FOR GALAXY X




                            GCI COMMUNICATION CORP. (1)

- -----------------
1 In this document "********" are used in place of redacted information.

                                                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.The Satellite                                                                                                1

         1.01 Satellite                                                                                        1
         1.02 Orbital Position                                                                                 1
         1.03 C-Band Transponders                                                                              1
         1.04 Ku-Band Transponders                                                                             2
         1.05 Specifications and Components                                                                    2
         1.06 Rights To Reserves or Spares                                                                     2

2.Purchase and Sale of Transponders; Option to Purchase                                                        2

         2.01 Purchase                                                                                         2
         2.02 Lease with Option to Purchase                                                                    2

3.Purchase Price and Payment Schedule                                                                          4

         3.01 Purchase Price Components Description                                                            4
         3.02 Purchase Price Component Amount                                                                  4
         3.03 Place of Payment                                                                                 7

4.Delivery and Related Matters                                                                                 7

         4.01 Delivery                                                                                         7
         4.02 Ownership, Title and Assumption of Risk                                                          8
         4.03 Acceptance                                                                                       8

5. Representations and Warranties                                                                              8

         5.01 Authority, No Breach                                                                             8
         5.02 Corporate Action                                                                                 8
         5.03 Consents                                                                                         8
         5.04 Litigation                                                                                       9
         5.05 No Broker                                                                                        9

6. Additional Representations, Warranties and Obligations
      of HCG                                                                                                   9

         6.01 Authorization Description                                                                        9
         6.02 Transponder Performance Specifications                                                           9
         6.03 Title                                                                                           10
         6.04 Government Regulations                                                                          10
         6.05 Not a Common Carrier                                                                            10
         6.06 TT&C                                                                                            10

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7. Additional Representations, Warranties and Obligations
     of Buyer                                                                                                 10

         7.01 [Reserved]                                                                                      10
         7.02 Non-Interference                                                                                10
         7.03 Laws                                                                                            11
         7.04 Additional Usage Representations and Obligations                                                11

8. Preemptive Rights and Inspection of Facilities                                                             11

9. Transponder Spares, Reserve Transponders and Retained
      Primary Transponders                                                                                    12

         9.01 Use of Transponder Spares                                                                       12
         9.02 Use of Reserve Transponders                                                                     12
         9.03 Simultaneous ******** -- Priority with Respect
                  to the Use of Transponder Spares                                                            13
         9.04 Simultaneous ******** -- Priority with Respect
                  to the Use of Reserve Transponders                                                          13
         9.05 HCG's Ownership of Primary Transponders                                                         13
         9.06 Notice of Intent to Substitute a Reserve
                  Transponder                                                                                 14

10. Termination Rights                                                                                        14

         10.01 Termination by Buyer                                                                           14
         10.02 Termination by H CG                                                                            14
         10.03 H HCG's Right to Sell if Non-Payment                                                           14
         10.04 Prompt Repayment                                                                               15
         10.05 Termination by Buyer or HCG                                                                    15
         10.06 Right to Deny Access                                                                           15
         10.07 Return of Transponders                                                                         18
         10.08 Cancellation of Buyer's Ku-Band Transponder                                                    18
         10.09 Buyer's Special Option to Terminate                                                            18

11. Force Majeure                                                                                             18

         11.01 Failure to Deliver                                                                             18
         11.02 Failure of Performance                                                                         19

12.Limitation of Liability/********                                                                           19

         12.01 Liability of H CG                                                                              19
         12.02 Confirmed ********                                                                             19
         12.03 Repayment for ******** Transponder or ********
                    Transponder                                                                               20
         12.04 Limitation of Liability                                                                        20
         12.05 Obligations of Buyer to Cooperate                                                              21

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13. Limitations on Transfer by Buyer                                                                          21

         13.01 Transfers by Buyer                                                                             21
         13.02 Transfers by HCG                                                                               22
         13.03 Affiliate                                                                                      22
         13.04 Assignment                                                                                     22

14.[Reserved]                                                                                                 22

15. Progress Reports, Inspections and Access to Work
       in Progress                                                                                            22

         15.01 Progress Reports                                                                               22
         15.02 Inspection Rights of Buyer                                                                     23
         15.03 Access to Work in Progress and Selection of
                    Transponders                                                                              23
         15.04 After Delivery Reports                                                                         23

16. Confidentiality and Press Releases                                                                        23

         16.01 Confidential Information                                                                       23
         16.02 Press Releases                                                                                 24

17. Disposition of Satellite                                                                                  24

         17.01 ********                                                                                       24
         17.02 Disposition of Satellite                                                                       24

18. Documents                                                                                                 25

19. Conflicts                                                                                                 25

20. Miscellaneous                                                                                             25

         20.01 Interest                                                                                       25
         20.02 Applicable Law and Entire Agreement                                                            25
         20.03 Notices                                                                                        25
         20.04 Severability                                                                                   27
         20.05 Taxes                                                                                          27
         20.06 Successors                                                                                     27
         20.07 Rules of Construction                                                                          27
         20.08 Survival of Representations and Warranties                                                     27
         20.09 No Third-Party Beneficiary                                                                     27
         20.10 Non-Waiver of Breach                                                                           28
         20.11 Counterparts                                                                                   28

21. Option for ********                                                                                       28

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A        Galaxy Satellite Description

B        Galaxy X Transponder Performance Specifications


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                THIS AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement") is made and entered into as of
this 24th day of August,  1995 (the  "Execution  Date"),  by and between  Hughes
Communications  Galaxy, Inc. (HCG"), a corporation  organized and existing under
the laws of the state of California,  and GCI Communications Corp. ("Buyer"),  a
corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of Alaska.


                WHEREAS,  HCG  intends  to  construct,  launch,  and  operate  a
satellite to be designated as Galaxy X,  containing  C-Band  capacity an Ku-Band
capacity and desires to sell transponders on such a satellite; and

                WHEREAS,  Buyer  desires  to  purchase  and HCG  desires to sell
certain  transponders  on Galaxy  X,  subject  to the  approval  of the  Federal
Communications Commission.


                NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  promises set
forth below, HCG and Buyer hereby mutually agree as follows:

1.  The Satellite

                1.01   Satellite.   Subject  to  the  approval  of  the  Federal
Communications  Commission (FCC), HCG plans to construct and launch a satellite,
referred to hereinafter as "Galaxy X" (the "Satellite" or "G-X"). Galaxy X shall
be  a  hybrid   satellite  (i.e.,  it  contains  both  C-Band  capacity  (C-Band
Transponders") and Ku-Band capacity ("Ku-Band Transponders").  Collectively, the
C-Band Transponders are referred to hereinafter as the "Transponders".

                1.02  Orbital  Position.  Based  on FCC  approval,  the  orbital
position of Galaxy X shall be 123(degree) West Longitude. HCG currently plans to
launch  Galaxy X in the fourth  quarter of 1997,  subject to the approval of the

                1.03 C-Band  Transponders.  Galaxy X shall have twenty-four (24)
C-Band  Transponders.  Twenty-two  (22) of the C-Band  Transponders  on Galaxy X
shall be designated  "Primary".  The remaining  two (2) C-Band  transponders  on
Galaxy X shall be  designated as "Reserve".  "Primary  Transponders"  shall mean
Transponders  which  are not  preemptible  and as to which the  "Owners"  of the
Transponders,  if a "Confirmed  ********" (as hereafter  defined) occurs,  shall
have the right to preempt a Reserve Transponder in accordance with section 9.02.
"Reserve  Transponders"  shall mean Transponders  which shall be preemtable,  in
accordance with Section 9.02 by

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Owners of Primary  Transponders  located on the  Satellite  that have suffered a
Confirmed  ********.  Galaxy  X also  shall  have  six (6)  C-Band  "Transponder
Spares," as defined in Section  9.01. As used in this  Agreement,  "Owner" shall
include the actual  owner of a  Transponder,  including  HCG if there remain any
unsold Transponders,  or any permitted assignee of such owner's Transponder,  or
any lessee or licensee of HCG. The term  "purchase"  shall include the execution
of an agreement with HCG for a long term lease.

                1.04 Ku-Band Transponders.  Galaxy X shall have twenty-four (24)
Ku-Band Transponders. All twenty-four Ku-Band Transponders are currently planned
to  be   designated   as   "Primary"   (collectively,   the   "Primary   Ku-Band
Transponders").  HCG may,  at  HCG's  sole  option,  designate  certain  Ku-Band
Transponders  as  "Reserve".  Galaxy X shall  have six (6)  Ku-Band  Transponder

                1.05  Specifications  and  Components.  Exhibit A sets forth the
design  summary  of  the  Satellite.  Exhibit  B  sets  forth  the  "Transponder
Performance Specifications", defined as certain technical specifications for the
Transponders on Galaxy X, including values for each Transponder for polarization
isolation,  interference between Transponders,  frequency response, group delay,
amplitude  non-linearity,  spurious outputs, phase shift, cross talk, stability,
transmit EIRP, uplink saturation flux density, and G/T. HCG shall make copies of
the antenna range gain contour test data available to Buyer.

                1.06  Rights to Reserves  or Spares.  Ownership  or the lease of
C-Band  Transponders  shall not give an Owner the  right to  preempt  or use any
Primary  Ku Band  Transponders  or  Ku-Band  Transponder  Spares  on  Galaxy  X.
Ownership or the lease of Ku-Band Transponders shall not give an Owner the right
to  preempt  or use  any  Primary  or  Reserve  C-Band  Transponders  or  C-Band
Transponder Spares on Galaxy X.

2.  Purchase and Sale of Transponders; Option to Purchase

               2.01 Purchase.  HCG shall sell, and Buyer shall purchase ********
Primary C Band  Transponders on Galaxy X ("Buyer's G-X Transponders" or "Buyer's
Transponders"), all of which are on a "Delivered" basis (as such term is defined
in Sections 4.01).

               2.02 Lease with  Option to  Purchase.  Subject to Section  10.08,
below,  HCG  shall  lease to Buyer  ********  Ku-Band  Transponder  on  Galaxy X
("Buyer's   Ku-Band   Transponder"   and   sometimes   collectively,    "Buyer's
Transponders")  for a Lease Term of ********,  commencing upon Delivery (Section
4.01) to Buyer, at the ******** Lease Rate of ********.  Buyer shall comply with
all standard lease terms and conditions  covering leases of Ku-Band  Capacity on
Galaxy X.

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           (a) Buyer shall have an Option to Purchase  ("Purchase  Option")  the
     ******** Ku-Band Transponder that is the subject of the Lease referenced in
     this  Section  2.02  excercisable  in  the  manner  and on  the  terms  and
     conditions as follows:

              (i) Buyer may exercise its Purchase  Option within  ******** after
         the Notice as defined in Section  3.02(a)(i)(1),  below,  by delivering
         written  notice of its  intent to  exercise  the  Purchase  Option  and
         payment  to HCG of the  Downpayment  required  by Section 3 below on or
         before the Execution  Date,  the Base Price to Buyer shall be ********,
         both as defined in Section 3.02(a), for Buyer's Ku-Band Transponder; or

              (ii) Buyer may exercise its Purchase  Option on or before the date
         on which a satellite  designated as Galaxy IX ("Galaxy  IX")  commences
         service at the  123(degree)  West  Longitude  orbital  location  ("G-IX
         Delivery  Date, by delivering  written notice of its intent to exercise
         the Purchase Option and payment to HCG of the  downpayment  required by
         Section 3 below on or before the G-IX  Delivery  Date,  and  thereafter
         making such payments as required for Buyer's Transponders  generally in
         this Agreement. If Buyer exercises its Purchase Option on or before the
         G-IX Delivery date, the Base Price to Buyer shall be ********,  both as
         defined in Section 3.02(a), for Buyer's Ku-Band Transponder; or

              (iii) Buyer may exercise is Purchase  option on or before ********
         the Delivery of Galaxy X ("G-X  Delivery  date") by delivering  written
         notice of its intent to exercise the Purchase Option and payment to HCG
         of the  Downpayment  required by Section 3 below ******** after the G-X
         Delivery  Date,  and  thereafter  making such  payments as required for
         Buyer's  transponders  generally in this Agreement.  If buyer exercises
         its Purchase  Option on or before the G-X Delivery Date, the Base Price
         to Buyer shall be  ********,  both as defined in Section  3.02(a),  for
         Buyer's Ku-Band Transponder.

     If Buyer exercises any of the above choices with respect to Purchase Option
of the Buyer's Ku-Band Transponder, Buyer's Ku-Band Transponder shall thereafter
be subject to all the terms and conditions as the Buyer's Transponders which are
the subject of Purchase in Section 2.01 above.

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3. Purchase Price and Payment Schedule

                3.01 Purchase  Price  Component  Amount.  The purchase price for
each of Buyer's  Transponders shall consist of a "******** Price" and a ********
and, an ********  (collectively,  the "Purchase Price Components").  The payment
for each of these Purchase Price Components by Buyer is mandatory.  The services
to be  provided  by HCG in return  for  Buyer's  payment of the  Purchase  Price
Components  are described in other  sections of this  Agreement.  All prices set
forth are on a per Transponder basis.

                3.02  Purchase  Price  Component  Amount.   The  Purchase  Price
Components,  payment  terms,  certain  refunds  and an Option  covering  each of
Buyer's Transponders shall be as follows:

          (a) The ******** Price shall be defined and payable in accordance with
    the following:

               (i) Buyer  understands  and agrees  that at the  Execution  Date,
         ********,  may have an expected  useful life of ********.  The Purchase
         contemplated  by this  Agreement  is based  upon a  purchase  period of
         ********.  To  accommodate  Buyer's  desire  for  flexibility  and some
         assurance  of the ********  Price per  Transponder,  HCG hereby  grants
         Buyer an Option to purchase  all, but not less than all, of its Buyer's
         G-X Transponders  for a period of either  ********,  upon the following

                  (1)  Within  ********  of the  date of HCG's  notice  to Buyer
              identifying  the  design   configuration  of  the  satellite  (the
              "Notice"), Buyer shall respond in writing and affirmatively accept
              or reject HCG's offer of Transponders for a ******** Purchase.  In
              the event that Buyer fails to respond to any such Notice,  it will
              be deemed agreed  between the parties to this  Agreement  that the
              Buyer's  Purchase  of the  Transponders  shall  be for a  ********

                  (2) If Buyer  exercises  its  Option  for  Transponders  for a
              ********  Purchase,   all  references  to  Transponders,   Buyer's
              Transponders, Reserves or Spares in this Agreement shall be deemed
              to apply to Transponders  having a ********  purchase period,  and
              likewise the terms of the entire Agreement shall apply thereto.

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                  (3) The  "********  Price"  for each of  Buyer's  Transponders
              shall be as follows:

              (i) for  ********  Purchase:  a  range  between  ********  for all
         Transponders  Delivered  within  ******** of Satellite  operation,  and
         ******** for any of Buyer's Transponders Delivered in the ********, all
         of  Buyer's   Transponders  being  Delivered  within  ********  of  the
         commencement of operations of the Satellite.

              (ii) for  ********  Purchase:  a range  between  ********  for all
         Transponders  Delivered  within  ******** of Satellite  operation,  and
         ******** for any of Buyer's Transponders Delivered in the ********, all
         of  Buyer's   Transponders  being  Delivered  within  ********  of  the
         commencement of operations of the Satellite.

              (iii) the ******** Price for either ********  Purchase or ********
         Purchase   Transponders  shall  be  paid  as  follows;   ********  (the
         "Downpayment")  on the Execution Date, such amount to cover ******** of
         the  Purchase  Price  of all  of  the  Buyer's  transponders;  and  the
         remaining ******** as of the date of each Buyer's Transponder  Delivery
         (as defined in Section  4.01).  Any change  hereafter in the  scheduled
         launch date shall not affect this payment schedule.

                      (A)  At  Buyer's   election,   and  subject  to  the  full
                  satisfaction  of HCG,  Buyer may, on the Execution  Date,  pay
                  all, but not less than all, of the  Downpayment in the form of
                  an  irrevocable  letter of credit,  in form and  substance and
                  drawn on a bank or other financial  institution  acceptable to
                  HCG in its sole  discretion (the "LC"). If Buyer elects to pay
                  the Downpayment in the form of LC, then Buyer shall pay to HCG
                  ******** in immediately available funds on the Execution Date.
                  Such  ********  shall be  returned  to Buyer,  if and when HCG
                  receives the LC to HCG's satisfaction. If buyer

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                  is given  Notice  and  exercises  its  Option  for a  ********
                  Purchase  for  Transponders,  the  amount  of the LC  shall be
                  increased accordingly.

                      (B) At the  time  Buyer  makes  the  election  to pay  the
                  Downpayment  in the  form  of LC,  Buyer  must  also  make  an
                  election  as to the date  upon  which it wishes to have the LC
                  drawn down ("Draw Down Date"), but in any event not later than
                  the  Delivery  of  Galaxy  X,  and  Buyer  shall   present  LC
                  reflecting an  appropriate  increase if interest is to be paid
                  on the Downpayment:

                           (i) if Buyer elects a Draw Down Date on or concurrent
                      with   Delivery   of  Galaxy  IX,  HCG  will   accept  the
                      Downpayment  without  accrued  interest  as payment of the
                      full amount of the Downpayment;

                           (ii)  if  Buyer   elects  a  Draw  Down  Date  on  or
                      concurrent  with the delivery of Galaxy X, Buyer shall pay
                      HCG an additional amount as interest on the full amount of
                      the  Downpayment,  at the rate of ********,  computed from
                      the Execution  Date to the G-X Delivery Date (as estimated
                      by HCG at the Execution Date).

                  To the  extent  that  the  amount  available  under  the LC is
                  insufficient  on the Draw  Down  Date,  the  Buyer  agrees  to
                  immediately pay the difference to HCG without the necessity of
                  notice or  demand  by HCG to Buyer.  In any event the LC shall
                  remain  irrevocable  and  non-cancelable  by Buyer  unless and
                  until Buyer has paid the Downpayment for Buyer's  Transponders
                  in full.

          (b) The ******** for each of Buyer's Transponders shall be a per month
    fee of ********,  payable in advance on the day of Delivery and on the first
    day of  each  month  thereafter.  Payments  for a  partial  month  shall  be
    prorated.  If one of Buyer's Transponders becomes a ******** Transponder (as
    defined in Section  12.01) or  ********  Transponder  (as defined in Section
    21),  then the  ********  shall  cease as to such  ********  Transponder  or
    ******** Transponder. ********

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    ********  for a ********  Purchase  or  ********  for a  ********  Purchase,
    respectively.  ******** was made for such ********  Transponder  or ********
    Transponder,  then the  ********  (as  defined  in  Section  6.02)  for such
    ******** Transponder or ******** Transponder ********.

          (c) The ******** for each of Buyer's  Transponders shall be a lump sum
    payment  to  HCG  of  ********  of  the  ********  Price,   payable  to  HCG
    concurrently with Delivery with respect to each of Buyer's Transponders.  If
    one  of  Buyer's   Transponders  becomes  a  ********  Transponder  ********
    Transponder,  then  the  payment  shall  be  ********  Transponder  ********
    Transponder in accordance with Section 12.03.

                3.03 Place of  Payment.  All  payments by Buyer shall be made to
HCG at its principal  place of business,  as designated  in Section  20.03,  and
shall be deemed to be made only upon actual  receipt by HCG.  All refunds by HCG
shall be made to Buyer at its  principal  place of  business  as  designated  in
Section 20.03, and shall be deemed to be made only upon actual receipt by Buyer.

4. Delivery and Related Matters

                4.01  Delivery.  "Galaxy  X  Delivery"  shall  occur  upon,  and
"Delivery",  "Delivered" and "Deliver", as to Galaxy X shall mean the placing of
the Satellite,  containing all of Buyer's Transponders,  in its assigned orbital
position with ******** meeting the relevant  performance  specifications (all of
which  requirements  may be met  through  the  use of  Reserve  Transponders  or
Transponder  Spares).  "Buyer's  Transponder(s)  Delivery" shall occur upon, and
"Delivery", "Delivered", and "Deliver" as to each Buyer's Transponder shall mean
(i) the  occurrence  of  Galaxy  X  Delivery,  (ii)  Buyer's  acceptance  of its
Transponders  as provided for in Section 4.03 and (iii) full payment by Buyer as
provided  in  Section  4.02.   With  respect  to  ********  the  C-Band  Buyer's
Transponders (which shall be hereinafter referred to as the "Delayed ********"),
Buyer may  ********  of such  Transponders  as set forth  below.  Buyer may,  at
Buyer's sole option,  ******** Delivery of ******** Delayed ******** (the "First
Delayed ********") to a date occurring after Galaxy X Delivery but no later than
********  by  delivery of written  notice to HCG  ********  prior to the initial
scheduled  launch date,  as  determined  by HCG in HCG;s sole  discretion.  With
respect to ******** Delayed  ********,  (the "Second Delayed  ********"),  Buyer
may, at Buyer's sole option, ******** Delivery of the Second Delayed ******** to
a date occurring  after Galaxy X Delivery but no later than ******** by delivery
of  written  notice to HCG on or before  the  earlier  of (i)  ********  or (ii)

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********.  Such notice of election to ******** the Delivery with respect to such
Delayed Transponders shall be irrevocable.

                4.02 Ownership Title and Assumption of Risk. Ownership and title
to Buyer's  Transponders shall pass to Buyer at the time of Delivery to Buyer. A
condition  to HCG's  obligation  to  deliver  title  to  Buyer,  and of  Buyer's
obtaining ownership,  shall be the payment by Buyer of all amounts due to HCG on
or prior to Delivery for such Transponder or Transponders. Any loss of or damage
to Buyer's  Transponders prior to Delivery shall be at the risk of HCG. Any loss
of or damage to Buyer's Transponders after Delivery to Buyer will be at the risk
of Buyer;  provided  however,  that the foregoing shall not impair Buyer's other
rights under Sections 4, 9 and 12 of this Agreement.

                4.03 Acceptance. HCG shall test each of the Buyer's Transponders
with an  acceptance  test plan to be prepared by HCG in advance of the launch of
the Satellite and delivered to Buyer. This Agreement  contemplates that ********
of Buyer's Transponders shall be designated to meet ********  specifications and
********   shall  meet  the   "********"   specifications   as  defined  by  the
specifications  sheet  attached  hereto as Exhibit  "B",  entitled  "Transponder
Performance  Specifications".  Acceptance of Buyer's Transponders by Buyer shall
be deemed  to have  occurred  upon  completion  of the  following:  (a)  Buyer's
Transponders  have passed all tests set forth in the  aforementioned  acceptance
test plan and meet the Transponder Performance  Specifications;  and (b) HCG has
notified Buyer in writing that it has  successfully  completed  testing  Buyer's
Transponders and that Buyer's Transponders are available for service.

  5. Representations and Warranties

       HCG and Buyer each represent and warrant to the other that:

                5.01 Authority. No Breach. It has the right, power and authority
to enter into, and perform its obligations under, this Agreement. The execution,
delivery and  performance  of this  Agreement  shall not result in the breach or
nonperformance of any agreements it has with third parties.

                5.02  Corporate  Action.  It has taken all  requisite  corporate
action to approve  execution,  delivery and performance of this  Agreement,  and
this Agreement  constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation upon itself in
accordance with its terms.

                5.03 Consents. The fulfillment of its obligations hereunder will
not  constitute  a material  violation  of any existing  applicable  law,  rule,
regulation or order of any  governmental  authority.  All material  necessary or
appropriate public or private consents,  permissions,  agreements,  licenses, or
authorizations  to which it or any  Transponder  or the Satellite may be subject
have been or shall be obtained in a timely manner;  provided,  however,  that it
shall be HCG's sole responsibility to

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obtain any  regulatory  approvals  needed to enable it to sell  Transponders  as
provided  for in this  Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the  above,  HCG  and  Buyer
acknowledge  that the transactions set forth in this Agreement may be challenged
before the FCC or a court of competent jurisdiction by other persons or entities
not parties  hereto.  In such event,  HCG and Buyer agree that HCG shall use its
best efforts,  and Buyer shall use reasonable  efforts,  before the FCC, and the
courts if an appeal from an FCC order is taken,  to support  HCG's right to sell
and Buyer's right to purchase  Buyer's  Transponders  and shall fully  cooperate
with  each  other  in these  endeavors.  Buyer  alone  shall  have the  right to
determine how much and to whom it will incur legal  expenses in connection  with
any  proceeding  arising out of its  obligations  under this Section  5.03.  If,
however,  by written order, the FCC or a court of competent  jurisdiction  shall
determine that HCG may not sell and Buyer may not purchase Buyer's  Transponders
under the terms and conditions  set forth herein,  then HCG and Buyer shall seek
immediate review of such order before the FCC or an appellate court or shall, if
possible,  reconstitute the transaction to comply with such order and to provide
Buyer with use of "equivalent capacity" on another HCG-operated satellite and to
provide HCG with the "price  provided for  herein." As used herein,  "equivalent
capacity" shall mean the same number of Transponders purchased by Buyer pursuant
to this  Agreement and there is no material  adverse change in the provisions of
this Agreement  regarding purchase price taking into account payment terms using
a present value analysis, tax benefits from the form of the transactions, use of
Transponder  Spares  and  Reserve  Transponders,   and  Transponder  Performance
Specifications. As used herein, "price provided for herein" shall mean the total
price payable to (HCG, taking into account payment terms,  using a present value
analysis with a ********, and tax benefits from the form of the transactions. If
an appellate court issues a written order, which is no longer subject to further
judicial rehearing or review,  upholding the determination of the FCC or a court
or  competent  jurisdiction  that HCG may not sell and  Buyer  may not  purchase
Buyer's  Transponders,  then HCG and Buyer shall, if possible,  reconstitute the
transaction as set out herein.

                5.04  Litigation.  To the  best of its  knowledge,  there  is no
outstanding or threatened judgment, pending litigation or proceeding,  involving
or affecting the transactions provided for in this Agreement, except as has been
previously or concurrently disclosed in writing by either party to the other.

                5.05 No  Broker.  It does not  know of any  broker,  finder,  or
intermediary  involved  in  connection  with the  negotiations  and  discussions
incident  to the  execution  of this  Agreement,  or of any  broker,  finder  or
intermediary  who might be entitled to a fee or commission upon the consummation
of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

6. Additional Representations, Warranties and Obligations of HCG

                6.01  Authorization  Description.  HCG has filed with the FCC an
application  to  construct,  launch and  operate  Galaxy X at  123(degree)  West

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                6.02  Transponder  Performance  Specifications.  Each of Buyer's
Transponders,   upon   Delivery,   shall   meet  the   Transponder   Performance
Specifications throughout the duration of the ********. ******** shall mean that
period of time  ********.  ********  as to Buyer's G-X  Transponders  shall mean
that, if any of Buyer's G-X Transponders become ******** Transponders during the
********,  then Buyer shall be entitled  to the  repayment  set forth in Section

                6.03 Title. Upon Delivery and subject to Section 4,02, HCG shall
deliver to Buyer good title to each of Buyer's Transponders free from all liens,
charges, claims or encumbrances,  except for any encumbrances resulting from any
action taken by Buyer.

                6.04  Government  Regulations.  HCG has or  shall  use its  best
efforts  throughout the ********,  and until disposition of Galaxy X pursuant to
Section 17, to obtain and maintain,  in all material  respects,  all  applicable
federal, state and municipal authorizations or permissions to construct,  launch
and operate Galaxy X, applicable to it; and to comply, in all material respects,
with all such  government  regulations  regarding  the  construction,  launch an
operation of the Satellite and Transponders applicable to it.

                6.05 Not a Common Carrier.  Unless required to do so by the FCC,
HCG shall not hold itself out,  publicly or  privately,  as a provider of common
carrier  communications  services  on Galaxy X and is not  purporting  herein to
provide to Buyer or to any other party any such  services with respect to Galaxy

                6.06 TT&C.  Tracking,  telemetry and control  ("TT&C")  shall be
provided by Hughes Communications Satellite Services, Inc. ("HCG"), an affiliate
of HCG,  for the life of the  Satellite,  pursuant to a separate  "TT&C  Service
Agreement"  which  has been  executed  by HCG and Buyer  concurrently  herewith.

7. Additional Representations. Warranties and Obligations of Buyer

                7.01 [Reserved]

                7.02 Non-Interference. Buyer's radio transmissions (and those of
its uplinking agents) to the Satellite shall comply,  in all material  respects,
with all FCC and all other governmental (whether international,  federal, state,
municipal, or otherwise) statutes, laws, rules, regulations,  ordinances, codes,
directives  and  orders,  of  any  such  governmental  agency,  body,  or  court
(collectively, "Laws") applicable to it regarding the operation of the Satellite
and Buyer's Transponders. Buyer shall not utilize (or permit or allow any of its
uplinking agents to utilize) any of Buyer's  Transponders in a manner which will
or may interfere with the use of any other

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Transponder  or cause  physical harm to any of Buyer's  Transponders,  any other
Transponders,  or to the Satellite.  Further,  Buyer will  coordinate  (and will
require  its  uplinking  agents to  coordinate)  with HCG,  in  accordance  with
procedures  reasonably  established by HCG and uniformly applied to all users of
Transponders  on the Satellite,  its  transmissions  to the Satellite,  so as to
minimize adjacent channel and adjacent satellite  interference.  For purposes of
this Section 7.02,  interference shall also mean acts or omissions which cause a
Transponder to fail to meet its Transponder Performance Specifications.  Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, Buyer (and its uplinking agents) shall
comply with all FCC rules and regulations regarding use of automatic transmitter
identification systems (ATIS).

                7.03 Laws.  Buyer shall comply (and shall  require its uplinking
agents to comply),  in all material  respects,  with all Laws  applicable  to it
regarding the operation or use of the Satellite and Buyer's Transponders.

                7.04 Additional Usage Representations and Obligations.

                    (a) Buyer has not been convicted for the criminal  violation
                of, and has not been found by the FCC or other federal, state or
                local  governmental  authority  with  appropriate   jurisdiction
                (collectively,  the "Governmental  Authority") to have violated,
                any  federal,  state or local law or  regulation  as  applicable
                concerning   illegal  or  obscene   program   material   or  the
                transmission  thereof (the "Obscenity  Laws"),  and Buyer is not
                aware  of  any   pending   investigation   (including,   without
                limitation,   a  grand  jury  investigation)  involving  Buyer's
                programming  or any  pending  proceeding  against  Buyer for the
                violation of any Obscenity Laws.

                    (b)  Buyer  will   notify   HCG  as  soon  as  it   receives
                notification of, or becomes aware of, any pending  investigation
                by  any   Governmental   Authority,   or  any  pending  criminal
                proceeding  against  Buyer,  which  investigation  or proceeding
                concerns  transmissions by Buyer potentially in violation of any
                law, including without limitation, Obscenity Laws.

                    (c) Any use of Buyer's  Transponders  shall  comply,  in all
                material  respects,  with  all  applicable  laws  regarding  the
                operation  or use  of the  Satellite  and  Buyer's  Transponders
                (including, but not limited to, any Obscenity Laws).

8.Preemptive Rights and Inspection of Facilities

                Buyer recognizes that it may be necessary in unusual or abnormal
situations or conditions for HCG  deliberately  to preempt or interrupt  Buyer's
use of each of its Transponders,  in order to protect the overall performance of
the  Satellite.  Such  decisions  shall be made by HCG in its  sole  discretion;
provided,  however,  that, to the extent it is technically  feasible,  HCG shall
preempt or interrupt the use of  Transponders  in the inverse order in which the
Owners (or such Owner's  predecessors  in interest) on such  Satellite  executed
transponder purchase agreements

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for its Transponders on such Satellite.  To the extent technically feasible, HCG
shall give Buyer at least  forty-eight  (48) hours' notice of such preemption or
interruption  and HCG shall use its  reasonable  best  efforts to  schedule  and
conduct its activities  during periods of such  preemption or interruption so as
to minimize the disruption to the use of Transponders on such Satellite.  To the
extent  that such  preemption  results  in a loss to Buyer of the use of Buyer's
Transponders  sufficient to constitute a breach of HCG's warranty obligations as
set forth in Section 12,  then Buyer  shall have all of the rights and  remedies
set forth in Sections 9 and 12.

9. Transponder Spares. Reserve Transponders and Retained Primary Transponders

    9.01 Use of Transponder  Spares. HCG shall cause Galaxy X to contain certain
redundant  equipment  units  (individually,  a "Transponder  Spare"),  which are
designed as substitutes  for equipment  units the failure of which could cause a
Transponder to fail to meet the Transponder Performance Specifications.  HCG, as
soon  as  possible  and to the  extent  technically  feasible,  shall  employ  a
Transponder  Spare in such  Satellite  as a substitute  for Buyer's  Transponder
equipment  unit  which has caused  Buyer's  Transponders  to suffer a  Confirmed
******** (as defined in Section 12.02) in order to enable  Buyer's  Transponders
to meet the Transponder  Performance  Specifications.  To the extent technically
feasible,  a Transponder Spare will be substituted for the faulty equipment unit
on a first-needed,  first-served basis to satisfy HCG's ********  obligations to
Buyer and to other Owners of users of  Transponders  on the same Satellite which
have suffered Confirmed ********;  provided,  however, that HCG's obligations to
provide  Transponder  Spares  shall  continue  until  such  time  as  all of the
Transponder  Spares are committed to use as substitutes for  Transponders  which
have suffered Confirmed ********.  If HCG furnishes a Transponder Spare to Buyer
as a substitute for an equipment  unit which has caused  Buyer's  Transponder to
suffer a Confirmed  ********,  the HCG shall transfer title and ownership of the
Transponder  Spare to Buyer  and  Buyer  concurrently,  shall  return  title and
ownership  of  its  substituted  Transponder  equipment  unit  to  HCG.  Buyer's
Transponder  equipment  unit which has been returned  shall be made available by
HCG, to the extent technically feasible, to satisfy its obligations to Owners or
users  on the  same  Satellite.  HCG  also  shall  have  the  right,  until  the
Transponder  Spares are needed, to utilize such Transponder Spares in any manner
HCG determines.

                9.02 Use of Reserve  Transponders.  If no  Transponder  Spare is
available at the time that Buyer's  Transponder  suffers a Confirmed ******** or
if the use of such  Transponder  Spare would not correct the  failure,  then HCG
shall employ, as soon as possible and to the extent  technically  feasible,  and
unless any delay is requested by Buyer,  a Reserve  Transponder on Galaxy X as a
substitute  for such  Transponder  which  has  suffered  a  Confirmed  ********;
provided,  however,  that HCG's  obligation to provide  Reserve  Transponders to
Buyer shall continue only until such time as all of the Reserve Transponders are
committed to use as substitutes for Primary  Transponders  which have suffered a
Confirmed ********. HCG shall include in the

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transponder  purchase  agreement  of any  Owner  who  has  purchased  a  Reserve
Transponder (or in any other  agreement  providing for the Transfer of a Reserve
Transponder)  a  requirement  that HCG may preempt such  Reserve  Transponder(s)
after  two  (2)  hours'  notice  from  HCG.  Reserve  Transponders  utilized  as
substitutes  shall  meet the  Transponder  Performance  Specifications.  Reserve
Transponders,  or any  one of  them,  will  be  substituted  and  utilized  on a
first-needed,  first-served  basis to satisfy HCG's  obligations to Buyer and to
other Owners with respect to the performance of their Primary Transponders.  HCG
shall have the right,  in its sole  discretion,  to utilize  first a Transponder
Spare prior to  furnishing a Reserve  Transponder  to Buyer.  If HCG furnishes a
Reserve  Transponder  to Buyer,  then HCG shall  transfer title and ownership of
such Reserve  Transponder to Buyer and Buyer concurrently shall return title and
ownership of its substituted  Transponder to HCG. Buyer's  Transponder which has
been returned to HCG shall  thereafter  be made  available by HCG, to the extent
technically feasible, to satisfy its obligations to other Owners. HCG also shall
have the right,  until the Reserve  Transponders are needed,  to utilize them in
any manner HCG determines.

                9.03 Simultaneous ******** -- Priority with
Respect to the Use of Transponder Spares. In the event that Primary Transponders
of more than one Owner  simultaneously  suffer a  Confirmed  ********,  then the
Owner (or such Owner's predecessor in interest) who first executed a transponder
purchase  agreement with HCG shall have priority as to use of Transponder Spares
with respect to said Owner's  Primary  Transponder  or  Transponders  which have
suffered a Confirmed ********, to the extent technical feasible. As used in this
Section 9, the term "simultaneously"  shall be deemed to mean occurring within a
24-hour period.

                9.04 Simultaneous ******** - Priority with Respect to the Use of
Reserve  Transponders.  In the event that Primary  Transponders of more than one
Owner  simultaneously  suffer a Confirmed ********,  and no Transponder Spare is
available  or if the  use of  such  Transponder  Spare  would  not  correct  the
********,  then the Owner (or such Owner's  predecessor  in interest)  who first
executed a transponder purchase agreement with HCG for the purchase of a Primary
Transponder  on  such  Satellite  shall  have  priority  as to use of a  Reserve
Transponder  with respect to said Owner's  Primary  Transponder or  Transponders
which have suffered a Confirmed ********.

                9.05 HCG's Ownership of Primary  Transponders.  If HCG is unable
to sell all of the Primary  Transponders,  then HCG may retain ownership of such
unsold Primary  Transponders ("HCG's  Transponders").  (The same provision shall
apply with respect to Reserve  Transponders.)  In such event, HCG shall have the
same rights to use HCG's Transponders as any other Owner would have,  including,
without  limitation,  the  right  to  utilize  Transponder  Spares  and  Reserve
Transponders  in the  event  HCG's  Transponders  do not  meet  the  Transponder
Performance  Specifications.  HCG  also  shall  have  the  right,  but  not  the
obligation,  to utilize HCG's Transponders to satisfy HCG's warranty obligations
to Buyer and to other  Owners.  HCG shall be deemed to have been the last entity
to execute a

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Transponder  Purchase  Agreement for purposes of determining  its priority under
the provisions of this Section 9 and other Sections of this Agreement; provided,
however,  that if HCG long term leases any unsold Primary Transponder to a third
party,  such third party shall,  for purposes of determining  its priority under
the provisions of this Section 9, or elsewhere in this  Agreement,  be deemed to
have "purchased"  such  Transponder and to have executed a transponder  purchase
agreement on the date it executed such long term lease.

                9.06 Notice of Intent to Substitute a Reserve  Transponder Prior
to the  substitution of a Reserve  Transponder for Buyer in accordance with this
Section 9, HCG shall notify Buyer in.  advance of its intention to so substitute
the Reserve  Transponder and the substitution  shall be made at such time as the
parties mutually agree.

10. Termination Rights

                10.01 Termination by Buyer.

                    (a) If HCG does not Deliver any of Buyer's  Transponders  on
                ********,  Buyer shall have the right to cancel its  obligations
                to  purchase  all of its  undelivered  Transponders,  by  giving
                written notice to HCG on or before ********.

                    (b)  If  Buyer  terminates  its  obligations  as to  Buyer's
                Transponders due to the failure to make Delivery as set forth in
                this  Section  10 (the  "Terminated  Transponders"),  then Buyer
                shall be entitled to a full  refund,  without  interest,  of all
                payments  made for each such  Terminated  Transponder,  less any
                payments  made  by  HCG  to it on  account  of  such  Terminated
                Transponders pursuant to other provisions of this Agreement, and
                Buyer and HCG shall have no further obligations to each other as
                to each such Terminated Transponder.

                    (c) Buyer shall  notify HCG of its intent to  terminate  its
                obligations   pursuant  to  this  Section  10.01  on  or  before

            10.02 Termination by HCG. Notwithstanding anything else set forth in
this  Agreement,  HCG may terminate this Agreement if Buyer shall have failed to
pay any amount due and  payable  pursuant  to the  provisions  of Section 3, and
Buyer has been given written  notice by HCG of said failure and Buyer shall have
failed to pay the amount due and payable  within thirty (30) business days after
HCG has given such notice to Buyer.  Any late  payments by Buyer to HCG shall be
with interest  calculated at the rate set forth in Section  20.01,  payable with
the amount due and calculated from the date payment was due until the date it is
received by HCG.

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                10.03  HCG's  Right to Sell if  Non-Payment.  If, for any reason
whatsoever, Buyer does not make the payments in the amounts and on the dates set
forth in Section 3 and Buyer fails to cure such  default as set forth in Section
10.02,  then, in addition to all of its other remedies at law or in equity,  HCG
shall be entitled to Transfer (as defined in Section 13.01) Buyer's Transponders
immediately  to  whomever  HCG sees  fit,  Buyer  shall not be  entitled  to any
equitable  relief as a result  thereof,  and Buyer's  exclusive  remedy shall be
limited to recovery of any payments made to it by HCG,  without  interest,  less
any claim HCG has against Buyer by reason of such Buyer's default.

                10.04 Prompt Repayment. All refunds provided for in this Section
10 to be made by HCG shall be made  within  ******** of receipt by HCG of notice
of  termination  by Buyer,  and any late  payment by HCG to Buyer  shall be with
interest  calculated  at the rate set forth in Section  20.01,  payable with the
amount due and  calculated  from the date  payment  was due until the date it is
received by Buyer.

                10.05 Termination by Buyer or HCG. Notwithstanding anything else
set forth in this  Agreement,  either Buyer or HCG may terminate its obligations
under this Agreement as to Transponders  on Galaxy X if, prior to Delivery,  the
FCC shall  have  ordered  the  placement  of Galaxy X into an  orbital  position
further east than ******** or further west than  ********,  and such order shall
have  become a Final  Order,  and the parties  are unable to  reconstitute  this
Agreement  pursuant to Section 5.03. As used herein, an order of the FCC becomes
a "Final Order" when the FCC's action is no longer subject to  administrative or
judicial  reconsideration,  rehearing,  review,  stay,  appeal or other  similar
actions which could be filed with the FCC or with any court having  jurisdiction
to review said action.

            10.06 Right to Deny Access.

                (a) If, in connection with using Buyer's Transponders,

                         (i)"User"   (as  defined   below)  is  indicted  or  is
                    otherwise  charged as a defendant  in a criminal  proceeding
                    based upon, or is convicted  under, any Obscenity Law or has
                    been found by any  Governmental  Authority to have  violated
                    any such law;

                         (ii) based on any  User's use of Buyer's  Transponders,
                    HCG  is  indicted  or   otherwise   charged  as  a  criminal
                    defendant, becomes the subject of a criminal proceeding or a
                    governmental  action seeking a fine,  license  revocation or
                    other sanctions, or any Governmental Authority seeks a cease
                    and desist or other similar order or filing;

                         (iii)  the  FCC  has  issued  an  order   initiating  a
                    proceeding  to revoke  HCG's  authorization  to operate  the

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                         (iv) HCG  obtains a court  order  pursuant  to  Section
                    10.06(c)  below,  or a court or  Governmental  Authority  of
                    competent  jurisdiction orders HCG to deny access to User or
                    orders User to cease transmission; or

                         (v)  HCG  receives  notice  (the  "Illegal  Programming
                    Notice"),  written or oral,  from a  Governmental  Authority
                    that such authority  considers Buyer and/or any other User's
                    programming  to be  in  violation  of  Obscenity  Laws  (the
                    "Illegal  Programming"),  and  that if HCG  does  not  cease
                    transmitting such Illegal  Programming,  then HCG and/or its
                    Affiliates  and/or any of their  executives will be indicted
                    or otherwise  charged as a criminal  defendant,  will become
                    the  subject  of a  criminal  proceeding  or a  governmental
                    action   seeking  a  fine,   license   revocation  or  other
                    sanctions,  or that such Governmental  Authority will seek a
                    cease and desist or other  similar order or filing (with HCG
                    being obligated,  to the extent permitted by law, to provide
                    Buyer with a copy of such  Illegal  Programming  Notice,  if
                    written, or with other  verification,  including the details
                    thereof, if oral);

                then,  upon  notice  from HCG to Buyer  (the  "Denial  of Access
                Notice"),   User  shall   cease   using   Buyer's   Transponders
                immediately,  in the  case of a denial  of  access  pursuant  to
                subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) above, or within 24 hours
                following  receipt  of such  notice,  in the case of a denial of
                access pursuant to subparagraph (v), above; and if User does not
                voluntarily  cease using such capacity at the appropriate  time,
                then HCG shall  have the  right to take such  steps as HCG deems
                necessary to prevent User from accessing  Buyer's  Transponders.
                Provided,  however,  that if User has more than one  programming
                service,  then the  denial of access by HCG shall  apply only to
                the Transponder used to provide the Illegal Programming service;
                and  provided  further,  however,  that if, upon  receipt of the
                Denial of Access  Notice  from  HCG,  User does not  immediately
                cease transmission of such Illegal Programming service, then HCG
                shall have the right to take such  steps as HCG deems  necessary
                to prevent User from accessing the Transponder  used to transmit
                such  Illegal  Programming  service (and if,  thereafter,  Buyer
                transmits such Illegal  Programming service using any of Buyer's
                Transponders,  then HCG shall have the immediate right,  without
                further notification,  to take such steps as HCG deems necessary
                to prevent Buyer from accessing any of Buyer's Transponders). As
                used  herein,  "User"  shall  mean  Buyer and any person to whom
                Buyer  Transfers  all or  part  of  its  right  to  use  Buyer's
                Transponders, including without limitation, a Buyer, licensee or
                assignee.   Buyer  agrees  to  maintain  a  properly   operating
                facsimile  machine at all times to receive  the Denial of Access
                Notice from HCG.

                    (b) If HCG denies,  or has given Buyer  notice of its intent
                to  deny,  access  to  Buyer's  Transponders   pursuant  to  the
                provisions of this Section 10.06,  and if Buyer does not believe
                the conditions set forth in this Agreement

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                to HCG's  denial of access have been met,  then Buyer shall have
                the  immediate  right to seek  injunctive  relief,  including  a
                temporary  restraining order on notice of four (4) hours or more
                to HCG,  to  prevent  the  denial or  continuing  denial of such
                access by HCG.

                    (c) HCG shall  also  have the  right to seek (i)  injunctive
                relief,  including  a temporary  restraining  order on notice of
                four  (4)  hours  or more  to  Buyer,  to  prevent,  suspend  or
                otherwise limit User's continued access to Buyer's  Transponders
                where HCG  believes  such use has  resulted  or will result in a
                violation of any Obscenity  Law; or (ii)  declaratory  relief to
                establish   its  right  to  deny   User's   access  to   Buyer's
                Transponders under this Agreement.

                    (d) Either  party  shall be  entitled  to oppose the other's
                attempt to obtain equitable relief.  However, in order to enable
                either  party to  obtain a  resolution  of any such  dispute  as
                expeditiously  as possible,  both parties hereby agree that: (i)
                neither party will contest the jurisdiction of, or the venue of,
                any action for  equitable  relief  brought by the other party in
                the following  courts:  U.S.  District Court for the District of
                Columbia and the U.S. District Court for the Central District of
                California;  (ii)  the  party  opposing  equitable  relief  (the
                "Opposing  Party") will make itself  available to accept service
                by telecopy or personal  delivery on a 24  hour-a-day  basis for
                five (5)  consecutive  days  following  receipt by the  Opposing
                Party of the other  party's  notice  of its  intent to seek such
                equitable  relief;  and (iii) if either  party seeks a temporary
                restraining  order and provides  notice to the Opposing Party at
                least four (4) hours before the scheduled  court  hearing,  then
                the Opposing  Party will not  challenge  the  timeliness of such

                    (e) If it is  determined  by final  judicial  order  the HCG
                prevented   Buyer   from   accessing   any  or  all  of  Buyer's
                Transponders  at a time when it did not have the right to do so,
                pursuant to this Section 10.06,  then Buyer's sole and exclusive
                remedy  shall be HCG's  payment to Buyer of  liquidated  damages
                equal to ********, per Transponder, for the terminated capacity,
                such ******** based on the period of time of loss of use of such

                    (f) All  remedies  of HCG set  forth in this  Section  10.06
                shall be  cumulative  and in addition to, and not in lieu of any
                other remedies  available to HCG at law, in equity or otherwise,
                and may be enforced by HCG concurrently or from time to time.

                    (g) In  addition  to any  other  identification  obligations
                found  elsewhere in this  Agreement,  Buyer shall  indemnify and
                save HCG, its directors, officers, employees, and its Affiliates
                from any  liability  or  expense  arising  out of or  related to
                User's use of Buyer's  Transponders  under this  Section  10.06.
                Buyer shall pay all expenses  (including  reasonable  attorneys'
                fees)  incurred  by HCG in  connection  with all  legal or other
                formal or informal proceedings,  instituted by any private third
                party or any Governmental

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                Authority,  and  arising  out of or  related  to  User's  use of
                Buyer's  Transponders  under this Section 10.06, and Buyer shall
                satisfy all judgments,  fines, penalties, costs, or other awards
                which may be  incurred  by or  rendered  against HCG as a result
                thereof, as and to the extent permitted by law.

                10.07 Return of Transponders. Upon the expiration,  termination,
or  cancellation  of  this  Agreement  as to  any  Transponder  for  any  reason
whatsoever  (including,  without  limitation,  expiration  of this  Agreement in
accordance  with its  terms),  such  Transponder  shall be deemed,  without  any
further action by any party,  to be redelivered to HCG and HCG shall be entitled
to immediate  possession thereof. HCG shall thereafter have the right to utilize
such redelivered Transponder in any manner it determines.

                10.08  Cancellation  of Buyer's Ku-Band  Transponder.  HCG shall
provide  Buyer with a written  notice of its final  decision on the ******** and
the ********. Within ******** after receipt of HCG's written notice, Buyer shall
have the right to cancel  the lease (or,  if Buyer has  exercised  the  Purchase
Option  as  set  forth  in  Section  2.02,  the  purchase)  of  Buyer's  Ku-Band
Transponder by delivery of a written notice to do so to HCG. Such exercise shall
be  irrevocable.  The effective  date of the  cancellation  shall be the date on
which HCG receives the notice of such cancellation.  As of the effective date of
such  cancellation,  HCG shall have no  obligation  to Buyer  arising out of the
lease or purchase of the Buyer's Ku-Band  Transponder,  except for the refund of
any pre-paid charges with respect to such Buyer's Ku-Band Transponders.

                10.09  Buyer's  Special  Option  to  Terminate.  Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary stated  elsewhere in this  Agreement,  Buyer shall have
the right,  at its sole option,  to terminate  this Agreement in its entirety by
delivering a written notice to do so ********.  The condition  precedent to such
termination   shall  be  the  payment  by  Buyer  of  ********  payable  to  HCG
concurrently  with the written  notice of  termination.  Upon such  termination,
neither  HCG nor Buyer shall have any rights or  obligations  to the other under
this Agreement.

11. Force Majeure

                11.01   Failure  to  Deliver.   Any  failure  or  delay  in  the
performance by HCG of its obligations to Deliver any Transponders shall not be a
breach of this  Agreement if such failure or delay results from any acts of God,
governmental  action  (whether in its sovereign or contractual  capacity) or any
other  circumstances  reasonably beyond the control of HCG,  including,  but not
limited  to,  weather  or  acts or  omissions  of  Buyer  or any  third  parties
(excluding  the Hughes  Aircraft  Company  and all of its  direct  and  indirect
subsidiaries and any other affiliates of HCG or the Hughes Aircraft Company with
whom HCG or the Hughes  Aircraft  Company  contracts  for any  components of the
Satellite or any services with respect thereto). Nothing in this

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Section,  however, shall be deemed to alter Buyer's absolute rights to terminate
this Agreement as set forth in Section 10.01.

                11.02 Failure of Performance.  Any failure in the performance of
the  Transponders,  once  Delivered,  shall not be a breach of this Agreement if
such  failure  results  from acts of God,  governmental  action  (whether in its
sovereign or contractual capacity) or any other circumstances  reasonably beyond
the control of HCG,  including,  but not limited to,  receive  earth station sun
outage,  weather,  or acts or omissions of Buyer or any third parties (excluding
the Hughes Aircraft Company and all of its direct and indirect subsidiaries, and
all parties with whom HCG or Hughes  Aircraft  Company and all of its direct and
indirect  subsidiaries  contract for the manufacture,  construction,  launch and
operation of the Satellite or any components thereof),  provided,  however, that
this provision shall not excuse HCG's obligations to provide  Transponder Spares
or Reserve  Transponders,  to the extent available and technically  feasible, to
satisfy its obligations as set forth in Section 9.

12. Limitation of Liability/********

                12.01  Liability  of HCG.  If (i)  any  one or  more of  Buyer's
Transponders  fails to meet the Transponder  Performance  Specifications  during
******** (ii) such ******** is deemed to be a Confirmed  ******** (as defined in
Section  12.02),  and (iii) HCG is unable to furnish the  necessary  Transponder
Spare or Reserve Transponder as a substitute for Buyer's  Transponder,  pursuant
to  Section  9,  then  such  Transponder  shall  be  deemed  to  be a  "********
Transponder".  Buyer,  unless  excused by an event set forth in  Section  11.02,
shall be  entitled  to  repayment  as set forth in Section  12.03 for a ********
Transponder  ********  Transponder  (as defined in Section  21).  The  condition
precedent to HCG's  obligation  to repayment as set forth in this Section  12.03
shall be the full payment by Buyer of the ******** as set forth in Section 3.

                12.02 Confirmed ********.  A Buyer's Transponder shall be deemed
to  have  suffered  a  "Confirmed  ********"  if (a) it  ********  to  meet  the
Transponder  Performance  Specifications  for a  cumulative  period of more than
********,  (b) ******** (as defined  below)  ******** or (c) it ******** to meet
the  Transponder  Performance  Specifications  for  any  period  of  time  under
circumstances that make it clearly ascertainable or predictable technically that
the  ********  set forth in either (a) or (b) of this  Section  will  occur.  An
"outage  unit"  shall mean the  ******** of Buyer's  Transponder(s)  to meet the
Transponder  Performance  Specifications  for  ********.  Buyer  shall  give HCG
immediate  not)notification of any such ********,  as soon after commencement of
any  such  ********  as is  reasonably  possible,  and  of  the  relevant  facts
concerning such ********.  Upon HCG's  verification  that a  Transponder(s)  has
suffered a Confirmed  ********,  such ******** shall be deemed to have commenced
upon  receipt by HCG of  notification  from Buyer,  or HCG's  actual  knowledge,
whichever first occurs, of the Confirmed ********. As used herein,

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the term "day" shall mean a 24-hour period of time  commencing on 12:00 midnight
Eastern Time.

                12.03   Repayment   for   ********   Transponder   or   ********
Transponder.  Subject to the last sentence of Section 12.01, for each of Buyer's
Transponders  for which  repayment is owing  hereunder,  HCG shall pay to Buyer,
without interest, an amount equal to the product of a fraction, the numerator of
which is the number of days from the date of such ********  until the end of the
********  and the  denominator  of  which  is the  total  number  of days in the
********,  multiplied by the ******** Price for such Transponder as set forth in
Section 3.  Concurrently  with payment to Buyer of such  repayment,  Buyer shall
return title and  ownership  of said  Transponder  to HCG. In  addition,  if the
performance of Buyer's  Transponder is such that,  while it ******** to meet the
Transponder Performance  Specifications,  its performance is nonetheless of some
value to Buyer, then prior to accepting repayment calculated as aforesaid, Buyer
shall have the right to  negotiate  with HCG to determine if there is a mutually
agreeable reduced price upon which Buyer is willing to keep its Transponder. Any
such  agreement  reached  by Buyer and HCG  shall  constitute  a new  agreement,
independent of this Agreement.

                12.04 Limitation of Liability.



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                    (c)  Buyer  and HCG  each  shall  have the  right to  obtain
                injunctive  relief, if necessary,  in order to prevent the other
                party  from  willfully  breaching  its  obligations  under  this
                Agreement   or  to  compel  the  other   party  to  perform  its
                obligations under this Agreement.

                12.05  Obligations  of Buyer  to  Cooperate.  If any of  Buyer's
Transponders  fails to meet the  Transponder  Performance  Specifications,  then
Buyer  shall use  reasonable  efforts to  cooperate  and aid HCG in curing  such
failure, provided that such efforts can be done at minimal or no cost to Buyer.

              (a) These  obligations of Buyer shall include,  but not be limited
         to the following:

                    (i) If there is a problem  which can be  compensated  for by
                increasing  the  power  of  its   transmission  to  the  Buyer's
                Transponder,  then Buyer shall do so, at HCG's cost and expense,
                to the extent it can with existing equipment, provided, however,
                that HCG  shall not be able to  require  Buyer to  increase  the
                power of its  transmission  if,  by  doing  so,  it would  cause
                interference with other  Transponders on such Satellite which is
                prohibited by Section 7.02 of this  Agreement,  or  interference
                with any other satellite; and

                    (ii) Permitting  HCG, at HCG's cost and expense,  to upgrade
                Buyer's  equipment,  provided  that Buyer  shall be  entitled to
                select  and   install   such   equipment   and   determine   its
                configuration  in  accordance  with its own  existing  operating
                procedures and technical  requirements,  and in accordance  with
                applicable laws and regulations.

              (b) HCG shall  give  notice to Buyer if and when it  requires  the
         increase of power of the  transmission  of any other Owner  pursuant to
         such Owner's  obligation  equivalent to this Section  12.05.  HCG shall
         also  give  notice to Buyer  when it  acquires  knowledge  of any other
         Transponder   user   uplinking   at  power  levels  which  might  cause
         interference  with Buyer's  Transponders.  If,  after such  increase in
         power,  a  Buyer's  Transponder(s)  no  longer  meets  its  Transponder
         Performance  Specifications,  HCG shall  promptly  take steps to reduce
         interference, if any, prohibited by Section 7.02.

              (c) Buyer's priority for the use of transponder  Spares or Reserve
         Transponders  under  Section 9 shall be determined at the time that its
         Transponder would otherwise have become a ********  Transponder without
         Buyer's cooperation under this Section 12.05.

13. Limitations on Transfer by Buyer

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                13.01  Transfers by Buyer.  Buyer shall not Transfer (as defined
below) its rights under this Agreement to any entity other than its  affiliates,
except with the written  consent of HCG, which may be given or withheld in HCG's
sole discretion.  "Transfer" shall mean to grant, sell, assign, encumber, permit
the utilization of, license,  lease,  sublease or otherwise convey,  directly or
indirectly, in whole or in part.

                13.02  Transfers  by HCG.  HCG may  Transfer  its rights  and/or
obligations  hereunder,  in whole or in part, to any corporation or other entity
wholly-owned,  directly or indirectly,  by HCG or to the Hughes Aircraft Company
or any  corporation  or other entity  wholly-owned,  directly or  indirectly  by
Hughes Aircraft Company, including,  without limitation,  Hughes Communications,
Inc.,  HCG's immediate  parent  corporation,  or any corporation or other entity
wholly-owned,  directly  or  indirectly,  by  Hughes  Communications,  Inc.  Any
Transfer by HCG set forth herein shall not  interfere  with or impact the use of
Buyer's Transponders hereunder.

                13.03 Affiliate.  As used in this Agreement,  "affiliate"  shall
mean any  corporation  or other entity  controlling  or  controlled  by or under
common control with Buyer or HCG, as the case may be.

                13.04  Assignment.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in
Section 13.01 above, Customer may assign its rights or obligations,  in whole or
in part,  under this  Agreement to a third party (the  "Third-Party  Assignee"),
subject to HCG's prior written consent,  which may not be unreasonably withheld;
provided,  however, that HCG may withhold its consent if HCG determines that the
ThirdParty  Assignee is not Financially  Qualified,  or will not be able to meet
HCG's  legal,  technical  and  operational  requirements  as set  forth  in this
Agreement.  A condition  precedent to the  effectiveness of any such third-party
assignment  shall  be  the  prior  execution  by  the  Third-Party  Assignee  of
assignment and assumption agreements with respect to this Agreement, in form and
substance as required by HCG. As used herein, "Financially Qualified" shall mean
the Third-Party  Assignee's ability to financially  support it's obligations and
responsibilities  under the Agreement covering Customer's  Transponder Capacity,
as determined by HCG in its sole discretion. The foregoing  notwithstanding,  no
assignment of this Agreement  shall relieve  Customer of its  obligations to HCG

14. [Reserved]

15. Progress Reports, Inspections and Access to Work in Progress

                15.01 Progress  Reports.  Commencing  ninety (90) days after the
Execution Date and continuing until Delivery,  HCG shall furnish to the Buyer on
a monthly basis a written  progress report on the status of the  construction of
the Satellite and a statement  containing an  explanation  of material  details,
including  HCG's  projected  Scheduled  Launch  Dates  and  projected  dates  of
Delivery,  variances from  performance  specifications  and any remedial actions
taken.  HCG shall take reasonable  steps to keep Buyer informed  periodically of
communications to HCG

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from the FCC or any other  governmental  authority which materially affect Buyer
and concern  HCG, the  Satellite  and the  Transponders  or their use, and shall
promptly deliver copies to Buyer of any such written communications.

                15.02 Inspection Rights of Buyer.  Buyer shall have the right to
inspect Galaxy X and its Transponders  during  construction and prior to launch,
upon reasonable  notice to HCG and during normal business hours,  and shall have
the right to be present during ground and in-orbit testing. HCG shall give Buyer
reasonable  notice of the  commencement  of  acceptance  testing as set forth in
Section  4.03,  above.  Buyer  shall be  supplied  with the test  data from such
acceptance tests.

                15.03 Access to Work in Progress and Selection of  Transponders.
Prior to Delivery,  except for documentation and information  regarded by HCG as
proprietary or trade secrets, relevant and material work in progress,  including
test data and  documentation  generated  through  HCG's effort  pursuant to this
Agreement,  shall be subject to  examination  and  inspection  by Buyer.  To the
extent that the data and  documentation to be provided by Buyer hereunder are of
a type normally retained by HCG, and are not to be delivered to Buyer under this
Agreement, HCG shall make them available to Buyer at its request for examination
at a location  designated by HCG.  Subject to the provision set forth above, HCG
shall also deliver copies of test data and other data generated from the testing
and  performance of the Satellite and the Buyer's  Transponders  to Buyer at any
time on Buyer's  request and at Buyer's  expense.  HCG will also conduct  ground
tests  of the  G-X  Transponders.  From  the  Transponder  ground  test  results
furnished to Buyer and other Owners, Buyer and HCG jointly shall promptly select
its particular Transponder(s) for Delivery;  provided,  however, that HCG shall,
prior to Buyer's selection of its  Transponder(s),  designate which Transponders
shall be Reserve  Transponders.  Such  selection  shall be made within three (3)
days  of  HCG's   not)notification  to  Buyer  of  such  test  results  and  the
identification of those Transponders which have not yet been selected. HCG shall
furnish data necessary to determine  whether the Transponders  satisfy or exceed
the applicable  Transponder  Performance  Specifications  in order to facilitate
Buyer's selection of its Transponder(s).  If the in-orbit test results vary from
the  ground  test  results,  then  Buyer  shall  have the  right  to  substitute
Transponders at Buyer's discretion, but only for uncommitted Transponders on the
same Satellite (i.e.,  Transponders that have not been sold, leased or otherwise
committed by HCG to a third party).

                15.04  After  Delivery  Reports.  After  delivery,  Buyer  shall
receive  monthly  reports on the overall  performance of Galaxy X in the form of
the Galaxy satellite status reports similar to the Galaxy VII satellite services
monthly report,  plus information  furnished to insurers.  Anomalous  operations
shall be reported to Buyer as soon as possible.

16. Confidentiality and Press Releases

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                16.01  Confidential  Information.  HCG and Buyer  shall  hold in
confidence  the Agreement and all  Exhibits,  including the financial  terms and
provisions  hereof and all information  received pursuant to Section 15, and HCG
and Buyer  hereby  acknowledge  and agree that all  information  related to this
Agreement,  not otherwise known to the public,  is confidential  and proprietary
and is not to be disclosed to third persons without the prior written consent of
both HCG and Buyer.  Neither HCG, nor Buyer,  shall disclose such information to
any third party (other than to officers, directors,  employees and agents of HCG
and Buyer, each of whom is bound by this Section 16.01) except:

              (a) to the extent  necessary to comply with law or the valid order
         of a  governmental  agency or court of  competent  jurisdiction,  or to
         satisfy its  obligations  to other  Owners of  Transponders;  provided,
         however,  that the party making such disclosure shall seek confidential
         treatment of said information;

              (b) as  part  of its  normal  reporting  or  review  procedure  to
         regulatory   agencies,   its  parent  company,  its  auditors  and  its

              (c) in order to enforce  its rights and  perform  its  obligations
         pursuant to this Agreement;

              (d) to the extent necessary to obtain  appropriate  insurance,  to
         its   insurance   agent,   provided  that  such  agent  agrees  to  the
         confidential treatment of such information; and

              (e) to the extent  necessary  to  negotiate  clauses  that will be
common to all Transponder Purchase Agreements.

                16.02 Press  Releases.  The parties  agree that no press release
relating to this Agreement shall be issued without the approval of both parties.

17. Disposition of Satellite

                17.01 ******** After the ******** and until the earliest of such
time as (i) the  ********  Galaxy X is  ********,  (ii)  Galaxy  X has  ********
capable of meeting  its  Transponder  Performance  Specifications,  or (iii) the
********  as the case may be)  anniversary  of  Delivery  of Galaxy X, HCG shall
continue  to make  available  to Buyer,  on the terms and  conditions  contained
herein, Transponder Spares and Reserve Transponders.

                17.02  Disposition of Satellite.  At the earliest of the time as
(i) the  ********  Galaxy X is ********,  (ii) there are  ********  Transponders
capable of meeting  its  Transponder  Performance  Specifications,  or (iii) the
******** as the case may be)

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anniversary of Delivery of Galaxy X, this Agreement shall  terminate,  HCG shall
have  no  further  obligation  to  Buyer  under  this  Agreement,   and  Buyer's
Transponders  shall be deemed,  without any further  action by any party,  to be
redelivered  to HCG and HCG shall be entitled to immediate  possession  thereof.
HCG shall thereafter have the right to utilize such redelivered  Transponders in
any manner it determines.  HCG will, to the extent possible,  provide Buyer with
ninety (90) days notice  prior to the  disposition  of Galaxy X pursuant to this
Section 17.02.  Upon the  disposition  of Galaxy X as set forth herein,  Buyer's
right, title and interest in all of Buyer's Transponders shall revert to HCG.

18. Documents

Each  party  hereto  agrees  to  execute,  and if  necessary,  to file  with the
appropriate  governmental  entities,  such  documents  as the other party hereto
shall reasonably request in order to carry out the purpose of this Agreement.

19. Conflicts

In the case of a conflict  between  the  provisions  of this  Agreement  and any
Exhibit, the provisions of this Agreement will prevail.

20. Miscellaneous

                20.01  Interest.  The rate of interest  referred herein shall be
********,  or the highest  legally  permissible  rate of interest,  whichever is
lower,  and all interest or  discounting  shall be compounded on a yearly basis.
"Pro-rata"  shall mean an allocation on a straight line basis based on number of
days. All present value analyses shall use a ********.

                20.02  Applicable  Law  and  Entire  Agreement.  The  existence,
validity, construction,  operation and effect of this Agreement and the Exhibits
and Schedules hereto,  shall be determined in accordance with and be governed by
the laws of the State of  California.  This  Agreement and the Exhibits  hereto,
along  with  the  TT&C  Service  Agreement,  dated  as of  even  date  herewith,
constitutes  the entire  agreement  between  the  parties,  and  supersedes  all
previous understandings,  commitments or representations  concerning the subject
matter.  The  parties  each  acknowledge  that the other  party has not made any
representations  other than those which are contained herein. This Agreement may
not be amended or modified in any way, and none of its provisions may be waived,
except by a writing  signed by an  authorized  officer or the party against whom
the amendment, modification or waiver is sought to been enforced.

                20.03 Notices All notices and other  communications  from either
party to the other  hereunder  shall be in writing and shall be deemed  received
upon actual receipt when  personally  delivered,  upon actual receipt if sent by
facsimile or upon the

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expiration of the third business day after being  deposited in the United States
mails,  postage prepaid,  certified or registered  mail,  addressed to the other
party as follows:


If by mail:                         Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
                                    Post Office Box 92424
                                    Los Angeles, California  90009
                                    Attention: Senior Vice President-
                                               Galaxy Satellite Services

                                    cc:        Associate General Counsel

If by FAX:                          Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
                                    Attention: Senior Vice President-
                                               Galaxy Satellite Services
                                               (310) 607-4255

                                    cc:        Associate General Counsel
                                               (310) 607-4258

If by personal 
delivery to its 
principal place 
of business at:
                                    Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
                                    1990 East Grand Avenue
                                    El Segundo, California 90245
                                    Attention: Senior Vice President-
                                               Galaxy Satellite Services

                                    cc:        Associate General Counsel


If by mail:                         GCI Communication Corp.
                                    2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000
                                    Anchorage, AK  99503
                                    Attention: Richard P. Dowling
                                               Senior Vice President

If by FAX:                          GCI Communication Corp.
                                    Attention: Richard P. Dowling
                                               Senior Vice President
                                               (907) 265-5676

If by personal
delivery to its

ACK/shs: GCI.GX TPA.Final          26         Monday, August 21, 1995 - 8:00 am

principal place
of business at:                     General Communication Corp.
                                    2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000
                                    Anchorage, AK  99503
                                    Attention: Richard P. Dowling
                                               Senior Vice President

All payments to be made under this Agreement,  if made by mail,  shall be deemed
to have been made on the date of receipt thereof.  The parties hereto may change
their addresses by giving notice thereof in conformity with this Section 20.03.

                20.04 Severability. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be
construed  so as to require  the  commission  of any act  contrary  to law,  and
wherever  there is any conflict  between any provision of this Agreement and any
statute,  law,  ordinance,  order or regulation,  such statute,  law, ordinance,
order or regulation  shall prevail;  provided,  however,  that in such event the
provisions of this  Agreement so affected shall be curtailed and limited only to
the extent  necessary to permit  compliance with the minimum legal  requirement,
and no other provisions of this Agreement shall be affected thereby and all such
other provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

                20.05 Taxes. If any property or sales taxes are asserted against
HCG  after,  or as a result  of,  Delivery,  by any local,  state,  national  or
international, public or quasi public governmental entity, in respect of Buyer's
Transponders or the sale thereof to Buyer, Buyer shall be solely responsible for
such taxes. If any taxes,  charges or other levies are asserted by reason of the
use of the point in space or the  frequency  spectrum  at that point in space in
which the Satellite  containing Buyer's  Transponders is located,  or the use or
ownership  of such  Satellite  (excluding  any FCC  license  fee  imposed on the
Satellite itself,  as compared to the  Transponders,  which license fee shall be
paid by HCG), and such taxes are not  specifically  allocated  among the various
components  of such  Satellite,  then HCG,  Buyer  and the other  Owners of such
Transponders  shall each pay a  proportionate  amount of such taxes based on the
number of Transponders each of them owns.

                20.06 Successors. Subject to Section 13, this Agreement shall be
binding on and shall inure to the benefit of any  successors  and assigns of the
parties,  provided  that no assignment of this  Agreement  shall relieve  either
party hereto of its obligations to the other party. Any purported  assignment by
either party not in compliance  with the provisions of this  Agreement  shall be
null and void and of no force and effect.

                20.07 Rules of Construction.
Any  ambiguities  shall be resolved  without  reference  to which party may have
drafted this  Agreement.  The descriptive  headings of the several  sections and
paragraphs  of this  Agreement  are  inserted  for  convenience  only and do not
constitute a part of this Agreement.

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                20.08   Survival  of   Representations   and   Warranties.   All
representations  and  warranties  contained  herein  or made by HCG or  Buyer in
connection  herewith shall survive any independent  investigation made by HCG or

                20.09  No  Third-Party  Beneficiary.   The  provisions  of  this
Agreement are for the benefit only of the parties hereto, and no third party may
seek to enforce,  or benefit from,  these  provisions,  except that both parties
acknowledge and agree that the provisions of Sections 7.02, 8, 9.01,  9.02, 9.03
and 9.04,  are intended for the benefit of both HCG and all other  Owners.  Both
parties  agree that any other such Owner shall have the right to  enforce,  as a
third-party  beneficiary,  the provisions of Sections 7.02, 8, 9.01,  9.02, 9.03
and 9.04,  against Buyer  directly,  in an action  brought  solely by such other
Owner,  or may join with HCG or any other Owner,  in bringing an action  against
Buyer for violation of such Sections.

                20.10 Non-Waiver of Breach. Either party hereto may specifically
wave any breach of this  Agreement  by the other  party,  provided  that no such
waiver shall be binding or effective  unless in writing and no such waiver shall
constitute a continuing waiver of similar or other breaches. A waiving party, at
any time,  and upon notice given in writing to the breaching  party,  may direct
future  compliance  with the waived  term or terms of this  Agreement,  in which
event the breaching party shall comply as directed from such time forward.

                20.11  Counterparts.  This  Agreement may be executed in several
counterparts,  each  of  which  shall  be  deemed  an  original,  and  all  such
counterparts together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

21. Option for ********

     Buyer  shall  have the  option to  purchase  the  ********  on a  satellite
designated as Galaxy IX by delivery of a written  notice of Buyer's  election to
purchase such ******** (the  ********) as of the Execution  Date.  Provided that
Buyer has elected to purchase  the ******** as set forth herein and has paid the
******** (as defined below) on a monthly basis, HCG shall provide, on a ********
with other HCG customers also  purchasing such ********,  alternate  capacity on
Galaxy IX equivalent to the number of the ********  Transponders  at Galaxy IX's
then-existing  orbital  location,  in the event of an ******** of Galaxy X or in
the  event  that  any  of  Buyer's  C-Band  Transponders  have  become  ********
Transponders.  ******** for ******** shall be provided by ********.  If no other
customers have preempted Buyer's ********,  and upon ********, HCG shall provide
Buyer with  ********.  Upon  providing  to Buyer  ******** as  discussed  in the
foregoing  sentence,  HCG will switch  ********.  In the event that HCG provides
Buyer with

ACK/shs: GCI.GX TPA.Final          28         Monday, August 21, 1995 - 8:00 am

******** shall be returned to HCG ("******** Transponders") for ********.

     ********.  If HCG  provides  Buyer with the number of the  transponders  on
Galaxy  IX  equivalent  to the  number  of  ********  Transponders  or  ********
Transponders,  then Buyers obligation to pay the ******** shall ********.  Buyer
agrees to use such  capacity  in  accordance  with  HCG's  then-effective  terms
applicable to the lease of Galaxy IX transponders and Buyer agrees to pay to HCG
a ********  lease  payment  of  ********  per each  Galaxy IX  transponder.  The
conditions  precedent to Buyer's  right to ******** as set forth herein shall be
the  ********  payment by Buyer of  ********  per each of  Buyer's  Transponders
payable  concurrently  with  Delivery  of each of  Buyer's  Transponders  and on
********   (the   ********),   the   availability/non-preemption   of   ********
Transponders and Buyer's full  compliance,  in all material  respects,  with the
terms of this Agreement. The ******** shall be ********.

GALAXY, INC.                                     CORP.

By: /s/ Carl A. Brown                            By: /s/ Richard P. Dowling
Its:Senior Vice President                        Its:Senior Vice President

ACK/shs: GCI.GX TPA.Final          29         Monday, August 21, 1995 - 8:00 am

Exhibit A                                               Galaxy Fleet Satellites

                                    EXHIBIT A
                          GALAXY SATELLITE DESCRIPTION



Exhibit A                                               Galaxy Fleet Satellites

                                    EXHIBIT A
                          GALAXY SATELLITE DESCRIPTION



                                    EXHIBIT B

                               GALAXY IX/Galaxy X



Exhibit B                               Transponder Performance Specifications:
                                                            Galaxy IX,Galaxy X

                               GALAXY IX/GALAXY X



Exhibit B                               Transponder Performance Specifications:
                                                            Galaxy IX/Galaxy X

                      TABLE I, GALAXY IX/GALAXY X (Cont'd)



Exhibit B                               Transponder Performance Specifications:
                                                            Galaxy IX,Galaxy X

                      TABLE I, GALAXY IX/GALAXY X (Cont'd)



Exhibit B                               Transponder Performance Specifications:
                                                            Galaxy IX,Galaxy X

                      TABLE I, GALAXY IX/GALAXY X (Cont'd)



Exhibit B                               Transponder Performance Specifications:
                                                            Galaxy IX Galaxy X

                                    Table B-1
                               Galaxy IX ********



Exhibit B                               Transponder Performance Specifications:
                                                            Galaxy IX/Galaxy X

                                   Table B-2a
                                Galaxy X ********



Exhibit B                               Transponder Performance Specifications:
                                                            Galaxy IX/Galaxy X

                                   Table B-2b
                                Galaxy X ********



                              ADDENDUM TO GALAXY X
                             GCI COMMUNICATION CORP.

     This  document  shall  constitute  an  Addendum  to that  certain  Galaxy X
Transponder  Purchase  Agreement between GCI COMMUNICATION  CORP.  ("Buyer") and
HUGHES  COMMUNICATIONS  GALAXY, INC. ("HCG"),  dated as of August 24, 1995 ("the
Agreement"). This Addendum amends the Agreement as indicated herein. If there is
any  inconsistency  between this Addendum and the Agreement,  then this Addendum
shall prevail.  This Addendum is being executed  concurrently and is dated as of
even date with, and is an integral part of, the Agreement.  Any reference to the
"Agreement" shall refer  collectively to the Agreement and this Addendum.  Terms
not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Agreement.


                22. Interim Capacity.  Buyer shall lease from HCG, and HCG shall
lease to Buyer,  ********  transponders on a satellite commonly known as "Galaxy
IX", which shall be located at 123(degree) West Longitude orbital location, from
the date on which transponder service on Galaxy IX shall commence (as determined
by HCG in its sole  discretion)  through the Delivery of Galaxy X, at a ********
Lease Rate of ********.  Provided that the Galaxy X Delivery has not occurred on
or before  September  1, 1998,  then HCG shall  lease to Buyer,  and Buyer shall
lease  from HCG,  another  ********  transponder  on Galaxy IX  (thereby a total
number of ********) from  ********.  Provided that the Galaxy X Delivery has not
occurred  ********,  HCG shall  lease to Buyer,  and Buyer shall lease from HCG,
another  ********  transponder on Galaxy IX (thereby a total number of ********)
from ********, at Buyer's sole option, through the Galaxy X Delivery.  Buyer may
elect to take  Transponder  ********  to HCG.  The  ********  Lease Rate for the
********  Galaxy IX  transponders  shall be ********.  Buyer shall notify HCG in
writing of its decision to elect ******** as the start date for the lease of the
******** transponder  ********.  If Buyer does not provide HCG with such written
notice, then Buyer shall be deemed to have elected the ********. If Buyer elects
or is deemed to have  elected  the  ********  date,  then Buyer shall pay to HCG
********.  However,  the  parties  agree that the  ********  Lease Rate per each
transponder shall ******** as

ACK/shs: GX GCI Addendum.Final        1      Monday, August 21, 1995 - 11:45 am

of the date on which Galaxy X ********, whichever occurs first. The lease of the
Galaxy IX  transponders  shall be  governed by the terms and  conditions  of the
Agreement regarding use of the Transponders,  including Sections 7, 8, 9, and 10
and any other then-effective  HCG's standard provisions  applicable to the lease
or use of capacity on Galaxy IX. The condition precedent to the interim capacity
on Galaxy IX as set forth in this section 22 shall be the successful  launch and
operation of Galaxy IX.

     In the event that  Galaxy X is not  Delivered  into orbit  ********,  Buyer
shall  ********,  at the ******** Lease Rate of ********.  In that event,  Buyer
agrees to execute any and all  necessary  documents  to convert the  Purchase of
Transponders  on galaxy X to a Lease of the same  amount and  Capacity of Galaxy
IX.  Alternatively,  Buyer  shall  have the right to  convert  the lease of such
Galaxy IX  transponders  to a purchase.  The  purchase  price shall be an amount
representing  ********.  The  purchase  of the Galaxy IX  transponders  shall be
governed by HCG's then-effective standard Galaxy IX purchase agreement.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the  parties  hereto has duly  executed  and
delivered this Addendum.

CORP.                                       GALAXY, INC.

By: /s/ Richard P. Dowling                  By: /s/ Carl A. Brown
Its:Senior Vice President                   Its:Senior Vice President
Date: August 24, 1995                       Date: August 24, 1995

ACK/shs: GX GCI Addendum.Final        2      Monday, August 21, 1995 - 11:45 am

                                                     November 3, 1995

Mr. John Lowber
GCI Communication Corp.

        Re:       Section 13.04 of the Galaxy X Transponder Purchase

Dear Mr. Lowber:

        Reference is made to Section 13.04 of that certain  Galaxy X Transponder
Purchase  Agreement  along  with all  Addendum,  Appendices  and  Exhibits  (the
"Agreement") dated August 24, 1995 by and between Hughes Communications  Galaxy,
Inc. ("HCG") and GCI Communication Corp. ("GCI").  With respect to Section 13.04
of the Agreement,  the parties hereby agree to replace the word  "Customer" with
the word "Buyer" throughout Section 13.04. Except as specifically provided above
in the preceding  sentence,  all terms and  provisions  of the  Agreement  shall
remain the same.

Accepted and agreed to:

                                            GALAXY, INC.

By: /s/ John M. Lowber                      By: /s/ A.C. Kahng
Name: John M. Lowber                        Name: A. C. Kahng
Title: SVP & CFO                            Title: Asst. Secretary
