L E A S E

     THIS  AGREEMENT,  made  this 15th day of  February,  1994,  by and  between
SEQUATCHIE  ASSOCIATES,  INCORPORATED,  hereinafter referred to as "Lessor", and
C&D CHARTER POWER SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee".

     WITNESSETH  THAT: The Lessor hereby leases to the Lessee the premises owned
by the Lessor,  situated in the Fourth  Civil  District  of  Sequatchie  County,
Tennessee,  and described in Deed Book 39, page 304,  Register's Office for said
County.  (A copy of said deed is  attached  hereto.)  This lease  shall be for a
period of ten (10)  years,  beginning  on the 15th day of  February,  1994,  and
ending the 15th day of January, 2004, and Lessor covenants to keep the Lessee in
quiet possession of the premises during said term.

     IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, the Lessee agrees to pay the sum of Five Thousand
Five  Hundred  ($5,500.00)  Dollars on the first day of each and every  calendar
month in advance,  being at the rate of Sixty Six Thousand  ($66,000.00) Dollars
per  annum,  and to take good care of the  premises,  and return the same at the
expiration  of said time,  in as good order as received,  ordinary wear and tear
and natural  decay  excepted,  unless  destroyed by  lightning or other  natural
causes, or fire not caused by its default;  and not to erect, or to permit to be
erected on the premises any nuisance or commit any waste.  This rental amount is
for the original structure located on the premises.

     The Lessee also agrees to pay the sum of Two Thousand  Nine Hundred  Twenty
Five  ($2,925.00)  Dollars per month for a period of ten (10)  years,  beginning
February 15, 1994, for the 10,000 square feet building  addition  constructed by
the Lessor in 1989.

The Lessee additionally agrees to pay the sum of Five

Thousand  Ten  ($5,010.00)  Dollars  per month  for a period of ten (10)  years,
beginning February 15, 1994, for a new addition to be constructed by the Lessor,
which  addition  is to  consist of (1) a nominal  15,000  square  feet  addition
complete with lighting,  sprinklers,  gas heat and landscape work, and (2) a new
mezzanine  office,  HVCA,  ceiling and  restrooms  in the  detached  "warehouse"
building. A copy of the plans for said addition are attached to this Lease.

     The total amount of the monthly rental  payments on the original  building,
the 1989 addition,  and the new addition  shall be $13,435.00 per month,  making
the total rent $161,220.00 per annum. The lease amount for the addition is based
on the amortized cost of the project,  including interest, taxes, insurance, and

     Lessor  agrees that any benefits  realized  from the Rural  Electrification
Authority (REA) 10 year, no interest loan (up to $400,000.00)  will be passed on
the C&D Charter Power Systems.  The principal portion of the lease payment is to
be amended to match the amount of the loan granted.

     The following  additional  stipulations are hereby declared to be a part of
this lease:

     1. The  Lessee  shall have the right to sublet the  premises,  upon  giving
thirty (30) days written notice to the Lessor.  However,  the parties agree that
the  original  Lessee  will be  responsible  for all  agreements  in this Lease,
regardless of any agreements made to sublet the premises.

     2. At the  expiration  of this Lease,  the Lessee  shall have the option to
renew  this Lease for a period of time and for an amount to be  renogotiated  by
the parties.

     3. It is mutually  agreed that the Lessee  shall have,  any time during the
initial  lease  period,  the option to  purchase  said  premises  for the sum of

     4. The Lessee will pay the rents hereby reserved  according to the terms of
this  lease,  and will  also  pay for all  utilities  used by it on the  demised
premises,  including gas, water, sewer, heat, electricity,  power, and telephone

     5.  Lessor  convenants  that Lessor is well seized of and has good right to
lease  the  premises,  will  warrant  and  defend  its title  thereto,  and will
indemnify  Lessee  against  any damage and  expense  which  Lessee may suffer by
reason  of any  lien,  encumbrance,  restriction,  or  defect in the title to or
description  herein of the  premises.  Lessor  represents  and warrants that the
premises may be used by Lessee  during the demised term for the purpose and uses
set forth in paragraph six herein below.

     6. Lessee  shall have the right to enter the  premises as  described at any
time after the date of this Lease for the purposes of making  investigations and
surveys  and to use the  premises  during  the term for the  warehousing,  sale,
manufacture, and assembly of C&D Charter Power Systems, Inc., products, together
with such other activities as may be related or incidental thereto.

     7. During the demised  term,  Lessor  shall  carry fire and  lightning  and
extended  coverage  insurance on the demised premises in such amounts as are now
maintained by Lessor, and Lessee shall pay the difference between the amounts of
such  premiums  and any increase  thereof  resulting  from the  occupancy of the
premises by Lessee,  Lessee to be named as an insured on said policy or policies
as its interest  shall  appear.  During the demised  term,  Lessee shall carry a
public  liability and property  damage  insurance  policy with minimum limits of
$100,000.00 per person and $300,000.00 per occurrence for personal  injuries and
$50,000.00 for property damage.

     8.  Lessor agrees that if the demised premises or any

part  thereof  are  rendered  untenantable  by reason of fire or except  for the
negligent  acts or omissions of Lessee or any other cause,  Lessor will promptly
repair or restore the premises to condition comparable to its present condition,
provided  however,  that if the repairs or restoration have not been started and
diligently  pursued within thirty (30) days after being  rendered  untenantable,
Lessee may, at its option,  terminate  the Lease without  further  obligation to
Lessor,  except for such rent as may then be due and payable  hereunder.  Lessor
further  agrees that if the demised  premises or any part  thereof are  rendered
untenantable for any period of time during the term hereof, the rent during such
period  shall  abate  to the  same  extent  and in the  same  proportion  as the
untenantable  portion  of the  demised  premises  bears  to the  whole  of  said

     9. The Lessee shall keep the demised  premises in good condition during the
continuance  of this  Lease,  remove  all  ashes,  rubbish,  and  refuse  matter
therefrom, replace or repair any electric fixtures or wiring that may be damaged
or broken during the tenancy.  Lessor shall be  responsible  for  structural and
exterior repair of the demised premises.

     10. Lessee may at its own expense,  make such alterations,  additions,  and
changes to the premises as it may deem  necessary or expedient in the  operation
of the  premises,  including  the  installation  of a loading  dock and interior
partitioning.  All improvements,  equipment,  trade fixtures, and other property
constructed,  installed,  or placed  upon the  premises by Lessee or acquired by
Lessee,  at any time  during  the  demised  term  shall be and  remain  Lessee's
property,  and Lessee shall have the right to remove any or all of the same from
the  premises at any time during  this Lease,  repairing  at its own expense any
damage caused by such removal. Any

improvements,  equipment,  trade  fixtures,  or other  property not removed upon
termination of this lease or within ten (10) days thereafter, shall be deemed to
have been  abandoned  by Lessee and shall  become the  property  of Lessor,  and
Lessee  shall not be  required  to remove the same from the  premises.  Upon the
termination of this lease,  the Lessee shall deliver up the said premises to the
Lessor in as good order and repair as the same now are, reasonable wear and tear
and damage by fire,  casualty,  or  resulting  from acts or  omissions of Lessor

     11. If Lessee is  prevented  from  conducting  its  business or if Lessee's
operations  for the purposes set forth in Paragraph Six hereof are impaired as a
result of zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations,  or of taking for a public or
quasi-public use by condemnation  proceeding or otherwise,  Lessee may terminate
this Lease by giving  Lessor at least  thirty (30) days notice  without  further
liability to Lessor except for rent prorated to the date of termination. Neither
the  existence  nor  Lessee's  exercise of any right  under this Lease,  nor any
abatement of rent,  shall waive,  limit,  or affect in way way Lessee's  rights,
then accrued or thereafter to accrue,  in any proceeding,  settlement,  or award
for  condemnation or for damage resulting from any other of the events specified
in this article.

     12.  Lessee  agrees to comply with  local,  state,  and  federal  statutes,
ordinances,  and regulations  pertaining to Lessee's use of the demised premises
and save the Lessor harmless from penalties,  fines,  costs or damages resulting
from failure to do so. The failure to comply with existing zoning ordinances and
regulations  with  respect to the  Lessee's  use of the premises as set forth in
Paragraph Six shall not be deemed a default or breach of this Lease.

     13.  If Lessee fails to pay any installment of rent

when due or within five (5) days  thereafter and fails to remedy the deficiency,
or defaults in its  performance of any other  obligation  under this Lease,  and
fails to make  remedy  within  fifteen  (15) days  following  receipt  of notice
thereof from Lessor, then in any of these events Lessor may terminate this Lease
without  prejudice to Lessee's rights under paragraph Ten.  However,  the Lessee
will be liable for the total rental  amount for the balance of the ten (10) year
lease period as set out in Paragraph 20 hereinafter.

     14. Lessor agrees to pay all property taxes assessed on the premises during
Lease period.

     15. All notices required hereunder shall be by certified or registered mail
and shall be deemed to have been received by the  addressee  upon deposit in the
U.S.  Mail,  postage  prepaid,  and  addressed  to the  party  at the  following
addresses or such other addresses as such party may have substituted therefor by
proper notice to the other:  (A) To Lessor at Sequatchie  Associates,  Inc., 222
Ridge Road,  Dunlap,  Tennessee  37327;  and (B) To Lessee at C&D Charter  Power
Systems, Inc., Route 1, Box 535-D, Dunlap, Tennessee 37327.

     16. This lease shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs,
executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto.

     17. It is agreed  that if there shall be more than one (1) Lessor or Lessee
they  shall  be  bound  jointly  and  severally  by the  terms,  covenants,  and
agreements  herein,  and the term "Lessor" or "Lessee" shall be deemed and taken
to include each and every person or party named as Lessor or Lessee  herein,  be
the same one or more. In the event there by more than one Lessee,  notice to one
of such Lessees of any act or agreement  herein  required shall be deemed notice
to all Lessees.  It is understood  that the masculine  herein shall be

deemed to include wherever necessary the feminine.

     18. Lessor  warrants that the demised  premises  shall be in good condition
and repair at the commencement of the term of this lease agreement.

     19. This lease shall  replace any prior leases and  supersedes  any and all
other leases,  written or oral, expressed or implied,  which may presently exist
between the parties  hereto or any other  agreements or extensions of any Lease,
and can be amended only by written document signed by Lessor and Lessee.

     20. The parties  agree that the term of this Lease is ten (10)  years,  and
should the Lessee  terminate the Lease prior to the  expiration of said ten (10)
year period,  the Lessee will be  responsible  for the monthly rental amount for
the balance of the ten year period.

     21. The parties agree that if,  without  fault,  either Lessor or Lessee is
made a party to any  litigation  instituted  by or against the other,  the other
will  indemnify  the  faultless  one against all loss,  liability,  and expense,
including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs incurred in connection with
such litigation.

     22. This lease will be governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee,  and
will be construed and interpreted  according to these laws without regard to any
conflict or choice of law provisions therein.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the said parties have hereunto set their hands on the
day and year first above written.

     ATTEST:                       SEQUATCHIE ASSOCIATES, INC.

/s/ Robert S. Dunkin III           BY: /s/ A. Weber, President & CEO
- ----------------------------          -------------------------------
                                      C&D CHARTER POWER SYSTEMS, INC.

/s/ Naomi M. Barker                   /s/ Flavius A. Barker, Pres.
- ----------------------------         --------------------------------