                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                   (as amended and in effect on July 1, 1993)

                  First:  The name of the corporation (hereinafter called the
 "Company") is


                  Second:  The address of its registered  office in the State of
Delaware  is  Corporation  Trust  Center,  1209  Orange  Street,  in the City of
Wilmington,  County  of New  Castle.  The name of its  registered  agent at such
address is The Corporation Trust Company.

                  Third:  The nature of the business or purposes to be conducted
or promoted is to engage in any lawful act or  activity  for which  corporations
may be organized under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware,  as

                  Fourth:  The total number of shares of stock which the Company
shall have authority to issue is 176,000,000, consisting of:

     (1) 30,000,000 shares,  with a par value of $1.00 per share, are to be of a
class designated "Preferred Stock;

     (2) 10,000,000 shares,  with a par value of $1.00 per share, are to be of a
class designated "Preference Stock;"

     (3) 110,000,000 shares, with a par value of $0.10 per share, are to be of a
class designated "Common Stock;" and

     (4) 26,000,000  shares with a par value of $0.10 per share,  are to be of a
class designated "Class B Common."

     The Common Stock and Class B Common are hereafter  collectively referred to
as the "Parent Common Stock."

I.       Preferred Stock.

         The  Preferred  Stock  may be  issued  from time to time in one or more
series of any number of shares,  provided  that the  aggregate  number of shares
issued and not  canceled of any and all such  series  shall not exceed the total
number of shares of Preferred Stock hereinabove authorized, and with distinctive
serial  designations,  all as shall  hereafter  be stated and  expressed  in the
resolution or resolutions  providing for the issue of such Preferred  Stock from
time to time  adopted by the Board of  Directors  pursuant to authority so to do
which is hereby vested in the Board of Directors. Each series of Preferred Stock
(i) may have such  voting  powers,  full or  limited,  or may be without  voting
powers;  (ii) may be  subject  to  redemption  at such time or times and at such
prices;  (iii) may be entitled to receive  dividends (which may be cumulative or
noncumulative) at such rate or rates, on such conditions, and at such times, and
payable in preference  to, or in such relation to, the dividends  payable on any
other  class or classes or series of stock;  (iv) may have such  rights upon the
dissolution of, or upon any distribution of the assets of, the corporation;  (v)
may be made convertible  into, or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or
classes  or of any other  series of the same or any other  class or  classes  of
stock of the corporation,  at such price or prices or at such rates of exchange,
and with such adjustments; (vi) may be entitled to the benefit of a sinking fund
to be applied to the  purchase  or  redemption  of shares of such series in such
amount or  amounts;  (vii) may be  entitled  to the  benefit of  conditions  and
restrictions upon the creation of indebtedness of the Company or any subsidiary,
upon the issue of any  additional  stock  (including  additional  shares of such
series or of any other  series) and upon the payment of  dividends or the making
of other distributions on, and the purchase,  redemption or other acquisition by
the Company or any  subsidiary  of any  outstanding  stock of the  Company;  and
(viii) may have such other  relative,  participating,  optional or other special
rights,  qualifications,  limitations or restrictions  thereof;  all as shall be
stated  in said  resolution  or  resolutions  providing  for the  issue  of such
Preferred  Stock.  Shares  of any  series of  Preferred  Stock  which  have been

                                     - 1 -

redeemed  (whether  through the  operation  of a sinking fund or  otherwise)  or
which, if convertible or exchangeable, have been converted into or exchanged for
shares  of stock of any  other  class  or  classes  shall  have  the  status  of
authorized and unissued  shares of Preferred Stock of the same series and may be
reissued as a part of the series of which they were  originally a part or may be
reclassified  and  reissued  as part of a new  series of  Preferred  Stock to be
created by resolution or resolutions of the Board of Directors or as part of any
other series of Preferred  Stock,  all subject to the conditions or restrictions
on issuance set forth in the resolution or  resolutions  adopted by the Board of
Directors providing for the issue of any series of Preferred Stock.

         A. Series G Stock.  The  designated  powers,  preferences  and relative
participating,   optional  or  other  special  rights  and  the  qualifications,
limitations  or  restrictions  thereof,  of  4,800,000  shares  of a  series  of
Preferred Stock are as follows:

                  (1)  Designation.  The designation of this series of Preferred
         Stock shall be "$6.00 Cumulative  Convertible Preferred Stock, Series G
         (With $1.00 Par Value)" (hereinafter called the "Series G Stock").

                  (2)  Dividends.  The  holders  of shares of the Series G Stock
         shall be  entitled  to  receive,  when and as  declared by the Board of
         Directors,  dividends  in cash in the  amount  of $6.00  per  share per
         annum,  payable  quarterly on the 15th day of January,  April, July and
         October in each year,  commencing April 15, 1987 (each of the quarterly
         periods  ending  on the 15th day of such  months,  respectively,  being
         hereinafter called a "dividend period");  provided,  however,  that the
         holders of shares of Series G Stock shall be entitled to receive,  when
         and as declared  by the Board of  Directors,  dividends  in cash in the
         amount of $3.75 per share per annum, and such dividends shall accrue at
         such rate from the Date of Accrual to January 14,  1987.  Dividends  on
         shares  of the  Series  G Stock  shall be  cumulative  from the Date of
         Accrual with respect to such shares  (whether or not there shall be net
         profits or net assets of the Company legally  available for the payment
         of such  dividends) so that, if at any time Full  Cumulative  Dividends
         upon  the  Series G Stock  to the end of the  last  completed  dividend
         period shall not have been paid, or declared and a sum  sufficient  for
         payment  thereof  set  apart,  the  amount  of the  deficiency  in such
         dividends  shall  be fully  paid,  but  without  interest,  before  any
         dividend shall be declared or paid or any other distribution ordered or
         made upon, or any purchase or redemption  made of, any stock ranking as
         to  dividends or upon  liquidation  junior to the Series G Stock (other
         than a  dividend  payable  in  such  junior  stock,  or a  purchase  or
         redemption  made by issue or delivery of such junior stock);  provided,
         however, that any moneys theretofore deposited in any sinking fund with
         respect to any preferred  stock of the Company in  compliance  with the
         provisions  of such  sinking  fund may  thereafter  be  applied  to the
         purchase or redemption of such preferred  stock in accordance  with the
         terms of such  sinking fund  regardless  of whether at the time of such
         application Full Cumulative Dividends upon shares of the Series G Stock
         outstanding to the end of the last completed dividend period shall have
         been paid or declared and set apart for payment. All dividends upon the
         shares of the Series G Stock and any other preferred stock ranking on a
         parity as to  dividends  with the Series G Stock shall be declared  pro
         rata, so that the amounts of dividends declared per share on the Series
         G Stock and such other preferred stock, shall in all cases bear to each
         other the same ratio that accrued  dividends per share on the shares of
         the Series G Stock and such other  preferred  stock bear to each other.
         Holders of shares of the Series G Stock  shall not be  entitled  to any
         dividends,  whether  payable in cash,  property or stock,  in excess of
         Full Cumulative Dividends.

                  (3)  Rights of  Redemption.  The  shares of the Series G Stock
         shall be subject to redemption as follows:

                           (a) Optional Redemption.  Subject to subparagraph (b)
                  of this paragraph (3), the shares of the Series G Stock may be
                  redeemed at the option of the Company, in whole or in part, at
                  any time or from time to time upon not less than 30 days prior
                  notice to the  holders  of  record  of shares of the  Series G
                  Stock to be so  redeemed,  sent by first class  mail,  postage
                  prepaid,  to each registered  holder of shares of the Series G
                  Stock at his address  appearing on the Series G Stock register
                  maintained by the Company,  at the redemption  price of $50.00
                  per share,  plus an amount  equal to Accrued  Dividends to and
                  including  the  date  fixed  for  redemption  of  such  shares
                  (hereinafter called the "Redemption Date").

                                     - 2 -

                           (b) Pro Rata Redemption or Redemption by Lot. If less
                  than  all  shares  of the  Series G Stock  are to be  redeemed
                  pursuant to subparagraph (a) of this paragraph (3), the shares
                  to be redeemed shall be selected (x) by lot or (y) pro rata so
                  that there shall be redeemed  from each  registered  holder of
                  such  shares  that  number  of  whole  shares,  as  nearly  as
                  practicable to the nearest  share,  as bears the same ratio to
                  the total  number of shares of such Series held by such holder
                  as the total  number of  shares  to be  redeemed  bears to the
                  total  number  of  shares  of the  Series  G Stock at the time
                  outstanding. The determination of whether such selection shall
                  be made by lot or pro  rata  shall  be  made by the  Board  of
                  Directors. If the Board of Directors shall determine to redeem
                  less  than  all  shares  of the  Series  G Stock  by lot,  the
                  selection  by lot of the shares of the Series G Stock shall be
                  conducted by an independent  bank or trust company selected by
                  the Board of Directors of the Company.

                           (c) Sinking Fund,  Etc.  Shares of the Series G Stock
                  are not subject or entitled to the benefit of a sinking  fund.
                  All or a portion  of the  shares of the  series G Stock may be
                  purchased by the Company from time to time upon the best terms

                           (d) Effect of  Redemption.  Unless default be made in
                  the  payment  in  full  of  the   redemption   price  and  any
                  accumulated and unpaid  dividends,  dividends on the shares of
                  Series G Stock called for redemption shall cease to accumulate
                  on the Redemption  Date, and all rights of the holders of such
                  shares  as  stockholders  of  the  Company  by  reason  of the
                  ownership of such shares shall cease on the  Redemption  Date,
                  except the right to receive the amount payable upon redemption
                  of such shares on presentation and surrender of the respective
                  certificates  representing  such shares.  After the Redemption
                  Date,  such shares shall not be deemed to be  outstanding  and
                  shall not be  transferable  on the books of the Company except
                  to the Company.

                           (e) Receipt of  Redemption  Price.  At any time on or
                  after the Redemption Date, the respective holders of record of
                  shares of Series G Stock to be  redeemed  shall be entitled to
                  receive  the  redemption  price upon  actual  delivery  to the
                  Company of  certificates  for the shares to be redeemed,  such
                  certificates,  if  required  by the  company,  to be  properly
                  stamped for transfer and duly endorsed in blank or accompanied
                  by proper  instruments of assignment and transfer thereof duly
                  executed in blank.

                           (f) Return of  Deposits,  Etc.  Any moneys  deposited
                  with the transfer agent, or other  redemption  agent,  for the
                  redemption  of any shares of Series G Stock which shall not be
                  claimed  after five years  from the  Redemption  Date shall be
                  repaid to the Company by such agent on demand,  and the holder
                  of any such  shares of Series G Stock  shall  thereafter  look
                  only to the  Company  for any payment to which such holder may
                  he entitled. Any interest accrued on moneys so deposited shall
                  belong  to the  Company  and  shall be paid to it from time to
                  time on demand.

                                     - 3 -

                  (4)      Rights on Liquidation, Dissolution, Winding Up.

                           (a) In the  event  of  any  involuntary  liquidation,
                  dissolution  or  winding  up of the  Company,  the  holders of
                  shares  of the  Series  G  Stock  then  outstanding  shall  be
                  entitled to be paid out of the assets of the Company available
                  for distribution to its stockholders, before any payment shall
                  be made to the  holders of any class of  capital  stock of the
                  company ranking junior upon liquidation to the Series G Stock,
                  an amount  equal to $50 per share plus an amount  equal to all
                  Accrued  Dividends  thereon  to  and  including  the  date  of

                           (b)  In  the  event  of  any  voluntary  liquidation,
                  dissolution  or  winding  up of the  Company,  the  holders of
                  shares  of the  Series  G  Stock  then  outstanding  shall  be
                  entitled to be paid out of the assets of the Company available
                  for distribution to its stockholders, before any payment shall
                  be made to the  holders of any class of  capital  stock of the
                  company ranking junior upon liquidation to the Series G Stock,
                  an amount per share  equal to the then  applicable  redemption
                  price specified in  subparagraph  (a) of paragraph (3) of this
                  Section  B  regarding  Series  G Stock,  plus in each  case an
                  amount equal to all Accrued Dividends thereon to and including
                  the  date of  payment.  The  merger  or  consolidation  of the
                  Company  into or with any other  corporation  or the merger or
                  consolidation  of any  other  corporation  into  or  with  the
                  Company  shall not in any event be  considered a  dissolution,
                  liquidation  or winding up of the Company under this paragraph

                           (c) In the event the assets of the Company  available
         for  distribution  to the  holders of shares of Series G Stock upon any
         involuntary or voluntary liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the
         Company shall be  insufficient to pay in full all amounts to which such
         holders are entitled  pursuant to subparagraph  (a) or (b), as the case
         may be, of this  paragraph (4), no such  distribution  shall be made on
         account of any shares of any other class or series of  preferred  stock
         ranking on a parity with the shares of Series G Stock upon  liquidation
         unless  proportionate  distributive amounts shall be paid on account of
         the  shares  of  Series G Stock,  ratably,  in  proportion  to the full
         distributive amounts to which the holders of all such parity shares are
         respectively entitled upon such liquidation, dissolution or winding up.

                  (5)  Voting.  The shares of the Series G stock  shall not have
         any voting  powers,  either  general or special,  except as required by
         applicable law and as follows:

                           (a)  Without the  affirmative  vote or consent of the
                  holders  of at least  two-thirds  of the  number  of shares of
                  Series G stock at the time  outstanding,  voting or consenting
                  (as the case may be) separately as a class, given in person or
                  by proxy,  either in  writing  or by  resolution  adopted at a
                  special meeting called for the purpose,  the Company shall not
                  (i) create any  preferred  stock ranking prior to the Series G
                  Stock  as to  dividends  or upon  liquidation,  or  securities
                  convertible  into stock ranking prior to the Series G Stock as
                  to  dividends  or upon  liquidation  or (ii)  amend,  alter or
                  repeal any of the preferences, special rights or powers of the
                  holders of the Series G Stock so as  adversely  to affect such
                  preferences, special rights or powers.

                                     - 4 -

                           (b)  Whenever  dividends  payable  on any  series  of
                  Preferred  Stock  shall be in default in an  aggregate  amount
                  equivalent  to six full  quarterly  dividends on all shares of
                  such series at the time  outstanding,  the number of directors
                  constituting  the Board of Directors  of the Company  shall be
                  increased  by two,  and the holders of  Preferred  Stock shall
                  have,  in addition to any other voting  rights,  the exclusive
                  and special right, voting separately as a class without regard
                  to series,  to elect two  persons  to fill such newly  created
                  directorships.  Whenever  such  right of  holders of shares of
                  Preferred  Stock  shall  have  vested,  it  may  be  exercised
                  initially  either at a special  meeting of such holders called
                  as provided below,  or at any annual meeting of  stockholders,
                  and thereafter at annual meetings of  stockholders.  The right
                  of holders of shares of Preferred Stock voting separately as a
                  class to elect  members of the Board of Directors as aforesaid
                  shall continue until such time as all dividends accumulated on
                  all series of Preferred Stock shall have been paid in full, at
                  which  time the  special  right of the  holders  of  shares of
                  Preferred  Stock  so to vote  separately  as a  class  for the
                  election of directors shall terminate, subject to revesting in
                  the event of each and every subsequent default in an aggregate
                  amount  equivalent  to  six  full  quarterly  dividends.   For
                  purposes only of this  subparagraph (b), each holder of Series
                  G Stock shall be entitled to cast one-half vote for each share
                  of Series G Stock held by such holder.

                           At any time when such special voting power shall have
                  vested in the holders of shares of Preferred Stock as provided
                  in this  subparagraph  (b), a proper  officer  of the  Company
                  shall,  upon  written  request of the  holders of record of at
                  least 10% of the  number of shares of  Preferred  Stock at the
                  time  outstanding,  regardless  of  series,  addressed  to the
                  Secretary  of the  Company,  call  a  special  meeting  of the
                  holders of shares of Preferred Stock and of any other class of
                  stock  having  voting  power,  for  the  purpose  of  electing
                  directors.   Such  meeting  shall  be  held  at  the  earliest
                  practicable  date at the principal  office of the Company.  If
                  such  meeting  shall not be called by a proper  officer of the
                  Company within 20 days after personal  service of said written
                  request upon the  Secretary of the Company,  or within 20 days
                  after  mailing the same within the United States of America by
                  registered  mail  addressed to the Secretary of the Company at
                  its principal  office,  then the holders of record of at least
                  10% of the  number of shares  of  Preferred  Stock at the time
                  outstanding,  regardless  of series,  may designate in writing
                  one of their number to call such meeting at the expense of the
                  Company,  and such  meeting  may be called  by such  person so
                  designated  upon the notice  required  for annual  meetings of
                  stockholders and shall be held at said principal  office.  Any
                  holder of shares of Preferred  Stock so designated  shall have
                  access to the stock  books of the  Company  for the purpose of
                  causing  meetings  of  stockholders  to be called  pursuant to
                  these  provisions.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  this
                  subparagraph  (b),  no such  special  meeting  shall be called
                  during the 90 days  immediately  preceding  the date fixed for
                  the next annual meeting of stockholders.

                                     - 5 -

                           At any  meeting  held  for the  purpose  of  electing
                  directors  at which the holders of shares of  Preferred  Stock
                  shall have the special right, voting separately as a class, to
                  elect  directors  as provided in this  subparagraph  (b),  the
                  presence,  in person or by proxy, of the holders of 51% of the
                  number of shares of  Preferred  Stock at the time  outstanding
                  shall be required to constitute a quorum of such class for the
                  election of any director by the holders of the Preferred Stock
                  as a  class,  each  share  of  Series  G Stock  counting,  for
                  purposes only of determining the presence of such a quorum, as
                  one-half  share of  Preferred  Stock.  At any such  meeting or
                  adjournment  thereof, (i) the absence of a quorum of Preferred
                  Stock shall not prevent the election of  directors  other than
                  those to be  elected  by the  holders  of shares of  Preferred
                  Stock  voting as a class and the  absence  of a quorum for the
                  election  of  such  other  directors  shall  not  prevent  the
                  election of the  directors  to be elected by holders of shares
                  of  Preferred  Stock voting as a class and (ii) in the absence
                  of either or both such  quorums,  a  majority  of the  holders
                  present  in person  or by proxy of the  stock or stocks  which
                  lack a quorum  shall have power to adjourn the meeting for the
                  election of  directors  which they are  entitled to elect from
                  time to time,  without notice other than  announcement  at the
                  meeting, until a quorum shall be present.

                           During any period the holders of shares of  Preferred
                  stock  have the  right  to vote as a class  for  directors  as
                  provided  in  this  subparagraph  (b),  (i) the  directors  so
                  elected by the holders of the Preferred  Stock shall  continue
                  in office until termination of the right of the holders of the
                  Preferred Stock to vote as a class for directors, and (ii) any
                  vacancies  in the Board of  Directors  shall be filled only by
                  vote of a  majority  (which  majority  may  consist  of only a
                  single  director)  of  the  remaining  directors   theretofore
                  elected by the  holders of the class or classes of stock which
                  elected the director whose office shall have become vacant.

                  (6) Conversion  Rights.  The holders of shares of the Series G
         Stock shall have the right,  at their option,  to convert each share of
         the Series G Stock into  two-fifteenths  of a share of Common  Stock of
         the  Company  at any time on and  subject  to the  following  terms and

                           (a)  The  shares  of the  Series  G  Stock  shall  be
                  convertible at the office of any transfer agent for the Series
                  G Stock,  and at such other office or offices,  if any, as the
                  Board  of  Directors  may  designate,   into  fully  paid  and
                  nonassessable  shares (calculated as to each conversion to the
                  nearest 1/100th of a share) of Common Stock of the Company, at
                  the conversion price,  determined as hereinafter  provided, in
                  effect at the time of  conversion,  each share of the Series G
                  Stock   being   taken  at  $50.00  for  the  purpose  of  such
                  conversion. The price at which shares of Common Stock shall be
                  delivered  upon  conversion  (herein  called  the  "conversion
                  price") shall be initially  $375.00 per share of Common Stock.
                  The  conversion   price  shall  be  adjusted  as  provided  in
                  subparagraph (d) of this paragraph (6).

                                     - 6 -

                           (b) In order to convert  shares of the Series G Stock
                  into Common Stock the holder  thereof  shall  surrender at any
                  office  hereinabove  mentioned the certificate or certificates
                  therefor,  duly endorsed to the Company or in blank,  and give
                  written  notice to the Company at said office that such holder
                  elects to convert such shares.  No payment or adjustment shall
                  be made  upon  any  conversion  on  account  of any  dividends
                  accrued  on the  shares of the  Series G Stock  surrender  for
                  conversion  or on account of any dividends on the Common Stock
                  issued upon such conversion.

                           Shares of the Series G Stock  shall be deemed to have
                  been converted  immediately  prior to the close of business on
                  the day of the  surrender  of such  shares for  conversion  in
                  accordance  with the foregoing  provisions,  and the person or
                  persons  entitled to receive the Common  Stock  issuable  upon
                  such  conversion  shall be  treated  for all  purposes  as the
                  record holder or holders of such Common Stock at such time. As
                  promptly as practicable  on or after the conversion  date, the
                  Company  shall  issue  and  shall  deliver  at said  office  a
                  certificate or  certificates  for the number of full shares of
                  Common Stock  issuable upon such  conversion,  together with a
                  cash  payment  in  lieu  of  any  fraction  of  a  share,   as
                  hereinafter  provided,  to the person or persons  entitled  to
                  receive  the same.  In case  shares of the  Series G Stock are
                  called for redemption,  the right to convert such shares shall
                  cease and terminate at the close of business on the Redemption
                  Date,   unless  default  shall  be  made  in  payment  of  the
                  redemption price.

                           (c) No  fractional  shares of Common  Stock  shall be
                  issued upon  conversion of shares of the Series G Stock,  but,
                  instead of any fraction of a share of Common Stock which would
                  otherwise  be issuable in respect of the  aggregate  number of
                  shares of the Series G Stock surrendered for conversion at one
                  time  by  the  same  holder,  the  Company  shall  pay a  cash
                  adjustment  of such  fraction  in an amount  equal to the same
                  fraction of the  Closing  Date Price on the date on which such
                  shares  of the  Series  G  Stock  were  duly  surrendered  for
                  conversion, or, if such date is not a Trading Day, on the next
                  Trading Day.

                           (d) The conversion  price shall be adjusted from time
                  to time as follows:

                                    (I) In  case  the  Company  shall  (i) pay a
                           dividend or make a  distribution  on its  outstanding
                           shares  of  Common  Stock  in  Common   Stock,   (ii)
                           subdivide  its  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock,
                           (iii) combine its outstanding  shares of Common Stock
                           into a smaller  number of  shares,  or (iv) issue any
                           shares by  reclassification  of its  shares of Common
                           Stock,  the conversion price in effect at the time of
                           the record date for such dividend or  distribution or
                           the effective date of such  subdivision,  combination
                           or  reclassification  shall be  adjusted  so that the
                           holder  of  any   shares   of  the   Series  G  Stock
                           surrendered  for conversion  after such time shall be
                           entitled  to receive  the number of shares of capital
                           stock of the  Company  which he would  have  owned or
                           been  entitled  to  receive  had such  shares  of the
                           Series G Stock been  converted  immediately  prior to
                           such time.

                                     - 7 -

                                   (II)  In case  the  company  shall  hereafter
                           issue rights or warrants to all holders of its Common
                           Stock  entitling them (for a period  expiring  within
                           forty-five  days  after  the  record  date  mentioned
                           below) to subscribe for or purchase  shares of Common
                           Stock at a price  per  share  less  than the  current
                           market  price per  share--as  determined  pursuant to
                           clause (IV) of this  subparagraph  (d)--on the record
                           date mentioned  below,  the conversion price shall be
                           adjusted  so that  the same  shall  equal  the  price
                           determined by  multiplying  the  conversion  price in
                           effect  immediately  prior to the date of issuance of
                           such rights or  warrants by a fraction,  of which the
                           numerator  shall be the  number  of  shares of Common
                           Stock  outstanding on the record date mentioned below
                           plus the number of shares of Common  Stock  which the
                           aggregate  offering  price  of the  total  number  of
                           shares of Common Stock so offered  would  purchase at
                           such   current   market   price   and  of  which  the
                           denominator  shall be the  number of shares of Common
                           Stock outstanding on such record date plus the number
                           of  additional  shares of Common  Stock  offered  for
                           subscription  or  purchase.   Such  adjustment  shall
                           become  effective  at the  opening of business on the
                           business day next  following  the record date for the
                           determination  of  stockholders  entitled  to receive
                           such  rights  or  warrants;  and to the  extent  that
                           shares of Common  Stock are not  delivered  after the
                           expiration of such rights or warrants, the conversion
                           price shall be  readjusted  (but only with respect to
                           shares of the  Series C Stock  converted  after  such
                           expiration) to the conversion  price which would then
                           be in  effect  had  the  adjustments  made  upon  the
                           distribution  of such  rights or  warrants  been made
                           upon the  basis of  delivery  of only the  number  of
                           shares  of  Common  Stock  actually   delivered.   No
                           adjustment in the conversion  price shall be required
                           or  made  under  this  clause  (II) or  clause  (III)
                           immediately  below or otherwise  under this paragraph
                           (6) in respect of any right granted by the Company to
                           all   holders  of  its  Common   Stock  to   purchase
                           additional shares of Common Stock from the Company at
                           a discount from the current market price per share of
                           Common Stock by  reinvestment  of dividends on Common
                           Stock if either (i) such  discount does not exceed 6%
                           of such  current  market price or (ii) the holders of
                           the  Series G Stock  shall be  entitled  to  purchase
                           shares of Common  Stock from the  Company at the same
                           discount by reinvestment of dividends on the Series G

                                     - 8 -

                                  (III) In case the Company shall  distribute to
                           all  holders of its  Common  Stock  evidences  of its
                           indebtedness or assets-excluding any cash dividend or
                           distributions and dividends referred to in clause (I)
                           of this  paragraph  (6)--or  subscription  rights  or
                           warrants  (excluding those referred to in clause (II)
                           immediately  above),  then  in  each  such  case  the
                           conversion  price  shall be adjusted so that the same
                           shall equal the price  determined by multiplying  the
                           conversion price in effect  immediately  prior to the
                           date of such  distribution by a fraction of which the
                           numerator shall be the current market price per share
                           (determined  as provided  in clause (IV)  immediately
                           below)  of  the  Common  Stock  on  the  record  date
                           mentioned  below less the then fair market  value (as
                           determined  by the Board of Directors of the Company,
                           whose  determination  shall  be  conclusive)  of  the
                           portion of the assets or evidences of indebtedness so
                           distributed  or  of  such   subscription   rights  or
                           warrants applicable to one share of Common Stock, and
                           the  denominator  shall be such current  market price
                           per share of the Common Stock.  Such adjustment shall
                           become  effective  on the  opening of business on the
                           business day next  following  the record date for the
                           determination  of  stockholders  entitled  to receive
                           such distribution.

                                   (IV) For the purpose of any computation under
                           clause (II) or (III)  immediately  above, the current
                           market  price per  share of Common  Stock on any date
                           shall  be  deemed  to be the  average  of  the  daily
                           Closing Price for the thirty consecutive Trading Days
                           selected  by the  Company  commencing  not more  than
                           forty-five Trading Days before the day in question.

                                    (V) In any case in which this  paragraph (6)
                           shall  require that an  adjustment as a result of any
                           event become  effective at the opening of business on
                           the  business day next  following a record date,  the
                           Company may elect to defer until after the occurrence
                           of such event (i) issuing to the holder of any shares
                           of the Series G Stock  converted  after  such  record
                           date and  before  the  occurrence  of such  event the
                           additional  shares of Common Stock issuable upon such
                           conversion  over and above the shares of Common Stock
                           issuable  upon  such  conversion  on the basis of the
                           conversion  price prior to adjustment and (ii) paying
                           to  such  holder  any  amount  in  cash  in lieu of a
                           fractional   share  of  Common   Stock   pursuant  to
                           subparagraph  (c) of this paragraph (6); and, in lieu
                           of the shares the  issuance of which is so  deferred,
                           the Company shall issue or cause its transfer  agents
                           to issue due bills or other  appropriate  evidence of
                           the right to receive such shares.

                                     - 9 -

                                   (VI) Any adjustment in the  conversion  price
                           otherwise  required by this  paragraph (6) to be made
                           may be postponed  up to, but not beyond,  three years
                           from the date on which it would otherwise be required
                           to be made  provided that such  adjustment  (plus any
                           other adjustments  postponed  pursuant to this clause
                           (VI) and not  theretofore  made) would not require an
                           increase or decrease of more than $0.50 in such price
                           and would not,  if made,  entitle  the holders of all
                           then  outstanding  shares of the  Series G Stock upon
                           conversion  to  receive  additional  shares of Common
                           Stock  equal  in the  aggregate  to 3% or more of the
                           then issued and  outstanding  shares of Common Stock.
                           All  calculations  under this  paragraph (6) shall be
                           made to the nearest cent or to the nearest 1/100 of a
                           share, as the case may be.

                           (e)  Whenever  the  conversion  price is  adjusted as
                  herein provided:

                                    (I) the Company  shall  compute the adjusted
                           conversion  price in accordance  with this  paragraph
                           (6) and  shall  prepare a  certificate  signed by the
                           Treasurer of the Company  setting  forth the adjusted
                           conversion   price,   and  such   certificate   shall
                           forthwith be filed with the transfer  agent or agents
                           for the Series G Stock; and

                                   (II) a notice  stating  that  the  conversion
                           price  has  been   adjusted  and  setting  forth  the
                           adjusted   conversion   price   shall,   as  soon  as
                           practicable,  be mailed to the  holders  of record of
                           the outstanding shares of the Series G stock.

                           (f) In case of any consolidation of the Company with,
                  or merger of the Company with or into,  any other  corporation
                  (other  than a merger in which the  Company  is the  surviving
                  corporation and which does not result in any  reclassification
                  or change of the outstanding  shares of the Company into which
                  shares of the Series G Stock are then convertible), or in case
                  of any  conveyance  or transfer of the  property and assets of
                  the Company substantially as an entirety, each share of Series
                  G Stock shall  thereafter be  convertible  into the number and
                  kind of  shares  of  stock  and  other  securities  and  cash,
                  property  and  rights  receivable  upon  such   consolidation,
                  merger,  conveyance  or transfer by a holder of the number and
                  kind of shares of the Company into which such shares of Series
                  G Stock might have been  converted  immediately  prior to such
                  consolidation,  merger,  conveyance  or  transfer.  The  above
                  provisions of this  subparagraph  (f) shall similarly apply to
                  successive consolidations, mergers, conveyances or transfers.

                           (g)      In case:

                                    (I) the Company shall declare a dividend (or
                           any other  distribution)  on its Common Stock payable
                           otherwise than in cash out of its retained  earnings;

                                   (II) the Company shall authorize the granting
                           to the  holders  of its  Common  Stock of  rights  to
                           subscribe for or purchase any shares of capital stock
                           of any class or of any other rights; or

                                     - 10 -

                                  (III) of any  reclassification  of the capital
                           stock of the  Company  (other than a  subdivision  or
                           combination  of  its  outstanding  shares  of  Common
                           Stock),  or of any  consolidation  or merger to which
                           the Company is a party and for which  approval of any
                           stockholders  of the Company is  required,  or of the
                           sale or transfer of all or  substantially  all of the
                           assets of the Company; or

                                   (IV)   of  the   voluntary   or   involuntary
                           dissolution,   liquidation   or  winding  up  of  the

                  then the  Company  shall  cause to be mailed  to the  transfer
                  agent or agents for the  Series G Stock and to the  holders of
                  record  of the  outstanding  shares  of the  Series G Stock at
                  least 20 days--or 10 days in any case  specified in clause (I)
                  or (II)  of this  subparagraph  (g)--prior  to the  applicable
                  record date  hereinafter  specified,  a notice stating (x) the
                  date on which a record is to be taken for the  purpose of such
                  dividend, distribution or rights, or, if a record is not to be
                  taken,  the date as of which the  holders  of Common  Stock of
                  record to be entitled to such dividend, distribution or rights
                  are  to  be  determined,   or  (y)  the  date  on  which  such
                  reclassification,   consolidation,   merger,  sale,  transfer,
                  dissolution,  liquidation  or winding up is expected to become
                  effective,  and  the  date as of  which  it is  expected  that
                  holders  of  Common  Stock  of  record  shall be  entitled  to
                  exchange  their shares of Common Stock for securities or other
                  property     deliverable    upon    such     reclassification,
                  consolidation,    merger,   sale,    transfer,    dissolution,
                  liquidation or winding up.

                           (h) The Company  shall at all times  reserve and keep
                  available,  free from preemptive rights, out of its authorized
                  but unissued  Common  Stock,  for the purpose of effecting the
                  conversion  of the  shares  of the  Series G  Stock,  the full
                  number of shares of Common  Stock  then  deliverable  upon the
                  conversion   of  all   shares  of  the  Series  G  Stock  then

                           (i) The  Company  will pay any and all taxes that may
                  be payable in respect of the issuance or delivery of shares of
                  Common Stock on conversion  of shares of this Series  pursuant
                  hereto. The Company shall not, however, be required to pay any
                  tax which may be payable in respect of any  transfer  involved
                  in the issue and  delivery of shares of Common Stock in a name
                  other  than  that  in  which  the  shares  of this  Series  so
                  converted were registered, and no such issue or delivery shall
                  be made unless and until the person  requesting such issue has
                  paid  to the  Company  the  amount  of any  such  tax,  or has
                  established, to the satisfaction of the Company, that such tax
                  has been paid.

                           (j) For the  purpose of this  paragraph  (6) the term
                  "Common  Stock"  shall  include  any stock of any class of the
                  Company  which has no preference in respect of dividends or of
                  amounts  payable in the event of any voluntary or  involuntary
                  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up of the  Company,  and
                  which is not subject to  redemption  by the Company.  However,
                  shares  issuable on conversion of shares of the Series G Stock
                  shall  include only shares of the class  designated  as Common
                  Stock of the Company as of the  original  date of issue of the
                  Series G Stock or  Shares of any  class or  classes  resulting
                  from any  reclassification  or  reclassifications  thereof and
                  which have no preference in respect of dividends or of amounts
                  payable  in  the  event  of  any   voluntary  or   involuntary
                  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding up of the  Company  and
                  which are not subject to redemption  by the Company,  provided
                  that  if at any  time  there  shall  be  more  than  one  such
                  resulting  class,  the  shares  of  each  such  class  then so
                  issuable shall be  substantially  in the proportion  which the
                  total number of shares of such class  resulting  from all such
                  reclassifications  bears to the total  number of shares of all
                  such classes resulting from all such reclassifications.

                                     - 11 -

                           (k) As used in this  paragraph (6), the term "Closing
                  Price" on any day shall mean the  reported  last  sales  price
                  regular  way on such day or, in case no such sale takes  place
                  on such day, the average of the reported closing bid and asked
                  prices  regular  way,  in  each  case on the  New  York  Stock
                  Exchange, or, if the Common Stock is not listed or admitted to
                  trading on such Exchange, on the principal national securities
                  exchange  on which the Common  Stock is listed or  admitted to
                  trading on any national  securities  exchange,  the average of
                  the closing bid and asked  prices as furnished by any New York
                  Stock  Exchange  member firm selected from time to time by the
                  Company for that  purpose;  and the term  "Trading  Day" shall
                  mean a date on  which  the New  York  Stock  Exchange  (or any
                  successor  to such  Exchange) is open for the  transaction  of

                  (7)      Definitions.

                           (a) The term  "Accrued  Dividends"  shall  mean  Full
                  Cumulative Dividends to the date as of which Accrued Dividends
                  are to be  computed,  less the amount of all  dividends  paid,
                  upon the relevant shares of Series G Stock.

                           (b) The term "Date of Accrual"  shall mean, as to any
                  shares of the Series G Stock issued, January 1, 1987.

                           (c) The term "Full  Cumulative  Dividends" shall mean
                  (whether or not in any dividend  period,  or any part thereof,
                  in respect  of which  such term is used there  shall have been
                  net profits or net assets of the Company legally available for
                  the  payment of such  dividends)  that  amount  which shall be
                  equal to  dividends  at the full rate  fixed for the  Series G
                  Stock  provided in  paragraph  (2) of this Section B regarding
                  Series G Stock for the period of time elapsed from the Date of
                  Accrual to the date as of which Full Cumulative  Dividends are
                  to be computed  (including  an amount equal to the dividend at
                  such rate for any  fraction of a dividend  period  included in
                  such period of time  calculated on the basis of a 360-day year
                  of 12 30-day months).

                           (d)  The  term  "Preferred   Stock"  shall  mean  any
                  Preferred  Stock created and issued under this Article Fourth;
                  provided,  however, that for purposes only of subparagraph (b)
                  of paragraph  (5) of this Section B regarding  Series G Stock,
                  each  holder  of  series  G Stock  shall be  entitled  to cast
                  one-half  vote for each  share of series G Stock  held by such
                  holder and for purposes of determining a quorum at any meeting
                  held for the  purpose  of  electing  directors  at  which  the
                  holders of  Preferred  Stock  shall have this  special  right,
                  voting  separately as a class,  to elect directors as provided
                  in such  subparagraph  (b), each share of Series G Stock shall
                  count, for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum of
                  such class at such  meeting,  as one-half  share of  Preferred
                  Stock.  The term  "preferred  stock"  shall mean shares of any
                  class of stock  (including  Preferred Stock) if the holders of
                  such class shall be entitled to the receipt of dividends or of
                  amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
                  up, in  preference  or  priority  to the  holders of shares of
                  Common Stock.

                                     - 12 -

                           (e) For the purposes hereof any stock of any class or
                  classes  of the  Company  shall be deemed to rank (i) prior to
                  shares of the Series G Stock,  either as to  dividends or upon
                  liquidation,  if the holders of such class or classes shall be
                  entitled   to  the   receipt  of   dividends   or  of  amounts
                  distributable upon liquidation,  dissolution or winding up, as
                  the case may be, in  preference  or priority to the holders of
                  shares of the Series G Stock;  (ii) on a parity with shares of
                  the  Series  G  Stock,   either  as  to   dividends   or  upon
                  liquidation,  whether  or not  the  dividend  rates,  dividend
                  payment dates,  or redemption or liquidation  prices per share
                  thereof be different from those of the Series G Stock,  if the
                  holders  of such stock  shall be  entitled  to the  receipt of
                  dividends  or  of  amounts   distributable  upon  liquidation,
                  dissolution  or winding up, as the case may be, in  proportion
                  to  their  respective  dividend  rate or  liquidation  prices,
                  without  preference  or  priority  of one  over  the  other as
                  between the holders of such stock and the holders of shares of
                  Series G Stock;  and (iii)  junior  to shares of the  Series G
                  Stock,  either as to  dividends or upon  liquidation,  if such
                  class shall be Common  Stock or if the holders of the Series G
                  Stock  shall be entitled  to the  receipt of  dividends  or of
                  amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
                  up,  as the case may be,  in  preference  or  priority  to the
                  holders of shares of such class of classes.

                           (f) The  shares  of the  Series  G Stock  shall  rank
                  senior as to the dividends and upon  liquidation to the shares
                  of the $120 Redeemable  Convertible  Preferred Stock, Series E
                  (With $1.00 Par Value) of the Company and to the shares of the
                  Convertible Junior Preference Stock,  Series G (With $1.00 Par
                  Value) of the Company.

                  (8) Retirement of Redeemed or Converted Shares, Etc. Shares of
         the Series G Stock which have been (i) redeemed or (ii)  converted into
         Common  Stock  pursuant  to the  provisions  of  paragraph  (6) of this
         Section B regarding  Series G Stock shall have the status of authorized
         and unissued Preferred Stock.

II.      Preference Stock.

         The  Preference  Stock may be  issued  from time to time in one or more
series of any number of shares,  provided  that the  aggregate  number of shares
issued and not  canceled of any and all such  series  shall not exceed the total
number  of  shares  of  Preference  Stock  hereinabove   authorized,   and  with
distinctive serial designations,  all as shall hereafter be stated and expressed
in the  resolution or  resolutions  providing  for the issue of such  Preference
Stock from time to time adopted by the Board of Directors  pursuant to authority
so to do which is  hereby  vested  in the  Board of  Directors.  Each  series of
Preference  Stock (i) may have such voting  powers,  full or limited,  or may be
without voting  powers;  (ii) may be subject to redemption at such time or times
and at such  prices;  (iii) may be entitled to receive  dividends  (which may be
cumulative or noncumulative)  at such rate or rates, on such conditions,  and at
such times,  and payable in preference to, or in such relation to, the dividends
payable on any other  class or  classes  or series of stock;  (iv) may have such
rights upon the dissolution  of, or upon any  distribution of the assets of, the
corporation;  (v) may be made convertible  into, or exchangeable  for, shares of
any other class or classes or of any other series of the same or any other class
or classes of stock of the corporation, at such price or prices or at such rates
of exchange, and with such adjustments; (vi) may be entitled to the benefit of a
sinking  fund to be  applied to the  purchase  or  redemption  of shares of such
series in such  amount or  amounts;  (vii) may be  entitled  to the  benefit  of
conditions and restrictions  upon the creation of indebtedness of the Company or
any subsidiary,  upon the issue of any additional  stock  (including  additional
shares of such series or of any other  series) and upon the payment of dividends
or the making of other  distributions on, and the purchase,  redemption or other
acquisition  by the Company or any  subsidiary of any  outstanding  stock of the
Company;  and (viii) may have such other  relative,  participating,  optional or
other special rights,  qualifications,  limitations or restrictions thereof; all
as shall be stated in said resolution or resolutions  providing for the issue of
such Preference Stock.  Shares of any series of Preference Stock which have been
redeemed  (whether  through the  operation  of a sinking fund or  otherwise)  or
which, if convertible or exchangeable, have been converted into or exchanged for
shares  of stock of any  other  class  or  classes  shall  have  the  status  of
authorized and unissued shares of Preference Stock of the same series and may be
reissued as a part of the series of which they were  originally a part or may be
reclassified  and  reissued  as part of a new series of  Preference  Stock to be

                                     - 13 -

created by resolution or resolutions by the Board of Directors or as part of any
other series of Preference  Stock, all subject to the conditions or restrictions
on issuance set forth in the resolution or  resolutions  adopted by the Board of
Directors providing for the issue of any series of Preference Stock.

         A. Series A Stock.  The  designated  powers,  preferences  and relative
participating,   optional  or  other  special  rights  and  the  qualifications,
limitations or restrictions  thereof, of one (1) share of a series of Preference
Stock are as follows:

                  (1) Designation.  The designation of this series of Preference
         Stock shall be "Nonconvertible  Junior Preference Stock, Series A (With
         Par Value of $1.00)" (hereinafter called the "Series A Stock").

                  (2)  Dividends.  The holder of the Series A Stock shall not be
         entitled to receive dividends with respect to the Series A Stock.

                  (3) Rights of Redemption.  The Series A Stock shall be subject
         to redemption as follows:

                           (a) Optional  Redemption.  At any time after the date
                  of  the  earliest  to  occur  of (i)  the  passage  of  twelve
                  consecutive  calendar  months  at all times  during  which the
                  Supplemental  Benefit  Trust  holds  less than 5% of the total
                  number of then outstanding shares of Parent Common Stock, (ii)
                  the date on which the Supplemental  Benefit Program terminates
                  and (iii) the  Profit  Sharing  Cessation  Date,  the Series A
                  stock may be redeemed at the option of the Company at any time
                  upon not less than five  days'  prior  notice to the holder of
                  record of the Series A Stock sent by first class mail, postage
                  prepaid, to such holder at its address appearing on the Series
                  A Stock  register  maintained by the Company,  at a redemption
                  price of $1.00  (hereinafter  called the "Series A  Redemption

                           (b) Effect of Redemption. All rights of the holder of
                  Series A Stock as a  stockholder  of the  Company by reason of
                  the  ownership  of Series A Stock  shall cease on the Series A
                  Redemption  Date,  except  the  right to  receive  the  amount
                  payable  upon  redemption  of such share on  presentation  and
                  surrender of the certificate  representing  such share.  After
                  the Series A Redemption  Date,  such share shall not be deemed
                  to be outstanding.

                  (4)      Rights on Liquidation, Dissolution, Winding Up.

                           (a)  Liquidation   Payment.   In  the  event  of  any
                  involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up of the
                  Company,   the   holder  of  the   Series  A  Stock  (if  then
                  outstanding) shall be entitled to be paid out of the assets of
                  the Company  available for  distribution to its  stockholders,
                  before any  payment  shall be made to the holders of any class
                  of  capital   stock  of  the  Company   ranking   junior  upon
                  liquidation  to the Series A Stock,  an amount  equal to $1.00
                  per share.  The merger or consolidation of the Company into or
                  with any other  corporation or the merger or  consolidation of
                  any other  corporation  into or with the Company  shall not in
                  any event be considered a dissolution,  liquidation or winding
                  up of the Company under this paragraph (4).

                           (b)  Proportionate  Distribution.  In the  event  the
                  assets of the Company available for distribution to the holder
                  of the  Series  A Stock  upon  any  involuntary  or  voluntary
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company shall be
                  insufficient  to pay in full all  amounts to which such holder
                  is entitled  pursuant to  subparagraph  (a) of this  paragraph
                  (4),  no such  distribution  shall be made on  account  of any
                  shares  of any  other  class or  series  of  preference  stock
                  ranking on a parity  with the Series A Stock upon  liquidation
                  unless  proportionate  distributive  amounts  shall be paid on
                  account of the Series A Stock,  ratably,  in proportion to the
                  full  distributive  amounts  to which the  holders of all such
                  parity shares are respectively entitled upon such liquidation,
                  dissolution or winding up.

                                     - 14 -

                  (5)  Voting.  The  Series A stock  shall  not have any  voting
         powers, either general or special, except as required by applicable law
         and as follows:

                           (a)  Change  of  Priority  or  Rights.   Without  the
                  affirmative  vote or  consent  of the  holder of the  Series A
                  Stock, voting or consenting (as the case may be) separately as
                  a class, given in person or by proxy,  either in writing or by
                  resolution  adopted  at  a  special  meeting  called  for  the
                  purpose,  the  Company  shall  not (i)  change  the  number of
                  authorized  shares of the  Series A Stock or (ii)  amend  this
                  Certificate  of   Incorporation   or  take  any  other  action
                  (including,  without limitation,  a merger or consolidation to
                  which the Company is a constituent party) which would have the
                  effect  of  eliminating  the  Series A Stock  or of  amending,
                  altering or repealing any of the  preferences,  special rights
                  or powers of the holder of the Series A Stock so as  adversely
                  to affect such preferences, special rights or powers.

                           (b)  Election  of  Directors.  For  so  long  as  the
                  Supplemental  Benefit  Trust  holds  20% or more of the  total
                  number of then outstanding  shares of Parent Common Stock, the
                  number of directors constituting the Board of Directors of the
                  Company  shall be  increased  by two,  and the  holder  of the
                  Series A Stock  shall have,  in  addition to any other  voting
                  rights, the exclusive and special right,  voting separately as
                  a class,  to elect two  persons to serve as  directors  of the
                  Company (one of whom shall be designated the "First Designee,"
                  and  the  other  of  whom  shall  be  designated  the  "Second
                  Designee")  to fill  such two  directorships.  Except  for the
                  involuntary resignation of any such director under clauses (i)
                  or (ii) of this first  paragraph of this  subparagraph  (b) or
                  the removal of any such director by the holder of the Series A
                  Stock,  each  director  elected  by the holder of the Series A
                  Stock  shall have a one year term of office.  The right of the
                  holder of Series A Stock to elect  directors  may be exercised
                  by written consent of such holder.  The right of the holder of
                  the Series A Stock voting  separately  as a class to elect two
                  members of the Board of Directors as aforesaid  shall continue
                  until such time as the  Supplemental  Benefit Trust holds less
                  than 20% of the  total  number of then  outstanding  shares of
                  Parent  Common Stock.  At such time,  the special right of the
                  holder of the Series A Stock to vote separately as a class for
                  the  election of directors  shall be subject to the  following

                                    (i)  Upon  the  earlier  to occur of (A) the
                           date on which the Supplemental Benefit Trust has held
                           less than 20% but 19% or more of the total  number of
                           then outstanding shares of Parent Common Stock at all
                           times for six consecutive  months and (B) the date on
                           which the Supplemental  Benefit Trust holds less than
                           19% of the total number of then outstanding shares of
                           Parent Common Stock, the holder of the Series A Stock
                           shall be entitled to elect only one director in total
                           and the  Second  Designee  shall  be  deemed  to have
                           resigned as a director effective  immediately without
                           any further action on such person's part; and

                                     - 15 -

                                   (ii) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
                           contained in clause (i) immediately  above,  upon the
                           earlier  to  occur  of (A)  the  date  on  which  the
                           Supplemental Benefit Trust has held less than 10% but
                           9% or more of the total  number  of then  outstanding
                           shares  of Parent  Common  Stock at all times for six
                           consecutive  months  and (B) the  date on  which  the
                           Supplemental  Benefit Trust holds less than 9% of the
                           total  number  of then  outstanding  shares of Parent
                           Common Stock,  the holder of the Series A Stock shall
                           not be  entitled  to  elect  any  directors  and each
                           remaining  director  elected by such holder  shall be
                           deemed to have  resigned  as a member of the Board of
                           Directors   effective   immediately  without  further
                           action on such person's part.

                           The special right of the holder of the Series A Stock
                  to vote  separately  as a class for the  election of directors
                  shall be subject to revesting as follows:

                                    (i)  Upon  the  earlier  to occur of (A) the
                           date on which the Supplemental Benefit Trust has held
                           more  than  10% but not more  than  11% of the  total
                           number of then  outstanding  shares of Parent  Common
                           Stock at all times for six consecutive months and (B)
                           the  date on which  the  Supplemental  Benefit  Trust
                           holds  more  than  11% of the  total  number  of then
                           outstanding  shares of Parent Common Stock, the right
                           of the  holder  of Series A stock to elect a total of
                           one director shall vest immediately; and

                                   (ii) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
                           contained in clause (i) immediately  above,  upon the
                           earlier  to  occur  of (A)  the  date  on  which  the
                           Supplemental Benefit Trust has held more than 20% but
                           not  more  than  21%  of the  total  number  of  then
                           outstanding  shares  of  Parent  Common  Stock at all
                           times for six consecutive  months and (B) the date on
                           which the Supplemental  Benefit Trust holds more than
                           21% of the total  then  outstanding  shares of Parent
                           Common  Stock,  the  right of the  holder of Series A
                           Stock to elect a total of two  directors  shall  vest

                           For   purposes   of  this   subparagraph   (b),   all
                  calculations of the  Supplemental  Benefit Trust's holdings of
                  the then  outstanding  shares of Parent  Common Stock shall be
                  made as if the Common  Stock and Class B Common  were a single

                           At any time when the holder of the Series A Stock has
                  the right to elect directors as provided in this  subparagraph
                  (b), (i) such holder shall have the exclusive  right to remove
                  the First Designee and/or the Second Designee, with or without
                  cause,  from time to time and elect their  successors and (ii)
                  any  vacancies in the seats held by the First  Designee or the
                  Second  Designee  shall be filled only by a vote of the holder
                  of the Series A Stock.

                                     - 16 -

                  (6) Conversion Rights. The holder of the share of the Series A
         Stock shall have no conversion rights with respect to such share.

                  (7)  Nontransferability.  The Series A Stock will be issued to
         the  Supplemental  Benefit  Trust and the Series A Stock and any rights
         thereunder shall be  nontransferable.  Any attempted  transfer shall be
         void and of no  effect.  The  Company  shall  place on the  certificate
         representing any issued share of the Series A Stock a legend consistent
         with the provisions hereof.

                  (8)      Definitions.

                           (a) Profit Sharing  Cessation  Date. The term "Profit
                  Sharing  Cessation  Date" shall have the  meaning  assigned to
                  such term in the Settlement Agreement.

                           (b)  Settlement   Agreement.   The  term  "Settlement
                  Agreement"  shall mean the Settlement  Agreement,  dated as of
                  March 31, 1993, and the exhibits thereto,  in the class action
                  of Shy,  et al. v.  Navistar,  (Civil  Action No.  C-3-92-333)
                  (S.D.O.),  as any of the same may be amended from time to time
                  in  accordance  with the  terms  thereof.  The  Company  shall
                  provide a copy of the  Settlement  Agreement  to any holder of
                  shares of its stock upon request by such holder.

                           (c)   Supplemental    Benefit   Program.   The   term
                  "Supplemental Benefit Program" shall have the meaning assigned
                  to such term in the Settlement Agreement.

                           (d)    Supplemental    Benefit   Trust.    The   term
                  "Supplemental  Benefit Trust" shall have the meaning  assigned
                  to such term in the Settlement Agreement.

                  (9) Rank of Series A Stock.  The  share of the  Series A Stock
         shall rank  junior upon  liquidation  to (i) the shares of the Series G
         Stock,  (ii) the shares of the  Convertible  Junior  Preference  Stock,
         Series D (With Par Value of $1.00)  (the  "Series D Stock"),  and (iii)
         any other series of Preferred Stock or Preference Stock (other than the
         Nonconvertible  Junior  Preference  Stock,  Series B (With Par Value of
         $1.00) of the Company) (the "Series B Stock")  authorized or designated
         after the initial date of issuance of the Series A Stock.  The share of
         the Series A Stock  shall rank on a parity  upon  liquidation  with the
         Series B Stock.  The share of the Series A Stock shall rank senior upon
         liquidation to the shares of the Parent Common Stock.

                  (10) Retirement of Redeemed  Shares,  Etc. When redeemed,  the
         share of the Series A Stock  shall have the  status of  authorized  and
         unissued Preference Stock.

                  (11) No Fractional  Shares.  No fractional  shares of Series A
         Stock shall be issued.

                  (12)  Stock  Calculations.  In making  any  calculations  with
         respect to holdings or ownership of the Company's  stock, the Company's
         stock  records  shall  be  conclusive  evidence  of such  holdings  and

         B. Series B Stock.  The  designated  powers,  preferences  and relative
participating,   optional  or  other  special  rights  and  the  qualifications,
limitations or restrictions  thereof, of one (1) share of a series of Preference
Stock are as follows:

                                     - 17 -

                  (1) Designation.  The designation of this series of Preference
         Stock shall be "Nonconvertible  Junior Preference Stock, Series B (With
         Par Value of $1.00)" (referred to herein as the "Series B Stock").

                  (2)  Dividends.  The holder of the share of the Series B Stock
         shall not be entitled to receive dividends with respect to the Series B

                  (3) Rights of Redemption.  The Series B Stock shall be subject
         to redemption as follows:

                           (a) Optional Redemption. At any time after the holder
                  of Series B Stock has not been entitled to vote  separately as
                  a class to elect a director  at any time for five  consecutive
                  years, the Series B Stock may be redeemed at the option of the
                  Company, in whole or in part, at any time or from time to time
                  upon not less than five  days'  prior  notice to the holder of
                  record of the Series B Stock sent by first class mail, postage
                  prepaid, to such holder at its address appearing on the Series
                  B Stock  register  maintained by the Company,  at a redemption
                  price of $1.00  (hereinafter  called the "Series B  Redemption

                           (b) Effect of Redemption. All rights of the holder of
                  Series B Stock as a  stockholder  of the  Company by reason of
                  the  ownership  of Series B Stock  shall cease on the Series B
                  Redemption  Date,  except  the  right to  receive  the  amount
                  payable  upon  redemption  of such share on  presentation  and
                  surrender of the certificate  representing  such share.  After
                  the Series B Redemption  Date,  such share shall not be deemed
                  to be outstanding.

                  (4)      Rights on Liquidation, Dissolution, Winding Up.

                           (a)  Liquidation   Payment.   In  the  event  of  any
                  involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up of the
                  Company,   the   holder  of  the   Series  B  Stock  (if  then
                  outstanding) shall be entitled to be paid out of the assets of
                  the Company  available for  distribution to its  stockholders,
                  before any  payment  shall be made to the holders of any class
                  of  capital   stock  of  the  Company   ranking   junior  upon
                  liquidation  to the Series B Stock,  an amount  equal to $1.00
                  per share.  The merger or consolidation of the Company into or
                  with any other  corporation or the merger or  consolidation of
                  any other  corporation  into or with the Company  shall not in
                  any event be considered a dissolution,  liquidation or winding
                  up of the Company under this paragraph (4).

                           (b)  Proportionate  Distribution.  In the  event  the
                  assets of the Company available for distribution to the holder
                  of the  Series  B Stock  upon  any  involuntary  or  voluntary
                  liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company shall be
                  insufficient  to pay in full all  amounts to which such holder
                  is entitled  pursuant to  subparagraph  (a) of this  paragraph
                  (4),  no such  distribution  shall be made on  account  of any
                  shares  of any  other  class or  series  of  preference  stock
                  ranking on a parity  with the Series B Stock upon  liquidation
                  unless  proportionate  distributive  amounts  shall be paid on
                  account of the Series B Stock,  ratably,  in proportion to the
                  full  distributive  amounts  to which the  holders of all such
                  parity shares are respectively entitled upon such liquidation,
                  dissolution or winding up.

                                     - 18 -

                  (5)  Voting.  The  Series B Stock  shall  not have any  voting
         powers, either general or special, except as required by applicable law
         and as follows:

                           (a)  Change  of  Priority  or  Rights.   Without  the
                  affirmative  vote or  consent  of the  holder of the  Series B
                  Stock, voting or consenting (as the case may be) separately as
                  a class, given in person or by proxy,  either in writing or by
                  resolution  adopted  at  a  special  meeting  called  for  the
                  purpose,  the  Company  shall  not (i)  change  the  number of
                  authorized  shares of the  Series B Stock or (ii)  amend  this
                  Certificate  of   Incorporation   or  take  any  other  action
                  (including,  without limitation,  a merger or consolidation to
                  which the Company is a constituent party) which would have the
                  effect  of  eliminating  the  Series B stock  or of  amending,
                  altering or repealing any of the  preferences,  special rights
                  or powers of the holder of the Series B Stock so as  adversely
                  to affect such preferences, special rights or powers.

                           (b)  Election  of  Director.  Until the Fully  Funded
                  Date,  the  number  of  directors  constituting  the  Board of
                  Directors  of the Company  shall be  increased by one, and the
                  holder of the Series B Stock  shall  have,  in addition to any
                  other voting rights,  the exclusive and special right,  voting
                  separately as a class,  to elect one person to fill such newly
                  created directorship.  Except for the involuntary  resignation
                  of any such director this subparagraph b or the removal of any
                  such  director  by the  holder  of the  Series  B  Stock,  the
                  director  elected by the  holder of the  Series B stock  shall
                  have a one year term of  office.  The  right of the  holder of
                  Series B Stock to elect a director may be exercised by written
                  consent of such holder.  On the Fully Funded Date, the special
                  right  of  the  holder  of  the  Series  B  Stock  so to  vote
                  separately  as a class for the  election  of a director  shall
                  terminate (subject to subsequent  revesting as provided below)
                  and the  director  elected by the holder of the Series B Stock
                  shall be deemed to have resigned effective immediately without
                  any further action upon such person's part.  Subsequent to the
                  Fully Funded Date, the special right of the holder of Series B
                  Stock to vote  separately  as a class  for the  election  of a
                  director  shall  revest  at any time when the  balance  of the
                  Employers' funding  contribution held under the Health Benefit
                  Trust falls below 85% of the Fully  Funded  Amount;  provided,
                  however,  that such  revested  special  right of the holder of
                  Series B Stock to vote  separately as a class for the election
                  of  a  director  shall  terminate  (subject  to  revesting  as
                  provided  by  this  subparagraph  (b)) if the  balance  of the
                  Employers' funding  contribution held under the Health Benefit
                  Trust rises above 85% of the Fully Funded Amount.

                           At any time when the holder of the Series B Stock has
                  the right to elect a director as provided In this subparagraph
                  (b), (i) such holder shall have the exclusive  right to remove
                  such director,  with or without  cause,  from time to time and
                  elect his or her  successor and (ii) any vacancies in the seat
                  held by the  director  elected  by the  holder of the Series B
                  Stock shall be filled only by vote of the holder of the Series
                  B Stock.

                                     - 19 -

                  (6) Conversion Rights. The holder of the share of the Series B
         Stock shall have no conversion rights with respect to such share.

                  (7) Nontransferability.  The Series B Stock shall be issued to
         the UAW and the  Series  B Stock  and any  rights  thereunder  shall be
         nontransferable. Any attempted transfer shall be void and of no effect.
         The Company  shall  place on the  certificate  representing  any issued
         share of the  Series A Stock a legend  consistent  with the  provisions

                  (8)      Definitions.

                           (a) Employers.  The term  "Employers"  shall have the
                  meaning assigned to such term in the Settlement Agreement.

                           (b)  Fully  Funded  Amount.  The term  "Fully  Funded
                  Amount"  shall have the  meaning  assigned to such term in the
                  Settlement Agreement.

                           (c) Fully Funded Date.  The term "Fully  Funded Date"
                  shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the Settlement

                           (d) Health  Benefit Trust.  The term "Health  Benefit
                  Trust"  shall have the  meaning  assigned  to such term in the
                  Settlement Agreement.

                           (e)  UAW.  The term  "UAW"  shall  have  the  meaning
                  assigned to such term in the Settlement Agreement.

                  (9) Rank of Series B Stock.  The  share of the  Series B Stock
         shall rank  junior upon  liquidation  to (i) the shares of the Series G
         Stock,  (ii) the  shares  of the  Series D Stock,  and  (iii) any other
         series of Preferred or Preference Stock (other than the Series A Stock)
         authorized  or  designated  after the  initial  date of issuance of the
         Series B Stock.  The share of the Series B Stock shall rank on a parity
         upon  liquidation  with the  Series A stock.  The share of the Series B
         Stock shall rank senior  upon  liquidation  to the shares of the Parent
         Common Stock.

                  (10) Retirement of Redeemed  Shares,  Etc. When redeemed,  the
         share of the Series B Stock  shall have the  status of  authorized  and
         unissued Preference Stock.

                  (11) Fractional Shares. No fractional shares of Series B Stock
         shall be issued.

                  (12)  Stock  Calculations.  In making  any  calculations  with
         respect to holdings or ownership of the Company's  stock, the Company's
         stock  records  shall  be  conclusive  evidence  of such  holdings  and

         C. Series D Stock.  The  designated  powers,  preferences  and relative
participating,   optional  or  other  special  rights  and  the  qualifications,
limitations  or  restrictions  thereof,  of  3,000,000  shares  of a  series  of
Preference Stock are as follows:

                                     - 20 -

                  (1) Designation.  The designation of this series of Preference
         Stock shall be "Convertible Junior Preference Stock, Series D (with Par
         Value of $1.00)" (referred to herein as the "Series D Stock").

                  (2)  Dividends.  The  holders  of shares of the Series D Stock
         shall not be entitled to receive any  dividends  unless cash  dividends
         are declared on the shares of stock  issuable  upon  conversion  of the
         Series D Stock (herein  called  "conversion  stock").  In the event any
         cash dividend is declared on the shares of conversion stock,  following
         the record date for such dividend the holders of shares of the Series D
         Stock  shall be  entitled  to  receive,  when,  as,  and to the  extent
         declared by the Board of Directors, a dividend in cash in an amount per
         share  equal to 120% of the cash  dividend  per share  declared  on the
         shares  of  conversion  stock  multiplied  by the  number  of shares of
         conversion  stock which,  as of such record date, is deliverable on the
         Conversion Date upon the conversion of a share of Series D Stock. if at
         any time after the right to receive  such  dividend  shall have accrued
         such  dividend  shall  not  have  been  paid,  or  declared  and  a sum
         sufficient for payment thereof set apart,  the amount of the deficiency
         in such dividend shall be fully paid, but without interest,  before the
         dividend on the conversion stock which gave rise to the accrual of such
         dividend  shall be paid and before any other dividend shall be declared
         or paid or any other  distribution  ordered or made upon,  or any other
         purchase or  redemption  made of, any stock  ranking as to dividends or
         upon  liquidation  junior to the Series D stock  (other than a dividend
         payable in such junior stock or a purchase or redemption  made by issue
         or delivery of such junior stock);  provided,  however, that any moneys
         theretofore deposited in any sinking fund with respect to any preferred
         stock of the Company in compliance  with the provisions of such sinking
         fund may  thereafter  be applied to the purchase or  redemption of such
         preferred  stock in  accordance  with the  terms of such  sinking  fund
         regardless  of whether  at the time of such  application  Full  Accrued
         Dividends  upon  shares of the  Series D Stock  shall have been paid or
         declared and set apart for  payment.  At any time when any dividend has
         accrued  on the  Series D Stock but has not been  paid,  all  dividends
         declared upon the shares of the Series D Stock and any other  preferred
         stock ranking on a parity as to dividends with the Series D stock shall
         be declared  pro rata,  so that the amounts of  dividends  declared per
         share on the Series D Stock and such other preferred stock shall in all
         cases bear to each other the same ratio that accrued  unpaid  dividends
         per share on the shares of the Series D Stock and such other  preferred
         stock  (determined  immediately  prior to payment)  bear to each other,
         provided  that in making such  calculation,  dividends  accrued on such
         other parity  stock since the most recent  January 15 or July 15 may be
         ignored.  Holders of shares of the Series D Stock shall not be entitled
         to any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in excess
         of Full Accrued Dividends.

                  (3)  Rights Of  Redemption.  The  shares of the Series D Stock
         shall be subject to redemption as follows:

                           (a) Optional  Redemption.  Subject to the  succeeding
                  provisions of this  subparagraph (a), the shares of the Series
                  D Stock may be redeemed at the option of the Company, in whole
                  or in  part,  at any time or from  time to time  upon not less
                  than 30 days' prior  notice to the holders of record of shares
                  of the Series D stock to be so  redeemed,  sent by first class
                  mail, postage prepaid,  to each registered holder of shares of
                  the Series D Stock at his  address  appearing  on the Series D
                  Stock  register  maintained by the Company,  at the redemption
                  price per share of $25.00,  plus in each case an amount  equal
                  to Unpaid  Accrued  Dividends to and  including the date fixed
                  for   redemption   of  such  shares   (hereinafter   called  a
                  "Redemption  Date").  If less than all  shares of the Series D
                  Stock are to be redeemed  pursuant to this  subparagraph  (a),
                  the shares to be redeemed  shall be selected  pro rata so that
                  there shall be redeemed  from each  registered  holder of such
                  shares that number of whole shares,  as nearly as  practicable
                  to the  nearest  share,  as bears the same  ratio to the total
                  number  of shares of such  Series  held by such  holder as the
                  total  number  of  shares  to be  redeemed  bears to the total
                  number  of   shares  of  the   Series  D  Stock  at  the  time

                                     - 21 -

                           (b) No Mandatory Redemption. The shares of the Series
                  D Stock shall not be subject to mandatory redemption.

                           (c) No Sinking Fund. Shares of the Series D Stock are
                  not subject or entitled to the benefit of a sinking fund.

                           (d) Effect of  Redemption.  Unless default be made in
                  the  payment in full of the  redemption  price and any Accrued
                  Dividends:  dividends  on the shares of Series D Stock  called
                  for redemption shall cease to accrue on the Redemption Date on
                  which  such  shares  are to be  redeemed;  all  rights  of the
                  holders  of such  shares as  stockholders  of the  Company  by
                  reason of the  ownership  of such  shares  shall cease on such
                  Redemption  Date,  except  the  right to  receive  the  amount
                  payable upon  redemption  of such shares on  presentation  and
                  surrender of the  respective  certificates  representing  such
                  shares;  and after such Redemption Date, such shares shall not
                  be deemed to be outstanding  and shall not be  transferable on
                  the books of the Company except to the Company.

                           (e) Receipt of  Redemption  Price.  At any time on or
                  after a Redemption  Date, the respective  holders of record of
                  shares of  Series D Stock to be  redeemed  on such  Redemption
                  Date shall be entitled to receive  the  redemption  price upon
                  actual delivery to the Company of certificates  for the shares
                  to be redeemed, such certificates, if required by the Company,
                  to be properly stamped for transfer and duly endorsed in blank
                  or  accompanied  by  proper   instruments  of  assignment  and
                  transfer thereof duly executed in blank.

                           (f) Return of Deposits. Any moneys deposited with the
                  transfer agent, or other redemption  agent, for the redemption
                  of any  shares of Series D Stock on a  Redemption  Date  which
                  shall not be claimed  after  five  years from such  Redemption
                  Date  shall be repaid to the  Company by such agent on demand,
                  and the  holder of any such  shares  of  Series D Stock  shall
                  thereafter  look only to the  Company for any payment to which
                  such holder may be entitled. Any interest accrued on moneys so
                  deposited  shall belong to the Company and shall be paid to it
                  from time to time on demand.

                  (4)      Rights on Liquidation, Dissolution, Winding up.

                           (a)  Liquidation   Payment.   In  the  event  of  any
                  voluntary or involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution or winding
                  up of the Company, the holders of shares of the Series D Stock
                  then  outstanding  shall  be  entitled  to be paid  out of the
                  assets  of  the  Company  available  for  distribution  to its
                  stockholders,  before any payment shall be made to the holders
                  of any class of capital  stock of the Company  ranking  junior
                  upon  liquidation  to the Series D Stock,  an amount  equal to
                  $25.00 per share plus an amount equal to all Accrued Dividends
                  thereon as of the date of payment. The merger or consolidation
                  of the  Company  into or with  any  other  corporation  or the
                  merger or consolidation of any other  corporation into or with
                  the  Company   shall  not  in  any  event  be   considered   a
                  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up of the Company  under
                  this paragraph (4).

                                     - 22 -

                     (b)  Proportionate  Distribution.  In the  event  the
                  assets  of  the  Company  available  for  distribution  to the
                  holders  of  shares of Series D Stock  upon any  voluntary  or
                  involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up of the
                  Company  shall be  insufficient  to pay in full all amounts to
                  which such holders are entitled  pursuant to subparagraph  (a)
                  of this paragraph (4), no such  distribution  shall be made on
                  account  of any  shares  of  any  other  class  or  series  of
                  preferred  stock ranking on a parity with the shares of Series
                  D Stock upon  liquidation  unless  proportionate  distributive
                  amounts  shall be paid on  account  of the  shares of Series D
                  Stock, ratably, in proportion to the full distributive amounts
                  to  which  the   holders  of  all  such   parity   shares  are
                  respectively  entitled upon such  liquidation,  dissolution or
                  winding up.

                  (5)  Voting.  The shares of the Series D Stock  shall not have
         any voting  powers,  either  general or special,  except as required by
         applicable law and as follows:

                           (a)  Change  of  Priority  or  Rights.   Without  the
                  affirmative  vote  or  consent  of  the  holders  of at  least
                  two-thirds  of the  number  of shares of Series D Stock at the
                  time  outstanding,  voting or consenting  (as the case may be)
                  separately as a class, given in person or by proxy,  either in
                  writing or by resolution  adopted at a special  meeting called
                  for the  purpose,  the Company  shall not (i) amend,  alter or
                  repeal any of the preferences, special rights or powers of the
                  holders of, the Series D Stock so as  adversely to affect such
                  preferences,  special  rights or powers or (ii) increase above
                  3,000,000  the  aggregate  number of shares  constituting  the
                  Series D Stock or issue or  reissue  any  shares  of  Series D
                  Stock (other than for purposes of exchanges or  transfers)  in
                  excess  of the  first  3,000,000  shares  issued.  No  vote or
                  consent by the holders of the Series D Stock shall be required
                  as a  condition  to the  creation  or issuance of any class or
                  series of capital  stock of the  Company  (including,  without
                  limitation,  capital  stock  which may rank senior to, or on a
                  parity  with,  the  Series  D Stock  as to  dividends  or upon
                  liquidation or both).

                           (b) Default in Dividend Payments.  Whenever dividends
                  payable on any series of Preference  Stock shall be in default
                  in an  aggregate  amount  equivalent  to  six  full  quarterly
                  dividends   on  all   shares  of  such   series  at  the  time
                  outstanding, the number of directors constituting the Board of
                  Directors  of the Company  shall be  increased  by one and the
                  holders of  Preference  Stock shall  have,  in addition to any
                  other voting rights,  the exclusive and special right,  voting
                  separately as a class without  regard to series,  to elect one
                  person to fill such newly created directorship.  Whenever such
                  right of holders of Preference Stock shall have vested, it may
                  be  exercised  initially  either at a special  meeting of such
                  holders called as provided  below, or at any annual meeting of
                  stockholders,   and   thereafter   at   annual   meetings   of
                  stockholders.  The right of  holders  of shares of  Preference
                  Stock voting  separately as a class to elect one member of the
                  Board of Directors as aforesaid shall continue until such time
                  as all dividends accumulated on all series of Preference stock
                  shall have been paid in full,  at which time the special right
                  of the  holders  of  shares  of  Preference  Stock  so to vote
                  separately  as a class for the  election  of  directors  shall
                  terminate, subject to revesting in the event of each and every
                  subsequent  default in an aggregate  amount  equivalent to six
                  full quarterly dividends.

                                     - 23 -

                           At any time when such special voting power shall have
                  vested in the holders of Preference  Stock as provided in this
                  subparagraph  (b), a proper officer of the Company shall, upon
                  the  written  request of the holders of record of at least 10%
                  of the  number  of  shares  of  Preference  Stock  at the time
                  outstanding  and  entitled  to  vote,  regardless  of  series,
                  addressed  to the  Secretary  of the  Company,  call a special
                  meeting of the  holders of shares of  Preference  Stock and of
                  any other class of stock having voting power,  for the purpose
                  of  electing  directors.  Such  meeting  shall  be held at the
                  earliest  practicable  date  at the  principal  office  of the
                  Company.  If such  meeting  shall  not be  called  by a proper
                  officer of the Company within 20 days after  personal  service
                  of said written request upon the Secretary of the Company,  or
                  within 20 days after mailing the same within the United States
                  of America by  registered  mail  addressed to the Secretary of
                  the  Company  at its  principal  office,  then the  holders of
                  record of at least 10% of the  number of shares of  Preference
                  Stock at the time outstanding and entitled to vote, regardless
                  of series,  may  designate  in writing one of their  number to
                  call such  meeting  at the  expense of the  Company,  and such
                  meeting  may be called by such person so  designated  upon the
                  notice required for annual meetings of stockholders  and shall
                  be held at said  principal  office.  Any  holder  of shares of
                  Preference  Stock so designated shall have access to the stock
                  books of the Company  for the  purpose of causing  meetings of
                  stockholders  to  be  called  pursuant  to  these  provisions.
                  Notwithstanding  the provisions of this  subparagraph  (b), no
                  such  special  meeting  shall  be  called  during  the 90 days
                  immediately  preceding  the date  fixed  for the  next  annual
                  meeting of stockholders.

                           At any  meeting  held  for the  purpose  of  electing
                  directors at which the holders of shares of  Preference  Stock
                  shall have the special right, voting separately as a class, to
                  elect a director  as provided in this  subparagraph  (b),  the
                  presence,  in person or by proxy, of the holders of 51% of the
                  number of shares of Preference  Stock at the time  outstanding
                  and entitled to vote shall be required to  constitute a quorum
                  of such class for the  election of any director by the holders
                  of the  Preference  Stock as a class,  each  share of Series D
                  Stock outstanding and entitled to vote counting,  for purposes
                  only of  determining  the  presence  of such a quorum,  as one
                  share of Preference  Stock. At any such meeting or adjournment
                  thereof, (i) the absence of a quorum of Preference Stock shall
                  not prevent the election of  directors  other than those to be
                  elected by the holders of shares of Preference Stock voting as
                  a class and the  absence of a quorum for the  election of such
                  other   directors  shall  not  prevent  the  election  of  the
                  directors  to be elected  by  holders of shares of  Preference
                  Stock  voting as a class and (ii) in the  absence of either or
                  both such quorums, a majority of the holders present in person
                  or by proxy of the stock or stocks  which lack a quorum  shall
                  have  power  to  adjourn  the  meeting  for  the  election  of
                  directors  which they are entitled to elect from time to time,
                  without notice other than announcement at the meeting, until a
                  quorum shall be present.

                                     - 24 -

                           During  any period the  holders of  Preference  Stock
                  have the right to vote as a class for a director  as  provided
                  in this  subparagraph  (b), (i) the director so elected by the
                  holders of the Preference Stock shall continue in office until
                  termination  of the  right of the  holders  of the  Preference
                  Stock to vote as a class for directors, and (ii) any vacancies
                  in the Board of  Directors  shall be filled  only by vote of a
                  majority   (which  majority  may  consist  of  only  a  single
                  director) of the remaining  directors  theretofore  elected by
                  the holders of the class or classes of stock which elected the
                  director whose office shall have become vacant.

                  (6) Conversion Rights. The shares of the Series D Stock shall
         be subject to conversion as follows:

                           (a) Optional Conversion.  At any time, the holders of
                  shares of the Series D Stock  shall  have the right,  at their
                  option, to convert each share of Series D Stock into shares of
                  any other stock of the Company on the following terms:

                                    (I)  Conversion  Price.  The  shares  of the
                           Series D Stock shall be  convertible at the Company's
                           principal office and at such other office or offices,
                           if any, as the Board of Directors may designate, into
                           fully paid and nonassessable shares (calculated as to
                           each conversion to the nearest 1/100th of a share) of
                           Common Stock of the Company, at the conversion price,
                           determined as hereinafter  provided, in effect at the
                           time of  conversion,  each  share  of  Series D Stock
                           being  taken  at  $25.00  for  the  purpose  of  such
                           conversion. The price at which shares of Common Stock
                           shall be delivered upon conversion (herein called the
                           "conversion  price")  shall be  initially  $80.00 per
                           share of Common Stock.  The conversion price shall be
                           adjusted   as   provided   in  clause  (IV)  of  this
                           subparagraph (a).

                                   (II)  Conversion  Procedure.  No  payment  or
                           adjustment  shall be made upon the  conversion of the
                           Series D Stock on account of any  dividends  declared
                           but  unpaid  on the  shares  of the  Series  D  Stock
                           converted  or on  account  of  any  dividends  on the
                           Common Stock issued upon such conversion.

                                    Shares of the Series D Stock shall be deemed
                           to have been converted immediately prior to the close
                           of business on the Conversion Date, and the person or
                           persons entitled to receive the Common Stock issuable
                           upon  such  conversion   shall  be  treated  for  all
                           purposes  as the  record  holder or  holders  of such
                           Common Stock at such time.  Following the  Conversion
                           Date,  each  holder of  shares of the  Series D Stock
                           converted will surrender,  at the Company's principal
                           office  or at  any  other  office  as  the  Board  of
                           Directors   may   designate,   the   certificate   or
                           certificates  therefor,  duly endorsed to the Company
                           or in blank.  As promptly as  practicable  after such
                           surrender,  the Company shall issue and shall deliver
                           at said office a certificate or certificates  for the
                           number of full shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon
                           such conversion to the person or persons  entitled to
                           receive the same.

                                     - 25 -

                                    In case  shares of Series D Stock are called
                           for  redemption,  the right to  convert  such  shares
                           shall cease and terminate at the close of business on
                           the  Redemption  Date on which such  shares are to be
                           redeemed,  unless default shall be made in payment of
                           the  redemption  price (in  which  event the right to
                           convert such shares shall cease when such  redemption
                           price shall actually be paid).

                                  (III) Cash Payment.  No  fractional  shares of
                           Common  Stock  shall be  issued  upon  conversion  of
                           shares of the  Series D Stock,  but,  instead  of any
                           fraction  of a share  of  Common  Stock  which  would
                           otherwise  be  issuable  in respect of the  aggregate
                           number of shares  of the  Series D Stock  held by the
                           same holder,  the company shall pay a cash adjustment
                           of such  fraction  in an  amount  equal  to the  same
                           fraction of the Closing Price on the Conversion Date,
                           or, if the  Conversion  Date is not a Trading Day, on
                           the next Trading Day.

                                   (IV)  Conversion   Price   Adjustments.   The
                           conversion  price shall be adjusted from time to time
                           as follows:

                                            (A) In case  the Company shall here-
                                    after (i) pay a dividend or make a distribu-
                                    tion  on  its outstanding  shares of  Common
                                    Stock in  Common Stock,  (ii)  subdivide its
                                    outstanding shares of   Common  Stock, (iii)
                                    combine  its  outstanding  shares of  Common
                                    Stock  into a  smaller number of shares,  or
                                    (iv) issue any shares by reclassification of
                                    its shares of  Common Stock,  the conversion
                                    price in effect  at the  time of the  record
                                    date  for  such dividend or distribution  or
                                    the  effective  date  of  such  subdivision,
                                    combination  or  reclassification  shall  be
                                    adjusted so that the  holder of  any  shares
                                    of the  Series D Stock  converted after such
                                    time shall be entitled to receive the number
                                    of shares of  capital  stock of  the Company
                                    which he would have  owned or been  entitled
                                    to receive by reason  of the  conversion  of
                                    such shares of the  Series D Stock  had such
                                    shares of the Series D Stock been  converted
                                    immediately prior to such time.

                                            (B)  In  case  the   Company   shall
                                    hereafter  issue  rights or  warrants to all
                                    holders of its Common Stock  entitling  them
                                    (for a period expiring within fortyfive days
                                    after the record  date  mentioned  below) to
                                    subscribe  for or purchase  shares of Common
                                    Stock at a price  per  share  less  than the
                                    current    market   price   per    share--as
                                    determined pursuant to subclause (D) of this
                                    clause  (IV)--on  the  record  date  for the
                                    determination of the  stockholders  entitled
                                    to  receive  such  rights or  warrants,  the
                                    conversion  price  shall be adjusted so that
                                    the same shall equal the price determined by
                                    multiplying  the conversion  price in effect
                                    immediately prior to the date of issuance of
                                    such rights or  warrants  by a fraction,  of
                                    which the  numerator  shall be the number of

                                     - 26 -

                                    shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  on the
                                    record  date  for the  determination  of the
                                    stockholders entitled to receive such rights
                                    or  warrants  plus the  number  of shares of
                                    Common  Stock which the  aggregate  offering
                                    price  of the  total  number  of  shares  of
                                    Common  Stock so offered  would  purchase at
                                    such  current  market price and of which the
                                    denominator shall be the number of shares of
                                    Common Stock outstanding on such record date
                                    plus the  number  of  additional  shares  of
                                    Common  Stock  offered for  subscription  or
                                    purchase.   Such  adjustment   shall  become
                                    effective  at the opening of business on the
                                    business day next  following the record date
                                    for  the   determination   of   stockholders
                                    entitled to receive such rights or warrants;
                                    and to the  extent  that  shares  of  Common
                                    Stock are not delivered after the expiration
                                    of such rights or warrants,  the  conversion
                                    price  shall be  readjusted  (but  only with
                                    respect  to  shares  of the  Series  D Stock
                                    converted  after  such  expiration)  to  the
                                    conversion  price  which  would  then  be in
                                    effect  had the  adjustments  made  upon the
                                    distribution of such rights or warrants been
                                    made upon the basis of  delivery of only the
                                    number of shares  of Common  Stock  actually
                                    delivered.  No adjustment in the  conversion
                                    price  shall be  required or made under this
                                    subclause (B) or subclause  (C)  immediately
                                    below or otherwise  under this  subparagraph
                                    (a) in respect  of any right  granted by the
                                    Company to all  holders of its Common  Stock
                                    to  purchase  additional  shares  of  Common
                                    Stock from the  Company  at a discount  from
                                    the current market price per share of Common
                                    Stock by reinvestment of dividends on Common
                                    Stock if either (i) such  discount  does not
                                    exceed 6% of such  current  market  price or
                                    (ii) the holders of the Series D Stock shall
                                    be  entitled  to  purchase  shares of Common
                                    Stock from the Company at the same  discount
                                    by reinvestment of dividends on the Series D

                                            (C)  In  case  the   Company   shall
                                    hereafter  distribute  to all holders of its
                                    Common Stock  evidences of its  indebtedness
                                    or  assets--excluding  any cash  dividend or
                                    distributions  and dividends  referred to in
                                    subclause   (A)  of  this  clause   (IV)--or
                                    subscription  rights or warrants  (excluding
                                    those   referred   to   in   subclause   (B)
                                    immediately  above),  then in each such case
                                    the  conversion  price  shall be adjusted so
                                    that  the  same   shall   equal   the  price
                                    determined  by  multiplying  the  conversion
                                    price  in  effect  immediately  prior to the
                                    date of such  distribution  by a fraction of
                                    which  the  numerator  shall be the  current
                                    market  price  per  share   (determined   as
                                    provided in subclause (D) immediately below)
                                    of the Common  Stock on the record  date for
                                    the  determination of stockholders  entitled
                                     - 27 -

                                    to receive such  distribution  less the then
                                    fair  market  value  (as  determined  by the
                                    Board of  Directors  of the  Company,  whose
                                    determination  shall be  conclusive)  of the
                                    portion  of  the  assets  or   evidences  of
                                    indebtedness   so  distributed  or  of  such
                                    subscription  rights or warrants  applicable
                                    to  one  share  of  Common  Stock,  and  the
                                    denominator  shall  be such  current  market
                                    price per share of the  Common  Stock.  Such
                                    adjustment  shall  become  effective  on the
                                    opening of business on the business day next
                                    following    the   record   date   for   the
                                    determination  of  stockholders  entitled to
                                    receive such distribution.

                                            (D)   For   the   purpose   of   any
                                    computation   under  subclause  (B)  or  (C)
                                    immediately  above, the current market price
                                    per share of Common  Stock on any date shall
                                    be  deemed  to be the  average  of the daily
                                    Closing  Price  for the  thirty  consecutive
                                    Trading   Days   selected   by  the  Company
                                    commencing not more than forty-five  Trading
                                    Days before the day in question.

                                            (E)  In  any  case  in  which   this
                                    subparagraph   (a)  shall  require  that  an
                                    adjustment  as a result of any event  become
                                    effective  at the opening of business on the
                                    business  day next  following a record date,
                                    the  Company  may elect to defer until after
                                    the  occurrence of such event (i) issuing to
                                    the  holder of any  shares  of the  Series D
                                    Stock  converted  after such record date and
                                    before  the  occurrence  of such  event  the
                                    additional  shares of Common Stock  issuable
                                    upon  such  conversion  over and  above  the
                                    shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon such
                                    conversion  on the  basis of the  conversion
                                    price prior to adjustment and (ii) paying to
                                    such  holder any amount in cash in lieu of a
                                    fraction  share of Common Stock  pursuant to
                                    clause (IV) of this  subparagraph  (a); and,
                                    in lieu of the shares the  issuance of which
                                    is so deferred,  the Company  shall issue or
                                    cause its transfer agents to issue due bills
                                    or other  appropriate  evidence of the right
                                    to receive such shares.

                                            (F) Any adjustment in the conversion
                                    price    otherwise    required    by    this
                                    subparagraph (a) to be made may be postponed
                                    up to, but not beyond,  three years from the
                                    date on which it would otherwise be required
                                    to be made  provided  that  such  adjustment
                                    (plus   any  other   adjustments   postponed
                                    pursuant  to  this  subclause  (F)  and  not
                                    theretofore   made)  would  not  require  an
                                    increase  or  decrease  of more than $.50 in
                                    such price and would not,  if made,  entitle
                                    the holders of all then  outstanding  shares
                                    of the  Series D Stock  upon  conversion  to
                                    receive  additional  shares of Common  Stock
                                     - 28 -

                                    equal in the  aggregate to 3% or more of the
                                    then issued and outstanding shares of Common
                                    Stock.   All    calculations    under   this
                                    subparagraph   (a)  shall  be  made  to  the
                                    nearest  cent or to the  nearest  1/100 of a
                                    share of Common Stock, as the case may be.

                                    (V) Conversion Price Adjustment Certificates
                           and  Notices.   Whenever  the  conversion   price  is
                           adjusted  as  herein  provided,   the  Company  shall
                           compute the adjusted  conversion  price in accordance
                           with this  subparagraph  (a),  shall prepare a notice
                           stating that the  conversion  price has been adjusted
                           and setting forth the adjusted  conversion  price and
                           shall mail such notice as soon as  practicable to the
                           holders  of record of the  outstanding  shares of the
                           Series D Stock.

                                   (VI)   Mergers,   etc.   In   case   of   any
                           consolidation  of the Company  with, or merger of the
                           Company with or into,  any other  corporation  (other
                           than a merger in which the  Company is the  surviving
                           corporation   and  which   does  not  result  in  any
                           reclassification  or change of the outstanding shares
                           of the  Company  into  which  shares of the  Series D
                           Stock  would have been  converted  had the  automatic
                           conversion of the Series D Stock occurred immediately
                           prior  thereto),  or in  case  of any  conveyance  or
                           transfer  of the  property  and assets of the Company
                           substantially as an entirety,  lawful provision shall
                           be made as a part of the terms of such transaction so
                           that each share of Series D Stock shall be  converted
                           on the  Conversion  Date into the  number and kind of
                           shares  of  stock  (and/or  other  securities,  cash,
                           property    or   rights)    receivable    upon   such
                           consolidation,  merger,  conveyance  or transfer by a
                           holder  of the  number  and  kind  of  shares  of the
                           Company into which such share of Series D Stock would
                           have been  converted had the automatic  conversion of
                           the Series D Stock occurred immediately prior to such
                           consolidation,   merger,   conveyance   or  transfer,
                           subject   to   subsequent   adjustments   as   nearly
                           equivalent as practicable to the adjustments provided
                           for in this subparagraph (a). The above provisions of
                           this clause (VI) shall  similarly apply to successive
                           consolidations, mergers, conveyances or transfers.

                                  (VII) Reservation of Shares. The Company shall
                           at all times  reserve and keep  available,  free from
                           preemptive rights, out of its authorized but unissued
                           Common  Stock,  for  the  purpose  of  effecting  the
                           conversion of the shares of the Series D Stock on the
                           Conversion  Date, the full number of shares of Common
                           Stock  which  at  the  time  is  deliverable  on  the
                           Conversion  Date upon the conversion of all shares of
                           the Series D Stock outstanding at such time.

                                 (VIII) Taxes. The Company shall pay any and all
                           taxes that may be payable in respect of the  issuance
                           or delivery of shares of Common  Stock on  conversion
                           of  shares  of Series D Stock  pursuant  hereto.  The
                           Company  shall not,  however,  be required to pay any
                                     - 29 -

                           tax which may be payable  in respect of any  transfer
                           involved  in the  issue  and  delivery  of  shares of
                           Common  Stock in a name  other than that in which the
                           shares   of   Series  D  Stock  so   converted   were
                           registered,  and no such issue or  delivery  shall be
                           made  unless  and until the  person  requesting  such
                           issue has paid to the  Company the amount of any such
                           tax, or has  established,  to the satisfaction of the
                           Company, that such tax has been paid.

                                   (IX)  Common  Stock.  For the purpose of this
                           paragraph  (6) the term "Common  Stock" shall include
                           any  stock of any class of the  Company  which has no
                           preference  in  respect  of  dividends  or of amounts
                           payable in the event of any voluntary or  involuntary
                           liquidation,   dissolution   or  winding  up  of  the
                           Company,  and which is not subject to  redemption  by
                           the Company.  However,  shares issuable on conversion
                           of shares of the Series D Stock  shall  include  only
                           shares of the class designated as Common Stock of the
                           Company  as of the  original  date  of  issue  of the
                           Series  D Stock or  shares  of any  class or  classes
                           resulting     from    any     reclassification     or
                           reclassifications   thereof   and   which   have   no
                           preference  in  respect  of  dividends  or of amounts
                           payable in the event of any voluntary or  involuntary
                           liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company
                           and  which  are  not  subject  to  redemption  by the
                           Company,  provided that if at any time there shall be
                           more than one such  resulting  class,  the  shares of
                           each   such   class   then  so   issuable   shall  be
                           substantially  in  the  proportion  which  the  total
                           number  of shares of such  class  resulting  from all
                           such  reclassifications  bears to the total number of
                           shares of all such  classes  resulting  from all such

                                    (X) Closing Price. As used in this paragraph
                           (6), the term  "Closing  Price" on any day shall mean
                           the reported last sales price regular way on such day
                           or, in case no such sale takes place on such day, the
                           average of the reported  closing bid and asked prices
                           regular  way,  in each  case on the  New  York  Stock
                           Exchange,  or, if the  Common  Stock is not listed or
                           admitted  to  trading  on  such   Exchange,   on  the
                           principal national  securities  exchange on which the
                           Common Stock is listed or admitted to trading, or, if
                           not listed or  admitted  to  trading on any  national
                           securities  exchange,  the average of the closing bid
                           and asked  prices as  furnished by any New York Stock
                           Exchange  member firm  selected  from time to time by
                           the Company for that  purpose;  and the term "Trading
                           Day"  shall  mean a date on which the New York  Stock
                           Exchange (or any successor to such  Exchange) is open
                           for the transaction of business.

                  (7)      Definitions.

                           (a) Conversion Date. The term "Conversion Date" shall
                  mean the date on which the  holder of shares of Series D Stock
                  exercises  his or its option to convert the shares of Series D
                  Stock into Common Stock.

                                     - 30 -

                           (b) Accrued Dividends.  The term "Accrued  Dividends"
                  shall mean Full  Accrued  Dividends as of the date as of which
                  Accrued  Dividends are to be computed,  less the amount of all
                  dividends paid, upon the relevant shares of Series D Stock.

                           (c) Full Accrued  Dividends.  The term "Full  Accrued
                  Dividends"  shall mean the aggregate  amount of dividends,  if
                  any,  which the holders of shares of Series D Stock shall have
                  become  entitled  to  receive  as of the date as of which Full
                  Accrued Dividends are to be computed.

                           (d) Preferred Stock. The tern "Preferred Stock" shall
                  mean any Preferred Stock created and issued under this Article
                  Fourth.  The term  "preferred  stock" shall mean shares of any
                  class of stock  (including  any  class of  Preferred  Stock or
                  Preference  Stock)  if the  holders  of such  class  shall  be
                  entitled   to  the   receipt  of   dividends   or  of  amounts
                  distributable upon liquidation,  dissolution or winding up, in
                  preference  or  priority  to the  holders  of shares of Common

                           (e) Preference  Stock.  The term  "Preference  Stock"
                  shall mean any Preference  Stock created and issued under this
                  Article Fourth.

                           (f) Ranking of Shares.  For the  purposes  hereof any
                  stock of any class or classes of the  Company  shall be deemed
                  to rank (i) prior to shares of the  Series D Stock,  either as
                  to dividends or upon liquidation, if the holders of such class
                  or classes shall be entitled to the receipt of dividends or of
                  amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
                  up,  as the case may be,  in  preference  or  priority  to the
                  holders of shares of the Series D Stock; (ii) on a parity with
                  shares of the Series D Stock,  either as to  dividends or upon
                  liquidation,  whether  or not  the  dividend  rates,  dividend
                  payment dates,  or redemption or liquidation  prices per share
                  thereof be different from those of the Series D Stock,  if the
                  holders  of such stock  shall be  entitled  to the  receipt of
                  dividends  or  of  amounts   distributable  upon  liquidation,
                  dissolution  or winding up, as the case may be, in  proportion
                  to their  respective  dividend  rates or  liquidation  prices,
                  without  preference  or  priority  of one  over  the  other as
                  between the holders of such stock and the holders of shares of
                  Series D Stock;  and (iii)  junior  to shares of the  Series D
                  Stock,  either as to  dividends or upon  liquidation,  if such
                  class shall be Common  Stock or if the holders of the Series D
                  Stock  shall be entitled  to the  receipt of  dividends  or of
                  amounts distributable upon liquidation, dissolution or winding
                  up,  as the case may be,  in  preference  or  priority  to the
                  holders of shares of such class or classes.

                  (8) Rank of Series D Stock.  The  shares of the Series D Stock
         shall rank junior as to dividends and upon liquidation to the shares of
         the $6.00 Cumulative  Convertible  Preferred Stock,  Series G (With Par
         Value of $1.00) of the Company.  Except as otherwise  fixed at the time
         such class is created, the shares of the Series D Stock shall rank on a
         parity as to  dividends  and upon  liquidation  with the  shares of the
         stock of any other class of Preferred Stock or Preference Stock.

                                     - 31 -

                  (9)  Fractional  Shares.  The  Series D Stock may be issued in
         fractions of a share equal to one one-hundredth (.01) of a share or any
         integral  multiple  thereof.  Each  fractional  share of Series D Stock
         issued  shall  have a  corresponding  fraction  of the  voting  powers,
         preferences  and  relative,  participating,  optional or other  special
         rights, and the  qualifications,  limitations or restrictions  thereof,
         attributable to a full share of Series D Stock.

                  (10) Retirement of Converted Shares, etc. Shares of the Series
         D Stock which have been  converted  into Common  Stock  pursuant to the
         provisions of paragraph (6) of this Section C regarding  Series D Stock
         shall have the status of authorized  and unissued  Preferred  Stock but
         shall not be reissued as Series D Stock.

III.     Parent Common Stock.

         Except  as  otherwise  provided  in this  Section  III or as  otherwise
required by applicable  law, all shares of Common Stock and Class B Common shall
be identical in all respects and shall  entitle the holders  thereof to the same
rights and  privileges,  subject  to the same  qualifications,  limitations  and

         A.       Voting Rights.

                  (1) Common Stock. Except as otherwise provided in this Section
         III, as otherwise  required by law or by the  resolution or resolutions
         providing  for  the  issuance  of any  series  of  Preferred  Stock  or
         Preference Stock and subject to the provisions of any applicable law or
         of the  By-laws  of the  Company,  as from time to time  amended,  with
         respect to the closing of the transfer  books or the fixing of a record
         date for the  determination  of  stockholders  entitled  to  vote,  the
         holders of outstanding shares of Common Stock shall exclusively possess
         voting power for the election of directors and for other purposes, each
         holder of record of shares of Common  Stock being  entitled to one vote
         for each Share of Common Stock standing in his name on the books of the

                  (2) Class B Common.  The  holders  of shares of Class B Common
         shall  have no  right  to vote on any  matters  to be  voted  on by the
         stockholders of the Company except as follows:

                           (a)  Without the  affirmative  vote or consent of the
                  holders of the Class B Common,  voting or  consenting  (as the
                  case may be)  separately  as a class,  in  person or by proxy,
                  either  in  writing  or by  resolution  adopted  at a  special
                  meeting  called for the  purpose,  the  Company  shall not (i)
                  change the number of  authorized  shares of the Class B Common
                  or (ii) amend this  Certificate of  Incorporation  or take any
                  other  action  (including,  without  limitation,  a merger  or
                  consolidation  to which the  Company is a  constituent  party)
                  which would have the effect of eliminating  the Class B Common
                  or of amending,  altering or repealing any of the preferences,
                  special  rights or powers of the holders of the Class B Common
                  so as adversely to affect such preferences,  special rights or

                           (b) The  holders  of shares  of Class B Common  shall
                  have the right to vote  together with the holders of shares of
                  the  Common  Stock  as a single  class  on any  Super-Majority
                  Transaction  submitted  to the holders of Parent  Common Stock
                  for  their  vote,  approval  or  consent.  When  voting on any
                  Super-Majority  Transaction,  each holder of shares of Class B
                  Common  shall be  entitled  to cast one vote for each share of
                                     - 32 -

                  Class  B  Common  standing  in his  name on the  books  of the

                  (3)  Super-Majority  Transactions.  The  affirmative  vote  or
         consent of the greater of (a) the holders of at least 85% of the shares
         of the Parent Common Stock, voting as a single class, present in person
         or by  proxy at a  meeting  at which a  Super-Majority  Transaction  is
         submitted for a vote of the Company's  stockholders and (b) the holders
         of a majority  of the voting  power of all of the Parent  Common  Stock
         shall be required to approve any Super-Majority Transaction.

         B.  Dividends.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  by the  resolution  or
resolutions  providing  for the  issue  of any  series  of  Preferred  Stock  or
Preference  Stock, the holders of Parent Common Stock shall be entitled,  to the
exclusion of the holders of Preferred Stock and Preference  Stock of any and all
series,  to receive  such  dividends as from time to time may be declared by the
Board of Directors. As and when dividends are declared or paid thereon,  whether
in cash, property or securities of the Company,  the holders of Common Stock and
the holders of Class B Common shall be entitled to participate in such dividends
ratably on a per share basis; provided, that (i) if dividends are declared which
are payable in shares of Common Stock or Class B Common, such dividends shall be
payable  at the same  rate on both  Common  Stock  and  Class B  Common  and the
dividends  payable in shares of Common Stock shall be payable to holders of that
class of stock and the  dividends  payable in shares of Class B Common  shall be
payable  to holders of that  class of stock,  (ii) if the  dividends  consist of
other voting  securities  of the Company,  the Company  shall declare and pay in
respect of each share of Class B Common dividends  consisting of an equal number
of non-voting  securities  of the Company  which are otherwise  identical to the
voting  securities,  which  shall  entitle  the holder  thereof to cast the same
number of votes upon any  Super-majority  Transaction  as such holder would have
been entitled to cast had such holder  received voting  securities,  rather than
nonvoting  securities,  with respect to such dividend and which are  convertible
into or exchangeable for such voting securities on the same terms as the Class B
Common is convertible into the Common Stock,  (iii) if the dividends  consist of
the right to purchase  additional  shares of Common Stock or Class B Common,  at
the Company's  option,  either (A) dividends shall be declared which are payable
at the same rate on both classes of stock and the dividends payable in the right
to  purchase  additional  shares of Common  Stock shall be payable to holders of
that  class  of  stock  and the  dividends  payable  in the  right  to  purchase
additional shares of Class B Common shall be payable to holders of that class of
stock  or (B) in the  case  of a  dividend  payable  in the  right  to  purchase
additional  shares of Common Stock, such dividend shall be payable to holders of
that  class of stock and the  Class B Common  Conversion  Ratio (as  hereinafter
defined) shall be adjusted as provided in  subparagraph 2 of Paragraph D of this
Section III.

         C. Rights on Liquidation,  Dissolution, Winding Up. In the event of any
liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up of the  Company,  whether  voluntary or
involuntary,  after  payment  shall have been made to the  holders of  Preferred
Stock and  Preference  Stock of the full amount for which they shall be entitled
pursuant to the resolution or resolutions  providing for the issue of any series
of Preferred Stock or Preference  Stock,  the holders of the Parent Common Stock
shall be  entitled,  to the  exclusion  of the  holders  of  Preferred  Stock or
Preference  Stock of any and all  series,  to share,  ratably  according  to the
number of shares of Parent Common Stock held by them, in all remaining assets of
the Company available for distribution to its stockholders.

         D.       Conversion Rights.

                  (1)  Conversion  of Common  Stock.  The  holders  of shares of
         Common  Stock  shall have no  conversion  rights  with  respect to such

                                     - 33 -

                  (2)  Conversion of Class B Common Stock.  With respect to each
         share of Class B Common,  upon the earlier to occur of (i) any transfer
         of such share of Class B Common in accordance  with Paragraph E of this
         Section  III (except  for  transfers  permitted  by  subparagraph  3 of
         Paragraph  E) and  (ii)  the  Event  Date,  such  share  shall  convert
         automatically  into  shares of Common  Stock at a ratio  (the  "Class B
         Common Conversion  Ratio") which initially shall be one share of Common
         Stock per share of Class B Common so converted;  provided,  that if and
         whenever the Company shall  hereafter  issue rights  pursuant to clause
         (iii)(B)  of  Paragraph  B of this  Section  III to all  holders of its
         Common  Stock  entitling  them to subscribe  for or purchase  shares of
         Common  Stock at a price per share less than the current  market  price
         per share--as  determined pursuant to the penultimate  sentence of this
         subparagraph  2 of  this  paragraph  D--on  the  record  date  for  the
         determination of the stockholders  entitled to receive such rights, the
         Class B Common Conversion Ratio shall be adjusted to an amount equal to
         the  product  of  the  Class  B  Common   Conversion  Ratio  in  effect
         immediately  prior  to the  date  of  issuance  of  such  rights  and a
         fraction,  of which  the  numerator  shall be the  number  of shares of
         Common  Stock  outstanding  on such  record  date  plus the  number  of
         additional  shares of Common Stock offered for subscription or purchase
         and of which the  denominator  shall be the  number of shares of Common
         Stock  outstanding  on such  record  date plus the  number of shares of
         Common Stock which the aggregate  offering price of the total number of
         shares of Common Stock so offered would purchase at such current market
         price.  Such  adjustment  shall  become  effective  at the  opening  of
         business on the  business  day next  following  the record date for the
         determination of stockholders  entitled to receive such rights;  and to
         the extent  that  shares of Common  Stock are not  delivered  after the
         expiration of such rights, the Class B Common Conversion Ratio shall be
         readjusted  (but  only  with  respect  to  shares of the Class B Common
         converted after such expiration) to the Class B Common Conversion Ratio
         which  would  then be in  effect  had the  adjustments  made  upon  the
         distribution  of such  rights  been made upon the basis of  delivery of
         only the number of shares of Common Stock actually  delivered.  For the
         purpose of any computation  under the immediately  preceding  sentence,
         the current market price per share of Common Stock on any date shall be
         deemed to be the  average  of the daily  Closing  Prices for the thirty
         consecutive  Trading Days selected by the company  commencing  not more
         than fortyfive Trading Days before the day in question. Notwithstanding
         anything else  contained in this  subparagraph  2 of this  Paragraph D,
         upon the termination of the Settlement Agreement in accordance with the
         provisions of Section 13 thereof,  all then outstanding shares of Class
         B Common in the  aggregate  shall  convert  automatically,  without any
         further  action  on the  Company's  part,  into one (1) share of Common

                           (I) Mergers, etc. In case of any consolidation of the
                  Company with, or merger of the Company with or into, any other
                  corporation  (other  than a merger in which the Company is the
                  surviving  corporation  and  which  does  not  result  in  any
                  reclassification  or change of the  outstanding  shares of the
                  Company  into  which  shares of the Class B Common  would have
                  been  converted  had the  automatic  conversion of the Class B
                  Common occurred immediately prior thereto),  or in case of any
                  conveyance  or  transfer  of the  property  and  assets of the
                  Company  substantially as an entirety,  lawful provision shall
                  be made as a part of the  terms  of such  transaction  so that
                  each  share of Class B Common  (i) shall  entitle  the  holder
                  thereof to receive,  at the same time and on the same terms as
                  applicable to the shares of the Company into which the Class B
                  Common shall be convertible,  any cash, securities (other than
                  equity  securities of the Company),  rights or other  property
                  receivable  upon such  consolidation,  merger,  conveyance  or
                  transfer  by a holder of the  number and kind of shares of the
                  Company  into which  such  share of Class B Common  would have
                  been  converted  had the  automatic  conversion of the Class B
                  Common  occurred  immediately  prior  to  such  consolidation,
                  merger,  conveyance or transfer and (ii) shall be converted on
                  the Class B Common Conversion Date into the number and kind of
                  equity  of  the  Company,   if  any,   receivable   upon  such
                  consolidation,  merger,  conveyance or transfer by a holder of
                  the  number and kind of share of the  Company  into which such
                  share of Class B Common  would  have  been  converted  had the

                                     - 34 -

                  automatic   conversion   of  the   Class  B  Common   occurred
                  immediately prior to such consolidation, merger, conveyance or
                  transfer   subject  to   subsequent   adjustments   as  nearly
                  equivalent as practicable to the  adjustments  provided for in
                  this subparagraph 2 of paragraph D; provided however, that any
                  instrument   convertible   into  or  exchangeable  for  equity
                  securities of the Company shall be deemed for purposes of this
                  subparagraph  2(I) not to be equity securities of the Company;
                  and provided,  further,  that in the event that any instrument
                  convertible into or exchangeable for shares of Common Stock or
                  other  voting  securities  of the  Company is paid in any such
                  consolidation,  merger,  conveyance  or transfer in respect of
                  the  shares of the  Company  into  which the shares of Class B
                  Common shall be convertible or exchangeable, the corresponding
                  instrument  paid in respect of the Class B Common  pursuant to
                  this subparagraph 2(I) may be convertible into or exchangeable
                  for Class B common or  non-voting  securities  of the Company,
                  respectively,  in the manner  contemplated  by  paragraph B of
                  this  Section  III.  The above  provisions  of this clause (I)
                  shall similarly apply to successive  consolidations,  mergers,
                  conveyances or transfers.

                          (II)  Reservation of Shares.  The Company shall at all
                  times reserve and keep available, free from preemptive rights,
                  out of its  authorized  but  unissued  Common  Stock,  for the
                  purpose of effecting the conversion of the shares of the Class
                  B Common  on the  Class B  Common  Conversion  Date,  the full
                  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  which  at the  time  is
                  deliverable  on the  Class B Common  Conversion  Date upon the
                  conversion of all shares of the Class B Common  outstanding at
                  such time.

                         (III)  Taxes.  The Company  shall pay any and all taxes
                  that may be payable in respect of the  issuance or delivery of
                  shares  of  Common  Stock on  conversion  of shares of Class B
                  Common pursuant  hereto.  The Company shall not,  however,  be
                  required to pay any tax which may be payable in respect of any
                  transfer  involved  in the  issue  and  delivery  of shares of
                  Common  Stock in a name other than that in which the shares of
                  Class B Common so converted were registered, and no such issue
                  or  delivery  shall  be  made  unless  and  until  the  person
                  requesting  such issue has paid to the  Company  the amount of
                  any such tax, or has  established,  to the satisfaction of the
                  Company, that such tax has been paid.

                          (IV)   Common   Stock.   For  the   purpose   of  this
                  subparagraph  2 of paragraph D the term  "Common  Stock" shall
                  include any stock of any class of the Company  (other than the
                  Class  B  Common)  which  has  no  preference  in  respect  of
                  dividends or of amounts  payable in the event of any voluntary
                  or involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the
                  Company,  and  which  is  not  subject  to  redemption  by the
                  Company.  However,  shares issuable on conversion of shares of
                  the  Class B Common  shall  include  only  shares of the class
                  designated  as Common  Stock of the Company as of the original
                  date of issue of the  Class B Common or shares of any class or
                  classes    resulting    from    any     reclassification    or
                  reclassifications  thereof  and which  have no  preference  in
                  respect of dividends or of amounts payable in the event of any
                  voluntary or involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution or winding
                  up of the Company and which are not subject to  redemption  by

                                     - 35 -

                  the Company,  provided that if at any time there shall be more
                  than one such resulting  class,  the shares of each such class
                  then so  issuable  shall be  substantially  in the  proportion
                  which the total number of shares of such class  resulting from
                  all such reclassifications bears to the total number of shares
                  of all such classes resulting from all such reclassifications.

                           (V) Retirement of Converted  Shares,  etc.  Shares of
                  the Class B Common which have been converted into Common Stock
                  pursuant to the provisions of this subparagraph 2 of paragraph
                  D  regarding  Class B Common  shall have the status of retired
                  shares of Class B Common and shall not be reissued.

                          (VI)  Rights  Prior  to  Conversion.   Notwithstanding
                  anything to the  contrary  contained  in this  Section III, in
                  case of any adjustment of the Class B Common  Conversion Ratio
                  as provided in this  subparagraph  2 of this  Paragraph D, the
                  determination  of the rights of the  holders of Class B Common
                  to vote such shares in Super-Majority Transactions, to receive
                  dividends  with respect to such shares,  and to share  ratably
                  with the  holders of Common  Stock in assets of the Company in
                  the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
                  Company  shall be made as if the  number  of shares of Class B
                  Common  held by each such  holder  of the Class B Common  were
                  equal to the product of the number of shares of Class B Common
                  actually hold by such holder at the time of such determination
                  and the Class B Common Conversion Ratio.

                         (VII) No Fractional  shares.  No  fractional  shares of
                  Common Stock shall be issued upon  conversion of shares of the
                  Class B Common,  but,  instead of any  fraction  of a share of
                  Common  Stock which would  otherwise be issuable in respect of
                  the  aggregate  number of shares of the Class B Common held by
                  the same holder,  the Company shall pay a full share of Common

                        (VIII)  Conversion  Procedure.  Following  the  Class  B
                  Common  Conversion  Date, each holder of shares of the Class B
                  Common  converted will surrender,  at the Company's  principal
                  office or at any other  office as the Board of  Directors  may
                  designate,  the  certificate or  certificates  therefor,  duly
                  endorsed  to  the   Company  or  in  blank.   As  promptly  as
                  practicable after such surrender,  the Company shall issue and
                  shall deliver at said office a certificate or certificates for
                  the  number  of  shares of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon such
                  conversion  to the person or persons  entitled  to receive the

         E.  Transferability  of Class B Common.  Prior to the Event  Date,  the
         shares  of the  Class B Common  shall  be  nontransferable  by the
         Supplemental Benefit Trust or any other holder thereof except:

                  (1)  pursuant to the terms of Article  VIII of Exhibit B to
         the  Settlement Agreement;

                  (2) pursuant to any transaction which is approved by the Board
         of Directors  or with respect to which the Board of Directors  consents
         in writing;

                                     - 36 -

                  (3)  to  any  financial   institution   as  security  for  any
         indebtedness  or  obligation  of the  holders  of the shares of Class B
         Common; or

                  (4)  pursuant  to any  tender or  exchange  offer  made by any
         person or "group"  (as defined in Section  13(d)(3)  of the  Securities
         Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  or any successor  statute  thereto),
         for shares of Parent Common Stock.

Any  attempted  transfer  of shares of the  Class B Common in  violation  of the
provisions hereof shall be void and of no effect. The Company shall place on the
certificates  representing shares of the Class B Common a legend consistent with
the provisions hereof.

         F. Stock Splits,  Recapitalizations,  Etc. If the Company in any manner
         subdivides or combines the outstanding shares  of,  or   effects   any
         recapitalization or similar transaction with respect to, one class of
         Parent Common Stock,  the outstanding  shares of the other class of
         Parent Common Stock shall be  proportionately  subdivided,  combined,
         reclassified or the like in a similar manner.

         G.       Definitions.

                  (1) Class B Common  Conversion  Date. The term "Class B Common
         Conversion  Date," with respect to each share of Class B Common,  shall
         mean the date on which such share automatically converts into shares of
         Common Stock pursuant to the terms and conditions contained herein.

                  (2) Closing Price.  The term "Closing  Price" on any day shall
         mean the reported  last sales price regular way on such day or, in case
         no such sale  takes  place on such day,  the  average  of the  reported
         closing bid and asked prices regular way, in each case on the New York
         Stock  Exchange,  or, if the Common  Stock is not listed or admitted to
         trading on such Exchange, on the principal national securities exchange
         on which the Common Stock is listed or admitted to trading,  or, if not
         listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange,  the
         average of the closing  bid and asked  prices as  furnished  by any New
         York  Stock  Exchange  member  firm  selected  from time to time by the
         Company for that purpose.

                  (3) Trading  Day. The term  "Trading  Day" shall mean a day on
         which the New York Stock  Exchange (or any successor to such  Exchange)
         is open for the transaction of business.

                  (4) Event Date.  The term "Event  Date" shall have the meaning
         assigned to such term in the Settlement Agreement.

                  (5)  Navistar  International  Transportation  Corp.  The  term
         "Navistar  International  Transportation  Corp."  shall  mean  Navistar
         International  Transportation  Corp.,  a Delaware  corporation,  or any
         successor corporation thereto.

                  (6)  Super-Majority  Transaction.   The  term  "Super-Majority
         Transaction"  shall  mean (i) a merger  or  consolidation  to which the
         Company is a constituent  party, if either (A) the  stockholders of the
         Company  immediately  before such merger or consolidation,  do not own,
         directly or indirectly,  more than 50% of the combined  voting power of
         the then outstanding voting securities of the corporation  surviving or
         resulting from such merger or consolidation or (B) equity securities of
         the Company or Navistar  International  Transportation  Corp.  would be
         issued to stockholders of the other constituent  corporation(s) to such
         merger or  consolidation  which have a fair market value at the time of
         the transaction in excess of $750 million, or (ii) the sale,  transfer,
         pledge or other  disposition of all or substantially  all of the assets
         of the Company and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis or Navistar
         International   Transportation   Corp.  and  its   subsidiaries   on  a
         consolidated basis.

                  Subject to the provisions of this Certificate of Incorporation
         and except as  otherwise  provided  by law,  the shares of stock of the
         Company,  regardless of class, may be issued for such consideration and
         for such corporate  purposes as the Board of Directors may from time to
         time determine.

                                     - 37 -

                  No holder of stock of the  Company  shall have any  preemptive
         right with respect to stock of the Company.

                  Fifth:  The Company is to have perpetual existence.

                  Sixth:   Except  as  otherwise  provided  herein,  any  action
required or  permitted  to be taken by the  stockholders  of the Company must be
taken at a duly called  annual or special  meeting of such  stockholders  of the
Company and may not be effected by any consent in writing by such stockholders.

         The private  property of the  stockholders  of the Company shall not be
subject to the payment of corporate debts to any extent whatsoever.

                  Seventh:  The number of directors  which shall  constitute the
whole Board of Directors of the Company  shall be as specified in the By-laws of
the corporation, subject to the provisions of this Article Seventh.

         The Board of  Directors  shall be and is divided  into  three  classes:
Class I, Class II and Class  III,  which  shall be as nearly  equal in number as
possible.  Each director  shall serve for a term ending on the date of the third
annual  meeting  of  stockholders  following  the  annual  meeting  at which the
director was elected;  provided,  however, that each initial director in Class I
shall hold office until the annual meeting of stockholders in 1988; each initial
director in Class II shall hold office until the annual meeting of  stockholders
in 1989;  and each  initial  director in Class III shall hold  office  until the
annual meeting of stockholders in 1990. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions
of this Article,  each director  shall serve until his successor is duly elected
and qualified or until his death, resignation or removal.

         In the event of any  increase or decrease in the  authorized  number of
directors,  the newly created or eliminated  directorships  resulting  from such
increase or decrease shall be  apportioned  by the Board of Directors  among the
three  classes of  directors  so as to maintain  such classes as nearly equal as
possible.  No  decrease  in the number of  directors  constituting  the Board of
Directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent director.

         Newly created  directorships  resulting from any increase in the number
of directors to be elected by the holders of the Common Stock and any  vacancies
on the Board of Directors resulting from death,  resignation,  disqualification,
removal or other cause shall be filled by the affirmative  vote of a majority of
the  remaining  directors  elected by the  holders  of the Common  Stock then in
office (and not by stockholders), even though less than a quorum of the Board of
Directors.  Any director elected in accordance with the preceding sentence shall
hold  office for the  remainder  of the full term of the class of  directors  in
which the new  directorship  was created or the vacancy  occurred and until such
director's successor shall have been elected and qualified.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing,  wherever the holders of any one or more
classes or series of stock issued by this Company  having a preference  over the
Parent  Common Stock as to dividends or upon  liquidation  shall have the right,
voting  separately  by class or series,  to elect  directors by consent or at an
annual or special meeting of stockholders, the number, election, term of office,
filling of vacancies,  terms of removal and other features of such directorships
shall be governed by the terms of the  resolution  or  resolutions  establishing
such class or series  adopted  pursuant  thereto and such  directors  so elected
shall not be divided  into  classes  pursuant  to this  Article  Seventh  unless
expressly provided by such terms.

     The Board of Directors  shall have power to hold its  meetings  outside the
State of  Delaware at such place as from time to time may be  designated  by the
By-laws or by resolution  of the Board of  Directors.  The By-laws may prescribe
the number of directors necessary to constitute a quorum.

                                     - 38 -

         The  capital  of the  Company  may be  increased  from  time to time by
resolution of the Board of Directors  directing that a portion of the net assets
of the Company in excess of the amount  theretofore  determined to be capital be
transferred  to capital  account.  Any and all shares of the Parent Common Stock
may be issued by the Company from time to time for such  consideration as may be
fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors.

                  Eighth:  The Board of  Directors  shall  have  power,  without
         stockholder action:
                    I. To make By-laws for the Company,  and to amend,  alter or
         repeal  any  By-laws;  but any  By-laws  made by the  directors  may be
         altered,  amended  or  repealed  by the  stockholders  at any  meeting,
         provided  notice of such  proposed  alteration,  amendment or repeal be
         included in the notice of such meeting.

                   II. To remove at any time any  officer,  agent or employee of
         the  Company,  provided,  however,  that such power of  removal  may be
         conferred by the By-laws or by the Board of Directors on any  committee
         or officer.

                  III.  To fix and  determine,  and to vary the  amount  of, the
         working capital of the Company,  and to determine the use or investment
         of any assets of the  Company;  to set apart out of any of the funds of
         the Company  available  for  dividends  a reserve or  reserves  for any
         proper  purpose and to abolish  any such  reserve or  reserves;  and to
         declare and authorize  payment of such dividends as it shall  determine
         advisable and proper, subject to such restrictions as may be imposed by

                   IV. To authorize the purchase or other  acquisition of shares
         of stock of the Company or any of its bonds,  debentures,  notes, scrip
         or other securities or evidences of indebtedness.

                    V. To determine  whether and to what  extent,  at what times
         and places,  and under what conditions and  regulations,  the accounts,
         books and  documents of the Company,  or any of them,  shall be open to
         the inspection of the  stockholders;  and no stockholder shall have any
         right to inspect any account,  book or document of the Company,  except
         as conferred by the laws of the State of Delaware or as  authorized  by
         resolution  adopted by the Board of Directors or by the stockholders of
         the Company entitled to vote in respect thereof.

                   VI.  Except as otherwise  provided by law, to  determine  the
         places within or without the State of Delaware  where any or all of the
         books of the Company shall be kept.

                  VII. To authorize the sale, lease or other  disposition of any
         part or parts of the  properties of the Company and to cease to conduct
         the business connected therewith or again to resume the same, as it may
         deem best.

                 VIII.  To authorize  the  borrowing  of money;  the issuance of
         bonds,  notes,   debentures  and  other  obligations  or  evidences  of
         indebtedness of the Company, secured or unsecured, and the inclusion of
         provisions as to redeemability and convertibility  into shares of stock
         of the  Company  or  otherwise;  and the  mortgaging  or  pledging,  as
         security  for money  borrowed  or  bonds,  notes,  debentures  or other
         obligations issued by the Company, of any property of the Company, real
         or personal, then owned or thereafter acquired by the Company.

         The powers and authorities herein conferred upon the Board of Directors
are in furtherance  and not in limitation of those  conferred by the laws of the
State of  Delaware.  In  addition  to the  powers and  authorities  herein or by
statute  expressly  conferred  upon it, the Board of Directors  may exercise all
such powers and do all such acts and things as may be  exercised  or done by the
Company,  subject,  nevertheless,  to the provisions of the laws of the State of
Delaware,  of  this  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and of the  By-laws  of the

                                     - 39 -

         The Board of Directors  may, by resolution  passed by a majority of the
whole Board of Directors,  designate one or more  committees,  each committee to
consist of two (2) or more of the directors of the Company,  which to the extent
provided in said resolution or resolutions or in the By-laws, shall have and may
exercise the powers of the Board of Directors in the  management of the business
and  affairs of the  Company,  and may  authorize  the seal of the Company to be
affixed to all papers which may require it.

         Subject to any  limitation in the By-laws,  the members of the Board of
Directors shall be entitled to reasonable fees,  salaries or other  compensation
for their  services,  as determined from time to time by the Board of Directors,
and to  reimbursement  for  their  expenses  as  such  members.  Nothing  herein
contained   shall  preclude  any  director  from  serving  the  Company  or  its
subsidiaries  or  affiliates in any other  capacity and  receiving  compensation

         To the fullest extent  permitted by the General  Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware as it now exists or may  hereafter be amended,  no director of
the Company  shall be liable to the  Company or its  stockholders  for  monetary
damages  arising  from a breach of  fiduciary  duty owed to the  Company  or its
stockholders.  Any repeal or modification of this provision by the  stockholders
of the Company shall not adversely  affect any right or protection of a director
of the Company existing at the time of such repeal or modification.

                  Ninth:  Indemnification:

                    I. Each  person who was or is made a party or is  threatened
         to be made a party to or is otherwise  involved in any action,  suit or
         proceeding,  whether civil,  criminal,  administrative or investigative
         ("proceeding"),  by  reason  of  the  fact  that  he or she is or was a
         director  or officer of the  Company  (which  term  shall  include  any
         predecessor  corporation  of this  Company) or is or was serving at the
         request of the  Company as a  director,  officer,  employee or agent of
         another corporation or of a partnership,  joint venture, trust or other
         enterprise,  including  service with respect to employee  benefit plans
         ("indemnitee"),  whether the basis of such proceeding is alleged action
         in an official capacity as a director, officer, employee or agent or in
         any other  capacity while serving as a director,  officer,  employee or
         agent,  shall be  identified  and held  harmless  by the Company to the
         fullest extent  authorized by the Delaware General  Corporation Law, as
         the same exists or may  hereafter be amended  (but,  in the case of any
         such  amendment,  only to the extent  that such  amendment  permits the
         Company  to  provide  broader  indemnification  rights  than  said  law
         permitted the Company to provide prior to such amendment),  against all
         expenses,  liability and loss (including  attorneys'  fees,  judgments,
         fines,  ERISA excise taxes or penalties and amounts paid in settlement)
         reasonably  incurred  or  suffered  by such  indemnitee  in  connection
         therewith and such  indemnification  shall continue as to an indemnitee
         who has ceased to be a director,  officer,  employee or agent and shall
         inure  to  the  benefit  of  the  indemnitee's  heirs,   executors  and
         administrators; provided however, that, except as provided in paragraph
         II of this Article Ninth with respect to  proceedings to enforce rights
         to indemnification,  the Company shall indemnify any such indemnitee in
         connection  with a  proceeding  (or  part  thereof)  initiated  by such
         indemnitee  only if such proceeding (or part thereof) was authorized by
         the Board of Directors. The right to indemnification  conferred in this
         Article Ninth shall be a contract  right and shall include the right to
         be paid by the Company the  expenses  incurred  in  defending  any such
         proceeding in advance of its final disposition; provided however, that,
         if the Delaware General  Corporation Law requires,  the payment of such

                                     - 40 -

         expenses  incurred by a director or officer in his or her capacity as a
         director or officer (and not in any other capacity in which service was
         or is  rendered  by such  indemnitee,  including,  without  limitation,
         service  to  an  employee   benefit  plan)  in  advance  of  the  final
         disposition  of a  proceeding,  shall be made only upon delivery to the
         Company of an undertaking, by or on behalf of such indemnitee, to repay
         all  amounts  so  advanced  if it  ultimately  be  determined  by final
         judicial  decision  from which there is no further right to appeal that
         such  indemnitee  is not entitled to be  indemnified  for such expenses
         under this Article Ninth or otherwise.

                   II. If a claim under paragraph I of this Article Ninth is not
         paid in full by the  Company  within  sixty  (60) days  after a written
         claim has been  received by the Company,  except in the case of a claim
         for expenses incurred in defending a proceeding in advance of its final
         disposition,  in which case the applicable  period shall be twenty (20)
         days, the indemnitee may at any time thereafter  bring suit against the
         Company to recover the unpaid  amount of the claim.  If  successful  in
         whole or in part in any such suit or in a suit  brought by the  Company
         to  recover  payments  by  the  Company  of  expenses  incurred  by  an
         indemnitee  in  defending  in his  or her  capacity  as a  director  or
         officer,  a  proceeding  in  advance  of  its  final  disposition,  the
         indemnitee shall be entitled to be paid also the expense of prosecuting
         or defending  such claim.  In any action  brought by the  indemnitee to
         enforce  a right to  indemnification  hereunder  (other  than an action
         brought to  enforce a claim for  expenses  incurred  in  defending  any
         proceeding  in  advance  of its final  disposition  where the  required
         undertaking,  if any,  has  been  tendered  to the  Company)  or by the
         Company to recover  payments by the Company of expenses  incurred by an
         indemnitee  in  defending,  in his or her  capacity  as a  director  or
         officer, a proceeding in advance of its final  disposition,  the burden
         of proving that the indemnitee is not entitled to be indemnified  under
         this Article  Ninth or otherwise  shall be on the Company.  Neither the
         failure of the Company  (including the Board of Directors,  independent
         legal counsel,  or its stockholders) to have made a determination prior
         to  the  commencement  of  such  action  that  indemnification  of  the
         indemnitee is proper in the  circumstances  because the  indemnitee has
         met the  applicable  standard  of  conduct  set  forth in the  Delaware
         General  Corporation  Law, nor an actual  determination  by the Company
         (including  the Board of  Directors,  independent  legal counsel or its
         stockholders) that the indemnitee has not met such applicable  standard
         of conduct,  shall be a presumption that the indemnitee has not met the
         applicable  standard  of  conduct,  or in the  case of  such an  action
         brought by the indemnitee, be a defense to the action.

                  III. The rights conferred on any person by paragraphs I and II
         of this  Article  Ninth shall not be exclusive of any other right which
         such  person may have or  hereafter  acquire  under any  statute,  this
         certificate of incorporation by-law, agreement, vote of stockholders or
         disinterested directors or otherwise.

                  III. The Company may maintain  insurance,  at its expense,  to
         protect  itself and any  director,  officer,  employee  or agent of the
         Company or another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture,  trust or
         other enterprise against any expense, liability or loss, whether or not
         the Company would have the power to indemnify  such person against such
         expense, liability or loss under the Delaware General Corporation Law.

                                     - 41 -

                    V.  Persons  who  are  not  included  as  indemnitees  under
         paragraph I of this Article  Ninth but are  employees of the Company or
         any subsidiary may be indemnified to the extent  authorized at any time
         or from time to time by the Board of Directors.

                  Tenth:  The  Company  reserves  the right at any time and from
time to time to amend,  alter,  change or repeal any provision contained in this
Certificate of Incorporation, and other provisions authorized by the laws of the
State of Delaware at the time in force may be added or  inserted,  in the manner
now or hereafter prescribed by law and this Certificate of Incorporation and all
rights,   preference  and  privileges  of  whatsoever   nature   conferred  upon
stockholders,  directors or any other persons whomsoever by and pursuant to this
Certificate  of  Incorporation  in its present form or as hereafter  amended are
granted subject to the right reserved in this Article Tenth.


I.       Certain Restrictions on the Transfer of Stock.

         In order to preserve the Tax Benefits, the restrictions set forth below
shall apply for the period beginning on the Article Eleventh  Effective Date and
ending  on the  Expiration  Date,  unless  the Board of  Directors  shall fix an
earlier or later date in accordance with Section VI of this Article Eleventh.

         A.       Definitions.

                  (1) Article Eleventh  Effective Date. The time and date of the
         legal effectiveness of the merger of the former Navistar  International
         Corporation with and into the Company.

                  (2) Control. The possession,  direct or indirect, of the power
         to direct or cause the  direction of the  management  and policies of a
         Person,  whether  through  the  ownership  of  voting  securities,   by
         contract,  or otherwise.  Such definition shall also apply to the terms
         "controlling," "controlled by" and "under common control with."

                  (3)  Effective  Date Tier Entity.  Any Person that,  as of the
         Article  Eleventh  Effective  Date, was a First Tier Entity or a Higher
         Tier Entity,  for so long as such Person continues to have a Prohibited
         Ownership Percentage.

                  (4) Expiration  Date.  The last day of the  eight-year  period
         commencing on the Article Eleventh Effective Date.

                  (5) First Tier  Entity.  A "first tier entity" with respect to
         the  Company,  as that  term is used in  Treasury  Regulations  Section

                  (6) 47 Percentage Point Increase. An increase of 47 percentage
         points or more of the Stock owned by  "5-percent  shareholders"  of the
         Company   (within   the  meaning  of   Treasury   Regulations   Section
         1.382-2T(g)(1))  over the  lowest  percentage  of  Stock  owned by such
         5-percent  shareholders  at  any  time  during  the  three-year  period
         preceding any  determination  date,  such  determination  to be made in
         accordance  with Treasury  Regulations  Section  1.382-2T(c)  as if the
         determination date were a "testing date."

                  (7) Higher Tier  Entity.  An "higher tier entity" with respect
         to the Company,  as that tern is used in Treasury  Regulations  Section

                                     - 42 -

                  (8) Internal  Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
         as amended.  Any reference to a particular  Section or provision of the
         Internal  Revenue  Code shall be deemed to also refer to any  successor
         Section or provision having similar effect.

                  (9) Ownership  Change.  An "ownership  change" with respect to
         the  Company,  as that term is used in Section  382(g) of the  Internal
         Revenue Code and Treasury  Regulations Section  1.382-2T(a)(1),  except
         that for purposes of determining  whether  5-percent  shareholders have
         increased their percentage interests by more than 50 percentage points,
         there shall be added to the increase in their  percentage  interests an
         amount equal to a fraction,  the numerator of which is $50 million, and
         the denominator of which is the value of all of the Stock. For example,
         if the value of the Stock is $1,000,000,000 and the percentage increase
         by  5-percent  shareholders  is 49.5%  (i.e.,  the  value of the  Stock
         representing the 49.5 percentage point increase is  $495,000,000),  for
         purposes of  determining  whether there is an ownership  change,  there
         shall be added to the 49.5 percentage points an increase of 0.5 percent
         (i.e., $50,000,000/$1,000,000,000).

                  (10)  Other  Permitted  Holders.  Any  Person,  other  than an
         Effective  Date Tier  Entity  or a  Permitted  Transferee,  which has a
         Prohibited  Ownership  Percentage  permitted  under  Section I, whether
         pursuant to a waiver under Paragraph D of Section I or otherwise.

                  (11) Permitted  Transferee.  Any transferee  with a Prohibited
         Ownership  Percentage  as to which the Board of Directors has consented
         pursuant to Subparagraph C(2) or C(3) of Section I.

                  (12)  Person.  Any  individual,  corporation,  estate,  trust,
         association,   company,   partnership,   joint   venture,   or  similar
         organization,  or any other entity  described  in Treasury  Regulations
         Section 1.382-3(a)(1)(i).

                  (13)  Prohibited  Ownership  Percentage.  Any ownership in the
         Company  that would cause a Person or Public  Group to be a  "5-percent
         shareholder" of the Company within the meaning of Treasury  Regulations
         Section  1.382-2T(g)(1)(i) or (ii). For this purpose,  whether a Person
         or Public Group would be a "5-percent  shareholder" shall be determined
         (u) by substituting "4.5 percent" for "5 percent" each place it appears
         in  such  provisions,  (v)  without  giving  effect  to  the  following
         provisions:     Treasury    Regulations    Sections     1.382-2T(g)(2),
         1.382-2T(g)(3),  1.382-2T(h)(2)(iii)  and  1.382-2T(h)(6)(iii),  (w) by
         treating  every  Person or  Public  Group  which  owns  Stock,  whether
         directly   or  by   attribution,   as   directly   owning   such  Stock
         notwithstanding  any further attribution of such Stock to other Persons
         and notwithstanding Treasury Regulations Section  1.382-2T(h)(2)(i)(A),
         (x) by  substituting  the term  "Person"  in place of  "individual"  in
         Treasury  Regulations  Section  1.382-2T(g)(1)(i),  (y) by taking  into
         account  ownership of Stock at any time during the "testing  period" as
         defined in  Treasury  Regulations  Section  1.382-2T(d)(1),  and (z) by
         treating  each day during the  testing  period as if it were a "testing
         date" as defined in Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-2T(a)(2)(i).  In
         addition,  for the purpose of determining  whether any Person or Public
         Group  has a  Prohibited  Ownership  Percentage  as of  any  date,  the
         definition of Stock set forth in Subparagraph  A(15) of Section I shall
         be applied in lieu of the  definition in Treasury  Regulations  Section
         1.382-2T(f)(18),  except that any option shall be treated as Stock only
         to the extent treating it as Stock would cause an increase in ownership
         of such Person and such option  would be deemed  exercised  pursuant to
         Treasury Regulations in effect from time to time (disregarding  whether
         treating such option as exercised would cause an ownership change).

                                     - 43 -

                  (14)  Public  Group.  A "public  group"  with  respect  to the
         Company,  as  that  term  is  used  in  Treasury   Regulations  Section
         1.382-2T(f)(13),  excluding  any "direct  public group" with respect to
         the  Company,  as that  term is used in  Treasury  Regulations  Section

                  (15) Stock.  All classes of stock of the Company,  all options
         to acquire stock of the Company and all other  interests  that would be
         treated  as stock  in the  Company  pursuant  to  Treasury  Regulations
         Section 1.382-2T(f)(18)(iii), other than (x) stock described in Section
         1504(a)(4)  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code and (y) stock that would be
         described in such  Section  1504(a)(4)  but is not so described  solely
         because it is entitled to vote as a result of dividend  arrearages.  As
         used in Article Eleventh,  the term "option" shall have the meaning set
         forth in Treasury Regulations Section 1.3822(T)(h)(4).

                  (16) Tax  Benefits.  The net  operating  loss  carryovers  and
         capital  loss  carryovers  to which the Company is  entitled  under the
         Internal  Revenue Code, free of  restrictions  under Section 382 of the
         Internal Revenue Code.

                  (17) Testing Date Action. Any Transfer or acquisition of Stock
         or any other action (including the acquisition or issuance of an option
         to  Transfer  or  acquire  Stock),  if the  effect  of  such  Transfer,
         acquisition  or other  action  would be to cause a "testing  date" with
         respect to the  Company  within the  meaning  of  Treasury  Regulations
         Section  1.382-2T(a)(2)(i),  determined  by treating  every  Person and
         Public Group which has a Prohibited Ownership Percentage as a 5-percent
         shareholder as used in such Section.

                  (18) Transfer.  Any means of conveyance of legal or beneficial
         ownership  of Stock,  whether  such  ownership  is direct or  indirect,
         voluntary or involuntary,  including,  without limitation,  an indirect
         transfer of ownership through the transfer of any ownership interest of
         any entity that owns Stock.

                  (19)   Transferee   Undertaking.   A  duly  executed   written
         undertaking  for the benefit of the Company by any transferee  pursuant
         to which  the  transferee  agrees  that (i) it will not take any of the
         following  actions without the prior consent of the Board of Directors:
         (x) acquire any additional  Stock,  (y) Transfer any Stock in violation
         of  Paragraph  B of  Section  I, or (z) take or  cause to be taken  any
         Testing Date Action,  (ii) upon request by the Company, it will furnish
         or cause to be furnished to the Company all  certificates  representing
         Stock held of record or beneficially,  directly or indirectly, by it or
         by any Person  controlling,  controlled by or under common control with
         it for the purpose of placing a legend on such  certificates to reflect
         the undertakings  described in clause (i) above,  (iii) it acknowledges
         that stop  transfer  orders may be entered with the transfer  agent (or
         agents) and the registrar (or registrars) of Stock against the transfer
         of Stock  subject  to the  undertakings  described  in clause (i) above
         except in compliance with the  requirements of such  undertakings,  and
         (iv) it will agree to such other  actions  and  remedies as the Company
         may reasonably request in order to preserve the Tax Benefits.

                  (20) Treasury Regulations.  The regulations promulgated by the
         Secretary  of  the  Treasury  under  the  Internal  Revenue  Code.  Any
         reference to a particular  Treasury  Regulation or Section or provision
         thereof  shall be deemed to also refer to any  successor  Regulation or
         Section or provision having similar effect.

         B.       Transfer Restrictions.

         Unless otherwise consented to or waived by the Board of Directors,  the
         following Transfers and actions shall be prohibited:

                  (1) General.  No Person shall  Transfer any Stock to any other
         Person to the extent that such Transfer,  if effected,  (i) would cause
         the  transferee  or any  Person  or Public  Group to have a  Prohibited
         Ownership  Percentage,  or (ii) would increase the ownership percentage
         of any  transferee  or any Person or Public  Group  having a Prohibited
         Ownership Percentage.

                                     - 44 -

                  (2) Additional  Restrictions on Transform  Involving Effective
         Date Tier Entities.  In addition to the restrictions under Subparagraph
         B(i), (i) no Effective  Date Tier Entity shall Transfer any Stock,  and
         no other  Person shall  Transfer  any Stock to an  Effective  Date Tier
         Entity if, in either  case,  after such  Transfer,  there would be a 47
         Percentage Point Increase, and (ii) no Effective Date Tier Entity shall
         take any other  action  (including  the  acquisition  or issuance of an
         option to Transfer or acquire Stock) if, after such action, there would
         be a 47 Percentage Point Increase.

                  (3)  Additional  Restrictions  on  Transfers  Involving  Other
         Permitted  Holders.  In addition to the restrictions under Subparagraph
         B(i), (i) no other  Permitted  Holder shall Transfer any Stock,  and no
         other Person shall Transfer any Stock to an Other Permitted Holder, if,
         in either case,  such Transfer would  constitute a Testing Date Action,
         and (ii) no Other  Permitted  Holder  shall take any other  action that
         would constitute a Testing Date Action.

                  (4) Additional Restrictions under Transferee Undertakings.  In
         addition to the restrictions under Subparagraph B(l), (i) no Person who
         has delivered a Transferee Undertaking shall Transfer any Stock, and no
         Person  shall  Transfer  any Stock to any  Person who has  delivered  a
         Transferee Undertaking,  if, in either case, such Transfer would result
         in a violation of such Transferee  Undertaking,  and (ii) no Person who
         has delivered a Transferee  Undertaking shall take or cause to be taken
         any other action that would constitute a Testing Date Action.

                  (5)  Exception.   Notwithstanding   anything   herein  to  the
         contrary, the transfer restrictions set forth in this Paragraph B shall
         not apply to any  shares of Series D Stock of the  Company  which  were
         issued and outstanding on the Article Eleventh Effective Date.

         C.       Permitted Transfers.

                  (1) General.  Unless otherwise restricted under Paragraph B of
         Section  I or  under  a  Transferee  Undertaking  or  other  agreement,
         Transfers  of Stock may be made  without  the  consent  of the Board of

                  (2) Transfers by Effective Date Tier  Entities.  Upon petition
         by any Effective Date Tier Entity, the Board of Directors shall consent
         to a proposed Transfer of Stock that complies with Subparagraph B(2) of
         Section I but would  otherwise be prohibited  pursuant to  Subparagraph
         B(l) of Section I if it determines that (i) after giving effect to such
         Transfer,  the  percentage  of Stock  owned by all  Persons  and Public
         Groups with a Prohibited  Ownership  Percentage will not have increased
         by more than 40 percentage  points over the lowest  percentage of Stock
         owned  by such  Persons  and  Public  Groups  at any  time  during  the
         three-year  period  preceding the proposed date of such Transfer  (such
         determination  to be made in accordance with the provisions of Treasury
         Regulations Section 1.382-2T(c)) and (ii) the proposed transferee shall
         have delivered a Transferee Undertaking.

                  (3) Transfers by Permitted  Transferees.  Upon petition by any
         Permitted  Transferee,  the  Board  of  Directors  shall  consent  to a
         proposed  Transfer of Stock or Testing Date Action that would otherwise
         be  prohibited  pursuant to  Subparagraph  B(i) or B(4) of Section I or
         pursuant to any Transferee  undertaking if it determines that (i) after
         such  proposed  Transfer or Testing  Date Action  there would not be an
         Ownership  Change  and (ii) in the case of any such  proposed  Transfer
         that, if effected,  would  otherwise be prohibited  under  Subparagraph
         B(1) of Section I, such  Transfer  would  otherwise be permitted  under
         Subparagraph  C(2)  if such  Transfer  were  proposed  to be made by an
         Effective Date Tier Entity.

                                     - 45 -

                  (4) Certain  Additional  Transfers to  Permitted  Transferees.
         Upon petition by any Permitted Transferee, the Board of Directors shall
         consent to a proposed  Transfer of additional  Stock to such  Permitted
         Transferee from a Person  constituting an Effective Date Tier Entity or
         another  Permitted  Transferee  if it  determines  that  such  proposed
         Transfer would otherwise be permitted under  Subparagraph  C(2) or C(3)
         of Section I, as the case may be.

                  (5) Transfers by Other Permitted Holders. Upon petition by any
         other  Permitted  Holder,  the Board of  Directors  shall  consent to a
         proposed  Transfer of Stock or Testing Date Action that would otherwise
         be prohibited  pursuant to Subparagraph B(1), B(3) or B(4) of Section I
         or pursuant to any  Transferee  Undertaking  if it determines  that (i)
         after such proposed  Transfer or Testing Date Action there would not be
         an Ownership Change and (ii) in the case of any such proposed  Transfer
         that, if effected,  would  otherwise be prohibited  under  Subparagraph
         (B)(1) of  Section  I, such  Transfer  would not cause a 47  Percentage
         Point  Increase  and the  proposed  transferee  shall have  delivered a
         Transferee Undertaking.

         D. Waivers.  Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Board
         of  Directors  may waive any of the  restrictions  contained  in
         Paragraph B of Section I of this Article Eleventh:  (1) in the case of
         any issuance of Stock by the Company  which would  otherwise be 
         prohibited  under  Subparagraph  B(1) of Section I, if the transferee
         agrees to be bound to the restrictions  applicable to Permitted
         Transferees;  (2) in the event of a tender or exchange offer within
         the meaning of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, to
         acquire Stock constituting more than fifty percent in value of the
         outstanding Common Stock of the  Company,  so long as such waiver shall
         apply to all  Transfers  pursuant to such tender or exchange offer; (3)
         in connection with any Transfers of Stock in connection with
         underwritten offerings of such Stock; (4) in connection with any
         investment in or acquisition of a business or any business combination
         involving the Company or any  subsidiary of the Company; and (5) in any
         other instance in which the Board of  Directors  reasonably and in good
         faith determines that a waiver would be in the best interests of the

II.      Attempted Transfer in Violation of Transfer Restrictions.

         Unless the consent or waiver of the Board of  Directors  is obtained as
provided in Paragraph C or D of Section I, and except as provided in Paragraph C
of Section II below, any attempted Transfer of shares of Stock of the Company in
excess  of the  shares  that  could be  Transferred  to the  transferee  without
restriction  under  Paragraph  B of  Section  I is  not  effective  to  transfer
ownership  of such excess  shares  (the  "Prohibited  Shares") to the  purported
acquiror thereof (the "Purported  Acquiror"),  and the Purported  Acquiror shall
not be entitled to any rights as a  shareholder  of the Company  with respect to
the Prohibited Shares,  including,  without limitation,  the right to vote or to
receive  dividends  with  respect  thereto.  Nothing  contained  in this Article
Eleventh  shall  preclude the  settlement  of any  transaction  involving  Stock
entered into through the  facilities of the New York Stock Exchange or any other
national  securities  exchange.  The  application of the provisions and remedies
described in the first  sentence of this Section II and in Paragraphs A, B and C
of Section  II below  shall be deemed not to so  preclude  any such  settlement.
Paragraphs  A, B and C below shall apply only in the case of  violations  of the
restrictions contained in Subparagraph B(1) of Section I.

                                     - 46 -

         A. Transfer of Certificates; Sale of Stock. Upon demand by the Company,
the Purported  Acquiror  shall  transfer any  certificate  or other  evidence of
purported  ownership of the  Prohibited  Shares within the Purported  Acquiror's
possession or control,  together with any dividends or other  distributions paid
by the Company with respect to the  Prohibited  Shares that were received by the
Purported  Acquiror  (the  "Prohibited  Distributions"),   to  an  agent  to  be
designated by the Company (the "Agent").  If the Purported Acquiror has sold the
Prohibited  Shares to an unrelated  party in an  arms-length  transaction  after
purportedly  acquiring them, the Purported Acquiror shall be deemed to have sold
the Prohibited  Shares for the Agent, and in lieu of transferring the Prohibited
Shares and Prohibited Distributions to the Agent shall transfer to the Agent the
Prohibited  Distributions and the proceeds of such sale (the "Resale  Proceeds")
except to the extent that the Agent grants  written  permission to the Purported
Acquiror to retain a portion of the Resale  Proceeds  not  exceeding  the amount
that would have been payable by the Agent to the Purported  Acquiror pursuant to
Paragraph  B of Section II if the  Prohibited  Shares had been sold by the Agent
rather than by the Purported Acquiror.  Any purported Transfer of the Prohibited
Shares by the Purported Acquiror,  other than a transfer described in one of the
two preceding  sentences (unless such transfer itself violated the provisions of
Article  Eleventh),  shall not be  effective  to transfer  any  ownership of the
Prohibited Shares.

         B. Allocation and Distribution of Proceeds.  The Agent shall sell in an
arms-length  transaction (through the New York Stock Exchange,  if possible) any
Prohibited Shares  transferred to the Agent by the purported  Acquiror,  and the
proceeds  of such  sale (the  "Sales  Proceeds"),  or the  Resale  Proceeds,  if
applicable,  shall be allocated to the  Purported  Acquiror up to the  following
amount:  (1) where  applicable,  the purported  purchase  price paid or value of
consideration  surrendered by the Purported  Acquiror for the Prohibited  Shares
and (2) where the purported  Transfer of the Prohibited  Shares to the Purported
Acquiror was by gift,  inheritance,  or any similar purported transfer, the fair
market value of the Prohibited  Shares at the time of such  purported  Transfer.
Any Resale  Proceeds or Sales Proceeds in excess of the amount  allocable to the
Purported  Acquiror  pursuant  to the  preceding  sentence,  together  with  any
Prohibited  Distributions  (such excess amount and Prohibited  Distributions are
collectively  the  "Subject  Amounts"),   shall  be  transferred  to  an  entity
designated by the Company that is described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code (the "Designated  Charity").  In no event shall any such Prohibited
Shares or Subject Amounts inure to the benefit of the Company or the Agent,  but
such  Subject  Amounts  may be used to cover  expenses  incurred by the Agent in
performing its duties.

         C. Limitation on Enforceability. Notwithstanding anything herein to the
contrary,  with  respect to any  Transfer of Stock which would cause a Person or
Public Group (the "Prohibited  Party") to violate a restriction  provided for in
Subparagraph  B(1)  of  Section  I only on  account  of the  attribution  to the
Prohibited  Party of the ownership of Stock by a Person or Public Group which is
not  controlling,  controlled  by or under common  control  with the  Prohibited
Party,  which  ownership is  nevertheless  attributed to the  Prohibited  Party,
Subparagraph B(1) of Section I shall not apply in a manner that would invalidate
such Transfer.  In such case, the Prohibited Party and any Persons  controlling,
controlled by or under common control with the Prohibited  Party  (collectively,
the "Prohibited Party Group") shall automatically be deemed to have disposed of,
and shall be required to dispose of,  sufficient  shares of Stock (which  shares
shall consist only of shares held legally or  beneficially,  whether directly or
indirectly,  by any member of the  Prohibited  Party Group,  but not shares held
through another Person,  other than shares held through a Person acting as agent
or fiduciary  for any member of the  Prohibited  Party  Group,  and which shares
shall be disposed of in the inverse order in which they were acquired by members
of the  Prohibited  Party Group) to cause the Prohibited  Party,  following such
disposition,  not to be in violation of Subparagraph B(1) of Section I; provided

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that in the event no member of the  Prohibited  Party Group (i) is an  Effective
Date Tier Entity,  Permitted  Transferee or Other Permitted  Holder and (ii) had
any actual knowledge that such Transfer was prohibited under  Subparagraph  B(1)
of Section I, such disposition shall only be effected to the extent necessary in
order to prevent an Ownership Change.  Such disposition shall be deemed to occur
simultaneously  with  the  Transfer  giving  rise  to the  application  of  this
provision, and such number of shares which are deemed to be disposed of shall be
considered  Prohibited  Shares and shall be  disposed  of  through  the Agent as
provided in Paragraph B of Section II, except that the maximum amount payable to
the Prohibited Party in connection with such sale shall be the fair market value
of the Prohibited Shares at the time of the Prohibited Transfer.

         D. Other Remedies.  In the event that the Board of Directors determines
that a Person proposes to take any action in violation of Paragraph B of Section
I, or in the event that the Board of Directors determines after the fact that an
action has been taken in  violation  of  Paragraph  B of Section I, the Board of
Directors,  subject  to the  second  and  third  sentences  of the  introductory
paragraph  of Section II, may take such action as it deems  advisable to prevent
or to refuse to give effect to any Transfer or other action which would  result,
or has resulted, in such violation,  including,  but not limited to, refusing to
give  effect to such  Transfer  or other  action on the books of the  Company or
instituting  proceedings to enjoin such Transfer or other action.  If any Person
shall knowingly violate Paragraph B of Section I, then that Person and all other
Persons  controlling,  controlled  by or under  common  control with such Person
shall be jointly and  severally  liable for, and shall pay to the Company,  such
amount as will,  after taking  account of all taxes  imposed with respect to the
receipt or accrual of such  amount and all costs  incurred  by the  Company as a
result of such loss, put the Company in the same financial  position as it would
have been in had such violation not occurred.

III.     Prompt Enforcement Against Purported Acquiror.

         Within  30  business  days  of  learning  of a  purported  Transfer  of
Prohibited Shares to a Purported Acquiror or a Transfer of Stock to a Prohibited
Party, the Company through its Secretary or any Assistant Secretary shall demand
that the  Purported  Acquiror or  Prohibited  Party  surrender  to the Agent the
certificates representing the Prohibited Shares, or any Resale Proceeds, and any
Prohibited  Distributions,  and if such  surrender is not made by the  Purported
Acquiror  or  Prohibited  Party  within 30  business  days from the date of such
demand,  the Company shall institute legal proceedings to compel such surrender;
provided,  however,  that nothing in this Section III shall preclude the Company
in its discretion from immediately  bringing legal  proceedings  without a prior
demand,  and also  provided  that  failure of the Company to act within the time
periods set out in this  Section III shall not  constitute a waiver of any right
of  the  Company  to  compel  any  transfer  required  by  Section  II.  Upon  a
determination  by the Board of Directors  that there has been or is threatened a
purported Transfer of Prohibited Shares to a Purported Acquiror or a Transfer of
Stock to a Prohibited  Party or any other violation of Paragraph B of Section I,
the  Board  of  Directors  may  authorize  such  additional  action  as it deems
advisable to give effect to the provisions of this Article Eleventh,  including,
without  limitation,  refusing to give effect on the books of the Company to any
such purported Transfer or instituting  proceedings to enjoin any such purported

IV.      Obligation to Provide Information.

         The  Company  may require as a  condition  to the  registration  of the
Transfer of any Stock that the  proposed  transferee  furnish to the Company all
information  reasonably  requested by the Company with respect to all the direct
or  indirect  ownership  of  Stock by the  proposed  transferee  and by  Persons
controlling, controlled by or under common control with the proposed transferee.

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V.       Legends.

         All  certificates  evidencing Stock that is subject to the restrictions
on transfer set forth in this Article  Eleventh shall bear a conspicuous  legend
referencing such restrictions.

VI.      Further Actions.

         Subject to the second and third sentences of the introductory paragraph
of Section  II,  nothing  contained  in this  Article  Eleventh  shall limit the
authority  of the Board of  Directors  to take such  other  action to the extent
permitted  by law as it deems  necessary or advisable to protect the Company and
the interests of the holders of its  securities in preserving  the Tax Benefits.
Without  limiting the generality of the  foregoing,  in the event of a change in
law  (including  applicable  regulations)  making  one or more of the  following
actions necessary,  in the case of actions described in clauses (B), (C) and (D)
below, or desirable,  in the case of actions  described in clause (A) below, the
Board of  Directors  may (A)  accelerate  the  Expiration  Date,  (B) extend the
Expiration  Date,  (C) conform  any terms or numbers  set forth in the  transfer
restrictions  in  Section  I to make such  terms  consistent  with the  Internal
Revenue Code and the Treasury  Regulations  following any changes therein to the
extent necessary to preserve the Tax Benefits, or (D) conform the definitions of
any  terms set  forth in this  Article  Eleventh  to the  definitions  in effect
following  such  change  in law;  provided  that the  Board of  Directors  shall
determine in writing that such acceleration,  extension,  change or modification
is reasonably necessary to preserve the Tax Benefits or that the continuation of
these restrictions is no longer reasonably necessary for the preservation of the
Tax  Benefits,  which  determination  shall be based  upon an  opinion  of legal
counsel to the Company and which determination shall be filed with the Secretary
of the Company and mailed by the  Secretary to all  stockholders  of the Company
within ten days after the date of any such determination.

VII.     Severability.

         If any  provision of this Article  Eleventh or the  application  of any
such  provision to any Person or under any  circumstance  shall be held invalid,
illegal,  or unenforceable in any respect by a court of competent  jurisdiction,
such  invalidity,  illegality  or  unenforceability  shall not  affect any other
provision of this Article Eleventh.

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