any of
         the Borrowers are responsible (the Agent agrees not to make such demand
         for a bond, letter of credit or similar financial  assurance unless the
         Borrowers have failed to remedy the Hazardous  Materials  Contamination
         or otherwise  take such other action as shall be reasonably  acceptable
         to the  Agent and the  Lenders  to  address  such  Hazardous  Materials
         Contamination, in a time frame considered reasonable by the Agent given
         the facts and circumstances of the Hazardous Materials  Contamination);

                                    (d)     as part of the Obligations, defend,
         indemnify and hold harmless the Agent,  each of the Lenders and each of
         their respective agents,  employees,  trustees,  successors and assigns
         from any and all claims which may now or in the future  (whether before
         or after the  termination of this Agreement) be asserted as a result of
         the presence of any Hazardous Materials on any


         property  owned,  operated or controlled by any of the Borrowers or any
         Subsidiary  of  any  of  the  Borrowers  for  any  Hazardous  Materials
         Contamination  for which any of the Borrowers or any  Subsidiary of any
         of the Borrowers are actually or potentially responsible. The Borrowers
         acknowledge  and agree  that this  indemnification  shall  survive  the
         termination of this Agreement and the  Commitments  and the payment and
         performance of all of the other Obligations.

                           5.1.13   DISCLOSURE OF SIGNIFICANT TRANSACTIONS.
Each of the Borrowers shall deliver to the Agent a written notice  describing in
detail each transaction by it involving the sale,  lease, or loss or casualty to
or  disposition  of an  interest  in any  fixed  or  capital  Assets  which,  as
reasonably   determined   by  the   Borrowers,   exceeds  One  Million   Dollars
($1,000,000),  said notices to be delivered to the Agent within thirty (30) days
of the occurrence of each such transaction.

                           5.1.14   NET WORTH.  The Borrowers and the
Subsidiaries,  at all times during the first fiscal  quarter  ending on or after
the  Closing  Date,  tested as of the end of such first  fiscal  quarter,  shall
maintain a Net Worth of not less than the sum of (i) Fifty-eight Million Dollars
($58,000,000),  plus  (ii)  forty  percent  (40%)  of  the  Borrowers'  and  the
Subsidiaries'  Consolidated  earnings (as defined in  accordance  with GAAP) and
calculated as net profit after Taxes) for such fiscal quarter. The Borrowers and
the Subsidiaries,  at all times for all fiscal quarters thereafter, tested as of
the end of each such fiscal quarter, shall maintain a Net Worth of not less than
the sum of (i) the  Minimum  Net  Worth  Amount  for the then  preceding  fiscal
quarter,  plus (ii) forty percent (40%) of the Borrowers' and the  Subsidiaries'
Consolidated  earnings for the then current fiscal quarter.  As used herein, the
term  "Minimum  Net Worth  Amount"  shall  mean for any  fiscal  quarter  of the
Borrowers and the  Subsidiaries,  the minimum Net Worth required by this Section
5.1.14 for such fiscal  quarter.  All  increases in the Minimum Net Worth Amount
shall be  cumulative,  such that the Minimum Net Worth  Amount  required for any
given  fiscal  quarter  shall at least be equal to the sum of Minimum  Net Worth
Amount for the then preceding  fiscal  quarter,  plus forty percent (40%) of the
Borrowers'  and the  Subsidiaries'  Consolidated  earnings  for the then current
fiscal quarter.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Borrowers  acknowledge and
agree that the Minimum Net Worth Amount for any fiscal  quarter  shall always be
at least  equal to the Minimum Net Worth  Amount for the then  preceding  fiscal

                           5.1.15   LIABILITIES TO TANGIBLE NET WORTH RATIO.
The Borrowers and the Subsidiaries, on a Consolidated basis and as


of the end of each fiscal quarter, commencing with the first such fiscal quarter
ending  on or after the  Closing  Date,  shall  have a ratio of  Liabilities  to
Tangible Net Worth of not more than 2.25 to 1.0.

                           5.1.16   CURRENT RATIO.  The Borrowers and the
Subsidiaries,  on a Consolidated basis and as of the end of each fiscal quarter,
commencing  with the first such  fiscal  quarter  ending on or after the Closing
Date, shall have a Current Ratio of not less than 1.5 to 1.0.

                           5.1.17   FIXED CHARGE COVERAGE RATIO.  The
Borrowers and the  Subsidiaries,  on a  Consolidated  basis and as of the end of
each fiscal quarter,  commencing with the first such fiscal quarter ending on or
after the Closing  Date,  shall have a Fixed Charge  Coverage  Ratio of not less
than 1.5 to 1.0.  The Fixed  Charge  Coverage  Ratio  shall be  calculated  on a
rolling four (4) quarter basis.

                           5.1.18   FUNDED DEBT TO EBITDA.  The Borrowers and
the  Subsidiaries,  on a  Consolidated  basis  and as of the end of each  fiscal
quarter,  commencing  with the first such fiscal  quarter ending on or after the
Closing  Date,  shall have a ratio of Funded Debt to EBITDA of not more than 3.5
to 1.0. EBITDA shall be calculated on a rolling four (4) quarter basis.

                           5.1.19   BUSINESS NAMES; LOCATIONS.  Each Borrower
will notify and will cause each of its Subsidiaries to notify the Agent not less
than  thirty  (30) days  prior to (a) any  change in the name  under  which such
Borrower or Subsidiary conducts its business,  (b) any change of the location of
the chief executive  office of such Borrower or Subsidiary,  and (c) the opening
of any new place of business or the closing of any  existing  place of business,
and any change in the location of the places where the books and records, or any
part thereof, are kept.

         SECTION 5.2 NEGATIVE  COVENANTS.  So long as any of the  Obligations or
Commitments or Letters of Credit shall be outstanding,  the Borrowers agree with
the Agent and the Lenders that without the prior written consent of the Agent:

                           5.2.1    MERGER, ACQUISITION OR SALE OF ASSETS.
None of the Borrowers will, or will permit any Subsidiary to, (i) enter into any
merger or consolidation or amalgamation,  (ii) windup or dissolve (or suffer any
liquidation  or  dissolution),  (iii)  acquire all or  substantially  all of the
assets of any Person, except for Permitted Acquisitions,  or (iv) sell, lease or
otherwise dispose of any of its Assets,  except (1) Inventory disposed of in the
ordinary course of business prior to an Event of Default, (2)


Permitted  Asset   Dispositions,   (3)  intercompany   sales,  leases  or  other
dispositions   among  and  between  Borrowers  and  Subsidiaries,   or  mergers,
consolidations,  restructurings,  or stock transfers among and between Borrowers
or mergers, consolidations,  restructurings or stock transfers among and between
Subsidiaries,  and (4) the  disposition  of worn or  obsolete  equipment  in the
ordinary  course of  business.  The Agent and the  Lenders  agree to review  all
financial  projections  furnished by the Borrowers in connection with a proposed
Permitted Acquisition promptly upon receipt of such projections and in any event
to complete such review within fifteen (15) days of having received  projections
in the form required.

                           5.2.2    SUBSIDIARIES.   None  of the  Borrowers will
create or acquire,  or will permit any  Subsidiaries  to create or acquire,  any
Subsidiaries  other than (i) the  Subsidiaries  existing  on the date hereof and
(ii) Permitted Acquisitions.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Borrowers shall
be  permitted to create  Subsidiaries  at any time and from time to time without
the prior consent of the Agent or the Lenders; provided, that (a) there does not
exist a Default  or an Event of Default  at the time of such  creation,  (b) the
creation  of any such  Subsidiary  shall  not  otherwise  cause or result in the
occurrence of a Default or an Event of Default,  and (c) within thirty (30) days
of any such  Subsidiary's  formation by execution  and delivery of an Additional
Borrower  Joinder  Agreement  in the form  attached  hereto  as  EXHIBIT  G, the
Borrowers  shall  cause  such  Subsidiary  to  become a  "Borrower"  under  this
Agreement,  and thus jointly and severally liable for payment and performance of
all of the  Obligations.  In addition,  if and to the extent  deemed  reasonably
necessary by the Agent or any of the Lenders,  such Subsidiary and the Borrowers
shall take any and all actions reasonably  required by the Agent and the Lenders
to effect and consummate  the  foregoing,  including,  without  limitation,  the
execution  and deliver of amended and restated  promissory  notes and such other
Financing Documents as the Agent may reasonably  require.  The Borrowers further
covenant  and agree to cause  each  Subsidiary  which  constitutes  a  Permitted
Acquisition  within  thirty  (30) days of its  acquisition  (1) to  execute  and
deliver  an  Additional  Borrower  Joinder  Agreement,   and  thereby  become  a
"Borrower"  under this  Agreement,  and thus  jointly and  severally  liable for
payment and  performance of all of the  Obligations  and (2) to take any and all
actions  reasonably  required  by the  Agent  and  the  Lenders  to  effect  and
consummate  the  foregoing,  including,  without  limitation,  the execution and
deliver of  amended  and  restated  promissory  notes and such  other  Financing
Documents as the Agent may reasonably require.  The Borrowers covenant and agree
that all Subsidiaries of any Borrower or any Subsidiary will become  "Borrowers"
under this Agreement as and when required by the provisions of this Section.


                           5.2.3    ISSUANCE OF STOCK.  None of the Borrowers
(except for the Parent) will issue,  or grant,  or will permit any Subsidiary to
issue or grant,  any option or right to purchase,  any of their  capital  stock,
except for the  issuance of stock or options to purchase  stock to  employees in
the ordinary  course of business and except for the issuance of stock or options
to any or all of the  Borrowers  which is pledged and delivered to the Agent and
the Lenders.

                           5.2.4    PURCHASE OR REDEMPTION OF SECURITIES,
DIVIDEND RESTRICTIONS. None of the Borrowers will, or will permit any Subsidiary
to, (i) purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire any shares of its capital stock or
warrants now or hereafter outstanding,  except the Parent  shall be permitted to
purchase  Stock,  to the extent the Parent  determines  in the  exercise  of its
prudent and  commercially  reasonable  discretion  that the price to be paid for
such purchase  and/or  redemption is economically  advantageous  and financially
sound for the Parent; provided that (1) any such purchase would not or could not
reasonably  be expected to cause an Event of Default or a Default,  (2) no Event
of Default or Default shall exist at the time of any such proposed purchase, (3)
the  aggregate  purchase  price of all  Stock  purchased  at any time  since the
Closing Date does not exceed Eighteen Million Dollars  ($18,000,000) and (4) the
aggregate  purchase price of Stock purchased in any fiscal year shall not exceed
Seven Million Dollars  ($7,000,000),  (ii) declare or pay any dividends or other
distributions,  except for Permitted Dividends,  (iii) apply any of its property
or assets to the purchase,  redemption or other  retirement of any shares of any
class of capital  stock of any of the Borrowers or  Subsidiaries,  except as set
forth in  clause  (i)  above,  (iv) set  apart  any sum for the  payment  of any
dividends on any shares of any class of capital stock of any of the Borrowers or
Subsidiaries  or for the  purchase,  redemption,  or other  retirement of on any
shares of any class of capital  stock of any of the  Borrowers or  Subsidiaries,
except as set forth in clauses (i) and (ii) above,  (v) effect any  distribution
by a reduction of capital contribution obligations with respect to any shares of
any  class of  capital  stock of any of the  Borrowers  or  Subsidiaries  or any
warrants,  (vi) permit any  Subsidiary  that is not a Borrower or  Subsidiary to
purchase  or acquire  any shares of any class of  capital  stock of or  warrants
issued by any Borrower or any Subsidiary,  and (vii) following the occurrence of
a  Default  or  an  Event  of  Default,  not  prepay,  purchase  or  redeem  any
Indebtedness  for  Borrowed  Money  other than the  Obligations.  No  dividends,
including Permitted  Dividends,  may be paid following the occurrence and during
the  continuance  of a  Default  or an Event  of  Default.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  the  Borrowers'  failure to comply with Section 5.1.14 for any given
fiscal  quarter  shall not prevent or prohibit  any Borrower  from  declaring or
paying Permitted


Dividends  as of the end of such fiscal  quarter;  provided  that there does not
exist any other Default or Event of Default at the time of such  declaration  or
payment and provided that the Borrowers are in compliance with Section 5.1.14 as
of the end of the fiscal year which includes such fiscal quarter calculated on a
cumulative  basis.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained in this
Agreement,  the Agent and any one Lender (other than NationsBank) may consent to
the Parent's purchase of Stock having an aggregate  purchase price in any fiscal
year in excess of Seven Million Dollars ($7,000,000).

                           5.2.5    INDEBTEDNESS.  None of the Borrowers nor
any Subsidiary will create,  incur,  assume or suffer to exist any  Indebtedness
for Borrowed Money, except:

                       (a)     the Obligations;

                       (b)     current accounts payable arising in the
                               ordinary course of business;

                       (c)     Indebtedness secured by Permitted Liens;

                       (d)     the PEDFA Loans;

                       (e)     Indebtedness existing on the date of this
                               Agreement and reflected on the financial
                               statements furnished pursuant to Section

                       (f)     Permitted Preferred Indebtedness;

                       (g)     Unsecured letters of credit, banker's
                               acceptances and/or (1) secured foreign
                               exchange or interest rate swaps, collars
                               or caps or similar agreements between a
                               Borrower (or a Subsidiary) and any of the
                               Lenders and/or (2) unsecured foreign
                               exchange or interest rate swaps, collars
                               or caps or similar agreements between a
                               Borrower (or a Subsidiary) and any other
                               financial institution, providing for the
                               transfer or mitigation of foreign
                               exchange risks or interest rate risks
                               either generally or under specific

                       (h)     Indebtedness for Borrowed Money incurred
                               after the date of this Agreement;
                               provided, that (i) such Indebtedness for


                               Borrowed   Money  is   incurred   on
                               account of purchase money or finance
                               lease  arrangements of Assets (other
                               than real  property)  acquired  by a
                               Borrower  after  the  date  of  this
                               Agreement,   and  (ii)   each   such
                               purchase   money  or  finance  lease
                               arrangement does not exceed the cost
                               or fair  market  value of the Assets
                               acquired  or  leased  and  does  not
                               extend  to any  Assets  or  property
                               other than that purchased or leased;

                       (i)     Capital Leases;

                       (j)     Indebtedness for Borrowed Money incurred
                               by any Borrower or Subsidiary to any
                               other Borrower or Subsidiary; provided,
                               that all financial statements to be
                               furnished to the Agent as required by
                               Section 5.1.1 at any time after and
                               during the continuance of such
                               Indebtedness for Borrowed Money are both
                               Consolidated and consolidating, except
                               that any such consolidating statements
                               shall not be audited; and

                       (k)     Subordinated Indebtedness incurred by any
                               Borrower or Subsidiary in consideration,
                               in whole or in part, for a Permitted
                               Acquisition; provided that such
                               Subordinated Indebtedness is to the
                               seller or other party to any merger,
                               acquisition or other business
                               combination, regardless of the structure
                               of the transaction, comprising or
                               relating to such Permitted Acquisition
                               and provided further that such
                               Subordinated Indebtedness is unsecured
                               and is fully subordinated to payment and
                               performance of the Obligations in
                               accordance with a written subordination
                               agreement in form and content reasonably
                               acceptable to the Agent and the Required

Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the amount of  Indebtedness  for Borrowed Money
permitted  under  clauses  (f),  (g),  (h)  and  (i)  shall  not  at  any  time,
individually  or in the  aggregate,  equal or  exceed  Fifteen  Million  Dollars
($15,000,000). In calculating the amount


of  Indebtedness  for Borrowed Money  relating to interest rate swaps,  collars,
caps or similar  agreements  permitted  under  subsection (g), the Agent and the
Lenders  acknowledge  and agree that it is not  appropriate to consider the full
notional amount of the swap,  collar,  cap or similar  agreement as Indebtedness
for Borrowed Money;  instead,  the appropriate amount to be deemed  Indebtedness
for Borrowed Money shall be based on the risk amount  attributable to the Lender
or other  financial  institution  providing  such swap,  collar,  cap or similar
agreement, which risk amount shall be determined by the Agent in its good faith,
reasonable  discretion based on the amount and maturity of the swap, collar, cap
or similar agreement and in accordance with the Agent's customary procedures and
practices  in  calculating  risk  amounts for similar  swaps,  collars,  caps or
agreements then available from the Agent.  Similarly,  in calculating the amount
of  Indebtedness  for  Borrowed  Money  relating to foreign  exchange  swaps and
similar  agreements  permitted under subsection (g), the amount to be considered
Indebtedness for Borrowed Money may be less than the full notional amount of the
swap or  similar  agreement;  but,  instead  shall be  equal to the risk  amount
attributed to a similar swap or similar agreement then available from the Agent,
as determined by the Agent in its good faith, reasonable discretion based on the
term of the swap or similar agreement and the foreign currency involved.

                           5.2.6    INVESTMENTS, LOANS AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS.
None of the  Borrowers  nor any  Subsidiary  will (a) make,  assume,  acquire or
continue to hold any investment in any real property  (unless used in connection
with their  business and treated as a capital  asset) or any Person,  whether by
stock purchase, capital contribution,  equity investment, grants, gifts or other
transfers of assets,  properties  (including  cash and  non-cash)  which are not
expected or required to be repaid, acquisition of Indebtedness of such Person or
otherwise  (including,  without limitation,  investments in any joint venture or
partnership),  except for capital contributions to any other Borrower (leasehold
improvements  to any facility  leased by any of the Borrowers or any  Subsidiary
shall not be construed as an  "investment"  for purposes of this  Section),  (b)
guaranty  or  otherwise  become  contingently  liable  for the  Indebtedness  or
obligations  of any  Person,  or (c) make any loans or  advances,  or  otherwise
extend credit to any Person, except:

                                   (a) i) the  extensions of credit set forth in
         Schedule  5.2.6, as the same may be renewed or extended at any time and
         from time to time, and (ii) any other advance to an officer or employee
         of any of the  Borrowers  or of any  Subsidiary  for  travel  or  other
         business expenses in the ordinary course of business;


                                   (b) the endorsement of negotiable instruments
         for deposit  or  collection  or similar  transactions in  the  ordinary
         course of business;

                                   (c) any investment in Cash Equivalents;

                                   (d) trade credit extended to customers in the
         ordinary course of business;

                                   (e) ordinary  working  capital  and  other 
         advances among and between the Borrowers and guaranties by one Borrower
         of obligations of another Borrower in the ordinary course of business;

                                   (f)    payments of royalties and  interest to
         Charter Holdings; and

                                   (g)    credit extended to manufacturer
         representatives   of  the   Borrowers   to  permit  or   support   such
         representatives  to expand or reinforce the  Borrowers'  markets and/or
         business opportunities; provided, that such credit shall be extended in
         accordance  with the  Borrowers'  past  practices  and in a prudent and
         commercially reasonable manner.

Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the amount of loans and advances permitted under
clauses  (a)  and  (g)  above  shall  not at any  time,  individually  or in the
aggregate, equal or exceed One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).

                           5.2.7    CAPITAL EXPENDITURES.  Except for  Permitted
Acquisitions,  none  of the  Borrowers  nor any  Subsidiary  will,  directly  or
indirectly  (by  way of  the  acquisition  of  the  securities  of a  Person  or
otherwise), make any Capital Expenditures in the aggregate for the Borrowers and
their  Subsidiaries  (taken as a whole) for  fiscal  years  1999,  2000 and 2001
exceeding, in the aggregate, Sixty Million Dollars ($60,000,000);  provided that
(i) in any given fiscal year the aggregate amount of Capital  Expenditures shall
not exceed Twenty-five Million Dollars ($25,000,000) and (ii) the making of such
Capital  Expenditure  could not reasonably be expected to give rise to a Default
or an Event of Default.

                           5.2.8    STOCK OF SUBSIDIARIES.   Except as otherwise
expressly  permitted  by  Section  5.2.1,  none of the  Borrowers  will  sell or
otherwise  dispose of any shares of capital stock of any  Subsidiary  (except in
connection with a merger or  consolidation of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary into any
of the other Borrowers) or permit any Subsidiary to issue any additional  shares
of its capital stock except PRO RATA to its stockholders.


                           5.2.9    LIENS.  None of the Borrowers nor any
Subsidiary  will create,  incur,  assume or suffer to exist any Lien upon any of
its or their  properties  or assets,  whether now owned or  hereafter  acquired,
except for Liens securing the Obligations and Permitted Liens.

                           5.2.10   TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATES.  None of the
Borrowers nor any Subsidiary  will enter into or participate in any  transaction
with any Affiliate  (other than a Borrower) with terms which would not otherwise
be available  in a  transaction  negotiated  in good faith  between  independent
third-parties  having equal bargaining power,  except for transactions among any
Borrower  and any  Subsidiary,  other than a  Subsidiary  in which an  Affiliate
(other than a Borrower or another  Subsidiary)  has an equity or other ownership

                           5.2.11   ERISA COMPLIANCE.  None of the Borrowers
nor any Subsidiary  shall: (a) engage in or permit any "prohibited  transaction"
(as defined in the Internal Revenue Code);  (b) cause any  "accumulated  funding
deficiency" as defined in the Internal  Revenue Code and/or the Internal Revenue
Code;  (c)  terminate  any pension  plan in a manner  which could  result in the
imposition of a Lien by PGBC on the property of any of the Borrowers pursuant to
the Internal  Revenue Code;  (d) terminate or consent to the  termination of any
Multiemployer  Plan; or (e) incur a complete or partial  withdrawal with respect
to any Multiemployer Plan.

                           5.2.12   PROHIBITION ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.  None
of the  Borrowers  shall  place,  manufacture  or store or permit to be  placed,
manufactured or stored any Hazardous  Materials on any property owned,  operated
or  controlled  by any of the  Borrowers or for which any of the  Borrowers  are
responsible other than Hazardous  Materials placed or stored on such property in
accordance  with  all  applicable  Laws  (including  Environmental  Laws) in the
ordinary course of any Borrower's business.

                           5.2.13   METHOD OF ACCOUNTING.  The Borrowers shall
not change the method of accounting employed in the preparation of the financial
statements  furnished  prior to the date of this Agreement to the Agent,  unless
required to conform to GAAP and on the condition that the Borrowers' accountants
shall furnish such information as the Agent may request to reconcile the changes
with the Borrowers' prior financial statements.

                           5.2.14   SALE AND LEASEBACK.  Without the prior
written consent of the Agent and the Required Lenders, none of the Borrowers nor
any Subsidiary will directly or indirectly enter into any arrangement to sell or
transfer all or any substantial part of


its fixed assets and thereupon or within one year  thereafter  rent or lease the
assets so sold or transferred.

                                    ARTICLE 6

                         DEFAULT AND RIGHTS AND REMEDIES

         SECTION 6.1 EVENTS OF DEFAULT. The occurrence of any one or more of the
following  events shall constitute an "Event of Default" under the provisions of
this Agreement:

                           6.1.1    FAILURE TO PAY.  The failure of the
Borrowers  to  pay  any of the  Obligations  as and  when  due  and  payable  in
accordance  with the provisions of this  Agreement,  the Notes and/or any of the
other  Financing  Documents,  and such failure to pay shall remain uncured for a
period of ten (10) days;

                           6.1.2    BREACH OF REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.
Any  representation  or  warranty  made  in  this  Agreement  or in any  report,
statement, schedule, certificate,  opinion (including any opinion of counsel for
the Borrowers),  financial  statement or other document  furnished in connection
with this Agreement,  any of the other Financing Documents,  or the Obligations,
shall prove to have been false or misleading when made (or, if applicable,  when
reaffirmed) in any material respect.

                           6.1.3    FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH COVENANTS.  The
failure  of the  Borrowers  to  perform,  observe or comply  with any  covenant,
condition or agreement  contained in Section  5.1.3(b),  Section 5.1.4,  Section
5.1.8, or Section 5.2 of this Agreement.

                           6.1.4    OTHER COVENANTS.  The failure of the
Borrowers  to  perform,  observe  or  comply  with any  covenant,  condition  or
agreement  contained  in this  Agreement,  other than those set forth in Section
6.1.1,  Section 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 above, which default shall remain unremedied for
thirty (30) days after written notice thereof to the Borrowers by the Agent.

                           6.1.5    DEFAULT UNDER OTHER FINANCING DOCUMENTS OR
OBLIGATIONS. A default shall occur under any of the other Financing Documents or
under  any  other  Obligations,   including,   without  limitation,   the  PEDFA
Obligations,  and such default is not cured within any  applicable  grace period
provided therein.

                           6.1.6    RECEIVER; BANKRUPTCY.  Any Borrower or any
Subsidiary  shall (a) apply for or consent  to the  appointment  of a  receiver,
trustee or liquidator of itself or any of its property, (b) admit in writing its
inability to pay its debts as they mature, (c) make a general assignment for the
benefit of creditors, (d) be


adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent, (e) file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy
or a  petition  or an answer  seeking  or  consenting  to  reorganization  or an
arrangement   with   creditors  or  to  take   advantage   of  any   bankruptcy,
reorganization, insolvency, readjustment of debt, dissolution or liquidation law
or statute, or an answer admitting the material  allegations of a petition filed
against it in any proceeding  under any such law, or take  corporate  action for
the purposes of effecting  any of the  foregoing,  or (f) by any act to indicate
its  consent to,  approval  of or  acquiescence  in any such  proceeding  or the
appointment of any receiver of or trustee for any of its property, or suffer any
such  receivership,  trusteeship  or  proceeding  to continue  undischarged  and
unappealed  for a period of sixty  (60)  days,  or (g) by any act  indicate  its
consent to, approval of or acquiescence in any order,  judgment or decree by any
court of  competent  jurisdiction  or any  Governmental  Authority  enjoining or
otherwise  prohibiting the operation of a material  portion of any Borrower's or
any Subsidiary's business or the use or disposition of a material portion of any
Borrower's or any  Subsidiary's  assets,  all as determined by the Agent and the
Required Lenders in their good faith, reasonable discretion.

                           6.1.7    INVOLUNTARY BANKRUPTCY, ETC.  (a) An order
for relief shall be entered in any involuntary case brought against any Borrower
or any  Subsidiary  under the  Bankruptcy  Code,  or (b) any such case  shall be
commenced  against any Borrower or any  Subsidiary and shall not be dismissed or
stayed within sixty (60) days after the filing of the petition, or (c) an order,
judgment  or decree  under any other Law is  entered  by any court of  competent
jurisdiction  or by any other  Governmental  Authority on the  application  of a
Governmental  Authority or of a Person other than any Borrower or any Subsidiary
(i) adjudicating any Borrower or any Subsidiary  bankrupt or insolvent,  or (ii)
appointing  a  receiver,  trustee  or  liquidator  of  any  Borrower  or of  any
Subsidiary,  or of a material  portion  of any  Borrower's  or any  Subsidiary's
assets, as determined by the Agent and the Required Lenders in their good faith,
reasonable discretion or (iii) enjoining,  prohibiting or otherwise limiting the
operation of a material portion of any Borrower's or any  Subsidiary's  business
or the  use or  disposition  of a  material  portion  of any  Borrower's  or any
Subsidiary's  assets,  as  determined  by the Agent and the Required  Lenders in
their good faith,  reasonable  discretion,  and such  order,  judgment or decree
continues  unstayed  and in effect for a period of sixty (60) days from the date

                           6.1.8    JUDGMENT.  Unless adequately  insured in the
opinion  of  the  Agent,  the  entry  of a  judgment  against  any or all of the
Borrowers and/or any Subsidiaries,  which  individually or taken as a whole with
any other judgments against any or all of the Borrowers and/or any Subsidiaries,
exceeds Five Hundred Thousand


Dollars  ($500,000),   and the  failure  by  the  Borrowers  or  Subsidiaries to
discharge the same, or cause it to be  discharged,  within thirty (30) days from
the date of the order,  decree or process  under which or pursuant to which such
judgment  was  entered  (including  all  extensions),  or to  secure  a stay  of
execution pending appeal of such judgment.

                           6.1.9    DEFAULT UNDER OTHER BORROWINGS.  Default
shall be made with respect to any  Indebtedness  for Borrowed  Money (other than
the Obligations and after expiration of any applicable  notice and cure periods,
if any) of any of the Borrowers,  the principal amount of which Indebtedness for
Borrowed Money, singly or in the aggregate equals or exceeds One Million Dollars
($1,000,000),  if the effect of such  default is to  accelerate  the maturity of
such evidence of the  Indebtedness for Borrowed Money or to permit the holder or
obligee  thereof or other party thereto to cause any  indebtedness to become due
prior to its stated maturity.

                           6.1.10   LIQUIDATION, TERMINATION, OR DISSOLUTION.
Except as permitted by Section 5.2.1, if any of the Borrowers  shall  liquidate,
dissolve or terminate its  existence,  without the prior written  consent of the
Agent, except in the case of Borrowers which are Subsidiaries of the Parent, for
liquidation  into another  Borrower  which does not otherwise  cause an Event of
Default or a Default.

         SECTION 6.2 REMEDIES.  Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default, the
Agent,  at the  direction of the Required  Lenders,  may at any time  thereafter
exercise any one or more of the following rights, powers or remedies:

                           6.2.1    ACCELERATION.  The Agent may declare any
or all of the  Obligations  to be immediately  due and payable,  notwithstanding
anything contained in this Agreement or in any of the other Financing  Documents
to the contrary,  without presentment,  demand, protest, notice of protest or of
dishonor,  or other notice of any kind, all of which the Borrowers hereby waive.

                           6.2.2    FURTHER ADVANCES.  The Agent may from time
to time without notice to the Borrowers suspend,  terminate or limit any further
advances,  Loans,  Letters of Credit or other  extensions  of credit  under this
Agreement and/or under any of the other


 Financing  Documents.  Further,  upon the  occurrence  of an  Event of  Default
specified  in  Sections  6.1.6  (Receiver;  Bankruptcy)  or  6.1.7  (Involuntary
Bankruptcy, etc.) above,  the Revolving Credit Commitments, the Letter of Credit
Commitments  and any  agreement  in any of the  Financing  Documents  to provide
additional  credit  and/or to issue  Letters  of Credit  shall  immediately  and
automatically  terminate  and the  unpaid  principal  amount of the Notes  (with
accrued interest  thereon)  and all other  Obligations  then outstanding,  shall
immediately  become  due and  payable  without  further  action  of any kind and
without  presentment,  demand,  protest or notice of any kind,  all of which are
hereby expressly waived by each of the Borrowers.

                           6.2.3    PERFORMANCE BY AGENT.  If the Borrowers
shall fail to pay the  Obligations  or  otherwise  fail to  perform,  observe or
comply with any of the conditions,  covenants, terms, stipulations or agreements
contained in this Agreement or any of the other Financing  Documents,  the Agent
without notice to or demand upon the Borrowers and without  waiving or releasing
any of the  Obligations  or any Default or Event of  Default,  may (but shall be
under no obligation to) at any time thereafter make such payment or perform such
act for the account and at the expense of the Borrowers,  and may enter upon the
premises  of any or all of the  Borrowers  for  that  purpose  and take all such
action  thereon as the Agent may  consider  necessary  or  appropriate  for such
purpose and each of the Borrowers hereby  irrevocably  appoints the Agent as its
attorney-in-fact to do so, with power of substitution,  in the name of the Agent
or in the  name of any or all of the  Borrowers  or  otherwise,  for the use and
benefit of the Agent,  but at the cost and expense of the  Borrowers and without
notice to the Borrowers. All sums so paid or advanced by the Agent together with
interest  thereon from the date of payment,  advance or incurring  until paid in
full at the Post-Default  Rate and all costs and expenses,  shall be deemed part
of the Enforcement Costs, shall be paid by the Borrowers to the Agent on demand,
and shall constitute and become a part of the Agent's Obligations.

                           6.2.4    OTHER REMEDIES.  The Agent may from time
to time  proceed to protect or enforce the rights of the Agent and/or any of the
Lenders by an action or actions at law or in equity or by any other  appropriate
proceeding,  whether  for  the  specific  performance  of any  of the  covenants
contained in this Agreement or in any of the other Financing  Documents,  or for
an injunction against the violation of any of the terms of this Agreement or any
of the other Financing Documents,  or in aid of the exercise or execution of any
right,  remedy or power  granted in this  Agreement,  the  Financing  Documents,
and/or  applicable  Laws.  The Agent and each of the  Lenders is  authorized  to
offset and apply to all or any part of the Obligations  all moneys,  credits and


property of any nature  whatsoever  of any or all of the Borrowers now or at any
time hereafter in the possession of, in transit to or from, under the control or
custody of, or on deposit with,  the Agent,  any of the Lenders or any Affiliate
of the Agent or any of the Lenders.

                                    ARTICLE 7

                                    THE AGENT

         SECTION 7.1  APPOINTMENT,  POWERS AND IMMUNITIES.  In order to expedite
the various  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement,  each of the Lenders
hereby  irrevocably  appoints and  authorizes  NationsBank to act as their agent
under this Agreement and each of the other  Financing  Documents and to serve as
their  representative  within the meaning of Section  9-105(1)(m) of the Uniform
Commercial Code.  NationsBank  hereby consents to such appointment and agrees to
perform the duties of Agent as specified herein.  Each of the Lenders authorizes
and  directs  the Agent to take such  action in their  name and on their  behalf
under  the terms  and  provisions  of this  Agreement  and the  other  Financing
Documents and to exercise such rights and powers  thereunder as are specifically
delegated to or required of the Agent by the terms of this Agreement and each of
the other Financing Documents, together with such other rights and powers as are
reasonably  incidental  thereto.  The Agent is hereby  expressly and irrevocably
authorized  by each of the  Lenders,  as agent on behalf of itself and the other

         (a) To  receive  on  behalf  of  each of the  Lenders  any  payment  or
collection  on account of the  Obligations  and to distribute to each Lender its
Proportionate Share of all such payments and collections so received as provided
in this Agreement;

         (b) To receive all  documents  and items to be furnished to the Lenders
under the  Financing  Documents  (nothing  contained  herein  shall  relieve the
Borrowers of any  obligation  to deliver any item directly to the Lenders to the
extent expressly required by the provisions of this Agreement);

         (c) To act as  nominee  for and on behalf of the  Lenders  in and under
this Agreement and the other Financing Documents;

         (d)  To arrange for the means whereby the funds of the Lenders are to
be made available to the Borrowers;

         (e) To distribute  promptly to the Lenders, if required by the terms of
this  Agreement,  all written  information,  requests,  notices,  Loan  Notices,
Interest Rate Election Notices, payments,


Prepayments, documents and other items received from any of the Borrowers or any
other Person;

         (f) To  deliver  to the  Borrowers  and other  Persons,  all  requests,
demands, approvals, notices, and consents received from any of the Lenders;

         (g) To the extent  permitted by this Agreement  and/or any of the other
Financing  Documents,  to  exercise  on behalf of each  Lender  all  rights  and
remedies  of the  Lenders  upon the  occurrence  of any Event of Default  and/or
Default  specified  in  this  Agreement  and/or  in any of the  other  Financing

         (h) To execute  any  documents  on behalf of the Lenders as the secured
party for the benefit of itself and the Lenders; and

         (i) To take such other  actions  as may be  requested  by the  Required

The Agent (i) shall have no duties or  responsibilities  to the  Lenders  except
those expressly set forth in this Agreement and the other  Financing  Documents,
and shall not by reason of this Agreement or any other  Financing  Document be a
fiduciary  or trustee for any Lender,  (ii) shall not be required to initiate or
conduct any  litigation or collection  proceedings  hereunder or under any other
Financing  Document  except to the extent  instructed  by the Required  Lenders,
(iii) shall not be responsible for any action taken or omitted to be taken by it
or by any of its officers, directors, agents or employees hereunder or under any
other  Financing  Document,  except  for its own  willful  misconduct  and gross
negligence and that of its officers, directors, agents or employees while acting
within the scope of their employment or agency, (iv) shall not be required under
any  circumstances to take any action that, in its judgment,  is contrary to the
provisions of this Agreement and/or any of the other Financing  Documents and/or
applicable  Laws or which would or could  expose the Agent to any  liability  or
expense  against  which it has not been  indemnified  to its  satisfaction.  The
duties of the Agent shall be mechanical and  administrative in nature. As to any
matters not  expressly  provided for by this  Agreement,  the Agent shall in all
cases be fully  protected in acting or in refraining  from acting,  hereunder in
accordance  with  instructions   signed  by  the  Required  Lenders,   and  such
instructions  of the  Required  Lenders  in any  action  taken or failure to act
pursuant thereto shall be binding on all of the Lenders.  Where any provision of
this Agreement  requires the consent,  agreement or other action of the Lenders,
the Agent  shall act only  upon the  consent  or  instructions  of the  Required
Lenders except as provided in Section 7.10.


         SECTION 7.2 RIGHTS AS LENDER. The Agent in its capacity as a Lender and
not as Agent shall have the same rights and powers  under this  Agreement as the
other  Lenders  and may  exercise  the same as  though it were not Agent for the
Lenders,  and the term "Lender" or "Lenders" shall, unless the context otherwise
indicates,  include the Agent in its individual  capacity as a Lender. The Agent
and its Affiliates may (without having to account  therefor to any other Lender)
accept  deposits  from,  lend  money to,  provide  financial  advisory  or other
business to any of the  Borrowers,  any Affiliate of any of the Borrowers or any
of their respective  officers,  directors and employees as if it were not acting
as Agent, and the Agent may accept fees and other  consideration from any of the
Borrowers,  any  Affiliate of any of the  Borrowers  or any of their  respective
officers,  directors  and  employees  (in  addition  to the Agency Fees or other
arrangements  fees heretofore agreed to between the Borrowers and the Agent) for
services in  connection  with this  Agreement  or  otherwise  without  having to
account for or share the same with the Lenders.

         SECTION 7.3 NO LIABILITY OF AGENT; INDEMNITY. Neither the Agent nor any
of its Affiliates,  officers, directors, employees, or agents shall be liable to
any of the  Lenders  for any  action  taken or omitted to be taken by it or them
hereunder or  otherwise in  connection  with this  Agreement,  except for its or
their willful  misconduct and/or gross  negligence.  The Lenders hereby agree to
indemnify the Agent (to the extent not reimbursed by the Borrowers),  ratably on
the basis of their respective  Proportionate Shares, for and against any and all
liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits,
costs,  expenses  (including  attorneys' fees), and disbursements of any kind or
nature  whatsoever  imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Agent in any
way  relating to or arising out of this  Agreement,  any of the other  Financing
Documents or any of the  Obligations  or the  enforcement of any of the terms of
this Agreement  and/or any of the other  Financing  Documents;  provided that no
such Lender  shall be liable for any of the  foregoing  to the extent they arise
from willful misconduct or gross negligence by the Agent.

expressly  acknowledges  that  neither  the  Agent  nor  any  of  its  officers,
directors,  employees,  agents,  or Affiliates has made any  representations  or
warranties  to it and  that  no act by  any of the  foregoing  hereafter  taken,
including any review or audit of the affairs of the Borrower  shall be deemed to
constitute a representation  or warranty to any Lender.  Each Lender agrees that
it has, independently and without reliance on the Agent or any other Lender, and
based on such documents and information as it has deemed  appropriate,  made its
own credit  analysis of the Borrowers and decision to enter into this  Agreement
and that it will


independently and without reliance upon the Agent or any other Lender, and based
on such  documents and  information  as it shall deem  appropriate  at the time,
continue to make its own analysis and  decisions in taking or not taking  action
under this Agreement or any of the other Financing Documents, including, without
limitation,  the  financial  condition or solvency of the Borrowers or any other
Person.  Each Lender  represents and warrants to the Agent and the other Lenders
that it has received  from the Agent a copy of each of the  Financing  Documents
executed on or before the date it enters into this Agreement and has examined or
has had an opportunity to examine each of such Financing Documents.  Each Lender
represents  and warrants to the Agent and the other Lenders that such Lender has
the full right,  power and  authority to enter into this  Agreement and make its
Proportionate  Share of the Loans and to purchase  participations in the Letters
of Credit without notice to, or consent of, any Person and has taken all action,
corporate or otherwise, necessary to authorize it to enter into and execute this
Agreement.  The Agent shall not be  responsible to the Lenders for any recitals,
statements,  representations,  or warranties contained in this Agreement,  or in
any  other  Financing  Document,  or  of  the  value,  validity,  effectiveness,
genuineness,  enforceability,  or  sufficiency  of this  Agreement  or any other
Financing  Document  or for any failure by any  Borrower or any other  Person to
perform  any of its  obligations  under this  Agreement  or any other  Financing
Document.  The Agent shall not be  required  to keep  itself  informed as to the
performance  or  observance  by the  Borrowers  of this  Agreement  or any other
Financing  Document or as to the existence or possible existence of any Event of
Default or Default or to inspect the properties or books of Borrowers. Except as
expressly  provided  herein,  the  Agent has no duty or  responsibility,  either
initially  or on a  continuing  basis,  to provide any Lender with any credit or
other information with respect to the operations,  business, property, condition
(financial  or  otherwise)  or  creditworthiness  of the  Borrowers or any other

         SECTION 7.5 AGENTS, EMPLOYEES,  REPRESENTATIVES.  The Agent may execute
any and all duties  under  this  Agreement  and the  Financing  Documents  by or
through   representatives,   agents  or   employees,   and  in  such  event  the
representatives,  agents and  employees  shall be entitled to the benefit of all
rights of  indemnification  under this  Agreement  and/or  any of the  Financing
Documents  to which the Agent would be entitled if the Agent had  executed  such
duties.  In addition,  the Agent may consult with legal counsel  selected by it.
The Agent shall not be liable for any action  taken or suffered in good faith by
it in accordance with advice of such counsel.


         SECTION 7.6  RELIANCE BY AGENT;  RELIANCE ON AGENT.  The Agent shall be
entitled to rely,  and shall be fully  protected  in  relying,  upon any notice,
consent,  writing,  resolution,   certificate,   schedule,   affidavit,  letter,
cablegram,  telecopy,  telex, telegram,  teletype message,  statement,  order or
other document or  conversation  believed by it to be genuine and correct and to
have been signed,  sent or made by the proper  Person or Persons and upon advice
and statements of legal counsel (including,  without limitation,  counsel to the
Borrower),  independent accountants and other experts selected by the Agent. The
Agent may deem and treat the  original  Lenders as the owners of the  respective
Notes  for all  purposes  until  receipt  by the  Agent of a  written  notice of
assignment,  negotiation or transfer of any interest therein by the Lenders. Any
interest,  authority  or  consent  of any  holder of any of the  Notes  shall be
conclusive and binding on any subsequent holder, transferee, or assignee of such

         The Borrowers shall be entitled to rely and shall be fully protected in
relying upon any notice,  consent or communication from the Agent which purports
to be from and on behalf of the Agent and the Lenders.

         SECTION 7.7 SUCCESSOR AGENT.  Subject to the appointment and acceptance
of a successor  Agent as provided  herein,  the Agent may not resign at any time
without the prior written  consent of the Required  Lenders.  If the Agent shall
resign as Agent under this  Agreement  as  permitted  by this  Section  7.7, the
Required  Lenders  shall,  with the prior  consent  of the  Borrowers  not to be
reasonably withheld, appoint from among the Lenders a successor agent, whereupon
such  successor  agent shall  succeed to the rights,  powers,  and duties of the
Agent,  and the term "Agent" shall mean such successor  agent effective upon its
appointment,  and the former Agent's rights, powers and duties as Agent shall be
terminated,  without any other or further act or deed on the part of such former
Agent or any of the parties to the Agreement.  If no successor  Agent shall have
been  appointed  hereunder  within thirty (30) days after the Agent's  notice of
resignation  or removal,  then the  resigning or removed Agent may, on behalf of
the  Lenders,  appoint a  successor  Agent,  which  shall be a  commercial  bank
organized  under the laws of the United States or any State thereof and having a
combined capital and surplus of at least $100,000,000.00. Upon the acceptance of
its appointment as successor Agent, such successor Agent shall thereupon succeed
to and become vested with all rights, powers, privileges, immunities, and duties
of the resigning or removed  Agent,  and the resigning or removed Agent shall be
discharged  from its duties and  obligations  under this Agreement and the other
Financing  Documents.  After any Agent's  resignation  or removal as Agent,  the
provisions of this Article shall continue in


effect for its benefit in respect of any actions taken or omitted to be taken by
it while it was Agent.

         SECTION 7.8 AGENCY FEE. The Borrowers  shall pay to the Agent,  for its
sole and exclusive benefit, (i) a fee equal to Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000)
on  or  before  the  Closing  Date  and  (ii)   annually   thereafter,   a  loan
administration and agency fee (collectively, the "Agency Fees" and individually,
an "Agency Fee"), in the amount of Forty-five  Thousand Dollars  ($45,000).  The
initial  Agency Fee shall be payable in advance on the  Closing  Date,  and each
Agency Fee thereafter  shall be payable in advance on each  anniversary  date of
the Closing Date. Each Agency Fee shall be fully earned and non-refundable  upon
the date paid. The Agent shall retain all of the Agency Fees for its own account
and shall have no obligation  to remit or pay any portion  thereof to any of the

         SECTION 7.9  ACTIONS  AFTER  DEFAULT,  ETC. In the event that the Agent
shall have been notified in writing by any of the Borrowers or any Lender of any
Default or Event of Default, the Agent and the Lenders agree that the Agent:

         (a)      shall immediately notify the Lenders;

         (b) shall take such action and assert such rights under this  Agreement
as it is expressly required to do pursuant to the terms of this Agreement;

         (c) may, unless otherwise  directed by the Required Lenders,  take such
other  actions and assert such other rights as it deems  advisable,  in its sole
discretion,  for  the  protection  of the  Agent's  and the  Lenders'  interests
pursuant to applicable Laws and/or any of the Financing Documents;

         (d)  shall,  upon the  written  request  of the  Required  Lenders,  as
expeditiously and effectively as is reasonably  practicable,  enforce or attempt
to enforce the Financing  Documents;  provided,  however, (i) the Agent shall be
guided by the  Required  Lenders  as to the action to be taken in  enforcing  or
attempting   to  enforce   the   Financing   Documents;   and  (ii)  the  Agent,
notwithstanding  indemnification,  need not take any action  which it  believes,
upon advice of counsel, is prohibited by this Agreement or applicable Law; and

         (e) shall inform the Lenders of taking of action or assertion of rights
pursuant to this Section.


Each Lender  agrees with the Agent and the other  Lenders that the decisions and
determinations  of the  Required  Lenders in  enforcing  the Notes and the other
Financing  Documents  and in guiding the Agent in those matters shall be binding
upon all the Lenders,  including,  without limitation,  authorizing the Agent at
the pro rata  expense of all the  Lenders (to the extent not  reimbursed  by the
Borrowers)  to retain  attorneys to seek  judgment on the Notes and to foreclose
upon or exercise other rights under any of the Financing Documents.  Each Lender
similarly agrees with the other Lenders and covenants with the Borrowers that it
will not seek to separately institute any legal action on its Notes or the other
Financing  Documents.  All rights of action under the Financing Documents may be
enforced by the Agent only,  for the benefit of itself and the Lenders,  and any
suit or  proceeding  instituted  by the Agent for the  benefit of itself and the
Lenders in furtherance of such  enforcement  may be brought in its name as Agent
for the benefit of itself and the Lenders  without the  necessity  of joining as
plaintiffs or defendants  any Lender,  and the recovery of any judgment shall be
for the  benefit of the Agent and the  Lenders,  subject to the  expenses of the

         The  Agent  shall  not be  deemed  to have  knowledge  or notice of the
occurrence  of any Event of  Default or  Default  unless the Agent has  received
notice from a Lender or the Borrowers  referring to this  Agreement,  describing
such Event of Default or Default,  and stating  that such notice is a "notice of

REQUIRED.   Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  contained  herein,  no
amendment, modification, change or waiver shall be effective without the consent
of all of the Lenders to:

                  (a)      extend the maturity of the principal of, or interest
on, any Note or of any of the other Obligations;

                  (b) reduce the  principal  amount of any Note or of any of the
other Obligations or the rate of interest thereon, except as expressly permitted
herein or therein;

                  (c)      change the date of payment of principal of, or
interest on, any Note or of any of the other Obligations;

                  (d) change the method of  calculation  utilized in  connection
with the computation of interest and Fees;

                  (e) change the manner of pro rata  application by the Agent of
payments made by the  Borrowers,  or any other  payments  required  hereunder or
under the other  Financing  Documents,  except as provided  with  respect to the
payment of Non-Ratable Loans;


                  (f)      modify this Section or the definition of "Required
Lenders"; or

                  (g)  increase  or  decrease  the  amount  of, or  extend,  any
Lender's Committed Amount.

                                    ARTICLE 8


         SECTION 8.1 NOTICES.  All notices,  requests and demands to or upon the
parties to this  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been
given or made when delivered by hand on a Business Day, when sent when delivered
by confirmed  telecopy,  or three (3) days after the date when  deposited in the
mail, postage prepaid by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested,
or on the Business Day next  following  the day on which the notice is delivered
to nationally recognized overnight courier, addressed as follows:

                  Borrowers:        c/o C&D Technologies, Inc.
                                    1400 Union Meeting Road
                                    P.O.Box 3053
                                    Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 11422-0858
                                    Attn: Treasurer

                  Telecopy No:      (215) 619-7811

                                    with a copy to:

                                    Proskauer, Rose, Goetz & Mendelsohn
                                    1585 Broadway
                                    New York, New York 10036
                                    Attn:  Steven L. Kirshenbaum, Esquire

                  Telecopy No:      (212) 969-2900

                  Agent:            NationsBank, N.A.
                                    10 Light Street
                                    Baltimore, Maryland 21202
                                    Attn: Mr. Patrick M. Moore


                  Telecopy No:      (410) 528-1657

                                    with a copy to:

                                    Shaun F. Carrick, Esquire
                                    Miles & Stockbridge
                                    10 Light Street
                                    Baltimore, Maryland 21202

                  Telecopy No:      (410) 385-3700

                  CoreStates:       CoreStates Bank, N.A.
                                    Regional/PA Division
                                    FC 3-90-1-1
                                    Suite 300
                                    2240 Butler Pike
                                    Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania 19462
                                    Attn:  Karl F. Schultz

                  Telecopy No:      (610) 834-2069

                  Chase:            The Chase Manhattan Bank
                                    One Riverfront Plaza
                                    Newark, New Jersey 07102
                                    Attn: Thomas F. Conroy, Jr.
                                          Vice President

                  Telecopy No.:     (973) 353-6158

                  PNC:              PNC Bank, National Association
                                    Valley Forge Regional Banking Center
                                    Suite 200
                                    1000 Westlakes Drive
                                    Berwyn, Pennsylvania 19312
                                    Attn:  Warren Engle
                                           Vice President

                  Telecopy No.:     (610) 725-5799

                  with a copy to:

                                     PNC Bank, National Association
                                     1600 Market Street
                                     28th Floor
                                     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
                                     Attn:  Sharon Coghlan, Esquire


By written notice,  each party to this Agreement may change the address to which
notice is given to that party, provided that such changed notice shall include a
street  address to which  notices may be delivered  by overnight  courier in the
ordinary course on any Business Day.

         SECTION 8.2 AMENDMENTS; WAIVERS. This Agreement and the other Financing
Documents may not be amended,  modified,  or changed in any respect except by an
agreement  in  writing  signed  by the  Agent,  the  Required  Lenders  and  the
Borrowers, and to the extent provided in Section 7.10 by an agreement in writing
signed by all of the Lenders and the  Borrowers.  No waiver of any  provision of
this Agreement or of any of the other  Financing  Documents,  nor consent to any
departure by the Borrowers therefrom, shall in any event be effective unless the
same shall be in writing.  No course of dealing  between the  Borrowers  and the
Agent  and/or any of the  Lenders and no act or failure to act from time to time
on the part of the Agent  and/or any of the Lenders  shall  constitute a waiver,
amendment or modification of any provision of this Agreement or any of the other
Financing  Documents or any right or remedy under this  Agreement,  under any of
the other Financing Documents or under applicable Laws.

         Without  implying any limitation on the  foregoing,  and subject to the
provisions of Section 7.10:

                                    (a) Any waiver or consent shall be effective
only in the  specific  instance,  for the terms  and  purpose  for which  given,
subject to such conditions as the Agent may specify in any such instrument.

                                    (b)     No waiver of any Default or Event of
Default shall extend to any subsequent or other Default or Event of Default,  or
impair any right consequent thereto.

                                    (c)     No notice to or demand on any of the
Borrowers in any case shall entitle the Borrowers to any other or further notice
or demand in the same, similar or other circumstance.

                                    (d)  No failure or delay by the Agent or any
of the Lenders to insist  upon the strict  performance  of any term,  condition,
covenant  or  agreement  of  this  Agreement  or of any of the  other  Financing
Documents,  or to exercise any right,  power or remedy  consequent upon a breach
thereof, shall constitute a waiver,  amendment or modification of any such term,
condition,  covenant or  agreement  or of any such breach or preclude  the Agent
from exercising any such right, power or remedy at any time or times.


                                    (e)  By accepting payment after the due date
of any amount payable under this Agreement  or under any of the other  Financing
Documents,  the Agent  shall not be deemed to waive the right  either to require
prompt  payment when due of all other amounts  payable  under this  Agreement or
under any of the other Financing Documents,  or to declare a default for failure
to effect such prompt payment of any such other amount.

         SECTION  8.3  CUMULATIVE  REMEDIES.  The  rights,  powers and  remedies
provided in this Agreement and in the other Financing  Documents are cumulative,
may be exercised concurrently or separately,  may be exercised from time to time
and in such order as the Agent shall  determine,  subject to the  provisions  of
this Agreement, and are in addition to, and not exclusive of, rights, powers and
remedies provided by existing or future applicable Laws. In order to entitle the
Agent to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this  Agreement,  it shall not be
necessary  to give any  notice,  other  than  such  notice  as may be  expressly
required in this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing and
subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Agent may:

                                    (a)   proceed against any one or more of the
         Borrowers  with or without  proceeding  against  any one or more of the
         other  Borrowers  or any other  Person who may be liable for all or any
         part of the Obligations;

                                    (b)   proceed against any one or more of the
         Borrowers with or without  proceeding  under any of the other Financing
         Documents  or any  collateral  and  security for all or any part of the

                                    (c)  without reducing or impairing the joint
         and several obligation of the Borrowers and without notice,  release or
         compromise  with any  guarantor or other  Person  liable for all or any
         part of the Obligations under the Financing Documents or otherwise;

                                    (d)  without reducing or impairing the joint
         and several  obligations of the Borrowers and without  notice  thereof:
         (i) approve the making of advances  under the Revolving Loan under this
         Agreement,  (ii) waive any  provision  of this  Agreement  or the other
         Financing  Documents,  (iii)  exercise  or fail to  exercise  rights of
         set-off or other rights, or (iv) accept partial payments or extend from
         time to time the maturity of all or any part of the Obligations.

         SECTION  8.4  SEVERABILITY.  In case  one or more  provisions,  or part
thereof,  contained in this Agreement or in the other Financing  Documents shall
be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in


any respect under any Law, then without need for any further  agreement,  notice
or action:

                                  (a)  the validity, legality and enforceability
         of the remaining provisions shall remain effective and binding
         on the parties thereto and shall not be affected or impaired

                                  (b)    the obligation to be fulfilled shall be
         reduced to the limit of such validity;

                                  (c) if such provision or part thereof pertains
         to  repayment  of the  Obligations,  then,  at the  sole  and  absolute
         discretion of the Agent, all of the Obligations of the Borrowers to the
         Agent and the Lenders shall become immediately due and payable; and

                                  (d) if affected provision or part thereof does
         not pertain to  repayment  of the  Obligations,  but  operates or would
         prospectively operate to invalidate this Agreement in whole or in part,
         then  such  provision  or part  thereof  only  shall be  void,  and the
         remainder of this  Agreement  shall remain  operative and in full force
         and effect.

         SECTION  8.5  ASSIGNMENTS  BY LENDERS.  Any Lender may,  with the prior
written  consent  of the  Agent,  and with prior  notice to the  Borrowers,  but
without the consent of the Borrowers, assign to any Person reasonably acceptable
to the Borrowers (each an "Assignee" and collectively, the "Assignees") all or a
portion of such  Lender's  Commitments.  Any Lender which elects to make such an
assignment  shall pay to the Agent,  for the exclusive  benefit of the Agent, an
administrative  fee for processing  each such  assignment in the amount of Three
Thousand  Dollars  ($3,000.00).  Such Lender and its  Assignee  shall notify the
Agent and the Borrowers in writing of the date on which the  assignment is to be
effective  (the  "Adjustment  Date").  On or before  the  Adjustment  Date,  the
assigning  Lender,  the Agent,  the Borrowers and the respective  Assignee shall
execute and deliver a written  assignment  agreement in the form attached hereto
as EXHIBIT F, which shall  constitute  an  amendment  to this  Agreement  to the
extent necessary to reflect such  assignment.  Upon the request of any assigning
Lender  following an assignment  made in  accordance  with this Section 8.5, the
Borrowers  shall  issue  new  Notes to the  assigning  Lender  and its  Assignee
reflecting  such  assignment,  in exchange  for the  existing  Notes held by the
assigning Lender.

         In addition,  notwithstanding the foregoing, any Lender may at any time
pledge all or any portion of such Lender's rights under


this  Agreement,  any of the  Commitments or any of the Obligations to a Federal
Reserve Bank.

         SECTION 8.6 PARTICIPATIONS BY LENDERS.  Any Lender may at any time sell
to one or more  financial  institutions  participating  interests in any of such
Lender's Obligations or Commitments;  provided,  however,  that (a) after giving
effect to such  assignment,  such Lender must  continue to hold a  Proportionate
Share of the  Commitments at least equal to Five Million  Dollars  ($5,000,000),
(b) no such  participation  shall relieve such Lender from its obligations under
this  Agreement or under any of the other  Financing  Documents to which it is a
party,  (c) such Lender shall remain solely  responsible  for the performance of
its  obligations  under  this  Agreement  and under  all of the other  Financing
Documents  to which it is a party,  and the  Borrowers,  the Agent and the other
Lenders  shall  continue  to deal  solely  and  directly  with  such  Lender  in
connection with such Lender's  rights and  obligations  under this Agreement and
the other  Financing  Documents.  Each Lender agrees to give the Borrowers prior
notice of the sale of any participating interest in such Lender's Obligations or
Commitments, which notice shall identify the proposed participant.

         SECTION 8.7 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION  BY LENDERS.  In connection  with
any sale, transfer, assignment or participation by any Lender in accordance with
Section 8.5 or Section 8.6,  each Lender shall have the right to disclose to any
actual or potential purchaser, assignee, transferee or participant all financial
records,  information,  reports,  financial statements and documents obtained in
connection with this Agreement  and/or any of the other  Financing  Documents or
otherwise;  provided  that such  persons  shall  agree,  for the  benefit of the
Borrowers,  to be bound by the  provisions of Section 8.19,  whether or not such
sale, transfer, assignment or participation is consummated.

         SECTION  8.8  SUCCESSORS  AND  ASSIGNS.  This  Agreement  and all other
Financing  Documents  shall be  binding  upon and  inure to the  benefit  of the
Borrowers,  the  Agent and the  Lenders  and their  respective  heirs,  personal
representatives,  successors  and assigns,  except that the Borrowers  shall not
have the right to assign its rights hereunder or any interest herein without the
prior written consent of the Agent and the Required Lenders.

         SECTION  8.9  CONTINUING  AGREEMENTS.     All  covenants,   agreements,
representations  and warranties made by the Borrowers in this Agreement,  in any
of the other  Financing  Documents,  and in any certificate  delivered  pursuant
hereto or thereto  shall  survive  the making by the  Lenders of the Loans,  the
issuance of Letters of Credit by the Agent and the execution and delivery of the
Notes, shall be binding upon the Borrowers regardless of how long before


or after the date hereof any of the Obligations were or are incurred,  and shall
continue  in  full  force  and  effect  so long  as any of the  Obligations  are
outstanding and unpaid.

         SECTION 8.10 ENFORCEMENT COSTS. The Borrowers agree to pay to the Agent
on demand all  Enforcement  Costs to the extent due and payable,  together  with
interest  thereon from the date incurred or advanced until paid in full at a per
annum rate of interest equal at all times to the Post-Default Rate.  Enforcement
Costs  shall be  immediately  due and  payable  within  ten (10) days of written
invoice  therefor.  Without  implying  any  limitation  on  the  foregoing,  the
Borrowers  agree, as part of the  Enforcement  Costs, to pay upon demand any and
all stamp and other  Taxes and fees  payable  or  determined  to be  payable  in
connection  with the  execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement  and the other
Financing  Documents  and to save the Agent and the  Lenders  harmless  from and
against any and all  liabilities  with respect to or resulting from any delay in
paying or omission to pay any Taxes or fees  referred  to in this  Section.  The
provisions  of this Section  shall  survive the  execution  and delivery of this
Agreement,  the  repayment  of the  other  Obligations  and  shall  survive  the
termination of this Agreement.


                           8.11.1   As a material inducement to the Agent and
the Lenders to enter into this  Agreement,  the Borrowers  acknowledge and agree
that the Financing Documents,  including,  this Agreement,  shall be governed by
the Laws of the State, as if each of the Financing  Documents and this Agreement
had each been executed, delivered,  administered and performed solely within the
State even though for the convenience  and at the request of the Borrowers,  one
or more of the Financing Documents may be executed elsewhere.  The Agent and the
Lenders  acknowledge,  however,  that  remedies  under  certain of the Financing
Documents which relate to property  outside the State may be subject to the laws
of the state in which the property is located.

                           8.11.2   Each of the Borrowers  irrevocably submit to
the  jurisdiction  of any state or federal  court  sitting in the State over any
suit,  action or proceeding  arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any
of the other Financing  Documents.  Each of the Borrowers  irrevocably waive, to
the fullest extent  permitted by law, any objection that it may now or hereafter
have to the laying of the venue of any such suit,  action or proceeding  brought
in any such court and any claim that any such suit, action or proceeding brought
in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient  forum.  Final judgment in
any  such  suit,  action  or  proceeding  brought  in any  such  court  shall be
conclusive and


binding upon the Borrowers,  jointly and  severally,  and may be enforced in any
court in which any of the Borrowers are subject to jurisdiction,  by a suit upon
such  judgment,  PROVIDED that service of process is effected upon the Borrowers
in one of the manners  specified in this  Section or as  otherwise  permitted by
applicable Laws.

                           8.11.3   Each of the Borrowers hereby irrevocably
designates and appoints The  Corporation  Trust  Incorporated,  32 South Street,
Baltimore,  Maryland 21202, as such  Borrower's  authorized  agent to receive on
such Borrowers'  behalf service of any and all process that may be served in any
suit, action or proceeding of the nature referred to in this Section, including,
but not limited to, any demands for  arbitration,  in any state or federal court
sitting in the State or before Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc.
or the American  Arbitration  Association.  If such agent shall cease so to act,
each of the Borrowers  shall  irrevocably  designate  and appoint  without delay
another  such agent in the State  satisfactory  to the Agent and shall  promptly
deliver to the Agent  evidence in writing of such other  agent's  acceptance  of
such appointment and its agreement that such appointment shall be irrevocable.

                           8.11.4   Each of the Borrowers hereby consents to
process being served in any suit, action or proceeding of the nature referred to
in this Section by (i) the mailing of a copy thereof by  registered or certified
mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to any of the Borrowers at such
Borrower's  address  designated  in or pursuant to Section 8.1 hereof,  and (ii)
serving a copy thereof upon in accordance  with  applicable  law, the agent,  if
any,  designated  and  appointed by the  Borrowers as the  Borrowers'  agent for
service  of  process  by or  pursuant  to this  Section.  Each of the  Borrowers
irrevocably  agrees  that such  service  (i)  shall be  deemed in every  respect
effective  service of process upon all of the Borrowers in any such suit, action
or proceeding,  and (ii) shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, be taken
and held to be valid  personal  service upon all of the  Borrowers to the extent
the action is located in  Maryland.  Nothing in this  Section  shall  affect the
right of the Agent to serve process in any manner otherwise  permitted by law or
limit the right of the Agent otherwise to bring  proceedings  against any of the
Borrowers in the courts of any jurisdiction or jurisdictions.

be executed in any number of duplicate  originals or counterparts,  each of such
duplicate  originals or  counterparts  shall be deemed to be an original and all
taken together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.


         SECTION  8.13  HEADINGS.  The headings in this  Agreement  are included
herein for convenience  only,  shall not constitute a part of this Agreement for
any other purpose, and shall not be deemed to affect the meaning or construction
of any of the provisions hereof.

         SECTION 8.14 NO AGENCY.  Nothing herein contained shall be construed to
constitute  any of the Borrowers as the agent of the Agent or any of the Lenders
for any purpose  whatsoever  or to permit any of the  Borrowers to pledge any of
the credit of the Agent or any of the Lenders.  Neither the Agent nor any of the
Lenders  shall,  by  anything  herein or in any of the  Financing  Documents  or
otherwise,  assume  any of the  Borrowers'  obligations  under any  contract  or
agreement  assigned to the Agent and/or the  Lenders,  and neither the Agent nor
any of the Lenders shall be responsible in any way for the performance by any of
the Borrowers of any of the terms and conditions thereof.

         SECTION 8.15 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement is intended by the Agent,
the Lenders and the Borrowers to be a complete,  exclusive and final  expression
of the  agreements  contained  herein.  Neither  the Agent,  the Lenders nor the
Borrowers shall hereafter have any rights under any prior agreements  pertaining
to the  matters  addressed  by this  Agreement  but  shall  look  solely to this
Agreement for definition and  determination of all of their  respective  rights,
liabilities and responsibilities under this Agreement.


                  This waiver is knowingly,  willingly and  voluntarily  made by
the Borrowers,  the Agent and the Lenders, and the Borrowers,  the Agent and the
Lenders hereby  represent that no  representations  of fact or opinion have been
made by any  individual  to induce this waiver of trial by jury or to in any way
modify or nullify its effect.  The Borrowers,  the Agent and the Lenders further
represent  that they have been  represented in the signing of this Agreement and
in the making of this waiver by independent legal counsel, selected of their own
free will,  and that they have had the  opportunity  to discuss this waiver with

hereby agree that neither the Agent nor any of the


Lenders shall be chargeable for any negligence,  mistake, act or omission of any
accountant, examiner, agency or attorney employed by the Agent and/or any of the
Lenders in making examinations,  investigations or collections,  or otherwise in
perfecting,  maintaining,  protecting  or  realizing  upon any Lien or  security
interest or any other interest in any security for the Obligations.

                  By inspecting any other  properties of any of the Borrowers or
by  accepting  or  approving  anything  required to be  observed,  performed  or
fulfilled by any of the  Borrowers or to be given to the Agent and/or any of the
Lenders  pursuant to this  Agreement  or any of the other  Financing  Documents,
neither the Agent nor any of the Lenders  shall be deemed to have  warranted  or
represented the condition, sufficiency,  legality, effectiveness or legal effect
of the same,  and such  acceptance or approval shall not constitute any warranty
or representation with respect thereto by the Agent and/or the Lenders.






         SECTION 8.19 CONFIDENTIALITY. The Agent and the Lenders hereby agree to
exercise reasonable efforts to keep any non-public information delivered or made
available to the Agent and/or any of the Lenders  pursuant to this  Agreement or
any of the Financing Documents,  confidential from any Person except (a) Persons
employed  or  retained  by the Agent  and/or any of the  Lenders  who are or are
expected  to  become   engaged  in   evaluating,   approving,   structuring   or
administering the Obligations,  (b) with the prior written consent of Borrowers,
(c) as is permitted under and in connection with Section 8.5 or Section 8.6, (d)
as would be reasonably  required in  connection  with the exercise of any remedy
under this  Agreement  or any of the  Financing  Documents  after and during the
continuance  of an Event of Default or a Default  or (e) as may be  required  by
law;  provided  that in the event that the Agent or any of the Lenders or its or
their   representatives   are  requested  or  compelled   (by  oral   questions,
interrogatories,   requests  for  information  or  documents,   subpoena,  civil
investigative  demand or similar  process)  to  disclose  any of the  non-public
information  delivered  or made  available  to Agent  and/or any of the  Lenders
pursuant to this  Agreement or any of the Financing  Documents,  the Agent,  the
Lenders  and  its  and  their  representatives  agree,  to  the  extent  legally
permissible, to provide the Borrowers with prompt notice of such request.


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the  parties  hereto  have  executed  and
delivered this  Agreement  under their  respective  seals as of the day and year
first written above.

ATTEST:                                    C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

  /s/ROBERT E. MARLEY                      By:/s/STEPHEN E. MARKERT, JR. (Seal)
                                              Name:Stephen E. Markert, Jr.

ATTEST:                                    RATELCO ELECTRONICS, INC.

  /s/ROBERT E. MARLEY                      By:/s/STEPHEN E. MARKERT, JR. (Seal)
                                              Name:Stephen E. Markert, Jr.

ATTEST:                                    C&D/CHARTER HOLDINGS, INC.

/s/STEPHEN E. MARKERT, JR.                 By: /s/ ROBERT E. MARLEY      (Seal)
                                               Name:Robert E. Marley

ATTEST:                                    CHARTER POWER F.S., LTD.

  /s/ROBERT E. MARLEY                      By:/s/STEPHEN E. MARKERT, JR. (Seal)
                                              Name:Stephen E. Markert, Jr.

ATTEST:                                    PCC DE MEXICO S.A. DE C.V.

  /s/ROBERT E. MARLEY                      By:/s/STEPHEN E. MARKERT, JR. (Seal)
                                              Name:Stephen E. Markert, Jr.

ATTEST:                                    POWER CONVERTIBLES IRELAND LIMITED

  /s/ROBERT E. MARLEY                      By:/s/STEPHEN E. MARKERT, JR. (Seal)
                                              Name:Stephen E. Markert, Jr.


ATTEST:                                    CD TECHNOLOGIES DE MEXICO S.A.
                                            DE C.V.

  /s/ROBERT E. MARLEY                      By:/s/STEPHEN E. MARKERT, JR. (Seal)
                                              Name:Stephen E. Markert, Jr.

ATTEST:                                    PCC MEXICAN HOLDINGS, INC.

  /s/ROBERT E. MARLEY                      By:/s/STEPHEN E. MARKERT, JR. (Seal)
                                              Name:Stephen E. Markert, Jr.

WITNESS:                                   NATIONSBANK, N.A.
                                           in its capacity as Agent

 /s/ ROBERT P. BOULLE                      By: /s/ PATRICK M. MOORE      (Seal)
                                               Name:  Patrick M. Moore
                                               Title: Vice President

WITNESS:                                   NATIONSBANK, N.A.
                                           in its capacity as a Lender

 /s/ ROBERT P. BOULLE                      By: /s/ PATRICK M. MOORE      (Seal)
                                               Name:  Patrick M. Moore
                                               Title: Vice President

WITNESS:                                   CORESTATES BANK, N.A.
                                           in its capacity as a Lender

_________________________                  By:/s/ KARL F. SCHULTZ        (Seal)
                                              Name:Karl F. Schultz

WITNESS:                                   THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK
                                           in its capacity as a Lender

 /s/ RAY E. GORDANO                        By: /s/ THOMAS F. CONROY, JR.(Seal)
                                               Name:  Thomas F. Conroy, Jr.
                                               Title: Vice President


WITNESS:                                   PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
                                           in its capacity as a Lender

/s/ HEIDI S. BABMUELLER                    By:/s/WARREN C. ENGLE        (Seal)
Banking Officer                               Name: Warren C. Engle
                                              Title: Vice President


                                LIST OF EXHIBITS

A.      Form of Revolving Credit Note
B.      Permitted Liens
C.      Settlement Report
D.      Form of Loan Notice
E.      Form of Environmental Compliance Certificate
F.      Form of Assignment Agreement
G.      Form of Additional Borrower Joinder Supplement



Schedule 3.1.1  - Subsidiaries
Schedule 3.1.10 - Litigation
Schedule 3.1.14 - Indebtedness for Borrowed Money
Schedule 3.1.18 - Hazardous Materials or Hazardous Material
Schedule 3.1.19 - Places of Business
Schedule 3.1.20 - Changes in Names of Borrowers
Schedule 3.1.24 - Labor Matters
Schedule 5.2.6  - Extension of Credit


                                 SCHEDULE 3.1.1


C&D/Charter Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation 
Ratelco Electronics,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation 
Charter Power F.S. Ltd., a Bermuda corporation 
PCC Mexican Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation  
PCC de Mexico,  S.A. de C.V., a Mexican corporation  
C&D TECHNOLOGIES de Mexico,  S.A., de C.V., a Mexican corporation
Power Convertibles Corporation Ireland Ltd., an Irish corporation

Schedule 3.1.10:               LEGAL ISSUES


o     Lawrence B. Sayers Enterprises (Effective Transportation
o     Bruce Blacklock (Eastern Battery)
o     John Gennarelli v. C&D Charter Power Systems, Inc. and Onan
o     Apollo Graphics v. C&D Charter Power Systems, Inc.
o     Chicago-Dubuque Foundry Corp. v. Exide Electronics Corp. et al


o        Mr. Sheldon Bailey
o        Olympian Trademark
o        Vancouver D.C. Power Enterprises, Inc.
o        Novatec
o        Conyer's Clean Up
o        J. M. Shaefer
o        Conley Equipment Company Declaratory Judgement Action


         Capitalized  Leases in the aggregate  amount of $143,974 as of December
         31, 1997.

Schedule 3.1.18 - Hazardous Materials

I. The Borrower has been named as a potentially responsible party ("PRP") by the
United  States  Environmental  Protection  Agency  ("EPA")  with  respect to the
following  third  party owned or operated  facilities  to which scrap  batteries
and/or  lead  containing  or lead  contaminated  waste  had  been  shipped  from
Borrower's facilities for reclamation and/or disposal.

         A. The former Tonolli Incorporated Site at Nesquehoning,  Pennsylvania:
The remedial  investigation  and feasibility study at this site was completed in
fiscal 1993.  Although the Borrower's  final allocable share of the costs of the
investigation  and  remediation  of this site has not yet been  determined,  the
waste-in lists prepared by the EPA attribute 2.1107% to the Borrower. Based upon
the  remedial  approach  selected  by the EPA for this matter the  Borrower  has
accrued $90,000 as a reserve on Borrower's consolidated financial statements.

         B.  National  Lead  Industries  Site at  Pedricktown,  New Jersey:  The
Borrower, along with other PRPs, completed the remediation of the first operable
unit for  which  it was  named  as a PRP,  i.e.  the  removal  of  waste  piles,
stormwater  controls and  demolition  of site  buildings.  According to waste-in
lists prepared by the EPA the Borrower  contributed  3.5489% of the waste at the
site. The Borrower has expended  approximately  $129,000 in connection  with the
investigation  and  remedial  work on the  first  available  information  on the
remaining remediation at the site, an accrued reserve of $153,599 remains on the
Borrower's consolidated financial statements for this matter.

         C. U.S.S. Lead Refinery Site in East Chicago, Indiana: The Borrower has
recently  received a PRP notice from the EPA. Based on the preliminary  waste-in
volumetric  ranking for the site  prepared by the EPA the  Borrower  contributed
2.695% of the waste. Based on currently available information,  the Borrower has
accrued $283,500 as a reserve on its consolidated  financial statements for this

         D.  ILCO  Smelter  Site  in  Leeds,  Alabama:  The  Borrower  has  been
identified as a PRP at the site and was  classified by EPA as a DE MINIMIS party
in 1997.  The Borrower  has entered  into an  agreement  with EPA allowing it to
"cash out" its  liability for this matter  pending  approval of the agreement by
the major members of the PRP group. While the Borrower's  allocable share of the
cost of the  remediation  has not been  finally  determined,  the  Borrower  has
accrued $40,000 as a reserve for this matter.

II. With  respect to the third  party owned or operated  site known as the Crown
Industrial Site in Lackawaxen Township,  Pennsylvania,  in 1991 the Borrower was
asked by the Pennsylvania  Department of Environmental  Resources  ("PADER") for
information relating to Borrower's potential liability at the site.  Information
was provided which generally indicated that Borrower had no information

to  evidence  its use of the site.  Since that  information  was  provided,  the
Borrower has received no further communication from PADER and has not been asked
to participate in the costs of the  investigation  or cleanup of the site. Based
on information  available to it, the Borrower believes that any liability it may
ave at the site would be small.

III.  The  Borrower  has been named a PRP in other third party owned or operated
sites not listed above.  However,  pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement between
the Borrower and Allied  Corporation  ("Allied")  pursuant to which the Borrower
acquired  the assets of the C&D Power  Systems  division  of  Allied,  Allied is
obligated to indemnify the Borrower for any liabilities  relating to those third
part owned or operated  facilities  at which the  Borrower  has been named a PRP
(other than those set forth  above) and Allied has accepted  responsibility  for
the potential  liabilities  relating to those third party  facilities other than
those sites specified above.

IV.  The  Borrower  is  aware of the  following  potential  Hazardous  Materials
Contamination which may exist on the Borrower's principal properties:

         A. Huguenot,  New York:  Fluoride  contamination  exceeding the state's
groundwater  standards  in  an  inactive  lagoon  which  existed  prior  to  the
Borrower's acquisition of the site. The site is currently listed on the New York
State  Department of  Environmental  Conservations's  Inactive  Hazardous  Waste
Disposal  List.  The  Borrower  has  accrued   $185,000  as  a  reserve  on  its
consolidated financial statements for this potential liability.

         B.  Conyers,  Georgia:  In or about  1981,  the site was  listed on the
Georgia  State  Hazardous  Sites  Inventory.  Contaminated  soil,  likely from a
leaking underground acid neutralization tank and possibly stormwater runoff, has
been exhumed and disposed of and a  hydrogeologic  study has been  undertaken to
assess the impact,  if any, to groundwater.  The study did not reveal any impact
on the groundwater. The State has recently requested a status report on the site
from Borrower. This report was submitted to the state in May 1997.


1400 Union Meeting Rd.                    1661 Route 22 West
Blue Bell, Pa. 19422                      Bound Brook, NJ  08805

200 W. Main St.                           1825 Summit Ave. Suite 206
Attica Indiana 47918-0279                 Plano, TX  75074

7701 W. 79th St.                          41 Cedar Ave. BOXHM 1179
Bridgeview, Il 60455                      Hamilton HM EX Bermuda

Washington & Cherry Street                1105 N. Market Street Suite 1300
Conshohocken, Pa 19428                    Wilmington, DE  19899

1835 Industrial Blvd                      Unit 9 Distribution Centre
Conyers, Ga. 30012                        Shannon, Ireland

18 Industrial Park Rd.                    Calle Internationa, Avenida 17 S/N
Dunlap, TN  37327                         Agua Prieta Sonora Mexico

Route 209                                 Internat. Hwy KM612/2Blg 271-2
Huguenot, NY  12746-0430                  Sonora Nogales, Mexico

82 E. Main Street                         No 55-4 The Highway Centre, Jalan
Leola, Pa 17540-1996                      51/205, Petaling, Selengor Darul

3400 E. Britannia Dr. Suite 1222          General Warehouse 1000 Naperville
Tucson AZ. 85706                          Suite B Bolingbrook, IL  60813

7430 Pacific Circle                       Std Warehouse 1335 Old Norcross
Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5T 2A3       Lawrenceville, GA  30245

2211 American Ave.                        Broadmont Rd
Hayward, Ca 94545                         Tucson AZ  85706

9220 Norwalk Boulevard
Santa Fe Springs, Ca 90670

345 Baker St
Costa Mesa, Ca 92626


Please refer to the preamble section of this amended and restated  agreement for
a list of current names of borrowers.  Former names of borrowers that have since
been merged or remain as trade styles are:

C&D Power Systems, Inc.
C&D Charter Power Systems, Inc.
C&D Batteries, Inc.
Charter Power Systems, Inc.
PowerCom Division
Motive Power Division
Charter Power of California DBA Calpacific
Power Electronics Division
LH Research Inc.
Power Convertibles Corporation
International Power Systems, Inc.
Ratelco Electronics, Inc.
Cactus Holdings, Inc.
C&D Charter Power Systems Canada, Inc.

Schedule 3.1.24 LABOR MATTERS

The Borrowers are parties to the following collective bargaining agreements:


Local #367

Contract:     10/7/96 - 10/6/2000


Local #950

Contract:     9/15/95 - 9/15/99


Local #1726

Contract:     3/1/96 - 3/1/2000

No  Borrower  knows  of any  actual  or  threatened  strikes  or work  stoppages
involving such Borrower's employees.


Aggregate of Loan to:

     Pentatech Holdings, Malaysia - $13,084.97

     Instant Power Systems, Inc. - $68,671.70