FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE
                         C&D TECHNOLOGIES SAVINGS PLAN

     WHEREAS,   C&D   Technologies,   Inc.  (the  "Sponsor")   adopted  the  C&D
Technologies  Savings  Plan (the  "Plan"),  most  recently  amended and restated
effective October 1, 1997; and

     WHEREAS, the Sponsor desires to amend the Plan.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Sponsor amends the Plan as follows, effective August 1,

     1. The Preamble is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph to read
as follows:

     Effective  August 1, 1998, the Power  Convertibles  Corporation  Retirement
     Savings Plan and Trust is hereby merged into and made a part of the Plan.

     2. Section 1.1 is amended by the addition of a definition  of  "Predecessor
Employer" reading as follows:

     A "PREDECESSOR EMPLOYER" means Power Convertibles Corporation.

     3.  Section 2.2 of the Plan is amended and restated in its entirety to read
as follows:

     A person shall be credited  with an Hour of Service for each hour for which
     he is paid, or entitled to payment,  for the  performance  of duties for an
     Employer, a Related Company or any Predecessor Employer.

     4. Section 13.5 is amended by deleting the fourth  indented  paragraph with
respect  to  restrictions  on  withdrawals   from  the  Rollover   Contributions

     5.  Section 6.11 is amended by the  addition of the  following  immediately
preceding the last paragraph therein:

          A Participant's  vested interest in the portion of his  Profit-Sharing
          and Matching Contributions Sub-Accounts that is attributable to assets
          transferred  to the  Plan  as a  result  of the  merger  of the  Power
          convertibles  Corporation  Retirement  Savings Plan and Trust into the
          Plan effective August 1, 1998 shall be 100% vested.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the sponsor has executed this instrument this 28th day
of December, 1998.

                                             C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                         By:    /s/ Stephen E. Markert, Jr.
                         Title: VP - CFO