Exhibit 99.1

June 28, 2004

Contact:  David Morris, (907) 265-5396 or dmorris@gci.com

                              RATES IN ANCHORAGE

ANCHORAGE -- The Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA) issued an order setting
prices for GCI's lease of Alaska Communications Systems' (ACS) lines for local
telephone competition in Anchorage. Although the RCA's ruling set rates for
numerous elements of ACS' network, the most significant is the lease rate for
local lines.

The order increases the lease rate from $14.92 to $19.15 per line per month. In
setting this rate, the RCA ruled on a variety of factors such as depreciation,
cost of capital, cost of the network, maintenance and administrative overhead.
GCI estimates today's ruling will increase its cost to provide competitive
telephone service in Anchorage by approximately $265,000 per month.

GCI is analyzing today's ruling and has not determined whether it will appeal.

"Given the increased costs contained in today's order, the rate-of-return to
deploy GCI's own network will be substantially increased," said Dana Tindall,
GCI senior vice president of regulatory and legal affairs. "This creates
incentive, which we are currently evaluating, for us to accelerate the
deployment of our digital local telephone service."

In other company news, Jerry Edgerton has joined the GCI board of directors. Mr.
Edgerton is the senior vice president of government markets with MCI.

GCI (NASDAQ: GNCMA) is an Alaska-based integrated communication provider that
delivers voice, video and data services through its fiber optic, satellite,
hybrid fiber coaxial and metropolitan area networks. More information about GCI
can be found at www.gci.com.

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