CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
General Communication, Inc.:

         We hereby  consent  to the use of our  report  dated  February  9, 1996
(except for Note 13, as to which the date is March 14,  1996),  with  respect to
the financial  statements of the Alaskan Cable Network incorporated by reference
in the Current Report on Form 8-K of General  Communication,  Inc. pertaining to
the closing as of October 31, 1996 on the acquisition by General  Communication,
Inc. of seven cable companies and the issuance of 16,723,077 shares of its Class
A common stock.

                                               ERNST & YOUNG LLP


Woodland Hills, California
November 8, 1996

                                          General Communication, Inc. - Form 8-K
                                                                         Page 38