As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 15, 1997.


                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                                   (Mark One)
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                  For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1997

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
         For the transition period from                 to  

                           Commission File No. 0-15279

                           GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

        STATE OF ALASKA                                         92-0072737
(State or other jurisdiction of                              (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                              Identification No.)

         2550 Denali Street
         Suite 1000
         Anchorage, Alaska                                            99503
(Address of principal executive offices)                            (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (907) 265-5600

Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last report

                    Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant (l) has filed
all  reports  required  to be filed  by  Section  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period
that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject
to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No .

                    The number of shares outstanding of the registrant's classes
of common stock, as of April 30, 1997 was:

                 38,164,553 shares of Class A common stock; and
                    4,071,490 shares of Class B common stock.




                           GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC.

                                    FORM 10-Q

                      FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 1997

                                                                                                    PAGE NO

                  Item l.      Consolidated Financial Statements..........................................3

                               Consolidated Balance Sheets as of March 31, 1997 and
                                  December 31, 1996.......................................................3

                               Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three
                                  months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996....................................5

                               Consolidated Statements of Stockholders'
                                 Equity for the three months ended March 31, 1997
                                 and 1996.................................................................6

                               Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the three
                                  months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996....................................7

                               Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial

                  Item 2.      Management's Discussion and Analysis
                                 of Financial Condition and Results
                                 of Operations............................................................12


                  Item 1.      Legal Proceedings..........................................................19

                  Item 6.      Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K...........................................19




                                         GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                           March 31,        December 31,
                            ASSETS                                           1997               1996
- ------------------------------------------------------------------     ----------------- ------------------
                                                                               (Amounts in thousands)
      Current assets:
         Cash and cash equivalents                                          $   4,730             13,349
         Receivables, net of allowance for doubtful
             receivables of $776 and $597                                      28,842             28,768
         Prepaid and other current assets                                       2,288              2,236
         Deferred income taxes, net                                               871                835
         Inventories                                                            1,666              1,589
         Notes receivable                                                         330                325
                                                                              -------            -------

              Total current assets                                             38,727             47,102
                                                                              -------            -------

      Property and equipment in service, net                                  122,089            115,981
      Construction in progress                                                 19,901             20,770
                                                                              -------            -------
              Net property and equipment                                      141,990            136,751
                                                                              -------            -------

      Other assets:
         Deferred loan costs, net                                                 759                900
         Notes receivable                                                       1,344              1,016
         Transponder deposit                                                    9,100              9,100
         Other assets, at cost, net                                             1,715              1,546
         Intangible assets, net                                               249,243            250,920
                                                                              -------            -------
              Total other assets                                              262,161            263,482
                                                                              -------            -------

              Total assets                                                  $ 442,878            447,335 
                                                                              =======            =======

      See  accompanying  notes  to  interim  condensed   consolidated  financial


                                     GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                            March 31,         December 31,
             LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                             1997                1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------     ----------------- -------------------
                             (Amounts in thousands)
   Current liabilities:
      Current maturities of long-term debt                                   $  31,938            31,969  
      Current maturities of obligations under capital leases                        74                71
      Accounts payable                                                          22,320            23,677
      Accrued payroll and payroll related obligations                            3,679             3,830
      Accrued liabilities                                                        4,269             4,173
      Accrued interest                                                             351             2,708
      Subscriber deposits and deferred revenues                                  3,444             3,449
                                                                               -------           -------
         Total current liabilities                                              66,075            69,877

      Long-term debt, excluding current maturities                             180,873           191,273
      Obligations under capital leases due to related parties,
         excluding current maturities                                              655               675
      Deferred income taxes, net                                                34,020            33,720
      Other liabilities                                                          2,160             2,236
                                                                               -------           -------
         Total liabilities                                                     283,783           297,781
                                                                               -------           -------

   Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock (no par):
      Class A. Authorized 50,000,000 shares;  issued and outstanding  
         38,159,468 and  36,586,973  shares  at March  31,  1997 and  
         December  31,  1996, respectively                                     123,498           113,421

      Class B. Authorized  10,000,000 shares;  issued and outstanding 
         4,071,490 and  4,074,028  shares  at  March  31,  1997 and  
         December  31,  1996, respectively; convertible on a 
         share-per-share  basis  into  Class A common stock                      3,432             3,432

      Less cost of 202,768 and 199,081 Class A common shares held in 
         treasury at March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996,
         respectively                                                          (1,039)           (1,010)

   Paid-in capital                                                               4,247             4,229
   Retained earnings                                                            28,957            29,482
                                                                               -------           -------

         Total stockholders' equity                                            159,095           149,554
                                                                               -------           -------
   Commitments and contingencies (note 5)
         Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                          $ 442,878           447,335   
                                                                               =======           =======

See accompanying notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                    GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                       CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                         Three Months Ended
                                                                             March 31,
                                                                     1997                 1996
                                                              ------------------    ------------------
                                                                      (Amounts in thousands
                                                                     except per share amounts)
     Telecommunication services                                  $  39,225               37,969 
     Cable services                                                 13,656                  ---
                                                                    ------               ------
       Total revenues                                               52,881               37,969

   Cost of sales and services                                       27,168               21,302
   Selling, general and administrative expenses                     16,301               10,833
   Depreciation and amortization                                     6,120                1,887
                                                                    ------               ------
       Operating income                                              3,292                3,947

   Interest expense, net                                             3,949                  260
                                                                    ------               ------
       Net earnings (loss) before income taxes                       (657)                3,687

   Income tax expense (benefit)                                      (132)                1,550
                                                                    ------               ------
       Net earnings (loss)                                       $   (525)                2,137         
                                                                    ======               ======

       Net earnings (loss) per common share                      $  (0.01)                 0.09               
                                                                    ======               ======

       Weighted average number of shares of common 
         stock and common stock equivalents outstanding             43,167               24,854
                                                                    ======               ======

       See  accompanying  notes  to  interim  condensed  consolidated  financial


                                    GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                     THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1997 AND 1996

                                                                                             Class A
      (Unaudited)                                   Shares of        Class A      Class B     Shares
                                                  Common Stock       Common       Common      Held in      Paid-in    Retained
      (Amounts in thousands)                 Class A     Class B     Stock        Stock       Treasury     Capital    Earnings
                                             -------     -------     -----        -----       --------     -------    -------- 
Balances at December 31, 1995                 19,680       4,176  $ 13,912        3,432          (389)       4,041    22,020
Net earnings                                     ---         ---       ---          ---            ---         ---     2,137
Tax effect of excess stock
  compensation expense for tax
  purposes over amounts recognized
  for financial reporting purposes               ---         ---       ---          ---            ---          16       ---
Shares issued under stock option plan              1         ---         1          ---            ---         ---       ---
Shares issued and issuable under
officer stock option agreements                  ---         ---       ---          ---            ---           1       ---

Balances at March 31, 1996                    19,681       4,176    13,913        3,432          (389)       4,058    24,157

Balances at December 31, 1996                 36,587       4,074   113,421        3,432        (1,010)       4,229    29,482
Net loss                                         ---         ---       ---          ---            ---         ---     (525)
Tax effect of excess stock  compensation  
  expense for tax purposes  over amounts
  recognized for financial reporting
  purposes                                       ---         ---       ---          ---            ---          18       ---
Class B shares converted to Class A                3         (3)       ---          ---            ---         ---       ---
Shares issued upon conversion of
    convertible note (notes 2 and 3)           1,538         ---     9,983          ---            ---         ---       ---
Shares purchased and held in Treasury            ---         ---       ---          ---           (29)         ---       ---
Shares issued under stock option plan             31         ---        94          ---            ---         ---       ---

Balances at March 31, 1997                    38,159       4,071  $123,498        3,432        (1,039)       4,247    28,957

See accompanying notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                 GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                    CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                              Three Months Ended
                                                                                    March 31,
                                                                              1997             1996
                                                                      ----------------    ----------------
                                                                              (Amounts in thousands)
   Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net earnings (loss)                                                 $    (525)            2,137
     Adjustments to reconcile net earnings (loss)    
     to net cash provided by operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization                                          5,979            1,887
       Amortization of deferred loan costs                                      141                0
       Deferred income tax expense                                              264               13
       Deferred compensation and compensatory stock options                    (58)              143
       Bad debt expense, net of write-offs                                      179             (37)
       Other noncash income and expense items                                    16             (11)
       Change in operating assets and liabilities (note 2)                  (4,156)          (1,773)
                                                                           --------          -------
   Net cash provided by operating activities                                  1,840            2,359
                                                                           --------          -------

   Cash flows from investing activities:
     Purchases of property and equipment                                    (9,529)          (6,950)
     Purchases of other assets                                                (197)             (45)
     Notes receivable issued                                                  (337)            (130)
     Payments received on notes receivable                                        4                2
                                                                           --------          -------
   Net cash used in investing activities                                   (10,059)          (7,123)
                                                                           --------          -------

   Cash flows from financing activities:
     Long-term borrowings                                                    10,000            3,300
     Repayments of long-term borrowings and capital lease obligations      (10,448)            (485)
     Proceeds from common stock issuance                                         77                1
     Purchase of treasury stock                                                (29)                0
                                                                           --------          -------
   Net cash provided (used) by financing activities                           (400)            2,816
                                                                           --------          -------

   Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                     (8,619)          (1,948)

   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                          13,349            4,017
                                                                           --------          -------

   Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                            $    4,730            2,069   
                                                                           ========          =======

See  accompanying  notes  to  interim  condensed  consolidated  financial






(l)        General

           The accompanying  unaudited interim condensed  consolidated financial
           statements have been prepared in accordance  with generally  accepted
           accounting  principles for interim financial information and with the
           instructions   to  Form  10-Q  and  Article  10  of  Regulation  S-X.
           Accordingly, they do not include all of the information and footnotes
           required by generally  accepted  accounting  principles  for complete
           financial statements.  The interim condensed  consolidated  financial
           statements    include   the   consolidated    accounts   of   General
           Communication,  Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively,
           the  "Company")  with  all  significant   intercompany   transactions
           eliminated. In the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting
           of  normal  recurring  accruals)  considered  necessary  for  a  fair
           presentation  have been included.  Certain prior year information has
           been  reclassified  to conform to the current  quarter  presentation.
           Operating  results  for the  quarter  ended  March  31,  1997 are not
           necessarily  indicative  of the results  that may be expected for the
           year ended December 31, 1997. For further  information,  refer to the
           financial  statements and footnotes thereto included in the Company's
           annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.

(2)        Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Supplemental Disclosures

           Changes  in  operating   assets  and   liabilities   consist  of  (in

                   Three-month periods ended March 31,                      1997          1996  
                                                                        -----------    ----------
                                                                        (Amounts in thousands)
                   (Increase) decrease in trade receivables             $     138       (2,089)                  
                   (Increase) decrease in other receivables                 (391)            20
                   Increase  in prepaid and other current assets             (52)         (374)
                   Increase in inventory                                     (77)          (34)
                   Increase in accounts payable                           (1,357)          (22)
                   Increase (decrease)in accrued liabilities                   96         (154)
                   Increase (decrease) in accrued payroll and
                           payroll related obligations                      (151)            73
                   Increase in accrued income taxes                             0           917
                   Increase (decrease) in accrued interest                (2,357)            10
                   Decrease in deferred revenues                              (5)         (120)
                                                                          -------       -------
                                                                        $ (4,156)       (1,773)     
                                                                          =======       =======

           The  holders  of  $10  million  of  convertible   subordinated  notes
           exercised  their  conversion  rights in January 1997 resulting in the
           exchange of such notes for 1,538,457  shares of the Company's Class A
           common stock.

           Income taxes paid totaled $0 and $633,000  during the quarters  ended
           March 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

           Interest  paid totaled $6.3 million and $407,000  during the quarters
           ended March 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.





           The Company  recorded  $18,000 and $16,000  during the quarters ended
           March  31,  1997  and  1996,  respectively,  as  paid-in  capital  in
           recognition  of the income tax  effect of excess  stock  compensation
           expense  for tax  purposes  over  amounts  recognized  for  financial
           reporting purposes.

 (3)       Long-term Debt

           The Company  extended the maturity date of its $62.5 million  interim
           telephony  credit  facility  during April 1997. The interim  facility
           matures  in July  1997 and is  expected  to be  extended  further  or
           refinanced  prior to that time. Since the facility matures within the
           twelve-month period ending March 31, 1998, the outstanding balance at
           March 31, 1997 is included in current maturities of long-term debt.

 (4)       Stockholders' Equity

           During   January  1997,   holders  of  $10  million  of   convertible
           subordinated  notes exercised their  conversion  rights which allowed
           them to  exchange  their  notes  for GCI  Class A common  shares at a
           conversion  price of $6.50 per share.  As a result,  the note holders
           were issued a total of 1,538,457 shares of GCI Class A common stock.

 (5)       Commitments and Contingencies

           Satellite Transponders

           The  Company  entered  into  a  purchase  and  lease-purchase  option
           agreement   in  August  1995  for  the   acquisition   of   satellite
           transponders to meet its long-term  satellite capacity  requirements.
           The balance  payable upon expected  delivery of the  transponders  in
           1998 is  dependent  upon a number of factors.  The  Company  does not
           expect  the  remaining  balance  payable  at  delivery  to exceed $41


           The  Company is involved in various  lawsuits  and legal  proceedings
           which  have  arisen  in the  normal  course  of  business.  While the
           ultimate results of these matters cannot be predicted with certainty,
           management does not expect them to have a material  adverse effect on
           the financial position of the Company.

           Cable Service Rate Reregulation

           Beginning  in  April  1993,  the  Federal  Communications  Commission
           ("FCC")  adopted   regulations   implementing  the  Cable  Television
           Consumer  Protection and  Competition  Act of 1992 ("The Cable Act of
           1992"). Included are rules governing rates charged by cable operators
           for the basic service tier, the  installation,  lease and maintenance
           of equipment  (such as converter boxes and remote control units) used
           by  subscribers  to  receive  this  tier  and for  cable  programming
           services  other  than   programming   offered  on  a  per-channel  or
           per-program  basis  (the  "regulated   services").   Generally,   the
           regulations  require  affected  cable  systems  to  charge  rates for
           regulated  services  that have been reduced to  prescribed  benchmark
           levels,  or  alternatively,  to support rates using  costs-of-service





           The regulated  services  rates charged by the Company may be reviewed
           by the State of Alaska, operating through the Alaska Public Utilities
           Commission  ("APUC")  for  basic  service,  or by the FCC  for  cable
           programming  service.  Refund  liability  for basic  service rates is
           limited to a one year period.  Refund liability for cable programming
           service  rates may be  calculated  from the date a complaint is filed
           with the FCC until the rate reduction is implemented.

           In  order  for the  State  of  Alaska  to  exercise  rate  regulation
           authority over the Company's  basic service rates,  25% of a systems'
           subscribers  must request such  regulation  by filing a petition with
           the APUC. At March 31, 1997, the State of Alaska has rate  regulation
           authority over the Juneau  system's basic service rates.  (The Juneau
           system serves 9% of the Company's total basic service  subscribers at
           March 31,  1997.)  Juneau's  current  rates have been approved by the
           APUC and there are no other pending filings with the APUC, therefore,
           there is no refund liability for basic service at this time.

           Complaints by subscribers relating to cable programming service rates
           were filed  with,  and  accepted  by, the FCC for  certain  franchise
           areas, however,  filings made in response to those complaints related
           to the  period  prior  to July 15,  1994  were  approved  by the FCC.
           Therefore,  the  potential  liability for cable  programming  service
           refunds  would be limited to the period  subsequent  to July 15, 1994
           for these  areas.  Management  of the  Company  believes  that it has
           complied in all  material  respects  with the  provisions  of the FCC
           rules and regulations and that the Company is, therefore,  not liable
           for any  refunds.  Accordingly,  no  provision  has been  made in the
           financial  statements  for any potential  refunds.  The FCC rules and
           regulations are, however, subject to judgmental interpretations,  and
           the impact of potential  rate  changes or refunds  ordered by the FCC
           could  cause the Company to make  refunds  and/or to be in default of
           certain debt covenants.

           In February 1996, a  telecommunications  bill was signed into federal
           law which impacts the cable industry.  Most notably,  the bill allows
           cable  system  operators  to  provide  telephony   services,   allows
           telephone  companies  to  offer  video  services,  and  provides  for
           deregulation of cable programming  service rates by 1999.  Management
           of the Company believes the bill will not have a significant  adverse
           impact on the  financial  position  or results of  operations  of the





 (6)       Supplemental financial information                                                                
            (Amounts in thousands)

                                               ------------------------------------------------- ------------
Three-month periods ended March 31,                                  1997                           1996
                                               ------------------------------------------------- ------------
                                                   Long-                                             Long-
                                                 Distance      Cable       Local      Combined     Distance
                                               ------------------------------------------------- ------------
   Telecommunication revenues                 $    39,225          ---       ---      39,225         37,969
   Cable revenues                                     ---       13,656       ---      13,656            ---
                                               ------------------------------------------------- ------------
     Total revenues                                39,225       13,656       ---      52,881         37,969
                                               ------------------------------------------------- ------------
Cost of sales and services:
   Distribution costs and costs of
     services                                      23,884          ---       118      24,002         21,302
   Programming and copyright costs                    ---        3,166       ---       3,166            ---
                                               ------------------------------------------------- ------------
     Total cost of sales and services              23,884        3,166       118      27,168         21,302
Selling, general and administrative
   Operating and engineering                        2,792          ---       ---       2,792          2,624
   Cable television, including
       management fees of $273                        ---        4,368       ---       4,368            ---
   Sales and communications                         2,864          ---        50       2,914          3,086
   General and administrative                       4,887          ---       369       5,256          4,285
   Legal and regulatory                               351          ---        97         448            441
   Bad debts                                          426           97       ---         523            397
Depreciation and amortization                       2,623        3,497       ---       6,120          1,887
                                               ------------------------------------------------- ------------

     Operating income (loss)                  $     1,398        2,528     (634)       3,292          3,947
                                               ================================================= ============




      The  following   discussion  and  analysis   provides   information  which
management  believes is  relevant  to an  assessment  and  understanding  of the
Company's  consolidated  results of  operations  and  financial  condition.  The
discussion  should  be read  in  conjunction  with  the  Consolidated  Financial
Statements and notes thereto.

                      Factors Affecting Future Performance

      Future operating  results of the Company will depend upon many factors and
will be subject to various risks and uncertainties, including those set forth in
this  section of Form 10-Q.  The  information  contained  in Form 10-Q  includes
forward looking statements regarding the Company and the Cable Companies' future
performance.  Future  results  of the  Company  may differ  materially  from any
forward looking statements due to such risks and uncertainties.


      The  Company  has  historically  reported  revenues  principally  from the
provision of interstate and intrastate long distance  telecommunication services
to  residential,  commercial  and  governmental  customers  and to other  common
carriers  (principally  MCI  Telecommunications  Corporation  ("MCI")  and U. S.
Sprint  ("Sprint")).  These  services  accounted  for  92.6%  of  the  Company's
telecommunication  revenues and 68.7% of the Company's total revenues during the
first  quarter of 1997.  Commencing  with the  acquisition  of cable  television
assets and companies ("Cable  Systems")  effective October 31, 1996, the Company
now reports revenues from cable television services which accounted for 25.8% of
the Company's  total  revenues  during the period.  The balance of the Company's
telecommunications   revenues  have  been   attributable  to  corporate  network
management contracts,  telecommunications  equipment sales and service and other
miscellaneous revenues (including revenues from prepaid and debit calling cards,
the  installation  and leasing of customers'  vSAT equipment and fees charged to
MCI and Sprint for certain  billing  services).  Factors  that have the greatest
impact on year-to-year  changes in  telecommunication  revenues include the rate
per minute charged to customers and usage volumes,  usually expressed as minutes
of use.  Factors that have the greatest impact on year-to-year  changes in cable
television   revenues  include  the  rate  per  subscriber  and  the  number  of

      The  Company's  telecommunication  cost of  sales  and  services  consists
principally of the direct costs of providing  services,  including  local access
charges paid to local exchange  carriers for the  origination and termination of
long  distance  calls in Alaska,  fees paid to other long  distance  carriers to
carry  calls  that  terminate  in areas  not  served  by the  Company's  network
(principally  the lower 49 states,  most of which calls are  carried  over MCI's
network, and international  locations,  which calls are carried principally over
Sprint's  network),  and the cost of equipment sold to the Company's  customers.
During the first quarter of 1997,  local access  charges  accounted for 45.7% of
the  telecommunication  cost of sales  and  services,  fees  paid to other  long
distance carriers  represented 32.1%,  satellite  transponder lease and undersea
fiber  maintenance  costs  represented  9.4%, and  telecommunications  equipment
accounted  for 2.9% of  telecommunication  cost of sales.  The  Company's  cable
television  cost of sales and services has consisted  principally  of the direct
costs of providing services, including programming and copyright charges.


      The Company's selling,  general,  and administrative  expenses consists of
operating  and   engineering,   service,   sales  and  marketing,   general  and
administrative and legal and regulatory expenses. Most of these expenses consist
of salaries,  wages and benefits of personnel and certain other  indirect  costs
(such as rent,  travel,  utilities and certain  equipment  costs). A significant
portion of selling,  general,  and administrative  expenses,  17.9% in the first
quarter of 1997,  represents the cost of the Company's  sales,  advertising  and
promotion programs.

      The Company expects to commence offering local exchange services initially
in Anchorage  during the second half of 1997,  and expects  that local  services
will  represent  less than 2.0% of  revenues in 1997 and less than 8.0% in 1998.
The Company expects that it may generate  moderately  negative EBITDA from local
services  during this time period.  EBITDA is an acronym  representing  earnings
before  interest,  taxes,  depreciation  and  amortization.  As a  measure  of a
company's  ability to  generate  cash  flows,  EBITDA  should be  considered  in
addition  to, but not as a substitute  for, or superior  to,  other  measures of
financial  performance reported in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles. EBITDA, also known as operating cash flow, is often used by analysts
when  evaluating  companies  in  the  telecommunications  and  cable  television

         The Company  began  developing  plans for PCS  wireless  communications
service deployment in 1995 and is currently evaluating alternative  technologies
for its proposed PCS network.  The Company  expects to launch its PCS service as
early as 1999.


                             Results of Operations

      The following table sets forth selected  Statement of Operations data as a
percentage of total revenues for the periods indicated:

                                                       Quarter Ended March 31,                    Percentage
                                                       -----------------------                      Change
                                                       1996                    1997                 1996
                                                       ----                    ----                 ----
          Statement of Operations Data:
             Telecommunication services              100.0%                   74.2%                  3.3%
             Cable services..................           ---                   25.8%                   ---
          Total revenues.....................        100.0%                  100.0%                 39.2%
             Cost of sales and services......         56.1%                   51.4%                 27.5%
             Selling, general and 
                administrative expenses......         28.5%                   30.8%                 50.5%
             Depreciation and                          
                amortization.................          5.0%                   11.6%                224.3%
          Operating income...................         10.4%                    6.2%               (16.6%)
          Net earnings (loss) before income           
             taxes...........................          9.7%                  (1.2%)                   ---
          Net earnings (loss) ...............          5.6%                  (1.0%)                   ---

          Other Financial Data:
          Cable operating income (1).........           ---                   18.5%                   ---
          Cable EBITDA  (1) (2)..............           ---                   46.1%                   ---
          Consolidated EBITDA (2)............         15.4%                   18.3%                 66.0%

      (1)  Computed as a percentage of total cable services revenues.
      (2)  Computed before deducting management fees.


Quarter Ended March 31, 1997  ("1997")  Compared to Quarter Ended March 31, 1996


      Total revenues increased 39.2% from $38.0 million in 1996 to $52.9 million
in 1997.  Long  distance  transmission  revenues from  commercial,  residential,
governmental,  and other  common  carrier  customers  increased  6.5% from $34.1
million in 1996 to $36.3 million in 1997. This increase in revenues  resulted in
part from a 12% increase in minutes of interstate traffic carried, which traffic
totaled 149.3 million minutes and a 9.4% increase in intrastate  traffic,  which
traffic  totaled  31.5 million  minutes  during the  quarter.  The  increases in
traffic  resulted  from  growth in the  underlying  economy,  usage  stimulation
resulting from reductions in rates,  an increase in the number of  presubscribed
lines  assigned to the Company,  and an expansion of the Company's  service area
resulting  from turn-up of a number of new satellite  earth  station  facilities
located in rural  Alaska.  Revenue  and  minutes  growth  were also driven by an
increase in services  provided to other  common  carriers  (principally  MCI and
Sprint),  which other common  carrier  revenues  increased from $10.7 million in
1996 to $13.4  million  in 1997.  System  sales  and  network  service  revenues
decreased  20.7% from $2.9 million in 1996 to $2.3 million in 1997,  principally
due to the temporary increase in the level of activity in the prior year related
to the provision of services under a new outsourcing contract with National Bank
of Alaska. Private line and private network transmission revenues increased 5.9%
from $3.4 million in 1996 to $3.6 million in 1997.  The Company  reported  three
months of cable services revenues in 1997 following its acquisition of the Cable
Systems  effective  October 31, 1996. The Company  estimates that its facilities
pass  approximately  162,700  homes  in  Alaska  and that it has  104,423  basic
subscribers  as of March 31,  1997.  There was  little  change in the  number of
subscribers, the rates charged those subscribers, and the number of homes passed
by the Cable Systems during the three-month period ended March 31, 1997.

      The increases in  telecommunication  services revenues were offset in part
by a 6.0%  reduction in the  Company's  average rate per minute on long distance
traffic from $.184 per minute in 1996 to $.173 per minute in 1997.  The decrease
in the average  rate per minute  resulted  from the  Company's  promotion of and
customer's  widespread acceptance of new calling plans offering discounted rates
and length of service rebates.

      Cost of Sales and Services

      Cost of sales and services totaled $21.3 million in 1996 and $27.2 million
in 1997. $3.2 million of this increase resulted from cable services  programming
and copyright  charges  incurred during the first quarter of 1997. Long distance
transmission  services  costs  increased  from  $19.2  million  in 1996 to $21.7
million  in  1997.  The  increase  in  transmissions   costs  was  approximately
proportional  to the  increase  in the  number of  minutes  carried in the first
quarter of 1997

      Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

      Selling,  general and  administrative  expenses increased 50.9% from $10.8
million in 1996 to $16.3  million in 1997,  and, as a  percentage  of  revenues,
increased  from  28.5%  in  1996  to  30.7%  in  1997.   Selling,   general  and
administrative  expenses  increased as a result of increased  sales and customer
service  volumes,  and was  offset  by a  reduction  in sales,  advertising  and
telemarketing  costs  which  totaled  $3.1  million in 1996 as  compared to $2.9
million  in 1997.  Bad debt  expense  totaling  $523,000  for 1997  compared  to
$397,000 in 1996 (directly associated with increased revenues). Selling, general
and  administrative  expenses also increased in 1997 due to increased  personnel
and  other  costs  totaling  $1.1  million  in sales,  engineering,  operations,
accounting,  human resources,  legal and regulatory,  and management information
services.  Such costs were associated with the development and introduction,  or
planned introduction, of new products and services including local services, PCS
services,   and  Internet   services.   Cable  services  selling,   general  and


costs  totaled $4.4 million  during the quarter  ended March 31, 1997.

      Depreciation and Amortization

      Depreciation  and  amortization  expense  increased $4.2 million from $1.9
million in 1996 to $6.1 million in 1997. Of this increase, $3.5 million resulted
from the Company's  acquisition of the Cable Systems  effective October 31, 1996
with the  balance of the  increase  attributable  to the  Company's  $38 million
investment in facilities during 1996.

      Interest Expense, Net

      Interest expense, net of interest income,  increased from $260,000 in 1996
to $3.9 million in 1997. This increase resulted  primarily from increases in the
Company's  average  outstanding   indebtedness   resulting  primarily  from  its
acquisition of the Cable Systems and  investment in new facilities  during 1996,
offset in part by increases in the amount of interest capitalized during 1997.

      Income Tax Expense

      Income tax  expense  decreased  from $1.6  million in 1996 to a benefit of
$132,000 in 1997 due to the Company  incurring a net loss before income taxes in
1997 as compared to net earnings in 1996.  The  Company's  effective  income tax
rate  decreased  from 42.0% in 1996 to 20.1% in 1997 due to the net loss and the
proportional amount of items that are nondeductible for tax purposes.

      As a result of its  acquisition  of the Cable  Systems  described  further
below,  the Company  acquired net operating  loss  carryforwards  for income tax
purposes  totaling  $58.5 million which begin to expire in 2004 if not utilized.
The  Company's   utilization  of  these  carryforwards  is  subject  to  certain
limitations  pursuant to section 382 of the Internal  Revenue  Code. A valuation
allowance  of $8.1  million was  established  to offset the  deferred tax assets
related to these carryforwards due to uncertainty regarding  realizability.  The
amount of deferred tax asset considered realizable, however, could be reduced if
estimates of future taxable income during the carryforward periods are reduced.

                         Liquidity and Capital Resources

      The Company reported cash flows from operating  activities in 1997 of $1.8
million net of changes in the components of working capital.  Additional sources
of cash in 1997 included long-term borrowings of $10 million. The Company issued
subordinated   notes  in  1996   totaling  $10  million  as  a  portion  of  the
consideration for the acquisition of the Cable Systems. The notes were converted
in  accordance  with their terms into  approximately  1.5 million  shares of the
Company's Class A Common Stock in January 1997.

      The  Company's   expenditures   for  property  and  equipment,   including
construction in progress,  totaled $9.5 million and $7.0 million during 1997 and
1996,  respectively.  The Company's capital  expenditures plan for 1997 includes
approximately  $65 to $70 million in capital  necessary  to pursue its  business
plans,  to maintain  the network  and to enhance  transmission  capacity to meet
projected traffic demands. Planned capital expenditures over the next five years
include $245 million to $265 million for long-distance  network expansion,  $140
million to $160  million for  facilities  and  equipment  necessary  to commence
providing  local  exchange and PCS services,  and $65 million to $85 million for
upgrades  to the Cable  Systems.  Sources  of funds for  these  planned  capital
expenditures  will likely include  internally  generated cash flows,  borrowings
under the Company's credit facilities, and additional debt and equity offerings.
Sufficient  additional  financing  has not been  arranged as of May 14, 1997 for
total planned capital  expenditures.  To the extent that the necessary financing
is not obtained, certain of the Company's capital expenditures will be postponed
until such financing is obtained.


      Other uses of cash  during 1997  included  repayment  of $10.4  million of
long-term  borrowings and capital lease  obligations and issuance of $337,000 of
notes receivables.

      Net  receivables  increased  $5.0 million from March 31, 1996 to March 31,
1997 resulting from: (1) increased message telephone service revenues in 1997 as
compared  to  1996;  (2)  increased  amounts  due  from  other  common  carriers
attributed  to growth in their  traffic  carried by the Company;  (3)  increased
private line sales  activity in 1997 as compared to 1996;  and (4)  increases in
receivables resulting from the cable company acquisitions.

      The  Company  reported a working  capital  deficit of $27.3  million as of
March 31,  1997 as  compared to a working  capital  deficit of $22.8  million at
December 31, 1996. As disclosed in Note 3 to the accompanying  Interim Condensed
Consolidated  Financial  Statements,  during April 1997 the Company extended the
maturity of its telephony  senior credit  facility from April 1997 to July 1997.
Since the entire facility  matures within the  twelve-month  period ending March
31, 1998, the  outstanding  balance as of March 31, 1997 was included in current
maturities of long-term  debt.  Except for the  classification  of the Company's
senior  indebtedness as current,  working capital at March 31, 1997 totaled $4.6
million,  a $4.6 million decrease from working capital  similarly  recomputed at
December 31, 1996. The Company expects to further extend or refinance its senior
credit facility prior to its due date.

      The Company entered into a purchase and lease-purchase option agreement in
August 1995 for the acquisition of satellite  transponders to meet its long-term
satellite  capacity  requirements.  The amount payable upon expected delivery of
the  transponders  in 1998 is dependent  upon a number of factors  including the
number  of   transponders   required  and  the  timing  of  their  delivery  and
acquisition.  The  Company  does not expect  the  remaining  balance  payable on
delivery to exceed $41 million.

      Alaska Economy

      The Company  offers  telecommunication  and video  services  to  customers
primarily throughout Alaska. As a result of this geographic  concentration,  the
Company's growth and operations depend upon economic  conditions in Alaska.  The
economy  of  Alaska  is  dependent  upon the  natural  resource  industries,  in
particular oil  production,  as well as tourism,  government,  and United States
military  spending.  Any  deterioration  in these  markets could have an adverse
impact on the Company. Oil revenues over the past several years have contributed
in excess of 75% of unrestricted state government  revenues from all segments of
the  Alaska  economy.  The  volume of oil  transported  by the  TransAlaska  Oil
Pipeline  System over the past 20 years has been as high as 2.0 million  barrels
per day in 1988.  Over the past  several  years,  it has begun to decline and is
expected  to average  approximately  1.4 million  barrels  per day in 1997.  The
volume of oil  transported  by that  pipeline  is  expected  to  decrease to 1.0
million barrels per day in less than ten years, based upon present developed oil
fields using the pipeline for transport.

      The two largest producers of oil in Alaska independently  resolved in 1996
to pursue exploration, development and production activities within Alaska. Both
producers  have  invested  large sums of money in oil  recovery  technology  and
development to enhance oil recovery in marginal oil fields. Effective March 1997
the State of Alaska  passed new  legislation  relaxing  state oil  royalties  on
marginal oil fields to facilitate  development  of such marginal oil fields.  No
assurance can be given that oil companies will be successful in discovering  new
oil fields,  further  developing  existing oil fields,  or increasing  yields in
marginal oil fields. If the oil companies are not successful,  continued decline
in oil production is likely in the future.  This decline would adversely  affect
the state and demand for telecommunications and cable television services.



      Long distance revenues have historically been highest in the summer months
as a result of  temporary  population  increases  attributable  to  tourism  and
increased seasonal economic activity such as construction,  commercial  fishing,
and oil and gas activities.  Cable television  revenues,  on the other hand, are
higher in the winter months because consumers tend to watch more television, and
spend more time at home, during these months. The Company's ability to implement
construction  projects is also reduced  during the winter months because of cold
temperatures, snow and short daylight hours.


      The Company does not believe that  inflation has a  significant  effect on
its operations.

      Accounting Pronouncement

      Financial Accounting Standards No. 128, Earnings Per Share, supersedes APB
Opinion No. 15, Earnings Per Share, and specifies the computation, presentation,
and  disclosure  requirements  for earnings per share  ("EPS") for entities with
publicly held common stock or common stock  equivalents.  The statement replaces
Primary EPS and Fully Diluted EPS with Basic EPS and Diluted EPS,  respectively.
Basic EPS,  unlike  Primary EPS,  excludes all dilution  while Diluted EPS, like
Fully  Diluted  EPS,  reflects  the  potential  dilution  that  could  occur  if
securities or other  contracts to issue common stock were exercised or converted
into common  stock or resulted in the  issuance of common stock that then shared
in the earnings of the entity.

      Due to an immaterial difference between Primary and Fully Diluted EPS, the
Company has historically  only presented a single EPS. The Company in the future
will  present  both Basic and  Diluted  EPS for income  (loss)  from  continuing
operations  and net income  (loss).  The  statement is effective  for  financial
statements  for both interim and annual  periods ending after December 15, 1997.
After adoption,  all prior period EPS data will be restated. The adoption of the
new statement will have minimal effect on the Company's EPS.



ITEM 1.    Legal Proceedings

           Information  regarding pending legal proceedings to which the Company
           is a party  is  included  in Note 5 of  Notes  to  Interim  Condensed
           Consolidated  Financial  Statements  and is  incorporated  herein  by

ITEM 6.    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

           (a)   Exhibits:
                   Exhibit 10.1 - First  Amendment to Third Amended and Restated
                        Credit  Agreement  entered into among GCI  Communication
                        Corp.,  NationsBank  of Texas,  N.A.,  Toronto  Dominion
                        (Texas),  Inc.,  Credit  Lyonnais New York  Branch,  and
                        National Bank of Alaska.
                   Exhibit 27 - Financial Data Schedule

           (b)  Reports on Form 8-K filed during the quarter ended March 31, 
                1997 - None


      Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                     GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC.

        May 14, 1997        By:                      /s/ Ronald A. Duncan
           (Date)                                   Ronald A. Duncan, President
                                                    and Director 
                                                    (Principal Executive 

        May 14, 1997        By:                      /s/ John M. Lowber
           (Date)                                   John M. Lowber, Senior Vice
                                                    President and Chief 
                                                    Financial Officer 
                                                    (Principal Financial 

        May 14, 1997        By:                      /s/ Alfred J. Walker
           (Date)                                   Alfred J. Walker, Vice 
                                                    President and Chief 
                                                    Accounting Officer 
                                                    (Principal Accounting 